? j i 1 ' i 1 W uWm Br i if NKW8PAPER LAWS. r Am there are certain definite laws In re I 'ation the rights of publisher of news apers, which do not seem to be under stood, we m-all endeavor to make m plain synopsis of tbeai and solicit attention thereto 1. A Postmaster la required te give no tlce 6e fcnrr, (.returning; a paier dee no answer the law) when a aubaciiber dee not lake bia paper out of the office-, and neglect to ao ao makea the Postmaster responsible to tbo publisher for the pay ment. I 8. Any person who takea a papei from the Post-office whether directed to bin name or another, or whether ho bad sub acribed Or not la rceponaible for the pay. 3. If a person orders bia paper diseou tinned, be muat pay all arrearage, or the publisher may continue to tend until pay meut ia made, and collect the whole mount, whether h be taken from the qffice or not. There can be no legal dis continuance until the pajment ia made. I 4. If the subscriber order hia paper to bo atoped at a certain time, and the pub lisher continues to send, the subscriber ia bound to pay for it, if he take it out oj the PostuJJice. The law proceeds on the ground that u man must pay for what ho EIGHT JUDICIAL DISTRICT. The spring term of the Superior Courts for this Judical District will bo held as follow a continuing two weeks, if ueces- s.iry t Davie, ' t M mmI iy in April. Rowan, Sd " Davidson, 1st " May. Forsythe, Sd " " " Stokes, 5th " June. Sorry, Sod " M Yadkin, 4th " " " We publish the above for the benefit VERlbDWAtA Enlarged. TUe Goldaboro Daily Met senger haa been much enlarged and im proved. , In April the editor of the Messenger will nil so commence the publication of a German Newspaper, to bo called "Die Sard C-jrotina Stoats Zeitung" The Slants Zeitung, like the Messenger, will bo a Deiuocratie paper. of onr readers, as our paper circulates in all the counties of the District. Changed his Headquarters. Co, Wm. F. Beaslcy, Agent lor the Horn hem Sor ghum Company of Louisville, Ky., has changed his headquarters from Tarboro' to Greensboro. 6. courts 1 re decided that rcfus periodicals oVnlfO The dead body of a white female child was found in a yard on Kroad street yes terday. The coroner held an inquest, and Dra. It ice and Bates hell a p tstmnrtem examination and pronounced the child still bom; the jury rendered a verdict of inaccordanee, with the above testimony. Parentage unknown. leaving them uncalled is prima Jacia ev idence of intentional fraud. tl)cfluA'orll) Stale SALISBURY, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1809. LOCAL New Advkui iskmkxt. Large Stock of Goods for sale at Jen kin's Corner. M W. J.i vis. agent. SJeof Valuable Law Books. Andrew Murphy, assignee. The Equitabh: Life Assurance Society f the United States. A. A. Harbin, Agent, Moeksville, N. C New Crop Molasses. 0. G. Parscly K Co., V iliuingloii. Death to Bed Bugs At Dr. Sill's. Long Bed Mangel W uracil beet seed. At Dr. Sill's. N. C. U. R. Stock Wau'ed at this office. Attachment Notice. W. R Sharpe, pl'iff. Executors Notice. Col H. C. & Capt. J. M. Jnues. St. Cloud Hotel New York. Dr. Lawrauce's Celebrated Woraans' Friend J. II . Baker & Co., Norfolk V. The cl aracter of Doctor Lawrence, and the success of his other remedies warrant Us in recommending thia. Noteworthy. Bobbins, colored of the House, returned to our Clerk yesterday, one dollar, it being the snm that was over paid through mistake in a settlement with him. The act ia highly creditahl.t to him. Sentinel. "Mite hdenburgh Review. - Thhf, our far voi It of the Briiish Quarterlies for Jan wary is on our table. It is an unusually interesting number, tin the table of con tents will ahow. The following are the hi licit s contained in thia number i 1. Spain under Charles II. .ffW 2. Lord Kingsdown's Recollection of the Bar. I flj ' jL 3. Csssarian Rome. 4. Tienche's Realltlea of Irish Uiflfl 6. 1 he Legend of Tell and Rulli. M 6. Government Telegraphs. 7. Dean Milmans's Annals Paul'a. 8. Hunter's Annals of It 9. General Ulyses Simpson ttwMsv JMgbUa S Address the Loonard Scott 140 Fulton St., New York. 1 is the latest snbuhorwho Hinder the n in l 50 per year. tkeHrth State. STATE FA I II iculhiml ',., on luasdnu. of St. mm 1 charades. A "Resolve Btnb1 editorial nofl joins It Bw badn-e. children litHf A marl at 838 Broadway, N Y., Send 10 cts. for a specinu For THIRD LOUISIANA Of the Mechanics 6c Ag, Associations commencing April Cib, i both und iWkum sight aatjs Our Third Grand lm 'promises to be tbo most successful oi any previously held by the Association, taking place, as it does in the delightful month 0f April, the healthiest season of the year and the com mencement of the pi loting si asnn. Two years experience has enabled us to pre sent to the public one of the most com plete, comprehensive and liberal premium rates ever offered by any associJHK we cordiallr Jfeite eomnetiiion from all parts of the Ujftcd States, guaranteeing ti all impartial justice at the hands of our awarding committers, who have been ae ,'lected with greet care from their well known integrity aud tUnding'ta.this city and State. M Our machi nery building is mmmvEs isatl with steam power sutlii incut The Cattle Plague In the March num- ber of the American S:ock Journal is J long and valuable article by Prof. Jofl ; ungee ou the Lung Pl.igua in C ullp. Good Xescs.' Good News Let lbs) ' Of all tho cattle diseases pleiiropiicuiaot Bella ring ; let the cannon be fin d ; let u , , . dwW(iwii n v the cannon be fired ; let ns all rejoice! tVboop, whoop, hurrah I hurrah I The House determined last night to adjourn on the 29th inat. It ia t be Imped that b -ciihd the most iasiJious and tho least likely to rouse a poople to uaitod action for its effectual suppression. To ingoro 17 Within ft few months past Oba diah Woodson of this place haa had sev eral valuable hogs stolen from him, and after losing one last month, he said he was bard to treat him that way, that the rogues did not v leave bim even the hair or bide. A few nights since they paid bim another visit, this time skin ning tho bog and leaving the skin and bead. We are requested by Obadiah to say that he is now perfectly satisfied that his bogs have been taken by persons who are disposed to do ae they are requested, and hopes they will pay him no more visits in their line of business, or if they should to inform bim of the time as be wishes to bo piesent superintending the Work. the Senate will agree. If so, Jet bonfires ju presence is, however, to insure that the c it lie mortality of America like tint of England, will be at least doubled in a few years' lima. Ritional means, energetic action, and eamest cooperations between be different States and the central gov ernment may, with a moderate expendi ture now, save many millions annually in the not distant future. There are at present no proper res trie lions on the sale of infected stock, and in another year or two, unless some definite be lit from the mountains to tue sea board. It will be the best news that North Carolina has heard for ten years. Oh! what a saving to the State $1600 a day, besides millions spent in wild au pi l ist ions. Let all rejoice old and middle aged and young. Blow your horn Billy, and "round be loud tiinbrtl" Geo. LaffiM, "0'cr Carolina's dark sea." Sentinel. The 'ihomns Case. Tho ease of the State vs J. W. Thomas, on an indictment lor perjury, we lei . in was finally disposed of last week, in our Sujierlor Court, by and immediate action be taken, the disease and fur 'to operate all inachiiierfLihat may Our accommodatioioT wr stock are also irge, jaslltie facilities lor hay, waaaiid i iin are unsurpassed NeWHsw" presents to day one of tbo bajHQi for all kinds of labor saving mahiues. We, then-fore, extend ft cor dial invitation to the Manufacturers). Ag riculturists and Slock men of the United States to become exhibitors at onr Third Giand Fair. H actions now in the bands ot tho Sher iff or Clerk shall be returned by said offi cers to t he next term of the Superior Court and such writs, together with all writs of Summons in civil actions heretofore re turned In which no final judgment has been rendered, shall be placed by the Clerk on the oocket of the Superior Court at the neat ensuing term, aud the plead iugs in such actions hall be conducted according to the rules prescribed in this act. Pripitled, Thall all civil action in which issues have been joined shall stand for trial at Soring Term, 1809. Provided further, that issues ol law or fact which have been joined in pursuance of lawaand ordinances iieietoton- passed ami Known at "Star laws" shall be considered ai niw voaa. jam. it, tsss. To tits) People of the Southern lutes. When the purs medicinal restorative, now so widely known as Wolfe's t-chledaiu 8ehnapp, wai lutroducud to th j world under the endorse- in. -oi of four thousand li-ailiuir uiuinbers of the m lioal priil'iM-ioa soma 1st) rears ago, its pro- prn!Ur was wuii aware nisi u couiu uoc woolly - .caps toe p.-miliy attached to all uewand ase tut preparations, lie, therefor, andesvured to lavest it with strongest possible safeguard astaiDsteouuUirfuiU-rs.aud to render all attempts to piiale itdittk-ult auddaiigermi. It was sub uiitted to diitingunaied chemists fur analysts, auil-pronuuueed liy them the parent spirit ever manufactured. lis purity aud properties bar iug boon thus a-ufrluiul. samples of the arti cle were IWrwafded to ten lliuutaud physicians, including all the leading practitioners in the l'niteil Slates, fur purpose of experiment. A circular, requesting a trial of the preparation ,.! .,n,,S ..I' !. k-.ii I , m....,.... , ,..ua - having been illegally joined, aud all sucb tpeeimeii. Kour thimsond of the most eminent actions sliall Ue placed upon t lit- aimonr- ance dockets at Spring Term, 1&G9, by the Clerks of the Superior Courts, aud the pleadings therein shall bo made ap and issues joined at such term as piovided in this act, unless in any county the limn of said term ahall have passed, in whidieaae such action shall be placed upon the trial docket at Fall in in, 1869. Sec. 8 No sale ol ai y proper! v, real Or personal, under executions issued from any Court in this Stale, ahall be valid to paaa mle, unless the property, whether real ee-rsonaLauall brinir three fourths of ikeVeJ UfjJsVVN. and ou return of such ... i, . .., ' 4S - " 1 " 1 Tor tt.e out Xerth State SUGAR FROM SORGHUM. Mr. Editor : Until within the last year or too. it has been maintained aud believed, that it waaiupussible to make chryetalmed eugar, tpm the juice of the Chinese Sugar cane, as it ia commonly called. But within the last year, it has been fully and satisfactorily demonstrat ed, by Frofeswor Lawrence W. Smith, of Louisville. Kentucky, that verv excellent mei ch nimble eugar may be 6& wade ; and at trilling expense. The machinery and procfes, having been patented are offered for sale by Agents in different parts of the country, and I have in iudii-tinct recollection ol ciecujiiSH S.lSJfH tVIl Executor's Notice. qualified as Executors of ft. C. Jones, lec'd.. all person holding claims against this estate are hereby untitled to give untie us th natai re nd amouut of task claim to Jams it. Jon, Salisbury , N. C. All perwais IndehK d to the estate will pleas make iin.mnt narment either to James II. Joues, ui to II. C. jitiMM, Jr . at Cl.arlotie, X. 0. JAM I.S U. JON KSi I U. C J0NKS, Jn. lBrn Msreb 17, 1H. 11 4 medical men iu the Uuion promptly responded Their opinions of th ar lole were unanimously favorable. Such a preparation, they said, bad long uer a wanted by the profession, as no reli ance etailtl be placed on the ordinary lkpiors. of commerce, alt of which were more or less adul terated, and therefore unlit for medical purposes. The peculiar excelhmea and stri-ngth of th oil of Juuiper, which formed ouaof the principle in gredient of theSchnauiM. toirctlier with au UU- a'loyed character of Uie alcoholic element, give it, In the estimation of the laeulty, a marked Miperiority over every other nitliiM v sUmttlant as a diurutic, tonic aud resUtrative. These satisfactory credentials from profrs sUsjsjMfkaa the highest rank s p blihd in a eeajsnaed loriu, aud enclosed with each bottle of tha Schnapps, as on f the guarantees ill' It 4 ir,.lllli'iiti.. AXllti.r nuMniilijdi. auiiitj iffoi ikwii ngii i nnlisU baud fiw sir r lianeW it , "-'Hiiii "in iiiumim bill ' fir the i for the article, th lalNn vu copfrfgfited. a enter the amount was equal ri " .V, T V, " 7 i i V . tO thlSSSnlUrths of Such Value. I ,.. ,i.u, ..-,l, urian iniiiun uinluu. fcoec. . iu oruer 10 aaceruiu me value ed ou the bottles, aud the eorks aiere sealea with the property exposed to sale, under the ! his private seal. No article hod ever been sold wr.MhM.. eclmn. u shall i.e. Ibo duly ,"" this ciumj-y Under Uia.uaioe ut Schuopps mmBmmr I . . . w State of North Carolina, DAVIE COONTT. Tf. H. Sharpe ag.uusi I'unelope Ifassey. Attachmeut levied en Lands. In tWs ease, it appearing to the satisfaction of me, aa of tho Justice of the Peace of th County of Davie and Hta'c aforesaid ; that the defendant! a non-resident of this Kteti It IS ordered that publication be mud for lour weeks iu the iHd Sorth State, for ibu defendant to ap pear at the Court llouse hi Moeksville, Davie County, on Saturday, the Ibih of April 1HC0, and plead answer or demur to plaintiff's suit, tar the same will be taken pro coufesao, enSjl beard ex part. JKSSU CKL'KX, J P. March 0. IMU'J. II tpd -, the crediior and debtor each to choose one appraiser, who shall be a citizen of the COUIlty iu winch the property is situated, to examine and appraise the properly to be exposed to sale under execution and ahall certify such appraisement to the sheriff or other officer ; and in case such appraiser shall uot be able to agree upon the valuation of any property, they shall choose a third ierson, and the appraise prior to the iutrtaiuctiou of Wolfe's Schiedam Aromatic Schuapps. iu 1401 ; and the label was deposited, as his trade marie, in the United States District Court for the Southern Distriet of New York during that year It might be supposed by persons unacquaint ed with the daring character of lbs pirates who prey upon tb-rupuiation of honorable merchants by veudiug deleterious trash under their name, that the protections so carefully thrown around these Scnuapps would have precluded the intro d net ions and -ale of counterfeit. They seem, however, only to have stimulated the reoacitv ment of the three or a majority ot them impsiers. The trod mark of the proprietor .I..II I... ,.L il vu I n.. nas la-en sroiea; tin) Indorsement which lus Ten Cents Reward. 1 UK nf)VK RtVVARD will be paid J any ieiiii w ho will return t me four bound , wno ran away arum as msw ts mtmmmamtortfmt wiiaiiiiiiiai Knniss Hoirstor.Caldwell ilaiiston and Cberlre Mason and Kllen Mason. Ail persons ar warned agaiual baiboimg said children under penally ol l tie law. (i. G. UASOV. Kelt on, N. C, March 11, ISC'J. 10:3t TRU81 SALE OF LANPI 1 .By VIRTUE of a fe.il of Ti n? to me exe cotcd by Joseph F. Cbaml.ers, for purpo.-'a therein mentioned, I will rx so to public sale . at the Court House door IN STATES VILLE, the entering of a nol pros. This was, we presnme, a proer di-jiosition of the ease. It affords us gratification to see . so old and prominent a citiaen Mr. Thomas, after having been so long held under a heavy charge, go honorably out of Court. We learn, further, that the costs of this case fall upon Guilford eonnty. Greensboro Patriot. more than wy to sixty is likelv la find its war in an ni tnv n u ts 1 " "Ot'S not COSt TO :. i:. . -;n k ! dollars. , J .. ., ... i 1 he Agent States, that good sugar raay aimosi a matter oi impossioiuiy. ; lo c0 0y ceQU m p,,,,.. I ue r.-titor.- oi tnc j.nirnai oetng ex- und that the Syrup ol superior quality tensive breeders and dealers in cattle, will not coat more than 30 CIS. per gallon. have i.rinled an edition of over half a 11 tnwe-eUM-meuts arc true, and I have million for gratuitoas distribution among our Fanners. We hope all will avail themselves of this generous offer and Iteteari His Kxccllenrv fiov. Hohieii often a reward of two bundled dollars for aend for a copy. Address N. 1. ltoyer ic iy -..l ..t if ,1..... r-..i.. I... . .. . . inr, Mouivovofinu o ii.itrco ui'if, on . i ; I'ubliahers. r.ukeslioi" I hsst.-r ref-enllveseAiH.il liom the tail nl ie l- ,.nm..l;n I.,., ,l..Lt it L ,i ' t . - .:Mi. . 1 CI, I a w : a an iiw va wtasssi umm "mm w w v n. eight liicbee high. 21 years of age, brown complexion, black eyes, woolly hair; and is charged with the murder of Charles Hughes. Standard. doubt them, from mv per- ledge of Pud'. Smith, and his I iiM-eiinoei Hiiuiuuii-nie, as ir sc i nline aou no reason to sonal know mm. ft . i ...... m and in case eiiner party lail lo make the choice, the sheriff shall make the selec tions lor bim or them. Such appriiso inent, certilied as before dtrected, shall be returned by the sheriff wi'h the execution lo the Court from which it issued : Pro tided, That no proceedings under this sec lion shail prejudice the lieu of any credi tor, or discharge the Sheriff from any lia- i Aromatic Schnapps alone received Torn 0ut tD4, yr. N. U R R medical profession has been claimed i. n .. i icioush .inbugs, hiaUneisand botUes 1 ',ow , !- a imiuted, his ailvcrtiscments para- r- tt nhe. H. D. O. W dsoi Schieilain I'roin the hy in -n laciuus have been lailtated, his advertisements para phrased, Ms eireuiars copied, and worse than all, di -honorable retailers, after disptaung of the genuine contents ol his bottle, have tilled them up with common gin, the moat deleterious of all MiUura, and thus made his name and brand a cover tor poison. The public, the medical profession and the sick. Air whom the Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps bility for the safe keeping of sucb proper-1 is prsAeribed as a remedy, are equally niiere. t- ty. ed with the proprietor in the detection and sup- having seen the advettiscment of one of o. in .Th.i nn nmnortv .1. ,11 l.o .,! I prosii ol these oelorious practices. Thsgen the Aett. I think at Tartmro TS C" ""V?1 tUMl ue MUL j nine article, manufactured at the esublishmeni under any deed oi trust or mortgage,, nu til the, debts secured in said deed ot trust Or mortgage, are reduced to judgments ac cording in tbo provisions of this act. Sec. 1 1 . All executions shall be tested as of the next term day before the day on which tliey issued, ami shall be returnable to the term of the couit ueit after that trom j which they bear test : Provided, That no sab- of property, under execution obtained We notice with pleasure that our en terprising fellow citizen, Dr. T. W. Keene, is enlarging his tobacco factory. We notice this fact with the more pleas are as we infer from it that the Doctor expects to continue the buisneae perma netly in our place. We would regret to pert with a citizen of so much enterprise and energy. Mr. Samuel Cauble, a earpententer of this place met with a serious accident on Wednesday last. He was engaged in building a house for Mr J.J. Stewart when i the scaffolding gave way, precipitating bim to the ground from a light of twenty one feet, lie received seve;e internal in juries, but it is hoped they will not prove fatal. Mr. Stewftrt made a very narrow es- oscape by seizing bold of the sheeting of tJqhe rofand draw inhisclf upon it. The Dubuque Iowa Herald gives the following recipe for knocking a town stiff and dead : "If you wiah to kill a town, 7 put np no more buildings than you are obliged to nse yourself. If you should accidentally have an empty building, and any one should want to rent it, r.sk alrtTOl iStbree times its actual value. Look at every new comer with a scowl. Turn a old shoulder to every business man or merchant seeking a home among you Co abroad for wares rath -r than purchase of your own merchants or manufacturers at the same prices. Refuse to advertise, that persons at a distance will not sup pose any business is being don In your town. A prompt and close observance of these rules will ruin any town in two years." Ontragein Bladen Count a Another on t rage occurred at the residence ef J C. Danicly near Marlville, in Qladen county says the Wilmington Journal, on Tues day night last which, as some of its con nections will be more fully developed in a few days, we give place to here. On the night above nientionen a fence around the premises of Mr. Daniel was discov ered to be on fire: As it was near the h -use and somewhat threatening, the whole household at once proceeded to the fire and engaged iu extinguishing it, which required some little time to accomplish. As Mrs. Daniels returned to the house, she heard a sound like a buggy being driven down the road. On examining the premise it was discovered that a trunk containing S140 in geld, $40 in silver and about $140 in currency, anJ many valua ble papers bad been stolen, doubtless by V ' j . . r. . ft. - l a. farmers Head. Tho MarchTnnmher of the Carolina Farmer is gem of ty pographic beauty, and is filled with an unusually- largo number or seasonable and interesting articles. We are Had to see that North Carolina can afford such a splendid contribution to the agricultur al literature of the day. Every farmer in the South should subscribe to some good agricultural publication ; and we know of none better adapted to their wants than the Carolina Farmer. Price 82.00 per year. Address, Wm. II. Ber uard, Wilmington, N. C. .( I ,11 I villi .I..II I... m.ila ..III , . . til I ...., ru in .u ,ii i. ., practical Chemist; does it net hold out a-i .,irlv j..., ,M.ole ....j,,,-. ,970. r 7 - t so " Tm Sec 12. The not apply to pi 3' s of this net shall y attuchnfUIt; strong iiidocenieiit to some of our more encrgeiie Farmers lo investigate the sub ject, and lead the w ay. if practicable, iu a bust rera Ttmx mafTr dVontWrte. by the way, Mr editor, have onr people so oo .orgoueu ,u va.uo o. ssmvameee t0 Mled anJ y iriir finis niksl thsa KIom siinsr nt IN wrim during the late war f jwhen, as is know.., mfa An ,na rf of , 111 of the undersigned, in Schiedam, Holland, its distilled from a barley of the finest quality, a d flavored with an essential extract of the berry of the Italian juniper, of unequalled puriy. By ti process unknown in the preparation of any other liquor, it is freed from every acrimonious and corrosive element. Complaint have been received from the lead ing physicians and families in the Souther States of the sole ef cheap imitations vf the Schiodam Aromatic Schnapps in those markets ; and tr vellers, who are in the habit of u.-iug it as u antidote to the baneful iuttuene of uu wholeaoiue river water, testify that cheap gin, put up ia Schiedam bottles, is frequently palm ed off upou the unwary. Tbe ageuts of the un dersigned nave oeen requested to institute in 8a: 13. Nothing in this act shall imer-! Zr U "n" to repeal the provisions of the of . ofb pwtie ftStty tnay Saenfffl u w ate to repeal the provisions Civil Procedure, anVtottfal !- defendants to bail iu certain inconsistent with the provisions of ibis el ftni nil mitiflol in.til eli a ti j t A aw kmle miAM Iksit Iam ....I alAMsn nn . ' . . , St h, 7 . ,- . " V January, Anno Domini. eighteen hundred upon thousand of oar people. In look- 2 he New York Mercantile Journal. This very successful paper, published every Thursday, by tbe New York Mer- Wqiile Journal Company, is devoted cx lnsivcly to matters of fiuaace and trade (without reffard to party polities). It parties w ho bad set fire to the fence for an i containa verv full lists of Jobbers' nrieee opportunity to commit the theft. , a, kiad of etreMly The morning euccceding this occur- , " ... . renee gentleman by the name of Taylor for P tbn-tiae.sjf going to was riding along the road ebout four miles j press. The leading quotations are, tbe from Mr. Daniel' house and was ahot at I New York .Stock Sales, Dry Goods, by some parties in the bushes. He ini-1 Drugs, Dye Sluffs, Paints and Oils, Hard, mediate! retreated, but alter securing the war . . . .... , . attendance of some neighbors, he return- . n ed to thl plase. On searcliiug aronnd in ccr,e8' Country Produce, Liquors, Hide ibis quarter. Mr. Taylor and bis friends Leather, Tobacco, Wool, fruits, Vegela. discovered the trunk i hat was stolen from hies, Butter, Cheese, Fish, Salt, Gaixfl fr 11 mii'Iii' li.uuii llii. tiiirlif ftiri. violis ' v m . a . . . - 1 " . r-- ' etc. in iaci. aimoai everv kind of .iier- rifled of its contents, aud some of the pa pcrs laying around. There are indications as to who are the i hie vie and Would-be murders. Prudence will uot permit a fuilhur disclosure at present. We learn of n fa I a I accident that occurred to Mr. Curtis Chambers, more familiarly know as "The Little Man," he being a dwarf of about three feet in bight, yet is pei feet in fea'nrr as a man of ordinary slat tile. lie was riding ou. AJKit 'yery. e1et' 1 1 allsineesP S50tTmmWr mmnmr P. chandisc is quoted, giving the wboleeal price, with an extended review markets in each number, feature of lb Journal is f advertising patronage, of iirst-cl only. It is just the paper for men. Subscription pri dress New York Mercantile Journal, O. box 1919, New York. ri. ..-..'. I,,..;... ti.:. i. i ism wagon load of rails, und in cnissiug a . J J . ,-,ii,.,i il.,. r :... .r ,i.. xi ,i.i:. m Jam mud Hole in the road, lell fr the lop ol c ... ...,... ni-.. the load to the ground, it is supposed in a ia the only real woman's magazine in .fit, he being subject tn them. When ) America. ' It is full of good, sound sense, ounn a lew minutes afterward lie was h1 ,,raciie information. dead V. mark, or . . .. I """" X Vulu0 " iod, il i difficult to Conceive how the peo ple could kave lived without it. Ia it leas valuable now f 1 have seen It cultivated so by many persons, only a little further south, that I wonder why every one oi our tanners, no matter now small their opera tions may be, do not cultivate it. The syrup, the fodder, the seed, are ail valua ble for man, and every kind of stock ; and now, more than ell, if good sugar can be nude of it, it will prove a greater bless ing yet ; uud why not avail ourselves of it I b"". 1 1 gives away valuable full-sited upon him, or anything to indicate that he paterus with every issue, and eon tains hud died by violence. Mr Chambers came west from North Carlina about one year ago. He was about 52 years ace. Litchfield, 111., Monitor. Bishop Atkiiisou pi cached in the Epis copal Church here last Sabbath, in the in lining and at night, to a large congre ifn ion. His discourses, as usual, w-orx Fire in Stanley. Wo regret to learn ; ai,,., liberal and admirably delivered. mine oi interest lo every woman in its 'L idiea' Club. " Published at r38 Hroad wujlN Y., S00 per year. Send 15 cent for a rpecimen. that tbe dwelling and out houses of Mr. s J. D.IIeanie, of Sunely county were con eumed by fire last week. Nothing was eaved from the buildings, the family bare ly escaping with their live. The fire is thought lo have been accidental. On Dit That Cm. Clingman and Marcos Irwin, Esq ; are- to run the Standard. "(Judex which king, Bexonin'" Sentinel. 1'here ia a charm aud an influence pecu liarly impiessive about Bishop Atkiiiaou's e'-riuoiis Thia was the Bslfp's regular visit lo ibis part of bis diocese. Eigh i i n pei sn ns were cofirated fifteen white and three colored. Til, Bishop left for his home iu Wilmington on last Mondy morning, lie is ft true type, of the schol ar and christian And the high -toned North Carolinian, and we hope bia lite and health may be spared many year for usefulness. i'ay cite viile Eagle. flte Marufacturer and Builder. This publication for March is on 'hand. It ful ly meets the high expectation raised by ibe preceding number. We -.know of no publication of its kind of seemingly more value than this promises to be. Terms $1.50 per an n ii in. Address Western & Co , 37 Park Bow, N. Y. . NEW STAY LAW. AN ACT 8fJ8PENDINO THE CODE Or CIVIL PBOCEDUUE IN CER TAIN CASES. Sbctiow 1; The General Assembly of North (MrHa do enact, 1 hat all civil actions shall be commenced by tho issuing of a summons. 8ec, f. The" summons shall run in the name of tbe state, be signed by tbe Clerk oljihe Siiperlor..C'urt of the county bar- iug jurisdiction In try tin- action, and un der tbe seal of the Court, and shall be di rected to the Sheriff of the county in which the defendant resides or may be found. It Shall be returnable to til regular term f the Superior Comt of tin- county where he plaintiffs, or one or more of them, or he defendants reside, and shall commend the fSjMHpi otherrqjyr officer, to sum nous the, defendants ' i i;iie ir at I lie next 1. 1' the Suim i i.ir ( iiu t and nlaipt Of the plajpiiff, aud Kd on the day n i is issue. The officer t) which 'the sura- is addressed, sh dl note on it the day of it desfVcry to him. ami ahall exe cute it at wast ten days before the begin ning of the terra to which it shall be re turnable, and shall return it on the first day of the term. Sec. 4 The plaintiff shall file hia com - p'aintin the" Clerk's olHee on orbeforeihe third day of the tf nn to which the action ia brought, otherwise the suit shall, ou mo tion, be dismissed by the Court at the cost of i he plaintiff. Sec. 5. Tbe defend i 'it hall appear and demur, plead or a i - er at tbe same tetin to which the summon ahall be re turnable.' o'herwise the plaintiff mav have judgment by default, as u now allowed by law. Sec. 6. Tbe plaintiff -hall Join n the demurrer or reply to i lie answer at the snme term to which such demurrer or an swer may be filed, unless the defendant move the Court for fun her time to make the defence iu the acti o, in which case the Comt ahall giant to the defendant nn- .:i .1 -. -i in uie iii-ii wn wi no' i nun to make ana seventy-one ; and tins act shall he in force from and after its ratification, and shall continue ic force until the first day of January, eighteen hundred mid seventy-one. Passed March It, 1869. MARRIED : 'In Salem on the 4ih inat, by Bt. Rev. 0. F. Bahuson, Mr. Jamks A. Ukich lo Miss Paulina Miller, both of Salem. On Tuesday tbe 26th of January, by E D Terrell, Esq., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr Wm H Wilkins tn Miss Letticia 1'hackleford, youngest daughter of Samuel Hhackleford. All of Stokes county, N. C. Ou the 18r!i of Feb.. by the same, at ' i iiiwni in 'h i iiiiiiiiuk iiiiin roirign ui injm iwurra the residence of in Young, Mr William ( stauca bad twen added to lite simple distilled spir Alexander to Mis Martha J.. eldest daughter of Wm. Youug. All of Stokes county. In Winston, on the Id of March.Jjy Rev W W Allien, Mr. W T Seotts,yof Iowa, to Mr Mary Calhou:;, of Winston, N. U to be aneaxeai ia the a roeious svstemofdeceD tion. Iu conclusion, the ondenigued would say that he has produced, from under tbe hands of tbe most distinguished men of science in Ainer capriaifs unanswerable of the purity andiucdici- nal excellence of the 8ehiedam Aromatic Schnapps ; that he has expended many thons- aud dollars in surrounding it with guarantees and safeguards, which he designed should pro tect the public and himself against fraudulent imitations ; that ho has shown it to be tbe only liquor in the world that can be uniformly depen ded upou as Unadulterated; that be has chal lenged investigation, analysis, comparison, aud experiment in all its forms ; and from every or deal the preparation which bears bis name, seal aud trade mark, has come off triumphant, lie therefore feels it a doty he owes to his fallow citizens generally, to the medical profession and the sick, to denounce and expose tbe charlatans who counterfeit t lie.-e evidences of identity, and he calls upon the press and the public to mil bun in hia efforts to remedy so great au evil. The following letters anacertilicats from the lending physicians and chemist of this city will prove to tin- reader mat all gisidi sola hy the undersigned are all they are represented to tie. i noi.riKi wwi.i h, 25 Pi.va 8raarr, New Yobs. Nov. st, vm. I'poLrao Wolfe. Esq.. Present; Dear Kir: I have made a chemical exsrotnstion of a sample of your Schiedam iclipi, with the i litem of determining if any foreijfo or ininrioumab on Tneedny, the 80th day of March next, (it beinr Comt week.) that well known and valoable tract of Land, near Waddell's Koad, whereon bounded by ikon and others. " "CONTAINING fi72 ACRES. C Terms Twelve month Credit.--Sale at lit o'clock, M. ALSO, At (lie Court House door, IN SALISBURY, Si. wl nn Tneedny, the SOtli of April next, TeTtttg Court WtK)T wilt sell at public sale, ahout 180 Acres ot land, known as the Thomas Chambers tract. Said tract lies near Third Creek Depot, in Rowan county, and adjoin Wm. iiaroer, blizaheta liarke, Jehu Jiurke and other. At mm time and place I will oiler for sal ten shares of itock iu the Bonk ol Cap Fear. Terms : Twelve months credit. Suit at 12 o'clock, M. VTM. R. PR A LEY", Feb. 8, 1SC9 12-2.n. Truftee. Superior Court, Kotrau County, ATTACHMENT. Hawaii ..I f,Jhm U. lliih.i I'm. U. Hornh, Dee d.. I wnsiiiuir lerm su er tbe com shall be da See 3 mous DIED : Hp ihe 10th of February, at his futh Hi residence in Forsyth county, Mr. mac II. Pitts, aired 35 years, 1 month t. lie was burned with Ma rs 22d, Walter L., iu and M. M.Miller, Y V MAU. 19. 1869. i i ana jUii BOOIBU aged iTx month. BEfOBTED 1)1 J Demorest's Young America -This in- ',ach defence ae he ran desire,. nd wl.en lerestmg juvenile looks bright, quaint, end eauey as ever, in a new colored cover, that will set all the children wild with de light. Among its features are kite, a puvlo picture, and lots of stoiics and iu the opinion; nf the t'on u iba pleadings are coinnleteSL. tW issues whether of l. " Crashed Pntverixed perisiund OeffiM, per iiuud, I 'era. per bash, ol 60 . . steal, bush, so " Copperas, per pound Candies, Talloar, " ' Adaasetine Cotton, pur ponnd, ...... larn, per buuclu fares, per sin, n. Paothers, er pnnnd K.our, ivrsack , l-'ish, Ksekerai, a. 1 " 3 i " i1 a Fruit, dried, apples pealed " aapld " " Peaches, psalee S " ' anpeitled LSatber, oppsr, psr pound sum, " Iroa.bar, " " esstiaea, " ....... yalia,imt. " MfUsacs, soretnm. per sl Wh( In.lij. ' v ' Syrap. 44 Onions, per bushel, 4 per pound Potatoes. Trish . per bnshel, " Bweet. Hagar, Brown, perpnnd , jiannee Mi-CONNAI'UUKV, onoexa. 18 to 93 to Koto is. to III to an ro 24 to 95 lo 9 on 10 9.96 19 la 16 46 to 8. IW t, 191 90 M 99 to 7 to 4UyX IG to to o9 to 33 to 6 to 8 to e 1 flSBBUWl'- . p r a aasxmm 1 r - 1 or 01 iaci shaw exano mr trial at the next term succeediiif th term at which the pleading are completed. See. 7. That all writs of summon iuj Salt, coast, per sack, . " Liverpool, Table. Tobacco, tieaf. per nonnd. Manoractured, MBOKlOg, a On Hi in 75 3.'. 8 ti . . . . " " 1 Ml SO to 00 .....4 I. IS' to I.UU so lo 10 to to to 75 Oil tn 70 14 to M 18 to to 91 lo 90 9.75 to 9.75 n.Ofi to 9.90 r.sotos.ra onto on 0 to 1.60 40 to 1. 00, The examination has resulted la the coac'osioa that the sample contained no poisonous or harmful admixture. I hars been anable to di-.-over any trace of the dt'eteriou .tilistancw which sre em ployed in the adalteratlsn of liquors. I would not hesitate to ase myself or to recommend to otht-ra. for me I., -in n purHises, tie Si ii.e.laia Kchnapps as au exrei leu t and unotdnrtionable rariet) of nin. Very respeclfnlly yoars, (Signed,) CHAS. A. fUA.V, Cbwnist. Kt-:w Tok. 51 CxnAB Stbrkt, November 'i. 1867. 1 UnoLPno Wotrn, Esq.. Present : Hum Si it: I have submitted to chemical analysis two buttles of "rk'biedoia Selmapps," whu h 1 toiji from a fresh jioekaffe iu your bonded warohouse, and find, as belbre. that the sniriiuoes liuur is tree trout iniarioas inirredi- ents or fal-iheatioii ; that it has the marks of bcins: aired and not recently prepared by mo chauical admixture of alcohol aud aruiuuiius. Kespecttully, , -JS- FUEL). F. MATER, Oicmlst, Xkw Tore. Tuesday, Mar I L'notrno Wm fr. Ksq., IVarSir: The want of pure Wines and Liquors lor meiiirinal purpose 11 taen Ions felt hy Hie pro- fesaion. anilti.ausiiids of lives have been sacririeed by the use of adulterated articles, lwliiinm tre mens, ami older disease of the twaia and nerves, so rilem tkiarauntrv. arc very rare in Karopr.oaius;, In a aveat dejrros, la the d.BVrauoe in the purity of iliepribiMld. s We hare tested the several articles Imported and I soiiioy you. incJuaiair your (.in. wincti yun sell un dar t tie uaiam l Are at alio "ehiedsaa Behiisppi. vhicli consider jnslly entitled to the high repu- tatioa it hasa -qiitrsd in this country ; and from your John Allison Defendant. j The above named defendant, who is not at resident of this Stale, win take notice that tbe plaintiffs in tins t ase have obtained warrant of attachment against him, returnable before the Clerk of the iSnperior Court of Rowan County forty-two days from Ilia date of the summens, via: the 34 day ef March, 18(59, ex-t elusive of the dy of service. This action i founded upon a Single Bill, executed by th said John Allison to Win. U. liorah, Dee'rf dated January Va, 1859, on which is a credit of two bnadred dollars, Oulobuf 12th, 1860 --& There is doe from tbe defendant to tiie plaiu- ttns 2i3 ra, whitn they claim with inter trom 1 he 12th day of October 1860. And th defendant will also take notice that if he fail I to appear at lite office of the Clerk of the 8u neiior Court of Rowan County, at Salisburv. N. C , 00 '.he return day of Use warrant, atm above staled, the Plamtiifs wid take judgtuwH aeainsl him l,r the whole demand. nrinuioftW ami interest. A. JUDSON MASON. C.Ji.O 1 10.4t:pr fee $7 10. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF Land and other Property. I WILL SELL FOR CASH, to the highest bidder, St the residence of Arthur Neely'a, 4 miles doulh West ot Moeksville, on Friday, the 6th day of March 16VJ, Three Tracts ut Land cuBlaiiiiuii 8U Acres. Also One Tract on nuntinp Creek, con. taining 41 Ares, adjoiuing the lands of Rob eit Black welf, Mary Crenshaw and other. M AlsoAt the same time and nlaee 2 Head of Horses, 3 Mules, 1 Jack, 20 Head ol Cattle, 30 Head ol dheep and Lamb, 3 Wagons, 1 B ipgy, 1 Carriage, 750 lbs. of Bacon, Lard aud other article not necessary lo mention. ALLEN A. HARBIN, Assignee. Moeksville, March 5, lfe8S 10:2 To IV. Carolina ASLANT CAKE and make yonr own SeJ -.-irs and Syrup by Welter & Hatcher a patent ed process. Sugar thus made will cost ahout 8 cepta per pound, and Syrup about 30 cental per gallon. Disii i.-t, 'County and IndividueM Rights for sale. Send lor eirculan "With fulrl particu lars. Agents wanted. , WM. F. BEASLET. Bole Agent for Korth Carolina, febl2-G:6t Greensboro', N.d Rakigk National Bank of Pi, t aroltua. TH DIBBCTOKM have msolwd to inrreasat fxiwrioncs aaatbreiirn irapnita. toer Boll lad ' P1'' frT8,01, " , ' Vb Ml'tMlra a aud Liquor sliouid in tt with Hot saiu dc- 1 THOl.SANl) DUl.LaUs. 1 ersona wialiinfi tomb-, inv 4u mm wm ji.o cuanianicaie aim- f.newKV, Mar, h 5-6m. President. would recommend yon to appoint some of the respeetuble aasjUieearies in 1liftf.rt.t1t paiu m lhaeity ale i vour lln BaWM SJM n m . n can obtain tbe same arbsn uoed - r poses. , kkws in youi new enternrise. ayour SjSeeiVM scivants. Mi HI M. II.. I .f r..f Stirrery. Miral College. New York. rlf N M. 1), Profs- at Hinioni lyeoh In-finer to Uie Mate Hoapitai, UstSixlreutb street. AYHK, M. IL. No. 7i Broadwar. II. P. DRWKI-X M . P., Xo. 71 Br-'adsay. Jii-i: 'H WltH-srCO M n v ion V1..11. f I KSt)i.1 KTKB1.K. M U.. Vo. 7 nteeckerrtnet! I JOSK ' II IC K I.I.Y. M. II. Vr,. O.Vl I mirll, .1 If. I H t I'll F.I.. M. I).. Pn.fess.irot the Principles and IVax-tioeof !4rfM-ry. New York MedW-ol Col lege, etc.. No. 91 Ninth street, and others. HKi'llts iSBSSSSJ hei tliasfHo 1..1 mtm mmr mm mW AM 11 s LOOK ete.. I. K WIS A bout! Tbe piisprtstsv also oflent for sale BOTTLED WINES AND LIQUORS, imported and bottled by himself expreasTr fir medicinal use, Each bottle has his oertineate ol a-parity. VDOLtm sYULfl. M-x- . The Ku-Klux-Klan is A JAM READY to exehaere Leather for good Hides. Kip and Call Skiaa Bark, Tallow Lime. Hops. B-rley, Corn, Rye, Oats, and country pnalnce generally. I will slso Tan good Hides, Kip and other Skins, for one-half. I teturn my sincere thanks to a generous public lor their liberal patrunag in ray differ ent businesses, in this county, (or the last twen ty years. Hose L. Brown's old stand, corner of Lea and Liberty Street. MARTIN RICHWINB. Saliabory, N. C, May 19, 186& wl X

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