i Br Cljc GDia North State KKI I) A V, APRIL $. IdU!) POETICAL. FADING REALTY. Tbe green it foiling from each leaf, The flowers are on the hill ; Tin' whirring winds hare almost bushed The murmuring of (he rill I The ran that lit the earth with goM While sinking to its rest, Has hung a onuieon banner out To brighten up the west. The soof-birda, too hare erased to sing Among the ladiug flower,. And left a requiem sighing tin-re For Summer's dying hours I And even Nature seems to mourn, To watch bright tnoo.enls dia Yet fading beauty lingers on Each leaflet floating by. How can they say the summer time la sweeter than the fall 7 Oh I are not autumn's withered leaves More beautiful than all ? And can the bright blush of the rose, However soft and fair, Be half as lovely as the touch Of dying beauty there? i beautious summer fade Ther is a sweeter charm for me In autumn's mellow shade I The withered flowers that droop and die Each sera and yellow leaf Seems but an emblem of this life, Ho fading and so brief. The flush must fade from every cheek, The lustre from each eye, And ell things beautiful must fade, For all were made to die I The smile must leave the laughing lip And joyous boon depart, For death's cold touch at last will chill The fountain of the heart I had aeen, and aha wept ; then, taking out eighty dianars, aba tela nse u I bad a brotkar, half of that waa all asy iatWi- lance and she made mo wear, when ahe cave it to me never to tell a lie. and after ward bide me farewell, sxclaimiug : "Go my son, 1 consign you to ( 5 d : we shall not meet until the day of judgment." I went until I came near Humandai our kafilah waa plundered bj aisty horse men. One fellow asked me what I had got. "Forty dianars," said I, "are sewed up snuer my rarments. The fellow laughed, thinking, no doubt, 1 waa loking with him "What hare you got?" said other I gave him the same answer. Whan they were dividing the spoilt. I was call ed to an emi'.iensc where the chief stood "What property bare you, my little fel low I said lie. "I hare told two of yonr people al readv," said I. "I hare forty dinars sewed in my garments." lie ordered them to be ripped open and found my money. "And how came you," said he in sur nrfne. "to declare so openly what had been so carefully concealed I" "Because." I replied, "I will not b false to my tuetber, to whom 1 promised I never will tell a lie." "Child." said the robber, "bast theu such a sense of duty to thy mother, at thy years, and I am insensible at my age of the duty I owe to my God I Giro me thy hand, innocent boy," be continued were alike lay ban tl I He did ao. His followers struck with the scene 'You have been our leader in guilt,' aid they to their chief : "be the same in the path to virtue." And 'hey instantly, at bis order, made restitution of the spoil and vowed repen tance on his hand BY THE GRACE OF GOD WHAT I AM. I AM As the Rev. John Newton, that emi nent servant of God, lay on his dying bed, a friend waa reading to him the fif teenth chapter of first Corinthians. Coming to the tenth verse he read : "But by the grace of God I am what I am.' "Stop," said Mr. Newton: "that express es just my case. I am not what I ought to be. I am not what I might be. 1 am not what I hope to be. But I am better than I once was. "By the grace of God 1 am what I am Does this not express, Christian friend, the state of each one of us Let us am not what I ought to he. I ought to be perfect, but alas, I am very far from perfection. It ia my duty to be holy, even as God is holy. But I am not; ranch, rerr much of aln mingle with what is beat in ma. I fall abort, every day of my life, of doing even what I know to be my duty. fail to set the ex ample to those about me that I ought. Indeed when 1 come to look into mv con duct and character there is so much that ia evil that I can only take my stand by the side of the publican, and cry "God be merciful to me a sinner. I am not what I might be. For God did not leave me alone to straggle through the world. He baa said to every child of bis, "My grace is sufficient for thee." I can have the resources of Omnipotence. Why then should I fail so grievously. If I had only used those resources I might have been much nearer what I ought to be than I am. I might be a much more consistent Christian than I am- I might do more. The fault is not in God. It is not in the religion of Jesus Christ. The fault is in me, who fail to receive the grace of God that is promised to all who depend upen it. am not what I hope lo he. For I hope through the grace of God in Christ Jesus, to reach heaven at last. I shall then he purified from all spot and stain of in. I hall then be perfect! Blessed hope I Glorious expectation'! To be no more tempted. To be no more led astray. No more to fail in the discharge of duty. To love even as I am loved. To know even ul tm known. This is what I hope for even so unworthy a sinner here on earth. Blessed be God that I may hope for this. Blessed be God that through Jesus Crist his Son, I may con fidently expect it. But I am better than I once was. 1 once bad no love for the Saviour. Now I went on'nnmovVn 'in toyeoiiWB ... UaOCe Now I do repent of my transgressions. Once I had- no pleasure in the .Bible, iu the Sabbath, iu the- society of Christians.' Now all these are my delight. I can honestly say that "Whereas 1 was blind, now I see." J have a new principle of action. Instead of seeking only self, I am, even if it be in poor and imperfect measure, seeking the glory of God. But "by the grace of God I am what I am. It was that graco that had hut BAD BARGAINS. A teacher in a Sunday-school once re marked that he who buys the truth makes a good bargain, and inquired if any scholar recollected an instance in the Scripture of a bad bargain. "I do," replied iK. "Esau made a bad bargain when he sold his birthright for a mess of potage. A second said, "J udas made a bad bar gain when he sold bis Lord for thirty pieces of silver. A third boy observed, "Uur Lord tells us that he makes a bad bargain, who, to gain the whole world, loses his own soul." cy on me, and called me from my reck less course of sin. It is to that., grace I look to make me what I hope to b, bring ing me off conqueror, and more than con qeror. I sing the words that John New ton himself wrote i "Amazing gace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me ; I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. "Through many dangers, -toils, and snares I have already come ; Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home." Amer. Messenger. . NEVER TELL A LTE. How simply and beautifully baa Ah del Kader, of Gblion, impressed us with the love of truth in a stoiy of his child hood. After stating the vision which made him entreat of his mother to go to Bagdad, and devote himself to God, he thus proceeded : I informed her of what ( THE NATIONAL Life Insurance Co'p'j OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. WASHINGTON, h. 0. Charteredby sjiecial act of Congress, July 25, 'OS. Cash Capital paid in full $1,000,000. It is no longer a question with any mm, who tenderly loves bis wile and children, who con siders how 1 1 -1 1 I would he their condition in case of his death, as,to the duty of taking out a LIFE I'OUCY , hut as to which Company he shall pay his money. If he reflects a moment he will conclude to patronise tho Company which shown the grest- st degree ot vitality, winch extend its busi ness over the largest area, which is a llome Company iu every locality; which furnishes in surance the least cost; which issues no poli cies that are forfeitable should ho he unable next year, or any subsequent year to pay hi re newal; and which in undoubtedly able to meet all its promise"; ' With these teem gs ana views, ne looits over the newspapers, and, hy the time begets through reading the advertisements of Mutual or Miied Companies, be finds his mind so fuddled that he is at a loss where to go or what to do. lie can not comprehend one-half that is written, and concludes that none hut Auctuaries, who are fa miliar with the principles upon which Life In surance is based, can comprehend or explain anything about dividends and his liability for notes given in part payment of premiums. In his dilemma, he looks into the plan adopted by the National Life Insurance Company of the l iiite.i Mules ol America, ami uuus just wnai he wants: ' AN ALL CASH PLAN, reduced to the low est minimum rate, like any commodity in mar ket, so much Insurance tor so much Money. No notes to give ; no interest to pay ; no anxie ty about Assessments; no apprehension of his Policy being forfeited next year it he does not Eay his annual jtenewai; ana tne nates so mucn lower than other Companies, that he realitesa larger Dividend, in advance, than other compa nies can pay him in the future. lie finds that, instead of this uncertain prom ise, at present high rate, that the National pre sents a certain and definite sum for a much lower rate and puts up its paid up Capitol of $1,000,000 As a guarantee fund, that its contracts will be fulfilled, and, like thousands of others, cheerful ly calls oh their Agent to make his application for a Policy. Ilence the unpreoedeutud and most wrmderfttl success of the National an con' trasted with the older and Mutual Companies. The Company issued its first policy on the 1st of August, ItidS, and up to March 1st, lRGlr, it had issued 3.582 policies. Amount insured, $I0,(Mir.rO 00 Total premiums, 360JI7 03 The whole number issued by the Connecticut Bv tho "Mutual Benefit of irpw Jerser. " New England Mutual, 'Mi " Phrenix Mutual, 3o5 " Massachusetts Mutual. 312 Equitable of New York, 277 The Mutual Life, of New York, in'the first year of its existence, only issued 470 policies. In its 10th year. 1.800 And in its -20th year. 2.H42 " this latter being f!H) less than was issued by the National in its lirst seven months. JAY, COOK it CO.. Agents for the Southern States. P. F. PESCUI). General Agent lor North Carolina. April 19. 1869. l."-3m NEWSPAPER LAWS. As there are certain definite law in re lation the righta of publisher of news papers, which do not seem to be under stood, we will endeavor to make a plain synopsis of them and solicit attention thereto. 1. A Postmaster is required to give no tice by letter, (returning a paper doe not answer the law) when a subscriber doe not take hi paper out of the office, and a neglect to do so makes the Postmaster responsible to the publisher for the pay ment. 2. Any person who take a paper from the Post-office- whether directed to hi name or another, or w huther he had sub scribed or not is responsible for the pay. 3. If a person order his paper discon tinued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may continue to tend until pay ment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether ii be taken from the qffiee or not. There can be no legal dis continuance until the payment is niado. 4. If the subscriber order his paper to be sloped at a certain time, and the pub lisher continues to send, the subscriber is bound to pay for it, i he takes it out of the Post-office. The law proceeds on the ground that a man must pay for what he uses. 5. The courts have decided that refus ing to tako newspapers and periodicals from the Post-office, or removing and leaving them uncalled is prima acta ev idence Of intentional fraud. McGabblns, Sullivan & Co's. COLUMN. SPECIAL NOTICE. RELIEF roa tub SORELY AFFICTED. It was the misfortune of the undersigned to have suffered, aa few have everj suffered before, for six lona and gloomy years, from an affection of his feet and legs, superinduced by overwork, during the first year of the late war. During all that time, he was compell ed to drag his emaciated frame about, on ci niches. In rain he invoked the beat mvd- cal talent of the country; and visited the most celebrated medicinal Springs. Worn down -And exhausted, be gave up all hope of recovery. At this stage of his case, having been governed by his medical friends from the beginning, he determined to adopt a method of treatment, the result of his own reflection. It is euough to say. that thL method is not so much new, as it is, the more skillful application of what has been long known, and attempted ny tne rnysieians. After mine weeks of the most unwearied and persevering efforts, he was rewarded with the most gratifying results, ludeed. Ins rap id improvement and recovery, was almost mag u. 1 1 so much so. that in looking back upon his condition a year ago, he can. even uow, Hardly realize the truly wonderful lm provecneut. Profoundly grateful for this extraordinary blessing, he is desirous of being the means f diffusing similar benefit to those who may be similarly atmcled. He therefore. proposes not ouly to treat, but CURE, all tanner of diseases of the lower extremities such as old aud ill-conditioned Ulcers of the legs; Varicose Veins ; weak and eularg oiin.N, fee, no matter of how longstanding It is one of the great advantage of his d of treatment, that no restrictions are mposed on the patient, as regards diet, exer e, Yc, and lor the most part, little or no medicine is used. The charges shall he in accordance with the general depression of the times ; and those really indigeut. win be treated "without uiou ey aud without price, EDWARD SILL. M. D. Feb. P2-tf Salisbury, N. C. NEW GOODS -AND NEW FIRM ! McCubbins, Sullivan & Co., -ARE RECEIVING DIRECT FROM NEW YORK a Turv lar: and v i 11 selected stock of V mcw ant desirable cnnnirt t- Mil M MM A M il l GOODS, consisting in part of Mini DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. JOB PRINTING, BLANKS, AC. IMJYD BILLS CIRCULARS PAMPHLETS LABELS ettcr Jcairs AND EVERY OTHER KIND 0Ffb.ines. and fair dealing, to merit JOB PRINTING, EXPEDITIOUSLY, WELL, And CHEAPLY done AT THIS OFFICE. B6SClerks of Courts, Sheriffs, Ma gistratcs,and others, in ordering blanks will please refer to the rorms as num bered 'm " HandrBook for County Offr cers," published by 2uchj6lsfc Gorman Raleigh, N. C. .., . BRUVBR. Dry Goods, Hardware, Drug:, Medicine, and DYE-STUFFS, Boots and Shoes HATS, CAPS, and Straw Goods, Upper, Bolt, Skirting, and :ness leather, Calf,, Pad and Lining The Greatest Inducement ma orriBED TO THE PUBLIC : NEW GOODS ! NEW FIRM ! ! Roberta, lWclYeeljr Jc Co., NO. 1, CORNER MAIN m INNIS8 8T8-, M'NIILV a YOUNGS BLOCK. A KK ISOW 1IU :iaviAU their new IX. anil elegant slock of SpriBg and Nanner .oo eonilrting in part ot Staple and Fancy Dry Ooods, Ladies' Dress Goods, TriuiuiiugK, Yankee Notions, Ready-Mude Clothing, Hats, Caps, lioota & Shoes, Hardware, Wood & Willow-War. . . Groceries, Slc, Sec, All of which the, offer ti cheap or rheper thun the saBM ' .. .i : - n ! 'r i in Ohm M-ction of the Ut. Their goodn were pari luwd exclasirely lor CASH, snd will be ioIiI rxcluiirrlj lor i li or produce hence the rn .it Inducements lor liurgm'ns. And preferring "the niu Me sixpence to the -lo uhllling. their motto will be quick. Kales mid -in .ill iirotltn und reudv rnir." Cull and ee them and he convinced, fur ther feel conrtdent that they can gie you the BEST CiOOIlS for the leaKt money you ever bought. March 13. IS69. 10 tf INSURANCE COM PAN J ES. EI)c Knickerbocker INSURANCE COMPANY Of New York. Sonthf rn Branch, Savannah, Ga. R. P. AUVOLI), Coutuliiug Physician. a. riLnrrt, Manager. The only Branch of a life Insur ance Company where Policies arc Zsucd and Losses Paid. A SSETS, $5,000,000 Annual Income nearly 3,000,000 Annual J)iiidend, nearly. . . .00 tier cent. $73,000 Losses paid by this Branch in two years. THE KNICKERBOCKER is an old and reliable Cmniiauy, ami tiH"t?r an un at induce ments to insurers a- any t)olv-nt Company can. Issues Policies on ecrry desirable place. Loans 1 of the Premium tt the Policy Holder. All 1'ulicies non (in lettable ajter the lMtyuient ofttcoortlirccpietuuiw. No rstUnetiusm on or travel, fro e.rtra chnrne tor offi cers of the Army, Nary, or First Class Steam and Sail VeiueU, or for liadroad Conductors, LEGAL NOTICES. State of North. Carolina,. i ocwTT or PtviDsnw Scraaioa Cocbv. State on relation of J. I.. Huasaburj, ) U.K. Kcotl. I ,ur A. Norctim, A i'laintlOa J aioci, n. ill, and wile Cornelia. S aaaiasr B. I). HampUin. Juliua A. dray, aa 1 tdmininlralor of A . (;. Foster, W. ( . . 1. I.lndaay. and W. h. I.indaar, I aa administrator or U A. KittraA! ) To W I). I.lndaay, one of the above named de tendante a lion renidenl You are hereby notified, that a aumiuona in tne above entitled case baa been laaued agaitut von, wherein you are aummqaed to appear before the Jodge of the Superior Court to b held furthe ( ounty or Havibaon, at the Court liooee in Lexington, on the'seci od Monday after the third Monday ot April lfy, aa, answer tne complaint II II IH I tiled with (he clerk of aald court oa of wTilch, fcc SO spri.ii; k sur GOODS ! H AVINGJLST RETURN Mar largest ed from the Eastern keti are call yonr attention to much flu ami inoMi complete, BtM it d tiooii in tins mar ket, all Delected from new and freah stocks and styles, and a large portion purchased directly from tne Manulactarers and their Agents since NAILS, IRON & 8TBEL, Tanner's, Linseed and Kerosene L- Louis best WHITE LEAD COLORED PAINTS, of all kinds, CASTINGS of different sizes ; And many other articles not enumerated ; all of which were bought FOR U AMI, and will be sold as Cheap as the Cheapeat. We tender oar ineere thanks . for tin liberal patronaire heretofore bestowed pon ns, and hope by closo attention to a con- T D. T.CARRAWAY, AND Dealer in roceries PROVISIONS. HARDWARE, Glasi and f'ror km Ware, Wall Paptr, Win. PltOiiTT dow Shades, lie., fce. attention eiven to orders, and to the sale of Cotton, Oram, Waval htores, Tobac co, Dried KruiT, Ac , on Camniission. COURT HOUSE BUILDING, april9 U-ly alBWHKKN, K. 0. JOH S. I1E.'DERMM, ATTORNEY & COl.XSELLOi AT LAW, SALISBURY, N. C. QT Will attend promptly to thcCollec stmaf Uojnestcadi Blanks (For laying qf Homesteads, J t? And a new and improved form of MM) DEEDS, Revised and corrected by the best legal authority in this place, for sale. Address, mar. 10. J. J. BEUNER tinnanceof the same. IlaTing had orcr twenty year's experience, and having all the capital necessary to conduct a large usincss. We feel confident that wo can sell goods as law as any house in Western North Carolina.' - : ALL KIADS OF Country Produce EXCHANGE for GOODS AT THE HIGHEST Market PRIC ES. McCabbiiis MtoMAS Salisbury,-N.C., Apl 2, 1S69. 13:ly The Great Decline la Drj Good. All we ask e a call at the v. -11 known Km porium of thi market. TTe invite your attcti I to a li'W l,KAtll.ti AKI ICLLS kept in thia wholesale aud retail nUtuk ; Dry Goods, DRESS GOODS ! Notions, Hats, SHOES READY-MADE CLOTHING, THE KNICKERBOCKER as one of the fete Northern Comjnnies whose Policies in the .South u ere kept intact it u rim the rebellion, whose Dividends were accredited as thoiith Premiums were paid, and is THE Company that after the tear paid all Losses which oc curred during the war. thus proriny its integ rity, its Ituit'jr, and indisputable solvency. Tho Knickf rboeker pays Iossps prompt If, never disputinga jiibt claim and is as liber al aa auy safe Company in Ainfrira. V. S. HELDEX. General Apent for N. ().. Kaleigh. John IIf.akii. Airent, baliabury, .V C. February. 109. 7 3m. THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL COMPANY A V t t o i niu and Southern Institution Its r 'unds arc kept in the South. It has met with unprecedented success. Its fortunes arc established beyond any contingency. Tin- Company ha capital ami aaaeta. aeainM iu liability that will compare favorably with any I.ifn liiauranic Cunibauy on the cuutincut, wlncli la tbe true tent ol reHKnbibijity. H- ill. i i- arc cautiously administered by aelected Directors, ufrrapunaibility ami bunine i-apacity. It ua ealablialicu ita claim to NjuttiernralroLage OF I CERS: FKHtlDIST, JOHN E. EDWARD8, therein, whkl the Utli day of April lr)y. a cony of Wttck. and ..f the HuinmntM. ware deposited in the poat office at tk time, uireciru in you; and notice waa given Ibat judgment w ould be taken airainat you if yon faned, within that tune, to anpwer aaid complaint, wsereia it la alleged that the defendants abort named rr in debted ti the State of North Carolina, UXbenat and Itenetit of the p'aintiffii above named, ia the so as of mi. rn thousand (lo.OOU) dollar with lawfai iatercal thereon trom the 6th day of October IH6T, due by bond, (executed to the Ktate of Nerth Carolina, by B. A. Kittrell.E. 11. Karopton, W. D. Lindsay and A. (!. Confer) for a breach of the aa me: that no part thereof haa been paid; to be discharged apoa tb payment to the plaiutiffi of whaterer damagealhe mar le entitled to in this action. You are aluo notified that the above named plain tiff have aiied out a Warrant of Attacnmeot againat yourpnjMTtv for the an.bnnlof damagea and forth rauae of action therein act forth, returnable to tb Siuierior Court of Davidaon County en the 18th da of June IH6!I. when and where you art hereby re quired to appear and anawertbe complaint, in default w hcn-oi the plaintiffn will take Judgment, against jo) aa therein demanded. Wltuoaa. Leal . lohneoa, Cltrkajt the Ropeter Coartof llie ( ounty of Davidaoa, at4BRl1aTflaiftar ton, the tfth dy of Aril. 18. LEVI K. JOHNSON, C. fl.C April !, lHr.-l5 6wpd State of North Carolina, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Attachment. Publication for Defendants. Noah Smithermnn, plaintiff, against James Lucaa, defendant. NOTICE is hereby given that a warrant of attachment has been i-ued againnt the proper ty of aaid defendant who in beyond the limit - of the state, ill favor of the plaintiff and returna ble before me, a Justice of the Pence,, fur the county of Montgomery, in Tniy, on the 6th day . of May infill, for the enm of forty-lour dollar with interest from the lith of Oct. 1H66. The said defendant is hereby notified to appear at said lime and place and defend his null or judg ment will oe rendered ngntrvt htm. Witness. Jno Chisholm, a Justice of th Peace for the county of Montgomery, this 20th dav of March lrX). j;t-4t.pnK JOHN CHISHOLM, J. P. XEW YORK and North Carolina STEAMSHIP LIXE FROM Wilmington, New York to VICE PRESIDENT, Wm. li. Isaacs, SECRETARY, D. J. IIakxsook This Line will comprise the following steam ers : FAIRBANKS, Capt. A. Hunter, WM. 1 CLYDE, " D. P. Morgan, REBECCA CLYDE, O. Chichester. MARY SAN Ft HID, John Moore. With such additional Steamers as ma be required to meet the demand of the trade. Sailing from New York every WEDNESDA Y and 8A TURD A Y at 4 P. k, from Pier 15 E. II foot of Wall street. PANT. GOODS, Drug., Patent Medicines, Due- Stuffs, Faints, Tanners1 Oil, Kerosene and Linseed Oil, Lead, Upper, sole and Harness LEATHER, CALF & LINING SKINS, HARDWARE, MIDICAI, EXAMINER, CHARLES 11. SMITH, M. D. I.EM1L AtlVIStB, OENCR1I. AI.KST. H. C. Cauell, Jno. H. Claiboknk John Ender. William K. Taylor, Samuel S. Cottrell, John lloolev. Cliarlea T. Wortliam, William Willis, Jr., Kil. A Smith. Tbos. J. Kvarm, James A. S ott, B.M Quarlea, W. H. Tyler. J. E, l i.'l itnlg, A. Y. Blokes, J. U. Morton, R. H. IHhrell. William n. I'almer, DIIiECTORS : Henry K. Ellyaon, Asa Mivder. H. E. C. Iluskfrville, llmllel t . 1 ardy, Oeorge Jacobs, J. W. Allison, (eorge S. 1'almer, H. 11. Cho. kley, li. C. Cabell, I. J. Hartsonk, John C. Williams, W illinm (i. Taylor, A. P. Abell, W'm. 11. Isaacs, George L. Ilidirnod, tsanuel M. Price. LEWIS C. IT AXES. Ao't. Feb. 12 ly Lexington, N. 8 B B WHAT A GRAD AXU EXTENSIVE BUSINESS THE Connecticut Mutual Life INSURANCE COMPANY IOS. HORAIl. HENRY HoRAU. J. & H. HORAH. WATCH MAKERS AND JEWEL a!sMt"J TT XlAVING ROU0&TTHE ENTIRE! 8tock of L. M. Davis; and addWjargely to it, we are now prepared to furnish any tiling usually kept in firstclass Jewelry Store, e may be found in Cowan's Brick Row, next door to F. IT. Sprague s Office. All kinds of repairing ilniie at short notice and satislaction gnaran teed. We return thanks to a generous public for past favors, and hope by atrict attention to business to merit a continuance ot tne same. P. S. All persons having left Watches and Jewelry with L M.' Davis or Wilson & Karris. to be repaired are requested to call and get! tbetn or tney win oe son r repairs. JM. Si, cJM. II T I UK ! DJfioT ANCHOR liRANDS BOLT- MJ tog f;loths. all Dniibers, for sale by McCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & CO. Salisbury, N. C. Great Labor Saving MACHINE, WOOD'S CELEtRAJED REAPER and Mower combinel j Also, WOOD'S Mower detached on li.nt, and French BurrMill Stones BEST FRENCIIBURR MUl Stones, For sale by MCCUBBINS, IULHVAN 4 CO. fron, Steel, Saddle- nanlwnre, and Carriage Trillin-lings j in (act, tiio.ustui.ds. of . artkles too tcdius to enumerate. Wo are agents for the Great Threshers - and O JL.D A 11 Tl fj, Also, MitlitlfrVCtlllCTs' Atrents fur flic eelebrnteil Uone im-t. Ho. ilo. Killeiiml Hlusling Pinviler. IV We invite th attention of Merehants nuu mi' iioiiii )eiieiaiiv, our siot-R, ass tl ring inein iuvy win nun tunning luit fresh uml Jesi- mine iiiKKls. n e Imj- till kinds of produce. nave your in.iekliernes and r'ruits, which will Do lo you as treasure. Smith. Foster & Co. , SAMsitrur. v. a.. ' Spragae's Old Stand, near tliw Market Uouse. Aprils, IHy. 13 ly IS DOING. Synopsis of Statement for C,$. ' Inl nme from Premiums $7. 1I ..304.1 1 lut uuie trota liittsreat, .......... rH.llfl 4S Total income for the year.. rl.746.30n.69 Losses paid 1.331.335 IH I'h 1. 1. II. Is iciiil .mj INI Total Losses uaiil to date H OH'i hs.1 on I'otal llivideuda paid to dr.te 5.I97.2.-H (HI It will he seen trom the ahove tlmtthe iueonie fur interest alone, greatly exceeds the losses, and that the total income-lor one year is mine thun the total issespaidto date. The Assets of the Company re now over Twenty-three Millions, nnd with ita : - -' -. i . .a . -nnnpintn any other cotpaav in tb co.n.irv. It. (liana ol hnsmesa couipriae all the desirable forma ol insurance. S. D. WAIT, Generiil Agent, mar 5 ? Jy IUUifliT N, C. '1.9S1 'Gl i( 'Jn '4iiASti0H T. FOR RENT. ! It -JUdU v . Kinnvii v v .fiisdtuoj .(Mine sin a,, itij,fi p.1,SiRM(nn ml non immi H i " mm. j.no .wn .j .in 'Mill non t- V ,iui..il Ulluiu.u. I Klilliiy l00'U00 9l N -"nM. uk,, . viiiioisHoiKjj io is.,, jiui Hl si q.iiqM '-in.imjno, ) .-.in uo .(miiliuo , .i.iuiunn ui aii'i aiis imi .iii'.liuii.i him lam s.iiim. ...... m ium.b.. u, l . ' 1 - I I I , .... ,, ..-.. pun ei im.i sen t vv.lltu i vlH I " Tbe attention of Skippers is caller) to tbe LOW RATES and FACILITIES offered by this Line, which are anperior to any iVore to offered : THROUGH BILLS OF LADING (riven to all points on the North Carolina Railroad and ita Connections via Golds- boro. J. A. SADLER, Soliciting Agent. WORTH & DANIEL, Agents, Wilmington, N. 0. JAMES HAND, Agent, feb29 8if 119 Wall Street. N. T. North CarolUa Land Coapaij. Incorporated by Special Act of the Gener al Assembly, 1869, FOR THE LOCATION OF Northern and European Settlers. TOR THE SALE OT IMPROVED FARMS, TIMBER & Al INK HAL LANDS, HOUSES, MINES, WATER POWER, &c , &c. Also of COT TON, TOBACCO, NAVAL STORES. &c. ON COS SIGXMENT, ADVANCES MADE ON SAME. FOB IMPROVED AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, FERTILI ZERS, MACHINERY, fec, &c, &c. ALSO, NEGOTIATE LOANS, ON MORTGAGE OR OTHER SECT' RIMES. Those having Lands or Farms for sale will , tun! ii tn their interest to communicate Witt this Company. No charirc made unless a sale is effected : 'hei only 5 per cent, to be paid when the sale, ia, fected. Geo. Little, I"rest. R, W. Best, Sec Trea Afjents and Directors at Raleigh. lion. li. W. Host, Col. (;,.0. Little. Geo. W.Swepson, R. Kingsland. Agents and Directors in New York Jb Boston. A.J. Bl pecker, Son ,1 Co. Kaleigh.N. C, March ft, 1H9. 83m am HE DWELLING onnosite the Hoyden tiouse, formerly known a? the Frankford Uouse, it oonUins 8, rooms, with eas fixtures, &c. as w-ull .u Kncnen Bnn a poou parucn s-poti ror terms apply to LUke iJlackmer, Esq. JAilEdO. TURNER. Ian nary 29, 4l( iabsbcsy, N. C. $150 PREMIUM ! HE North Carolina Land Company1 will $150 in premiums, for the host and richest specimens oi me following ores found in the State of North Carolina for their Mineral Chi, net at the Company's Office. Kaleigh ; Cold, 25: Silver. Copper. $15; Iron, $ia.50 : Marble, $lv5ll; Lead, $10; Mica. $t0; Vlmu bago and Soap Stone, $10; and all other min erals in proportion. Shell and other Marl; $.". The specimens will be submitted to an nuri. enced Geologist, and premiums awarded by his report. Samples to be marked "N. C. Land Compa- rir!iT f."-trr V BfcaL 'TM4j KW m -r r r nrv-a-. sni Ao pioog oDnTjjnssy junjiaviinSa hi He Stockholders of the Eastern and Western Divisions of the Western Vrtk Carolina Railroad Company are herehv noti fied to meet in joint meeting in the town of Morganton iu the county of Burke, on th..Jtl, day of May. A. D., lSf19, to consider of sorh matters n may be properly brought them, aud mutters of importance. W. J. MtlTT. President. tastern Division W. N. C. R. R Co GEO. W. SWEPSON. Pres t. Western Division N. C. R. R. Cca. Baaaifh, N. C, April IX, 1809. ...iouiuciih mi me .Mirin iarol l'ress, iri the Conltnerc'ial cities of Wdmintl Newbern. Norfolk, Petersburg, Richmond, Special Sewtpafer AdTertisiiig AND lir in ml rollrrtion Itjeiey fur orlh Carolina. ' Wm. . lit ii ii cV Co., Special Agents for the .Xorth CurtdiM Prete. and General AgrmUfor tht Coilertum of Claims throuyhout the Stale. j Qoldsboro, XT. C. By ACTIJORITYlot i n person anrf ceive advertisements for the Nonh P.rr.li. (on, titnore. rniladeiptna, ISew Turk and Boston and attend to the collection uf claims of every desciintiun throughout the State of North Car olina. frT We will also undertake the collection of all old dues the Poena of the State in any of the above places. Refer specially, lo Geo. V. Slron, Esq Goldsboro, Maj J. A. Engelhard. Editor Wil mington Journal ; Hon. Plato norlm u.i UK W "p"n- Geu' ""rT.rboro; and Gen.' M. . Ransom, eldon, N. C. Refer generally to the Conductors of tb State Cress. Messrs. Wm. A Hearne &Ca, aaabor. ar. Sorth Stale. fcbl2-6tf i -