V Ji IO v ; j,-i, a-,. . CVy ' 2 t "'-4sasw i i ii' as pi .. i n 1 mirim , . - ., .. ' ' ' " ' i, i . n. .1 . . 1 r ( - - - - ; - Hi t VOI, IV SALISBURY, N. C, NOV. 5, 180!). iYO. 44 r Ik (Dlii Xortl) State pttnLISflCD WEEKLY BY Xj 3 W I O .XX JX. Editor itid Proprietor. i: tj:'. oh Ni'aciiiprioN Oxr Yr.vn, payable in advance. ... Six .M n .i " " f Copir- u one address '3 no It) Co n :n mo rid sw.uu of Adcertiainu. Onii Sipiare. UrM insertion $l.0; J-'nr imii nJJilioUttl iusertlnii !50" ii.itif.v. ill In- !iired .!) tier et-:it LiKh. rtlian l.v.ibove'riitep. (.1;nt,rd.NiMireN(i.iK - piiWijU , ,! w, mle.s uitli otti.rinh .Ttine Uii'tit. Oliiiiiiiry si'itiMi over si as iid vert infinuta. iuis. c!iari;pil ON'TK.VCT K i l l:1. 9 -1 1 'tp I'll'. I SiiliH-i-'. V fultllll'l. 1 c.:.. , .,. 1 Cdu.lHI. -J .Ml -'17.) i.-.tH . - ."in siao'i ;r.!i ii r1 'ii I.-! :(i VivJ.tMi 1 r. OH !MMI is mi 1 (U) I i I'll 'II II I :M (;'l ! i :, oiii. iHJ a;.."t 1 1 Oil id i) I -J) I") .'i I ik 4-1.1 ' i mi -ji :i ::ii on: oo 75 m J- (III Id mi '0 li'0 tK);l30.0ll LEGAL X or IVES. X-Tor'h Carolina, ) Si !; i:nut C h ut. Yadkin County. $ Spring 'IVnn. KO. T. C. Hans r. Ex'r., if Win. Mackie, Jee'd. I'iaimilf. ' aicninxt 1 F.iias lliiyu-s and nthi-ra. Dffi-ndaiits. tiprri"t J'-'urtuiii-.m PtUthn f-r &!lrm(i't I ii '!,i r.iw it i made In appear to the Fa'tlsfaeTloti nf ther-mrr llnil TImhim Uacku. Mart -a Maekie. Klizalielli Muekie, di"i' Makie, Sarah MaeUie. L is Murfcii. Hiram Slaniii, and '.is wife CnUiaiut, Milai llm and bi ivif-KViu'i-en. Sylvester I!. ". Ilfiiry Sjl, ri-'.-md 1 is M-If.' Mary, are non-ri'.idi'titM of tin-Matt-: II iatlirr-fire milviiJ by tin cimrt that puMicuiiioii In- made ra tin; "Did Niirth Stale " a iii-.vspapi r puldmlnil in Sai-i.-liii; v. N. (' fri i wekK H!ieee.ivdy. n tifi iiilhe ib feudality to mid appear at tlif next tenu our Sujierinr I'nitrt to in- held fur the eoiiuty of Yadkin, at llie mrt lioiiw in Yadaiuvi'.le. .hi I be I0:b Mond.iv afte.r the t'nird Monday in Si pieinln r. !SfJ. then and tlu-re t4'lead answer or demur tn tJie j'eli-ion tiled byT. C. Hanner, tin' exH"itur of Win. MaeLie. iiskine fi-r an aeeouut of his ndiuini.stratioii and a HmtlnettifHH-nt. WitntteA, .J. A. Martin, clerk of our said court at oliiee in YadkiiiMlle. Sept. ieUi. im. J. A. MAIM'IX, C C. .-iy-fw (pr'fee flO .) SJrth Carolina, Si'perior Cm nr. Y..'li:n CoUoty. S Spring Term, lOO M,r:h:i.I.n..Mard.I'lff.)1Vt,n flir Divorce. Alfred M. tlovrard, d ft In i!ii.- rt.n it is made to appear to the sat - filiiaioa it' the eourt that Aiheil it 14..iwt. (iie.iLdV-iiihiLt above Muled resides beyon I j t!iTin.rtii7if the .Slate and (ha t.Mltrtlia JU0 Ho vard. I'lniiitifr above named, hath u """1 44i 4T ixtiuu.aga' wist him : It is ihend'ore ordered by thecmirt ti-at publication be made in the "Old North State," a nawapaper pub Imbed in Sa iabury. X. C... for six veknc cesive'.y. usHiiyiug till defend int iliat he be a id appear at the next term of, our Siip'e rior Court to beheld for the county of Yad kin at the Court HotiM.rri Yadkinvilleon the lOlh Monday alter the 3d Monday ill Se;K. ldt9. then anil there to ilead or auwer to naid petition for divorce filed in the otlica of the clerk of baid cnui t. other-vise jadginent prr couTetWO will be cuU-red and tlie case heard exfiarle. i Witness, J. A. Martin, cleik of dor sail court, at office the Kith M tiday af.er the yd Monday in April, I !'. f tttmil rg Jay of Sept. H6St. J. A. MAR TIN. c s. c. 3D-Gw prf.eI0) SSoxth Carolina, Lavie Cui'sty. ) S-cpKuioira Oocat, 5 Fail IVmrLfsUO PelilLn fur Salt of Land. John S. Maxwell, Adioviistratcf ofJohn Max Well, deed., ajrainr-t TI.om.isT. Maxwell. Tbotnns M Brock. Ja. V. l3r.vk. Sar.li E. Nay'i r, wife of b'eiija miii T. Xaylor ami Caunlln A. li.ock, IJ.'. Ward li'.. -k and Jobe . Rnkk, in. not ebil rir.-n o! John Vf. Brnek, deceased. In tbis.e ise it aniienriii. to the aatiafac'iVin of the cwiit.lhat -li.i-r. a V. Brock und tfaiabJ Naylor,-wife of D- t-ja i !; S. Xaylo'r, defend finis in :bfs ease a-i DO i-fc.-i'h-tit-ol this Stale; Iherefoie, i! is on i ir I t y the court H at pnl In at ion be ni.nle lor six Weeks in ' The Oi l North SoHir'' newspaper! notilyieg Ihesaid !; fciiiias.ts toimpear -before tke J'lsJe ojfon next S.i(m rior Court to be hfM lor the e nitity of U.i-.a' at i be I'oint House hi Moeksvi'le. on lb.: Oral Monday in Apul, 1870. llien a- :1 there Bte.a-'.:tt .-ii oibe.p.!vlaUlTvJi!.'.,(!.I .it1 this con-t, iirj'idt ineut will be taken m pir1t aa i item. Wihi.-a IT. It AnMln.CWu r,f the Simr-fl riorCmut ol llavie tVntntC. at office In llie-s ailte, tbe 11th div S-jjeii,her A. U, lf-'O) rrt-di jix.c.s.c. 41 -6irf;.: f,e $10) "-- TUP qn,!-MK Lermp l.r t: e-l aeo Mvexaia oav rniii.so a co-Mte ioiiih or rinil.r.n i.c ii.ei.asKM ..Mivlov ami --niriMJ HcsiNtsa us Dm: nr.uio-t.a.-a -n rensnni to ihe lat Biui f WOitYU DtTNIKL ami I. O, WOUTll, and hoie l.y airiol at'eiitSn to tl 1'ol.v.rMa ofilie.r s!iiiiiera aa.l t-iiJiJil iivi; "ci! s.it.niaitii.fl to all wj.o , r for tht-mH itb bnir.ca. JT. TT. WnfTTII, n. :. w'tBrii, vriLJtriscioN, y. c. 04. isa, ieoo. .i,i.,ll r X. Y . mill No. tl f iwoiina i!,aa.lili , . :.-.ri--rrtr.rra i-vs!siapt.es! -. panv. lie f aoeunys.at. -Sin 'ha'.!? Vs..- o-tt Sr'JTa 1 1". Dint, -'..cilrt.! i:.i mn. I ter.1 e-i-nt. lli n.i , 9 G&i.-.o aUvliaUfi.'a S&jr I'i.osjlhaU jDf i-ilM I r. GODTjTTJ S JI t COM I'u U I) G E.VT1 A V HI TTKHS, 7 As Great Aiun'can Tti" and Di uretic ! Recotiir ended mid pra-crihed by physicians wliCrcrer known. The "Conipoiiii-I Gi-ptiati liners" arc made of the pineal ami best Vegcthbfe Tonic? and Aroiu'itic kiiou ii to ihc pnifiIon. They a!n -," , Cl'thlll IW'clilV - I Will "I 'iwlt- c u ii-. ,.t, ... it k I I ; I.f-l I ) 1 1 ' U I'M" 1 1 ' in i'xkIcih : mid lor li in -i n-,..i'..,n ii.. in K ililey, Hl.idder and I'lilMrjr Onriillf, l ine mi vi pii mr i hi v tr).,.n! Ilimi- wi rry thf"!' Bilit-i", tor iliu t.Ji nvinif i . i . tt itl in evert cnfthid 'th-m n Mtif, lileant. I I-.v "' '"'ciimi i..fii ny. ( - .4 - utn s....e;. l;'-'f'V'' .f""1 oi - jtSii urn! F.-rer, aiidi.n MnMrml IWBie ! i-!v met i Hi eliml DYSl'KI'.ilA, INIHtiESTlON', l?h K-.-TOilAClIr COI.K:. jlCK-HFADACltE, uaosciiins, A KT 1 1 A. C i l- A C 't'OIT, XKKKAl.'JI.U tJMNKH.Vb DIT.II.ITY, Disease" of K:dne;. tjianl. A'-, and ev-.i y Di-en-e Tiquiun a i-i,i'rid Tool'' m pressiun. jr Km It;s n-cs peciiinf to Femaw it i li' t " spi i lie. J-t7" I" eniiv ..li -e' m-e f-o;n Typlu'tl ami I o' la-, low ail in" ol l'i'- (l I IS lla- l l'V It ! 1'iauiu ih..; i in. be u.-s !. . 'I I e t'oinpiiimil Oei.liaii t'ittei inei wi lt iilt; V'-i-nI I.ivo", hImI li.ive mi ie.l lla lloii- eH lei-liueoiiai rvi'i r. en lo any mc hi'tne, a lew i f liii-h ' append hi low : Tfr. is (o eei tify lh.it I baVe iie l D". G-mI bnV CoU'lMimnrTieiitiaii IlHler- and irli. ei lot If reeoninieinl it lit lb" Very Oesl ll tl'-ls llitl imii in- use I I"!' oniiuaiv dehihtv. -iek .-i.e-oi'- . S. K. M UuLi, M I.ipscivmb, 0"an?e eo , N. C. Vav I'r ' 1 heietiV eell:ly that I Imve l.eeli i s.nu Dr. G.i ill i' "Compooiiil i"iiiian !j t-i j." loi C'H-fh. (Siiieiiil IVh.lily. A'u.. and 1 am fully sat ictietl that tbev nre tlieb -.-I ll-.l else! which f tr-ve h'iv knoivh .li;!-, aud Lv bi:it TolUC l fetd U the Auii-iieati i- j !e. itouT. Y.sr. ri:n. H'-nnen eonufy, Va-, June 'J.', lii 'J. Iu OoatiiN: Pi'u S.i : 1 hav ln-eiiHuni-r-iiij.' lur tiWMy v.. :s v. ith nil aifecltoll o! lla Ififtu'V. proiti ate jjaud iil.d ta.ic'i.ie ol the HT.-'liia ; Imie the hePr p! v i now a pro!. failed t" ) : a an! 0. i.li ii ejiallli . l.e I,, he!! -ve i: to be il-cJ. I I ,-n ii SOI l ! - tin', if;:, tile : i. nd. r the 1 1 en' mi i.l ot the Ol a n .e ': e. I G V ti e.l l ' ri wi- 4 ' ' e"l ; ,i r Ilk.' best A- K VL'LCUX h'J. I.i'l i, X 3, I'repateU Iv bv Dr. O ablie. JAM1.S T. WlGdlXS, Proprietary WMvmU A veal, SOUHoLK, VA. For fair bv Dr. G. U. Pouisoii, Sn!n jury. X. C. ' 38 -if 40 YARS DEror.E THL PUBLIC IF OTHER Iicnicdics FAIL FUii BUOM IliAL A.SlJ LIVl.U DI SF.ASLS read the follewing: rUotnas II. Raini-y, Ks. , Cr.invi 'e re.. X. i'.. MVS . ''I ttn.l J " ir lalls ta t- t lie best in iiifly m-Ji-cn'ii. I have ever used. Tltey liave proved very ben etlr.iul in my own r ise. I have been very icn. li t It a ted fur HfUvn years, and have trail every Jofcili of raeiticine that I cnuhl gel. but filive found nmreVa Ijtfltoui your Pilla tliiia all others. My disease is bronchia i adlfctton, rind a complete ptoalrat on ot tba nervous sistein. I have nnJ tlamiii ten or fif teen i n-, s in 111 family, ami dial tliem tn he the very medicine lor nearly ail family di sen Tho Cure is TUoroujh. Krnnet!i Maynea. Esq., Clerk ol CohtaiCca county Court, writea (Airfi 3, ISfiS:) "Ilnrinp Hie hitter bartvif the jrear IS '3 I aa avereiy aiilkted WitH dise.ised iivermbliijiiiiy iiijil lit bbr in Led the . in wen become so exrruriatinjr, ttial I waaeompeiled to net out ut b;d and sit up until ti e pain wonld aabs.de.' I pro'-nrerl a ii Imxeset Ct.e-4.il7 1 ffKitX HUPATIt' I'l l.l.S. ami Hie liitilose I :ok nave uis creat relief, i continued to use tl.e l i is (or to fc. anu.lltive li'1'. saae'eii ii.iin iimt U'se.i-e since. I hverfeiunmenieilli,m accordingly, und aaveral -r... are in aut ol' ii em. Ail disease iaam-ercmy to the ' n in aa System, and la atwarwitfi It and arili eniuicrr it. nniess natare . a ita at; tlie .iss.sraia- - it can receive tn-in siienplli eumx meitlcinea and n:Ub: nntii sliments, inn runqaertbe enemy ; which woti ! It- b. -I to ,t..!-s inc licice before yon fet siek. ta r eviil sieknesa ol l.i take medicine ntUr yon itet viol. c-ir sickne'S. I ,,'jm I U'Old tO the Wise U CLOU'll.aCi Exert se your own Jr.ff; irVt in :! mians r.f de fense; the en 'ii y will corn, he, ye a.ai ready with The Southern SZcpr.tic Pills, XUai -Jit, Utiff-kinmm arid tctll ti inl renittly fjf "if It'lintK rtitflMf. rnni.nl lij a DISK ASF. D UVKR. . 1 TO LT. i;UI0RAX1f . Yon are almnt to make k home far y.miaelrand tamily'a a rlimsia which von or they nave n..; been aecustoinetl to: you will, of entire. iee)iaseJ ta ill t lie disease pecaiiar to Ibat climate, yon ahnnid berarrfn! to-eacataeh Med lrir.es aa ate ndapn d to tlie d.-vaia-s of that aUmatei rou trill And the greatest se. 'irity iu tlie use ol ilKraa Sot TBKKx Hepaiic tUXa. They ran be se! to any point In the Cnited St.ites a iiri inu wv tJwan, an T pw.iii Ml wiv v iu mna 'lama. .. , i I 1 TlK' c i.h trio ' ei'.lier :irc .ino.L i ll.l. ari'i i f -r :ha M ein.' r tl will be acnt 0. V. !. Ite'rh Hid !iecdri- ed to U. W . DKKMf, ( No. .'S, iwu Cal;i 'rf--rrr. - ' f.llf.H.UI SIl.. iy n; h nroiurtly liioil ul le. :i sir-wnieinn oil on nil teapeetaule UrutrgKl evciywlie. w i,ij eu O. R. POL LSON, .Tc'.v 2 - CC:Iy HaliV.my. S. C. LEPAGE BROS. & Co., GKNKRAL An COTTON FACTORS, Commerce St., ICsirioUt, Va. tS 'Special atteiition paid to the s.tle o GBAK t0f TiS and ;t otker kiuJs a iI'VTIf V PP'itil HE. LM i-r.iI anvani -j on e)Hsrenrrift ; i yaiiij rr t"1 1 r i , . , i.nd pro:apt r..: ;i, i i North Carolina Into Fair. AWARD OF PREMIUMS. Octobkb 22, I860. 11 mi; A I. HALL. J Lhtdsoy k Son, Guilford County, 1st. Premium, A mbrrO lacreU a, 82.00. George V Mordecni, Wake, Bolile of hc-l pepper v il slip, S2.00. I lr 11 111 (lllr II. ii .'IKI . one Inr Of .1U- I ... II ' I f I pi Hitler, '.',. i Tho liiilev, 'nk CollntV, Olio (ipewi- nieii of fniL'nin Stijar, 8V 00. Mm K V JUtib, ohu a L.jfut ILuafL.xii.bv..AV U AU-oe, .y,-, j oi Uai-jnual- j cv.uu Mrs W K Pill, one lot of Kigbt Bread I .1 .. V III wniioni ii(iua oi.wn. MrVV, f?rritttri;L4 V-" erren, w,wi. i eaie in i-i-i v.-n, c - i'u. ,, ,. l , . Mi s Hanks, akc coiuiM-, dried f I $2,00 W F Sliulli, Forsvtlic Counly, Ilom v in the Comb. -.00. Mrs I I! Litltejnhn, Prnnttlm eonnty, Freali peavhes without suar, S2 Mrs S .1 Wilson, Apple JdDy. .'.00. Peach Pickle 2 00 Tomato ' atsnp, 2 00. Dtied IWbe.-, L'.OO. V. A VoIer, Forsyth county, dried ap ples 2- 00. 5lrsGeo W Moidecai, Raleigh, Unindy lVacbes. 8 00 Mis Thomas C'owun, one wreath of mil flowers, pri'B.rvcd eight motitbs in in natural colms, 2 0 Mrs S.I VA ilson, Granville c.rtinty, three VV Coiinb i n nnen 2 00. .'. Mis W ) Jones, Wuke county, Counter pane, Diploma. Mis W l Davis, Franklin, one home made carpel, 2 00. Mi s Mai'li i Mills, (8 years oi l.) one nnilt, .1 IH. Mrs K M McPhecten-, Rtleiglj, one silk OHll', 00. Mirs J McDonald, Cabarrua, (iiulf, diidoioa. Mik M:a W 11 Crow, Wake, one wl, lite cnun-1 terpane, 3,00. Mrs .1 W YonnT, Wake, one linen shirt. CO. ACss iiiie. r.i:is Uarvsimrc, one pair i ' i f fal.CV knil Iln-.', 3 00. II .1 Perkinoni, Rub igh, two p.iirofcit- liili hosi . i 00. Mrs S (' Wilson, Gi nvi'le, one. suit ci' h ' i n. P :t i ii..' h -. ; on. Misa Cania Sfvaje, I'.iraytlie county o ie li -.it eo.ii.lerp in" I ') 00 Oae '. '. e'-'.i i eilk, 00. Miss Jaiir M il an, special tneullnn of a 'Wing .-ilk, 3.00. Miss Carrie Servic ', three silk hanJ- kerrblcfa 3 00. Miss Mary Atkinson, Ralcb;b, three tut ting col'l.na, 3 00. Misa Mi llie Nixon, Raleigh, one box lancv cmtio'dery. 3.00. M'8 UiV' Ba'--'ifli " embroidered -tvll t, J 00. Miss Mai I id Nixon, Raleigh, one box linen einbriyil 'l'V, 3 00. Mrs F. A VogT. r.'o:,. lamp rliade, 2.00. Miss Mary i'es, nd (yoniio Ta ly II years old ; one -ill; quill, 3 00. Ry ill- RUtid puplis id the Deaf Dumb and Blind jnstitutq f North Carolina, one lot of la id vvoik, 2 00. Mrs L M N.ibhx, J. illusion cointj, one lot of Ca-lnner wm 1, 3.00. Misa Laura S. Williams, of Wake, one 1 ease of Wax flowers, 3 00. Mrs M L Plate, Raleigh, oi;e vaso of Wax work. 3 00. Mis John R ftathcry, one lb quit of pi per flowers, 3 00. Miss Jefinie Everitt, Iland-woik frame, Diploma. - . - K M McPheeters, Raleigh, one lot of feather flowers, 3.00. Miss M uilia, Rryau, (it years old.) one pair of painted vast-s, 2.00.' .Mian O as O KelsAu, Raleigh, one frame of ,' jjSt native bull, Wiiie 1) Jones, Forreet Worated Work, l3. 00. I ville, .".O0. Miss N J. Dunree.it-brlnd teacher, one b.-iiigmg tiaskei; Ssp., &c, SSOOt 'Misa Saliie-Boushnll, blind, from Bean tort, N. C, one lot of shell work, 3.00. II '1' Clawaon & Co.. Raleiirli. one d ran- iii V io luiii '1 lit!' Lot of Looking Glass frames, 3.00. Sliow case and .cm tents, 3 00, Mis E S Siuiiii Raleigh, ouo Afghn, 5 00. Mis B G Hayra, Raleigh, one Pine Burr JrameSOO: John Ii X aile re, R .ileigTi, one embrot tlrwdj.'; i- o' coVrr. 3 00. Mrs S G ""v Jletulyrson, one lot of spun eilk, 3.00. . Mia Oct ting' r, Raleigh, ope lot of Mil liner v 8 00. H T Clawson & Co, Raleigh, best col lection of ehmmos, certificate -,i,i . , . , f II T Clawson &Xo , Raleigh, lot of win- Jcc, cetlificutu. Miss S A Partridge, Raleigh, Que paint ing of caltle, piece, G00. Miss S A Partridge, R.ileign, one beat water color painting, 5.00 Otto Salzman, Milton, one ornamental j clock, 3.00. Mr R W Rest, Raleigh, one album quilt, 5.00. Mrs W .T Young, Raleigh, one crochet tidy, 3 00) Mrs AM McPli.eeti:B, Raleigh, 4 tabic mats, 3 00. .Miss M L Lindsev, Raleigh, one knit si awl, 3 00. rittrra. rIeigh, apecini I oval sin 1 1 triune Ave! tb.iwd and t-aiu'l ii by S i-s Fcntresa This work, the 'oricina k baving Iwii Lrokui4ii blalfi rring it t ; . ... ... t f 1 , . . m AA - , I t iorai Clan on iouu.iy tasi, -i ui. j ' i . . . A.i .a-' . 't: - it ... :.. lioticu -!-. .l . -r l I .Uaiicb Priming. Binding, &c. Report of Coin initio : i'he judges, appointed to !xn!niiif thi various ipcciini'nnid Hmik and Job I iint- iii;, Hindi I'u nor, &:., xliiiiited nttlu: Si.ito f iir, would ic v fully report : I. 'Piiiit wliiln ili-v rind i li,- Iihm timffe fp' wuk'H d Job Printini hi ilw fi-im f U i-iii',.-' ' ird( rn iiLfd So I, in C'U 4DivUian y, D. pl. 3, M S Uttletiebl'itj ilii'V filial (lie Uv'tu.'r.il v.i i tv in firtli)'No. . . . . ., ... . . m m i: mnu. r i.j A-. i . i 1 1 1 1 1 ' .V n'. 1 ' 1 I inin'.i) fo bf iXinieri-r. m .1 ilier.luni nd- i ju.il.re ir i ntl ji'il lo lte l'r imicii I II. J"! e lot of nriitiM-r nuiiei exhibit ttv ami mini leu in a H' inium. III Tin- Biudiu- a id fc.-n.-ral ' li' tl 1 t . . .Ml ijeflu , ii. hi ol ii; tint iiunK", o. I. A- . i.v. t . i i uni:.. un coininniei- .. , , ., . i- i , i Hud several evcoli-nt and en-ilitald" spe- cint'iis, viz: a volume ..J" Sireme ' t ' It. portr.) by Xi.-bols A (firman j ;i ! tiimnir.i mi.ile.l bv MS Litilefu Id for ' the S-;ntrr(.'"r et i'lhla- inMrnrt ; ana JNU (j fur .lolinslon recent worlv on liaaiiiJfl by T. M. Ii it. Til.: latter, aflcr souieM b it il.flcull coiiiiiarison, they i.judiie lobe eiili'leti In the premium. Very respectfully, ficc.4 A. 1j LuroHK, t ir ! (Jomtuittee. ,i . . . ji.iia.iiH, Y. ii. M'joiii;, J D-pf. -Division 1st -Lire Stock. class i rnoRornmiKiioK. Best Stallion, over 4 l ears old, ,J .1 B iule, Him ky Mount, 25.00 Best lirood mare, over 4 year old, K '1' McC'raty, 11 ili.-b. r-, l i 00. ! lb n Stallion, over 2 iiul under 4 years, I 1'i-ter U Davis, Warrciilou, 10 0!). , A special premium is . . . . . iwurue'l to sorrel i c it ieine, o ii. .; iy I I... 1 P tl..w ,.l hi a a. '.iv. . W airi-uton. CJ.AKS 11-lioht nn.vrr and sadut.1: 1I0R.SE3. a. .11: i ..l.t i, t c i Ul r : . .in itu " ' ' . -i . '. in- 'hi, f.. I. .in i, Ml Tirxah.Pi.. 20.00. j S" ciii'l best tilr.lliou ovi r .' y.-ars aid, It n' Umiwi " n.....vi;ili innti ,. , ,..A., , ' A on '. 1 y i.s oi l, ll: :n Crnbtn c Hillabwm", lo 00. R st Brood Mare and colt, Hinfnij lvn- niss. Klevaii in, llanielt, 10.00. ' B- si S' iliiou ovr r 2 and ttede 4- years, J ( Clavion, Mt. "nzih, P.t, Join). Res i Sd.H- horse, mare or g'-bli"g, Whar- i to i .1 I'll cell, VVrtlicntou, 10.00. Scttooti'l beat anion- bars.., S R. lliini, Ki;:iv:lV S.oO. Rest pr inatvhcd c.il i iago horses, Wlmr loii J Ui'ec i, Warrcntou, 20 00. Second beat pr match carriage !irsc., T ! F I.ei'i Kaletgb, 10 00 J Best bmglo Unite, T. F. Lee, Itu'eigii, 10.00. Second B'-st Harness; horse T HOaither, Ohailotle, 6.00. A special premium of 83 i awaribal l J S Ileiib.V of I lay: i- ere. k, ('h.itbani c iuuty, lor Gr. y t'..i !i ' iuo..;ln. old. , (.Xls.S 111 Res' pair Work Ox u, K i' Battle, R ii tigli, N C, -S-J0 oo. I . , . (TtA5S IV. Tie' committee iccoiuineri l tb il ilt pre mium he equal! v divubd belweeu W 11 Clow HinJ iX F Lee, id R.Jeigh. ( LASS V Bias. -Boat warjtt'jJfiiliau-LuaBavW F Shultz, Sab bi,XC 5.00. , Rest lot Native Becs.V F SImiRz, Salem, 5 00. On'' hive observing Bee, exjiibit'-d by W F Shu'iz. Rceotuiiiended wuftby of notice- Division 1IL Clnss II. DrrcttAM. Dkvo.v, &c. Dest .Durham bull, David lliiltou, Ral efctrrr070. Dest Devon bull, A II Temple, Raleigh, , N C, 10 00. Heat Gtach bull, W R Crawford, Raleigh, 10.00. One bull calf, 8 months old, owned by Siiei'Wood Haywood, Raleigh. Dipla m. B st Poland niil h Cow. J P II Rnss, Rail igb, ( special premium,) 6.00. , Best Alderiiey roilcli cow, C M Busbee, j Rab :gb, 10,00. ( Ono bull calf, 18 months old, owned by J N Bnntiug, Raleigh, C C, Diploma. Division V Ci'tss 1. avTINK, POljl.TRY, ETC. Res' 4 Ches'e Pigs, M W Smith, Ra! eigh, Wake eron ii) , 5.00. &ert tbwei- iiitar-, . .. I . Jenkins & Sk.le?, TIiomnsv,jI!o 5.00 Brsln I bister Sow, ti 'r.., rt I k on A J. ., . A dl', i.i , u j esscx, rTc. Best Esset Boar, O D L;pscouib, Raleigh, 5.00. Beat Essex Sow, B H iiaywood, Jr., Raleigh, 5.00. .: .-. ? in -NATrve. Best two Native H"gs Jlciiry Tate, Greensboro', 10 00. Class IV Poultry. Beat pr. Chickens, Stum fence and, Irish Top knots, J G Arrington, Hilliaids- ion, 3-00. . Rest pr. u.'.vk Spe.n'sh Cbiekena, Tlioro? I aa H Battle. Rale yh, 3 00. R. t 1-t Brabrsri CMtickefta, IL TnUU Jre'eijaboro', STOW ReaAgr. Pjalaud Gi-cse, W A NaiK.Pi'.la- , O Art ""'v , w - I B -at lot Muwovey Durks, Sherwood I Hnvwond, Hah-i'ii. 30.00. - 1 Is.-'t t'olaiid Uiuks John Prlc, Ri'iraV J 00. B. Wild Turkey, WA Maab, Piti.- Boiin,l 3.00. I1UAIN AVt) s: kd. 13 -! bnmd -onif by W V 6Unlz, fy-.Jtm, N (', 3.00. H -t imiii ii. i nrnlk. (! sulk. :il Mn, S G 00. U M win I- in.. (in- ill Kt .a il) white, by NCUetfe. ;; oo. irk-tv feed wli if, 8 varieties, ; I! amnli. II tJei-ib, J 00. uu wav b. J..li..it4tlt4U eifii, J. 00 Kxci-lbiit niifci-u'Mi Nnrwar onla, wortbv : .... i.... ..... L-K.. !.. to.bu.-.i pri.u.iuu, l.v .Ivuk'.: an.". ' f f" Tr..t .... . kjlill'.!!, I ll'.lll III lie, 1." H Mil, I. cutTOX, in.Ml, Set. ' Stneli ctnui, lieat upeeiunjii, B W Green, I U ib i-l. 00. 1 - , o -id ,-..,. jl ..,., ..,-.) r.i is. t ra .i; in. .) u I. H -t siieeiini-n dressed (Iix, Mis V F '. . . " IShtil.s. .Salem. .1.0(1. B:-si siu-tfi-ui'M -Irish P..tatoc (Rotje) J li Sau.il, it ib'i''ii. ;; oo. u-1 ' 11,0 L 11 i .... . Clayton, Johns:.. u c unity, 20.00. Best specimen sweet potatoes, B W t: ,.. . ' !h.. ft oo Rest spei-imen Linseed oil, W F Shnllz, Sab m 3.00. 5;i Iba seed cotton, not entered, beat on exhibi'.ion. no'i rEii am rir;Ksi:. Rest apectmen butter, 6 Iba. Mra S G Wilson, Granville eouiiiv, 3 00. Rest sp'-eimen cbee-e, X W Woodfiii, I Klk MouiitaaM Factory, Ruucombi county, . "0. i'l 0"lt. 'AtKAt., AC. BeatWrel flour, J. M. Heck, Raleigh lire! I", niiuin, 10.00. Seroud picrainm, J M I'i'iiio rgaKS, Pitta- .1 00. B SI Il lMl l I nleal, Alexander OJum, 00. 1 1. nine;' ii-;, ,i ji,-;.; i. irici le-i . ii Wdmi-rloH, 3 ru CITH A I) A 1 s. AK-x ttiJer Oduui,' 00. To THE BOUTIt. j Rest and greatest variety of apples, 7? , vaiteties. J Li'idiey A Son, Greens I no; . i s. . ' a no Tic ei.mmitiee leg leave to mil special attc in to coll.-etl iu ot applet', ,it Mr- S (r Wilauii, Granville camm'-itd r. tireiaiitiu ut A OO v ii i ii ; : s roitiitv, r Also to V: ru-tV ' II ren lV .Mi ter. 2S) tt( being Woliiiy . . ... 11,1 F B H la id sj eci.il ti'ittee. Reft coiieciiun of dried ftjiita by E A Voab-r, F .-ileui. 4 00. Rcsl ami gl'ea Frueliek, K Mr A C II-v" Isab. lia attd .1 i.ii uiy ul insville, 5.0O. I?'- "l'S, I. xhibhed two vaiii-ties ot o iwbi gr.iucs, worihv lit' jpt ci.il notice. Fecit treks. Mi'iisi-1 J Liinlb'V and Sons, Greenaboro. imd t W Viestbrook, of Ridgitway, hold exhibit lino specimens of fruit trei-R, the commrftee lecoin in.'mbd a ilivit,i.in of h premi.iiil ot 6.00 be- iw p ii i iirmi vkoktaki.eS. Bist whim turnips, W JI .William?, Franklin, 2.00. Best beets, A O I lege, Wilmi'ngtoir. 2.00. Best RntaKiga tuiiiijis, Jehu Tigne, Haliigh, 2.00. Best tomatoes,, John Tigne, 2 00 Ci.ASsj III HEAVY DliArtiUT. Best Stallion over 4 years old, Edward . .H 's wiJI, Fori est ville, ;;0.00. Second best Slallioi'i over 4 years old-, Jordan Tyson, Sr, Egypt, Fbatham con ity, 10 00. Rest Scullion over two and under 4 years, W II Bailey, vMindsdalu, Peraoq coun ty. 10.00. Hi st, Draught Horse, Upcburch &Dodd, Raleigh, 6 00.. MVIStO.v'lv CLASS I ' ) I! t South down Hack and Eweaj Renja uyu Kirk ha m, R.b-igh, 15 00. CliASS tl KATIVM SUBKP. Ret grade RiK-k, Jdhii Price, Raleigh 5.00. CLASS IU GOATS. R 'st cashmere Goat, Sylvester Smith, Kaleigb, 5:00, j CT.ASS" IV J At'KS, JJ'KXRTS A"T) MCI.KS. Rest duck w ith approved certificate, A J i biw you t rack tl e wine. witbnut agita- j plish whi6ii the greatest ingenuity and i i Blatieliard. Rab-igh. iiO.OO. I ting 'it. This spigot is easilv mnik by j dualry we.ra nianiiested Dr. Gall relates Best four mule team, D P Stedman, Ral- i boring a bole, tiiaettiug n small cuuft saitl I a very striking instance of seven children ei-b. 20 00. Rest sintrle in'de 1 years old, W M Es- tea, Franklin ton, io 00. Window a'aah and blind, WP Belts, A: Ctt,,iau4c.UIL5..O0...., ca kixkt vo::x, ac. One cradle, tV F Sbnltz, Sab m, $ 00 One rocking chair, W F Shuiia, Salem, 3.C0 , I One centre table, W F S!.n.l:z, Saleui, 3 00 Or.e wasuvsiand, " " 3.00 One bureau,VV II Mori is & Co. Raleigh, 3.00 LOOTS, S3 ICS AND IIATS. R' st pair gents duiiole sub d boots, E A Vint ac.Co, Salem, 3 00 . Best pair gaiicr ehoce, 1 0 Murray, Ral eigh, 3 00. The eh. es exhibited by Messrs Leach aijd Shelly were -of cxcelleat quality and tnaii i al. Best br gana, E A Vogbr & Co, Sa-tehi, I -V C, 3.U0 SADDLSRT, Q. V.' R Iiuloliius A- v'o, Baleighi oae -Som-mir ult bogsKi i eiiactcr,. 1 00 tn- r .uit iiogskiu. aiiattcr,. iU.00 , ij tt ctSjI place and let il rcmuiu tlcio uu ( by jjrjtiis-i auU Mrcu4iiU eAvrywere. M Ona act of two horse harness, wiijon, W B Unit bins Sc Ci, Ratrlzb, 5.00 UAXI) I'OWKR. OnBstMw VttHur, Dr Thoa Illrks, Pur- iini.i, Diploma, lb st atr-fe.- cutter, Jdwfph II Tlmrapjon. Tyin, n.ni.Iti. 5.00 I! mi r-a-iic itor, Jaa M Towlcs, Rairijrli, npM-laf. 0 00 H -rt com planter, J M Towlca, Raleigh, special, ft 00 Heel iron Siont ern seller, Jaa M Tow lea, I: .I. t Ii, Di.donia. ! Hcst faimii.-r inacbiat'. Dou-Haa lk-ll. U i. ;', (id . itack.iiv.iy ;:,.aiv,v v. Ii "a. fan, K Whitman & : . ,. U ,bi,Uore ,., ci,.l. I 00. W.il.fituire. Jaa M Ionics. Raleitrb. Dl- . i ... . tA 'r..'.,;,i-h.u .hb-r mill. J",,,,.-, M.Tow. f:-F, "Kabo;ib. si.e.-i il. .1)0 -. . (Jid.-r irnl JaiU'-s 'M. Towlcs. Kabi-fh, Iliploiu i. I One iri,l alniut, Jntuea M. Twf&, Hal- -",.,,,,.;,.,-. p,,, rlV. ,,.... t v I ..... . -- n i " mar 1 TL1 Forsyihe. Diubima. lWO . ' M , '..' macliHara, .1 J iveea.ul, ... Tiov'a bare. K.iHibduSi. !iM I Chillies wringer, J-.seph 11 'i hompon, t . i . - i . . i - ..... i in .. d.m ii... i... .1-1 I,,. ' ,'. .' .' .' i ., . .,. l i.ie cniirn, viaiu'-s a jonier, u.aiviu,i .'p'oma. Monk. y wtcneli, t V 4 J C MeCowu & Co. j Dui Lara.-, o 00 , Screw p! no, J c McCown, Ci Co, Dur- 1 hams, b' 00 l ...i i' iwut in. rug puiuji, j .inira ji i on ir. , R tleigh, a.00 (lodfny's atinorpbeiic flour cooler and b dl cleaner Tlm Coiumitlec p.u noii'icef ihia a aupertor luiebute and mi.. Inili" lli'i.fb'il. Moi'i-iiil nMinftun .ri 1111 vHlUin press, tttey I to y, ttlh Igii, 'M. 00 Beaalcy cation press, Dij.loma. StLTHAXIsSI. Rest colton scraper, Jordan Wornble, ! j, v iUb 10.00. 'i L! Uuan & Co. rorcut- ville, 5.00. Best lootbed cultivator. 1'mra the tl'r.'.-iu Demorrat, PRACTICAL WINE MAKING. LlSCOtXTOK, N. C, Sept. 1, 1869. Mn Kpitoh :--Manv of our citizens i t ...... ii. V';.... . .,.i ....,,.1,1 ii. ' .ill.. . 'i o. '.i. ii i.i . in lif-le pure wine if they knew how to do s.i eo. ail. y no. i 'iiioiv.uir x iiuinoi; iu ' .--.! ..i i.. 1 .:..!!.. t .. ... . ivedbem my exueiionco ia brier, avoid If, " ," -m7T i iug tUUnical lanjruagtj ua much as posi- P'?, ihvl nuln,",, ,olrlrttct.'?u ,of , a. 1 j the falls which hae placrd it with the ' The ' Lincoln Grape" is perhaps the ft commercial cities of the country, tun generally caltiv aled, as it is .oally bu' now "iCU ?V ,P,f,n(I,d hou"' the vcy iie-fg.ap..- for our mil and cM- ! Y' Uia ftrcete' U KT t0,b ,.-. .;.; though not having any r.uc quality I cbttngod. vTould seem m though a stiperuir to others, it po,.,-.. ,!,,- ,-xc 1-hamflrad pafted over t. -llow you lencies of ail. An ordinary vim- three or i 6 propo "dcr all tbe ri- I,,.,, ye.,., old will produce without f,ib etudes of the paat ten years is unacs uro two (o ib.ee bushels. Gatiici the ctmntaWe, but I congratulate yon ou your grapes ear! v in i bo morning while it j. good forUine and your proapcriir. Ken LS, and place the bunches, atom ami aft a State IU the Union int.. a clean tub, or val-the fo.mer an. i cept Uiat which gave mo birth, is the aware the put pes. pressor squeeze them j State of all othora i have learned to hou- withabe h inds iiiitil tbu busks nrv nil i 01- J ArrIansc-J broken, and Jen vc the '..us!," (husks, ( I m w yotu- illnsfrmua citizen, who juice and su m -,) in the vat for twenty- -dl h""r 1 State, as he did to all the four boat s, 'i ins is for tbe purpose of a!- I ni, who now bleeps within your 11...,:.,,. il... i d, m '-i.i i.vi ,dni iln cioi in-m uter from tbe husks and civc ,1 a f n: rich color, -anti to extract Miiiiin 7- . . . w . from the stems which preserves the wine After twenty -four hours express the juice, by oit-aua ot a small press made in every respr-ct like an oldashiotied cider press, and then strain the juice through a cotton cloth. As the Lincoln Grape atf rds but 4 per cent of alcohol it rcqturrs an addi tion of one pound of clean sugar to the galbuiaif jiiico ivhrch-cQmbiuing with the; acid in IBfl grape generates the other 4 per Cent ot alcohol necessary to make wine. Any additional siicbarinc matter degener ates, the wine into a syrnp. When lite sugar ia well dissolved by thmough mix lure, set tile juice away in u cool place, a i liar is best, in an opori ve'.scl and it I will soon commence a violent fermentation throwing to'tbti ailrfaco a thick Irotb, which is anytliiug but clean or inviiingto I lie taste I liis is its first effort at nniin- I cation, and il in lro.111 sliouia Dc C.lictniiv .. i i.i ii mum ii oil nil a spoon or "sKtmmer. . i , , . ., I i fills nill cease iu about 24 hours. The juice must now.be drawn off into a small keg or cask, rtud filled nearly to the hung. intellect, tff, Winslow ivialeaiue case or But bef'oreiipiitling fnto tlio'keg insert a 1 a family where all ijbe members exhibited, spigot iotoaf, one inch above the rint, so when they an ived at a certain age a de that tilt: lees caW Sr-Tlle below it, and al'i aire to ..cuinmit s. -If-desi i Miction ; to accflnt- slop it wiilt a cot It, to be removed when .... ... . . . . ii i)eeessary. 1 he juice is now in the casK, and it possible iu a cellar where the tber- mometer does not range higher than 74 .U4iw..iii4ia . a . . . " a vinous tei meutation, easily .discovered by placing the ear to tite bung it bjpiitg a liitsttii noise caused by the lms arisr.ia; to the sui face in rapid babbles. This will usually ciWWinue from six to Uii days longer in theXooIet pJ ice, and tie v. hie wiljbe ibo1 belter for being slower in fer mt-Matiou.-.. Aa soon ns this hissing sound bas ceas ed or nearly so, the wine should be rack ed" or drawn ofl'bcforc an acetous feriiieii lation begins ; and sometimes this aceoms fermentation supervenes so rapidly that it is nal discovered by the hissing." but may be eaaily delected by the taste. The wine should now bepnt into bottles and very lightly corkedjjeavitig the neck of (ho botte s unlilb-, as there mast be left a lit iawSiine ..g.tr atsiHheti by Uie u tne. bint pat the wiae I til a cool pi ace and let il rcmuiu ll.cu un ( Ipv roem lir - atnU portion ol gas euUsc- l ciw o. . , T, JnaaaaaaaaaaaB K Ci l if t ' o i it. 'bribed bv hyaiciana, and 'recoeunemiwi br H . I MT .1. UV kAl i. i' ' . U I Ui i " w r ' .,. ,l,v.. . ,. Ii.a ettivAwu 1. - - m til ciot wenthrr when it out lo removed without dinger. 1 find I he Cafawbit more difficult to manufacture, as it i o diaposed to run into aceious f. mientation. To avoid tflh I bottle it . iily u( c-oik it tijthtlv, con lliilna the corks f n ire like ( h inip tpne, and I have now sp-uklin'f (Jnlawba that will throw n crk thirty feet hbh. Tim OftlltSord Grape makes . ill li-blful wine and is not prone to "sonr' or become acid. I ;' i ' .! this year from one Lincoln vine four butliels of grapes and made from it (en (falioiis of w inc. The vino ia six vcars old', Ijitt piDilnced ibo same emu in , "'" ' -s, a lei.ii, ' ut J?" "prfi 1 m d" ? Ponaof w-n . . . . . i ., . - 1 1...- i far, anil spared in h .im out -n.iir ol tr.y jt'ae s far the table. XoH , Mr. Kditoi, let me ask, sliould not evciy fvuilv liave pun- wine in their fain- llii-s autlviiefaad Jr.' poisntiuua i-.uuuounda -ii i ." .' i ..... j ii :,. r- ... si.bl in our IJru Sinic-s n.;d Gricerbt. I ' Coi:imunliafe ajf amall cxperieiicc bopi,, -nine one will iniproie on it, and be etiio- ul ll d lo , pnial I ii- -i..ivil, of ibo it- i Ii. ...... i (niM'N If I Can get leisure. aooii, I may u .1 vntl sill. I -li in' n I l.w. ..fill...... .. a. .1 .. . . .ii. .i . I ; - allelJ ii piMj.'B. i.hi rnif it lll.'ll wo try too many worthier kind, and run alter foreign vuiieiictj when our native I irranca auil ua best Very truly, 9. SPLE'TI OF FX -PRESIDENT FILLMORE. On Monday ex-President Fillmore had i handsome recep'ion at Louisville. In response lo an ftdcrcfte ot welcome he said : Mr. Mayor and gentlemen of Louisville, this reei ptiou is an honor and a pb-nsure which I bad no reason In expect. Were I a cauaidale forsomo hig!i politic 'il ofBe.-, or did I come with the prestige of oUtci.il power, 1 might account, for this assembly here lo-dav. Nearly twenty years have elapse allien I hive taken part in political tnitflPrf. I brdoar w r...-, fcm X rjn j i elm g io ny.C .tin ry, applause j, and I I c.iiiunM'sprcaa lq you the gratifies tbMi I j feel lo-d ty at seeing in pit ili.-el aleliber I alive bo.iy (fathered from every 8ta i j tbe Union, tbu Union restored, tiaaat io tie and gbnious Union v hid. ( h eiidatigercd, bit! I trust notloet. . - ' mc 1 Y'11 7mxm V a i A - the n rat aim last tune, nt;d . i , 1 t'taci - , J have recognized it True, there is tne I M,"TU ln 11 uiaW iiuu hi is, . .... uui . .... , I .. . 1 A 1 .....a.. II . n , .1 a ...I . ' t.oruer. x ueeu ;,oi any annuo io : "c r W t-M'lT"8CJ . .i r i i -- ,, - . I I ,1 l,,.f . ,...nt.w ieionrt A lid I Mr o a tillO 11 his, and I can never revert to his memory without reverence and respect. I beg your pardon, gentlemen, I came hero with no prepared address ; the time has long since passed since I have attempt ed sttcTi a-tbing. I came Ttere simply to tliarik yon for this rttnexpected receplion and bouor, and to express the hope that you may continue to be prosperous, and that our country may be one nmtcd forever, f Applause. Pardon me, there fore, for not adding to this flddrcsa, and for contenting myself by simply thank ing you for fiiis hnnor. Applause. TRANSMISSION OF MENTAL DISEASE. Dr. Charles Elatn, an English, physician, has just, published a book in which in?di eal probleras are discussed. Ot ihp trans- . . ; c . . ., m j - l . ; mtssuui Ul uivnnil uisoiueie, ua wye : .Ill ; r c . . . - I nere is no rum in iiernage umn: re I tnaiks.lile than Unit of tendency to suicide ; without any other marks of aberration of of one man whr, nil enjoyed a compeleuey I i ii i.i . . ii ... a - . ana gona-iieatiii, yvi an p.issess.-u n nigw i for suicide, and all yfeWcd t- it witliiu I ihirly or fortyycars. Sone-bunged, some tliemselv.-.i, ami others lile.v out KmemiapmmMmmt n v ,t M iii --Tnni nlf iTma a an ST . fc ' tjieir mains. v .itany ower exanipirwor-rm? j same tendency are brougbt forward by the same writer. 1 mav aiia one case to ine Sbove from my own experience. Silting on:: day with 'an arquiiulaure, ! noticed some iLprc ssi'Hi iu bis ,iapiritaT- Aflrfa prolonged sib-tice, le- breke out into the following dreary a: tempt at eon versa ion : "My grnniifath r hnii himself, toy oncle took poiso.i.niv l.itliersltiif bin'-if. T s' a: icnt my throat." The facts eefi eo r cl but constant surveillance preytjajtcil ;. acqut-1 iu bis own hiitory.' Ok AOOorsT of the i;rvat r. in! r oiVwoeerf fill CCRTB of ob&iaoie and taiWirata o.W ScBOi;ajL, Dyspei'sia, Lives Disi;atf, Kin jtKV ArrBCTioss, Ge:.; , i-'di ... :.t..v--. made by the ceioroiferi "Koslioo," it haa won tiT: viiiv. ' fMny tbo is t.ls of oar l-- ehiaem. For aaie by &MEgil ana MarcitauU cv. ryw atre. - mF

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