- Ha,.., 'wM4tggH nvi r At All iil)cDib;'oiil)S rt f I I "'' ' HM ''xc,"ent lwnljr nod pro vl 1 1 i ii- n vmij work. Tlir irroiuidlt'M me- On Anml NT of tlic tv:iI nnmbtrut wonder fill 01 RK of vbi(itnlf anil HiW-Tr caiua ol . .. . I . . . . , : .. . - 1? W"""; l,,"",r "I'lK.Hl In I im,e ,v ip rrU,l.i "KoMioo," it liv. won Hix'. ml .Nwltp.r td.urtwlna and (.'aiier,! "cVili. r"'"l' ' liilljr Jpiitl elllcieiilly by w lilU- lliu enrt iU.-npuiutma of U ing the iW m I Lou .ii-iujf n,r Nmm Carolina. W5I A. 1IKAUXK ft CO., lal U'. i,n fof the Xortli Carolina I'iNa. sbJ 11 ' rrihIV,iwUoiiofniiim.iioer, I ""about tlie 8tJ.t. Olbea Ootibu naltiwiuJ agvuU for Tiik ii.h in v I . i K. X.0CAi Aim ITATB ITEMS Vi w AiiVKifnanina. Ntv tiooda Mc- ' llilljlM, SllillN.dJ A 1 i ' r J If. Tilliti'haxL S'. lim N'ornml School-1 lu-v. J. Brin- ' I ' . i; . i n. c. Pi nit iioii Ilittera--SoM ly nil tyniggbb. iM. .mlili,,', O.nijMiiiu.l (ioniian iiitu-m I)r 4 . It. I'nllllMIII. i i-rnti-d liixir Cinchona K. Sill. tc kIjcil Jt i i ,u 1 1 nil . lio n fun-, that I tholMfliicliers almuM be properly iiialruct- It'll, In save I In in finin ipim mil, iii(iiiiM ti nt or vicioua lonelier. Vo ! ml I be I glad to ! rclinoU of thiii kiml ratab- ! I tll tilt; Protestant (Irin. Illijlil tioiM of the South. t lailrtt bo don to counteract ibi! purpurea of tlte Pope ot i; .. .. , mii will - k to H un iiii.i- tin' Southern negroes, bv the nid of colmcd prieata educated lor t lie purpose, Epts copal Metuxlut. V I 11G 1 X I A UFA' Oil 1. 1 (J A XI S M , Tbo lVt.'i Inn- ExptCM, alnio.st the only paper in Virginia that Im-M out to tho laat in oppuaiiiun in neon it ruction nd in its Hiiiort of Dymocriicy, lino renounced it former courVe. The Kt- ffjinhtr ini.lioiew rtrr dimnrml. Jl in daily jirt m .iIki! by ilivii inin, and i. w ;. l lw inaiiy (IioiwuiiiIs of our U-t eiliat iin. roraufi- ly Ur.A'Mtn nnl .Min liunu evrr whnr. rvX" diiK inlrriiiK from any .diaeiuie iiwn Ii.ir In Mauir Mif , ran be iinloitil to lieiilili Itv UHillif I'R. I.AWIlKKtttTt "WiiMAX'h J'HIKNP." It (iniiliiK lliu m-i jviioiH, nnJ ntoi;cH llinnj-a-uiii to a hud ill condition. 'feu McUubbins, juliivaii 4 C!o. Win. - vs Ukat Ix.-Mr. A. II. Joyce In nnd u- thii week thai Gtu John V. l'ot,i. 1 forty -one and a, hulf bunhela i"" Mus expreaaea iiseU coiiceruing the Wcmooratic party : 'J'lie Dumoeratic party, o farfmm hav ing any claim upon ui, aru already in our debt. For liaviiiLT liam lv hiMi.urd and war nii r laj.ivi .l :lr " wree jHvkw of mt-.L It wa v :l '"' '"eh hoj had boun fattened n a uloweJ in nor harrowed. . Joyee bmj uhjii this rwult of bJa old fanning. i y. .amn nr. .The ItppnWIeanti df ITocHen- i . ' ' i . I i!e for the Si nat GEXKUAL NEWS. Lord Uyron' steward deniea the truth of kfra. Stowe'w utatetucnt. Six hundred and fire lioroca were eaten in I'm is in June. Emory mid Henry Collage han 01 e hiliidii'd and thiriy Mtudenli'. An Eulinliman propnK to excavate Mount Ararat for the reuiaiua of the aik. Count Kuriiwfkt. of the Polish Lancer of Napoleon the Firnf, died in l'uria re Ci nlly at the agent 105. A hill poatfd on tlm wail in a village ill the went of hllglatul, aunuuiiceK "lb it lecture will In- licit open o . ... . . iiiFiipint'u mm nmiiira ire id tiring uci ru v fxii'nceg. ltmp' "r 'lWi ,i , Women' has an '" nt . 4MMM lMrMAMUita.. rHa. km&Jiat tft,..-.. ...n.t .... . in t it i. i.i i mi.t.. in ...i ..iiu . ; . . .jl m Wmmi 7ulm f,at hewHrKA. d if. s,,,,,. if,, ,.1 r.1-.,Uou.s ,l...i, a loruuuaw euaa.tar to (. Jon,, the J condntrr toward m. has been marked bv ('.I'M.' noniin.es. '' '. ...,. Daily JafaaKMrrnaaagah iiranoa in it former size, and with hil Three efliioii wrre wild almost mm ,.,,.:i an iMtitil. 'IVatinlationa hav.i nnikeil bv ' : " t i i n ...... ,,,irl:, ;, I. ,ii" "-'"" mi'"- in i n-nrii anu Herman. any lib'Tality, it hua only been the cheap expenditure of -bad advice, which, until A paid fife departUKMit in proposed in i i. ni....i...... c i n v: uipi-im-itu our 1'iror. was leainuir us " " non, . j. 'sNow Cfoocls! V Itavo rcoeivckl oar Full & H'inttr slock oi" N vvnioli is vor) largo uivd comploto cuiisixliiig in pari of I) II V (i () O J) s , of kvkuv ncscKimoar, Hardware, BooLs & Sinus, Hats' and Caps S. ! ant! I Leather, Iisamclofl and Patent L v a i li e r, V.iln title Lt:d .m- (:. Ui: si ucmtiRfttn-'Ki i:.-: roiuAi.i: TW llli.H v.M) 1 l-l It IIIMlIM II ACKl.S of valuable Laud in I jltlwuii LVmimiv. 0 X.t OlK ! Willi trim of IYnt III NDKKIt At UKrHl ill n ... -i taluaiju 'XI lOM HU Ui. iu ' I pnT Liliw' Itivir, siitlK imt k. diive auv 1 WALTER A. FOOD'S PRIZE flowers anti Rcapcis, tM CAT. '.V I V anioiijil a aachuury, with a dam nlrwi.h' IV, I- ed and In J inxi i null ii ion. J he remainder of the tract w ill bedivhli d b ur lot f am-..i.. , ii. ii,i ti n a, iva ujiwajils, u suit parcliai i . The ubi tui il lie t n mil. i oriti of lllrk on SialLMi :,u ii- V.. N. . Itttilroa l mil will b' soli oil I III' lun-t ;f a. Jil.ll) ll 1 1. Apjily Ui lht ' ii .,im. u,d iU IUiWmii Mills. N. 1'., nr to Jiuob U'. . wlcr rhu lh ,. n. ,r the huids. Jl i.i Mt.ui i:Ai;itJN;in. i Auk. 13, 1.M.I). ;;.M Ki. ami Mill-, N. f. xO TJfc.'LADI. a lecture will In- , C ivi-ri i m t b. - I ' d Ui ill a w.ii' u hicli thi v tham. I air. mid a colli rl ion maili mi I . - - j - - i . -. - ...... .. . . . . . . . , , , . .... i aelv, imMiprti-d f,I attatated na in bring-1 defray expencr-a "t ho tSiilo.-'p. I U d in alt coniiirfc, and uiiiveisuiiy i .n iuIihJ aa TIIU IIIiT MX l ili! Awanh ! n.orc hi -t pi. iiimin-tban iinjr other Mtwhllic iiiai.iil.il mi ill, lolblu Una A V II ritl.'fK! V e'ttfl V.'MJiro I ji.m' i i'iir.iini t I'l'ii itu i;c, Antony "l.iih i.i I THE HICKEST PPIZE ! lw (flit ll J n!d Mt'ilula nud ( iiieai'! the L - inn ol lit 1l'f, At Pariy Exposition, 186? vl Man than VHK (. noir in ITsr! 1 20KK maniifictitret nml mid iti ISf' anu tho doiuuiid utiduijdiuil. ? " creaslag UrmniJ. 2 lucri axrd Fiicil le . .Wlditlvna! lupiovcuenlN ftir IbC'j. Pntrouiso yonr ov n I nst; i u : lei THE Kxerel.ea uf i!.: Cm. id ! : t !! ill Utfvllle. wiil be jc. ........ i lt ot . , ti nib. r ' oft. Hoard, mi l. waal)ion. . r y.n'l.. lnitiit il fer'ir.ir r!akst I. Ilwt . o' ' ' " I'l l lllolltll. M iiie, I r. .vn.g. I'aiiitii. A... iM . i moderate rutea ; payment Ii.. i . h-l'.uiv.. i-i in of loir nioi.i:,-, einiiug l..,. ..( 1 f ill" r '.irln iiliu . uddi'MMi Stateayille, July !. .Malt'NVlii is. v. a. wr.; 'I lib KAI.b Ti.o.l ..i imajs y !!.-,! j',, ..Jell'. u aio .ratlin;. cii'.i i.a. n h f)te, (I'll i ,4.. niMncriiict narutr m in nMiiue an asa - I! irncs.s SIN-,KK'S CKLFH f? A TFT) Wimti'a I'nw Mnwerti, ( I nrrd 5 If wet'.") hi 1 1 .1 . . i i. tn.. Jutaptt w t.U . New MowiiiK AllHch. until. i I ! I . I ' i ii me ii .na.i. . UajliiVJnioia JLWvcaii r. ... M.i'H Fa. .j l. '.i ...i, i . V.'o. d Vow on I.. wt-a Knj;Iii ii I'.'o'l. ria -;.iil . -; - it : . . i. ... C'lll.tlllf.'! I. t . li....i.i ,. ........ . III'.' I. in ... Lie .. ..ii ail Vain e. f in" l.i ther jiartici.'ar.' Jr.h I- .;. Pleasant Grcvu l..xlj end i THK 8 kVKN'tll . 1U1U.'. uu U.o o. All; rr: (0 I i ll i tf fapully us iiosaibh- into the crime and ! SUilMiluVU 1 '.! I ... a n h .......... .1 a B.I.H.J . .1 r M j ,. ? , , . , ,-ui.-.ni i V'" HUB .1 I I'll 111-11 II CO II I'll Ur.j which vcrv mni'li i.....r.. ...... :,. fol v of nn itn-.il . .. W,. '.. .1.' ' ...'.! . .... t-".v , lainiaoconu ot tlic kxaiuniera in the ran-e. It has juat entered iu foifrth rot Northern Democracy have never render-1 pm,.t office. " "utinueil -iieeeiw to it. ed tin the very aliirhteat service, bill ihev sx hare a I way a been on the qui rice to find : , W'";n ir "0lry llolland arrived in Tkrkiri.r Kvii.uoad Actitbnt. By 'OUt how ''" c0,,l1 m"st '"dvaniagcously 'ew York fr Kii-rland, he found a ca- priva'e a I its we learu .tliat Jt taMaat dms ' usc (m r li,',r wn intemfed pur- ir ,lwl,,"1' m"rnMr,r him that the ihy tn,us .i nt h.tniieiied on the Sontb i ,.. noflea. We tin rcforr- h i,..itl,..r v,... after ho li ft Soufhaiiiiitoii Ilia aou n an ac- ilroad on Friday night last. An I patby nor aftinity with them, nor nhall , idenily drow ned. iiiiiie.-ii i-ar.s uiiaciiei (most i- We h.ivi. inn i rm . i, i r.. i., . . . .... . j ....... .v II "" ""-ii to- i ne -if -i oi Ilie tier eil Ml Vil;aiisa operation maybe made subservient to j i described as thirteen yearn old, shoe mime peculiar interval of our own which lesa, bounetleaa, atockiugleaa, and with m..y never happen at all. the fperitf after her her for mealing a I he Lsprcss then declares in favor of i horse. what it terms "moderate Republicanism rr nine. ii i Hi t. 'iT'lje mi IV' '"III cirsl fell throllirh the 1 'on, r .,,... i,.. lie. ah,, ii! ,,ii mile fVoin Kiiignville. The l'.M',-iiieer. fireman and woo,!-passer were kill. -d. and othera Wouodeded. Thirteen cars load, d with merchandize were all consumed by lire. Char, lkmucrat- and Saddlery : i : o ail iiil'd a'l it.MUe'.iiM nln u!'eitlip :nnc tullie Lutl ol ffi .Irril I . I..; l.:l. . I 'I Ins ll.i.-t .t.r i-liaii.ifiuiHi a foiii) mi i-un w ith any nil.! ill i.TtKf Jt i.tiiiir.' It Ju mole ilifti r. lit k.i.i!- oi r i rk - n in the ainii.'i' i";, n si .in. u n t l"iei: fill I'lutuoiflrry-tiiaii a. nthei Ma, line i-, a. avtoaon. i if ill. tlxu aiiy not Geoeial al.s, l.ciiii Vftjr J'amiftt . iltg : Mocking '"' '"' "' Mavh.' Le.,,.ai,y. ... " .. " ... ,. I "liter Uli'l .Vanillin lut liuoaick I'd :l t- I . .1, Ills n",'. ll,., . t,. 1 I . . - n . .. .. 71 set,,ei foiiiilv. .. l . 1,-mtfh (ijlrrsand i9ii7, IUoini11 Corl laii'lt aireet; N'evv Yetk city. V. O. lioi. ot-Oo. the I iiiKi Uke Stm-t. Chicago, III. AU lanilu,'. Va- ltiadiaua, Wis, 77 L'pper lihairwa, St.. Txiudoit. :J -- n JL!. . I -.!'!r.Ma , L'(iHLtf, ...if IK - Ii.ali4lit hwate !- s- ittafaaaattioolaa i w,0w' tlie n c .1 arii H ton, haw,! Vi., N. C. kiitaJahr-CWf fkttss, Lin ing and Pad Skins, L'rnscn;!, s; M.'icliine ii ro ivari.Tii'v It lltlW -1.1.-''tfli..M. It'tltcv lit l N. C. LUTHERAN SYNOD. The annual session of thin body was held in Salem CJiurcb, Uuwan county, on the 26tli of August. From the Evau t' lical Lutheran we extract the follow- in";: I'n liminary to the work before Synod, two new Churcbea were received into its cotfflteetioii Macedonia, Company bhops, and Providence, Rowan County. 'i'iie Ueviaed Cunatitution was. before hynod for consideration. Tin I'-Uuri prt.ii'ip A TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. We cheerfully publish the following reso lutions, passed by the members of llie liar iu attendance upon the Guilfofd Coui.ty Con if The report of the meeting is ra follows: A meeting of the liar and the citizens of Guilford amnty took place at the Court House otj the 1 4th iustaiit, it heinif Tuesday of the Superior Court. (In motion of Kahili T..irell. htijH Hon. J.,iHs T. JlorelieaJ was railed t,, the chair, and Levi M. Sc !l ha .. was'reiinested t j Tin- Prince Tinperial of France is in liis fourteenth year, and is very little above an idiot in intellect. Leatl of the vcrv Colored Paints of ton Bagging and I..I. 111! 1 - I Ti.e I Jive (Mlli IM it five isatlsl'ii tii it ifiy may lv '0 1 1 ur mil after a tr a I of two mnutlie atill iliciiinney uill ho i eft tided. ilnchinrs uitv ifact it ml cTjwsslj for SHOE .MAKLl.S. UARNI SS HA- Coitt li Varnish, While' Kims, TAfi.oli.s, &c, l irttl ho aniiieU when utiivinl, at iuaj:ufa tarei's ' - I 4r-l' . if. t.M twi"-rta ui'' r-t, - ,rrJ a-iat 'V. J. LLLId, Pi Pleasant Grove. N. C., I Jlllir 'io, ltl(,'J, ( il. Tanners an. I Kiroitenc iial and Oik Co- (n V l,H, Ml v THE GOLD IV2EDAL lias ju-i 11, awarded to CIIAS. 31. STIEFF. I,. as caneii to tin. chair, ami Levi M. Scott, : je.iLu.e uoiiceiiuie in (ma. 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 u e 1 1 1 was ; I ' rei j iii's i . . -u,vUij. i r or toe beat t v ' - - ri .:' i... .. I'.'r I. . T 1 hII kindM, Cot' , Uoidnir Iron,' w- - w . a u : j I Firs and Ttvino, Steel ami Iron.' PnilM, -.nit'iie of wu.'k anil nlniufata. John A. Ramsay, tjai!iary. S . ('. June 18. Ififio. 2 7m THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL IKSCIliWI COMPANY J S c for X w Dcci?piie Circular and J'tto' Lift. A'pplicatiooa from the foi.th, Sooth of Vir ehtia, should bo addrin fed to the New York II' ma ll Cilice, i.s above. KKUAHLE AGENTS WANTED. E.rtin Iinliiceiiieiils OlTert.l I UrCnbbiur, Sullivan A Cix, ure Agents foi the ubovi- RmpciS in BtntTUrT. apnltf.'; lt;:IOn i.l-ii.. lor lb.' ni'iiislrv hi be ad- with a view to reel ived u re h- tsitliout the ;.l fh, -oloffi Wilt. tie E.-iv.- itiaiiT iutereatiiii.' romiiiiscenea of hie ini- i .nns,' ' with the deesaaed. 4 ' On Tfotion, a etntMi'rtfe f five, atuudait.' 'ing-of Hon. Win. A. Gra'i am. C P Meii- deiihall. Eae... Hon. John Kerr. Hun. .lames M- Leach and Jos. M isteu. Ehii were ap , pointed to report resolntions. The Com I mi t tee reported the following which were uiiaiiinio'isly adopted: WllEKEAS. That the Meinbera of thx l!ar ! in attendance on W-uiWord Snjterir Court at Fall refin. 13(1!). and the eitireu. of (Juil-- f.'u'il coimtv, of which liuv. Woitli was a il in i , hi fi erary and theologi'.iil culture.' loeLi c, iiauro, ,Syrten w.-i abotlrfied, for tin reason, that it failed to accomplish thn rfb ieet for which it was adooted : and now , , . i, i can mi t ti d to an examination, o.diiiatioli. who has not .-pectitble id uca ion in one of our Col lege, and a "theological trainingequal to a two Years conr?e in a Lntherati 'Pheo- lodcal Seminary." The day for ii g men into tlm ministry r, nuisitc education, literary aKa uieinogi- , , ,. , , i,iL,,iv ,..t,.,,,., cai, baa.uaaaei;. and this action ot Synod (.nt4.inan, ,bwni-d it lit to iiT- pulli ex- il coinnieilU liseit io every i r iovi ssiori to the teelni''s Willi wniciili nd ;is highly judicious, and calculated elevate the dignity and authority ol the ly office, and to inspiro becoming re i ct for those who serve at the altar. An election for dilcL'ates to General Synod resulted iu the choice of the fol lovviug persons, Ci-EUICAL DELEfi Ai F.s. Principal ! -vs. Pickle. Alternates Revs. C. H I riiheim, S. Rotlnock, V. Kimball, L. ( .'. (Josefefose. IvAY-DbivEOates. Priak-mJs. P A .Sin-ord, C..1. P. N. Hcilig, Mr. 11. B. Eilers, M. Shoffner. Alternates M 'y L. Or. Meilig, Capt. J. A. Fislier, Mr. U. L. (ireeson, V. L. Kistler. An election lor Corresponding Dele gates to South Carolina Synod resulted iu the selection of Rev. A D. L. Moser, liev D. 1, Preher, Alternate. An election for Coi responding Dele pate to the Tennessn Synod, resulted in favor ef ttuv. W. II O-Mte, Principal, and llev. S. Ilithrock, Aire mate, An election for determining the most i suitable 'time of holding the regular rfteet- liAlllMOU.;. Mo. STIKi'KV 'l NOM bar all the latest Improve, incuts, inrliniitut the Agruflie 'liable. oiy. Ijuuta. ami the initriive Krwich Action, fully arranlnl fiir fi ve Jeal. W.th tTlvilry41 Jlf Xi'lliill.'Jl UU:u t'velvi' aioutiia U uot aotirely aatUbjtorj' In pur, Iin -srs. seroinl li.niiM'iaiionnl I'ai lor t r(,aiis alu iiyion li.ni. I. !r,m e.'nl l :.KK). Ilofv'i'iicea. irlio have our Pianos in use: Urn. It. K. !.".. I.exinj.tini Va. t.'cn. Ii. If. Hill, I'hnr otte. . ('. (lea. KoIht? Ilaiisein. Wiimiiiirton 0. ft, iv. John f,etcne . Lexington. Va. BesaM. tt, Biirwen A Smi. ( liarlotta. N. C. .Iains II. tircenlce. Murftaiitoii. X. i'. J. II. Sinit'lii ii. W. Melton, fheater, S. f". rtflt:, iiLAnxa and mining It I, as inet tciiti 1','-. , " ' ' lurtui.es are rstatd.Jied btpaid atig . New FURNITURE tore In Salisbury! 1 III-:8U0SCRIHKU IF.VVIXO PUR- (hafed the Kotiiitiiie esTnhlisiiiTiPtit ol Moon life Chidfrtt. r will eonniiiie the I : -m-ss on an j inei. ased si-ale. All iouda ol FUKMITUKt kepi const! 1 ly on band, iiiChan SECRETARIES, BUREAUS, .JMirl More. ile nl-o keeji coi.-ti nlly on b- i d I iLN Tit' altic Rnrr.tl ('aces, CRAaaMiif ACAXJTffJCt. I .... JL tiral tb-taioii of liji A,dei. ,y w.ll com mence i,ii l!- Llht .Vi iu, iu . n. la k , i.-u.' . . IVpihi can e mr ul tui) tiiur ai.,1 u- i...it,cJ J na tin- (one ,.J ciitcaiiro. The rale-, i tial.wU w.ll 1 i ; loi'i : t". .Tu fn'.tWan.t US IJ 'i' s---:,r. o."6 luotitlL, j,.'; I tii4 M,t of r rrr Tnorrl'. So j. i in ill i,M s..,ie,i io t'.t pupil r t'-' . h trailing in all lliu liraKCliua Usuaiij la..,,..'. . .. ui-. via .teaiK'Uiy. '1 1.0 Ara i.'ui- la looatril in a health? ami t- r ,l ri'.ii'uuiiitj in ; Malum I -I, ip h,ir uu. ... i,t -alistniry, on tlm i:rr run i in .,i . . lioaiil can on l.ail in lesut-i i:l.p i.o. . - :oii 8 u'ollarn si luo'iil, . J.. 11. l.olnl. i ... Jut W. I-' n. 89:SfM T ;.il i ' v T l LIE TJ. C. ZftZap aad Gtzcta-:r. VDWDVAi, 1! Varus, and To ll.'ltitlgS, .Mulassrs CotTe an. Hioar 'vruji, Sail, Drugs and Mudicmi-s, and Ibi fomrnny 1-rs cRpH il ml a srtp, ajratrf HIMtjr ttiat-u til rumei'ir ,j, rul Ii nitli ., I.ilti tHrmTt-tr ( -oHii'-o,- "i -ll .-rtrtlTO,. mi.ivti la tap! .' .I'l.Ol ,',S frl.-.l'l'llj. I it- i!T"iiis ..p. cjctiou)'. aJtnini. Ictiil bv nolfctvd I'. i , o.ifi. i-i ,Ts.oilllilily ami liiia.in ,-aui ill . I U liuc cslabbi l.cil its claim to -.n ll.t'ili 1 ai.oi.u-e I V UKtllU. N T . JOHN K. EDWAHDS, T7n rTiKsiiiEST, aKOtfTatlY, Wm. Ii. Isaacs, 1). J. ll.vmsnoK .ii. hivi,. be,.. iuf..riri .of tw Andy ttB!$4$1&M! m'M" ,ur lhe i in. short nressioli to the teelliiL's witll lni'il lliev ill inspired by this UMMtuebwty event. Tntre f, ne it is Rewired. That we. who are here assem bled, have received with sincere shrrow llie intelligenceof the death of the Honorable .loiiatbnn Worth at I. is resi lenee in Itaieiijh Pianen so il at Kaetory prirps. JmiP tft 1 j TIMF TABLE W. C. RAILROED. . MI KIl At. IJi AMI.VKK, OftAittK 11. 8M-1TH, M. D tKBTtV IfVISSB', Et.sv.mi. vi.knt. II. C. CaBKLL, J.M). 11. I LAlliOliXK TltAIVS NORTH : Alt. II -1 I'll, rl, ...I I s.isi:r .s.lifhury ilnilfl r. x. Ir:'.' : OrvnSra'..l 145 . . 1 : ': .. .i :..i ..r ,i, i-.ii, ..r si....i..,..l.i- i,,st c.sir m it.'ii i-si ii'iii"'" Rslelb 7Mi " Tin ami we tender to ins surviving lanuiy our ,;i i.; iio .'o .l. :.. .1. : I I ,. I J i ! ailieen' synipa.iiy in men win ii,'i,-,,-ui , Tit MVS HOtTTni Henulreil, Hiatus a un-moer ot ti.e leei profession, as a joiblirU-spiiited citizen ,,f th State, and in the various public trusts vviUi. .which Iu; . was at diffei'etil. times itivest- il. tertiiinatnnr with the cliiel mai;istraev '. fia'i", KH I0BT. 1BKIVK I LKAVa i i ! a. t" a m jl :'-'; tM 9.M " , 'Spa (Mr.l. i ft.au . 4..n . a. .Id:', i a la:Hl a. I l::mr of- iheHepulilhrr trrerm'rr -W -rnhxlwrmerl SAi ST4TIIXS. iitil laimro' mit. lama, i i.aAVK II ARKIVK I UIH 7. inga of Synod, which resulted inthe si -lectiou of the moiitii ol .August. This change from die first Sunday of May to the last of August, will in doubt meet with the hearty approval of all concern ed, us the auuual conventions will la? iiercafter held at a very leisure season, and at a time, too, when thsVu emii'it be -eofopbtint made -of se.troliy oH " rcge ejrtoT "IteT pT'osfteflty anuiappTiieas tables' and young chickens, tor winch it is said ministers have an unusual "fond ueea." . ST. AUGI STINK NORMAL SCH(KL. The energetic and i.ble Principal of Lis School, Rev Dr. Smith, Calls our attention to this enterprise. f lie School . ...... I . . ....... .....I I. .....I .... I . - . r ,n iiniiii..iiiri; i, iiiuu nu "i j ,s vr i ask. A verv poor t.imilv at.out a mile Horn tins city, ana i the neaed through Vi'vtlierille, Virgina, a jnoduct of the charity ol a number of , i'.w (I in antKineantDcd iu an old Northern, peojde, iutf nsted in tlte educa- Hl )( ni..u. ,wn, - Dunne the iiTgol. talent and virtues whidh nisinreil tin- esteem and affection of his associates, and com manded the respect and n alitude of the ijood people of Nurth Carolina, Called to administer the Government at a period ol' peculiar difficulty and embarrassment, he manifested abilities commensurate with the crisis, faaulties rarely equalled, spit it of mo deration and charity, of sincere desire for peace and conciliation among the people ol the different States of UieUuion. and a de votion to the honor mid welfare of the peo ple of North Carolina, worthy of Commen dation. HemUed, That we will cherish his mem ory as that of a most benevolent and useful citizen, an upright and intellhzent prac'i tioner id' the law and a f ithfhl. able and trustworthy public servant. Hesoirrd, That a Copy l t iese resolutions be eoinmuiiirated by the rhairinan of this meeting to the widowxof Gov. Worth, with asiflratices 1'if our eoiidideUKosand bestVish- Resolred, ThaVtheae resolutions be iiub-l Itslieu in the newspapers oF Greensboro and thai tlui other papers of tlie Stute be- re (jiiested to copy tile same, Pending the adoption of the resolution, ap propriate and eloquent addressea were b -Kgcred by Hoo..lfivn. Win. A. Graham and 1). F" Cablweli. Krn. .JAMtsT. MO'.iT.IIK MX Chairman. Levi M. Scott, Sec'y. I Cliarh4t, S mi p. ulj T Ha a -Ssw r. mt--4 " t w-Wf f-1 tW " :.V " ilSK " hjiiiira! t:VU " IUCjuji. Ii l.t i,.l. Saiiajii.. aatu '! J !l:!9 " 1.1.1 r a I mm 5:45 u i (I i sm EVERYTHING IN TIL V7AYof M 5RCi:ANDISE i DlliECTOrtS .t,,lm Kinti-ni. WTIliani f". Taylor, Siimuol S. ( ottiell, .luliii in-iilry, i Inirtef T. wortbam, V. iljium Wil.ta. Jr., 11. A fwiih. TUis BehPSalfl innltr. nil tl cnlinn ills, K -l tl,l Wr.t PREIUIIT TRAINS will n a run I- i; ,1.1-1,., r,,' ,.,,y hr , Ihrrr I, ii itv f-.r It. Prt-lglit will Iw torattfSI regular- ; If hy the , , :.,,,. ALtlKaT JORNSOK, I ill If Qantrat Saparlnlaailenl J All of which was Imttp' t fur Plantation Bitters. 1 with novsiieltf T from the Tain, the mother g ive birth to four children. The Bristol News, in piving the item, says that the lius-ha id was too lazy tp even scarry straw from a neighboring back -ard to make d. lion training oi tin colored, peopic. liev. Dr Smith is the principal, aided by a corps of teachers. The school is designed for tlo education of colored teachers, inale and female, and opens on Wednesday the 2th of the present mom. Applicants lor , ,tlL. wouian a ,.ujc b eittvrance, must .be able to read anil write, and to understand tlic tour prim iry rules j l)r,i1tW(4I MJi the relation between oJ aritlimetic. i union and Urns use M t R,,,!,,, bitntwlf Va nctrcc fowr-aw-f books will be tree, and as laf as Hie tunri j B(jut j.uptcd by unkindness. if the institution will allow, iho poor will I " . ' . ' ... sfl i... ai.l..t hi- (I... I'riooii. .! i.ii- tii.Kn u'l,n i The Athens G.n.j hrnublirnn states an able to pay their board and 'furnish diat fifiy or e.xty families will leave that ! . x milafWliieijM! tluJr dothiil, will be reoorndtodoso. cnnty (McMinn) toralmtne-.n the far ; ie 1U0SI pOpmarLtUKJJie St. AiiKUeiiue is an Kpi -copal Si-IiimI, ; Weill? established by the hberaUty rhiefly n Aiken, S. C, on Tuesday last, John Ft XorJienr KpiScoBaJlafiiS is fffid. r tTn" Hv.ws shot and killed - an em- cliarg.; of an Episcopal tua.isi. r, and uw: .Bir,Tr.,.of his named Mallory, whom h- Sold t)V fill DTOSSrifcts, Gl0 der the patroi,aSe ofjtishop Akin-mn ldrei'uaed permission to ride ou an over- JT ,M.. snd the- I'rutr Epls. Cbtircli" of Tuts dlo l,;aded JrayaTdlTn " CdS HU COIlllTry MOTCS. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet anchor of the feeble iiinl debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women arc especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In nil climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is intro duced it bionics u stand ard article a medicinal aianfo. Tt is to-da.V tlC j- - . i best and purest Tonic, and C A.SLI, sftii win. bo mti kS CHEAP as the Cheapest, Wo allow no House to under' v ' " sell us. l 15c snro Io exninine our stotli before purchasing elsewhere. c i It affords us a pleasure io show our ood wh ether resell or nut. '1 Una. J. Ki nj. .1 u nn s A . S ott. It. M '.hurlca. W. H. Tyler, J. V., KdwanU, A . V. Stokes. .1. IT. MoH.Tn, ' B.W. WWtlt. ..." -"iw-ie'-"'-.jl WilUatD 11. I'almer, lewis c. Feb. 1 - ly Henry K. Fltyaon, .Asa jiiider, B. Ii, I. . Husk, rvillc, Kaanal (". lanly, (,'cu ire Jacobs, J. U . . . i. Oeopre S. r.ilmer, H. I", QtociW, H. ('. Cal!l, l. J. HartSook, Jnfa r, Willianta. W illtain 0. Taylor, v. Aiauu. III. Jl. mr t-- llidcuad... 8aiii.Kl M. Price. ITANKS. Ag't. Lkaingto', K. G THE EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Soc; Of Uff9 - jLTXITED STATES, T J HIS fi iMPAN Y lius r.ijutjl !in,1 nsnetK njnimt its hiil.il. lira that will m, nir with any J.ile In- auranca i einpnny on Dm CuatUtaat, wliicti ia tlir J i true U'.st ol rr.1, uiisibiliiy. i i a.li Ahujrtii US OOO.OtNl At, i, i.i! Pim am Iftrnme -1 HUH HH lui reae ever l"7...... SOOO ItUi X!ie uiideraigiiLj iaaAsuAif theatiovc CVinifiaiiv. A. A. IIAJtUIN, - . .'.. i.'. M 0 MycJlJSjJSgOi. iirr y Walnut, Boitwood. and other Coffins al prii loWi-t that : livy liiiva liciituliiic lie, n ilil in tlii-i niMifcet. Call at tlic old "t;ir;,l rtf Moore k ClodftUer. On Main St red. opposite tlte Store :f Mvel' ti' JrrrWH. Gonil Walnol nnil r,iliir Lumber la keu' iu exuijuiiular i'liuiilure. B.. T. DAVIDS OIST. Bsliabnry, June itku, tbtMJL i!l 3jn bfliClUill-U LLiYIXG tlie eillirr ( ; v-ri 1 1 I ,:,-. . ., . . i yi orKa Hl.u flit iie. In ihniui-li tlic fcii'in .Suite, ii to act. ve, 1,1,-ii.. - ui. r; 1 tier Ltd j ill.'., ui ,i .,, or u n co ii..i' i-utli. Tiii rJ out five ivi i lyliiir: 4,111. ly i iieTfiVitl Ulillur, lliel'lll U.l ,!,, Ol ev .rv 1. I tl V Slalc. SjiCi-Jmrn coj Irs iva;l bcr, I still. 14 Haiiss't"1 4ri Iff'.V all I,' "V I hi r Uift, (Jl.. L iji .-v iivA l.i ul nt t!ic 1 ;t Hi odo of Civil Sr o nerlnre wLIcli cvet v MpirMirate must ln.vp, Snt CO Pare Rye and Com Whiskies, Distilled in th Old Style, Pure and Un adulterated. at the Old Norlh State Distillery, GROOT, KUCK, & CO., Prop's. HA It LOTH. . Ca ALsu, Whik to pttrcUars fiOO or lOoObead ol Cattle, and pa jt tlie btgliot Cash Pnrwrfor Cprn and Uye. july "2 2G:(im fn of iHis'at; SXttTigtrstos Dccjtjt Eock - I'lfe ill Styi-i', ..'l IX' bj iinil,. ... Forms fbrJlWXsigJstra'iat. as c u- talueilt.i mi of A;H':ntf to iiroridu f id '. I!! l "!l Ili'Ol illl.rS Oi lull' ,My ff- latiaicj. I'y iimil -5 els Bccoi d Books tot Towns'iif (Jl)rka.. tn re.-nril pruccWiiigs ut'ali mectinas of Touuahip Truateia I'rice iu Store. ?2u0. l)y mail "3 00 ORDER For nnleTs of Scfino! Ooiiiiiittteca, on County Treasurer in course of pic pntatii'O. Stank Gutmnons, Katmitiow, Ptnte Wr rants. tto.r per I(K) ai.d $1,00 icr qitire. aent ftTf of Jj--"tM,'. Address all unlet a n JAS. II, KSNfJ-8, Agent, No. I'a. Di'-it s;;,,ie, cii!;..ltirr,' aora7 tf No- Ca. Biailt Store. Ra!etch. 1. :rjtetLl-l, rilc(l LEPAGE BROS. & Co., GKNLRAL Cflmmteiou JRcnrtjdhts- , i Asr COTTON FACTORS, Commerce Bt, , Worfblk, "Va. , rySeci!il attention paid tn tlie s.Ve of G UAIN, COT'TON mid all other kinds of "COrNTRY PRODUCE. 13F Lilieiiil aiivancea tai consiirninents and Jiroiujit KluraS, julyt:"J Um Salisbury Male Aeador.iv- Tim NEXT SESSION WILL BEGIN ON Wednesday lotli Sept. IStiy. WITtcdf rial month : Enpliakj - - . . $2 00 L-uijfii.ig's - - - J ill Enirou-e Fee, - - - 1 00 Tiiilion i:ipaTTc monthly, nnil every pupil ONWARD: UPWARD: Havinjc met vvilli mcceiot. I-i Uvyuuit ot,rX---lati-u, iu the publicHliun ofthe (.HARLtrt'i n OBSERVliR, we tal.e tliln nirtl.oil i.r olferiag'onr p'i orsk DAILY, TRI-WKEKI.Y, AXD WKI.KLY, ui union.!; Ui beat uJveiii.-ing nediama laWaststa, Xoitii Uaroliua. - Tivuna ..UouV.iKc I'llEMflfMS ! ! itVeii'i. r FIV'Krslnatilc AgrtCnltmal Pni'MllTMS to'Dptrona getiins ap UnlM for ti.e WGKKLV OB SUItY'Ett. irjj are niKti-ra SMlut, WAT-ON' fi ff)., Ane. 27. Ififiil. .t'lrir'utic N. C in the civilized world be itiwl get tlte fewiiine. Don't bodocdvt-d hy limit blow- ing nntl hvavy sin lliu;:, but come Io sf'c ii? and get posted ui. Orders from a distance promptly fillet, nl lowest prices, 33d We buy nearly all. kinds of Produce. X E W Y-ORJC and ,North Carolina SX!,ftom da,c $ i?wilixt!xf:?M.l,r KttuM ' New York to Wilmington, 'Ttitelflc' 'WWebff.jiiTsc nTcXowiTij: stcatu- DODKSKLLKns.AND atk;n;:rs, 2G2 laUituore. St., Bffircfwtt, ' PHB L Attn EST flnd bet as.-or'od seek I in tlio city x : Scliasl, Lw. MiUI, Hj.Ml, ft if'lrcl, Rc'lJ r auj Uj.-.lliie' Bauii. Itlank inl f'onnlir-jt I;,.i.mi iticr.f i '.i kinds. i:!a!iK;I5no1(s njiti ufi.e".ircd I " ' 14 anu. fir:,' ii...t:in: ami tui.n.r. 1 pHornf.sms'Ah. ers : FAIRBANKS, dpt. A. Hunter, .WM. j LYUE, .'. M&ratm BKI.KCCA CLYDE, 6. Cfiicheftcr, HAHV SANF0&D, John .Vwre. Willi such additional Stniiier niay bi . . I . ... ' , .i,.fHl ii ) l;t- ini'lc. Hsilinjf.f'om Nj'm Yorkci.TV W JSDXLJA Y and SA TURD A Ent 1 1. il., Iron Pier 15 L. tt. loot of Wall street. ' , D. T.CAltSAWAY, 4 rnrnmrn trthnitt AND Dcolcr in (roccrtc rfiovmoixs. iucdware, tW T!:o attention of ShippOCS iu colled to the LOVV liATiiSitiid FACMLIT1KS nfferptl by this Line, which arewijierTor to miv li"n"'ti fine offered. ' r THUiHun HILLS OF LADING uii'en to all iii.irtts 011 the North Onr.iliim if iilioud ana its Cbmieei ions Tin Goldr- Iwro. ; J. A. SADLER, McCubbins, Sull4v4 Go., I, Mafrpuv's GrahteBow, , StUsbary, Sept. 21. 1S9. 131; WOUTH A DAMKL. Aius, x Wiliuintoji N,C JAMFS HAND, Ajrwit, l.L,: Sif A.WaliiitrX.Jl.f WAIVTSSA .s;t latioa aa lTniaia Ke-cr hv a W .! I.i iv .,, . . K iei 1 r'l.i'i'H. p;i 1 in "ifFimnr )i Tai- ,ap r Aui;. Ji.-tf Clin a; 1 CrorKrry Wurr. Wall Paptr, Win dow'ShailM, kt., 4 R0MPT attention jpvea to onlcr. .md ( tfxhsafo oT Cotton, l i ruin. Naval fitorM, Xoiiav 90. Dded fririt, &v , on CotnaiisaioD. COURT HOUSE BUILDING, anril 1-4-Iy NKWBKlbi, X. 0.' ITI 'K. ! inir ni'i'oiiiteil Ak:noe of T. M. II. PI AT!'(!,vl;V AT 1 A W? rrx7xr, -r y. & ( - , - A ITJ, PRACTIC'I'J in tbo conns o'D.ivid 1'riiwipal. Isnii, P'lH-Vlltij, Ouilled, Atvitiaiicc aiiiT TTr uoipil con riue j ; RKFEr.F.NCK. lion R. V. Pe.ir- 1 . C. 4 ..I C, Ri,'- h. ' 14.- HirHi-. Awi.i 'arttdgatac. .. " ... "T!,n-,.-s?. f-v' -f - ' R. P. Di'i'fc, " Bedford Brown, Tanc-vv :!!.-, N .C " Hon. Jehn Kerr, " " J. R. McL' an, 'ireeftsUro', N. 0. " Tbotrias,R ,rri;vJi., ' " J. M. ' ,..!. i), u, N. c. Jdrmarj 2D, 18'1!. A - ' .lli-.n. (l'aiikrrtp?.' I ill . H fur (.'ah iu Munci.-o,-, 'JJih iux ii Baiaa ami ljt, RtiaSrn a lite T. ('. (iraliiun Store, containing Acre.. A!- tat ti.e .-.iim- nine pd ,!aceuu tlw r!iuiMA an 10- ami aeereiina.. II fiC4i ri-. iiml nc .'ritre. Dr; I. W. u.iLb, .'itl( II MH'l 1'ior V ''' . rii e i to ' - it 1 r;-,.. !ii or ll) SMALL FSfflT ST' r. aaVJWJ ...aig g a ami; Sin - U "U UA l' MAKfcd iT VALi. AI.Lii '1 bfi'S iM 'l r)' t . ', j ina que?, a .4i 1 li tUtMHlW. lor yoBcTiTng Aetit. t T " 1 l,,ji.VwlP Ti.i-ie- an, tTeHri 1 nave c USr JUu.1. : D D li-CMMenui ttarlle.-.'t'er. r . -. i iiiuu I , I US' ilia i'i rf.ny , r cRf ,uj tftia. r' ' ' rilOTOt.R.VPilk' AKTIo'f. ' fc- ''.''.' ' ' sort .t .I-, i.: j 1: l i3 " . .. r: .. j . . . , . i. or. .ii.ii.i a4.u man uj-jai'iic- .HUqair a , a nut Hfi ire cl pr-,u' a . aww, - riirn ni, Til. ' ww-'-mift-nj a pc ri-ire 1 ; jr'.i. i a' ' ju - J ."-..- ' irtv km m liSnte N7-1 PleV-italihi, roriclain 1 '. . ' '.' M '-tn.,u j'w::.v ::a : -- -r -- m "wmi r i-i: on iv ana sin mjirrv ... . , - th , . '.V '.nflW1,. r.iid'. pricv .-.I,- ll Itj i VV " I