- '. " ' - I . . IS I ... Jf -' rS SI'TlZTZi .'X. '-'-..-.4. , ' 'v A wr ' ' ' i -g- , -t "a 11 - 'L ',. . . . 5 - ' 1 I i v i . -i- mm -- T" ''Hi-'iii . p.- , . i. ., i in- ihi.i'i.11 -ii - -- rd"" ""i 1 " ttL'---iiik-'imtmH flfoXorth Stotc iiii . t 1 I . i ' 1 r i. r A. i i i. i 1 1 i i l: 1 I i SI) U)MlvSnC MA't f, ill vine iih dry smut to a gi i t' nun tllsn t- S ..(' lliti light pmii If ivii, R ' " '' ,1 lite III mt il Kt in a period f dghl y" for repairs. Hire w niijtlit, by ilm Ai fi.i ii illy. ,1 to tli trw t Septrmlter. ..ir.lls iin- lull t wuriri Pick lli-im P ,i; -s all not lit li.li.M-, il.' l IMW . Il, II I'.illl Si' "I I III' 1.111(1. slaked prevents lu V.linK enables kim nil" " "r' ..-., il.- l:lt!i r I'Hl I l-'"l- " 111 " I. . ... Sl :,l W Itlllll HM I U r-,, ii in .. i a v, ,' -II I. I .il u-i roiui.i. - In il Ii bttMNof cnlcul ition, sliow llial over unr- .......Ill J millions of d..ll.ll lM' I'V; i"Mt 'Mtr lV imi-i , ,,f i-lit V'-'i'f . i'i" II r Ml. Ill' i linns It I'M i Htmllll H I iltl I Miu-li Ii t . I in milk a i' ,y in llir ! eV'itli 1 .ii u .hi ' nut iiiflmli i rjiil ii ly, and lor cider, or at I U l. uhi for vinepar. Viki.i) Ci:rs hIkmiH . i ... I..,, n n i Ii.' i" "'' 1,1 Tln'V ill '" llit- I'ti ul, ami ' ).,., Hour. I" i'i'" nvci'ii M'lki'H I" kn I'.r, nil . -VS n f"1"11 !1 il ;h ! ii I"'' '""t'1 i .u It I'i jll't.'l-' l -.1 ... .. ,1 ...1.1 L. I.'ir ll"'V it' lln'V I tic I' .,. ,i mil t!r ni in! in.iv t"'"'l',i"" f ,, in ov-rl.aii liv auJJiX- . . . . . .i riillili" com lo.l.lcr li a noniii- i f M IiU-Ti we J not approve t li i y lie lillll- wri'll lll.lliin il. i lu-iirr iliiui iii I in 'V Ik' run 'I " " 1 li. lii htack tltt-tn In'- off tin' ground, ami pio it ;iill':!j; Itlfin, 1 1 ilii-y i-in i iii run Ii, wi !1 ; ,1 wiili proli:, il" " ,, ill.' ri liar I" l" i ' uml in k ii u.n - un.l il"""' tli' in away . .. .. ...I.. , r v. ,, light IM.M. Hi-pr .inai CKkH Ol glUVI W II r r .... ... I.. ...I.I I... , ' I . ,.r,d ami Imoml t llm top, more l t in p renin uir win. tli hi in mi'k Hi'' M M1V klMlll I', II till out ut tli mil. in li'tli tiiiftl ilnrali'iiH villi. ill Iiii' it iiiclii'l'" it fi'iuv w lii. !i I nililic mail nlin.1. TIlM lilllUWMOII UO U l.llll' f.'IICI'B Im miiig tl'' it' ll, ll. Ml f irm, i h : h-Uhir df , in. ni)- ilimmaiidi "I mil' i u rqiilri-ii two luCM '" h'' ll. IT Will? WU1.W MWT, uffKii i rv for a" ! i,.: r tlii' iln l"g am -nilli M-ii'g l'i" gram Intl.- gravi-l li'd 'alii I. .U' I ,, .1 VIMI rllt. V. 1 iiiiii "' " ' . . , ut ill.- ,j'.U" l'"- ll'i""""' .Thin crop if oni' "' r 1,1,1 . .. i.l I.ik'iI. inlalir V. llll ! " It cli'iolil I'i' 1 mid HtiU k. .1 I'MI.-llfti inipm t.inc. , i'i! . i i i .. .. i;-. I. ... " . . . I . . . . . ..... I i h u in n wm-ii . i i.,r hi nek lot inl.'i funci I'I. l l"l i. miii' d, . : . .. working " "t ..I iin. MrilHiil 1 I .. .. ....III..!.. t, i l.. ii' froM. lo liani.ii m u..- ...... , vvink.'.l up l forc haid lV-'. .mg !; ri.iuiro iroo'l tor 1 1 1 ' V Hirngo 'ir" li.in w nil il M'hirll iil'oiiml on a 1 Unn. Wekuow a l irgc immhif 'f in-'n. I. li. v. i.i iIhj "Ji'ixl "tit . " Mv mi- i-J "' i xi.-p i.itcdti.t'nii'i.i; l.ut , ,C, w- a,k you t take th. .Uiw- - . fc. ... ilv.t it in an mi tin il ii aii-'' ,- . , lln- in. in-- t!i ii an. I mimical t m upm r , 1... .....M.lrt' ill. 'ii Wf ili'i-l)'" i iii ' . - ., il..' U.coiM-truci"! f inn" wl. a rul you 1mm ' cnkulali.nn up- in V'MI Hi! c ..U Li.. .1c i-.-.i .iiro 1.1 VI. si"' i i" "" " , , .'.....i;..., '..r tli. v I4v on ft. -Ii ami 1 - -J. . ... i . 1 r . i ,., oorc n-.id.ly in mi:niy .,1(1,r ,.,.,. ,..v will imiu iui m- limn when it i" cl.Ur, in 1 w.'iii.i. i ttM 1,.,, ., 1 not, rim ;.l i.. I-.. . . ami wncn . ... ... ; ivr n i !u! ' in i i'i boiler 'i'i...- !,,.. n 1m will iV l i' ."' ... . . . . .1... i, Ii ai il..- i x i.' m-r "t ..r n. in. I In'V iH n cow or in .n ilWH il. TV I'I fifd i" CopN ..-ii iii'.irl It'!1 It i: fi'i tii!" t""i i" I"'11 lnu- ,. ....... ....!. bu nTjirctlonali in lalkc.1 1 n-irc. c.'.ir-i l...uld in vi r .In I... k.'inal clmivs lint v.. .1....I.I ii in n d'ininsr1 1 t tli'Mi i ni-i.por.i'.ii.H'' g"i Vrtllliiii:'-- . i... i. .-1 ,. i is very ,ic i.i. at tin-' greMM- ,,MUC,l !" lU Livorthp fi tt i- good a clwed aloin .i..l mav la' iilowei "I" .- . . , .. ....... ii' .!. -in'.l tiiov li Ji'fl HI .1111 c I -1 , nr,.T nn t- U li a piWe, i . .. 'iv.it ;..it t a i i v five :. a v. i v uiifc. wi ailii-rronn iu -In "npmo"" 1 k,Tp th. m, but an it no i .. I . ran ' i niiiko Mftl. imrl .?-hW il-'if Ttfb 7ImTirr.. uTa aiil li sl.a-k can roam; r,'. w.uxilV Mirltrrm. nTm-y i- ....Jiiiau urn Baiiiy- niatula""" uni "j . k .. ,t y i I., m, iiTrrtvlor nv art , , i,v.. . ,..inv i Horn ------ - - .i.i,,.,.,, ' - .-- , ...1 if well ' aillU'li'". IK" - .'.... 4 , a ,, . um ,.-.im'.'Wi.i.. s- "r f r. .r T.. II. r fhlti . . t MM iv .v U it 1. ..... 1 I .... I I I . I I I Ill ......It.'. ll 1 1 . 1 . 1 111 .1 . 1 11 . , 1 ... ,,. f,i i,..ii. '"''"'--' . i""?.-" rv: : ..... i. m to tin- hunt lo get in. . "i' b' Minn- win 'v '" .. , n if . . I. . .. ill l...vn I,. II.JI! llllMI' ll en ! Feed el" com JgroniK! " " , tin in up, ok no - .. .... . ...1 1...I li..l I .X i! iL,.v run ..lit. ,t ..ivth iiH-ui a pj... ...4. - - iin" i , ,1 L.k all grail. "1 t B'nei Haw y.m nl IrarnM that o.i '. . .i... ...M l Hi of it !. I in raising Mock running at i 1 I-' - " .- , . i, ,.i ...it In . ii nr.. Ilia iVi-ri ner el -'a per c ' mi'i.un J1" , i ..... .. . . i - gin. ni .. .,l,l.r..,.v,'l' I ll'V 111 IV c lions " I " 1 " . 1 I (lie li-.i-l no. ''" McCul)l)ins, Sullivan & Co. New Grood'! Wo hnve rocoived oar Full NVintor stock of New Good which i very lar:o hud complel.o contiwtiiig in pr ul" D U X GOODS, (IF EVEKV I) F.SC It 1 IT1 0 N , Hardware, Budta & Shoos, Hals I and C:iir'-, Sol and ler Lrailicr, Euamtlcd and Talent l.f ntli o r, Coach DRUGS, MKDIC1NKS, UbC. Drug fetoce 3 FfiESH DTJ3S. MESICIHHS,&C in Salisbury, N. C. mm a siiii KOSKOO!! Dr. EDWARD SILL, 1) B8PECTFULLY anirn'mars to hi humer , ..s .,1.1 rrivnda uml imtiona. and all oih.-i r1n.t In- i- now opuniii!.', in iin I'ulldiiig on K Cohim Main A; FiHlier Hreet, new ne Utyda llyii", "u Entirely Fresh and Carnfully Selected STOCK oif DBUGS, PrlEDIClNES. Eur:icnl Xnntrnments.. Pertumerv, 'ootnbs, Bnwlioi, Ac, dStc, lm.i-1 wery Hwuit p.'i nm ini; " " wlileli ho will -i M. I'- 11 I III l 111 I lltilW uun4i GOODS ! jAVLNU JUST IlKTUIl.N f rd from tho KnMorn Mar- u i' cull your attention to much the let ,,J.i..t evmpli'te aU'fk M- ill thin i.ihPj ket. all l.'i't.'.l from u.-w anil lwh Mfl ..i..- ..,.1 ..li.ru.. uurtinn imrehiiM-il int.'Cliy I.'.ui the Uaiuil'iiiiturw. ami their Agent aUM The Great Decline In Dry Good's. 11 we a-k t a call at the Well known F4JW Durium fthla mark.-t. W'a liuitoyoiir aN.11 ii,.nt..a l. w I.KA01N0 AKTICLE8 kept in t Tii wlitfal.' anil retail utoek ! 'A T 11 E 0 11 K A T nun) ivvicnn I ll I II I 1 I lUUlli BLOOD rURlFIKK, ODDS, A S V ,'inlirai'iia' 1 Ii l .'lu4 Dl 1IL' Stxr. I p.ilway be. 11 Iii" custom, al the mosl smtl I'.ict.irv price t" rairehu'"- JU t.nin exiHirieiua' in. anil thoroiiu'h famil ial iiy with, il." '.HiflW-W. in nil il" il'-'ati" '""! 1. (lailni.-'i S tif.'ll.. r win, m- .1 " t.,.n.- ..f that fiiceffc Wliaai "-; e. ; vai ial ly iwaro'rue1rTi i-xeri: " Hairtmy, N. 0., January 16(i9. 1 t1 III t'nl- Hinl sown the Htnck-i Ho.iS Imve ii -I i 1 iml 11 l lu re: n ta or ot lu ol it a V.lV. ri lirf vf jr, j.-r c ot ii. UT 11 ' ttl III I - m.niV ?fil Hill" ,im ner.rr nwi. ! T? .'"ZTinmnile to imcceid, , rannot large : w 11 una in" 1 " 1 ; ,,r year j u , nnd Saddlt-ry Triuunins of all kinds, Calfskins, Lin- Wll'll KSAl'B .W RKT VII. DRUGGISTS, liT!A!.i:H 1.1 Ai X! J7 i:;is MEDICI.- ES, Fancy i ToiM .triklr! 'illtS, Oils I Y I . STI I I S, PtHrUrVltti. T,, Ininorii rl te Ifimiet-w mitow Notions, Hats, Shoes, BEADY-MADE. CLOTHING; Pant. Goods, Titiirs. P off ill Mrd'trimx, Dw- Xtiijs, I a'utts, Tanners OiU Kerosene mid hinserd Oil, .Mead, Lppu'i nMc audtUtr- llt'SS cAiJ...iOTHo;siapys, HARDWARE, iron Steel. Saddle Hurdwnfe, awd Carriage T'iiimiiiipat In l.u t, Hum -ami of iirtiele too t.-djii- to euuiuciule. V. u am uganu lor Hie Great Threshers and CLEANERS, RENOVATOR. DR. LAWRENCE'S CONCENTRATED CoJII'dCNn EXTRACT 0 V KOS KOD A safe ami effectual remedy Tor all diseases arising from Torpidity of the Live r, l.ttfmrities of the Dlood, .if .'M i ll. il""' ! I) l.iM'----r. ll' 11 I . . ., 11. V 11 . . .1... l..,. n.-t v.av tlirmj;. tin- h"W. .(lM,.lv littl- In Miting Iiuum jhowwrp-m -g i,nTP.. I tfrriKPlffi Ott?. t-1 . :'.' .-.:..rv- nflair to" Xm-rVi-Ttr-tn M,., .1 Ml iiriy,..-. " ., you ......r ...' .I 1 ' V . r I.....II. .m l-llt. It l''- lll'II.U- iiii- P.l - , c-lv peiceulibly in weiplit, while lfc .Udka mid lav an- wrid. Onea r Wit a .iay'a dn'infr atrr beiirs ct r will oave tlii- fodder from injury from 0 vor' fftwlii, wliwh w"'1- otherwUe render it fliWorlr and f lmlf value as fodder. CUXKHDBR.-Cattle and horsen will rat corn li-iitaml Iiui-K wi n; iu "' ratiiluoit the 1ftle or th topptttg", b uolees it in conked ty will not tat ah b the aulk. UoweW if up ami ,,.ked. tbev Mil at a pod portion ol ...neciallv if dui-ted wi .! or oil-cukc WUt tliey , ii ve i.r.'rvutne, half m much nT , ... M H would be if eaten: TV , e waste of feeding com fodder on .ho ground i'. that but a compara- ..Iv mii ill part la eaten, and tb rem is .. ' j A.imm n tint a mall extent. 'tn .i l its man. i.' " " T It'Ht'l', III . . .. Il l T 1.4 ..... J 111 'Ml. 1 'IIII ''STkil will bear U- pHce, ; ,b d,,ia,n line, bc,weeu farm, to K.t our inoneyV bllt Jivhip fenf bec r I f, uml the I"!" 1. V. ?. . 1 V . . . ,.. .... ...t7,.m rh. bmiml-tnt. . .. .1.. ... 1, 1 ... . . .1. . . 1 1. i:1i li anu r.tiu iwu. 1 iniu- .' 1 Will ill w lutti'iK'd eaily, maiki't' fi.. . in be rinpried i ff! a,ln.n,k,t.d tbi. Fall ,!.ol, b, early , ,,)11(litnm ... m il, mid b'ld rea.lv lo, shiiiinent at lb'- aborti;ttiec. A mencan Agriculturist. flilllftll 1 (in- litn- kei patbe herd of etoek wbbiu proper Wc have no doubt but that if tie ani.- Ion Baiii;? 'and llojiin, Tit s and Twine, Stod and Iron, Iron. ppe- .iMUl'WW WgllllHL V l.'nc', or in open chpekK, lo dry. It will not mould enmih 1o hurt it uiilcf B il lii-8 long flat upon ibe gruind. Roots. Boris, carrot, paranipa ami . hiniHM make nstoniiiliinE pro tb Uii." month. KoVp ih.ui;eb?arof weed?, wlui-jilj Hip the very lilc of the soil. U tsn ex cellent plan to run a om hor.se Eiili-tmil plow between the rows. If crowded, roote of all kinclii may be thinned to ndvantage, and the Binplu iTit to market or f.-d to (itoik. Hog will grow faat on the diet, I hough it i not very fattening (tRAsa. If tbe "iti. it In ibl ihonl nuro wi'h fine coniuoi manure" aftcrwarda. Tlii. give'i a chanci for a good covering to prow, to protect the roots of the KiafMea from ibe winter. If the second growth is to be d olT. it if oeonoUiy to tether the cowg. The writer tether with c-hain., u-ing iron fetteia 1 to ..Attach Ihero to one hind h'g. ll .1... r...,..n tit .1.4,.., ..'ill I... rtfk . .... .'i 1. yt III: n ll' ip ..... .- t. ( i t !he i-kin after a f. w diiyn. I he cow need water three times a day, and to have the Ft ikes or rods shifted according to the abundance of ibe fed, giving llu-m six feet m more advance at each shift. .See that the cow cannot get together and bct cpmo'TWigtru up. The twisting opflnd From Ike RttmMrtteted Parmtr FKNOK'S No. 2. We wi?b it nndmsiood that we ennnot awsj.iibo.it aome leDciug in this couii.vy; nehW do we wi-b to .!' bar airj; hvrmer from hW as mnel. as be. n. iy i . ... ... 1 .. ?...l in build and repair to tuo mi i" i L.ijiac , . .. .11,, i, . i 1lf vf pimwuaot ,!i.!li,is.-ini.ii....: ,.li..v was minuted in lli. eonntry C4a11y-lb tb'-Northern and W.-..,.n, ami all tbrgugb the r.mge ol wW States win r-stock rai.imr w ', ,l.y wwld avlhc uiillionn ol dmlus .owlostannnaily by the dog, b4'u''" ,,.,v oihiTloMiatbi. nrigM he av,.l by ot tlni lierdHinan. tb it our 1 reiyor Lid and beautiful guinea POWDER : POWDER the YV Itii.tlo'i ,. ., in.int 111 ll' 1' '. .1 I .1,,. t 1. tli lusnnim-'i tXE . .i.; ,. I... thn South; W.st aii.t .o.u.." -. s,' of being feiiC'U, as w iueiio- TTf' fmrarmn it pnftsiliilily tor 1.11 cnintry to caiiliiin more 111 iusl, bin ii'iion tin: agricu wnmii Ri1. in Kuet' 1; : tv PC is 1, ru, of tin- purpo ui :i l Ur lom. ll... .4.1. tve:i Kll'LK, UL.VSTINQ AND l'OWDKU. MIXING rn there ai d CNcaMoni in pf? enaoilie illll ll lllt' Vl I'll 111 11 tree iinylhing r.uii.i.al in the ff'MHl".oi.bwiWl. jptroiluce 1 as well an uore pleacant to ureniiit law ol iTuinsuie. I: L .1.;::"':ll I M.,,,Mr.,-..,l utrmiv 1 k -. . .. i. .... M. ""' I ' Tingling-, nut mt mi jw 11 im uiu. . , ., ,,Ml iu w-jr stian -encenvDr 10 pmu' o.-ij ; , wij . ,-,; r . ,1 ... I Whv iiroerii.-tiiiii T I . 1 1 1 ( I llll Vv 1 " 100 acre from it I be tine. If :i man pnreba.ea a tract much will it cost him lo i.elni In fnii' he can roan an beneni .llitea v Iv iv . A huge numbiT ol f.irmera Ra in w :.i. ormressivi' law. name time will bold dial the pmpr bus riot yt Cinv: 1"r n to do way lit. in. I li 11 1 1. ii nimiiil tbti nnis, S'l.-oiiti"-, Coin:!, Sti;rar llll iiill -nhiiit mi al tin- Him' Willi course ol if Pi W costs without re- 'Siill, in short Drugs an 1 Mfdic !IIC a no Would respectfully call the alt- !.r..nnf M'T ehauU.ni' 'l.au. l'ia;.iers.a . fextensivij stiieK nt.ii j-npeilor inltteeiii-ni. 1 107 $ij:tiirre, ol, W''"f' I s. . mvt:8. .S w. 11. i-koctor. Vjpriit J 1 1:111 Dll. r.AWItl-iNUE'S CEI.KUltATKU WOMAN'S FRIEND! A tale inl rellaWe remnly Ai.r U Di f im'n Pfftilhtr Id Fim :Ics, Umhorna, W U'o.y ; Prohii" pf". or Ful 1 1 ut) n the Womb ; Irrvii tbir p.ti.ifnl, orSitpprcisrtlili Hii'i , uiliua ; Ptiin in the !' n-k ; Xcirousm ss. iVnl-rJiitnes, Weakness, d-c. in;: 11 vn n to 1 ill LA'DIES OF AIVir-.KlLM, Por wii'i-.1 '" ; TO rilVSH'IANS. Thn nrl;'-I"" "' ;,-li 1I1" Woni'in's 1'itcinl is rom I' I I' 'l' vJ ai-... M-tnufaetnreV AWt) 1 i)jsor,or8 0f L"rinnr. Orpins ; y W invite tli'- Bttentmn "1 Merciiiuns ;.. . i!i" triije (ti'iinrally.io our stooV, as iirirtjc ii., 'ii tli. v liml imtlimu hat fn uml ti1 ,'.:,. ,;,h.. We Im;, all kiml of proilooe. S.,N(. your IHh. I 1 crries aut t'rulU, which will lie to you us Tri iwiire. Smith. Foster &. Co., SAI.lSl'.t KV. N. '., Sp -nL'?.''i 'liu Stand, near U10 Market Hon. April i'-'-' l:'- Debility of tin; Nervous System, &c. il w- lie jtr'.'.ii.'t'' 1. uml .1 .,n. ir. tj VmT HK'KIVKI Al' T!f B StOltfe I of SMITH FOSTER & CO'S. , 1000 'SACKS OF SALT. 10 llULS M0LAcSES. . - 12 HHI. MOLASSES. LOOK foTlylBRONEY'S 1 AT TUB filliN OP THE BIG IRIDIAW. .rv r'.M.l.THK SPKCIAL ATTENTION i I ol ail 10 o.ir Stock ol I SPIIINCi AXDbL'MMKUCOODS, 1,. ' n.viifi all Who wai.ttU h'lmt Stjlf. ;;- ,,,,1 !..' A, laono'- VrW to jl.ve I 11 FORMULA AK0UND EACH BOTTLE Thi s is an ELEG NT, PLEASANT, iLi!.lAiL V v s v jr jlt ' -' 4T. Ill I'll I.. lU- n,V.T T vr.I F Renins mm I I-;., li I., tr.r t't. ii..e Tunic ai.U . :i ml it 1." lu'rali.f yet It vi;'.W.' ami i.-sle Sftrt tn nit HewilKe- ni.l in A 1 It is r'-aaonub of 1 his lU'i aero f to s'lj'j. ut least i be will have fields ; sup I he cunt! V mil lllllll'TUfOll ( Tberflnri', we bold dial ibis 1 1' ; 1, canvassed before tl"' people, in.d mild ll.ul 6- O! IIIIS 1 vu avr. s ni 1 j , K ,, . jt ,.j. rule shuii'il al It 111 th ttftermatb is to be en!, Mninpa-.-.rb ot ihes to heotK 1.. U m Uie , SM j,Ba.uyauaU'a.iii.d hS mid, if yu can, inn- beat polble lbip", t,a nar.-.) U mi; re , Uk ubjc,.wiH w,u,p,. .0 impns. or norae "hand 4nire at least 8X ,: Ih, .-d alf..wn.jr J wh,.r0 economy, TiffflvB . 1 - -1 .. 1 ... ..mi. ll will lake I0.4UU llll S : I ' EVERYTHING IN TH WAYof MERCHANDISE r.-ii"i,.' I n !.! . llfcans 1 Hi ,'wn. N.-t von- HrL'to-'-f I tin I I rril.ttinp I ' t j- Price 31,00 per J.nViV. .1. H. BAKER .V- t:o., Wlialcs.ile agents, u. 4. M.iia- sin ct. Not rik. Va, r'S- To nli.mi nil orJcrsor i.'tti'rt 110M Iw ml dreiwd. in "i Ii li I v CLOTTIfNG. HAT'S. MILLINEIfY Ooops. DRESS TRIMKEIN&S, G ll t tCKlUtX 11 A li I) WARE, ' SOLE At UtH'EU LEATilEli. " Coaeli. Copal jit J Japan Vanii.-diei-, Walnut Siniii, lveroscno and Alaeiiiiif Oils to bp fo'iml in VV"i.ti Noi lli Car.ilina. S; -eial all. iilH.n iscallud to our giockot dy and one that admits of a w ide range of aopl icat ion. It is adapted lo tuIiU-tbo morbid indka- their on : ami equity I Di.'mi.-. a. I Wf nreorifuleiU ihai-eiir c nirse cause onr journal to be lt-a popular, as a l.njri' number w pl.iuter? wnl not agree t will turiiinc nroiinu trees. accident that eau bappen to cows tethered by the h g;. Tied bj the ni ck, they may Imng themselvea as easily ua not, undol tcii do, i;i an ojien fiil.l. New grass .-land' and siulile should not be fed off too soon or by he.Tvy an.rrinisof any kind. Skkiuso eowx r f.ijass may be (own iiliiiii nt llttf eeaeon, or at any oilier. l'rejnire the ground well, giving thorough hallowing and top dressing,' picki ig nil the stone.'- ; sniv the seed,fllid roil. A bu'sbal of oats harrowed in b. foie th grass si . d is sown, will alToid ibe young plants the protection of n fine mulch ('u 1 ii winter, and unless the season is .Very 11. i Id 4 will he thoroughly dead and out ol tb way jWheu spring comes; making good manure' Saving' Si:ki. Seed corn should be marked Ik fore it i cut up by selecting the best ear wln re two or more are on a talk, and 'tftng ttringi tightly around tb. in. They will be found and ihrowi. one side at husking. Seed potatoes sh itild be selected from 'hose that have healthy stalks and lip' n first. It is very well to n tlironh and di' fmiu bills b.-iprVdig- -iiii' Il lh'" whole crop is to b" saved etc., 'are the only .tin; hires t, ia worth -10 rails to inc pain 1 a win inw. u,uu ...i.i- lo,lenc it. To split this number of rails from the forest that h is I" t.n cirlh-tl ovi r, as is the ease on a gnat many farms, will cost at . .-. 1 .1: .. 1 1 ..11.1: :ii least l U. 1 lie 11 iu.i"g ano ...inu.ng ... ; ;, !,.. I law. 1 .. CK. . U,. ...lr;.. il.., triire. we have : U'"" "" ' " ' V , ' T Wc have been advilrd by many t. our , f 110 cash pan! out. fcrV,. , realionld pursue, and LxjH r,. lie, ,,ael,es Ins fenee will have .J ,o be replaced m abnu b ears, m..k. - J jlWlul., (unuiu tuljJ the aunnal coat of repairs SIaJ.oD. lotlnsi, 1 J r Khnuld be ad.hd the value of land on i1'"4' , , , . r c 11 . 1 .1 ....ii... .-. We here say for the lnforination of all , w lllCll IM UMIM "WU,.ii , 71 - .,.,,.fiW. Kanner ! 1 ' '.' ! lit . . 1 hit, m v'Fi"" - h an inc 'itt'i.M;iu apww H oWftWiHl, ami i "xnv sTiirir op liODTS AND SHOES. FRESH, PURE,; I'.VfTO i liilllm nt's I: 1 1...OIM Is, I'uiii.i Mil.' i. li'n Sham, nils Icalfer tlpi IV llll hto.-!v, innths.ni.l Mis.cs shoes, of-till I lh' loi.'il I'alii'ofs. 121 i oil. eorril. H rl 6 pef paif. j 1 I f.'l -J.ih" I 6,H0 ' " I K 11 11.1 qllalilii". 1 ' 'aili'iic.., 10. . lions of disease to, pei baps, a greater ex tent than any other remedy yet known. It is an INVALUABLE A VI) t;,ct:i ImI; Unrivalled Eemedy ! AND M.VCIUMiUT, sucl 1 Tin: Unci in r listed, t wo aercs. The iV.ien will ucCUpy at h ast The limber, being lite best lie cents jier cOrJ ; 10.41)0 rails willIie 10U conls... We learn fn m tlie census of 1860 there are a3.7G3,9C9 aen ot iand, valued at Sl.'i ;;o 1,005, mukiug the averagr; v.iln, lion p'T acre a fraction over ; conse-j ijti.-nilv-,-tiie valuation of 4hisi0 acres will i- be saoo. To add these1 item ' together we hare First cost of fence, Annual repairs, 2 acres ol land, 100 cords of wood tor rails,. id .1 ..... lilinll I. ai !, i v. at all lur.es. 111 - - T-: 1. 1.. nn I onr own waygn e our v iew naim ..(. on ;i!! suVjvcts affuelii g "the ngrietiltni.il, mining, no r liauiosl, ami uianulacturiuj interests of thts country. RELIABLE DRUGS, ami nch ttrtiHrs .n arn osiiivlty KiTrt in ft All of w hich was bought for FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE - I I V III I r A OT T ...,,1 ,...11 lw. c.. ,1 ; 17.. ei II iirlrtl. M AS ,11 Sr I wliee ; 11 .III vl ...1. ui. mltj . J u mm 4 vmmm- - v m-y - , 1 .4.I...-.1P.1 !i-..iiim xrt.-i4i4 t'Htf.iiiiii.ni.)iiiii4i.i4iiljl.r n,wi W i!)e--Mtrs. Snu Cotton t. n utid CoiiHenst-r, uiatti iii': l is, Sulky Plows, Ivve Mower ntici lieuper, Tiirtiiii!' W.'iliM- Wheels Fine Engine Dudu Well ami force ! For all SCROFULOUS, .STRUMOUS, Puiiip-.j French Uurrs nuil Corn Mills, SYPHILITIC. Tliiofehei'sanil Cleancm nn I CANCEROUS, CU-- . heels conink'te, ite AitovK is Tin; AS CHEAP as the Cheapest, Wc allutv no House to. nmlor- .no oo ...13 50 ,r .. .12 00, I i.riHte name tlint coiilrt htiv. in iin Lo. tlii- v.iiiinl.lM nnd uowerftilh i m. : Destroyer. It returned ii-..ml' .Vwiit4...MiJi.ii4.,tf miu iimiin Ui.l 4i.irft uMi ii-'-. iK'tla-mu. el eaiiui'4. if. t-ime 'rv mnm I . II. V HVti .' !('... ti.'il'tll 111 11 lil'H 'SlJIll 111 PHttV I'aiat-. Oils. Vrnisltei.. 1'iiint llnmlies. Horse innl j (jiaitl tile I'i. vil.'f ! I'ate'at Melicines if all kinds OiuK. I I in.' In Vntl-.l Ktril. HWKlrtnili'd I.y.'. and ilwjija' Bittern anil Medicines fur c-tiill. ! in .1 . nn bo used. FINE CIGARS AND CHEWING TOHACCO. r?" To Physicians.T would state Unit. I Ljvii J il- if t''t . te tiih'iit nml mrT''i)lj- T1'1"?''!'! stuck 111 SUIT to cxaaiTue our stock 50 i MOST ATTKO- lieen BfeitHi n ttireBttiU Paui , ........ i iiiiiaeiiei'over uen luuiiiin int.i- i.ilii'S as il is reei iiTili'iitieii in nun mm. in. lie naiWtione.l only those wluilirtve not Ined it. There is elaiuieinhril a ri'Wl'alion over nil , other preparation-" reeniiH.. i3 it lor -nt'il nt pn.---T-e-j---i-Vii l!te- he Mled. ZpAwZC litis not. M-.-p r. n. ay- " i""' '"".' -trnh an eaeirty to Scwui-jin. Haidoi. Timth- aeh'f, I'lirmlic () CM Clwlint tii'fhtf, Warrh-tfii, l imut-v-i or lUomlf-Flw. Dri" tin Sun rimHit. lVrnmatic ruin, tint before purchasing cLscwhcri. S175 Tin- cost of fencing ami repairiiic ia 581 por cent nn the first cost, eonsi fjiten'lv ill' 0 urns of laud nuift be iiepii't-iaTfed (hit amount. When we take into eonsiilerji ti'Ui the interest upon this S17., 50 lor eij;.it vems, at G per cent , we have S10, I . I . ..I.I. 2f), -vine., Urtiae.H .rom i.e .. "'"T alUmlrM'M . tiuunliU.p -w-wif tUa ii Mt Ml WW 1!!;; (,,. Tabu or Sfiumi, J . iin- expiration ol enriii yea's, ca nrj, ?0Mneaily as much aa its first cost. lite arefrate fenees ot' llll It ullurds us a pleasure to show our Goods whether wc sell or not. Eel lis etili nl.ite V. lint . -.hi i... ... r. .... . I... .7.1 . Ill Ll. .1, .... ..v .7 whole State in repair for the next t ihl l In re was. aceorrtinE to the census oi ot mi .artwter. Prenarcd and for snl l.y 4 ia. tf. n. pon.sov, Druegiit ami -Apothacatj, Salisbnrv. N" C. June 3e,if?e9. 30-U" ... i. n .- L'o inrnnirn ..his or iw i . to ari-p i'i ISfiO. fl5.!)(IOl'.inn r. iioss.-snin-r. in mond :i el nge f..r seed, or .if. it i diraldi rarelnllr, and dig any : !mml)Prill 83,700,000 iicrrgof laud, M'hich 1 ,r I'lokiiiir lulls, .viu j ,n .... of COO acrrl to the I . V L ui ..Tl Eine-f!fiio;iiii i v .i' uij iu iiw, faun. i : t, loosely covered pails, or in tret Of thi amonnt 6,500.000 acre n-ere vir tied li.-rt'llK r and suspenil. U imj, roved, which make an aveiago ol D. T.CARRAWAY, i ' suds nr.; nlt.-n fntal lonet ii. caua- .r ilo ni to mould or heat. Winter Oi.aix Wheat. Tlie land .!,;.ul-'i he pi t iu onler, well manurrd oil the nine , hairowid to a fine tiHh; and d sown a early a possible ' - : . I"-.- .inv fine. lieh. well-r.'t- --ri-r- ; ,'"-1. or f' fA'b.l'T, r anil nliosiiboric acid will pay HiU aer-'n of aiulile Imi4-"TH- must i-ftrft- t-ernt lc 13,000 Dealer in recedes I'oiihruueDtly there 4 - - . . . mm n 11 fields. ; Glass and irofkrry uarr, v.n rapir, u io- If the cost of keeping in repair one . tu.j.. i, k, fi.-l.lof 0 acre, for thifnexteipht years I duW be .175 SO what will .1 cosMo keep in ProurT nttonti,m B;V1 n fo nrd ,., r.niatr 1,0.K hehln f ltfc--w ..f (3Un. Graia, Sjival Riores, Tae noiliing of the n.ten-f.t, winch mrieasca COURT HOUSE DulLPIbC, l.,u w... y-j , . ,,ri,.n .l.:..l. I i ., 4 ..king the rtvd ia a strong brine mad amouiu wwo.i.v, ---u.-, . a1Jnij -j TJuil 't he deceived lv loud blow- iug nnd heavy shelling, hut come to sec us and get posted up. i1 i Yy -Or (tors from a distance promptly fdlixl at lowest prices," 03 V n.ca!i1 -ifl-j- TrnsHe-i & Aklomiiml Snpportfrs 'rtfti,a Tief HiJiirovcaRhtisVx.clenl ia ijnHlify auf liili iii .ii'. KIN'K BKKAsr 1TMIVS ,t NfKSIVj BOTTI.KS. I if ' To I-Iarcb-intS. -1 am prepared to sip;.'y at Ht.it ni'TH or New oik prices (! tlie rt .Aen) usi'li rnli. ien it Esk. I.eui'i., I'--. IVppQrtnint, Ess. CiiiiiattK'ii, l.riu.l uiiiui, Puiegrtr-. ic, Dafeimui Drops, (iic.1 faey's Cordial, Opodel ditc, Castor Oil, and , Tinjit-uniip My stivJ, is rompteU aiJ !-iiiiiosci1 of artio.'e." Pure Krwli U KutiaUaia Qatiiity nl low n pi ire Msach articles .'aa be obtained iiitUis "miiaiT Medlciacs eea he oll for a tritlo tvni are 1...n at anygricc (siu-li ' ao not nnd will aot keep. . Hul 1 ia iiiffl 'ii' it v p-wtpikiii tlie I'nijr Market to know that PL' UK liriijr A'a Meilli-ime canaot be om for Jialf tlie priee lireUfore ehinpi-d. Itar in mind II ftvatwms'tlie i tli4 and aaiert plan to bay !! p-uyt Me-llda'en. . f n-ontd hir of all heflire pnn 'ia'.mr e!ewl ire to rail mid cxiiiuine mj Mock JJ.U el my PneSS G. ft. 1'itl LsoX, Sa!: iirr N . ' ..eext lini. jhim'-J.) 2o.3in. Smu'.tera rind Cleaner?, Circular Raws Riiliber nnd T.eallier IJ. liiu', kiti. I ihhuv nllier ll'in'-s too niuneroiis to men tioWallol w hich we will sell at tin; liari's i in '. C'.'ine. or m i! -I mi-1 e't a L.-ilnloiie ol any tliiiitf "n nniv won't in tl.is line We miar- tuiulae- 1 1'm-niM i' ml p.itlir'- 1CV . I door lo Meroncy . Pure Rvc ar.tl Corn Whiskies. Distilled i thOld Style. Pare and Un. " aaultej nted-at f ho Old ISorth Slate Distillery, if Produce. aiili e lite tlaeliiuery soi l l.y us lo jjive satis- ll.Cll'Tl. We aTi-al-v n'i'tits for S. user's New Fnnii y SEWINO 5(AClllNFVlorwluoli llieie i" no equal. U'n anl."l loiloall kiiuls of work; nml to jjive entire satisfaction, or the piopey -nl lie relnuded. ftr'i.ool) PINE LUMBER furnished at tin- i. p.'l. ..ii slioil aotiee. Wc w i.! li. I.hiihI ofHi'.e the o'.l stanJ, above Miii(.liy s Ui anile Row. XI k MONEY & BRO.i FOR S A I.E. .VSplenJiil ,12 Iloreo Power Portt.Hle JElilie. Iwnlj'. liy ......... jtine 11 .1 MEl.i N EY FALL. AND WINTER IMPORTATION 1 8 6 9 . BIB30S, UILLi:;KV, & STBATV GOODS, TANEOUS, HEPATIC, RHEUMAT IC, URI'XABY, and NERVOUS AE FECTIONS, iu fact, fvrm f Chronic Disease it may be adcatifajcous li used. Tim preparation 1as bH Hhi;n'iitejl to ilioriuilily tested, and approve tl by cohio . of the most eminent meuibi rs of the Med ical Faculty. ' IVejiiited by an experienced and well i known physician and cbtmlst. . IJ3 Raltiatire Sirret BtLTIHilEK, Id.. liU'.iHTras nt j'.SKEK or Bowxr .tM rsi'rir.t; u.bHiivs, BONNET 9ILK9, SATINS AND VE VETS, rtlutio, ", f.'tre. ItiirJles. Sftl$. QMp$, Straw Bonnets A Ladies' Hat: PRIWE, - $1.00 TER BOTTLE, PRETARElT OT?tT ItY McCubbins Sullivan: Ca eROOTrKUCK& 0 Prop's. - : i!" Krj. I, XfcKPnTVsHABrrrf Rtrwi: ALti.lVnnt to rmrefme 5nT Fh"ni. B c SZ. v . T.'t i,. i futile s.i.l v ihr-hr.-h.-st l.ati r rices toe Sslisbary, Sept. 21. 1S69. la ly Vorn snd Rye. inly 2 2fi:fim j t i i syu iM rxTSiaart Ji7itt''-f ami Fe't linnyf-t unit Hats, -HOODS in It 'which -. ,--.y,HKUiiua ORDERS SOLICITED. any. 97 lt.S. 4-3S VHSOANIC CHKMIST. No. 6, Main Slreer, Korftlk, Vi; g-i. i.i in- r. ft rAi-t I), -.iri.rt at d A p. -tLeearv, irulohui v. N . C. H'Koa Saie bv ai l Dkicotsis .-fai