1 . fi r 7.. 1 . V sVJi. 77721 j v'"v - ' vol; Nfc?Jrftl aTV. ij. aaAK.. J iir TT fl....i.t' . . . . I mu r?r - J.X m r'm.. i , i. Mm. . - . . . 1 J. "i ... -e..f -. . . . J d.. -,, X, . J ' . II lag ' ' yw,. .Wi. . . . . 1 3 . . ' : . -k .... F : . . ,!,cri Ker at f year, Ita dncL r Ko paper Will be discontinued.' unless t the ,etion of the editor, until all arrearage arc I pi.ii- Ai'.rertisementi w1t4.be inaertea. at the usua Persons sending in advertisements,1 are iescd to note on 4lic nA'gin thi pjiroberof 1 ' September 36, 1829. - RnsOLVF.D, That tLe frienda of the feiMe cane thr.mgtiout "thfti Btatek especially nekgttrs '"'0,n h Bible Socictiei trithin.the Stair, be invited to meet' ini General Conren-' iion, 011 W ednesday, the ldlhday of December M-st,"m the city of Baleigl). for tlte purpose of ik'viniJ -"'ri,!nt neaire for furuishihfr rith wspven time, the whole State with art ade 1 mile supply of Bible. . ' Tlie Maiitrer were led to the adoption of ditforepuinif KcioluUonM the request of a Hfipliboring Iliblu'SncIcty, and ulso.'in .conse qiifiiee of communication reaw IveiJ, froro this Amtricaii llilile Society, Onthe same aubject. By order of the Boird, - , ... J. GALES, Sec'y , -iy TkE n'ost v,'"'e plants 'A,'!" I. oi in the upper country. . It My." ' hr in the county of faharms. in the -,'.fiirk of Hocky riTer and Coddle Creek, - W, VI r Ta 1 . - t ' IIavk Jur j-eceied, rortii Ne w-Vork ami lhn: adclpliia, and now iP"e for salf Yatis -r.ihe folluwiiigjjralubfa Trtediciitea;'.: , A&ri"' FreSe. Pufifon&IkteigentS PKKSbKSjaflllrted with'Cougrhs, Colds and Pulm'oMTy" Affection in thein .-riou sta pes,' hrpeminded that rf more safe a?ul 'cflrcc tual reistcdr Cannot be foitiid than fioi'trx' Pub Vmimit lJelers;ent.t . It h itow'bee n test eti by 1 5 years experience, anu iiunnreun can ie appeal ed to in various parts of the "eouutry, who will bear, ts'i'nony' to the' speedy ami permanent relief aflordrtf t)i.Ti hy the use of it. w s of luwl' The quality of fhe land is first nitry Syrup, preparetl from the same piatcrialt I at, tin si':' dcfp, the surface tcrr. Thrre Is-: the Uetere-ent, with tuck- additiotit1' Jt .a j ik . ... TTsnl I ' . rv r 4i Tiff now opening at the subscriber's 'stone v,. Of almost erery description. 3 lall Seeaoni of Hie year. -Al,so,-'-' - - extenti5 in variety and amount, aclecteel "by hinnK-M", with care, and bought .for cash, on the Jiesl ternw, in Philadelphia- and New-York;' The pu lip. ar assured they will finH a Inre awl full supply, and lower, for eash, tlwn lisual, or ottirt isx1 on aecomrfiodatin(r terms. They are respeotftrtly, invited to rail, te f .shions exam ine, qualities, bear prices, and judge, for them selves. . . i. v-. ..: '.' " 1 ; ,5mt265 fl - , JOHN MTJRPH1V . '! J"M respectfullv' bc(f to retilrn bis iw feiifiied thanlrs fur tKe very liberal and diatin. irnisTVed patronfe he has been o hijfWv hon ored With by a dieeriiin(r public' and hopes, br'a driiitent attention,' to merit a continuance o 'he Sit me. ' ' 7 TfriEUBAS on the 23d daV f July, 1829, t f F ptirchsse'l ot twstnvus: Bosweu to ne. i,.ou fvo ' imtfTfd acre eie&ren.'mosi'y Tresn i inns' course of riornrwr and onserrat.on or1 iracicu,iffTu cowiirnicu OfjSij lel'ihg-houwy hich cost J.eanjy j nt-r adapted to n ore pTotn tvii V- f'' 1hU'"'i' dollars, and other . ragVs of r.insiim;)tion. ' ' ",nKriitaH1 t0 it- '' ht The followW certificate cn t I'or th.s property cati ' He' rna'de easy."- ' . men-4 lor tl.s nronerrv Apilic-'nins as totern' nf s;ile 'ra'nbe made to II. tl A'c lander, in mv absence. 250tf , M. ALHXANDKR. tlX vPTt5lCT.tk 8 . T e YV'Oi;i.Ical the attention of ftEgn Merchants, neads ot tatm- ed in the peservtini -f h'nl:-, to the, fbllowli-g'' Valmibl&Mtdi rinm. 'lust fMlt- tin in phialamul Tor i.V a-Vw3Gliil!iMap& sy tne noz.'n or single onr,-yi. f a wt-ei ttpirit riKrej- 8utphurtrfhifii:t::: Spirits Hartshorn, BweetOi'. Castor Oil, - 1 Paregoric, . - ' Quinine Mixture, .. . Arumatic Hitters.' -Ineescuanhajr. - Kinnnrv'" " ; Z Ta tar Emetic, t'a'omet, ' Laudatium, ' A timoninl TVine, r Balsm Co uiva, Ess. Peppt'rmint, " ' ,;,' A u s 0;,.kSritUit2 Powders, 'ingcertificatcrp from gentlemen of respectability : At the request of i5r. Rr.-rs, I cheerfully state th:it s female impstic UTni)f hi my t.imi under the name of Keeetablk Julmonii: Deter- ernf. and that I have mvself n.ed it to much. anwatiragi', snen aunenng jinacr sttiuiciii i fectjon of the Lungs and - recommend it at an efiectual rn-rdicine in HKcheascs., ,t . , ii.:. WILLIAM nOBY, 47 Charlton at. e.wmeiilulibeamjDB'JJ contempt for nostra ma in general than myself. Patent medicine and catch-Benny with me have been irvnonymnus.' f .jOTtoropa! 'aii'enj.. ti'i ever, to re Unquish-ihese entnett-a reaperrs aforesaid, two nnte with J nines B. Grucy.and Henderson . Forsytheaecurities to acli-one, for two huiidreil doMars, due 1st of Oelobe' ltA cSao rhit let the tbviiefflrp-' it$P&UUo&CtMn$J cir C Well Je the S i&tla''' tlhe editoroftbe National1 GsafcrU reoro-. ''.,. .fi- r - ": menda the two ftllwijrv article, abstracted!, , '., . ;'f vr ..j a:.J om a 1st London' paper to be placed by the turu.to account (p hi aervice and dia- ua nna ddl l if r un. flui9 r intiiA Af f!anL. HmII'a omniAiti fcju. I fc r 5 - - r - .London Miirarln- . !At Union Hall Telterdav. a' wdil'. t '.. : i-, i f wiFii!t;H'wmwwiiiturw'sw inp-rrquestoo 10 ticnne nara flrtnKinpj r-" in:4fc te?iptot ' 3Q. per wcekt 'frc grtfiinRTngBri; a rock Vd JpJ Juently beat Ii6ranr1 would not allow ping cold water. ' i ' ' l ; rr sufTJeient to maintain -her familv ... . '.y.:.:'; ' v: " Is to, thin treat me tit ?.f Defendant Pleas j beinaf ' in eommand of" a.. reeToienttat yeilrvorshin,- evrry- word ny wife Jts Clonmel, be a;are oftence in .oaie utiered ,j falset l am sorry' to ay to aniionest shopkeeper named' Mulca hat sh.; gltBn.lo.j dram drinking y,hoetruct.1him oiiftlie parade . I n ruippus eMc-i She had got acquaint jjrfsencj i of hia tvboletbrp. The offi- ted with ' a, ;'no?nher ofi otherLWomn, cera rushed forward to atize Jhe delio- wlrpf hard tvOrklyg men .aod they quenf, but1' Sir Colquhoon interposed, " J go about from gio-ahop to (in, shop till declaring that he had been the agressop their husbands are; 'inoft beggared j snd as the jntleman thought proper to " a omf o because , I vvilJ ,4iot; giVe vhet rosent bis conduct in so crow a manner -! L ill' .1.1 1.:.1 e-f I -w. . ... . ..-- . ... m V mo iiea , anu uuy an inn. aruc.ies 91 iwmi hi rBmimra lor mm ioeeR me usual ' mysell, she. has trumpeap t19 .story reparation VOh ''exclaimed Mulcahy, Bgainet me. .', She is ont'ofnhe commitr if its forfightiqg you are, 'I'll, fight tee of cits-tasters, What is that ? i Df you ; but U shall neither he with Sword rerilantVThe,conimttte!bf gin tasters ; nor pistol nor any thing else, but my it is coinsosed of. fvyclvo women',, yvlioltwo fists" -(and "fine l bit mutton fists fro round every night to twelve gin? (hey were, pure enough. "Well then.' shops to taste spirits and ten make replied the pallant .officer, withT all report where the best :' dram" is. 6 my heart, .fir. insulting you; I . have at the head ot the committee, lviy 1 course cannot' refuse to meet vou oft. wife Ts one of theset ;hd unless somcr your own terms. ' Come alonf.,' Sir,- bartsRVH lor she pawns every article Grant accompanied; by his adversary - ; she"' eaa get. The , casei'was., then and some mutual friends, repaired to the 1 dismissed, and the complainant severe- mess room, where he soeedilr closed " t I lv.:nAIaburine;undpr4theflaf'm aVvere rtTwM SDertiJfhTrTeTW'ffie" iiST B which of a nedicine- prrpjirpd byfJiim, -and pnmini.J.fll,h himin eiMie ttiereof to indemnify me 1829, and the other for two huiidred jind aev.j y reprimanded, with a premise , from J up Mr. iVIulcahy s peepers, aud sent ..J.. .ibl la.lf . Anil . It. t l.nl.- A 1- . ' iL .L. . ....la.L. ...IILf - L f 1 . . Jt W m,. , duel wheiU if doilara ami twelve and a half cents, the 'magistrate, that she should be sent him" home perfectly satisfied. That StS ?-7 Mulcahy' fd I will ahnuldaid -property be recovered of me t LThia iirtliercfore to forewarn all persons trom trading for said notes, ss t do not intend paying them until indemnified frahall other claimant to the property. .aforesaid.- K..:S. GRAClV ..... l?Xpo,';t'-T:irai Saley-nnT.W:. "nf Ki'embei Conrt next, if nt previously iX)ra.SatuEday1atJJarnet Fair; a llifef-and maoy a time has hr.boasted - of commoHon wss. created in the market 1 the blaek eye he cot from i K,:C. B. at by one of those occurrences which dis- if it were an honour extraordinary em gracethe laboring classes of the country blazoned upon bis escutcheon. Eve- the sale of a wife by her husband, since that morning,' would he say, The vender was s cobler, with one leg, Jef me, meet'Sir. Colquhoun' Grant hamed Hugh Richmond.- -His wife was where I might In toxvn or counlr- a JulgffliJoek'ing , 'wemsn, apparently htoirg t?ords rLtttfeS'd about Alter several Minings ne i clothes11 or dizened . out . in gold and was knocked down at five , shillings ; I scarlet he would give me hishaodLand bur put 11. ' sr..t.l nnlnrnwnt. th TtetS I J : . 1 . . 1 .. .1. . fVlln.ttiir- nmh. Zt .w:;i. s ki. uA. jktonnri::. i 3. 6(1. ,and m quan 01 aie. re .pur-r,. rut lAOertv. i ne true-value 01 SS 'IIMI .sV " . T? I CI"" a llitlJt 'T i I . " . f-a llt a .. .. aWJ bNK Trad of Jantl lyinr the l,,c" "'ft unci im.h wir-w tyturmjn jr mintji THE THOHOVGH BRED HOUSE, I ON of if'thc imnnrcd Itorse Englf, wi'l stupd the Fall Benson, commen- einpr theHie day of Septen-I 'her, and ending the 15tll 'day of November, in the town nfjfSaliiibiiry, on Mon- ' . ,'" ' . v. " ... jvV nerd-v, ; an,l io the .town nfConarl, Caharms county, on Thursdays, Fri-tUv- an Satiirilarsi and; -will be let to Mures at -tigl4 -dollsrs tn-- Reawn ' dollars tba Leap i and tieelre dolKrt to mSure a Soar. 9t239 -V S. I- FERltAND, Sipt. 10, 1829. .. ' ' C. L. BOWERS. ST.1TE OF KOUTHCAUOLINjI, .M'-.klenliiirp. Couniy Suptnor Court of Law, May Term, 1829. I 1JZ V COX ta William Cox : Petition fr i l)iorre. Oiderecl by the court, that pub lication he.jnalMh-t(ntTh-'ieeesi'relT "TITie T5'(TiTih 'and CatwTaToVirniiT and WeW 'cm Carolinian, that the defendant in thiVease e and appear at or, next Superior Court of "e neiii lorine-Toumy orTurcsimaurK, ' the Court-House- in Charlotte, on the 6th ?J'in!:iv af'ier the 4th Monifay in Septemhtr and plead or answer to the planum pe t'tion, or the wmc will be heard ex nwrte. Wit "".S-Sam'uel Henderson, Clerk of oor said court, " ' fie-, th- rth Mdnday aftc tho.4tli Monday -nar n, AM. lirNDRKSON; C. M. S. C. ".mt264-pr. n.iv-. $j. lady in my family, by using two papers, I have reason o believe, s ettrcniiuy curea oi an -larming pulmonic . complaint, irhiphin all its symptoms, gavn evidence of imrpediate con aumpiinn. . 1 communicate thi with a View of usefulness avnd Hcerly hopav-tbatnicli per. sons a Jutr plMimilttrthfraOTei M ijiape.a trial of the medicine. ' . . ; ' -"r GIDEONfiEj. , For ihc Salt Rheum. Dr.RonsaV LtviMTvx, for the Salt Rheum, one nf the most effectual remedies extant. The following are tome of the many respec table certificates. - - -jraw-roar, T, lno. huar'Sir .I had almost despaired of ever being relieved from that afflicting and trouble, some complaint, the Salt Rheun., after apply ing perhaps twenty different prescription., un til I usert witn enect your iinimcni, ,ii.i rlestmved everv vestiee of the complaint which ' - - -"7 -' -i J .. for several -years at seasons; rrnucrcn hands nearly useleas., Sill.ce : which tinie, 1 1 with much pleasure recommended its applica tion to a great number, and in live cases oui . six, have had the satisfaction of witnessing n complete cure, anrt in every iiuuiiki 6"- fnuiirauuii vbin vu uitm-v. v- nr i nvni n C!i i-avv. S. C Sent. 19. J 829. rpHK. siihscrilier w '. continue the 111 'SIXKSS ht-tweeii this place and Charles, I" ii, via Georgetown, as herstnfure t and will "'"id to the reception t MEIICIMNHTSE, "ii transportation of COlTTUX, and othtr pro "ice committed to hi. rhirr p. ' "'. Mis Mo its are of " liirht draft of water, and i'Wicnlarly a.l ipted tnN the, navigation W the 1 "'f; and! ' Hi Ih" a-"ttraiTce that the strictest j'tention will ''he paid to his cllavife; he hopes a continuance of the patrona. if -Ma ''"'ends. ' ' , ' hot TTklng1 the hurchsser, she wasi say: hb w "are yoii Billy V tin again, and finally disposed of for , I rr 14 ONE Truri of iMTtd lyinr Forks of the Yadkin, containing 3JJ arcs, more or len ailjuininp; Zat.1' eriah Macatce, Frederick l ord, aod others, tolerably well improved, ana very A LSO, One oilier tract or piece of Awk-ott-Crane Creek, half tmhr from Salisbury, containing 26 acres, more or less, on which there is a piece of Meadow of ten acres,"eiual to any in this county. TYso, one new Stick Gig, 'niii iinnn steel snrinirs. with Harness, of excellent make. ..?), Fovr or five ncto Copper STILLS, of various sizes. Terms made known on the day of sale. EUWAUU CHESS. OrtohrrTA, lr.29.-3l2.59. Farmers' Planters' ' FOR - DrTGiio. RonEas. No. 313 Broadway, X. Y. prize, but tne moral crowd, taxing up that are tree, slaves remain indolently the cause of decency, s began to pelt contented in captivity. AJen who them with mud, on which the man have been long tossed, upon the troub- !nnlr awar. leavinsr the woman to shill for herseTr, and she was glad to take re fuge in otie of the show-booths. There is nothing more wonderful, nothing that sets in a higher light the power of man's intelTecLand industry, than the production tif a daily morning newspaper at the hour ot breakinst. Custom makes it a thing too familiar to many to be wondered at ; they who do no: think of reason (and it is astonish ing how many imong mankind are of ..V . ' j ' I'Il.I -Ci. !. led ocean of life, and have learned, by severe experience to entertain just no lions of the' world and its concerns." tft examine every object with unclouded and impartial eye and walk erect in the strict and thorny path of virtue, 'once to find their happiness in the r-'flection. of an honest mind, alone are fke.- r : ' ' Calrulaird f-r the Meridian vf Sit'fm. 4"tON f AINING tlie usual Astronomical cal- A J dilations, intercs! inz hints to the Farmer, nn-Rnral rnom'vrJw.--JieM tweefpts,' " rV1ntH.. fce. Officers of the General and year air. . . . ". ' . ----- i 1. . .. . r.i..r.....l l.,ml,l ent I nun., sieniner or t!SJiSlsiJ5iivw.w.. Tor"'! 65 &C. he. F.- sale at this Ollicc. I'l-lc, Til cer.U RiiigTc'andT5 'entipcrao- fora number of years with the Salt Rheom on mvtt8n.UCaB0Jfccanclre.s eoy wilnin my Knowieiie wmiuui ri;"'s - cure,, or in ts l giving nic any fortnnstclv obtainwtl some oi your iiiiinu-iii i.,. the Salt Rheum. which altera Jew applicants . ni!r..lv Pureil me. I have witnessed the same effect onoveral of my friend?, to whom , I gave some of the Imimem. u nas pcmni. a cure, I believe, in every instance whrre it has been applied. WM. ll. ii. halu-m.,. Dr. G to. Rooms. Odontalgic Elixir, or Tooth arht bpceinc f u,.y n.-nirical remedies for the " Omlimtn. Slt', Salt, S-iraf, Coffee. Molasses, 't Urini ";ST.;-.'.-- "Ci"'": ii.:-i. .1.. r" oleiilt and retad i.i. i. i iii in iiiiiiiIi iii'tje " . l .. . mtmr rr:r, . 1 . Kilt nil public, sonm 01 noun rc - - have been found to fail in more than halt the instances in which they have been tried. 1 he Elixir" now ottered may be'rvhed upon as altogether superior to any. .remedy before in vented ; it will cure the most obstinate rases ot that dreadful pain.ith expedition and safety. ai.n . surjiriPfl'pjyjCEjt. Tor the cure of scrofula. Svnhilitic and Mercurial Diseases, iihenmatisml White Swellings, Ureases ol the l iver and Skin, general debility, &c i, Also, POTTER'S Vegetable Catholicon, used for the cure of similar diseases. 1 Cuunh Drvno and Pectoral 1'illi. for Asthmas and Consumptions, Also. Thoinnson'a "celebrated Eye rTaler.Tor towiIes. r LKI!Y nKSCPjpno TX FLUTED AT THIS OFFICE. . , alMury,Jimt 20, 1829 2.?9. rntnle,'at the OfRce of the Journal liullYtilfylSonAst r Sale. State of Nortli-Carolina, nowAx cocNtv.' ix nn: court of. equity. Map of the United Stales. Mr Abra 'v; ham. Bradley, late Assistant Postmaster "'' General, has issued proposals to publish - a Map of the United States, in which, in ' !tftlitififl tft flnunv ktlie imnrm'pm.lttt. . this stamp) may judge' lightly of it. L,, the post roads and post 0njce, mii - not those who are accustomeu wreneci. or accurately delineated and distinguish-1 In the Times,' for exaurplef rare --re- 'fd: ft JffrfrcTaeq'tfatlltan'r r wttlr tHew ;""' newed every day the pages of S close acquired of thirty years will ensure the . s ; t lr printed volume. Intellisence from accuracy of the map. Such surveys of all parts, of the world, tho virtue, the the pnbllc lands as have been made by iaTOeAjj3u3SUm of society in the last twenty-four hours, acc-tLspJaycd.there,one iiniversaL mass wncentratrdr"T lt wcrrprrto one incus. There is-in- uh- a- nr ftictman-ol ao. cieiv, on which may , ne louna iaia down, every lino which tinges the.mot. iy civilisation of the country and age. Were a man hamshed to a solitary thers.J Petiliflti for the Stilt rf lMUU. Jiison Berrvman t others, 'John Wilkc'son, wife So oth T appearing to the satisfadtio'. of the court, 1 that the several cieieraanin iiiciiuniini i sl. j. "beHiihw kfe imi liiiiaUUiiiiis uf nils suie It is t heretore oruereci, mai iiiiuimiiun m.i fr iv weeks in the Yadkin and Cataw- li. Journal, a newspaper nrintett in Salisbury, tk.t .Ira. the defendants. John Wilkeson and his wife Frances, Richard WiiKeson ana ins wife ltchethlan, John Berrvman,-jonn urown .,.! Ida wife Sarah. Battoby Berryman and Wi. Ham Rrrrvnun. annear at the next Superior and Etiaitv.to be held for the ....,.v nf Rowan, at the Courl-Ilouse in Salis- Hiry. onthe second Monday after, the fourth i...lnv in March next, and there plead, an- swer or demur J, said petition, the same will be taken pro eonfesm as to tliem, and uccrec of sale entertu accoiamgiy. SAM. -SILLIMAW. C. M. E. Oct. 24, 1829:::::::::pr. adv. 2.50. A CJMD. A. TORRENCE & UO have removed to the north cor- . .. .'. r, K "liiiiJiCtt."- -- nrf M ine . OUTT-iiuhc, i'" a7Zi .H.-kl to the- Mattsion Hotel, where I they are disposed td sell OOUS trru loir. ulirwl in tho Atlantic, with such a n-ivvspapcr reaching him.ie would not loio the knowledge of the affairs end luTcinoss. manners and noiitics. of his laid down upon it. It will be the larg st map of the If. States ever' published.'! embraaiysj-thr Weirt -- Ind ies - and wilt - measure He-'feet two jnehes in lngth anorro6tT;enn""wTd"iTiL" The price" will be eight dollars, mounted and varnished, or seven, not varnisrd. It is obvious" that it will bi extremejy useful to every man of business, as well as to the stu dent of geography. ' A'. F. Spectator. Excellent Things,. A good book? native land, but would progress wunian-j a ftuu wuunu mc M"p thru. A newsnaner of this Species for those who know juslly,bJ?WiQ PBre bri IKS the individuals of a countryr no mato their value. There are men, matter how scattered, into one centre however, who judge ot ootn lrom tne t combines and keeps fixed in the land beauty of the covering. nf their birth the affections of wander- ng thousands ; it carries over the world I The three Prof esiiona..L. The eleN i tho gloi v and grestness of the country (y vo by -our ..sins : the medical lacur wh ince it emenales, in its very form t by, our diseases!; and-the lawyers by ZZ2 ftnd outline it is, in short the represen-J our .misfortunes ..What do printers . tative of national know ledge, i he wet l.Teon ( J l ick J morning newspaper is. the great giory of a Iondon breakfast table, and its j voune la(jy recommends to the reading, seasoned with . highly flavored lhe -formation of a society to bh hohen. is one of those things, which g,v tlie Lty atmospherof the mel call.d the Angettfng-ouWf-p treplieaje4aj.wMty wiUi-the-i)rettyyqunj;7Udics-wh ness of a. country morning can Scarcely tu'-n-their-calls-to-tlie-imorning-sntV . outrival. The advertisements are in- )oolverJtne0of5s..whi!e.fhey-cn'teiii' dispetinahle to sellers and purchasers, ! . . tKi i . t .: -.t.:-- ,.(Tma actd-soletmes--bor-wha-th9y---ofln'?? anci ailicnmBsmjjjujrvuwcinca" j : i amnsrmnnt. Newspaper : arc oi oicrerrwaatac.ciT. .... w. --- -

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