't'z. 7 . " , . t. I i- 1 , PRiNTEbtiPpBLlskED, BY LEMUEL BINGHAM IT SAtteBUKY, itciWAN COUNTY, N. O. V. , ;N9. .216 Nev,6erws:g MONDAY, JUt,T ii 1882. jh.olb." no? 396 , ,: voiiyii i. -r-.r- -n- ": I L -r :, r ir -i TElI!H....Th Journul will be afforded jrti HiubacKtera ut 2.50 a year, of 2 in ad Vance. No palfrwrill b dincontintted. unless at the r msrriiiiifc ill luccditn unt il all rrearare arc paid, B-"'M''tiiMlilathirtfiTiiiiiiimi'iii Advelirments will be Inset-ted at the usual sales, in.iu senriint; iu advertisements, are teqnil !i -()te on the margin the number in.elmi'S, orthtywill be. continued until fri-fa'd, Iitilcharjjcd accordingly. THE JOIKV AL. sjiiintunr, TiwnsojY. jul y 12. vl'.it tons providing fur the cull of a feiiion to aaiend the Constitution of jtrtdrna, were taken up iu con.mittec r liole, when , that indisposition prevents the jren- 'rom Suliibniy from rnlrrirjf into litis a. I had minted upon his aMistnncv at and brunt of l lie contest. I ilid not I a be thrown in the foremost ranks. 'I first looked at l'ie resolutions on ns my desire to etlle the ilii.irar.tfd i lhe country, Jliat mux continue nf 1 1- I'lff It done i a ifrcut w is niv ileairv to the source of the sections! feeling that rnvmy years divided 'his t.oily, and pre- i all u hot some letrinla'.iou, and to hrintr 1 new order of thim-, when t slill lie a i.y one common principle a disu-u to i imr commi'ii rmii . v that I at in- Wro for thrm. tint i fw.t ml the vest JIZi x-mination. 1 d.-..vere hri m ; and. unoh f 'iH-uMur w unit: ii. it rriiriwiiiaiiun uy : k. ..... l- . i i I the olh r i anil if the principle by winch njjiae io reinrm tup ironsi oi iviramona. , , - i ry to leave the Senate.s i ni arlv cnial in point fS numbers to the House of Commons Should 'it be more than hilt ? It is more than half in any well bi. lanced ConslitiHic n t Af;:U, air, the resolutions dn not. provide ttiat the atnen.l ments spreed upon by the convention kball be submitted to the people F r thru' ratilication. nrmrwwHHj - wmccssart.y- -ut repose urn : . . i, . J 7" j-..-. 4 ill Ik.uLTt tlva coiimiheeNfUh-'a fcrv-tW)4 tions upon the sul'jeCt, anil shall then move to - J r .1 l w r i -"". I ,n 1790 have f und it nereasarv'to amend them, anf reduce the ntimher of member'', be. a eood ! , , - u .1 . 1 " , . . 1 I I 11 1 ...... , 1 I to meet the changes hat have taken p ace ! t. we (linuM adopt It tn tnt, and reihire the ., 1 , 1 . . I, . 1 , .. '. . . . N'ir'h Canilira almiK has r mained siationarv, .,Jjl..r of Senates also. 1 he .n .er.-rt of land- f j fta , fc 7, fh! ? rVl '!' t,'e8c,'; jmirnal, of that day shou- .hat the framers of all the mterest of fcl:,S3,-. in the llotise ot ,i)t in6tniir f ,ml ,KftlP , C()n,n,on I fimmnna. Will it Urn fmtr.ii.tti tiilh 1ia thin- . . . . ft . ' . I - ampml, bv suikin out jiIU th-articlta except the Sth, m Inch rt latea to the Scat of Govern . nn nt, and insert a provision for a gent-rat Con entit. and rjitificaoai'ije,. p-rp!er When . , ve anert in ere neral Convent iotvi will be time 'jrmfjb to, fix upoa AtchtutfUial ion essions as "onveritioit. , Mr. Cbairmnn, n J'i i'- iirherven. ' 'iW t ":'!c i il!nfi.fi '. maji ! eraVnni for the patriot' pendence uf this ri"tamrjiWi,i,,. jJJo man 1 ninrp luirl.'v vrnratii itttf. rTfMihtiHiitnn.-tiliielk - j ...... 1. . ' fs tne won; it in ir Hindis, tnan. l .tut;, n was i aiimirablv mi trd to tlef.nM s lor which it was Tnsde, ami 1 s rlnily sianli .Iies the claim of ii mwifn 1.1 iiie om hi iif-"ii:t-i, v;n- 'haliles i f t,e n vntiUion, their ciim K 1111 Ul .in- vs. . Vel lliatthiVt lor of sid lti rs ; i"!!!!,-.!, I cam.ot A-eneration t LuT Hire7 whyn-ta-'Sfrt, that " I Ttn nnwestiim ipnn the nryaep.t Mnte. of . the j , mm&rrr :iH&iJjmjttM, I IS. ot iMiio'sf, ictnr-: inr, F.., i iikti- ir.,, nrMl Jiojid ti4aMIuwiiiSBOT ir unti'ifil ll'C ;inn'imiw', ';fit "is that tintc-iuloph.il, v iiii. il v tii-in itnchan. jcd ami iiialttrb?e, .'end would, 'be pr Fed u:-nn .- Oi r rK'rs"i Mhclbcv apjili- nble to their coe-d'-inn I't m t. , N"' n'!i." ertiM ,.t!ien f;Tc-ee the irrnve change :hpt Uf y vi .rs h a H'ec'ed ; Hit tury n'ii of ordinary ri-fti ctiou tnu:t have nniie'-paird n ey rjreflt-chsjifri-, and n noli' i i.m no wouiil i-ive. tie!!,: inn tlie the world as perfect, nnd expected it whriild he tipp'.ica' le to 'he present s',ati ' ot thn'Sj, as well as to their own titles, is to detract very much from their wisdom. I helieve this present ;i;t-ns-,iution w.i intrnileil at a mere ffmpttwrtj imjmct, formi-d in t'le- hurry hf the rriimiciit to ml-itre--eHri4r.M4id uaUli-t44 4'-fcf tation tl.af w'ten flic trtrt of impending- war bad piiised over, .nd Uie runsli'me of peace was restored, there would-then be time to difrest und mature a Cnist it ution uccordihff to the ti p"incipht atil theory of crrec g'nvernmeivt, ,'toatM Secu're to afl 'ilielasmfeB of." tiIiVT4yT" " ami by a reeiirti-no- to the provisions of tlie jistriimfltt 'tsiir, the cirru'tist-i-ree' uhdev - vitieh irVp7iiiVniiT,'i'ti!- r"'ri.irtV"ff f ihft-coiini try at that time, -ipil tbp ntijry (flhat dav, this) -view of -tin- .siiijv t w (J! he fully Miataineii. ' l)es it not seen' str.ilipe that the falb-Ts of the revolution, o .firming- : C'ii.nlinitiini, r.i t ind the Kins''1 sys'em of rep'resenlatiw bv ' :oiiiities, votlinui n.j-ir-l i lhe N-nt of tcrrii totv, population : t:; ilnin, . and the l.nrlish -ystem trf VorenU v-;i.ri Vii(.tliv,. a fact upon, oi-111 anv wav rrco;'initc. 111 flint n 1 aiiouiu ne wiiinmT),! . .irnmii i3 aa "live rnmratri . , . . :ibaniutHiaZ4israi..iiuiaui3'TO'iiiiiia i-,thComncnu4 .i:ivre: iiid o a-1 Provision pointiiia; out a lorma way -Uc the west wmiltl b.-Pitlith-Vl to dopt f, d. lal num. ert'i heW rrpreson-j n.edme.rta. It waa no .tooht l,o.,Ml.l u..nc- , tax.it .0. , He wes . ' , tatinn in the C.imm?- MV, and ressary. The people have at ,!1 t....e. . a r..t a ni,JOrity pi ahtilll 1 S 471 c ir hers a,'- taxation in the scaaW " if,a Wt . lair ? h'.' .,hrir , ';r,"., . I'""- . . combining federal t.tim hef -V the -.vhoje rntVnr'hJ- . ! weJ.y " oJ i.le j t.x.lioo. the west Woo Jbe 1 ...mi . i itri l ... , mrcil ivrwrr-fftce ui lunatimefiin .nnnriruc-s is . nrMnril (JOrt-Sll-tUTIon. mo eal flflH A ITW v mv it wtsii 4iw upvut iu.w hj s 1q suit not Ii i' -co... .mm t.:-irie nmrtiy wn t,,,(1v ticcstsari', if th:-y ,vishel to preftcrre r und its C'.ii.'.iiai. m.ru mild have tu rn looked j ,hc hl Hiuv;ll of i!u.rtv to n -ur to fundaun. vpt as a !. 'I eont, rd that t!i: fi".n.ers j j.rtnctplet and chani-e,. modify or an.ifcnd ; of the Constiliilion mtrniltd to liolr! it tonh In ,1,,, r,,,,i,,,, 'T,.ilt, .., .!.:. 1 -.atjciliautt. if f" ctp'i flit " t it ition an 1 rr- taxt t704rV ashiugton iHW--fl'cre.cc?AJ. presentaliun shnuld yt) toifsther" -a'prmteiplaj llowan pays awnuatlataS f$I,8I8 f Washi tor wliii Ii tin v -er a'Mint tn enir: re in an un-i ;ton S5C0-dilttrence $1,253. . Kowan ami rtpial war, and I'i m iiiif i-i ttb-rb they pledged ! V ssluntrlon send each .three, members, who ilieir lives, 1111 -ri i s. a-v.t t'ti ir itici-ed lion-1 Uvc eipi.M 'political weiRht.' Is this equality I OiJLLu 'iiu li. j. -J jl3 iy j'J)cr:i llij.Tg'aiiy ciTeuuis'.ancc cpimectcd wiilt flic way, than by supposing that it waa intended aa to ere temporary arrangement i !-Wh.eei the. lircumstance under which the Constitution was framed? The colonies" had just thrown off the British yokehad scarcely -mJCll41ie idea that the neon le could rovrrn themselves were deafene y preparation, and ail the " pomp and circum stance ot war1 a war with the most tormula blc nation in the world, aided by a strong body of toriea in the bosom tf the country ! Under these circumstances,, could they mature a Con stitution upon Ihe.new principles ami opinion for which they were about to contend i Could they make any but a temporary arrangement i What waa the condition of the country f The State extended west to the alistn'ssippi river; it hud not been laid off into counties further we.t than llowan and Mecklenburg- t it con tuined ahout three hundred thnunHnd sou a. Was there the means of ascertaining thn prop er basis of representation? tt was wise to a dopt the old fcucliali system for the present i ni rgency, and Hnle was it expected that t!it temporary Constitution would be in use in 1832, after the State had b. ccnie settled and improved, v.r.j divided into 64 counties, and conrained 7oS,G00 minis. Can ii be tlitwhi for ail inslatit, llut it was expected the tys ern by .which cvfryjcuunty is entitled to tlireo ttiemlii M, wnuld be krlt tip after the Slate was .nettled and laid off into counties as far West as iIir Miswssipr-'? M a it f..n seen that thU weat- (r:i teriilory would be ginn away to g!t rid nj Am', sir, 'wlist is the history of that day ' Many of the colonics acted under their old cclnnial charters until the war Witt ov r. A few, N'rth Carolina of the number, in 1776 has! 'r drew VP. Cnsti.ution, retaining n,ofcl oWCs cliarter,. AI) ;f R.atea that form.-d Cooito- " 1 - x- u (;aiobna exrepttdi have r- .l. c. . ... . ill 1111:111 IlllI I- 1 14.1 11 riini hit o'it in ti i made Constitntiona gerf that pon Io imc obj C, und a anrhed all str Ifisji .nil i! liberal considerations, complete! the ork in less than a week, and tlien eny.iffed 'ht n:si !vrs in prijv'u!ii(r the n ays and means of n p' llipjf Lhe invading- rnen y. These ciicnnut 1101 s all prove that this Constitiitinn was n tempiirnry I he nope tlis. when peace wjs ,.jL..T -iriCiizxii;-i.i.1 v. . r. ...1 in-(;n realiseir. As aoonras the ci minim ikayi-r eajr-ve-d, aw if " '" i ii Hi ill ii iiiTiiiii Hi a mil ' ee1i.id'jliifa..4)a"Hy7tceni.1,, 1 u th distraction that interest n(TTrmbl4on-eait, j-4 1 i...... r. . if J tempt have tieen the distracted ciuiditjon of the country render- cd them all abortive. absMutily ncr-rary 10 preserve.4hc bh-MinKH O! iincnvi " IIf fundamental principles l-i'sifi. in enitetitit; U b ' i .4 - - -. flrhcwv," What I meant by rttiiilall lit iei U it Uiat- tl.eXeRiaJ ami the iink'ea and Wi'es of tW peace in udmiiiiater'uiir them, . ........ ... ru..nl 'K'....4'...iuu ) twr.. lire; it, ririp i', j. (i.f.., 1 ltr, thipir, s'r. The on . ijoiniiiiitijih. the tl: titer by estaWihhcd laws it for thrm, and 'hev u tr-:n lc i thaiked out for them, and 'hey rnust t-p W H? ft? Jtmdomentnt principle, mean!, tlii- oi'iSlilal niilirrrt-'S, "if sori-.l Union me;i;, thi- oiiglilal iifilirrrit.'s; i;f son-.l iTtt orfiriH4ii..'hv if mi.ii 1 and tti th f rthert of the-rvTitttrtOiniaViiw lISeniselweB'Tusr reeur ejujui t ie tnie. .p..ndeiife' sif4lii'eiwtsniv4ta-tiN.twH.-fwin- . .1 ,r,o icr eonnt-yv. anil ils l. ti riniu tiiui ttw., rrrT.?--':- III ' e?y peiipie elianjre.'r.Hdl- tv iir an.i-nd their ifpvernincnt whom vtr it br emnes necessary- tboni'l.t it proper, in thia solemn 'nanner. In i-.ih!v tneir course. ami to: aiimonish IIiisr v ho came-, afier them. Hi t vi-hi-never, by Vi sson of ths incrensed popula tion iiiut ' Jir.ipt rly of 111" co'intry, iiv iu anv other wnv,-1he existinr trnvernment ci ns' d to 1 n.,..-i ,,.,.,11. t - -i V oil all, anil to preserve, the 1 in the spirit of prophecy. It foretnhl tlittbe bless'mjjs of liberty could not be pirscryed but by a frequent recurrence to fundamental prin ciples. fVe have neglected this Hilmoniiiori,' and the blrMiijs of liberty Imve notbeen pre- srrvct. One of the first blessings of liberty is rqtc.trieUtK -'The rlgin of repHfocWartoir the dearest . an-1iftosl,.ac'fe-d right of tnan. M'ith it, he is a free marj without S slave.! Is the rijjht of Tcpreentat'ron Equal Undtf the present Conslif'iitiori f'-v tlaS' thU creatcst blet- juug- Uii-'jetty. Jjctn-irese rve-d ?.,it j atir. e-v-l over the tnenxbeiSi. ot .teis I looter ,- Are t-tiey sent here by the lime, number orivofors? Are any t wo counties CfjjiaJ In extent population or taxation 7 filfevery CcTunty sends v'i'riv"eJ qnal number of membert. i ,1'lira general. view of Hieijiiidity must strike4hp'a.ttention ior every one. Iliiti particular "gates' svjiE' sometime strike most forcibly. Let '- ua.-advert to two cointies, aijd institute a comparison. Bwan is-jiot the ' largest,, nor Washington tlie smallest eountv. Kownn contains a nonutation iu fed- 3,740 t(lifl'grencer4iJVliOwnn iy iXhWfcntl.- iteil tiie enerpies of the State 300 voters in Washington which titles them to the same political weight that ie 1800 vo ters of Howan have - I their . Ind better .' In time of need Will-they famish hMc,g; mount of money or of men f Wl- then shall one Biin, because hi hi Dtiens tf fivtnrnflm irrton, be, for 'h purpose eavnttion,' equal to six men in liowan f is caused by the operation of the unequal aft abaurj sya- tern of county representation counties are considered equal of representation, aw equal Inder shieh fthe,purpo. every thirgf eloe, Thi is the strangest rep! er imposed upon a people, who entation ev- elieved thej lived in a republican eriuntry! end Government, whi.-h is "a fr, in the Fed- Juon between sovereign State, every dist'ic hat tends u member to the House of Reprr mutative pays the same amount of taxes. It w hid be thought monstrous, -ere all the emintlei compelled to pay the same amoi riclitt sir. If they he equal In ieprcsentatibn, thty should he qunl in tigiiJidii. and, it, all the other States no have btjslitiltuiis in which the basis of ropresc illation (S free hite popuhaion or poiiulilion anil taxation enmbin eil. They ai e nil uroi jr, or Worth-Carolir.a ia wrong. J 4 - IJut it mny be said. Oil w eetiori5 quebiiou. Ciitioti lirt'vtaen -'nt West. Wili thai alter tie inequality ? Taltf theliiK hid flown y a ciiiisiicii oua man of tbo.ilt, M: !S(anly, iq formi r .'.c!;.ito Uion tint! qiietioti rdinvv 1 line from tli corner nl Gr4uvil)e hfuiln tiroiij;' tlio St.Ue,' and you liave SS tern. a:nl SU eastern rotinhM. iak- ihf i.roiit-r nasi RJi'T-iil" framrTS onr House, and tonerftfc utiiiint'rs m 1. lor if negroes bt irt'cluCtl i' fudrrai r.timhers, it I nut rie t( iprlnrte ttien afiin in taxation. Or to avoid ilist)tt". lakt ffdera! numbers anil taxation pri -erally in thcTotiur, and how does the rale uljtioi) laud ? i8 w-ca'ern couiiiics contain iu federal . i.umb.rs ' SC..-93 ,V3 eastern cbuntirs f '9' Ira favor of tire West 55.500 1 28 western con nties pay a latid tax of 1 1,220 56 ea!U ru couutius : li,421 In favor of the 111 1 11 1 1 il 1 iniiilii S 56.V58 4,694 f. . East the number r - muinber.. tiitrjain th-? ectiilf to 104 mer1crsLv the 3G eastern i to S4, ctviiiK t be west ft maturity of 20. , - . e fM Qn ,nc fiP,t Driri4--! 7 ' , ... u . j:ir t A , pie l.io.wi3'" v u..e..'--w.:. an. ihn aecund 42. and on the tbirU 4U. A ni hi.IOOi after COnccdipff the L blr ' . " . '.-. .- j this fair ? Is it equnr? i J ; npfieal - to I tb ffeoUoinen of the easl, toil ask tlrem I jb geotloiren of the easl, t0t $fc llretll ! jf lt js tight to Jtelttd i he ."west I tfOtn t ' '-. -r- r ' -n.il' r-- '" an ef,:iil ii-iiticipatiboloF poTjUcaCriaw- or ? I -appear triiwnr-as-Hrwiin fli t.qr .. ' ' -.,'. -.''-e- -j....' jiiatevmeitiltefa of i1u.'rej'ra''it 4 H..m ;n- n,..t Sk:1f-tHfy laynri'1'i 4 ut.QH tliair JafutsLa T 3, AvhffTrjOTrm lone 1 ! a c e I in. ,t vc i r oswssion f ; v I If ',py roply in ire language m a iling ... . . 1 5. v " 1 . . e. : . Iliit-I ad. wheft'Vhiicatiane.dvasi' to hi isbt to thf crown. ?ri4.Iy, father Jvrc it: .viil n-ive it tAjeJ'and'bv .'-iliisrlibt wear II. S trr t here is-anotliet jjrie V xt ce t),J ex the present 'Coniitrt'utio'n, one that very .itorinllv alb'cts the evowinat prospen- of a portion of our State. . I; nilude to the iliffi-i'ultv, almost impossibJlity. of dividing 'e lai-go countie in the west Y'.ur citizens hayeya right - to expect ii.nl Hnir rrmvrtnier.ee 4n - atlRlilinc .LL- ..ki: ,ill ...iii-iiiii i tmtm rn.Mm.tmw m jmsjw - be eonsuUed y the erection of. counties of a reasqnabte size.' The size or coun ties should bJWgulnted by convenience on one hand4rre8tr'ne(' county cx-nclttsrtlie'-olber' ITc?aeTnhre- tjrjiV of these hajancintr' principle?! counties will, neither be too large nor too small. 'Cut,''sif7"w'eni'mmoril is presented to this body, 'respectfully; praying for the erection' of a newcoun tyt the subject, instead of being decided by these principles nloner is influenced wholly by (he cotrsideration of political power. ll is notasted, are the com plaints welFRundeow of tewitbry tTie taxation ot' the. proposed new county, justify t erection ? It is grsvefjr ask ctl, how will lhe additipo oCthrec mem- bera affect the power of the eaat ? . And the answer eoverns the decision. Me morials upon memorials have been pre- senleJ, "tnd1jreberjeet,esl JipottMnwril voter. Wheo question was the con sideratioo of pol i tiea power "f iotiev--ft!Miv-au- rejelTrtift4e yilm,olvB presentation is abolished I tfonne new counties, it is true, have been erected. ' Moat of them were obtained " by atri kinoff a new county in the east, It an equirslent. AH were forced from are Iticlant hand. Look at your mountain country ! without public patronage, without the encouragement of a liberal and correct policy, it hat grown and iiecome populous and wealthy, in spile .if your neglect. How much more im proved would that country now have hfen, had you pursued towards it the policy observed in every other State to ward their unsettled terriloryJ-had you supported and helped it on by the foatcr- me arm o: government -nan you even ogferpil a pioper measure of convenience to those who are inclined 10 aeiue 11 1 The cotinly of Ashe is an instance in point. That is mountain country, but the county is of conreoient size, and tlie count' of Antic has increased more in the last ten years than any counly in tbc State. Hot the misfortune ts, that IT-c''nere"li ceYnofiT'atpbwcfbe r.inips definite and certain, as you ap .tH4foiMfj.taUty4he.etMiuc, of a new county, il has really always been a efuincc, i lessened ; ard, my word fr it, sireform lhe House of Commons; d tl.e Senate remain as is proposed in the original resolutions, let eiebt in the Si-nate be the eastern majority, and you 1 never vviJI see another new county. Is not tiie settling and improvement of our western country a strong conaideratton for c.tlljng a Convcntionfc when experi ence make it clear that under the pre sent Coostitutien.rollateialiy it is true, !i:let' : wiaiftryirisiarmoutitable okstaelvs are opposed to the adoption of j .fapral Trof Try ?j , t)e uf UteTfclessiogs oI.,iiberly.Ii tfte ei toviricnt of a good government and good laws,, with aa little expense to the j(.li. jiaiuru .0 miu. r "tReEcgisTature uWeresaap boomt oato vote the appropriation f ruy arg f . v wjijjfwfria ir - tne no n OCT maiieos 8r,owa tuixB, n anucn suor tei tirnejttlf tiftf-; :' necqSsiljr .that tn4 : ! iHt'et "ft v err '"Vea T.a'ppca ' 's.irjrJthat !ff the Legis- (nrvre- iiH ryt iie;, (joiiKy; pi jrej SjW-vKsi,; . -t .TrVjhVa,eM.f-th erifilof Jaws would; bo 'een' before tH?y. vrefe 'repealed ;yoi.ir:'becpltwould: find tiut what Ikwa - y ouhad; pissed be fore they we're altered atyj, sir, all this wotilil be attended , with avaaviog ofat least S25.00O a year. ;- la Ima nothing, sip ? . I believe I need not press this consideration upon gentlemen who know so well the value nl npney, and who are 10 liiile .Inclined to ta.,tht people. j 11. . ..nik2i '.1 1 - lii.i,IV U111U13 aiivniir mill a wei JIJ JltLtoBAMg. lor calling a UonvenuonW The .;- . 7e x tor.n anu uisuactcd by section- Tat' fwtttfjj-r "n'f 'It -iila11nTI not to 111 '-IT'LL ii a3"- has been.the case, sffd W .He' the "Hiase until' IhestJifferences'iiVeisettled inCqn veitio:i.'.' Do gentlemen , wish to see this stalc.ot things .cdlinoed, ? ;Wil bey, : relusc to join In a measure that will ttniteus as a band of brothers V sion "r.liieipprbpnatibb" DVe gcinienien wiu iook part tn lhe tlabate, that, however tniscH thay weretihclini ed amicably to settle tse ' differences, if the ppropriatfon'a's Refused, ' they cwuiu iiuv elu wiiii us, as ir-dvouid novo .l. v .e...- ,. 7 i? I ino aeuiuioowv Ul sciinz under eornni.t. ui acune unuer -eomritiW Falnn Thtr and tlaV ...Ihrj ...i . j -. J. , ' J "." l MUL Uilf JF a step wilt a rod otpp theinJ jN those gentlcmjert pardot me for: remin ding them tbat this proposition hasJSeen made time after trrneandad eon as oftetr-r9e4yrreTiirr pears to ushst theyTrefuse itow for the reasons they refused it before. It seems idlisTirTtTiarabexc upon .the State Jlouseqbestion prove! clearly tfte unhappy fUtraclioQ of the k 71 " ucuionsiraies ine necessMy of Convention ;:and, being, iana1le to appreciate the feeling by which the re fusal of the appropriatfon is made an n.pry:rW nemever tlifr4ci wtMe tocerfthmltayi mere ex- cuse tor their illibera itv. a mere cloak to conceal a reluctance to resigrt power to tvlytfi they arexceiou, theyhaVe righ.'- From thii remark t :pi At b permtUed to make one exception. Ooe of tbea eeDtlemsn has alwaya been f Krobosed J he 'iopned nei f b'aati , did it or tne. v est j n right. And although we lament, as the most unfortunate consequence the appropriation question, thst wsj pow see him in the adverae ranks, ready td. lend his powerful arm toycrush riftht and up bold wrong ! We believe, in the tii6 mentol excitement, when he permitted his feelings to be too highly wrtnight up, in the discussion of a favorite ques tion, and in the moment of disappointment,- when he reminded us of his for mer friendahip and found he was not able to sway us, he permitted himself to be' carried away by the feelinjp- of tho smong whom his lot is cast.'? We still respect his virtues and admire his talents. We conaider him an orna ment to this House, an ornament to his native State, and we have regretted, and do row regret that, - cramped and kept down by the illiberality of party feeling, his' talents have not been hle to display lhemelvea upon theatre where they would be an ornament to the nation. Are these the sentiment dresses you ? The looks of sll around trie proefaim tfaet t.s;leeJ.n; ii vet.-, sal. WTe meet, in the world, with so much illiberality, so much prejudico and bad feeling, that it is a relief te find a man whom we can love and venerated xoiie tii iiic iiiuiiivu.i it is sunshine to the soul. e are sor- rv jt has been tTarkened by a passing cloud. Mr. Chairman, permit me lo make one or two remarks upon the appropri" tlon. We were told, the obligation ot a solemn oath bound n to vote the, ap propriation. I he cam waspresseup on us as lrequenliy, and witn as mueli art as air eaperienped advocate presses . ts. uan pii.B-prnAiirjrffialTT not respect, wrth the hope of icqultiinc aTlient whom he knows to be guilty ? We were- toW-the plighted faith- of liter leiU tto be tbe seal of government un'' .,;T-. biVnder arf Mpre's, provision of the. Hwdtn ance lit j removeU by a. Coo voo- iyif wuit vw umist v.- w av;VOieit the appropriation this session, would ul 1 . . r ..1 ti- iibvb ueun. 10 tuicaiai puoiic opiniot) 4 , aorj, by a hasty exercise of the brief ' power with which we are invested, to prevent the exercise of a power reserv ed in the ordinance itself. 1 will put a ease,' air. You own a plantation in a distant county ; yoqr buildings are burnt down ; and the overseer, having good fesson to believe that you wish to select a, more eligible situation, sets to work and builJs them up in the old place, without coosnlling you upon the sub ject. Would he not act in bad faith t Would, he hot violate his trust ? ir, -e-are-fi4trt4iiIouiLiiaw of (be itfy" - teriwg teihe history of the State House. .- Does it not sJem trartre- calledalConveiilimraod afterJhi"s Con vention, in 178o7TpuVeyniTnajoTiry eleven, fixed upon Ibis place aa the seat of government, the Legislature, in 1789, should prove" refractory and , refuse to carry-the ordinance into effect by vot ing an appropriation ; that io 1790 the appropriavioti isTsgsin refused ; and that jn-j-gr. j , waS; CBrried by bat one vote. 57 in the affirmative, 5 in the negative- .one vote would hive made it a tie, 56 to 56( as it was the year before, and the bill been lost ?, flow is this ex plained ? . There were io the Legisla ture calling the Convention, and in the Con vent roo, seven' counties in what is now Tennessee, r.rcpreacli'&orM Jliy re ferring ut the Journals, you will find they Voted with the itast. ': la the fall of IT 89, Tennesset waa ceded to the U. Sta'.rt ; the JSastjbjr-the cession act, lost their Tenneaseealfi;a "indTlBTyrr-atrd -Cape Fear successfully resisted the or djnan&e:,,w. byibie-' management, uotiMhe drtertion of Tim othy Bioodwortl,.- His name, sir, ha.d been consigned to oblivion. We remem bered the treason, but had forgotten the traitor,. until the .gentleman from Wake " was Kind .enough-v ta bring his name to lightby way of apology for his conduct. Xlvesefacta speak volumes') but. thcre,Js Mllirthee ftroofr .JLI!aiia.y.o'nilllles the, Tennessee counties would "havo a g'reed in fix the State House .within 120 . miles f the Atlantic, had they hot becti fully assured of being ceded' Vf VP -v TtJWa:!!"!?'i,p'H - M r, I'-vis- s -.. SL'

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