lKU)i"ortt) State SAl.l-WUY. ntfDAV.OCT. W. IMPU. POETICAL. Till. CUBING B( KSK, The following i proniiuir-cd b the W7fm;- tU, R "'" in be uiejtutiooably tbo'fluwt Amu lean hv in ver w riu ii : Within the sober realm ol Icyflh Tin ii-d er ilihsled ihe ill m Uros iiii v ir, l ike suiiw tanned naluT, in hi hour of case, When nil tin- Ik-Id are Ivii ' brown and Ut, Tin- crny barn, lonkln" from tl.' ir hazy hills Vet ill" linn w iter- widening ill I lie vales, Sent down the nir a greeting Ui ioc mills, ( n iliu lii!i thunder ul alternate flail.. Ali si;;!'1 w tfu m J owed and all sound- tub 1 a 1, The liiili sitmcJ further and the stream sany low, As in a ilrt:;. the dWtanl woodman hewed l.'i- n'cr I u'i li many n muflScl bluw. The embattled forests, crewhile armed with gold, 'J'luir itonner bright wilh every Biariial line, Now sto"l like soiiil Kid, V-aton ho-i of td, Withdrawn ttJar iu 'film 'i remote .1 blue. On somber wing the vulture tried hi Ili-Jit ; ' Tim dove K-iinsv huaid hu suiting tnate'ccm And, like lar slow drowning in I lib light, Tlie villfjfB 4wW vwie seemed M pal at.d unit. , 5 Tlie sentinel cViffe rrpoh flic lifltsloV crew Crew thriiv-rtiiid nil wan stiller than before; Silent, till sonic replying warden blew )I1b alien hum, and then iw hoard no more. Where tint. the lay, within the elm's tall crest, Made garrulous trouble round her unhedged young, And where the oriole swung tier waving nest, l!y every liuht win I like u censer rwung ; Where sang the n iy marten of the caves, The busy swallow circling ever near Foreboding, a-i the runic mind believe, An early harvest aud a plenteous year ; Where every bird that waked tbe vernal feast, Shook the tweet slumber from its wings at morn, To warn the reaper of the rosy east All now was sunless, empty and forlorn. Alone, from out the stubbie, piped the quail, Aud croaked the crow through all tbe dreary gloom ; Alone tiu pheasant, drumming in tlie vide, Made echo in the distance tj the i.ot'agc loom." Thcr Was no liid, 0 blrjoTn, nprm the bowers, Ubesj ders moved their thin shrouds night by nitfht ; The thistle down, the only ghost of flowers, Sailed slowly by pawed noiseless out of eight. Amid ail this, the cejfte of the scene, Tiie white-haired matron, with monotonous tread, Plied tlie swift wheel, and with her joyous tncii: Sat like fate ana watched the living thread. She had known Borrow. He had walked with her, Oft supped and broke with her the ashen cr sat, Arid in the dead leaves till she heard the stir Of his thiik mantle trailing in the dust. While yet her check was bright with summer bloem, Her country summoned, and .-die gave her all ; And twi.'e far bowed to her his sable plume lle-gare the sword to rust upou the wall. He-gave the sword, but not the hand that drew And struck for liberty the dying blow ; Jior him who, to his -ire and country true, Fell 'mid the ranks of the invading foe. Long, but not lorjd, the droning wheel went on, Like the low murmur of hive at noon ; Long, but not loud, the memory of the gone Ureal in d through her lips a sad and tremu lous tone. At last the thread wan snapped, her bead was bowed; Like dropped the distaff through her hands aercne; And loving neighbors smoothed her careful shroud, While death and winter close the autumn scene HOW AND WHEN TO NUltES. USE MA- Tlm best method ofiusjng atable or barnyard manure for com or putatoec, is to btinl it fresh from rtio cr-llar in coticti' lion which it Vests in the vaults, spread h upon the plowed" field, and harrow it in with a Geddes barrow. This in what we oall '"long manure, ' and a form which, according to thi-- opinions of many fanners, is unsni'ed to immediate tice ; also, il ls . fiijected, that in spreading fresh manure Upon plowed fields and covering it super ficially with cartli, iiiucli is lost by evap oration, or uior correctly speaking, c. r tn'n volatile, gaseous eonstituenU rise on the brfex and ar wafted away. In (fur view, btUi f the no limn are . incur recV The exercBeht of ahtmsfi "muit undergo kind '-f fermeiiiaiou, or putrefaciive rhxnge before it m assimilated by plants, and it t better that this be carried for wrd in the field, as there it is in contact with tbe roil, which is greedy to absmb arthtt UtoJwl af tli8 the eheaalcal change t-aiivVV-wer Las bestowed ujn dry i. . k ; MJh;b,i f artb prodieiona absorptive cipabilitie Jf a Jump of fresh manure as large as a pffk measure ia placed upon a plowed fi dd unciverel, or allowed to faruieut or decav in the open air, the absorptive powers ot he narth at sueh that it will actually at 'ft tnva d it nri m mieal a:.d other gases, and thus rob the atroospber. of i;s natural volatile principles. A film of earth no thicker than lb rind of an oransje placed over a lump of manure wi.i prevent lose of DMnuria) protlucU un-d-r alt possible r irenuistances. It will be nured lin n that a barrow is erjimlly as iffer-iive as a plow in protecliong manure In I be open fiebL, It is better to have be manure' near the surface, as the fains n reach it, and disolve the soluble satis, mil by percolation carry tin in doWMi the hungry roots of plants. Iserg nntiMre ielo 1 f wrt" Jr pl itt.M ;. ..! .1; bt. Ifail " i.t in i -it .'fit r. rr rr- trtr e-o ! rl ' Uieu-, n.. 1 lfe4meji! tii ! an y M uinl on Hiiuiu toil tbu ltiM i'u illoiit teiiotlf niK'. In lli- prueeiit "I Hu'i limklllg ftbve.'HMi in ci'fs.ii y lo set up ii li-iicli. liuw llu lrui-r will not iiltinipi in xn.iii.-t Hi. (an ' i . in - ui ii- ji'ii i-ii ity birciug water into lira bnttii4ud di - pinC the lujuiil off trout the top. Tbe iintui.ll pi-ie"l iiing or i ili iusi .'tf proeos I- uoWHW4ld III iieciii dm.ei- with lue law- id gravity. i'bn aolubli. alkalieii ami rails ure driven downwaidn, and in tin eas.' of the I. Ii uiust Iihvj h venue: .. ..dy to receive tln-iu at the bottom, niul hi the cam.' id tin- value auhalUurfr I eat bed from in in tire, we uiunt Inve iln lUMuuro ao placed llmt plant ronia will b al bund to absorb llirui In fure they ian beyond tin ii- rt'Ucil. Manure is lu vet en valuable, is whe, i it Is Irvsll, li lln'li ii.dil.- iii HufiK-iaiinii 'Dt only all tix i, milulile sub-tn.iies iiMtunU i- tin- aulid s crciueut, but uiiicb tbut it) nt great value, tinind only in the liquid. It isiuacmi dilinn tn ipi.ekly llliti'igii rlM-lllical eli.iug and the gtiWHiUt arUuiouieal pruduets se cured aru double iIiimh reniil'.iu IVkiii ilnai w inch lias beeu wcatti. n-d in a b-ap mil nt doom fur aevi uiimili. It inttt Journal of Chtmirij. P11EVEKTAT1VK EOU ClIl AT IN v iii;.T. A'.i Snlhei'n Cultimtor : 1 w-llgiM-j nil a preventive hr du al and e -eLriel in vn In at We luivi- In , ii liuiilil d vi i much with ill pecta in tbin seciimi aiuc-llu- war. J.njt fall 1 lia'.' mum' whin vv lieat tliat 1 was very anxious i.i kerpn, aeed of, but it wan very badly adum-i-itrd with umlf chi-at ifrid-ciw'1c''rf.- firwr set in in lii:geriiek a Midi h ut quantity tor iny seed to sow live acres, but lo'itid tlie old hand b ve at.d fiujci-pickii g a;- dieli a slow U'ie-s, ill": i r I had ,1 abaul llilee follitlis ul a lilisli- I clean, 1 cmicluded lu sow, and n-k getting my seed frum that in future. There wan some smut ulfi in tbe teel, mi 1 eunelml i d to souk with b!u stone, us a ircvi niive for smut. With the hand' 1 " tuuk 0 bus nets of wheat to uw ftu- a dn) V ivurk, so on Saturday evening about sun -el 1 tuuk lire 6 burhels of w heal, and put one lb. of blueatone in a laj'gi- ti'utigb, tilled with waieif, and tuuk off orcry lalii ut wheat and client thai msi- to tiie tup, and let it remain there until Maiidny morning. Tbu wheat was in aoak snine iliing like 'M boom ; and in taking the wheat out, i noticed that the cuckcirl wim rouen, and I was satistied that it would not come up, so 1 aUnjiied lint plan fur 'bo balaiict! of my crop, wbi -li was lebuiit 30 acres , aud am happy to inform ymi that 1 have not a siui-r ut ehenl or iekii'1 in uiy wli-at treated that way, 'bin year, jSv niabt.ura, a well- a.a mysely, arc aalisfied that tbe nnkiiig wiib the quantity of bluestotlP, fur the length of time above statev!, preventcil nriTgruw tb of the cheat and cockerel, no aa well an the smut, Ate. VACCINATION. A remarkable contribution to the con troversy now in pnijrres's as to tin: merits of vaccination is Turnulii-d by an official body iu Ireland The Poor-law Commis sioners there havr, it seems, ii.loniiul the Belfast Hoard ot Guunlians that sinall-pox has altogether ceased in the sister coun try. This result the commission! rs attri bute the careful carrying out of the Com pulsory Vaccination net enforced in lie land since 1863. Thy figures are very striking, iktorc tliat year the deaths trom siiiall-jiox average one honsubd an. anally ; in ISdl tbe number wart reduced :ob51; in 18G5, it was :i i 7 ; in lSGfi, 187; in 1807,30; and in 1868 only, lit deaths occurred. In ttii'-first quarter ol 18GD there were three deaths; iu the sec-, olid quarter there were none. Them statements are so far most satisfactory. In the interest of science and of the pub lic health, however, it is lo be hoped thai we sliall obtain some suppli meutary in formation showing what measures weri- adopted to obtain pure lymph, and wheth er, iu the estimation of medical men in Ireland, any oihur cause had a shaiu in promoting the happy result. PROFITS ( )V SOUTH E UN COTTON MANDFACTURINO. The Charleston News makes the follow ing statements on tbe authority of a paper rend before the Agiiciihifnrh t'onVfentioii of South Carolina, in April last : The cost of manufacturing No. 20 yarn in Columbia, Soitili Carolina, the figures being in dtitail, is 29 SO cents ?a pound. delivered in New Yoik. 'J'Jie cost of the same yarns, manufactured in ibo North is 3C hi cents. The Southern spinner, therefore, can sell bis yarns at what tln-v cost the Northern manufacturer, and sliii make a profit of 7 0 1 cents a pound. Th'i. ts conclusive, and it tiuv be remarked the records of the (Jf.initeville and Augusta Victories, mid indeed of every well managed factory in the Smith, show '.be large profits that m ty be, mule by spinning yarns at ll)P verr"tnwi?-w4rr-rt'Tlie Northern spinners arc barely paying" Ex penses. I be aigiioieufs in favor ol spin ning -ipply with equal force in favor of weaving. A col ton mill with a capacity of 4,000 spindles, with first class machi nery complete, is estimated Ui cost 650, 000. Tb.g mill 1 will consume 867 bales of "'IT. be.n3a4 ,960 pounds. Omitting theco.t of lh water power or site (be profits of the year, the yams selling at the cost of Northern production, would be $17,71S, or about X5 pec cent, ou ibo capital' ill-vested- RETIRING CHURCH DIGNITA RIES. Thi' number of aged uviA almost- use less dignatiuries of tne Englisliv Church who are iu the receipt of large salaries baa long been a subject of corsideratiuii .i-l of criticism by no iiK ii.s g 1 j'mong onr brethren 'over ihe water An. act of Parliament wa,' pasScd at the hist session designed lo ' facilitate il.e r !iie metil of ull such who might be wilting to avail themselves t it. provisi on. Under tbe i.iffoence nr this mins'ire nntl f itu emtltnn::! ?: . id ntililie . j i : ; v n ie- s i r,nt h"igtb I ii. Ti.e al fti",. ij'- ul and alter .f. lfH Vean rf lu- iy, witbhaWs f-oii Jits p si,i m cum: The Ilijtiip of Itxutor yield Ht the ag I f liiut I V-mi"', t!i'Hli;ll lie lill Imldii nil to (In- ('niinniy if nrhaui, which is worth' a yr. rive bifln'pri have lliu ui r'-s'K1" i'- iMin-is win piotiiMy I n 1 low, Tln-v will all In- well provided tor I in tin iin linun lit, I lie leu '1 ui ih.-m I in ictlie in n Hill r y -rjii-l to tint of tin- , I'n-Mili'lil ! .In- I idled I .- t r h . I hi- wi-t'diiig out nl iIk Chireli will b - attend ee) by uikt'i' roiucijueiMM-a ;li in the anb sllluli'iM of nctivt; fiti- wupoi .in ii i it irc lIM, f'if, iing to the 1 1 hern I viewB of her Majfty, mid also f Mr. tjladstHiii", llu- cliuntctrr-wf lln- aipniiiliueiit wil be' d, Hud in iimsi iiistiincee iutproved. U'kmis. It yuii plnuli down your Wi-i'iU bi-lnri- I ll'-y go lu . seed they w ill prove a benefit to yuiir land instead f a Ctlti!', ll tbi'V au allowed In go hi seed liny will pi ove a suuree of euillei" liuiible. lMutiglied under, tin y air worlh a- iipirh as a di' ssing nl luanme. It yn add frotii iweistv live to f 1 11 y busln Is ui Inn - per ii-r-mthe ground and hariow ir iu, ii will convert ymir weeils into plant fui'd. nn: co kn cnni' in the west. TIi f'hii a a' tirs! suppu o J-urr.ttl savs : "It was trust ot a few u.-i d : li ii tin llt 'its IJ'l rurn crop n ul none s f N..rthi in me d '.m tgf lo the Illii.ui-, but such inn s unl hoi lu buv" been the iioU'Worthy ient whatever. tael, lu any 1 1 is now i!.-ly inai Ihe crop will lie wi n m.uuren tbtmitflioilt tin- entire Northwest. It bad j laltyady p i-sed all djutgvr, b' f'1"- h'' I ifriii-t, l1iion;rfrjKit ihe great section of I country where corn is Ihe principal pro ! iluciioii of ngriciiltuie. Noi 'only that, but in some UuitiiMis of this st-cliou, j w hep-, (lin n-;; the .summer, nutieip iiions j 'of ii stiiall yield prevailed, ihere turns out , lo be ii great crop. The ruins of June h nl shorlenedl tbe stalks, but as to the 'laiu itself, the season nferwar'cl was so j wondi rtiilly and peculiarly favorable that I it came out splendidly. Such is tin-tact (as to prellv much all Illinois, loWa, j i Northern Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska A'e tbiuk then- is no room to dutibt thai t ide corn crop f ilie year is by odds the i most bountiful ever produced in this eoun-1 try, or that the quality of the grain is . . -it, .i i unusually good. i ONE OF MAURJN'S MEN. A S Louis newspaper chronicles the death of uiio of Marion's im-h, at Ben ton's Creek, neat Marantic Iron Works in I'helps county, Missouri, on the 3d inst. Tbe deceased, Mr. Archibald W. Oxeudiue, wad burn ou l'eilet! river, South Carolina, Augnsf 27, I759,and was cuiisequentlv over 1 10 years of age at the lime of his death. H" served through the war of the Revolution as oire of "Marion's Men," aud for over forty ycunrws a ininiater of tbe Baptist de numiuutioti. I II EMARKABLE DECLARATION. The New Yoik Hun sayr : "In one of ihe last conversation it was eiir fortune to bold with John A. Raw lins a man whose action was always governed by' his obligations to his cun trv ihe conversation occurred soon ater the President bad developed his pulicy in making appointment to high office) Kawliu said : "If fhinys ure -to go in (his it'll, it trjtthl be bcttur tj laiiv elected Ho raiio S5y iiiuiir." Mia-sJ'KXf EVKXiN'ns. Tlie boy who spends' an hour em Ii eve.iing lounging i idly ou a street corner, wastes, in the course of a year, three bundled and sixty live preciou.- boms, which, if applied Lu study, would familiarize him wtili the ru diments of almost any of the familiar Bci ences. If in adiiilion to witslitiif au hour eacli evening, be spends ten cents for a cigar, winch is usually the ease, the amount thus worn- lb in wasted, would iay for leu of the b ailing periodicals of tin- conniry. Roys, think ot thc-e things. Think hew much precious lime aud good money you art; wasting, and for what f -The gratification afforded by ihe lounge mi the corner, or by the cigar, is not only temporary, nut positively huritul. tun cannol indulge' ui ilieseracticea without seriously injuring yourselves, You ac quire idle and waslt fui habits, which will ding to you through life, and grow, . upon you with each succeeding year. You may u ijfter lily, shake bliem oti, but, ihe prciba biliiies are thv habits thus fonoed in eat'lv lite will reuiiih wfth you till your dying day. Re warned then in time, und resolve that us the hour spent iu idleness is gone forever, you will improve Vach pus-dug one, and thereby fil jourscK'es tor usefulness aud happiness. Cast A Line for Yoirrelf A young man stood listlessly watching sMne anglers ou a bridge, 'He was poor and ib jected. At last, approaching a buski t filled wiiji wholesome loiiking flTf , C sigheiT: 'If how I had these, I would be happy. I could s li them at a fiir pi ice und buy tne food and bulging." "I will give you just us many and just as good fish," said ihe nwn'er, wbo.i-buiu ced to overhear his words, it you will do ine a trilling favor." 'And what is that askeT the other casreriv. ''Only lo fend this line fill I come bach ; I wi h to go a short Ciiand." 1 The p.' v:i gladL- iiccepted. TTie old tisberiuaii was gone so long that ! the young wan bVguii to be iuipatiewt.-1 1 Meanwhile the hungry fish snapped greed- , lv at ihe biited hook, and ibe young laan 1 st ii 1 his depnesion in the ezcili menl of j pulling I hem In; and when the owm r of j tlie line retirned lie h ui i!i;;lit a brg nutnlmr. t'uiiuliug out from iIk-iu an! many a-! were in the b.t.-li- '. and tirescnt- i-ij theui lo the young man, ihe old fish- ( ounnn sa'd : I fullill inv n my promise from tbe fi-h you , to teach yuii whenever ymi hav caught J see m Iters earning .J "asie no tune-in fi. j'eusl a Liu' for jours' 0 ! ufiajijne, Imt 1 ; m An eiiiliu. -i.t-tt.- 1 V. I, fill - t, -el, itt -u- is MV;c-.s a h.i-i4,!M.d .butter, 'nrl tuilk coet noilui j. fvO THE ONLY r p MEDICINE THAT Cures All Pain l CO a 5 5" H2 t- e --i O 3 sift W 3 b - w X L Km i5 S5 fif 4Hm m I & a Of I CLErrZMOrfS TASrD X.XKTXIS! WARSAW 7 o FaifttlrciUe. IEAVJC War-aw for KaVetteville daily ex j eept Sunday. If you are iu We.-teru H Ciirelinu (to tu llaleixh and priM-nre a through ticket to Kayetteville 6i-H; Tlinaigli Tickets iVw trwIUsliurn' via Warsaw, to rayetteville, -, '. Throurdi 'iekels from VVcldon to Fayette ville Pio. Ti rough ticket from Wiluiiugtou, tia War-aw, tu I'aj cUevillc, CUA ULO'lTE TO TATrR&BOBO Leave t'liurluite after trains troia ltaleigh and CuliniiMa, via Monroe, for WadeslHiro' Tne-wlny, Th'iisifuj-, and tafnnlny f'ave Ta desiioro', Taesilav, Thnrsilay, and Saturday, af" ter afrivalof trains and Stairi) IfiHU Wilir.iutoij. M0UK13VILLK. .ia Pittsbobo, TO KtlViPT. Leare Morrisvillc, Tuemlay, ThUrsuay ami Sa'urilny Leave Iv-ypt Monday, Wednesday and Fri day. Ctemmont? Accommodation Line Ret weeu Salem and High Point, will charter Sta?es t all honrs ('helper than the Cheap est." Otlico at Ilutner's Hotel. Salem. . C. E. T. CLLMMONS, Contractor. Oct. 1; ISfiO tf NEW YORKnnd North Carolina rnon ew York to Wilmington, da Line will core prise the followiugiteara- PA1RB A NK S , Capt: A . Hunter, UM M'. LV1E, " 1). 1. Morgan, RKBLY'CA ( Li DK, 0, Chichester. M A R V S A N F R D, John Muore. With sai-li .-..!. In ioiuil Steiiiue eonired li meet the demands o us may be the Ira te Sailinc" hotti ew York en ami S. THI! DA 'at 4 P. ... loot of Wall si reel. rv WEDXESOA f M , Irom Fieri 15 E. ffcjP Tlie attention of Shippers is called to the LO VV RATES and FACILITIES offered by this Line, which are superior to any heretofore offered. TiiRoiGH Rills of lading gf"en to all points on the North Carolina I Railroad and its Ciwineclious via Golds- boro. J. A- AlL,hll, Soliciiiiig Agent. WOR TH & DANIEL, Agents, Wilmington, . C. JAMES HAND, A-. n fe.1.29 8lf 1 19 Wall Street, N. Y Plantation This wonderftil vegetable restorative is the sheet anchor of tho feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among ' nl oina chics. As a remedy for the nerroi weakness to wJiich wom are especially subject, it is superseding ejery other stimulant , In all climates, tropica, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which nndcrmines the bodily strength and breaks down the nimal spirits. Wherever it is intro duced it becomes a stand ard article amedlcinal staple. It is today the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Gro cers and Country Stores. BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS, 4 .L: Ji'ttfiiuQix oi., uiiunorr,,3ia iii. l..M.(i...-T and bent assorted t'eck a iu tho city of ral. I.w lsii it, S-illr il, njlrl, Kcllj rts sitd i-frliasCi Bk. jVi 111 lllll lllllll I ftijllilUlUrt II :M it nuy atyiu of uiuuai aut ruling. . t : 9 - ) Bel J i. 6C0 fc.w pii ' 10 BtHEES. McCnBbin8, Sullivan A Co. New Q-oodr-i I Wo have received our Fall V Winter stock of New Goods which is very large and complete consisting in part of DRY GOODS, OF EVERY DESCMITIOI!, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps, Sole and Upper Leather, Enameled and Patent Leather, Coach Harness and Saddlery Trimmings of all kinds, Calf Skins", Lin ing and Pad Skins, Linseed, Tanners and Kerosene Oils, Co pal and Coach Varnish, White Lead of the very best Drands, Colored Paints of all kinds, Col ton Bagging and Roping, Iron, Ties and Twine, Steel and Iron. POWDER .' POWDER lill l.l., UliAMl.Mt AAU Jfl'AlAO I POWDER, Yarns, Sheetings, Coffee, Sugar and Tea, Molasses and Syrup, Salt, Drugs and Medicines, and in short EVERYTHING IN THE WAY of MERCHANDISE All of which was bought for CASH, and wl" t3 soW AS CHEAP as the Cheapest, We House to under sell us. Be sure to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. It affords us a pleasure to show our Goods whether we sell or not. Don't be deceived h v loud blow- ing anuneavy sueumg, out come I ft. 11' t 'A to see uA and get posted up, , . - . QB Orders from a distance promptly filled at lowest prices 53 We buy nearly all kinds of Produce. McCubbins, Sullivan & Co., No. I, Mi'upht's Gramtk Row, SJUbary, Sept. 24, t5. IS ly J FOTtTY THOUSAND CASEW OP OOOUg were biuued from our boime In ow Year, to families, clubs, ami nieivhunu, la every part of thu yonutry , from Mains to California, autouut tug in value to over ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Our faeilit furtraDsacting this iinniense ba siaess are better than ever befora. We bavu airunU iu all the principal cities to purchase poods f hum ail the liauufacturers. Importers, aud others, n Cash , ami ollea at an iuimeuau naeritice from Ihe orijrinsl cost of pnaliiefion. Oar tock, ooasisU, in part, of the following K waist Shawl, niankrl. Quilts, Cotton, Oinghnmt, Prtli GHxl, Tuhle Linen. Touftli, Ilonirry, tfjaesw, .Setrat, (-Virefto, re . At. SHwr-PLiUti Wart, Spoon s platnl on Ktekd Silivr, Dmrrt rhrln. Jtv bottle phtod Cator$, Ih ittania Wart, Qtat Wtvrt, Table and Puektt Cutlery, in great narittjf. i Elegant Frtntk and thney Oooih Iknutiful I'Uolograiih Albums Ihe newest and ebon st stales in Moroeo) and Velvet bindinfc. Uirroreo Travelling Itigs, Handkerchief and Qluvr IhirfM, ifx (fold and Plated Jtwelry. of the newest styles. Wo have also made arrangements with some of the leading Publishliifr iIoueiN.that will ena ble us tu sell thu s'amlard and latest works of popular authors at about one-half the reifidar price: such as IIvkox. MmiRK, Duans, Mm. i us , and Ta.taraox's Works, iu full liilt and Cloth Wildings, and hundreds of others. These aud everything else for Oae Dulfar for cadi Artlelf. We itu not oil' i a single article of inerchan dise, I liat can be sold by regular duelers at our price. We do not ask you to buy goods from us uuloss we can roll tiium cbcajicr than yon can obtain Ihuui in am other way ; while thu greater part of our goods are sold at about One half Uu Regular lia . We want good reliable agents in uverv part of tlie Country, iiy employing your sparutime to lorin clubs a-ail seiuiiiig us outers, you can oh'uiil tbe uni.-t libuial comuilsnMrtu, eilUer iui Casb or BSerehaodisd. ami al! good i ieni by us will be as ruprusented. mid we guarantee satisfaetion to every one dealing withourhousc. Agents shonlu collect ten cents Trom each en-turner and forward to us in advance, for le seriptive Cheeks of the goods we sell. the liolUcixi ti e Cuccl.s liuve tlie privilege of either purehiisiug the article thereon describ ed, or of exehunging for any article mentioned on our Catalogue, iiuuiberiug over UGo diflereul nrficles; nut tine of which can be purchased in tne usual wav lor tbe same inonny. The advantages of first sending for Chucks are these : We are constantly buying small lots u verv valuable goods, wbieb are not on onr catalogues, and fur which we issnn checks till all ure sold ; besides, in erary largeeluh we will put cheeks lor w atvmks, Ouilts, I!l.v.nkkts, l)RKs.s I' vtti.ux.s. or some other article of value giving some members of the clubuu opportuni ty of purchasing au article for about one quarter its value. "In every order amounting to over ffsl, ac eonijianied by the cash, tlie Agent may retain $MK-. and in every order of over 11W, 3 00 may be retaiued to Pay the Express Charges. This offer is moro nspeeiallv- to assist Agents in tho Western aud Southern States, but is open to all customers, remnimon. Agents will he paid ten per cent. In Cash or Merchandise, when thev till their entire Hub, for which below we give a partial List df Commissions : Tor an order of 930. from a club of Thirty, we will pay the Agent, us commission, 28 yds. Brown or lileuched .Sheeting. Goil Dress Pattern., Wool Square Shawl, French Cassitnere Pants and A'r-sl Pattern, Fine large White Counterpane, etc., etc., or fttJOO in cash For an order of 950, f rom n cinb of Fifty, we will pay the Agent, us Cum mission. 45 yds. sheeting, nne pair lf heavy wool blan kets, poplin dress pattern, handsome wool square shawl silrer-cusu watch, etc., etc., or SSoo iu.ab. - - For an order of 9100. from a club of One Hundred, wc will pay the ngeut, as com mission, 1011 yds. of food yard-wide .Sheeting. I V.i,.s:il,-r IliifOlnf tja VVt.h I ' , , I , .1 . - v,Mil Shawl, Suit of all Wool French Cas mere, etc.. etc., or $10 in cssh. We do not employ iny travelling" apents, and customers hlioiild not pay money to person purporting to bu our agents, unlets perMnallij ciCquiMteit, Send Money altera y s by Aegistor ed letters. For further partieiilars send for Catalogiiet, PARKER k CO., 98 & 100 Samner St.. linston. Mast. Oct. 15, l6y. 41-ly GROV ER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC SXXS0B FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 181 Baltimore Street. Baliuuoie. Points of Excellence Beauty and Elasticity of Utiieh. Perfection and simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly fiotn tbepoo!s No fastening of seams by hand and no waste of thread. Wide range of application of adjustment , without change The seam retains its beauty and firmness alter washing. ami ironing. Besides doifcr nil kinds of woik dune bv other Sewing' Machines, these Machinea exe cute the most DraiiHful and peruiaiieot tan hroiuery and orriamerrtal work. For safe by ANDREW MURPHY, oet 15 ly Sehsbury, N. C. State of Worth Carolina, TAKIr COUNTY. ) Superior Court. i John W Smith. Johr Parker and wife Isabel, Benton Parker audwife Mary C, and Uriah Stolen, Guardian of8iisan Brooks, and O. O. Wilhait, OuardiaA ol Allied A. Brooks, Mary F. Brooks, aud Caroline C. Brooks, PiuinliOs: aminat Mvi!!iin, Austin, Wiucy Ann Biwiks and William Brooks defendanta. Petition for Sale and Partition of the Land of tlie late UorneliHSyirooBs. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court William. Ausliri, Wincy), Ann Brooks and Willian Brooks, defendants ih Hhis proceed ing, are non-residents of this SiAte, it is Ordered, That publication be made weekly, forsix suecea 8i ve weeks ju the Old North Sure.'a newspaper published in Salisbury, N. C, surninoning each of sid defendants to be and appear at Ihe offi' f the cleik of ihe Snpeiior t'ouVt of Stau'y County.on the 20th November JW, Ihenand there to answer or demur to said petition, or i lie same will be taken pro censsaoaod heard cjr parte as lo their.. , Wimera. James M. Redwina, Clerk of said court at oflloe, lhA II b day ofOnnrMr, lsiO .1 M. RKDWINK. a a a, fl:6w:ri.fee$ia IA llavinv oualified AifininiMratni with ihe wJI ai'nexed of James C. Snivlhe. Voli'"' I liereb? given that all paMie who have claims against the eMato nut prwnt them wfthlli tlie tiiqe speivfii-I l y U or lhl nilice will be plead in bar of their recoVeiy. A'l per ons indehted to the estate are requested to make earlv settlement.' , JI'UA C. SMYTH 8, Oct 12, 1869 i:w Adtjt'ra DHY QOol8 QHOL'Eti I Es mfc t iihir GOODS ! HAVING JUST RETURN. l from thn UiMfrn Mar kets we call yon4 attention to much the lorgivt and most complete stock of Ooodu in this mar ket, all selected from new and fresh stocks Olid styles, and a large portion percliMd uiivetly from the Manufacturers aud their Agents iut The Great Decline In dry Cood. All we ask Is a call at the well known Km. porium of this market. We invite your at ten. lion to a few LKAIMVH AKTICf.KS kept in this wholesale aud retail stuck i DraiDUHim (nils, Notions, Hats, Shoos, READY-MADE C LOT:. I NO, Pant. Goods, Drugs, Patent Mrdh int s, Dy Stuff, 1'aint.s, Tanners'1 Oil, Kerosene and Lint-ettl Oil, Lead, t 'pper, sole and Har ness LEATHER CALF & LINING SKINS, .mpM-wli'- 4a s -'. h iijs..-.ilftHsus.iiM.vrt..S - - ... - l.. ... ,3.1..:.. I II A KDWAH E, Iron, Steel, Saddle Hardware, and Carriage T'iinuiing-; iu laet, tboustiiuls of articles too tediiis lo numerate. We an- agents for the Great Threshers and CLEANEKS, Also, Miinufactniers' Apents for the cetebrafsd lioiie Dust. Do. do. t,' i lie anil lilasilug I'owder. l"e" t' invite the atteiitnu of Merehuiiis and the trade gem-rallv. to our toek, . uring them they will find nothing hut fresh in-d ib-si-rable Goods. We buy all kiinN of proibwe. Save your Blsckherries ami Kruils, which will be to you as Treasure. Smith. For tor &, Co., SAMSHI'ltr. N. ('., SpragVs Old Stand, near the Market House. April j. Ply J U8T RECEIVED AT THBSTORE of SMITH FOSTER & UO'S. 1000 SACKS OF SALT. 25 BBLS IfOLSES. 12 HIIDS. MOLA8SES. 24-tf. LOOK for MERONEY'S AT THE SKIN OF THE BIG l73DiAEU. 7 E CALL THE STKHAL ATTENTION of all to onr Stock ul SPUING AND SL'MMKIi (iOODS, and invite nil who wiiut tin Kti'esf Ftyl', tlft Quttlitir. ni,il .fotl ieosoiwlile I 'i ires lo fits a us a call. We are now exhibiting die best St,,-k of DRY GOODS, CLOTH IN G, II ATS , MILL IN I : in' G ors, DRESS TRIMMINGS, G ROC Eli IKS, 11 A Rl) WA ItR, SOLKife UPPER LEATHER, Coacli, Copal and Jiiuin V'.-n nilic?, Waliiul Stain. Kei und Machine Oilu' to be found in Western North Carolina. Spe cial atteniiuii isycaileJ lo our aou k of BOOTS AND SHOES, Lailiea'SewedQuatkia simes. t.ft(i perMir. - Pegged Balmorals. lealU-l lineJ, 1 fill " ' Geat'smiliimrati, very best stork, Sit) " " Pump-Hole bouts, - fiid " " Ynuthsarel Misws Slioes; of all riees omt iiulfties. Uoinl t aln oes, 19 1-3 i ts tor yd. best H.'iroes, 16. We ure also twents tui Ihe XLinulm l. iters ul the best'AI.UICULTUH a LoPI.IiMKN'fsJ v AND MAOlllNERV, sueh us Tlie Duck-Evtj 3Inei ii lid lif!ier. Turbine Wnter W heels, Fine Engine Deep Well und Tueu Pniiips. French Btrinund Coin Mill.-, Tlnefcheris and Cleaners mi wheels ctiinpletc, Cider and Wine Mils, Star Cotton G ii and Condetioor, Grain Dnlltf, Sulky Plows, Snintfere and CtVaners, C'iiculai' Saws, Rubber and Leather Belting, and uisuy other things too numerous to men tion, all of which wo will sell ut the MatiulucX lurer's prices. Come, or send and pet a CHilnj;iie of any tiling you may want in ilii line We jjnar antee the Machinery soiti by ux lu give satis faction. We are also npents for Singer's Xew Fami ly SEW'ING MAC'HINK, for which ihete ia no eqnaL )Vairnnteil touoali Kinds ol wok, and lo give entire aalislaution, or the money will be refunded. OP GOOD PINE LUMBER furnished at the depot, ou short notice. N f We will he found opposite the old eland, above Murphy's Granite Row. HaaUiNbT & i!KU. FOR SALE. A Splendid 12 Uoree Power Portable Engine for i-iiUffbv jnn 1 1 23 Atn M Kt ,KY ft BIK. Pure Ground Spice, Pejyntr, Oinaer, iMmtard, Clove, ViTHonon, etc. FuESE Splosa are all in bulk, Just from the Spice Grinders' hands ; and are ihtrefore ar rnaW perJerU purs, and although at least 25 pet ' cent stronger tban those kept In package laWy are DeTemtcleas sold at a lower price. A sup ply joat received At ii. WbLfl, l-'rng Store, SafiJ.'iry. Oet. 28, lS89i , ' 42--t BECSETABTB OFFICE. NoBTn ' 'ABOIJNA P. MI. HO VI, CvN. .-VY, t CVwnpanv Shops, Ototaber h, I W J. At a tnefting of the Bornd of iur of the North t'arolirur Kail ftoad Com; ui al tie. ot. Iks- on to-d.iv, it was ordered it t ;,i N ' called niec iing of the Stockholder of s,ii.i '.-iu-. pny held in ihe City of ItideiUh u 'l ti- ! iy the Uth day of November next. old rs who cannot attend id person will j ' u ;-' resented br pnny. Y. A. S T ', 4i tt ' - . urr. "

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