,1 J BbbbW xamaBBBXtZ, -uUrWay fcsyaky tirkmfTM'tfn wishes Id.,, to tW (Nrir af t.iilnhjh, tW 8di art. It wiM to sera that resolutions wi n' ly antoptnl raatoraeag tW liberal patty mt hwjrH J ika.iB, '-aaaa' tkat wkk Wat a vrnr firw disavntiag ' tattrt tto antalai af liar - w Waftay ywwj W . j ri far rr tints. 5 We hi BaadaaphB On Tiiraduv, lluGtkday of M a V il U iutr Tuesday of lijV ...ml. there .1 nubile iiW tin.' of the . Ulceus ( Itatidolph held ia th Court House, te express tkek ..pinions upon lh- momentous W hi. Ii arc now agitating tke eoAntry. I toi lurge euert room wai filW with and attentive crowd. (hi motion. Colour I Zehedee ill. .1 I., to.- Chair, and Joeefh H IMV B, l on taking liixU I . . pressing taeniae BaBI mm wan mi result from their getker; if wkc. counsels now pnvill,l iU in akglghter fat are state ' '"f'WiMr On tW eaaasiBslon of kit mini WeeB- was rd u,-., B. K. Hullo, Kmx,, who ex plater tin- object of the in.-ctnig more in detail, heartily endorsing the policy of iTrsideut On motion of II. J. Harris, t. . . . s team vi0 mi mute.- . .insisting oi .Messrs. Jesse shaw, Joseph 'aary and H. J intcd by tan Chak to aooouUVd Secret! Tin- Chairman w.-rr appoii ah that kr S4m tU a. at-, il ff i tef ear OtTi whs take glad to sre that. W, an r i tkr nufirr mi the President, Aad a a tkvadminirtririaa af Cmmt. Worth has Wm tntiwla saaisaWtorv to every mrar il amsaaL lir. Warth's Wvaltv it- easterly afcine laaTpartoB. If net I naan rteaaw. a a rrvoMaaraaVaram to nnjrW- ar n tr to nnr Xortkera Wrtlnra. dn n nvan to tkr Statf can fer-rat a iawrr m tkan Gr. Worth. Bai nknV hr Ion ahraja Vera n I'n.nn nun a naatoiiir. to a rrt Btwml and ) faMfncn. He n aa tort an of tar lltowft and lxt I'mim nam in tkr Stoi, ax lt- 'liann kr ha r crnitlwrr ranrar. Ilr ItKnr (kit tW I nnan rknB he fnlir rr I rd to tk Wnrt t aR tk SontWrn aanm, lanavnwv anm. v nnnm uvuiuna Sanfr. and nt mt n nnrtr or n tor II a tor naare naaa the haai of onar aittlghowr, I n- , tkr mJt . ad ttppoecd Tkia bring i the I'nion ,MtCto- I'naan nana kr conkt not noeribiT In the aliaenre of the Committee, Kobt. P. IHck. Km., adc)reed the meetinr at length in an eloquent and unprrsntve nT. He rnnieatly advocated and CDktr rd tkr policV of President Joknooai kajad that we Hnotdd all li.rtr. t and foririve tke m . j part, that we had aenrir all oi na bean could not take tke teat oatk, and that tke only qnmtion with him now was whether a man waa loyal and loved his country. If he waa so now, he waa ready to take him by tke hand as a brother. On the eon clnnion of Mr. Dick's remarks, a vote of thanks was tendered him by the meeting tor his snoeek. Tka Committor reported the following preamble and resolution to wit: Wherk as. The passions engendered br the terrible etrupgle from which we have jast emerged sender vignance, at aU tiniei. ssenlta to the ; r -srrvation of liberty, now peculiarly requisite to tke preservation of tke .-on. "titutioual rights of tne poodle j and Whereas, It is the duty of all, wlnae they witnras their public eerranta plnt themselves on the Constitution of the coun try, and boldly roll back the waves of sec tionalism and fanaticism which are threat ening to overwhelm that sacred instrument, rresidrnt Johnson and his suppoiters in and out of Congress are now doing, to hold np the right arm of thcac public ser vjints and bid them "God speed :" and Whereat, It is of tke rreatestimnortanee that men of m d nbted loyal ty. rxporiencc andgpatriotism only should be elevated to kigto positions in the several Statea-r-espe- tally the houthtru otatoa, in order to strengthen the arm of President Johnson in his struggle tor the maito tanner, of the rinriptoj of tke constitution of oar fath ers; and Whereas, The well known tojaJtr and remarkable unanladtt !. whWi Ae pea- ' IhVaVfaat mmmlmt. ike OMimrsI nag. f jjjBP?' wrKV i ui a as) a b aanuanrr. aa i s-mmBBWM- fe . 11 weaiea. . , . auo man aaawaw mrmm. a- ti I'll wm mm Wm 111 Mil rVta. laaiia. aannaat. kaaamiar" taxaafiU. X. C, May iaV I Tm atoawk m a aaaa to waea a J . ' 0tt LAU I ' Ik. dtor. k a. asworJ U. Ia .1. 1 F""I'?" Hash an ...J . . ... I . . L... un It - - . Brow. '"V" mmmr Fu.iv a. iK n-a. r " '. : 1 r kaleaofMsaaeafla I il i: . r HT-- - -7 mm M II Lis who oanrwl let army or navy of ike la. Ccrto sk - - ' Cototde. It. 0to-Jto Wpk MlaW1VfcaVatoaaraf'B n i l . lata, .atoiaaa ataxic Apprapriatto. toll was ato peaora aaBaaawiar bb-t - I . . A - akafcl llliiftliuam iiiaakf t- " u tke tax bill. I 4tr'Tflt',t'4y-rf aauaaaikwuhaai-k ; lar' army for tke putwoae of awpplrinTtke HutoatfC-aTr,ikat-na.ja,rkr- t; -t r- pUce of tkoae now rekur eat oi senriee. I At "-feeefaaaltkat eamidesa.k a--V , " TT' aVntgar, Mar 17 -The Holdiers' Co- HC. aTCkawa dual af anaaad atoran- T' etaaZi. mZm k,s fUi evor by I gJkaaelVa, j, a- . Il lTr J ' tke Barran of BeaVgeta and Fi iBamia to j Aats aiat lag ikaaM toot fc.rertr j iaqunwjato tke casWaaan aa aaaljfa ftjito UTur atoir aaaaaaaa, or their grara. topoyaumr crop aaaSekaa tor an nned lef plj adaaak I family it aakaaa, smrk refcrf. Em-au McPBsnangr, Ckak. II. la order to earnr nt ttar feapnef tlx- above Beaaaataan, m parts al kr tar- ; county anedang aaypawe ar toad to piinn ; actual sutoTang, .laasjfianj, m, mi ill , witk tke rsattoaed aanui X. I. rarfasrdaarsn Xe. 2. aeaaaa aaanjf aasraarr aar naV i. l. that grasped ti. f ' ii.ll y rlaHl it. CVU ana) dead, are hying low; it is trailing. it Bounds tke wailing t as paepa ia atow woe. ...n.iinre.1. they adore it W i i a. a a . u,.u ?A ; LraTto QaV FM OJaJaaW WdU UOTtt 11 fWa.pl nrT was a nt xjk tike test . o If Dr. San to be a amaAptodsonof Trwnessee. aad yet ability of a Me t one ot tne very sa tke State; and there wkra jaanrinl talent was aweaVd in tke Executive administra te tke t? i vi lament We sincerely tkat er. Worth i have ne eppo , bat that ke wiB be ic-elretod by tke at of aU parties. It at a rkke wrl shsri us. are aba kigkly pleased wak tke aad patraatie stead taken by our tkr Ham. B. P. Dick, in tke meet tnedto. Akkoagk Mr. Dick wm nag tke supportna ad Gee Hortkj aar fkrtian. yet we have always tkat kr was a aahrsnl and a eanai sbMbbbW M VSKry t W kBaWleap kat. in akrolr af a very general, sarsenet aanubaty. Bis spcechy as tod ia tke iiidtags. dees credit to has Wad ead heart, asai il cannot tke coantv Mr. Dick it well bcghly rrsprrtod, and where are so aaark aawded. Xoth- ri, spedf ic- Ito countv n actual I with the enc U Tke corn, or otk to the 3d. Tk vanred, the n li furnished as format iotrronired uMlkmto.ii be aaeaaard Fr ia famtr on hrigiittsit pages, and forwarded at oner, rota, to tke rxckv Staac: to pt- penu. il lv sai..vs wkatoU tob.rv it. who trailed and tow it; Caw lav wikaty taary aVptoTB it, Xew to au-I and told it so. T, Fart tkat I ana it, tnw, 'tis gory, atot tie wswathml art si ltd with glory. !. Ana twia uvv in souk autl story. TW ia- Tawttgh its ft.Ids ar.- in the dust ; si. n of all E. W Brevm. Brie. fteaT. k Gov. Worth exprtas tka Skerifcefeack aanaty iatW aid tke officer? Shall i" sotindinit down the circular. daakajak B n s.i.i. ,i. ...... i, ...... .. .. . Co ir Tt tkat tW fcanner, softly, slowly ant Fas. it nt ly . it is-kily. ia j For it Jns.ps above the dwad ; by rkm T.meh iT u.t. nnftirl it nrver, J. Istt at shuttp there, furled forever. ed soldiers aad giving tdBo to persona of doubtful patriotism. Tke reaolatioas also remind tkoae in authority that the soldiers depend upon them in future to see thai the country suffer no detriment ; that secession be repudiated in all its debts and claims, Its spirit and principles, and urges upon Congress the justice of equalising bounties, so that every soldier shall receive an amount equal to one hundred dollars jser year in bounty for all the time he waa actively in service. San Francisco, May 10. The Imperial Consul bat received official despatches via Arapalco, announcing that tkr Liberals, after their defeat at Mechnaean, endeavor ed to rally, but were surprised and rom-ph-tely routed. The occupation of Terres t.iro by the Imperials y officially reported. Unconditional UnTon Convention. Alexandria,. May 17. The Uncondi tional I'nion Convention met to-dav. A. I H. Ward n . II, of Richmond, was appointed chairman. John Minor Hotta waa present. ' The Convention was addressed by Horace I Mayaard. The attendance ia very small. Will Dxt Cows xxtx Aavixrx? 1 Ltakos a pee. ote of Kandolnh coantv onnoeed the late aKTT.. -sr- f 17 BJ 1 rrl I . rebellion In Its inception entitle them to ke , InS heard ! for little cotton bad town grow wkra tW Thereore. Iiesolred, That in the opinion wgh figure, wear censes ; to a s raawdl of tke neonle of Kandolnh here assemhled. i by the rfTUuatr af satanfe in tateav. TW On thus senates tke Xrw 1 oak JAaa ' " --- - - A tmmmwmm aataa . i.eaeaaure tkan forty nrnts a swaaad. tW aViiart l..r its i.. ...l.-'s hones are tied. mm m ytr,mm'M dearaak jtoisaar Sterling King. ia tW Louisville jail, recent I sa'cide a-ider at arr circumst ;n- Br was a man of indexible will. Tke naaa which W was imprisoned was L aHrso -rtJinjj bors. in Ciuciiinuti. Ohio, and a amaav Mu-i.-if. Election of V. S. Senator Xew Haven, May 17. The election of Senator by tke Senate has been postponed for one week. New York. May 17. Flour has declined 10ac. Southern 910 65al 75. Wheat' has declined a3c. r.iisitioii was sent for liitu by the Oov- Cora dull at N0aS:ii ; v. llow Southern KV. eruor of thiit State. Shortly sfter his im- n lit, . . an.n . sving ueu-rmineu to cotniiiit d clink iatke isdat af attributable part to was to the declhie in paid. probability that gold material extent, aar rrli at the aartkeifear I l aiaa ms ,sk tkaasjgk. a Wwaie It k aat everybody wka knows where aW r-L m-1 jakr. or wken. ar how : and wheever is to Wl gradual. tnost It I resident Johnson s course should rom mand tW most hearty approval of all lov ers of the Const it ut ion and the Union, and that he challenges our admirationat the firsnnes with which he has cmitinuattv renellcd all the assaults noon the Constmf-i Bw tion aid the I'nion. whether made bv man trust in relation to tkr calling themselves secewiont8toerW men consequently there is ao carried away by the wild frenxy oi radi- to base tke efaatoa tkat cat ism and fanaticism. xtis atarke: waB agl Resolved, That we believe thf Dccaflweoeat of ReDubliettnism on tke American conti aent depends upon the success of his poli cy, to the promotion of which we tdedgwit mtorret. our support by all peaceful and lawful natural means. Resolved, That we most heartily endorse aad approve of the administration af tka State Government by his Excellency, Gov- Worth, and we do most earnestly him to our fellow-cititciis of ike State tor re-election next August. Raised at was, among as, we know him always to have been a gentleman and con servative statesman, at all time opposed to the heresy of secession and to the inan- g ration of that terrmc contest which bat covered the land with mourning, aad now i BBBItUV Xsr if tkrrr iV aa adv. determined to , wm owuni mi i s'i v ill ill Itrill r i he nijrht. but it was discovered and us pane fraserateti. He then deter- to sfcirve htni-selt to death, and per- sisfearlv retused to eat anything. In tor br to Basse a 1 yp wka Worth had not feat been made in Guilford, "..ei rikt atovB trial tke CtprXTXT, tk. carse. tk tkat uVt cam row. tafeafcruayItomgesi uaet. tkr 4nJ " 5T h ansae fight cans, Jeceaato a wak rsaluatolj and autak. yt taiatoraaw f tto ctoa. for W will i kaaw I Alaaa aatk ao auaat kat, aBaaBaBBBtadw akanw radical and leveling spirit which threatens mischief in the future, unless wise coun sels like his shall ultimately prevail. .j There was no objection by any one to the let aad 2d resolutions. Obi action be- r raised to the 3d resolution, they were, motion, voted upon, one by one. The 3d resolution, endorsing Governor Worth was earnestly ad vocatd by ileeara. Htnahaw. Causev. Harris. Freeman. HOI. tka Chairman, Col. Rush, and Joka A. Gihner. Jr., Ksq. Tke latter gentleman, in tke coarse of kit speech on the resoln- all of which be with his whole heart only regretted tkat this ttoai has born received at Xew Orleans af tke death of Ex-Gwt erasa Beary W. ABrw. af Louisiana, foaai wasinaa muntd kt tW Confederate Mtmj. tae atootaM4 was a planter in Louisiana a to tW aat, ana iwmntiitrty tatoiiia taeseivaor as' Co rthe of the XB rrcnasnat af we regard kkn as earnestly opposed to that) and. riclnc to tb.- ra.uk " ihjgadwr Geaaw- "M "-T ty aar W partook of food but five times, "T. ."t y'anal aB that ke ate during the entire time a a at (aiata ate- jy atit nmftmnt to one full meal for a bnng- f mm Hie BVsk gradually disappeartd ad las hones keame prominent. He af tW . to die ui jail, but out lit the ojk h air, aaakjaat enough food to prolong his retpnsitiou came. On May fives, with the necessary pa- nexa, took Khag tojaa prima and placed kun est tke aanil knnt to be carried to Cin ehaaatL Tkr tried to moke him eat, but ke wouM aat, and' aa May 10th. iust as tW ksat seaaWd Cincinnati, ke died. He was tW same aaaa who, in order to pro- care ana- nt lease atom prison, said that he was- tke ansasin who tried to kill Secretary Seward. Tkat statement availed him noth ing, hstiti, aad ke accordingly dcter- i . i aajHtisaaBBTWaVa, aL proved tam' a a B ti a wound, he waa, aa t em or Moor trram, Louiswaaa, aad heU tkat hark ad the war etoeed. Hcwa. then at Texas and XertWxa Mexira by onterey, to the city, aaai public all an of the per, to Ty his all would have n af Gae. of a eaamtef -aaaB. . - Th qneitioi "wH ulin on thi.; tkT f Fvery wW wwwa kwsL 'mi alia sua resolution, the Chairman requesting every bait j1 1yj!'2jL Whereupon it was passed with enthnsi n, and almost unanimously. Out of the hundreds preerat who voted, not more a half doxea voted against tt. Oa aaotioB k waa Readi ed, That the proceedinga of the meeting be forwarded to the Greensboro Patriot for publication, and that all other papers in tka State be requested to copy Whereupon the meeting adjourned. J. H. rJKOWA, Secretary. Tax N'xxt Oottov Ckop In the March number of De Bow's Review, the has iust completed a tour thro' tW cottoa States, estimates tka next cot ton crop at not more than one milion five I Emicixtms to m Sorra. A kt- aaaartB at the and they want to erB tWar large sawphnt Xsaaakoa m tk tiaett of land, which they can wm ansa 1 thav aertexatiaa ...t.U .t. iL. I s I . I - w Hamvo, bub aaasxaas r ibui an UBU psmratK Und; ir" rf - !! tarn af tke - - - r i a : r Lard firni at 19a22i. Sugar dull. Naval stores quiet. Cotton firm; sales 1,200 bales at SdaSto toW I8J. Baltimore, May 17. Fhmr very dull". Wheat dull. Corn linn ; white, 85a86c. ; yellow, 83a81c. Oats, 62a63c. Provis ions dull. Sugar steady. Whiskey dull; Pennsylvania, tS 23 ; Western, 32 62. prominent. He . . . SB ' or stand, and could only Mmttmg.Tbe New hv eakk caf and breathe. He refused to V dWM' I6Ul' "O m 9I cat watil W was told the time when the an- thc ' """"s.' financial storm are steadily reomaition from tW Governor of ?row,nS morp ominous. I he comparativo . . I iniin... ..ri....:. .1 J 1 . , LouviIle. lie did not i " "-bb, ute aowqwaru tenaen- cy ot prices, the increasing number of fail ures, and the uneasiness manifested hi near ly every department of trade, are sure har bingers of a general financial crash. Eve ry shrewd observer hat bean convinced, tir a long time, that a monetary crisis ia inevitable, aad that its coming Is only a question of time. The financial atmos phere has been closely watched. The gath ering of the clouds has been seen, and now, in the failures that are beeinnine to apnea r. we have the fitful guests that betoken the near approach of the hurricane. Vary - In the great annual exhibition of pictures in Paris, there ia this year a portrait of a lady, with thc simple tide of "The Wid ow," in the catalogue. There it a terrible story connected with this picture. The to dy is tke Countess 0 ., who although only twenty-four yeare of age, kat been twice widowed. She is said to be of hum ble birth, but when only sixteen yeare of age her great beauty attracted the attention ot the Marquis de , who married her. On leaving the church, however, tke Marquis was assassinated by some obscure rival, and the lady was left a widow witk an immense fortune. Tke anarfwtt retired to n convent where she remained until her ' twentieth year. She then made a journey to various parts of Europe, aad vkited St. s-8S9(rti . BrBaJBaBjr-' Tax Mnmsu a A literary carios ity has juat apprarsd in London, under die titk af 'Lssne Napoleon the Destined Maaoeek of tke World, etc., by the Rev. M. Baxter, asathar of The Coating Battle.' It it sand tkat 12,600 copies have keen readers, notwith absurditv, on ae- tke ant. -worthy names used by the t aaakaeities. We are indebted to Mr. Baxter for tike cheerful news that the ' aahl ia aa aaaa ta IHIt m that twwint pit par atiuea for that as tkey Eke : bat dnrinr the Kn-nrh is to become solely worm, personally repre- ot uut tartar dmv . over- JEtBgaatox'anrl atat tf Ciaritttudum to has sway. He ia to make a tke Jews, who by his aid k: rebuild Jerusalem. a to begin and carry on af Christians, which an- out of the viahr. six weeks' after the date with tW Jews, 'the assen- 144.003- wise viqpns' k ex- The Jews are to be fit- yean ana two and a t and then the gr.-at battle of take place, fit which "great beat a to be This k a revelation any of Dr. PfMwaidt of Russia placed af her feet his hearl, hw diamonds, and hit mdhons The marriage was celebrated in the house of the bridegroom's mother, in a retaoto part of Russia, some distance from his own e.-tatc. The newly married couple left for their new home in n magnificent sleigh. On the way they were tracked by wolves, and the Count, in trying to defend his bride, made a false step, fell out of his sleigh into the snow, and was immediately devoured by tke wolves. Tke horses, mad with ter- . ror. dashed off with immense speed; and did not atop till they arrived at the Count's sktesam. which waa brilliantly illuminated for the reception of the newly pk. The first institution race was the Sabbath ; the next marriage. So give year first thought to heaven, the next to year wak-