rrr y - -17.1 ' 7 l . . ' , i .i : ' . :f r; ! J ' ?.- , I I ! --. j :..--' -1 ' ? .:..., : 1 i 1 ' r-1: ; i i -.. : 7 ! . .. T TTDF (DADSdDILIIMA AN ID E TE If .1 , VOLUME II. RUTHERFORDTON, SATURDAY EVENHj G, AUGUST 6, 1831. HIIT1TI1T1 I 1 ' " ! mm 1 V t - PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY EVENING BY ROSWELL ELMER, Jr. crm ot subscription. Twn ifillnra nrr fifrv cents, per annum, if paid in kdvance ; or three dol lars, if paid within the year: but if delayed after the close of the year, twenty -five cents will be added. ! V - , .'. ,. - ITo paper will be discontinued until particularly oroereand all arrearages paid,: or at the discre tion of the publisher. "': Advertisements inserted on the usual terms. All persons advertising will please note the, num ber of times they wish to have them inserted, or i;i(y win dc continued ana taxea accordingly. MORE MONEY I I I CASH will be paid, Whenever the work; is' completed, for the building of an amendment on the Hickory-nut road, at the Stone Bridge or Halt k ord, near Mr. Dobson i reeman s. It will be lety in one, two or three) parcels, as may best sui undertakers, and will be shown to such as wish to undertake by Mr. Freeman. It is desirable that it be undertaken and executed as soon as possible: we. therefore advise such as; want the money to ap ply immediately, T. . plKUHrr r, i r July 29, 1831. tj , 24tf Information ' : WANTED: ' . jnrillE subscriber, anxious to gain evidence rel ativc to the outrageous inurder of Caleb Hood- tiJ in Spartanburg DistrictJ S.C., who wasmur . dtjredby a gang of negroes on the 3d of February labt, having been informed ( that a certain wagon- cri returning from market camped within a few ' yards ofthe.spot where the murder was committed, who upon being informed by j some of the friends ' .of the deceased, that it was supposed Mr. Wood nllT had been thrown from his liqrse, &c., passed :'oA hiri journey the next morning, and repeated the report which he had heard (or rather from a misun derstanding of the name called the deceased 'Un r di'rwood,') ,his notice is given that information . may be had whether: said wagoner did or did not see or trade with certain negroes during the night of the 'Id of February last. " : The wagoner's name and residence being ' .unknown, and the circumstantial evidence which hc . inay possess being thought important to the discovery- oi the accesariesy- is desired to make him self known to the subscriber by calling on him; by letter, or by leaving his name and residence at this olice, that inquiries may be made of him and in so doing aid the cause pf justice. ' - TMOMAS WOODRUFF, P. M. Woodruff's P. O., Spartanburg Dist.,- S. C. July 29, 1831. - 24 6w p DR. H. ASBUBY, CAN novr be found in Franklin, ready to at tend to the business of his profession. Franklin, July 26, 1831. : V THE BIBLE. THE Anniversary of the "Rutherford County Bibb Society,", will be held in the Court House in iutherfordton, onj the third Wednesday, the 17th diir of August 131. r The anniversary Sermon wil be preached by the Rev. Drury Dob bins. ! Thelitev. Darnel Gould, the Bible Agent for this State, is expected to attend, and lay before the society Le very interesting statements. The annualKeptrt will be read, and several addresses made.; Tb members of the society, and all friend ly to the cau$e are requested to attend. This will be the most latereshne meeting the Society has ev er had. . It vfill then be announced that the, work of supplying the whole county has been completed It is hoped tat all indebted to the society will be punctual to sittle up their, accounts with the agents, collectors, orTnanagers before, or against that day, as the Society is considerably in debt to the distri buting Agenta for their services, and to the parent society for Bitjes obtained. The services willcom- mence at 11 ojclock, A. M. L lILiNRY M. KERR, Corres. Sec'y July 5S7. -.laa. ! 544 3w OLD FORT Wool carding Machine. t H T 1 1 Eundersigned informs the citizensof Burke, L ' Rutherford, and Buncombe, that he has now in jsiiccessful operation a Machine for carding wool ae ;r JFohn Burgin's Esq. All jvvork confided to his ,care, shall be attended to, with the tutmbst des pach, and executed in the neatest manner; Work from a distance will be punctually attended to. . . 'rice, for carding will be, eight centsper pound. '..Hitters' wool, half price. The wool sent must be washed, and' carefully separated from burrs. fc.' Bj Those sending wool, wiil send sheets for enclosing and well securing the rolls. J JOSEPH HAMILTON. , July J 1831. I . .. 23 2w 13 State of. North Carolina, ilauwood Qountu. Conirt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions June Term. Polly Gambell ) ! rs. Petition for Dower John Gambell S i ITN this case, it appearing to U. the Court, that the defend hot an inhabitant oruerea Dy tne ijourt, that p thrt SCENES A TV4SHINGTON 1 I; have not authorized the report ofl by the publicity which you haTCgivcir . , : : I which vnn snpnk. nnrl I ivnnld ImvA inMlis meiinttA .tr micloort thm miKlit V r youso, without hesitation, if you had inti- . I eitract from your cote the foll 1 . . . . I 1 The following lresiaent to iir. mffuam s leucr cnar?- i nmtoH h pnrnpo n mo rrimt cuoh i cuntotm ing several officers ot the GoTernment course would have been more conforma- L Mi8ole object at once, to clear theX with an intention to assassinate him ; a re. bIe loUie views pfUol. Johnson, I S-SKE f Dl V to which we DublisUd on the 23d ult . L 6 - , ? consmerauons. i undendt eipIkiUj declarer . piy to wnicn we puDiisieaon tne oauit. . . jctter f that gentleman, :n iudaintdt .tth-Am. ihnD' The other is a reply to Mr. Ingham's New which after stating his object, and motives, opramunication with CoL Jobason, v T Hope letter which seems to put a close to in seeKing uie lniernew, wnicn witii tnel T , . , " ' - , . r l I i . n.i tit if 1 make this nuntAtinn Inr thr ec-- j - - .. i annrnrmtion oi ine rresiaeni.ne neia witii i 1 . . . i tMi3 ci-uuiuicu correspujucuuc . , lT- t,.u ul j , saVUiff to VOU. that ou have ? TT7- t m w oo tQi iuessrs. uraucn, iiiiinum unu my sen, lie , " . , . Washington, June 23,1831 proceed9 to rem;rU that hc ha8 not lim. y ,nformedthat the :r Sir, I received your ietterot the 21st, tU u , tamed m this extract w not? ..n i-Y I. -j il ' i. ii r ecu bccu mc necessity, ui ujuuiicit, ui . . o ciock on ine u, uiruugu uie vuy . . ncwi - ;o this intpr. any aeciaraupn eer made, 'r,, fost uace, charging, several -omcers, ot . o. . nA 0V;f o4 .U.H o the Gorenment w.tlia coiupTacy o .as- sider . neces thcn .,e objec, sasfl..ateyou. They fere. mmediately fur- 8hou,d tQ 6tae' llie convcation oi. iiistiftQ uv me wibfiHCDDv oi vDur lciicr. aiiQ i .. t - ... .... . , -ii w ' ' c ) I rectly, tor which purpose, nis views were 1 herewith enclpse.for your -information, 1 Rnown iQ fafictxer, in order that uupics ui me rcpuc vtmiai n.cy uurc gi- :sl:nlftrstJin(i:Ilir miht ho. corri-rtPrl. en, denying the charges preferred against A(fquiesci in the :p5,prt of this sug them by you, A copy ot my letter is en- Lestion, 1 immediately communicated to Uol. Johnson, a statement ot the coversa tion referred to, as it was -very . distinctly impressed upon my memory sufficient time has not yet elapsed, I believe to au thorize me to expect an answer in the reg ular course of the mail. However - this I am, very respectfully, . I ; Your obedient Servant, ANDREW JAtKSON. still assuming it to becjuj sent this matter truly to th , under the necessity ofasL-.ii;- you publicity to this nofe.; 1 am, very respectf , Sir, youtX-bed ' JN. MACPIIEn0 To Francis P. Wih, J : Uditor'ofttt: u Jlr. Blair to'31r. - Sir Ailll.V&TON, J Washington, July 7, 1831. Sir The President, ou his return .to-" day, from the Rip Raps, has received your letter ot the oUthult. in' reply to your renewed call upon him, "as TlrkJ IP Wore Chielagis- matlersi.( mbia, f I am may be, 1 have not received any. lnde- guhjecttf cendeutly therefore of my reluctance to . fc . w -:f ' the public, m relauort to . ni?J' connected with the dissolution I f . , late cabinet, a reluctance which , -ttl-P IT- trate of the District of Columbia directed tomlorni vou. that he does not ; ,.u u.j , show the er- i icouiu uniy oe yieiueu iu uiy own ouung ....u'V , consider the tact oticertam officers "hav- L - rJ. autho'1 1 NOTICE. ifniRCUM9TANCKS have occurred which render ai immediate meeting of Presbyteri an Synod of iNorth Carolina necessary, It: h therelore requred to meet at Oreensboro , the 12th day ol August; to nominate a Professor of L,cclesi- astical llistoryin the lheoiogical seminary. . i . SVULL L. UKAllAM, Moderator. Oxford, July 1831. - . 24 2v V .' 1 1 i MnnT7ii"tirn rf" tlio rtrrtnriptv rf ompIi n mpne. inor hen m rnninanv with Mainr Kntnii." If . .. . . T. . I o r j j ,- iirp. i have tnoiiirnt inai me understand- during oflice hours and in their, offices, Ln irapljed irl 0tie correspondence, to where it is their duty to be, and where ev- LLl ,invft rpfirrpH. wm.M h vinlntprl. ery individual has a right to go, as sup- . nHoi.in a statement of what oassed porting the charge that those offices were ' trhp :ntprvrew,;n flUestion: nnt.1 it could used "as places ot rendezvous"' by a par- k ' u o p ri ty lying in wait to assassinate you ; nor , nll n that whick lhad transmitted wmcI2 I d not Et dir:.;!Jr coiistitutiug a probable cause" to. justify tnl.m V rrw Yo thi .,nr- vert 1 ha to suPPr' rjift5t tcarbj.ih a 1 1 li e c h i r i ident, uunt not to be '. and, that yoa,rjrJ jour?..! dared thatji rHv. jxted the puted toHioD V J : ; , As to the first bjxnch orinls. BiT.S WJ5 U sonly deuynig your imputations, J a court ot criminal iuJ t..; c k CLOAK, & CiiOTHXa iarrai:nmeut before nsdiction written declaration of V.VJ. Jr.!ic - which be says that the Pri :id(-ot uIm is disclaimed etich a requisition; i tid that . told you so. Besides this, I have terc c?e in the hand writinz of the President, "-the ly for the iSoaihern and Western trade, that will be sold at; about the usual prices of the most inferior quality. Also', an assortment of Stocks, with ma ny other desirable articles; j Those who will take the trouble to examine this stock of Goods will the fi.itifartion .rif probably satisfy themselves that .they cannot se int John fJamheir 'ect the, same amount trom any stock m the. city of this State : It is therefore that will be a saler or more desirable purchase, t. that Dublication be madft for Tor sale by F.J. CONANT, No. 138, e' months, in the North Carolina Soectator and Pearl-street, New York. Western Advertiser, for the defendant. John nam- Terms : Six months, for approved Notes, pay belli, to appear at a County Court, to be held for able at banks in good standing mny part ofthe theiCoimty of Ilavwood. at the Court, house in - country ; eight months for city acceptancies ; or five A departure from this under gentleman himself, would p. me from its obligation Ju 1 1 Rut frnm tUo tpnnr nfvnn prlitnrinl Hrtirl. bat it 'a leeal lvestis-ation .f.. ii c h.m: .i ' fi .TT- Vni T7 ;r-rw: . r :r oi mis iruiisacuuu ueiure a iriDuoai navino ' e. i k- -U- i lrom imo. 0A, lviaiaen L.ane,tome spacious - . t . i mum nuiu a auUlul.u tiol non k.i. k- t ..rIF Store No. 13ci, rearl-street, over Messrs. Hyde, tu euuiiucu uipct luueuuMi ! adhere therefore at present, tOthel j r VtV l j r i J " J Cleveland & C6, where he will 'keep constantly auce ot witnesses be by you deemed.ne- fVtirminntion which I had formed and and 51e8S' ' branch and Ingham, anu . ou hant a much more extensive formerly. The t vie, make and cloaks; will be griatly improved about the same liw o rices as th son. HehasalsUn hand, 'a large assortment of the grand jury, tOj present the" 8ttppOSed low priced Clothing, madejin good style, express- olienders, or to summon them before- any X 'SSriSfl fZ CeSSary, h6 uSS"fe ' uade(lue Pro- assuming that your object as public jour- presented the atntyde that he V materials of the tpfttimi in thf ntv hf Wsishirurtnn? whprP I . . & . i J J., f J , 1 it his dutV to assume in relation tn ihrt I V L nf h i Jt. you have the right, as prosecutorbefore Q uk Lt m.p 0,u t A wirl.kolH circumstances which affected the fmroionr . A nr fronahem, that which is so, I take the u- u course lih.rivnf snirtinaa wlltothfi editor wmch ht thought proper then to adopt, magistrate ot the District: AUo, that Van of th Telegraph, as to yourself, the pro- predicated on information gn en him assurance of protection shal be iven to priety of abstaining from any partial and 7 Teral mhen 'of ffes, shewing those who hold offices, that the shallsuff- mprfect statements of the conversation, !at a combination had Wen nten d into, er no injury in consequence of giving tcs- whick occurred at the interview in qucs- 111 which yourself and the other penUeraeu timany, an assurance, howewr, not to tinilJ The! delusion oroduced bv such l were concerned, to disgrace 3Iaj. be construed as 5 artordmg impuuty for any statcments, must be speedily corrected ; Eaton, tnd coerce his diemiMiou from uutil the correction is made, their ef- - - F.w,jr Tuuaui. iatAUi.UihU ,.,hi;r. r,;nrl nn n planation of the reasons inducing the in- -W:iynesvilIe, on the last Monday in December P.er c?aU discount for cash.- In all cases where the ed with the Government be found infiplica misconduct wfrtch the investigation may J II 11 in ill - i r i . . . . ... ..- : . " ! .'. tect is to mislead the puduc mind, on a ' l ' l & JM . : zr I . . . i . i i 1 I 5U you, also, that should any person connect- , next, then and there Jto plead, answer, or demur to time is expended, interest will be charged at the I,,. . . I. .1 l . 1 rata rlf nflr pont ncr anniirri Anv rffAa iihrKaJ l ure iPcuuuiiKib u uu ii ; inerwise ine seveiai mai- f ",v- k1 j"-' f"'-i,ia tersl and things therein'set forth will be taken for sed at this establishment that do not.suit the mar-- confessed, and decreed accordingly. Witness, Robert Love, Clerk! of our s id Court, true, the last Monday of June 1831, and in the Glt year pf American Independence. v ROBERT LOVE, C. H. C. C. ket for which they were intended, will be exchan ged for others. ' . , '. 11 12 w New York City, April 15,' 1831.-' led in having formed .part of 'a 'recruited force,, to engage; in hostilities of any kind within the precincts of the Departments, or elsewhere within the District of Columbia ; or in having armed and associated togeth- er, to the disturbance and , alarm ot its peaceful citizens,' he will feel it? his -duty, in addition to the; penalties bi the law, bject ofawakeninginteresttothe Amer-1"1 " V- " j9 J i .r..n o- that if it were true that vou had taken the lean people, x aiu, very rtuccuuuy, utr, P j.-. . , . your obedient ser?t, course of which he spoke, he felt him?elf y iitvv ni Aruni?i?cnAinT?TT?iPTj I called on to'make the declaration which JNO. MACPHERSON BERRIEN. To Fbanxis P. Rlaic, Esq. Editor of the Globe. . Mr. Blair to Mr Berrien, ! i Washington, July 9th 1831. Dear Sir : 1 have this moment re- he read to you from his written memoran dum, in which he says that it wast, using his own word, "Xot only unjust' in itself but highly disrespectful to me (the Pres ident) "aud well calculated to destroy the the harmony of ray Cabinet. The grounds upon which this opinion is founded, are State of North Carolina, Buncombe County. Supenor Courtof Law April Term, 131. Charles Williamson - ; ' vs- i Petition for Divorce. Polley Williamson, y 1 It appearing1 to the satisfaction of the Court; tl,H innnirv h has nmrlp. rnnr Jwr tn zed the report, which imposed on me the ni anv member of mv Cabinet, nor hart T that the defendant, Polley Williamson, is not an in- Luat 0t omci tU A; qLU, r necessitv.of civine an extract from Col. in mnnntr attrmntrA it A-r. A. hab tantof this State ; It was ordered that publics- ,""HU6 ,v , o " TT j ...-i. 0 - T,rtJQ r ' ----- y-- " " . . . ." r i . i j . l : i. . uonri$on a ipttpr. , under sucn an imDres-1 i. tUa jw.ntiiicm.. nrida r.....- tion be made tor three months in the Rutherford I " ar a,,u icis, uu not appear. 10 oe . . . . r .. iu mi whwujiwh ui uic hug uauci, Spectator and Raleigh Register, that the said Pol- founded in fact; and that he cannot! but S10n 1 would not have hesitated to call ter recapitulating the circumstances to ley Williamson appear at the next-Superior Court ascribe them to a! reliance oa false state- uPon you to dsav,ow Thc report, I which he wished to call your attention, ho forthwith to dismiss the offender from the ceived your letter, to which 1 will give lm- substantially these. do not claim the public service. He directs, mb further, mediate publicity. : " right t interfere, in any manner, in the Sir, and in conclusion, to "state khat: from 1 Qia "ol 8UPP3e inatyou naa autnon- domestic relations or personal xntereoi rst LAW SCHOOL THE subscriber, disengaged from those public duties in which he has been Occupied for a limir scries'bf vears. may now command his own timie, and is disposedto employ himself usefully, if ,iie pan. lie therefore proposes to conduct a LAW SCjllOOL, in this town, and to commence a course -t-f instruction on the first of September next.' His lIah will be,. to deliver occasional lectures, on im portant law topic.d, and principles : to examine his -..ji.. .- '. . .... HTlUlPTlKi Tromtflntllr nrl rt o n ir r. n r. . M w.v.w I XX. . 1 ...T.., ..j., . ,u,.Mui u jwvvci, of f a .to.be he d for the conntvaf Buncomhe. nt "r"" i,-- r, ,1 .. .... to converse with them unreservedly on the subjects ,hP Court faouse in Asheville ten 'the 3-d Mondav mer,ts or vae surmises, Or to the Work- tuj vvU.alCu 8aySt as U)e result OI tne matter, " i here- ' 1 . . e ... 1 - J after the 4th Monday in September next, then and mgs oi an over excited imagination. there t ' . fictitious eftnrt. in vvluch tha fnrmo r I or ne i , i in.ia;, r-:,.1" hearing ex parte of their studies. v When thev shall harve attained 1 J nn Mio H ; "r ii n K- Y q03".0. lQem there to plead, answer or demur to the said petition j i i v . .v . .a uuiuuoc iu luauiuii; a I or the same will be taken pro confesso, and set for and trial as practised in the Superior Courts ofthis Stite will be regularly observed. As he intends to demote lys time and attention, principally, to this ; scnooi, nis iee irom each pupil, tor one year's in -:n u j. i. j j : i ii J. airiiuuuu, ui ue , uuo i uunarea aouars : a sum, which he believes, is below what has been cener- ally demanded by, other instructprs, for simila? ser vices, liy such as shall desire to attend his schooj, boird on resonable terms, can be obtained in Ab ingdon, or its immediate vicinity with respectable amines. fLltK JOHNSTON. ; bingdoh, Va.-July 2, 1831. 4 23 4w I am Sir, very respectfully Your obedient servant, I N. P. T'RIST. Samuel D Ingham, Esq. ' ) Doylestown, 1 Bucks Co. Pjtnn. tijljook at this THE compass has been so long in use, that, I hope its utility will ere long find its wav in to Rutherford "county, and put every man in pos- . cushion oi nis own land marks they irjay then es- enne tne judgment denounced in a Certain book. -Vi 'I CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN MR. BERRIEN AND MR. BLAIR. From the Washington Globe, July 20. Mr. Berrien to Mr. Blair. J Washington, 19th July', 1631. Sir : In an article under the Editorial litis is therefore, to iiotify all persons, V,T. .y ,cau .guorance m i.uiure, i mar, a -oaahpp nn th;a rirftnmRtancfl. nn tha mnat w6,uui.auvc rTT" ' I am uetermiuca to prosecute al and every individ- " f . ' ' 0 Telegraph, that Mr. Uernen nas received a it L.H l. .. . " fcijf luuiiiu advantarniis terms, either bv districts orsin?inli r 5. f'. i-i-u.: l. i . . . ... . fo .. ' . . . o - ual who shall be found trespassing, by cultivating the soil, removing timber, or in any otherwise com nutting waste upon any of the various tracts of land beWnging.tp Col. Richard Lewis, situate in the iiuuichuiu iuuiHT- iu" auu iu.ou aaioininff tne vu- lig0 of Rutbcrfordton, unless with mv written or uattoti rw vKrnww 4 tvninvm ICtvai vvii-xx u.x uitauiiicu LUdl an ICiLSUS I i . . . - .- -w n.-. iind pcrmissidns granted by him,! for any of those 4 . teJ.Aljrr!i fJT JlCrli. purposes, nave expiree.. r fTn HE snbsenber takes this method of informing lersons holding oonds on mm lor titles, Would Jj her friends and the public, that she continues rights, and will afford every necessary instruction in the art and principle for building the same. 1 ; J G. B. PALMER. ; Brindletown, Eurke co. May 1831. of the members of his rjabinet, charged by the Tele graph. The Col. says "He (General ; Jackson) never authorized me to require social intercourse, &c. &c. He always disclaimed it ; I told the par ties so." These are the words of the Col. to the 4.0 jvelLto. present them. Also! persons having to entertain boarders and travellers, at the Estab- w9rl. point, and letter. . If this does not. satisfy, made purcnases oi iana, in wnicn ne is interested, Iishment heretofore occupied by Col. Isaac Crato we mast reler ine V uicuuig uic cnarge, w are hereby notifietl..that-nd titles will be executed: in ' RntWfhrdton. 7 Several additional unarmna the witness called by them." - . j r'unltss satislactory evidence is adduced that, his rooms have been lately fitted up, which will enable 1 . The reference tnus maae 10. rue. ren- to keep m countenance the charge made fore hare I sought this interview, to assure against tne resident until it couia work you if there i any truth in the report that some prejudice against him in the public yCU hacz entered into the combination ehar mind. 1 did not suppose that you were gCd, to drive Major Eaton from my Cabu an accessary in this business.and, therefore, net, that I feel it an indignity and insult would not insult you by an application ofered to myself, and is of a character that which cduld only be founded on such an will be considered of " inference. j This is the ground on which tint matter The course I have taken with regard to vvas placed by the President in hi inter Col. Johnson's letter, grew out of circum- view with you in the beginning of the dif stances which will justify me to him, al- ficulties. And from h and the absolute though he did not authorize me to publish asseveration of Col. Johnson, I consider his letter. My sole object was, at once, my statement, that you were well a to clear the skirt3 'of the- President of a imr ih.it the President disclaimed 1! head, inyour paper of this morning, which charrre which vou are well aware ouht riaUt tn interfere and dictate the snrin! In. has relation to a controversy between the not to be ' attached to him ; for you have, as tercourse of the family of any member of - Editor of the Telegraph, and yourself, ! I understand, explicitly declared that he the Cabinet, t o be veil warranted. . ' aiseiaimea.io you, at tne time wnen you, That 1 am also warranted in baring were in communication with Col. John- said that you, yourself, had declared that son, any Resign like that now imputed to the President disclamed to you any dispo- him. i . -.. sition cf the sort, will aDoear from the ex- letter from Col. Johnson, which shews that We had . With regard to conversations between tract which 1 make from a letter of your T&VtyZ yourself and Col. Johnson, I Shall certain- o.n.noirbeforerne.. Afterrecphulatinff ofCol.Johson which we have, his express Jdecla- v- abstain, as I have hitherto abstained, a conversation of your own, held pitix ration, that the President did not make the exaction from making "any partial or xmperjeel Col. Johnson, (the tenor of. which you m- statements. I am, cir, your obedient ser- form me is to be adjusted rctween you ana vant, j F. P. BLAIK- him,) you make this single remark in re lation to the President : (From the same, July 22.) "n fe interview to wh uh J was znciled Mr. Berrien to Mr. Blair. by the President, some few days afterwards vntU Jnlv. 1631. I frcmJcltt exposed to him my views cn this Sir: Your note oV yesterday, was reAsubjeet, and he disclaimed any disposition Witness, Joshua Roberts, Clerk of said Court, at Asheville the 2nd Monday after the 4th Monday in March, 1831. . ' J. ROBERTS, Clerk. 14 3m Pr. adv. 4 50. 7 TO GOLD-MIXERS. MOTICE is hereby given, that having obtained Letters Patent for ray improvement in the. Rocker and Riffile, called the "PANING ROCK ER1 ; 'I forewarn all'persons from making, vend ing or using the same, without written permission from me ;' as those violating my rights,- will be dealt with according to the; regulations of the rat ent laws. . The subscriber, however from the great difficul ty oFsupplying the immediate demand, is desirous 0bserve: the following remark I to Ben rignis 10 sucu ccwipeieni persons as win con- A. th;a n-f ' cu haVft droAnd the con struct the machines in a laith ul and workmanlike I tTnvara uJl ,.LJ,OPCtnn'ihaHVia rnl mamier-as their efficiency and utility depend in UocoV i pbortion of the purchase money has been actually her to make comfortable during their stay such ders it necessary, that I should suWt the ceived under circumstances which preven- to press such a requisition. 1 m, or secured to oe paid, eitner to mmseii or his private families as may think proper to call on her fn UopntiAns to the nuhlir t nnd ted' VroJ.erly authorized agent. . ?. to spend the summer months. IpUowmg observations to Xlie public, and tea i J. UVLKU1 LtiWIiS, Agent. Iutherfordton, 2CtJi Jan'y, lc31J 50 ly p E. U. CKATOi. Rathfiribrdton, June 18,1831. IStf n ia:-. ...n!nn to it. 1 rehlv In this vou have ailuion to the wr.ttcn I have accordingly io ask that jou wiU to it now, to correct the misapprehension declaration read to you by the I rtf idem, . I?x. i- ,r,;i. I o.Mrh rjin bear no 'other lnterorctaUort give tnem a place in voux paper. : uaw tmcDjou ume uecuiwt ouu uivu,i 7 , . H

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