VOlv IV SALISBURY, N. C, OCT. 8, 18G9. iVO. 40 EI)c ID Nortl) State ri ni.18HF.II WEEKLY BV w i m II A AT Editor and Proprietor. 3Ts XI 11 II s hi II. II I ! I l( Onr Year, payable iu advance. . . . Sir Months. " " !i Copies to one address, 10 Copies to oue address Hate of Adoeitisinq. .:ion . f.SU 12,50 20,00 Oee Hquare. first Insertion $1.00 For eaeh additional insertion 50 Special uotices will bo charged 50 per cout higher than (he above rates. Court and Justice's Orders will be publish ed nt the same rates with other advertise meuts. Obituary notices, over six linns, charged as advertisements- CONTRACT HATES. O H 4 c - SPAI E. EC c li 1 Square, i! Squares, .'t Squares. I .Sijua'es. t Column. Column. 1 Column. $2 50:t75 1 50! li 25 liOII !00 n oo u oo 1 1 on Mi INI 18 IN) 24 00 ,128 (Ml 40 00 500 $8 50 $1,100 8 50 1.1 00 22,00 12 INI 20 INI .KMHI 15 0025 00 37,50 MO INI .'til INI 45.00 :t( (Ml 45 INI 75.00 .50 IN) 80 00 1.10,00 Important le Magistrate and other issnt) Of lir. r ! HAND-BOOK for COUNTY OFFICERS A Guide for Jimtiret of the Prate and Olhrr (dimly Ofririaln. Revised. Enlarged and Improved THE SECOND EDITION OF this Work, greatly enlarged and improved, will be ready fur delivery to subscribers outhe IWh ofsleptemher. It has been delayed Oiiih long, in older to add to IU usefulness, by publishing All the Act of the last Session of the G vit al Assembly, relating in any manner to county officers and coun ty no I ice. The l'ublisuers have spared no expense In getting up this edition; the text and the forma being caie t.tlly prepared and arrange! by a member of the lUleign. Bar, ol acknowledged ability and great ex perience in preparing legal forms sod codifying laira. Justice of the Peace. Judges of Probate, slier iftVand all County Officers, will ana lu the Hswp llooi the law prescribing theirpowers and respect- ,lntl tntrailwr with forms and precedents tic- roaiiarr to a proper and systematic discharge of their duties. So .'ustice oi me reace. or oii.er i ..hum officer of ordinary intelligence can possibly err, or fail to lilt his office with credit to hiniselt. who will make the Hand Book his guide, however Inexperien ced he may be In the practice, procedure and forms of law. The edition contains Three Hundred Large Sized Pages, of closely printed matter, on good paper, with a ta ..ieof contents and a full and inexhaustive index to the text, and over Two Hundred and fifty Forms, inserted with the text, and Immediately following" the provision of the law to whi h they apply. In order to place the Hook within the'reach of every officer and bosiness man of the State, the pub lishers otters the same at the following reasonable prices: One copv. in paper cover, fS.Ol) cloth 2-2f ' " law binding, 2.60 When sent by mail 25 cents must lie added. Toon the recept of price, the book will be at once mailed or sent by express, as subscribers may di rect. Address NICHOLS k (JORHAiV, Book and .lob Printers, RALEIGH, N. C. i- ill kin.ls of lfnl hlsnk forms furnished to i ti1er. anil Job I'nnMbg or every uescript.on neaiiy cheaply and expeditiously executed. -ae. CX.SBKMOZTS STAGE LINUS WARSAW To Fayetteville. LRAVK Warsaw for Fayetteville daily ex eept Sunday. If you are in Western X. Carolina go to Raleigh and procure a through" ticket to Fayetteville for M ; Through Tickets from (ioldsliioro' via Warsaw, to Fayetteville, Through tickets from Weldon to Fayette ville $10. Through tickets from Wilmiti;rtim, . via Warsaw, to Fayetteville,. CHARLOTTE TO TT.A DKSB0R0j Leave Charlotte after trains from IUleigh and Columbia, via Monns, for Wadesboro' Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Leave Wa deslMiro1, Tinwday, Thursday, and Saturday, af ter arrival of trains and Stage from Wilmington. MORRI8VTLLB, .ia Pittsboro, TO KOYPT. Leave Jlorrisville, Tuesday, Thurso uy and Saturday Leave KVgt Ifondar, Wednesdav mid Fri day. " , Clemmon Acoomiihditl(rn Line Between Salem and Ins'1 Point, will rliarter1! StHTes at nil hours "I'ltesper than the t'heap " UlHce at Butner's Hotel, Salem, X- C E. T. li:mms. Oct. 1; 18tW-rtf u tontravtor. X APDITIOXAL SCI'IMA eDilmietiig a it . variety i(' styles.'lioth nf Aetal ami Glass Lam) together wilh Improved IjiiipChinni ys. ;(.i J-e. Also n farther "ipplv of that aimeTtor Kerosene Oil. which has proven invariaUly Vale and .saiisrictory. to the mult 'I nil- nfper-oij using it. At B. SILL'S Drug htore. Oct I 'il Sahsbiirv, X. I . K'OnOB.- 1 WILL SELL OX WKP Il XESI)AT,7th of 07-tofier. from r.on to 1000 bushels of Coru. belonging to Mary i. lis, (minor ! The sale will be i ish. and take plate on the farm of the laiu Kobt. K.lis U. C. nnuw, Oct. I, 1BP. Xhtt (juardikn. j NOWsxS."THK rxp.un MOTKfl G 1 V 1 en to iue as administrator of K W. ,r.t fith deceased, have been left in the hands of j Mr. Lewis Hanes for eollertion. Those owing ' them are reqaested to oil upon Ur. Hanes at . the OM JVorta Stale oftVe. in Salisbury, and uar them at soon aa possible, nk,. iTlflSJ tf Z (iRIFFITH. Adn. r. o y k n f : O very grauaJ and Setereigu Kemedv for Hoarsenesa. Bare The a. KaDief 4 the I saiOe. dc , Ae. A vary eleaant, aalata'd" and eSea-rmu- remedv. raeeutly prepared from tin fresh B.sits-. ouli at . B. SILL'S Din a More,;. Oct. 1 it. fsjjirnury, N C nr. OODDIN S 0OMP0U.VP QESTTAJf BITTRR8, 77tc Great Anuiri&tn Tonic and J)i ur, tic ! Recouau ended and proscribed by physicians wherever known. The "CompouuJ Gentian Hitlers" are inado ofthe purest mid boi Vejjc'.iiblo Tonic ud Aromatic know u lu il prolusion. Tla y u.-o contain twenty p-r cent of t& b r c u u : Which makes tb.em, beyond all question, the best DIURETICS cxi.-tei.ee: an.! iw Ii- tressed Kidneys DU aim L'l.u.ny U.au, l.ave no SUlR'i . . ,. ;. ;'4J,.a, . I ... c ..u try these Bittern, lor ihe ris'win 1) "eases will iu every case find them aHpfc, pleasant, speedy and tnWtl Ketttrrly. Trevareas '- inevetritve mid vnre (or l urns and f.-v i.l .ill Malarial IWaseVi DYSPEPSIA. INDlOKriTlON'. ' SICK-PT M AC it, COLir. SICK-ITEA DACIIE, HKONCIIITIA, ASTHMA, COLDS A COCUII, NEURALGIA. GENKrt Al UKBILITV, Diseases ol K.diioys, Gmvel, Slit., an.l c?i-iy Disease requiuu a gi ueial Tome iuipiob.ou. -jT" Foi Discuses petuliar to Females il i almost a at). tiHc. 3" In .oiii-alrscence from Typhoid an.l other low lorms ol Fever il is the very best Tonic I hat ca :i It uwd. The Coii. pound Oeiitian Bitt. rs meet with universal lavor, nn.i liuv" received ihe slron est teslimoiii.tU ever piveti to any medicine, u lew of which we sppi-ud b.-low : This is to certify llwl I have used Dr. God din'l Compound Gentian flnii'is and cheerful ly' reconini. iid it a tin very l)est II t , is dial ran bo used for ordinal v dehihlv. "'k sioniach &:c. E. M. IIOI.T, M I). Lipsooiub, O'ange co , N. C, iiay 15, O'.l. I hereby oertify that I have been usmif Dr. Goddiii'.s "Couiponud Gentian Liilters," lor Coi'jdi, General Debility, &c. an.l I am fully satisfied lh:.l ihey are the hot U. Iters of which I have any knowledge, an 1 I ho best Tonic ol-li-rcd to l he American people. IJORT. Y. SLATER. Ilrtirtco county, Vn June 25, lS'iO. Dr. Gonnix: Dear Sir: I hav, been suffer of Ibe s iiiei- in for twenty years wilh an affection kidneys, prostrate gland and stricture of tUo urethra; have been under (he treatment ol the best pl.y siciaos in the counlry, one of whom is now a i M nli ; -..ii lu a medical cojlege. All failed to relieve me. I Qns!ly tried your Com pound Gentian Killers ; llic ( fieri was like u charm one botllc gave me complete relief. I beKevcil l In.- llieCcst me ! I Mive evel n-e.l '.-rv rcp f i'Iv. J .s ", KAL'LCby, Littleton. N. C. Jan. "ill, ISI.U Prerned niilv bv Dr. Goddut. JAMES T. WIGGINS, Proi ictar-i Whleiil.- Aaenf, SoRFuLK. V., U. Potiboti, fall- bury, N. C. - , ' ; t: 40 YEARS CKrour Till. PUBLIC. IF OTHER Remedies FAIL LIVER DI- For DKoM'U SEASES read tli followiu" Thomas II- Biiney. Ksq . liruaville ro.. N 0 says I tiiul your I' ll- t i "e tke tiuiniy ind cine I have ever Mted. 'i'l.ey li.,ve proved vc y lxjii ,etkial-in e.y own case. I have uv- viy luum al flieted I V llftfcn 31'ius. and lia.n h V lcn-iy kind of rnedc ige that I imild pet, but liave l and in :e ic lief Iniiii your Pills than ft!! other. My disease is broDohiii i atrtirtion, an.l a complete win n.it on of then, iv ti- sysUtm. 1 l.ave iiwitl U.cin ui tc-n ul lit teen rn s in in v In nety. and fin 1 1 iieui to be tin- .cry medlci i" lr nearly ali fumi i' diseases.1 The Cure is Thorough. Kerni !i Uavnes !)., t'lerV ot Colnmbi comity court, writes (April 2, IH03 j Iniriug the Utter part of the ye-.r lHW. 1 was seven-. y afflicted with fiseascllivri undmBBy eights nhile in In-tl tlie pain-' WMi'i he. mi i so vxcrucrat ing that I was cuia-iled to cc' Out ol Iwdjind sit r ; J'iritil ti e pain nnnld Ml (ie I tiro on ! a few Ucso tl eMIITHKHN Htr'A 1'11,'Prt.t.s, snd the til -a dose I tonkiraveme gte.J i. :'!. t . !iilli-d 1. 1 use I i- Pil! tor two we-' v, ar. : have n t sullen. i fioiu liver disease stli-.'. I liateiei imncndi'ilt'icm according!;, and is era! rs'.ti.- Sin in w aid ol tin n., All di.sff.c is an euexny to the' ham an system, and Is jit ivsi id, it and wili iitupier if. un'i'i initiire, w.ili .1! js..a it .m ici-i Ir-ie strength enii i; inedinines and suitable nourishments. c;n. ronii'ierthe snemy ; which would be best, n, lake Bvedo in U-t.ire yon get 4.-k. p.evnit s 1 or ti. I ike uiud.cme iift-ryoii aet sic to ere sickins. ' ; , nnid to'the wise'is enonh.( 9 " KxereiM' yeiir oB n judpnit nt in the mcr.es of de feusc: the enen y will come, be ye ids' rrmly with The Southern Hepatic Fills, 77e( i'U, I i.ij known autt wtH. tried ruatdy n" IhtTOta disrcirts, rrt'hrd Li u DISEASED LIVER. ' Tfl-ArrL KMtilUtNTS.-Vo.iare im)irtto,t a borne lor y.ee. it und family n a climate 'which v. ,u or thi.ee tore not Jjeejl Hia.yatuacd.lo uy-ou iil '5T .'"o'm A T."? j i'. se,t t" nil the diseases peculiar U Ftiarriiuiiite, j ou should he careful to use such Med Ic'nes as ire adapted to the diseases of that climate: you will tind the preatest aecority in Ihe use of PKKMS' SOVTIIKHN lllPATie I'll.t.'S. 1 iii y can he s :it to any point in tlie I luted states 1,V I.vpre-s.- PStOI'. I'rrnn. hnx.lSeei !.- P' 2 uwi i'n if Gross j Kiv-tiross, S7ft. I ..-n,. i.rn... Tl.rpp Or,,.-. T... r i.li in.: i c ii. . acrrsupsoy 11,,-oracr f'.rttie Me.1l ... sril will I,' uSiil CO. P. Or Vi-chuiU be acMieM rd lo 11. . IV KVS. Ko.JS, Sociii Calhoi v Sthkst. llALTlyeRS Ml- wliere tti y will Le ,roni.lljr nio n.-.J o. ro- th Me41),i-M ,-rfll on sll retpeetsble nruirgi-i erjrwlie i e iel "t. 0. It. Vt7LS0N, JiilrS" aS.-tr ' IWmrjr. K . C Weifto Carelitia, 1 C.M.i WIU.-CnCNTY. ( j MaVy A. Pamplieil. Plaint, A; neaic.-t m iniini.iiis. V iilia:u P. fsmpbetl. I- f t. ) In this i iseil is made l aepeir upon s.ljdavit Ihat !le d'lii.011! sean-ti ihe rteiondeiit rsnnot be I -A I ! 1,1 1 I.- 1. 1, l.IS I 1 . I.- .-I .,41- ilS. Llu.Ml.M ,,liri It! 'i 'tVt: ! made iii the "lft XniTh -"'.lti'P a ! ie nrr n.r.T,-eL.3-t ,i'i!.i.rv. N.r.J. nt ti, .en.,.. ii il i i..- ieko I'liy.n n ..i.r.,im ip spjiear ai i pp- l'..r sa!e by Dr. 0 tiss w t Wrm at tin siperi.i i .mri n-r tke ounriiy i nou ari-anu iniiuie, ni iuMiiwFii -iwell. at ibelViint lioi.s,. hi Iajiwir. on Ibe ty of mi'ii w ho will not hesitate to denv '.' ' v' . t t' fit and ' tl',: K llirh 1 t w... .. ,- f,. , . e, i:iii TnTit r ' n n. 1 ihx Hull e e-li i oflwreowH. R. It. . i i .1 roirs.i.i , i;rt , t ef X l' l. - .. I".','. i:. K U'a i f"ii I , .- I HORRIBLE DEATH. A Girl Poisoned bi her Parents to End Her Stffaings. One of the most hi art-rcudinp casea of hydroplmbiii ihut has y.t occurnil in our city of lute was repeated yesterduy. Gcorgiana McCreetly, n girl -lafd tweiro yenr?, whs bitten by k dog afflicted witb rubies, ou the 12th of July laat. Tw or t hti days ago the symptoms of this hor rilJe distemner berau to show themselves i jn li,,.),. lnfM,t appalling forms, and t!ie girl was immediately ftirijecr to Terrloie con- vul inns and spasms, r rom their cotn ni. .n- mi nt, each successive convulsion was more shocking than its predeccKgor, until ihu poor child was lingering in ago nies the in. is t awful of which theniind can Conceive. Her screams were bentl-rcnding rimI the jmrehts nlniost distraete'd' with this horqblo visitation upon their child. I. .i-i ml.t tln-M- hoiTois culuiiualed , fust, until the tortirses had become so frightful that the parents, acting, as we.learn, upon the advice of others, uduiinistcn d poison to their daughter, I . put an end to her sufferings, from which sheNwas eoon re leased after the drug was adrrrkiislered death occurring At half past ten a'clock. Tne following arc some further particu lars of the stuck upon the child by tie dog. written prior to the culmination of (he horrors we have mentioned: Mrs Mary McCreedy, living nt No.OlG East Dauphin Street, appeared at the .Mayor's office yesterday mori'ing, and made affidavit that on the 12th of July last her daughter, Georgiann, aged twelve vears, was bitten by a dog belonging to Charles Helmuth ; tii.it Helmuth knew the canine was affected with hydrophobia, and that he took no means to kilt it : and further, that Iter child was lying very ill from the effects of the bite. On these representation a warrant was issued and lli liiiuth was arrested. At three o'clock in the afternoon he was arraigned before alderman Kerr for a hearing, but in the absence of the prosecutrix, the caso went i ., . i , . . i ov r a ",rl,M!r,UPan"g to-aay. nerore tne case nail oeen aisposeu oi, t lie aiuer mun received a telegram that Georgian McCreedy was dving. He refused In lake (-bail, and I he prisoner was committed. Counsel fur the defendant olijected to that course, alb "in:: that the aldenn in had no r...,L:l. i! . ll.l bitten the child, and was, therefore, not .-;!, I.. 'l b,. ,,i.iir;tr:.t,. il.,ii,rl,t I,.. had the risrbt. as the nihil. ivit fortfi llmi the prisoner knew I hat lite canine was I mad, and had no efforts to seeitr it. Phihldcl i.'mV; Anc. Fmiu the hiiie.n P .VMPUTATIXG THE LOA EL; Wondhfal i im Sun r,-A fit ill' ,',? irl-tU'r ( ...' i.i VhU-h S. ii a Done that wan ,Y irr J'oi.v fun 'We hive ro reason to doubt the entire c rrectnesa of an inttfeeting and insti nc tive account of a leci lit liiuu jdi of innil- ern suigrry, eointuuiiicatiil ! I lie t llicago Tributie, by Dr. G. D. liei be, of Clue ago, who achieved it, in which the particulars of ti c removal of four i'eet uud t"ti iiicbes of tlie intestinal canal of Miss J. 11. Cur tis, of Lee Centre, Illinois, was affected, ai il the life of the patient preserved. Tbe . a-e was nriirinally one of the uiiibilieal hernia, w inch was evidently badly trea -cd, net Imps being mistaken for something el.se, as when Dr. Reebe first saw it in the tuuior it was large, discolored and on the point ofgiving way by the pressure of a considerable quantity of fluid therein con tained, ihu constitutional symptoms were snch as to leave no doubt ns to the nature of the case, so the Doctoi set about furnishing such relief possible. A remo val of the integuments showed that a large mass of the intestines had bemi pushed through a hole iu the abdominal cavity, and being there constricted by tbe constant accumulation of fecal matter, had become eongrenous and dead. The Doctor fieed a portion of the intestine and followed it baek in each direction to the hernial ring, as one would rind tlie two ends of a string lieldjiu the hand by the middle, and found that tbe paita involved iu ihe decay was four feet and ten inches in length. 'L'o re furn it to lino cavity oi iho abdomen it would have been fatal ; to remove it would, almost of necessity, have been equally so; but as the latter included the mily chance of 'life, Dr. Heche applied the knife, brought the severed ends o( the in testines, to, its margin and . there. ; secured them by suture ; and through the ring as an artificial exit, the sfercoraccous matter of the patient was discharged. After Uu j expiration of three weeks the constitution : al disturbance consequent upon tlie first operation having subsided. Dr. Ueebe pro- .1 . . .J ...J, S !. cceneil lo uiiiu- llic rviviui ,.iir. w ...v intestines by means of a highly ingenious and, ns the result proved, nn effective con- J titvance, the description ot winch our un professional readers would not understand, after which, he, on August 6th, closed the artificial opening in the wall of the abodo men which the hernia had caused, and all the natural cxerelionaiy functions of the body ol the patient were restored. This case is without parallel in the his- tory of isurgery, and by it, Dr. Jieebe has 1 out so long as Democrats arerent issues gained remembrance that will 'he coeval, ; as stale and impracticable as they are ob with the endurance of his heart. Indeed, j no.ious to the people. Much as we may i the factts involve so h ide a.dcparture from ; the lacl - j.g 8l,p,,()Sli,l possibilities of the co opera- t l r . . . . - -. j , ,i bein IU ia 4I- iii mv ihs-t' - the Doctor's cabinet, while the trophy in lh j,, piHCt. 0f honor, iu Ia'C Centre e the pa- I h . , ' ill lent. From tlio I. .1. i l. Standard, THE TIME FOR REFLECTION HAS COME. Let the great Fountain of Thought bo unsealed. Let the wisdom of wild unre ality bo swept aide. Let the great heart of the nation pause. Tlii- is the time to deal with steru truth , it is a time of bit ter rankling., of furious assaults of malice and hatred ; of envyinn and strife. A time rife with the fruits of dire calamity The moral atmosphere teems witb tbe in- fetrunus vapors of unwholesome conten tion, the moral heart is given up to unholy ana ioruiuncii anectinns. 3ien make a boast of that which is their shame ; they hug i in n idols ot p.. llmi, ,n close to their bosoms ; if they pray it is that which they desire may come to pass, that God may enrse whom they curse, and bless whom they Mires. Ttrey strum their eye after the tgnusjatus of deiusiou as it nits bo fore them lb rim li the marshes of self-will and deception until they believe it to be the true and only light. They flounder on through brake and briar until the dawn of day and the morning sun rises upon themr when, strange to r;bvc, they rail at the powers that brought its beams upon them to expose their folly and wretched ness and never bethink themselves of look ing inward for tbe true cause of their di sasters ; they rail at tlie eternal basis of all right principles as if their expenditure of wrarklul breuth could auv mnrechanire the pu.siii.iu nl tbiugs than the flitting of the smallest, insect, or the rolling from its place of the linn's atom of dust. So contracted are the natures of some men ilnU it is impossibts to sr e anything beyond themselves ; that Which they be lieve right, that which they reject wrong. So ends the matter, all logic ia wfttted up on them ; reason, if you will, to rocks and trees, but let tbera alone, or you will rV ceive tbe reward of him who argues with a fuel. There is a growing tendency to intoler Atiou in this age. The public mind seems narrowing to prejudices, it is a dangerous inclination, it should be actually striven against. The Churcb should enlarge its teachings to liberality iu religious matters. The press should advocate moderation and toleration iu political affairs. Influential public men should lay the cherk-reiu on i heir own iiioiieuiuu ta - - - ' anrt tn itw-nTCDllie quaniien io lone uown the increasing ewil in tbe minds of the ! in Lsses. Untold horrors are bound tin in that web ol in tolerance. I'nvate and wrai'glings, rcl'gioaM and social public iliscird, lio'uiciilcs, assa. sum1 ions and wlinl. sab' revolution arc its na'.ural pro nnniueiions. The stiletto of treachery, the guillotine, ihe i.ick and thehastile are I. (iii iin tit offsprings, l'ersecu. ion anil ot racism (that most hateful and unjust form c( Jesp nism.) for lu.J.iiiie; fast to hon est opinio is-nre conspicuous figures iu its atleiidaut train oi evils. Iiiinlcration is bom of ignorance and nurtured by bigotry, assuredly will his foolish reie;!i be over when tire "'March of inli llect" shall herald the advent of wise moderation, and the air nf enlightened views be dummied and fifed into the awa kening ears of christtatt-ijsfd enlighten ment. Rfbbcca Bledsoe Buxton. Oakland, N. C. LIVE MEN FOR THE OPENING ERA. In the new era that is about to be in augurated iu Virginia, sasthc Richmond Whig, the people should see to it that old politics, and snch old politicians as are stone-blind to the new light, and are de termined to cling obstinately to exploded theories, dogmas and practices, shall not clog them and impede their progress. They should call into their service, net only in political stations, but in their puby lie works, their industrial enterprises, and their corporations, live, sagacious, far see ing, practical men, imbued with tbe spirit of the times, emancipated from the thral dom of old notions, prejudices and habits, and capable of conducting the interes s committed to them into those channels which promise the highest degree of pros perity. For the most part they will have to take new men, especially iu politics. Hut there will be numerous and honora ble exceptions to this rule. Those, bow ever, prominent hitherto in politics, and whatever their yurs, who have not halted behind the march ot events, and are not broken down in health, spirits and useful ness who have good., pppeiitcs- strong teeth, and elastic joints who can discern a new fact uud use it, however unwelcome such men' as these are not to Le thrown aside. They arc trumps, and should be cherished. But it is principally from among new, robust, Jithe, live men that we will have to choose men who will not endeavor to keep it dark and gloomy forever because iheir old sun and moon and stars have gone out aud given place to other' lights. The reconstructed Memphis Ap peal and Are-fa weftc thus peneiveljr proses t "The fiery rage and trad Airy which tbe civil war provoked will never birrn dislike Hie decision, tne last fresiden- al election settled the reconstruction and .. ... . . negro sunrsge controversy. 1 ae ilemo- ciatic pariv ; and instep of forming .tself ! . . sr-. . atsm ssuch now-iasuea- a tw eKigeneiea f . . . . - m times reo aire we hear little men chirp- , like frogs in the meadow, nothing bat moci.it. D inoi-r.it." STATE vs. THE PRINCES AND McKINLEY. As an illustration of the administration of criminal justice in this fttato. wu call attention to the case of William l'rince, George l'rince and John McKinley. The fusts are, that Win. l'rince, aided by Geo. Prince and McKinley, murdered in the most savage aud premeditated manner, a man whose name we could uot get fiotu the report of the case, in the county of 1 Cherokee, at some time during the last Fall or Winter. We learn that the mur der was of the most shocking and brutal character. 1 he guilty parties were ar rested and put on their trial for wilful murder at tbe last Spring Term ot tbe Cherokee Superior Court, before Judge Cannon. On the trial, the prisoners pro posed to examine each for tbe other rl r i a a . a . .a mm iue Jiwge now t,uat (Jjo,- jad, a right to such examination. The Solicitor for the State, a Mr. Henry, ex cepted to the ruling of the J udge, and pray ed an appeal to tbe Supreme Court ; tbe Judge withdrew a juror, directed a miss trial and allowed the State to appeal ! As "o0" a lb jury Were .discharged, the. Counsel for the prisoners moved that they be absolutely discharged, on the ground that they could not be put on their triaj again for the same offence, that under tbe Constitution they could not twice be put in jeopardy of their lives. Tbe judge re fused this motion ; the prisoners appealed to the Supreme Court, and at the last term of that Court, it held that the prisoners must be discharged on tbe ground taken by the Counsel in the Court of Cherokee. and tbe murderers have been discharged without any trial, conviction or punish ment, and that, too, by reason of the stu pidity, criminal ignorance or corruption of a Radical Judge. We learn that the murder was horrible tn its details, and that there has been great indignation manifested among the people of Cherokee County. Here are three bloody murderers turned loose by a Rad ical Court, it the way we have stated If this Judge did this thing through ig- uorance aud s'npiMty (this hardly seems possible) be ought to be impeached for such imbecility ; if he ftd.it through cor lupt motives, be ought to be impeached, and so, be ought to be impeached any .J-. ..-w m ' ."C-r - . ' they have any relf respect, ought Ik de maud bis imp-acliment. Hal. bentmet. N. W. N. RAILROAD. We are pleased to see that the grading of this road is rapidly drawing to a close, aud will be coin) pie ted from Greensboro to Sal-m by the 15th of October. , Still b-tter we are informed that the work was done directly by the Company, and from twenty-five to thirty per cent, less. than the Engineer's estimates. And this too by individual and county sub scription not a dollar's worth: of bonds having been sold to meet-the expenditure. The road coiiid be gotten under way this winter; but it id thought hist to let the embankments stand until spring be fore they commence laying the track. We know of no ro id fha has been man aged better, lluis far, or built for less mon ey nor do we believe any other will ever be under all the circumstances. Of one thing we are confident, no one has made a fortune by monopolizing the bonds is sued for the beueiii of this road or upon contracts let out by. tbe company. And this is saying a great deal for the worthy President aud Directors of the road. They are all honest and patriotic men and have clean bauds and deserve, as they will un doubtedly receive, the thauks of all men and parties for the energy, zeal and econ omy they have manifested in pushing for ward this important work. Would to Heaven we had tens of thousands of jast each men iu the State in these distemper ed times. Wbeu we remember Major Gwyn de clared that the N. C. Raleigh, west of Raleigh, was constructed cheaper than any other road of tbe same character in America, who will deny ns tbe privilege of boasting a little on the energy, incor ruptible integrity and honesty of our peo ple I What other section of tbe State can be compared with, or match her I la i the records of '.he past and preseut be search ed and see if we are iu any degree too proud of our unpretending, yet noble peo ple. Greensboro' Patriot. Impressions. The coming and going of the thoughts of the mind, the mysteri ous manner in which they sometimes break in upon us, fill us with inqiiiiidg wouder. Rut when we ascend to the spiritual, how greatly is tint wonder in creased : Ofteen deep spiritual impres sions come most unexpectedly. It is night; the toils of the day are over, and the man has retired to rest. All is dark, lonely, and silent around him ; the doors are fas tened, and, with conscious security, be sinks' into repose. But see ! a vision ap proaches ; it halts right before k is eyes; tt illumines midnight with its brightness ; it breaks the silence with its voice, and delivers a message from the Everlasting. What a symbol is this of a spiritual thought! It often eomes inio the cham ber of a man's sou) at night on his bed, breaks bis slumbers, and shakes his spir it to its center. Nothing cau exclude it no waits, gates, Dolts, nor locks can sut out a thought. He who made tbe "'" w" rMch " keneverand however he pleases.' - mil irriAWS lia Wua avanno nn.i j . . Vfis. Maiv T. ire-.lh -ell known s., translator from the Freuch, is the editor .1 : II. , i'- Bjzaar ROMANISM STIRRING. The, activity of the Roman Catholics in tbe Southern States at the present time, is prominently exhibited in various wuys. The country is opeu to all class es of religionists, infidels, ice. Error and sin are rampant. All that Protes tant Christians can reasonably demand is, that truth, shall be left untrammelled, and free to combat error. If therefore the activity of the Romanists, infidels, Ac., shall tend to wake up Prolestauts and make them energetic and iaithful in the promulgation of truth, we shall re joice. As an evidence of designs and active efforts of Roman Catholicism, iu the Southern States, we notiee the following telegram from London, Eng. dated Sept. 10th. "SMryrnfiig Joif sy that the Pope is about making great efforts to coti vert American negroes; two hundred of them are now studying for tbe priest hood." The negro mind is easily affected in matters ot religion by show and ceremo ny. Tbe irreligious among them are easily led by music, and are ambitious enough to enter the first door to promo tion and recognition. The rigid enfoice ment of Christian morals aud duty finds a strong repulsion in tbe negro mind. They all want indulgence n inch, that they may take an ell, and hence unless strong efforts are made to counteract these influences by earnest, laborious and kind instruction in the word of God, in the enjoyment of experimental religion und in the daily practice of Christian mortals, the Romanittic system will make fearful inroads among them. When they are truly and soundly eon verted and give evidence of it, by godly and upright conduct, they are not easily led off by ceremony and show. It be hooves the real friends of the nee ro there fore, to redouble their efforts to save them from sin and error. Their general dis trust of white neoule the difficult v of se curing such influence over them as will save them from error, by the efforts of white people, renders important that spe cial efforts be made to instruct and train NPV sTHrrwtedge of the negro character and the proper way to reach them, worthy of the shrewdness of the Jesuists. But to come hearer home, it will be sedhy that tlie money and tiTe wealth of the Roman Catholics are to be expended in North XJarolina for the diffusion of their viewsTJie Charlotte 7 imes notices a rumor on the streets, that tbe Roman Catholics arc about, to purchase tbe building formerly ocenpjed by tbe Mili tary Institute and more latently by the Mecklenburg Female .College, for the ; purpose of establishing a NpnnCTjr. . We hope tne rumor Is untrue. 1 he tmNitnii ! we understood, would bo opened this as a Female 'College. Having been used a.-; a Protestant School, we should regret to leara it had been abandoned by tie Prolrstant and suffered so pass into lb' hands of the Roniists. Moreover, it would be a standing memorial of th want of liberality and energy on the part of 1,'mt' slants in maintaining their own principles. Ep iscopa I McthodUt. CHINESE IDEA OF MUSIC. "Virtue is the great principle of hitman nature. Music is the budding forth of virtue. Verse serves Ao express the thoughts; singing modulates tlie voice; the evolutions set the countenance in movement. These three things take their origin tbe mind, and the instruments of music follow the outward expression . " Hence it follows that the internal na ture of music is deep, and that its external manifestation is brilliant, it may be com pared to that expansive energy which wonderfully produces all things. The harmony, however, must be concentrated inwardly, in order to flourish outwardly, for music -ts a thing which cannot be falsi fied. "Music is tlie product of the heart's emotions. Sounds and airs are the' body of music. The elegance and the measure are the ornaments of the sounds. In the produciiignf music, the sage begins by c last vtng'lris own heart, and then strives to roducc this emotion in music; and tl-y, he regulates tbe adornments. lif t music be generally disseminated, then virtue- is duly honored the- noble roan is led thereby more to the love of good, and the uiean man thereby hearts his errors reproved. Hence it is said among ihe doctrines for educating a peo ple, music is of great importance. "When we thoroughly investigate mu sic, in order to regulate the heart, then the sentiments of uprightness and good ness come forth with facility. When the sentimerfts of uprightness and goodness spring forth, then one is pleased. When one is pleased, then there is quiet. Where ! quietness is, there will be long duration. Where long duration is, there is heaven- and where there is heaven, there the gods mn."-1From the September number of the "XIX Centttrp."-. Mr. E. Cadj Stanton is the mother of j six children Mr. Blow, oar Minister to Brazil, has ! reached Bio Janeiro. Ex Secretary Seward sails from San for Mexico to day. , Daniel Boon's greudaen; Samuel died rco.nlly in JL.souri, aged SIS. Bo A MUSICAL M l si: Sortly after retlting to bed last Son day night, Mr. W. E. Bntcher was arous ed by sounds of melodious sweetness is suing apparently from the plastering of his chamber. He listened iu wonder and astonishment for some time, trying t. think what the caute of the singing could be. The family were called up and lights procured, when tbe vocal immedi ately ceased ; but as soon as the light was extinguished it commenced again. A vigorous search of the room, was made, the bird cage in tbe passage was exam ined, but the bird was silent, and after several ineffectual attempts to find the mu sician, tbe family retired, not to sleep but to listen for hours to such music as tbey bad never heard before. Of course this was tlie topic of con versation in the family tbe next day, and some said the bouse must Le haunted. Monday night was but a repetition of what happened Sunday night, only tbe music was louder and more sweet, and the wonder of tbe famioly increased, as they still hunted unsuccessfully for a so lution of tbe mystery. Night before last, however, the mys tery was solved. The nurse was sent up stairs to pot the children to bed, and pnt lur the lamp but dimly burning, on the floor, she was sitting very quietly w hen she heard the same wonderful sounds, and looking in the direction from whence they came, she saw a mouse sitting ou. his haunches and singing away al the top of his voice. The family were called up and the little warbler chased around the room for some time, but he at last sue ceeded in finding his way back to the. bole where he soon struck up another tune. This may appear to be a strange story, bnt it is vouched for by Mr. Butcher, and no one who knows him will doubt it. Petersburg Express. Additional Accommodat on. We learn that a "fast freight train'' baa been start ed on the North Carolina Railroad, leav ing Charlotte at 7 o'clock in the morning and arriving at Raleigh ft g nflr-k v (MiiW'iir me morning" arrives at Char lotte at o'clock iu the evening , carry ing a coach for tbe accommodation of pas sengers'. This is really a great conveni ence to persons going from one of these points to the other, or from one place to another between the two, as they have day time for travel the entire line, each way. Ve wish Mr. Post Master General would let the mails go on this train, it would save us a good deal of trouble. Sentinel. Win. A. Smith, Esq., President of this Ro.id, is whining a high approbation from the public for his energy in conducting the operations of the Road. The presci .ii,.l i.... a rmu b l.nwlle in l,ia I iv.ir and t:e well deserves his popularity as an en ergetic Railroad othcial. btatesvtltc A- .iierica M Tlidmas (MrMe Swears tlttt tee are Go ing to lieu. -I nBvconuition or America was descanted on by Mr. Carlyle in terms less remarkable for flattery than force. "As sure as the Lord reigns," said he, "yon are rushing down to belt with des perate velocity. Tbe scum of tlie world lias gotten possession of your country, ix 1 1 ii in ' i ii 1 1 1 ti i,oM ota v r vu ii uias ttii - li s clutches, riot perhaps," cried be, raising his voice to its shrillest notes, "a hell burning with material fire and brim stone, but tbe wide weltering fiery chaos of corruption in high places, and tbe mis rule of tne people. A fine republic that ! England follows in the train, and is even now on the brink of the infernal precipice and bell below " Of course 1 could make no reply to these "prophe lie sounds so full of woe," but waited in serene si lence for the tempest to pass over. From Mr. lliptey's Letter in the Tribune. Sir Isaac Newton and the Apple. It has long been suspected, if not positively known, that the picturesque story ol Sir Isaac Newton having been led to the dis covery of the law of gravitation by the foil of an apple was as baseless as many of the other line traditions of genius. W e fear it will now have to be filially con signed to the limbo of slaughtered fictions. A remarkable manuscript f Newton has enuje to light in which he himself gives an account to a' friend of the origin of his great discovery, and not a word occurs to show that the fall of nn apple had any thing to do with it. In bidding a kindly farewell to this venerable marvel who will refuse a tor to his memory. New 1"" Times. i Tbe managers of the State lectures pay Charles Sumner $100 the first deliv ery of his new address at the opening of their course. , , ... , ,. , ! . ,A' ?' Mc he pro fe.ip in the South Carolina Lutvii- W'10 ,,,hrrhe " ,Mt wevk ek" thc ",r" Trustees. M... Rawlins, before marriage was tU Ofijeiul s P"rfLwr'"Pfu.red Vkksburg, where sbe had been hving aa a governess, m Terrible. It is stated that, in th -vears prior lo I860, -no Jess than e thousaud four hunnrcd aud sixty six .5 were lost by tbe var'otis accidents jt coal inir-.- ol Knglan I Jh. t. X .

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