tTI)frliXortl) s talc 8AI.ISDURY, FRIDAY, APR. 30, '69, POETICAL. "O MOTHER OF A MIGHTY RACE." T wiuim cullkx unr ANT. 0 mother of a mighty race, Yt lovely la thy youthful grace ! Tin- elder dame, tby haughty peers, Admire and hate thy blooming yetra With of abanM And taunts of scorn they Join they name. For oo tby cheek the glow is spread that tints thy morning hills with red; Tby Map the wild deer'a rustling feet Witbio thy woods are not mora fleet ; Thy hopeful eye Is bright as thine own sunny sky. Ay, let thern rail those haughty ones ; While safe thou dwellest with thy sons; They do nut know bow loved thou art, How many a fond and fearless heart -Would raise to throw Its lifo between thee and the foe. They know not, in their hate and pride, What virtue with thy children bide How Una, how good thy graceful maids Make bright, like flowers, the valley shade; What generous men Spring, like thine oaks, by hill aud glen; What cc rdial welcomes greet the guest By thy lone rivers of the West; now faith is kept, aud truth revered, And man is loved and God is feared, In woodland homes, And where the ocean border foams. There's freedom at they gates, and rest For earth's down-trodden and opprest, A shelter for the hunted head. For the starred laborer, oil and bread. Power, at thy bounds Stone, and calls back bis baffled hounds. O lair young mother) on thy brow Shall sit a nobler grace than now, Deep in the brightness of thy skies, The thronging years in glory rise, And, as they fleet, Drop strength and riches at thy feet Thine eye, with every coming hour, Shall brighten, and ! thy form shall tower; And when thy sisters, elder born, Would brand thy name with words of scorn, Before thine eye Upon their lips the taunt shall die. NEWSPAPER LAWS. As there are certain definite laws in re lation the rights of publishers of news papers, which do not seem to be under stood, we will endeavor to make a plain synopsis of them and solicit attention thereto. , 1. A Postmaster is required to give no tice by Utter, (returning a paper docs not answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the office, and a neirloct to do so makes tho Poatmaf ter responsible to the publisher for the pay meat. 2. Any person who takes a paper from the Post-office whether directed to bis name or another, or whether he had sub scribed or not is responsible for the p..y 3. If a person orders his nape r dt con tinued, he must pay all arrearages, orJhe publisher may continue to send until pay ment is made, and collect tuo wnoie amount, whether it oc taken .from the office or not. There can. bo no legal dis continuance until the p.n iiM iii is made. 4. If tho subscriber orders his paper to be stoned at a certain time, ami the pub lisher continues to send, the subscriber is bound to pay for it, if he takes it out o the Post-office. The law proceeds on the irronnd that a man must uar for what h( n - i uses. 5. The courts have decided that refus ing to take newspapers and periodicals from the I'ost-office, or removing and leaving them uncalled is prima facia ev idence of intentional fraud McCubbins, Sullivan k Co's. COLUMN. NEW GOODS AND NEW FIRM! McCubbins, Sullivan & Co., ARE RECEIVING DIRECT FROM NEW YORK a vcrv larze and well selected stock of new out desirublo DJST GOODS, GROCERIES. mm & mm GOODS consisting in part of SPECIAL A'OTJCE. HUMOROUS READING. BATS ON A BENDER. I RELIEF kok the SOKELY AFFICTED. It was the misfortune of the undersigned to have suffered, as few have every suffered before, fur six long aud gloomy years, from an aifeetiou of his feet aud leg, superiuducej by overwork, during the first year of the late war. During all that time, he was compell ed to drag his emanated trame about, ou crutches. Iu vain he invoked the best tned ical talent of the country;. and visited th most celebrated medicinal Springs. Worn down and exhausted, he gave up all hope of recovery. At this stage of his ease, having been governed by his medical friends from the beginning, he determined to adopt a method of treatment, the result of bis own reflection. It is enough to say. that this method is not so much new, as it is, the more skillful application of what has been long known, aud attempted by the 1 hysicians After tome weeks of the most unwearied and persevering efforts, he was rewarded with the most gratifying results. Indeed, his rap id improvement and recovery, was almost magical so much so. that in looking back upon his condition a year ago, he can, even now, hardly realize the truly wonderful lm provemeut Profoundly grateful for this extraordinary blessing, he is desirous ot being the means of diffusing similar benefits to those who t. T ., m . , mw . . . r may ne similarly amicieu. lie mereiore. proposes not only to treat, bnt CURE, all manner of diseases of the lower extremities, such as old and ill-conditioned Ulcers of the legs ; Varicose Veins ; weak and enlarge Joints, Arc, no matter of how long standing It is one of the great advantages of hi mode of treatment that no restrictions are imposed on the patient as regards diet, cxer cise, ace., and tor the most part, little or no medicine is used. The charges shall be in accordance witl lose really indigent, will be treated "without mon ey and without price." r.lHi AKI) SI 1. 1., M . I Feb. 12 tf Salisbury, N. C i t II Dry Goods, Hardware, Drug), Medicine, and DYE-STIFFS, Boots and Shoes HATS, CAPS, and Straw Goods, Upper, Sole, Skirting, and HARNESS LEATHER, Calf, Pad aud Lining The Greatest Inducement BVSB OMB ED TO THKJPUBL.IC i NEW GOODS ! NEW FIRM ! ! Robert, McIMfiy Co., NO.l, CORNER MA Mr it 1NNI3S 8T8., MNllLV YOUNG!, BLOCK. UK NOW RECEIVING their new Ix. and elegant stink of Spring and Sinner Goods, consisting la part of Staple and Eaucy Dry Goods, Laiiles' Dress Goods, Trimming.-1, Yankee NotioiiB, lit ady-Made Clothing, Huts, Capo, Iloota Jr. 8 NEW YORK and North Carolina STEAMSHIP l FROM New York to Wilmington, Tbis Line willcotuirise tbe following steam- its : FAIRBANKS, Capt. A. Ilunkr, WM. P, CLYDE, " D. P. Morgan, REBECCA CLYDE, 0. Chichester. MARY SANFORD, John Moon. With sufli additional Steamers as may be required to meet lb- demand of tlie trade. Sailing bom New York every WKDNK$DA Y and 6.1 TURD A rat 4 P. M., from Pier 15 h 11. loot ol V all btreet. Sbjts Hardware, Wood & Willow-Ware, Groceries, Ate , Jcc, AJI of wlii. li tltow.iBar B cheap or cheaper than 'filename VU nf vodi'cia lie porcTHHea In fhft section of the Stae. Their jrooila were pun-baaed exclusively (.AMI. and will In- told c Ittslvrl.v for cask or prvdscr- heace the treat Inducement lor bargains. And i n terring 'tlic ni. blr sixpence to the slow asking, their motto will he ijuick Ivs an. I small pnsttaand ready pay." (. nil and -n then mid lie cc ivineed. fur they h-rl confident thai tl'ey can Rive yoa the UKT (i(MU)H for the leal money you ever bought. M ir. h m mm. 10 tf srr JOB PRINTING, BLANKS, AC. HAJYD BILLS -'CIRCULARS PAMPHLETS LABELS A few days since Mr. Barnard Hans an, proprietor of a wine cellar on Scne ca street, naa occasion to draw some Hungarian wine from a butt: there is nothing remarkable in this statement, bat I the general depression of the times ; and tl attached to it ia a little incident we never remember to have seen mentioned in nat- m a a a , a nral history, ana one wnien Heard or any other artist mar use if he chooses, in il lustrating the disgraceful habits of the lower animals. A drunken man it often denounced by the teetotallers, as being worse than a dumb brute "because tbe brute will not drink intoxicating liquor ;" but that eertioii ao derogatory to the human spe cies will no longer carry any weight as a temperance argument in this section of the worlrl. for it-.-.w".r KW '.r r "n hnt (lie lower animals will not only Srink wine with outran? previous education of their tastes, bat dunk to excess and ,tlien misbehave. Aa stated above, Mr. II. drew the sweet wine, bat he did not close the tap completely, as it seeems, and soon after ward be discovered an old toper of a rat sacking the juice of the grape which bad fallen on the floor. On perceiving the biped the quadruped scampered into his hole. Being naturally of an inquisitive and experimental tarn of mind, the landlord examined the fawcel and found that the wine had been falling in drops upon the floor, and that the rats bad imbibed all tbey could secure. Giving the wine a litlle more vent he then retired and through the glass door watched the course of events. K mlwililonod hv former d ranarhta n re liably, one old sucker soon put in Ins ap- fiearance and renewed his attack on the iquor, even standing on bis bind legs to reach the wine, which was now flowing a little faster. Others soon joined their leader, and then followed a real rat-ifica-tio , the like of which was never ' seen before in this town. They squealed, ...I.K.J, U, awl a'raglxl fa ak jc NAILS, IRON & STEEL, Tanner's, Linseed anil "Tfveroeene ctter eabs AND EVERY OTHER KIND OF JOB trit.NTINC, EXPEDITIOUSLY, WELL, And CHEAPLY done 1 Louis' best WHITE LEAD COLORED PAINTS, of all kinds, CASTINGS of different sizes ; And many other articles not enumerated ; all of which were bought FOR CASH, and will be sold as Cheap as the Cheapest. We tender our sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon us, and hope by cloge attention to business and fair dealing, to merit a con tinuance of the same. Having had oVer twenty year's experience, and having all the capital necessary to conduct a large ... business. We feel confident that we can GOODS ! JAVING JUST RETURN- ed from the Eastern Mar ket we cull yourfctteptiontn much the lnrt -t itml must complete Htorlr baUood in this mar ket, all iwleetad from new ud Ireah atM'ka anil Htylcs, and a'larfre portlilr pnn Iihm iI ilin-ctlv from tbe ifaualacturers and their Afeiita since Tbe Great Dm-line In Drj Goods. All wo ask a eall at tht well known Em pnrium of thl market Ws inrlte your iitten tiun to a few LEA DIN'S ASTICLEd kept iu thi- wholesale and retail stock : Dry Goods, DRESS GOODS ! Notions, Hats, in BEADY-MADE CLOTHING, IJT Tho attention of Shippers is called to tbe LOW KATKS and FACILITIES offered by this Line, which are superior to any nen totore ohYrcd. THROUGH DILL8 OF LADING given to all points on the North Carolina lUilroad and its Connections via Golds boro. J. A. 8ADLKR. Soliciting Agent. WORTH Sc DANIEL, Agents, Wilmington, N. C. JAME8 HAND, Agent, ftbay 8lf il'J Wall Street, N. Y. North Curolina Land Company. Incorjwrafed by Sjwria A rt of the Gener al Assembly, FOR THK LOCATION OF Northern and European Settlers. FOR TUB SAI.K OP IMl'IlOYEli I' A 1 : M S. TIM BER & AILNEUAL LANDS, HOUSES, MINES, WATER POWER, i:c , Arc. Also of COT TON, TOBACCO, NAVAL S10KKS, &c, ON CON SIGNMENT, ADVANCES MADE ON SAME. FOR j IMPROVED AGRICULTURAL IMPLKMENTS, FERTILI ZE US, MACHINERY, VCa &C. feC, ALSO, NEGOTIATE LOAN8, ON MORTGAGE OU OTHER SECURITIES. Thote baring Land or l-'snna for na!e, will tiinl itlo their interest to communicate with this Company. Nut lurjre in.ule unlen anale is effected ; then only "per caul, to uc puni wheu Uie -.i.i- id per fee ted. , INSf R A NCE COMPANIES. tfljc ttnick erbackcr mm uti INSURANCE COMPANY Of New York. Sdulhrrn Brineb, Savann;ili, Vn. B. D. ARNOLD, Consulting I'Uyaiclan. WILIirR, Mauuger. The only Branch of laifo Insur ancc Company, where Policies are Xsucd and Losses raid. ASSETS, $5,000,000 Annual Income nearly 3,000,000 Annual Jtirulcnd, nearly. . . .50 per cent $73,000 Losses paid bu this Branch in two years. THi: KNTCKKIMK CKF.R is an old and reliable (,'iiiiian v, and offers as great indure- ineiitx to itNiirerH as auy solvent 1 oinpaiiT eim. jH.HUrH I'olH icf on tvtni (lemraolt iilnrt I ! i of tl Premium to the Policy Holder, All Policif non-forfeitable after the payment of tiro or three premiums, ao restrictions on resilience or travel. No extra charie for offi cefs of the Amu; Nary, or First Class Steam anil Hail Vessels, or for Railroad Conductors, tc. Till: KMCK.EUBOCKEU is u of th feir Sbrthern ( omitames uhose Policies tn the Smith u rre kejit intact durmq the rebellion. u hose lMridemls irere accredited as though Premiums irere paid, and is thk Company that nftrr the war paid alt Losses which oc eurred during the war. thus proriny its integ nty, its honor, ami indisputable solvency. The Knickerbocker pays losses promptly, uver disputing a just claim and is as liber al as aur safe Company in America. W. 8. BELDEN. General Aiieut fir N. C. Baleigh Jonx Bf.ard. Agent, Salisbury, N. C. February. 11), 1C(J!. 7 3m. THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL M in i inn Wll lli 11 1 11 L Geo. Little, Prest, Offiw. It. W. Bcst.SeeATreaa. A'ents and Directors at Raleigh. Hon. It. W. Ilest, Col. Oeo. Little. Geo. W. 8wepim, K. Kintrslund. Agents and Dirretnrs in New York d) Boston. A. J. Weeeker. Son A Co. Kaleiph, X. '.. March HI. 8 3m AT THIS OFFICE. ""Clerks of Court, Sheriffs, Ma gistrates, and others, in ordering blanks geu good8 ag iow tt8 any h0a8e lu Western PANT. GOODS, will please refer to tbe Forms as num bered in " Hand-Book for County OlH eers," published by Niehols& Gorman Raleigh, H. C. Address, . BRtMfUR North Carolina. ALL KIADS OF Address, J. J. BKU9TKK. sm Homestead Marts ; WW Pr0lluce TAKEN IN i for lavinn of t fnnirstrnls I m ..' . , i , i i i w : s one after the other, Jbtfbame "tight as And a new and improved form EXCHANGE for GOODS t (Lit 3 1 I t .t t uricKo neaa uruna ana mj upon me floor in utter helplessness. At this stage of the carousal Hr. Han avan again entered the cellar- and made a most vigorous onslaught. His appearance created as much con;ternation among the long-tailed gentlemen as the entrance of a squad of policemen would do among the sporting fraternity in a tan-bark cock-pit. Some of them were frightened into a de gree of soberness that enabled them to reach their holes, holes, where they un doubtedly slept off the effects of the li quor and woke np next morning with ter- LI. l v -t ,1, brutes, however, were too far gone for locomotion, and they became prisoners and were all condemned to death instan ter, save one, which was placed in a cage 4r.r T-riirii(inn anil Avfwriniont On rc- covering from his stupor he seined to be not a bit ashamed of Lis conduct, but re fused to take "a smile of whiskey" that was offered, though he did sip a little of the wine. This rat will, wo understand, Le turned over to a Humanitarian Good Templar, initiated, into the secrets of the order, and then turned loose to reform his brother ti piers. Buffalo Express. Silver is found in the Alleghany Moun tains, near tbe Baltimore and Ohio Rail Hood. Of T A Tim BttftlYg - r Revised and corrected by the best legal authority in this place, for sale. Address, , mar. 10, J. J. BEUNER. AT THE 3l3-3i: C Market PRICES. Jus. IIOKAIl. 1IK.NKY Mo UAH J.&H. HORAH. WATCH MAKERS AND JEWEL Having bought the entire stock of L. M. Oaris; and added largely to it, we are uow prepared to furnish anything usually kept in a first class Jwelry Stole. We may he found in Cowan's Brick Row, next door to F. H. Spraue's Office. AIJkinds of repairing done at short notice and satisfaction guaran teed. We return thanks to a generous public for past favors, and hope by strict attention to busineosijto merit a continuance of the same. P. 8. All persons having left Watcbes and Jewelry with L M. Deris or Wilson A Karri, to be repaired are requested to call and get I them or they will be bow (or repairs, ia. K, 169. Mcf ubbios Sullivan k To. Salisbury, N.C., April 2, I860. U:ly lioiini: nir u i mil I B.i 19 MM II .1 e rinr.e, Potent Medicines, Dye Stuff's, I'aints, Tanners' Oil. Kerosene, ati&Linseed Oil, Lead, Upper, stflc and Har ness LEATHER, CALF & LIKING SKINS. HARDWARE, fron. Prod, Saddle Hardware, and Carriage Trimmings : in diet, thousands of artii lcs too tedtun to .'e. e irriit- u.r ll.c Great Threshers and CLEANERS, A! -", -Manufacturer" Agents finr the celebrated UoueUust. Do. do. Rifleand Blasting Powder, l e' We invite .the attention of 'llerchants and the trade generally, to our stock, assuring t hern thev will tmd nothing-hut fresh and desi rable. Good-. We buy all kinds of produce. s.ivf vtmr i-i irMicrries ana i ruits, wmcu wii lie to you as Treasure. Smith. Foster & Co., SAUSBtJRt. N. C, Sprng.'e's old Stand, iv ui tho Market House April, Hk. l:t I v THE NATIONAL Life Insurance Co'p'j or the United States ,ok Amekica. WASHINGTON, I). C. ChurtcriU!i ipccialact of Congress, July 25, 'J8. Cash Capital paid in full $1,000,000. It is no longer a question with any mm, who tenderly loves his wife and childien, w ho uen siders how helpless would be Jbeir i nndition in case of his death, a to the duty of taking out a LIKE POLICY, hutas to which Company he thai I pay ln money. If he reflect a moment bo will conclude to patronize iho Company which . hows the great est degree of vitality, which extends its busi ness over the largest area, wnicn is a llosue ( onipanv in every locality; winch tnnnstics m- urance at the least cost; which issues no poli cies that are turteitaiiio snowa ne ne unnoie next year, or any subsequent year to pay hi re newal ; and which is undoubtedly able to meet all its promises. Willi these leelings ana views, lie iookk over the newspapers, and, by the time he get through reading the advertisements oi' Mutual or Mixed Companies, he buds his (mud so fuddled that ho is at a loss where to go or wlui. to do. He can not comprehend one-hiih i.hat is written, and concludes that none but A,uctuurics, who me la- miliar w ith the principles upon winch Lite In surance is uaeil, can comprcneuu or explain anything about dividends aud his liability for notes given in part payment of premiums. In his dilemma, he looks into (he pun adopted by the National Lifo Insurance Company of tbe United .States of America, aud finds just what ho wants: AN ALL CASH PLAN, reduced to the low est minimum rate, like any commodity in uiar- i much Insurance or so much Mo COMPANY OF VIEGINIA A Virginia and Southern Institution Its P'unds arc kept in the South. It htis mcttcith unprecedented success. Its fortuttes are established beyond any contingency. The Company has capital and assets, against iti liability that will compare favorably with any Lift Insurance I'ompany on the continent, w hich ia tlM true tet of icapODwbility, ItsalTaira are cantiously administered by selected lorectors, ol rvponiooiitij ana ousiness rapacity. It has established its claim to .Southern I'atroaagi 0FHCERS: I'HKBIDtNT, LEGAL NOTICES. State of North Carolina, Coct.Tr or la iuoon Soraaioa Cocbt. state ou ralatlon of J. L. Duasabury. St. I. Si "It. Laura A . Wi uni, A PIbIbUA. Pefendaeta. . JamesSu ilh aud wife Cornalta. ) ae a I sar K. I. tlamptor Julius A. Gray, as admiaiatrulor of A . U. KoataV, W. 11. l.m.Uay, and W. 1). Llndaay, aa adininiatratur uf B. A. Kilucll. . To W. I). Llndaay, one of the above asmed de teinlanta a Don renidaBt: You am heraby nolltltd, that a ansauioaa Iq the above entitled case baa been iaaoed airainat yoo, arheraia you are auamoned to appeal before tbe J mice of the Huperior ( nun to be Mid for the Couaty of larfbaon, at tbs Court Houae In Islington, en tbe aeeond Monday after the third Monday of April 1868, and auawer tbs eeaaplaial tin-ion. wlilrb iaflled with tbe clerk of aald court ou the Mb day of April 1H8H, a ropy of which, sad of the summona, were depoaited la the poatnnVe altks time, direc(eil to yoa ; ami notice was givea that judiruient would be token again., you if yoa failed, within that time, to answer aald complaint, wherein it is allri-ril that the defendautsabove named are in debted to the State ol North Carolina, to tbeaae and benelit of the p'aintil above named, ia the sem of lilt. -.-ii thousand (I6.OU0) dollar with lawrhl Intcrmt tbt-reon from the 6th day of October 1H67, due by bond, (executed to the State of North Carolina, by 1). A. Kittrell.K. I). Hampton. W. I). Llndaayand A. O. t'oater) for a breach oftneaame: that no part thereof haa been paid ; to bs discharged upoe the payiuent to tbe plaintiff of whatever damageathey in i v be erTtitled to in thiaactloa. Y on are also notified that the above named plain tiffs hare aned oat a Warrant of Attacameut airainat your p(oiertv for the amount of damage and fur tbe runs,- ol action therein net forth, returnable to the Sii rior ( I havidMiii ( ounty on the lsiti day e 'I whereol the idaintiBa will take Judcment aaainst torn aa therein demanded. Witness, Levi E. Johnson. Clerk of the Snnerior Court of the County ofllavidaoo, at office ia Lexing ton, the Dth day of April. 1HC9. l-KVl K. .lon.vsun. (J. 8. a April 16, 1869. IB 6wpd if .In ne IH(), lien and where yoo are hereby re mired to aiiiieiiraiiil answertlu- complaint, in default State of North Carolina, Deft JUSTICE'S COURT, f April 21, 18CJ. Summons for Pub'n. JOHN E. EDWARDS, Wii TICK rRESlIiEST, ii. Isaacs, I) 8 K( FIFTH FY, J. 11 AI. I SOOK MKDICAL FX AMIM- K, CHARLES n. SMITH, M. D. I.I OA I. Hin-I.ll, OENKRAL O.IST, II. C. L'AULLL, J .NO. U. ClAIBOKM DIUECTOKS: Henry K ket. mey- FOR RENT. B EST ANCHOR BRANDS ROLT- inR Clotlis. all numbers, for sale by MuCUBBIVSjBULLIVAN & CO. Sallsbary, N. C. Great Labor Saving MA. OH I N E, V. OOD'S CELEBRATED REAPER and Mower combined ; Also, WOOD'S Mower detached on hand, and French Burr Mill Stones BEST FRENCH BURR Mill Stones, For sale by McCUBBINS, SULLIVAN & CO. f-aHabury, N. C. Mi. burr, a prf! J. 1M6. V.lij I. . . , Mi HE DWELLING onnosite the Boyden Hrmse, formerly known a the Ftanklord Home, it contami 8 rooms, with rras fixtures, iic, as well as a kttclien hml a gooJ trarden fnot For terms apply to Luke lilackmer. Eq. JAME.S C. TURNER. January 29, 18C9. 4 tf CAUTION ! dAs. In, and ronituroera of snuff federally, lhal lliwe OT mr. err tain tobacco manufarlarera, tolnf unable taiaal a market for their atittffa, fell tlmnaalvei ewllf ad to eognterfeH (be ieiirt ar.pearaiirr of ywMr BBckaaaa, aad iautaie our Trade Marks, -to (hat a elnae Inapretlon la aeeean.ry to detect (he spu rious arliele froas the prer.aioe, and olhrrs so far as to aaserl that Lerrlllard'a'SBttsTIs no longer nisilr.' In unking this puhlicatjOQ we itcairr to warn Hie publie i- unsi Ibe iaipasilioi.s praoUead Bpon "i, in ; aa tin are tlr losers thereby, ttwill ha Baaastl upon comparison that Lorillards Snuff is "far ahead" ef ail others, neiii made of (he best ateefc, after an orhrtwat and srerrt process known only to ourselves, bhsidas aosiesslng irreat acv, strenath and panfrnry, and to varranod no( lo contain any d.nireroua or aWeierloua awhalsiii 1 1 . wbirh ranaoi be aaid of (he msny wonhlesa a nicies aa( oo sale by others. The brs( is the cheapest in tho end. A circular wilt al ays be mailt-d oo application,, lavorucrinf p rase speci fy if SalTSuvff(nigh Toaat.) or Fresh Suufft Ultra Scotch Is ,hrrred. eat-lt-San P. LORILLAR0, NEW VOMK.I No notes to irivt' ; no interest to nay ; no annc- tr aliont AieteNsmentH: no anprerl msion of his 1'olicy being forfeited next year if he doen not nay his annual Renewal; and tho Kates so mueb Lower than other Companies, that he realises a larger Dividend, in advance, than other compa nies can pay him in the future. lie liinls that, instead oi this, pnecrtaiuprom-. iso, at preseat high rate, that the National pre sents a certain aud definite sum for a mncb lower rale aud puts up its paid up Capitol of si,ooo,ooo Asa guarantee fund, that its contracts will ho fulfilled, and, like thousands of others, cheerful It calls ou their Agent to make his application ifor a Policy, lloueo tho unprecedented and most wrinderful success of the National as con trasted wilh tho oMi r.amf LM(utunl Companion. Tbe Company Issued its first policy on the 1st of August, 186fVabd up to March 1st. H, it hail issued 3.rrt policies. Amount insured, $10,00r.'.")( OQ, Total premiums,- J50.117 at The whole number issnod-by theonnectiut Mitiital in the first vear of its existence was fir--' y tho Mutual Benefit of New Jersey, ;!:! " New ISiigl.iinl Mutual, 'Mi ' i rhoHlix Mutual, Slo Mrtssaehusetts Mtitnal. 314 " 10iitilalile of New York, The Mutual Life, of New York, in'tbe first year of its existence, only issued did policies In its KUli vear. 1.-I.0 'Ami in its it Mb vear, , .H4i! this latter being ti'JO less than was issued by the National in its hrst seven months. JAY, COOK 4 CO., Agents for tbe Southern States. P. V. PE8CDD, General Agent tor North Carolina. -April 44). leW). J-3m John Rnders. William K. T.iylor, SMiiiuel S. CoitieJI, John Dooley, Cbat-tea T. Woilhsm, Williuni Willis. Jr., Ed. A Smith. Thoa. J. Evans, James A. S -oU, K.M (ctmrles, W. U.Tyler, J. K. Edwards, A . Y. Stokes, J. B. Morton, it . II. IXJ-reli. William H. I'lilmer, LEWIS Feb. 12-ly Kllyson, Asa Snyder. H. E. C. llaskcrville Siiniucl C. Turdy, tieore Jacobs, J. W. Allison, t.'eorire 8. I 'n liner, II. U. Cbockley, H. C. Cabell, I). J. Hartsook, John C. Williuma, W'illiam 0. Taylor, A. P. Abell, Win. R. Isaaos, (-orjre I, liol-.-oo.i, tSamael M . Piioe. HAKES. Ao't. LEXlKTOJf, N. 0 m 33 aa WHAT A Hill A.D EXTENSIVE BUSINESS Connecticut DSataal Life INSURANCE COMPANY IS DOING. Synopsis of Statement for 1868. lm ome from Premium- $7. lfil. 304.1 1 Income from Interest l.f.84 !SJ5.4H TotaJ income for the year 8.746 900.59 Losses wul..u. ....... ........1.22.1 .300.00 Dividends paid .....028 284,00 Total Losses paid to dale 8 08'18H3 00 Total Diridends paid to dtie. 6,IM7,2f8.00 It will lie seen Irom the aliove thattlie income fo interest ulone, (rreatly exceeds the losses, and that the total income for one year is more than the total losses paid to date. The Assets of the Company are now over Twenty-three Millions, and with it la(Ve income offers renter inducements to those in sdvinff than -ny other company in the country . Its plana ol biisiness coniptiae all tbe desirable forma ol insurance. -, S. D. WAIT, General Agent, mar 501 y Raleigh, N. C. -"'.aaJ LOOK 'Plif ' ii.lxl ,i r.Tkl 'tin ia Ahitnl I T AVI KKADY to exchange Leather for good I Hide", Kip and Cull Skins, Dark, TalloW Lime, Hops, Barley, Corn, Eye,, and country produce generally. 1 ( 1 will also 1 an good Hides, Kip and Other Skins, for one-ball. I return ray sincere thanks to a generous public lor. their liberal patronage in my (itner- ent businesses, in this county, for the last twen ty years. Hoses L. Uiown s old stand, corner oi tee and Liberty Street. , MAitrin muti v ic Salisbury, N. C, May 10, 18C3. wly I it II "1)981 61 qJJK II!isnjoK Niaiivii v -v , ii t'liui'i i a .oi i a ati joj iu:i st pn.ijuaptin aqx- (( (XHt t- o '" uiiiiui.u.i isiniuy lltMl (K)0 9f" Kiawfy qse,") Allin!st(Ol!s,14 to 1S,"1 aiui 8) at i i' 'jnanijno.T i no Xuviluio,, aauajns U ajn ilia (i! v siediuo.i i w teit s )t ( in s)i IbUivaa ajssss pu u,idr..i ((, AKVdIVOO Kill " ;"; ' R ' K . .- ...... , . ipog oooninssy 3JI1 318VJLIfl53 3K1 ' Jhe Stockholders of the Eastern and Western Divisions of the Western North Carolina Railroad Company are hereby noti tied U meet in joint meeting in the town of .Morgniuou iu 1 1 1 coii(i(y tx uurae. on tnetn day of May, A. iM 18(10, to consider of such matters as" may be properly brought before them, and matters of importance. W. J.'MOTT. President, . Eastern Division W. N. C. R. R. Co. GEO. W. SWEPSON. Pres't. .Western Division S.Q.JLR. Co. KaJsih, K- C. April 12, 16r. la . , County of DA V1D86N, Symons, P'lff, E. Q. Henderson To E. Q. Henderson, tbe above named de fendant a non-resident-: You are herebv notified, tnat tbe following summons has been issued against you, to-wit : Tho Stute of North Carolina : To any Constable or other lawful Officer of said County Greeting : l ou are hereby commanded to summon E. Q. Henderson, to appear before H. B. Dusen burv at his office in Lexino-ton. in the count v of Davidson, oo tbe 2Wh day of April 1809. to answer the cotu'iint, (which was this day fil ed in ms otnee) of . symons, tor the non payment of the sum ol fifty-three dollars and eighty-cents, due by account and demanded by said Plaint. ff. Herein fail not, -and of this summon make due return. This 21st day of April, 18C9. H. B. DusEiisoar. J. P. -Yoo are also notified tbat the above named plaint ill' has sued out a warrant of attachment against your property for the amount of dama ges, and for tbe cat., e of action therein set forth, returnable before the undersigned, at his i, ilice in Lexington, in the County and State aforesaid, on tbe 12th day of June. 8'i9, when and where yon are hereby re quired to appear and answerthis complaint, i default whereof, tbe plaintiff will ttake judgment against you as therein demanded. 16 pr.f.$9:4w H.B. DrjSEKBUBY, J. P. State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. ATTACHMENT. John M. Barnhardt, Plaintiff, AOAINST I D. M. Basinger, Defendant. NOTICE is hereby eTen that a Warrant 'bt A 1 1 i h melit baa been (SHlled Arrnjnar. thai siatafta. of said defendant, who is beyond the limits of this State, in favor of John M. Barnhardt, and n-t ii enable before a Justice of the Peace, for tbe said county of Uowan, on theiUd day of May, li9, at Salisbury, tor the snm of forty -five dol lars with interest from the2lst day of May 1861. The said defendant is herebv not ified to annear at said time and place and defend his suit, or judgment will be rendered against him. Witness, David Harrtnger, a Justice of the Peace for the county of Kowan, this the 20th of April, 159 'It:4w.idT) DAVID UAKK1 NUEK, J. P. State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. -Superior Court Plaintiff. Defendants. John L Morrison, administrator of Jesse Uulin, AGAINST E!izabe"th V. Hulin, Laura Hulin, Louisa Hulin, Annie Hulin, Charles Hulin, and James Hulin, IRON-KK8IDENT8.1 7b the above named defendants: You hereby notified tbat a summons in the above intituled case has issued against you, and the complaint therein was filed in the Superior Court of Kdwan County, on the 24th day of March lSb'J. in which it is alleged tbat the plaint ill' is tbe administrator of one Jesse Bu rn that the personal estate of the said Hulin is insufficient to pay his debts, funeral expenses, and charges of administration. ., Tbjsit.sajd Uu- tn died seized in fee of two tracts of land in RowsrkCoonty, particularly described therein that the same descended upon yon, except (said Elizabeth) as his heirs at law that eaid Elizabeth is his widow and the prayer is that the same may, by sale, be constituted assets in the plaintiffs hands r.s Administrator of said Jesse Hulin. . s You are also notified that the summons in the case is returnable to the next term of the Superior Court aforesaid, to be- held at the Court Hoose in Salisbury, on the third Mon- tay in April next, when and where you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint in default whereof the plaint, If will ap ply to said court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Witness, A. Judson Msson. Clerk of the said Superior Court at office in. Salisbury. March 24 th. 1809. A. JUDSON MASON, C. 8. 0. 12 Cw:n.l.$l2. J T.CARRAWAY, AND Scaler in xottths PROVISIONS. HARDWARE, GUu and frorktry Warr, Wall Paper, Win. dow Shadfi, fcc, fce. Ml KOMPT attention eiven to orders, and to the sale of Cotton, Grain, Naval Stores, Tobac- oN Dried Fruit, 4c , on Cninmisaion. COURT HOUSE BUILDING, april9 14-ly ' XI WBIB, M. 0. .toil V 8. IIEXDERSOM, TT0l.UfOLSELLORATLW, SALISBURY, N. C. I"" Will attend promptly totheColler- kion of CHairiM i - I i

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