cDli 2Cortl) Stiitc MLlSMRt, ritlpAVi OCT 80, l.W Tnr tayi: pair. ' Wimpcnclii'il on ncc. , :nt rif is 1,-nor.ui Incompetency. All that v have heard el ('.uinoujati-ncs im l4kul he is not corrupt, bu of his ignorsjiuc and stupidity there cm I, po ..)'." ibL We regret vi iv m i. h In have l: mrite ihiM OMjcamiuf a J.njg.v, 'mi ava jtiumtilLu wu nre il a n!ui) to tin. .i;lili :i, K.1 iir. t!, ini(t . Judge Caninui I' ing, with .1 Jim aiUi.itlud fr lius as a mni-wholly iiicou. tet.t to' ili-ch .ry;e tlia.dntlcs yi'liis V.iuit, sho'tld i.e udm i.i hod by his frlqnds u Jvi. An. I il ho r i'swsto todgu lie should ha iiiM ayhed 6.r iiioronp.aynii:. The public (mid 4( :. ! . hi' removal from the la-neb. Il.nvtr, ihourdi n li'w qnn nrs, it iiota salvo lor other deficit iicics in a judge. What we have written in reference to Judge ..! ... wc have have written, not m a lwrtix.ui hut,r fco io jMuVtna, urn) , WILL TTTF LKOfSLTTRK ifOfJ) It isliHt. nd wteNiv0 uayrrmihrn 1 twtrat- 7 l".U II ! III!. , VTe w-re in die rity ..!' i.'tl. t;li durum Thnr and Friday of Is-t we.V, mid vi-ii.d Ji 1'uir )ruuudi lot a I riff ur!. J adi d; y. We did not ciajuitie all the arti- L'a, Mock, .., on exhibition, but v. - n atiuugh !o tuibl in to My thai the Fair ir it, in nil ' -, , a ;:r aler 1 1 ' eijiil.l re.i-.i. iM. lint been expect ed under the i iror.ii'sisn .v. Die . i.or of agi i cultural imnhiacnta and rarinui labor-saving Machinery was very good. In thin department our intcj-j.risiug fi-l!iv.-ciiicn, J. -, j.h II. . ii. ii i.., of Davidson County, rxrclled in ran nl aii.t vaiiely, umi obtained several (ire niii.m for tho superior ijieellinei' of the itnple IiuiHk t'Jtldliited by liiiu. W'c .ajc'ly need say to our nuwerow agricultural reader, that if Lf .j ,) 0)mp Ihey nectl any unn' in ilie way ol l.trnui; iiu-jdeim-nt", wIjo.u tlirtdlien ami iHeanem, oom flieller, eu-ling, Ao., th'y uuinot lie better rqj l'lied than by ci ii.ling ibeix yfdei o to Mr. Tiioiajj mn. Xi. tiling atli u leil iw.e jilteiii.Ji liiao wev eral liiroi of been, t xliibited bv Mearra. Hun ter A SlmlU, of Kali w, N. C. Meaans II. iV S. have been eagagad in tlie ruiin i.f bee fvr iKiiue two years, and have bv.-n ui(Mtcuoronfu. Their eser'u'.Ma baa aatisfied lliwn that the Italian lieea will Houri.-h in il.ii c.antrv, and OVLU I'Uli Fuyit YEAHS ? 'I'l.i!. is it nnihlj.iii in uhioh every friutid ..f the (inveiliinfr.t it intrrifl d. !( it well kii"Wn that t Mfi'M are e.iniMi'riitorl acaillt tile el w ith (he oMTthrmv a iiioparrhy hi : dethrotienji'tit nnd diTail(it1ion of Hih Iwii iuhI -i h i' xm borrow uur laws fromKnglan BaaaaBaiBa ! with mjey and etrellouoy j and elf witlt jrlorv and hnttor' T narcra tf I xit- ( 'imtity, I hojni tn br nhla io . . in imv von w we vital imiHtrtanpe of ae our i .... I. Im Ii tkihk trill A., wlII t. km.Iv ourilW the location uf thin Knad at KalUmrv. thai p. iiii.1 of Englitdt bi.tory yhieh folh. a ; '.""I h,". ,f,odi will rwuK to your i d tlin ,, , , ,,, are e.,u.,,ni:rar,., the 'J V, uil fr VTCfci ! T T H lsT 1 ' ; 1 'K,U,i"r (d I Miv, pe,',,le Wl , rjgbt to ,1.- Jj J JgJ -Jg to a irp -owe. I -r pur,,.,.,., -HJ ,,,rnr I,!,,,.) ,lf llln,, I'H. linnu ut.. ctifht- j I "m fufli coiiviied rewi rit iinw'orltiy ,.in l.aua ami t. vontea. It, ii'K ' anout l"ity tin uiiiera. u.lfr ItO' fvjHI ll int. that tliey i-reUjad to .ierixo their right Hiajority at iheixenl of thebayo , . . ma, nun uu riam hi opni'iui in, ii. jiuiteen Ql'U (.tN8lSTKS V. In Iha whole eoarae of our editorial taweerwi' have fteer oin'B mhlis'nil in um (ohumip any inii'iilarv llitilB wlii. h to hohl over from 1 1 - Ci'iiKtit'itioii. Hut no lOtoll liglil all be d' lli.ced from it, and ihi.s every iu ll hi'iii until liiinws who h:m i v-n thy matt'r iIim .light't attonilou. And we are ijad I" Kee that at least one Iteiuhlica.U paper. !'.' Mtxaiieiu ity .oilh vnrwina lalien t!ie rorreet view and deneuueen tli project wiiii great out piM severity 1 h f r t! iiau. I Sfntih'l, elfioluall ilisi'ise .f the who' i,.,...;.. ,.r i...i.i ii . Un... uiterent imlividuully and eulh-otlrblv. Yotiare iit i-i.mi iwiu uiu hiihi iiiiervau.'U in fci nifct Halt-jury, ana tntn exlen- untr, convtnrHl lour tuxaa are ex- tli:.,', . Ie:n .mil liimli iji.imo al lii- time. And. therefore, 1 nope to U altla lo direit your in.:..!- to a BfttMot. lii. h. when eenrial. will aid e.ii - later they were broligl t lo trinl, con- Toil malerlally lo liiflilen tlue oiu iou hurdrlin deiiiueduinii'Xiiruleil for their erlini'iM'id their ! which are iriiposo. I i,eii)ou. You hay paid plea that they acted witlj tin- nulhorlly of I thin vear, inlo llje Public. Treactiry at Raleigh, the Parliament uvalliHl them nothing. The ,uc buiMinp of Kail Koftdn and other iiu touit held thai thfunurpatiou of the Parlii'.- ' pnvemenln in the Htala, and thU Weateni Koad uii iit was of i'self treason ; ami subniiHiiieiit I mi'S oilier, the Mini of five thouaand two I., ii .. .. i...i.i tk.1 .... ..!. . a: ! BOndred and Mxtv-i dollar. Ami thin is the .. .. n ii. ii.-iii ii.iii inn i iiiuniin . n .in ins- I , . , - .. ! .Jv...l i. .1... ,l..,.,l. ..f .1... v; i .1 ii iHituimni! of tax. you are to pay from year to i, .7 iv. -"",r""-,, '' ' year until the i.rineipal and l.lent of iheae UK nets tln ieaitl-r Were lUta ol t rp4lloU, L,,.,!..:. ... .; 1 Tl, J. -I ,. ..Ill e f..lh.-.vina article, w ritten urigii allv I " i1""" 1 .r',u ''f . further tax, that vpn mar ihcrebv be mora able e (M North StU by au able Kepub- " &?JZZ ta'Klu, 111 & f -"T '' v"" STT i in ni.e iii.iiiuer. in tuts M ule.jiuy i.ttcnipt ,H to continue, and 1 am unable to aee anv wav hut which lirt appeared in the Knleigb of ;, ,e;jsluivelHidy to hold oyer beyond l!u of escaping it, lhei It k-hoove you an tax pay- Li wik nil i..... ...hi m iks n lie , . ii lit,' i , the la-t hoia.- Wf.tyyyv. ,)r;irv of ixmXlt. ii, part ul r "V i,ie. N,lrth 'J'" I i:.K. ( on,. Uw Htport,, Ik, . haye been aaid of uk hv our oonteinporarjeK, j uiu.ler and exhibit it to the public iu hs highly as we appreciated them and arateftil as true character ! they were to our feelimjs. Hut we deMu1 from our rule to-day in pill lishinj tl.e article in-low from the Wiiiiiingtcii Jui-ntttl. We do this for the reason thai (he editor b.-at di-inteii sti d I -timony to the ini r-r"t i"Uisteney of oure mr'e. Tin re ar - i'n-e who ln-lieve, or nlfls t to lu-lu ve, that We have hot larn !!! i.r that we luive ehatiKed u.irponilioii. Hut lhci:ite!lh.oiit and can did editor of tlic Jwtriutl- who, vreileubl not, ha- olitiervil oiirc'ir i as i li.-il. ai-aiivotie, nirai Uiai Oicy wm. HBtfaraMl. im tltJiaF Tliey iourpoKilioHtoabi-ii1geirtirei'iiiaii-nrdwilb were .warm. i a premium uotn lor uw i-t mve (iur .. (,, in ,hc t , .- v-, ...v )uive jaiHirwj v ,), , ,v.,r ,., ,i(C ,ltc.a. t was broadly iu'iuiated by leading spirit!, in the dominant party, during the late HeaMoii of the;iture, tliul body would declare itielf elei-ted for four veins, instead "f two, and that it would con tinue to tualle hum. levy taxes, jelert Fnitcd Statea Seiiatnra. and perform llie other high fiiuctioi.s l.eloii" ilif I" the (.etieral Assem- eountitutional limit of two years, would bo usurpation auJ treaou." Yours, A. ltKPUHLICAN, TUi: STATE DEBT, We mate the followiqg extract from a letter j received by us from one of the (list men of the State, giving Ioh views on the snliject of I he Stnte debt. The letter was w ritten when the writer had sce'i only our first article on rcpudia- bly under the (' ui tililtioti; until tl.e year of' lion, but waanot received by n until after all arace, I 72. It may be that these di.-inter- j (f .lr articles on that subiVct had been written : e i r . . . i I . .; 1 1 . . L I esleil II leu f i"'pulnr lights will not take ;; auiis.s it a private citizen simmd venture, iintni iiihu'iiupiiu , , .1. , , ,. . . , f fnftnfgii Tne presl, tn remind ffiprn of those his is the M i j pllW(t,IH provisions which oostitattn 1 j the tenure of tl.eir power, and to point out ' i v nartn-iilar oartv. lull, .as ... ; . i . in the I to r . , i ,. . of f'o 1 1 i"r uo-ir hi ui pi .su in i... :i'- nueee.-s- . , r.i .. I .1 1 11 0 i iliteresL-ol llie iiiuntr . . in ll.i-(aiurse we shall couunue. If a party shall he organized which we can cnscii titinuslv inin we shall become a A mitiiafrtre steam engine, in Ml operation, I wembpr 0rif , If n .f wo 'slilll i imfimie to niafu- 1 tain our indi ;K-ud"Ucv. -, Oct. Sth, ISO!). Jk jr Si,-.' 1 am.frratiHed tu see that you era to sumiort this aiipropriatipu of SsiO.OOO to ttie liuiMmg or ihu Kailroad Itiriaigh vourcoun- y- ow let us direi t our minds to souiethliiKthnl s tangihlc and can he fully understiKid by every tax payer in the county. From the records of the Clerk of the Hoard of your County Commis sioners, (which record is often for inspection to all uf the tax jaiyers,) your county taxes for i 0i', are as lollows: J ur fctate uurHiseg, exclu sive of Railroads four thoiisana nine hundred and twenty -six dollars; for County iiurposiw, four thousand four hundred and six'ty-Aiur dol lars j fur JlaUrnmln, and other improvements in the Slate, live thousand two hundred and eixty si.x dollars, This makes the sum of fourteen thousand six hundred and fifty-six dollars. Now, tax payer, of ltovic Coutjv, vou can see fnitn this staU-nu-nl of the Cleric that thereby secure the location of thin road gifc bury, wlU' h will w a ncnent to you winie uv illjr' and then trtmmiHed o your ejiildrwi, who Will rise up anil call you "blessed, 1 .. . w I III. FtV l. I .. , ... ,AIHI .M'K'hM IOC I see il: - iuaul taken to smuii mi Jvoad, and your ciiin-ns (eft lo mourn ovr .1 I i- . .. V' I I h , ... , . I. in. n inn-. .01 no 1 t nen oe on ui wmiai and guard well thu palhullum of your hen. .a. -lor. Tax payers of Uaviu County examine the fol lowing figure: ihutioii of r.-al aid properly iu each To le hip lor ItSUO ; .M.-.'kavilc Township, $22t),03I.0n Fulton, do ?a,tfSH.ts) l ariuiiicton, do Jih2,t'.7.lH) Jeru-iileiii, ; do K(,.Slt!.i.i Calahan. do I :t, HI. 3.00 Clarkcsville, do 73,104.00 ilioiint Kailroad taxes paid by each of the louu-iop-. tins yiror, to-vit I ' " k i i!h Township, Fulton dn Farmiiiftlon, du Jerusalem, do pa ' Calahan, do 1 l.i 1 ki -VI 1 le, uo ( - J - S J Valusblv tmw Xilbr&ry for Sato. TIIF. UMKRHI(iNFI AM TUrsTlT, I will sell at public auction. iM the ( . ,; Hun It o .t t v r ... ft... 1 ... 1 ... 1 111 naiisiHiry, .1. . ., 011 iihwii ine ;,n ,, , , (1,110,00 l,lo.-.,oo U70,(I0 I'h" 0 7M,00 300,00 of honey. They deserve the thanks of the pub- j fully this brauch of productive and remuiicra live industry. are i uniiiK ntUntion to the snhjeit of the n'IS "emctf ot the t h 1 k that over one- "St'ate IKU.1' .Some rroimd, some pU, in rcf- 'hlr;, " ",r enti rip taxis this yiror, have been From ('. flV im 1 Jimrni'l. fin mnrnv I'ti. V..erf I4'...'re W. i-i-l.. ! li-h with plciatre the fellowiuit article from the iM y ,, th Sttrtc. We assnro tho Witor that uut jinniitrlm to-achioh Xu laiwa tatekpuiM weiv intended lo be coii.p'im. utary, a?.d we ic:;re! that we failed tn rirc- O'ifs.-Iyes so astomafc? oiirjit I'.ns miih r.-teoil. We know, not only from the columns of that patter, but from dti- . . 1 . 1 i.e. .- a 1 inan.if.Kiuied bv our iujai.'ioiu' tuvtiifiua-i, Mr. Li iii. Hrown, was an oltjiet jf much curiosity. It was ciTti.iiily a line spuimun 01 North Ca;ie Una -kill and Btechaiiism. Mr; J. J. K. n.l ill, Pbtenttf, of Troy's Store, N. C.; exhibited the "Feotioinv Washing Ma ehine," and e.ndiLlinl its claims to su)i riorily over all others no in use. This inncldne was award, d the first premium and a special reivfn.- mendation, though Die e. hbrated Fnion Wah- vcrsatious with the Fditor iiuinediatity after Ins r . ,....:. . r ,1 . . return iroui V aslunet. 11 (. 11- in ).'.,, as one ol inu Machine w:r a competitor lor tin; prize. , ,. . , V . . ? , . ,, , . . . , . the i oinmts-ioucrs ail")iuii.a bv the iateUover- ( nl. J. Golden nyatt, oft atawha Springs, cx-1 ,mr Vorih, thai the i -mrse nf'the (M Xirth Suit has hei 11 euiMsteul with ii elf and govern- tple. tliile we have iliir d tV.'iueiillv ith piiiHr, aiel rome- widely, we have alwi. done to with re gret iuidvith retpevl for (lu oj'inion.' of ihe Ed itor. We reirir.l the pnitiiq of the OW .V. -M S' ri entirely iu accird with its tcminps in the past, and lirobablv, with one excriitiou, the only papur .11 the State occupying ihe same p 1- usnrpatiou. view, I be; ihrou r pmpoarsa '', "1' iw' 01 ui' oki-ii, uim finir, .111. 1 Willi this friendlv iu , "" " .v,"ir ' 1 .V"r l?y paja-r, 1 .... l .. .. It . : ... I at .1.. 1,'hvi. 1,1 call their attention, i ,'" . " . " .n"K'. ." the foil Would not tat I for Kailroads. And where are these Hailroads locateil? In Davie r Not ope of them ! You have Isv-n pavine taxes o build Railroads for it as iniroer for me lo make to ! !(". ""l are you willing to continue yi.n owe 11 In r:-'iir,-t this ap lliu K...I1...1 I through vou: c iiuniis, t the M na . . 1.1 1 this for vcars to come'' If v,n .... j - .. ... r .r , vou one or two siictestions as to what our plan, , 1 . 11 m'- .v"1 cinuM.s ol the new-, oi,rtiUUMn ot A.rth.jfkJvinf, fhi. 7f;fr ,-iW,V ..c -ht to he I 1$ to t rwlwwand posteritr o vow agni Carolina, funned by themselves, nuj ratified j (io m ,il)W ,n, w hastily." Mr object is sim- propriation. and thereby defeat lh by a laru'e majtrity of t!ie voters : ,,v M,mM a pf,n)' nevi Ik?, I am j lm'Jfr1 ! " '" do it ! Sectiou :)rd. of Article II. is in these Ur. ..and to sustain with appropriate and 1 1 . I e sum ol money which you will words: -The Senate shall be composed f think, iinanswtrable arenminls. facts and au- 1 (" li-i'Iroads m thirty years, will bibiud 'In' Jflie for whicii he owns the patelit in this and, n. rhnps, other State?, wc- Tori-ft the ' ed throitl t bv name of ii. This gate attracted very ecueral at tention, was awarded a premium, and received the praise of all who examined it. In the line of tine cabinet work, Mr. Vta. F. Wiuilr, of Malem, distanced all coiiijK-titors 011 tbiii, as we believe he lias on former occasions. Ihe rrtes, ofalem, ilesene liounra- Isliiuii whicii can justly claim I he I cast r.pict lor cnnsistcncv. j ni we inteivtl.H to sav in our b!e mention for the many excellent fabrim ex hibited by them, and on some of which they jife premiums. K. A. Yogler, of tllO same plan1, alsy made a most cnalitablc and at tractive diiilay of njany articles, and was awar ded several premiums, especially on shoes. Maj. J. A. Leach, and otiier manufacturers, from Thomasvilie, are also deserving of sjucial niention for their sjileudid exhibition of phoes, Ac The Thomasville manufacturers were, we believe, the pioneers in the shoe business in North Carolina. There were many other nrticlcn exhibited by various jiarties froirj diflerent jiarts of the Htnte which desorye a like special mention with tho.5e we have noticed, hut we leave the editors in at tendance from such sections to tak the proper jtotii-c of them. We did not pay close attention to the stock on exhibition, andif we had we car.not claim to lie ajudgo. We saw hundreds of beautifid things in Fioral Hall, manufactured ami exhibited by the fair daughters of Xorth Carolina, but our powers are iuadeijuato tg the tack of describing them to our readers. We publish this week the excellent addresaof Hon. Kemp P. Battle, President of tho Society, on the opening of the Fair, and will publish a ii:-: of premiums next Week. We had the pleasure of hearing the excellent adilress of Prof. Kerr, which was a great treat toJ all bis hearers. As we hope to have tho pleas ure of laying this addrew before our readers aoon, we will not comment ujton it now. We had the pleasure of meeting during our atay many old friends from every part of the State, as well as many of our brethren of the press. But what surprised us more than any ihing else was tlie great swarm" of "Political I tutu" that greeted our presence where ever we went, yielding ns a sort of patriarchal precedence among that tribe of politicians. Even Pike, judging from his editorial in the Standard of Saturday, on the Senatorial election in Tennes see, seems to be undergoing a strange metamor phosis, and some think that when he assumes definite form and shape again he will appear among the "hats," of which tie had such a jioor opinion a short time since. We leg leave to warn Itro. Pike that unles he retract the -steps which lie seems to be taking he will soon loose his position as editor of the Standard. former article, and lake pleasure now incorrect ing any erroneous inipreaaioii we may have cre ated : " Then follows an article from the f),'..' Xorfi Stale of the Silt, which was written under a niis apirchension of tl.e Joumafi mettoing. thick, iinacswirablc arenmiiits, facts and au UioriUrs. Our "State Id ht" proper is about Sl",00.000. This orujht to in paid and and will U paid when the people are able 'to do so; but they are not liftv Senators hientiialtff chosen by ballot." Section VI. is as follows; 'Tl e of representatives fchjlj . ko.miu.smI of ..11,. hundred and tweiitv Pen i ' u' l-'iple arc resentmives. ....... . clios.u by ballot." woosonow. in inw ocnair, let titc-m my j.t, Mey i pay thr wkoU when they can; but let ..... ... I tlll'lll hill' lo kileti . I'l I . ' . . . A . I... ,1... . l.l ... 1 I. 1 ll-'lh ' ) us I.mIou-8: I , ' . 1 , rrr I uortancf of uriir i!SM . 1 for ti.embers ,,f tl.eGenernl j (jn Uw ;;.; ', ,lf ,,t llirilv f Now th..H lor one moment ami make a few Assembly shall be held for tho resjiectivr j 1V ho(1,.r of ,he, M Ktatc debt, r...-,-srs to take or J'ouraflvea, Tine valuation of your districts, and at the jdaces where I i.,,;,,!, ,. .1... sinte in i.svnonf 01. the h.i. of ' property, real ami irsonal, as returmsl bv the one dollar of Ihe j.M4od for ivo of the old t:'r" various townships is 91,02i,.121. , all will ! Thoiihaiids of the holders of I N"W 11 ,vo" "'"" "Rree to suttsi-rilic this $."i0,- Tliesum of money which vou will have raid. - ar Kailroads, in thirty years, will amount to ioi,ii(w, anu nan, you will still lie without a Railroad, unless you shall aid by vonr votes in next November, iu securing this 'Western Hail rWd. If you should fail to secure t it is one. this generation will not have the pleasure of I !!.. ... . ,r ... i.Kaunx me iiumic 01 au engine, .ire not tnese fact sufficient to convince vou of tlie vital im- they are now k l.l, or may i"- uliectea liere attef to be held, ill S'tch manner as may be nresei iheil bv latt. oil tht first T,vrltirn in tl.e "ohl Stale bon.'s'' Will )) t'irul tti ilfi Kit- : 0.X) tu the capital stoek of the Witcrn Knilroad Jiiyu-t. in thr tarttne thousand tiqht hun- I then dvM is out ol the wav, and ls-ides, the '"."uini'.y. bnw mui -lwouid your taxes be in ad itre'i ant! JfTOtfy. ami cvrry two years there preswit hohlecs uf thoo bonds, for the most ! i1'.'" nmuum i'oa "ow P"- 1 will only after. Hut lh Oi'Us-ial As-embly4 1 j"". did not pay for them exceeding fifty la nls ; l)e f-'-W'V?- el.jnw.. the tii the election. Tb ln heldlar, ll seems to me that such a basis ,,A"a.u!w 'q 1"l'P.d ."P0" he idea that your first election shall be l.-hl when the vote , '." w ""'" 'eii a me as au hM,t debtor ', " -"mmy .s.nus oear ng shall be taken on the ratification of this i 111 ',' '''')''. . "renmslanew, m.ght aflhrd. to r"l. "JZSuT .. .-, .1 . , ,1 0 , 1 make with hi .red, tors without the on 1 '" lears. And remember loo, lhat rnur eoiisn.u.Mi. bvtiie ..ten. ot ti e Stale, and L fi(h or r ia(jon (()' , taxes will be hkher the firs, year, than anv vear the General Asseuibly then . lect-d shal , ,.in u ajid palftfe It, (Ihe plan,) eTdJ' LcalUf'e wUI ,0'n,t el oi, the day after the spr-va! . ,.1;l,,iM1. ,i. ..,) ,, ;,.,..rL.ut the inlert-t, an.1 Sl.MM.0rt of the nrinrinal the Total amount, t-.-J. '.'.no This entire anuiunt of the Iluilmad taxes rob ha-tt-d from the people this year, was from the real and personal property in the county. Not one cent of this $5,200 was paid by the pull. Il all came from tim e who are directly interested in the soil. And (his will continue to be the case in the future. And ran miy imk- fatLto see this, if be will bul look lor one moment at the figures here given? Therefore, the land-holders in Davie County are interested in securing the Western Bailroa.l. All are interested in this project alike, lie who owns pot a foot of the soil is interested. The la-hoi-ei- la also interested. And what i la of our citiaepsy Mr. K.iitor, is not be U-iufiiti J br It? If any are not to be lsrnefitud by this Uoad, then 1 must come to the conclusion they live and move ill the air, or are aniphibions in their nature, and capable of deriving the niiao of sulisistence from Ihe air, wind urd water. The fallowing is the 6(h sectien of the amend ed charter of the Western Ka i I road : Sw-. 8. TTia't forthepirrpieor cxfcnd:n'gsa!f Western itailroad Inuii the itriint on the North Carolina Kailroad, at which said Western llail- nnul mar connect, at or between Salisbury and (reenslsiro', up the rich and fertile vallev of the Yadkin, between the .V rth anuNtutii iad- t omyii s Puri-st, Burrow's lb pons, Iunn A' I!ast.. Itepirts, Baixtn's Abridgi'inciit, Hale's Pleas of Ihe Crotrn, lluwkiu's do do Arch. Crim. Phsd., Sbepiwrd's Toucbstuiie, Tidd' Practice, Ki . II on ( rimes, WUIiaw on Kx., Starkie A Phill mi E Saunders on Plead, it. Er billy's I'h .'ding, I billy's Priu. I .a it, Story's I-mg. Juris., Kent'a . .m ., Coke's, Hiuilb's Lead, (Taaaa, Htepen's Nisi Priu- N. C. Beports to 7 Ire, &., Ac. There are about 2V) volumes iu tla Lt, s!l standurd works and in gotsl condition. Terms either cash or six months' credit, nidi gool Hccnrilv, at the option of pnrcha-. r. ocCMt W.J. MONTUOMi.r.V. I PUBLIC SAtiK. Wir.I. sell at public auction en the nrcinU.-' NoveinlM?r lOlh, at the Point I', mt I'i-.a i,, Davie county, known as Mrs. Walkc's I r..i. the following propertv, r'n : tw. lie and fiftteen mwdred buaLwl" ('. i Vis Wheal, -'SMI l.. Leaf Tobacco, Oat .. ,..': r . (juantity of U'igs, Cattle and stu k. I , .,; sell ail the faraiiug Implements. Turns ni . I: known on day of sale. JOIIX-M. n-l - Ort, 18, IRC, Yeast Powders, For Ittickwfuat Calcet, Bitt-Cab or anything that it desired to be ijn,ri;. ly or nicely jrrjtircd. W ITU lhcc Yeast I'owders tie re i- m-i-'.-c r diaaupoinunenl nor d.-hiv fm m fin kin, to such poiut in the county of Wilkes, as nies, at mostanj; thuigmay be put in r. adiiu-s UNITED STATES SENATORS ELECT I'BOCLAMATION. ITia Excellency, fhiv. Holden has issued proeJaination in whieh he recount the various outragi-s unl violations of law that have taken place in Ix;iioir, Jodos, Orange and Chatham John F. Lewis and Judge Johnson have been elected United States Senators by the Legisla'ore of Virginia. Our readers know who John F. Lewis is as well as we do. Judtre Johnson is a ueWphe-.v of Gen. Joseph K. Johnson, ie a man of popular manners, irreproachable chapter, Hue laleuU. uuj is an eminent law yer. He does not belong to tiie Bourbou si-IkkiI of polltii ians, but keejts pace with the changes of the times. lie was one of t!ie earliest supportera of llie Baldw in Stuart movement. L"tt. IE .Morrill has been elected to fill out tli." uues jdred term of .Mr. Fesseudenfrom Maim.-. Hon, Ifenry Cooper lias In- n eleeted'to UfCeedMr. Fo-.vler from Tennessee, ilefeat ing Andrew Johnson a result which must he gratifying to the friendd of peace through out the country- Of Mr. Cooper tin. New York World sues : The successor to Senator Joseph F. FoVrv leroii thedth of March. 171. will beHeiirv ... . . I r . I .. ...... v 1 1. ii i.-i , .i i OH.-.-.-IH ui-iouei o i ine oiaiej Senate of lennesief. Mr. Cooper is a na tive of Mailry County, and is nearly 50 years old. He removed to Bedford County when a young man. and for several years ivprescut- i-tl the district hi wl irh that pomdy is situat ed, in the lower branch f tlie, Legialature. During tho lat war ho was i4 strong, though uot violent, Vluiou man. uud received from Goverunr Andrew jJoiuiami the appointment, of Judge iujininif.thH State courts. During his term on thu bench he sought several times In resign, but his resignatioti was uot accejited ; ai d Governor Brow ulow, iu a inessege to the ure. referred to him as one of the purest and most njiright mem bers of the State judiciary ; and. though op posed to him politically, earnestly protusted against his retirement. Jn lt-X3. however, he accepted a chair in the faculty of the Cumbe.laud Uuuiveraity, at Lebanon. He was chosen t. the Slate Seiiato as a Setter Conservative at the recent election, beating his Radical opponent by a large majority. Judge CooperJiha been regarded in Tennes see as one of the rising statesmen of the South west, and is very widely esteemed for his eminent abilities and spotless character. He is a personal It lend of ex President John Counties, knd givi notice tlftit unless those j aon, has Voted for him for Senator iu every things eoase he will "prrxdaim (h'is. counties in ballot. His b,other Edward, Cooper. lMy statc ofiiisurrAtiou and will curt the whole member of Cong -ess and tmw.a State Seri ....wi.v - f tkjhll! ts ilnAw. ilka !uu III- ..I: ' .e . . . ii i .. i ... i . io'kh who ir asmuiwi or injurou, ana to nring criminals tojustii.'' ' yi e nave nrara vnra ftvn tnw pruiaiiuiwai S mmeii'ed upfm with some seririty. Bitter pir r.u.s viil dlsover jidrti.-inb-rn in ev ery thing, and, pcrhapk, ihe day lots not yet pome when any man can write mjch a paper without a betrayal of partitan feeling. The armd Ku Klus organirattion." existing in aVwe-fo inlios, consisting doubt !si if a few men pho w. . under tb. - tci of their bad pa B'i .., o ;l.t In i hroken up lis uilily as poe rbla, No ps-id man can or will defend their ats, and it ir mt jus'Jtiuation and but little pal lluum lo rvoooRt U-.e former oulxagtw of tin; op pnote party. Ttte time has come when every pood citiaen shoidd feel it tn be bis duty to la h.r for tf n .- .: inn of peace, and to ennstgn hlirion the aniinnsitioi of ihe jat. JUUIE CANNON. Thia idi---er has kata the mbject of considtra-bu- eeiaum I -itely; on aceount of hk allowing a juror lo be witbdr.iwn and a mistrial nuwle in tSe cum of tli Prineos, wltereby they were dis eitargi J. The Nation1 contemls that the Jin'c sb'.oW U iniwrhed fcr his conduct in this iiLittir tint if be acte.1 rorruptly he shsi! I Is . . ; .' .' o rriptkio, if ie I .'.-i he rl. uld m impost a mi m 'was i:ii.iiiit,;?r,,iih'rrr''t'hww" i i epiwt Kfl hiotbm he honor now thrunt uitoti him. i j whwh I hava ,drawu attention ; but it is Uot ..iiu iiiejo, alio ruuiioi ue so alor waaVfor . nine ttini'. .Mr. Johnsons pn vat secretary. The ue-.v Horator is a-man of small stature, with n .'io.Mi iermu1 pres ence au extremity affable manner. It has 1 tne nouor now inruai npou inin, lor inodeat ami aomewi at uitlnlent. lias not per mitted his friends to canvass for him as a candidate. He teems to have been taken up at the last moment by the combined op position of fX-Coiifederalea and extreme Radicals as the only man capable of defeat ing Andrew Johnson, and his election was tirobably a uuexpectstl to Li in as. it is to the country at large. Mr. C is one of the ablest lawyers in Teunessee. We was obo of military Gov. Johnson's apjiointees t the ju.o.ii'.ii y. and waa uminf'lnTed for integrity us lia ollirt-i by Gnremor Brow:. low in a iniivnge tn the Legislature. He cave a decision ;n the ihrrhfuiiha' IttilHy case. u.w p-miiug iu ihe Uaile.1 it- s Snpi'eUif Court, lhat nr franchisv i iti.ronsiifiir :iai. On retiiing froirt the helich be b. cai.m I'rttfeSfor at tlw Leban'.n Jmv Sarhistl, and a.f: r resigning that psitiou feuioM.l to Nasl.viile Virginia i)1u' AgncnHiurtU Society. We ii'tiva ear liiaukj to ibe Virginia State An'i- ultural Society for a aonrptimcurary invila tioo to illeiul its nest Fair and Catih-Sliuw at the llernkilKSte For Grmnd. Bear tiiei.n.omi. in the a J '. Ith and 6th Jvfs of November. ther'aii by the Congress ot t lie Clilted Mates if it fail i "t on a Sunday, but if it shuli so I fall, then on the next day thereafter; and ! the memhtrntken elected hdl hold their seat until their iucccson ure elected at a regular eltctwn." It tlm- apjieurs lhat the Legislature Is lo be elect' d biennially that tl.e first elect ion is to take place on the ' Jirt Thursday in August in tlu'Jiear one thousand riiht hundred and sei nly," and that the legisiat ure now iu heiug which was elected in Aj'ril iHic. at nu irregu lar elecUou. "siiall hold their itcajt until their successors are elect id at a regular flection;" via; until the above named fir,! Tlinr.-il.iy iu August, one thussuud, eight hundred and se veuty. The, framers of our Constitution will not be regarded by posterity us'eis of style iu ooiuis'siliiin. but it is due u them to say. that, in this instance at least, tliev have made themselves well understood. 1 under take to say holiest minds can have no two opinions ju the preii.i.-es, and lhat it .j will, be a daui roll.' expel in.eiil fur the pies sent legislator to attempt holding over longer than the two y ars and three or four mouth lor which Ihey were elect.-d. It is Said that the fiiei.ds of the proposed UMirpatioU base tl.eir claiins to a four years, lease ewer "U the twenty -xeventh section of (trticie II. It is as follows : "The terms of ofline lor Senators und inembeis of the House of Rpre8iiratiVfS shall commence at the time of their election; and the term of otiiee, ol those elected at the first eh-elion held under this Cousiitulli.ti. shall terminate at the same time as if they Stt I had been elected at the tirst ensuiug regular e action. It is pretet'W that, this section emifers upon the members of the present Legisla ture the right to hold over as if they weie elected on the first Thursday in August. 187(1; that being, as is assumed, the period for the "first regular election." But if that day should become. In fact, as" the Constitu tion requires, tho first regular election, and if the present liody should, as is proposed, hold over, the result will be. that we shall liavt! two -Legislatures in being at one and the samn time. On the other hand, if, in consequence, of the holding over of the pres ent body, no election should, in fact, be held on the first Thursday in Angnst. 1870. that will i ot be the supposition of those who 'claim an extension of time, viz : the "first regular election ;" and there will lie the same pretense for holding over six'years. that now exists for four, Ajt the cud of sis years the same dilli ulty would exists the same want, of a "regular function' to (lute from a nd, our fortunate legislator, 'elected iu April. 1S!W, would be in a fair way to become life members if not hereditary lords over the people. I have thus briefly traced the theory on which this pri'Mised impudent ursurjiation is bawd, to its logical consequences. It re sults in ii porpetuuil legislative bod f. imlepeti ileiitof the ) e.qile. and responsible to no one b'lt to themselves for their Conduct. It is obvious that bv the "firs', ensuiln? election" public works on reasonable term... tirst year. Alter the hrst your taxes will get Now as to the pretended and so called "new lis" an,) ' debt,"'amounling tn orer $2,000,f)0P : $10,000,- , . " L" authoriw the Commissioners to I sal of Ibis i- said to be void, as being created in I ""hscribe the $otl,G0 to the Western Iiilroad the l-iiv ofthenttcr of the CointitniiiHi. 1 main- ' Comjiany, your county leeomes a stockholder in tain that the whole of this so-called debt i t-1 'J10 r-'" l ibis amount. Then if the road tempted to he created iu violation of the spirt, declare a dividend of only four per cent, if not in violation of the letter, uf tin! C.r.stitu-! I" "" yi'ur county's share of such dividend lion I 1 am prepr.nd to -how this to the salis- ! would he $i!,000, thereby lessening your taxes faction i f any legal or reasonable mind, but I j ,hw a,!10"i"- Thi n, rf this lie so, your taxes have no liuu-:.. give even au out-line of the at- ! wo!,r laXH wo"!,l bc W,0Gti,C, instead of $5, guinent, ,Vc. There is no luck uev d-it, and the j fiGW aUd abov e. And I do not see why State is not f ound is Uiu; il) ooodoilk in generul r0i"' "bould not pay a dividend of five or it.-WiV naUru to n.iv ihe aunt of n,.,n,.v lb.. ,.i i nper cent, lief annum. I itlin-has 'iiiien.- 'u'd lomake the Slate n.-iiou- .Thin there is another reason why the people K.avic : noiild l,e in lavor of this nppronria- ibe President and Itirectors nun determine, the Public Treasurer is hereby auttoriwd and re quired to -ub-. rib. - lo the capital stock of said Western Ballroad, the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, and lo pay said suliscription in tint coupon bonds of the State, in the same mannur and form, and on the same terms as heretofore provided for; Provided, That said sum of five hundred thousand dollars shall be exjieniled on that portion of the read West of the point at which the Western Railroad may connect with the North Carolina Itailroad ; and provided further, that the President apd Direc tors may commence ihe grading West of the North Carolina road as soon a the location is determined. Thus vou see, fellow citizens, as soon as ihe iKiint of location is determined, the work may be commenced bv the Engineers sorveving the route of said Koad, and the President and Di rector making choice of the most feasible one presented by the Engineers. "DAVIE." Standard and Sentinel please copy in weekly. 71 Kit II II In this county on the 20th inst., by Rev. Samuel Pharr. D. D. Mr. White Fbai.kv, and Miss Faxxik Stekle, daughter of J. W. Steele, Esq., all of this county. for rooking. Plain directions accompany then. Prepared and sold, only At K. SILL'S Brug Store, Sa!i-!.urv. Oct. 22, 1869. 4--2t" AlM.V-o.s 3 All I.MMISIJ Nor. siblc, for : On the contrary, I iiisLl and will Is' j T llde to shew, that the M.ilc owes it to herself, and to other Stales, not to rccogniethe pretend ed "ill w debt" - i debt. This oiiht lo lie to, as an set of justice '.and sound public policy. The so-called "new debt," lias no exirtrnee in faetea Uur. But it will Is? said that the State has realized something tr. m the fruudukui bonds issued un der neint Uiri-lalltn anil lhat it would bo i mm e fill to tuko the nioncv a'iid not account lor .' it. It might lie said with f;reat propriety in re ply lo ibis view, lhat tl lion by Ihe county. If this road is loeie.l nt Snlisl ury, the amount of nioncv apjirojiriated by the State and County will be expended among the citizens . f ihe two counties for building ma terials, grading, &c. And will not this amount of money expended among you be of no benefit 7 Ah! you would see more energy displayed bv the citizens of eacli county than das been' ibr ten yi-ars. The aged would have new motives for activity ; the young stimulated to habits of in- citutiry ami economy, ami all when tfiru kneie to a moral oertainli bonds were not legitimate; they cmiiauigrtl the State, more .haii anv sum the State has or i.iav realize will hem lit it. lt might la; said further. ; that iniiili, very much of Ihe nioncv so realized classes niov in,' for- i ., ,. .- . : . : o , , . . U I Ii I : i ..." t r. ... , , , .1 . ... ......... . . lose win) iMiuglit sin Ji i " " , " I"" l'".' a"u tnuusuT. ( u,iuh ..r.t ...r. in.r n tier f..r And are tliese reasons not coi'ent eiioiivh lo the State. Thev helped to injure the Slate bv ! candid tax payer, that thi-i'road, if bidding a nmuimd pritx- for such Unils, and "inn, wi i pe nie very salvation of your county, intv, that such i ul"'ulllli "P " your biiauered lortums, j lost in the pas ten years 7 i And why there should be any opposition to .iiu. uOTiroprtaiiiin-oy ine lax (Myers ot 1-ulton Township, lain unable to imauine. unless it i for such bonds,' has never gone into the Trcusu-1 ",,Uc.v. ,,dnls the "Big Yadkin River Nav- iganon jinyi ei win sillier uy It. Why tax pavtrs of Fulton Township that project is numbered among the things that were. And there is no possible chance, for the . resent at least, to behold a steamboat plowing the prpud waves of the Yadkin, whose majestic wa ters lave ihe soil of a rich and fertile country. that needs the aid of steam to transport it pro ductions to the great marts of the world. None are more anxious to see this project completed i your wriier. ism we must deal with living rv ol tne state or Iter public works, but lo en rich dish' ie't men, who have jiroinjitid this fraud and indeed, accomplished il. But I would not insist on this view. The State might say, there is no such debt; the Slate is not hound for such spurious bonds ; no court would say so, if the matter could be go ten before a court; but nevertheless, the State will pay to evctTa stock-gambler tueh umx as she has realized at his bauds, und lawful interest thereon, lie cannot in strict Justii-e demand Bisnor Weh Inn, Warrenton, Wilhaiiisbor' Oxford, Henderson, L 1'iisburg C lai lotee, Lincoln I on, Hih Shoals. Gasloa CO., C'tncord, Cabstius to., .Salisbury, Christ Church, Rowan co., Sv James. Iredell co St. Andrews, Ilowan co., Waheshoro". a 4 C 7 !' 1 I M 17 16 20 21 23 L'l 2.", i. j n ' 1 1 i i lit i .it i jtif-iM; iitiiniiiti I. . . ----- --T- ' ""fi that, but as a matter of natural justice, the State hcy are presented fur our serious, calm . uii-iiiui it.ioni.. Tax payers of Fulton Township, you are in vested in this matter as much as' any other lownsoip in your county, ion will be benefit ougiit to jiay it. without rettreiiee to her rifjiit in the matter of damage. I have simply given you the out-lines of a plan feasible und just and one that would, imnv judgment, enhance the credit of thu State, if it could be ado!ed at once. Indeed, if the press of the State w ould sustain such a plan and the el just in the same proportion as all the others. lour lownship, In jaunt of w ond in your county. wealth, stands sec- The valuation of your real i .lie . , , - . 7 public men generally, it woidd Ko very lar to ptnai projierty .tins year, was 1216,998. sireiigili.n jmblic eonlideuce in our State bonds 1 na' "ifreiore, your lowiiship has piud taxes, proper. This is a matter of so much moment, h"' railroads, to the amount of $1,053, that it would be well, for a popular convention Jurt ODe nflh I'1,he whole amount paid by the lo assemble ami give organized weight to some uot to m mis coiiunue such I' as that 1 venture to suggest. This is fo.r,.twen,,.v or llur,f .vearH longer? And this the more dew rattle, because live prent Stnte au- W1,U le ",e 'bcUier tlie W astern lUilroad is locauu ai rMUsnorr or i.reensDoro. ISow. if i SALISBURY MARKETS OCT. 29, 18G9. REroRTKD SY i. A. MCCONKACOUEt. OSOCXR. 20u 33 S3 to 9 I 30 to 1 36 1 4" !e 1 t". , .10 to U0 30 to 31) SR to 00 '" 94 3 00 to 3.36 13 to 16 46 to 45 3.76 tn 4.3$ 131 .en 30 to 33 to 1 to 00 to 16 to 9 to C3 to S3 to 6 to 8 to 6 to" existed to do any thine rcjtair an evil that tlwy have in the most coini- you will but look at your own interest voir will is n eant the iirst Thursday in Auirust IrM'iS. construed ns to overthrow the biennial char acter of the Fegislature. rjor tntn take awjiy, from the people Ine right of bo d'ng an elee tion thf lirt Thursday of August IH0. which h explicitly given in the IVth section. The ncwsp:er Press slionhl r. :n n all par ties roilcei ni'd. that wlmwrr conspires, aids, i.r abets in tl is hiffh handed incus ure, w illU- cal manner inflicted on a State and jx-ople whom ' "A" "IW ""J0 .volir only means of being Uiey curse rather than bless. They have . made ,';H'Bed at this time. These figures are stub- . " .. . . .. . . I...M. r.. ..... r. . ! I ! li . i i . .. . the credit of the State nodrud only. For the Old A"rrtA Sktu. TirE FAYETTEVILLE AND W'riSTKRN I J01 not to deceive you, if I could, hut to get you 10 iook inio me mailer lor yourselves. And bort facts, fully sustained br the clerk's record. and which cannot lie controverted by any mode of reasoning. Ask your commissioner if these facts are as stated, rul let lum answer. Mv ob- KA1L110AD. ai all that has been said about vour townshin is true, then doe it not behoove you to support the Mb. In mv first commnnicAtion, j ' "PPro pnauon witn your mllucnce7 attemi.tcd to awaken the rithtens of H.watv' and ' .nu lne. "? Rn,L reasoning will apply Davie to the g,-.t important of securing the I Zi,h e?'.,aI y tlie citisensof Farmington location of tl-isjioad at SalisburT. And there - rtwnship should support the appropriation. aie other cotiiddet'ntiotia why ihese people sliould ! tour tow2 J,M I!1' thu Tfor Kailroads 1th1Wtgf.tV'-!ifoV- W thdr rrtrff i merest ""tf th(is Koad should he!ocatod at (', then they are irxed live i. ndrcil thousand dollars, in Uftcon, psrHtuini, Coffee, per i'.uud, Ccru. per bnsh, l'50 lbs., Meal, bush. 46 -Copperas, per pound. Candles. Tallow, " " Adamantine, Cottoo. )r pounil, ' Yarn, per bnncli, K(fKs. per doxen, f'e it in is, per pound. Pioar, - per sack. Klsli, Mackeral, ' a. 1. .... g '. Prutt, dried, apples peaUd, " " ' nn'p'fd, " . " Peaches, pesled. . " " " unpealsd. , Leather, ups;r, per pound. " sole, " . Iron, bar, " ' castings, " Kails, cut. " Molasses, snrirhiim. per ga West India, " " Syrup. Onions, per bushel, Pork. pernonnd. Potatoes. Irish, per bushel, " Sweet, Sngar', Brown, perpoond, " Clariflsd. 11 Crnshed Ptilvsrlsed Salt, coast, per sack, " Liverpool, ' " Table. Tobscoo. Leaf, perponnd, " Mannfectured, Smokina. THE ADVANCE A WEEKLY FAMILY JOl'HNAL, Devoted to the Farm, Ihe Garden. ti,e Workshop, Domestic Economy and Qe.neral Progress in North Carolina. rpHE I'NDfcRSIGNFD PROPOSKS T i 1 Jiublisli, iu the city ol Kaieigb, as sou a . a sufScient number uf subscribers can be m La m d a Weekly Fomdy Journal, adapt' il i i the wants of the people of North Carolii who are engaged in the cultivation of Ibe s ii iu all its branches, the itaprofotuei.i ot manufactures, our machinery our menhnni.-al skill, ami all tl e inaleiial iu'erests of the Stale. In the conduct of ihe paHr he pxpt-cts n seeuie the aid of s.aeDtifie and prao'ii :.l men lo instruct and interest his readers, llu ob ject will be to mako it euiu'eiiily traolHal and useful to all classes. It veil! be prm'ed in good ?tyb-, on good a pevof targe sixe, at $'J(ieryer in advance The first number will appear about the 1st of November, or as souo thereafter us the pat--r.tnage will i isltfy. i'iil'crini will Im ex pected lo jiay at soou as liiey reeeivt il.e fu. t number. The tiridetsijfnul soiieil he aid of his inn' y friends in the State to oltlnsn snbsci iln-rs mid forward the lists al an early lav. Wii. E PEI.L Raleigh, Oct 6, I860. 41 -tf Worth Carolina, Davis L'wsi v. SrrrRi'-fK ("rar, Fall Term, IpCJ. -a. a ...... 8 (in IK in TO M 8 10 7 ISO 60 to 70 1.00 to 1.90 ft) to 00 10 to 13 00 to 76 I 00 to 00 14 to 16 18 to 30 to 90 r.aO to9.fiO 3.90 to 3.00 B.R0to6.00 K tn 10 Sflto l.BS 40 to 1.00: Petition for Sale of Lands. John S. Maxwell,. Administrator of John Max well, (kc'cL, against Thomas T. Maxwell. Thomas M. Brock. Ja. V. Bmck. Sarah K Nay'or, wife of Uei ji inin T. Nnylor and Camilla A. Brock, bid Ward Pn.. k and John E., minor chil dren ol John W. Brock, deceased. In ihis oasa it appearing to ihe satisfaction of the conn that James V. Brock and Saiah Naylor. wile ol Beiijamin S. Naylor, tlefend ants in this case are non-re.-idents of this Slate: Therefore, it is ordered by ijie court -tlurt pub lication be made lor six weeks ill ' The Old North Stale" newspaper, nolifyit K the. said de fendants lo appear before the Judje of our next Superior Court to be held for the c-iiunty of Davie al the Court lb .use in Mot ksvnle, on the first Monday in April, 1870, then nd ibero to answer the petition of the plaintiff, filed in this court, or judgment will be taken ex purU as to them. Witness, II. R. Austin, Clerk of the Supe rior Court of Davie Conntv, at officer in Mocks ville, the 11th day of September, A. D., 18b9. II. R AUSTIN, C.S.C. 41 -6w(prfee $10 ) Tins am i: w in. kailuoad. OOING WiCST. NEW AD VEIiTJSEMKNTS. the sum of i'Ji'J. , ; d are you, the tax payers oi rarmingum, wining m sec mis mncn otyour money cxpendtvl for a series of years without addition to what they t-eajreadv taxed. I do r"me nope ' remuneraimnr ix-t the ballot not nitan lhat the eounfus of Rowan and Davie : U tt"swcr on ,"'1" of"l No'ernUr. arc taVed this amount, but their proportion of! . fax (InrkisvUle Township, yotiare it. "Then whv not, as las pavers, U to vour ntenttxlm the building of this road as much interest, fur vour piaWeritv it ? ' ' M ""X other township and we conndenlly ex Hi 1 the Nmt!i Cuv.iina Central Bond P our wkso .N.hrd in this niaiu-r on as deeply in- 1 11 K nmlersiirned offers for sale h's vatnable TaAOr or Lano. Ijlnpr seven miles north of Sails tnry Sdi'i'iiinpr thn lands of Moses Overman Lewis Jacobs and others. The tract rent ens 383 1-3 acres 30 or IB seres of which is pond Mr.innw Laxi. It has on It s pood PitkmiKo Hocsb two good B j ntW'Mtl wnar lMpr w siwswm j 7 Oct. 30, lB9,tf 43 CEOKdEH. HEEX. come to Salisbury with.s,: nu.elii.rt on the part ,TT' cf her ci i ns-. ' Let Mr. I). A. Davis. John I. ! Md Calahan lowpship yon are ii : .! . . . , UJihi'M i bM liro f IK ;i iv oi Thi-in unr gnilly f the crime of Ireaaonahl, us,,,,,- i Cued.:, fffi 07 t a ill suhp et hiimeif In eoi-d.trn pitmsh- : c (.(,n,r.,1 ? , ,,er ow ,-. nurposa- And is it your de. ire tocontmne this i.eett'.r t'e sin... lo usurp tfi'.s.nnve i ,,,1,. .t.,v..r ,..1 it... .!;....- ... .1 ' nnlr of years, and yet be without the 1 , . ' . . . . ...... ,.r n 1 1 ...... 1. ..... I .1 i-.i. .iu- iii 1. luu.ii "... ijii.iii, . utir cu.ll.iTi 1 ttowerrby a Itodv of men vht .-i m ..f i.f- tiewh'is rxpifd. is 'to overturn the Mate Ctuinitution und ttovernment : nfd the jmrT tii s to rtietiofarb..: scheme may take warn ing. t! .t Aay of reckoning .will c?ineRn .Ti'i'l.r.'i. Thu j.iK.j.le may subnet lo be (heated of riei,t.t for two J.nis, rt!ii.tijii tMU is ti-ore tnai1 iioiii.trjii. but t. ev will jit !i I .nie uiun . ,e i 1 .1,, ,.uii f, ni 1 11 uo ine Lreiioi- , ., . . , . . .-.. . ' - , - ... nhvrs to thy d- -,.', w ih.s..i.ain jptiiisj U "u S"" ' -YO"r oeuTminaiion. Willie, Ak-xamkr, Surrv, Ashe, Walaug.T and . Tli ''" f S lhan w,d haT ym Buncombe ' i om, to l- c wnclusion that this Itailroad ap. " Nero addled while Bvmo was burninc. and 1 r'V would sink your Townshi,, into an the citizens of PaliaUiry akeuinn While ! '"J n Mf PPP- to submitlm? I ire. ih-isaro' " buidinat for this Bond? Then cune forth and manifest a desire, at least, to see i.dof.lhtil time re-aii. the con- , .vo,ir "wn people s tnleri.-t promotctl toy -the 1 L...111.1 .... ..r.i.i- ....... ..... 1 ,1 . . I o. ...... .11 . . . - 1 1 - .1 1 . . I III I . VITT this -appropriate u unit Kin hi vour votes and whv ? Is he afraid to trust the jk-ojiIc lo decide for themselves what is theirown best inlereat? Now Jerusalem why art thou disturbed in ,, , 1 ,,f it... I., .-ill ii .l..!.rti......ts. n.l rmiiw.iu: 01 mis mmt iwm at tne very . . ..... 1 thre 1 .0 d of . o'.ir .lac 111L-S. IVt v.m .simiKise. 1 tnlne own befd.rsT Are not vour Interests tm-n, wt 10 tne cnmioni usurpers r inw. for r wi- pi, v. w U,tnj ! identified nit', the whole of iMvie Conntv T w ill be us' biding id-ace f.r tiiem in North anJ vour cJOia--, Stm , gtrenioua . f. ! They are the same. You will tirst Is-hold tb I 11 111 :. 1 to T.t .s :i pi. 1 miti ir. . ., . . . 1 .. . . l -t : I ,! . 7. . . .. . , Ion on vour part .' :i wili r.ot it., i.x- itU ;ie n ojuoiaii oi .air eumoioii nenver,r, me f.t the Mate an- tiniturs to tlm I 11 ion, ami rn n,anir, st a de ir- t.. s.e .-e it Y. ur roii'l. to aid ns in tmviiur dus taxes tnrsr will Ite "tH-tivefett mt,'' on tile ito-tnaod-f yri t rlty TTfrlrr f'" tlf 1 d.;i,ds, tn 1 njaddtT- 4 tne Ui.vejiM.r. 11 to no fuuiwi anysm fs ttrreexvi.f, apian the tooattua w this Koad, and 111 any Mate or 1 The oVert'.lv'T e Itail- ii. ii . .-i d ii ten finrptople her the legislature for the ptir- pose of iHlikliug Kailroads over the Mate. 1 1 en Ten Cents Reward. 1 1E shore rsward trill be paid to any person who will return to me fonr bonnd children irtio ran away from ine about t-o yenrs sjro. Th naitf-s of said children sre Enn'ss Hs'rvtn. Tnld well II ir.ton, snd Charles Mason and Rllen Mason All ppTwns sre warned acainst hsrbnrinesaid rliil dreo nn'b rperiallyortlie law. C. G. MASON. Pulton, N. ('., Oct. 29th 1969. (8t43 WORTH & WORTH, THE n-Mersiimed have this dv foraied s enpart- nershlp fur the pmpose of rotfliniiina' trrOEMsi. rtaaiswms akd sbipino BesiMssa, s the istier dlare subcessors to Hie 'late firm of WtiHTH A IIHNIEL and I. IS. WOKTH, n.l hops by strirt attention to the inlTPsts of their shippers, and friends to b'vc (rood atisme0oa to all wfmraay fvor Ihera with business. B. 0. WORTH, T: G.'IWittTH, WILMISCTON, K. C (H. 1A, IStifi Jtpsnt for V. Y . rmd North Carolina Steamship Ll"c Semi-Weekly. , pii 'r'':a ir ' s.u.t; rr; Hail Steamsiitp Pom panv. tn I'lti latlrlul.f . Smith's Line X. v,- York Pail Ta kts. 'ai Kiir Steamboat LiBeof River busts. Pralers in Bir;rln. Rope. Irnn Ta-s. I.lme. P'ss- M II. liS. STATIOSS. AKRIVK. LBi.TR. Saltsbury, 4i62 a. w. 3-45 i. 13 Third Creek, 4-.VZ 4:57 Z, HtntesvUle, 6:57 6:(18 32 Plow's 8::i7 :40 38 Catawba, 7:i 7:15 50 Newton, 8:03 &08 60 llickory Tavern, 8:48 9:03 70 hard. il:43 2: lo 80 Morganton, 10:38 tjOlNG FJiBT. Ml'l.FH. STATIONS. AI11UVR. I.FAVC Morganton, 2:10 p. u. 10 loard, 2:50 p. u. 2:6ft 20 Hickory Tavern. It 35 3:40 30 Kewtoiv 4:20 2:25 42 Catawba, 6:13 6: IS 48 I'lou', M8 &58 55 Statesville, fr.28 (h33 67 Third Creeks 6JU 7:38 SO balisbury, &43 . v. . u , 1 , ,' r. - -- 71 - - is , , 7, j , , . , , -. trraitrs in niri:iii(, nnjn inn i ,t. tame, t as- rfitywy e4 the Hepohfr. ,' why perh ine.-tt on y. ira-art? "Then parduu , be jsills cn the day of election and deposit ttr, c.,ent. Hslf, Pernvlsn t.nsno snd BMaaVs 4 i;-1 s . ri.iu.t-ta t-j , u7 ftUmiib hoy ii i.eciL uracil iivw t ; w,m wi w um vtuutw, upr 4 MflMM wi i.:ui AMHAIVAC8 FOR 1870. rpCKNERiS NORTH CAROI4NA ALMA 1 NAO lor 1,870. Enlarged and tin prove. I 111 all respects; hitter thnn tlie Almanac of ISfiU.wliich was so popular nd had taiob a lare sale. Price, sinjrle ooues by mail 10 cents. 3 catpies by n tail, 2fic.; one doae.n by mail, 76 ; Trice in store, hart jrross, $4 ; jm. hundred 9; per whole .ris. )7. FARMER'S N. (' ALMA SAC. pahhWn I by James H. Euniss; an eXceilekt Almanae loll of most valuablo mailer to tho Vurmet, with monthly cal. tMl. is in laj;je clear ty i'riec, per slu'le cpy by mail, 10 -et.s ; .1 copies by msiiaSc, one dnaeii by mail 60e; pii.a.- in sf. re, hall gross, per huiidrwl $4.50, per pr..s $6. THE COMIC ALMANACOR WJfl, puhlished by J mes II. Enmas; lull uf conua picture liluratioiis, j ikes, arirvtlolea, fun, Ac . vvilii monlhly calemlurs, in laij;e tK-ar t p-. Price per sii jlie ropy, by mail, 10 ociirs; 3 copies t,y n.a4l 26t-.J one ' 1 . mail 00 CIS. Pr.i e III WOIJP, per half giC;S pit. buudiod $4 CO; per pi. as f6. r One of . ach of the above rnaih d to any ' ..niie-s for i&et. Kvvr .- hy J AS B. ESNresS. A ten and PublkLer of Almanans. ct 16-41:1 biiijooay, S O.