I r 1 1 H "' Kim 1MB. pvUM tt umw. n. Mwiil. ladj .g2". Editor aN Obituary , MA THE .....LjH! V M 'j SALISBURY, N. JANUARY 22, 1861) NO. 3 wmnrhaH nff. and in It worn ttia nlil mar. I for it liad itatMBaTBW. arKttWnalA Mm I aerilicd in TTa ...... I , . ' " . . . . I - rn JfaBjpsrjr : I . . . . . .. I " - . uvn uww oauuiU DL KIIU-" chant s money, papers and pocket-book, down upon iu dot I ta opine, the Horse's ana bullocks liter, it is I I oatkh With the money m toand with the bill, and in feaa th writo it ground in toa powder and told to low I The tenth that matter pasee. from the V ' and the word "Oanal" Written armaa it. down, the .ntnan aBW urire mFim ihnn Jnalara Th WmI wa I animal hah to thai I lailitli aad faaaa I It was not long befire tlstea confess- To tho FrenclTtJ had charpo to detect the adulteration ia to aet aaide the vofatabl to the animal kbfwoaa . ed their crime. The old mas bad been of the little colon jfl Hf "ifuaton of the laspected coffee, and if apun, received a carious illutratien not tord ' murdered and body thrown in thsrlki-r. he was just A haam HLssW0 auimal aBJer be present, ia a few day long inee. worthy mi. j i. . . .it . x. ii aSV m - - . . J . ,l. . i. .Li. anta: Bb.kUiUr diJbttltm fMll fcagaaj,. , U L memory W BWfflhmJ . to their UdinMaoe the proof. aWBm bio mind WirHtlll nsVfc the proea -JIUn toe founder af Bhade lalaad. hia private I i II l aaaamwawaaaaaa .. - .rU m m I dtu-w ml then, and the young NemaakJflaaasYhnart. ba able to cdfl nBrakL. daflHfitetnl with coffee to zire (t a it her We axe in hi. tu e . U aatd to cut Imre rtot yet b. he charm.. But this atranre incident in two. He had bcalaW iuoaaK ntlr ooiaoner f L! IIWIU awwjr I . VOL. IV. hc(!?lu Not ll) State TBfcrflon,. i Uaw of brevier H ioehe. lenartb- i column or leaaaonatitutea aquaru. notieea will bdBbaraed SO per eeut "than the above (Baa. Ceurt orders, alx week, $7, if tbe cash ac- i the order. 910 if it doe not. notice, over six lineaatcharged ment. . "J To person wishing to advertiae for a lon- nte than one monin tne moav niMtrai terms will be given. .pH for the Old North State. FREEDMAN'S LAMENT. 1 . Cheerless and sad de days go by, Nor bring de Night relief : vote 'tk true, for eberytina?, But vote ain't bread and beef. S. "Old Grimes it dead," but lives in song, , Tost from de coat he wore ; "jpronder if it looked like mine, wTwa buttoned down before. But 'clof ' end buttons don't bring back, De day dat used to be ; I'd rather see "Old Mas' now, Can spoons or cutlery. And John son died de oder day, De cause I does'nt know ; Hrlleaned too long, a yankee sail, Upon de ole Buro. i a. in taUk were liinentea oy ner dangbter, a young gin, scarcely twenty. The terrible be reavement bad paralysed the tease of the mother, but baa aroused tbe energy and fire of tbe young rtrTa nature. Mora like a beautiful Nemeeta than an ordinary wo man, she appeared to ns. Aa we entered tbe room, she waa ia tbe act of consoling her mother. The, lone black hair bad ea- conbnement and almost ts.no f . i.ao io mil ranen from it ........... aamv i ' r - T "Vl.S rSSSV- .rt1 Jew1 m bi.ibj i a lw a m -. i uaum w 'Pbllelopky'mtS!, Ba.'t of the taawlnemlja of ail par- teaAILb tm lace Tha education of tie wo ' dome tie, a. . the borne dresa. Uto hatha and thaaaa- wu race, th the blood of her Spanish bnt tke figure waa qneenly, Render and faaltres a a model. The glortou beau ty of this young girl fascinated while it bewildered yoo. Bare in it exqniaile loveliness, the eye delighted to reston tbe willowy outline and graeefnl symmetry. Starting ap no we entered the room, the hastily, almost fiercely, I "s De Buro falling suddenly, Twas rotten down below ; Preejpitated him alas I PEmagin no more. ' Jp A Webejd a teotlon" here last wetkL ForMortag, Longi;o; Aad lected all ob cm to boot, By sixty vote, or more, p 7. De white man i de Mayor now, tHnmianoners an are wane . W" And 'nary' black policeman 4 Appoiated be, last night. '! V.-.l I ft m.:t '.. ft It's wrong tao't I, our claim to bght, Qaalificaiions pass: But now, I know, "de reason why," , We might obscure de gas. a. De white man's got more sense dan us, De white man's bound to rule ; So, darkies I better go to work, iayl OhJ where' your mule I 19. Dem forty acres was a dream, Just like de ooe last night ; I dreamed I was afifuoking corn, De moon was shinin bright. '1L And "round up, round up, round up corn," . We sang with joyous glee ; , -, I amelt dem arae big punkin pics, T: Bat aame old corn whiskey 12. I pressed de stone jug to my lip uf - 'My throat was very dry : "Ole Maeta" take his uigger home ! Before di- oivger die. inquired thought "Are you tbe detective f " "Wo arc," and 1 mentioned our name. "I must speak to you in private." abn Raid, and led tbe way to an adjoining apart ment. "What do you think of the matter?" he asked when out of hearing of her mother. "A yet an opinion would be mere goes work," I replied. "evertbelese, I have come to one. I have no doubt he has that the deed was com in near the old ruinous river " "Some sueh idei has crossed my mind, . . ... out mere is no trace a yet w Inch can lead to proof of it." "We will find it, reet aa.nred," ehe aid, "and to thi end yon must co-operate with tne ; and now listen to what I have to say : To-night, at 12 o'clock pre cisely, do you two visit tbe old building ; I will be there." Ask for the yonng wo man who applied at night-fall totltem for shelter. L-t your object b, apparently, to arret her." "Hut I do not understand." "But yon will. J am going there at dark, disguised a a beggar girl. Hy the limy yon coma my information will have been collected." She rose to her feet a since i among tbe tiring, fieaatif are many heart to arrow rladi .k.- i. 2 . . !. runic WIHI ml ktIO J J Ul be charms. Hat tint atranga i her life will never be effaced mind, or fade from the who aaw her than. memory of thoae STORr OF A SNAKE CHARMER FEARFUL RESULTS OF RECK LESSNESS. ' ' DaChailla, in hi last book about Afri ca, says : i One day I witnessed a fearful scene. A man. a native of Ooree, an island on tbe ! coast of Senegambia, who had the reputa-' uon ot oeing a snake cnarmcr, ana Dreadful Accidmi i the Baf-Totr lie . Killed by the Explosion a Boiler. On Sunday afternoon, four men, enga ged ia blowing np the wreck of tha steam er Scotland, off Sandy Hook, were in- antly killed by the etploaion of a torpe do. The facts of the case, so far aa re ported, arc aa follow : Tbe day (Sanday) being calm and fa vorable for working, the men connected ith tbe Neptune submarine Company's UIWISSH . " ll velything had paaaed lata oblivion. I VV, '"C8 fheuld not shape of th. coAn. ooaU ooly kal,eftJ; i't,tli. better fafit2l MlfflM tn trim uch anVctcd flavor. We a able to ascertain if the traced by a black Una vogue here, though we fear matter. 'Mklm at food are none too good The mating binge and Bails, aad a for such an atrocity. I rottnd wooden knot, alone remained in one Figs Our reader hare observed the grave, while a single lock of braided hair mall boxes of figs sold at tha street eor- waa found la tha Ota. Near the grave bad sent down nera all over the city at a low price. stood aa apple tree. Thi waa then at the Gaboon, bad succeeded in cap- steamer Truxton. nroceeded to their work . .1 ii . . . . . . z- I luring oue oi mesa urge najara. lie waa upon the Scotland as usual. For this i communitv. 1 think, all will mrre with me. that an rises in value the more exalted b mestic virtnea, I fetr I may not be un derstood in that, expression. I do aot They are old, damaged and wormy fliga, two main toots into the very presence of me5n b7 saaatlc virtue merely boo teaiumedaad fixed over aad put into the coffined dead. The larger root, push- w'fer7 but all the intelligence, goodness new boxes. Thev are unhealthy and in its way to the precise snot occupied 01 nlt genUene, truthfulne. P- should be shunnod, particularly by ehll- by the tkall of Roger WiUiama, haJ made loveablenea, that endear her a turn, aa ir passing around it, and follow- " , oancnry ner influence ed tbe direction of tha back-bone dren THE CHIEF 80LD. A few day since a rather seedy look ing individual appeared at tha City Hall and inquired if be could be honored with to the hips. Han it divided into two branches, send ing one along each leg to the heel, when both tamed upward to tbe toe. One of ! these root formed a alight crook at tbe knee, which made the whole bear a stri- upon tbe husband aad children. Ska should be imbued especially with tender ness and unselfishness. Her homo duties should be paramount ia all her rajalieu, and should be brad a nearly aa possible iu her nature. Unfortunately, tbe education, or rather been murdered, and I ?ld mn '"d Prided u"lf on nern I purpose two boats left tbe Truxton, which Chief of Police ; and being replied to Thta wen the graves, bat their occu unit ted somewhere I '" fr,d J anJ ,ke however veno- lay near the wreak, and wenL to the vi-1 in the affirmative, waa shown into tha pri- pant had disappeared ; the bones even building near the nou he 'eP' "the; nay, not only eiuiiy of the sunken .learner. One boat TftU offlc(J. had vanished. Ther stood the thief wa. he not afraid of any of them, but ha would fight with any of them, and get hold of them. I had often aeen him with .uakea in hia hand. He waa careful, of course, to hold them juat by the neck below the bead, in uch a manner that tbe head could not lain on itself and bite him. contained the captain, (Xr. W. L. Chur chill, one diver aad three seamen, and in tbe other boat were divers aad sailors, six in number. The i captain' boat carried two torpedoes. Those are pet ap ia strong iron bound casks, and Weigh 87 lb, apiece. Iu connection with them were the galvanic battery aud 'wire for dis hargang the torpedoes. down to the sLaj anaL ( D552-aa3T tppenran'l A HEROIC GIRL. BXPMtiaNCE os- a prrjRF ! PFlFrom tbe Hew Orleans Picayune. Ia 1848 a circumstance occurred in this eityVaaid Mr. t., which, at the time, cre ated an excitement which affected the en tim population; Aa old merchant, high lajttttneeted, wealthy and of distinguish ed roeiaJ position, one night mysteriously disappeared. His family were in infinite distress, and hi business In consequent disorder. He left bis store at a late hour, libly to go home ; but before going, to bis nsual practice, he put in hie aocket a large sum of money, tlis way led along Peter's street, on the bank of the river, far down in the third district oi the city. His lite may have been sac rificed aad hi. body thrown into the flood that rolled at his feet. Police regulations at thi timo were bad, and crimes of this description were not unfreqnently perpe trated. A little way back fiom the street wa a ruinous building, half tumbling to decay, and Inhabited by a number of peo- Ie, men and women, inured to vice aud iving by robbery. Among tbe note Mr. Corilay was known to possess waa one tor aautl, wiQt Um i new. indeed, she wore the abearance bT mo ivemesTw r nan rmearrr her to at first. Beautiful, but rigid a fate, looked now that set, determined face The beautiful eyee bad lost their softeuad lustre, and shone now with a passion a light almost cruel. I hqjk" were pale, but rigid a iron, and the Tk-autiful nostril dilated with an expression of heart-con- snroing vengeance. "I will read theguil ty secret." she said, "if the criminal ia there ; however deep in hia heart he may bury it." Strange as it may appear, I made no attempt tn dissuade her from her purpose I could not. I felt aa if the beautiful creature exercised over me a magnetic con trol. And prepare for the night visit to the old house and it dangerous tuhabi tants. V""'--'' Those acquainted with the city at that period, can tnrm some idea of the danger of the plot we had formed. To us it waa a matter of daily occurence. But for the youg girl, inexperienced and tenderly nur tured, to thrust' herself into tbe very house of the unscrupulous and desperate Wretch es who were suspected of thi crime, wa imply appalliug. It would not do, how ever, to go to the place before the hour' appointed for our coming, for that would defeat the object in view. It waa, there fore, with many a misgiving, and an un easiness bnt poorly concealed, we bided mi r i line. But wo determined to be there at the very moment, and the clock wan on the stroke of midnight when we knocked at the door. The outside of the house gave no signs oi life within.. The chat ters were securely fastened, and no ray of light penetrated the darkness ; but the muffed sound of voice reached our ear. ' m iim trrrtaa a rv&m arcr 7 nntn our Knoea nnsnea mem to a wnis- per. There vM'a momentary hesitation, a if counselling together, aud tbe door Was opened wide. It waa a long, low room, dusty aad brown from age. About a dozen persons were seated around, but every eye wa turned toward to the door. Two men had risen to their feet and stood in an attitude which might mean defence, before the fire place ; but the object that attracted our attention most waa a yonng girl sitting in the centre of tbe apartment. Her face was dark a a gipsey ', and tho long hair hung loose on her shoulders her dres wa efpwir mrtevieJ, nigged and nnelean. Patches and rent had almost changed its hue and disguised its texture. She seem ed tdo thinly clad ior that cold night, aud her slender frame hivered, as if from cold as the chill air from tho open door a wept '" , ' " What do you want V wa the stern question addressed to us by one of the men at the fire. Tha? day he brought into a large open r a m m 1 a space, perfectly oare 01 grass, oneof these One of tbe diver went wiia raja, that he had just captured, and wreck and adjusted a torpedo. After be was amusing himself by teasing the hob- had regained the boat the two boats row. rid and loathsome creature when J arriv- ed away to a distance of about 1U0 feet eu. it waa a huge one! . : from the wreck (not mom than one-hnlf -Most ot tho people of the village had the usual distance.) Captain Churchill tied, and those native, who, like myself, then gave orders to tirethe torpedo, which were looking rjn, kept a long way off. was done. Simultaneously v. uh it dis- .v a Jfpongwe man, not a .-inU inhat. 1- rharsrc, lh seeped torpedo lani 01 me wnoie region 1 have exploit- i, urn 1 1.. "What can I do for the official. "Are you the Chief?" ' "vea!" ''Cm I speak to yea "Ye speak out!" "Will no oue hear oaf" j "No." m "Arc you sure?" "Yea." 'Well: then, listen the Common last night, TJ king resemblance to tbe human form teachlnes' of the females of our time ig nores me aomeitic qualities, bar nature almost wholly; neither i. she to be al lowed to know anything about business; tbe very Mr WBO,e y, childhood and adole- waa com- up who social acquire- plete. menu. Tbe accomplishments are the The organic matter, the flesh, the bones "v essential parte of her education aa of Roger William, had passed into aa ap hy society a now constituted, pie tree. The elemenU had been akaorb- Sbe lMroa 10 'bow herself off to th beat ed by the roots, traaeraated into woody TW,20ff? nd '" everything of her fiber, which could now be burned aa fuel, Pni-ciioii mod y,ar aa I was erocolng passer-by. and ,t, about llo'euZrtl,lrVTfame of I . . ,i. .1. A I ioi nau oeen converted ? ivwv am wvvaaaaaaa ewHiwesiu av frvneae wieai m . a m a baby in her arms, looking carefully '7J'W'.",Dte around all the while to see if .he wa. fol- FT l .. ,..1 .1..... k.. .:u. .k. .a... h question, "Who ai Goree did. ... ..... 1 . ' ' -1 - m- . atoms. ""Thlehl fiterall v true ; furaft-a1 1 ' lowed, and then wheu right at the edge, I j "Threw the child into the Frog Pond." Or carved into wniSSBli kail hlnnnuui into fragrant blossoms, which delighted 900d society catteredthe more than into luscious year, had been pertinent, then. question, "Who ate Jtoger Wil- 1 V'MccTi istry. net tha' From or and bi bedecked -Steel's Fourteen Weeks in Chem- to make bar esteem hag. of securing ns. 1 be little anil, the some extent tbe matron, ia it the ornamental. Mfl"''' see grandy col tha Tkll 1 U in each apparel as ia caleuiated IV aa thn nam the desirable obieeu ISiH Sbe almost iiiiawiii' or, ia rthirg mental, Two or three times, as the snake crawl- vestige of the victims 'or a fragment of the ed on the ground, we made oti 111 the op posite direction with tha utmost speed, myself, I am afraid, leading off iu the gen eral stampede; though I had provided myself with a gun. It was perfectly fearful, perfectly hor rid and appalling, to see that man making a play -thing of this monster; laughing, we may say, at death, for it could be nothing else, I thought. At first when I saw him he bad the boat ha been found at this hoar or wri ting. 'The inmates f the second boat Were blown into tho water, but were res cued by boats which at unco put out from the Traxton. The killedareasft.il . ; Captain Wm L. Uhurcbill, (superintendent of tbe oj eratious on tne ocotian it jewis jugr diver, and George Moor and Jam O'tjhav, seamen. The third seamen i tho boat was blown into tho water, but snake around hia body, but be held it j strange to say, escaped with no other iu firmly just below the neck, and I could see by the muscles of his arm that be had to use great strength. As long as this pun of the body is held firmly the snake loses much of its great power of crushing one to death, as the boa constrictor py thon does with larger animals, and aa mall snakes do with smaller game ; but with this najar the danger would hare been tbe venomous bite. Then with his other hand bo took the tail of the snake and gave it a .wing and gradually unfolded the reptile from hi black body, which wa. warm and shining with excitement, but always holding tbe cad. On a sudden he threw the snake on the ground. Then the creatine began to crawl, away, when suddenly the Goree man came in front of it wall a light stick, and instantly the monster erected itself al most to half of its full length, gave a tre-. J-..- .11 I I luunoutio wiiiaiic, wumn e 411 ucaiu, looked glaringly and fiercely in the man's face with its sharp, pointed tongue out, and then stood still, as if it could not jury than a broken rib The cause of the exploskau is unknown nit . . . 1 . . 1 lie theory is that the cnncason ot th 11. cxpieateg lorpeao in boat and thus effac It is said that for to be fired by elect ri ded by the vital waif ing a wire with whirl ed. The subject should receive mi imme diate investigation. Captam Churchill waa an ex-Lleuten ant ot our navy, and, nn excellent and mast capable man. -M Y. Jour, of Com torpedo in the targe rhich are made have been explo of the hand hold hey were connect STARTLING A DISC ND ul LOW DISGUSTING ;rks. move. man, with Before I had time to reply, the girl Canal ".written on the back. The. ! Pg ,e "P"" m'lr"":- ercof Various , denominations and ; rrest these men i iter voh - -y-. but the lace, flashing in me ugui 01 me Are, waa tliat of the Nemesis I had aeen that day tout peculiar identity. r I and myself visited the resi- nee of the missing man, at the request bis wife, and by her we were charged the duty of tracing out and bunging lp justice Ins supposea murderers. he wasA tall, elegant-looking lady, of com manding presence and great enlinre. The ' rteo oeauiy anu une moia There was a short, fierce struggle, 'and the men were In our power. Tbe girl then walked to a place in the floor, and touching a concealed spring, lifted a trap door. She bade Mr. I. lift tbe box toy in the hiding place. The Goree stick in his left hand, touched it as though to tease it. It was a sight, and if be nad been near en snake woald no doubt have sprung its antagonist. The man. aa he and infuriated the snake with the held iu his left hand, drew th of the reptile toward tbe stick t denly null iu the wink of an eye, almost as quipk avlightning, with hi right hand he got hold of tbe creature just under it. 1 . 1 HM nme i "AM t-trt.it ought i upon) teased attention therf sitil- The Now York World is nwking stnrt- Jmg disclosures of frauds and .adultera tions practiced by the New fork dealers ; In family supplies. Vnai a late nrtiele we select tbe following, which we com mend in the attention f housekeepers : dj.it rs. I'lesBtBM ava . been com IfafMalion to the adul head The same thing that I scribed again took place. have just de The sr.ake fol ded itself around his body ; then he un folded the snake, which waa once more let loose, and now, this horrid serpent got so infuriated that as soon as be was thrown upon tbe ground he erected himself, and the glare of his eyes Was something ter rific. It wss, indeed, an appalling scene; the air around seemed to be filled with the whistling sound of the creature. Alas ! a more terrible scene soon took place. Tbe man became bold rand bold er, more and more careless, and the snake probably more and mora accustomed to L been extracted the mode of warfare ot his antagonist, and just as the monster stood ' erect the man attempted to seise its neck, as be had done many and many a time before, but grasp ed the body too low, and before he had tiuie to let it go, the head turned on itself and the man was bitten I I was perfect ly speechless, the scene bad frozen my blood, aha the wild shriek of all those around rent the air. The serpent wss The lid was! loose aud crawling on the ground, but be- UV4 order 10 ui a to mimic. tied to feranU i very ! a root i powder fibre. Ia the trne appears no In paj ere, the ruin throw in old rope, fibre if therefor pulverised ginger, bu be of old terated with cassia. the unsopbisticati but it is not; stouter, more taste. It is sold e cinnamon. Nutrn prived of a portion by distillation, and aft ered and rubbed with Tl into market. Thus iu valuable properties, tbw are dry and brittle small punctures appe; a great portion ot It u. then iu I1 -saw a 1 fieri 11 rrtn. a- torroei aim r "aPi a woetaa ginger . A. th ginger tenure, the genuine y tha trace of the itate this and give the stuff put up tors chop ap and and lagging. A s to be found in sad to relate it may a is largely ad ul- h) is supposed by the same thing, a bark m much leaves a bitter V here for genuiue ire frequeiuly de- sheir essential oil heingX'well cov- ie, are again rent -S .IT - .A am 01 iiieir Boost feel light, and on tlie surface it is certain that oil has that worm-eaten nutme. The small kind nf cement powder of refuse n ulent nuts are shipi to America. Baked Horse's Zitjf-Our statement that horse s liver is us of coffee has shocked ers of delicate stomach using the adulterant i replied bis visitor; auietly th taee!"' "See here, my friend,' ed tho Cbiet, "1 in not the person you want to see ; the fool killer is outside ;" and the man who bad sold the Chief left the office. MUtan Chronicle. Um I tor Cole, of petition, which was presented i referred to the leant irk to too com mTttee on military affair, from Alexander! m. xtenauay, oi nan r rancisco, agent or l j jj acteof lil-aa, if ADVICE TO THE MARRIED. not benatb hur at She leans to regard family tbe Associated Veteran of Mexico on the iT.Z LT. . " " "TT Pacific coast. The petitioner ask. (5on- ' . ""',,. WPf W the n- gress to establish an aal for the survivors of 1846, similar to the 1 aooWii .yluminCalifornia f. ?fUr! , k V jM W . .L h''em boast of not know na how m io, similar io utr. I nmra . Soldiers' Home in this city, with the fund ;'Z7ru' .roa.,ue,n ....... . : o ------ - --j Mvai iv uaaw. Zchokke, in one of hi teles, give following excellent advice : i In tbe first solitary hoar after the cere- mony, take tbe bridegroom. and demand a solemn vow of him and give him a vow in return. Promise rack other, sacredly. never, not even in jest, to wrangle with each other never to bandy words or to indulge in the least ill-humor merely to tease, becomes earnest by practice. Mark that 1 Next, promise each other sincere ly and solemnly, never to keep a secret from each other, under whatever pretext, and whatever excuse it might be. You must continually, and every moment, see clearly into each other's bojom. Even hen one of you has commuted a fault, wait not an instant, but confess it. And as you keep nothing from each other, so. on the contrary, preserve the privacies of your house, marriage state, mid heart, from father, mother, sister, brother, au and all the world. Von two, with (Jod's help, build your own quiet world. Every third or fourth one you draw into t with ey i were bred ladies, and nee or leisure. the Army A.vlum (tl 18,791.291, being W J P" the residue of an assessment levied on the! r On Making Winter Butter. When city of Mexico tu 1847, in lieu of pillage, by the commander-in-chief of the army. Otherwise, to an amend thn law reo-nln- milkinr be sure vnnr lumrl. am' .ti ling admission to the Soldiers' Home as train and place ia crocks In a cool to place soldiers discharged at the close place in a good milk house. Son argue of tho Mexican war oa tne footing long crock, are the beat, some thai shal with those who have served successively low are the best although tk shallow for twenty years. The proposition meets crock will raise cream tk quickest, they . with favorable commendation from Gener- are not so good ; let them stand in tbe T. Dent ; water until the cream is perfectly separat it with a ed, then skim and put the cream into a served in large cream crock, wbcie it ia allowed to late war for the suppression nf the re- remain until it is perfectly soar. hellion should be embraced in tbe project. Here we may notice that tbe tha crocks The petition state that tbe several army land all vessels used should be scalded asylum rands have accumulated to sever- every time before before they at layed . a -in . e.a a al.av .e V a a ai million ot dollars, ana tn withdrawal of the ram asked for will not be a serious inconvenience to tbe institutions support- -r jfr' -arTar .r .... . .... . eo iiiereny. . ai. mi. al Horace Brooks and Gen. F. and General Grant endorses naliflcation that soldiers who after using. In cold weather it is limes needful to warm the soar cream be fore churning, but it is seldom the case 2 freexing and scalding both spoils the ream tor maaing good hunter, churn in Secret History of Lincoln's Admin- tstration. No administration of any Pres ident of the United Slates has embraced you will form a party and stand between such great and irai ortant event a that of . V s -a Us ' . . a, ' sanest " ...f a. . J.j sf ka . you two. 1 hat should never be. Jrro mise this to each other. Remember tbe vowlneh temptation. You will find dmmm . WW . " a ana youcrajnrt into it. xoiir sonts win , as it were, to each other, and at last will become as one. Ah, if many a pair had, on their marriage day; known thlsjmeret. haw many a marriage were happier than, alas, they are 1 - r The Catftol Dome. The dome of the capitol at Washington is the most ambi tious structure in America. ItislOSieet igher than the Washington Monument Baltimore, b8 ieot higher tbaa that o an up and down churn, which is nndonbtA eoly tbe best cborn there is to be fenndSF Mr. Lincoln. The secret history of his administration, embracing the private in terview and correspondence with the prominent individuals of all parties and professions, with rebel, and loyalist., with men of the Booth; and of the North, wkhi cy of conducting the war, would form a -.a as a: i . , s . ... . an . . . a . " m. volume ot intense interest, rjnen a work has been undertaken by Ward H. Lamon, who will soon have it ready for the press No one, perhaps, waa nearer to Mr. Lincoln or more familiar with his transac f tions, from the time he left Springaekj to ( . ... . ii . . ever aae sossdiag water, aa it rain that butter, but give good elbow grease till t nyrt f Hem j! Mh i-tfl wfj rI Although in dairies of mora than one or two cow a dog or horse power may ha added. work. which saves a great deal of hard Take out tho batter 1 land work out all the milk possible, then emissaries of the rebellion, and lefsVgdd llUl" ""d l it sand until the advocate of the "on to Richmond" poinWt morning, when it should be worked over again, allowing no milk to remain ia it. then your butter crock mmediately, eeme to Washington till the moment of hi death, than wa Colonel Lamon. He Wa hi trusted friend, and ever watchful essential ii ice. damaged or doctored thus : irnv.Twl Lv a of oil, flour, and s. These fraud large quantities a an adulterant ,sny of our read- process of ny The Hunker Hill, and 23 feet higher than tbe Trinity Church snire iu New York. It. t. n 1 :.r. i.i .1 . r 1 i. l IB me univ ;uuaiui?rauiu umm- ui nun in . . ... . , . ., , . . . tho world: It is a vast hollow sphere of for.W P"?" fr?m L? j i J, ll'. II aa 1 WW . ailllf 4 HUH. nniiiiipi tiyWfVw svssiuna uuw j mu eli i. that t More than 4,000 ton., or about the weight of 70,000 full grown people; or about equal to 1,000 laden coal can, which, holding four tons apiece, would reach two mrics and a halt. Di rectly over your head, is a figure in bronze, "America," weighing lft,9$ pounds. The pressure of the iron dome upon its Familiar, also, with the leading politicians in all parts of the country, be was capable of appreciating the subjects nf cnn.uitati-in between them and Mr Lincoln. The "Secret History" which Colonel Lamon is preparing for publication will cOntaln much that 1. rich and rney. It will be an exposition not only of what Mr Lincoln said ana aid, bnt ot what was rubbed with salt place tha batter in it, packing as tight as possible, cover with a tine piece of muslin, and covering with a brine which is to be mad of salt aad water. owe journal. sq pisr. end pUlars J ponnda ioiiarefoot. St. Peter', presses nearly ,d fertnaonwetwa 00 oa Am .U. . . .J OI tne poillician. now pniuinnn Kioni r ttz: rr rz; prob.hiy mm more. - : 3 a-J la- L... .I.a 2a i. aii u.w. .1.. .w;fT,rr,rrr.7' " : zz UUUIIUO i1' ousaaaiv ivuii tuv v o " about 81,100.000. The new wings cost about 6.500.000. Tho architect baa a -Nat. Int. An outrageous incendiarism was, a few plan for rebuilding th old central part of days fo, perpetrated on the premise of j tbe capitol, and enlarging the nark, which Mrs. Ann Vernon, a widow lady of 8pr- J England is do- will coat about 3,200,000. vm. W tan burg, S. C. A New Discretion of Cotton,' activity of the Southern mind, particular ly since tbe war, in the superhuman ef forts made to overcome the trying obsta cles which have stood in the way of th prosperity of tbe people i set forth in great strength, by tbe numerous .peci men of new varieties of cotton, which are constantly making their appearance en the market, many of them being truly remarkable for their superiority, both ia staple and preparation. W. M. Lawtoa. Kb., faster, Boy ot, M,JKkme terday placed in our possession a sample which can be seen at our office, of tares ass of cotton, grown by K. V. Ivereon, Esq., near Macon, Georgia, fro Braail ian seed silk cotton. The fibre ia verv oft and of a light creamy cast and ia used ia France in th manufacture of silk good. We .hall be pleased to show to gentlemen engaged in this trade thi ele gant specimen of tbe nbre. Courier. The be k lly 4 oroaafiy wRffli M awv nam mm a -1 - - v

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