-If 4- ' .-Tr - . . V---''1'- 'V 4 .. - , - V . . . - . A W ' vm (DAERCDILnMA SIPIBvOT: 'MdDUR - iib wia TE;Ef iyiiiv e it t i -sie -ft-. . . VOLUME II.; - -, ' RUTJlERTFORDl ON, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1, 1831. j NUMBER ' Ml ' - ' ' I -.1 - - - K ', -' " ' . - PUBLISHED. EYERY SATURDAY EVENING BY H0S WELL ELMER, Jr. . Terwn of subscription. Two dollars and fiftv 1 .'cents,, per annum, if paid in advance i or three-dol- yeaf.tbut if delayed 'after twenty-live cents will be lars,. if paid within ti. the close of the year, added :. ' . u No paper wi&ljejjdiscontinued until particularly ordered and all arrearages paid, or at the discre tion of the publisher. , , ; Advertisements msi ed on the usual terms. AH persons adyertlin till please note the num . ber of times they wish to have theni inserted, or they will be contintied and taxed accordingly. .m Om .TOTAVING locaied himself- at Rutherfordfon, tenders hid professional -services to the citi- .bii.vim- iih; yuiage ana hs, vicinity. - He Wii.uld add, that having had -consideracle ex- perience in private as well as public practice, he : topes to recei ve a, liber al shar of patronage. . Hisoflice villlie kept in A front room ofH.G. . Twitty's Hotel. OTIS P. MILLS. . ;, Ilutherfordton, June 4, .1831. ' I' HOirSE,SHOP-&LOT T II E subscriber otfers for sale his House, Shop and Lot, its the town of Itutherlordton, situate two lots north P6tlTICAL. MR. CRAWFORD'S ADDRESS. : To the Cifrf&is of the United States. V;: ' . fonctiidtd.) - 1 4: ' I proceectyiow to comment on Mr. Cal houn's note, to my Jetter of the 2d ;Oc- li$3ov It is, however, due to myself, therefore, admitted to be legitimate and sound. Rut it may possibly.be irged by the Vice-President that this is carryiig the principle of admission too far. ; This would be admitted if : Mr. Calhoun had confined his notes to facts; ani (had not extended them to reasoning, jtrniy let ter to the Vrice-President, of - tle 2d Oct. i$ oi (Vm. 1 witty a Hotei, which he 'on A ill! It ' oifers on the most advantageous terms MAUU1CE 31 CARTHY. Jane 11,1831. ' ' 17tf MORE MONEY!!! ; CASH will be paid, whenever the work is 'Completed, for the building of an amendment s on the'IIickory-nut roa'd, ibl the Stone Bridge or Half Ford nearer. Dobs6n Freeman's. It will be "let, in one, tvo or three parcels,' as may best ' uit undertakers, and will be shown to such as wish to undertake by Mr. Freeman. It is desirable tha it be undertaken and executed as soon as possible 1 "we therefore advise sucn a3 want the money to api ply immediately. I T. t B IjiC II ETT, ) Com'rs ' v . ! JA$. GRAHAM; X July 29, 1831. ;!': :v .:..';.- 24tf . '.': , State of North (Carolina, ' : I " Ilutherford (Jounh1-. . . Couitcf f leas and (Quarter SessionsJuly Session ; -' : . - - 1B31. . ; ' ; Jcnvcs Krcodloe Original Attainment, 4 V ' .s'. 1 11 il. i levied on lands. Benjamin Magne?v) - IT: appearing to he Court that khe defendant in t his cause is not! an ;in!iabitant of this State It - is ordered, that he appear bclofe. trie Justices of the ' yVUrt of Pleas and fluarter essionsf; at the next ' Couit U be lildeu for the county of-.llutlierford, the Court Ij'oiisejat llutherfunlton; ; on the 4th jyionday after tile 4tU Monday ofeptjember'ne'xt, ';..':.-rgivebon'd and security, and jilead to issue, or ' judgment by defaujivilLbe entered up against him, . "and-the lands att'atbed condemned for the pay. : - p'ient of ptajntitf's lletnrind. . I ., '. v lt is further ordered that, publication of thisirdcr "! be mde, fur Mx-successfivfl weeks, in the Noilh 'Caro.rm.a-'rfpec'tator and W't'stern Advertiser. ; Teste, ' T. F. BIi!CHl;TT, Clerk. ' 1 August 13, 1831. ; Tr. adv. 2.S0 ,v, 26 Ct tober to siatei that that letter wa$ written, with- last; I state, "you say that the decision of out any! expectation . ifiat it ivouia pe puD- the Uabinet was unanimously -agreea io. lished. jj ram.owever, glad, that it was This I believe, to be untrue, and 1 believe published, ai that it has been accbrgpa- you knew it to be untrue, at the kinie you nied with cott's, by the Vice Presjden 1 wrote it. ;My reasons are the fallowing: otrs estahlish1 two most important The! Cabinet deliberations commenced ou facts. f jlst. That Jolin C. Calhoun estab- Tuesday morning, aid on Friday'evening, ;lishe(!e Washington Repiublican for the- I thought all theqHestions had cen ) de purpo&W viltify'mg fay: refutation; pnd cideel, and Mr.. Adams was Minted to iid, Tfat he was ih instigator andtin- draft a note to the Spanish Mincer, cjon ventor qflhe charges :of Ninian Edwards, formably to those decisions. T intended againsi piy omuiai auu private ciiaracter. to set off tor Georgia on Sundaf mom The evidence by vvhich thefee charges; are iii and in order to prepare .M? depart established, would be received in any ment for my absence, 1 was busly;?empl6y court of justice in thej civilized world, and etl in office, when abjut I or & ?clock, I is teiiiod suongeribikri that which he has received a note from the lresile.r$ request deemed admissible against ine. .It is a tniir mv attendance.' Wherf Ieiit-red; rule of evidence of evry das application the greatest part of Mr. Adafis fiole had in our Cpurts,,that !vljer the parties to a bee ri rejected, and the remainoyr wus shcirt fuit atgher, andj o;i)e alleges! a fact ly after, because it was writtej iiottncon-1 luuuiiiug uieir law suit in me presence and tormitv to the decisions whicV bad been caiitv .me uwei, wivii i nui i ,ueiueu niaae: oy tne camuei, dui expressly con y the other, it is good "evidence against trarv to tbem. lie was then ajaiii' directed the party not denying; it. My letteri to the to write the note, conformablj to' the fde- v ice-r resiueni, oi uiejxa Act. iu, was cistons. This was late on iturUay eve- aiiswerejd by him, oil the- jaOth of that ning. The next morning, 1' set off- for inontlr. That letter, jwas therefore, iiliis tieorgiaV Mr. Adams!.letJr of the 25lli hands ifrom the 30th -Oct., Until 1 the 25th' of JuV,i 1S30, now betbie lAeV i reiterates Li r'U '' - . J I ! I t i r i, .. 1 l . . . . ; . 5 Oi reujuary, wuen ne. Notes tr), it, in the Te conduct." I never suspected, that I had been, charged with uny connection with the statement, in the (ieorgia Journal, un-i til some time in October of the year 1820, when a pamphlet published by John ClarR thenjGovernor of Georgia, fell into my hands, which contained the charges ac companied by the evidence of the charge, which, the Governor had been able to col lect, but the. evidence was of a nature so ridiculous,' that none but the author would havt made the charge. The same Wil son Lumpkin, who figures in pondence! and address of the dent, informed me that Governor had sent the charge and the evidence to General Jackson, to be by him laid be fore the president. It is . presumed that Mr. (jjalho'un was connusant of this fact, as he tells the President in his letter of the 2Uih May, 1830. "You no dou'bt re member it;V I was never informed byMr. Monroe, whether the charge was submit ted to him. But he informed the Sena tors from Pennsylvania, that the General had tirgeil my removal, from the Cabinet, autey communicated it to me, the same day. The uainuhlet just referred to. ob tained no currency, 1 do not recollecttoriJiedifi have seen a single reference to it t in auy newspaper, not even m the Washinston Republican, although the pamphlet was .ltd expre-fcly to aliect the rre&iden- ecuoii. it was so ridiculousr md naiit, that even Ir. CalhounV Press, have w ritten the Nashr lie lett have excited IVmiarj EdwardT' with hifai to blast my repute and fix fa8tima upon my ( upotTenUtgj children 7 qucstioiiarevMil.VItU u v confidence that the awwti. as a virtuoua commuiuTJTV that the dishonorable conf gubr gradation, and tertl, max. I lie Vice Pri sid r - his c,ari:eb of njveniiiitv n: the corres- la.'rreprtsented by him us Vice-Presi- KDJV ; hw most inveterate 4; Clark J true I feel nd iriendshiti (VVo. I . r ' r r D hV, not sihec the! pubbcaiioii th letter, and have never tuauc of friendship for bimiSino' w nai is the jevidetictT of my enmity tltfn. Alfred Balc V 4 Parry, respecting thty sident. The rearV'' pare this eviiltr,c. have just beeaTtitf dence, agaulst"'?),;! decide between th e in" "teg. publu tial e inali: the Yashiugton Republican, which teem-. annexes a parcel, ot jail the arguments he urged ii theiUabuiet, ea witn daily utiuse oi me, thought it prn egraph. I shall, in and in it he informs nie, "That the expo- dent not to Use itl .Yet it is a clurge ence upon!wl(ich sitioii which appeared in tlidlntelligejicer -contained' iii sucli a pamphlet, and undert to ihe Vice-Pre- wasJuo' written by him." Jj roin all these such circumstances, that the Vi;e-Presi- the sequel; state the ejqd those notes are ascribed sidenti j. lhey are such, that he at; least, facts, I think it is fairly iufualfejliat Mr. considers it evidence against me. becuuse will be constrained tojadmif. .In my let- Adams -did not agree, to this decision of I had; not denied, it.. er totne vice-i resiaeni, ouneaf ucto- the cabinet, and that yoij must have known nnljer of tin. Globe, ntpd in ;th ber,lb3', I charge; him with havihg es- it; for it is certain that, he id ijot. agree latter eiidW February last, contains iiotes "'T ' V 1r,MU,,cft,,Vur 10 11 ou uiruiiy, ana u is iigniy impro-j explahatory of the notes appended to my flic nnrinup nr tlllfiiin IT .rati rimifrttmi I I. . I. . 1 L . 1 .1 'I.' ' I .iT. I . . . ...,... . kuvf-uiv v. ...yj, p u.iuitr uiau any ai "uiuuiii. Miuuiu uuvc iiecu letter; OI the M irClOher, lOOU, bV j the ilf thor it nrno oilitunhir o ininMnl 1 . l . 1 v ' 1 l. 1 ... t -i. . . . a..u t,,., o y.i ,..fuB;,u- urgeu io convince mm aiter,ne nau ocen Vice-President, which is headed by the "T-Hi" ?lwr? "res: neoenies. that twice directed, to dratt his no.te in ic'onior- following' remark. "The Ethtor of! the ' 1 ' L . i I II ' 14 r.r . n ,f. JL A. a.1 a.1 I. 1 - t 1 " . ?' - I . - ' uuiia aj. iu nciiucY, i hk euimrpi inai m tv to decisions wincti had heofi urrvi- M .i. .,k ;5 ,.i aw fr.rr, pijss, .ras a cleik il. the War Department, ously made," To this train of misoning, letter jto Mr. Calhoun, patched all over while; he was Iitor o f tM pape. ; He the Vice-President appends the! jbllowing with the notes" of his antagonist.-U is assertsthat M Ke.rr.ey srjd put h,Sj interest pote : "This appears to be a .,(,; sequi- but fair' to give the explanatory notes, gi- in that paper in lcz3,i!ind was not appoin- uir. The decision mav have hveix f Mr I !t i e Wair- 'f tmV M U.nl!l 10fV ad a new-note necessary, because the. chaWe is direct ai 24; The jVice-Presideut then the note did not agree witlut. : 1 am Vice-Vrideiit was in he : did establisl) that l;Fess for perfectly willing that the intelligent rea- be presumed to have s of viliffiiig mri reputation. tier should decide: the. nuestioir ofioiric. If;. .i.r " t fl corvipass h;is beenol lonj? in use, that, I ; Jul i hoj)e its utility will ere long. find jt3 way, in to Rutherfurd countyj and put every man ia - pos ;'36ssion of his own lamt riarks they may then es lcae the judgment denounced rn a certain book. r This ii therefore, to nor Vfy all persons, '(tliajt they may not plead'ighorance in future,) that, I am determiiidd to pritisekute all and every individ : uaL'vvho shall he found trespasfciug.by cukiyatmg the soil, retjjovjng timber," or in any otietw is' com rnitting v.aste.unon any of the '-various tact? of land , belonging to Col. jliCHARD Lkwi.. situate in the . Rutherford county -lots and land adjoiaing the vil lase o'f Rutherfordtbn,;unles .with my-J written or - verbal consent ; and it is prenuuied that all lease.s fliid:ier,niissi6ns granted by hi m,-for any of those purples, nave tr.pireu. i Persons holding, bonds oh him for titles, vould . do well to . present them.- Also persons having ! rnade 'purchases of land, in which he is interested, are hereby 'notified that no.. titles-will, be executed, .; - unless satiskctory:-evidence is adduced that, ; his ptoportioti of the purchase money has been actually . paid, jor secufed to be paid, eitlier to himself o.r his . properly authorized agent. : 1 f. J. OVKRTQN LEVvIS. Assent. t v Raj hcrfordton, 25th Jan'y, 1831. 50 ly p led clerk in February lb24 j dm its that h Uie purpose ot viiijtwng my reputation. 1 havei not the means bf ascertain wheth er the facts be correctly staled. I Put, j for tiie sake of argument let it be admitted. How i joes that benefit; the Yice-Prosideiit? Had M Kenney been iapoiivted a clerk be fore he became Editor, or even while be wasii Mr. Calhoun wdiihl i?i all nrfitaiiiilii ty, baie alleged, that: any irjterference by the Secretary, to prevjent the Uibnsejwluch was' hj aped upon me, jby thait Press, wiild hayCj Ipeen an infringement jof the liberty of .thei Press. But if the appointment was ;. ' l i-f- t " . . - -.!.'. '4.. . . SL i made; alter lie ceased; Ins editoria lalVors. colleciv man wbo"Vii may forgive; il.t he friend of4' injury, but tlut.. ' the injury, can ik be the iriTtTQ of' this reafort ls r ' any tlt1fUCCUUiC 0t- Hdl bhould hi he Vice PrefcLnl ohH-V'-.v1 ges me with bA bis biUCresn of injustice olrsorial ii.juryJJ-' it ho -means this beA wiong. 1 here not a human beiii" the world to whom 1 won Id lo a personali'jury, or au act offjus- irn. lut itbe nu ans 1 am cot lneuUly to his furtheTpromoiioii, he U ngbu -1 know his r;ical ui.worlbiuesi, uuu cou not ronscieiiously aid bis furtbt r lioiVto orlii. If 1 wtre to do it, 1 kbouia. a iind positive rll the city, and mus.t uresumed to have seen the charge. ler should decide: the. question pf iogi.c, His silence, therefore, is evidence that he between ut?, by addins a sinirle 'observa- tb. .,tl..,r '.'th iir It ic t nCt tioiiJ.that in the.ordiuary routinevit was evidence to' which he cannot obiect; for the duty of the Secretary ot State; to- have ht j5 tchfold stronger than that wluclr.he render mVelf the accomplice ot me Jf- drawn the exposition which appeared in has urged against me. This remarkihas the Intelligencer, and that he wpuld have already been published in a variety of pa- dpne it, is highly probable, but i from-his pers ai)d nust, therefore, hae reached iiavinS uissen.eu irom uie principles u mn thrwigh a variety of channels. ; Hi contained. Iii-. the: foregoing ?no;e, the ,as contradicted none of them, and bus Vice-President evidently object to thuar- presumed to have acnuitsced in. tlw " " ---v.v. I.. uiuu;s, which ii-iiueu to ux upon mm, nie writiu it Xvas apparently marje io rfmiMieraiejthe J of .tlie Ivashvilie letter, it it was illocal services lie Had rendered by abusnipr me. and unsound, especially a, it w4s presen ln tny letter of the 2d i)ct.; i informed Mr. ted in r.nri'inIii'ifR with lii ( allioan, that he had j been cluinred in a tnand. contained in hi? letter nfttlt WtU Charleston paper, wrt:h being concerned of May, 1S30. By his objecting No the ufith the Ninmn Edwjirds conspiracy to correctness of the argument, in one case, destroy my reputation; and charged him and vaivin2 any objectidn to that furnish- .1 - - . ' -a in - ft . ! i - i - t.1 wiin naving excuea tj-d wards to the act. ed at his request, he must be considered as ana. wun revising. tiie jcmargfcs, and state bavin n acquiesced in the correctness, and legitimacy, and soundness of the oonclu ion, that he is the author cf theNashville letter.' Of i his a. State .of North; Carolina, ;". : llaiftcood County. ! ' . Court' of Pleas and Quarter SessionsJune Terra, Polly . Gambeil Y . . j . r. Petition for Dower. .John Gambell S S 7TN Jliis case, it appearing to the satisfaction of M the Court, that the defendant, John iiambeil, is not an inhabitant of this State : It is .therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for three 'months, in the North Carolina Spectator and Western Advertiser, for the defendant, John Cam bell, to appear at a County Cour, to be held for the County of Haywood, at the-Court house in Ayaynesvilley on the last.Moriday -in December next, then and there to plead, answer, or Jemui?' to tlie petitioners:petiti6h ; otherwise the several mat ters nd things therein- set forth, will.be taken tor confessed, and decreed accordingly. Witness, iiobeft Love. Clerk of our said Court at office, ihe lastIonday "of June 1831, and in the Oiui year pi American Independence, i . '" , ItOBl.llT LOVj:, C. H. C.C. what General Noble informed ;me,l (Laliioun s) daily visits to jEdwarils, for eight or ten days behue he feet out forjhe VV est. JXoipart of this chahre is denied in the notes; 1 he whole charge is iiWh- ore admitted. In thet'iee-President's ela- orate letter of the 29jh of Mnv. 1830. to thrresideiit,speakitig of the! Nashville let- er he says. u he (Mr.l Craw lord) oSers no ieaaju lor unarguig nie wim; sa UiShonora FARM fc GOLD-MINE; TOR SALE. ' f31 HE subscriber offers to sell lu4 rarm," con j JL taimng 68 acresituae on the waters of Als ton s ereek, which empties into Creen river. , On said farm is a Gold Mine, which as far as has,been tested has proved to be rich and valuable. The tame will be sold at private sale, for cah ; and the purchaser may secure a bargain by examining and ALSO, FOR SALE , j TWO NEW STILLS ; : ONE SET OF 31 ILL-STONES. &)5wp HAMPTON THOMPSON. Wbite Oak, Rutherford cov Sept.3f 1331. He t uresumed to have acnuitsced in. the gument presented in my U tter. . If be ex- truth' of the charge. Besides, no one can cepts to the argument m this case, he was believe that Mr. Calhoun would have con .m.mu Mm:i-iy :r;ounu io rxcvyi io inai fine(j the task of writing the notes to any w men tein.ea .o nx upon mm, the yntuig other tierson. In his.letter of'tlieSlst Oct. last, reluming mine, it is seen. that he in tended to use that letter ajrainU mtL "1 have. never before the appearance ol Nr. Calhoun's several publications, understood and fet.the: force and intensity of that ex clamation of the Patriarch Job, "Oh that mine 'adversary had written a book.'5' -Mine has written two books and one: set 1 will, now, explain the reason .; why I consider the Vice-President the jiuthor oi the notes appended to rriy letter in - the Telegraph.- In this elaborate letter of the 9tli of May, he says, "He, Mr. i Craw ford, was at Milledgeville, on the 1 6th. '"of act. as that of betraviri" the nrocee- Alrust a teWdays alter he passed through dings of the cabinet, and thiit for the nnr- AuS"staand a little atter, there appear n - . j. f . uH rtni..n.... :.. .1. 1 1 r. .. . . i. nose otlniuriny one ot. m v asknr ti ,-:t I,. V" ciurpu iu uie.. aouriia,! fcmewnai .1 . s .. J l Tilr....,.t1.nt;.,." XT,. .1 .1 further : "But why charge Mr.. Adams V n my letter tober last, to the ret I tew iines varied from that made in Edgefield, ; but and not reeiII!5 wnn 11 ,n tnosioi me particulars. 1 cannpt lay my hand on the article but have a distinct recollection of it. Vim a me, bf the 2d Oc- l. iiiiiji r inflict upon the community. -; s the Vice President in his notes to tny letter insists tiponiMr.M'Didrje'fctvn-ence, ..L .1.-. j .. .. . L anu inai eviaence is uie touiuiatiou ot almost all his reasoning and ol almobt all the inferences drawn in Ins elaborate let- of the 30ih of May, 1630, it is propt r at once for me to say there is.no truth in any .that 1 passed thrpuuh the-vdlajit of oe tield, iu the summer of lfc-lb, and vvus at the house of Col. ISmipkiiis. Eer thing beyond that, in Mr M'DMtTit 's slau meut, is the fiction of hi1" bruin, (s-ee Judge Jloorc's letter.) After reading that letter, Lkximctos, June, 1-31. Dear Sir Io answer to the "inquiries you made of me tLe jAl.erday, I beg Itave .to itate. The conduct of General Jackon in the fceiiinolo war ol lcie, produced au grai feelinptii our little twwn as it did m any other art of our 5?tate. You had wiitt.n cm to Thou.a W. Cobb, one of our ltepreeniatiei in Congiew, and wrw then resi den in bexington, that yon would leae Washing- ton lor Georgia as soon as a Cabinet meeting li"ld tlilfitlitl Wf.trfi Wfillltl IiM lial.l t.. iLn enma !t. Ot notesjby Which he IS COHUCted by jquiry into this matter.. Your arrival irt Ixington silence as evidence of guilt ;' afe evidence that I bad communicated cabinyt secrets to the Editor of the Georgia Jpurnal, al though be does not pretend, that, th'e t-tate- ment in. the Georgia Journal was charged upon me, by that Journal, and! does not biviiif it to you (John- State aii ot the Circum&tanccs that 'he savs rnitting for the sake of fixed il uPon me- When presumed, . Ailams Was diooserl that he had Clark's pamphlet before hmr, :e-PresicJent, is stated, uul ,ae a a,slinct reC( fmm v.Jr it r u,. 110 doht remember it ; ....... , . . ivuvi in 111c 1 . . 4 : of May. 1630, thus expressed : vou ea 11 upon 31r. I rawtord, and it? lias not .". I. .!,.. . ! 'A Hi ' i J . . iifeiv. wjiv nui cnuriTt; iur. Anarris1 wiih having written it 1" t'My reply is that 13 seen that Mr- Calhoun relies; upoii my the; answer is conclusive. 1 hat letter con tained two falsehoods one icitended to in jure me, the other to benefit jou, '(John C. t aluouu,; and that which Was tor Jphn CCalhouns) benetit, taking from- Mr. Adams half the credit; of defending Gen- era! Jackson, and giving i C. Calhoun.) Admitting aro-iiment- thatMr. Adams was Vri!nr4firl to injure me, no one will, 1 think, suppose . u? WI,1CI, n""K "llc oy me most vm- in.ir lie wuu 1 vciiuiuariiv asc-.ruip in i-fm r- n . v - ir Jialfthe merit of his own actioiis to "the ted ; adm.its lhat tl,e Ed:tor .of the Georgia man who was th mnWt strpimnus nnLtoJDai, iormeny oeiuea u, in the lollow- ofhiswishes. Ifthe intrinsic evidence of mSPa?aSraPn- 11 may be. .proper iIip Irtteri fixes it nnori vonMIr. CatKi,,,., to state, that we did not, as.has jbeen er- . t 7 i --, J -. 'VMII I I . 11 V . . , and not ubon Mr. Adams, subsenupht - 1""w,,a,Jr PF""' ".nc ciur ; inionna vents jstronojiy corroborate the evidence Vr ' - "T' dednrble fmm thp miblished lettpr." Mr- Crawford, respecting the reported'di- thfolegoiuir, reasohins, no! obiection is visioi,.of lcabiVet 011 the profprietv; of ttiicaung vrcucrai jaciison, ior cis late legal evidence, 1st. Of .having written, or caused to be written, the ISashville let ter, which in his letter of 29Uv of Mav, 1S30, he asserts neier to have seen. ' 2d.i Of having set up the Washington Repub lican,' for the purpose of vilifying my rep utation.' 3d. Of having conspired with Niniah Edwards, to destroy my official 6c private character. In his letter last referred to,thc'jVice J'resident pronownffs, That it would have been dishonorable for him to have vvritten ,the Nashville letter io injure one of his associates in the ! administra tion." No rational being will, I tiiiirk, d.'Sserit from this sentence. Butjre is by his liotes, convicted of this dishonorable act. fJNow, it is respectfully subimtted to the decision of enlightened readers of tins coov a Question from vmir lpttr r t, uu uouul rememoer u ; circumstanccslis I. , J v yi. niv yuu 1 . ; . . . . i .1.1 1 1 n . nslfl whv unt rlmrJ Mr AJ.U ':.u to my Ktiowledffe been Utnxed." S Here t review, wneincr 11 is more oi.Miotioraiuf 10 iicivc in.irii luui iciuT, wincii cuiuaiiia but one falsehood, to the injury of that as sociate, than to have established a pre ss, for v illifying the reputation of tl.e same associate, -which teemed with daily false hoods upon that associate. The Vice President affects much pat riotism and great veneration for the fun damental institutions of the dated Elates. There is.nont of rliose ' institutions, more iral th:(nlhe liberty of w ph ss.. 'J bat liberty can never be impairtd'in the Uni ted. tjates, bilt by its licentieusnesf. . It is firmly believed, that 110 press established takeuin the notes. The reasoning is, in thVj u 01011, carried the licentiousness of tliej press to such extremes as the Wash ington Oepubficaii, not. even excepting the notoriourl'eter Porcupine. The Vice President is, then-fore, an enemy to the liberty of the press. Again it is respec- fiillv iiibniitti-d to the conimunt v. to de- J r .. . . vas lool.eJ lr with great aoxietr, an'J, 1-reniem- lier tJ:e day yoa di.l arrive, thatMr. Cohb and Dr. D. Dunu, now of Tcnnoe:, were ntmy lioU!e at . iiciv ) ou were elected in tbnt day's Mb ye, po oilier peiKoc was present est -ji hoe, scnv'e-inea aud iuj tell. Ttiis was the la-i of Ju!v of thai voir, Vou had hardly nc?a;ed yt ar'.f bmores Mr.LCohb started Ui subject of the Cabiiiet ;nje-tn2. All who recollect Mr. Cohb, will n-athlv :vqU u.hr his anxiety vhjh all poliii'-af xulsjVci, nnd ;nrular ly ou llJ hngrat fe?linj on the 5uhjeci,and feel ing itiucn inyMr't'alon. with mct cf cr ntixen, Uie converf-nuoru which then took place made a ve ry ttroDj w;ijresin on my mind. It i not oe- cess-dry io pciaii pii 01 uie converauon uai 1 re collect, a. it worf'd till several pap, Aftr ha- ' ving MMtiefl e;veral t-nquine ptto too j Mr. Cobb, ielH:ie to th proceed iog of the rneetiuf, he at lat ui tome qutstion to o, which yoa re fued to give a H:rect answer to. and then akfd him if be ' jd Keen tl.e National Intc-ll-gncer nfu par ticolsrdite. lleoaid he had not. Vou then ob served to tiini, Uiat he wcMi!.l r1od in that jmjkt all that Uie Administration thought proj tr to n V9 public The conversation vq Wept cp for -ver ai tuMir, duiing which you mrveral tihie relViicsl ill. Loi-ri to the statement in tl.e Inuellif eoct-rx be eeuid toprs5i bi eniuiriei upon you furthtril.ca ytu weie dipotcl to answer. Iloiiug iheconver ea tit.11, Mr. Cotb infornied you that he conidred tli conduct of J)ene.-al iackfon. as very iou n ir, i and that ir on "lit not to h aSI'iwe-d to pa.n over liact not censored lum, and as up iuruer etntuuy into his conduct on th'ir part would bkHv uke place, he was determined to bririj the maiti-r be fore Congte at dio next peseion: audi a precdtat. he ci!ered, v.oulu be a oarreiou? one 10 as whhe-ut enquiry or centre, loo used everI ar punienb to convince !un that he would fall in his objeel, if it w a trougbt before Centre. , Y re- nrarLed Uiatthe nation wouic upnon eo. wc wm in the course he had pursued in . carry in oa thi war;that public feelm was ivith hirri.in ee- ry Mate, except Georgia; that the 'AdmiBUtfEiioa would give hitn tjsoir mpporti and duit bin sup- , poited by the Nation and the AdrninUiratin, yoa" were convinced Conprewr would not r c?ur kin eondact. Your arameot did not convince Mr. Cobb, as he Rtill persied in ayin?, thathen'-K.uld brinir it before Cmie9.-I diticctlr recct!- t ;hat A i cide, whether it was more dishonorable to y0uaidMr.CobbrMriaopuuoaopoaferrriJ 'it': Ml

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