J 1 1 n ' . ' i WMIMMNkMMW ' kJ VOL. IV SALISBURY, N. C, OCT. I, 1869. i0. 19 llfk : . f 1 ,. - ' -t- 'Jr ' Irrt; 11 1 (TijcvDl&XartljStatx IM'liI.IMIKIl WEEKLY BY x, H W I S XX A. 1ST X3 0 Editor and Proprietor. RtTr.M op si tint 1 1 riois One Yf.ak. payable in advance. .. Si Mtiih, " ." i '.ijiii's !. one address I II I'opi.-S ll OIlS ll.l'C-S Hat i of Ad ce Hitting. ,.t:i.UU .. I . on Oin i. ire. first insertion $1.00! For i n 'i additional inwitiou 50, Siii-ri.il 'i, ili -i-s will ! cli irgc.l M per cent blither I ;4ii llr- above rules. t'l.nrl .md ,liii.4 V Order u ill be publish- ; I mi toe ri.- null uiU avrt.M- : Hi" Lilt nww,wrTO mmr. mnrgrn ; . .1 . 1 . . , .-. Mil IJI.P- roN j ii vi r i: mis K 6PACI V- "in n 75 .j .mi i; ,'' liltn ji Ot) H (HI 1 1 mi Oil In .HI f' (Hi J 1 (III , niro. ri.r.a. j-tari-s. piafa. In'iin. ..ran. 1 ..nil. i . 1. 1 i . .) i i: i i ii i ir. (H .-, (Hi .;.:( iltl oil :!il (Ml 4" (Ml i ll'IIKUjlKI 7."itl .VI INI HI (( I.J0.OO , (Ml III I'll lortaat la Marstr aad ottirr l-oiit l"tf- ' Ufrl i n .WsaOk ro 10! MY IFPIl-ERS A GditL for JtiNttrrs of 1 lit- lVtirc and (lllirr, Cotinty IMftriuk He vised Snlarged aad Improved- Till SK('f)NI) KDITI0N OF this in k. kira! y liirm-ii sml im.r..til ili I roaily I-l' .l'-li'.ri t ulwr.li'ia an I lie li; I. at -opt, n.l'. r. ui'J Hum loiii'. In oidrr ( s.l.l to It- It I a. Ik-imi .! ti-eftil in ss. by pyili.-l.iHK All the Ads M'tlw last Session of Ike Gen it A smuttily, relating in say manner t. countj i.lTlirrs and coun. ti i.ili.e. The I'litilisliers luiio "pared ir exrti! in (,'fltinjz up this euirhin; then-.t uti'l llic l; 111-tieiUK rait tnlly pmiiaie.1 uat nirliHireJ by a nieiiilr uf tlw ltiil-i(fli lUr, ol n-kn.nwiKlfte.l st.il ty iin.l , u alex perieacu In s . in ni' ..u.;..Hle;,'al loitii- unu cuU'O '"a JusUces of the IVniT ifl'4. and ail Comity Hi Iiiilrr'" ti' Prnbrite. Sl.er liii.l in the 11am - Ho.. tlw law jii ---1 ll.i'ij ive .liities, tofrktber itii lien anwets nn.l IfSiierl I pirrcnVnts no- . cessnrj- to fepf ' ll's" ' ir ' . if; w'btvwtH in n i. '.m. .! ih ' " "v ; . . . , .... ii i n.,L l,U ,.iiiitt I " "M l ni. , 'rn. i. rauKe ukiih" r. . . ,., a r..riu i .1 lie mav be in the iir ..C lF. 'I'll.. , JililMI l Otiiil'IIS Thrrr II .1 mired Lar1C VN'-" d Paart . . , i ,.,..,i,.r mi niAl nawr. al la ' A and inihnv, in ilr - . i . .xs t i tA i,v ir Hundred and t'tfni Form, iDMCleiL with tl.e text, a.i.l ifcnie;!! followine rsVntlie.amttb. rollowiUB rensouabl. prices. co i n ll.ie copv, in n!"'r ' " ' .lin.lii. 2.T.U u-i,f, B..F,t hi mail -2.i cents mnst lie ailV'-.J t,n the ra. eut nl price, the boi.k inV- nee mv.ied ..I -Mit bv express, a.i subscnlicrA niaj Book,n5uLElu;V. r. ir-s- .til kinds nf leeat blank f"i'ns fnrtllsheil P ....i i.. i, i,: r- ,if nrrar rtescin t n ne.tt y s I M.VIIIS WHajl4.'..,i.--inii ' rheapl; and exii"! tioasly executed. at; . ... w, .m A 1 1 RRT.TRF rtm tmf. hOHJ.V Ai i.ii.-i b&-x t was tin- niistoii'.ue ,u i is-m- to have suttere.1. as foW have every Buffer! : lie to I' for six Ions: ami giooinjf vrars, iiotii nn i.tri-etiou of 4'S feCt ailll I jUliei indue by overwork, .hiring th-' first year ol Uie u v'.,r. Duiit.ir nil that time, be was emp i ... a I.tu ...i.ileil traine ahoiit, on f-.l .'"11.1 m ." , - crutches. In vain he invoked ibe beat ine.t ical talent of the country ; and visiteu the moat celelVrattd medicinal Sprimis. Vru down aud exhausted, be gave up all hope't.f recovery. At tbis siage of bis case, having Ik-imi governed bv bis medical tni iiJ.- froni the begimVnig. he determiued l" adopt a im-thod oftr.atineut, the result nf bis own rellectiu'l nil. It is enough to say. t, at inn ii-ethodid not so much new. as it iH, tly lio.re skillful application of what has been Umu .nowu.and attempted by the I'hysicsaus. fter n.me weekn of the most unwearieil ami persevering ellorts. he waArewar.b d.wilh ihe luostaratitvinu results. iu..... i, iuiprovciurnt and feWWaryi wan nhr...t ma-ical w mucb.so. that in bwkmg back upon life condition a vear ago. be can. even iu,w. hardly realize the truly woudeilul nu i.rovtmeiit. Profoundly grateful for this extraordinary blessing, he is. h-simus of being the meaua ufditfusing similar i.enetits to those who mn- I -'' uw; ' j uulv to treat, I'Ut ( UK. all manlier of diseases o!' the lower cxtreml' les. , oldudjJJ-Ci.n.litione,l C leers ol the i v',.,;....s,. Veins: weak mid tfrrtnee Joints. -c, no matter of how long standing. It is one of the great advantages d Ins mode .of treatment, that uo restrict ions are Imposed on the patient as regards diet, ever ci'se, A-eaud for the most jMtft,, little or uo medicine in OSed. . The charges shall b in accordance wiin the 'E..neral J.ressiounf the times; and those really indieent. will bo treated "without ""'"' ev and without price." EUVVARD SII.L. M D Feb,. 12 tf . ' Salisbury. S'.C NOTICE. Mary A. Campbell, l'lair.tifr. against . "William I!. Campbell, Delcmiartt. The tlefemtant will take itn t lhar "ii Fis.la.y W-gntnr-rri-r ... r v- M ,ln sirtil Fisher S(s.. oOposite TJIiWjWa . I" , , n: : r, a I on. " of Ine S mill at 7ZTlW.nw.iiw, m... . , . . i- 1,. N ! . ii nrnci.. il 10 i :r nn. in- - ..- - ..i . I.'.i.ia.v v , i ,.f liu wminf r men. n, iiuiif,....",-- . ej. .. - - ... .l. I.i-. ,,i Uii I mini .-st.iles I . I V oUof Join. VViUn-r -p.,1 audotlierst., be- Kow, . - - -- -"V" Uillit.iry C;ircer and sho thai ,l,c rtont n,. nas I ZlZLl. of no al.eration of , to . t i,.,i;inown...-hti,Miita,. i-tt -r ...' . ... n,.. w - r,r' V ; ,. I ve.irs form a -Urn urcaent lime thin any , . '."'.' ,lM ,. mnr,. 1 wan il.VllT V. i jMrt;ui.l.. ..wn' roM-jH?. rrrlZ!?LT Lk .1 ' tLlitht. the auuc'iMlcemenl uiat ma w- ' s . rk JUH'OS, MJUHVISES, dr. PKCTORAL BALM ! .An appi iivc.l an t-R'ectuul Remedy for Chronic Bronchitis Asthma ; t he wasting (' niglm in advanced iige ; Blutlwjfi'via tin' Lviiijm, t(-c, (tint i.aMe i it donii mote real vice In en linn i nl C"nnni)iiun, than nil the hxpw icihhIn ( oi.'jli Miaiuu- Ac. exiunt. 1' i-wu ni li nlly eoiiipoimded of inertMbeut nidi kituwn r..r in. ir viitmn and adi.iilalioii to I .. ims.-s n-in.eil ; and l ll.d rftlil ol loK .t . 1 cXtei.MVi- e.VIH" ;i-li.-i' nml l.iit'elll uivcjll-, . .. , allot. ..I tee laws ol lee annual e oiioa.y , n- , lln-r with an ii.tiinateknowll ..! ieii.i.:ial il Itii-iupc'iiii'- :r!:K, in thru illVSI. vicnl tcni. t(ll Hint:. n si Hts-nnm nrthtrr ifcrnnmlwitriii Ksneetor--' uia - i I'w ai. vxj l, !. It-.-'K aiiU Ifcfin.-I- . 1 x- i .nl ,, ,, :uli . UUll ,,..., mmBBm&gf" ?m 'Irtm.'rVrtrr rrifrs rrow;W.4Tiflorth.ity'onTl I.,,! i-. it ...i,..-il wnli li. i in i ir . mi ' - - - - i li. n: .. . i. r I II- n ll'ien s. .Mai v a vul i e o a il. I. ns I et-n sir , .!i nl nil. I rl neetie stitl 111- 1 Tirematnrc prave. On the eoi Hniv, II is , ea.i-'i'a'eil to ee.i-. K eX.-esntVc expivtoi nl i. n ' w'lichul il.-i I' is rxeii ' ' j exl.au-tive, anil It y lis i ii' i.il and s ilie a. li.ill, lo I. nil svnll'c the a-eak. ii.tluned n"'l trn ' ti oryai . $:,iM:um f;v,,V! ""r" W II (HI (Ml' valuaule I.IM, ill.".- i no "tie, wmcli i. ... n.. "iiTiwi 1 ii". constant v L.-e.l, 1 ilie h -t I h ' .ins. in i !,e li-i i.. s atioi cn nn i ii Ii,l, H In w I wn. I! il nl many 'til fulll- . in ,: jnl in dicl cullt-tncli. positiuu has ln-. ii m.'i'le k lieen oia. w i o has not In it , in some i ! )-' .i ; i --. hive nor only eresenlsMl W ri'"ents, but have ,.-c.l it in ti.cirow caws, Willi iiiainen innan 1 ii'i'..ri il and .solo ..n.v. t. .s;i.i Prurr stun". 'listiiiM s r. a Til 23-ir, tf &L3 WILD CUKHKY TONIC AND ALTERANT, for Intltg-'fition L it er Gnnjifn i i t J or pttl Jl-nnJs, Xcrro'us JjtLU.ii, and Jirol.cn Dutrn Hi tiili, front tciuttrei realise. TliH eVpnnl nnd truly vabtaole Medicine, hn from lane lo lime, tx-eti m extensive use. lor the hi I Iwenlv-liVe JraiS. It l.n- In n sold, nml is Wfll kn.ovn in n any .! the Sin. tie ei u cities, and towns, viz; t hni les'on, Savau i il', An .'i.-'.i, A t'lo. la, Chail.i'te, Cotnn:li;,i, &e . and i- h .'My va!tw d, hi l! e io'i!i..i.. i . penjile who have nse ! if. .Many in lb s Ion I. ami sorroui.!in! conirrry; l!ae vi joyed it Itoiietits, nml wnl no .Jouni, wi I! ii i.n-.i.l. i n. A irrenl i.uiiih.'i nl ihe sfoiti '. ;:r'l mo t nti- (jnaliiiml oertillentes i n . ,t n i, ' i 1CIll.i, - '.'1"'?. ,van( lo t,.Tc. nml p I ;,e .iieuiuniK i Ici'ily In c from ""' any ceuinstances ilee.i 11 is ts-ll, Clly f ssiK',!"'v ol harm, tiielet-Lluyii omiilions el h.-idth. in- . ,-v, I: I . tit. n lalil. It ! lo pr.-a-t.l season, IS ' leCliliiy II liipo u " 11 . . t ... ..I ,, w ! it'll i sin l.n ie apptoa.'t.n g " Irgrer el !.'-.- '' nn went ner oeine ioiis . ale, nl,. i ' - i i i LusTu.- j tic. 1' ih I .ii.lt V, lull UC u!a: Iv in wenl. iV aii rd s stems, us jrfbtle. . pared and soTeT, u lo i ei 'ii.n' il ie' 'rn . .) cts. Her Hrnff Store. arc. N. '. 40 YEAiiS BKFORB TIT! PITBLK). I IF OTHER Remedies ,iAii L'iVElTTJT: 1' ( I K lilii)M.ti.Ai AFKS rr 'd tire frdh' wing-r .,..., n. i:,,o,. v: I- i , s .., ,in,, VOMr puis In i.e the Lest I ii,i.:v ne .11 cine 1 have ever used, elteial in my ":i Hicte.l i "' Hfeen yesiw. 1 ; : - . r, . mil have Inc. every kn.ioi 1 . I. ul I 1 i .. . .i .. i.i rlieine t 1 --' 1 1 . ..'! lieflruni innr rills man : uim. . i I.:.. ..or, -ii. ..i :,ii'l ll riiln'.ia to I) ,.t ..ii of "en ssviieaV.' -.lev.. '.I !..',' it' tctiirm in ewes In m) raailty. and liii.HI n. t be the very led'.cine t"r in- irly a.l tamny aisease The Care is xaoroan. l Kan net tlaV'irs h-sj.- ' lei Ii ot t u!i,i"is .-..niuj tint, writei 2 lWf.-,:l MIUiril.J? Tl' i ,i ' ' ' i . !rJ w itli . . . . . . . -I. .- e, ei, 'Hill 11. UHV I. ic "",'"" - r-- nl.. s...'r.ir ".ii.i.t: n' " H..r".iii. ....... i . .... ... I rill irim -at n.t...,l..is l .,'.,'; - - I;-' - . m.. i.i :l.i ' lilt ie. i I !' "" ' Hi. L' re Til Til. I.-, nml 1 ' : M.ef. I c irtinci 'I t' uii.i have li"t sil.Ic 1 l .'Ve I'.-i-'i lull .1.1 ..... .,. u . i. :'. 1 1 1 i .'111 . i In 1 l .1 I . Ol hi "'" :. '...1 i,, i ,':! .-nil.,... i it. Hitlers in.!'. i" -li. Ik. .1 ..jii w..iiu !ria ttrctittl' ,v, ..v . . ,.,;.,.,.,H(,,.M,w V'."." .'. ' "."." ' , , , '."' ,:,, i(. U ... ... t. U ".(j ni: 1 K"'mtr!e-1tFTri rails. i'Hii .an': wl. - Ii uon'il v'oa k- ' ' '" '' 1 . r nf!rr yon (ret - i K t" . l.i'ti'O if" '' "itr'h.. I., t. ke , ' i i - "i ii. klAvS. It. . ; .. ...... ... ."' i n . in i'V to I I v.-r. .r o ri iii a'.', i . mi . t fnts-. til" e r 1 V i-l null'. I Hill. IbW SSoutharn Hepatic Pills, I TttuitdX ' " ' ''"'''' 7 T ' f- tri.it rtutt.aj ' foAaU'lft-'i m ifi"t?f. m-w "J " TO II It KMuiK .N !. ' mi re i.iioi': WK"'e ,i,ir.k;uaAiJ.iid v ,.i .11 Iii ''if " : Inn "Paial ieill. us SI jnii ill .11 Pl 1 Si 'I ll. Pill I.V liM'tr ' Mll K Korlntir I s.f,-,,.,., ..p,. itmenr Tl.rer r,ru-. i.'s. -f'iF lir.isr, ttftOu tln-l'. 1' Tl... . -I, till, .ll i . liir .kccomimtiv I'.r order larliir ie,li ,-l l.l- 01 1 1 .il I: Will CO I'. ..' . 'in- uv si-' uc. 1 la . " " "r ..- .No. Js, M um l il.BW, stki.it, lULTlMOUt MP. 1.... 11.., w ilitti n-'ili. I'l I :, .I - irli'il I". i' fnr th ir HfW-iiih. cull in all rriieUWe DrUtiitJ ! rvrry.Ui.ii.ilUu A,.i,v u. n. rwuuouix, July 2 M il !alliiirv, . I " Ok lxtl,ritUT n I m I r I r l -. i V :nAVmV A"T " u E. SIM. mint - !4Af .. r. . i n : . ii a . I in ;'.- t, :: n in' - . . .. . i. . .1 -. :l :S " .mil Mir rri:"i" , 1 1. n.a ..- Ni .' en -."ni. ii !' . , , 1 1 w i . ,, , i ne nriiTui v ninFw . .. . --. - .. - ,.- . .., s-tj, ,..1,11,0 1 1 ne-. 1 , 1 X .-r.--y. v . . . ,- , Jl. ....Mj ..1 llin ,1111:1- lull Uie .IllISI'V l.l loan sriv ,111 ... , . . n , : .1 . ' 1 1 , . -iN 1 1,,, .1'... ims ;.nrfi,f in " , . 1. 1 .1 tl,t .1... , l.,i.l.r,." at a costlier sacrtlice ttiun ie . oun. . a - j 'Jfir ' jimi, '!- ' . . , I li v as I hell' coil.- iis iiii't 00... ... .... ... . 7 ,,f , .,. I ,otei( hlatrs. IO leu ismm Hi"' sivini.y in- the ant uf Stratford Vas the home of llcty I. - Ui-ckr.s a poor w in ; Iris p o, r ..ctuatomed to explain and .""," i .".!.V..,x..if- whose acl.ievini.'u.s dining the war ot life ,s .ih huiiile one and . . , , LL st i.utes. and von can come to A VISIT TO TIIK IIOMi: Or THE Ll.KS. Correspondence ofthc Petersburg Index. IIaci k, Va.. Ai;o. 28, 1SG9. fr. Editor: The extensive cnle upon which the old colonial (U lined were con- strtlcieil, l-v preatly IllCtraaillg the cnxl ot jireHervm iheui m a alateof repair, aecOM j in these limeg of poverty to tbiealen as i nnerul n ruin unoii the cliT'lied homes !,.f amcslois as lh.it which ha ovcit.i- , k fc( ,f j, jt.f j. . . ' ... ., . . ' . .- 'I ni ii 'lis. 1 hii rell. ci ion incrca.-. n our , , , .... , ;"""""'""" " 'th nearly a score of ladies and gentle men, among whom were several from your t eitv: lii'l.mwrrhe n.-i-ner of the fiiii nn . .......... - , ii,..u-i 01111, akm r..uii...i. a( unit, i so visit Sir .tlnriLau llif.l'-t.otnac 11. use. i It was midday when we b. hebl the j towi F"roe. t stn-ar man e fires, w uc i b-t4vem I our nroxunity to the ol.ii.-cl ul ! Ii. Iii a lew minute more we 1 i.iir seat ell. halti d befi t" the door i f the VfOM'r.ible 1 utau.-i in and were courteously cotidileted : - . "i up NIC ir i-.-lvr sjilil(. sli ps To Ttie plrtlloriu a ihe same heavy nnteiial, from which a iih- door admitted us into the airy and sj acinus hall. Here the Carved wainscot, and other ih vices upon the wall added a vel inure vivid impression to besinsn of ih-aiiliijiiity of the place, which we b id recrivi d In. m a hurii. il inltcPof tin-tu ts sive walls around the ganlen, the enor iiioiiB buck Utah!.- and oilier buildings, a we approached the In.u-e. 'I he lorui.it ion of the main building i pifiiliar, there bring, as it were, i" hoiiM'g s'mr feet rrr ienptli rr d tortv rrt r wi.llli, parallel In each oiher and connrct e l by ii C"ntral building thirty ferl stju Hi in' u llicll the hall W hit !i We filler from til.' I, out, loin-s ibe chi' I a pai I nn iil . ( i, iu the h,l i.l OjH'll Up. I twss'iffes which (livi the sid" blli i.i and tet iniiiale uimiii their sales iu oni doois, with balc. uies in front and st ail cases u ihe ground. Tin re uie i'.l rooms in ibe bolide, which for the most put are erv large. Tw n gnuip.s of lour cliiiiineys each Hsrn.d from ihe centre of the main build i:;gs llailil gs ( rllllM't ll ese ch iiinev. mi the lop nl i hr holt ms, thus lorming two separate obscrvutoi ifs for fair went huf. The arbors mid ;i r I i d ol ll.Hvers. u 1. ii li lii aili lii d ibe varil in ntln r da V.-. . ' i :. i ! rHt-h htrkjtfX. tree wbUh a!:-i;d a m.t eg )e, '1 I fold ,.arlv , X;,, t tlllte nl ! IK' tlliliiU!'. in i- - not known to the writer. It was however, in the liiuetiiui: ol '1 li". j Prt sitlenl f the t. onnwil, w ho oho about the middle of the hist century, ul it mom, nt when he had been comnn irtned a govertior-ol the cuhioy. ..rTteonf Uirhaed Henry Lee, lie- The dWtin- enishitl eon ol ihe pn i' c;..r ol Mratlord, is still!" be seen in the yard .here. il re, doubtless, were moulded many f those leh.'pnut tbollglns which see 1 th,. iiih- ol the "Cicero i' A i .,i i hi.it" In w hich s i cuinl tor nii.i mi l lea, ami which called forth from Lord Chatbain the ineiuoiable riicoi.iiiin upon the p -pers x i.:..l. I .... nml .I.iv were the authors :! I i -1 i. . 1 1 1 1 1 ... ...... ! "I have uad Thucydides ...d admired iln . . . .. il .ih in 1 must aav masltr riaiea oi uro ..i mat untie have surpassed the men assem bled nt Philadelphia, in solidity of reason- force of sa-jacity mid wisuum ot ton- L.;.. w...i..r Krh ii complication ot cir - SS-WM- J lM ... N- -'..!.. . , . , i i,t. I.;, hm- -It -'"eis J.igntiooi i... , r;xn " ' I 1 1 ' ' ! : 1 1 . 1 I . t J 1 1 11 11.'" " 1,1 1. ... f il,n illustrious .s:r. ie .al,rn-hero also ill 1710. He .111111. I IK" i mi I-' i ' has bien styled "the Bcliolar, too writer, the phdnsoplirr and negotiator." H" ca reer us student at Eton, where he rexeiv ed a diploi.l t, and at Edinburgh, where he giiiued a medal ; as a successful law veraflrjwirds iti Lnnd ni; as the agent v . . ..iii... ' - . . .... ii-.. .i ,., ,1 r, t ' s s o i , . 'i ii itli ,,l .! ,IS Sac II USl 1 1 s u.- . 1.1 -- l V.nirland. France,N ' Spain and 1 courts ol J-."gian.i, . . (lt- Si, W. tnssri as in unite a " " ' '',!' ;';f aV ;' I liam J.-nea and corn spoiideiil wilh Rmke :;r,:..a1l;ne, ,'Vv,,d.ia,,,,(:.'lonel llaire. (he Kail ol ,1!., in ai' ldmiy. al.it o.sdowne. ill" l'ike nt Unclli f nicaiild, th Ibiron do Rrctcvil and otUcr rtwim- i .i ;!...- "-in I' d lil. i iirv c har.l'ters, Ootn in r.ig- . , i i a.. liii.mt. mil lo m ii'loti ,ii mi nn.. ' his va. h if and imp..! taut punnc m m u es .1. : iu 1,1 j t. i.i,.. v wil Ii 1 11 to! ri ¬ ll ll'OU'., Illr.-i. .. . .... - , . .1 . ..f l.ij ,.l 1,1- i .-1 sea 1 ci brothers. V S'.rouil to inn 01 in. Jiinius w rote uf him as it ''man 1, abilii'n s," and a paper 1 a paper firm bis pen w is fur a' long lime attribute, to ... 1 Ut 1 1 1 the elootient l.'hiUhatn. i, :..L iZ 'iMMArY-n't cbai iclers xareilllZ ".i l urn i..f". - I aFforiiated wi,bH.e history ot .-uat.iuiu. w e 1 . . f ih.. lami V who llttVC Rdileil o 1 - . ' 11 1 1. tbxv v i :, ,, em (JreeiiC wrote lo null that lew officers, eMher l.l r.tiiope .., meiica, are In Id in soigh a point of es tiiuation as pn are," and NV iwhington wrote htm a letter abounding in expies fions ol "love uud thank ." It was while ., member of BonC'esa in 1TU9, that he . 1 ......... . introduced u at lies of ittoludoii upj n oc- ; : t tv .,u ri.iifiriii 4 ii'4Vii. tf w mi.u . ''.. Z ..nl.i'rium: "First- in . Is'llll (It II il.-Hlli-i T;, "LZtcl und-Urst in the hearts ' - .,nC,V....eb celebrity to '-L eVL"giou.". is irreparable, Ins ..olde our. may , - ', ,,', -,. ,,. nf ,,. moirs of the United State," in soon to be THE FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT. r-published, revised atid enlarged, with a biographical sketch' by his distinguished How it teas Adopted in tftt Sciatc. Hon, ill President nf Washington Cofloge. I Lut lb be mentioned in the list of great flic Fifteenth ('(institutional Amend name associated whk Stratford is lb it of nicnt, forcing negro sull'mge upon nil Uie the Commander uf tin Southern Ariuy in State, na is well known, i. nn issue in the Ltu a rue trie. Ilore lie was born and lived until his fil.h year. Your reader,1 ail- I....H.IIII .1 I... .11- riuin lil hi j . We werprniified to find, contrary to our expclati.in, tint the hfliMHiga here ni. in an cue. II. at stale ., presi rv.it ion . 1 The pi'g.iin children of coining gem ra- .... .. t are l.iniiliar Willi Iih suns. (Uc-nt history lions in IV sit beuenlli ibe sh nlnw of lli"S ..,. .,,,1.1. WnK :11 ,,1,,., I n ,l..tv , .. , , i mm luie.i; - a .-i.'iiu in "'-in hi is eiiiuiaiiiui memories with w hich ihey ate so l-uebiHifH .iu. nt. v - - 1 ill' liiitlis iril.lt t! rn'tl'ilV l.ll'J liil- . per.-J auiong thr objects id mier, ,t at 'Stratford, m.ti tto rayn.ot. the drwntliur i i . i. i i- .... i .1 .-ni. eie iiieaiiv Mini ' in lioiu, ai. n in Iwilight Iewr i Ili. g upon, our pail . v a v, f ihe home ii. wneu toe cn in n .- anil i:tu lu-es and tall lie 01,1 ni'iuMOii i i ir..iu . - lit mi our I ' Wihu journey HEAL' I !1TL EXTliACT. 0 rand is tin wisdom nl Mason v hi her mull ;fii ...its couli ivaiics, for 'be fiati r.iiz ition of th l.'ici s, the n..l t-i ti of tiuih, the exercise of a Wnhl-W ide pbil inthiopy, the pn. million ot ..Vi a. d e.....I will auinnp lu-n, ami the b'.iil-iii .g ol mi. in Ii oni ilie sl.ackl.- ul gross seusu attty iliiid hlllli'Ulalde ig.i. nance. II. i foundations Wen in ihe council ch . tu bers ol Ei ru.il (Jiundues ; and front be lore the time when angi-ls sane ibe birth snnj; ol creniioii. until ilie u.iseut, teuernlion after ""'Deration have been aiming to ibe stiper'roctm: ni ftrorrsa ol cn cl.ioii mi ih'il has.-of i-v.-i lasting Ii ul"U: in ii inui i I Ib'.us.i . i . .1 I KM' SI'S U o. k " i ist : have I, .,. ! i e .,.1 ..... ,i men iu i In- hut ii .1 ' i, as bight rn .1 as more a ,. I ic.oi ttinii. s ,. iter ti' her wells. : ft'Ctl ' is sci n i he i gr.ilitl mi line ol this liiagnittceal l.-mjile, mote nml nn. re evideut js trie wi.-4o'i itmi ilr sed a, id ihe -Sliellglll lll.lt execiiievso. godlike a mission. Coueoie.ed in Wis dom, n tii g in Tru'b, i in.-it' d who l.ove, and ii.tuded wi ll T'aiili, llnile a :.i t h i: ity, I he , tei a it Stand erect, c'. fir i . Wl. n Tim' 111 i U: III lis gtar.in W.I ho I'll changes or untoward cveiiis ns in this nft'Tooon ot the. eenturv with uudiiumed eyi Hir 'Meris uinel.euik i I4.ll Jlll- Inhering si. p, her :ejfi-cltd and iu the liiajoriiy.- coilipieleo - o .J)r. U. Kendi'j. Krotii th" N -w Yrk 1' A FATHEU .S SACRIFICE. t. I .VRe,t-.(k4)recker is ttte watchman ofi il.,. P.iss.iic tivcr di aw brioga-on I.i' i rrTrik . lie Ul hi ' X, w Voik and Newark Riilmyl, whose bus'ti e.-s It to see that the draw is'clos'.l upon ihu approach "f the trains. On i.'.i.i .. .. i ...... ...ii I .st Just liclore II lias- 1 11 1 , . .1 n I o. - o i-ii-. , j --- - - - ' f was in pass !lu an. and M l'.t"Tr lirid 1 senge. tu e, Ilie i 1 f "f'1 1 1 i iaw was ot.. in. IM Jir.imi" r-"" AiU ai-ht el this mntnent, hut me waici.tnai. - ,,...,. ihut no time sbelild be wi ;,, ,...,, .iu- bridge n. .s nr.r ".-.. ) 1 . . I ... I ho UOSItlOn. W IlliO. cngARed 111 I i"s.'i, . m. tl I , 1. draw, a little son o nr. , years old, fell ironi ileen water Ir low. I bo bi idge i' to To s-.ve Ih .iii'.r I . ' I ... M. lite would be an easy niiiKt, nn. an. Dree Iter now s iw the train ihui.'..ting along the track, and knew tier. .In-rescue of bis boy would involve the de sl ruction of the train. What wad he lo do ? it was a mo- VVe may well snppos. iiu ut of supremo wgony. lirowiitiig bidftro his cy could only b" purcbaaei in in v ttlber lives thai wc I lis child was and its life .t 1 ,,- ,,ss. ol .. I.:. 1. a uii. iniisr. 1 1 i s...:i. il,. t. i -. ,. ti-iiin tin ' ., ,u. ... till 1,11.1 III I i I II III i., r-ji.ii, ii.- ii.' . trr :tt';ili -I, of I SUCH a l'.i u as was nun .. I I I ....... t--..w UlTOri tr.rcKrrt tt nml. W Iris, dot V. ihe bridire was closed, n I the train pass- i d safely over ii, hut the b ijf trns drtnrneti 7 Little did. any p iseuger in tint train dreatn at what a tearful sting ;!., between use ot lllltV and lb'' natural pioinpl- a bci i of the bun in heart, tin ife uas- TSilSeTit tire tartrr h id oeett s i i 'illojr well Horalius k- j't (he bii'l In the hrave d.ivs ot old, reward' tl. l. ne ra htm a heavy debt COlOU -HIT owes., Dassemrera 011 .1. .. l"i..ri.o.iit Iraiii should deem i lll'T. I III!. 1.... ' it a privilege to fcontribote to ruise a iu in ! uiu 'ut to 'the child, to filly commemorate the deed, and ihe press fbrouglioui the 1 1 md sbiM.ild let hi name be kaown tfv.ery ; where 1 1 The official figures ottl.e I rei-ory Ai - De, lartui' nt place the agnc.l.ur .1 pn, was A ,,, -, , -e.i , nl:i& lW; , rt.iliill'a-nww-"'- i. n, ,.1'' ;yi. r---.i (delegated Hy I lie lve. lit iwe. uuuj W "'. ' -JfC" !,n u.wliwii",- , ' , U t.tU.-Jiin .ni " " ihe rivTT inillTt''.' ) Ihe (iilllltnlltl nt T. KT atrT'lunmiri rmj esU .ll iwl'Ull I' ,',. U:Z t ! ',, !a t!.i k best to V us it. , Mayo, to perform the .1 P ,r mm above. latitude. ,A and tost : Hoo.ls have debated. , ,. ' fT, .,..,! , s-tv s .." ' en re nt the pn.., am. . w ...... y - j ; ,., ...v follna - relia j confined, sickness blasted, de.,,1 ' M Wi' --. '-f :.fa-s.uici fs, co,,y!;4 lvt-.,-ll,.g dowi, 7' Y."Brey W7 ' K Wm 1 ! vim e ; and ye, ih.ough ail these mighiy ,, ,(r . rtlll(, dn..,.rin these' in an ago.,y of gr.. f an d suspe ,n-e wa a f h, u fcy I changrs ami these mutation., Jm I" '1'" s .., iyM goi.to vote for this pto- t f Tl a we.ilt s 7 'and "ir John Franklin Ld Jura iciphsof Mas y hive survived, rcs.si- ..ton wU,. takHtg any respoiisib.biy with M. Huml u ( d ft J ,84 contaia many fnterceting in'g all tint ot drsorga,.,, n , anl M(,t ibt- tor Hits halt- ; Jan. -owneiyo. J f . j connected with the expedition. i and dreary, unaffected by sor.ouu.tiug pfr.Ht,Mn. 1 simply take ,,, at this : mistress. A joiuig gir , HfUe i lie coming election. In tliia connection :. : I. .. I :l : I. .1 - . . . , 1 1 i . i ii i.ii- iii. tiiiii ii iv .1 .'ill1 . . . . ii in. I II pa-S V. I'lll CSS. I 'II V I.ICIII II a I I If U- :rtte, of March 9. ISG9, jn.-i after its passage in that body, gave the yeas and u:Xyff wlifeh stitotl. in the Senate, Uiirty-1 nine f..r and thiiln n nradusl. There - i:. .1 .. 4 . liitcmnnii ng- were ...trleeii IJenutnrs atmut .tint not vo- lin.'. Upon ibis tbo (i itlr made the k!L.i,i.u .n..uM.ii 'li iimj. .v.!.,. un. ted f..r the aui.-u.ln.ent tiiul.-r i.roteai I, id ... ' volt l a- ttn-t it it wroulrt Inxf tiitert. As it u. ,(, it Wiw - i a ' - bUtls nf be wh.d ,1,. i. S. but iul''1 that two.tliut nft! Heiialora n. died wiili the C tiintioiial pro is-' .'. mi .- .. I iv i I. ,11 I II.- I ll'l M l. I 1 I 11,. I- V' II I III,- fonrte.-n i.l.s. ,il, e eiiam.s w. :. i , Wa.-h-' i'ligt.Hi, and n fused to voir or, pusp-.se. - ! Tln-V could not honestly Sllfltai . it, and ihe"h..d not ihe c-ura-'e to break w ii la ' in o fo to i i ir i .i: i v tn'oii i I i i i 'V villi u uc 1! nl th. voti d uc- coidieg (o rii.'ir m i., mm:,, ii w.mld Cave j , been ii f. i : fil bv no! receiviij ihiids m-joii'V. Among tli" a Iwu 'ennl'ii w h" : i Ie. i d (o vte w er nie cit .irt bac- :."-is lio.n the Sioiith, nt:. I S.:iiitiiis fiom !.r I'.cirie St ins, win were opposed t.ii: , vu jcc.i:i..t of b'i'i pi lb t 'In,,.- e. . In -lie ib-halc Mr. War.,, r. ..f AI ib.iimi, a c.i'pe -bajrer It'oln ' lino, who Voted for i , said : "1 inirsi ie-p' i tlitlly, bill ean.' si Iv, enter iii v humble protest agiiiisi the character ol the ameudiiieiif . While I shall prnhatdv vote for it in tb shnfe It is, I -hall do it rather in deference to the ju.'ei'i nl of older and w iser nt'ii . than in -df. tli iu i.i accordance with iuy de lib i n- ju.l.'iueni " Mi. i. tin ..i s, uf Vermont, a Icatrilig I . jril.lo'.iii S '.m;i'I, al.-!.iii.. it Ii'ihu vo ir g I.i-il Ir c i use, to 1 1 so bis la'ipnage, "II Is i- pttgn rit, Mr. I'n si-'. i.t, to all i.iv noti-i.'S ol n fr-e govei nrffnt It is i... jci n i .!. I t. i.w , : ttil lb.- noleiiis of lb mm, oil w I.. nn I te:.i .'se..;, as eulerbig into ih - Ii - im.i-v.oik and In .Mj of the UoVerti.- j I. I' M tj' it j'ii.fis.-e to be, a d Can only I.eCiH'd, :. Ii ; As I hive s I''!. .! iean one. I lieliete ii to be injurious i o the li.Vei lllllll.l, it il IS 0-1 ll'ti J fiu'n " A ' ' - ' . ...A. i.i i .e "" . e won '. cn i u'-so .i 1 ' , . I . .. ....II Mr. Howard, of Michigan, who nlsovo- fi.r it ngait st his consctt iiliolta con- vicious. . a nt- I be following short, but ITllll'I tt f IV'. -If'H - . t "Mr. I'm sident : I was letn liniM ig that ibis proposed amendineiit to tin- Couatitu- tiou Will opeiate as a repeal, IIS all BU- nulbm-ut of that cjauae V- ,!"'. i.. ..t i.u iiip,.iit .'un.-titation ll'IICie "1 i"i j jJiaL. 'niJL n ni' tens i .. , , , .. li. . . i .... .. .1... 1...., I ..... en." ; i.ti mui.ii ui.".i. ar ' .. WI:,'J,U e, .mrni... obi.ct of the marriage w.n.-io em, er , s ; r? ;,i-' , . "i. i , i., ,.r .h.- f &vm Icii ..pkccol cotton ii. c.....o . i - - , .,-., . ihe Lulled Btates i ne ....o , pmpos, ,. . . . ... .. . - I icial i i.i,. . 1 1 till ll-'l' ! ni" ' - , ,.:,,, I . i ' ' i i . i . M I . II fl Mil U' ' " n ibeJdenv the right "f voting hi vi-b. ..f v..ii,.ff and holding of- fice jo anv citizen of I In 11 1 c-. '.... nreoiint of rare, color, or iilrMollS con- I : dttioii o( slavery 1 lie inipucaiion is 1.. in Ibe lni.nl of every ill- .., 1 1 -.. .: ... ... i fei t I e iiiesistit. in me mtm of rvery in- alriirtrd la WVertW hi. Ilili I li nt anv iii" in' 1 ........ 1 ,it the bar thai, with ibe exception, race, 1 1 .. 1 . j ..o.olliioii nl servitude. ! even 'the United Stales may i.upo-e what- ever mi liucuttoua l. ongri'ss may s.-e m j to inip.tr, both upon the voier nml Ilie Hi -e in the States a id 'Ie Uui- u r 111 "i . ... I I . I ..f I'... , .1 , ss I,., .siil.'i. mil linn I'viuuiimi v-'"'r. , , . ..:i... i i . ii I.. ii iiii H e in IV ii'ii'. sii i in- in "in -' - - . . I .1 in le in the Blaics I I 111!, V I. 111 -.11. .1' 1 , . . . , , .. f i Irom 4be WgUt Vain.- U..U .I.-...O.H ... . . ii .... I. . ..( .. ; lice eVi r.V pel: on W in. i-i' Ml i oi u. " ; paitienlar religious ile.a,i every pr.-.u. !. i . . t. It In. i.l' iiVeei'Min a re. el'rrv . w u . sii.in T , .- prison wlio shall not have been born in some p ii ticular locality. I "Hut, sir ih.-great objection to it is, i ib.n i! rjv.s to Congjys.s absol.tite author- if v, by this legal iuunication, to say lh.it nub. i'v lull ineTubrr? -of -wate- rHtiettUr us seel shall have tin- rigui i" IlllleUt .-er. rctih- ing any qualifiealions cci pt Mich as aie exprislv meiitiomd in the nriicle is plum- Iv.by an irresisiihle iinplicalein, given to The ('..tigress of the tidied Still' Are 'SiHtiiors prepared to disregard the nil inhibition conl.iTnedT.. the '"nrtitiltion in . r- X ,. '. . .. .1 . Uv reTeretirn lo ri'lllEHIUI Hfie . -t" j . - .. . :,re.l to give lo longi. ss , I a - l. .11 1 I - 1 1 i.ii Iln say W il li pel sons su.iii au. ' o.liee ,n ne , J'. United Slates iban ific one wbicb is now before us ; and I tell von, sir, although VflrTTnay hasten and r(nli it through this, body, Hiid under tbo Btiniii of the previous question in the lkse, obtain the concur rence of the JlouseW Representatives, I predict here and now tluit it will not re- eeivo !l,n ra.ifieatlon of the Lepislature of, - - . I iiih in ill, diiiii r ui I in ft. inn ii i,iu.i-, ili ...... ... ii... i ..... u . 1 1 . 1 1 n i . .i .... . . . .... . .-- - I - -if-.J j l-nrty, represented in Congress, the odium of giving to Congress a power which our fithera were canful to exclude from " powers) of CnngrWM. .... . . ,? . .1 ft. . i'iiwi- ir vM :i i-.i .in, in ii... if . nil 1.1 I ii -. -I I . .1 I i . .1.11 ... v- .v.. -.r--u r . ..' ). .v ...if-, ..... President, ia that it runs the plowshare tiirourt tbe old Cotistfluiion. uud taki s , "' "': ")"' prcclom ami val- .. .1.1 1... .1 . r ...r.. ... .1 i.:Li ' ... . -fpww wl.irli I Intve ajreadv read. .Sir. 1 ut w:fi ffi.Yt cie.it secniiix ,r hnmuti itberty, reiigions fctyHiorn, for l" - I . Ill It "1 fo "' i and Ilie article which ia now; of-, . ... I mi.ii-i.i.,1,1 ni. ii.,,,,ili,,,nl In llo. ...... , F.F.ri.l.lWI - "Il ,11.1, 11,11,1, 111 ... III.. "'"' r,'P,'!'1 8et ,;'iu, '''" Wtl e 't ret and invaluable provision. 1 ''ope, Mr. IViidelit, that this miscalled auundiiient to I ho Constitution will re- reive thai I real men i wblcli it juslly Ue- V th ht,fiy A SIARRtACE IX EXTREMIS. Mniiapfsiti extremis are not ntifrt .....i in IV...,.- ,,d the ..lot nf m.ii.v iu I t .ner, and tile pli '1 Is turns upon tlu ni. 'I he vnlii ity of a union nf Ihe kind at th" verv last Bl. nt is now aw aiting a decision of the civ.l nibmuil of 'i ororerre A few iHonths I ago the I'rocirn-ur Imperial of that towui , was lour d up in the dead of night by a man on hm scback. who said he had rrd 1 den ni fi, spied from the country-house of M. Humbert, who wai at the point of I death, a id desired lo no married imuiedi- La-iely ami b.-2-.-il the iWureur to allow j ' the civil officer to celebrate the marriaga da h'dside without the usual pretimi- nary , f.n 111 il.' us. Ihe J'roctwnr im sw ced out of his window thai lie could . ..I do w Ii .t Was ii'ki d at the mere insti .r iii'n.Vl ii messriigi r win. iii be did not know; but that if a cerlificato were biun hi Iroia the Mavur uf the viibttre in wlreb M. Ilunitnrt liveil he would grunt the dispei s 'tion. Ibe messenger, ''spar- ed no! f.,r ibe sijuihiur.oi-Ui " . . 1 ... I . . .. ... l.ri . i." - bind him a fortune ol HOO.UUUI . every MM ,. which will go lo the widow and Han laughter if the tn image lie in ui .aim, in' all pi ibnblittT it "VlH tie. 1 He Ois.ip- ,., hlooj rrhii.uis, who had taken it point i- .....,i it,,.! the iiiberitance would come to them, have brotrght. fin action to nil piniii'u i - bav the marriage declarnl mi. I and voiu. M AlhnU lot t in, argued Unit the mar- first, a clandestine j and n. !': w as i.,i ii rause il iituheri was tootirnr - :,i m.isrtit. M. I.acb md iilr.ui. d tor uie - onceover- . (ibi(4lioli oll ,,. Mid 0 dan. . . . . . deslinity, holding that the dispensation the ProCinvnr linperta ii d was suffieie.ilt, but , ,- i n uui inn'Miieni uiuu uni-i . .1 . 1 .. . .....I ..HI..! , : : 1.1 holder t the moment et aiiiiooy ..e - . , . ' ; . Mr il ....,1.. . t I, .1,1 nffie.ielil , . ... r. COllecioUSIieeS to kllOW W lull UO . 1 1.1. t,i . .11 . 1 1 11 111 in 1 1 .1 was do- THE HAD MILL- A n inister had a miller u ho w:ia verv nriVnd ol hi in bis isli li :,s a vrrv btisv mill, j i rriuiling anil wniriiiig i i i: ,1 ... .. K..1.. Ii-eeri rl.lVs of the W I I k' ()'"' -Ii- ii ii- 'i. - , the minister teuk Ins sacK ii w,,t't , il'iv ..... 1 to Hour. to ' t it irrniiiii l l e..i e fi .e mill 1 HIS. -s aid the niin- SIW'." ' i.-tr:- : "the best" be;!? t ever saw 1 . . t 1 The miller often" luiard in it saitt, mm tlioiight H was no lil'.te ih.iti just. - 'lint ' -mil ihe ihiiiitvr, H nas on,, bad delect." i i. v ,1. r, ,o I Wh.ir sir ?" asked the m'dhr, with a great deal of surprise in hi lour . ' "A verv serious defect." " iVh it can it be !" asked the mTlh r. "A delict which will he likely V" I;,H- "aiiu some nay too. 1 V. .1,.. ,1-iie r th" said i in- j no" C m t you tell 4 vuii l, 1 uuicK ! asKcii iniiiKr. 'li in toils oii the Sabbath day j j , I I ho rr.n. I- trr. ' . '. ii 1-1 . .. ,1. .( nnr but it went atra.ght to Ins c.nse.once wrought by work there Ilie lloiy. : .-pirn " 'S.t"' ri ,,,. After .' while, to the gicat joy ut In" iteiguooni'iou, '"' ... i . 'i .r. it., . ... , , ..i. ..r ... tec: w.m retueilietl. nn.i u" ........... .. ... . . a.lo.l(.r g.lsriu .1 J ' 'K I w jts hopper oll the L'.rdV dy. of , -, ; ' is drunk, be lays down and fcela l'.. " T"' , , ,- .1, ili allt Coi'M " . , ' ,- .. ,.i ,. ,lunMii,.i under T MISS KATE STUART, THE HE ROINF OF CAPE FEAK. Our readers will remember the rr.nmn tic adventure, in wh'ch the. young ladv whose name heads this aiticle, figured so fmimMy, Welition.d in .he paper sever ,. I ,, . I . I . ... I 1... ' .11.......... I.. I'lie f.llowintr in reiraid . ". ".p . . . . i III 11.1. W I.II II Yi extract fmni the letter ' ' . i , ..... . .,, .., i , ' c' T '"" ' I""' u1 i . , , ' I.i.i.rl.i , I,, I. inili rniil III l I MM. .1 V W III, no rove interesting to many ot our Stuart is scarcely of m ilium heiehl : lias blue eves : broad. Li-'h fi.u- head ; very fair complexion; a pleasant month ; daik brown hair, worn in loose. ; "'j c , rracu.ng nearly to ner Waist. : s ... m ; it ,. -.,..1 '. .,...t .,,.,1 ;.. t r vefsntioti very entertaininc : has a well '' I'd ri'iliief. nf.ij is it p'r.n!uate of one of ;. beudt -OoUeffini n( (U JhJ ,N.oh r"V in owe.ia tonn ot out door exercise; is u ' ffri'Ut Cl'OOIiet IlllVir. I'd liku , Fl 1 - I J -J , ... . Sotilhern ladies, a fearhss rider. In all her ride and walks, she is accompanied by n largo black Newfoundland dog, known tu all the village children as J. ft." Miss Kinart is cunecially Joved by the j poor of the neighborhood, who regard her . .is their best fiieud, and her name and j memory will ever be cherished by sol diers who weie stationed at Suiithvil! ,l""llg I ne wiir. i . . i .She has been presented bv Cant n - i. . i j ' . "". . . "V""? illr" J"1".- hut the people of (he .State ought, . , ' ' I""':"1 er wiiiihomn teairnro niul of appreciation of her many noblo ucts." 81 K JOHN FRANKLIX. A party whose reliability ia ranched writes to the HulMin from San Btteiui Ventura that a document w as foujidou ihe beach at that place. August ."0, much mutilated. In it the finder was request ed to forward it to the Secretary of the Admiralty, Loudon, or the lb ifish Con sul at the 1 1 en rest pint. The request was' printed iu six commercial languages. The margin nnd every Vacant portion was filled with writing relating to Sir tntJui. I'lnnkliu and party. Tile document Was r.-,-rJ -.. . ' i.... ' ,.,Aar"ffil II,, , ,111V I' II. 111 ,.. .11. V.11V. luniutv. - . . s HOW TO CATCH MICE. , enfresnondeni of the Journal of Pharmacy iays : "Having -on several oc c nions noticed mice in our 0cd barrels, I bethought me of some method how I might might trap tbo little Intruders ; i hey having gained entrance by eating tin. .ugh the chime. To kill them with a stick wn? impracticable, m the Jittle frl ! lows would invariably escape as Boon as i .1.,. K.1 wis raised to any lieiiAt. 1 then llloll;.ht nf 'saturating a piee dotton with chlornlorm anil tniuwing win, mu t40!ij,,, the lid. Oil raising it again tu a frW uiiutitea I would find that life had : .i....,o. .r ..une dena'rnnn'" ItoTVTrnr on i .i:.. ... -( i .i ... i,.1(. , again reluit.ing, nniuu i nice ;,l.,l.;,. tAm in close contact. . wilh lt and dead. In the evening 1 of, uratl , . oihrr piece, and placed it in the Ikprel, and on opening it next morning, to my surpn lie 1 touiiu nine ueuu uiu:.-. Extraordinary Will Case. Carlton dates, a wealthy citizen of the villnge of Yonkerv, died more than three weeks ago, leaving a will iii which, be said that ho believed he had been poisoned, and tn itrucled his exerntrtis to have a can ful I...L. ,.lo ,,f bin bodv alter hh death. "';" tv X ; ' i i.:. ri. ml,, muor.inth' siisnected bis ow n i a oe inui "... j r i ,.-. , willed nil his eslnte. .imnuiit- i.or lo about t-!(ii),0(iO. to his friends, ! I,, o,r, .ithiiiL- iiolhine t his relatives, not I , ,,.,, ii,, ..iiii, bis father's or his meth- cr's liitllJe in the last lesMntent. 1 Ins oc, rurre'uee 'has fifniTshed woitds rd matt r (,u-lie- em ious public to feed upon. Iu ibe village of Yolikera, and even lieie, -nil soils et sloryes are rife concerning the -alleged I oi.SOIlillgt and the report of I'. fessui Ddrenius, suying tint pot a parti cle nf poisonous substance was fouiu. in the bmivfit'.' ? not rewtarc tranquility. 1 1 is stated that, in the ten lo IS60, tin b ss than eight aUy.'rfaJLV.rt,.. I 1. 1".- r . bv ill ' vai ems accidents in in coal mines i.l F.hgland. Expeiime'uis are Ir ing made in lb -l.ri - the lllll wnll 't iih a nntrailb'Ui?c invent. . i-y iu. II! , 1..H J h ' . . t ' . ..... i , ! the mil radle.i.e fin d ...U sb..1 .f uii il tnisfd ai.d .1... .lis. il t .1 i -' ii - . ih. i.iii-seil tirr. , . . , .his wants lb il rmOK "" i c . 00 'offered for in f..rnan -.n of t he w I.er ., ubouts ol tbe girl be elnpe.l a i,k. ' .... ,...J; lata Telelll .1 il lll'O' IP III J bp - 00 of which are through BoJi) re. ..t-e ... '' 40 . .. . .n-1 , . ii.inr. . Tf matmaam nni s. mm' o-j : o , i - - " - . --. - i , - . . .

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