L ... ! 4f'M i N d im.i. ili U f' w -i". ... - v Bfc i . , - . . , ,, T, ,, , ,, . , " ' V r 1 ' 1,11 t . . j . ' , , PWOL IV SALISBURY, N. C., SEPT 10 1869. " J0. 30 SALISBURY, N. C, SEPT I EDUCATIONAL. Patron iso your own Institutions. THE Exercise of the ' moord female VI lego, at Htalwviile, will returned the lit of pN-ii I- i ext. .ml. fuel, wasbiug. 815 "f month. Tuition iu regular class- from 82.50 to $5.00 i month. Music, Urawing, Painting. Ac, extra at moderate rate ; payment half iu advance for term of four mouths, cudiug Deo. For further particular! address E. F. ROCKWELL. jjtoteavilUa. July U.i-iu President. Ma I ille Jl ale A t adt uiy . BUI. A. 1 Pitisci.Aia. XI. T. Burke, A TUB FALL TEKIf of th7s School will open on the 6th of September, and continue sixteen week. . TCITioh : .. . n ,, (Primary 8 00 both Dop t. lnaUU f, oo 'liiH.il ItoparUueut,. ........... IU w Cntitiinrent Fee I 00 Hoard iu good families at (IV per mouth. Uue half ol the ahovo charges is required in ad vance. tW further particular, add new Use Principal j uly ), l emu. w ra Edge worth Female Seminary. The next session will com toeiice on lhe tirst Moutlay of September. The entire expense ol Board and Tuition wiil be from ?I(K to $110 if paid in advance. Each boarder will lurnish her own light and towel and also a pair of sheets and pillow cases. For circular address J. M. M CALDWELL, July 2. 1869 3m Greensboro', N. C. Pleasant Grove Academy. Kale and Female. THE SEVENTH SESSION WILL COM mence ou the 0th of August next Course Engli-Hk, Classical, Mathe tnatical. t'. ....... T,.it.n tVrtnri tr, ti ST ft iwr UUlinn TainTo! . . -mrmr rTwr aAABIIMT. Tim I1 tirst Session of this Academy will coua menee on tl. lift iloml.n in Jliuiuat eaouiiiK. Puiilcofatrat any time and be charged from Ute tune of entrance. The rate t tuition will be an followa: 17.60 ttU.OU .ml $15 000 )er eion of & months payable at the end of every month. No iMin will be apaied to (tire pupil a thorough traiaiae in all the brand usually taught in a ttmt .lass Academy. a a t. ...lit.,, .nil mni-a The Academy tocaico in wnnny ........ coinmumty i n rraakliH lown.iiip four miles from Salisbury, on the new road to Mocksville. Board can be had in re.-pecable families from7to H dollars per month. L. H. UOTHltiH'K, , June 85. IH69. 'g tm Princtpal V. O. Xap and Oaaeteer. XlIE SUBSCRIBEE HAVING Purchased the entire Copy-right PhOea, Ac, of the above Works and desirous to expedite their sale through the entire State, at an early day, oners to :u live, business young men a good chance 1 offer three-fourths of a map, in share of five or ten counties each. This new map will be about five feet by lour j illustrated border, hand somely engraved, counties, railroads, ist offices, mines, mountains, Ac., Ac. A Map worthy to lie htmg upiu every house, office and school in the State. Specimen copies ready about the lt Septem ber, 1869. Terms accommodating, address with 2 stamps. lir.v. SAM TEL PEARCE, augl3-32-3m WHwiagton, N. C BOOKS or MAGISTRATES and TOWNSHIP CLERKS. ( ode of Civil ifrocednre which every Magistrate must have. Sent - free of postage, ...$3 0U Magistrates Docket Book Price in Store. $3 00 by MaR 3 50 Forms for Magistrates, as con tained in aet of Assembly to provide forma m aivil procedure before Mag istrates. By mail,. 25 ct Record Books for Township Clerks to record proceedings of all meetings of Township Trustee. Priee In Store. 2-50, By mail, . . . ..... w .3 00 ORDER BOORS For orders of School Committees, on County Treasurer in course of pre paration, 'f- Blank Summons, Executions, State War rants, Ace, 2.00 per 100 and $1,00 ier quire, sent free of postage. Address aU orders to , JAS- H. ENNtSS, Agent. . No. Ca- Book Storu, Salisbury, aug27 tf No. Ca. Book Store, Raleigh. Salisbury Hale Academy. THE NEXT SESSION WILL BEOIN ON Wednesday ldth Sept, im. TCITION PKB ilOSTTH I English, - - - - $2 00 Liinguagea, - - - 2 60 Entrance Fee, - - 1 00. Tuition papable monthly, and every pupil charged fro 'it late of entrance to the close of the term. J. E. WHARTON, A, M. Sept. 3, 1869. it Principal. ' PROFESSIONAL. M.H. PINNIX, AtTOBKEY AT LAW. LEXINGTON, N d WlLL PRACTICE ih the courts of David son, Forsythe, Guilford, Alamauoe and Ran dolph com u ties ; RKTERKNCK. Hon R. M.JVarson, C. J. of N, C, Raleigh. " E. O. Reade, Associate J uatice, " " Tlioma8ettk.p " " " " R. P. Dick, " " Bedford Brown, Yancey ville, N.,C. " Hon. John Kerr, , " J. R McLean, Greensboro', N. C. " Thomas Roffin, Jr.. " " J. M. Cloud. Dobson, N. C. . January 29, 1860. tf Dr. I. W. JONES, HAVIKO lc.it I'rofessional located in Salisbury, offers his ' services to tBc public. Of- eec nnl'iranril Street, o-tt'e Hh ltun House,- aud next dnr to rbe aw office of ffotl. Uurton Jf.,,-. - Jfa'y iWrf. TWtr. I .' . twaiyauu wiw AUUlia .lct r.-.i -. 1-. LEGAL NOTICES. State of Worth Carolina, ) Daviuson CeusTVi J Superior Court, Spring Term, ISO. W. M. Wilheua and wife Arabella..!. E. New son and wife Margaret, Augustus dray and wile Maty, and S. K. Harrison Plaintiffs. AOArW W. D. Lindssy, Tiuslee of Caroline Hampton, dee'd., James Tansy, Trustee ol Simpson Wilson, Margaret Tansy his wile, and Clias. A. Wet hero, Defendants. Petition for Siite and Iartilion of the Lunds of the tale Margaret Wilton. ft appearing to the aatisfiwition of the dourt that W. D. Liiidsay. Jus. Tansy, Margaret Tan-, sy audC A Wethero, defendants iu this proceed ing are non-residents of this State, it Ordered, That publication be made weekly, for six succes sive wee'fcs iti'the'Otil North State,' newspaper publislieu in Salisbury, H. U., summoning each ol said defendants to be and appear at the next term ol our ssid court to be held at I lie Court House in Lexington on the 2d Monday after the 3d Mo 'duy in September next, then and there to answer or deinnr to said petition, or I he same will be taken pro confetso and heard ex parte as to them. Witness, h. 1L Johnson, Clerk of our said Court at office in Lexington, the 2d Monday after the 3d Monday in April, 1869. . L. E. JOHNSON, C. S. C. Order made and issued Aug. 23, lbi.l. 4:6w:pt.fce$10. Ivor to Carolina I Siperiok Coiut, Caldwell County. Spring Term, 18oD Construction of Will. J. H. Wilson, execu.or of James Blair, dee'd AOAIN8T W. A. White and wife, Nancy M. White, Avij Seleua Pool, Avey Seleua senhour, by W. A. White, Guardian. Beujamia Steele .1 nd wife Elizabeth Steele, James Bui ues. P.O. MoCrary and wife f McCrary, Emma Barnes by G V Guardian, Sarah Isabella Fortne, eline Fortner, James R. Banics, . a next friend. In this case it appearing t the satisnvtion of the court that James Barnes. P. G. Mc- iinna nublished in Salisbury said defeudants to be and appear at the next term of our Superior court to he held for the couuty of Caldwell, at the conn house in Ie noir, on the 8th Mouday after the 3d Monday iu August next, then and there to answer the complaint of plaintiff filed in the clerk's of fice, or judgnitut wil! be taken ex parte as to them. WitDess R. R. Wakefield, clerk of our said court the 8th Mouday after the 3d Mon day in March. 1809. R. R. WAKEFIELD, c. s. c 3J6w prfee$10) INJUNCTION. Worth Carolina, ) Bvmnm r. Rowan CouNTr, , Moses L. Holmes, Reuben J. Holmes, Valen tine Mauney. Ephraim Mauney, B. B. Rob erts and D. A. Davis, Plaintiffs. . AGAINST Amos Howes and tne Noith Carolina Ore Dressing Company, Defendants. State of North Carolina : To Amos Howes and the North Carolina Ore Dressing Company Greeting. In obedience to an order from lion. John M. Cloud, Judge of the 8th Judicial District of thisJState : You are hereby commanded to re frain from wot kino, or in any manner using any of lhe Gold Hill properly as described in Plaintiffs complaint, either by yourselves or agents, servants or attorneys And to appear before the Judge of our Superior Court at the Court House in Salisbury, qij the 28th day of September nex', then and there to show cause why the injunction shall not be continued till judgment be rendered in thia action ; And it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that after due diligence the defendants cannot be found within the State, but that de fendants are non residents of this State, it is ordered by the court that service of this order for injunction be made by publication for six weeks in the "Old North State" newspaper,, commanding the defendants to appear at the i in. e and place designated, then and there to show cause why an injunction shall not be granted till the judgment be rendered in this acta hi. v . Given under my hand and seal of said court this July 30, 18G9. . A. JDDSON MASON, Clerk Sujerior Court for Rowan Coaaiy. 31-Cw (prfee $12.) , Wortn"CaFolina, I 8irPKBIOB CotrY Koiy.N Cod ntt. ) BUaabeth Jenkins, Administrator of Win. Jen kins, Deceased, Plaintiffs. AOAINST The Xorth Carolina Ore Dressing Coinpany,Ie- feuduni, SUMMONS . It appealing upon affidavit that the defend ant is foreign corporation, and there is no of ficer or agent of said coi poration to be found within tlie limits of this State : It is ordered that publication be made in the ''Old North State" newspaper for six weeks notifying the defendant to be and appear before the Judge of the next Snpeiior Court to be held for the com tv ol Bowan at the Conit House in Salis bury, on the 3d Monday irf September and irrrswer the TWnphMB44f said Piaiut iff a figgg of which is filed in the Snpeiior Court office. If the -u'.l defendant shall fail to answer the gaid complaint during the term of said court, the plaintiff will take judgment against defend ant ns demanded in said said writ Given under my hand and seal of said court this 30th day of July, A. D. 1P09. A. JUDSON MASON. Clerk Siierior Court for Hotcan County 316w-.(pr. j,.e g.) - Nor t h Carolina, 4 Scpkbior Coi'BT, Caldwell Cocnt v. ( Mary A. Campbell, Plaint Iff. agonist William I. Campbell, Deft Siimnion. In this rase it i made to appear upon affidavit that alter diligent scarcli the defendant cannot be , , fcond wTfain the limits of this Slate It is therefore J 4 ordered that publication be made in the "Old North j State." a newspaper published in Salutary, N. '.. for six Week non fyi us the defendant to appear at I the next term of the Superior Court hr the county j ..f ,'. i4.-.)l . t I It. I '.,,, I i I .) it. in I i,,,.r Mitk. . K. Hth Monday arter the 3d nouii.i v in Aagust next. , then am) tliere to snswerthe complaintof the Plain tiff which is filed in the office of her court. W rtwess. IJ. K. ilcrlt ol udtmmI this the sind Hay of September, a. I860. X 6 (pi feeS6f. It. i; Wassrixi-P, c, s v 1 ....... r . . I mmrt vy., II. ii ij i ui; hit I,' v e til)cCDIo.iutl) State PUBLISHED v I I K I V BY XiBWXS IIAivfllS Editor and Proprietor. RATBR OF M ll( itlfliov Oxk Year, payible in advance $8.00 Six Months, ' 1.50 5 Copies to one address, 12,50 10 Copies to one address, ".0,00 Jtates of Adwrtuintj. Une S.jiure. tirst iuSerUou , $1,(K) For each additional insertion. at Special notices will be charged 5U per ceut higher thau the above rates. Court n Jnstfre ( trdei s will Im- publish ed at the somc rate with .it Lor advertise ments. Obituary notices, over six Hues, eharged as advartiscineuU. CONTRACT RATES. 1! O ! 4J. c 4 c K i x i x I I I 1 STACK. 1 Square. 2 Squares. 3 Sipiares. 4 Squares. J Column. J Column. 1 Column. '42 50 Jt.175 j 4 50 ft 25 OO! 9 00 I 8 00,11 00 11 0016 00 18 00 24 00 45 00 48 50 41300 8 5013 00 22.00 12 00J20 00 30.00 MOONS 00 37.50 20 00!30 00j 45.00 .10 00 45 00 75.IK) 28 00.10 00; 50 OOiSfJ 00 130.00 M HI ANNUAL FAIR OF THE N. Carolina Agricultural Society, TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF RALEIGH, 1 (Id th inn,. 20th 1 lt xiul i 2il of Hi tnhi r - lll OFFICERS: President Kkmp P.' Battlk. Vice Presidents. 8 F. Patterson, R. R. Bridges, L. M. Barringer, S. L. Fre- L i i v r, v. ..... . . .: A. B Andrews, ( ran tile ; J. 8. 1 " ni cy, Edgecombe ; Willie D. Jone, Wake ; M. A. Bledsoe, Wake; T. M. Holt, Ala mance ; J. M Heck, Wake; W. II. S. Sweet, Craven ; R. W, Beat, Wake j Rob ert W. Wynne, Wake; B. B. William son, Wake ; Wm. A. Smith, Johnston, W. G.1 Upchurcli, Wake j J. Brinton Smith, Wake. The address will be delivered Thurs day, att 11 o'clock, A. M., by Prof. W. C. Kerb, State Geologist. LI-T OF PREMIUM 8. DEPA&TME0T FIRST LIVE STOCK. DIVISION I HORSES, Ac CLASS I THOROUGH BRED. Bet Stallion over 4 years md. . . .825 . 15 .' 15 .10 Second best orer 4 years old ....... Beit Brood Mare over 4 years old . . . Second best over 4 years old . -. Best Stallion over 2 and under 4 years old 10 Best Mare orer 2 aud under 4 years old....! 10 In this class, purity of blood being the highest point of distinction, a well aatlien ticated pedigree must, in every case ac company each animal put on exhibition to compete for any of the above prises. CLASS U LIGHT DRAY AND SADDLE HORSES. Best Stallion over 4 years old... ...820 Second Licit. .over 4 .year old. . .. 10 Best Brood Mare over 4 years old". . . 10 Second best over 4 years old 5 Best Brood Marc and Colt 10 Best Stallion over 2 and under 4 years old - 10 Best Mum over 2 and under 4 years 10 Best Saddle-Horse mare or gelding, 10 Second best " " 6 Best pair Carriage horses, matched . . 20 Second best do do do 10 Best Single Harness horse,. .. 10 Second best j 5 In this class, individual excellence in form, action and disposition, will be re garded as chief points of merit. in- III HEAVY DRAUGHT HORHBS. Best StHllion over 4 years old. . .820 Second best do do 10 Best Brood Mare ovar 4 years old.. . 15 Second best do do 101 Best Brood Mare and Colt ......... 10 Best Stallion over 2 and under 4 10 Best pair Horses over 2 and uudcr 4 years old 10 Best Horse 5 In this class, form, size and docility, will be regarded a chief excellencies. CLASS IV JACKS, JENNETS AMD MLI.ES. Beet Jack, with improved certificates, 820 Jenuetr -do . 10 o i o Team of 4 Mules, Pair of Mules, . . . Mulei 20 15 10 DIVISION II TRIAL OF SPEfcl). 1 1, ill' mile Heats, 3 in five to Harness Premium, $150. Entrance 5. 3 or more to enter. Half-mile Heats, 3 in 5 to Harness : Premium 8100'. Entrance 20 Three or more to enter. Half-mile II catty 3 in 5 to Harness : Premium 850. Entrance 10, Three or more to enter. II. ill-mile Heats, 2 in 3 to Harness : For all Colts and Fillies folded in 1805 or 1867. Premium, 850. En trance, 810. Two or more to enter. Half-mile Heats, 2 in 3 to Harness : Premium, 850. Entrance 810. Two 3. or more to enter. 0. Best Pacimr or Racking Horse, mare or gelding, either saddle or harness, j I'remiuni, 9'J.r. Enlraiicc $$. Two or more to enter. 7. Best children's Tony, $4. DIVISION III CATTLE. Ill-- I. 1 M I' til I I II. Best Bull, MO " Cow, 10 CLASH tl. Dt'KHAM, DEVON, 1 It-11 1 It E, AL DEKNEY, IIEHTFOKD AND GftADE. Best Bull over 3 yean old,, j. -110 '2 aud under 3 .. 10 0 .1 .. 10 do 2 alC. Cow orcrS year, 2 and under 3 y'rs old, I ' Heifer Calf.. ............. .. - I I. I- 1 1 K I Best Bum, .....t0 Cow, 10 in LU WORKING OXEN. Best pair working Oxen, 820 l.v-s IV FAT CATTLE. Best lot of Fat Cattle, not less than 5 810 " Fat Ox or Cow, 0 f! Spayed Heifer,... 10 CLASS 5 MILCH COWS. Best Milch Cow, giving n t lues than 20 quarts on exhibition, 820 Second Best Cow, it. quarts. 10 MILKER. Best Milker, Man or woman, 10 DIVISION IV SHEEP AND GOATS. CLASS I. MEkINO, CoTSWOLD Ok Southdown. Best Buck " Ewes, not less fli.'in 'A 820 15 5 880 10 10 " Lambs, not less than 3, CLASS U. JfATIVB OR GRADE. Best Buck, " Ewe, not less thsn 3 " Lambs, not less than 3 CLAS8 III. UOAT. 820 Af tlu.tr Gnuics Best Boar, over 2 years old, " llreeling Sow, over 2 years old, " Bleeding Sow, over 2 years old, with not less ih. in 4 pigs, Best lot of Pigs under 10-Mtotiihs old. This class will be regarded chiefly for their sissc, form and fituess Tor pork hogs. Class H.SugoUt, Essex, Neapolitan, Chinese, Guinea, Snap-Dragon and their Grades. Best Boar over 2 years old, V Breeding Sow, over 2 years old do g do do do with not less than 4 pigs, Best l)oar and Sow under 2 years old " lot of Pigs und- r 10 months old 85 5 5 6 4- In this class, respect will bo had chief ly to fattening qualities. CLASS in - X ATI VKS. Best Boar, over 2 years old " Breeding 8ow over 2 years old " " " with 4 pigs Second best with 4 pigs Best Boar and Sow Second best Boar or Sow, Best lot of pigs under 10 months old 10 Fat Hogs of any kind, Fat Hog, SWEEPSTAKES. Best Boar, " Sow, CLVSS IV POULTRY. Best pair Shanghais ' Dorkings . Palands 810 10 10 10 6 3 5 10 5 10 5 83 3 3 i H u tt 'I a i M I H tl K it II " . H u Bramas Cochin Black Spanish Game Cross Breed Scabright Wil(ETxirkey Domestic Turkey China Geese "( anada Geese Common Oeeso ',' Muscovy Ducks Rouen do Alesbury Pea Fowls Pied Guinea Fowls White do do If 3 Best exhibition of Pigeons Best and largest variety of poultry by one exhibitor. t class v. Bees and dogs. Best Swarm of Italian Bees " Common Bees Best Watch Dog 44 Shepherd's Dog, trained DEPARTMENT SECOND-AGRI CULTURAL AND OTHER PRO DUCTS. Division I Plantation and Farm Pro ducts raised bu Exhibitor. CLASS I. GRAIN AND SEED. Best variety of Bread Corn, 1 bushel Stock. do 11 a Wh.-nl, do Oats, do Rve, do Barley, do Ricp, do Field Peas, do Ground do do Grass Seeds, adapted to the South for Hay orGrnxing, Greatest variety of above articles raised on one farm. CLASS II. COTTON, HEMP, AC. Best 2 stalks of cotton as sample ".' specimen do 50 lbs. iu seed, " do Hemp, prepared or dressed, 3 Best specimen of Braom Oorn, 20 lbs. 3 " Leaf Tobacco, not less (ban 10 lbs. 3 Best Specimen of Maple Sugar, 3 " Sorghum Sugar, 8 M Virgin Dip Tur pentine 1 barrel as Sample, 3 Beat pec i me n of Rosin, 4 For, tne best specimen of Linseed, Turpentine, Castor, Cotton Seed, Olive, Fennel, or any other vari ety of Oil, made in the State and pi spared by tbe exhibitor, 3 1 !e -1 specimen Sweet Potatoes 1 Buatut as (ample, . Beet specimen of Irish Potatoes, l-iishel as. sample, 3 CLASH III. BifTTER AND CHEESE. Best jar of Fresh Butter, not less than 5 lbs. 83 Boat fii kin of Batter, 6 month old, not less than 20 lbs., 6 Best new Cheese", 3 " Cheese, 12 months old, 5 The process of making and preserving Batter and Cheese, mast be given In full by the exhibitor. CLASS IV.rLOUR, MEAL, BREAD, A Best specimen ofWheal Flour, 1 bbl., ground in the State from native wheat, 810 Second best specimen ofWheat Flour, 1 bbl., ground in the Slate from native Wheat 5 Best specimen Corn Meal, 1 bbl., 5 Bice Floor, " 5 " ' Buckwheat Flour, bbl, 3 Beet Specimen Oat and Rye Meal, . A barrel, 3 Best stii! cimen of Starch, frorr Wheat Potatoes. Ate, 8 lbs. 3 Division II. Horticultural Products, CLASS I. FRUITS ADAPTED TcftliE SOUTH. Best specimen of native Wines of each not less than T dosen bottles, CLASS II WIT TREES, Ac., TO I HE SOUTH. ADAPTED Best and largest variety Apple Trees 85 11 11 Pear do Peach do 11 a 11 Strawbydo Raspb'y do. Gooseb'y M Cranb'y do Blackb'y do 1. 11 CLASS III. VEGETABLES. Best six ttalks of' Celery " specimens of Cauliflnwesf 'i do Broeeoli. do CabLaire. ' t m v do Et P Best TarietY of Squash, do Cucumbers for Pickli peck of Onions, " peck of Tomatoes, u Sugar, Beets, Carrots, Parsnips and Turnips, J d z :u of each for I each variety, 2 Best Pumpkins, 2 aaxjPMtaasash Division III. Salt Provisions. CLASS L PL A XT A TO IX. Best Pickled or Mess Beef, barrel, 95 , do Pork do .J5. Best half dosen Bacon Lams, regard less of age, 5 Exhibitors must state in full, in writ ing the mode of pickling, tbe Beef and Pork, aud curing and preserving the Ba- cou' ' 9 CLASS II. WATHf . t half barrel Roe and Cut Herrings, 85 tfc. do Shad, " do Mullet. 5 do Mackerel, DEPARTMEMIC THIRD. ME CH IAN 108. ft CLASS I. PLOW! I1WS AX sMould D PLOWIN ATCH. Best side hill " DouhlesMould Bord Plow, " Cast Mould Board Plow, 1 horse 10 " do do do 8 do 10 Wronght-Mould, Bound Plow, 1 horse 10 Best Wronght-Mould Board Plow 2 horse, 10 Best subsoil Plow 10 " Cotton do 10 " Snlkey do 10 The plows to be tested by an actual tri.il, under tbe following Rule : 1. The plows to be held by tbe com petitors or persons appointed by them. 0. Each plow shall open and plow four pounds, back furrowing. The following points will be consider ed by the committee in determining the merit of the plows 1 1. Weight of plow. 2. Breadth of Furrow. 3. Depth of Furrow. 4. Simplicity of Structure, Material, Workmanship Durability and Price. Plowing Notice. Best Plowman, 820 Second best Plownan, 10 Fach Plowman to find bis own team. Plowman to drive. , Class II. Implements. Best Cotton 8craper, 8:0 u Specimen of a Sweep, 1 5 11 u 'i J4 Toothed Cultivator, 5 1. 11 11 11 do Harrow, 5 Horse Rake, 5 Iron Roller, Smooth, 5 do do pegged, , Weeding Harrow, Plow, 5. 15 5 r. 1 82 8 2 ... 9 tiff. 2 - imcn "I 11 F inn t.ate. P rail Ladder, " Extension Ladder, mnA m. I . . . H i. .. t 4 9 5 11 11 "i,ri IWIVir III ricultural Implements, manufactur ed in the State by tbe exhibitor or under his supervision, 20 Best made any where, 10 " Rakes, dosen, a " Suesthes, j dozen, 2 " Grass BlaUca, dosen, fi " Jra do 4 do 6 Cktss Ill-Farm Vehicles, ice. lUot 4 or 6 llore Road Wagon, $20 " 8 do do 10 "1 do do " t Horse t'art, tnrnl.le, fff " 1 Ox Cart and Yoke, 5 " 1 Wheel barrow, 5 11 1 Dumping Wagon, fi " pair of Wagon or Plow Hemes, 2 " Cart Saddle, ' 2 " Oe Cart Vbeels, 3 " 2 Horse Pleasme Carriage, 25 " Plimion, Uorkitway or Top Baggy 15 " Opeo Buggy or Sulky, each, 10 Division II Machinery. Class 1 Steam Power. Best Engine for Agricultural purposes at work on the ground Class 2 Horse Power. Best Sweep Horse power, " Railway do do " Saw and Grist Mill, Corn and Cob Crusher, and Thrashing Ma chine, each Best Broadcasting Machine, for sow ing Bone Dust, Lime, fee, Besfjpitehing machine, '' Cotton (im - 4 "ueapins Machine. 825 15 16 15 10 10 20 20 14 10 20 20 10 - Mowing Machine for HMJ'ress, n,;, L t , ..1.;,, . - 1 1 v r "I'M inn Hay Rake, Wheat Shingle Smut M " Churn, " Sewing M " Sausage " Grain Cradl " Plantation Mill, " Lifting Pump, " Forcing do Division III. Arts. Class 1 baddlery, etc., made in the State. (test Se of Carrimre Harness. S15 " Buggy or Sulky Harness wk " tiont s SaUUle, liridlo aua -uar- iiiiiiui , Best Ladies' do do " jet 4 Mkm Wagon " 8 do do . 1 mt do " Carl Harness, " Plow do " Halter and Collar ei Class 2. Cabinet Work Best Bedstead " Cradle or -Cr rib for C jir, ' " Rockinff Chair, " Half dezeu Sitting Chairs, " Centie Table, " Wash 8tand, jUSola-otSettfc '"Wardrobe, Sideboard or Bureau, " Desk, Book-Case, Sec, "KPv " W indow Sash and Blmdsweaeh i Pannel Door, Class 5 Shoes, Hats, nc., made in State Best pair of Gentleman's Boots, do do Shoes, "tnlf doxen fyogans, " Dress Hafvsilk or fur " Plantation Flat, . " half dozen Wool Hats, " 8traw or Grass " " made Gentleman's Coat, Pants and vest. Class 4 Sundries made fn the State Best lot of Guns, S.ri " Stone, Glass or Earthern Ware, each, " Cast (hollow) Wars, as Pots, Kettles, &c. Best Wood Ware, (hollow) as Buck ets, Tubs JCeefers, &c. Best Casks, Barrwrl; c. " leather, Sole, Kip and Calf " Side of Harness Leather, " dressed Buck, Sheep or Goat Skins, 5 " lot of Baskets for farm use, 6 " lot of Tin Ware, 3j Edge Tools,- 10 Second best lot of Edge Tools, 6 Forth besi and greatest variety of Mechanics Tools, 10 Best lot Manufactured Tobacco, chew "g do do dp Best Box Cigars, , " Tallow Candles, " Long handled Brooms, 1 doz. " specimen ot Pressed Brick, doz. i 11 11 :: do Fine do ,, do do Dressed Stoue, Msnte. C. Marble, Axe Helves, dozen, Bee Hive, Division IV. Manufuctures. Best piece 1 yard Broadcloth 810 6 S s t ass 1 mere, Satinette. W i" H 1 1 Woolen Jeans, Liney or Kersey, Flannel, plain and 5 M twilled Best Spc . 1- V. VUo WfcuMtfW . . . . . 10 1 r irnti iorn rjsnter 01 ..m. Machine, 8 w . .. J tchine, 10 CuRKand otuffcr, 3 5 8) IO do 10 Harness, 10 do . 5 do 3 r i'aa j 1 ennenor -.j.:- 4i, Q4i. ol muw in i'.l uiuie. i ' mm di 80 biiaren. 3' 8 1 Felt Blankets, 11 piere 1 yards Linen Bleached, brown, Tow Cloth, Osnaburgs, Shirtinpr & sbect'g Bed Ticking, Cotton Jeanfl, Bale eotton Yarn, all numbers, Cotton Sacking, 30 yards, Jot Cotton Twine, Paper, printing, letter, cap, Ate , Coil of rope, hemp, cotton or.bear 11 11 11 grass, ,'j Best Mattrass, hair, moss, shack or cot- . . 2r.3! ..... A- . In alJ classes ot this Ot vision, the pre miums affixed to each article will also be given for the best specimens, wherever made. SPECIAL iNOTlCE. RELIEF fob the SfjRELY AFLICTED It was the misfortune of the undersigned to have mi ilered. as few have every suffered before for six long and gloomy years, fatto an affection of his feet and legs, superinduced by overwork, during the first year of tbe late war. During all that time, he was compell ed to drag hut emaciated frame about, ou crutches. In vain ne invoked the best med ical 1. tie i,t of the country ; and visited tha most celebrated medicinal Springs. Worn down and exhausted, he gave up ail hope of recovery. At this stage of his ease, having been governed by his medical friend from the beginning, he determined to adopt a method of treatment, the result of his oau reflection. It is enough to say. that this method is not so much new, as it is, the more skillful application of what bas been long known, aud at tempted by the Physicians. After fome weeks of the most unwearied and persevering efforts, he was rewarded with the most gratifying results. Indeed, his rap id improvement and recovery, was almost magical so much so. that in looking back LjSkin his condition a year ago, he can, even rWw, hardly realize the truly wonderful im- proven. cut. rofoiii dlv grateful for this extraordinary 5 flegs- Vn'ric .se V eii,7; "w"k"fgi 5IJ0U1U, Aoj, no matter of how long ifssKing. It is one 01 tne great uuvuuiage 01 111a mode of trsetinent, that no restrictions an iuipoayd on the patient, as regards diet, exer ciseTS-e.. and for the most part, little or no Medicine is Used. Tbe charges shall be iu accordance with the general depression of the times : and those really indigent, will be treated "without mon ey and Without price." J EDWARD SILL. M D Feb. 18 tf Salisbnry, N. 0. Worth Carolina, I Srriaioa Col-bt, Caldwell County. Spring Term, ltsti'J, Elizabeth A. Estes, ft against "Attachment. James H. Collett. J i In this case it is made to. appear to -the sat isfaction of tbe court that the defendant James 11. Collett resides" beyond the limits of this State: It n -therefore ordered by tliecourl publication brm'ade in the "Old North Stat a newspaper puulislieu in Salisbury, JM. V., six weol s successively, notifying the defendant and asnear at the next term of our Court to be held for the county Caldwell at the Court House in Le- ir, on the 8th Mouday after the 3d Monday in August next, then and there to plead, an swer or demur, Or judgment pro confetso wit) be taken against him. Vur.ess, R R. Wakefjield, clerk of our said court at office, the 8th Monday after the 3d Monday in March, lbtjB. R. if, VTA "AKEFIELD, c. a c. 31 w (pr-fee-te.)- 5 I Best pair of Blankets, North Carolina, I Stjpbbiob Codet, Caldwell Couuty. Spring Term, leM0 Michael Spainhour, use of "j Elizabeth AgEste, James iXCollett, j In this case it is made to appear to the set isfaon of tbe court that James H. Collett re sides beyond the, limits ol the State : It is there fore ordered by the court that publication be made in the ' Old North State," a newspaper published in-Salisbury, N. C., for six weeki successively, notilyuig the defendant that be b and appear at the next term ol our Superior Court to be held for the county of Cald well at the Court House in Lenoir on the 8th Monday after the 3d MoYiday in August, next, then and there to plead, answer or de mur, or judgment pro conlesso will be taken against him. Wituess R. R Wakefiold, clerk of our said court at office the 8th Monday after the 3d Monday in March 1809. 1 R. Rl WAKEFIELD, 0. (t o. 31Cwf prfee 83) 31. $ ttml Itcrmur, Oollcctcr's Office. 6th Dist., N C SALisBruv, 18tb Aug. 1869. ON the 16th day of June, 1H69, in the city of Charlotte, deputr collector J. llendefson at the instance of Wm. V. Henderson, Asseoeor of this District, seized for forfeiture for vi lattoua of the Revenue Iiws of the United State. Trh-trrWlowi one Keg Spirit, oauwl m ostensibly by Jauics D. Palmer, and ou tbe SWth Jutie Irfti), in the same city, 1 Bbl of Whiskey, owned ostensibly by Wm. It. Cochran, and also I iibls spirits, owned ostensibly by. Geo. Crass. Thore were also seized for the same cause, near Sbepard's cross-rrads in Iredell county, on the 4th day of June. 1H69, 1 bbl spirits, owned om teusildy oy fcU'phcn tioulrev, and on June. If'W, two Kbls spirits, in U;c town of St itcsville, owned ostensibly by Miles JJolshon- serrid tm tin- tb dav of May, I860, in the town of Salisbury, one Kbl spirits, owner un known. Any person 'or persons claiming the al named property or any part thereof, are herel SMtttsd to apneiir at my othce and make aoi claim within thirty days from the first public; tiou of this notice. 8. H. WILKV Oolleefsir. s. i.i:i:rso. VTT0fiEV 4 W)1SELL0R AT LW . SALISBURY, N. C. tyWilt atteud promptly toiheCollec. linn tf ( I hima f. ICDiR lj 0 tins mat ire, ,for W ISW' - Vst..- 1 t 1 - t