f IK (DID Xoi 11)0 tat c K A l.ism It V, FKIDAY, APltIL 9, 1M LOCAL Nbw Adymtmeiiints. Assignees sale of Real Estate - John 8. Jlendereou asaigaee. Ladies Furnishing Store. Mri. Cor Nil. Upholstering and MatiraM making. Solonr.on Einstioe. 10 Reward Waa. H. Orchard, Con cord N. C. The Morning Star. W. H. Bernard, Wilmington, N. 0. Assessors Notice H. H. Helper, As sessor. Granger's Hotel-Goldaboro, N. C. Commission Merchant D. T. Oars way, Newbern, N. O. Sill's Wild Cherry Touic and Alterant. Sill's Drag Store. Fashionable Dreea-making. Mra. Rai ney A Harriaon. The Commission Hi siness ia faith fully repreaeotcd iu Newbern, N. C , by Major D. T. Carrawaj, late of the well known, high standing and popular firm of Mitahell, Allen fc Co., of that city, We introduce Major C. to-day in a neat business card announcing the character of his business and to one and all we most heartily recommend him. The Wilmington Star.'VU- pros pec tna of the Morning Stab appears in our advertising columns this week. It is large well conducted Daily, sprightly and epiey real lire newspaper and no mis take. We learn that W. F. Henderson 1ms been nominated to the Senate as Asses sor of Internal Revenue for for this Dis irict in place of H. H Helper, Esq. west to Washington Sure,' en the east side of which is the University. The entrance to the church is the main door of University. University Place ears ran from the doer of the Fifth Avenue Hotel, to the door nf the Chnreh. From the St. Nicholas and Metropolitan, take the cars corner of Uroadway and Broome, leave at Waverley place, and go west block. At the Amor House take University Place cars, leave el Wamly Place, aad go west one block. Strangers will find cordial welcome, and polite attention. The Pastor is Rev. Dr. Dibms, who devotes himself to the spiritual interests of strangers. If any he sick, let them address him a note by mail, as "Paster of the Church of the Strangers, If. T.," and and it will reach him. The ladles who compose the "Society of the Sisters of the Stranger," procure medical, legal, and spiritual help for strangers in perpleiity, distress, or sickness. Address, "Sisters of the Stranger," care Rev. Dr. Deems, New York. If yon are coming to New York toon, cut this out and paste it in pour memoran dum book. Am Elegant tfroom. We were, on Saturday last, presented with an elegant broom by Mr. John Ii. Watson, of this county. Mr. Watson is nearly blind, and learned his trade at the N. C. A -y-lum for the Deaf Dumb and Blind at Raleigh. He is now engaged iu the manufacture of brooms in this county, on Lincolntoa road, about five miles from Salisbury. We can assure all in need of brooms that we have never seen an article superior to that presented to ns by Mr. Watson. He informs us that he cannot get u supply of broom corn in the neigh borhood. Will not some of our farms take to raiaing it ? We make our acknowledgements to Mm limn Jc Martin, nf Mocks villi" Davie County, N. C, for the compliment of excellent piece of leather a calf skin beautifully tanned and elegantly finished. Messrs Cain & Martin are extensively en gaged in the tuning business and, judging by the sample before us, are are prepared to furnish as good an article of leather as is made in the Southern country. The Pkxitknti as v. For some days past oar ciiiaens had bee led to indulge the hope that the State Penitentiary I would be located at Salisbury. In this they have been disappointed Raleigh has been selected as the site. At this we are not disposed to complain. If Raleigh U to remain the permanent seat of gov ernment of the State, then we think there is an eminent fitness of things in the loca tion of the Penitentiary there especially on the score of convenience. Removal. The Drag Store of Dr. 0. B. Poulson has been removed from Wy att's old stand to the Gothic building of Dr. Hall the room formerly occupied by Dr. Enniss. We are ander obligations to Robert Gray, Jr., of Winston, X C, for an in vitation to attend tho anniversary cele bration of the Jefferson Society of the University of Virginia on the 13th iuet. Mr. Charles F. McKess on, of Morgan ton, N. C, is the orator for the Society on the occasion. We are indebted to Mr. J. B. Davis, of Kooxville, T nn, for the Daily Press and Herald of that city, of April the 3d, giviuAan account of the brillant recep tion of Ex President Juho son at that .r.:i.. :. ... I. ... jiijilc, Williu J"ui J 11 itmii' eti Greenville. The prcsYnta'.ion speech was was made by Hon. T. A. R. Nelson, af ter which Mr. Johnson spoke at consid erable leughth and with his accustomed hU7- m Areditable Work. The wetearned reputation of the Carolina Farmer f ful ly sustained in the Appearance and con- onto nf tliA Anril number iust received - We cannot too sealoosly urge on our far. "mer.s the importance of sustaining their Lome agricultural journals ; and one so handsomely prinud and ably conducted as the Carolina Farmer is espeeiallydeserv ing of support. Every farmer and plant er in the South will do himself a service by sending Two Dollars for a year's sub scription to this justly popular magazine. We are glad to learn from the proprietor that the success of the Farmer is beyond his most sanguine expectations. Address Wm. U. Bernard, Wilmington, N. C. Speclmea eupie mtmt feat). Col. Chas. E. Shober has been appint ed assignee of the Greensboro Mutual Bank which has gone into bankruptcy. The Secretary of War has appointed Michael J. Hewson superintendent of the national cemetery at Salisbury, N. C, and ordered him to assume charge immediately. Ffty Swiss immigrants conisting of men, women and children arrived at Newbern on the 1st instant, by the Steamer Terry. The Journal of Com merce saye that they are a healthy, indus trious looking body of people. They have gone to Goldsboro. In a fj;w days one hun died and sixty more will arrive, aloe bound for Goldsboro their services having been secured by Mr. Atkinson. Elected. It will bo seen that Alfred Howe, a verv respectable and intelligent colored man of this city, has been elected one of the Commissioners of the Pcniten tiary. If the whites elected to office by Radicals were always half as intelligent and honest, the Treasury of North Car ol ma would not now be in such a deplora ble condition. Wil. Journal. SHU Crazy. Col. Louis Zimmerr the indefatigable agent ef the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, says the Creensboro' Patriot, shipped about a hundred emi- errants to the far west this week. Most of the train was made up from Davidson, Forsvthe and upper Guilford. If the Colonel don't begin to bring ns settleis from Europe, we will think he ought to. It is strange that our citizens should be leaving while strangers are constantly coming in. if we are to be taxed to par the interest on a debt of over 150,060,000, bat two results awah as: either thoroagb an irretrievable ruin, or repudiation If after aM the wild gambling with other people's money aad the Quixotic schemes for recuperation, there should come failure to the legislation of the hsnds, the people may rejoice indeed, for a weight of debt wholly an bearable and ruinous will have been lifted from the old Mother, now lying prostrate under the tret of the oppressor, and whose very tie as a a a a .a me a blood is beta sacked oat ov tne insatiate leeches that have Ion ted down from the Northern waters, and by the vampires that have enme oat from oar own creeks aad poods. So mole it be. Raleigh Sentinel 8md End of the University f South Carolina Had irnlism. says the Edgefield Advertiser, has completely hilled the University of South Carolina The University bill, which has lately become a law, provides that there shall be no dis- tinriioii m this iastftatir.il on account of color. And amonr the trustees lately elect ed are two negroes, Cardonannd Boseman. Of coarse this puts a finishing stroke to the whole concern for certainly the young mfcn of South Carolina will Mot sit in classes with negroes. This a wise and politic legislation with a vengeance 1 Comixo South. The Manchester Union, New Hampshire, deprecates the wav in which that connlrr is threatened to be depopulated, aad says "people are gainer to the South in drove." This is good news. Come on. A good climate, rich mines, swelling acres, a peace ful people will welcome yoa to the " Old North State." Be not deterred by what you may have read and beard, but come and see for yourselves. We want indus trious eitisens to take ap theirabode with na- -persons who know how to ase the boe and the axe, and the plough, and the plane, and the hammer persons who have some capital to invest in our lands and mines, and water power. -Ral. Sentinel. It Is said that the Elk Mountain Cheese Factory in Buncombe county, has proved to be so profitable that the people oMhat section have determined to establis two or three more Factories. The Dying Boy. "Father," uid a dying bar of tea, the other day, tHH. er, an acquaintance of ours," "I am so glad I weal to preaching as wall as to Sunday School. When my tea and preacher get to heaven, I will harry to greet thorn both." rather and mother, tiperindendents and teachers, oak your children and sehollars to attend Church and the day of eternity wilt test the wis dom of your action. Husbands mnd Wives Are voa liv nr with each other, husbands and wives in the truest spirit of love, and in the larg est sense of wedding t Are yoa one, or are you forever and forevcrmor two t Are you tiring to help each ether or to an noy each other T Are you living in tfefj true excusatory spirit which always ac companies real conjugal love f And do GRANGER'S HOTEL, Formerly OriswoIuV . T. A. CRAMER & CO,, Prop's. Goldsboro', N. C. All sursass osoWrlns- t and oasdnr this Dotal lav their Tlekot on. m ih.. hiI. (JMHOj'n going Booth, Kaal sad Wait, dine at asms tekea to indroni t!i Room fee ofchorf boo eaaaa iony aira poii spo i MISCELLANEOUS. yoa find yourselves moved ( patience, gentleness, aad to forbearance to An Indian mound, about ten feet square containing a largo number of bones, beads, arrowheads, and other relics, haa been discovered on the I'otomac, five miles below Acquis Cieek. -9t r Jor The Providence Methodist Conference on Wednesday resolved to admit no mun to membership who uses tobaeco, except for medieinal purposes. Providence Jour- of it. We learn from the Sentinel that Cal vin J. Rogers has been appointed Post Master at Raleigh, N. C, in place of Mr. Andrew Miller, the present iucumbent. Mr. M. was a faithful and efficient officer none more so anywhere. The reputa tion of Mr. Rogers, according to the Sentinel, is not above suspicion. ' "CHURCH OF THE STRANGERS," NEW YORK. Visitors to the city of New York are informed that they will find Divine Ser vice every Sunday, in the Large Chapel Of the University, Washington Square at 104 A. M. and at 7 J f. M. The evening service in summer is at o'clock. Waverley Place, immediately north of the iafaclioh throughout North Carolina. We New York Hotel, oat of Broadway, runs ; sxe the poorest people ia the world, and Sad Affair. At Fort Maeon, North Carolina, on Monday last, Lieut. Alexan der and a Sergeant belonging to a com pany now doing duty at the garrison met an untimely death at the hand of a sen tiniil on duty at the time. Strict orders bad been given to the sentry to challenge everybody approaching towards him, and it seems that one of the garrison chim neys had taken fire, and the Lieutenant, no doubt under excitement, was running towards the beat of the centry who it is said, after challenging, fired. A Sergeant who, upon sec,ng jhe officer fail tan. to the spot, only to meet the same fate, for the sentinel had reloaded his gun, and be, too, was, brought to the ground. Both men were killed almost instantly. Norfolk Day Book. Sale of Railroad Stocks. We under stand that the Board of Education of this Slate, at a meeting held yesterday in the Executive office, opened the bids for the Wilmington and Wcldon Railroad1 stock and the Wilmington and Ma itches Ur rail raoad stock, and awarded them to W. T. Waters, Esq., of Baltimore, at 37 per share for the forme', and $5 per share for the latter, making the sum tor all $158, 000. This is considered a good sale. It is $2 more in the share than the minimum price fixed upon It by the Legisture in the act authorising the Board to sell it. Stonaard. Railroad Men in a Stew. Wo are la formed that there is great excitement among the Railroad men. The prospect is L'omt for n final defeat o all their scheme. It is said, that in all probabili ty the appropriations for tne various Koads win fail, because of tbe unconsti tutional features contained in I he sever! bills. This remark applies to all. 1 With the State credit prostrate and the people rained, a relief from a taxation of $30,00.000, will be hailed with high sat Death of a Lienal Descendant of Lord I airfax. ('harles Snowden Fairfax, a descendant of the last Lord Fairfax, and himself entitled to tbe title as the tenth Lord, died at Bantam's City Hotel, in this city, yesterday morning, aged forty years. The deceased was born at Van close, Fair fax county, Va , on the 8th of March, 1829, but for some years has resided in California, having served as speaker of House of Representatives of that State Mexico We learn jSmierj Fish lias tendered the Mission to Mexico to (JeneraHianW IS7 Sickle' aWttai he . . . . . . ' 4 nas declined the position. new lork Commercial. In the great conflagration of steam boats at St. Louis on Monday night seven boats were burned, valued, with their cargoes, at 337,000, on which there was an insurance of $90,000. Important Rumor. That Senator Sprague contemplates buying up the old National Intelligencer, in order to ran it on a new departure for the Presidential succession. A etc 1 ui k Herald. THE MORNING STAB. AGAI ELRf.EMP UIPROVED ! Phi Well Established and popular a iioiir AewsouDer nsassoaaUv been neat ly enlarged and Improved (tho usasenUrre- m etftiieeu inontiisj afl I eonhui-iiiir to the people of the two Carolina a to no daMr loumal in either of those States. Tho W9AJL is a LIVE PRACTICAL and PKOtiKKHHIVB NKWSPAPKB. eminently adapted to the want of this section ; sound and conservative ia It teachings, and devoted to the Commercial and Agricultural Inter ests Of the float- It contains lull and rubeola Reports of the Markets, . Telegraphic Dispatches, Local News and General Intelligence. .7 00 . 3 60 . oo 76 MS ADVANi B. One Tear. Six Months. Three , One " . Addles, WM. II. UKKNAKD. A. f i i vi mi hi. i iwn wmm April itth, Wilmington,!!. C. $150 PREMIUM ! T II K North Carolina Land Company will jiny $190 in premiums, for the best and richest aniens of tin- following ores found in tbe 8tat of North Carolina, for their Mineral Cabi net at (he Company's Office, Raleigh; Gold, tt; Silver, HW; Capper. $15; Iron. flX.60 j Marble. IrUO: Lead.ilO; Hie. 110; Plum- bago and Soap Stone, $10 ; sad all other mm- I nnpurtJon. HOofi a otner Mart, So. TBUST SALE OF LANDS I T) I ) Y VIHTDB ef a Deed of Trust to me ese- outod by Joseph F. Chambers, lor porpowi therein msatWiaSL I will expose to public sale at tne uoun none door IN STATES VJLLE, on Tuesday, the 80th day of March neat, (it oein Coin t week,) that well known and valuable tract vt Laud, near Wddrll Torn Out, on tho W. N. C It Ito.d, whereon r or-lntui Uoneycutt now lives, bounded by I-. U. iliamoers, a. . U. ilsou and otheis, CONTAINING 878 ACIlEc . Terms Twelve months Credit. Sole oil o'clock, M. ALSO, At the Court Ilonse door, IN SALISBURY, on Tuesday, the 90tli of April next, (it being Court week) I will sell at public sale, about 180 Aerosol laud, known astheTboma ( 'liamheis tract. Sal J traot lies near Third Creek Depot, in Rowan county, and adjoin t Wm. Barber, Elisabeth Burke, John Burke and others. At same time and place I will ofler for sal ton shares of stock in the Bank of Cape Fear. Terms: Twelve months credit. Hole at 12 o'clock, if. . WM. B. FRJtUCT? Fob. 8, 18. -2m. frueteo. DRUGS, MKUICISES, dC. If NEW Drug Store A Nil 1 FRESH DRUBS. MEDICINES, &C in Salisbury, N. O. Babbits and Trees. A new subscriber writes that a piece of hog's liver, well rubbed on the bark of young trees will keep rabbits away from them sure. Rural New Yorker. MARRIED: A. At the residence of the bride's father on the 28th of March, 1869, by U. L. Hennett, Ksq , Mr. Samuel 11. Griffin to Visa Amamh Benfrow, all of Nash Gouty. Id McDowell Connfy, on the S8th Jsnnary, by Rev J R Ulan ton, at tbe resi dence of the bride's father, Mr T J Cos in 1854, and sabeeqenily for five years 01 ro,lt "'7, Mis B J Uoxey. was clerk of tbe Supreme Court of tbe In Polk county, on the 25th of Febru- sarae Slate. He waa chairman of the ary, by Rev J K Bianton, at the residence California delegation to the Democratic of tbe bride's father, W W Cowart to National Convention which assembled in Mm Jlhoda fc, daughter 4 U WillWsaS, New Yord last July. He stood high in all of Polk county. the Masonic fraternity, the tbe members lo Polk county on the 16th February, of which in this city have alieady arrang ed to send a large delegation with the body to the place of interment, which is Rock Church Cemetery, On the road be ) ond the Soldiers Home, nd, an) about four miles from Washington Baltimore Sun 8 A by Geo. W Rhodes, Esq. Mr Coleman Bradley to Miss Leatba Edwards. Iu Forsyth county, on the 31st ef Jan., by Elder P Oliver, Mr Romulus Stanly to to Miss Emeline E BTines'. On Tbnrsday erning, 25th of March, 1869, at the residence of tbe bride's father, THE BOURBON AND THE SPAN- iu Cumberland county by BeV Jorden ISH 'i ll RONE. Cobb, Mr Henry Clark aud Miss Hannah Jane, daughter of John G McDonald. It appears from late cable despatches Esq. -:. that the Duke of Montpeusier is., after all, to be Kine of Spain. Serrano from the commencement of the revolution has beon his sivorn and steadfast friend. Prim has been more cautious iu allowing his mind to be known on the subject ; but we have no good reason to doubt that l'nm and Serrano have been 'horoughly agreed. In Rowan county, on tbe 31st of March 1869, by Bev Samuel Bothrock, Mr. Henry W Shaping and Miss Laura E, daughter of Silas Eamheat DIED: oral in Tho specimen will be submitted to an experi enced Geologist, and premiums awarded by his to be marked "V. C. Land Com pa K. W.Uot,Sec. a Treas 3, leW. 13 1m sport. Ssmpl uv. KssMurh March! LOOK The Ku-Klux-Klan is About T AM READY" lo exehange Leather for good L Hides, &ip and Calf Kleins, Bark, Tallow Lime, Hops, Barley, Corn, Rye, Oats, and country produce generally. I will also Tan good Hides, Kip and otbe Skins, for one-ball. I letnrn my sincere thanks to a generous public for their liberal patronage in my differ ent businesses, in this county, for tbe last twen ty years. Mows L. Brown's old stand, corner of Lee and Liberty Street, MARTIN RICHWINE. Salisbury, N. 0., May 49, 1868. wly ST. CLOUD HOTEL. m X HIS bow aad eewimodleas house, located corns r oi Brokdsrav and 41 SbacL Donnas advanuees over all other boose for tho accommodation of iu nU. It wm bailt expressly for a first class 'm Uv Boarding Ilonse the rooms being larae and en suit, heated bysttai with hot sad cold water, and sranaoa tecoaa to aooo; whim u culinary at- to oaoot us trluausl baaea, ohora- laasnerts an unenalled tool. One or Atwood s I'atent Klevator Is also aonc the "modern imuntvemeaU" sad at the service at all noun. The Broadway and University rise Cars pass the ooor every nor minute, running rromine it v nun to (. entrai I'ark. while tne Nixtn snn neventn are nue Lines are but a short block oa eitbei side, afford lua umule facilitie for communicatinir with all the Depots, Kteamboat I.andinys, place of amnaemeot aud UuKinessofthe greatasetropolla. atUUUH II 'I. I. r, l , march 19 6m Proprietors In Wilson, N. C. on Wednesdar. the l'nm and oerrano are masters ot the situ- Xttb ult ., Mrs. liettie At. Blackwel, con at ion. H uontpensier be their man notb- sort of Sydney n. b. Hbcpherd, Esq., of iug but the opposition ol Louis Napoleon Suffolk, Va,, aged about 24 years. will prevent me iruke s success, it is a w, w n .i. i .k i . lapse of twenty-two years, gives so much m.,,, ' . ... . importance to the cunning policy of M ( iniznt null llw eel . Iir ji ; e.l Snarniah m i i i iages, which the world had well nigh for- In Raleigh, on April 2, 18G9, at 12 gotten. It was the object of M. Guiiot o clock, M, Mrs Cynthia M Page, con - . , . . , m ii. .1 , t n ...... II 1J, v and nis royal master, j.ouis i nnippe, tot uiMU i ueij undo the provisions ot the treaty ot At his residenee in I) villain r,,Miv Utrecht, which stipulated that the ranch .h,, iLh of M..rh. Mr Krh.et Sh...h. and Snnnish thrones should never be aul- a highly respected citizen' aged S8 years! 1 IllttI I ilJ l XIAUUIUCIIBIC1 IU HIV fiiranta ntsiktA nn I tiA WAV fnr hiirll & union. The events which speedily fol- SAUlJUKl MAKJL J S lowed the downfall Of LOltiS POTIIppe, the rise of tbe lioiiapartes and tbe many mi ufnrtnnM nf tho Hniirhonsmude tho sire.. .1 i. s. nwsMraan.sHCH Raleigh National Bank of It saa Carolina, Vftlt PT RECTO US have resolved to Increase tl Capital .Stoeli ol this HANK to HVK HUNDRED TltOuoAM) lHH.I.AllS. Persons wishing to sub scribe to th aome wlllplstaieommnnii'nte with ('. lll.U'KV. " ktavch &: Indent, CAMERON & HILL, SUCCESSORS TO IS. IB. I'0VA. off C, OENKKAL COMMISSION AND AN. success nf Ouixot and bis master BiroarBD it;, i n . J aMu. I oacun, ucriwMiiu ........ - - . e..i. ft ti .... I -jrl vwhwj, f" rentiy oi nine account, xi .oonipeiioicr oon , per busb, ol 6 I becomes Kinir of Snain one result of the I " Meal, boali. to fJiiirnl nnliev has hen attained. An fr. VPPr!- .. Pr P""nd, -' C a i- i . Caudles, Tallow, h-aus itourbon on the Spanish throne will Adamantine, have Us effect in time in restoring the Cotton, impound, ii i .., .i f wri uouruous va ine lunuc oi nana:. iimi will say that a Bourbon may not yet reign over both France and Spain 7 It is diffi cult to see how Napoleon can permit such an arrangement iu spam, t ate is strong er than the strongest will and he may have no choice. J,ynch. Heirs, ft to MARKETS. Wilmington, April 5 Spirits turpen tine quiet at 46a46-. Rosin firm, $1,90 1 jfail,et. am. per bunch. EkKi Pr Josen, Feathers, per pound. I-'. our, per sack. Piah, mefiral, -.. 1. 3. . Fruit, dried, apples pealed. " nop 1(1. Poaches, peled, 9 uniicaled. Leather, upper, per pound. sole. " Iron, br, " eastings, " rude turpentine 1.0dl9 80. MoIasaea,orgHnni. perg o i:-. . ' , . . j..ii I " neniudia. aS1.9.'S Tar declined, 2a2 65. Cotton dull. New York, April 5. Cotton dull, shade lower, sales 1,400 bales at 28. Flour dull, State superfine 85.70 iC 0f ; common to fair extra southern So.45aS7 Wheat decling. Shippers are holding in H lie 90 lo 30 26 x OU 36 to 37 2 00 to 9.36 IS to 16 464 to 46i to 6.61) 121.00 2-J ...... .. .7 to .. as to 16 to 9 to ea to S3 to eto 8 to 6 to ttt$f Agent, for M.BstI. (UOOit TfcJ CelebrsUd - irgmia aewia Toeoeco. Agent, for Uiler Br oV Superphosphate af Lime and Bona Manure. Airenli for Vatean Iran Worka, Rlehmoad. Va. Ant uu tor CroaadHlo's SuperBOjatf hat. o Onions, Pork, off. Pork heavy at $31.21 a$31 37i. - U,), l.iid lower, kettle 13.1 us-. Whiskey lower. 92 bid. Rice dull and uncLana-ed. Sugar drooping. Coffee excited, higher. turpentine 5la51l. Hosin 2.45aS8. GovernmenU weak : 628 19. South ern dull but steady. Money stringency increased, demand urgent at 7 gold with 1-16 to commission. Sterling firmer at Gold strong at 31. Stock ad vanced, closing active and buoyant. New York, April 6, M. Cotton a shade lower. Spirits Turpentine droop ing at 60. Rosin moderately active at 2 471 ,2 50 Money closed at legal rate and I -1 6a thirty second commission added Gold 3l. Liverpool, April C , M. Cotton opened quiet Lplands 12K bales 8,000. Afternoon Cotton flat. Uplands Itf A. Manchester advice less favorable, which cause dullness here. Krrun. peV busbet, , per pound. Irish. per bOBbel, . Sweet. Snuar. Brown, per pound, . Clarified, Crushed Palverised per sack, . Liverpool. Table, saw Tobaeeo. T.eat per pound. V innfaetiired. s , MnoWna. ft (hi lb in 76 36 H lit 7 611 ee to 70 1.00 to 1.30 i 6ft to i 1 10 to 13 aato is 00 to 70 14 to 16 15 to 20 90 to 9 9.75 to 9.76 i 0.00 to 3.90; 6.50 to 6.0 00 to 90 SO to 1.60 4totoi.no J. w. ciaaaox, JU. . BILL. JaneHT;e:'.T f Wilmington N. C. HO 89 NORTH WATER ST ; , Superior Field Pumpkin At JNO. H. ENNISS' Drug Store. upril 2-13-M .' . PROFESSIONAL. D. s . CARRAWAY, 0mmium Merchant, JDealet in (&xocmtB PROVISIONS. HARDWARE, Gliu aii frerkery Win, Will Pnttr, Win. dow Shidrv Lt it. lnoUPT attention riren to orders, 'and to the sale of Cotton. Oram. Navel Store. Tobac co, Lined Fnrit, Me , on CennniKxinn. COURt HOUSE BUILDIHC. aprfl 9-l4Iy KEWBEB.v, y fj. M. H. PINISTIX, ATfORKEY AT LAW. LEXINGTON, N. C. WlU PRACTICE in the court? of David son, Forsythe, Guillord, Alamance and Ran dolph coauties : RBTtKRKCK. Hon R. M. Pearson, O. i. of M.4DL, Raleish. " E. O. Reade, Associate J ostice, " " Tbosaasaetile, M dp riih- a. Bedford Brown, Tanceyvilte, N. C. Hon. John Kerr, " " f . R. McLean. Greeuaboro", N. C. Thomas Kuffin, Jr., u u S. M. CI.mi.i. IMMOtt, V. C. l Janoarv VO. 1X119. . . . 4 tf DR. C. A. HENDERSON, JAIO resumed the practice of Medicine respectluily otfvr bis prolcssional services to tbe public. OFFICE : The one late occepied by White head A" Henderson. Cans may he left erthtr at hia ollice, or at Enni-V Drug dtore. Balisbory, Feb. 12, IS09. CJm Importau Trust Sale tr I I A V I S'ti been appinted bv a decree of tho Mupcnor Court ol stonlgomer' County, Trustee, to k11 the lauds under a deed in trust executed by Parsons Harria, dee'd., forth purpose there in expressed, and also under another deed in trust executed by the said Parson Harris, I shall sell forcaxh to the hiithest bidder at tho late residence of (he Mini Harris, on Wednesday, the 12th dag of May next about Three Thousand -A-cres of Land, consisting of Twelve or Ffteen different tracts. On two of said tracts much rold has been found, and the prospects for making money from investing In said lands are flattering. Tho land are located in th heart of tho gold regi of Montgomery county. Capitalists aad miners are especially invited to attend tbe sale. THOMAS E. BROWN. March 87, IPflD. 13 6t Trustee, tc TO THE LADIES Of Rowan, DaTidson, Daile, Ire dell, CattaTbit, Burke aad Mc Dowell. AVE ARE THE AUTHORIZED Agents for the sale of the 1 CD 1 E9 We challenge a trial with any or all other machine. We propose to do more work in the same time; more inucrcnt Kinas oi wont, aim better than any other machine known. Any one purchasing machines of as can try tham for three saenths ami if they do not give entire sat- MHkBOnn the money wm tie retunded. nend ana get circulars and samples of work MEROMBT a BHO. Sslirthury . X. C. tW Wear Agents for the ssle of Vogler A Go's., Shoes manufactuml at Salem, X. '.. fur- nished at Factory Prices in qualities. Call and see tnem. . ji. ,v 1 1. April 2, 1869. 13 8m I 8EWING MACHINES. HAVE THE AGENCY, FOR TOE saloof a Shuttle Sewing Machine equal in all respects to the best manufactured, with all the new attachments. X I will sell this machine for twenty-five dol lars less than other shuttle sewiug machines are sold for in this 8tate. A sample machine, can be seen in opera tion at M'S. Sallie Beard's Millinery Store, opposite the Old North State office. Salisbu ry. N. C JOHX BEARD. For sale by Clement & Bro., MdeksviNe, and MarU r. Wilson & Co., Ysdkinvillc. March S6th. 1869. 12 -3m Situation Wanted As Governess iu a Family or a Teacher. YOUNG LADY WHO CAN GIVE the best of references wishes to obtain a situ ation as a g4verness in a familyof smallehil- iren. railing in this, she would take a school uuder her own charge, or a situation as assistant teacher iu a larger institution For farther inforiiiaaen address the editor of the Old North State. March 36th, 18GR. lS-3m pd Dr. EDWARD SILL, RESPECTFULLY annonnce to his numer ous old Iriends and patrons, and all others. that he is now ofieuinp, in the building 'on 3. K. Comer Main M Fisher streets, near tbe Boyden House, an Entirely Fresh and Carefully Selected STOCK or DRUGS, MEDICINES. nrrical Instrument:? Perfumery, Oombs, Brnshes, Vc, dke., embracing almost every thing pertaining, to a Urst class III ug Store ; which he will si II, as has always been hi custom, at the niot satis factory prices to purchaser. His long experience in, and thorough ian.il- inniy witn, tne annnees, in all its details departmeut; together with bis MRtoiued unieimttiiur personal attention, -utl.orrea thS tope of that soceesa, whieh baa, heretofore, in variaUy rewarded his exertions i -- ' Bslisbury, N. C. January 18CU. 1 W O & C KNOW AND BELIEVE That DR. G. B. POUL- SON'S Drug Store ia the Cheapest in Salis bury after all. He keeps alwavi on hand tbe beat of Drops, Medicines and eierf thing reliable in quality usually kept in a rn?t ClatS Drug Store. He buys his Good from tho best bouses in the United States only for Cash tad by so doing he can afford to sail cheaper than Druggists who buy on time. Call on. him at Wjatt'a Old Stand, and get his prices before purchasing elsewhere. t3f Prescriptions care fully compounded day or night at a price low enough to suit every one. The undertigned lakes gaeat pleasure in announcing to the citiaen of Lexington, N. C, Davidson and the surrounding cuuu ties that he has opened A NEW DRUG STORE IV THB TOWN OF LEXINGTON. X. C. where all their necessary wants in the Drag line can be supplied at a low film re. Ererv article is new, fresh, pure, and reliable in qual ity. Prescriptions compounded at any hour of the day or night. Druggist & Apothtoaty January IS, 1868. 2 3m. OIL VITRIOL, Aqua Fortis, Alum, Cop peras, Epsom Salts, Bi carbonate Soda, (ENGLISH) AND a variety of other Chemical, of war ranted pnritr and freshness all at about half tho prices usually sold at here; alav tie nad at s. hi lias urug cite.1?. April 3-g-J3 Salisbury. V C. NURSING BOTTLES. A GREAT IMPROVEMENT ON those heretofore sold; among other thtags, they are more eiuuy sept perirctiy clean, suit very m1 ., til. They are ot Enirliah msuutscture, and uld st half the price of those usually sold here, A I. NO, ELASTIC SYRINGKS; Very compact and perfect, in cases, adontetl cither for Male or Female one. Every fumily xhonld Imre one: a they are of inestimable value aud verv cheap about half tho ot ic usually charged here for inte rior articles. Tube had only at At B. SILL'S Drug Storo, Salisbury, If. C. Lt-13J BOtlABAIdlS Purifies the Blood. mo i . CATARRH SNUFF. UffEAP and SURE cure for Headache, Co!d in the Head. Ac. at JNO. H. ENNISS' Drug Store. spril 9 13 3t JOB PRINTING, BLANKS, dC. II a JO!! Y . H I. ! . ATTOBAEV S Cl)l SELtOB AT LAW 6ALISBUBY. N. 0. HAJYD BILLS CIRCULARS LABELS Sjtii 1 1 Lsaw cUerjeMg iy Will attend promptly to the Collee-fR,eign N- C- j lion of Claims. is ly ' . AND EVERY OTHER KIND OF JOB PRINTING, IXPEDlTIOLt?LY, WELL, Anil CHEAPLY done AT this orncE. a-Clcrka of Courts, SrwrifTi, Ma- ifislrutxmHlotliem, ih onlorinp blanks j Crockery at Oost ! H. ENNISS' Drug Store. JNO. 13 1J-3I Kerosene Lamps ! CII KA 1', cheaper. Cheapest; At 1 JNO. II. ENNISS' Drug Stcre. RENDERSONS CORNER. Match S-13 t llt. LAWItENCE'S CELEBRATED WOMAN'S FRIEND 1 A sale and reliable remedy for All Diseases PreiHar lo Ft-male s, scca as. Leuchorrea, or Whites; Prolapsus Uteri, or littling of the Woiftb ; Irregular, "Painful, or Suppressed Menstru ation ; Pain in the Back ; Nervousness, Wakefulness, Weakness t &c. UEU1CATID To TUB la. T LADIES OF AMERICA, For who benrfit H wen d. .'i-i.!. and whose hap pmi-s it will promote. Iy the-discoverer. DK. J. J. LAWRENCE. to rnY.ii rA,NS. The articles of wW. L the tTumati KrienJ Is con pounded afe pcblim .-.! -u- 1. Ix ttl and it i believed to be Uu-btait i."U !'iii totlic avfid alteratir ret ducored. 1. : .1 . .. 1 . ... WUl pieaa& iwer lUS I r l HUm- ' mew- ..r rV Vcmate Repru luotU o drgans. and bered in "Hand-Book forfountr Ofli vers," published bj Nichols dcGormau doVssoss,. J. BRCXBR. Headache. Spinal Irritations, ic J. U. HAKKIi A- CO., llv- " am. p.rnr.u o. V J., Tioleale ftnus. Xo. 4, Mam street. KoYfolk, V. tj- T whom all orders vr leUer mn-t iw ad dreawi. atari. hUl- ly , m A V

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