: .Wm-L IL - ' M: m) - leV If CD M V . I II II II m . -iiU'rl' 'v J rv v : llANES A HAMPTON, Pub'. fc Pro4. "The Old North Ute PoreTcr,H Cthm. Mlnf Ic Coplci Fire CcU VO L L SALISBURY. IS. C. FRIDAY? EVENING, JUffE 1, 18C6. NUMBER 54 THIS Old North State. IDaJLY.) rVBLRHEnrtl PROPRIETOR. ' XXVII UIIl, liltor. ty BATRS OP eX'BSCRIPTlON. tUMt-AIU in ADVANCE. ta ily paper, One Year, . Six Months, " One Month, 18.00 450 1.00 W1IILT Wee kly wiper. One Ter, I 3.00 8ix month. - l.M) " . " Tea copies One Year, 33.01) " Twenty ciipies. One Year. 40.00 A crow X on the paper indicates the expiration of the subscription. Tbe typeoa which the uOl Nobtb Statk," It printed in entirely new. No pais will be spared to uake it a welcome visitor to every family, la order t da this we kare eagaged the service, of able and accomplished literary contributors. ' "lUTES OF advertisingT o : a r n K A ' r n m H m m ri c r r K H O ? s T C -4 Miscellaneous AdTrtiMmt. gjg:gjg i. S .:f jj . . . . c 9 : s : ss : i S! : g : g : , - . . ; ; . . a : g : g : g I gi g : & : , "3 - 'gi g : g i 8:g:glg: . ..... f g: g : g ; g ; g I jg ; is : -g g:g:g:g:g;g:g: - : : i ; :' I S .' : 8 : 5 IE t s : i g : g : g : g : 8 : 8 : -3 " . . . . u ' " ,S Lg.; 8 : ,5;. S S : jg : . S : g : Ss : pi : S : S if : J ' " ' g: giki 8: gi 8i gi p "gi.S!i 8: gi Si ?Si ?i S gi g: g: g: g: g: g: I tjj i S : S : I : S i i i ? f :fTf : ?i fi ?: -J ,g : i i .8 i I : 8 : 5 : S : - . 8 ; k : 8 : 8 i S : 8 8 : I A BOON TO THE SICK AND The Light of the World. " DR. MAGGIEL S Pills and Salvo. TWac LlaVcHrfavreBwdieaara sow, Htm pobllely tothearorld. For oer a quarter of a centary of pri- rale practi-e the Ingredienu la uwae Hare been feaed with tbe createat anceeai. Tbeir atUaionen not only to prerent diaeai, bat to cut. Tber neairk out tiie rarioua maladiea by vaick tbe patient iiauAVrina. aaditvurorateathe Sulina rntcta to the aired and infirm a tew doaea of tbeae Taluable piib will prove to be For in every caae they add new life and vitality, and reUure the warning enewiea to their pnntine Ntalc. To tbeyoong and midl leaved, they will prove mort in' valaable. aa a ready, atiecitie. and uterlin medkiite. Here u a dream realiaed, tliat Ponc-de-Leon aouvht lor three handred yean ago, and never hinnd. lie looked lor a 16a a tan that would restore the old to the vigor aud make youth ever AK ETEllNAL StKIXU I It waa left tot this day and boar to realiae the dream and Dhow iu one glonou fact, the magic that made it air. THESE FAMOUS REMEDIES Cannot stay the (light of yean, but they caa force back and hold aloof, diaeawatfaat might triumph over the ilped and voting. 1-ct none beititate then but teiaa the favorable opportunity that oB'era. When taken aa prescribed FOU BILLI0US DISORDERS Nothing can be more productive of cure than tbeae Pill. Their alwont magic influence in felt at once, and the- nual comcomitanta of this most dUtrpaaiag diiwam are removed. These remedies are mada from the purrot VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS. They will not barm the most delicate female, andean be given with good effect in described dose to the youngest babe. FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS and all ernt lions of tbe skin, the mtve is most inval liable. It does not heal externally alone, bat pene- tratt with the moat searching effects to the very root , ofUieevil! J" DR. HI AOGIEL'S PILLS Invariably cure the follow ing Diseases. Aiithma, Bowel Ciniiplaiuta, Coughs, Chest DuseMes, Custiveuesa, Dymx-psia, Diarrhoa, - Drooay, i lA'biUty wokiM 9w psraBoiATio: b7 Tat fallowing bin paaaed dariog 11m preaeat aw L A blUto be entitled in let to establish 8cato l Itenraciatkin af Confederala Currsacv. ' ... ... . r . I . " rr BraBaBtBtiy aa sraisssct ,w vii Jed "As rdmaaoa sclariaf what law! lad laoaa are furoa, aad tor other pa ran .as," rt V SUiealUatoni AdrrtlfanMBts. vnAaprnrra na airn. L HUTHEBF0RD STAB . Th TJndvrwigaod pro(oo to nubnah, bi Ua village of Rothftrfordton, a weekly Narapapr to be called "The Rutherford 8 tar." . It U eor deair to make The Star a we- eomUtUflo 'HtlhoM Wtd i feTia"IbMrat in th ntwnerilr and walbtrw of our eonntnr m a while, and the perpetuity of our inatita tiona, at landed down to oa by our noble an ct-sty, a rVdnral Kepublioan Government. Htfed Aa ardmaaoa sclariaf what lawl aad ordl- rauiM ahtiksima dav of October. X. D. 188S. Mia made ska datyof the General Aasembly to provide a acaJeof aVpreciatioa of tbe Oonfederale enrreacy from the UmeofiUBrat iasoetolheendof the war; aad It ti further thereia declared that "all executory contracts, solvable la money, whether under seal or sot, made after the depreciation of said currency be lb re the 1st day or May, 1865, end yet unfilled, (except official bonds and penal bonds payable to the State ) (hall be deemed to nave been made with the uuderoUniling that thw miia anlv.lil. In haiuv n( ttu. waiil n 1 n 1 1 - rr.iTu.. iwi ta-.irti.nr. ,i,tr..r..,.. i... K'guticrh U war, waged by ujntof the oarties to theeoatra't: tlierire. Section vi a onco glorioue Union,' and more "Re it enacted by the General As iiibiy of tbe Jeeoluting to our particular section, than any- Stote of North Carolina, and It hi hereby n.a. u J by . tiiuK that Km ever hanened on thif contin tae authoritv of the same," That the follow ia-!e "... . .. , '.I , of.lepreclationbe aad tbe aame is Krtby adopted j w. ."T1' l"."u"w ufi"u- and eabliabed as the measure of vslia- of one gold lule th(Te ia life there l noie, and not- dollar in Confeaerate rnrrene y. for each month, and i withstanding the great changee wrought by uie iracuonai pans 01 toe moain oi wnnurr, ihm. from the 1st day of November 1H6I, to Uw Ut day of Nay, IHbo, to wit SXaWavatlte AdTrtUmkits. Our peile hare but lately,emerifed from a gigantic ra il war, waged the late civil var, we shall encourage the peo ple to honest?; Industry and economy, we Scale of depreciation of Confederate Cnnency, thej1' '"e ajKM-bl pains to keep them posted old dollars being tbe unit and measure 01 vainerrwiui an oeuenojai improvements 01 tne age, gold front Nov. 1st 1861, to May 1, 1866. Mo as January, February, March, April, May, Jane, July. August, Meptember, ctober. November, liecember. Deo 1861. 1I0 1 IS ' 1863 I 90 I 30 I 60 I 60 I 60 I 60 I 60 I 60 tm 900 960 960" 1863. 1864. 1300 19100 S00 400 600 160 60 900 1400 1400 1400 16 30 90 00 I to 10th mclB- sive. 0thto90tb. 1st to Slat, 9100 MOO 3000 19 00 18 00 9100 93 60 96 00 96 00 30 00 36 00 45 00 100 1868 6000 60 00 60 00 10000 at---- Fever and Ague... Female Complaint -i- Ten lines of solid minion type, or about one inch lengthwise of the column, constitute svinara. Special Notices, in leaded minion, will be con. ratted ft at the office, at not lens than double thm rata f nnttnarv advertiaementa. " Luserted as reading mutter, witit approval of the editors, fifty cents per line. Advertlenienta inserted inguUrljrorat futer- - Tal,i5 per eeBL additional. - The rates above printed are for standing advertisements: One or two squares, cbangeaUo discretion. 0 per cent additional, li ore than two anuarec. chanirenble at discre tion, per aquare of ten lines, for every change, ftwrntv-five cents. w, Five squares estimated as a quarter column, jtnd ten aquares aa a nau column, uuu tor au-(-ertiaing. whether br the day or year, will be ooasidered due and collectable on preaentatioa rroiptitni, THE PUBLICATION OF THE NORTH Carolina Presbyterian will be resumed In Fay ttevQle, on Wednesday, tlie 2nd of January next.- . .......:- . -' ;- r Confidently relying on the hearty anpnort which we have tieretofore received, w shall endeavor to render the paper more attractive both in appearance and matter, than It baa ever been, sparing neither pains nor expense 10 tne accotnpiismneni oi mis purpose. V lin tne paasmg away oi uiu uuns, uc Jthought and business. Why ahould not the .Church, also, partake,, of the progressive ad vancement? Why should she, of ail the ijureneiee, brought to bar a ith sur.h trwnu Xifn (iirce iipxm the civiliiation of the prea ent time, be lnetficient, laggard and almoet hopeless, in the working out of her own dee- tiny f ' , To arouse the church to the importance and necessity of work ; of unceevsing, rertleea, tire-b-sa energy in the aervice of her Maeter and Head ; this shall be our firs ehiefeet aim. In this we need assistance. We are not alone. aufficieot for theae thine. Our brethren mnrt help us in every way; by contributions fronfi ,lQir own aiorea ut inuugui u , xeaious co-opertwu In a oommoa oauise, f r the benefit of all; by extending our eirculatioa thmnghont all our borders, Bd thus gtving ua the aaemaa aad portunity of fterlajroing well the work to watch we have eonaeerated all that we have, and all' we hop for oa the aarth. TERM. ubscnptioa ior.one year. $100 . " aixcaoatha. ' 3 00 Addraaw B, FULLER. Editor o tbe X. C IVMbytariab, Hemliiche, . Indigestion, Influenza. Inhumation, luwuid weukness, Liver Complaint, Lowness of Spirits, Ringworm, ' : " .' Itheuinatism, Salt Rheum, Scalds. ' Skin Diseases, &e tj- NOTICE. None genuine withoottbeengra ved trade-mark aroaad each pot or box, signed by Dr. J. MaooiKL, 43 Faltoa street, A'ew York, to countorfcit Ll-L I- f- l - tJ- Mold'by all respectable Dealers In Medicines throughout tbe United Utatea aad Canada at 9&cts per box or put. - -r ' -- ..-..-,- v- For sale at J. H. Enniss'rug Store,. Salisbury, x. v. apr-aiy THE WEEKLY "OLD N0ETH STATE." rvtumn xtxxt fbidat, at ial- IIIVIT, V. C, IT t!t.": Aad wkereaai maay grave and difficult disputes may arise Between executors, administrators, guar dians aad traatees. aad their legatees distributees. wards and eestaysqoe trust, la tbe settlement of their accounts and trusts, arising from the depreciaUoa of Confederate currency, State treasury notes and bank notes, incident to and growing out of the -late., .war; aad that lair suits and expensive litigation may be obviated, Be Htberelbre enacted. That In all such cases, tbe parties are hereby empowered to form a full aad per fect statement 6t the case on both aides, which case shall be submitted to the determination of one of tbe Judges of the Hupertor Coorta, chosen by the parties. wno la nereby antaeriaee to eemsMer an determine the same, according to eqnity and good eonacience; Provided, however, That do part of thlssactfoa shall be construed to stop or kinder any person from pro- reeding tn the aauai course el law u ne snail eeem the same accessary. A true coiw,- J. A. ENGELHARD, - Clerk of Senate. THE Saturday Evening Post XI w lire, TALKNT aid witr. eruKDio 4 mat or cowViiacioEs. casssrsssBB is aassarasssata. Mri. Bella X. fneneer hVlnf Mrehaaed aa mlersst.,1 THa SATUSDST IVENINO POST, ami Mr. HAN B HAnrTO", All the r latest r Hews, ,..-V BIV1RW V THB afABKarrs, ETC, KTOmt ANB PBIHTE I If THB BEST STTLB. Tils' WILL E KEPT POSTED U TO TIIE WEEKLY OLD NORTH - STATE. TEHX CAUi IM ASTAKCB. - - M 00 OXE YEAR, SIX MONTHS, 1 ,50 KATZS ft EAaTTTOaT., TakUsksrs ft Taprietra 1.EWW JOHN . HANTH. 1 HAMPTON, aaairh : WITH BXAMHOi a US Wn Biraia, . rAHatAta. M frieads a4 natrvaa of SaUsawrv aad that W ia araia eagaged m the Book-biadiag b sa fe. BVaaXMOB'to rt 1T work aeat ts him la Raieiga. S. C wh oaiv their fenasr pawwaage. will wittpwMt. with ssuasiaasea. aad aathdVrboa naraatead. He it prepared to de ktadiag hi all Ua Inacaea aad ia varmoa atytaa. Ptrasaa wiahiag to tepay Ihimmlna wftk Bosks aad "tatiewery of aB kJada, eaa fee tnpptied by ad i ! naaa Mi a. Braaaoa A Parrar. atosaaeOera, fMataeri aad Btadere, Kaleiga. a. I . Deacon having rtilnd frois the paper, THE POST aaastd InUHwaiaaagtawM.raBKWriRM, wba sr. orterm to Infuse gnsh Llh, Tataot an4 Cnwy lot. Its et- annt. Tbe apuisr aoven- KMatKaaoit BKNNKTT, A.Uior of - Praliis Flow," "The Bratasa,, "Clara Mwdaas," ae.,as.,aaa km eaiasd.at iimttti as a rogniar maumim, .u. win WBITB aXVLUUVELV FOB THB POST. Mr. Bennett wlU ferfia a eootinooa story la the Brat SOBtMT m thm arw y-r. It will h ealled - Tag PBAJITOM OF TBI POIUT; A TALI OP TBI B-iCKWOODa. This star afll raa ttiroas tnm mh, la tna am hers, and bo a story of th. tarty atttleawat of Esata ky, luoniiiaf .rt wivn tmm tMisno as nuu woMUi ropoa, waioa was gsatraiiy saura fey (lit plsnetrs of olv UisakioB "la Sara aa. Moosy troaad. TH Post k'edttowfey sin. BELLA A BPBK0H, whs wilt H ctmtrtfeau s oeotliuMJ awr la la. awasaf a. pac, tnUuad . , waaavicva sovi, Oar ooloMS wtU fe. rartW OSDsUM with osMaalaaa. MfeaUoaafeya . .- j sri-BwiB libt or ooirrgriuTORs. AD th erpartaal of th. will ha SUd. aa t aa Bo.lkte.wlihOUOiaAlMmB. Tht sM tieadtof TUB POST oasM.f whoa.ksv sts4 hU. oarlaakka saathla and ataran of lorty yoars sill that ts that w art et snatoad fe VMSUBPAMKD BT AHT OOamrtTOK la vkw of thoot trosa aad oastlr mMurlm mm hrilHsat bWoeoaMafe), wr trast Ubn Mir warm ostntnns la oar ortialf, aad lb LIBEAAL SUPPORT OP A wKMBBOCB rutuv, A SBWIIfO SfACHlIf 'PRBniDBf. HT W will give ow . I WREELKK A WlbOmi 0iorad PBWINO MACHINES ho ranlar pile of wMek Is Plfty-dva Da lars a the )llowiBg lerau . 1. Toontv oooloa. oaa roar, aad aha MaasJn.. am 00 - . thirty oop't., aa roar, aad Maefeloe, "ft.iMI . at Potty tapis, oa year, and Machtoo, 100.00 ' '.' TKKMS Caak lav A Avaaes. -Oa oopy, one yoae, (199 Two espies, oa year, P w oaplas, oaoyoar, 1 S 00 orl.b,16JH( of ab. SA.U0 dlaartat pit-o!B- rar" InlNwrifesrs In BrIUsh XarU Aaortea mast 'f rr,t NEW FIRM IN S.1LISBURY! j.lVGrqy&Co. HATE Joat reeeived and opened at No. 8, Mur phy's Orardte building, a new and Splendid Block of Staple and FANCY DRY GOODS, which they will fur ruth or barter, Only, as follows, A large nml beautiful artortmi-ut of LADIES DRESS GOODS, embracing the tiewct iiiid 1!:! t)Te oi't!it sea.'mn. A larpe assortment ofsOi-ntlehieir.-i, Toat!.' and iuy s O'hkIs, I Ladies Suiiiim r Wmppin-i. ! Indies' ili. -,uuj OiiMrc.i'j TnuiuMki 11 aUv iv shupu.s . ,.r. Ladies, aliases and Children, Hoop Skirts, Ladies, Misses and Childrens, Balmoral Shoes, ! and Gaiters, Bonnets, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Ac, Ac GenU and Boy Shoes of every Description, Gents, Boys and Children Hats, of every variety for summer wear. Crockery and Glassware, Wood and willow ware. . Also, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, of an kinds. They are prepared to fin all orders, of Physi cians, tor urura ana Jieoirines, at tne anortent notion. The Drug department will be under the charge of a regular Physician. .L . ......! .1 TTI I .1 t I j - " me voiiamuuon, uie union, ana uw uune-1 'wt w . meat of all Conetitatlowal kawa, whether State LOUnty Line, DaVIO LOUniy, I 8 where all of the above named articles, may like- The Star will be published every Wednes day at the following rates, (strictly in ad vaacei) payable in currency or produce) at market prices. One copy 12 months, 2.00 6 " 1.00 J. B. CARPENTER, .R. W, LOGAN. April 18th, '66. tf. rliemir:il, iH'troleUtd, . iiiriMi; uii1 riMluciuir Fir.Mi iik. War lull IcineutH, so that they may once more enjoy bountiful stores, prosperity and happiness. We shall from time to time publish such laws, both State and National, as our people are directly concerned in, and shall likewise use our influence to establish a sound circula ting currency, so much needed at the present time. - We shall be governed by principles and lot men, for according to our honest conviction, the present condition of our country is owing to tie abandonment of principles, we mean the abandonment of those fundamental prin ciples upon which the Government of the Uni ted States was reared. We shall favor and encourage the develop ment of all our resource, Agricultural, Min eral ice., and likewise such internal improve ments at will most likely be beneficial to the Country, and especially the extension of the iliBington, Charlotte and ituthortord Kail Road west. As to Politics we are True Conservatives, believing neither in the Fire Eaten of the South, nor the Radicals of the North, but in wise be obtained en the same terms. The above stock of Goods, having been pur chased since the lata heavy decline of-prioes in the Northern Cities, wiU be sold as LOW as they can posaiDty m Dongnt in uus market. P. R. Maitin. invites his old friends of Davie County especially, to give him a call when visiting uuamarxet. J. W. GRAY, P. R. MARTIN, J.McGUIRE. Salisbury, V. C, April St, 56. tf-nol . ,. t at . a. 13 o. 2 iZ m-: IBs i - - I if! The Wide World AM ENTERTAIN nr, INSTRUCTIVB AND BPICV FAMILY NEWSPAPER. It is the design of the Publishers to make the Wide World acceptable to all . classes of readers.' ltaeoluuius will contain Original Tale from some of the ablest writers in Am erica. Also, Arousing and Dangerous Ad ventured. Translation. Historical Remiair sciences. Sketches of all kinds. Poetry," Wit, Humor, etc, etc., combining a vast amount of information on thousands of subjects that are of interest profit and amusement to the general reader, editorials and news, touch Tag all the leading and important occurrences oi tne aay, win oe tonna in lis columns. Termsof Publication In Advance. $3.00 Per Annum. Single copies may be had of all newsdeal- erspnee Seven cents. Cr All communications intended for the columns of the Wide World, or containing Subscriptions, should be addressed j. II. BRIGHAM 6c FERNALD, Publishers of the Wide World, -28 State Street, Boston, Mass. GUT THE BEST INVENTORS, MECHANICS, MAICPACITBKBS. 1M6! ltff! The best paper in the United, Sjate for 3feehanIoa, Inventors" and UaGhinista, k th Scientific American. 11 la the largest in site, and has by far the wi dest circulation of any other paper of its class in the country. It is published weekly. Each number contains sixteen pages, with numer ous illustrations. 1 he numbers tor a year make two volumes. 416 paces each, it alto contains a full account of au the prineipa' '.u ven turn Mini iliM'overiee of tbe day. J . ;o. tillable illustrated article upon tools n . i t:ut- ciiKK t v ii-.'. 1 in u irkciops maul . ' sti'iin :i ii I iiiiM'liaiiicul engineering Ctt.'ll, liiaiiiil.n v.- iea! I. f-r I''i:n.s-, V:it, r Wfieels, etc., Houce J. iinrt.i'jiiur.il ami Farm Implements this ter department beiug very full and -of grea: value to Fartneni ami Gardeners. Articles embracing every department of , Popular tM'tenewi-whicn every body can under stand and which every body likes to read. " Also, KeiHirti of Scientific Societies, at home aud abroad ; Patent Law Decisions and Dis cussions, Practical Recipes, etc. It also con tains au official lint of all the Patent Claims, a special feature of great value to inventors and owners of Patents. The Publishers also act as Agents for pro curing Patents for new inventions. A new volume of the octenUno American commenced January 1. TbnMa ftf per year; f 1 50 for six months. - Ten copies for one year, (T25. Canada sub scriptions 25 cents extra. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. .Address MUNN & CO., No. 37, Park Row, New York. V . and i . untert' Urdus .-. U. I!a!lw:iv, M.teliiuery, Electr i,. I M.ttliMMiarical apparatus, umiM r Mji'lii'iirv, Hydraulics, Uil a:.. "The Sonday School Sauuter. " A NEW ENTERPRISE! Tbe Undersiimed. Themselves Members of the Sabbath School, propose to .commence in the city of Raleigh, on or about th 1st of next May, y. "THE SUNDAY SCHOOL BANNER." And in the commencement of this little work of love, being boys, ourselves, may we not anneal to ever Snndav School day. and girl in North Carolina to come up promptly to aid the undertaking. In our own State, there rerr many Sabbath Schools, and from the intormation we Jiaye, the scholarship is. Yadkin College, N' Saoptss. I yar aad oa t nr ap S aop.., I roar, and oaa la stlar-ap Th paper tot a Oafe awyao asm to . ' rer- nbsvrloor In British Konh A twsatf ornls la addJUoa (ho aawaal (ahsarlpttoa, a hav. to arooay tho D. S. posiag. oa Uwlr paorr . - Bwlil.iwoi dioaM fea-amaw la mone OfMi WH pooiiMe. trout,!. DiM atalo- aotas . a,ifat mr?tl whi.th .tea ptan-caMr to rw IsMuaes i Wfewt af t post mm i- mi mmm m. rail 'Orat Oaks front llttla aeoras Orow.' The worst disMues known to the human race 'pring from cavses so small as to al- inoet defy detection. The volumes of sden title fore that fiQ the tjrblcs and shelves of the medical fraternitj onlj go to prove and elaoorata Uiese lacta. Then ruani vourafer-s wEile von maw Tbe smallest pimple on tbe-skin is a tell tale and indicator of disease. It mav fade and die away from tbe surface of the body, bat it will reach the vitals, per bar, at last. and death be tho result aad final close. MagpeTs BiUktua, Dyspeptic aad I)utrrbe POls care where all others fail. - While for Burns, Scalds. Chilblains, Cats, and nil abrasions of the kinr Uajriel a Balve ia infallible. Sold by J. Magoiel, 43 Ful ton street. New York, and all Pngrisu ai ti cent per box. - ao? dly. ' KAH TIIK TADKfll HlVER-NINs? Mll.ES I'KOM LFXINOTON. N. 0. Thi. rnrfitiftioni uadcr its charters a nJTTOs, was revived on tlie 15th of January Ii6, and supplied, by a resolution ofthe Trust, with a cuum ol experien ced Teachers ; to that wow, with its clieap bosrdmg arrangements, 11 oners mj mie pupn -.v. ."' t,hal fiuMlitv, from Uia nninnrv depsrtiaont Ui a full than any academy or collcee in the Mate. i Arl IILLA P l.n . w-wmt m a as , aalirelv-ariaraie fi w o&ra, in its boarding arraolBtlBSraml ana ia ha tcientillc and literary denartmeBBi, naaual attractions to young ladles who oere to acotwra Iniahed odacatioa, embracing music, and ptber fess laaero"aWi. "- ',-?"'-"'?- Far hrief eircBlars givlag parUealam ia relaUoa to aitker tea College or the Heminary, address th BEV. O. W. HBGE, A. M., oa J. M. NEWSO.V, Tsdkih College, via Lexington. N. C. MarekM.IWS. 1-dawla. ( atw tlr b x r at m n s , rETXASiuaw, va fS HAS "EYTEBED apoa tu linerBtb year, ia aa ea- larged km w sew trpe. Barter siupi s highly attertag. It has a largo and aaily mcreaoiag cir calattoa, aad offer ta merckaatt and 4an orsriag as aMamaajctlt with tbe Soatkera pabbc, advaau jllVERTTSEfO BATES; osw sqcaas Twewweks. to 00 Oo Bronth. Btontha. ra w-i area mam aa, Bnvtaa, OO . Voaf, vwe aosaaas Two VBtka. fl 00 Oaa attata. Two atswtha. 00 Thre aaoatha, BBOsjtbv a m One Tear, .' SFaaUPT10a BATES: Magfceae. ej. Oawmaata. Tana S (W MOB . aa oo fit OS IS w -m ot i Wets. State of IVorlh Carolina, ) TREASURY DEPARTMENT-? Ralekh, March 31, 1866. ) To DoUert qf Coupons of North-Carolina BontU. BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEM bly of North-Carolina, ratified Mar. 10, 13(36, 1 am directed to prepare and Hell for not less than par bonds 'of the Suite running thirty four years, with Coujioiia bearing six per cent, interest, payable seini-aiinnlty. f thedenom. ination of 10, .5ft(), and 1,000, principal and interest untaxable, for the purpose of pay- hfrmr coupons "iow due and to become duo in By authority ,otd In the Public Treasurer, 1 :dalirjufNs3satot Iiea entuhnU dostnua of eilW'-Uug the ex- change.autnonxel in saw Act, will please eom- munieate to me at once the amount and char acter of the securities which they wish to be ftfnoVd;fn Order that I Bin f know the number and denomination of the bonds which will be. required. After the engraver shall furnish the blanks, the bonds will be prepared foruwue with little delay. Under advice of the Attorney General, Cou pons of bonds Issued since, but under acts pass beftM-s May 20lh, lc61, will he funded under tbe act of alarcb KHh, mm, provided their identity is established, by being cut from the bonds ia my presence, a provision neces sary aa account of the simiUntv to other Cou pons, issued since MaySOth, I8ril. - KEMP P. BATTLE, nottJlw. i Fmhlit Trwtrrr. are.vei beet larsre and increasing, and rt is from them we look for that patronage which is necessary to improve and keep floating;, this native stan dard which we propose for their benefit. It is not for pecuniary gain that the "Banner," is established ; it has for its aim higher ob jects, and if we succeed in our enterprise it will be to us in after life a source of great sat isfaction to know that, in our boyhood days, we gave a helping hand to Sunday Schools, the preparatory Schools for places of high trust and position, In the work of our Heaven ly Father. Its' name sufficiently indicates the object which is to control its editorial conduct. There is necessity however for the remark that it will not be denominational, but alike open to all the Sabbath Schools of this State for con tributions, in which there is no spice of secta rianism. u ' v - The "Banner" will be issued monthly on handsome type, clear white paper and will contain fourteen columns reading matter, quar to length. We trust sufficient encouracement may be offered to justify the undertaking. TERMS IN ADYANCK : i 1 copy twelve months......... SO 2 " " . 50 5 " " " .100 10 " " " 200 20 " " .830 Anv person sendhiaT ut a elub of 20 for three dollars and a half will receive one copy gratia. W.J.EDWARDS, Z. T. BROUSHTON, nolCdtf -PublUhaurs. BLANKS (V mU limdt ntatlg executed ai lie NOR TH STATE OFFICE, Old ft h miwtha. Ml Om year; P. kar f94awtw Tm CSeTVMlELD A CO., fYtertbarg. Ta- JOB PRINTING- NEATLY . AND EXPEDITIOUSLY ZlECUnJ) AT TUI8 OFFICH The IVew York Times. Enlargement of the Daily, SemiWeekly and Weekly Times. -Tbfirgvst-6iiiIeap('FaTprH THE KW YORK TIMES HAS BEEV EN' largnd to the sise of the London TVauw.. - Cw b niluiber outaina. airht pags of seven coluuuia eachor fixtkjx columns in ail ma king it tlie largeKt newspaper in the" Coiled States, The Tiatc will contain regularly c Full Congressional Reports Reports . the Isgisltiture Messages' and Pullie Dootntentsj Jtrports cf Courts .and PwUic Meefingf European Keifs tn Full i Foreign and Domestic Correspond denet ; News from all parts of the world Political and General Editorials $ LiU -erary News, Selections -and M'tsceUany. . EtrTthirT possible wiB be done is make tbe Times the most valuable and interesting Tamil r Newspaper the United States, hav eriee will r remain unction rM, in spite of the fact , that tta ,. nar and uontenU bare beii Inrreaaad oos-loiutB. -Tbe tiUowing are the prices ef the aeveral adi. ' tjons Byatle in all caarw inadTanea. - w j . These) price are inrafiaUe. Tub rates are dm '.w- eontinoed.' We have no travelling Agents. mam Checks or l"ot Office kfooeT Orderrtfp, si hie. Address IL J. RXTafOXD aV CO. ''",:i syrf-dlm Time Uffirt, Ksw Tarfc -

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