I I - f ljclNMtl) State SALTBRUBY, FRIDAY, APR. M, 'C9. IOC A& AN SVATB ZTBM3 . KW AlVi;Tls.MtNTS. Grind sale of real i f tale and personal properly by "tlie, N. C real and personal estnto agency J. C Hester. fieerelitiV. Walter A. Wood'. IN ixo Moweia and Reapers. Internal Revenue Notice W. V. Hen deraon, Assessor. Rivm & Proctor, TV!,,.', s;.!. at:d Rota:! Jrvi-tH, Petersburg, Va. Pectoral Balm for Hroucbilis, Astbma, 4(0., at Dr. Silk le.ir.ble property for Rent-Robert r 1 Crawford oO Reward John Bailey. Attaehment Notice David Banlnger, J. P. A apan of Horses, a Plircton and har neaa for sale H. II. Helper. At tent inn Ladies ln-s-making by , Jlra. Sill & Spears Sc Country Merthants rAimcUmeHNoUce- H. B. Duscnbury, Jj-P. W trwir UtAl.Ttt is esBntia1 t.i happi- twws. Kenmnher rtHM wnien vnur ehildren ar sick, and iive trw-n KantininkWii:m nreenre. prepared only hy W. J.. I I.I. MINI., and .-nM eVl l V v liere ForaaU-liy !. H. Poi:ijsh., Hrnggist, agtalisbury, N. C. As Al'PKAL. We arc compelled again tj enll upon our patrons to remit to ns the respective amouutii which they ni us for anbseiiptions and advertisement' Num bers are in arrears for more than a year, and but few have paid us fir the current year. I Ue amount to Iberu individually this week. VV c learn liiat the Judgo bus is email, bnt the aggregate amounts to a sustained the Stay law or, at least, all handsome sum and would relieve ns from tire parts ol it w hich he has been called all onr present embarrassment. It is true upon to construe, udgo Cloud is regard that ear cash income ainee tbo 1st dav of Cil w it la much favor by all classes of our January line bseuaiore than eneuph' iray lue expenses ot our oim-e, uu w in - ovrred debts iu the est iblishment of our paper which wcj are called upon to pay. -Onr patrons, tor whom we have labored faithfully for three years, and for w hom -we are still laboring, have it in their pow-j ei to relieve us at once by remitting to us severally the sin. ill sums which ih-y owe us. Will they do it I Wc feel sure thut they will heed this anneal, which is made to onr town, as wcM as to our country sub' scilbers. J. Rait.noAD Meeting in SALisuunr. Acconiinj; to previous eotiee, at llf o'clock, ! ' J' Medaeedajr, the Jllst fnet. large I Mcinbiy f the citizens' ct Rowau nnrf! i-mbly ,ivie eouutioa met at iha Court House iu -tialisbury. m . t.- -ii n it- 1 On motion, Miy. m. -u. Uobtuns waa called to the Chair, and Dr. V. A. llen deibou niipoiiited Secietary. The tlmir ch7ifMt).'..l exnl. lined the 'iljeetof the meet .Mig, aud Mayor T. B. Long oiTereil n res dluliou that a eomuiitteu of five be nji pmnte'd to fJrepare resolutions for the nc .tiou of the meeting. The following gentlemen were appointed on said com- lnitteo, viz: Tbos. B. Long. Dr J. W. ; Hall, Hon, Burton Crnige, Dr. J. R. i Fraley, ot Rowan, and Col. A. A. Harbin, 4f Davie. Tho commiitee retired and after a brief absence returned and reported the follow ing preamble and resoliilions : WuKHf-AS, The amended charter of the Weslern Railroad Comiiau y authoi izes the Directors ot said road to extend tlin same . - J ' . bo as t" connect with the North Carolina RoVd at, or between, SaliahOry and Greensboro, and &45 fti'it Direetora of said ruad, at a recent meeting at Fay- eUevIfle- have directed the route from the 1 present western terminus of said road b,. surveyed fo Salisbury and a report of the I same to jjij made lo the next meeting of; ihe board to be held iu FayeUeville oi. the am uay oi aiayv u.r,e.orc, , ii-fvnlrrrf Tl;nt in -the PTriniriTi of fhia . . . . . ' eetins ram roan i-ienin1 ti uu et with the A. it . and ne.-ti t u .N . i.v iioails at tiulisburv, (or the foliowinir ri .isous : First, That it js nlmost m an nir line from the port of WilniHiglnii on the At Ljfll'aVJaVtat to the XVu.u-.i I. ....I..O-. the W. ij. Ho.td, which is to, tjotitteet W J - 1 . : . , ... .. , . j the Stale oi M-t-h tarolln-i v.1.11 ihe ,;.a.:u . railroad avatem of the Great VV. sr, and couaeqnenVly inrtch the shnrTrvrt Hth- from j : any ot onr vorts to the West. j wutWrPuirect a connection v 11 1 toe vull"V 01 1'iu ai is : icit'. 1 n"i o- CiuiWisi v.ill induce such ai amouat 3?COBIfflCflitd travel a.- wipf ungueai fjenhlr nmf-'t i .jhilo'6" piolitalik mad aui $9rUi .'arolit a. i Jicdrdy.. U.it v.e, lh ciri.tlis i f Ko,w- an and Davie, pb dge ouri" Ives th it s nd ward tia great enleipii.se by biihscup . (fen .to ita capital stork and min i v. Besolced, That we specially inviie ib- attention of-Ae TVirrd H Dinrt u s of iuid road to the great advantage oi lua rou.v, r takm this routi- llio a tipr. in I aUoii 4 ' ' "ViOOAlOO, i ule for ft e:.-..V,. of ' WWPW Vpcndi.urea tr nine month,, (laid road tx t ecu the Xorih and boutb coanueiicirfj with Jane, t863,' and Inclnd Yadkin Rivers, will be secured. ling February, lblil). A comparison is Pending the Consideration of the p - Putlons, the iron.' J. V. risborne I ;l r' cklled upon, n sponded in a dear, argu mentative, brilliant and appropriate ud- dreaa. ieinonstnitiug the absolute nix-vsti- dont, is doing all that can be done to tv of iiumediato action U.ing taken to af-' make the K 'ad prolitablo. to the Stale nrrc the location of said road at Salialmry, ad Stockholdera. Char. Democrat. so ns to connect with the gnXi W. X. C. j ' K, Pond. At the eenidusioii of Judge j The WilmtogWo Star rocords the kill Osboitie's apeeeb, Gov. Vunce, liug call-, ing ( a partially iusano colored man on a, reHKii.dcd iu Jiia u.-nal happy. J the WeiaV.trKailroad oil Friday last. Ihe IWIhuuf, aud moKt iniujitahloatyle, tf4cetl bo.ly aa horribly mutiLicd. j w iili hoiuo most excellent tuptrostions lo tii- eituna of rvaln-buiy and ltowau Lofinly. At llio tl 0 "f Gov. Vance 'a r-pntcli, on motion, the rceulutiona reported by the c iiriniiiic nre itiiatiiitiiiuly adopted. On n.oii. hi, it was rcfelved, ns tbe aetise of ibis tin i ting, U"t wo recommend tlio com in -l.mersof tlie) coantire of D.tvj in-! Itjivi to lake under immediate in- " propriety- of .aid eountlee subscribing liberally toward the building of ibis road. I ti motion ' v.i resolved, tint the chairman of tl.' meeting be empowered to ! lr Division af the Weatern North Caro appidut twenty-live delegate to represent lina R. R. vice R. F. Simonton, Esq., as at Fayetteville, or elsewhere, if deemed j resigned ou account of ill-health. States necessary, and wo farther recommend that r'"c Emerican. A V of DavioaN., appoint delegatca for III. . iln, l.t.r,,, . i i . , m , flit mi ' i.ii i i i 1 ,,ii r.f 1 1 i u j w rial . ' t i t i i a , oflmd to our (rwuiiU, .Judge OalMirtin and . . Till um. iuivi s va uv aaaovai ei uiin o'tu litem in the welfare of our community and .a . tne ancreaa i tne entorprMe. A Iiirtner vote ot thanks waa e;.ven to Governor Hidden, haa made the follow bis Honor. Judge .1. M. Cloud, for the j,,. ..,!..,.. .,( Xauriea Public : j'conifeay almurn us in adjourning the eot aim allowing us tne use oi uic court ' uon, lur Pn'o o. Bo.a.ng ,ue j meeting. On motion, it wns resolved that a copy ()f ,1,,, uroceedinir ( this meet ins be tent to tbe Preatdent and Directors of the road, and that they be published In the OhV .ortn -irr wiiii a reinesi uiai rue pa --Jl .J- T.I . 1 -A .1- - p' rs of Fayetteville, Wilmington and Ral j eigh copy Hie same. On motion the meeting adjourned. Wm. M. RUBBIXS, Chm'n. C. A. Hkmiehson, Stc'y Pounn Stiprri-tr Court, his in Honor Judje' loud presiding, is in eeaaion pnide, of every nirtf. on lU-cnnt of bis m.-ui stly impartial and conscientious ad- mi listraiion f Jus:ice. Mr. Solicitor Joyc is also in attendance and has quite L numb' r of cases on his docket, among J them one .capital case. He is an efficient ,d excellent prosecuting occr, an has , w on the good opiuiou of ulf. i There :ire a great many cacs upon the civil doc': t, as well as I he Slate docket, ' ! we sntmoae the Court will be enr,,..ed II r rr i'i ili ir disposal f.r near the allotted teem ot' two weeks. We learn Ii I lie Sentinel that Maj. W. M. Robbies, of this place, w ill deliver the add read benre the ladies of ilia Memorial Association of the city of R tl- eigh on the lOih of May. . . . . .vl. ij. I..l,l;ine is an eloquent sjiei i anil we doubt no' i ,i mi . his address w ill give entire satisfaction to the laiiica of the Aejoeiation. 1 "he Eclectic Jlaoaz tne i'r May has been rt.i'f-ii-f.,1 f.ii.l w u...ill.v .r il... I.i.rl. i-i.i.iii... I ' " B" I"' tion if thai publicaiion. Ii is cinbi Wish ed v it!: a fLu: steel platawvltgwiug of j Dean Milniin. and contain t'werifv-two articled of much interest fiom some of the , b-iding magazines of the world, besides Poetry, Notes on New Books, Science 1 Varieties, and a Ski Ich of Dean Milman, by the editor. Terms : Hnglo numbers, 45 cents ; yearly subscription, S5. Ad- dress, E. U. relton, J'uhjisher, 108 Ful ton street, Acw 1 oi k TlJJTllI I.' 1 J -""" nouoci if. e n urn tsom the American that on Saturday night I apt fbe store of Mr. A. AV. Jamison, of States- villi-, was entered wnh a false bey, and bis iron snfe, (Containing a sum of money and vnliiahle papers, removed' therefrom, and broken open w iih a sledge hammer, al1 every thing of jajjjtg ftlislrocted from 't - v s j Rev., A.sSKssoifs OFFICE, 6 D., v u . , A nri, . J. '. IM:. In oMii-r to correct an enomous impri'Sciou uhich seems to prevail I to tiie special tax on liiiuor dialers 1 lake this mclho.l of inlormin them that ,,,,,1,. ,!. .,n f (;lip,.sa, ametidalory ol 17l,. ni. r.r.ruly VOHi, IMiS, al who silT ill .. quantities ol less than rive pillons are 1 ' , s suhjectf to the spec. .1 tax ot tweuty-five dolhrrs as rrtatt drnler? ; nil who rrlf in nnaatiticA of more ih hi five alloua a1'1 ( , ,yUlX ,4 .,,. Undrcl filoilars s whohnili lieah and all -w ho ,.', I.: -lantitii-i of more than five gallons and, at ihe same time, of. Jew tjian, live illons are subject to'b 'lh laXi s as w hoh -sale tu it retail deale.ra. W. F. HEXumiso:,', Assessor. it 'Jlc X. C. Pailrun l. We Ii.itc reeciv ifl a et .t. meat issued by the .Secretary of hi. ' ( '. I,' nl: .all I 'nmnnii!' sliowio the 111a fe with the same months iu '07 and and OS, and we find that ihere is ti net in- lieasc in receipts of $.2,913 87. Wa havu uo doubt lliut ilr. inHh, the Presi- '- tare to read all the adrertiternenta in tbo Old North Stale thla week. We bilive that tbu grand file of real estate and " reonal property will be fairly made. all tlie prlgee J awn and distributed. The ajian ol horeea, and tlie pbaton, offered for snle by Mr. Helper la very desirable property. Wood's Mowers and Reaper are cqu.rl to nny, if not tbe beat in use. Messrs. MrCubbins, Sullivan tc Co., are the agents for tboir sale in r-aliabuiy. Mr. Henry C. Cowlea baa been elect ed Se ret iry and Treaanrer of the Eae- - i .t , t . f..: I m i. ... vi' univi vi iiiu i. 'i-i i in ' nun ii in ii ai' r rrnton, ha, says the Li tint; Present, ac- i . f , . , a a vim vuiiak vuim, vnruo ( (d ' XiaWm Public His Excellency, j William S. Primrose, for Rulciirh : Ml-owl- II. Uuberu.inrNaat Mrs. Virginia C. McCraw hat been ap- I point, d Postinwtreas of Ueudrson. Standard. .r,,.r,M o W:nifMj Van n( x.on. I lias been appoiuted President ef the Eas tern & Weatern Railroad Company I Standard. , ,r i .i The Goldshoro Messenger records the death of Mrs. K -h.iIi Wcllons, an old resident of that town, w ho died suddenly of pp ph:xy on Thursday last. Desirable Property lo Rcut. in A GOOD DWELLING HOI.'sK, two miles from Salisbury, with six comfortable rooms, all n't-- IICII ! eessarv aiit-hiiildiiigs awl excellent watejr. Pes- ! session civeu at oncd. Applyto ROOT. CKAWFORP. april 3:lft4t at Orawford Heilig's Store. ('4 II'I'IOV f UKif ivriir, thJ ! WE dralre to rn tht utter til. hBd (w.rauiifrt chrr tht var, rertHtu I'.I-.mto in. n Ojrri , tn-iny Qnahle V Bti'i inak-t f.r Ihvlr mtuff. Mi ;tKitie! rn oHigwl l c untrrfrit iSe feu era ;ir H.-srnre f oir k fc, 4Bti4 Irmttte our Tr : Mm , ... tit! '-lime in-. etuw U ry to 4rleet pu n . n,i '.-ir 'ii i Ii r l.Dinr. mt others sit nf far t. rt th:.l "Lin t IUviIb Utinff i a tin ltner mtile in ui. km Oil a in i In iion w tksift' t wiira the puMlff f tr iii.el !'- imp MiiH paetU,erl upon Ibem ; tht f mm j ii... I...... O . r.hr It will he fnutia itwit cvnipn'!i ttrtl i I ,ai,muV -a -lar V t U WkftfT Miet i.f tl b- I fk, t.ff r ,tn liinsl an.i in.i pruicrm k in -u'v i'i ii'. iii--1 bejiaW p iltig irr.l af trepuOi at il I'liiiL'- in i . : tvt iipSmtTaxntt U n-.l lo eantnt tl v ..' mi. -r i.'-'rip-u mhtm , which t in-the "'" w " '' '.' ". "-,"!.'; hJ':1 I If i' l I 'I i nn ir-i III lilt rim. M VHCtaiV win ..v-i inHj.--l en npeliCBlMa. In nrtlring plfsK Mr. t ' s.,ii Moid 1111(1. 1'wui,) lie rrmli lul (Katr BimicIi) Sale of Valuable NateaM Tvccounts. T(ajtaili,ri(rMa. Ijr virtueWan order . from, die Cktiirt oBaalrruiitey, will en pose to piihlie I -hIo al tile Loiirt Houm- i:i SallbUrJ. on llio ;,,), ,11V of Ari!i to Uil. ijithwn bidder a laree anioioii of note uml aeciinnta'beloiitringtoMc- ieeiv iv l mine i.iioriipw. iur sum noies ! tM .(.ts will be svtd in lota. Terms dull. AMMitw Mt:R?nv, Assigiiee in ii lii:."i;-: II in! fMmtyof MeNePlv 1 Youn I'liUFESSlOXAL. jM. H."1JINNIX, ttt A i i OKA h, l AT LAW. li:.Xl. GT01i, N. C. VV IT.Ll'R.VO i in tlie courts of Pavid u, l-'orsythe, Guilford, Alamance and Kan ooljih counties : - -j RCFKRESCB. li on i; m. l earson. . oi xs. K.., luiieign. "7 E. (. Reade, Aaaociate Justice, ". r Thomas fettle, 44 44 IL V. Du-Jt, " " 44 " Ueilford Brown, Yanceyville, N. C. 44 Hon. John Kerr, - 44 44 " J It. .McLean, Greenaboro', N. 0. " Tliotniis KiitTln, Jr., 4' 44 " J. M. Cloud. Dobson, N. C. January -20, 1HH0. 4 tl DR. C. A. HENDERSON, IT XlA VING resumed theiractice of Medicine respeethilly oilers his prolessaotiul services lo the public. OFFICE : The one late occupied by Whitc liend ik Henderson. Calls may be lclt either al hfa office, or at Enniss' D: uj,' Store. Salisbury, Feb. 12, lXfi9. C,-Cm 810 REWARD. I Til A VKIl from the UlITlaeTOB till' tlnt.. twn loir-en. one a snrrel m.ire wilh mark of a saddle j. II ami ' ollar aall uiitliu nearw.le. white arftuail lh eye- .1 n il hehiuil. The other is a (latk bay horse willi black mane ami tail, branded I'. S. on earli shoiihler. the above maiird wilt he paid to ahiy one v vinn ihe inlorination that will lead to their eeov- ery. Addreas, r i t , u r A mil . IMfi'U-II:4t ' tincnrfl. S. (". ituUMrii jxiuiunat iuhk i of JS Carolina. TII!'. ItlltK'TilHsl Jiau eesolveio lai-rense tbt C,,iU'. Meek ot U.m&ANK . FIVE Hl NDKia) ril.lb'rtaN'l) IKI I. RS. Pirsons wishiiift tosub--er.be to the aaaie will uloajw -umn inicate wilh 0 DEWEY, March sVBt.' . I're-ident. Situation Wanted As Gereraaia iu a Family or a Teacher- A YOUNG LADY WHO CAK GIVE the best of references wishes tonhtain a'situ atiou as a eovertiess in a fainilvuftsmallchil- dieii. Failine iu this, she would take a'S senooi unuer lu r own ciiart-e, or n euonuou -- i C . . is assistant teacher iu a larger lustitutiotK Kor furliier iiiformadon adure.-s the editor oi tne ma Ao. ii .frttc. March Utith. L-iJa. ,Ri-3in pt The Ku-kitjc-Kln is About I JAM HEADY to exchanges Leather Cor jod Hides. Kip and Call Skiua, Rarlc, Taitow fame, Hops, Parley, Coin, Rye, I hits, and country produce geaawally. 1 will also 'fan good Hides, Kip and othei Skins, for oee-lralf 'J ' I lemni my sineere thanks to a generous p :l lie for their liberal patronage in try differ, ent businesses, in this ;ouuty,for-tbe lasl twen ty years. itoses L Ibown's old stand, corner of Lee land Liberty street. .M.VItriS ttlCUlM.B. Salisbury, N. C, May 19, 1868. wly LOOK .- i ii urn ii - in i Hm ill .-, 1 1-j-- iL--L.ujm .mi i asmmmm-w NEW AND SPLENDID STOCK 0 V ' GOODS ! J. Nl. KNOX & cos- iYo. 4: Granite Hair, A LARGE LOT Off DOMESTIC 10-4 Sheeiiniti. 4.4 Hhfctinirii, llleiM-lu-rt and Jtrow-u shirtingx ; 4 1 111 . lu-il hlrtiii(?at ItlX-3 eeuUi . AtJ.U. Kiwxdi Co. A SrtDefb kVt of Tickinei nnd !'!.,,!. Prints, Uuitlioa and utf kindu of while liooU Aid. M. KnotB tft jCo't. LTNENS.Casb nore,and l kinds of Gentlemen's wear i splendid variety AtJ. if. Kmu I jib qy ijni; u KKPrauim fcg a very larve and beatiTTTul asjMsienT; to moat beau- Call jon, AtJ.M. Krtose iS Co'. LAblE8' ILAl'S-Trimmed and nutriiuinml ; tbe tiint lot in this market. At J. M. Knox tXs LV. V .. . . ikitali i . t a RE DV-MA W CL0TU1N0 rho fluest and hciiH -t assort ment in tbt city At J, M- Knot tt Vo (i LOVES, HAairy, Collar, Em- I liruidriii's. and Dresa' Trimmings of all kin4s liud hryrs " At if. Jf. Knox A Co1. Ladios' Ki and Cloth Shoes, and Oaftm ; a hantfcouie lot and of oupcrior oxcel- 15 6 vr j At J. M. Kno de (Ja'u General Hardware ! CUTLERY. I GURU'S WOS- J X IV ti nholin's and .-'w- V eifcerren and Pock ' i1 k'nivfl. UMrlinr'u Cloth and Tailor's bkeara. basiie's and Oct's Hefaaors. l'ut fy Knives, Bntehw Knives. Wade and Butcher's' Kaiurs. Base Knobs fr protetiting Walls. Wire Kend ers. (tuami)g uVmIs. Out Istjcks, het and I ar ijenu. Toeiieco i.uiTTF, onunw nam. .-crews, xe., wr uitss uoors. BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, Ik-Hows 20 to 40 inches. Anvils, Vises. Fib. Rasps. llorse Sin icing Tools in Seta, Hammers and Medtree, Punehea, Drill. Plyera, Nippers, Wrenches StaafcandDu. L Hon e : 'Ve8 a ' tkfm PI 1 w ii r let.. Bntteri. s, I Borax. Machinists Tools, Of all kinds iu -tiK-k, o will be furnished at abort uotioe. i STEEL ANIKOX. Cast Steel. Blister Steel, German siprii. and Steal, lire Irou. ' MB Bed Iron, Oval a miiuLBd'- iron. Wide a...A .,. OHW" 'I '7,. . 'v B ron. A KkflLlUre Iron, Cut and .Wrought Naila, . vauldrons. Home & ii tile Shoes Ilorse Shoe Nails, Gat IWy Naila, IV.. 1 I- liuf llllnH a "i ' v I ' i -s. JacK unains, Hatch Door Srvw Krna, Hitching II. Dili aud Kluga, Pap or Chain Ldnks, Box Scrapers, Boa Ch-'aeJa. v ' Cotfe Pot ami Iron Stands, Ttrass, Porcolain aud Jajiauned WaniroTie IliWika, Brass and Irou Jamb Hooks. n SA I) IRONS." Gate and Ibair Kpriugs, Scales, Keams, iSteel Yards, Cotton. Flour. Cheese n id Btttti-r Triers. To merchants wlo deal In mixed Stocks 1 pTv OieToaeTvWTflr any luaHwk Nweth ,w : South. Our etoejt' ia large, aud low for CASil-. CRAWFORD & HEILIG, f;i BALlsjiCitr, N.. C, April Pi. Jo:3in. , (IF Real "Esta.tc N r OTirE Is berebr even that I will arlla ihe it 1 dny of May, A. I IrW. at II o'clock a. in., at i .i ' v . .mm . t mr. WIH iI I trt TTIt- kl .huio U .ad. alioul l 3 mi I, on. :i.lm- ail Joiaing thii lauds of JtijL. Holmes, Jes lhouia son and others. Terntaah. JOIO. 8. HENnERSOX. April 9. laea.-t , Aastgnsa. -n-1 ' " ST. CLOUD MOTEL T. UTS new aail iwinii.it .onahonao le.l ol Broadway and -tl SBeet, poaeesnes ailvaiit.i!-e. ovr all olhar houses i th aeeoeiniodalion til Ha nrsla. It waa koilt e.ajresalj for a fiWt das. Fam ily Iloarilinu House ila rooraWliBK I'rae and en suit, heated bysieam th hot kid cold water, aad furnished second to nd)e : whnfc t he eoliaary de partnient ia iu tbe rnosti cranked hands, ailord nc cueta an nneqimllil t , I !p. One of Atwood'a faa Klevatora it glao amonc the uvodern ioiprovtni.ts" tad at tk aei vka at allhonrt. Th Broadway and ftveralty PlaMCar ptasthe door every tbnr iBiiiesi-iirwiina' rVotttae City Hall to Central Park, while 1, -dih and Seteotii nve uae 1 i ne-are bnt a thodhioek m' eithei frf aflnni. rmi. i si mil i V 17. l!S. ft 1 L'a.f ( v .! i.Tron., .0 Iratti y-iuare 1 1, in? ample facilrtKa fcr InuuunicaUnr with all tbtfjiave their Ticktv 0flio: iu Una Hotel iN-eots. ste iDoat hilnifi, placea of aaia eateuti uu bhiii aoi wmin' immnii. aUHlUE A HOLLEV", match 19-6m Praprietora.aad A PROCLAMATION. BT HIS f ri.i.i.i:u'i. lmvi:u ntiLDn. HSXIX1A8, It is provide! byaeetion VV UJtli of "An Act miiondiitory of tlie Act Uiinroriioriiti- the Western North Can linn luiilrond Coiniiany, rnlilii-d the 15th day of February. 1KVJ, and of all other acls aineu- datory thereof." ra'itied by tbu Oeiiiral As sembly of North Carolina on the '.11th day of January. H4!I, that In the event tlieaniwnd. iiM-ais proposed herein to tlie charter of the Weatern N. C. kt. R. Coinpany shall be ae- eepled bj tbe s I . l I e '. . I .-Is. US ! . , - , . I , I ., , . re piCivided. it shall be the duty of the Presi dent of the KaaUiru aud Western Bivisious ofaald Iiuad tn notify the Governor of the iltajte nf said aceejitanee forthwith ; and tbe Governor aball then immediately make pro clamation thereof hi three newspapers w ith in the State, wksfeopM this net bliull be in fall force and H. ei :" Amu Wni.KKAH, .lames J. Mott. Pres ident of the Kastern Divisiou of the Western North Carolina Ruilroad Coiuintiiy, aud Geo. W. .Swepsou. Presidutof the Wusteru Divi sion of said Company, have certified to me that at a joint meeting of the .Stockholders of both Divisions of said Company, held in the town of Morifanti'ii. Hnrke county. North Carolina, on the 7th day of April IMi!, a ma jority of the stock beinif npreeented either iu person or by proxy, tbe tpiaetion of the e ceplAQ-c of the nine lidmenU to the original charter of the Western North Curoliua Knil riMid Coiniiany, aud of the acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, w as sub mitted to the Stockholders iu joint meeting assembled, and thai they voted uuaniuiou.-i for the ajpeeptanee of tbe same : .JHow lhrrrf. I, .'- w ...aioV ernor efthe Stabs of Jforth Carolina. aWsjere by proclaim and declare that tin aforesaid Aef ami-inlatnry-of the Art 1 intwl the Westeru N'oith Carolina Railroad Com- pany, ratified the 15th day of February. IJ5, and of all other arts huh-udatory thereof, IB IN ilLL FORCE ami rrstT. Dmie at our city nf Raleigh, this the Hth day of April, une thousand l. b. eigl.t hundred and aixty-niue, and in the year of the independence, of the United Statea the IKid. W. W. HOLDEN, Governor. Dy the governor : W. R. it ii 1 1 a it i in in-. Act. Prir. Sec'v. april 1G 15 "Jt LEGAL N (HIVES. Stale of North Carolina, County of da riasox. JUSTICE S COURT. Ayrii 21, 1B69. 8. Syntona, P'Uf. aainat . B. Q Henderson, Deft Summons for Pub'n. To E. Q. Henderson, the above named de fendant a iion-redimt : Vou ie hereby notified, that the lollowin suTuuious has been issued ajtninst you, to-wil : The State of North Carolina : To any Coi'ilfli't or oth&lauful Officer ef taid C" ''.' Gnttimj : Tfouaee hert-be eoiumsndeil lo nmmon E. r,t j iat .. . I, I. Tv... ii. i leant-1 si in. iv l,M ii iiei'ii- ii. j. i '.i i n - X. .ii i . . a rmrv at Ins othi-e m leuejion. m t.ie eouniy r i ns , r i u,.n . of Davidson, on the 2h i sv o At; ii IMi!). to w. . "u"- , , . , . i r, answer the conn 'Uiiil. ( w.ii'-u whs tins uav Ii - i - . ' . . ed it) btaonti'e) u; i i, lur t ne lion- Ta a i r.. i j ii i iiavinent'Ot tlie Mini o! Q tv-!oiee dohurs and ' ... , i iii eialily-eenia. due by iiccounl und deinuinlcd by i in . ..A 7-T V- . i. iiereiu inn nei, niei oi uu- suiiioeMi mane due return. This 21st d .v of Amil, lsoo. Ii. II lh I SB. V. J. I'. You a reraise noti(3el thai the above named I plaintiff has sued out a war rant id a- lac! ment. J ncaiaMtJUHirpioperiy fur the amount of dama far the i-iarfiFaiffirja theVin s,T t 'niMVrsih'iK-d, a h id teaiajftn:. in tho Cnn'v atiT tfnliiail; .mi I' lth day of June, h )eM wtheo ami vvi. to upnear and ;.i.- .it. t in- i .'np'ir .', in ilrfavk whet 'of, ti e pUiiutilT will take '" i""fWUmt""f' Ton as thcrcij (tetiiandcl Itr lflHw II B. DrsnxccRT, J. I'. ! iSiavo"of Nortlt Cariditia, Ba)VAX CuL'NTi. 1 ar.uu.UMr. ' ' VJ JOhD M.Trnl.; ar-lt. Plain ti.T D. M. Basin tfer, Defendant,. N OTICE is lien hv aiven that a JtMarit Attachment hat bee!: n-l nmiMaMhe eslftte of snhl (tefenrfsnt, who is bevoud trJ!" limits of this State, lo firor of John if. Karuhardt, and feturiiahle be lore a Justice of liie Peace, tor the am county ol itowan, an. the rid uay ut May, I8U9, at Saiishury, tor tbo sum of liirty-iive dol lars with interest fmrn ih.- ?i t .laynf May letll. Th" sniddcfeBAant is hereby notified to appear at suid time and place una defend hw .Met. or judeinent w ill be rendered bJtainst him Witii.-ss, David liarrfnj-er, a Justice of the Pea-n lor tbe oouiity of Jtowau, this tfle-SOtb nf April. lWi '.. .. .:-'.' (lb:lw,pIo) LAVID UAKCIXGER, J. P. State of North Canriina itUV A?t VUUXTT. Superior ouf( Jolin L. Morrison, ndniluistrator of mm - Jesse Ilal in, AC Klwn'fth V. H Laura ilnlin, Li-ovja iluii n, Abme Halm, Cha.:..- HuHn, i Dvftiidants. lino Jollies' II .an a.'. 9. n are hereb eby n noiilied that a aummoUS in the above 'intituled cast has issued against you, and flit complaint therein was filed in the fjupurint Court of Rowan County, on tjie 24tli uay ol V'nri h tailll in wiieh il ia nlli.rrecl ttoit ih.i ' plaintiff is the administrator of ' oue,cwe 1 1 1 1 ; that the personal estate of the said llnhn ia iiafBcieiit to pay his debts, funeral expenses, an t charges of ftdminislratiori. That said Uu- lin died seized iu fee of iwu tracts of lalal in j Rowan CduMV. pal ticnlarlv desoribed therein 1 Ilial Hit! w'H'ie .l.'seeii. .,! iinoo vnu t,ni (shi 1 r.hzahcih) as his beirs at law that said .. .... . . " r . ; LhzaUtih ai Ids wioow. and the nraver ia that I Uu; same mac. by sum, be coiistitutnt ass2ts in 'he plaiatifts bands as Administrator of said Jesse Ruhn. l ou e.ie aiso notified that the summons in ihe case is returnable to the next term of the Superior Court aforesaid, to he held at tlie Ccuit Mouse in ;-alisbury, ou the thud Mou day in April next, w hi n and where you -are hereby r.iuued ! aoear and an -we: the com plain! in default whereof th" plaintiff w ill ap ply to said court for the relict demanded in the complaint Witness, A. Judson Maor. Clerk f the said Superior Court at office, m Saikbury, March 24th. lSti ' A. JUDSOX MASON, C. S. C. Ar 1 n . 12 4w:p)f.$1tt GRANGER'S HOTEL, Koimer,ljr Griswuld. T. .1 GKAAGEH CO., Prop's. Goldsborci'. N. C. , -. -: ti - - 7 - am All Bailr-tta aaeteripg at and putting this ptialpl veuieir 1 icam umoe iu li..a Hole . . . ' , i.-g,'.'iK . u .... ....-. . cm, uiaF7 rnrnm l.,.n.r..M. dn. . .. .1. L' . . .. .1 v. . .1 ... n,J .1 in mi fimes. Baggage taken to aadfrom the Hocaetreeof chart chocked toay-deairedpoiaL JjiU lul t lsSiy: ft0HVEMANEO US. portant Trust Sale ! tii . j M.X V I Mi been appmteil by R il ere of tbi v SSperior t'ourt of Mniitirouiery County, Tnwtee, to fell the lauili . ..-r i .1. . I iu trust en-enteil by Fursons Harris, ilec'd., lor the purposes tie n iu eturessml, and also umlnr aiiuther ihi-l in trut etaculeil by the said l'arsoua llairis. I ahull sell ftr cash to thejiihcst bidder ut the hale raaWniee ol thusuiil Hum , on Wednesday, the ilh day J ty next aliuilt Three Thousand -A-cres of Land, eniui-thig of Twolve op Fftccn different tracU. On two ef sanl trsi'ts much pold has brun fonnil, aiul the (ire ii'els lor mukiiift money from iiiiiistinif in ssl l hunts are fluttering. The lands are located in ihe heart ol the field riutions of MantEoiiiery comity. Capitslist." ..nd miners are especially invited to attend the .-ale. TrtOaf.tS K. HIIOirN. llarcli !fT, iefiS. 13Ct Trustee, Ae. TO THE LADIES Of RAwan, Durfdion, Davie, lu ll II Cain Lv, Bnrke and Mc Dowell. WK ARE TUB AUTHORIZBD sUr:tua iut ihe jaje of the wl cballf-filrf'a trial wilh nny or nil other miM-hine. We eojuw t do ni'-n' work- in tie Mine time; more liiltercnt kinds of work, anil better than nny other machine known. Any one purchasing t'dflc ol lis cau try them three uionlli audW' do.n'OI pve entire silt isfaction the uioiiey will be refunded. Send and (ret circulars and samples af work. MKK0M.V a UVJO. Palo hury, N ry We are Agents for the Mile of ojs'nr A C'o' . Shoes muMutaetiired nt Siileiu. X. C. fur- ilislied at Paelift-y fiiees iu qauiities. Call and see tbeui. , April -1, IsOlt. l il. 13m SEWING MACHINES. I HAVE THE AGENCY, F )U THE futloof a ."ilitiftle Sewing Machine equal in nil .i , ' p i e: ' ., t . , r. i n .t , iesDeet.-In the lie-' luauufactiireil. v ilh all the I '. ,, , . llfW flt t .ll'l I lliel 1 ts, ... , ,. r r 1 i ' ill k-1i tins machine for tw'itv-five ild- . , . - la rs l.-sa ti i'ii other shuttle sew lug iiiuclunes ., . Cl , are mid for m this .Mate. , . , . , , A sample machine, can . be seen in onra- ' . ,,' ,, ... ., .. , ,, ' tii n at M s. allie Heard s Ml Imerv ."'ni'i'. opposite the Old Xorth Stnte office. Salisl.u opposite the Old Morth State ry. X. (.'. JOHN I'.EAKD. , For sale by Clement iV Hro., Moeksville, aud Mailer. Wilson & Co., Yadkinville. Marclj 26th. hm. Ii3ni .-.i'- . 3-3-aTBsar3roaw.xx..x - T IT) -j-, .j T & '1v- - i . ry X X 4 -4VJ- (Hoom o7w' the Old Aoftt fumeily occupied iy ilrs Bn rs. KAIJ3Y ol .25.5 .ZSOZa wnulil iL's-ieetlullv inform the i' 'f iftiis of Siul. labnry and vicinity, that fher nr.- mivc prepared, ill 1 ne niHive uatiieu piai-e. 10 i e' ae w nil neni-ne--s ami d'--i iteb, all kinds of l'oss-makiDg 111 the utoT fnshiiinahlp-tTli-a. ftftHllpmsn'c ftl.lhtnf 10 o'n t.i orit.-rnl sbort notice. Uepninitp A ailki-Hs proirtptlv Mane. A,-nI ! : 1:1 11 FOR THE LADIES. C0RKEI.L has just received her Spring and SuniruerStoi k id HATS, BONNETS, RIBBON?, HOOP SK-IUTs, C0RSE1V, DliLSS TRIMMINGH, and every thing else usually found in a- LAHY'ri FURNISHING STORE. This stock will be replenished weekly during the season ; any article not on hand will be ordered jaomptly. Call and examine her stock, aa she guar Mtaes satisfaction. M.c makes her grateful ackno-ivledgemeiits far the patronage so kindly extended to her iu the past, aud rvsuectlully solicits a continuance of the same. liress Muking done at the shortest notice, in th I . -1 s: v-; and on the most reasonable terms. Ktore in l icmaa K. Bsawn s luiihling. onrosite I ir. Hair- 1; .ibte ediliceon Main Mtieet. April Wh, 1M69. 1 f.4t F5 g? a.;ur.r----:-;- -trf -1- - -: mr - taya Uu-,!M iMV RuiMtHg. OppOStic tfti j r tr j 1 Mitrkf't 7tfrf.VrT. ! T is ri-eiiari d to lie even thine in his line at short notice iml on the must reVsuns Me 'term s . All kinds ; looK in well a- new. I....L - ..u ...!! n.. u..i.un.i; u i" " u ui e i Mi.viea ami re u;, i..i m Special attention ir.v, .. loth. , ni.ut nir uiel t'epaintig in fOFAS; SETTEES, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, c. Clvr him a call, exajna. hia wuu, uad you h !1 fit aaray pleauied. almhury, April 0th. 1869, 14 3m . i CAMERON & HlLlw, R. H. tOWAA it CO., CKNEIiAL COMMJ.S.SIOX AND AND Aa-erta rr M. PaTt. a Pon-. , t a , V.. Celrbraled Vjrfaj'iH rbnriui( Tohaeva. A... I.I. fur l.l..r Brt.V Sunerrh...iih.l. of l.ino' nr .I Riina HSKi'-'- . . ill 'Lull fjr Cruae l.i's bu; T - ' ert.li 1. w. cum I, iu. av hi Wilmington. N. C. Moeet.- ll NO H NOHTH WATta ST M i. . I . - -aa N- ia i II a a 1 II I I II 1 i 1 1 - r- -r -T ntnnTii Hid if iirn II 1 1 mm Mhm Ditt os, MhbCIMKS, (bC. iaJrug Store AN II FRESH DRUGS. MEDICINES, &G ia Salisbury, N. 0. Ur. KDWAKD KILL, HKSPErrryM.Y announces to his numer ous oil I fi 1. 1, I- ami patrona, and all olhera, that he is now onenim7 in Ihe buiidiuif t-n S. K ''hi Mam .V- Fish, r tficels, near the IJoyiteo 1 1 an Entirely Freah and Carefully Stleoted STOCK OP DRUGS, MEDICINES, Surgical Instruments. Perfumer v, Combs. Brushes, site., Ae., i iiiiiraciiiir almost everv ftnrie iicrtair.mjr to a lirsjlelas Driiir Store: whVeliho will si-Il. ftis always teen his custom, at the tuosi aalia fsclorv prices to pnrcliaanrsA lln loiifr experienee in, ami thoroujrfi famil iarity with, the basinraa, tnatl ita details and departments; together wiln liis aceuatomcil iiinreoi'M my wrs.iiinl ftti.ijjorr aulhoriiet Ihe hope of that suooess, which bas, heretofore, in- vanatily rewarded Ins exertions iui.uiy Jrtffii. lU uit. i.ayrii:nc'i& CELEBRATED - Wfi if ViC J7T Tt?V o i niiiA A sate and nlisbls remedy for III nca e.s Pec nf tr lo Fenftlfs SCCB jis Leuchorrca, or Whites ; Prtfiapsu Uteri, or Falling J" the Womb ; Irregular, Painful, or Suppressed Mcnstru- ation; Pain in the Pack; XervoiUjneS, -W4ikrfulne8S, Weakmts, tV. niniouaiKp to vac LADIES OF AMERICA. For whose heneiH il win lttii(Mii,aBd waoae Lae- IJinesj. u win iniiioi. i.y iiie aicovnr, DU. J. J. LlAVfiENCK. TO PHYSICIANS. Tht article ol wlilcli the Woman's VTiaad iasa-" ii'iu mled an uablisheJ around each bvttlr. and Wm i .n i l-1 tii he the best L'teriDC Teuic and aiicrsuva '"' U:wea. It is a valuable soflrtliable urini Tn iirij.i-.n-.. nyutsofrhe ty-iaaU ltcprodueius nrpnns unci ia llsteru, Nervoas Headache, ciptniJ lmbitioua. It. i.4f Puce $1,00 i r Puttie. J. U. BAlvEU k CO., Wholciiale a'enhi, No. 4, ilain inert -NVf.ek. Va. t.J" To whom ail orders or letters mot b ad ilresM'i. march 19 ly NEURALGIA, Tic Doulou reux, Nervous Head-ache, nnd Neuralgic Affections, generally. PERFECTLY rclu-vcd in half an hour stroniily recommended by the highest nieUu;il authoi uy. Prepared ami sold, only At Jb". SILL'S Drug Store. Ralisbtrry, N. C. J.t-15J ROSADLLIfil Purifies the Blood. For tale by DratsTlata EverrwhereJ WILD CHERRY TOfclC AND ALTERANT. For Indigestion hirer Complaint Tor pui Buutls, Xcnous Debility, and Broken Down Bealth, from whatever cause. TIIP3 elegant and tru'y valuable Medicine, hag from time to lime, been in extensive use, lor the last twenty-five years. It has been sold, and is w vll known in many of the South ern cities and towns, viz; Charleston, Sevan nab, Augusta, Atlauta, Charlotte, Columbia, &c, ami is highly valued, by the multitudes of . peoplfi who have used it. jlauy in this town" and surrounding country, have eujoyed its benefits, nnd Vftll no doubt, well remember it. A great tiumber of the strongest, and mostun qualified certificates of its value, have been voluntarily tendered tho proprietor, marry Of them from persona of highest respectability and ir.ti lligenoe. Tho Medicine is pleasant to take, nnd per fectly free from the possibility of halm, ondpr any circumstances or conditions of health, -indeed it is perfectly safe, even for an infant It is especially adapted to vie present season, when theapproa' hing wartn w-eat.hei occasions, such a. degree of jasaitud.., and debility, parthr ularlv in weakly and prostrated Systema, aa olten to become almost ihnpricrtablo. , iw Price 1.00 per bottle.. Pi epared and aold ouly - V nr ' n irtiism n rrrTT THE MOENI i j tTAEf Lht-i Well Sstabliahed ami ycpulnr Daily Newspaper has reruatty ijeen gteat ly enlarged and m proved (tlie- seeond eniarce mwit ill eighteen tnnnths,) and is confidently ulUred tu tho people of the two Garoliuas ai second to i daily journal :u e:tuer of '.U.t jso... The S?A5 is pH0..:if K-WI,VK VETTSP Afi a,!o'..,iV n.hiiled to the wants ot : Ms sei tinn: ar."r I a-M n.bipted to the wa-its ot coi.servauve iu us nucnuigs, ar.ii aevcrci tot tie Comtnerciai and Agricultural Zutor- ests of tlie South. :.lius fu.l und reliable Imports of the Z' irhrt. (- - - f 7i kgraphte I U lief. Local 2 ci s and 1 1 General Intelligence. TEtWIS l AliV M 3 . ne Tur $7 s.is Months : 3 Three - 1 OC i"c " Aduicaa Wil. Ii. l.KH.VAKJi, , UhlTOa i I'BiipaiBTOK, Anril !th. t-i. Wilminctoii. .V. t v K n-ill -s-ell ..t-t'-i-::!te L:l'-. Te,.-e Cottn' K n il -ell Rt C on, ' Friday, the 0:h uaf ol Apeil, A. D. ! .'), the notes and W-eoiuiis h.i,rrni10 th? estsf.i ol J. V. Cirny, lln.nkrapt. A, N twi'l O ay'a int'-rrai .n tne ciauni 'lie- l!..- tirm .1 t.'oi'i-r' di Qr.MU,a4id Cooper. Gray ik Co. talt day to uav tut.: all are tohl J. Mrt.1 iriM. J . . C ANPKRf'OX. ( 'S Co .ny I.im-. N. Aj ! , 0. l l3 at-' :. ,