v. I ' , ; , The Old IV-rth State Fore wer."Gastau NlnylejCopie riveJCent SA LISBU1TY, N- q. THURSDAY EVENING. APRILC, 18ff C NUMBER 23 VOL I. r f I - - s Yr r Old Morih State. -" ' f DAILY. J "Lewis XXanei A John S. Hampton. publishers a pnoruiBTons. ' UWM HAVII, Vdltor. fcj- BITES OF SUBSCRIPTION. -CI TEBMI-Cilll IH iDUNCB. Pail paper, One Year. " " Six Month, One Mouth, 8.00 4.60 1.00 BRIO COCXTIES. 1st. 2nd WZIXLT J Weekly paper, Om Year. - . - $1.00 Six month. 1 l-M " " Ten copies One 1 ear. OT.OO " "- Twenty couiea. line . Year. 40.00 A cm X on tlie paier indicate the expiration of the subscription. The tvue on which tlte " Old North Statu," I nrinted is entirely new. No uaiua will be snared to make it a welrume visitor to every family. In order to do this we have engaged the nervicesof able and aeroruptHdied.literary taMtttibuturs. RATES OF ADVERTISING. n A n 'A K n n j) c a P0 n x I 3 39 X 0 t n x 4 ; x w t; - ; - : : ji : x : : t . 5 . T : C ; " ; ' : : ; : . s : 3 : s : g : j : ' g : g : "5 i- ; ; ; . . . . u ? ! OL ' to ' l1' . ' fC ' " gig::g:;: g : S : IT : ; . , C? IS j. S' x sj y m j '. ' : g : gig : g : g T g": 5 - : T. . . ' . . v g : g T" 5 : g : -g :' g : !S : "1 g : g : g : 'g : g : g : g : M ? : P : r : .x : f 1 gl'v f-: , g-: : i ' 5 ;- S : f 5 : 5 : j j '. JJ g, gigigiigig: g gij: g :' k ' "g 'S : "p i 3 i 8 : S : S i" B i 5 i g:g:g:"g:k:g: 1 : : li : 3'i S .: S : ?S : - j : j : i : I : 5 : I : g : : I : ? : f. : ? : p : p : ? i : 8 : 8 : 5 : 5 : S : -s TTl : f i S j j? : ?' j J g i I ii - I. ? gig : 1 r 3rd 4th 0th 7th 8th 9th l'Oth ( Currituck, Catuuen, l'vrquiiuuiis, PaKquotank. viiu oils Hertford, Ihitea, Bertie, do. 1 Martin, Washington, Tyrrtll, Hyd.., llouufort, Craven, do Pitt, Carteret, Joiie, Onxlo'w, New Hanover, do Samiwon, 1 110 , f Duplin, Wayne, Cireene, Kdgeeombe, do I Nanh, f Wilson, ( Halifax, do Northampton, Warren, Wake, do Franklin, . 1 Johnston, Granville , uui How du- tinguithed where more than one regiment. U.U, M U 6th - 81, - 22, 23, 7th u I " 25, 26, 27, la section eigbtj strike out-the. words "Uves lor." In section eightj-three, strike out the words "or runaway ne groes ana uiitert persons, lie SSlscsllimoons Adrertlsomonts. North. 8outh. TROSPECTUa OP THE RUTHERFORD; STAB. - Tbs Cnderatsrned propose to publish. In the U further Jft 'Thm tU aslU,0'RotheltoBww,',yNw,I,Per U further enacUO.ThM.t the officers MTh Kutherl4d 8tr." J spponited by virtue or airdinanee of the UUoar to mak9 The 8tar .a wel. late Convention are hereby authorized to tom9 TWtor au thoe who bel interest enrol the militia according to the provisions (a the prosperity and welfare of oar country of this ace . asa whole, and the perpetuity of our instita- 2UitfurttttnnrtMl,jrt this act qLkII I tiotia, as handed down to jdi by our noble an- oe in lorce irom ana aiier its raiincauon. " ---y " I ,f. -f.,:t iiV. .j K K I K aUMv VlfU WtNl WISKW VT BW rWWOTS Sections 0 a onee glorwos Union, and more desolating to our particular section, than any thing that has ever happened on this contin ent, and it is to l hoed, tnan ever wyl again. While there is life there is hope, and not withstanding the great changes ifrought by IkXerc antlle Adrertisements. and ratified this 12th day of March, A. V. 18G6. (Signed,) 8. F. TIIILLIPS, 8. II. C. C. 8. WINSTEA1), 8.8. II. Pursuant to this act, the officers of the Ute civU war, we shall encourage the peo- the "temporary force" oranised under ZuuM kXT -ymmuuw, Kivitwuw vLi.r..., , ,,1, .11 KAnj.tlMial tMnniiiMiill nt IhA acra force for the prescrvaxion of law and or- j , tney onee more enjoy bountiful uer, - wui proceeu unmeataiety-10 ennui tores, prospenty and happiness. the names of all persons within the . ages I We shall from time to time publish such of 18 and 45, subject to militia duty, in I laws, both State and National, as our people each district of their respective Counties. Thin enrollment will be made agreeably to the districts in each county as they axistn immediately prior to the 20th day of May, A. JJ., 1861 are directly conoerned in, and shall likewise use our influence to eetabhab a sound circula ting currency, so much needed at the present time. WeVhaH be governed by principles and not Upper. Lower. Upper. Lower. Ten linen of miliil minion type, or nlxmt out' " inch lengtbwirie of the column, constitute a " Square. - Special Notice, in leaded minion, will lxp coti traeted for at the office, at not lex than dtrtible the rate of ordinary advcrtiK'einentf". Inserted an reading matu-r, with approval of the editor, fifty cents pr line. Advertisement inserted irregularly, or at futer vaU, 25 per cent additional. The rates above printed are for stunding adver tisements. ' , One or two sijuares? changeable at discretion, &0 per cent additional. More than two Rquares, vhangeablo at disero- tion,,per square of ten lines, lor every change, - twenty-nve cenu - Fire squares estimated aii a quarter column, and ten aqnares as a naif column. Hills fur ad vertising, whether by the day or year, will be considered due and collectable on presentation. Militia of North Ctfelina. Col. John A. mi Gilmer. Jr., has entered upon the discharge of his duties as assist ant Adjutant General of the State, under appointment from Gov. Worth. We pub lish below, as a matter of general interest, General ,OrderNo. .1, embodying the act of the Legislature, re-cuacting, with some 11th 12th 13tl 14th latli 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 1? modifications, this State. the fbimcr3Iuitia laws of STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, , Adjtjtast General Office. Raleigh N. C. April 17, 1866. . Gexkral Order, ' , T" 23d felafure of this State-nrl . for tlie information of all concerui'd : AN ACT TO RE-HNACT CHAPTER EVBTYT-REVIEalXiailtFJ&N 24th t27tli TITLED " MILITIA," AMEND THE AND IO SAME Be is enacted by tlte iSrnerai Assembly the State 0 VorfA Carolina, and it is ' hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That chapTeTcven'tM'ii nfrtrr nrtS7rf-the Qenral AsMmbly 0 eighteen htindml 7nnA-sixlyne rjiiiUel '! MUitiaJini " Js hereby repealed ; and that chapter evenfy ' Revised Code, entitlLtl "Militia," is re- enacted withthe follo'wifi" Amendments, l wit i -Strike out section, eightiUid insert " The following are declared to' lie the reg- imettts, brigades and diviioiis of tle in 7 fantry to be know" asrtiistinguiifucd as . here designated namely: l'ersou, Orange, do Caswell, Alamance, Chatham, do Moore, Harnett, Cumberland, . rdo Mlladen, liruiiKMiek, Columbus, RoIh'soii, Robeson, Rii'Inuond, "do-1 Montgomery, Randolph ' do Davidson, , do Guilford, - do Rockingham, do Forsythe. r -Stokes, Surry do Yadkin;.- aRowrh, Davie, Imlcll, do r Anson, Lmon, do SL111K- ---VI r Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, do f Lincoln, Catawba, Cleavelaud, 1 " C Will lo ' Alexander, . Caldwell, f Alleghany,, Ashe, Watauga, llurke, V., 180 1. , I men. for accordins: to our honest conviction. 111. Immediately after the enrollment the Present condition of onr country ia owing hereby ordered shall have been cmplcL, to the abandonment of principles, we mean the said officers of the temporary force? are the abandonment of those fundamental priu further instructed and commanded to give oiples upon which the Government of the Uui- public written notice at three or four pub-, i,t,J" nw"; . ' lie places in each district of their counties, W faw develop ' ,, , , ment of all our resources. Agricultural, Mm- commanding all persons enrolled and ub- ni ject to mditia duty, to assemble at feP- meut0 M wiU ukj,y the tain time and place, near the centre ef each Country, and especially the extension of the district, for tV purpose of electihff the I Wihnlnirton. Charlottes and Rutherfiird ILiil dommiseioned ana . non-commissioned o- Road west. r cers of the diflerenrmpaTitciprLicElec- As to Politics we are True Conservatives, tions will be held as prescribed In Rcra& believing neither iu the Fire Eaters of the Code, chapter 70, entitled Militia. There wth. nor the Radicals of the North, but in suit of the8e elections . .ludl then V eon, Jffigi m.tted to writing, certified to andsignQd- -4 4nd . aD wining obedience by said orBcers of the temporary forjft and o the same. forwarded to these Headquarters on'rbe- The Star will be published every Wednes- fore the 6th day of June next, wherTtlie day at the following rates, (strictly in ad- officers elect will be commissioned by the vaneei) payable in currency or produce at Lower. Upper. Lower. Upper. North. South. Governor, IV, The officers of the temporary force aforesaid are instructed, in order to the more ettcetual and speedy execution r the provisions of this order, to meet together, immediately after the reception of this or der, to apportion the districts among them selves, and" to adopt a uniform nlan for the enrollment and holding the elections herein ordered.-7 " 1.. By order of Governor Worth, J. A. GILMER, Jr., Adjutant General. 8C;LB OW DBrRECI T!OIf. The following bill paused daring the present A bill to be entitled, As Act t estebliak s Scale Depreciation ol Confederate Oirreney. t Whcbias, Ky-an ordinance of the Contention, en titled "An .ordinance declaring what laws and ordi nances are in force, and for other parnoses," rati tied on the IHth day of October, A. D. tt is made the duty of the General Assembly to provtds a scale of depreciation or ton Confederate currency from the time of its tint Msue to the end of the war; and it is further tbereisdeclsred that "all execatory contract. ' solvable in money, whether wider seal or sot, made alter the depreciation 01 asm currency Deurs us 1st day of May, 1865, and yet unfilled, (except official bonds and penal bond payable to the State,) sbsll be Ldecmed tohsvebeen msde with- the nndersUndins that they were solvable in money of the ssid eorren cy. sniijert neertneies to. eriocnre or a dinereo in- ieut of tlie parties to tlie contract; therefore, lie-it rnu-ted br tlie lnml Aaaambl ot the State of North Carolina, snd it is hereby enacted by the sutbority of the same," That the following scale or depreciation be snd the same Is hereby adopted snd established a the measure of rslua of ens gold dollar in Confederate currency, for each month, snd tils fractional parts of the month of December, 1864, Irom the let dsy of November 1861, totb 1st dsy of Mar. lWa, to wit : " "Hcsle of depreciation of Confederate Correory, the gold dollars being tlie anlt and measure or value, from Nov. 1st 1861, to May 1. 1866." market prices. One copy Vi months, fZ.Ml w .. Q .. 1 .00 . J. B. CARPENTER, , B. W. LOGAN. April 18th, '66. i tt. IW - - ' W . K w I s : KEWI'IIIM IN SALISBURY J. IVi Gray & Co. HATE Just reeelred and opened at Ko. 9, afar phy's Granite building, a new and Splendid ewe or upie auu -FANCY-DRY 'GOODS, which thev will anil fur eatfi or hartiw. ntilr. aa ituiows, a targe ana uesuumi assortment or , -LADIES DRESS GOODS embracing the newest and leading styles of the season. A large assortment of Gentlemen's, Youth's and Uoy's Uouds, Ladies Bummer Wrappings, Ladies' Hisses, and Children's Trimmed Mats, new shapes, Ladies, Hisses and Children", ' IIoop Skirts, Ladles,' Kisses and Childrens, Balmoral Shoes, and Gaiters, Bonnets, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Ac., Ac. , ..... Gents and Boys Shoes of every Description, Gents, Boys and Childrens Bats, of every variety for summer wear, Crockery and Glassware, .. Wood and willow ware. Also, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and DveSlufls. o1h1 tfiiils." '"-' They are prepared to 'fill all orders, of Phvsi- cians, for itangs snd Hedreines, st the shortest notice. The Drug department will be under the charge of a regular rhysicisn. They also have a branch of their .business at County Line, Davie County. where all of the alove named articles, may like wise be obtained on the wuie terms. The above stock of Gkk1s, having been par- chased since the late heavy decline ofprices in the ..Northern Cities, will be sold as IA)W as they cam possibly be bonghl in this mm-Vt, I'. 11. UaJtin. invites his old friends of Davie County especially, to gi Ve him a call when visiting this market. -, J. W. GRAT, - V. K. M A KT12T, J.McGUIKE. Salisbury, TS. C, April 8, Ys3.' , If-nol. YadkinjCollege, UOiCTtU. January, l-eb.Tisry, March, April,, May, I J.ine, July. Aninw. SeSjemberr i fetober. 1861. 3 27th 28th 1 : December, l"ec, 1 U 1863. 190 1 SO 160 160 160 160 160 160 00 too - 360 186S. 1864. 300 31 00 -KTBAR THE TADKIIV 800 : 400 00 160 660 900 1400 1400 I4O0 16 SO 90 00 flOO 9300 9000 19 00 18 00 100 sseo - 96 09 1 96 00 0 00 McDowell. 102 'Rtrt lierfiM; r 1 03 North. Rntherford, -104 South. Henderson, ? Transylvania, Jiinconils', do Madison, -Yancey, H:ivwmm1, Jackson,- Macon, Chemkre, Cbiv, lito 10th locla-j aire. 10tlito90th, " 1st to 31st. tad I irlMKaa. maly SrSvi' aaJ tncunT osmImi ' 1 mv sriro Setaeew eJterwtotn. admiaietrstsni. enar- i faTianyfcrfiWsmV-'siiw tbeir aisjjo.tea r wards awl eestujsnue Oust, 1 Mo settlement of thsfrl seeonnta snd trasta, arsnng from the deprectmUoa of CbhAHimt currency, mste tmasory notes snd bsskri stoles. inrioH bt ana growing out or too KM sir: and that law salts and eneaaiva litlntioa- asav k t wot mw e BIv-KB-NINB MILES rsOkt LIXINUTOM M. 0. - This Inxtitatioa. aader iu charter as a Collsce, was revived on the 16th of Janaary 18, sad supplied, by a resolotion of the Tmsteea, with a corps of experien ced Teachers; m that now, with Its eheaa boarding arrangements, R oners to male pnpua very eanca tionsi CseiHty. from the primary department to a full college eoorss, rptrti more fsvOrable tenas perhaps, than say aeadmay or eolkee ln;tb Htaie. MATTVILIS VKmahBisninani, Thme anarters of a mils from Yadkra College, and entirely separato from It, bow offers, la its boarding arrsngemeflM in ine lamny oi m nmw. . , uu, and la its scientifle and literary deparUnenta, nnasasl attrsctkns to yoaag ladies who desiM to acquire a nished edaeatioa, embracing mssio, aad other fcnv Inlne accomplishmenU. - . , , , 7 -r brief etreaiars gitag psrtienlara in relation t either the Ollege or the beminsry, sddrass the i J". -ir.'TS'EWtS!f : : Tadkia (alleie. via Lsiinstoit K, ' Vwm.W.---r------- l-oswiaa North. South. lie it tlierelure eaaeted. That In all socVcasek. the 1 imnwm mm nrvr.miimarm io wrn lull an.ns I , . - M ' r i ' feet statement of the case oa both side which esse I i The M igistrates nrRowan County, are -I.-,, t 1 1.. I A- . I- - -1 i .1 ... I .. . .., i . , kiisii tie b4iiiihic to wv w wi wmws m vne or ins jndires of the Sirtior Conru. ehnsea by the partita. who at aerenr awtaonseo cooMoer ana aetormiae tlie sasse. according W sanity and goo4 eaaarleare 1 1 : J . I ' . . I. . . : , ,. i mi it,4. m.cin, , vf nw t Mmmm sun f be rnrmfnied to tip er hinder ssy firrma tnn pra- Teuinir in we asaai canrss at law, no anau aeem 1st divJ, -coin, of liL 2iL - 3d &AlhIrig, I 2d Oth u it 13, 14, 17, ' IS, . 8 - - " 16, ".20, u A true tnf . J. A. EXilELn tltn. , i Clerk or raaw.- required to -meet at the Court Ilomv, in Salisbury, on the 1st Monday In May at 10 o'clock, A. BL, for "purpose of laying tlie County and Poor Taxes, and attend iir4o such other County business as may twoperly eomo before theXkmrCl , , T .' - - D. A. DAVIS, Chatrma. April 1966. . . ,V wmw2t TO M WFACTORS & MECULMCS ! Several Engines with iu Boilers, tr Sale, from 12 Horse power up. -. nolSlvd JOHN A HOLT. JOB PRINTING j NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. The Wide World. AH ENTEHTAISINO, IXSTRrCTlVE AND firiCT FAMILY NEWSPAPER. It is the design of the Publishers to make the Wide World acceptable to all classes of renders. Its columns will contain Original Tales frotn some of the ablest writers in Am erica. Also, Amusine and mngerous Ad ventures, Translations, Historical Remini scences, Sketches of all kinds. Poetry, Wit, Humor, etc., etc., combining avast amount of information on thousands of subjects thaff are oi interest proht and amusement to the eneral reader, editorials and ltfws. touch ing all the lending and important occurrences oi me aay, win oe louna in us eoiuinus.. Terms of Publication iu Advance. $3.00 Per - Annum. Single copies may be had of all newsdeal ers, price Sevencejuls. EF All communications intended for the columns of the Wide World, . or containing Subscriptions, should be addressed J. II. BRIGHAM & FERSALD, Publishers of the Wide World,. ,28 State Street, Boston, Mass. Stale of JYorili Carolina, ) TREASURY DEPARTMENT I Ralkigh, March 31, 1866. ) To Hollers f Coupons of North-Carolina Bonds. BY ACT OP THE GENERAL ASSEM bly of North-Carolina, ratified Man 10, 18GG, I am directed to prepare and sell for not less tnan par oonas oi ine .oiate running tuiny foir years, with Coupons bearing six per cent, interest, rtavable semi-aanuallv, of thedenom inatiou of 100, f 500. and $1,000, principal and interest untaxable, for the purpose of pay- ina coupons.-now due ana to oecotne an in 1806, aud bonds due and to fall due in 1806. Byauthority vested in the lublie Treasurer, I designate New ork as the place of payment. Parties entitled, desirous of effeetntc thteoX- eliange authsriied in said Act,, will please com municate to me at once the amount and char. awtwttf irwi!ritiw4iSl funded, in order tliat I may know the aumlior detiMHnMBrtlia- lMiUHIwBicnrL fie; rerrmred. Afler He engraver stiau lurmsuuic blanks, tn biMidfr will be prepared :! issue ilhnitUetDflJ4 Lnder advice ot the Atwwney uenerai, cxm- nUicellaneous Adrertisementa. A B00TT0 THE SICK AND THE LIGHT OHIIE WORLD. DR. MAGGIEL'S Pills and Salve. These Life-riving remedies sie now, given publicly to the world. Forever a ooarterof a esaUiry of pri TSW practice the lneredlent In these ixrn-Qivjxt a pzivivs t Have been aseU with the greatest saecesa. Their mis sion m not only to prevent disease, but to tore. They search out the various maladiee by which the patient la sutlering,' anS re invigorates tna ailing sys lam. v-Toths aged and Inarm a few doses of these valuable PILLH will prove to be - A VERY FOUNTAIN OP YOUTH. For in every ease they add new life and vitality, and restore the wsainir enersies to their pristine state. To to the yonng snd middle-sged , they will prove most invaluable, ss a ready, speeine, aad sterling medi cine. Here is a dream realised, that Pono-ae-Leoa sought for three hundred years ago, and aevar found. He looked for a fountain that would restore the old to vigor snd make youth ever An Sternal nrinr 1 Tt wu left for this dsy and hour to realise the dream snd show In one glorious fact, the magic thst msde it fair. THESE FAMOUS REMEDIES Csnnot stay the flight of years, bnt they can force bar-" and hold aloof, diseases that might triumph overthe ared and the young. Let none hesitate then bnt seize themrmiinteopportamty that offers. -When taken ss prescribed F0UBILLI0US DISORDERS- Nothinir csn be more productive of ears than these Pill. Their almost msiric influence is felt at once. and the usual comcomitsnts of this most distressing disease are removed. These remedies are made from the purest 7EGETAELS C0HP0U2TD0. They will not harm the most delicate female, and can be given with good eflect in prescribed doses to the youngest bsbe. For .Cutaneous Disorders and all erdpnbhs- CfTif the skin, tlie Salve is mos In valuable. It does not heal externaaUy alone, bnt penetrates with the most searching effects to the very root of tlie evil ! DR. ltIAC.IEL'$ PILLS Invariably cure the follow- -ing Diseases. Asthma, Bowel Complaints, ) . . Colds, Chest Diseasee, Costiveuess, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, lroy, r Debility, Fever and Ague, Female Complaints, Headache, 4 Indigestion, l-" Influenza, Intiauiation, Iuwaid weakne! Liver Complaint, Lowness of Spirits, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Scalds, ' , Skin Diseases," Sea. 3 KOTTCE. Kone genuine Without the engra ved "trade-murk around each pot or box, signed byl)r. J . MioiiiKU 43 Fulton street, New York, to counterfeit which is feloiry. BJ" iSold by all respectable Dealers In Medicines throughout the United htates and Canada 'at 26 eta . per box or pot. For sale at J. II. Enniss' Drug Store, Salisbury X. C. apr-dly "THE WEEKLY "OLD N0ETH STATE." PUBLISHED XYIBY KIDAT, AT IAL I81VXT, H. 0., IT niirBi a Anp.Tfti, i CONTAINS , All the Latest News, REVIEW OF THE ItfAaULETSs - STC, BTO.a AUD FKIITTKD Ilf THE BBtT wTTJUB. PERSONS LIVING IN THE COUN TRY WILL PE KEPT POSTEDIS ALL THE NEWS OF THE DAY BY SUBSCRIBING TO TUB WEEKLY, " O UP N O RTH 8 TATE. I -wrsr IbaslHlf-awTBllaV 0X E a I v ons of hmiilii issued since, mil niiUfiLaasj 1 - aj.i. :n l t. I...J I passed ociim aist xinn, inu, iu neiuuwn under the act of March HKh, 1M0C, provided their fch-ntity i established, by being cot from the bouds in my presence, a provision neces sary on account of the similarity to other Cou pons, issued since May 20th, 1 HOI . .-...I.. .... . 11T T - nol3dlw. Public Treasurer. . M ON T H S , - Mi BlgtJ A IIA3llTOJ( fabUsbsrs It Prentietars. LEWIS JOHN 8. HAN'KS. HAMPTON. a arch 10- Collrclor OfHrc, ( SALisorxr, N. C, ArniL, 5th, 66. ) HE ASSESSOIfS LIST OK ROWAS t"OUN ir Cm tVhrujirr has been deBvered tome. All persons that list will cslrat my'offlr on the SMith and 0 days oT -Vpnl. inst-, smi isr uwr taxes; . & - jrCKwtd UMieaar. ? nr as . V1KIUU. wnsal rssasettaUy l.rm hie nirgs, WITH RH AN so it a fA frieodsaad-pstntns ef i and .vlclnltv. that as k snin enrased in the Kook-biading haai- aeas in Relets. X. V.. where be is anxtoa la re reive their former patmnsire. AH work sent to him will be attended to wKh ouiness, aad aatMacttoa goarantead. Hata pixpared to do binding In All its brancbta and in varioos styles. Penrnas wWiins to sopply themselves wlfli Books snd 8Utknery ol all siads. eaa be swpplied by ad- . dressfti Mewrs. Rraasna -A Fsrrar, BookeUes, Pnblisber and Binders, Ualeih, X. C, - UUU. i 7. 4. - )'.. u T

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