.i- - I . laBSSaSSSmii , qpMMP VOL. IV. 8ALISB1IKY, IV CI MAY 14, imi). NO. 19 ft il)c(Pii Nortt) State PUBLtSIIRD WBEKLT BY JSdifor and Proprietor. bates op si;Bcamii(. Ox Yeah. payable in advance $3.00 Six lloTHi, " " -5JJ S Copies to one address, I'---'" Itat$ of Advertising Each additional insert iou, Twelve line of brevier U inches length wise the column or less constitutes srpiare Special notices will be chained 50 jx?r cent higher ihaa-tW ibeve ml i Court ardors, ix weeks, s7, if theeash ac companies the order, 1 10 if it does not. Ohitnary notices, over six lines, eharged as advertisements. T persons wishing to adrertiso for a lon ger time thau one month the most liberal terma will be given. " For the Old X'irth State "WHAT ARE LIFES PLEASURES. What are life's pleasures. Vanishing treasures, Gleaming awile then passing away; Like waves of the ocean, When Oiled with commotion Still hurrying oaward the white-foaming spray. What are life's dreams, . That bring sonny gleams To light for moment, the world weary heart? Like sweet summer floorers, When coaae chilling showers, From Autum's cold breath their beauties depart The hopes thst we cherish, How fleeting! they perish, We watch their fair colors that fade in the bloom ; Ami sorrow-tears flow, From hearts bruised and sore, And linger around the cjuill of the tomb. Ah! life's fleeting pleasured Ah, vftrishirtg treasures I - . Ah, why do we w eep to see ,epari I A. el bore tfiuinf bestl Why leav'st these shadows to heart t We lift the lyht gaute, d at ken the And lilting we patue, Light from "the Beyond" our spuits oe r flow; Then stieam onward go, We'll soon reach the shore WUenrrest many pilgiims, The life's drealns are o'er. "Mtrtls." Thoma'ville, N. C. NEW FLU JbIIL. AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE TWENTY-ONE OF THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE. -Pass-ID Apkil 9, 1969 The General Assembly cf North Caro lina do enact as follows : Section 655. Fees of Officeiss, by whom AND HOW FaTaBLE. The several oflicers bcieiiiafter named, shall receive the fees heieinuftcr preset ibed for them respectively - from the "persons lor whom., or at whose i.istauce, the Service shall be performed, except persons sueing as pau pers, and no officer shall Jie compelled to perform, any service, "unless in fee be paid or umdjred. JJjgjM . tlfomtilfrii receive no extra sftMrWltrw other coat peusaii hi whatever, unless the s.ime shall be expr -ssty reqniretl by souk statute. Itt cuse the service sliull be ordered by any proper officer of the State, ir of a coun ly. tot the benefit of a State or county, the fees nerd not be paid-in advimct' it for tlie State, shall be paid by the fi,.i nther eluims it are ; if lor a county, by the County Commissioners, eat of the county funds. S' C. 586. CtPT $! t defined. Acoj y beet shall consist of one htiudiej words. Sec. 557. Fees on Returns to S cre lary State. All officers required by )w to make returns to the Secretary ol 8tnte, shall receive for such returns five cents per copy sheets, to be audited on !... r. riifient of the 8 c'rela T 1 f :t'. a ,d paid as other claims against, ibe 6t .te, are required to be. Sec. 558 Clerks of eotirls shall fur- nih to nar fes printed epi( s of the, for ma! putt's flf aH wi;s treqaired-i -to be is sued by them, witu couvenicni man, apaces for the ioacrtion of written .mfcttei; and also the blank forms of such bjihl as are required to be taken by them. Sec 559. Who to pay costs in crim inal actions. If a defendant be acqoit - ... ,1 nr ndtf'ment Mfr.iinat him arrested, the costs, including the fees for all witnesses (umm n 'd ana actually examined for the accused, whom the judge or justice oi tue ueaee. before whom the trial took place, hall certify to tiare been necessary or nroper for his defence, shall be paid by K ;r I I I ik- mi. '..,.,.,i..;jr ;.,.tirp of the Kill, -,....... l-r- J " peace shall ceriiiy mat mere waa nui reasonable ground for the prosecution and that it was not required by the pub lie interest. If there bo no prosecutor, or if too judge or justice rf the peace ball certify as aforesaid, the coots ahall i a . I -1 J. be paid by waa found. Sec 660. Feet if eonjicl Insolvent. The costs in criminal actions shall, iu all cases, be paid by the person convicted, if he be able ; but if he be not, the coun ty where the bill was found shall pay one-half of the costs of the prosecution only. Sec. 561. How fees of officers recived. If. any officers U whom fees are payable by any person, shall fail to receive ihem at the .ime the service is performed, he may have judgment therefor on motion to Stipfl is jjrwrtt pena - in?, upon twenty days' notice to the per son to be charged, at nny time within one year after determination of the action in which ibfl8am mm ptaclannt.diif .thcl motion tor judgment be in bebalt ot the clerk of tbu Superior Court, it shall be made to the judge of the court, iu or out of terms. CHAPTER II. FEES OF SOLICITORS. flee. 592. Fees of solicitors. The solicitor shall receive forly dollars for every attend mce on the .session of his court, and fall fees in all cases of judg ment rendered against thn accused, to be paid by tho county in which the bill is found, if tho defendant be insolvent. Sec. 563. Fees of solicitors. I. On every conviction for any capital crime,, twenty dollars. 2. On every conviction where by law the punishment must be imprisonment at hard lnbor in a Penitentiary art less than six months, ten dollars. 3. On conviction on any other indict ment four dollars. 4. On final judgment against a default ing witness nr juror, where no issue i is joined, two dollars. 5. On such a judgment, when contest ed, four dollurs. 6. Judgment on undertaking of bail or recognizance, if uncontested, two dol lars. 7. On the same, if contested, foar dol lars. 8. On application to renew bond to keep the peace, if granted, one dollar. 9. Qujia issue in bastardy, if found against the putative father, four dollars. ?EES OF CLERKS OF THE SUPE RIOR COURT. I. ClVH. - OAPOES. 8ee. 64. What fees and for what. or oth r writ or process required to be is sued by him, and taking a bond from the plaintiff as security tor costs, reeeiv i:g ad-posit from plaintiff and giving n c riiiicuto to him and the defendant, one dollar. ' 2. Docketing summons, five cent. 3. Uncording a return of a sheiiffor other ministerial of officer, ten cents. 4. Recording, filing, and noting on the j-dockrt any pleading or dcmttHtyand de livering cOjiies tiled to the parties 10 whom addressed, ten cents. 5. Order enlarging, or refusing torn large time for pleading or f r nny other act where authorised, fifty cents. 6. Eutering judgment against either party, one dollar. 7 Judgment on any qupsiinn author ized to be decide ! by him, if there bo no appeal to tho judge, or-H the judgment of the cl ik be cotifinr.rd on the appeal to the judgment of the "clerk txf confirmed ou the appeal, one dnltar. ' x 8. Preparing statement ot ease on ap- i eal from hi decision to tho Judge, one dollar. 9 .Transcript of record for Judge on is sue of law j .iued on the pleadings, one dollar. s 10. Acknowledging receeipt decision of Judge, and notifying each attorney thereof, thirty cents. 11. Taking affidavit except to a wit ness or juror's ticket of attendance, twentv-five cents 12. Taking affidavit to witness or jur or's ticket, ten cents. 13. Transcript case and record for su preme Court, two dollars. 1 14. Mati ng transcript, post paid, fif teen cents. 14 Docketing nny judgment on cre cutinu docket, twenty-five cents. 16. Affixing seal of court when neces eprv, twenty-live cents. 17. Entering ou'record any order or judmen of toe-judge, on a matter which he has jurisdiction to (Wide out of term if not more thari one copy sh- et, twenty five cents. If more than one copy sheet for every copy sheet over the first, ten emits. 18. Onterins- on the docket a brief of any complaint, plea, demurer, or motion, five cents. ' 19. Entering general verdict, five cents. ' y " - 20. Entente special verdict, ten eeuts. 21. Entering appeal uWft." 32- Iesueii g subpoena for witnesxes, each nnie, fifteen cent. 23. Swearing a witness, five cents. 24. Copy of record or writing iahls office, per copy sheet, ten cents. 25. Probate or acknowledgment of a deed or writing of any sort authorized to be proved, fifty cents. Jt6. Probate or acknowledgment of deed or other writing, and taking private examination of married women j with cer- tifixat thereof fiftv rent nfrlt . wi,, in eoptno, fori, with certirrcnte and istuina letter testa- J "11., 28. Recording will, per copy sheet, ten cents. Of execut r-, administrators, guardians or other trustees, required to return accounts ; if amount returned does not exceed two hundred dollars, twenty eents, if amount returned exceeds two hundred and under five hundred dollars, fifty cents; if amount returned exceeds five hundred dollars and under one thous and dollars, seventy-five cents : if amount returned exceeds two thouse.nd dollars and under three thousand dollais, one dollar and fifty cents j if amount above three thousand dollars, two dollars. 29. Grant of letters of administration of any sort, and taking bond of adminis tration of any soft, sod taking bond of administration of any sort' and taking bond of administration, one dollar. SftrVtrrrr not tee rronirrd to be ieeited by Clerk, ten ceuti. 31. (jnnit of guardianship, including taking ot boud for each minor, fifty jkdjjl ; ' -;- 32. Apprenticing tufa it, iucmdiug iu- detitnre, fifty cents. 33. Eentering caveat on contested will, twenty cents. 34. Recording articles agreement of proposed corporation, iucluding all ser vices, two dollars. 35. Issuing commission of any sort, fifty cen i. 36. Entering return to commission ami order for registration of deed, ten cents. 37. Auditing Account of evectitor, ad ministrator, guardian or other trustee, re quired to return accounts, fifty cents if not over three hundred dollars, eighty cents if over three hundred dollars, and not over ono thousand dollars; one dol lar and a half if over one thousand dol- ltrs. S3, cents. 3g. Justification of sureties, fifty Continuance of a cause, thirty cents. 40. 41. Execution, thirty-five cents. For any service requiri d hr law for which no fee is specified in this act, the clerk shall be allowed twenty-fiee cents. II. YS CniMrXAL ACTIONS. 42. Issuing capias, one dollar. 43. Docketing action and entering re turn, ten cents. 44. Taking a recognizance, ten cents. 4,5. l-wmittg eulipoMra, fifteen cents. 4G Entering judgment ngaiuet a de faulting juror or witin ss on a bail boud or recognizance, fitly cents. 47. Entering .verdict aud judgment one dollar. I 48. Issuing execution, seventy-five cents. - -1 h - ti.H ,,rtnriilA 1 r-r ppeal, fifty cents. 50. Affidavit except to witnesses or ju rors ticket, twenty-five cents. 51. Affidavit to witness' or juror's tick et. e Cents. 52. Affixing seal when necessary, 25 cents. . 53. Transcript on appeal,- as in civil ca ses. 54 Mailing transciipt, as in civil cases. 55. Indictment, sixty cents. 56. Coutiuuauce, thirty ctjiits. . . FEES OF REGISTER OF DEEDS. Sec. 505. Sicijicnli"is. 1. Register ing any deed or other writing authorized to be registered or recorded by him, with nfnmhute. or acknowledgment and private examination of a mnrri -d wo man, containing not more than three copy sheets, eighty cents ; and for every addi iStftrtrwpy sheet tenxents 2. For copy of any record or paper in his office, like fees as for legistering lbs same. 3. For issuing each notice or order re quired by the county commissions, inclu ding subpoenas for w itness, fifteen cents. 4. Recording each ornVr of .Commis sioti"is, if not over one copy sheet, twenty cents. 5. If over one copy fhect, for every one over, ten cents. 6. Making out tax list, for each nnme on each copy required to be made, two cents. i 7. When the fees do not compensate the Register, the CwmmkeiHieM may al low him not to exceed three dollurh per day fur' services. 8. Issuing marriage Hconss, our1 dollar 9. " Search of retard, twenty five cents. 10. Fot any service required by law, wl.ei-e no fee is sneciti' il in this act, the Register of Deeda shall be allowed twenty-live eeuts. FEES OF SHERIFFS. Sec. 566. Specifications. 1. Executing summons, or any other writ or notice, sim ply by delivering a copy to the parly .or Ilia attorney, sixty cents. 2. Arrest of a defendant-in a civil ac tion and taking ba 1, iuctuding all scrvict a connected thereaith, one dollar. 3. Arrest ot e s in indicted including all service e nil cte 1 with the takiug and jjstilicaiicn of bail, due dollar. 4. luinrironment of nnv person in a femlreMlacuo, lifiy cents, and re lease from pri ou fifty cents. 5. Executing subpcctia on a witness without mileage, twenty-five cents. 6. Convey ing a prisoner to jail to an other county, ten cents per mile. 7. For a prisoner guard, if any nccos ssry, and approved by county commis sioners, per mile for each, five cents. 8. Expense of guard and nil other ex penses or conveying prisoner to jail, or from one iail to another for any purpose, or to any place of punishment whatever l'Ued br the commdouc of the county m wuicu me ioU.clu.Lul issned 9. Feeding prisoners in the connty j ail, per day to be fixed by the commisaion ers of the connty. " 10. Providing prisoners in county jail with suitable beds, bod clothing, other clothing and fuel, and ksaiing thn pi i -ot and grounds clcanly-i allowed by the comm tv. 11. Collecting fine vict, two and a half amount collected. 12. Collecting executftwj for money In rivil actions- two and a li the amount collected, ifi. f per cent, ou 13. Advertising a aalo o4 property un- der execution, at each pi' Ilk place requir ed, fifteen cents. 1 I Seizing specific dVrof n court, or j ad j pcrty under or- Ulwr erd. r M a t' lft cially provided for ; to be u judge. lit. taking tNty twnf., metadmg rar uishiug the blank, fifty cents. 16. The actual expanse of keeping all proper! . seized undrr process or order of court ; to be allowed by t he court. 17. A capital execution, inculding the buiial of the bo4y, twenty-five dollars. 18. Summoning a gland jury or petit jury, for eich maa gammoned, thirty cents, and ten cents forteacli person, sum moned on a special I 19. Serving mK wtl or other process, wuh the aid of tie connty, or arresting .my criminal, thii-e dollars, and all neces sary expenses u tirrrdMlie! . ny 20. All just lees iid to unv printer for any ailverlisemei printed by the .-keriff. .required to be 21. liiitiging jap ' A prisoner upon a upon a In. lift ctrput fjrtestily or answer to any court, ot beff jdge, one dol lar, and all' neressary expenses. QHAPTEiVII. rji-s OF CORONEHS. Sec. 567. (Specifications. 1. Cornors shall rexi ive be same fees are or shall be be allowed spcilus In similar cases. 2. For hokiing an taqncttt over a dend body, including tho wammoning of the jury aud returning the verdict, ten dol lar, if netessaiily -encaged more than one r! ty, kir every additional day, five dolljra. - , 3. For summoning each witness on in quest, twetiiT-five cents. 4. For burying a panper over whom an injurst has been held, ten dollars, to be p .Id by the county. 5. The fees in cases numbered two and three shall be paid by the county. 6. It shall be tho duty of every cor- oier. wL-ii he or tMr -ft tae lurymeu JiL'21 gatinn of the cause c manner of death to summon a physici.n o -surgeon who shall be paid for hi- attendance and ser vice, ten dollars, nu i such further sum, as the commissioner! of the county may deem reasonable FEES OF JUS Tf'ESOF THE PF.jflE. Sec. 568. Specif i iitions. For attach m.eut or transcript oJ" judgment, twenty fi . e rents. For summons, ft ty cents. For adjournment or eoutiuuance, ten cents. For subpoena or mer for witness, in cluding all of the femes Inserted therein, fifry ci n's. For tiling everyjaper necessary to be filed, five rents. Fo; trial of any l-iao, fifty cents. For entering jlihjmcut, twenty-five cents, For taking affidavl, bond or undertak ing, twenty-five cetifj. For drawing or. taking affidavit, Mond .ir iindprtekrHff. ra-r cnv tfbet-t. ten rents. For receiving iindj entering verdict of jury, twenty-live ceuM, For-xi-cittion7 foripeents. For removd of pzKtttion, ten cents. For making a return to an appeal, one dollar. For order of an arrest in civil action, twenty live cents. For WafiVnit for aprrfjcnsioti of any peiXon charged with ciime, orwiih being the farther of-a bastard, fifty cents. For enteiing judgment lit a coiiirapt. fiflv cents. For 'execution of sneh judgment, twenty-five cents. For warrant of commitment for any cau.-(". twetit five ceH're For order for a commission to take te tim'ouy, jilty cents. - For 1. 1 king deposition on an' order or commission' issued by some court, per copy sheet, ten cents, J t or unkiiig necessary return ana cer tificate thereto, fifty cents. " CHAPTER VII. FEES OV ,CONStABLES. Sec. 509. Like tliose of Slferiff. The fees of constables 'shall be the some as those for sheriff, for the like services. tfUAPLERXI. FEES OF itJJtOEK. Sec. 470. Pay .and eagr. 1. Jurors to the Superior Courts, per day, whal shall be allowed by the county commis sioners of the county, not( exceeding two dollars and fifty centa: 2. Per mile of travel coming to and returning from Conrt, five cents, aud such ferriage or tolls as they may have to pay going and returning from Court. 3. The same pay aud mileage shall be allowed to special jurors, and the same pay without mileage, to talis jurors. CHAPTER X. SALARIED AND FEES OF CLERKS OF BU FREME COURT. Sec. 571. The idary and fees of the oupo uic . OOI l, sunn uc ao uiu. "U w J ion .wM..v.five rJ,ter one bu.Jred o . t..ii 1 . .1 1.,- .a R.lTt rJf tl.u 8tato, ileiT shall be MwDsnol toe couu- an&osts from con- pw cent, on tbu llowcd by tne I CHAPTER XL FEES OF WITNESSES. See. 672. 1. The fees of witnesses whether attending at the term of the court, or before the clerk, or a referee, or upon any inquest or examination, shall be One dollar and fifty cents per day ; they shall also receive mileage at the rate of five cents per mileage at tho rate of five cents pet mile for every mile nessarily travelled from their respective residences in going to and returning from the place of examination by the ordinary rou'.e and ferriage, and toll paid in going and rctu her of days of his attendance, and the distance travel, d, before, the.derk-.oi tho court, or the refurree or officer taking the iuqnest or examination, and receive certi ficate thereof ; the said certificate shall also state the caco in which, and the party by whom 'he witness was summoned ; and it shall be, against the party to be charged thereon presumptive evidence of the facts set forth therein. 3. Witnesses 'are not entitled to receive their fees in ailvance j but no witness in a civil action or special proceeding, unless snmmoned on behalf of the State or a municipal corporation, shall be compelled to attend more than one day, if tho party by or for whom be was summoned, shall, after one day's attendance request and presentation of a certificate, fail or refuse to pay w hat then may bo due, for travel ing to the place of. examination, and for the number of days of attendance. 4. The fees of witnesses may be re covered by action before n Justice of the Peace, as is prescribed in other cases of actions. Ratified April 12, 1S69. COllRESPOXDENCE. JUir the Old North State. "OUR SUNNY SOU I'HERN HOME.' BY C A 1. 1.0 KG. In every true-born heart whether glowing with the fanciful dreams of youth, or the quiet memories ot age there is a warm emotion awakened at the very name of Our native Home the land where all the hallowed associations of earlier days are grouped the la id where mighty spir its of the past have lived and died, the bome onr forefathers left to our care and enotniif in t!s "eiecf or Tn8"fiarf:' ")Libf; w hy do we see so many brave brave spir-ita-so many gnat men rise from the rhombic walks ot life to w in highest hon ors on the held o! battle T Else, why do so many young men exchange the peace ful pleasures of the fireride for the dan gers of war ? It must be a powerful sen timent, urging th-f war lor on to deeds of valor, ivrving his arm to ''do and dare." Yet, it is not strange, for who does not love their mother land the ideal of all that is beautiful and iruetbeaweet home that first sheltered the young bead the glorious bills that fust met the eye the grand old trees under whqso cool shade many a happy hour has been dreamed a ay. The beautiful blue sky above, t iat first awakened a wonderful admira tion iii the young mind ; and a thousand other" familiar sceues " aud objects en deared by fond recollections. ( h ! pur Sunny South, it is a beantifnl land to live in! The outh with its warm nassimtate hearts, full of snushiue and love ! Turn whither so ever you will, it is a sunny land, well meriting the poetic memories clustering about it 1 With its low-lviug. eracefnj hills, geutle ilopes, and shadowy valleys, it is dear to every Southern child. To other) it may appear eold and devoid of beauty ; but to heart horn and nurtured imiinir its hills and vallcva. it is the personation of nr and h'ipim country. A. Swiss buy wandering here would pine for the "landot Jell, w here ffoweia are bright and skies are clear. II is rcstleps mind would forever he haunted V illi visions of ils "blue lakes and "silvery strtama:" while a "Scotch lassie" resting aw hile among nr; would lone ni.d w ish iu vain for the hidtb-coVr en d hills of her own native laud. And in tin. omiek. i oetical I'alian s eye, no lnudscape is halt so grand, no over arch ing tk is hall so "cleor Mid Am 1 ki own dear classic home affords Yet the Sonih is gemmed Tall over with beautiful things; her mountains raise their noble heads Ti gb in tlie distance, silvery streams go inuimuiing sweelly ihioueh our "seouestered vales. llap idly lolling livers dash grandly along to t if sea, rivets as cool and shadowy as the famous Rhine: and our sunsets areas DMeiiificent as the world can show, not txtxpth 'I the in.-piriug "blue and ptmk at 'hTauTtruTFIoience," whose piaises have been suns by admiring poets. Here, in mv "Old North r-tate" home, I can sit Si evenme'lim he .utifu!. that tho heart thrills with high est admiration : fo bearitiful that it seems like a vision of "ia ry land." As I watch the sun fade slowly and softly away in tho writ, the w r d around is Hi up with vtlorv no pen may degenho a raaianee rO ' . ' i. . i. ...j .1. .h. perlect'iy enc lannug f i" and gold" that brightens the scene, is fit for n Rojal Moharcb's rolo. Otlier lands may boast their works of art, their costly structures, and haunts of learning, but odr Sunny land is, rich in nature's nobler works, rich in its true greattitss, it is the silent home of our great Washington, whose moral courage . most "nafses snow. jut. enious ,.1 . i. 1 'hades are iacre4 as his last resting place i Here and there, and every w here you I turn, is the grave of some departed spirit whoso hearts. Over some, stately monument, are reared, and over some only a ''lone willow'' waves, wbilo others rest without a simple slab to tell a loved one where they sleep. Ah ! blame us not if we love and ding to this sacred land of our birth ! This fair, frail structure whose name sounds more harmonious than strains from the lyre of a W n! worth or Bryant ! It is a glorious chime At pleasant as any the sun shines upon ; "all wreathed about with flowers " as fair and fragrant as the valley of Cashmere can show. Oh! yea, we have arfcatid of Flowers" wtrm birds of eavcat uluinaire sine from rfMoewy avog At ern cuimo comes u unicium miw. , T . . . .1 ..... wafted from the "Orange gro ve of Spain." On onr smooth-gliding waters sail many a "fairy bark" as light as o Venetian gondola, and freighted with as happy hearts as ever breathed tho passionate story of ktvc into listeuiug ears. Our daughters are equal to any "dark eyed girl of Spain," or fair as any ''light haired maid" of Circassian climate. Whose gem-like eyes are more captivating than the raven orbs of Sheba's queen, or Scotland's Mary ; whose voices sonnd as sweet to those who love them, as that of a Jenny Lind, Soutag or Alboni. All the different styles may be found scatter ed about, from the "beauty dreaming Greek" to the "lorid Gothic." Yet I would not contend that they are all perfect. Oh, no ! Far from It ! For there are many, I am sorry to say, who arc noi trwrvr rm cy iw in , a. jt. . j j . . i ho live for the empty show of life ; who 1 r w ... .i .. . Ik.i.. j.itiA i. .....i 1 are naugui ou- o rn.w ,l c, I OU t lira i UUtkVl ivo w tm t- aaa aaa m " nowera in summer time, ana wncn it.. . B . IB. tl. cold winter of misfortune rolls arm nd, are no where to be found. They wear kid gloves all the time, and "the "lilly white haftis" were only mad i to trill the keys of .a Checkering or a Horace Water's Piano ; or sport the glittering "engage ment ring." They would curl the proud Hp with scorn at the vision of an honest plough boy, daring to look towards them. They sit idly all the day, longing for some "romantic adventure to Happen to roaae them the heroine of a three volume novel, which you know invariably ends tn mat- rtmony. All sucu wc wouiu ue giuu w see packed off in an emigration train to Orenan. for in that famous country they promise a good number of batchelor'a to i " '" (' Uuiu teho trill emigrate, of tho South who are not ashamed to learn the art of making old fashioned "pump kin pics" and "Johnny cake." A genu ine, bigh-eouled young man would sooner how to them llian receive nunc muiu. Empress Eugenia or Queen Victoria. A word. too. for the chivalrous portion of young: men who inhabit this little world .11 1 ..... Ti,.,,' am am t, r i vn WC Call OUr iHWC. A HJ ... tender and levin as any Knight ot old, who were so highly distinguished for their devotion to "lauit and beauty. rtkourtl they wear no glove above glittcr S t ..c .i...i.. ing plumes ill iiouor oi u muj iw, though they flourish no bayonets, fight no duels in her cause, they areas true, sincere and manly as any, and if need be, would Jay down wealth, comfort and life for a gentle being. They arc patriotic too, and view the rock-bound shores of this good old land, its mouutains, hills, lakes and rivers witu an nouest venera tion. Ah! yes, a good, pure hearted maiden vould sooner go "hand in hand ' with ono of them, than wear the high- sounding title of Countess, or occupy a queen s throiie. Jt is true tuere are some woo .ire .-i conglomeration of broad cloth, bearer WS13, cigars, sentimental poetry and mttstachies. Jheir naturesonever become better, or more noble at tho mention of the example of great heroism they care not for the sublime and btautttul and are only fit for a silly tiovel lu:ro. We hope such a these are ufew and1 far between." Their hearts Mid minda; ought to be sunned and aired ami then they might hope to become moro useful. But" I would hurry on. The evening advances swiftly j the clouds that line the west are growing deeper and deeper, warning me that night is near. I woulu fain eioff a hvnni 6f praise to "my own. my native land." The peaceful home of childhood's sunny year 1 would weave a gailand of rarest native fioieers to deck the graves of many loved ones buried be neath her sacred soil 'l wo4d pluck a victory wreatn from Time's hurrying brow to -crown the foreheads of the brave ones who died to save my beaut 'iftd land the nolle "Simtty South." "Chime of the enforgotten brave. Freedom's home or glory's grave." Pursuant to previous announcement, s lariro and enthusiastic mcetinjr of thecitii reiis of Cobarros county was the held . o the 10th inst. Col. Thos. II. Robinson was called to the Chair, and Capt. Sam'l. A. Grier apjo'nted Secretary. Col. R. explained the object of tho meeting in a few pertinentand well-timed remarks. Af terwards the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted ; Resolved, That in the presnt vringent state of the money market, the losses sustained by all dasses by the effects of the late war, tbat the reeling oi tne peo ple of Cabarrns is is1 to pay tietnty-jive dents on the' dollar. Unsolved. That the feeling of this meet ing ia to effect a compromise on the above basis. Ilesohrd, That the proceeding of this inert 11: If be published in the Western Democrat and other Charlotte papers, d- -morn i o In tho Salisbury paper, and that papers throughout the State that arc in Uvor of "Relief to the people." be requited to oopy. T. H. ROUESON, Chm'n, 8. A. Cui.'-r, Sec'y. AGRlLU LiUKAL. Lucid Manure Tkyma. Wo take the following from tho Western. Rural: As liquid manure ia exceedingly vboinr cial to dl vegetables! plenty of it should always be available, and without a liquid manure tank this cannot be obtained. For large gardens, a tank should be built exactly like a cistern : the brhska ting through the anil, and also to keep surface water from entering the tank by tiledruii.s from the stable, byre, kitchen, etc., and may be taken out by a pump. i In small gardens a hogshead or large cask of any kind that nil itold water, uiay bo unk in the ground, and will answer on a small scale. In this, soot, guano, etc., may be converted into a valuable manure by dissolving them in a suitable propor tion of water. Manure is much more readily taken np by the roots of plants when to solution than wheu in a solid state. In fact, solid manure has to bo disoolved before it can -enter the sponge like months of the root. tar mer' s Home Journal. Bio Head may be cared with very little trouble. A horse with the bit: head heco-s b.;a- all ovpr i , - . , i..,i: .ul . ,i . -i CleH ICaillnf troni tllO nvr tn thn nnatril o J - mm i . c.ea leauingirom become perfectly rigid Anoint those muscles well . with the oil of cedar, and sear it in witu a hot iron three or four iiroes, with an intermission of six or sev en days, but rub the oil on everv dnv Take a piece of poke root, about as largo as a goose egg, put in six quarts of water, boil down to three quarts : drench tho horse with one pint of it every other day at long as it lasts ; fill the drenching bot tle with a pint of fresh water after the poke tea has been put in it. This pre scription has cured horses when they w ere ao very stiff that they could scarcely step over a door sill six inches high, Stable Mani he. The best plan wo ever tried for managing stable manure. sayp the Southern Liutwator, is to have statjlea on elevated. grmA egi'riicw erouno, and allow the manure to accnm late for a year never handling until yoi are ready to apply it to the land. If tho stalls are not too small, (and a good sup- piy oi niter is useu,j mey win remain, sufficiently dry for the comfort of ahi raals the manure will be kept just moist enough, and be tramped down sufficient ly to allow slow, regular decomposition to go on. Very little of the vduable gasea w ill escape--to insure against this, it ia only necessary to sprinkle the stalls occa sionally with plaster. A Receipt to Cl ue Rixgboxm nr Horses, which has bekw Sold ko Thirty Doi.LAHS.-Take one pint r tanner's oil, half a pint of spirits of tur. pentine, two ounces of verdigris previous ly dissolved in half a pint of vinegar, and two ounces oil of spike. Mix them dl well together, and once in two days an noiut the ringbone with a spongeful. of this compound, and bathe it well in with a hot iron, or a pan of coals, twelve or fifteen minutes, as b t as the horse w ill bear it. Thus continue until the ringbone M sufficiently eatcu away ; after which, rob it over occasionally wh( mutton taU low until well, This cures in a few months. Warming will not be necessary iu warm weather. Tfie tendency of ,tho legislative au thority : la ahnoxh every other has been fully illustrated. In governments purely Republican this tendency is almost irre sistable. The representatives of the people in a popular assembly seem often times to fancy that they are the people themselves. They ofteq seem disposed to exert an imperious contsaj departments and as they corn! 1 1... iiAnnln nn their elite thev f with sucti momentum as to make it' difficult for the other members of the gov ernment to main train the bnl lance of the constitution. Alexander Hamilton. T.iC (loos . Mrs. James M. Page, near E esville, 1 ent County, Md., has now iu h ; UarU a se that is known to be se nty-live ears old; has been in the M r fr, ' of Swan creek, -for fifty years. "Aunt Sallie" has never failed to raiij a t. .. f g islings, or to lay her firs' ,T i 1 -i lontine's day, until the piast three yev Now she is nearly b ind aud to (ci aj she walks. Charu iji n Trans. t Pet er Cartwnght, the dist preacher, basbeen sixty-five years in the itinerant service, and fifty years a pre siding elder. Within the last two month he has labored with great success in. hi district in Illinois- H' wife, to whom he was married in ISO'S, si ill survives. -.. Lynchburg Neus. v Bishop Quintan!, the Episcopal Bishop in Tennessee, in recently confirming a col ored man at Memohi.i, said : "It is pro-, per to state that ibis person, tbeotthg mis understanding only, failed to come for ward, as be should have done, wuh those who first presented themselves. The Church of Christ knows no distinction among her members in the privileges. The differences which maintain in society cannot be recognized here." i rnor. to nr-e-.vnt r i i f v m ml

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