iwWBI -"" ' ' ImmQp-miJKZZm i mim ill i ,'JP ' nm flu' JiyMi.' a . 7 1 jTT - &el i i - I- - - i m gl)c(Dl&Nortl)Btate PALISUURY, KUIDAt.APB. 30, '69. THE WAR CLOUD. Many Imaftue that seeapeck of war to the Dolitical ky. We are not troubled with apprehension of that ort. though con stitutionally a peace man. It is true that tho Senle haa refused by alinoat a uuaui uvus Tote to ratify the Johnson-Clarendon treat for a settlement of the Alabama claim. It is true that several belijferent speeches Lave been made in the Senate by Mry Sum ner. Mr. Chandler and otjier Radical Sena tors. It is also true that the administration will probably take very high grounds in re lation to the Euglish difficulties, and in its dealings with foreign powers generally But, with all that, we apprehend no danger of a foreigu war at preseut. The Secretary or State. Mr- Fish, U undoubtedly a states niau of the mostpacifie views. He is also. probably, the ablest man in the Cabinet, aud wjile he dir.U the foreign relatious of tha ..nnirv tli. i will be no dancer. He is far too wisfrjr-STateemaw to the await tn a foreign war until peace has been restor ed at home, and so. w think, is Gen. Grant. The radical organ iu this State Is for avoid- to i,e g&wffii msMt which Jhey were well fitted, and the duties of whieh they bad discharged faithfully, simply bCMM they were not KadiraU. We have a rase of that kind In this place, Mr. C II. ProtidfH, who lost an arm in the war for the preservation of the Union, has been Super intendent of the Federal Cemetery her sine the office was established. That he has dis charged his duties faithfully will not be de nied by any person who haa the slightest re gard f..r t rmh. But. though taking no ac tive part In politics, ha was not a Radical. This was sufficient to cause hi decapitation. The place has been given to an able-bodied man who is abuudantly able to earn his Bv nil- ut some other vocntion. It isuot believ- ed that Oen. Grant will sanction theae things when he comet to understand how thy have been brought about. He haa thus far left these matters to others, hot he will probably assert his prerogatives sooner or later when we may expect a second cleaning oat. Mr. l'roudfit leaves here with the go d wishes of our citiieus. whose good opiuiou he haa won by his conduct while here. view to co-operate la tins important pro ject, lie also aays it is designed liy tne Company that at h ast one director shall be chosen from each of the counties in North Carolina through which tho road is to passi Col. Towiisend hho tells me that Greens boro' is taking ac'ive measures to secure a road from tli:it place to t heraw ; and while the South Carolinians much prefer to make the connection here, if we repulse or negreet their offers of co operation, they will be compelled to make Greensboro their objective point, as the best they can do. From In -uncut conferences at lwu rlgh with Col. Towiisend, who is a gen tleman of great ability and enterprise, 1 that the rebellion is crushed, bat it is not killed". Wen. tf such li OWi lact If the r bellion is not killed it is because the party in power since the war would not let it die, but have been constantly feeding It to keep it alive. If a proper policy had been pursued at the close of the war the people of the Southern States would to-day be the most loyal f any in the Union, if they are not so. If the counsels of the true Union inen at the South had prevailed the Southern people could easily have been conciliated by a mag- mnimous policy. The Republican party l.iid it in its power to make itself the pre dominant party in every State in the Sooth without enfranchising the colored popula tion. But it repelled the respectable men of the South, including nearly all the respecta ble Uuionista, for the sake of a few men of broken fortunes and tainted reputations who would be a disgrace to any government, and who were actuated, as a class, by no motives beyond the acquisition of power for the grat ification of their private malice aud revenge. Gen. Grant evidently desires to repair the errors which have been committed, as far as it may be in his power to do so. We are now assured, upon unquestionable authority that he will submit to the people of Virginia separately all the more obnoxious features of the recently formed Constitution for that State, so as to epablethem to get rid of them without defeatijg reconstruction under the reconstruction laws. In short he will do all that was asked by the concervative commit tee of nine, which movement was denounced by the radical organ aforesaid as one that would be sternly rebuked by Gen. Grant. Bat in onetbing he has been unfortunate la bis appointments to office. He has been en tirely too proecviptive, and many of his ap poiutanents. both in the South and elsewhere, are such as to bring the government whieh they represent into reproach. But we are not without hope that he will yet correct this error. IMPERIALISM. Thia word is assuming some importance in our nnlitical nomenclature. The 6rst -- i number of a large and able piper, called the Imperialist, hat just been issued at XT V L. I I I II ' , , l 1 THE CHERAW AND SALISBURY RAILROAD. We cheerfully give place to the communi cation on this subject from Maj. Robbm. We have before intimated that we regard this as the route designated by nature fur a railroad from Salisbury to an Atlantic port. Instead of running straight across the princi pal streams, and some of the mountain ranges of the State, it runs parallel with such streams and mountain range and presents a few obstacles to the construction of a railroad as are to be found on any route of the same length. It will give us a connection wiib Wilmington many il shorter than the one we now have. We see from the Democrat and the Argun that the citizens of Cheraw and Wadesboro feel a deep interest in this r nte, as do the citizens of Charleston ; and it is natural that they should. We hope the meeting called in the communication of Maj Bobbin will be well attended, and that ap propriate action will be taken. We do not wish to be understood a opposing the Fay ettcville road, but of the two we think this al together the most feasible aud much the most likely to be built at least to this point. The natural route for the Fayetteville road is the one parallel with the Cape Fear and Deep Rivers, and the mountain ranges of TTwbarrie.' to connect with the North Caroli na, and N. W. N. C roads at High . Point and Salem, or at Greensboro', and such is likely to be the route finally taken. Yet, even if the Fayetteville road should be built to this place, there is no reason why we should not also do everything in our power for the Cheraw road. We hope the men of meaus among us will give this subject the attention which it deserves. Salisbury un questionably possesses advantages over every other place in the State for a great inland city and sooner or later, if its citisens exhibit the requisite enterprise and public spirit, it vill become by far the most important and thriving place of business in North Caroli na. New lem and Wilmington alone excepted. PROSCRIPTION. The great blemish upon the present ad ministration thus far is the spirit of proscrip tion which ha characterized it. The rule skeins to I f that alt of the appointee of the late administration must be displaced for no other reason than they were it appointee. Iu many instance true and tried Republi cans, whose connection wita the party is com mensurate wrth its existence, ha ve been turn -ed out to make loom for men whose Repub licanism dates back but a few month, and who'e character is such that no decent Another, to be culled the Empire, is ex pected to. make its appearance in lliila. delphia soon. The object of these jour nal, and those who support them, ia to revolutionize oar government and change it form from that of a representative dem ocracy to a monarchy. We say from a democracy to a monarchy, for if our gov ernment wa what the wisest statesmen of the Revolution would have nude it a well balanced republic no advocate of such a change a is now proposed could be found in all the length aud breadth of the land. "When ever you run too far into a democracy," said the greatest and wisest statesman of the Convention of 1787, "you will certainly shoot off into a monarchy." These won! might be re garded a prophetic if they had not been fully justified by the history of tho past. The appearance of an imperial party in our midst is plainly traceable to the teach ing of American radicalism. The ear liest and the ablest of the radical teachers in America was Thomas Jefferson, the father of the Democratic party in the United State. The Republican party of the present day, which claims, and with perfect troth, to be the true Jeffeisonian Democracy, ha pushed the theories and idea of that great apostle of Democracy to their legitimate consequence in every thing but State rights. From the "ex treme of democracy" into which they have pushed the country we are almost certain, sooner or later, to "shoot off into a mon archy." The present movement my be premature we believe it is but we are certainly traveling the same road which all the democracies have travelled before us. Witness Rome, for instance, where the great leader of the demociacy, Juliu Ctesar, vaulted to the seat of euspire, lille the great leaders ot the aristocracy, Pompey and Cato, died martyrs to the cause of republican liberty. So it will be in thi country after awhile the chaage will h: delayed for a time b) physical caueee. For our part, while no democrat, we are opposed to the revolution, peacea ble or otherwise. We are for giving oar democratic institutions a longer trial and never abandoning them until their failure becomes so palpable that the dullest com prehension cannot fail to see i. When the failure is made manifest, as it will be in the course of time, an empire is the on ly remedy that present! Itself. 1 ft'wili be simply impossible to travel back from a democracy to a balanced republic, as every one can see who will take die trouble to look. . Court House, but he met the members of tha. meeting in tho street, who informed" him they had adjourned so that it wa not acted upon. I will also state that threats were made by a piominriu member of the Western Division that no contractor who voted against tho amendment should have a contract on tha Wester i line. It is also raid that threat werSumado to stop the work on tho Eastern DAis'" 'f '' amend ment was not WNjft). Whiskey was freely poured ouV2fv as one of the al lies relied upon f Upaigiiiiig men who tried to choke off lha people. So much for the Eastern Division. In tha other nicctinr Bowman was chosen in the county jail, at the discretion of the Colli t Sec. 2. Any person or persons either singly or in association with each oilier, who being disguised or masked or other wise concealed in the manner described in i In- preceding section, shall commit any trespass or not by force or violence, which is now a misdemeanor by any statute, of this Slate, or at common law, shall be deemed guilty of lelony, and shall bo iiu or a lei in of not less than otio year or know how anxious his conilmnv is to have : Permanent chairman, w s t Is II. C Cnwlcs the road ! uilt to this point ; but they are j and U. M. Roberts as Secretaries. Upon also of the opiuiou that wo must and counting the slock it as found that forty should lend a helping hand if we would two thousand and several bundled shares see this project succeed. were represented, only a few oyer six I have now given a few of the points thousand of these share representing the risoned at hard labor in lue penitentiary more than ten years. rec. 3. This act shall go lain effect on its ratification, and the Governor shall rausu the same to be published immediate ly. ' Ratified the 12th day of April, 1869. in relation tn this extremely important 1 haslern Division. Ibese votes being in matter; and I call upon our men oi inilu- the hands of fortwo pSrsous, wh'lcthelaw dice aud substance anil enterprise and enterprise to arouse themselves at once to tho work. Are we to sit still and hoard our means deemed expedient b and let the rest of the wor'd outstrip us, concern to put the a ittid neighboring towns and communities j voce vote and not by absorb our business and prosperity I I Everybody voted, say to our property holders that it will be stockholders, and no wise iu litem to contribute largely to this and negroes, and so Cheraw mad and tlso to the Fayetteville I declared adopted, road. By so doing they can double the poned till next mo v ne of their estates. liV i.eeleclinc II. , a-'ain i s ' moled lo; they will see inw'pnseiti possessions and frnallv adioii soon dwindle to a trifling figure. It is the genskelu-f that this amend- The.se two gcand entei prises constitute j meat wa. tioiAgully adopted,, aud. tkttre a tide in the affairs of this section of cquh- is some talk an injunction beingapplied try and of this town. It we nre wise to for by the Sfckholders of the tustern Ui take it at the Hood it will lend us on to i vision. fortune. Our des'iur as a town nl impor tance unquestionably depends on this Stats or North Caroliv a, Office Secretary oj State, Raleigh, April 1C, 18C9. I, Henry J. Meiiuiugfrr, Secrclaiy of State, do hereby certify that the foregoing requires sixty, holding . niajoniy oi the ing is a true copy oi the original act on stock, to constitute ajgal meeting, it was hlu Iu this office. e managers oi me iidmeiit by a viva pg the Stock. Arse ; men, boys, ui kin. Id eis, whites amendment was the farce was post- when the meeting e trivial purposes, tiew II. J. MEXNIXGER, Secretary of Slate. F. Mekxixokr, Clerk. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. the outskirts of tho city. A large num ber of boues aud relic were found. The Piinceis Louise, daughter of Queen Victoria, i to bo married on the 7ih of July tn-xt to lha 1'iiuce Royal of Denmaik. Thia will leave the Queen only one unmarried daughter, the Prin- Beatiicc. - New York pays more for tobacco than it doe for bread. Tho fTerT)rlean CroMent has been merged in tho Time. matter. At the suggestion cf many citizens, no tice in hereby given that A &FEETISG WILL BE HELD I. 'HIE TOWN HALL, on SA TURD A Y next, the first day of May, at fi o'clock, p. m.,or the pur pose ofeontidering the propriety rtf semiiny a delegation to Vheraw, and taking such oth er steps as may be thought useful. 1st there be a general rally from town aud duntry. Very Respectfully, W. M. RUBUIXS. April 26, 1869. Three hundred English sparrow Lave At ill event there is comidera-' bceu let loose in Syracuse ble anxietyiu tho pressed metiers to camp ot those who a conclusion in stich I I... - iB .... Ili.il for I ii imi , am 'mould luoviu.g v.ni.u .... ! the 4th May, proximo, to review the ' situation The earnest desire of tlie Hank I men toget the auieudmcut through speed- - .1.. . , 1. 1 !.,. ....,,!,! nlitiiiil vAaa.M.af At, ' II,, 11, ill. II III' , tuiim iiu of thr State bonds, may yet be found to !ravo"'o'cr -leaped ittetf." Ahi. Fur the Old Xorth Slate. lift- It1tfir X Arilr liiiit si. ii-i- in vnnr : ; .," . j tun paper lor the purpose nl calling the alien- Thin gauze veils are coming in fash ion again. California has nearly a million and a half dollars lying idle iu its treasury. Great activity is reported at all the American Navy Yards. The Xcw York Sun ssys Gen. Mc Clellau is soon to appear as public lectur er. Mr. Mo'ley intends lo sail for England ' . rr - ..... i :..,!. .i , v..- V...L. lOi. stinetmn act, tbat those otate snail adopt " "" -- tli- fifteenth amendment to the constitu- TUE FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT. y the menus, say the Haiti more Sub, of tacking on of the requirement of the tsinia, .Mississippi and Itxas recon- it is calculated Oat that amendment 1 Q'" Victoria will again visit Switx- A number of Democratic papers In Texas have hoisted the name of A. J Hamilton for Governor, aud are urging with all their might and main hi election, and that of the other conservative Re publican candidates. M Alt HI ED: On the 22d of September last, at the residence ol the bride's father, by T. L Triplet, P. A. Watt, Esq, , and Mist Camelia Clodfclter, all of tin county. In this county on the 2oth of March, by J Thoroason Esq, Mr A M Webb aud Mis Elisabeth liain. In this county on the 22nd inst, by J Tliomason Ei-q, Mr George II Etamhetrt a. d Miss Elisabeth Wilhclu.. At the bridtt's father's, on the 4th of March, by Elder A 1) Alderman, Mr G G Cain to Miss Eliza J Pale daughter of Mr Joseph and Mi Llli-u Pate, all of Cumberland county. Iu Moore County, on the 5th ult., at the residence -of trif; bride's- father by by Col David S Earrett, Esq, Mr 0 0 Mcl,i an, to Miss Anna, daughter ol Irer P. Patterson, Esq. Gn the 20th instant, at the residence of Council Best, Esq, by iho Rev A J Finlayson, Mr Geo V Rest to Mrs lkt tie u null n, all of Wayne county. Iu Cleveland county, on the 6Ji inst., Mr M II Randall to Miss S E K minions. In Iredell county, on the 4th inst, by the Rev Dav'd brown, Mr Geo L Rank in to Miss: Margaret Mills. Also, -Mr Marshall Mills to Miss LA Rank n. will In c. me .'in article of the fundamental erlaud this summer, extending her visit lo ' i ,i ,i , age. on o, ,ne eiMzens o, Salisbury ana v.cin-; ivb ,e gpring of 1870. Counting these ,lllv II V t'i a Mil iret of id (it- i itniHiifuiiro lo , V. . -t j? j V" - sf - . f - Ililft' J"M:T'I(. W Mlfi IL flllO. 111(11. III. t Hitf! : i DIED: !n Fayetteville, X C, April 3d. 1869 Archibald McLaughlin, in ihu 79;h year of his age. In Lincolnton, on, the 1.1th inst, Mrs Harriet Alexander, wife of the late Capt ander, m the 75ih year of her Kerosene Oil and Lamps. TUB OIL is of perfect purity as well as colorless, stid having been suLfecird lo govern ment inspection, is u-amtittd free fiom all ilatijrer in its us a consideration often hne gardei), lo l he terious deiriinenl of consumers. The I A M PS are of Various styles, of Islest Slid most approved construction, ounibimng neatness, durability and convenience , and ! t but not least, Ihey are sold at prices so low, as 10 astonish both natives as wed as foisigu em, , tamp Olssses ani Wicks of various sisns. The shove just receiv, d St K SILL'S Druff Store, April 30 It Salisbury. N. C. Magio Bleaohlng Liquid. WILL in a few minutes, perfectly remove any stain or discoloration Irom any cause wlnt ever, without the slightest damags to the labia- Simple and easy of application. A family in this town, only a few days ago, had eveial valuable articles shockingly stain ed indeed literally ruined yet having obtain ed this Juyi'c Jileaekihf Liquid, they were not only perfectly restored, but are looking better than tney ever had before. It costs I trill.'. 1' .-pared and sold only at & SILL'S Drug Store, April 30 It Salisbury, N. 0. Reward I U)3T-00 a Plain Circular Gold Breast Pin, about tho sue oi an old fhini sJsilMsm - Oo-tW fess and near the edge, there is a circle and in the centre a hand with a pen in it. Oo the reverse side there is a name which is forgotten. Be tween the circle and the edge are these letiers: II. T. vV. S. S T. K S. A liberal reward will b Kiven fm its oliverto theedfior ol"Tlie tM A'"'(a ouk TM 3H It DR. GODDIN'S COMPOUMD- GENTIAN BITTERS. ' Cures Cbills snd Fever, Dyspepsia, Indigestion Colic, Sick Stomach. Bronchitis, Asthma, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, tu: A UNIVER8AL TONIC. A sure, safe, and reliable preventative and cure for all Malarial diseases, and all diseases requiting a general Ionic impression. Piemred only by Dr. N. A. 11. Q.xl.lin snd for sale everywhere. JAMKS T. WIGGINS, (Successor to J. H. Baker ii Co.) PruprieUry Anent and Wholesale dealer in Patent Medi cines. Norfolk Va. IT 1 ail. K : II l. .1 . ii is wen Known mat our town mis, ,: st,..- i i. in some way become to be regarded I wil ratify tli.t'artielc, one m .ro than in uulieaitLy o Ulsyws, former Sn .. States year it was noted for lis health - having ! .... ,d . , ,,, am(.nII15.. viz : Maine. Massachusetts, Jew York, Pennsylvania. West Virginia, North Carolina, South aiolina. Alabama, lennessce, r loinl.i beeu at one tune a favorite summer resort Nor can it be denied that it ii to some ex tent subject to malarial diseases, such as chills and fever the ravages of which are Mieh ' lliinF Wisconsin, Minnesota! more or less V.. ent every summer. 1 he ,owa Miwour5" Ncbraska, Nevada, Ar- remeuy ,,r. ... ir removal o, ne cause ka Louisiana and Kansas. Tha rat- wnieti produces the malaria. J lie cause! 1 tn tua naerilo il in t a rl t . t I , , , nasi a m nmil j a i. uv . -i " it i if '(i ii t hi nnd (iiiiwiiiil of decaying timber that is lo found in the tortous streams immediately North of the ansrts, Louisiana and Kansas. ificntioug of Kaisas mid Missnurff howev er, nre known t be informal. Four Mates, Vermont, Rhode Island Connecticut and New Hampshire, it I. believed, will ratify the auietidinent during the present year. I There are 20,000 gas burners in the It reels of Paris to keep which alight last year cost the city 4,400,000 francs. Spain lately got rid of one Queen Queen Isabella and is likely soon lo gi t ml of another 'the Queen of tho Au'iles.' l'rtnttct. city. Steps should be taken at once by . I. : . .1 : . : l . i. iuu cu t Muiuor.i ie, or uv n ' ciuzuii. in i h i - ,i i t w i , .1 l . - 1 j .. ' . . (ti'orgiu and ludiana are both douliiliil uv m. oosiruc. on. removed irom sai.i d f , , ; ,, .,. .ream, and the .channel. ""u&yc-AJ . f pflt WlElJeaii vote,, n:,d that they may lose their pr-oot SHiggish i nI Sttt.,re of .he and malarial cluracleteaisd become busk, ,,. r Zf-Z ,1 I..:.f ;.. Koman Catholic course of erection at China. The estimated cost of each S3,0(Mr,000. Iu Lincolnton, on the Or I. inst., Mrs. Dai barn Gleu Ilenderson, wife of Mr. C. C. Henderson, dec' J., iu lite 67ilt year ot her age. In Concord, on the )ih inst, Mis Mary Hei.rieiu., daughter of J D and Mary shei wood, aged 111 years aud 7 mouths. Iu Charlnttee, on the "Oili inst., Rufus M Joliiisou Esq. seed 42 vears. cathedrals are in j , , . : , P. kit. aud Cmton'o I.KIUTRV. UARKK"TK IS flowing and healthy streams, if this was done theii- can be no doubt that its bene lii i tl effec- would he felt at once. The old time chill would be heard of no more tu our midst aud Salisbury would soon become one of the most pleasant and invi ting towns in the State. Emigrants would latter, refusing to ne mm in Iheir se it whenever it is called ip, thus preventing the piescnce of a com iutlional quorum. A PKOCLiijlATloN, CORIiESPOXDEXCE. CHERAW AND SALISBURY R. It. Mr. Editor : I desire to call the spe cial attention of the citizens of Salisbury and the surrounding country to the im portance of their taking immediate steps to encourage the construction of the above Road, for which a charter was granted at the recent session of the Legislature. It mute will be nn the western side of the Pedes and Yadkin rivers, through Anson and Stanly counties, and crossing the Wilmington and Charlotte Railroad near Wadesboro. At Cheraw, as is well known, the railroad from Charleston called the North Eastern Jload, now terminates ; so that this new road of which I am writing will place us in direct communication with Charleston, besides also with Wilmington by the Wilmington and Charlotte road. It is only eighty mile to Cheraw ; and a the road can be located on a very easi ly graded route, certainly it offers to us a connection among the most feasible and advantageous that can be found. .-In in spection of the map will at once show this. 1 he ISorth Eastern llaiiroad rompany, and the people of Charleston and Cheraw, are extremely aniious to aid in making this connection ; because it affords them the most favorable line to the Mississippi vslley, by wsy of tur Western N. C. road. Tho ( liai iestonians as well the North Eastern Railroad Company have a, aomviderable amount of available funds which they are ready to devote to the building of this connection ; and the rnnte is already graded to the 8. C. State line, ten miles this side of Cheraw. A meet ing of thi; Stockholders of this company will take place at Cheraw, on .Wednesday the 12ih of May This I learn by letter from Col. B. D. Townsend, the President of the Company, who says the meeting is to be held at Cheraw for the special eon- r either party wiH countenance them in so- renience of the North Carolina friends ot Mats In other cases one-armed union sol-1 the road ; and h urges us to send down a dier. aaebu dlaplaed (n,m p.atins fur tatrong dsilegaMen from this rgicm. with a By His Efcellency tli- Governor of North Carolina, ltiiinvdu'v to imb- tlock here from all parts of the North and 1 the following; act. ussed bv the Gen- oar woald soon become the great city eral Assembly ot North Carolina, at its , which nature intended her to be. Ii j recent session. hoped that our citizens will not be indiffer- j X0 person in this Slate can be "in any ent to a subject in which they are all so, manner deprived of hi life, libertv or pro-1 deeply interested in more ways than one. perty, but by the har jf the land." Eve- j A Citizen, i ry man's house is his cast le, into which no j " ' man can enter to maltst oriHsiinb him un- ! We find the following letter, giv ing an account of the Stockholder's meet ing of ilhj W N. C. R R., at Morganton, oil the 7th inst , in the last number of the Asheville News. It was evidently writ ten by one who was present, and who is familiar with il: proceedings bad at that meeting : Salisbury, N. (i, April 16,1809. Messrs Editors : As the "official " re port of the proceedings of the recent Stock holder' Meeting of the W. N. C. R., K , will probably be a very Unfair, one sided document, repressing facts and suggesting incorrect idoas, 1 have concluded to write you a true statement of what occurred, so that the people of your section may not be misled by the equivocations of the ringmasters, and their adherents. I he meeting assembled, pursuant tn an nouncement, on April 7th.. Jacob W. Bow man, of Mitchell, being called to the chair pro tern on motion of Gctf. Henry. Imme diately after tins an uproar began, many talking at once, and the chairman explain ing all around, when Gov. Vance started to liis feet, and demanded to know what the meeting was to be composed oft-V Whelher of .the Eastern Division, or the Western Division, or of the Western N. C. R. R. Gen. Henry replied that it was "a meeting of the Western Division;" whsreupoti Gov. Vance promptly said that if such was the ease the Eastern Division had no business in it, and called apon the Stockholders of that Dtvisron o- meet at the Hotel, whither a large outuber "follow ed him. The Eastern Division then or ganised a meeting, and on counting the stock vote, it was supposed the meeting at the Court House was without a quo rum. A resolution was then drawn up, proposing to vote with the Western Divi sion for the amendment, provided the lat ter would unite with them in applying to the Legislature to strike out tho objection able feature of the ameudmeiit whichrob bed the private Stockholders of'the East ern Division of the control or their own interests, and put it into the hand.- of Gov. Hidden' .appointees. f This wss the only objection of the Stockholders or the Eastern Division to the amendment They were perfectly w illing lo vote for the ad ditional appropriation of 3,000,000, tn the Western Division, but demanded that no discrimination should be made in the law governing the two Divirlons. Thi resolution was unanimously adopted by , tho Hotel meeting, and a gentleman re quested to eoovwy u to the meeting ut he tod W pnnisbed hy fine or i(iipn?"t-.ment A sugar and corn plantation of one hundred aud seventy acres in Louisiana, nearly equally divided between tho two crop, returned a profit last year of Sc2o, GGO. Nepnsef, Mass., has the oldest bouse iu America, retaining its original form. It was built by Join. Minot, about the year 1G40. It ii still iu good repair. I - - Four beech nnts, sound and sweet, - were lately found near tho heart of .an oak iu ludiana, with two hundred and fifty year growth of wood over them. Ex Senator J. R. Dnolittle, of Wiscon sin, is now in Chicago, and it is rumored that be is about to establish himseff iu the practice'oT taw in that city. New Jersey farmers want six million baskets to put their tomatoes In this sea son. O.ic hundred and thirty clerks iU be removed from the Interior Department on the 1st proximo, a large number of them in tho Pciuion Bureau. A.J. Alexander of Kentucky, sold to Mr. Alexander Patterson, of New York, his trottling Tattler, 5 years old, for 817,000. The President has sent to the Senate since the 4th of March over eleven hun dred nominations. A cave in "Lookout Mountain, Georgia, has lately been explored for a distance of eight miles, aud it is said to tu surpass Mammoth Cave of Kentucky in variety and splendor- It was part ially occupied during the war by a rebel manufactory of saltpetre. 1 ' 1 w. tVn.lilnlvInn ArtmiliMnilant t.P m 1,. , ,i . 1 " . , .-1 I i I i . . . I , V " I i . I .. . i . i l ... . , ..,, all., i, i,-. I... ,1.1., niililin . iiiniiiii ' By the regard which we all h.oe for ihe Bo,ton P"P' MJ" ,,,at ,,,e Bourbon peace of n ieiy and ihe good name of the Princess who were lately married iu New Stale, I calf npoik.evwy ewixrn to unhe J York ran away from tho National Hotel APRIL 30, 1869. KtroKTKD BV J. A. McCUNXACUHlt. BOCKS n to St tn less by authority of ).. The humblest and the poorest arwtntitled Willi protec tion equal with tl.sjstaLhiest nud most exalted. The Cour will extend this protection, and the Incentive is prepared to sustain the Courts, and to do every thing within the sphere of his powers and duties to preserve pence and good order in society. Bands of men who go mask ed nud armed at night, causing alarm nud terror in neighborhoods, and committing acts of violence on the inoffensive and de fenceless, will be followed and brought to justice; and dcpredelors snd robbers, who live on the; honest earnings, of others, will be made to feel the penalty due to their crimes. It rs -hoped the evil complained of, and which nre confined to a few localities, will speedily cease. The great body of the people of the State are submitting quietly and peaceably lo established authority, and laboring assidaon'sly to retreivo iheir fortnnes and improve their condition. I appeal to this great body Of the people" to unite with mo in discountenancing and re pressing the evtfs "rt-.vrr ed lo. Public opinion properly embodied and expressed will be more effectual in repressing these evils, and in promoting the. general good that will result from the complete estab lishment of peace and order in every neighboi hood in ibsj State, than the exe cution ol the law itself against offenders in a few individual rasps. I respectfully Djcuu, neruouinl, lui.it. Mr t. ...in j. Cora, prr bnoli, ul W .-.. " heal, buS. 46 " Copperas, pur puuad, i ainllr., TalklW, " Adamantine, Cotton. per poanil, " Yarn, per buucli, KjMt. per Uonn, Watliets, per pound. K.our. per sack. KUIi, Mackeral, .' . I. 9. 3. - Fruit, dried, applet pealed, ' uup'td, m ' Peacbei, pevlec, uupealed. Leather, sppcr, per pound, sole, Iron, bSr, " " castings, " Xails. cut, " UolaiMea. sorv'hum. per fa " Wwtludi. " Syrup, Onions, r bnshe!, fork. per pound, potatoes, Irish, per bushel, Sweet. Sugar, Brown, perpnaad. Ulanned. " " Crushed Piilveriied ..... Salt, coast, per sack " Liverpool, " ..... " Table. Tubacco, Lcat per nonnd..,.i.i " Mannfactured, " Rmokinc. ...... . . . . hiti,. bo to HlUt 90 lo 96 tu 96 to 9 UUto9. 19 to In 464 to 46j 4.76 to 6.96 90 to to ? to 0U to 16 to 9 to 69 to 33 to 6 to 8 to 6 lo 8 HI H in 75 35 8 tfl 7 , . 60 en to to 1.00 to 1. 2i F " to (HI 10 t i 19 Ml to 76 100 to 00 14 to 16 18 to Si' 90 to 20 9. 76 to 9.76 0.00 to 9.00 6.60 to 6.00 00 to Ml SO to 1.60 40 to 1 .00 Notice of Co Partnership. WrjarsOTOw, N. C, April 15th, 18C9. AT'E, the undersigned have this day entered V into co partnership under the firm nsnie and style of BANNISTER. COAN & CXI , for the purpose of ctHMjuclinir the businewol a HEAL ESTATE and FINANCIAL AGEN CY, with principal . ffi-ei at Wilu.ingion, N. C , and New York City. VYcrespeclluUy oflu oor services lo llie pub lic. LEMUEL BANNLiTER, D.S. CDWAN. J. C. KENYNN. For further information, aildress BANNISTER, COWAN A CO.. npni 30 I n Wilimnjr'on, N. C. 8. DtXON, C. D1X0N, II. U DIXUN, r. C. U1XUN. NEW AD VERTISEMtNTS. NOTICE. Mr. Chat. S. HUncfclter's connec tion with our House as l'raveiling Agent, and his authority to collect money due us, cease from this dato DARBY k CO., Wholesale Fruiterers and Confectioners. Baltimore, April 21st, 1869. 17 2t with me in discounteuancitig disnrdersand violence of all kinds, and in fostering and promoting confidence, peace and good will among the whole people of the Stale. Done at our Ci y of Ualeigh, tliis the 16th day of April, one thousand l. s. eight hundred and aixty-tiiue, ami in the year of the independence ol , the United Stktea ihe 93d. W W.lWiDENtUoveror. By the GovercorrT W. U RlCH,ftD809, Acting Private Secretary. An Act making the act of going Masked, Disguised or Paintfd, a l elony. The General Assembly . North Caro lina do enact .- isrr l sh or vice for ihe concealment of fad face or without paying their board. Dr. Cuming says our tribulation is coming which was foretold by the Proph et Ilaggui : "Yet a little while, and I will shake the earth and tbe tea and the dry land." We are in the seventh vial, and ''one shock, startling, terrific, and of huge and unprecedented proportions," is yetto come for the purpose of shaking up tbe scoffer. , i President Grant has made a rule to re ceive no culls on Sunday, and has foi bidden his secretaries to brihir him anr day, vtl.li the trt do enact: Sec. 1. Any person who j ;etlei or teligjcuuiS- ,11 disguise himself by p.ii,,ti,p his L ioof tlo K by wtaruig aur mufk r any othrr de-j ; ... . f A Ft'ir Pniclicil Que.Mioos. Would you be perfectly cured of the Itch in adavortwo ? Get Ihe Infallible Jleh Oint .'. price 25 cents. Won). I you have your Corn snd Bunion removed in a lew days? Buy the Corn rad tcutor price 2a cetus. Would you relieve yourself of that most dis tressing of all nl). -ci ion, in a lew moments, Neuralgia . the Head aud Face? Use the Neuralgic Remedy price wily 50 cents. Would you relieve your children wf Worms, that fruitful cause of many other diseases? Use the Vermifuge pi epared by E. S. pi ite 25 cents Would vou rid your Houses and Furniture of that loathsome pest of the season Bed Bngt Vim the Bed Hug Exterminator price 25 cents. WonhJ yro exterminate- from your Rarn ara Meat nouses, ino' nauseous and letrtict tve enemies of civilization Ruttt l?e Ihe Rut Poiton, prepared by E. S. price 25 cents All the aoove are prepated aud to be had only At E. SILL'S Drcc Store. Salisbury, N. C. IIH7J Snow Camp Foundry, S. DIXON &CO., Iroc-Fcunderi. Mill- Wnf htl iV Machinista, SNO IF CAMP P. O. Alamance Co., N. C, ARE MANUFACTURING Improved Horse-Powers and Threshers, Straw-Cuttcrs, Corn-Shtllers, Cant Mills, Saw and Grist Mill Irons of every Description, Shaft' ing, Pulleys, Gear rnq, dtc., dc; Also, are maoufactoiing an Improved Twbine Water Wheel, Which at no distsnt day. it is believed will so lieiwde the Overshot-Wheel in most situa tions, where, economy, durability and effici enrv are properly considered. 17 Mill owners who use water for the pro pulsion of machinery, are particularly request ed to five this Wheel an examination before sending their money North lor one not so good. This Company is an association of Practical Me. -Iranics. who have been encased in this particular business for more than twenty five yrur, ami nre qualified from long trainibjr, and practical experience, to make thorough work of any job entrusted to their care ; to gether with the LO W PRICK at which work has been pot under the ready-pay system, lately mangotated in this country, will make it to the interest of those wanting any thin) in our line to give us a call. spril 3D 1 It Solomon Einstine, UPHOLSTERER AND l; TATE of north Carolina, lO IREDELL i. UCNTY. Superior Court, Sp ing Teim, I860, , ft appearing to the satisfaction ol the Court tl-at the Civil business of this Court requires s Special Term thereof ; It is Iheretore ordered (hat a Special ttrmol the Superior Conn, lor the trial ol Civil cause only, he held for the Count v of Iiedell at the Court Hon,' in Stales villi, commencing on Monday the lOih day ol July next, at wtyieu lime and placeTa'l psrttes loCivi! caus as hereby noiified lo be pres- i with ' er witne-n'S, to tnc end Thar Thi IIATI'R ASS nun In liuis' Builtl'i!)?, opposite the Market House, Ps prrpnred to do ever.i tkiiis; la kfs list st short aotice uil on tbe mot reasonable lei ms. .411 kind ot furniture tenovated and repaired ami rin lo look as well new. Special aUootion given Is tha makina; aid repairing of SOFAS, SETTEES, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, &c., &c. Give him a call, txmiaiae his work, aad yew will go sway pleased. Sahaourj. Apt it 9tli. 1869. 14 3m FASHIONABLE Dress Making! Jlootns opposite the Old North State, formerly occupied by Urs. Brawn.) frsv ... . i . . ii . in rtlcrung to impftrtaiit ij. s 9, f vaidfCourt may be disposed of i would re-pwalully inform the citisens of fcal a- .. oniito hv Uw. iuory siw vieinitr, that as i n ... M JJ L. l 'vl irnuiff, -lu rB UHiJiiire, ...ii w urn persosuwith luteot tu terrify or fnghtet. j M j dj burying-eround Tiasl sai Court, at oihee in tiiatesvilte, this 10th any citiaeo or it community, or part , ... , 8 , i Jav of April, A. D.. 1&G0: anycitiaeo or Urn community, or part i , , " , j Jar of April, A. D thereof, shall be srthy ot a misdemeanor, beenroken in upon by sonlo workmen 1 & snd b- pnnisbed bv fine or imprisonment 'in St Ixuis. while removing a mound in I iiil J 17'd a L. SUMMERS. C S C thevsrenow Dini(-(f. at tin- shove named plaoe. to execute with neat ness and despatch, ail kind- of Urean-niakisg ia the most fashioiiabje. styles. Gentlemen's Clottunr tnle to order st ruv" e"'",s rani prompwy 771. ins.- lor.:t ll-;i a -w-r .-

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