ft.. . 1 j - - i -iM- T7 ' ri rfl I III 11 , , VOL 1V ' SALISBURY V Cn AUGUST 13 Ifififl ' ' ... , - .pn,r., 1 . I K1 f atroiiiso yowown InstrtntiH. THK Exercise ,a th. loeord Female "Lollege. Ht SUtMvillw. trill I... r... I ' - ... "- . ,a,,,eii IUQ 41 of .September next. lioiird, fuel, washing. 0 per I'ii i I i. ill in reiular eha..a. I,.., month. -f5.f?ll -r mouth. ruin ;J.."0 to Mll.-IC, I MM-illtr. Piiinlimr A-.. . -,,......;. ext. -derate rule ; payment half iu ndvauce ('MM III fiilll' inotlilm. ..,.. I I.... 0'1 1 '.M'tllir Pttilllin A-.. ext. At for JurtiitT puit.oulars address , ......... irv. j -'i. Fur I' I- Pi ii - I 11 I I StntcsviHc, Jply 9 3m PtjaohJcnt. University of N. Cacolina. THK FALL SESSION of this Iustitntion m ill coinmenee on ih.' intl, , , v August . M s;';tuue. ti uiory ai l . :,l UcirtlneuUi. aud a (Jen MirM'IU iWlc lcndfM.y. J B H. T Til V. 1 ajiii aa Bitrlio. I' ALL TKatal at this Krinor u-lll nnn n ih.. nth ..r o....i i... j .. : e " ,"v 'l'"iwer, anil COUUIIUL' -iMc.-n : Hi'l. v ......... vniuRj Knpliah Dep't. 5 """""-V 1 4 1 ti f ..rm..i i ., i n,2'rt,,'t;n, If 00) Hoard in paid fiiiniliea at lVpcr liioilth ' One Imlfot the ala.ve charges ii required in I B'lvante. t'..rf.irH...rr..rs..i. .ji . . i..i -L w,!,V ""eaaiue nincipnts ; NEXT SESSJON WILL COM lueuueoii i,e Iii si Monday of Seiiieuuber. Th, entire exfier.re ol Board aud Taiyou wi I be from n.i to llo if pai, jn 0dvsu.:e. Each tioar.ler wU Hu ineh her own lights and tow. ls an.l aJo a pair of sheets anl pillow cases. For circular address J. M CALDWRLL, j ilv 2. Igf9 3m Green-bon,. N. C. m ale and female. THK SSVKNTll SKSSION w Ibu w cnence on Ih. Dill of August next. ClriH Engllnh, CltMnical, Mathe fnotticnl. Te:ns: Tuition from $5 t $10 fr session. Board with the Pi incipal $0 ei month. For itatlieiilar address (he principal at I I Xon, Davie Co., N.C. ..'. . , H". J. ELLIS, Principal. Pieaant Grove. VI. C, i June 2-i, 1800. i 25 :tn BINGHAM SCHOOL. MliB.VMJVILLK, N. C. Wm. BiBghaii, ftticfl litghin. W. B. Ljroeh. Til K 8ESRJON of 1869-70 BEGINS Agvggt 29th, aid continacs forty weeks. -the emu w! Iii-truj.-uoii iiieludes ihv ordi nal y Kiitfli-h t.ranct, tba in. ient Languages Fn-iHti. Mailu iuatte-s, Rook-Keeptng. and the lemenis of Natural Scumee. Exireiis. , (including tuition, board, fuel. le'ashiiig. books and clothing.) 30o. Ciicula's sent on appli-alion. J..e 1R ltfr.9. 24 Gvv Mf 1 ' rr.xiw ACADBataT. The r-t Session of this Academy will com mence on ti e (irst Mon.tavin aoaw e....'k. Hupiisean eater at aay Utue and tie charged from ilieiiiaeerentrante. TIms rses ..! tuition will bs sa follows: iron tU.UUaad ttSUUO itertMsioD ui 5 months paysUf at the end t every month. No pains will he spared to give pupils a thorougli trelnin, iu all the braachea usually taught Ins first clsss Academy. ... . . The Aradeiay ls located in s baaithy and moral o.mnuuity iq f'laiiklin Township ftjur wiles from ttlishnry. on tlas i-ew road to "ocksv ille, . J . . . ...... r . ill.... f,,.mili... Ito ir.J em oo naa in re.-jei iau:e ...ui..u- t H dnltars nermo finiith. 1.. H. KOIUS, June W:tm.! 8m l'lia&iusl PUiFESSlOSAJe. M.H.PINNIX, ATIOUNEY AT LAW. LEX I NO T0K -V. C. ILL PRACTICE in the courts of David- il.e. Hiiilford. Alamance and Ran dolph counties ; RKrxRKsca. . Ion. R. M. P.'ar s.Vi'tTJ. of N. C, Raleigh. " E. G. Rea.le, Associate Justice, " Thomas Settle, , " " ' It. P. Di., " ' ' Bedfonl Urown. Yanceyville, N. C. " Hon. John Kerr. " i R. Mi l.- an. Greensboro", N. C. " Ti.omas Unffi'i, Jr.. " " J. M. Ulo.i I. Dobson, N C. .la-marv 2!. IStW. 4 .IOII S. HEDKRH0f, AIBlttU CtSSilLMATUW,; SALISBURY, N. C. ii i - . .i... ..it,.,.. : 1 U III auenn proinpuy i" -v -o m.I Claims lel.26-ly a, , tt DB. C. A. HENDERSON, ilie fifwetiee of Medicine' resfiectlitily offers h;s professional r. ..... , M'liiccs 1 1 . ...a.i ;ne pul.lic. . 0FFIt:E : The one late occupied by U bite head A- llen.lerson. Calls may be L it ettfi at Ins olB.v. or at Eniu-s' Drug Siore. tfakslMTV. K--b i'i I MM. 6-(V . . . . . .1 r Dr I W. JONES. ' Ul. I. wf . vwi I I AVIXU heated in AVIXU heated n. Salisbury, mm xa rr..tesioi,ai seniees w ' "- ,ne piiu:ic. vi- ike n Council Street, oppj.Mie .cn ....u- aud next door to the Law nc of Uoii. Burton Craige. 9y ' lgw"- - F01 Sm1. Fine New-Bugs V. A;. ply la WILLIAM If BAII.FV, - . . uumysiij iiecinivii, m n,. Opened. Kutire expenac. including board. 1 ? t.. 10;). All the be4w&ts.f the Instil u (inn are offered, tree. ,f charge, to a limited number of residents iu tUe Slate. Apply ti) the I' esi.fout. SOLOMON POOL. A I 8 AICE PEARSON'S SCHOOL 1 7' if ' ?'.r Sul,erlor Conn, to be held Worth Carrion iI will re open u Monday, .'ent. 1J. ri! ",r 1 ,e Co,in,y Rowan, at tiie Coun-liynse j Row Uocjsrr. i lerui-. jper Mission. UUn and Frcndb ! . "ry, le lirU Hoftday m Semem- i Elixal'th JnkaK .Cue I !. 1..I.. un oe 51 ' ber ll.'dCI llun 1.1,1 il,. .1 I i;.... n t n, . , . ; I I"""". "Py ol wlich isserve.1 with this sum- I I j'! J-P. WOT1! . h IranglaXaaginamr mon and let t hem lake nmi. e ii,-. ,r .1 The .Vorth Carolina Ore o ' w si wajsujxo uiiuuiai y . ru MONTOOlaJCttr UJUNTV. a the Superior Court ll. nry W. Ltdhetter, Plaintiff; against DaraVI ilclW, Oeieodant. VI llfli a : ill. -I..V,-., J . I ' . M jt.i.itedl,MatKn .,1.t Darnel M. Bae ihe I Aihp flowed ami tne Nrt(,h Carolina ,7"" faH'llU" Vbv A,'K" "" C,mr' I DK C"ln. D.,'end.nt til aid cmnry ut recover the iKM-eion of real i'X: s ASUUnf KoHh Carina: . iu inrmiiMin oeirm a re- tdent of thu Srate, hax demrtea llicr. lr.in to in voi.l the service of immmonj or keel him w11 "hrein nriih a like intent; Ji i ..rdered, i bat twrvice a aiimiiHMit be anade tiy itU(j a- tiou in .he 'Old Norili Sute" once a week for at least six weeks, oc-ceaair.-ly. DuijfyuiM (In - aid Wendant W apfiear-befoi e rfTWl Sum- nor Court at ihe.Kiii Umv in J'ioi , ,uu il (ll Honiayaltnr aha Id almnlav ... AM,bj:"rn,'vf',ll"'(wn afld to mwnr next, ibetiaiidtUarv. to anawer ihe complaint ol the PI uitiff in the Wxx n. (. A ...L. n'e Maiwm win take liiuViMeijt for the rebel demauih'd 111 Ihexrannla.ni Given unde.- uiy hand seal of sail Curt, this iLU yaJT Ol Jiuy IKIin. I' ( WiBJO i' ..j. 7. . " -..cia superior Uourt lor MontL'i'ftierv, Ohiii 3( -Tw (pr fee J0 ) ... ty, . V. E. Nye Hutchison & T. J. Sumner, PlaiotaTs, Jnin J. I?. .... . TW ft n. .unii. m. j. urown 4. is. jiji, olin E. Brown. Win. Brown Z. B. and Robert F. Hoke, Deltndatits. r.lf OF NORTH CAROLINA. the Shtrif of llowan County Meeting Y r hereby commande.1 to mim, John K It, ...... w i d. r ,. . .. r.r . ."' ";wn. i. lat.reauu nooen r. lloke, ll to be fou E. Nrc HcyaiiBost 4c T.J. Senxsn, PiaiiitilTs. Joutt E. Brows. William J. Ra ws. Zkoclow iJ. VaNCX and RonXKT V. Moxx, Defendants, h sppeating to the salislaction ol llie t'.Mirl, by affidavit filed that the defendant Jous E l!aov alave named, ia not a resi lent ol this Xnu liiat Ins reriileticii is not known andean not af'er due diligence be ascertained, and thai after diw diligence he cannot be found in the Sta'f tjiat a cause of action exists against bun in favor ol said aUintifla, (la.- growndiol' wba h niiear.by thaawotu cuiiiphunt (hat he is a proper pa:ly lo (Jus action, and tha' ihe suni ,,.. oml I'ouinlaint herein were lile.1 in the Sua?iwr Com i ol Rowan County on (be tti. day ol Julv, 19 ORDERED. That the snn:mons lierein, a ,-opy ..I which appears above, seive.1 as to li,e said Joint E Bnowa by publication ,, the -ame in a newspaper styled "77i Oil Nurlh Slate." publi-bed ill tbecity of Salisbuiy, once in each week lor six weeks. Witness, A. Judson Mason, Clerk of (he Su perior Court ol' Rowan County, at office, in Salisbury, the 28'h dav of July. 18C9- A. JUDSON MASOal. C. S. C. 30 Gw fprfee8.) Worth Carolina. ? Sr I'KRKIU Co CRT. Caldwell Countv. Spriiig Term. idea Construction of Will J. R. Wilsou, execu.or of James Blair, dee'd AOAIS8T W. A. White and wife, Nancy M. White. Aviir St'lf4 Pmm, Arry Selena Isiiloiir. by W. A. White, Guardinn. Beuimnin Steele and wife Elisabeth Steeb, Jamei Barnes, P.O. MeCrasjr and wife Martha Mc'Jfnry. Emm. liawe bv 0 Y Drnee. Guardian, Sarah Isabella Fortnef. by :f Ad eline Portoer, James R. Barnes, by his next frietid. V . Iu this case it appearing t the satisfaction of thn court that James Barnes, P. G. M Craryand wife Martha McCrary, Emmn Barnes by G. W- Barnes. Guardian, defend ants in this rase are non-residents of this State : Therefore ordered by the court, that publication be made for six weekssuccessive y iti the "Old North Mote," a newspaper published in Salisbury. N. C, not! lying the said defendants to be and appear at the next term of onr Superior court t be held for the ......on ..f ('ui. lu .-11. at the court bouse in I.e- noir. oii the 8lh Monday after tie3dMoiiJy iu August next, theu and there to answer the compla'nit of plaintiff filed in the clerk's of fice, or judgmeut wil' be taken ex prtc as to t'jeui. ' Witness R. R. Wakefield, clerk of our , i .v a.k u I.. ,t't..r ih.. :li Miii.- x, ,.,, w4jy5w,EU' i . W.rth daralina. ) .Si'PF.Rl.iK Col'KT. . . Caldw 11 County. , Spring lerm. lt?t. Ja ob N. Harshaw, J Attachment. .lames H. Collett. 1 s f n t hi. eaa it is made to annear to thft , , , . , siitlstaClii.H 01 tlie noun inw me unci.....,. . . . . ' . . . . 1 . I. . . 1 ..f. . . . . 1 . .1 , ii r...n.... -.--..I Ur.,..n the limits ud in wen Conn- .in . in-1 mii . v lil Hi .'lint i.rir.u.. . i. . 1 1 - I - - . . Hi'inj. wiun- i 1 1 . hi. . j.i.j u . :ov . . ' "tic luwuan u,e com- .in, tseceuseu, 1 laiill " opr ten isserve.1 with (Ins sum. I aOAlMT j uion, and ht tbein lake notice, (hat if tliey rnp v"r,n Carolinn Ore Uressinirfomnanr De 1 1 " """"" more or less stroug fail to answer said complaint duruiy the neat I0"1'""'' . scmmons 'y impregnated with alum, and probably, term. Hie plemtifTs will apJy to the Ju.le ol 1 "I' a'inir upon aft-mvit Hrat t'ae defend "l"'r ""lUenU iilunam, wbwb has'j. I saj.l uourt lw the leliel demanded in the con- ! J"' " " ,"rt lX, wipwalion, and there is no of. mleivd mw of thwr vrulen aerricesible plaint. Herein fad not, aud luweyou Uien and 1 ""'?. ' sal(l coip..ration to bo found f" l'.r" ulltieted Wtb tte variM illsgria there ihis Writ. j limits of tiiW ii.tc : It is ordered ' ,w " unhenhliT state ..f ffce digvu. Given i,Jer m v hand and tjie seal of the V'Rt '",,w 1)6 " " 'Old North orf1,"i- How Jotngtbia lias been the ew said Cou.t,atfidisburr iin-24th day ..'July . """"W ruf notifying uncertain. From li3 to 1430. while A. D., ISd'J. A. JUDSON MASON I defendant b an.l sppearbefore the Judge ol ! J4"" " Minister of the Episcopal Church Cleik ol the Superior Court for Rowar Colinty wxt .s"ne,,or Court to Ih? held for die )n tt plnee. I do not low recollect f bar Duplicate of this summona issued io Bun-' ?",,n,.v ' Bown at the Court I (raise .in Sah- in nw,rd "f ,u" ter within less t baa CTf-r'.-ilrWkA'' ": n- V .'v. - I ,M,rf. r?-Abr.it-h Amt. ma'., ...- - i :"!:wnJ1,,jrJ,fnH-t-1i;ie,i ev.rrVam-T.rr...o al it 111 19 1 1 " '1 t--' - j " " - . " J the State: It is therefore ordered by the I in this Sia.e. elating to real properly situate court that publication be made in the -Old i-. this Stale, it is therefore ordered that pub Kurth State " a newspain-r published in Sal- ' hcation be made tor six week in The OW i'sburv. N. C. for six wcWsncttessively. no- ! A'nrf StU" newspaper no.ilymg the defend ' . - .. , , . .1.... t... 1 j . ... 1,, m...r hrfisH the Ju lee ol our nexi tin nig tn-tleleimaui inai ne oe uuu nj.rr. .,... w -ri . , ,,, .. ., ,.1 1 next term of our Superior Curt Superior C-mit to be held lor the t.mty of , ine srai wm i ..- ... .i.u t V..,.i lloime in Salisbury on the Un iw held for the H'nn,y "",WJ V ' Z r,irt house in euoir on uie ou j.uuwj m e .. .. . ... TT Alrllbt IleXt. ten mid mere hi p-eau au. ...j,,,.. r judgment pro ccufmuo UI be ; iUe aitainst hinu .' . ... Wituess.lt. It- tvanenem. eiera i ur aaid court t bfljee the 81 h Mouday after the 3d Muday iu March 18fJ9. B. B. WAEEFHvLD, q. C ylw-W J fc 9) ' .... w .... ... . . 1 1 , r LEG A L NOTICES, Moca r . Holm.'-. Reuben J. nrlm , Vi.len liae V.ign v Kohrnim Mminoy, B. B. Ri)b erla and D. A. Davi. PlainlilT. Ore ! T A"' Mu-e and the Vonn Carol ihna Ore - "'Mifc' UiMMpany Ureerinir. ! w1"""'"" ," -n or,'''r lro,n "on. John i of,iw 8" J'bcil litii t ol ' if S,, hereby commanded li re- 1 workini'' - iu "jr manner iisiiijf " rrW HiH pnipnty aa'dWrrmerl In J ,,l,?,!lff'"",nPl,i". rr by Jtwialiw or , !TjTi, J,",pc -"f ,Mlr a"P' Co.irt m ,!,. f5omt House m ft.lii.bnrv. ihe 2ih H.. : 1 "p ,"" '' n ny (lie iii)inicli..ii ball i.oi eontiuued till jwVmeni I c rendered in tins union: And it appearing la tb. aabaotin of the court that alter due dilijreiue the defendant cannot he found within the Stj.t-, hut that ,e fen.buKa are non residents of 1 1, h Slate, it i nrilered by I be. i-onrl fhet errH'e of rhl order tor in) .iii-i inn he mi weeks ''l 'he !' OoarniMitiri'j '. j lin.e mid .. , . Shi W . -e V ,i jrriin'.r.l nil iti,- j id aci ion. d- bv ixil.lieaiion foi six newspaper. -J appear at (be then and i here to i'lon hall no! u. :mei t b rendered in ll i ' Given im.ler mv hand and seal of fai.l court I ll,,s 30 C'J. . CVcri Suiter ior Court for ftou-oa Count u 31 Cm-m lee t'l 1 7 8.dpeioh Corar. AAwiuisttatorof Win. JCQ. in. ...;.l .........I ilnnixr in- term ol said court eif.i'i i.,i ... ..... ... the plaintiff" will Jake judi:ient sfinat deremt ant a.-.h'liianded in said sail Given under mv hand artrHeal of said conn Ibis JOiii day of July. A. D. 1PC9. A. JUDSON MASON. Clerk Superior Court for Hovtati County. 31 C (pr. lee .) Worth C are Han Caldwell County. Si pi: kj ou Cot'UT. Spring Teitn, lds. Elictlwlh A. Esies, against lamea If Pollett. I' Attachment, In il.u ii is nixile to annear to the sat Ufa. lion ol the court that f he defendant 4aue II. ColleM resides beyond the limits of this Stale: It is therefore ordered by thexonrtlhiH pul.hcaiion be made in the "O'.i North Stale," a newspaWr published in Bahsbuiy, N C, for -ix w el s snco'Ssively. tioiilyiug the uVfeiidaiH ll III lie b.' and appear t tlu) lleXt tesOl of OUI SiiiH-rior Court to be belu l-r Hie county .4 Caldwell at the UOMT1 lion- in noir, on the 8ih Monday nltif ihe 3d Monday III August pex!, then and there to plead, an swer or ilemur, or judgment pro coofesao will be taken against him. WiieePs. IL R. Wakefiield. c'.eilf of our said court at ollj. e. the 8il Monday alter the 3.1 Monday in Mandi. 1809. R. R. WAKEFIELD, o s. c. 31rw-(,rfee8.) Worth Carolina, I Sc,PKloB-,Cot'HTLo Caldwell C .uuty. Spring Term, lr9 Michael Span i hour, use of "1 Kbsubeth A.. Estes, , Attachment. against James II Collett, j In i his case it ia made to appear to tha sat isfaction ol the maul that James H. Collett re sides beyo.id the limits ui the State.; It is tiiere fotw-oedornd'ba'ine' ntwirl ,tbnt-.lJiHiliw I. made iu-tlui ''OULUvrtli $Hr". , t ffW1 ..iJtl.t in Sui.sl.iuv. X. C for six week iniVMi- - . . i- . succeisi e'y, notilying the defei'dant that net, and appear at the next term ol oi.r Btmenur Court to be held lot the county of Cald well at the Court Hottse in Lenoir on tin 8ib Mntiday after the 3d Monday in August, next, then and thereto jrl.'S'l. aiwwer, or de mur. e Jirlgtuent pro'wnlejaw will bo taken against him. . ' Witnes- It Ii Wak-fiel l, cleik of onr Saul eonrt at offi e (Ih 8-h ilonuav after Uie 3d MoudayXu March UiGO X R. R W AKEKKLD.V o. 31-6,v;)rte.H) Worth Carolina, L'. .vi. a v I -tiTttTV St I'l.RMR Cl CRT. Moses L. Holmes, Relitien J. Holmes, Ephraun Mauiiey. Valentine Mauney, B. B. Robert. -aud D. A. Davis, Plaintiffs. AGAINST . Amos Hows', and the North Carolina Ote Dressing Comtmny. Defendants. ' Summon to the Defendants. It appearing to my satislaction upon the affi davit nT iWe ltaitil iff that ttie Defendant Amos i Howe is a non-resident of the tflale ana lliai ! the North Car.ina Ore Dressing Company is a j loreign corporation, liaviug its principal office j of business beyond the limits fi ibis State ; and ' it tui ibei appearing that acsnseot action ex I its against the deh-ndantt in respect to whom il. ...m. ii tnhm itiailw' and after due dili gence the defendants areVit to be found with 1 111 the State, ali'l that Il.e cause 01 action aros. 1 ...v . . ZriZZAtu Oent. Uwnm there -wc- - ... . n . ..mm, , '.yIi.i ol tba Plaintiffs, or , " . . lur . ' wluj aeiaan ! J"dg-'nent wtll be granted lor the teiiei ueinan I Given uri.hr niv hand and seat of said Court .Ll. Oii.l, J Smim A I).. 18Sn. A. JUDSON MASON. Cferk Superio- Oourt for Rowan County. 30-w (pr fee $10 , I p 3 --a J Jmf PVHuamta weorxr nr wx nv. ati A Proprietor. hum ov m.bkbim... NK I bar, pav-tble iii udvann.. .3.00 .Six Mo.VTllit, 1 Copies to one address t 10 Copies to one. ddrtiM ."".. Hate of AdMkVtiMlnq. 12.S0 I U,t On Square. 6rt Inserrion , P.Lf .... ..I. .I.Ita! I MM .. 90 -v .nun i h him i lufrrili y . Hneeial n.if i ill I-, A..i'n . (Mr aaat "sg" viu uioe riiLes. ii i ii I. ..I- I ' i . . Xunrt h.uI J4istiee's0i4w wrtlbe pol.lish wJ at die uuM.ntan with atkr ,r.i I uu-iitH. Obituary notice, orr ix lines chara-e.1 ! .R.Iv,r.;JL n c,1lr?',, CONTRACT RATES. i i 8 . SPACE. r J Square. Squares. (iiares. 4 Squares, i Column, i Colmou. 1 Column. 4 5 oStMStW 0 9 00 1-JOO-JUtHl 30.00 00 il 00 15 00 25 00' 37.30 II 00 ItJOO eOOfl.30 00 ir,.m I -i (Ml 'J ini in tai no ,m. - . . r ... . nr , ,11.1 2S 00 40 OB 30 00 SO 00 :.Mm Tron tbt CliatrUtte lnw rat LINCOLKTON. If. C.. A FL'TURE WA TERING PLACE. For several years past it has been known to some of its citizens, that several of the I -"t " '.. .iier wiiiiiu li I :::::wnrfiSM,,RH-i'h!ia ever-rvaaiueu I ... ..I f. . I. .. ! of auy particular value until whiiih me w few week wheu I was iudueedto try a wtl which proved to be mueli more strongly im pregnated than any I had before tasted. The effect ou me was very prompt and very de rided ; precisely the same us that of the R.M'kJr'.lge Ahjin Water in Virginia. On lheg-Mh Jui- I ut " Liiicdiitoii feel ing fur more than C"iiimouly indisposed My tongue was furred, uud nearly as white as common paper, aiid my mouth so pa relied that I found it difficult to sustain an ordinary aouversatiou. Aftjend, to whsMii I WHseak ing of riiy feverish uucoinfortable coudition. t.dd me of this water ; but as I hud fre quently tried that from other wells without any erceptiblc benefit, I bad little faith iu it imwer of relieving ine. However, atte. I a time, consented to try It. and t y snr- I prise found it so much stronger than auy I I bad before tast.-d, that I could hardly Iw- lieve it was from the same vmiuiiy. I it me it appeared nearly, if uot quite, as strung as the Rockbridge water, but iu flavor re sembiiug more nearly that of the Bath Alum Spring iu Bath county, Va. The ef feet "ii me. however, waa exactly tha same as that of the Rockbridge alwas has lusen. In less thau twenty-hour, my tougue re sumed frs natural oouditiou. the salivary glands began to act freely, and all feverish, uucoinfortable feel ngs were gone. A dis t ess'mg irritation 'exfd paiufulueaa iu the re giou ..of the kidneys hud j-bw left me ; but whether this were attributed to tne use in the water, I cannot say. as I did not uot nerceive any appreciably effect on the urin ary organs during my stay. But I remain ed only two anna nan uays; nu, -ory does her office, it hniT always taken the Kockbiiuge water inai toug w '""' "j .i....;.i...i um.f iinon me in that narticular re " : . " . - -I. ..- i spect. let those waters nave aiwav '", to me so beneficial in that wpert weU as others, that wheu unable friun any cnmie U go to them. 1 have nau inein seni w me. I . . . , m , .. .i.l m ... aud invarmniy iouuu mun o. same favorable resulu. Shimld the Lincoln wilier uruvo - - will Ih a blesatug for which I ennuot be too thankful. I am induced to make this statement and to put my name to it. fioin a sincere desire to contribute to the public good. Some oth er sufferer may hud relief at Lincolnton. While there the but Mum. I heard of one per on who had been relieved of some long andint', cutaneous affectionfrom the use of the water, and of some visitors who bad be come strongly pursuaded of lis mineral val ue. My own impression is that it is of very considerable value, aud eerUiuly worthy of a trial by all jiersous suffering iu way siinilaj to myself. Lincolutou is a small Shutdown the seat justice for) Lincoln county of about 1.000 ... -am i.,l.l.it:uits. situated on the Char- ..- . eona v etnenctous nereaiter, u L.,i ..ini Rutherford Railroad, tt is eleva In.fposiiiou. in au unduhiting. airy AdH U in piMMiiou, a o i i.i.r.,l reirinii as suv east ot the Ulu lirniium, T . i , .- Ridge, aud is teinarkable for the quiet in dintry ol its people, who, aa n wbidn. ore a reoued and intell.gent as those of any other town iu the State of equal population There is, no place iu North Candiua where a child, or female, cmld be sent to school with greater safety to its moral, religious ami tntdeftual trHiuiug. The ach ad ot Miss M-'W,' Alexander, for girls, is as yet small, but in bauds sj able aud expeiieuoetl. will doubtksss aama beTartiie Urger ; that of Judue Brevard, also all rearts. with happy results ; while the new school, for boys, ou .... .t... ,.i,r ..f Rev-. Mr. Wet more and l'r..f. Smith, late ot unapei ntii, 10 ojH-ned ou the 13th inst . oilers inducement. "Xallv unwound ike string un to parents pot ,dieu to be met with in our t JZi&wd. u Now hob!, tbe country villages. Mr. W is a gentleman I fc wd -irhp;" cried slw and the ,.e ......hie character aud deportineut, ' -i kud u. will, for Tom and areat moral ud religiems wort .. and well nualified both bv natural tafeut and euuco- t I 1 .1 aniL..aa . .f at (Mil. tional advantage tor tne posmou .-1 ,.-.u- Hit yuo. Mr. BIDIW m w-au ably known ptfbrk aslaie IVoftamr F Uniruages at Chaiel Hill, where lit. . : I Li i m . huiw uiinnen ror many vears with entire satisfaction to the patrons af the Uni- vereity. I iiresiime ihvn. U fmaat al lawaaaaaala "... our usual course, of edueatlou. preiaratory to College course, iu aahu h these gentle meu are uot qualilied to riva full and aeeur ata iustrtirtk.u t while the well-know ehar- aetnr i if ...,. i im - I. .. . I ..HI . , - " "unii iceiiueiiian, muv ST 7. P1"1 'n1 thiuK will be omit at uotbluir will be ou.lt lent i , all ' T,?, I . rftTtrtT ting with thai ruoulng heville at Jiu-kor U- " a ucement in all ""in WTiai fOjf best II A Railroad aunuecti from Salisbury to Ash. Hon. if uot already in iiraMa ut I ou mm Uitcidnton, u ill be iu a wry b.,ii . t raan a nuanii time so that ( In- lilsnr1 h til 1..11. iu. ., ji Should (lie in nurut 'i. . i. i --" "WTii prove asemcaei- i 7"" r" "r may ana who can roresee what uew fountains of health may n revualed aa new wells are ..i.e.,. .1 in tinier power l es ailing r.,r miles . n the western siaV. where Ik ". '."fk tL CntawU iiasses within a half houre' walk iu main street, aud we have other reasons why it can scar cely fail to become 1 1. aat of a nuinen.ua aud valuable population. At present, inva lids may And infortabhj guaiters at he Kistler. Proprietress, on vwir .M..rl..r,.f.. I el 1 1 1 s V Cl u' ......... ...en rami, near Slierrlll s Kor.l CsUbaCo.. K. C, Jal nth, tew'i.f A TH KILLING ADVENTURE ThcfrdJowing UiriUbv kfeh Is from an En glish Magasine : " Father will have done the great ebimner to night, wont he mother r said little Tommie h-liffi "k'lkk",0od wlitiBf bis f-tber-s weakfast, which he carried to him at bis work every morion,. "ile said that be Ul .11 .1... ua WOUIU be down to-nnrbt." . J .k. .Lr i - -. - K nu i iu we scanoiding lown to night," answered the mother, HI be a fine skht; for I neve, like ldZC7fl'7,i Umm,iT and that wi the riJiini' for tanker in Bk. tamo, but I'll go and seek him, and help Tom glW MM,t ""e dwnijpiil "And then," continui-d the niother, 'it all goes on right we are to have a frolic to-morrow ; ami ITO ill the Mllnt ... I... I- . cl m neaVTOn?r'nVwrpnfg .6, am, tneuan- niw.iul .11 il... A-.. ... , i , . gerous work he was engaged In ; ana men uer heart sought Im sure refuge, ami she prayed to (iod to protect and bless her treasure. j-i i: .1.. . I wiv In Ills loin, Willi a iign. m....w. ." . father, and leaving him his breakfast, went to I.i own work, srhicli was at some distance. In (he evening, ou his way heme, he went around to see how his latner was geuing on. i..,.w ll.,u ...I tha lather, and a number of other gentlemen, bad been building one of ttMe lofty chimneys, whlcn, in our-greei aaa uiw.r ing towns, almost supply the' place of other ar chitectural beauty. The chimney was one of the highest and most tapering thai had ever been erected and as Tom shaded his eye- from the i....,;..., ,.r tlu- oi.ii sun. looked up in scandi of Ills lather, bis heart almost sank with in him at the appalling neigm. i ne w-ai.oiu was almost down, the men at the bottom were ma ving the last beams and pole. Tom's father stuod alone at the top. lie then looked around to see that everything was right, and then waving his hat in the air, the men below, answering him with a loud cheer. Httle Tom shouting as load as any of them. As their voice died away, however, thev heard a different sound, a cry from above. "The rotte, ,l- " Tl, men looked around and colled npon the ground, lay the cepc which U-t -a- th. L scaOblding was rcwoveo, snouiw ia mw '" tened to the chimney for Tom's father to come down by ! The ssanblding bad been taken down .i.linni r...,i..iiiln rini' to lake the rone un. Thev all knew it was impossible to throw the rope up 1 1. U JJM.I ..i,,,n,rh In re:. ell the ton of the chironev, or if it could it would hardly Ik' safe. They stood in silent dismay, unable to rive any help or think of any means of safety. And Tom's lather. He walked round and round the little circle, and the dixxy height seemed more and more fearful, and the solid earth further from him. In the sudden panic, he lost hi presence of mind, and his senses fail ed him. He shut hi eyes and felt as if the next moment he most be dashed to piece on the ground below. ' VZLT The day passed as industriously as usual with Tom's niother at home. 8be was always busily employed for her husband in some way or other, and to day, ah bad been at work harder than usual getting ready lor ine nouuay She had just finished her arrangements, and her thoughts were sneniiy manning " ion un happy home, and all these blessings of life, when Tom ran in. ii:. - . wliit a ashes, and he could hurdlv set his words out : ' Mother ! mother ! he can re it get down." wi... tbv father T asked the mother. " Jhey have forgotten to leave the rope,'' nn- 1 T,.m aitll .,.,,r..,.v able to sneak. ' mm . U .......... 1 .... I,rr, ,r rn.-k and A lie iuuiuu . "r 1 - v ' stood for a moment as if paralized, then pressing her hands over her face, as if to shuK ut the ter rible picture and breathing a prayer to Ood for I... I., .ii.. null put out of the hoitse. When she reached tlie place where her hus timA ... .1 wnrtr a rmvrt eathered around the foot of the ohimney, and stood quite helpless, aud razing up with faces full of sorrow, 4 " Fie aav he'll throw himself down." " Thee munna do that, lad," cried the wife with a.-lear hopeful voice I "thee munna do that WaRnMt. Tattnrftwys-neWngj MlafM J . ,h thretul with a bit ol ravel it and let it down "the thread with a bit of niorter. JJot thou hear roe, Jem T The man made a sign of assent ; for it seemed as if be could not speak mid taking off hit Mocking, unraveled the worsted yarn, row after row. The people stood around in breathless si lence and suspense, wondering what Tom's rmrth er conld be thinking of; and wkv ahe sent him ill such haste, for the carpenter'. baU of twine. " Let down one of tha thread with a stone, and keep fast hold of the other." cried she to her husband. The Rule (bread came waving down the tell chimnev, blown hither and thither bv the wind, lail it reached Uie ouisirew-neu """ were waiting focjt. Tom held the ball of -- . i iiir, in tv mk Hivui-i worsted thread, , ZZTT .. .i,, h hu- hi. otner had fastened ajhuk rope to it "li . ,il -Irawn iaS watawn ugns - XheT wstobed it gradunUv and snrwiy nncou A J L. -..ru naa rtr Mm ( 1 lit- : Irnfa v grouno, j er. uuiii.i.b. . . . L . ST. , - ui iiinauiiauia it is not ii ii I nkely that I hi, may yrt IwcHua one of our most i.nportant and flourishing in land towns. Add to iheaetheinaMiifusturiiig priM-l vitk-s f ks present industrious ckixens; HHU tllae laklinafw. ..... .a run itr.-Lnh- I Tlin kiii lui I... Ti , , I """""""""SH? rashnlDeooH left. It had reached the so,,. "OgOffJ thank Oodr exclaim fo SI... I.i. I k... I J- : ii ft the ,., , m) li.1V rr, an.1 ircuiOluurlv rekiKii Tl. I- l.:L it Hbould iie uiiax.1 o .ii . wonld her husbaiuj be able to make iwebf it? ujo ink ine tenor of il..- int hour w unnerved t.un an to jireven him fsam takiiiir : - i nr mi. wieiv r nne did jkm ! w hint HlielU I rtmJ?,,, w9 f bar roi I tiad nlM him wirh-an ruor , and ix.uve.ved to hi.,. ajZ Wth iu mk1 which notbu.sr ever . n ..."laiw iwcr lew wor.iH nad exercnied over dim Hh-AiA l.. .i . me mnKicai inniiciioe ylndn tier uw strenath that tbe imiimI of bar nossa aaaailmaii.l 1 1 1 . j i . . . :. i as it the iitib hope of I i (c once aunic (Hirtiiwi of that T tTi 7 . "ol""'!t .vcr ietr..ve.i or - "'tj i rjim aa ana waiitat tt,m li.l iiMXJiovHi.at eauie over uxp an iihiu , fc down. !. nu.. t)h, mv nbul, uhvari She Hftert her beai m f JtV..r ...i ..f.'i in.ai uutiuieUd wit .... ... 1 .1 ' v. a t neatTtowaTTor hrtpeanrf tre ii.al.in. ul k.. WWa MWKI U . 9 . . ' iiu'iniiii, nnil hit neon turned to uou and rested ou Him as on a rock. i Jrhe?.T. 9rcal ",,ou. "H!a aafc, mother, , litfle Tom. about h. Bni Muid iriH the strong arm of her bnsb.no ha1 not kebl fcer ui.,ew,H,ldhavet.ctotbeground-.hes,M. dHijoy alter -ich .rea, fear had overcome her. ,l T.1 ft TU"r ,eiln thjahoulder," said Hie faUier, "aud we will mke her home."' And in the happy haw tliey iired thanks to God for his gnt anodnes.. and their bannv lit.- l jl "learer suu Holier ,lor the ia?ril it had been in, 0nd the uearoesa of the danger had ratiiurbt them iiT.i,. i :...i .. . l ...j 0 ...hi me itomaav next day was it not indeed a thanksgiving day. CP IN A BALL003T. Koyaae of tie Hyperion from Bjfofo to At Atte yhaHfi Mountain 7'vo Itipt tato site Erie Thirty Mik an Hour above the CtoueUA be sr. n umony ike Trees-Alt Night on a Iliyh Hooet.i Happy Min-rnnee, - '""ki me uaillsill livner.nn mm- On the 5iL justaot the Balloon Hyperion as- ceuded at Buflalo. casrvW un (,,..'........ k';n- and four m-ni I.. . nfrt.. .. . , ' ".'" "r 1 a"J four gentlemen of thejweas, one of ter in UnWerearf Athertuer. oas SS-!5 count of the r whom, a eihnsh- . r 'IT. Slit. r amiiiul aiL. ..In C " nit- 11 I. ill, III hickwc condense the follo-rinznarrative. The ascent was made at 4:15 P. M At is clve min ntcs to S the drag-rope fell into Lake Ewe, caus ing a serious loss, as there were but twelve bags of ballast on bo ird. The narrator couluiq. . .wiw t-e mm me ys, -TT there would be 1.0 danr, a we aouiu q.nc., rise again. He lntr.eted att to rvw-p he rVm tirmlv to step upon the wlgesof Uie basket when wo rt'mek, and la? careftd mt to l thrown ont bv the shock. A If tins w is uttereu 111 u'", . I II...... C Lr I ha. .uli-r The hImK'K WO unite violent, but wc maintained our uosition, and nothing serious followed. The Ulom 1 of the basket sank but a low mew water, on whidi it skimmeil for somethmg like a hundred feet. A port" he provision- were )ked. and our overcoats anu iceigoi wr. iv.-re .sojkisi. iui.i . " . , , small .iiisntitv of ballast was discliarged, and ; we i:iin arose. ' ' " . . , , The vovajers mauo auouicr .n-,,..., ........ minute later, but immediately arose to an atti tude of two mires, travelling at the rate of thirty miles an hour. At twenty minute to six they passeil over the village of Eden, and shouts 1 1 t)ui t eome down, and . .1 .1 ... . t . t ..... 1 1 were iieiii.. 1 -- - - . . agreeing to funiUh tlwm with a conveyance back to nuualo. now -WE COME. uun a " , . " " Hirinir determined, savs the writer to accept , the kind invitation extended by the people oi 1 !..:...l. ...mll I,-- ti... tieotde ol Eden, Professor King suffered Hie ualltam 10 tie- i scend grtHlnallv, aud at twenty five minutes to V wc came close to the earth in anoat-field belong- i, i Ilnti'hison. one mile ami a i on; iu ..... .'. - r .... , . , quarter east of Wen village. Ihe amhor was j let eo, tint dr.iggeu uikiii uie Kr"'"" "v ! . i ... . . , ', . .1.1 ul,, i, nnp of i had passen imo mi mijuinin, .;..., .. -- ---,i. mn who bad eiune af er us threw himself upon it and the Hyperion was brought to a stand still. ..... After a sufficient number ot men had taacn ... , . . i i. .. ... ...... i il.e liiilhwin trom noill oi me iras.o w , -, ascending, l'rofcssor King gave permission to those uf lus passengers wno wisnco iu gw and reu h their legs to do so ; which wo did. ftera pleasant chat of fifteen MUSnwnnrain the command was given to re-enibaik. We bade our friends good bve, and soared away amid ex preauonsof good will and hearty clieers, which wc Tduly reciprocated. away wn oo. 1 ....Knn .III, ar.Ml Wi' HOOll reached an at- I io. in . a amp,.,' " ww". titude of a mile, and while drifting about we ate our suppers and chatted pleasantly. iww minutes past we struck a current of colder air, and traveled southerly, at a distance of -n doxeii miles from the lake shore, as we were told by Professor King, although to the untravelled bal loonist it appeared but across n conple of held The vovagers now wished to descend, but dar ed not on account of the prevalence of the for ests in the iHiuntrv over which they were sailing. At last all their ballast gave out, and tlie bottom boards of the car were taken out ami split and thrown over as occasion required. At last they came to a part of the country where they thought a landing mighf be attempted, and they 'prepar ed to descend accordingly. CRASUISU THaoCGll T0F. TBEE-TOFS. w.. ...,i.i tm.wr .li.ioi, iK see trees, soinarcntlv .it i.,. , . , . , . .. ...... . i: iu front and on either side of us, and here again Professor KingcouuseUed us; . . - "Hold fa to the roties of the bakct, but be careful to keep yotir hand out of the way of the ancbor-rope, or" you may get bnuiches of the tree, lest they hurl you ttnxn tne naawa. . en. lest uiev nun i inuu . rhc wanting eunt- iu time, and every man The irrasped tlie ropes anu urarvu imu" "- ine uiupii.tti .' , 7 j schoTk On drove the balloon like an enraged mv tUit a latml of thirty rtgulator' nmde an monster over tbe tree, with stron? basket xunck on the bouse of one ot the House party With iron e'asped and with iron bimnd-' in Casey, and shot and killed tbrt-e men am one itn iron e.aapeu . woman. Th is the tame gang hmk ha been crashing through the tops and ten nng a was great j . Awkwn. Mercer and other oun- ll l.ylli in its rushing course ! Hie raW was V T9' ffT. f iUU is u7be sent to the awful, Imt though the basket creaked and l'"v-, oJtlbl.. "f ered not a wah.- was severed, not a strand wji ; "W-" 01 lr"""' .. ,y . . - -ereu, noi T(j, liM ?eizurcs reported Tnesday at the THtioron THK Jtmtrr. internal Revenue Itaraui i inditdtSmWW wotth of niaiiilfaetured UloccCs sciatfl by the The anchor caught at la4 u,ou a lf 1 , JLZ lht, ,,ui AlalMitrict. o'clock, anil a soon as it, wan asrtamed hal , n seixurea i.UJeorgiaana : u ,. .. iii:, U- ei, e . ihe momentous ' 111,1 - 7. , V .1" - , - . ... it,i.-ii . tve OU1J..U..K.- - j TSZJOIZuTZmlk 2 The Tree" lielow. HN the Mim , out we Knew , far t was to the ground, or wuai wa- ueueain a 1 1 " u 1 T u. as ' Never at a h tlte teron-mt "directed that , government have been seoxeol by Marshal llar all the string and rope which we could find be i low on the gromid that he bnlievtd that they nut togeriieT snd an attempt made-to- get amwaV., wm mudd to U used agauvO. Peru. . Ifepn ham The two flags wer.- tied to theinds of two 1 ties have been -ent to Orcwipoint to scia. ,u T.il .ven feet ea.h in leiurlh. iue I for ' remaining tificn rtmovoU there. The Marsha flas staffs, and to these were added whatever w!5Sabfe in the ahape of cord, ami the trial 1 0 bottom! mmmm' - , ... - HO GET IXWW Attother cause f apprvhenairai waa that ihs - .. i balloon acaii -'"v" -"Hill riiK- aiirjiiL' mesLiaht snddrii I ,fo,cT to P,u,ltu b;w letting tlie ii., " . uuriTc me tauloon aaautuu aun.ie.of!.. li..lu ..... mniH-ieni e It. tHiiii-tiiM. it ttinu !..:.... .i w . - n Mini; ine g: grrcd that if tile wind did as escape; id iwrf blow hare ' . T " -- .. Ull . we might coutinise aiiHiM-ndetl (...,. ...... -1 - l a . . . not blow the III our baaki.1 w. .-v-i ni ii, nve ii-ei nix. Ivt' li'et Ml V Miirl .1.-.. V... J . 7 i ira ueeil in sjiletv unii nuiniuii. .1...,. .i, :. . . . i, nun careen ed to an aiio-lf. ..t i t.n. .i .urain. we -Uk. If2T3 "'' urain, we might remove all the soja bi',t four' by which the basket was attached to XJ." hrnm te M KHfetlier and let oneaaan kwer him-cTf Ijy hand and go ui search of heliv Ah but all auu I Z1 T rw,.' h th,e Kn,,M,; A w UiS, TnJ .i :.i " .r, "iien lmi i,...,.i .... ! fcet iu lamrth, as measured npoi were iia-t-fi npon the arm' aai .. . lilt' 4JIII tlftf ' .rth7r "rr,w M,,rt "r assistance ! t . i Gooa : Alluaetiu r. m ., j. ,. 4 What xxt? Vfhr. tfmi m..: ,,. i V,,. 1 " u vour I . ""' iiiiiioiio-o-o-oh.'" But onlr J echo onswemd, ''Oh-o-o-oh r 7 I Kaauxc a night or rr Again what? Make the best of it f Th.,'. I d Grimen the piv whfb 'lbIy , Light," and so an ad mfeL X. a w H 7 1 to that ,rwtion ol uE2EniLem if P Kin faVored wM XSSi thereTb and fJern.an opcras-if we mav LZ Zit I for it. and we would mkriuJfar eZ? I but a decent and be,n,in tC'ZX I comoels iJu ulmLyir,,, .i!!?f T? . truth . . . .... , lyjiH-rior lrj( I rofessor may he as an leronaut, a. a singist be 1.1 ui.ii nowc ' "vi . aa 'm " A long jieriod of impatience followed, but tha night came to mi end at last. ivu ..E. Moa nHEAKS. m had become suffitiently light to dis- r. -IT T7r uu"v'' "w btneoth as plainly, we found that we were hanging .bout sixty feet from the ground ; that U:ert' were olh- Ze?e2? W ; ini""''Jv under the basket there was nothing but small bushes, and and that ttie surface was lcveJ. QnvQ tm we h ul nothing Ian our own effbru to rehr tn 011 for our release. Professor King decided to seend to Uie ground. Not knowing the amount of lifting or reawingforce left in the balloon, we proceeded to lighten the basket bv thrown, overboard everyihing it containcd-and coflte can. hasfcets ol provisions tanA a iuickly upon tne ground. ' wm THE DESfEXT. Btitling a smaller rope which had been fas tened to the basket and a limb of the lrabn to lessen tli r.. - . - 'i.r-" The party landed at Rinnia, warren connty, Pa and aflar saVvere jaunt over bad road in a springlwsa waguM tbrtMigb a country infested with rattlesnakes, reach! Buflalo more fatigued than hurt. From tlie !' ... (U.) Democrat Jane 11, SWINDLING ON A LARGE SCALE. a cutinvoYTT's wsFnuatOE game. Almnt two vcars ao an old gentleman, once a 1 :olr. mil man mil known il ien of r ... . ft . . vv. -1 P. . r tniaintnncc 01 a wonnm, u uuhi.u..... ... citv. lie being a spiritualist, the woman had great influence over him, awl finally induced him to mnrry her, iu order to get .sessioti of his wealth, amounting to about u00tt. She and her colleague, whom she represented to the old man as Jier brother, at once comaienecd to carrv lota execution their well-laid plans for ob- t lining the money. , . ... 1 1... m iri-i.tm enrvminv was ner- t rm,A rha time started to Peoria on a brn al . ...1 t.il il... ....... .1 ill ...... uh'ii.. on the wav. the oid man was dnigged to such au extent as to render hint half insane. It seems that tlie latter had raised and educated an orphan girkl. Tlie cbildiah old man, rendered foolish through the influence of the administered drug, was induced to believe the storv that tlie girl had made afhduvU that .he had' been seduced by her adopted father, and that officers of tbe law were upon the track to arrest the criminal. ' The dupe's fortune was principally in cash ana government and railroad bond. A portion of this he had with him, and the rest was deposited at different place in the East. To save his pro pertv and Ins person, as soon as Ihe paryawTtr ed in Peoria, the former was transferren to l lie. the wife, and the old man retired ton little town a short, distance across Uie river, wliere lie re mained some week a an invalid, to avoid de tection. Not hearing lam bis friends in Peoria he finally came oxer to the city, but could not find them, ffcamecting something wrong, bo I. n 4Vna. In where ileTMttOfJi of moneV and bunds had been made, and discovered that the .entire amount had been collected and that the bird had flow: . After bout two vcars, and quite recently, the old man learned tliat his false wife liad returned to Peoria. He cnine hither and found that such Wa t he case, but baa not asy et been able to get any satisfaction r.igirhg the hst treasure. He has knowledge f the woman's living here, and ha fretiuentlv called at her house near the Fourth Ward adiool house, tin Jefferson street, but has not been able to sec dr gain an interview with her. . . ' I Wc understand that legal proceedings are alxiut to lie instituted bv the swindled old man, who is left nearly penniless, with a hojw oi wm iwrerixw a tsirtion of his lost fortune, but a to what success will attend the intervention of tec court, we are nblc to say nothing. 7 t.l..,;.l f li-irl.- Sir tr:.rt. faniilinrlv knon a . V'lliili 'i v-sasaa.v 1 " Ohl Ironsides," reached the age of 91 oti the l!kh of Julv. While his mind is as cfeair and vigorous aa ever, and his general health ood,t i. 1-om.rte.l ibat he is suffering from what is sup- - -1 - , i , - i p-tsl to I a cancer of the longue. J , . lls. wliisKcv imo looai-eo, uie vaiuauon at imp iroiery reported being not less fhiui$o0,- , j 000. . . .L w,..l..l ..Ui. .. 1., tv.lV I .nn I. ha also despai. lie. orm er to Mystic, ,onn., 1 seise the Mag add., mnal guulKaU. U ng nUo jwatUfamfer Spain. re the lieient SfJilkanw.tf-Q. 1