s. i f ' I . J , ; - -A.'.- v .'- - i , -.1, - , .v.. 't; - , . f ft ., vi 2 I ' u . r-' . V)L. I SO I Salisbury, Mojrvjr, fbbbujt io, iss4. WIIOLK NO. 477. VOL. VIII. i .-i i: '. -'i111 i, .,vis fr'i i. ; :3W . , ,.v. . , " ' ' ... V 'PJiOSPECTUSr . -: i 0-rl, ,A. r.,J "j erPr,lK,n and" for erf inltiuUi for tht antuai ear ttl " - whereof, general meet ruga of the atoek . V- IWdera tnf be called in the manner . Tt imirul will enaiila ttia tiet.t Tore'in ! hereinnfle aneeifiedi. and cenerall. to aM Ira"" Irneilia;eiK;c , p. mh.ir.ci o ifce ; j. cr a f i,.dimenw. BuSSche, Eswvt, kc nut it ) Wilt not ci-ioly confined to thete. ii emor.Mi wnm ur...., ...n....,, nJ the. Mechanic Art, Kducalmu, Uo liiin am. Kttuciimu, wm ftid whtver may lead to, iarici r rM" 1: variuut claise or interetta into liich the community i divided t in ah'ori it will be, far a ita limited ona wiifailmit, " ap 4rbuy lifr." . a- ' u. nrlt;.i rh.nrtrr will remain the tame liwi.riW. I will.wpport, the Jtighti of ii.. n.i. . hnttt will aive a a lea atrenu- and unvicli.nic fUBnort te the Hifu of he GKaalGTaaT ', ' Toprnmoie JhUtkoI tmprovemml, win b of t'. darlhur. Jeta of the 3ol. .ftNtJusn'ot'ilir people ar Rreaily iiiienra- "Vrf in the niraaum-: lor tnn, nonur p..j . aitectabiliiy are at aurr f b)lo Inlt rnallm 1 jiMv.-ment, . effe -ta follow auara ' . Manxifaditra alw no leat Importaot L tat'ie p-.oplr af thia arid every .other State, ' . h m liilemal Improvem-M i afl, untl-r a fuH k u. eniotiol of the oropriiiy unl juatnraa L : -tapriiioiplea, the Jooriial will r.iea auch ' rflir.M atahall be deeai"!, .nroler circafnttan. . ' K r,.nrr''tll hetia rn'iinf. HnIi- at the 1ioVetioa of the eiWof; "uiifil alf VrWir are paid. - ' , - , Adrrtlemet. wilVh'inMrH at the nmial - vatea , hereon airwHina i. adwrf imwt, . i are rqetfd U note'oa thf tnatwin hr woiii- Per ' maerriona, nr ""7 tintil forbid, and chawi icyrj',"l!1y sjiusbvrt, Tt:aRstu:risJt. 6. u Neaciuy BJKK of thf. (mrn o Ato&tvw, E MAULS -- BJKK imthitow 'af Edtn,mr Be itihftrfpre t-a-htu t kti the O n aitF Carolln't end tt. . V eiqetca ny th ntttkoritv eF the same, Trial a U. lV'al.all be eatablwhed in llie town of 'Ntwbern, the capiUl stock of which alull pot rieeed two hundred nd fifty thouaand doilars.,JjviiJed into shares oJ .one hundred doilaraachrn4ihVhook hal! be opned jti the said twnaon the second Mottds in Februarj, in the ver. of our Loi j one thousand eight y hundred and Ihiitv four, and remaiivo. . pee fojr ,he apaee of ninety , days, under the supermtenriince 01 jojin vutniin- Hon. sen. . A Jie, Jo.t-,R. D B-li, .tolm aiiiesd. S,.inii! Si'ntiti, Jo'"- W. irjao, Behnt F .li.iiri-: J .reea C Sie enao aud .M t ! t lie Out 11 or a iba fdrity f ihrm, fur the purpose of reeeir ' aHna'aubacriAiiOf a to lhiir mnk. LI.,: Be it 'furlhtr enacted,. That '. enS fourth of eacn aiis-e 'Bj.all.ar Pw io gold or ailvef 6i, 'foreign ordonuee '.ic,; to theieomuiieaioiiere ubote pa,ojaed, ' ef lhe time of abacriljing,! ihat another -fourth. ahall be paid: jn I g-ild or silver tfbio, ialfie dtrerior hereifiafter deaeri-bed,- witnin ainty" dya alter the Bank - - ahalt -hae-eoinmener liuni.e; - she remainder at.arr .br r.id as afore- within six ni niti after the, com ,4M"cemerit of its op; r uous; aitd if aiiy V aaaahiu ikr at.ali fad io iiav! the last in- ahe lnk. and be -ald.jrtiajfeojisfiu. I'Miirrhat no fiv" C. d ahall be de. 4.rarc4 unlil the whnie. aatnunt of alock . 'ubicribed ahall be rniavd in gJhl, ai -wr ar thr . eouivale'ilj. " ' - ' " . Ill .Befl urtner enaciea. .mn whan one thousand si. area are anbacri bed.and the sum of twenty fiife thousand 4ollra l acliially paid to t!t Nc-mmis-- eiooere, the tubaeribers to-the satd Batik ? . their aoeceaaora and. amtns, ahall,; be, i .'nd are herebrmred and made' a cor poration end body politic, in law and "Sin faet,' hfJti) name and style f the apreaideet and aiireciora of I be Mer ebsnts' pk t Nswh-rn," and ahall .ed eontinuft uptrl, fe firt day of Janua ' r cf thousand eight hundred and ' v fifty ine,flS59, and by Vie nam and ; .Vatyhi aforesaid, they aj'a'l be and are .' it bereby made able and capable in lavto - a . L -. . m-. .tfiaptaa.L: amov . ve. oorchaaet receive, poaeas, enjoy nd reuinitto themaeives,andauceae . ' il'i- . V,.r.,lil. i i - winta. Vandal C battel! and effrcta, Ind th. .,aoaeHaaiiK dmiw;Vieo m - r. .. I mw,t, mniMa w-r, . . aliipnse i id awn an yw r wrered, jdefcnJ tnd be defendded. n ewt f rordf . tr otbr dIm whatMicWrr wid litis-9 mke; . fir a1 tiMt nmaiM tel. and . tht Mine Keu(ion tuCTi bye Jv. oramancea I and regulation, as thill aeem oeeesaar vnd- eonrnienl for the covprnmenl f ja exoeute all aeta, mallera and fhiP, Whitr t eofiratioi. politic in Uw may ; or ceo lawfully lo I, I I ar recul, subject to the rolea, refjuJa- imna. reilrictiona and oroviaiont. Iiere- ,. aflr preiif IlieO and declarer'. IV. Be it further enacted That at aoon aa one thousand aharea ahall be tav ken in the atock of laid Bank, and the required instalment paid to ther eommie won era trlio keep th e booki, nol ice thereof ahall be given io the gazelle published at Newbero, end meelirg of the sub5eribra, to be bald ten day at least after the date of the notice, ahall he called. If at this meeting those, or their agents who have a majority of. fOtear according; in' the rule . nereaftef described, be present (if not another meeln'n most be culled,) ,ttey shll pro ceed to the election of aeveu director who shall take charge of lh books' end era ann immeaiateiy persue ine usuai rml proper mqatit to put the BaiiV Tn op eiation. ' That aaid director ahall. re- 1 ma in In office, until the first Monday j m December one. thousand eight hun I died and thirty four, (1834,) or until their auereseore ahall be appointed; and ou the first Monday in December in each year, or at any time thereafter, meetioga of the' aforlholdept shall be held in the town of Newhfn for the purpose of electing directors irquiring tio ine aoaira at me instnuuon, ai inak.ng . suth regttlaltona as , may tw defined (it and neet-eaary. Be U further enacted. That the and pri n ions ahall form and be the fuodamotal articks dfiKe "constitution "of the laid corporation:- A mretiog of stockhul lers cannot oe held, unless those who lave a majority of votes be present, and lev cry act requires the sanction of a mJor- ity of the vntca which may oe prrnt; every atockholder holding etie altire, and oot more than two, ahal ie h ti tled to dne'votei for every (wo slares above two and,- not excedmcten, one irote; for every three ehtree loove ten, and . not , exceeding' one! hundred, one oic t and for every four eWes bdve one hnndied one vde. ( After the first meeting, no ehaai or 'shares shall confer e riitht of eotic. Stock- holdera. actually , resident in the State, snd none others, may vMelatrleiiena and general meeting byj proxy, the proxy himself being a etotjhoiiier. . None but Stockholm, who la a citizen of the . State, ' an who holds twenty ive shares ot tna" atoca, in ins awn riarhl. shall be eligile aa di'ree- lorftod the directors , wpn- appotnieu shall choose one of their mber (which shall alwaya be aevan) be pteidet of aaid Bank; and ahall lanage the j atitatron aa ahall eem bt le them, un Imb otherwiae directed by . the. stork holders, but eoanpe'naai til the. prest- deiipetorafcil bu erantedai the pleasure oi -tne- .lioWeeei Not" leas than fivedireetori of whom 'the one, shall eon- president ahnll alwaya atitule a board for the aineas, in case of abae naaction of bu- orlaicknessof ilie president, when h ;.ay py writin. nominate any . other d ecior io auypiy his place. ,s .' ' A iiumhur of atoel loldera, not leas than tn, who togetbe ahall ke the own. er nf one hundred ihareai and op wards, ahall have priw rto cjll a gener al, meeting of the ttoeholds, for ptir- ... . j i i nnaaa relative to tbe iiatltuUun, giving at least twenty daya-abrtceb poblie gazette, and apeMfyii.Jias oiject or obiecie oreucn meetiag. i The ttireetora ansm oaahier and auch other oilers aa may " r - r ' - at a Mae-aaarw to nerform tin busmeea of the flanks .These ffira lhall be r.ird in a-iAe bonda n . two or mora eeeoriUas. 10 sums nl lesa than ten thousand dollars, witl eopditioti for good beheeiorJnd fahtiLih or ,Th eashaer . fc! Mete e i: - .auul r thm - , -c-,- - a , ..u ' iwmi la mbiiiv iwaimviH&r present, the day and dite cf tteh mccU ing, and ahall record Uiefyet and nays on any question, wnea aaaes 'ia oj a director. This book shall be evidence in eourta of justice; and onenlering on the discharge of hia du iet the icashier ahall take the following; oath or affirma tion before eome juatica oMhe peace, by who it ahall be returned lo the office of the clerk' of the County Court, vis. "I A, B, do aolemnly aear (or af- firm.aa the ease may he) to beep a just and true record, wilhoet alterationa or eras ore, of the traneaeiione of the board nd bodytif direct ora of the MerMiente Bank a, - , .f a t , . oi mewnern, in I bum io oe avepi oy Biefortbat purpose. - N director shall be directly or indi rectly concerned in any loan or leaua. lo be made of the Bank, Id a greater a mout then Ihe value of hie stock; and in all easea, in addition to the usual per sonal security, the etork of directors all a II be considered aa a phtdpe for. the convenient transaction of ita buaipcea, or shall have been bona fide mortcsged t'o it by way 'of aecurity, er e.oveyrd to it i" aatiafaction of debts previously contracted in the Course- of it dealing, or-purchased al aalet uport jiidp;emenia wliich--shall have been .obtained for auch debta. ' j The aaid enrperation ahall neither ; directly nor indirectly- trsde in any thing except billa of exchange, promiso- ry WJtea.fcWkenjawing-etHlace ef them to he negotieble at aaid Bank, gold Or silver bnHiort o- in rt n 'eIe or goods really and truly pledged'' (or mo ney lent and not redeemed !h due time W of goods the produce 'ofiie lands. mint 'certificate, the public, debt ol the United Slates, atock of the present Bank of the United Slates, or such oth er Bank as nay .be hereafter (rataliehed by a law of the United Sistes, provi ded Ihe investment in aueh atock ahall not exceed one half of the capital nock oflhis Bank. , Neither ahall the aaid 1 iay.Mliaa take mor. than the rate aix per eer.lum per annum for or upon ila loans and diacountsi which Inlereat tflw taken Tn advance erth time of diacount The total a.nount of debta which the aaid corporation ahall at any time owe, ahall not exceed twice the a moontof the atock actually paid io, o ver and above the aum then actually depoaited in the Bank for aafe keeping. If thia or any other enactment herein contained be violated, the directors aa aenting to auch violation ahall be deem ed to have committed fflony, and ahall be fined and imprisoned at th discre tion of the court. '' " If a director ahall cesscjto 6wA the re quisite number ol shares, or shall die, or resign, the remaining directora ahall elect another in his stead, until the suc ceeding meet inc of the stockholders. The Stock of said corporation ahall he assignable and transferable, accord, ine to the rulea which ahall be ihstitu ted In that behalf by the laws and o.v dinahcea of the same. ITic officer at Ihe head ofihe treasury department of the State ahall be furnish ed, bnee in aix months with astsetment of the amount of. capital atock of said corporation, and of the debt! due to the tame of the inoneya deposited (herein, of the notes in circulation, and of the cash In hand; and ahcll have a right to fnsfiect auch general accounta In tbo books of Jhe3ank aa shall relate to the aaid alaieoieot; Provide, that thia ahail not terarornttriretf lr.t rTfht 6fin soeetinc the accounts of any private in dividual with the iiank exceptor the directora. ' The billa ohliratorv and of credit, un der the teal of aaid corpo-allon, which ahall be made to aey pereon or peraona. shall be , assignable by .endorsements thereon, oeder the band orhads of auch lerson Or pcraona, and of-bia, her or beir stsi(ac.or aaaigaees, pad a aa ab solutely to transfer aed veat I be proper iv ihrrcef in each and arerf assignee or aasieneca aucceasivelyi' and to eaable auch assignee or asafenaca lo bring and i maintain an auction ibj-rVopoe iaj his, her or ihcir own name or naftiCeV" And bill or eo.es, which' mar be iaaued by order of aaid corporation, signed by tbe presi dent and eoeoiersiRned by ihe Casbirr. nramiatar tbe payment of moary lo a- ny person or persons, hie, barer their Order, or to bearer, , though not nnder the aeal of aaid corporation, aball be bindieeaod obliealory oa the. same, ia Ihe like manner and with the like force privaw parson or nersoua..mai t io aar inose wmtn ahall be payable lo eey person er per- sout, bit, bcr Qt tteir order, abaU Deaa- aignable by eedorseaaeot ieike rBVct aa foreign billa of rxehsnge now areland iboae which are peahj le bearer, aball be negotiable and assignable by delivary only. , , VI Bt H furlhtr turn: ltd. That nn note shall be tamed by the aaid liana eoder Ihe denomination of three dollar. ' Anil if the directora or cashier ahall' not pay specie, foreign ar domestic, on demand, for their nolea. the aaid corporation may be seed, ad in addition , io riUereat at the rale allowed by law, competed from be lime of refusal, tee bolder ahall be entitled lo aix per cent, at damages, on the whole amount, and the jury,, ia case of suit, shall give a verdict for the same. And the holder of the. noiea of tbe aaid Dank, if aoi paid on demand, may bring an action of assumpsit against one or Ml of tbe directors, who may have consent. rd to issue more than twice the capital atock paid In. provided that Ihe Bok or not able lo pay the amount. VII. Beit further emeUd, Thai ihe di rectora shall b allowed to keep npesnh I subscription hook until tbr whole alock ahall he taken, y ' VIII. Be it further enacted That f any director or officer of aaid Bank steal, purloin.' embt ttle, nr in any way art fraudulently with the funda of said Bank, it ahall be punished by one er more whippings, not exceeding thirty lasses on l.ia nr theirbirc hacks. IX. Beit further enacted. That if any person's!. all IVUt-lv make, fvrge or wBmmteii'e&tm&- to be falsely made, forged or eounterleited, or willingly aid or asaiat m a !-. ma king, fotging or' counterfeiting any bill or note, in imitation of, or purporting to be a bill pr note, issued bv ori-r ol the president and directora of the Mer chant' Bank ofNewbern, or any order or check on aai Bank or corporation, or any cashier thereof ; or ahall fjltely alter,, or eauae or procure to be fa'aely altered, or willingly aid or asaist in falsely altering any bill nr note, issued by order of the aaid corporation, or any order or cheeV - --s. or any cashier tnercof ; or shall pass or reowi, with iutent to uaaa, utter publish, as rrnet any- faler fM ged or counterfeited bill or note purporting to b a Dill or hole iasued by order of the aaid corpora tion. or aov false, forged or counterfeit order oreheckupon thesaid Dank, or any cashier thereof, knowing the same to be fslsely forged nr counterfeited ; or aball psss or receive with inteot to paea, or attempt to pass, utter or publish, aa true, any falsely altered bill or note is sued bv order ol aaid lianK, or any falwlv altered order or eheek on ssid Bank, or anv cashier thereof, koowihc tbe same to or any other body politic, or person or persons, every auch person ahall be deemed and adjudged guilty of felonyrand being thereof eoovicled by due course of law, ahall be impt iaoned not exceeding ten years, and fined not exreeilirie nve thousand dollars. X. JlnJ be it further enacted, Ihet Blk ahull be ealahliahed in the town of Benton, the capital atock of which shall not exceed two hundred thousand dollars, divided into ahares of one hun dred dbllara each f lliat books ahall be opened in Ihe aaid town on the aecood Monday of I1 ehroaiy, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty four, (1834 and remain open for the space of ninety nays, tinder the su perintendence of T. J. Charlton. James iaoT,Jar-Nr HoktfiiraTfwer t for ner, Ja. Coifield, James C. John. J'T,rf "l!"bjWlJ n1TioWXinii'' "MerTJWer fh Ural meeting,- no OorhaoT, Skinner, son arid John Lox, or majority i hem, for tbe purpose of receiving sub- aerintiona to the said Hank XK Be it further enacted. That one fourth of each share ahall he paid in gold or ailver com, either domestic or foreign, to the commissioner above oamed. at the time of subscribing , thai another fourth ahall be paid In gold or silver coin, either foreign er, de mesne to the directors, chosen in the manner hereinafter descri bed, within sixty daya after ihe Bank ahall have commenced business ; and the remainder shall be paid aa aforesaid within aix mob l ha after the commence ment of ita operMiens ; and if any sub scriber ahall fail to par the last Instal meet, hit atock ahall be forfeited to the Bank, and may be aold for ita benefit: Provided, that no dividends ahaU be declared until the whole amount of atock aubseribed ahall be raaliaed in eold. ailver or their eouivslent, XII. Be U further cnacedf, That when aeven hundred and1 fifty 'shares, am aubacribed, and the aum of eighteen ihoueaad acrna buodred gad fill dol Isrs ia actually paid to the eotr.niieeioa era, Uax eubseribers 4 h eetd Bank, their auccessor and at$igna, s'isll be, and are) hereby created and made a cor poration and body politic in law end ia fact, by. t-, name and etyle of the V Prelidje'iit and Directora bf the Albe marle Bank of E.I'iMtos i" a j a. .i so continue oolil the first day of January, one thousand niht hand red and fifty dine, (1859,) tn 4 by the inr and iyle aforesaid, they ahall be, and are hereby made able and repable in law to have, purchase, poea, NerJoy end retain to themselree apd ueceasora, lands, tone tneutt, rents, hereditament, gooila, chattels and effeexs, and tbe same toeoll grant, demise, alien or diDoee oft to sua and be aued, implead and be low pleaded, answer and be answered, de fnd and be defended in eourta of re. cord or an other, place whatsoever s and also to make, have and uaa a com mon aealf and the same 1o break, alter and renew at their pleasure ; and alao to ordain, eetablieh and put ia execution auob by a laws, ordinances and regula tiooa, aa ahall aeem necessary snd eon. venient for the government of aaid cor. porslion ; and for the making whereof general meetings of the stockholders may be called in the manner hereinaf ter specified, and generally to do end execute all acta, mallera and thinwa. which a coruprstjon and bodv iHiltiia taw may or can lawfully do nr nvutt, ubj toihe rule, regulstioes, restric tions ami provisions here ,fior pv. crib, ed and declared. ' Xlir. Bl it further enacted. That aa aoon aa w nti. r i filty aharea ahall be taken in t- r n of aaid Baok, and the requited i:.Mlment paid to Ihe commissioners w i. keep Ihe books, notice thereof ahall be given in tbe gazette published at Edenion, and a meeting of subscriber, to be held ten daya at least after th dale of th notice, snail be celled, (fsl it.U. a. ing those or Jheir "", T'10 tpljanty or votes according to the rail hereafter described, he preaen I, (if not. another meoiing must be eellad,) tby ahall proceed to the election of five di rectors, who ahall take eharea of tha books sod money in the haoda oftb commiasionera, and immedial-lv pur-' site theuaual and proper means to pat the Bsnk in operation. The aa4 dieec tora ahall remain in office until the first Monday in December, ooa thousand eight hundred and thirty four, (1834,) or tintil their successor shall b appoin ted ; sad on the first Monday of Decem ber in each year, or at any time there after, meetings of tb stockholders ahall be held in the town of Edeotoo, for the purpose of electing director, inquiring into the affaire tbe institution, and making auch regulation aa may be deemed fil end nrceasary. XIV. Be it further enacted. That the following rute. rtfr.i ".is sad proviaiona ahall form Ihe fundamental articles of the constitution of said Cur. poration t A meeting of atockhnldera cannot be held unleas those who'' have p majority of Votea be praenl j every stockholder holding one share, and not more than two, shall be entitled to on vole; for every two ahares above two. and not exceeding ten, one. vole; for every three aharea above ten, ,d rot ahareor ahares ahe 1 1 confer a richt of voting which ahall not have bee hold. en three calendar monta previous to thai dale Of voting. All stockholders resi ding without th limit of th Stat may vole by proxy, and o no other way, at elertiona and general mertinga, provi ded hie, her or Ibeir proxies ar raai- denu i th Mat or ISortb Carolina, ana each poee ia tbeir owa right at leaal ten abarea of the atock. Nona but a atockholder who ia a ciliseo of th State, nod who bolda ten ahares of the stock in his owo. right, shell be eli gible as director.; and th directors, when ppoiotdrv ahall chooee One of their number (which ahall alwaya bo five) to b preaideet of aaid Bank,, and shall manage the institution aa shal seem best to them, onlesa otherwise di- 1 reeled by the stockholders ; but eom- pnaatio to the president and director shall be granted at tha pteawure of tb stockholder. . Not less than th-ee di rectora, of whom the president shall al waya be one, ahall eofiatitfa-r beortf - ( See taet oage. ; V Xtr v