IIAIYES fc IIAJ1TTOJ., Pub's. 4c Pro's "The Old North KUte Vortrer."Guto. Single Copies l ire Cent. VOL I. SALISBURY,- IN.' 0.; FliipAY EVENING. ,' MAY 11, 18CC. NUMBER 30 4 THE A- Old Worth State. : iaiiLY.1 Xtowls XXaaes fc'oba av XXamptao. PUBLISHERS AoPRIttTORS. - LXWIa I1IH, Fdltor. KT BATES OK Bl'BSCRlPTIO.V. .a ' TERM CASH I! ADVANCK. ly piper, One Year, 8ix Month, ' Um Month, 1 .00 .60 .00 fWIKtT Weekly paper, One Yew,- , -- . S.00 tx swathe. . 1.60 " Tea copies On Year, . 93.U0 " TwcufV cooiea. Une Yeir. 40.00 A cross X o tb paper militates tie expiration of Ue MlDMTipitOU. The tine on which the " Old Noam Stats." printed la entirely new. No pain will be spared to make it welcome visitor to every family. In order to da thlawe bev njraired the services of able tad accomplished literary contributor. RATES OF ADVERTISING. o n O o r o K r ? r i It n c m H n to 9 r K 1 O 1 m g m CO M on c q m s o q . O CO q , o M . g : g ! g I g : g g g : 5 : -: : : : : : ; ; g ; g g; a ; g g; -3 : : : : : : ; " S t 0 C" '? g g I g : g :' g: g : is : g : g : g ;' g : g i g :' g I .. ; : f- ; : e c !C M ; f ; w O ' g: g-l-:g: : g-!g'-: jjS : . . ..... . g : g : g : g : gig:?: .2 - . .. .- 1 . . , i6 a is o ; O j e ; ot j ; p j f ; g : g : g : g : g : g Ci . ii S . i M . ti, i s - u . k : :S : a I g i-' : 'g'S I -3 g : g gig: g g. : : "I: g-i gi g : g : s i g:g;g:g:g:gigi S -I'i 8 i 3 i i S i S rif ii? k : 8 : o i 3 u K Jl . GET THE BEST IXVMTOB8, MECHANICS, MAMlTACTCRCRSl nee! r iim! lseai The beot paper Id the- United Suu for Alecbauics, loveuUtrt and MachinUts, a the Scientific American. Ii la thd Urgtiat in alae, an4 baa by fr the wi- dent rireulattun or any other paix-r of ita el in thu country. It i publlahtnl weekly. Each nuinbor e(ntain ixtcu pr, with nuint'r itua illuAtratioua. The suiiibera for a year make two volume. 4it pagea each. It also contaiiiga full account of all tli principal in vtmtioni and di8overie of the day. AIho, valuable ill UHtraUd articles uKn tools and ida cliiuery used iu workshops uiauufattoriea, team and mechaiiicul engineering, woolen, cotton, chemical, etroteuin, and Ml other manufacturing ami producing interest. AUo, Firearms, War Impleuietots, Ordnance, War Vea-n-la, Ituilway, Machiuery, Electric Chem ical and Mathematical apparatus. Wood and LumWr Machiuery, Hydraulic, Oil and Wa ter 1'umpn, Water Wheel, etc. Household, Horticultural and Farm Iiiinlements thin lat ter department being very full and of great value to J'aniier and Gardener. Article embracing every- department of Popular .Science, which every body can under stand and which every body likes to read. A1jo, HeiNtrtaitf N-ieiitihc Societies, at home and abroad; Patent Ijiw Decihions and Dis ciwtiious, Practical Ke ieg, etc. It alxo con tains an oHicial lit of all the Patent Claims, a special feature of great value to inventors auu owners or 1'atentn. The Publitihers also act as Agents fur pro curing Pateuts for new inventions. A new volume of the Scientific American commenced January T 1 C.UM& f Jreryear ; 91 5U for six montlrf. Ten copies for oue year, $25. Cauada uj scriptions 25 cent extra. ' SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. Addre ML'XN dc CO., - No. 37, Park Row. New York. so lb or Dirain tTien, The RtUowInf bill paaaed durla the proaent sea- sioa: A bill to been tied A Act to esUblha a Scale of IVpreclaUoa of Confrderal CnrrenryM w . U'uaata. Ut a ordlnanr of the Convention, titled "An ordif out drclaruiK hat laws and enli aanoea are In forr. and (Ur otlwr imrooara," fntiHed n the IHth day of Ootober, A . 1. i"e M hi mad th-j duty of tb tie ami Aaasaibly to prooulo aP aiale of deureciatioa ot Um tonlederal currency ttvm to time of Ka Mrat mm In to end of to war; and M la rurUur IkaM daelared that "aiirteculory contracts. Milvable in launrr. whetber under arai or not, made alter the depreciation of aaid currency helbr the 1st day uf Nay, inn, ana yet anniiea. (eioept eiautai boada aud penal bonus payable to th Mate.) ahall be deemed to have been made wltn to nnaeraundinf that toey war solvable la money of the aaid carrea- cy. uiiject Mrenneiea la viueaooi uiaeraoi is- lent ol tiie panic u uie contract: mereiure, -Be It enacted by to General Aaaenbly of the Ktate of North Carolina, and It la hereby enacted by the authority of the aaroe," That the following arale of depreciation be and the same I hereby adopted and eotabliabed aatbe neasnreof vain of on fold ditllar in Confederal currency, for :k month, and the fractional part of th month of December, 1H64. from tiie IA day of November 1861, to the 1st day of Uav. 1868. to wit : Scale of depreciation of Confejerat Cnrrency, the gold dollar being; ine unit ana nteajture ol value, from Nov. lat llil, to May 1. 1H65." Moktss. 1861. 1863.- 1863. ISM. 1865 ffl 90 1300 13100 lAOUU 1 30 10U SI 00 Ml HO 160 -400 Sata 4JM 160 600 9U00 I0U00 1 60 1 50 19 W I 60 660 18 00 1 60 00 81 00 1 50 1400 33 00 4 00 1400 35 00 3 00 1400 96 00 350 15 SJ 30 00 Jannary, r'eb.-uary, iUrch, April, May, J j ue, July, August, Seiteuiber, (k lober, Xyveuiber, lecember. Dec SZUsvlUasevs AdrertlAtmentx. MercsntUs Aiyertlment. KEWFUMI IN SALISBURY! 7 nnniprfTru nv tiip fRlJTflEBFORD STAR Tb Under irned pmpose to publish, I rlllsif of Kuthertmllon, a weekly Nennpaper Uilea "Ile utnrfordJtar.- , TTATE Jostreoelrrd and opened at Kc, t, Unr. si t miw wewirw w a w av wei- i pan irranito liihUin. m na naad olcndid fiaw,krMihli.ii,l . I J.lV.Grav&Go. ipaperl FANCY DRY GOODS, ikh they will sell for rath or barjter, only, lows, A large and beautiful ajwortiuent of LADIES DRESS GOODS, 1110 1 16 1 to 10th Inelu- , i e. loth to 30th, ltd to Slat, 3508000 35 00 45 00 49 00 "The Sunday School Banner." A NEW ENTERPRISE! Ten lines of solid minion type, or about one inch lengthwise of the column, constitute snuare. . -- - Snecial Kotieen. in leaded minion, will be con tracted for at the office, at not less than double the rate of ordinary advertisements. - Inserted as reading matter, with approval of the editors, hlly cents per line. - AdvertiseuieBt inwertod irregularly, or at futor Tals, 25 per cent additional. The rates above printed are for standing adver tisements. - - . ' - One or two squares, changeable at discretion, CO ner cent additional.' More than two jwjnaren, changeable at discrer on, per square or ten lines, tor every cnange, twenty-live eeuu. Five squares estimated an 'a quarter column, and ten sauares as a half column. Bills for ad- wertisimr. whether by thel-dajror tear, "will be considered due and collectable on presentation tTilE PUBLICATION OF TIIE NORTH Carolina Presbyteriaa will be resumed in Fay etteTille, on WedneeJsjr, the 2nd of Jannary next.-; ' . '..v-:. . ... ; Cofidatly relying o tk iry aowt wbich we have heretofore received, we shall endeavor to render the paper 'more attractive both in appearance and matter, tn&n it has ever been, sparing neither pains norexpeiise In thexscoiuplishutetjt.of this purpose. With the passing away of old things, a new spirit of activityr uwgy and enterprise, has hMn infiiMd Into ererv dertartment of secular thwSgbfattd- bojlawig"-WByahenldaot the Church, also, partake ol tne progressive au- " aceaetest-broanTM bear, with; sucu wemett? tha eivilization of the nres Mt thnfi.be Inefficient, laireard "and almost hopeless, in the working out of ' her own dea- To arouse the church to tbe importance audi necessity of work ; of unceasing,, restless, tire lesi energy in the service of her Master and Head ; this shall be our first ch'efest aim. In this' we need assistance. We are not alone, sufficient lor these things. Our brethren must ln4p bs in erery way Oay. contributions rn . their owa stores of thought and study ; fy gealous co-operation . in a' common 'cause, for - the benefit of all ; by ejttending our circulation throughont all our borders, and thus giving ns th means and brportunity of perfuming veJl the work toVktch we bave eonesed 'all thai we have, aad all we hope ft' on the earth. t TERMS. c Subscription for one year? 'wv 14 00 w m aix months, 2 00 . Address B. FULLER. Editof o thaN.C Preahjterian, The Undersfirned, Themselves Members of the Sabbath School, propose to commence Iri the tty uf Raleigh, ou or about the 1st of next May, VTHE SUNDAY SCHQOL BANNER. And in the commencement of this little ork of love, being boys, ourselves, -may we not appearto every Jvulidny chool boy, aud in in orrh Carolina to come up promptly to aid the undertaking. In ourown State, there are verv many Sabbath Schools, aud from the best information we have, "the scholarship Is large and increasing, and it is froin them-we look for that patroimgc which is necessary to mprove and keep floating, tins native stan dard which we propose for their leuefit. It not for pecuniary gain that the" "Banner," established; it has for its aim higher ob jects, and if we succeed in our enterprise, it ill be to us in after life a source of great 'Sat isfaction to know that, in our boyhood days, we gave a helping hand to Sunday Schools, the preparatory Scltooln (or places of high trust aud position, in trie worwot our Heaven ly rather. Its name sufficiently indicates the object which is to control its editorial conduct. There is necessity however for the remark "that will not be denominational, but alike open to all the naubath nchoois ot this state lor con tributious, in which there is no spice of secta nanism. The "Banner" will be issued monthly on handsome type, clear white paper and will contain fourteeu columns reading matter, quar to leigth I We trust sufficient encouragement mat be onered to justify the undertaking. TERMS IN ADVANCE I I copy twelve months,.. 2 ' ' 10. " " 20 ' " ......1.350 Any person sending us a club of 20 for three dollars and a half will receive one copy gratis, - . W. J. f-UtVAKUiS, . Z. T.BR0UGHT0N, noICdtf . Publishers. And whereaa, mkny grave" and difficult dlsputea my aiwe between exeriiUira, admimalratom. guar diant aud trustee, and their legatee distributee, wants aud cevtuvauue tnwt. in the aettlement of their account and truxU, arising from the depreciation of Conlacrate currency. Mate treasury nolea ana nana noUM, incident to and crowins out of the late war; and that law auiu and expensive litigation ma be obviated. Be it therefore enacted. That In all inch ease, the parlies 4m hereby empowered to form a full and per fect aUtemeut of the cat on both aide which case shall be submitted to the determination of one of the judjrea of the Superior Courts, choaen by the partiee. who ia hereby authorized to eoluider'and determine tne ame, aroording to eqnity ana ewi eoiwutex e : Provided, however, That no part of thiaaection ahall be construed to stop or hinder any petvoii from pro ceeding In the tMual course of law, .if he aliall deem the name necessary. ........ Atrutf copy: ' r J. A. EXOELHARD, Clerk of Senate. eome vitor to all those who feel an iuterest in the prosperity and welfare of oar country as a whole, and the perpetuity ot our lnstitu tions, as handed down to us by our noble an cesty, a i ederal Itepublican government. Our people hare but lately emerged from a giganuo oivu war, wageu oy ana oeiweeu Section of a one glorious .Uuion, and more deioUtiiig to our particular section, than any thing that has ever happened on this ooutiu- eid. and it is to be hoped, than ever will again KV bile there is life there is hope, and not wlhstanding the great changes wrought by tut late ei vu war, we snail encourage the peo- t tcr hojieety, industry and ecououiy, we shtll tkke secial pain to keep them posted will all beneheial improvement pf the agei so list they may enee more enjoy bountiful shtes, prosperity and happiness. Ve snail from time to time publish such la4. both State and National, as our people arejdirectly concerned in, aud shall likewise useiour influence to establish a sound circula ting currency, so inueli needed at the prevent tinii. '!''f Me shall be governed by principles and not nieu ior ecooruiog to our uouoai couvicjum, the hreseut coudition of our country is owing to tie abandonment or pnnciplea, we mean the abandonment of those fuudainenta) -pfhf- ciplM UHn which the Government f theL'ni ted Mates was reared. te shall favor and encourage the develop, meat of all our resources. Agricultural. Min eraliAiA.. and likewise such iute'rnal imorove- met as will most likely be beneticial to the1 CtMryr and especially the e "tension -ot the Wiltiingtou, Charluttee and Rutherford Rail Roal west. At to Politics we are True Conservatives, believing neither in the Fire Eaters of the 8outa, nor the Radicals of the North, but in the Constitution the Union, and the enforce ment of all Constitutional laws, whether State or Federal, and a ready and willing obedience I t the same. I where nil of the above named articles, may like- l he Star will be published every Wednes-1 ""lamea on we same wrnia. - ? da t tho tJlowina ratua, falrtotly in d- I 'Tne V "ick of GcmhIh, having been pur- I vslice.l payable in currency or produce at t nasjl nce tne late neavy aime or prices in market orices the orthnm Cities, will be sold as LOW , as they embracing the newest Slid leading styles of the memmtu. A Urire assortment of Gentlemen's. Youtli'a and Doy's Goods, Ladies Summer Wrappings. Ladies' Misses, and Childrca't Trimmed KaU, pow shape. Ladies. Misses and Children, Hoop Skirts, Ladies, Misses and Children, Balmoral Shoes, and Gaiters, Itonnets, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, tc, 4c. Gent snd Boys Shoes of every Description, Gents, Boys and Children Oats, of . every variety for summer wear, T'r Crockery aud Glassware, Wood and Willow ware. Also, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Dye Stuffs. of all kinds. They aro preps red to fill all orders, of Physi cians, for Drugs and Medicines, at the nhortext notice. The Drug department will be under the charge of a regular Itrt-sician. They also have a branch of their basin ess at County Line, Davie County, THE Saturday Evening Post. NEW LIFE, TALENT AKD ENERGY. ' SPLENDID ARKAT"0' CONTRIBUTORS. One copy 12 months, 2.00 W 4. 0 - im J. B. CARPENTER, It. W. LOGAN. . April 18th, 'CC. . i dtf. riAMD as vaicuritusLB. it .. 30 .. . 50 1 00 ; 200 The flew York Times. Etdargunent qf iht Dotty, Semi-Weekly and Weekly Times. x A , in the United States THE NEW YORK TIMES HAS BEEN EX a larirad to the nine of the. Jondi n tikhuinfier 'contaTns eitfht naies of Seven cnluinns eaclw-of ' 'bty?iz 'gilulSg MMh joisc. luftii lue uu((iavuewiiNtperui Hie uuiiea states, The ric will contain regularly: FuU Congressional Jfrports ; Hrports o tne Jjegtelature ; Messages and Public Documents ; Reports of Coxitis and Public Meetings ; European iVeir in : Full ; Foreign and Domestic Correspon dence Kttcstrom au vans of The ftorld; Pulitk Al and General Editorials t Lit erary yeics, Selections and Miscellany.' Everything possible will bs done to make t Times the most valualde snd interesting Family Newspaper in the United States. Its price wul remain ancbanged, in spite of the fact that its sis and contents have been increased one-fourth. The following anrthe price of the several edi tion, payable in all cases insurance. . These price are invariable. Clib rate are dis continued. W bare no travelling Agents. ICe mit ia Checks or Post OfSo Money Order 'if pos sible. Address fl. J. RATMOSD 4?0. aprS-dlm TuaeOtaoa,ywYt Mn. Brll Z. 'pencr h-vlnv norehaaeil aa Interest In T'-K S'TCKOAV f.VKNINO POST, ael Mr. Kdmun Deaeoa ha- li itr d from the ppr, Till POST - nt ih nanayeai-nt f a IW HUM, vhe r- aXera ned to n''i r!i ' Iff, Talent anrt rne rr lnl Ha e - an The opuiar nnrrii.', rMMtKCON liENMTT, aalh r. ul "I rald WXnmrr," Tee Kefiee." "Clara Merelan'f," Ao , -.,! bwn eng fed, ft arreattzpeaa, aa a reg ler nlrtinmr. will v wKi'itxtLunnni r'STmwT, Mr. B-o Hi wlU ttrran .atfnMiuied j'o-1 Uia Srrt DDtiiber o' the n-w f ar. It wll t- ctIM T KPUAMOJ 1rTHIrO EST; A TALE Of TBI ACKWO D. Thl toyf wlU ran throaf 'rma twtl to Sfw en nam ' , and be iorjr ariA riy .etnient of Keota kj, in hi'ltn irn ea wlk the lod'an la that rnw, resioa, ableh a aeneraliy call 4 j 'he pioocer of . IHta'ion ih -8111 an 1 Mn'jr rrooaH. TH P 4I'.I ky Mra. BELLA X. SfENCri, wha il at a contribute a eout on story In ih coura ot tb a, enUUed ; HRNEVIETE ROWI -r- Oar eotamni will b forth-r avppned wHh vrgtnat eon nouUoa ay a tIFLEVDID L'BT OF COSTS' BUTORg Sll tfa Separtm at of th p p-r will tw Bll d. far aoaiilbl. Willi PRiatNAI. M TTB. 'ha aid frieada THE POST torn f wham a tto d by It darla tb a natd e and n- of lorty yaara 111 Ikua a Uwl w red ermlaed f be CNSI'RPA-0 BY ANT COMPETITOR i' and I' View of the ira and tw ; agi-ri and MCaat IndueeTent., traal le h v- theit warm eaerllnm a or heKtlf. and U LIBatkaL SUPPORT OF A 6INER0LS puvua ,,, ....r- ;. A SKWINO nst'HIlf fRBIttim. . tV- . will ,1. on- f WHEKLkH A W1UON1 Orlc art EWINM.0HINE-4t reolar pi ice ol wbl a a rtny-a D ur- a '- ollaw a tm . I. Twenty eoptea, an ye, ana ire naeain, f in u . t. Thirty eape oneyear. aad Machine, S.' ' a Fvrty coUei Jar, audklMuiaa, , , . 1(04 t . to at, u3 - 1 . I i P-? .1 fj I aw . jf jr BVaaVaBBBl Lr , aawat I 1 BMW SB1 I I , : I .1 . - TKHMSJ CaB la Awyanee. On "py, an y, ... I 8 Two eaW year, - ' . --. V- 4.00 P nr eopln, one year, '." S emit 1 year and an la after nn a' etu, I.' 0 cop-. I year, ad eaa la rlter-p ,ab, S4.S Tb i a. era I i Clah any t eta' te difmat ft t-olS- rW SabcriS a hi BrilWS North Aajerlea amat 'enrit twruty au to addition h annual anlvrliitioa, w Umneca ahMld K anftd la Pa-a iIm OrH.r. pa-Vhl I' .-t,la United State swtea D-af , pay a"iai -ar r, ca a a er aw ' tne netaa. . -tW SBClaan aa h-ra f fM I POST ami aratlSj lMmmmM.MMmV VIM KM K tKt wawat i. mi aae ph'a. 'OreatOaha trots littla acorns droittr. The wn-i'tmr knnwn tn the huniitn race spring from cavses so small- as to al most def detecltoarThe volumes of scien . tine lore that fill the tablet and shelves of the medical fraternity ouly go to prove and elaborate these facts. Then guard yourselves while you ins v. The smallest pimple pnThe skin Is a tv fo late andrbdicator of disease. It mar fade' and die away from the soriace.of the body, but it will reach thVvitals, perhaps, at last. and death be the result and final close. Maggicl's Billioas.Pyepeptie and Diarrhea ill cure where all others fail. While for Barns. Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, and all abrasions of the shin, Maggicl'a Salvo is infallible. Sold by J. Maggies 43 FnL ton street, Aew I ork, aad all Dninsta' at 5 twou pv box. aoadlj. YadkinlColIege, NSTAR TItRTABKII RIVEB-NIIIB M'LES rdOkt LrXISVIOST. M. 0. . r'Thl loatrtatioR, awder It charter aa s Colles", was revived on toe lout or Jannary uws, and supplied, by a renolation of th Trustee, with a eorna of experien ced Teacher so that sow, with tta cheap boarding arrange menu, n enera to man pupil every edara- ImoaJ facility, ftvni the primary departuient (o sfttU col true coarse, npoa mora ravorabie. term perasps, B- A vitM rstxnt,trw-"ii!airr Three qnarter ol a mil trout Yadkin College, and tatimhr separate fro Jfe now efffcr ia lhtlwduia arranjrenienta w w nmuy otue ttev. w. n , nicu, and in ita sclent. Be and literary deMrUnenta.nnnral atttaalinnstitt. ynn ladia.wa oWff wy!ii" a flntabed euHeaimn, einiirtc ing muaie, fni etwr ni jliieai'eompritiehbir'7j " for brief circular rivine oartimlara fri relation" ie either tb College or th Seminary, addres tl ec. KEV. O. W. H - . Jhls College, via Leiftgtos. 3f. C. ' March 80, 1S6. Wawlm THE DAILY KXPBERS. rTsashffio, HAS ENTERED npoa tta Sfteenth year, ia an en larired rai, with new tvje, under anopi aa highly llattertnff- H be a larse and dai4y-hicreasin: eir euUWir.and ofler to BKrctiiBU sad other oValHBf tavcommnnicat whh tb Koathers pdultc, advaata M nnia)il by "on. AOVEJinsiXtl BATES: oa eoriui Two weeks. H 00 One montV Two months, IH OS Three months, Six BMDtha, 4 W- On Year, t 00 I5O0 aw T o ocaaav. Tw weak. . tio 00 (Hie month. IU 00 Two months, 1 1 00 Three month, i 08 Six month, SO OS On Year. W 00 PCBSCEIPTiOJI BATE3 : Knelecepy. let. On month, net. Tars manths, ! Six moetha, ti. ) year, AS. Adore - A. F. CliVTXailfXD A CO., par -Uwaw rtpleaaevv, V . can possilily le bonirht in this market P. 11. Muitin. Invites his old friends of Davie County especially, to give him a call when vinitine "this market. J.W. GRAT, P. It. MARTIN, J. McGCIHE. Salisbury, N. C, A pril 2, '66. tf-nol . 1 The Wide World. AN EXTERTAINISO, INSTRUCTIVE AND 8PICT FAMILY NEWSPAPER. " It is the design of the Publishers to make the Wide World acceptable to all classes of readers. Its columus will contain Original Tales from some of the ablest writers in Am erica. Also, Amusing and Daugerous Ad ventures, Translations, Historical Remini scences, Sketches of all kind? . Poetry, Wit, Humor, etc., etc., ' combining a vast amount of iu format iou-ou thousands of subjects that are of iuterest profit and amusement to the general reader. Editorials aud .News. . touch ing all the leading and important occurrences of the day, will be found in its columns. Terms of Publication in Advance, f 3.00 Per .....,.,..-,w. 'Annum. ' Single copies may be had of all newsdeal ers, price Seven cents. Ir All communications intended for the columns of the Wide .World, or containing subscnpuous, should he addressed J. H. BRIGHAM ic FERNALD, Publishers of the Wide World, 28 State Streeti Boston, Mass. State of IVorlh Carolina. ) TBEASUKY DEPAKTMENT, f i . . r, Halkigh, March 31, 1866. ) To Holders of Coupons of North-Carolina "Bonds. ' BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEM- bly of North-Carolina, ratified Mar. 10, ltiGfi, I am directed to prepare snd Ml for not leas tlian oar bonds of the State runninir thirtv- four years, with Coupons bearing six per cent, interest, payable seini-ajnusllv, of thedenom. (nation of 100, fjOO, aud $f,000, principal and interest nntaxable, for the purpose of pay ing coupons iww aue nnu to pecoino ouetn lMiO, aud bonds due and to fall due in left. lit authority fetd la tha I'ubfie Trv'urep, I designate New York as thejdace of payment, aji(,ir rhaiiee aHlhwised ia said Aet, will pleeseenm- wimtcate ia me al once iTta-ainaunL anXchar. acter of the securities which they wish to be funded, la order that I msriuow .Lbs nunSbwr pdnouiiiimofcie bfids wfilch will Be requiretl. Aft"T the engraver shall furnish the blanks, the bonds will be prepared for issue with little delay. Under sdvioe of the Attorney tjcnerai, cou pons of bonds issued . since, but uiider acts ... ... i , .,., i. . i.i assett belorg .tlV -tin, iu, wiii winnura nder the set ( f l-.'rc)i l'hh. Iei, provided their identiti1 is etald;'u-i, by In-mg cut from the bonds iu my prcM iice. a, provision saryon accofiut ol rtue simnariiy t pons, issued since May -thlu ,"1. polSdlw. J'nWc Trtanvrer. ZaXIscellanAoaa AdrfrUiaaMa A BOON TO THE SICK-AND-The tiight of thio WorltC DR. SUtJGIEL'S S Pills hdSaluo.- The Lttvmt; remedial are now. sjrea Mbfloly to the world. For re S ajuarter of ccatary of ptv vat aractire the foaredwala la thee LIFE-UiriSG FILLS, V Hare been ward with the jrreateat taeeem. Their mlaafonera not only to prevent diaeaae, hot la core. They search out th variow malady by whirk th pat ent htaofTcrinf. andreviirorateatbe fhilinjr wratem. To the aired aad iaflra a few dose of th valaahl pill will prove to be ,'" A VERY F0UXTAIX OF TOTH. For ia every rase theymdd new life and vitality, and restore the warnis eoergiaaW. their priatiae ftat. . Te theyonnw and middle-aired they will pror moat in valuable, aa a ready, avacifle. and trlia madicme. Jiere ia a drein realized, that Pone -de-Leon aoarht lor time aandaed yewr adre, and aevar band. . He looked far fountain tl.at would restore the old to th vigor and make vniitheeer ,AN ETERNAL SPRING It waa left lor tbha dav and boor t realise the dream aadahow in.aniglahiim,-themwie that made it fair. THESE FAMOUS REMEDIES Cannot stay the flight of year) they ran force bark and hold aloof, diaeaiaathat micht triampfa over the aired and young-. Let none heaitate tlo bat aeixa the favorable ocportonrty that offers. When taken a prescribed FOB BILLI0US DISORDERS Xothinf ran be more prod active of care than these - -Pills. Their alwoal mane inflame i felt at are, and the usual comcomiunta of this moot diatrmin; diaeaae are removed. Tbeae remedies are matte from tiie purest VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS. They will not harm the most delicate female, andean be given with good effect ia described oW to the youngest bbe. FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS and all eruption of tl akin, the salve i most inval uable. It doea not heal externally alone, bnt nene- ' bates with the moat searching effects to the very root Of the evil! DR. TIACGIEL'S TILLS I Invariably cure the follow ing Diseaset?. r Asthma, Bowel Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases, , Costiveness, 'Dyspepsia, iarrlMP,i -Droosy,' Debility, Fever and Ague, Female Complaints Headache, Indigestion, j -. . Inrlbenza- " ' - Innamation, Inwojd weakness. Liver Complaint, Lowness of Spirits, Ringworm, s , Rheumatism, t Salt Rheuin, Scalds. Skin Diseases, tee. '. t3 HOTICE. None gennine without Ute engra- ved trade-mark aroond each pot or box. aigoed by )r. ' J. Mjtooiax,43 Ful to street, Aew Vork, to counterfeit which is fclonv. -. , O" Spld'hy an respectable TValer in Medicine throughout the United bute and Canada tS5ots per box or pot. Fat sale a,.J, JI. Ennisa' Drug Store, calisbury N O- ' ,--rt--"--- - pr3-dly 'm- THE WEEKLY OLD NOETH STATE." rvsuttHxs xtut raroAT, at lit. . I5BTJIT M. C IT BiHBI ...... . HAflPTOI, CONTAINS AR the latest Kews, BBTIBW r Tfll STllKETs, AUU PBI-fTEO IKTHIBm BTTLK. PERSONS LIVING IN TIIE COUN TKY WILL HE KEPT POS1ED I i ALL THE NEWS OF TUE da r-ttrmrjBsnaLTf m TO Til S WEEKLY AaaW m -a aja f aa a ulu Hum n & I r I ti r.rrt st " .a, fiSri.,0V. ONEYEAR. . i3 00 SIX MONTHS. - . l AO nira a ntxprsv, rihUshr ti9fru un. UtveS" er C'ou- . JOB -PRINTING .,. NEATLY AND EXPEDITIO USL EXECETED AT THIS OFFICE. LEWIS HANTS. JuHN" S. HiMITOX, aarch 10-r k ni'Ks. with Bsiaaaa?! " uia irieuoa awa painaaa m Kauisary m vwmitT. Uiat he at Sf-aeveaced ia to bouk-b adtt L nesa in Kalrvih. X. C. where he aaxioaa to a. reirr their fwwMr patrraaea. all wart arat ta htm will be atteaded to wah pramptm, aad mlmtm aa rnaraateed. lie ia prrrarrd to do a-r ln( a jj a, braarhra and m vanen atylea. . . rVraoaawadnngMHiraMj tWmattm U Baoka aad XaUoarrj mi all kiada. raa be am Wy dremng MeaM. Pranaaa a F.rrar. fcmkjrtiera. a uiaai, mmm .-ia .a, MKa, jm. v. - i if' i -' .. . x 1 'm i ; . - -.