m - , jBks. w NEWSPAPER LAWS. As there are certain definite lawn in re gion the righU of publishers of uews apers, which do not seem to bo under lood, wo will endeavor to make a plain rnopala of them and aolieii attention noroto. I 1. A Poataaater It required to rife no tice by letter, (returning a paper does not newer the law) whan a subscriber doe wt take his paper out bf the office, and n neglect to do bo maket the Poatmat tor responsible to the publisher for the payment. S. Any person who takee a paper from the Post-office whether directed to his , name or another, or whether he had sub eribed or not ia responsible for the pay. S. If a person orders his paper discon tinued, be mnat par all arrearages , or tne publisher may continue to send until pay ment la made, end collect the whole amount, riW it be taken from the office or not There can he no legal dis continuance until the payment is made. Sj4. If the nlbscriber orders his paper to m etoped at a certain time, and the pub lisher continues to send, the subscriber ia bound to pay for it, if he takes it out 0 Ma Post office. The law proceeds on the ground that u man must pay for what he 6. The courts hare decided that refus ing to take newspaper and periodicals from the Poet-office, or removing and run facta or- 4tlpgHNot11, State SALISBURY", FRIDAY, MAKCU 1. ! Nw Advrtisemknt8. New Goods great inducements. Robert , McNeely St Co., No. 1 corner of Main & Iniss St. Assignees Sale of Vaaluable land and other property. Alle 1 A. Harbin, asai gnee. New 6rm in Wilmington, N. C Cam eron 6c Hill, successors to R. II. Cowau & Oo. New Crop of Molasses. O. O. Parscly ic Co. Wilmigtou, N. C. Ten Cents Reward. G. G. Mason, yulton, N. C. Attachment Notice. A. J. Mason, C. B.C. Sundry articles for sale At the Drug- Iam .,f ,,!,., If Vi.niaa V R..n1rtr IJ..nw.!i,. At Tlr. Sills Land Deeds, Homestead and other blanks required bj the new practice. J. J. Bruner. A correspondent of the Cheraw Demo crat strongly urges the abandonment of the road from Cheraw to Salisbury and the building of a road from Cheraw to Greensboro, a eharter for which ia now pending in the Legislature. It behooves the people of Salisbury, and all interest ed ia the proposed road to this place to be up and doing with n view to aeeaio the capital stock, which will certainly Insure its being built, f Diath or Col. Tiioe. P. Dxrxn- T-kvx. We regret to learn that thia dis tinguished citiaen and eminent lawyer died at hia residence, in Halifax County, on Sunday last, the 7th tost. The Ecelectic for March la upon our table with a most interesting, varied and inviting table of contents. It is embel lished with n aplendid steel engraving of Rossini, the great Italian composer. It contains twenty article selected from the leading Magaxines of the world, besides a sketch of Rossini by the Editor, Poetry, Note on Books, Science, Varieties and Art. Address E R. I VI to n, Publisher 108 Fulton atreet New York. Onward. Wo have number of Capt. Mayne Reed's Magazine bearing the above title. In point of typography it cannot be easily surpassed, bile it ia edited in the well known au thors beat sty L and. i e of rcadable Magazines published. Ike Westminster Review. This very able and, in spite of its radical tendencies, both in politic and religion, interesting publication for January is at hand. It contain seven articles, all of them inter esting, and some of them of peculiar in terest. In addition to these there are co pious notes on contemporaneous puhlica tions. Address the Leonard Scott Pub Co., 140 Fulton Street, N. Y. to visit the city. On hi return the doe tor Inquired aa to bow ho had spent hi lime, what he had seen, Ac. Ho replied that bo Had spent the most of the time in the legislative hall, listening to the in comprehensible eloquence of the menu bers. "Well," asked the doctor, what do ton think of them!" "Whv," said he, "1 think them t'ere fellers ought to have be sent to Mile place. Wadesbro Argus. 4 110 Years Old On Thursday night, 111 our city, died I'lnlli Inedon, an old colored woman who had, it was estimated reached the nuusual age of one hundred and ten wears. Bin was mairied in 1776, on the same dav that the British entered Wilmington, and continned to live with her husband until his death. She wa the mother of several children, one of whom i quite an aged married man, now residing in this city. Her health bad kept good, daring the long number of yean allotted to her, and to the last she re tained an elasticity of spirits, and strength of body, extraordinary ior one whose aun rose over a century ago, and which amid the durk clouds of life, continued to shine, until the moment of its setting. W'il. Star. Horrible Atirocities in Alexander. We have just heard of aerie of outrages and murder in Alexander coun most atrocious that ever blacker annals of crime in North cmmim tUi w.. 4iM.g :- VjTiiiilij- aiouutain near tne line dividing der Irom Wilkes, a family nai rbe eaae rf Charles Read, authe 'Uuru the lit "Griffith I in Now afork of ls eeut plaintiff. ,of! nnt, against ton editor of nwciur iioei, wa eoetuded ion Thursday, and 4 verdict a damage rvuoaxM for the A critic calls the verse and sentimen tal stories of young writers the teeth-cut- in g and measles of literary infancy. The Supreme OesVW Massachusetts hns decided that Hebrews or others whose ily nameoVijasHl I religion belief protect them from prose- consisting of Jumea Land, hi wife,dmsai cntioa under the Sunday laws from doing: ler and two sons. Our informant states I general business are not thereby allowed . 1 v. uie am tne vi jwcxai The northern Democrats hare a rain ewsssssmaea toe worst 01 ejecting super visors and town officers, and bragging thereat. 1 The Plonr paper mill of Klbba Car penter, at West Milton, New York, Sara toga aonuty, was burned yesterday the work of an incendiary. Lota $55,000. A movement is on foot in New York to unite the various French benevolent so cieties throughout the United Bute and It ia dated in a Canada paper that early in the ensuing summer Prince Arthur, of of fcngland, is to pay a visit of so mo mouths duration to uie New Dominion. The Augusta Ga. Ptess of Saturday last regrets to learn that the recent cold nan operated very unfavorably on Hon. A. H. Steuben -s recent injury. He is again entirely disabled.' Outrages in Moore. The editor of the Fayetteville Eagle, who attended the Su perior Court of Moore County, week be fore Iaxt give a horrible account of mur ders and outrage which have recently i been committed in that county. Apoloati We had ordered a lot of paper before we decided to enlarge the Old North State. The size is rather email, and much of that we use this week ia smaller than the size. We hope the re mainder of the lot will be all right. When wc order again w will have the ie increased to correspond with the eu stent. Cor, from the Howard Gold and Copper mine in this county, of very s upemr richness. We are assured that it is quite equal to that of the Lake Superior mine, and that the specimen exhibited will yield ninety-per cent, of pure copper. The mine I now being worked by a northern Company, of which Mr. George Rupy is President, and all the indications are that will prove of immense value. The mine wa worked before the war by different parties under disadvantagious circum stances, and wa even found to be rerun- l iterative. ' ;3p The people of North Carolina have as yet but a faint idea of the real mineral wealth of their State. This wealth, with her other vast resources, will be develop ed in a few year when North Carolina will become one of the most prosperous States in the Union. Those of our people who are new seeking home in the for West will return again in a few years, and the first act of thoM who are devout will be to return thank to God that they have been permitted to return to "the land of their birth, the loveliest land on the face of the earth" a laud rich beyond description in all that pertain to the happiness and prosperity of a people. The Western Democrat. Thi sterling, high toned and independent Journal baa entered upon it seventeenth volume, and ia in a more flourishing condition than at iod. Brother Yates is reap. of bi honest manly and independent course. On some points merely speculative we may possibly dif fer with him slightly, bat we believe him to be one of the most fearless and honest . editors in North Carolina, if not the most bonnst and fearless. May he continue to reap the reward of his honest toil and his manly course. Acquital f Jamis Grant. Tames Grant, the man wb" it ia alleged krHedf lt. Rive PoflR, has been acquitted. We know not upon what grounds the jury baaed their verdict, and will not peak of their motives. If Grant realy be the man who kiled Pollard, and of this we believe there is no doubt, then from ' be manner and the cir distances of the net it was murder, notwithstanding the great provocation and the fact that Pol lard wa a pest of society. The Legislature. -The complaint a gainst thi body are becoming loud and universal. It has been in session ever since tbejfirst day of January, and faaiac complishcd literally nothing of any impor tance whatever. A number of disgrace- 1 & . ... iui scenes nave occurred at winch every true friend of the State mnat blush. Even the patience of the Standard has been exehansted and that paper of the 8th ad- rs to the members a severe and that one of. the young men had a diaa-graamat- with hie- eierer' one day hm week and she left the house and did not return until about night. On a'temptuign . . . 1 1 . .I 10 enter me nouse sue was snot anu Kill ed by her brother with whom she had quarreled. Her father, mother and two brothers then collected wood and burned 1 the body almost literally to ashes for the I purpose of concealing the crime. On 1 Wednesday the inhuman father, mother ' and brothers were arrested, taken to Tay- lorsville and confined in the same room of Alexander jail. On Friday night the ?6ih, Mr. Land wa brutally murdered by her bus band and two con The fath er and sons coollv confessed the murder next morning and expressed no regrets, though the stark body of the wife and mother lay before them horribly mutilat ed. The father was during the day sep arated from the sons, as it was feared be too would he murdered. We learn that the family are fanatical on the subject of religion, and are thought to be insane, which for the credit of hu manity we hope may he established. Standard. to sell liquor on that day. General Forrest ha seceded from the tnrf, and given away his stock in the Memphis course, lest bis example might corrupt somebody. " . J It ba become customary with many n a or grocers 10 sen ureaa oy weigot however. at five cent a pouud. To the People of the Southern States. Whn the pure medicinal restorative, now so widely known as Wolfe's t-eliiedaw Hcunapps, was intnodiicd to tli' world under the endorse ment of four thousand leading uiumuars of ha medical pnifessiou soiuo ft) ynm ago, lis pro prietor was well awrtrs that it ooulduot wholly escape the penalty attached to all new and ase ful preparations. Uo, therefore, nndaavorcd to invest it with strongest possible safeguard aainstooiuiterfeiteni.aud to render all attempt to pitatu ildilUmiltauddaiiueroiiN. ItwasHUb- uiitted to distinguished chemist for aualjrvis, and pronounced by than the pjtt spirit ever manufactured. lu nerltv and nronertins hnv. tog bouu thus ascertained. kuiuiiIuh of the 10 ti de were forwarded to ten thousand physicians. including all in leading practitioners In the United btates, for iiurineiM id riiiemnent. A elreular, reipie. ting a trial of the preparation aad a report of the result, accompanied ach men. Four thousand of the imt eminent medical men iu the Union piomptli resiKiuded Their opinions of the ar iclu were unaiuuiouily favorable. Such n preparation, tliev said, hail long been wanted by the profession, as no reli ance could be placed on the ordinary honor of commerce, all of w Inch were more or leas adul terated, and therefore until for medical purposes. The peculiar excellence and strength of the oil of jumper, which formed one of the priuciplein jrredients of the Sehoapps, together 11 h an un- a' hired character of the alcoholic element, (rive Myth the estimation ol 'the lueult.v, a marked iuptriorlty over every other difiuxivc stimulant OS a diuretic, tonic and restorative. These satisfacUtrv credentials from profes sional men of the highest rank were p ihli.hed in a oondeused form, and enclosed with each bottle of the Schnapps, as one of the guarantees Other precautious against ptcd: a patent was ohtaiu- tltc label was coin righted, a rietor's autograph sicna- aud cover, hi! on were emDoas-Tni ea. JM th ooraa wore sealed wita I. Wo artieie hod ever been sold try under the name nf Schnapps introduction uf Wolfe's Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, in 1H5I : and the label was aspesilsd, as his trade m.irlr. in r fie t'tif ted Stales District it lor the Southern District of New fork during that year. It might he supposed by persons unacquaint ed with the il.iriug character of the pirates who prey upon tin reputation of honorable uerofaauts by rending deleterious trash under their name, that the protections so carefully thrown around SALISBURY MARKETS Wm MARCH IS, I860, aaroara sv j. a. hocon ambit, oaorsa. CuBt-e, fr persoaad. ftt iKtuad, perbosb.orUillM., Mtal, hash. Oijipersji, per pound. t jn.iii , Taiiow, AdaBMaUaa, ' Cotton . per pound. Vara, par baach, Rggm, per dossa, Festlirrs, per poaud, F.uur, I pit sack. KisJi,alscktrsl, .. I. Kru It, arted, apples pe.lsd "Vsaekes, pasCtf,' " " " pasted. Leather, apper, per pound, ale. Iron, bar, . " casting. Nails, eat. Molasses, sorghnm, per gal West India, " Hyrup. j Onions, psr bushel, Pork, per poaad, I'otatoes, Irish. wr busbrl, Sweet, " , Sugar, Brown, per pound, Clanted. " Crushed Pulverised Ralt.rosst, per sack, " I.irerpool, " Table, Tobacco, l.esf. perponnd, Manufartared, , Snoking, eeeeft , e .......... It to SO W U 9 WW wo 1 to PS Hit W SO to 9U as 10 e to an J 00 to . It SB t 44 to del .nu tob.se Mi.M SO ! U CO to IS to to it Mto ito S to to S tt) 18 10 7 8 10 7 01 its geneMiieness fraud wareVso ad ed hertbeareW .' " sBBjwnijjTaTprop in Hits ooisli prior ttlefll" M to 00 1.00 to 1.90 to Mto It CO to 7S 00 to 70 id to ia I to se 90 to 9 9.75 to 1 . 75 n. on to 9.90 6.50 tos.no Ml to 00 SO to I. Ml 40 to 1 .0 FALL & WJUER llhlBTATi Jl , 18 6 9. Jiibbons, Trimming Ribbons, vki.vkt Ktnnova, SILKS, 8ATINS, VELVETS, FANCY BONNET MATERIALS, BLONDS, CRAPES, NETT8, French Flowed, Pin mot ud Ornn ii) ente, Ho n nc Is, ati'i Ladie' Hat in Straw, S.Ik, Velvet and Ft-lr. We offer the largest and beat assort, i Slock in the United States, comprising all the late. Pahsiae Movalti, and uucqualltd la choice mistV aad cheapness. ARM STRONG, GATOR 6c CO., 237 and 239 Baltimore Street, (8 4J BALTIMORE. Superior Court, Rowan County, ATTA.CHMKNT. Wm. II. Ilorah and John M. Borah, anrvivina am rs. ot j m. a. norsn, Dee a.: Joho Allison Defendant. AtlSCELLANi ANfeoUS ITEMS. er three thousand music rTork. New York Hoard of Health has order ed the universal vaccination of all unvac einnted person. A hen hearts are filled with holy affec tions, and home is happy, then do the young dwell hi a charmed circle, which only the the naturally depraved seek to quit, and aeroeaurblcn boundary tempta tion to error shine out but focblj. Love. At the age of three, we lore our mother; at the ageef six, our fathers; at ten, holiday; at sixteen, dress ; at twenty, our sweetheart; at twenty-five, onr wives; at forty, our children; at sixty, onrsclve. f M There are ov 1 1. v UtltllVlP HI HBWf A A New York'b ride recentlv had a New York hotel given' In r a awedding gift. Mrs Lincoln is writins; memoir A bachelor bein" asked why be didn't m.irrv, answered, ''that the woman erc i claiuiing die right to go to the polls, and 1 they in iy soon claim to go eourtinfr, and tli. ! he was only waJUne for a rood of ....... Raleigh National Rank of If. Carolina, THR DIICTTOBfl bare rewired to Incrtta the Capital block ol tide BANK to HV K UUADKKD THUIJSANl) OULLaKH. Peraoai wlshlff to sab. scribe to the same will please sssdai with V. ttr.WK , March - m. Presiuc t. lead turttri, M liliUrjr liKrid, Charleston, S. V., Fob. 18, 1869. Tee Reflet ran aad "Managers ef BscUobs' the late Jd MiliUrr UieUict. who bare not forward vouchers eUtlraaaaUl tben to the Dfohaenn w of the KeeCMtrucUoa Kaod, Cbarlweien, b. tialci ('.. by th of Hsntliiae" wha hasaatalvat n MAf.Gtaoto.a.u .The above named defendant, who IS not a resident of this State, will take notice that the plaintiffs in tins coa have obtained a warrant of attachment against him, returnable before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan County forty -1 wo days from the date of the 1 . . 1 . D 1 . . . . . .AAA r Minion on. Tin: uiwesiuaj 01 jaarcn, iouu, ex clusive of the day of service. Thia aetioo ia lounded upon a linjrle Bill, executed by the said John Allison to Wm. H. Ilorah, Dee'd , dated January 25, 1850, on which is a credit of two hundred dollars, October 12th, 1800. There is due from the defendant to the plain tiffs $213,09, which they claim with iatrrest Irom the lltb day of October 186a Aad th defendant will also take notice that if be fails to appear at the office of the Clerk of the So- rior Court of Rowan County, at Salisbury, 0., on She return day of the warrant, as above Mated, the Plaintiffs will take judgment against him for th whole demand, principal and interest. A. JL'DSON MASON, 0.H.C 10:4t:pr fee $7 fO. uoat ray IMFOttl All ' Minftgrr- t hO-ivd tbaskr hi will SKSkMLl Jlstexe sTltleVJK, MEADE. U. I dg. Dep t . of On ester. fer. The 11. lis, value of Urn varies 1 in the same bou it of time to 'ilh individ- glass which these ftennapps would have precluded the intro ductions and sale of counterfeits. Tber seem. only to bavv stimulated the rapaeitr of impostors. The trade mark of the proprietor baa beeu stolen ; the indorsement w Inch his Schiedam Aromatiu Scliuapps alone rboeired' from the medical profession has been claimed by mendacious bumbiigs : his labels und bottles have been imitated, bis advertisements para phrased, his circulars copied, and worse tbaaj all, dishonorable retailers, after disposing of thi genuine contents ol his buttles, buve n 1 led them up with eoiuiunn gin, the most deleterious uf all liquors, and thus made bis name and brand a cover for poison. The public, the medical profession end the sick, fur whom the Schiedam Aromatic Bchuuppa is prescribed as a remedy, are equally interest? ed with the; proprietor iu the detection and sup pression of these nefarious practices. The gen uine article, manufactured at the establishment of the undersigned, in Schiedain, Rutland, its distilled from a barley nf the fluent quality, a id flavored with an essential extract of the berry or the Italian jumper, of uncqnaiied pumy. By 1 WILL SELL FOR CASH, to the highest it tmf'et'4 tit's 111. u 11 m tho iiri.ikurmt iskSt ear ant .... . . J . other liquor, it is freed frouTevVry acrimonious j ' re " A."hur W and cor.osive element. ' l f5001'1 .Wert , MocksviB. on Friday, the 0oiuuUi.it- have la-en received from the lead-1 u7 W ,re ioree l'rcUot Lena ing physicians and familie in the Southern Stittt of the sale of cheap imitations of th Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps in those markets and travellers, wfco are m the habit of using It is- an antidote to the baneful influence of tin wholesome river watoci tostUV that ekean i put uu iu Schn dam laittles. is frequently piiim nut 01 uie un institute rward to him I. W. VlC0I.LB. I ANT 7 Farmer's and Planters. GRIMES' PATENT RAWBONE PHOSPHATE T. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF Land and otter Property. I HE oast two veer have full roaliewd this. Kaw-Rone Phosphate, to be the Cheapest and Rest in the Market, and unsurpassed by th highest priced Guanos. Its adaptation to Wheat, Corn, Oats, Ruckwheat, Tobacco, Oar den Truck, Grasses, Ac, has been folly sod most satisfactorily tested. Finely ground and uitoble lor drilling, put up in Rags of 167 lbs. each. O. P. MKKUYMAN & CO , Sole Manufacturers, Warehouse 54 ft. Gay St., between Lombard Jt Pratt, Baltimore, Bid. For sale by SMITH, FOSTER a CO., Jan. fci 32m Salisbury , N. a Wey Homicide in Mecklenburg. A andden quarrel took place in Mecklenburg conn ty laat week beet ween Richard Kendriek and Robert 13. Lowrie, terminating in 1 difficulty in which the latter was killed Kendriek ia said to have acted in self de fence, and ia at large on bail. Dr. T. C. Murphy, Conservative, has elected to the Senate from Cumberland, Harnett and Sampson counties rice Mr. Oatcs, banned by the 14th amendment. Attempted Suicide Y,- learn that Mr. r. Allen Stuart, in this county, made two attemps last week to hang hinsell, hut fortuuately bis son discovered him in time to prevent death. Pecuniary embarrass ment if said to be the cause. Charlotte Democrot. Mill Burned. We learn that (lie mill house of vV. D. Farmer, near Joyner's Depot, in this county, waaT'destroyod by fire a few nights sineev The fire was the work of an incendiary; and it is suppos ed that the building was first robbed and then fired. The loss is quite heavy includ ing grist mill, cotton gin, etc. Wilson Ptaindealcr. Arrested. Messrs. Henry Messer and Acton McCracken, two worthy citiesns of Haywood county, were arrested by the Revenue authorities, a day or two age, and brought hither, on suspicion of evading the Re venue Jaws. A she villi- News. v Depredations upon the smoke -houses of our citiaen are becoming annoy ingly Irequent. Asiieviiie news. Murder in Lincola County We learn from a friend at Lihcolntonthat two white . wlT " w w a a a w a -v men men, t asn. nun and dames 1'roc toir, got into a quarrel at Hull's Mills on Wednesday the 24th nit., when Hull killed Proctor by beating him to death with a stick, cated. Char, S70.000.000 eapi bolucrsr. PaaM to !. nmovwl fa. n,9 he flight of tunc to every eye it dersijtued have bee reqnejjru) . - - vMjwa wew a e ..... asm at a III If AM llijiti Ins. mwt . tii 1. ..r Kiir 1111 irii mi in MhUflL nma lammlt k.JHir' " nwuiHw Uktt lie bu pruaucil. iron BBder tile Und of HVnUt F HWi il T C llrtl I held by 30,000 s! .snwsni iwev -- - of loess in more engaging that modesty Xe . e ,. and lasting Ol these is ousjitied 1 J LJ 1 ...J c. : "": luiiraiMsuv . . IsWH!!. '. Hi-; The winter of 1 86-9 iJ said to have been at sea th most tempt stuns on record. A schoolmate of John 6c Charles Wes r, living in Brooklyn. Labor In Florida is scarce, and planters are sending to Georgia and Carolina for bands. Immense quantities of wheat are still held by Minnesota farmers. They refuse to 'ULat present prices. A termer In Washington Territory brag of having eaten brerf from flour from wheat sowu four month before. , The annnal earnings of the w.-ishei wo ol the United States are said to amount to forty million of dollars. Carlotta Pat'.i will sing in thi country next winter nnaer the management of Max Strakosch. A Pari physician recommends seven vapor baths as a remedy for hydrophobia. An American ex-brigadier general of Volunteers is giving lesson in 'Heidel berg. The sale of horseflesh as food increases in France, but by no means so rapid ss the more earnest advocates ot the mo mcnt could wish. ns but the ind, and that a imera is much bf their persons; are the true abe that has lit to be for r..- .1.,. ..i,. , m hic 1-00- affection to her to prudent only are the amiable, and li n.i band, and aubmitt y of lauWmm na that Uicm the best title to Onr respect. Somebody say that .cultivating onr soil one inch deeper would add $150,000,- 000 a year to the wealth ot the country MAMltlED : On Uie 28th of January, by Wm. Ppainhour. Esq., Mr. John W Scott to Mis Sarah Shamel, all of Forsyth. On the 14th nit., by Rev. S H Kara bee, Mr. Augustine Hanes to Miss Alice Bra ton. On the 2.1th ult, at die residence of the bride's father, by , Elder William Turner, Mr JW Goslinto Miss Sue E. Hunt, daughter of Pleaaaiit Hunt, Esq. Un the same day by the Itev. A W Itotb parties were uitoxi-Democrat. A colored man from Zonesville, Ohio, has startled the citizens of ashington, Pa., by laving claim to the minor portion An entire barn of tobacco belonging to of that- borough, basing his claims on a ill alleged to have been made to his Mrs. Richmond, of Caswell stolen a few nights since. county, was Writ or Ebbob. In the ease of K H. Worthy vs. the Commissioners of Moot county, involving the question, are banned by the 14th amend - a writ of error has been "allowed" bj Chief Justice Pearson, under date ef the S7tb ot February 1869, at the petition ol the plaintiff. In an altercation yesterday between Beverly Within and Dabney Lewi-, both colored, Watkin stubbed Lewi in the jaw with a knife, producing a severe wound. He then fled to part unknown. Henderson Index, Fire in Goldsboro. We regret to learn from onr exchange that the residence of George V. Strong, Esq., at Goldsboro wa destroyed by fire On Sunday last The furniture of the house was saved. Upon the building there was a policy of insurance for f 4,000. The fire wa ac cidental. True as Preaching. A few day since, Dr. Grissom, Superintendent of the N. Carolina Lunatic Asylum, gave permis sion to a quiet and well disposed lunatic In Otsego, New York, an estate ol 30Q has lust been settled. I be hetr ceived $3 a piece. The balance went costs and the lawyors. Fifteen hundred women in Centre county, Pa , bavo appended their signs manual to a petition prnying the court to grant uo more liquor licenses. 1 grandmother by one of the Hodges, ori ginal owners of land on which the town it hnilt The presiding burgomaster of the free city ol Hamburg was in his youth a dry goods cleik in a Philadelphia store. A girl op in Orcene county, Iowa, having been jilted by a naughty fellow didn't act the fool -and take poison, but took a stick of wood and pelted bim over the head. ' Craft, Mr John L Whitman to Mra Mar that L Hauser,, all of Forsyth. On the 25th ult., by Wm F Shore, Esq , Mr. Thomas Patterson, of Missouri, to Miss Minerva Poindextcr, (laughter ol Mr I horn Poindcxter. On the 25th of Feb., at the residence of Mr J. H. Tongue, in Forsytlie county, by Eld. ''Wm.-Turner, Mr. N L Charles to Miss Mary J Smith, all of Forsyth coun ty. ,w On the 18th of Feb , Usfiei, at the resi dence of the bride's father, by the Rev. PCHcnkel. Mr Marcus S Siirman. to ehamui Miss Mattie A Smith, danghter of David Smith, Esq., all ol Catawba Co., N. 0. On the 24th February, by the Rev. J, R.Brown, at the residence of Mr R N Robinson, Mr V M Hauser and Miss Annie E Fleming. In Statesville, February 24th, by the Rev. Walter W PharJtr J B Joeey to m r "Sets . fleF Hiss Bttaau Miner. xr In Wilmington, on the 25th nit., Mr W F Potter lo, Miss Florence D R, daugh - --O---F T 4 In Union count v, ou the 1 1th nit., Mr. Thomas E Williams to Miss Martha A Marsh. In Burke county, on the 21st ult., Mr Robert M Roper to Miss Jane, daughter of Mr David Ms.ee. In Wilmington, on the 2d int., Rev, M L Wood, of the North Carolina Conference- -late Missionary to Chinato Miss Coroline V Picket, daughter of the late Thos. S Pickitt. the hands the uinat distinguished men of science in Amer- ca proofs unanswerable of the purity and medici nal excellence or tne tktbiedsm Aromatic .Schnaiips; tli.a he has expended eianv thous- atnl dollars in surrounding it with guarantees and safeguards, which, be designed should pro tect the public, and himself against fraudulent iuiitallou : that he has shown it to be the only liquor in lite uorM unit can be nuuonulr depeu Ic I upon as unadulterated ; -that lie bos chal lenged investigation, analysis, comparison, and experiment iu all its forms; and from everr or deal the preparation which bears hia name, seal and trade mark, has come off triumphant, lie therefore feels it u ilutv he owes to his fellow citisens generally, to the medical profession and the sick, to denounce and expose the charlatans who counterfeit these evidences of identitr, and he calls upon the press and the public to aid him in his efforts to remedy so great an evil. The following letter and eertificats from the leaning pnv-icians ami eneraistx 01 mis en will prove to the reader that all good aoid lr the undersigned are all tin y are represented to be. uuuli'UU n 01.11.. 85 Pimp 8tbixt. Kxw Yon. Nov. 31, 1867. (7pni.re( ffotrx. Esq '.Present. hear Sir: I hare md a chemiral examination of u sample nf rour s.-hiediim Sclinepps. with tl intent of determining if any foreign orhijurionssub stance bad been added to the simple distilled spir its. The examination lias resulted in the conclusion that the sample contained no poisnneus or harmful admixture. I have been nimble to discover any trace of the dtelenons substances which are em ployed iu the adulteration of I Minors. I would not hesitate t use myself or to recommend to others. for inc.licin 11 neriHis. thi Schiedam Schnapps I au excellent and unolje:tiouble vani ty of gin. v err respectrqlly roan. (Signed,) CH .1.4. A. 8EELV, Chemist. Kkw Ton. 83 Cepab Srasfr; November 26. 18U7. There are two periods in the life of man at which he is too wise to tell woman the exact truth : when, he ia in loveand when isn't. . v Pi inters accounts are said to be like faith "The substance of things hoped for, and the videnc of things not seen." DIED: In Randolph Co , ft. C. on the 19th I ult., Col. JaaoeT C Wren, aged 81 year. Netf WillUmiboro', in Granville Co., .V C, on the 28th nit., Mr. Pamclia W vche. She had just attained her 80th year dying on Wfbifthdsy. At bis mother' reaoWee, in Iredell Co., on the 23d of Feb., in the I7th of his ago, John N. McLelLuid. TJnotfno WoLFe, E-m.. Prenenl : llK.vtiaULL 1 have stvenntted to chemical atialyM9Ji;olpttliis of "Schiedam Schnapps," winch L look fl'in a liesn packogo 111 your hond'-d wacohoaF"'. a an liml, as lielore. that tin pn -;t 'ions Ibinr ikilu from injurious ingreili- 11 1 1 ssliltihsasfisj Is si I it has the murks of being aged and fiol recently prepared by me -ui admixrnre of alcoool and oromatics. tfall r, KHED. P. MATER, Chemist. Ntw Yorx, Tuesday, May 1 DeoLese Woi.fk. Kso., vVx' Deareiir: The want of pure Wines, and Liquors tor medicinal purposes has been long lea by me pro Ihasiea.ead thousands of lives have been sacririred brtb&naeof adulterated articles. Uelirinm tre- mens, and other lUseases of the brain and nerves, so rlfeih this ronntry. are very rare in burope, owing. tn a irreat degree, to the difference in the pnrity of the spirits sola. I Wa have tested tneseveral articles impoited and sold by you. including your t. .11. which yon sell tin iler tbe name 01 ippumo -cincutiu --cioiapi, which we consider justly entitled to the high repu tation it haaacquired in this country ; and from your long existence as a foreign importer, your Bottled Wines and Liquor slioum 111 ci wnn tue same ue- mand We would reeasamend you to appoint some 01 the respectable apnthecu in diflerent parts of tbe city aa agents for the sale of your Brandies and Wines, era the profession can obtain the same w hen need ed fir medicinal purpose. Wishing you success in yoni new enterprise, We remain your obedient servants. VAI.EXTIXE trtTT, M. D., Professor of Surgery, I niversUr Medieal ( nllege, Hew 1 oi-x. M. r A It X M -H A M . D , PsolVssor of CHninat Margery, nurgeon in-Clnef to tbe State Hospital, ate.. N'o. 14 Kast Sixteenth Street. LEWIS A. 8AYRK. M. D., Ko. TV Brosdway. B. P. DEW EES. M. P., No. 791 Broadwav. JtiSEMt WHItSTER. II. U. No. ISO Ninth street. NEI.SO.' STKEf.E, M. P.. So. 17 Bleeclf Street. JOSKi'H tVKEIM.Y, M. D.. No. 290 f ourth st B. I UAi'HAEL. M . h..Prolessrctlie i'n and Practice of Snrrery, New lorlt Medin ieoe. etc.. No. 91 Ninth atreet. and others. The proprietor also offers for sale BOTTLED WIVES AMD LIQUORS, iamettei and bottled by himself e xpreea! r for aiearisrnal use. Eeckaettte HaperHy. i.fl eoniaining 8S4 Acre. Also Ou Tract on Hunting Creek, con taining 41 A'tret, adjoining the lands of Rob ert lilackweU, Mary Crenshaw and others. Also At the same time and place 2 Head of Horses, 3 Mules, 1 Jack, 26 Head of Cattle. 20 Head of Sheen and Lambs, 2 Wagons, 1 B"P"y . 1 Carnage, 750 lbs. of Bacon, Lard aad other articles not necessary to mention. ALLEN A. HARBIN. Assignee. Mi I f 1 n "in To If. arolin.t Farmer. ?LANT CANE and make your own Su gars aud Syrups by Wetter 6t Catcher's patent ed process. Sugar thus made will cost about C cents per pound, and Syrup about 80 cents per gallon. District, County and Individual Rights for sale. 8end for eiroulara with tull particulars. Agents wanted. WM. F. BEASLET, S"V Agent for North Caroliaa, febl2-6:t Tarboro'. N. a Dr w F. Bason, IT. I .FFICE on the corner of Inniss and Church V Streets, near th Mansion Bouse- Noria Carolina Land lompmv. Incorporated by Special Act oj the Gener al Assembly, 1869. FOR THE LOCATION OP Northern and European Settlers. TOE THE SALE OF ,u - IMPROVED FARMS, TIMBER & ' MINERAL LANDS, HOUSES, MINES, WATER POWER," fcc ,&. Also of COT TON, TOBACCO, NAVAL SI ORES, Ac, ON CON SIGNMENT, ADVANCES MADE ON SAM E. i ron IMPROVED AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, FERTILI ZEUS, MACHINERY, &c, &c. Are. ALSO, NEGOTIATE LOANS, ON MORTGAGE OR OTHER SECURITIES. Those having Lands or Farms for sal, will find it to their interest to communicate with this Com nan v. No charge made unless a sale is effected ; tben only 5 per cent, to be paid when the sale is per footed. Aa the above is sometnaes oat of oflee: calling la his absence, by leaving their Barnes iu tie i.ciwr vox. m vases uoor; or tj soersas UireugB esirweaaSnewennnnnnnMtaBnnnnnnnnnnnl S. B. Uaviagessi AeaertbsnM tta M yearsrae oe aeed be deterred by fear ef Palo, aad vary few for want of means who vale Urn ud observe di rections. ty Prod oca taken fer Dental services, (if srifesi d.) W WHAT A GRAND AXU EITBSSlfl BCSHESS Tlllt Connecticut Mutual Life INSURANCE COMPANY Cleo. Little, Frest. Officen. K. Y. Best, Sec t Treas, 4gntt and Dirtclon at Raltiqh. lion. R. v Best, Col. tied. Little, Geo. Vf. Swepson, K Kingshmd. Agents and Dirsetort in New York d Boston. A. J. Uleecker, bun dr Co. Raleigh, V. C, March 5. lHffll. 8-3m ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF KEAL ESTATE OP GRE ATVALUE. In the nia(tcr of Jesse Hargrove, Bankrupt ON TUESDAY, the 10th day of March, $G9. I will offer for sale for Cash, at the lesi- denee of Jes?e (largrave, in Dai idson county, said Bankrupt s interest in, or undivided moie ty of, two valuable Tracts of Land (of which be tenant iu t-omnion with t, . u. foxhall and ' alary, of lgecombe cotintv.) lying on ilm waters of tbe Yadkin river and Abbott's creek, in-the eoontv of Davidson, ten : miles from the N. ('. Railroad, adjoining each oili er and the lands of David Smith, Henry Owen and others oue Tract containing One Thousand and fifteen IS DOING. Synopsis of Statement for 1668. Income from Prem ems,... ..97,161,30', 11 Income from Interest........... 1XS)4.U6,4S Total income for the year, 8,7i6 2tW 69 Losses paid 1 ,891 336.00 Dividends paid 933.3b4 00 Total Louses paid to date 8.tt 8S3 (0 Tutsi Dividends paid to dtte ,5,1U7.J. b UO It will he seen Irom the above that the Inceme for interest alone, greatly exceeds th losses, and that the total income for on year ia mora thaa th total losses paid to date. The Assets of the Company are sow over Twenty -three Millions, aad with ia laree income offers greater Indacements to those in surlngthxn any other company in the country. It plans of bnsinem comprise all the desirable forms of insurance. 8. D. WAIT. General Agent, mar 5 91 y Raleigh. M Get a Good Teacher. Bi Y INCLOSING a st amned envelope, and addressing Miss Lncy, Hillsboro', N, C., Box M, any family in good standing, can employ her as a teacher ot .ngliah only. Is well qual ified to teach in an Academy. Has had ex perience ten, years. Good testimonials given and required. Salary to suit the times. feb.19, lew. 7 Aw I !:1K V- land 6TV and the. other THRE HUNDRED AND TWELVE acres. This well knovrn landed es tate, contains COO acres ot River Low Lauds of rare quality. The purchaser of tbe said Harerave's moiety, can, no doubt, purchase the ty upon reason a Die terms. Tne saw has a good; 'fee simple title to the I will also sell at the same time and on the same terms, his undivided interest aa "tenant in common in the lands be te the estate of Samuel Hargrave, de ft one bundled bnshsis of H.PINNIX, II. S. int. H Collector's Office, 6th Dist . V. 0. Salisbury, March 3d, 1869. The property described below baa been selxed. as being liahle to forfeiture for7io!atk)uaof the Inter nal Kevenne Laws. Any persou or persons claim ine said property er Sny part thereof, are hereby notified to appear and makesuch claim, within thirty day, from the oru publication of thia notice: 3 Bbl Whiskey, seized in the Town ot baJiebnry, on the 26th oar or Jan. 1869. Ostensible owner,, Tho. N. Cooper. 3 Bbls Whiskey and 1 Bbl Brandy, seized ten mile from Salisbury on the Wilkesboro rnnd, on the 16th day of Feb. 1869. Owner un known. BAML. H. WILEY. March 5. 1880. ft t Obileetov. LAW NOTICE. lOttfiOff lawurnwwr i - H PI WIT I u M. H. PINNIX, ATlORNEy.AT LAW. LExiNoYoN, tr, a ILL PRACTICE in the courts of David. son, Foray the, Ouiiford, Alamance and Ran dolph conn tie : Barneses. Hon. R. M. Pearson, C. J. of V. Ci. Raleigh. E. O. Reede, Associate Justuie, " ThomasSettle, " " RP.Dick, " " Bedford Brown, TaaoeyvHle, N. C. Hon. John Kerr, " J. R. UcLeea, Oreeoaboro', N. C it Tbxma-Romn, Jr., J. M. CSood. Dob-wn, V. Q. M 9 4 jfifc. . ntmmnTVF " nP - aL-:'" t ' L , 'j'ttmjismlglsTIll