. -. . r7,;' .1 - ,i -..' ; PRINTED AND PUBUSHED, BY LEMUEL 1UNGI1AM, AT1 SALISBUY ROWAN COUNTY, N. VOL, II. NO 80. W, Series tUESDAYf NOVEMBER. 24, 1829. WHOLE NO. 260 VOL. V. TERMS The Journal win be afforded to wbcriler at 2 50 a year, or $2 in advance. jjo pspcr will be discontinued, ifnleas at the jjirretioii 01 me cuuur, uuui mi arrearages are Advertisements will be inserted at the usual fates, v rcrsons einuii(j utuima, Mrc Rgestcd to note on the margin tbc number of jmertions, or they will he continued until forbid j fbrgl accordingly., , Lmu oA iSUWa for dale. "ler ILL be old, under Decree of the Court of Equity lor towan county, made at October Term lRJCl nn thm umihiul tk i.Vinv of December next, all the interest of il J " - r - Jsibelia, the only child and heir of the late Da vi.l Harbin, drceaii d, in the MILLS and about 120 tcrti of LAND, on Dutchman's Creek, in Kon county j heinjjniie fourth of the lot of ;0orron wbicti "lie Mills are aituoted, and onf halt rf '00- acres of land adjoining;, lyinfj a tout f mi'ir nortii of Mocktvilie, on the direct ro)H f'wn Mocksville to Oases' Ferry, on the Konh ymtkin. A credit of 12 months, for one bull" of lb- purchase money, and of 18 months on the other half, will "e (firen, on the pur chrn fil'inir 'oniIs with approved security, n the iv it ' ' SAML. SILLIMAN, C. M. E. Odober 20. 1829. r 6t260 HflLLbe sold, on the 2nd day of JjjtJvJ " December next, on the prerni i according to a Decree .of the Ap-Ciiurt of . Equity for Howan county. lim's ! iigiiir to th heirs Walter Gai. U"u i'oiir three hundred and ajxty acres. in f ' -. '- f300 and tb other of 60 a. ereviti'iihiiijr R'Hil- 'lther,JWiy Saine and o'lirn. r. ,iit of 12 and IS months will be r vii tor roo'.rties of the purchase money, and l.i.s ith approve d security required on the u'..V. SAM. SILUUAN, ... kKE of the most valuable Dlantsv r nons in i lie upper country. f i m m . . . . lies in the county of Cabarrus, in the fork of Rocky river and Coddle Creek, sontnotnr about five hundred and seventv ' errs of and. The quality of thff land is first site; the suit deerr, the aumee-level. Tberia. tbiif two mindful acres cleared, mostly tresit i - fw,-- ewiveiiiein sae- tlejsat dwelltncMMMise. whtch coat nearly four thousand dollars, and otner Huildins suitable to it. The pay- ifn fur this property can he made easy. Ap r licMoins aa to tems of ale, can be madi tp R. II. Alexander, in my absence. - 2.50tf VVM. J. 4kLKX NDER. T IE Winter Session of this Academy will com in-nee on Monday, tbe 23d inst. The Ittes of tuition will b-, for Latin and Greek ten ,!o)!srs; 'in! for Kii)flisli Grammar, Ceoirra- Va. Sic. sevm Uollais. per seasipn of five months. Board can be had at front fifty to sixty suiiars per annum. , A. W. GAV, Principal WWcftboro', tfC. N, 4 1829. 3t260 - Stray. . " 1 NTERED by Willi .m York, in Burke coun J ty, a male MULE, if a chesnut sorrel co lor, about three years old. some white. .on it belly, ami bran. led on its buttock thus 8 t and an the jaw thus Z. J 1:0B FORNEY, Hanger. ..Stpttmher 1. 1839-.- t26; "V auabe c AvcaVi8. austxjj u Btmris, mmrtWKxrTifrrTneaiTeiition c T W '" Mrrchants, heiids of faroi Tfi.?OOI1!ltMlltb?J ed in the preservation of liealtn, to the follon ine Valwblt Medi nai'usVpuT un iiv uliiuTsu" limT for sale at he fialinburlj Medical U Drug Store, ay me uozru or single one, vix. Iperacuunha, KlmtrH, T.i tar Emetic, Sweer Spirit Nitre, Sulphuric Ktlur, Spirits llartshorii. Sweet Oil, Castor Oil, Paregoric, Quinine Mixture, "Aromatic Bitters. Ji'ip, Ca.'omel, Laulaniim. Ai tirnoniai wlii'e, liasam Cnnaiva, ts3. IVpperniint. A l s o... Stidlil2RPmvder8 SOIJ.V do. ,M.24nf. SaKibury,Aug. 24, 1829. STJTK OF XORTIICJIiOLIXt. .Mirklt'i.'jurft County. Superior Court of Law. May Term, 1829. ?i-IZ. COX tw. William Cox : Petition for M,4 Divorce. Ordered by the court, thst pub. cation he m.de for three months successively ' ho Yadkin and Catawba Journal and Win n Carolinian, that the defendant in this case Je and appear at our next Superior Court f LAW. In k. U I 1 P . c . . t. I 1 t the Court-House in Charlotte, on: the 6th Monday ftcr the 4th Monday irr September "rr "nu plead or answer to the'ptaintirt s p' tition, or the same will be heard ex oarte. Wit. , e.Hv9amuel Henderson, Clerk of our said court. r ",ncc 7 th Monday after tbe 4th Monday - .SAM.. HFNDEjUSOM, C. M. & Cv oitiep,. dv. $4. 4 JOB PRTOTirffO. F EVERY nECf'iPfioK: EXECUTED M VAL XI JIB L i: JtEDICLYES. 99999 IUva just received, from KeWVork and Phil alelphia, and now ofler for sale, (as agents) the following Valuble Medicines t ltogert' Vf(ttable Pulmonic Detergent. TfKRSONS afflicted with Coitjrhs, Colda and JL fulmonary Alirctions in their various a Kcs, ar- reminded thst a more safe and eflVc nial remedy cannot be fouud than tiogert' Pul monic Determent. It has now been tested by ' 5 years eineneiicc, and hundreds csn be appeal ed taw in various parts of the .country, who will bear testimony to the speedy and permanent relict attordeil there by the use ot it Hogert eeiaTFlUnivaling Pulmo- arv St i, prepared from the same .material sthe elerirent, With such additions as a 'one course of experience and observation of Pulmonary Affections have proved to be bet ter adapted to more protracted and confirmed cases of Consumption. The following certificates are from gentlemen of respectability : At the request of DrRcirera, I cheerfully state that a female domestic livinr in my fami and laburinr under the effects of a most severe cold, was speedily relieved by tbe use of a medicine prepared by him, snd priown under the nsme of Pegttable Pulmonic Deter- gent, and thatj have myself used it to- much advantage, when suttering under a violent af fection ol tne icings and recommend K as an effectual nv (Heine in such eases. . WILL4 A M IlONEYr4T Charltojv at. Few men in the community have a greater contempt for nostrums tn general than mysett. Patent medicine and catch-penny with me have been synonymous. I am constrained, how. ever, to relinquish these sentiment as respects Dr. Ropers Veretsble Detereent. the ettects of which I have recent ty witnessed, A young lady in my family,-by using two papers, I have reason to believe, is effectually cured of an - forming pulmonic complaint. Which, in all it vmbtem. rave-' evidence' of- immediate ow. vu..... ... - .... j 'JL usefulness and sincerely hone that such pern tlmnlinn. I fnfflmnnirit(i Ihtl WITn a View Ol sons ss have complaints similar to the above. will mape a trial of the medicine. 11 Tor the Salt lihrum. Dr.Roaias' LtKiaiiHTun, for the Salt Rheum, one of the mot effectual remedies extant. The following are some of the many respec table certificates. xiw-tobk. jnr, 1828. Dear Sir tl had almost despaired of ever being relieved from that, afflicting and trouble some complaint, the Suit Rheum, after apply- nj perhaps twrnty different prescriptions, un til I used with effect vour Liniment, which has d6Wroyer every vestige o'rthe complsiut which fol 'several years (at seasons) rendered my hands nearly useless. Since which time, I have with much Dleasure recommended Its appiici tion to a rreKt nunjber. andnfive cases oof of sit, nave nan me saiisiaciiun w i'cii"( complete cure, and in every instance, a great nitigio,a,vt,t virulence. Dr. Gro. Roasas. No. 313 Broadway, N. Y. hear Sir. Having been severely afflicted fors number of years with the Salt Rheum on mv nanua. anna, olg. ami iriuncu iw si hi ely within my knowledge without effecting a cure, or in fart arivinir me any relief, until I fortunately obtained some ot your liniment iot the Salt Rheum, which alter a lew applications has entirely Cured me. I have witnessed the same effect on "se veral of my friends, to whom I rave some of the liniment It has performed a cure, I believe, in every instance where it hat been applied. WM. U. 11. liALUIYin Dr Gio. Rusxas. I hr SnrrMr. 1 Many empirical remedies for the " Ondontai . .. i . . i. gia" nave ueen previously prescnieu niitilir. some pi which are crj ruu i nu. ... have been found to fail in more than half the instances in which they have been tried. The Elixir" now offered may be relied upon as Hnwther siiDerior to snv remedy before in- vented t it will cure tne most oosunsie caseo 1 ------ -i .. - . r that dreadful pain, with expedition and safety. , Also, SJFJLWS PJ1MCEJ, for the cure of Scrofula,' Syphilitic and Mercurial Diseases, Rheumatism, White Swellings, Diseases of the Liver and SSjn, general debility, otc, Also, POTTER'S Vegetable Catholicon, used for the cure of similar disease. Also, Jnderton't Cough Drop and Pectoral PUU, for Asthmas and Consumptions. Also) thompsohY celebratedXyrfrjfcr.for sore or weak tvea. - Salteburif, June 30, 1829 ; 239. For sale, at the Office of the Journal. Delivery BonAs, tot-Bne. fill! ntcsn.rAsraorjAiLtE 4 RE now opening st the subscriber's store il. in Salisbury, consisting of t BET GOODS, Of almost every description. Suited to all' Seasons of , the year, also, HARD-WARE, Cutlery arid Groceriet extensive in variety and amount selected by himself with care, and bought for cash, on the best terms, in Philadelphia and New-York. The puMio are assured they will 'find a larre and full supply, and lower, for cash, than usual, or otherwise on accommodating terms.' They are respectfully invited to call, see fudiions, exam ine qualities, hear prices, and judge for them selves. 3mt265 JOHN MURPHY, J. M. respectfully bets to return his un feigned thanks for the very liberal and distin guished patronage be Has been so highly hon ored with by a discerning public, and hopes. iy a diligent attention, to merit a continuance f the same. J , ' . :.l ..L-L-. r.rIF.P khw Romts... PI EOKGE W. BROWN fs now receiving, J( from New-York and Philadelphia, a choice and handsome assortment ot DRY GOODS, Hardware Crockery, Dye- Stuffs, Paints, Groceries Boots &' Shoes, wruch were bought st reduced prices and will I he .old at a airall nrofit. for eaah. or on time to punctual dealers. A- j monc the GROCERIES, are first . malUv TaiwriflV Win., nlit Muu-utrl An. Port 1" a " " ILZ 2t n..i ci.. .u W finiai ws vsaa ii v viu asiicass wef Cognise Brandy, Jamaica and New-England , Rum; together with every article ususally found iirarstore-in- thi-eetio- f -country. Persons L wishing to purchase, will please csll and exam. ine the above Goods. " ' 6mt278 A CJBI). A1'T0RUENC.C0. hive removed to the north cor ner of 1he Court -Ilohse, (tbe Store attached to the ManVion Hotel,) where they are OilDoaed to sell GOODS aeru low. 1 srw-riin a m r iiu , a-a w 'a - mM' un y i vuiri Avrt a WHEREAS on the 23.1 Jy of July, 1829,1 V V purchased of Gtistarus Bosurll two ne- ; groes, for which property 1 gave, on the date , aforesaid, two notes, with James B Gracy and , Henderson Forsythe st Cunties to each one i for two hundred dollars, due 1st of Octoher, ; 1829, and the other for two hundred snd s-v-! enty-eight dollars and twelvCaml a hulf rrnts, ' due 1st day of March,4830 it being d' lihtfut I whether the said Gustavu Bokweii's titi" for ; said negroes to me is a good one, and sail Boawell not bcinir in circumstances which will enable him in cuse thereof to indemnify me. should said property be recovered of me : This is therefore to forewarn all persons from trading for said note.. .1 J'j.not.inndpwiifg them until indemnified from all other rla'iiiants to the property aforesaid. H. S. GUACY. October 7, 1829. FOR 1880. (CONTAINING the usual Astronomical cat nnthhjjw;,1tmnwrttrgw on llural Economv, &e. Useful Receipts, An ecdotcs, Ice. Officers of the General and. State Government, tunes of holding the differ ent Courts, Members of tbe General Assembly for 1829, he. Sec. For sale at this Office'. Price, 10 cents single and 75 cents per do zen. State of North-Carolina, 1 nOYAN COUNTY. ' IN THE COURT OF EQUITY. "Jilson DeJTymsn Be others, rttitmn We We John Wilkeson, wife St others. Landt. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the several defendants mentioned in the petition are hot inhabitants of this State i It is therefore ordered, tnat publication be made lor six weeks in the Yadkin and Cataw ba Journal, a newspaper printed in Salisbury. that unless tbe defendants, John Wilkeson and his wife Frances, Richard Wilkeson and his wife Mebethlan, John Ilerryman, John Drown and his wife Sarah. Battoby Berrvman and Wil. Ham Berrjman, appear at the next Superior Court of Law and Equitv, to be- held for the county of Rowan, at the Court-IIouse in Salis bury, on the second Monday attar the fourth Monday in March next, and there plead, an swer or demur to said petition, the same will be taken aetmua a to thein, -atid decree of sale entered accordingly. , SAM. SILLIMAN, C. M. E.. met. 34, 1829:::::::::pr. adv. $2.50. W gar I ofalldescrinti6nsattbeParjcrHdlinFay.lbeen Tery greiU In orde ettevillel H. C .' II J ara ' .' " - - INEFFICACIOUS POISONS, On Tuesday (says the Literary Ga zette,via had ao opportunity, at the Argyle Kooiosvia! witneaaitif' 4ii5, traorqinary powers posseased by M. Chabert, p)T resisting the effects of .poi, son, either inter Mally or exferoally. M. Chabert Is the individual whose quail y i wonderful xapabilUy of Wi standiog heat has. been shown by his remaining shut up in ovens during a long period, and under a degree of tem peaature far above that which wbuld have dchttro'ed any other living crea ture. Thjefpt'riments on the. present occasion were exhibited to a private party of some fifteen persdns, including Dr. llordon Smith, Mr. Titus Bury, the surgeon, and other scientific men. Hav ing armed himself by the antidote which he has found to be a guard a- taiufit poisons, M. Chabert swallowed forty grains of phosphorus, in the presence of the astonished company The phosphorus was .distinctly put upon his tongue by a gentleman, and beyond all doubt fairly taken into the stomach ; nearly, if not quite enough, we presume, to have killed all those who saw this feat done. His next exploit was to sup two spoonfuls of oil, at three hundred and thirty degrees by the.Tthermometer-Vevl20dogree above the heat of boiling water. This MIT-writmarTsuy "apparenrTncSn venience ; though the. spoon remained for minuter so hot thst no-' one could bear to touch it with bis hand. Final ly M. Chabert held his head directly over and in the midst of the fumes of arsenic, which diffusing over a large room," speedily became too potent to. be t ihka I a1 ewrifK iiMnttnitir m mn y AtliAtw """v !' "J , " 7 10s' Who W9 present. After all IhlS (we add with something like satisfac tinn at hi miih and at our annd lupk . r . B. m not oeine accessories to murder or 1 rA suiciue, wo uau ne piuaBure 10 nee the performer eat" good dionerand drm k hf winey ut s if he had- taken a rusk and a aip of-sherbet by way of whet. As jt may be asked, to what useful purpose can these astonishing proceedings contribute? we should state, that M. Chabert affirms his abili ty to save the lives of men from every species of poison ; and that his anti t . i . r . i . . r doles admi niUred in adequate time afV L U k M. La kAnnatll I I n.T.r -v"7 tci I'tv uwouii uas.urcu swaiiunvu mi3 as rffectual as if previously taken m lurther ays. that he has three antidotes one a preservative ' agaiuat vegetable, another asrainst animal. ... , . . , a,,u " R Mcia., p.- sons ; so mat tnose 01 me wnoie kingdoms maybe met and overcome, tiVen tne latal nyurocyanic or nrussic acid, he professes to take with safety and from having withstood the bites of vipers and other venomous creatures, he is of opiuou that his remedy would be a specific againsT the bite of a :mad doyr, and cure for hvdrophohia. Now, without pledging out selves to unhesita ting faith on all these points, we cannot, setMogwbateJw,have.seeowiihui!4 eyes, doubt that M Chabert- row ledge of sulidotes, and experience with e pI to piMatmsiaemiue ollyjvorthy ol medical investigation ; and if he really possesses such important secrets, they ought to be ascertained, and he largely rewarded, as a public benefac tor. It is for these reasons that we have published this account, and- that wo invite our physicians, chemists, and other people of scientific intelligence, to inquire into M. Chanert s pretensions, and if they are sooth, to establish them for the good of mankind. We may here take the opportunity of mentioning that 31 . Urhla, " lie celebrated H renWpenT- ist, has recently been making a series of experiments with hydrocyanic acid, chiefly for the purpose of ascertaining the proper means of restoring a person to life, where it is practicable, after taking this poison. Hitherto the reme dies prescribed have been strong infu sions ot coffee .and oil of turpenlioe hut seldom with, good eflect. M Orfila recommends, first, an emetic second, the application of ammoniacal or chlorurated water to tho nostrils, bleeding from the arm, and the applica lion of leeches behind the ears ; third, the effuMon of cold water," i a' (he way prescribed by a German physician, M, Erbot. M. Orfila states that those means will, restore the patient unless d taken has very greats In order to ascer- tain the preaeoce of, this poison, ho re comm ends the use of nitrate of silve 's , by w Yiich tbe acid will be precipitated in the form of cysnure of silver. In case of poisoning by opium, be reeominends. previoui to tbe'adot inistratioe f m- "' etics, a strong decoction of out galls, fo . Uia purpose ditcoaapoMng the pium - - COMMUNICATION: roa tbs laaaia aaa carawaa jovbbaX. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. intheutemeni of miafortuie brought upon a certain section of Mecklenburg, by the prevailing epidemic, must be in cluded the degradation of its medical treatment. Previous to the appearance of this formidable disease, the physician in that section were esteemed among the ost eminent in the west. They have since sunk irom that state of t Xaltatioa. 6 a condition quite the reverse, in con sequence of tbe rash practice and absurd publications of some of their body, and the injudicious sileoce of others. Sucb must have been the assidious employ ment of the two illustrious physicians who appeared not long since in the VVesv tern Carolinian, styled Firginhts and Car- oliniut. It appears tbat Vireioius burst forth to the world, ricnly endowed, in. his own estimation, with ' genius andf practical knowledge to explain the theo ry and practice of the "illustrious. ConlreerIulfttBhil falffne has aui ceeued partially inrXDlainiee-the theorw. but lias uhTortuhately mistaken tbe ofao tice. tie commences in an interrogator ry manner :- What is bilious fever Answer An accumulation " of blacb matter in the blood, produced by the op eration of miasmata or carbonic acid gas the identity of which has been sat i s (ac tor ilv- established fey -the illustrtoor Cooke. 3d. -How is this morbific mat ter to be abstracted F An. ThruugbV the liver, an important organ, provided, especially for that purpose. 3d. Howie the liver to be excited to perform thii wonderful operation ? Here the ingen ius Virginias accidentally falls upon th most jadicioat pod well adapted medi s ... . .smejutjin . eoMeouejceor knowledge of the theory, and a palpable - defieiencyiffThericrtce7Tie"wiueOn4 labours and- ultimately languishes iota absurdities. He -very- confidently asserts, that when calomel has produced a free "discTiarge of dark or green matter from the liver., it may be laid aside : he then Substitute - pH's. ( reference to w rt-iTwVfiTr-.rf which to be given every four hours, w!tl an aaaiuon ol a giajb ot qututue ever hour, without regard to (Vvere or tiri cumstances. Provided the discharge become watery, 15 or 20 drops of laud anum should be given, and a strong te made of cloves, cinnamon and ginger should be drank, till that dangerous and prostrating sympton disappears. Here ne plainly illustrates his errors. ArtbeT very moment his patient's life is in jeop- aruj anu uis recovery aepending upon iree qiscnarge oi uarx or green matter from the liver, he drops from his hanil" tr.e ooly remedy that -woold- jSPoducrTfiS" rneci, aua suosiitutes his pills and qui nine the consequence or which is, a, total suppression from the liver, and ant increased accretion from thejrxtia iamsrTroductognihit dangerous and prostrating sympton. He theny instead of procuring as speedily as possible con sMenj. A i tchajegas XoniJLbeJiyersiUb. 6ui l .JKflSC.rl0ao. his laudanum bottle, to rouse his patient' and suppress the alarming symptoms; which n euttciuany uoea and consigns him to his long home. Such are his views f and by such we are Dromnled tef hel ie ve t bat t he mor t lity w b ic h pervaded' a section of Mecklenburg, was not owiog entirely to the malignant character of tho disease. That sagacious critic, Caroliniug. be ing actuated upon, by some external ov launch d'aTohcaTi! the sea of contrQ- versy, and fancied to bimielf be Would put to flight the phantoms of error which his dislocated philosopher bad collected around him but bis lofty genius and as- pirmK uuiomon nave; Defrayed him into absurd conceits. In his critical reviesr' of the article of Virginigs, he has unfor tunately condemned the only good poinr ' n n, ana xne points worthy of objection have entirely escaped his notice, tie has made a few physiological remarks, to show' tbe non-identity of carbonic acid , and miasmata, and that tbe lungs are the proper organs by which tbe carbon Is -V; separated from the blood, and not the fiver --To illustrate his firtttslttoiV" he has, brought forward some of tbtw4 most Indicrou's and amusing rgu-' : ments. Jle asserts that if carbonic acid was Jhe.cause of fever. 'all tbatwould bm 1 "e?ef lo cit heeyatem into a fe A- brile action, would f, t ..n.n - tratiua by choking 1 Sech' diagfe at :

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