1 1 7 VOL. II. , NO.; 62 Newv genes ' h -u. ; fuM$D:irt juLr 21,829.; .V r;'Jtf :vHOLE.irt; 2. ; vol: v.1.-: , A PEITED, AND EUBIJS5H ED' BY LEMUEL BINGHAM AT SALlSBlittV, ROWAN COUNTY, Nk! O : , fi. u. : .1 , f , i. ' '-"m - f- - --T-r- " .. TERMS..... The Journal will be afforded to tubfcriberi at a $2 50 year, or 2 in advance.' No paper will be discontinued, unleaa at the discretion of the editor, until all arrearage are Said. . : Advertisements will be inserted at the usual 1 - .... .. c iegnetei tg J?.?S-9JfeO!9rtai!S .lumber. insertions, or they will f e continued until forbid l and charged accordingly.. ' V f 1 R"8 now open and amply provide J. cd for the accommodation of visiters. Its local situation on the ' valley f the Yadkin, nearly cen tral between the Blu Ridge and the Brushy mountains, is picturesque, healthful and invit ing. Ad J to this, a pure and salubrious atmos phere, eacellent water, the agreeable society of pleasant village,, spacious and commodious rooms, an ice uout". wen nnea, ana. om ibih. would seem wanting to insure the traveller a . frw weeks repose ana enjoyment among me mountains. .; - - ' .-. ' ... The subscriber has been accustomed to tnis line of business in one of our northern . cities i snd he assurea.those disposed to favor hint witn a call, that no exertion shall be warning, on his part, to render tn m coiniortapie. The linea or stages from Salem to Knoxville,. and from Chera to W'Ukesbo- asaOrfflsyrTi-i' T at the Hotel, af fording an easy access to the above establish ment. Fare, five cents per mile Way passen gers six and a quarter cents. vWassey. IB28 84tf. WtOcaiboro. C Alay 30. ' PIIDADKLI'IHA . C oac li&tttjuueit. ? - Street, between 8tl- fc 9th Streets, Philader Dhia. has . constantly tor sale a great vnriety OF Cy M Hi-S, jit . . Dearborns. Gije9rSutkiesJe.iASil. whrehrrith--reTjeraH l M m,i .it u: u I All of Which : kil'. he aold at tht lowest pnees. r;n k. oimnteil as to materials nd work. manship. - HENRY RUBER, jr. . " Plated Saddlery Warefiouer KO. 40 North 3d Street, Philadelphia,:" - - orrOSITI BIISKILl's HOTIL t'J Where a larjre ana fenrri assortment,, comprising ev?i try art Vet in the above tine, is' offiwd by whoteasle aa Jw-.a car.bc-purchased in Jhi .City. Among which are plated, brass, japan' I .,1 ;( f'o.rh Usf and :aUlwr Harness Fiirnture ; Wont- ed,JCottonnd-Strainig Wbr Ptosh j"Hog vim rtVil nlnihi for curtaint and'arnetinar t Steel and Wood Coacu and fii SBrinKSilSadl die and GigTreesi Sttrrupo, Brtay fcte-itet Also, A beautiful article and far superior to Bpring Stirrups. ' H. St f . .A. tlLIJE.n. Philadelphia, Jan. IT, 1827. 6mt64 ' ; State tf North-Carolina, r MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Superior Court of Low, May Terti, 1829: ? Barry Steward, ' ) r. ." rTiTio roa Diyoaca.- Harrict Steward. 1 .. , ' JN tins case, orderedby court, thkt publica tion he made for three months in the Yad- khrar.d Cjtawha- Joumalrnn Western Caroff nan, auccessively, that the defendant be and wppear at the next Superior Court of Law, to le held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on the sixth Monday after the fourth Monday in September next, land nleud or answer to the p!aihtitTs petition r the sme will be heard ex patter Witness, Sani. Henderson, CTerlf ofo'uf 'satdCburtiaf fomce, the Hlh Mondny aft r the 4th in March, Q829, . ,8A.M. JIKNJUEJJWUW Wl. 3mt247 ....,,... s stand this season in the county of Rowan t at Salisbury, on Mondays, uts 'days, and Wednesd-ys i at Concord, on Thuf- - dva. Fridavs. antl SatrdaVS. t Beitran win commence the 1st March, and end the 1st Aug. Twelve dollars will beeharged for the season. payable by ten dollars betore the season plltl. ' IgllfBUIIT'"' t WW I anu incmi lollarsto insure, tor feiigree anu ucwrip- lion of JEronant. see hand-bills. SXETHEN LTTEHRAB L, T CHARLES L. BOWERS. 5 Feb. 12, 1829. N. B. Great care will be taken to give general satifaction i but we cannot be liable for accidents. Oram will be jurmsncq, jst iic market Pricc, to mares sent from'a distance. AIVT A"N"Afi- vnn 1829. pOR SALE, at Ihis OFFICE, the Fanner's L and Planten Auiiiic, lor lb'J. HIGHF.ST pricet paid in CASH for RAGS, of all descriptions at the Paper Mill in'Fay etteville, N. C 09f. - a l...f CTU - 14 fct ate ' of. wyOTiti-CaToWna; f. v BrNCOMBBCOUNTT.",:V"i Superior, Court of Law, Jpril. Term, 1829. V 'llndrew:Prealy,.''i: v . ,i ; 'v. s. , v," Petition for Divorce. -.. Eleanor Preaaly.'L j ' "r " - "" " ;' ) " ORDERED by Court, that 1 publication be ' made Tor ihrte montha w Yadkin and Catawba Journal, and Raleigh Reg ister, that the defendant be and appear at the next Superior Court of Law, to be held for Buncombe county, at the Court-House in Ashe-villrtpn- tho-aeeond Monday after' Ihe fourth Monday in September next, and plead or an swer to the plaintiff- petition," or the aame'wPl be hearl. ex "parte. - Witness, Robert. Henry, Clerk of said Court, at office, the second Mon day after the fourth Monday of Mai eh; 1S?9. IOBEUT HENRY, Cite. a. c. 1 ,3mt45.....pr. adv. $.. : ; . ;.v Slate of VT-I,arna; 1 : " BUNCOMBE COtiNTY. 5' -Superior' Court of Law, Jpril Term, J 829.' Ann Armtrnn g, f " ' tw . V Petition for Divorce. Samuel Armstrong. ; J' , ORDEHKD by Court, that publication le made for three month successively m tlie Y wlkin and Catawba Journal, and Ba!eiili Reg ister, that the defendant he .and appear fit thr next Superior Court of Law, to In? -held for Buncombe county, at the Cnurt-Houee in Aslie ville, on the second Monday ar,er the f ur'h Monday in September next, Vnd plead oi an swer to the plaintiffs petition, or the same will be heard ex parte.' Witness, Robert Henry, Clerk of said Court, at qffict, the second Mon day after the fourth Monday of Marcl , 1829, . ROBEHT 1JKNRY, Clk. a. c. ..:,R$mM5..W!.pr,-a4,MA:' State of S'ott-raTtAtna, 111 BCSCaMnE--i4'S-TT Superior Court of Jmv, Jpril Term, 1829. Thomaa Sharpe, ) ' . . t. Petition for Divorce. Susannah Sharpe. J . .""!(.' ORDERED by Court, that publication be made for three months successively in the Yadkin and Catawba Journal and Raleigh Reg ister, that the defendant bo and appear at the . . . . i n . . -i. Buncombe county, at ine ly'.un-rioiiw in aiic Mntidav-aftfr the' fourth ville, on the second Motiday after the" fourth Monday in -September next, and plead or an iWerto the plaintirT'a petition, or the aume will be heard ex parte. Witness,. Robert Henry, Clerk of said Court, at Office; the second Mon day after the fourth Muiiday -of Mrch; 1989-. r -TT ROBERT HENRYrCll7 ri."cl 3mt45.....pr, adv. (4. rr?'--,rrrr - V . BUNCOMBE COUNTY. : Superior Court of Law, Jpril Term,' 1829. Jacob Raper, ' ) t. . i Petition for Divorce Ttrhorah Raner . S 1 aTkRDERED hv" Court, thiit"puhlication . be .r made. for three mnnths au"ctssively in the Yadkin .anditawfeJOJmil.nu Ra!'l?b lieg. ye4hat-th-deferrfaTit-tjTra next-upeworGourt ot -i-?wt . ur neTO tort BttnctMnbeeourrtyi-ait-the CoartiHonsein "Ashe ville. on the second" Monday nfteP the fourth Monday in Septemner next, and plead or an swer to the ,'laintifPa n tition, rr the same will be heard ex parte. Witness, Robert Henry, Clerk of said Court, at nrnce, the second Mon day after the fourth Monday of March, 1829. KUUI.Iir HtAKl, VIK. S. C. 3mi45...!pr. adv. 4. " State of JSmorth-Caro1ina, BUNCOMBE COUNTY. Superior Court of,JLau, April Term, 1829. Trilimui nunrnii - . ! riTiTiow roa stvoaca. Ma'arnret Roberds. rSRDERED by. Court, that publication be L made for three mnnths successively i.- the Yadkin and Catawba journal and Raleigh Reg' ister. that the defendant be and appear at the next Kunerior Court of Law, to be held for Buncombe county, at the Oourt-House in Ashe viller the aecoocUMonday afler. the.fourth Monday in September next, and plead or an awer to the plaintiff 'a petition, or the same will he hea'CT' psrteJ Witness;-R Clerk of said Court,"at officer the second Mon day after the fourth Monday of March, 1829, HUUr.K.I H-NHY, CIb. a. c. 3mt45....rpr. adv. 4. State, of North-Carolina, L I N C O jbvN COUNTY- Superior Court of Liw, April Term, 189. ' Evelina Chitth. ") : vs. , - yrttttton tor jjtvorce. Philip I'hittim 1 Trf FPF ft wpffnn and i "Pfltna ';" hv "rr" j f issued against the detend oat the defendant in this case. nd which were returned by the Sheriff of Lin colnxounty,.llkat thtid defendant. wa not fnnnd. and nroclamation havinir beenvmade nuhliclv at the Court-House door of said oun tv. bv the said Sheriff, for the defendant to ap pear and answer aa commanded by the said subpoena, and he having failed :' It is therefore Orderti by Courts that Jiotice be given three months in the Raleigh Star and Yadkin and Patawhi Journal, for the defendant to appear sTihreituprMCort.rflA for said county Ot Lincoln, at-me uourwiousc in Lincolnton, on the 4th Ionday after the 4th Monday of September next, then and there to nswer or demur to the laid petition; other wise it will be taken pro confesso and adjudg ed accordinrlv. Witness. Ijiwson Henderson, Clerk of said Court, at Lincolnton, the 4th Mnndav after the 4th Monday of March, A. D 1829, and 53d year of the independence of the T0.TBE, PUBLIC.. f Ad TORRFVf'P. riv. S. - HAVB now the satiafaction'of mforming the public; that they have received the balance of their GOODS, and they Confidently asaert that a better selected assortment of Goods, as it reirarda atvle. fashion, or brtceo. ha sever bean oifered ih this market t -bMjjrji Blk Blucand Olive Clothes, -.-i Do., " jj' --Cassimerei,, ' ''i Lastings and Circassians,-- ; ' . ,,. 5-4 French Bombazines." 'yl .1., Cotton Cassimeres, - ''..Ar Union Drill, ' "'- ; ' .. ,.' . Brown French Drilling, . ' ' ' r, 4 English mixt Do. ; p' Blk atriped 8atin,; ' . : y ''.4-4 rnix'd Camblet, (a superior article) 3- 4, 4-4, 5-4, and 6-4, Domestic Brown ' . '-'-, Sheetings, . ' " 1 " da- Bleached, Superior Cotton, Shirtings, ' 7-8,. and 4-4. Bed Tickv '.'t s j3-4, ai.d 4-4 Apron Chrcks, - , '-t;-'.-,. i RuhHia Shreting and Drillings, ' . . fnaburgha and Tjcklcnburghs, - Very flue Irish I.iaiens, A great variety of Calicoes, ' '. . Linen Cambr.c, ; , Long Lawns, , ' Plain and Tamb'd Book Muslin, 4- 4, and 6-4 Figured Leno, . . Fint Swiss Muslin, . ' ' ' J'ickonet and Mull Muslin, -, ' - White bordered Cravats, . Do. , - Swiss, i' Do. Italian, (a superior article) Canton and Nankin Crapes, tiros De Ete Robes, . Col'd Gros De Np. ' Batisse- Dress, Itkhan and chtni'Rilkst!S"!'K;,'JIr; Silk Shawl and HkPs. - . -White and Black, ailk Stockings, -Do. and mix'd Socka. . i ., And aW other -artrcte of lry Goods at are usually in demand in tins community. A complete assortment of Hardware, plnted ware and Saddlrry j tiara ware, 1- Boota and Shoes i Leghorns t . Whips; Canes I Umbrella's j . Snuff and Spanish "Segara i .ChjnaG-as8jndarllieii.ware4--An-extenaive as'tiTtmenr af GW c erics, of e ery description. . ALSO Jin assortment of BOLTING CLOTHS. . AH" of wliicli: they offr Iow( for eaaai at wholesale or retail. Salisbury May 22, 1829. . 54tf. "SlattWf NortliarolrMf?!: BURKB ' COUNTY. rr Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ,. Jpril Term, 1829;, William W. Erwia and SonO . , 9t.--- -- - Attachment."'- 'Cvrua Erwin. j Levied in the hands of Robert H,. Erwin and :Wiaial5rWii,-; Jtldgmcpt by. l!BteHltMKL T appearing to the atttction 01 in iOun that Cvrua Erwin. the defendant in this suit, is not an inhabitant of this State, it is therefore ORDERED that publication be made in the Yadkin and Catawba Journal, printed in Salis bury, for six weeks, that the'defendant appear atHhe next County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Burke at the Court-House in Morganton, onthe4tb Mon day in July next and answer, plead or demur or fina) judgment will oe enterea nganw ssiu aw fendant. Jttut. J. ERWIN, Clk. 6t62. ..;',,-- State of North-Carolina, BUNCOMBE"" COUNTY. 1 Superior Court of Law, Jpril .Term, 1829 Polly Buckner, ) - v vi. . , rtWTioa rem Divoaex. Edward Buckner. S v ' ' J - Aanrpf n hv Court, that publication be !L made for three months successively in the Yadkin and Catawba Journal and Raleigh Rep-ister-that-the. defendant be,and appear at the next Sunerior Court of Law. to be held for Buncombe county, at thelCourtr House in Aahe-j vtlle-on-neswcorKr inemaay-Tiixci-iue rourxn Monday in September next, and -plead or an SwertwifirTpraliitlfPs perrHon; brtheiiame"wm he heard ex parte. Witness: Robert Henry, Clerk of said Court, at office, the second Mon day after the fourth Monday ot March, Ittty. HUBERT lltJNKI, via. s. C. 3mt45..-.pr. adv. $4. State of North-Carolinay BEJTCOMB.E COUNTY.' Superior Court of Law,JpiilTerm, 1289. Asher Lon, ' ... to. riTiTioir roa) Bivoacx. t .,:nA , t ..An V : 1 '' RDERED by Court, that publication be made for three months successively in the Yadkin and Catawba Journal, and Raleigh Reg ister, that the defendant be and appear at the next Superior Court of Law, to be held for Buncombe county, at the Court-House in Ashe ville, On the: second Monday after the fourth Monday in September next, and plead or an swer to the pUintjff's petition, or the same will be heard ex parte. Witness, Robert Henry, Clek of said Court, at orhce, the second Mou ROBERT, HENRY, Clk. 3tnt45... pr.. adv. $4. x. :; 4 ; ' 1 : aXotice. ,r I. WILL expose the balance of the Stock of GOODS cf E. Allemong, on the 13th and 14th of August, 1829, at Auction. 91245 C R- II. ALEXANDER, Truetee. Sale of Lands for Taxes. WLL be sold for cash, at the Court-House in Iorganton, on the 4th Monday ia July next, the followinir Tracts of Land, or so touch thereof aa will pay the Taste for the jeart spe cified ;.r..-' . : "" . v v ' person, Ja.,.i.l4erolueem,. tfBFtoift .'t1 .ir.'i.'." m 9wv im John Hughear ;r--i: . rM 100 r 1826 David Hughes, WV;- aw 'TO 1VM Guthridge Garland, Capt.'. 150 450 1826 WiMsa'llls'l'' w " 1 oao Alexander Lowry, ' 190 324 1826 1826 John Lee, i, ' ' William Gucb, '.J; Joel Guch, f - v Robert Jones, ' . Isaiah ' 8tewart, ' - 150 200' 175, 150, ,ioor5! 55 " 50 50 ; 25 100 50, . 1826 1825 .3827 1827 1827 1827 1827 1827 1827 1827 1827 1827 ' 1827 1827 1827 1827 1827 1827 1827 'antes Sparkes, James Wilson, (Cain Creek) 200 . 200. Thomas Howell, 100, 100 John Bowman, 100. . 100" ' 200 150 100 100" 10 100 200 150 John Bennet,. Benjamin Cooper, Gutbridge Garland, Capt. Enoch Harrel, 50 50 John Hughes David Hughes, Isaiah Rose, . 200 200 100 100 William Whitsoo, 100 100 150 100 . 440 1040 100 100 100 200 50 300:. ame Renfrow, Benjamin Carver, ' William Silvers, Sarnl.' Hams'a heirs. 1827 Lewis Baird'a heirs, . 740 1826-7 150 ,1827 Frederick Cimeroe, 350. 350 1827 50 50 1825-7 200 150 1826 100 100 1826 .200 200 "i 1826 John Oliver, Benjamin Cooper, John Hues, .. David Hues, Guthridge Garland 15Q.V1501 1826 SAMtTEly-WcDATK' " Former Sheriff of Burke. ilorgantan, May 10, 1829 10t243. ;;i ; AW AX From the subscriber on Sunday, the 7th inst. about six miles above Charlotte, on my wav to Florida, my man JO. or JOSEPH. He ia about twenty-one or two yean of are. rather stout built, had on a white fur hat, no coat, and a bundle of htbea-Witlvhinrl -expestlimll. endeavor To return to Mr. Richard Russell's, in Mecklenburir county. Virtrinia, where he has a wife. I will give five dollars reward for his unlivery to me, or ior securing mm in any tail. so i get mm. in my absence, any person that may taxe mm up will please write to Mr. La han JordatuorCapURobert WrRrag-Pi of Lu nenburg' county, Virginia, and infarm them of the same. MILES JORDAN. Rowan county, If. C. June 9, 1829'. 6tl42r. WANTED to purchase, 25 or 30 Nxeaoas, for which a liberal price will be riven. In ea$K I can at all times be found, in Salisbu ry, at E. Allemonir'a Mansion Hotel. Any per son wishing to aelL. to. whom it may bejucon- i venient to make application, can direct a few linea to me, at Salisbury, N. C. and they .will he attended to JOSIAII HUIE. SaHbury,-um 23," 1829.: List of Letters REMAINING in theTosfOmce" at States ville, N. C. on July the first, 1R29. J Joseph Allison, fsaae R.Jkleaander, Jo seph Albes, Thomas Archibald; Wm. Archi bald. B John Blankenahin, Jamep Brawley, Junr. JumeS Bone. C David Campbell. E John M. Erwin, Robt. Elliot, Mrs. Priscilla Edwards. ' O Alexander Gunn, 2 Isaac Gjpen, Nathaniel Gurney, James M. Graham, Spencer Gates, Zacbanab Goodin. John Hughes, Benjamin Huie, Kisier Hooker, Martin liar key, Wm. Hotend, Alenson Howard 2. - K 8aml.'King, Esq.. Wm. Kinjr, Eq. Samuel S. King,-Benjamin Knox. - X gaml. Lowing, Wm. Lippard, Mrs. Mary Lewis, Mrs. Mary Long. M Sec'ty Mount Moriaii Lodge, Geo. Morrison, Wm. alius, John Marshal, Charles Mills, aen. John Matherson, James Mangham, Alexander McLenahen, Wm. McConnell, Wm. R. McClennel. i-i-Hirairl Hi Prather, Ehaa Plott, Banister Pucket. R Roger W. Reese, Esq.- Charles VV. Shelton, Solomon Sum mers,. JoaepU.low,ka.vAbnerStua1 Amos Sharp, A. Simonton. 7 Mrs. Margaret Turn. linsoriill5Bir.'Wihn,Ge0rgeTW Thomas R. Watts laham Welsh, Miss L. Wil. .oj!,:.Mi)Slwit,Worfray.i JAULt) ' MCRAilult T, Mr. fij. y. B. Those indebted to me for postage of papers or letters, will please call and pay it and save cost. , - 3i43 , jas. Mcknight, j COM3I1TTEJ) TO THE JAILxof Cabarrus county, on Qftth tv nf Juno. 1850. a negro man, who calhihisname C 'AL TO. and says5rb'eToTfg5ToTman byT ...w " J 9 ' the name of Robert Howard, living! and Lancaster. S.' C. The owner is requested to come forward prove property,- pay charges andtakehimawayx . . W1LLM. O.' MA HAN, Jailor, ?t42. " V " BLJJS'KS: 011 SALE HERE ' LAND DEEDS, ! 6HER1EF'S DEEDS, ADMINISTRATORS BONDS, &e. tkc tc For'sale, at the Office of the Journal. job pxuriTXitfa; - OP EVERT DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. V THE NEWSPiftPEir TRADE. V- v It is aaid that 800,000 nvrspapert -rSu-rt itued every week' from thej Various j ' oflicea in Great Britain alon and the .' ;, fact is mehtioned as an evidene of -the ' j great; joteJIigencfl: of tfaer eogBionitjfegi which .' could consums :ao large M'-m J mouot of printed sheets in to short , ' tithe, and with, .Iteadjr regujlafitj.;'i -Thui U number allows one paper to every jtS ; ' persons. - We, are disposed to';thiok ""fi tha if the Af.crrtirt nf intllirinPA pviatinir " ' o .. m , v among a community is to be estimated by. the abundance Of its newspspers this cpuntry, .young as it," is, will bear away the palm, even from old Eng land. ', Tjiere - are not less than seven hundred ' newspapers in the V- State t 'present During the Presidential contest there was more probably 750 to 800 but many of (hem, having star ted tip to aid a certain cause, naturally sunk into oblivion when the object for which they had been established bad been attained ; so that 700 is i fair es timate. The average number issued ev ery week by "each Editor is certainly not less than -eight hundred papers. Many circulate to an extent unknown to the public, and truly astonishing. The Evening Post of this city circu lates about 7000 ( the Mechanic's Free Pi-erfs 1500 to' 2000; the Columbian. Star Rear30TO-aMiBnm others, all weekly papers,. issue as many. Then come tha. semi-weekly, txi-weekly .and trtcitneaiirpaperr mir -precise number we do hot know, but it must be very great. 1 Then come the Coun try papers : The Village Record, at Westchester, circulates near 2000, .and the Republican only a few hundred less. .Then the county of Lancast-r,c.oo-. vast amount of periodical papers. V It is said tfiat an anti-masonic gazette, prin ted iff Lancaster,' although but recent ly established, issues papers to 3000 subscribers: The- Intelligencer at if Doylestown, Bucks county, prints 1800 I papers the Democrat 10OO, and a Ger- r manjjape cases of Xtensivd l:ircuIaiibn in this state might be mentioned." In New-i-- i orki? the Christian Advocate issue , 25.000 copies weekly ! The Mirror, . 4000 the Spectator 1500 tri-weekly. etpjal to"4500"Weelly and as to daily papers, they mculrati'SJlo lofuiose in rniuueipnia, o: trie mau r in mem is u. rA , ierwaris reprmteifTntq tri-wil- ini-weeETy, & weekly papers, Sl ilistn- buted. to subscribers all over tho Untoa in immense quantities. Then there are the papers in all other of the Atlantic cities. The great circulation of these very far, overbalances the limited sals T of some of the country papers. Ihe population of Ureal lintain, ex clusive of Ireland, is estimated at a-' bout 14,000,000 therefore, 500,000 ; papers distributed weekly, gives one t ; every 88 persons. Nowt if there are TOO papers in this country, each issuing 800 "sheets weekly, the total circulation is 500,000, the "number of our inhabi tants, gives nearly one paper to every eleven persons. Thus, it would, ap pear that,' although the first 'periodical of any kind ever printed in .this coun try was commenced only in 1704, at ft tt mebew n mon in .nziana. vet me annetita inr . r n ' rv reading! wbicJi .jexisla here, nd which is a necessary consequence of intelli gence, has enabled us greatly to out strip (the mother country. It may be- observed, however; that the newspaper trade in the two liemipheres is con ducted in a manner entirely different from each other. A paper as large, as the Bulletin would sell in London for 14 cents while here it costs but 4 ! To thia riilnAlll otioonnn.. f n a .... J pen may ue mainly attributed the great abundance here. Again, a paper that irr t;his country has ten readers, lii Eng land has twenty In all tho large towns ihe sheet is Aired for an hour, by a reg ular ;et of readers, for two or three pence, who cannot afford Jto buy it out right for seven pence. When they" have done with it, the Newsman (who buys it from the Editor,) carries it to '-' ratrirtnrmW -4r for half an hour,, just to glance a mo- . v ', ment at the leadinar articles. Another - J j while the Newsman- wails, and pay him a halfpenny. When it has thus gone fairly through the hands of.every body wno is ame 10 pay even or looking si jt i ij f-1 t 1 1 4i I f ! . 6: Delivery liontis, tot Sale United State. LAW. HK UCtisiux. 5mt2J4. pr". adv. K .. ; Deeds 7 ior sale licxe. it, trie wen useu bneet is sant inio uie 4