'Ml 1 t Ai' ' t .4 vo 20832,; .iWHOLK no. 4oiv lyoutvui I V. NO.. 22 1 New Series. i GVS kJ - '- I y PbKii Vance. Tales, ps-onuestel ti....The Journal will be sffohled t at i5Q year, or (2 in to- ilf be discontinued, unleu "t the the editor, until ll nirearajret re '7 - v":rSJjJ' . ft-. ., S -i 1 V- I . '"n..- it No pjv dUcretioi its scmhne in advertiacmentS r .rote on th the? toumbc ,i'1rhy-1ireTOW0e-,ia" haTe been brought to the Park Hospi. laVrflotierthtt fiifluencr of the cholera, and in state orntoxicatipn. i f f RESIDJINTWL' ELECTORS TT)olIowinr it'emrnklKW'6e number KiE MembeTor imrtT6oie''rit Repreientrtiref n& t)tmonvt Ptiktitt t"wbK;h cb,&tle HE JOUUXAL. pur. TiruaVDdY .tea. is..,.. hop lit ddrcje he rullowinr lettir he cJjrr of the Piotcttunt EtisVof! t'dkurcb in Lrth -Carolina : " .l H I f adilreas yafiinon ttt 'aubjert or tbe lerribie aeoure il h Cod, in fearful justice feaisejt io our inoifs not npcuuae oi my inuuiercnce to it, but 4Kniaturi tittment i tie fiil in uvr aci) f Cod, they cjl.i and t4fore h-tlj . cfJI purp m OS oven fmn an unwillinpnest to add, by any pp, to the already extravgint ex- tithe public mind. And no while fitficatioiM of aj priwclang evil call humiliation and repentahce heforo the aame time demand of ui '(signed demeanor. We may fljp pefctilence, but if .cent for a spe by the fiat of the Omnipotent, it e ut Our wiadom, then, is tattand Icto the Salvation of Cod The victim of lua own appointing on fu from the destroying KnvXia If . than, .at a piucese, caat ticket. ' . . . ' v -V"! uthwW tfeloif thejuljtajlttlr WHHIoottrCiHfRat jijjJeflake, af her nt cbuaeri l)- the people. twn mcUion, ithuut aQy,yr&4ind without ' . -.I. ; ' ' any eonault.Vion, on-tlu delVt eoOre.'ilh ' .. . .. ' 1.-1 c.w. o i.,.:xi'..ii.i;-1 btcod of tl Ay prot and grott jaodve It hi feU cow tuif afce'al 1 eu folly, iiidieek a refuge in hu blood, lo aible yoa, dear -bretbren,' with one Maft -aad one' voice to do thia, I appoint llie ''subjuine d tatm of Ppyor, to be used :n tfie Cburthes of . niy iocese,roii ui oceasionu oi i'uuiio irronmi, 'iiftpjfl thall be pleaaed to remove from our coantry the evil from which we pray io be de ilay lilt$fpsAee andbfetiiif be with, you ill, is the oncea4ug 'ftuyet Cx9nr fne B Wtlitr.'-. I ,-r"r ... lavish rJAniVFs!!; fetted in South Carolto buked "than encourage li'Wa'a 'A by. rather re- hef' Sitter States of tiit) South, . itlhei, tbe;hul- lifiera naraiat in their ratfi'lchemS of re aiatance, nptw1thstandfn'hhr "greaf dnrYinn of our National Ttnd v Satrtharn burlheniVtrlHchhi.JA;-VM wilt ther nvtnsdretitf iliehatetlmif'I IjfrlSKM-!-!- proietiitm any thing; short of -this sum t elite dctrtLdivt." - , v uere hare we the, earnest appeal ot a , Tariff member of tbelouse, against the new bill, as more ruiwus to'the' protective svstem. thaoeven-Mri M'- Duffie'i 12 cents proosrtt6W-4n4 yet, is e?tlt&d7 Wider the Br'w"pport"ronent, also ; feclfonarsOttf eTCItB "AlK'f ' ?Ppoj a 40 put tne volve the thcnniher tlattori at TUe Jat Election, tli siatef biiarMiif e accordlnir to- Reprei tentative populMioik ,hm't f -S-Vtfn.- i'-?T BepA";Wetr?t'lect irjfinnf k .; ,- .ati. --.. ,v't r4 16 IS North.tiarofiua. .-V-2.1S i a 15 7. 'I'ehneaw-f f ' .' ' 13 '' ; : ft. aUuhHaf4t -. 11 . 9 South-riYolinar' W 4 - ' 10. Gebriria li Marylwlf- V " 18. JMaif . . 13.jidian Ji. nJew-Jt-rary 1J Connecti- ui f.16 Vermont If:, New-Hampshire; laAlabami . 19. .Louisiana 20. Illinois . St.' Rhode-Island 22. Missouri 23. Mississippi i r 24. ' Delaware " , 9 8 5. 7 A ,5. '. t 3 : : io 9 8 ;'a:J 7 7 Total 8 3 8' 1. 239 11 9 S 8 8 7 8 5 St a; 4 3 i 1- : t Klertw5 appointed or tn. rrismure. South are f nr. 1. '.a k.i: u. uJl1 ion Courier,' that there' ie-'ao' much' truih-. ln thrf following eirac Nullifies havey tnVbur own hearing, declared, that they ;WouJ Call m furtign A sooner tb0 they would, be foiled in their resulanc to the tariff. V'' , " faOJut nTepeft- folly ? .VVtU theybfrsdf aUo Union in Jeopardy, arid iit v . :i. r. V !..- l.-i.'.j H.t.U.'ri wnoie oouui in a couuee fi.-S.ir i" vscu efal Governhftnt, at.trif jVery ttoomeni that so trreal. iconcesii6p has been made to Southern wishea'tna southern interests? If n fattlvT To ie repos ed in the developemenlojfublic'aeiiti- tnent, as conveyea.4o,Uirougtt the med turn of the press, the tyt her Soot hern States will accept the detf 5Tariffact- as a compromise stfperreilingUie necev sity of a resort to ext.rabi.JLrfary: remer dies, but bv no meana.Mi'oUine the a- bandonment of constTlutlial emerjfonsjj lor lurther reares. j ,1 fvoiee f qia bama, says the Gaxetf ffiitclan that ir South Carolina cHiovtes to "plungf Jierstlf irrto difficulty m(hput cdnsult i'n tier Sister Staterwhi)ye as great aright txjspeak and herself, the tnpst brQple .the conequeiie8; ijkvhen eer;rrsjCance to thejTaifassumesthe attitude dtt'tohole J5butfi fhieasure." Alkbomi-''will be-iotintl n.thild" of 1 1IijilD7wTiere she.i U. rtf I . .'iTL'..' u .Trr-i. I ;.xKh la tat, a rvni naraany of depce. witnessed the foilqwj conye'rvj p(T7Ti' Ti-iiK sstton btM by flifier;Je yjigerted lif ,a uf-TToWaan xnariBH. t n a I . r o U rn - V r 0 ( in a rt-:s . v i .n n.i.-i.fvw.iiiir her.Sistef States, to rush jbMSullincation 7 to rusrr, too,- ar a m -ment wncv iner revenue has been redaced: aiocw )8?Hfr6ti 8 lo ll millisMiaof doilar-whnthe irt- has thus been brke4wben sU, the antianCf States are de, teVmined td Unite . their 'whefe frr ngth for a nirlhef modtfication not to trsS until the1 re venue is cut d6wnvtn the""nVor'wirji wants of the oentne'nt and wien-IW-.'iisrf ba ;ao manjr aj a u p s i( aivit no rnyij onaeiiiBr hmev ot s nor . 'J l4 MM,..mmi;;l.?'d.; , Carolina .gain--Nulliac..ion.-;T - "f 1 1 llndforg1vene..orain.,(l ntle wh. f Smul.r indications and warning are I ' ' J .yv".v ... -. . 1 vour norls. ' VUjM said he. if I hev 11.. r 1 .. v ...1. your ports. ' Ah. !'1 said h, if 1 hey h t4MnUBtJiftttih3wUl conic in Charleston a free port. If the tariff is not modified, to suit LS, the Lni t erf States will be ad war with Brit- ; I 1 I iJll: . . . '- . I f u Vth hearty pentance and true faith turn to Jthre, look; down, webeseech tliee,-from Ilea- atrvants, who, under an awful apprehension off tv judgments, and a deep conviction of our -i. - . - 1 1 r.. - .!. . :1u.nr.s, prora,e , ; qin fH , ihana yMr Jfp, M. Vs ,cknowle,lge it to be of thy goodness a- . 4V.cl(izt s JU he ,he uJteriir Imerth.t, whilst thou hast, ts.ted other, w.th, oJ ,is ha(,fu, 0f p0iticiana, eX pntilence, thou hast so long spared ua. Have e(, toQ on , d renderel forever Phy, Q Lord, have pity upon us. Withdraw ; (of resistaRce whicn . it pro. thy heavy hand from tlmw who ar- su(r.ring ; cai)e(i to jjrmsfl tyranny. We will Wler thy judgments and arrest the jrr.cvou r nQt , licipate the intli?naDt fee!inKs r!rrity with which others Inve been scourg- j w,ljc) ,he simpe cllUnciation of this eiJ, and against which our only security is i facl wi rxcile in your bosoms. These tit compassion. We cnnlji ss with shame and men jecorne e.Xtry xy more and more eitntton, tliat In the pruie ana narunrss 01 ol,pn ,n their disc oa hrps. A mono- their : hearts, we have 9'iown surselv a unthank- other designs which in bruited daily in fill lr thy mercies, and havi followed our own (lipir political roterit'S, the bill of pains intV nations instead nf thy iitly Uw.: et, o and penalties, which they propose to m il'ul Father, auRvr not thy destroying an- pnss, lo rarry into cfl'ect their act of .alto lift up his hand apains us but keep us legislative N'lflifiration. Among ;.;iliei.ltli ami safetv i ami ant, that bein? t,ipe Densities. is the confiscation of the jtn-icd by the auflV. tings ufJttlif rsiiojptnt property held bjt . JLheit oppomsjoisJ .f kit !, we -mny-be preserved from all evil ! utj may remember the hurst of inutp;- by thy triighty protection, aiulrniiiy the con-'nation with which Judge Frioleau s vpcate, was received. The'Judse found i' ne ces.ary to deny it, or to modify it, white every word he wrote confirmed the Irutlh of the charge. The Nullies nqw talk of" it without concealment' or shame. Citizens of Carolina, you sleep over a volcano. Augusta Courier. Nullification likely to he left in the lurch. The Nnlliliors of thfs State have hitherto looked to the co-operation of llio other Southern States for the ultimate success of their project what will become'of themi if they encounter' op pos i t mmV -where i he y --e pec t e d sy m - palhyiand support? T1)eir position has hitherto been, if we put ourselves in the van cf resistance to the 'Tariff, the other Southern States will regard us as the champions of a common- cause, and wiU ndt-suffer, us to be coerced. Ilut the postttre-of afljirs js now entirely 'cliahged fhe obhoxiotis'TarTfTof 1S2S has been svereerfed by a measure much softened in its features, originating in, and accomplished by a spirit of concili ation, anilcalcnlated in a great measure, if not to satisfy, at least to altay the fer Ipetit oT tliR, South". . "Kv'en amidst , ihe j 1 mems of our only Meiliatortand Ad JTr.srs Cbbist. tfmrn. 0, AminiTT tiiiu, who, hi the many in s'.iiiii-s of niortali'y which ancninpaaa us on ev ery ,-dc, and by the warning. Sow especially irgtil upon ui, of ur exposure the yiddcrn stroki; of dt-atli, doxt call upon ilfc seiioil.dy to :oni,ler tbe shortness of our time here upon eanh, and reimntlrst us, that in she midst of life e are in deal!', so teach us to number "ir ilavs, that we may apply our hearts unto 'sdi.in. iie usgrace tQ turn nolo thee with timely repentance, and thus to riliU'm, through the inrrits of our Saviou ', lh.it parilon to-day, tor which, to-morrow, it niay he too lae to ; that so being stri-.ngilir tit d-bjLtliy good Sfinir af;aiiuthe terrors of djtatlv ami tily p.F..rn III 'lU'lllca w C yi V ill KM IIIIIC9 ready to give up our souls into thy hands, O gracious Father, in the hope of a blessed im "' pinruirty-rtttfttg4-4ne-meo,iatmn and for the merits uf Jkscs CaiusT our Lord.. .?in. . , . " ' A a log retiTiihetli to his vomiK" so) a fouT retun.M!, to his folly." i ' A.' .cirnan Rhitielander, it'i said, has rcpir'rd to the Hoard of A l.lefrnun, ''that i ( person's having been dischK'ged ,' front m Cro.vbyi-sti ret Hospital, cilieii, lin mCrjtyly ttwrcrin. took o ftielr u P r ) a I 1 if J 11 irln.i Mo-' j-1 1 w 0 0 1 i b e tn. , u4 continually issuing from Georgia, North Cat oil ita," Ten nesse"e,ra "rd M ii.sissTppi all leading irresisttbty to the coticlu sion, that if South Carolina does nulli fy the new Tariff aft, fhe will embark alone in a perilous and unequal contest with the General Goveimnent, not cheered by the approbation, but rebuk ed by the frowning, and perhaps the hostile aspect of every other Southern State. Pause, then, ye nullifWs! pause, if ye are wise, even 011 the brink of the Rubicon, and calculate well the cost, ere you make the irretrievable plunge, and cross the fatal boundary Recollect that you are dealing with the destiny of the State that you are put ting at hazard the glorious fabric of I J 11 ion and regulated liberty, the priceless legacy of a patriot ancestry that you are sporting, in very wantonness, with the cherished aspirations of philanthro pV And the dearest hopes of the human raee If-tH-pam then- of pr-udooce and patriotism in the name of your il- iMiMtM&.l.flJ&S.Wl hold this picture, and then if you "dare domore than may become a man, ' Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war." Chas. Courier. The following extract from the Speech of Mr! Stewart, of Pennsylva nia, in support of the Tariff policy, ii 1 1 . 1 ! 1 . . . r - win prove-co.nciijsiveiy tne oissstisiac T-" y i 1 . r - rr- -n-tz ixr: cite ment, Occstvioned- by I he' old Ta r tiort of the high tarifl' parfy with the. new bill, aoct thai the regard 11 as any thing .but a 'Victory.' ' .The. second Advantage was, that this pro ject Mr. w uumr'iij it anopieu, wouia arrest all ot-manulaclures at once, ana bring tne country immciiiatety back to a hih TariJ wJiile that of. the Treasury lepartme"nt," (on which ihe-present bill is based) " would onlv prhtract a rtii nous, struggle', and ttmrt rffeetual lif itrgfroy the manufacturer in Me tnitM wouIiT also, delay tiie- return ot tne country to a snuna i,iTlliirfaeti 6f-tt tht; h' MumtM. 0e BhiTit tnretlhraaseriiott thatiTio -ilew4Jill ia I. hfcvcircl'ed."wiih"Iir o.Mal Jcrivf? r-.. rdasinr. t4li nanufaet-ui-Kra. ... a , o - - :fJ Cnws.i Courier. The Mercury of- tea terday contains the Tollowuig strange reversal of. facts, which, though recent, are now matter of history . 1. Th UMinufactnrers 'have carried a high protective tantl'o. e. a high protective Tariff had beenfust re dueed ? 8. They, have beaten th a.lvo'cates of the South at ah points," e. three millions of their bounty mo ney, as the Jlfercury would style it,' Have been wrestedfirtm -.the ! 1 3. They have' taken off all tare from. th- Tai iff States" " Credat Judcevs Inella " '.- V They have increased tne burthens; of the plantation States" 1. e. they have dtminlsne tnem. Who eotild have believed that even the Mercury couW have crowded so many error in ao small a compass. - r . V Chat. Courier, y ' ' t"" ' '. .v...' -v " Macon 2?nAv-Report. "by travel lers ajid the Georgia papers tia reach- reports are Confirmed by a letter, from we thMirtnef rn AugtistlTTo'a meccharTt ih this town, stating tnat the Qaok had -failed, and transferred ells he property belonging to the corporation to assignees. And, further, that the Brokers in Augusta would give only 12) ts.' on the dollar. A traveller who left ibis' place since the date of the-letter, sys, that -20 ets. on (he dollar VrasvtheA giVen: V This fail ure Isnd Uurke counties.- -In Tlunepmbe, fXWffod'fch'dRIiif'Wave not so good a data from which to estimate, but.presume that much of it is in circu lation there. Doubts for . some time 4ast Jbave been entjrrlained by many, Uiat f '.all was not rigltt . m Deiynark,"' from the fact," '-thar'gBrsliJve'been iravei sing this region with vast sums of this money, which they have ex changed for gold bullion, at a much higher rate than it could be sold for, even in the market. A gentleman from - '""it -::' ' ; . " body passed reolotton,.fnr , a foff c ; and intereiiiog debate,, asserting thai th f - Supreme Court is the MfibvUal prorM : . uu yy sjr vwuriiuui'ni . av uciiur wi?-. I VQV .:.wf ut - irjwrtnihe St ica and the J'eda'tv .' ?l&"Jir ccfeActot:" . v. mj .li .. .1: -i - iiiflK..". i nr-lltlllisoivin prvmnrw- fg- w raOn'thriui te TarW x r""T A 6a'-ilii Southern mf.r, -oyght tp -!f vote'for lit as it would t&urd 4a relief to , ' J th Sooth." Will thrf bs pod and t - , "i . .1' ; f :-. . iarf hiiuiii in. ",."" J ' ' .J made tbat remark whoBjr in reference tO!- j S V'V 'f Vj ihetBilLa8aneided &he Seitate ; and , . M r i.rs . that he consideitein, as it fiually f . ; I passed both .bouses, f tyF apeak on iw m( t horUy pf.lhe Camdfn- Journal "tvn 1 live avsteirit anatttca a out a ottsnr.io ain- y Cha$, Courier. CEltVAIlJfTttE FQRTIIE CHOLERA : Of iJI4'J Vf KsJiJunvm gingly furnished tta iththV fwHouinjatract . ; .' f ' of a letter Wm uisotlieTj,. dated -,x-sir4' ' - 1 . J' lleini.crpfof U'i i y J CHOLERAJiWahcTii ostd y .'.?, 7l . J tli. urW.'iKvivl coplJOnctevr f 'Ji hehainffTott.rVsaueafe"d tnat' ' . 1 one by W.byheadttrpnHriroihyi etit HJ A io getiing-"Vhed wJiJdjrjieA prof ' if "J 80 pat rent since- the c'oiiccemenl or7.' tre aisMaeperr-TTT . . i ir the cramps or Vpaimfcliae.eaiqi-;1-tnenced.-fee administrrs four or 6yeNdrps'.;v." ' ofCamphar pot more dropt onlompijtr, of sugar aud putin a little water ln a ie .? apooB, the person theji'tft be placrdLirl bed; aod.tovered vritJi Maokrts, ,atf the p'artj,jafftedtith'crairtpjrM..robbedi... -with a'i4onH irW"fi'ted.-to the habit aud Ve.X.trtlh .the Spirit a of jCmn.ph.on v fV - I ? S dirotnishvd one tlropfeSt Vvtrf hour, nn tirbbTy'ote drop is given in two hours. butVxtrrme care must he taken that the person is tint permiited to get out ofbed, or throw uf the clothes for iny pretrnce whatsoever during the time he may be in a perspiration, or for some hours af ler takinxIlieCamp.h4r'-VioIlKt:p.aie, in. the bowels belorr the cramps or spasms, may bp eurr'l, and the latter prevented by taking only io drops of the Spirits of Camphor. This may hr thought too. simple .a. remed jr.for-so . jtioa. lent a disease, but hundreds of lives this county, envaped in m i n f , set off; might have been saved, if it had been tor the Hank with 8 or 10,000 dollais used, instead of expenmenis with tlpi- of Ihe money ,'for the purpose of having it redeemed, o few moments before the news of the fiMure renehed town. Uuthcrford Spectator. A great meeting of the Nullification Pirty was held in Charleston on the 30th ult. One of the resolutions, after declaring the new Tariff, "a deliberate, palpable and dangerous exercise of pow er not granted by the constitution," asserts that " we have a right, and are rrr rfuty boundrto interpose-for -aFrest-ing the operation- the said act wtthin- the limits of south Carolina, and lor -awwaufiw ii u ibhii 1 1 i mis 11 min'v 'niiHTTl TT'TTf "T'Tr-"-"T'vM"JT'fr'rfTn ..v-a - a----:-- - - -- ir - - '-'-. - - - .. . , . . w m-tn.tvww,, nr yn.ir ruiuryi tJjoritie6t rights and liberties appertain j tvuuiu cuuivi jwu m .auai7 III yq,ur headlong career for whatever hopes of success may now animate your bosom's, failure may be your portion and what will then be the result ? The blood of friends and kindred shed in vain the flag of freedom torn by free men s hands, and stained with Ireemcu s gore the'domestic altar fruitlessly pro faned and violated the victor's glory exchanged for the traitor's shame! Be ing lo ur State, and that we . will henceforth use all the means - in our power, (speedily as the forms of gov ernment will permit) to nullify or ar rest the operation of the same within our limits, as a violation of. our dearest rights." This" and several similar resolutions were adopted unanimously. " " Observer. Thetohitiis of Cupid. f-VVe observe in a late paper, a notice copied from the Richmond Pomuiler, of thte marriage o M r. Job n Be'ale, a8oidiexpXJJala5ki!a legion, during the revolutionary war, and for many years a respeetab'e titi zen of Richmond to Miss Klizabcth Harfig-rove, aged eighteen! We(iopine Cupjd -had-leaa td do with,. this match. thanMainmoti. It may be well asked, How will the Ruse agree With the dead Hyacinth ? or the' honey wood Circling a withered briar. Clay tonvtni ion. The National Repub lican Convention, for the Slate of Virgin ia, assembled at Siaiinion, on the 3d J4ody.elyaiioiii inmedTfi-&K'iiT' t-LATt or I'rraulent, and. Joiim SEWCEASf um, Peppermint, Calomel, Bleeding, kc. Several other Physicians who have used the Camphor have had like success, and this should be generally known ;but the greatest cifficulty is in getting pa tients satisfied with so little and simple a mraictne. After this, a dose of Castor Oil may be taken. Norfolk Beacon. This physician is Doct. Chaxmtki, wh has had, in the whole, 250 cholera patients, bud lost only foun. x - Extract of a letter from a highly respectbl gentleman in New York,-dated OfVUCboleta. WiTrfouWlmiTcitTy" guided oy me you and your fnenda If you-will, dismiss your terrors, and a dopt the following directions, namely Take one ounce of camphor and dissolve it in half a pint of alcohol ; of this solti- ton, which in quantity wilt serve a mu! ilude of occasions, the dose is only three drops on a lump of sugar dissolved in a small wineglass full of water the stig.ue' 10 make it palatable ; the water t .ex1; ml the camphor over a larger space of' the stomach, itrre is no nostrum, trick of empyriciim. It is simple ; hot let not ils simplicity offend far it is e(. fectbal. Take no other medicine, and if life is to be saved,, it may" be by ibis treatment Teirch-BOthinB-in the '.ih'Si'pg " of opium it is the antipodes of cam phor, and would destroy tta efficacy. . Do not stagger at my recipe : it is a specific. Where nO excess has becu committed, nor imprudence of diet,, uoi tBe'sysrem'lieeo 'greaTyde previous sickness or old age. three drop'- as directed on the occurrence of any of , -the-premonTtoTy-symptoms of cho1er3V"c: such as nausea, vomiting, cramps or the most usual diarrtix, taken' immediate-, iy will relieve the system. If the symp toms are obstinate, repeat the dost1 in about an hour. In cass ofa sir k stom- ' "acnt'iniie first dose "is reiected. ive " s?dKA 'precisef f Xhi aumev-al tnter- and' ejilightened sy ?:,-rrtfyfrZX UdheaiTof at! tee;