-A , T. , v.... is--. . ' 71, . v.. 'J 1 7- ; The Old -if orih stale :roreftr?f. ttlngle i Copies Fire Cents. VOL I. SALISBURY, N P.. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 9, 1866. NUMBER 34 i. n ' it V i-... "'IV, 1 .A ! 1 : . .. T II E Old North Stale. (DAILY. k Jaaa I Ft4W. I m sxia I Corann. I S I NT tfmaosie reg it fTBusHin nomnois. UVXS aUVTJ. XdiUe. assures or snscaurnos.,42 IBf M Awabj Party paper, . - - Hi BWaa, Weekly -Ml (WXSZITJ OmTw, S S.0 I ftX MUltl. I .Ml T com Otw Tear. . .SI Tweary niiw. Oh Tear. i W a the m t ciSh the exaaratiae af I Ou Yoarrw firm. is I 2nd 3rd TWKhm which tae priaScd as laSatti aw. K. aaiaa wiM ha yilH war mmily. la wi C able aad RATES OF ADVERTISING. t v 3 t ji. S:5:p:2:g::: g sxVt" 3 " . . 3:g:g:g:grg:g: . . . . . e g:g:g:g:g:g:g: , -rg ; ; ; :: : : " o o z ' o 9 . v g : g : g : g : g: g : g : S S c x a p , u O g : g : g : g : g : g : g : 's ' : c g:g:'g:g:g:g:: S a a. - a. a. a ' e ; g : g : g : g : g : g : . a aaa a aja. a a . :?::.: -r : p:?" : ' g : g : g : g : g : g : g : a J - I - a a . ' g I 'g I "g : "g ; g : "g : 'g : r . . a a - X " aa- X 'w g . : g: g : g : g : g : g : ? glSifisigisis: k - . - ; g : : s : g : g : g : g : g : f . s S'V'V'S' a'a'aa K ::a;-:a-a;a:a i : I : ; : i : i : j : - f : : I: ?: ?: 3: r : I : s -:. : I": if g: ?: ? : --.a;.:a:a:a:a 9 : g : : g : g : ; : g t - g - . 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 13th 13th 14 th 15th 16th Tea line oTwCd avawta trp. or aboat oae inrii kan?3B-it U Um column. CtMteUtate Spmal -VaUri. ia IJni aunim. will b am- I tnrtod far at toe adke. at not Ira than doable I7tb h nix at aMvl.urr adreitiwiDMita. Jiaott4' reading ma!Ur, with approral of AdfitiCaDraU iKertrd Drrfnlailj-.or at filter TalU, ar cmaV adIit J"ojL TV lald aitaTf armtf-i are Bar rtaiwlinr MW Oar or tva wanes, cbanmbia at discretion. &l mrr rout .l.ti.i'il Marc taa tar tjaam, rkaacabfe at dum- an. acr taaaic C.tea, fiacfk fcr ctctj cnanr. FlTcaqmam eUBMtd as raartT0J, aouRa aau caouwa. wih iwh- a . . . . m V mtHM. vart&pr or taw oar or Tear, wiu av cuKhtnri daeaoJruIkrUble pwnatarhai 18th 19th 20th ZSUtia arZTrth CoL Joha A. GiliaMV poa the duchatrse of ha drntiem aa acit- ut AHUBt Gentttl of th Statr, uder - . aa n W T appoiataamt finoai Ut. m orin. i e pao- Itfh bdov, aa a antler of general interest, Gaml OrtW Xo. 1, oaWrmg the 'art 4f the Iaeridalnrr. re-enaetinj, with nne JjfctwM the fonaer Militia law of thai State. STATE OF XORTH CAROLIXA, &:a5aa.aaWiLiJ&Vil.-...w-B.iiiwsa Am. j. .. ' L Thi Ulawia Art oTijtejT IT vlararc of thk State M benbj pabUaaea Jbt th mforawUiM of all eooeeraed: AX ACT TO EE-EXACT CHAPTEB SEVEXTT, REVIESO CODE EX XITI.r.n "MILITIA." AXD TO A1IEXD THE SAME. iirairirflf the Gnterti Aurmbiy mt tie a Xffk Otrotim, mmd it is hrrrhf nOOfd bf the mutkHrity 4 the aoatt, That ehapter atwattea of the acta of the Geaeral. AaeaaUy of eihteea hundred aad tixlj-oate, ratitfed "MJida BOl" ia berehr rrpnkd; aad that rhapter aeremty Reryoi CoaV, wW, Militia,- u ra csacted with the tJUwiag ameadmenU. tA ark : Strike aot aectwa eight aad iaaert u The fcDowiBX are declared to be the reg- - - a .1 ata, braoya aad airaMOoa Slat f Currkack, I Perqiaaaaa, r raaqnotaalt,, t no wan. Uertford, Gatea, Bertie, do. Urun, Waahingtoa, TjmlL Hjde, Beaafort, 1 -a 4th t oo Pitt, CarterrV ,5th li I Renoir, f Onslow, r ft new uanorer, do Sanpaon, do Daplio, W.jne, do Greene, Edgecombe, do Xaah, Wiboa, Halifax, do Xorthampton, Warren, Wake, do Franklin, John too, Granville do Person, Orange, do "'" " ? Caawell, Alamance, Chatham, ' do ' Moore, Harnett, Comberiand, do Bladen, Brunswick, Colombo, - RobeMn, Robeson, Richmond, - do-,... Monteomepf, Randolph, f do Davidson, do Guilford, do Rockingham, do Foravthe, f Stoke, Brryr -do Yadkin, r Rowan, Dane,' Iredell, do f Anson, Union, do Stanly, fCabarroa, Mecklenbaxg, do 1 uasion, r Lincoln, 1 2 3 4 S 7 C - s 9 . 10 11 IS . 13 14 15 North. 16 Sonth. 17 13 Haw ilia-1 6ta " SI. 22. 23. Si U tinniahedl7th M SS. 26. 27. Moo u . f . -V. Ia aectioa tightj atrike oat Um word "larea or." la aectioa : eighty-three, strut ou im voraa "or runaway na. groea ana insert persoua. ... . , He Uf Hither enacted, Tha the oflc-rt apaomted by virtoa of an otdiaane of th! Uae LoaTenUo) are hereby authorized u enaol thtt militia according to tha . o r f I oi uua act. CSltaaUaikaoai Advertiiainent. PROSPECTUS OF THE BtTTHEBFOED STAB . Thi Undmlc ncd nrouoM to publinh. in the villai of RutlmrtVu-dum, a weekly Newspaper to M auied "TW Kutlierlord aur." It M oar denlr it mab Tho Star a wel euma twitof To all thoM who feel an interest f the imwDeritv and welfare of our eountrr am m whole, and Vi perpetuity of our Inatitn .. . - . II m Wiav, run T lie iiuiit v vw aai A ttttriXer enacted Thai thin act ahWl I kU, uJuKflad d urh a bjamauUm an aaatr. a federal IteDnblioan Uorernroent.. '. Our pooplo hara but latal nnermd from a Kigauua eiTu war waoa vj aaa peiween oectiou of once glorious Union, . and more doNOlatiug to our panlcuJar section, than any thing that has ever happened on this contin ent, and it la to be hoped, than ever will again. While there Is life there is hope, and not withstand.; the' rrnat chaneea wrouirht bv i ... . .p .." ' XL Partmant to this act, the officers of I tneiateeivu war, wa sbau eaeourage tliepeo- lk in fares from aad after Its salifications In Geateral AaaemUr, read threa; testes aad ntified thai 12tk day af March, A D. (Signed,) & r. PHILLIPS, 8. IL C. a S. WIXSTEAD, , a. a, 21 22 eart t. K. river. 91 na M U 24 east, Big Coh. 24weat -M " 26 27 Upper. 28 Lower. 29 30 Upper. 31 Lower. 32 33 34 Upper. 33 Lower. 36 37 28 east of Ral'gh 29 west 1 40 41 42 North. 43 Sooth. 44 43 Hillsboro'. 46 Uawfielda. 47 4S 49 Upper; 50 Lower. 51 5 53. Upper. .$4 Lower. 55 56 57 58 Lower. 59 Upper. 60 Lower. 61 Upper. 62 63 .West. 64 East. 65 Lower. 66 Upper. 67 West. 68 East. 69 Lower. 70 Upper. '71 72 . 73 North. 74 SontL 75 . 76 77 78 N.ofS. Tad. the "temporarv force" orranised nnder the Ordinance M to orranise a temporary force Tor tae preeervauoa oi law . and or der," wQl proceed immediately to enroll the names of all persona within the ages of 13 and 45, subject to militia duty, in each district of their respective Coantiee. This enrollment will be made agreeably to the districts in each county as they existed immediately prior to the 20th day of May, A. D., 1861. 111. Immediately after the enrollment hereby ordered shall have been completed, the said officers of the temnorarr force are farther in. tract ed and commanded to give Eblie written notice at three or four pub places ia each district of their counties, commanding all persona enrolled and sub ject to militia duty, to assemble at a cer tain time and place, near the centre of each district, for the purpose of electing the pi to; honesty, industry 'and ewaomyi we abaUUk special pains to keep them posted witn all Denecciai unprovemants of tb age, so that they may one .more enjoy bountiful stores, prosperity and happiness. ... . - a a . . . , We shall from time to time publish such laws, both State and National, as our people are directly concerned in, and shall likewise use our infiuenc to establish a sound circula ting currency, so much needed at the present time. We shall be governed by principles and not men, for according to our honest conviction, lbs present condition of our country is owing to the abandonment of. principles, we mean the abandonment of those fundamental prin siples apoa which the Government of the Uni ted States was reared. ' W shall favor aad encourage the develop ment of all our resources. Agricultural, Min eral dee., and likewise such internal improve ments as will most likely he beneficial to the Country, and especially the extension of the W UmingtonChariottee and Kutnertord Hail dommueioned and non-commissioned om- Road west cers of the different companies, which elee- As to Polities we are True Conservatives, thma will be held as prescribed in Revised believing neither in the Fire Eaters of the Lode, chapter 70, entitled MUttut. There ooatn, nor in tuwioais oi tne worm, out in BXereantile Advrtlsmnts. Usellanena Advsrtissments. IVKWFiIl3imSAUSBURY!tA BOON TO TIIE..SICK AND I HI nMa.. O O Th Light of tlie World. TTAVE Jnst received and opened at Ko. sfur u phy's Granite building, a new and Splendid Stock of Staple and FANCY DRY GOODS. whfoh they writ sell for eatl. or barter, "only, as muuw, jl jarg-e ana uesauiui amorimeni or IADIES DRESS 6005S, embracing the newest and leading styles of ths season. A larre (woitroent of Gentlemen'k. TouUi'a andiioy'sUoods, Ladies 8. JBiner Wrappings, Ladies' lfuses, and ChildiYu'l : Trimmed Hats, now shspes, Laiics, Misses and Childrens, Hoop Skirts, Ladies, Hisses and Childrens, Balmoral Shoes, and Gaiters, Bonnets, Ribbons, ' Gloves, Hosiery, 4e., tic. Gents and Boys Shoes of every Description, Gents, Boys and Children! Hats, of every variety for summer wear. Crockery and Glassware, Wood and willow wars. .AHo. Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Dye SlutTs, " salt of these elections shall then be com mitted to writing, certified to and signed by said officers of the temporary force, and forwarded to these Headquarters on or be fore the 6th day of Jane next, when the officers elect wUI be commissioned by the Governor.' ' '"" -"" - " ' IV. The officers of tb temporary force aforesaid are instructed, in order to the more effectual and speedy execution of the' provisions of this order, to meet together, immediately after the reception' of this or der, to apportion the districts among them selves, and to adopt a uniform plan for the enrollment and holding the, elections herein ordered. By order of Governor Worth, J. A. GILMER, Jr., Adjutant General. :,. SCI L v BirtKCIUIM. The foOoviac bill pa aw it duiiaf the present ses- A bulla Vt tattled Aa act ta establish a Scale of I Uesraciaiiaa af CataMamkt Cnncacy. Waaaaaa, By aa afdiaaaca of the Coarentioa, ea titled "Aa otdiaaac daclariBs; wbat Uiri aad ardi aaaeea mr ia forea. aad fcr other parposea," ratified a tlw llkk ear af OrtoWr, A. D. 1U66. ttisBwdathe datyaftac UeaeralAaMably to proTida a acalear dtawciauoaot tb Caafederate eaneaey na toe Bawaf asanlaaaawlaaeMiof the war; aad it is Ssriaer iWeia declartd that "ail exscatory coatracta, aalvaala ia awry, waetbar aador seal or aot, made nor ta. afnri.tMa mt mM earreary betn tb. 1st day oT May. WE&, aad yH aattlkd, (exeept elncial baadsaad ataal boada aarabia to tk. Btota.) shall be ba btea made with tae aaderHaadinf tha Constitution, the. Union, and the enforce ment of all Constitutional laws, whether State or Federal, and a ready and willing obedience to tne same. The Star will be published every Wednea day at the following rates, (strictly in ad vane,) payable- in currency or produce at markat prteas ." - ' :-,. , One copy 12 months, ' ' - ,'$L00 " 6 " 1.00 J. B. CARPENTER, ' R. W. LOGAN. April 18th, 176. d tf. fr4 a , sS c 3 tf O to o 22d I n 7Za (waWw-aeaasFa do Wakes, 23d ii CaldweQ, ' f Alleghany, Zia I nr., SScnei?5 do 25th 26th 27th 28th of the in-1 MeDoweJL R.yrfor4 t Ratheiford. Polk, Henderson, Transylvania, Buncombe, do Madison, Yancey, Haywood, Jackson, Macoa, Cherokee, riaj.. 7". 1st dir, com. of 1st 79 S. 80 81 East 82 West 83 84 85 North.. 86 South. 87 . 88 89 90 Upper. , ; 91 Lower. 92 Upper. 93 Lower. 94 95 ... 96 97 98 1QQ Narth. i01oStt-r 102 .103 Nort hs 104 Soatk 105 106 107 103 North. 109 South. , 110 in 112 . 113 114 115 116 2d. 3d dc 4th brig. taat lacy ware aorta M. at sseaey the said came-1 fV ' ! ey. aahnct aavartaeleai la evidaaceof a different la- BBaC taatartaasaitiaaaa taecaatract: taerefora, . . g J I -Btfccaocfed or taa Oeaaral AoNaibiv f tb. aw h-N laraiiaa-aad I Stale of Carta sbly Btiabafeby enacted by lbllowiBf scale eby adopted the aataant. af the aaaau"! f anmctaUaa be aad the aaaat b benby aad idabhaaid a. tha aaasaaraef valaa af aa gold doUar ai Cbafcdwaai eaneaey. Sir each bob lb, aad Sanwaal pans aftha atoata ar Deccaiber, lab, I ithelatdayefKaveaiber ISSLtota 1st dayef auy.naja.tewa: kale af eVptatiaMaa af OaaderaU Carrvacy.tae avid SaUan heat theaaltaad awaaai of raloe,. Sraatsta. tat 18S1. ta Slay 1. 1Mb.? : 1 fca ai 1 J 2 I II M-i V ; n o . 1 4 rp;,"- R of all kinds. Thev are preDared to fill all orders, of Phmi. dans, for i)nifrs and Medicines, at the shortest notioe. The Drug department Will be under the onarge oi a regular rnyuician. They also have a brunch of their business at County Line, Davie County, where all of the above named articles, may like wine be obtained on the same terms. The above stock of Goods, having been pur- enaaed since tne late neary decline or prices in the Northern Cities, will be sold as LOW as they peaaojy oe oouani in uus marxeu P. R. Vaitin. invites his old friends of Davie County especially, to give him a call when visiting i uus marxec XT. GRAY, P. R.MAKTIX, j.jyrcouiKK. Salisbury, N, C., April , '66. tf-nol. DR. MAGGIEL'S Pills and Salvo. a ' Thsat LifvissreiaadlfasiS aow giTS pabllcl tothe world, rat-vnr . tpnrw or a ouuory ei art vah) practice tha tnmdientm ia tlae LIFE-QIVINO PILLS, ITsve brea aasd with the gitatast aaeecai. 1 Tbair ailxsioaefs aot ealy to preveat diajasa, bat to ear. lhy sMrek eat the varloas aisladies by which lb patieal IssaOeriar, aad levigorates the Buliaf systsai. To the seed aad iallna a km doses of tbaai Talaabls pills will pre to be JL VEHY FOUNTAIN OF, TOUTS. For ia eTery case they at!d new Ua and vitality, and ! retort tha waraiaf mxi.totbelrprittiB state. T tberouag ead middle-sged. tbey will pr. rt ssost In valaa'sle, as a ready, epeclne, sad sterlinf nedicine. Here 's a dream reailMd, that Poae-de-Leoa atmeht for three hundred rears sro, sad never fonsd. lie looked fur a foanula that would leator the old to the vigor and make youth ever AN ETERNAL SPRING I It was left fw this dav sod boor to realise the dream aad how ia oae f lorieas laet, the aiagie that aiade it (air. THESE FAMOUS REMEDIES Caaoet ttav tha luabt of years, bat tbey eaa force bark anil bold aloof, diseanstbat might triumph ever tho arcd and rooax. Let aoae hesitate then but seise tlie foroiable opportunity that offers. When taken as pteariibrd FOR BILLI0US DISORDERS Nothiaxean be more productive of core than these, rills. Tlieiralwoet maxle influence is foil st once, and the rati a I eomooratteata of this moat dimming rliwase are teaoved. Tbaae remedies art made from the pirert VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS. They will not barm the most delicate female, andean be ilen with cood eb'eet described doses to the yo undent bebe. FOR CUTANEOUS 'DISORDERS sad all eruptions of the skin, the salve is most Invsl osble. It does not beat externally alone, bnt pene trates with the most searching effects to the very root of the evil! DR. MAGGIEL'S PILLS Invariably core the follow- ing Diseases. Asthma, Bowel Complaints, Coughs, Ulds, Fehcaary, March. . May. Jaaa. J-iy. tit - i is Das. res lath taetav tatwStol, lata. tits I as IM 1 6 IM IM IM 1 1 fl sss ta SM 1863. I8S4. IWl $3M 300 409 e ; IM as se 149 140 MB. is so 910 9100 S3 00 SOW 19 0 18 00 100 as oo so jwoo ajo 49 80 MOO 60 00 00 00 100 St) caller Ya d ki nCol 1 eg e NAR THI TaDKIlT ttKBMIHB MILCS MOM LIX1HOTOS. Thia lartatutioR, sader its thuira a CoUera, h ravtred oh the 16th or January 1866, and supplied, by a resolatWa of the TnwSeea, with a corps af experiea eedTeaeberst so that sow, with its cheap boarding arrangements, it offers to aasia popils every educa tional Cviility, from the primary department to a run college eoarsa, apoa more favorabkj lierms perhaps, The Wide World. AN ENTERTALVING, ISSTRUCTIVaVAND 8PICV FAMILY NEWSPAPER. It is the design of the Publishers to make the Wide World acceptable to all classes of readers. Its columns, will contain Original Tales from some of the ablest writers in Am erica. Also. Amusing and Dangerous Ad ventures, Translations, Historical Remjnl scerie, Sketches of all kinds. PoetryinWit, Humor, etc., etc., combining a vast amount of information on thousands of subjects that are of interest profit and. amusement to the general reader. Editorials and News, touch ing all the leading and important occurrences oi me any, wiu oe iouna in its columns. Terms of Publication in Advance. $3.00 Per - ' r Annum. ' Single copies may be had of all newsdeal- 71 C . . . ' era, price oeven cents. 47 All counnanications intended lW the columns of the Wide World, or containing BUDscnpuons, should be addressed J. II. BRIOHAM tK FERNALD, Publishers of the Wide World, ' V 28 State Street, Boston, Mass 56.) tk uikar or ealiere ia the State H.arrs villa pbhilb stmniBr, ad aaanas; maW 1iPss smssawSjataaamaaYeae aeaaauainHoiB, rear Three quarters oi s aiile Yadkm College, and entirely sep.rat.ttoo, rt, now osers, in na boarding 1 arrangements ia iae ramuy-oi w oo, u. n . nana, aad ta tta eeimtile aad Htorary departmeatB, anusnal attraction, to yenag htdaw who 1 eealie tulabed educalioa, embTaciagsaBaio, aaa amor wm- Far brief flrcslsrs rvwg parueajars ra maooa w J.ltW th.iile or thi rJemtitarr. address the- at wawani ar taeirr EVt-Or-W Hi UK, A. M. i uiul mt-T in ll tnat. , araaag aaai iae ppecaooaor Osafodmae sanaaty, bmle hiasary aolas aad baa r aaa at taa. lass war ataybe -Be aibiiaSira lasrail. That man sack eases, the paBa. iaciaatsaad pwa aw af aha. Ia( I aad that taw aasW aad expeaalv Utigatioa aaitJas at heseby empawefed ta form a tall aad per iTl ilBaaiial ifri t aa bsMea. which earn aaaSlbeaaaaritatdlalha sVnnalaali.a efeoeafthai Jadgasaf IsoSoperie Caona, ehaaia by the parties. wao m asway .i.nn m eaamaie aaa oeven. ia. the aasaa. aaaareaaw as aaany aaa goe eoaaeteaea: rVeviaad. baaWMr. ThalaaBart af thieaecttoaabaU hniasliail w atop or siader aay pmoa r pro- riaa; m ta twaai ceans f law, a aaau deem J. A. ENRELR1BD, Clerk afSeaate. t aatry to be kaowa aad. distugaiehed as 2d 3d 4th 5th 4t at u u IT, 10, 1. ia 7, lie 15, 8 "It, "MS -20, y TO ILMFAiTOES & IMlXIfS Several Eagiaea with ta Boilers, fcr Sale. free IS ilors pewar sp. aeU I we AJUJ A W Ji t . Tadkla CoUega, via Lexingtoa, N. C. Marcs, , ' ' .' ;"-' " '-d1" VHl BAlbY 8XPBBSI, T rmwiffM.w RA8 EKTEBED apoa tu ifteeoU year, la aa ew Isrged torm, wKh aew type, wider aaapi highly B.tterinf. It ksaa laiwe aad daily iarrin, clr. eafatfea. and otfers to tweirhaats and other dfwi.g to eoraaraalcaie with the tioatbera pobtie, advaata ge..-rpa-bv)-.iisnf0 RATES. wa soosaa tH atha. V 1 00 ThTOa'tbs, IS 00 JobT 4 00 Oae Year, 40 00 mmm'.. Tw. sQcaaas TM B10 W uaemoata. SJ Twa meaths, Three montha,; Bai-Tw SO 00 Oae Tear, gcBSCaUFTWJl aUTfcS i q..Ujh4W teat. OMmeota, nets. ' Addraw A. t. CUUTCHTlPLJ X-, rtarja-dswfw Pitmavs T. is 00 0 as State of North Carolina, TttEASUKr DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, March 31, 1866 To Holdert t Oouppns 0 North-Carolina Bonds. BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEM bly of North-Carolina, ratified Mar. 10, 1866, I am directed to prepare and sell for not leas than par bonds f the htate running thirty four vears, with Coupons bearing six per cent Interest navable semi-annuallv. of thedenom. juatlon of (100, $500, and $1,000, principal and interest untaxable, tor the purpose 01 pay ing coupons now due and to become due in lWJO, and bonds due And to tall due in 1866. By authority vested in the Public Treasurer, I deai gnate ISew York as the plae of payment. Parth,enii change authorised in said Act, will please .' mwKNaie tt"e tlleKlISt and .Ars icteof the securities which thev wish to be Winded, in order that I may know the number and denomination oi W Doodr wbtch will be required. After the engraver shAll fbrnlshth blanka, Ui bouds will be prepared tor issae with isttl delay. " - : Under advice of the Attorney General, Cou pons of bonds issued sine, but under acts passed before Mar 20th, 1461, will be funded under the act of March 10th, 1866, provided their Identity is established, by beiag cut from the bonds ia my presence, a provision neees saryonaopoutitof thesimilariiy tootW Cou pane, issued maee May 20th, ttS1. KtJlr i. BATTliK, nolDdlw. ' rublic TniHunr. JOB PRINTING NEATLY AND EXPEDITIO USL EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. Cheat 1 Costive&eas, Dyspepsia, 1 Avutrrnoaa, Droosy, Debility, Fever and Ague, ' . Female Complaints, Headache, Indigestion, IuHuenx, Inflamation, . Inwaid weakness, Liver Complaint, Lowness of Spirits, Ringworm, Rheumatism, ' . :. Salt Rheum, Scalds, . Skin Diseases, etc. O KOTICE.-,lf one genuine without the engra ved tnaWark around each potor box, signed by lr. J . Maooixl, 43 Fnltoostreet, New York, to counterfeit which is felony. tf Sold by all respecUbbi Dealers In Medicines throughout the United States aad Canadas atSScts per box or pot. For sale at J. H. Enmss Drug Store, Salisbury N. C. aprS-dly THE WEEKLY "0U HOETH STATE." TVKMVta ZTKEY KUDAT, AT sat- , U1VIY. V. 0 , IT - - H1HII, A BAHPTOIT. CONTAINS J AR tSe latejst irews, KBTIBW Or-Tar MABKBTt, rre, arro., ' '; Ann ruftmra in thi bkst snrrus, PERSONS LIVING IN THE C0UN-. TUX WILL UE KEPT POSTED Itf ALL THE NEWS OF THE " . ..DAY-BY-hUBSCJilBING. TO THB WEEKLY tkhtis-caah iwofAff si: ONE YEAR , SIX MOKtni3i $3 00 fsbUshsrs JroprUtors! LEWIS HAVER JOHN 8. Ui.MPTOX. Search 10- rAaJxTa-SJ -" .4 .... - www .prnHMir mwrm i old fnends aad patron, af IMbry aad vicinity tbt W trd ia tU Book-biadJag bua aew ta Raleigh, K. C. where be ia aaxk.? TT t former saaoaaea. AO work ant to kia wui aa aoaaoed 10 wits rtsiai. aad Mttffactioa Pwrns wbalas m aappfy ibemsatvm with Boats aad Stationary at all kiada. eaa am-u k. .a. 1r aWgaated, aamely: wf33? " ir.-. .. 1