. -.--- -. .... "' '. - . - . . 1 . . . . .c . S ,- -cil u J r . ... ... -.pn- m ig. I .1 I . .I....--..-. . -t.rnra i WSnsaiqt OaSji "" iff. -y'-tf; -. f af rr 1 VOL. IV. SALISBURY, N, ., JULY 9, 1869. .. V v:.Vv:'"'Ty; NO. 27 i ... t IfF- .A J5 VEUTISEMESTS. Pleasant Grove Academy. Male and remaic. THE 8EVENTH SESSION YViLLCOM mence on th Oth or August nrxt. Course Englinh, Clasical, Mathe matical. Terms: Tuition from $5 ti 10 xr bmhkmi. Board Willi tlic Pnntipaltf) per rtHMilk For pai ti ulai-' n-l.lii .- ilie pnuL'ipaJ at K I (on, Davie Co., N. C. W. 3. ELLIS, PrinuipaL Pleasn Orovc. N. C, ( June 25, 1809. ( 25 3m BINGHAM SCHOOL. MEBANEVILLE, N. U, Wm. Bingham, Robrrt Ri i chum, W. B. lynrh. 1 UESESSION'eT8C9-,70 BEGINS Aagtitt 25th, aud cantiue? fartj Vitekit. The oouiae ol Jujtruction invlnderi the irdi naiy EnIivh branelieA, the Anoient La i ii.il'--Fi eurh, MstivpRiatieR, ftotk Keiing. aud tin teinent9 of Nuniial Si-ienee. Kxp.-ic. i, ( i n I n J ; i . luitiiSn. huai d, fuel. wa.hiii)r. books and clothing,) $3G5. Circula'S sent on application. Jutie 18, 1SG9. 24 (iw DROOS, MEDICINES, dkC. NEW STOCK OF FRESH, PURE, AND ritA.xrst.zsr academy. Tin Jt-jjirn .-.-i. in ii this Aeuueiuv will com mence on tlie llrst Monday in .' 1 1 u- i -1 ermiii p. Pupila can enter at any time and be clurgcil (rota tlietune ofentranca. The rates i tu itiou will l no fo'lnuc: (7 50 in. 00 anl $16 000 ier Wiwiou of 6 moutlw pajalite ui me ena ol every niontli. No nalns will be niiaieil to uive nunlln a thnronirli training iu all the branclics unualiy luuglt in a tint iaas Academy. The Academy is located in a healthy and moral c. humility in rauklin Toirntihip four nailer ft-oiu b-alinburv, on the new road tu Moi-kuviile. Hosrd can be had in re-pectabie fiiniilies 'i .... 7 to e iioi.arM per month. 1. . ;i. i.i 1 1 1 Ki '( : . Jnnefo 1869 25 Inj V. w,A Edge worth Female Seminary. The next session will com oiencc on tlie first Monday o( Sepleiuher. The entire exfxn.se of Bard end TuKcxi wi I from $UK) to $110 if paid in advancn. En. h Loanier will dirnish her own It Ii f t nml lowrts and alo a pair ol slu-en and pillmv camn. Kor circular address J. U. M. CALDWELL jnly2. 1869 3m Gn-enilioro', N. U. DAY BOARDING. MttS McCANILES, t the formor M.i'lcno iif Samni-I K. HatTi'on, next door to Dr. Sill'.- Dniir Store, will lake 8 h-iv more Dav B laidets upon the ui"-t lU'roinmoduBwy "- "T: ;. iQ'-iwio' ' "2'i-4t Salis-hnty, ""r 10 ATURNEY AT I AAV. LEXIS 0 TON, N. C RELIABLE DRUGS, and sai h articles as are usually kept in a FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE I )r. . B. PoiilTon, HAS JUST retarued From the North with a Isrite sad carefully sa le. -U'd Htock ofdruK. med'eines, chemlials perfuine rv. aosa, fsacy articles, tooth brunhea rowba. putty, I' i hi- Oil. v'siniKhe. Paint Bmshes, Hone and ('attic lu i.ier- Patent Medicines of all kinds, Cook liif Soda. pperai. Vrn -tlan Itert, ronceutrnlrd Ljra. sn lthetiest UiUersand Medi-ioea tor (bills th it cii n be nseil. FIXE CIGARS AND CHEWING TOBACCO. LP" To Physicians. --! would statethat I hate s splendid aMoitiuent nud csreful.'y selected stevk af Trnssos 1- Abdominal Supporters of the latest imiirovemeala, eace'letit in qnality and ! low 1 jjiiie. ..Sinn . m-""' KINK BRKA8T I'I MI'8 fc NCKHIXO BOTTLKS. : x' To merchants. I am prepared tu supply at Kait more or New York prices (by the d .c. . auch m-t.clf ss Esi-. Luiii'n;, i'-et. Pep!" iiiiint, Es8 Ciin.niiK.ii, LnudHuum, l'a gor ic, B.iieinun l)mjri, Goti Uoy lrdial, Opmlel tloc, Cut(ir Oil, and TuiHttitte. My stack is cnuip'ete a'td composed of articles rare i-resn ana Keimoie ;u Quality and as low in puce as su jii aruciM can be untaxed in ui . see tioia . in; u Kdicines can be gold far a trifle and are deal at any pnee (audi 1 do not and will not keep. ) If ... I ....... CIS : .... . . . 1 . t . . . . . icu. am .11. ..en ic, . c-icm. iu u.e i.ruK siarKei to knew that PURE Urugs aad Medj.:iiies cannot be sold for half the pru-e tieretoloie elw. (red. Hear in in i n I it is alwara tl)e cheapaat and sa(et plan to buy the purest Medicines. I would I.-l' of all befiMv piwcliaslRfr elsewhens to call and examine oiy ataifc and . et my prices C. H . PUU1.SON. Dtuiti?m and Afotheeary, Salisbury. N. P.. rtxt door to Merouey ft Bro. jnne25 25: 3m. 1 SS UliA NCE COM PA NIKS. DR. GOOOIN'S COMPOUND n i.'VPi a v Vlljil 1 lV.l nZ,.i. Aillll.lS. ""''c' ?tfn!-ia Rh. gmattwn, - A UNIVERSAL TONiC. I I 1 ..R......cOnliv.c .'llld Mint an uis-at-r- THE NATIONAL Life Insurance o'p' OF THB 1 si l i n STATE! OF AmEBICA.. WASHINGTON, D. 0. Charteredby uptrial act aJ'Cogrt,Julii 86, '68. Caah Capital paid in fall $1,000,000. It is no lonfter question with any m'n.who tenderly lores bis wife and children, who con siders how helpless would he (heir condition in case uf his death, as i the doty of taking out a LIFE POLICY, hut s to which Company he shall pay bis money. If ho reflects a uioment he will conclude to patrouixu thu Compaiiy which alutws tbe great est dejtree of vitality, which extends its husi ness over the Urgest un a. which is a iluuio Company in every locality; which furnishes in surauce at the least cost i . which issues no poli Hcs that are fnrfeiUhle should he he nniihle next year, or any suhseiiient vcar to pay his re ncwal, and u .'.. l is undonhtedly alh- to meat all its promise. . Wiiij thaanienUniiaaud xiuwa, he looks ., r the newspapers, ami, by the) iuie tickets through leadinjf the advertisiments of llntunl or Mixed Uompauies, he finds his miiid mi fuddled that he is at a lo-s where to ni or what to do. lie can not comprehend one-hall' that is written, und concludes diut none Imt Auctua.-ies who are fa miliar with the principles upon which Life In surance is hascd, con compi chcid or ciplaiu anything ahoul dividends and his iSuflily for notes ftiveu in part liayment of premiums. In his dilemma, hi- kail into 'he plan udopted by the NatM.nal Life lusuiiiiicc t umpanv of the United States of AmericH, und fiinia just what he wants: AN ALL CASH PLAN. mJueed to the low fat minimum rate, like any ounmodity iu mar- Ket. so uiiu-n insurance lor so iihuii .Money. No notes to give; no in tores I to iwiy ; no anxie ty about Assessments; uo apjireneusion of his Policy being forfeited next year if he does not nay his annual Kencwal; amlthelUtessommh Lower than other Companies, lint he aralitesa larger Diridcud, in advance, than other compa nies can nay him in the futune. He tinds that, ib-ti-kd of this uneertam orom ise, at praseul high ra e, that thu National pre sents a certain aad definite sum for a much lower rate and puts up its paid up Capitol of s 1,000,000 As a gnarautoe fu:id. that its contracts Will lie fulfilled, and. Iil.e thoJi o'kl-i.; otlrt'is, cheerful i calls on tltuir Agent to make hi.- application for a Policy. Hence the unprecedented anil most wonderful success of the Xatioual as eon irii-tel with Iho older and Mutual Companies. The Company issued its first policy on the lurnT August, 'itttM, und up to March 1st, Ii?fi9, It nad issued ' poljeies OTIie S12 Norl!) State rr m i sii i .i . WEEKLY nv XiBWXS HA N" 3D $ Editor and Proprietor. n ri OP si ii. -imi no n Onk Year, payable in advance $.'1.00 Six Months. " " 1.50 5 Copies to one address, 12,50 Ratet of Adoertitiinq. One Square, first insertion, $1.00 For each additional iusertioni 50 Special notices will be charged 50 per cut higher than the above ratea. Court it ml Justice's Uiil.TS will lie publish ed at the same ratea with other advertise meuta. Obituary notices, over six line, charged a advertisement. Tn penmna wishing r. advert is.- f..r a ton iter time than two months the most liberal terms will be given. CONTRACT HATES. FACE. C 1 g z - B 9 f r. s S ! 2 1 Square. 2 Squares. I Squares 4 Square. Colninn. i Column. I Column. $2 50:)75 $5 008 511111 00 4 50 i i 25 6 o0 13 00 22.00 o oo y oo 12 00 20 00 aaon 8 00' 1 1 00 15 00 25 (Ml 37,50 1 1 00 16 00 20 00 00 00 45.00 18 00 24 00 .'IOOO45 0O 75.00 28 00,40 00 50 00 80 00 100.00 From the Darenport (Iowa) GaaetH. A B0MANCE OF THE HEART. The Death of an Iowa Reclusenit Sad JIi.it His Birth in England Dis appointment in Love-Emigration to America, and Life of Seclusion in the Woods. An old settler, one whose career i the atrangett among tho huudreda of old Mi llers, has just passed away. For many years he led so secluded a life that we nreaume nearly all of his acquaintances hereabouts long ago lost thought of him, or if they have remembered him at all il has lieeu with tho supposition that ho was far away from here, and possibly dead. W'e allude to William Knight. Ho came to this count: y from England, and settled in Davenport nearly thirty years ago. He was an attorney ; In I practised law in London for years, and was a very able man. IDs lam ly connections in tno old country were highly respectable people. He hung out hid sign here and in Rock ingham, and soon built up quite a prac tice, such as it was. Ho was a finely ed ucated man, possessed a very retentive niciuorr. was kindlv in disposition, of 4 r j i pkaaiug address, and of a social nature. So it was no wonder that he became pop ular among the people. All at once, when was iookco upon as a i isiii? man, wm-n THE COW l'EA AS A FERTILIZER FOR WHEAT. We have long been sat is Rod, f. om ac tual experiment, that the common cow pea of the Southern . tales, when properly managed, ufiford the best mid at the same time, the cheapest medium lor the restora tion of our exhausted cotton fields. Its effects have been as lusting and as mark ed upon the fertility of our soils as thai of clover upon the worn ami exhaust, d laud of irginia nud Mart land The main reason why the cow pea uoi Ui CII lli-l eioioi V till- w-; , , low lliev.o . t A....... ill' . If IT il ll'.o l'lllliei r.c .miioiiiii iiisiireit. MBjaa it-ATI I. II lis iu " - v.., I...W- jersey, .. . j( .. ,. iniiiaer. ..", Hit IUIH 111"-"' - , , , .."lijlWWrMWWienTol XT New Kncland Mutual. phtenix Mutual. U.i--iu'hasetts MutmO. Hit .tk'i ; rr.Tj v- v..rk ;,uaofNew.iork.n,hefir,ye.r ILL rRACriCE iu the 1 ddiririsot Itwrl- iuu . 4l:....nee aid l.au- .on, Forsytlie, uioiiiu.", .L.tphcoanties; E . Res.h. Associate Just ice. . M T i.vil.l Settle t ,, m nodi ..rdUr!i--n,V.uoellKNiC. Hon. J-l . M C . m i a-eenl"c'0 . - .1 lu -no" "yiionias Uuftn, J'-- S N5 Cto'l - li'1 ,A ..f Ja.i-.Hi v J9- .. jfiCoi A- HENDERSON, H ivmBrimJZ oi celiceot Medici... Salisbury. Feb 1- i"' J- A sun lor all Malarial ilitva reouiMUg.gr"';;, r.v sale ere. i c ;M ' l t (1 U.,ker & tjo I i - Aia,,., A-iJdesale. dealer in fatem (ell. K UW. c . ci n iinii Of'.lNh, .o.:;ct:i: of its existence, -miy In its 1 nth year, policies. 1.5i;u V.rl2 HPiiCTORAL BALM ! A V aimm-red and effcetnal Reme-ly for ..Il'LCU.lessthnnwastesnedby the l tils Mil N ATtoKAl.in it- urst "v .1 .1 o niii hs. , , , OOK A CO., ll.e Fo'itlii rii Stales. 1. V. PKSl L 1. Ageut-vlof General Agent mr North C.irolinn. xi h. SKalurY. NcC, nae ll.e h runic Ur,ch,i-;i""'" , iv., ,.Ua ii. ml vane '0 ae , 'it. '.o V i' cii" ' " j. ..; in,, is. tJL'i; . ana , ,,., ie 01 Uo.nu more real sei vi. - .... i.u, ..minion, than all 1 -.i.iot. MiXrna.-& .l,ur Miiniliv. Blsimr for the counties vidsou. April 19.1-"0. ent of' Rowan, Davie, and Da- ir,-:lm veil known Ivu their ,f.c. ates named : i.r.U is tic; - J"" .ci inl I AH IT I I L a n 'IS. Xo , r. ... in ' 11 " li.e LxMx-toiauis. extant. . l.isse.eolifi.dly. 'Hli viriues ai.i a ci-.....v I be 1. 'Stilt ol long . I.,. ..t 1. . 1 . .1.., ..voerietiee ami am. . , , , . t. , ,.,.,., (O- iiai on o lie laws 01 v , ' ""II" ....... .nioli.atetaHmedsof retln a:,en,s, . their, phy-ioloo.cal and Iheiapeu...: effect on ili. lmm.ai sv.-lem. Fm.,or. I, j, none ....like H e nnmbe.less Lltpe-Ir aJiWAb kiy ami .- ' i' .1 7 il.pi.iiff.-nns and ewnhois.a enl IV liaui" . State of North Carolina. voviv.-.-MF.nY cocntv Suwrior Court, 8pr4a Term, 1809. James UaVw,.o,l, .dminls.r-lor . f J.m. s . h,V w-vl. Sr.. .!. ees-,a - , ' 1 . -n - ii' .- 1!. Hh wreif. Sir Jr. P- ll wl,en . very" pUnitW has a large pro er'W,T. :. EJ Is Ivimr idle, there irlion 01 in- p - , . .1.1 Li -ilili.ll 111 ntwt toil ' 1. .. 1... Sta.fl . ...Ii,.- I I I I- I " ' t in every fiefd not absolutely necessa ry for corn r cotton. .. i nl.nt tbe pea, Now is tlie oesi uu- 1 : d we desire to give our ag. -icultura . . , 1, ..r ..... fill -pxeerimeni I.I.1..1-- 'i r,r vr . ... ,,,co,h.. .hen, to make ; similar, ffo.ts. ()ur Uwinn Y J' Y, . V exhausted land, t wen.y cn -u - o lvii."' hi 13i". tli,g" Ior ' J ..T. .. 1 .1... .1. ...itl. a turn '1 Ills lie Ol one ui-p -- . 1 ... .Ki. QtieefM'tl- l.,w ill Ihe slimmer, ami ... v-v - . r .il down in wheat, ino cop. carefully measnred, was a Ir tlelets . .... i...s1.hL 1 1 ib ac e y 1. 1 ,. .1... iriiPilt a? cm ir cue his prospects were brightest, he dropped out of society, and was soon "as though he were one dead " The seeret of that retirement to a lonely cabin in the woods is known to but few, but now that ho is dead tin re can be no harm iu publishing it. When Knight left England it wns with out the knowledge of his relatives and friends there. He arrived at New York and immediately pushed for the far West, and Davenport was about as far West as men cared to go in those days. His friends in England supposed that be had gone to America, and adverits-d descrips tions of him, with offers of good rewards for tidings of his whereabouts. For years their eff orts were fr.mfcss But at last they took another course, win nrVi as to the owner, if H W cam f.o hei. hands. Well, Knight's walcl. go, out cf order. There .was nobody nbo L.U repair it. Accordingly to Philadelphia, n.i, as hick 2 , an establishment in which a descnp- tlou of tho watch waa poalea. prietor wrote to London parlies ! . J .1... .enteh. OvC that he . . . . .1. I I 1 il Tit ; a . '... . ii. lviMtTii. The pro this From the Near Orleans Picayune. A DETEJTIVE'S EXPERIENCE. I once arrested a man, said Mr. F. ac cused of killing his wife. Although con victed, I bavo always been doubtful if bi sentence was jnst. He came here a stran ger ; silent and repel hint in his manner, making no acquaintance aud shunning so cio' v. He was a foreigner, too, speaking our language but imperfectly, and relying soh ly for sympathy and coufidenceoii the beautiful woman, whose warm, sunny loveliness seemed chilled by the cold, rigid manner of hei husband . She was very young, too, and those who knew tbem host from si ring them most declared that her glad uttcrunces were often frosen her childish laughter stilled by a gloomy look of sterm command. He seemed a man at war with mirth, and brooked no he vi .11s I .1 1 would country as soon asine oc-un - fluff way to Davenport a r i... a. won lit uiniw. j ilia.ovo . . . . runaway- 1 ey mia t i:h mv hand on his shoulder - 1 lt ,.,,tiirp l & inm cc , a C CC TT 11 MM. I'C . I . M " - . - .. ini. nil T COIln-i"C..." ineagm I'ouikI til' joy in'hts alienated sympathies. She fear ed him too ; for those who saw bow the young creature gladdened whon tbe sun light flung its beauty around bcr, when the flowers bloomed in her way, or nature answered back her smiles, saw. too, h t furtive glances to sco if he noted the tran sied joy she felt, and saw her baddened at the frown she met. (.ie night the people at the homo at Which they stayed heard her srrexm in tenor, but fhsman's gloomy nature had made them fearVo enter his room unless I.., red, and several miuutrs elapsed before they summoned courago to ascertain the cause of her alarm. When at last, a ser vant opened the door, the young wife lay deid upon tho floor, stabbed to the heart. Tho man was gone. Mr. I. and myself were sent for at once, and came immed. defyV Tlie window fronting the street was open a leap of nearly twenty feet to the banquette hut through this it was certain the roan escaped The knife tha; still pierced her heart was a Spanish dag ger, and usually lay upon the mantle. lis sheath was thrown upon the floor. It looked ns if it had been snatched np in sudden passion to do a deed of blood. It was fate at night, and the woman hud been aroused fTin ilaSMfc "JM Zr crv of despair, i ahuddered as 1 looked at tlie specie., -So young, so lovely, so ful of witching ld Imrdlv think a being so ESaZSZK Only the day I had seen her, with eyes flashing hke the sunlight, a form of beauty, and laughter rippling like the song of W-fcgfe looking indeed, "like a thing of beauty , . i.r And now she lay alHl t IWT lUIV'-V," , dead. 1 noteu we II eact. u...-. in the search 1 haU ton... , 7" at heart, turned from tbe place to look for ber murderer. ...... . , - . .-a At the threshhold 1 met ncr uu.u..-. . a .1 1.:. . ......I.lc-r They resorted to stratecv. and cue rest for some off- nce, "Yon are my prisoner !" ' Sirl" he indignantly exclaimed, how VeaVll.e rate of two bushels. ol he acre. F .rly in DcWI.er the peas were Uli .ied un SSuh a deep I'm row, and a feW ,a,er wheat was sow,, ami c.n-h U fcg rowed in upon the pea h. I II J rt little uio.e than double ll.e firs! J than boa ed o. d, R chard II ..,l and Wife Di . . ii- W If II ivinm ami who .. ,, - . - -- -.- . . ui ami aiinin'i- "".T i ti.al uxT.lslUIRY. N. it ,A nrnmtltlv 10 ihe ColleC- XttZTT ' teh2G-ly tlOll 01 ." " Dr. I. W. JONES, Balt-lMUV. oilers nis .. Af I II- oust 1 AtoZS lservice;"the'pu.,.iCH Protess o ni -, ,h, Court H feceonLoumiioM . , , -. ,(, HUtton suui r w lw May W, ltf. Cra)-'- -n 3D UHVT A aSUlSUEXTEXSIVEBlSIXKSS Til R Connecticut .Motua ILifo .1 people;, u. .he b,ct. ... - ; w te : nor is n . ,1,-r to I'.iL me poor s..... ... Manv a VHli.ii IC O' nit, prr Vl..ri.liin. . . :.. . I . . I . .a. ..- i, Il.i,-I.ee witn us u.-.c.s.- -,,.afwi in Ue life Mi heeii imi "','""; :' ., , i, to a premBluretrrvv On the isotit.ary. -It IS . - .... H.IM.H - fjl -CV" caicmaieu m .- ,i Which of ..sell is exeepilllmly F' . "-. i ...a ..u.citi.c im 1011. to le al am. by lis !., .-....... n - dc. ii.Ham.-d and WriatfP no one. bieh not l be IT apoeifinir I 1 ill I Heiil-iiiiiu six arriTTn 1 II f 1 1 j. - ST II uUifAni IS DOINO. Inuome fn' "fT .....1 LH4.W 48 l n. oroe irom "". ...a.7469W.U ioWl iacomeloriue,.,- ! 221 336 00 L,(UePid -,-: '.' W8 384-UO Hivideaas paid - H 8S3 00 'Vatal Loe- M ml "1JJBJ ..5.197 .JU.U0 Zt Zt 11 'auuSeMUje for 11 A i Z. Lraatlv exceeds the lossea. ana '" interest !" 5"L more than the total the UI The AeU of the Coumsny 'rTwsl l-.th Millions- nd wl& 6 tri o'fferamaur inducements to those in- 'S? any ouSTUmpany in thecountTy. M. SSfaWiSi co.ip.ii ... the desirable form, ol inauranca- g D WAlT General Agent, Kaleiilh, is. . . . u . x. .ui lie mi Of the s-veral n.ieiiiei. .i Ll.u.kl Halm 'hero i 1 ins . . . ... ,.....,, II. constantly Hsed, .y i4' '7" a.u.-wu la.ve eu-.tlaled, and ' ' 1,r"' . . -.1..... r. ,m- eminent me.lieai ifcniieio.... -ooriuonhas m-. n ..d.- k.wu. ti ei. b s . a Leo one. wiioliasnU hwl.ly aptMOVeJ and eases, with marked a.lvalttageJ , Pieoarul sud solifoiily, l . . ........ ., J ' .... tf.,,l Pilate AstU. I'eintoH r'i. . - i , to the aallSlaeiiou ... .... u... i.i..i l.-chaiu i.i.y- . , im ...... I,.. Icon. wood, esnnoi m.n r ----- . ' ak.Umit.ol this State: It IS or,). . , t . A.. hV i..lJi-.tioil to. tmiaP-- :' vr.1).- SUuU .a. eks 8,i,..-e-siveiy, m i"' wspaper ."Wisrd in ; N C. notitvm- inoain ..,.... ants M appear at the next "entiof said ....... I Truv. on ih-lourlh monnay ; ; nuie 'av in Anv- BU" mun' , , : .. IminisirHli.i or lb- sau v i- "-' """ ' ,11 .1 at rmrte a- '' .anvo j" j . ''".'I1.'.': ... n tr.,i,. r?ori of our said Willies-, v v- w rr . ,.,, !.... v I 1' ' . Ill' 1 ... I .1 . - - , . L ,r i Ins reiuiu , 4 2 us. nr Ueavoreu iu - ... that nom.su -- . crc yct in y eyes; i.... j...,f.r JVM i.. - - gen.- u..ci v . i .i t,.,l,. . in farewell " ' i ...l t tln ii- native ,"iV!6!. b 7" iU Aal time forward rv " o,.iv last, ho was a until ins iicaui, - ---- ' -' . tarm ii.. i trill it ill. a , ,n ui - with sad land. the horror of this deed sun oeio rj I could scarcely retaiu my patience but did changed man. i.ar Rockmffi . a - ..I .iimiiv in ne ioie-1, i - i .L. ,.,,,.: iaS neouie erwten.ioo.vo '"".. ,,. his disappcareu . . nm I.r. there, alone win f "M'"""" ST timp 8tood grouped avonna uie WW.- ic f u ii. "u I . t ... ii nnii iniira.BB" .....r Itockindiani. a heavily woouea tmn, . me etairg l"- " " N .!-.. lorest. ana " rr 7 -m '" ' 1- . 1 ... 11... .-ooms. 1 ions bu nice, books and papers, lie spo.. l"i' - . . -.. . f.., "I arrest you sir, for the murder ot your wife! ... . . , :ij . in. . ba that 01 some wins w" 111s ci " " . . y j ...... Ll -.1.(1 Tho people HOO RAISING, &C. Interesting letter from the Her. W, E, Pelly to the Raleigh Sentinel. I am glad to see you manifest so much interest in tho domestic concerns of our people, and the promotion of the great object of Agriculture. There can be no permanent improvement in the pecuniary and economic interests of North Carolina that does not have for its basis, the im provement of Agriculture. Our soil is the great laboratory ont of which must coroo the future wealth of the State. All other schemes of improvement, while they materially aid agriculture, can only be secondary to it and should bo mad subservient to its promotion. I lie eminently practical letter of Mr. Robert Bingham, of Mebanevilie. which yon copied tho other day from a Farmers' Journal, was an excellent contribution to the interests of Agriculture ic tbe Stato, " and I hope to sco it followed by articles add letters of the same character from all the farmers of the State, to our Statu journals. I would suggest to our plant ers when they write for the information of the masses to be always practical and suf ficiently specific. They must not take it for granted that their readers ean always ' supply omissions which they may make. Mr. Bingham, for instance, in speaking of the value of Baugh's Fertilizer, waa uot particular tojdesignalo the character of his soil ; and the application of it to a particular class of soils. The precise nature and condition of the soil must be understood iu order to use, judiciously, the various kinds of fertilizers now in use. Many are led by the high wrought descriptions of particular fertilisers to pmchase them, without knowing in what quantity and when to apply them, and by consequence a (allure results in bitter de nunciation of tho particular kind of fer tilizers used to no profit, and often of the Agents vending them, for the lack of the necessary inhriimtinn wliasiw f f-fSjl illlil illid it V" "V x- if. ot.lfl and our Western Cirs .ubicet Mr. Bii.fil.ara in speaking of subject. i 7,1, .,1. if I remember Si by the AUmance Pinter n ihe or dinary way, cost him $15 5 surprise the bog raieers of iu Western ano Eastern Counties amazingly. 1 ana .vi host raiser in onceuearu - - ,a,ap,l . (Jatcs County sny, u. ' 100 pounds of port tmn w" " 83 p hundred. He was a very success ful Lk and bacon producer, sud I un diod him te say that a barrel of corn was all that was necessary 10 raise a p.g wns " , ,,.k averaeo price to welgu iyw r - - crop. The I too' I al IS1-'1 Wmle IU.:. Ill i If lown o " ... t L-..I tr .1 ... r. l,,l. J..1 III I ' 1 - te. . -Ow:fe VlU. V. 0. U ADK. t S.t State of North Carolina MOSTGOMSKY Col.-n. trl Spriny T '. " .f J -na'J.a'i llc-i field was a-ai.sow.i in p8 as harvested ami won s tue ""7 -7" . hi,a lulll,d under as before in "c t .1,, .hi the soil. 1 l. )"'" ...r , ii i 1 1. 1 he same treai- "e louri. " . :, , ,,1 ,'ei.tv-seveii uhbio .i bids lair to hxi .-, f.-rtT-Wh.-ls. A'rtw-Hy- 1 in 'K' . ..j ...,i;.., ..veeiil applied to ll.e laUi" ' '-"a " v . ' ... .1 Ii i 1 it HI n'' -v" ,r lie l.ea, a"'' " I. iln-ci ow iUiune. mil ' 1 a . ' I ...i , n Nrt i Ha r. ectv I d paper front . . . r t-tiliaFtlMi Wood stains. Kngland gO-1 W 3fe&A knell, with moot, he made iwi Lac the fifth, vein) the crop -. - . . 1 wi n tcrtjbtf 11, lie ',, 1. liiCK i--e i,i-vt..eii; ej nv aiilHtWsi.t "We uaist some of uiir ... induced mwry n. r - I 1 : u- ku w i.iciioi, has Drill ' en- th-. ri v, and M to read of new and notea : - - ,,ftt o ,k's and their authors. Be ked ftorn courage when hone had ... f.o.,1 washed hift own clothe-, cut his "'f"-.., ufr nt its ebb a cry like that 1 ' . . t.i ... mrsnt-lifn- " . i . u:: " own woo.l. ami was in. ja- - - - of ome strong swimmer m -e-v erallv. H" --.' ivtd,?1 ?'J? U S as virtue gives when honour fled 1 . . . . . - liA IV IIH III I ' ... fl n M . & Smith were his agenis, ; Sobbine, crying, calling tier naiae ... - ,l0, of a Utile ...come, and ci her 0e bobb.. S, nk .he firm, or a messenger rom mum, . r , we carrlea n)m away. " " a I Wild l UULIa ......--- n - ways wcleoiue, i n:s in that day and that section was abont $3 per barrel, xie '- proper If ins hogs were . - - considcrea wni of corn hogs . J do t inn fid had been eat.njrau "AnroA I hi J lin HHIU ,r,Le, nor did be feed oorn in the ear or . . v. .1 .... nrniiud it. ano irrain, but im '")-.w--- j-a wm ' - a 1 .. .1 niurnvH iiiuiiu it tnc oesi --- 0 . lareo use ot potatoes S.r V V ttl-i, We c-.rt UWiKw. w 1 1 CELKBKATKD r, '.V...I.. .cio.iiesl I. it'll - " .... I;...'....-.:.. hlon. de.-eas.-rt, mlm "' ' David Riebarilaon. MartiU Moreno ni". ' ".' , .M;..i..nUm. Matv J 1 - I I 1 c I. 1 11 - - - . Uici.arJron ami rammi-u. uncoil. iiirison. Albeit Bienardson Petition to make tt'd ExMn Aet. riKwaring to the sa.isla.-iion ol .be O WOMAN'S FRIEND ! A tafa and reliable remedy for All Diseises Peculiar U lVaiIe, - - l ie. v."-- . . ... . -n n.B -BCCB AS I , . It is of! ifil Hi'" ' " Whiles ; Prohpsus Vtcrh ., , ,, for sue w. . r' it . If., HVonfi i Irrcmdur 1 ,J Old North Stale, a news.wr p. I b-b ot .heir u : eal V e'zpel mi la.tili.ig ih .1 . IT am thai alt th'' Hfter due dilttjfenee a C -J.ta mtm above named n. "' 1 U- foiiud wince. 'lie onrl aWnH Iinfiis ade roar 5 9 ly CAUTION 14 V7iwa. . , .,. it,, WI d.-iir lo arn U ..irri in. n.l cin.unirri rf iNriaaFMlJSbl'Mlta. f-r .hair -h, laMMMnn. - - , ui,rfrli - the r"i""l i !SK313Sraa4 WUa ,rk- , that a el-T E2X in. A ..th.r, ? ht a. I awert ba. . aeret- -o ."bl,c In ,Bi.k.n ,hl,l!"r:.(.,iwi up lh,m i aa "bey ara iiaXSi " "" ' r,r 1 after aa orlflnal n1 a" 'c"r ' lh 1. aetraa, V-lSe, poM.1" r ' .r,. S-o-rf.na w ' j" 00 ,.le hy other.. .,aaf.h many SUlg rir6ular will al: he l aiiw VJTi , r,.,h cnuffi SxM MM 1 r..7.nf i-en. or I Vallina of the Womb: Jrreaulur Painful, or Suppressed Menstru ation ; Pain in the Hack ; Nervousness. Wakejulness, Weakness, ite DKH1CATED 10 IRS LADIES OF AMERICA, For wliosc lieneftt it was feaigart, at,.i a l" bap piueaitwill vryuote. by l! d -acovarer. D j. J. J. LWVaENCE. II .- .' u... II, i. in the 'own ol eniisi.ni. t, ni deJendant to K'y ' ' , .i.ur.att. leWlarm 1 . ... n..... io Te.iv. on lie :M;V..i..l loi:.iav.nA..,'-l next.,...-! .ni ''"tp .... .. i ...:a..iiii4i .Mice or I .M ..,,.,....1.1 l.l-S.lc. cc - ivorkPlie be lb., saul I f lira, i . on':' 4-b Won ! HIISV tbe same ex parte a- will bf taken pio egnfesso ai J heard to them. . . r : 1 n...., ti-:... C. C. VVinie. el.'iKO. otirsi e, - at office in Troy, ihe 4'b Monday al.f. 1 be i Monday in Vel.ruar R ThU Juno, 1869. ' aw ,.,..m-I '.Vll.L 1 U--KUKtiAMi, .0 . ,-y a . .? ,1 Chronicle ana zownu. UlSUOl' DAVIS. The Sumter S. C Nws of Thursday say ' . 1 . The Uev. Bishop Davis pre.u bed o a rl'grationo, .unday last, at ihj eoi.fii iualiou hi a hdj pns.nl. -..r ....v w .. .. ....iiciiee was a treat to listen u -' , r and w in n " " al ' . . r...... ,-.s view. O IS StitH- m" true religion heefcOie bright- ... . :.. I.i- Blind, we must '" ,, ,,,, ...... . iaaton ... tin- win 01 ' -ml him of ph ysical sight a . V stowvda no r.i.e . 7. Loi.jc . , v I liv to .V..'vale the doc el bis UUtTU. I I . . 1. ,U- .1.. WAS .1 eoiue. UUl ll'uu vsrv --- "n'"'.: . .;r a hed in ,.,,m I."-"-"" of .1,. one corner, a iw" - - . .... .Ira mid a trunk con II. .or. one or i. - - . would nrhi.r. eortl woon. a -i enable Mm kfiLS. ,,, be would he seized wi.h a letter-wri-" ..nd letter f.. his lawyers every -1. ! v f,r' afortni.t would he iheresn t,an , ,...1 " - 1 . . ..,..A him as fully ue Hr.irfw.-r uemg cr-"- . h the maitur ot eor.espmuo fiiei,.' And thus he Vll, lif ht of narn . h'.le that of iliiimr T. 't'Zmi tn.nnrlAnea ol t ne 111 ui"'"' ""f t . . 1 .: .. k!d the lite of a hermit; save iu relation with his attorneys alone. Two yars ago Knight was sowed with goi.alwasaffltcfedastobcs able move. Quarts were p.ov.dcd fc . . 1 .... it..ro:ird Hebrick, .. linn at um oou.-i - f he Locust street road, two ...1 e w.rt of " U street when lr was well taken care of until 8un.lav, the 4th i,:., when ne dltX having just passed the 74th auniver Hirv nf hisjl-irlh day. Why he. who was so g-fird by nat ore llld s.;spi. n ii.iiy.-i';c- t fn7cri" innue x carrieu iiuu T. .eemed so certhin that tie Kine.1 that none believeP.m 'J. , manner showed no gn.lt. It . r 1 nnother raav have done been h."ji , , it a. the deed ; but a jury sa.d he . . ' k. tlu mvBtervmav be clear- llie yearn "j y- ' - a . . . u ..nn i hnn now ot me ed osn my uc. vH..- ----- . . Jnno nra ao. It robbed lawless ucvu v.".." j - -o . j . 1 .u. i nnoliirht his manhood twTomhUth the only flow- cr that gave to him its incense a' rv" ! ' Ht he never denied it-only look ed at you when he was spoken to m an aimless and wandering way, as d tl.e Z lthat had deprived him of the only EX he loved had destroyed his rea- I nHintl. innntrn's. u8u .oi.pir .iL.i-;ahies.but kins, turnips, ana '-e ' h. always cooked tbem. i'7 r- - - , . .1 An in iiiii'p. Me Mineham teeUa lrwu po"y - o . - - o son. t -rnra have passed since then, but the memory of that horror lingers m ray that 1 shudder at the thought of it. and don his luxn.ious friends, make his way the American subiii depri ffil toHSamflHIfhl TO rilYSlCIAXS. v . i.u nf hlcli the WoinanV Kiienil is cow mmmaM are'publisl.ed amuort Met bottle, anil M is rii.l .0 be tba bast tteriue Toulc sad alteral.ye ... I . rii i l ei! . "' - ii,ei.ihii"."- -- .... .... ,r . Heran,.. I Mocksville. on ei.nes. ay..u .... nest. R. V JVnnio.. .u., n . tun. -s M . ,1 i i'. hl bi.m.r.'a1 tbe, Court H.-ain L 1 ... - L. j S!,Jf aa I ABIL LARD. NlW VOK''W'-r .... - 1. .t.i. .narel.at.'c ncent in all mcnte0f r... ..male lieprove Orgaj. llva'.rr a. arvous Maaaana. r JIW- i'00 i"r CtJ J. IL BAKER CO . Wholesale agents. No. 4, ?'.,': Nurfotk. a. O-Tawbon, sl Cursor Wt-sj - ad- tand, lying'on tin, Ju County, Arkansas B" Bolton, Judge flacter and Jthrtj Vocksville, N. C, June 23, '69- i HARBIN, Aspne. 26 2t. Dtunlardncss an Idiocy. UteVU:,.... of 'C-rp1.t-s Physio ., " i. ia mentioned that .4 h.ee hundred and fif.y-ninC ' W -8,i "' knight lU, coiidttion ot hose piogciiois be ascertained, LJfZ of ab.olute drunkard, and a large pro portion Of the parent, of tbe reminder Were more or less intemperave irienns. iu ii , ...I..., a-4 wilds lor a residence, and ll.eu'i whe n d i , Ubl IMS friend-, nmrt to lh. M( 1 .. i.. .,;; mid bpeonteut witn it v- ,v two 01 more years, is pWwgfS 2, inadvertent admission cb' trrs to his legal friends, wherein he admits 1 a ir : no nn ' . m VILEST a -Wted J. t .1.. tiroleil'eu Iter oecaur..- r T l-.,f'ittpr. and a catle 10 a young who being a younger son uan own way to fortune and to fame. The Petersburg Index speculates upon the "coming" price ot eHr As fa- as we ate capable of forming an nl ion, it is that the season will open at about "wo dollars, at which the price may be expected to continue abont two months. IH'er .. . ..t are how It Longer tban mat - - - - ..r-...;.w.(i alia muni;; rati uu ppitt".vi - 111 .v. 1 winter and spring it to WP m ffl shall see hrcailstuns aop.si.og to ihe standard o? lormer jieur.. a...., of course, to liable many contingencies such as the harvest in Lumpe-tbe actual result in ibis country, fcc. ice. . - . 1 ....... ...wii.-eil. he always nan aai- - . I consider tbe uisposiuu.. ---to quit raisieg hogs and Jfg unwholesome and badly toOC tem and Baltimore bacon f d rthetn pork, an error and a tr'T veresU most of our farmers largely u. a e the cost of making their own bacon. I have no doubt that many manage them so badly, they cost enormous, --0-proper ly 'trained and fed, timely penned Snd cared for, will cost far less than 1" Lmrine Besides if they are pen ned early, they contribute largely , a n oeo cany, 1 j- vnlnnbleTmanur j'mi oreusing iuo nwva SS recent visit to Eufito . Esq.. this Comity, I learned tact St attending hogs, which I thy to co.nra..icttte. He showed a patch bis garden, covering two squares m our' ordinary gardens, which he last year planted in long grem, ru.....oS -f with rows of corn between, from which he assured me he supplied his family WW Luashe,, and kept sixteen bogs almost ! al fit InrlC the entire summer nnin of corn until Kit ing -" " give him the fattest meat he ever killed. TT.e squashes were cut up ven totbo Z H I have 110 doubt they wonTd haya been mucn oeuer 11 vuj -. ed. He was so well pieaseu w.v. t. ..... . noartei of a million dollars a year to light the streets of Chicago. Dr. Hall assails tbe idea thftt men rest a.- j: ..t!.in. He says the only bealvhful rest, as long as our physical The rupeHntendnt gf b New " every - York has an file W"- whcre M y0B, h is the hardest tb.ng four persons who mj J , do uothinf. .ppearea - - ? 7 " r pe'riment, he is repeating it the present year H considers them far preterablf to, and cheaper than peas, po. pumpkins. 1 have no .Wbt of it. 1 hope their I ... will rather unurove our laiiui-i. . .ii u . 1.. nhpen and cattle, arid kee Blue" ri r nn tne rearing it. . . - - Una bacon, rh B : I I Uii t: il , v - -

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