in i ninn mi i ies i Ml -as ThclbNortl) State rl 8 . . . r,;ip SAUSPUBT, FRIDAY, KOV. ft, 180H. LOCAL N'nw AivrRTiEMET Jeray Land fr li. It- W. F.rd, agent. W are well Hrqnainll with thu land and know it to be very valuable. jcj.i.thW worth of New Goods at Uower- ten's llowerton U an enterprising mer chant advertises liberally and aella cheap. Tii Chester 8. 0. Reporter A food pa rr. ( Min t order from Alexander eoaaty. HoMetter'a Hit'ers Cures Dyspepsia. Til.- Oroide Watch Company New York. Yadkin Valley Xursory A E Conrod. RencRta of Life Inanrauee V II Ilolder- lleRS. Kerosene Lamps, at Coat At E. Sills' Drug Store, Salisbury. s . See interesting art idea on the fourth I age of this i -ii -. gt- There waa a slight fall of snow at Ashe. ville, N. C, on the 20th of October. Mavor. We leara that the Commission -, r of ttie Town held a meeting on Monday and selected X. L. Holioee, Eaq., to preside ns Mayor pro teM. Mr. Holmes lias preside,! at many of the meeting of the Hoard dur lii)? the present year, Mayor Long being en framed olswhcre. There are aome uupleas- nut rnmon afloat in reference to Mao r Long ! which we will not repeat now. We hope he will he aide to refute them to the satisfaction of every one as soon aa Ms mission to Chat ham aud Orango shall be accomplished. Lite Insubarck, Read the speciul notice of Mr. HoldrrnetJ in to-day's paj er. The Niri!i American Lite Insurance Company, for wl i.1i lie ii .tnt, pays all its losses promptly. ii? does the Liverpool, London k 01 be Fire Company, lir. Barber had paid but one Iri an mm! iu'talinPOt on tils first annual premium, yc I tin insurance, $13,000, was promptly paid tuins widow by Mr. Holderness. A ScTKBu CtrATir. Having ocrasTon within tilt; past few days to call in at Saunders' Fur n ( ire and Cabinet Warehouse on Main street o ir attention waa attracted by two chairs the one a largo gentleman's cane-back and bottom chair but the great convenience con sists in (lie seat being supported on the legs In' means of two steel coil springs tbua ena bling one to indulge in the Southern luxury of le.iilin'. back and reading the "Old North Slate" at an angle of 45 deg. without moving tiie lors of the chair. There being no strain on the legs, tin; chair should last a life time. We also saw a lady's rocking chair made to fit the person with great exactness, and the rocker arranged upon just that principle of mechanics, which gives the rock without the danger of a forward or backward tumble. These article, besides many others, art) worth a visit to tenders'. ( APE FEAK Ar;RICTI.TTRAI, ASSOCIATION. We are indebted to Col. 8. L. Fremont, the President, through the politeness of Major En gelhard, the Secretary, for a certificate of annual mcBibcrsiiip in this association, and also for an invitation to attend the annual Fair of the same, which opens in Wilmington on the. Kith of No vember, and continue for several days. The magnificence and gencrnns hospitality of the citizens of Wilmington and the Cape Fear coun try has long been celebrated, and we doubt not ilii- exhibition will bo in keeping with their well known character, and a grand success. We have desired to visit Wilmington for along time, and wc have determined to avail oarself of thin occasion to do so, D. V. WeRope the Fair will he attended as we feel sure it will deserve to be, and as the object of it Institution requires that it shall be. Death orJTOGR pERSos.Thia distinguish ed gentleman died at Wilmington on Saturday last. Judge Person was a man of marked abili ty and has filled several important public posi tions with honor to himself and usefulness to liis country. In private life be was universally aud deservedly esteemed. A a alight tribnte to his memory New Hanover Superior Court, in session et the time, adjourned for the term upon the announcement of the lad event. The Public Djbt A rongh estimate, so far aa returns have been received, U that the public debt statement, for the month ending with October, will show a reduction of ei. lit millions. Gov. Holen has ordered Special Conr's to be held in the counties of Robeson and New Hanover, the former to commence November 2tth. imt. and the latter December Kith, IHftt, Judge Russell will preside. North Carolina bonds are in bad oder in 2iw York. (J Id Louda soil ut about 47 aud the now at about 3?. ItruAJ. CUnoLlHlAX. We have received the November number (the 2d) of this Magazine, puLIitihed at Charleston, 6. C, by Walker, r.vanj .Cogswell. This is, without doubt, of the lx t publication in the country. Each number xn tains about sixty-five pages of excel lent reading matter at the low price of $2 per annum. Call at the A'ortA Suite offlce and see a r pox-i men number. The1; Kationad Capital ConTentW m Sfc l.on:. adopted res' lutions unanimously fa voring the removal of the capital t some town iu the Misaisippi valley. Within the pnssent yer twenty-five hun- ople, mostly from foreign countries, l ave p.issed throngh Pittsburg, on their way to join the Mormons at Salt Rake. ' a c-irrespondeot of the Bridgeport Farm er took toa With . a Mormon elder at Salt Lake tlty the other day. at which six wives presided, and twenty-seven children aat around the table. The Newark Journal nominates Gen. Hano ek as Democratic candidate for Presi dent In 1872. The secreiif the suerefs of Chiengo news-J papers is ea.d to lie in the tact mat every man and worrau in the towu take's every pajier for a divorce notice i i whieh they are inTrwpOSry fm rrahlishctMiud iNaj iut 4itA tt ..o TEX AS JAN D MISSISSIPPI. The Mississippi Democrats, or about an mnuious-ioRit of peoplo who style them Iv.'h she "leiiioeracy of Mississippi." held a little meeting lately and called it a "Con vention." They went through the solemn raree or organisation, their proceedings be iug attended hy many funeral-like incidents and ended their labors by adopting reeola tions recommending thaw of the people whom they style DemoeraU," U have nothing to do with either Oeut .ir Alrorn. They did nut erown the farce by nominating a Mate ticket, aud by that failure cheated sectaurs out of a fudicroes entertainment which they had a right to expect- They did however pledge themselves to "strict neutral ity" during the cauvasa. We scarcely know how tooharactsilzo thi effort to build up a third party, aud thus ui vide the eople of a State which is in the very throes of a death -struggle, which either to deliver Iter into the keeping of her own people, or that or a pary of uusnrupul ras leqiierera ana maiiguants, who are pleged to her ruia- fortunately, the move meiit is supported by so amall a fraction of the people of Mist issippl, that it is hardly to be digaiDed by serious consideration- similar movement has been undertaken in Texas, where an animated canvas ia now progressing between the carpet-baggers and the Hamilton Republicans, the Utter being sustained by a Urge majority of the Lou federate iioimlation. To sufficiently condemn the orlginstora of these elorts to divkle the people of Texas, and Mississippi, at a moment so fateful in the historv of each State, it U only consider the etlecl of such movements, if at tended by any considerable success. Th moat that could be hoped for would be the diversion of a vote from Dent or Hamilton large enough to secure theelection of Aleorn or Davis. in each of these States we anticipate i signal vietory for the allied armies of Con aervatism. We care not under what banner they may have marched heretofore, they are now leagued against Kadicalisui, and tbey have our aympathies and pray era. The hat tie will be stoutly contested, and vK.ory ia therefore to be the more highly prized, when it shall have been won, and when it shall have been achieved, the ag'Utoraand luunnurers should not be forgiven for their efforts to em harms, the nartv of deliverance. These'iin practicable.- and Bourbons who will learn nothing and forgive nothing ; who are gov erned by the principle : "resolved that the earth belongs to the Saints ; resolved that we are the namta. and who will approve notnng, unless originated by themselves 1 muat.acquiesce when the people are in mo tion, or they must be overwhelmed by t I t de. You had as well yield, Messieurs, to the "logic of evente." The South is already well on the way of her 'new departure; new alignment has been made, and the peo ple are resolved upon their own deliverance )'.. i-.tar. For the Old North State. Ma. Editor : I ask the privilege of your columns, to have little chat with my fellow- oitizens of the county of Davie, about the estern Kail Koad, I am a railroad man and in favor of all practicable schemes of in ternal improvement. I have Do objection to the building of this Road, provided it is done by the State, or by private subscription ; but I am opposed the proposition to subscribe $t.0,(MM by the county. This proposition, in my opinion, is not only impracticable but ab solutely preposterous, ft is said by the friends of this Road that it is to run from Salisbury via Mooksville to Wilkesboro Now we have do assurance of that. The proposition of the Commissioner offers no such assurance. The Charter of the Road gives noue. Then I ask, what assurance have we. that the money itrung from the people by oppressive taxation will eveu be expended in the county 7 or that it will not be expended out of the county 7 Emphati cally none. By reference to the map. you will see that the most direct r ute from Salis bury to any point in Wilkes (uuty will pass west of Hunting creek, so thia money may be expended between the North and South Yadkin rivers, as the Charter pro vides, and yet not benefit the people of Da vie one farthing. But suppose this Road does pass through Mocksville, then 1 hold that it is impracticable; because we are abso lutely unable to bear the additional burden of taxation which it will impose upon us. Many of you have been murmuring this year about high taxes' Your taxes for the pres ent year, amounted, if I mistake not, to be tween four and five thousand dollars. This year, there has been no speeial tax levied to support the Common "Schools. There was no tax levied to pay the interest on the old State debt, Davie county's share of which will amount tc at least ten thous and, dollars, annually. Add to this the $4,0U0 actually paid and yon have 14,000. The special tax which will have to be lev ied to carry out the pi ovisions of the ( !out i tution for Common schools, cannot fall short of $2,000 per annum. Thia makes (16,000 and the f 4,000 interest on the county bonds added to the debt already hanging over us will make the snug little sum of $20,000 which you will have to fork out annually; amounting to more than $1.1 per head to every voter m the county. Many of the voters pay no tax a all, many more pay only a foil tax. So it ia easy to see where this money is to come from. Your Homesteads are exempted from all other claims ; but lay this burden upon your shoulder) and yon will soon see your Homesteads pass away and be numbered among the "tbiugs that were a schtwlboy's dream the wonder of an hour." Nothing is exempt frotn taxes, re member that. If you could lay this tax- npon the Poll, it would only have the effect to drive the loose population from the county, and still leave the demand to be satisfied by your lana. You are told that this Road will enhance the value of your land, increase the price of produce, and make labor higher, suppose it does, what will that benefit you: I he la borer may get a little higher wages, but he will pavproportiiiably higher for his provis ion:. The farmer may get a lit'le more for his produce; but his gain will be more than counterbalanced by the additional tax npon his land. Thus both laborer and farmer will find that their hopes are ilusory, and that by supporting this proposition to tax the peo ple, they simply riveted, upon themselves, the chains of the bondholder, and doomed themselves and their children to perpetual slavery, If h s road enhances the value of your land, that is no advantage to you, un less you want to sell out. It adds nothing to its fertility and consequently nothing to its productiveness and intrinsic value. In con clusion, follow-cit sens. I ask yon to pause and count ihecost, before you make the fa tal step, that will plunge you into repudia tion or bandmptcy. - TAX PAYER. Oet.27. Itm Gov. Clayton, of Arkansas, made a speech on Friday last which has created the most intense excitement among all classes, par ticularly among the tnem tiers of the Repub lieap parly. The (lovernor announced him self in favor of enfranchising every one as s.'o.. vs it can be accomplished. He favors the reduction of taxes and doing away with a! least $1 0.000 worth Tof offices created by the lAH General AJsrmbly, and the redoc- t;oaof the Sit ariesof all Mate officials. J Ono of the few really successful enter prises la that of the Paiixkr ft Oo.'a One Dollar Sale; Their system offers a greater opportunity for tho purchase of the thousand and one useful articles, at a price that cornea within the reach of all classes. than any other. Ik ia a well understood feet, that certain classes of good pay the dealer a very large percentage of profit : This appears almost necessary", especially in Fancy Gooda. Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Ike, of which a dealer does not sell sufficient of any one article to make it an object of trade, and is ohMged to purchase in small quantities ; and when the goods are sold by three or four different classes of mer chants, and each charge a very large profit, the price becomes doable the orig inal cost of manfaeture before reaching the hands of the people. It in such goods Parker & Co., 98 & 100 Summer St., Boston, deal mostexten lively. Their sales are so immense they make each article a speciality, often buy ing all a manufacturer can produce. Their system gives universal satisfaction. Read their advertisement. Major Gen, Crawford, who was Surgeon in Sumter at the time of ita fall, hi wntiug an exhaustive history of that important event. The Winston Sentnel says that the follow ing ia a statement of the dried fruit trade of W iuston aud Salem for this year : Ulaekberrles, $55(1.072 Apples and Peacl ea, Jte, 425.5117 Makiug a total of $ ,tt..V We have not received the amount ship ped fr on Kernersville in this county, bnt it will fall but little short of UOO.000 pound. The Chicago Tribune is informed upon the best authority that General Belknap, the new Secretary of War, is now, and always has been a Democrat, although he may have been a Democrat, although he may have voted for Grant." Capt P. Monroe, of the U. 8. Marines. haa been suspeuded for three years, in full nav. uv a courtmartiiil. I'lenlv of monev. uudjuulhiug to do. Cayxtal punishment that James M. Mason for a long time one of the 1' bite. 1 State Senators from Yiirginia, and the representative of the Confederate States to the Court of St. James, is now a resident of Seminary Hill, Alexandria county- Mr Jefforson Davis has arrived at New Orleans, where the Times lays he intends to make his home. A Mr. Bowers, of Uarrisonville, Cass co.. Missouri, was arrested aud charged with ab ducting and murdering a young lady, and tried before a Justice of the Peace While the trial was going on the young lady ap peared before the Justice, but he refused to take ber evidence whether she had been killed or not, and oommitted Bowers for murder. Bowers was discharged on a writ of habeas corpus. Said a Baptist to a Methodist: "I don't like your church government. It isn't simple nough. 1 here 8 too much machinery about it. "It is true," replied the Methodist, "we have more machinery than you ; but then you see. it don't take near so much water to run it." It is a remarkable fact that it has been fouud impossible to obtain it verdict of giul ty in the United States Court for the South em District of Ohio, against parties concern ed in whisky frauds, except in cases were the amount involved was small aud the parties not promicent. It has been found that one or two jurymen always "bang." A Child irith Tiro Heads and Four Arms Drs. Divine and Overton, of Tazwell, now have in their possession a natural inoustrosi ty a child with two heads, four arms, double thor&x and abdomen, thiee legs, two separ ate and distinct vertibral columns, two hearts two pair of lungs and two geuitals. The gender is feminine. They are united nearly taceto tace. and precisely resemble Kit Christian with the exception that the unnat uial production has three legs, while the for mer nas dui two. uur informant assures us there is no humbug about the matter, and that he saw thia curiosity himself, which was the illegitimate offsprings of a girl li log in Taswell, It is now dead. KnoxvUU Whig, Can yon tell me how old the devil is?" asked and irreverent fellow of a- clergyman i y dear friend, you must keep your own family record," was the reply. Commissioner Delano has received a lot of well-execnted counterfeit Internal revenue stamps, used for legal documents, whicLare in extensive circulation in California. The JanesvilW-Gasette says there is a cave I in the vicinity of Indian rord, itock county WiscoLsin. filled with carbonic acid gas. It is so poisonous as to extinguish a light or a life instantly. A little child of Michael Kenny, in East Gloucester, Mass., Came to its death a day or two since by swallowing dose of bedbug poison, A little boy was killed on last Tuesday in Chicago, by being crushed under a huge iron waiter pipe, which chbildrsa were rolliugHi A woman in Indiana accidentally swal lowed a large black spider the other day. It produced sickness and incessant vomiting for several days after it Wa swallowed, and for some time sua was considered in a criti cal condition, but is now convalescent niRHIBD: At the resilience of John W Turner, of RowaU county, Sept. 2.W, by Re- J F .Smoot, Mr Nathan Smoot Dunaho and Miss Jane Rheudesil. Ry the same, at the res'denee of the bride's mother, Mr David Fry, of Sf.- nly, and Miss Lerairn C Renshaw, of Rowan, Sept 30th. 1879. By the same at Ebenexer Church, Rowan Circuit, Oct. 24th. 18B9. Mr Win M Wyatt and Miss Mary W Ray. formerly of Caswell eouut.y V " ... In Goldsborn, C. on the 14th inst. by the Rev A J FinUysou, Mr. William G, Moll., well to Miss Lina Bray an, of that place ( On the 19th inst. at the Weldon hotel, bv Rev R O Burton. Mr Isaac N Perklnson and Miss Mary E McCox. of Po'ersburg, Va. In Mecklenburg county, on the 2f th uh.. by the Rev John Douglas. Mr John D Sloan and Miss M -A Wilson. In Iredell ounty. on the 19th nit., hy Rev J E Prvssly. Mr W Clark Patterson and Miss Susan h Brown. On the 20th ult. Mr W Q Corpening of Burke, and Miss Mat ie E Patton of Bun combe. In Shelby, CleaveUnd county, Mr Hhan- dler London and Miss Elizabeth Simmons. Iu Xewbern, on the 20th ult.. Mr W F Rouatree and Miss Juli .T Mitchell, daugh ter T Alex. Mitchell tso. ciao. In Salisbury, no Friday the 15th day of October I80TI. hi her 48tb yesr, Mis. Ann If. Haughton, wife of Rev. T. Q. Haaghlon. The subject of th s notice, wss well known to this community, sod highly appreciated by a Urge circle of admiring f. leu fa; aud per haps no one among them will say, tbat ths portraiture of hr character, (about no drawn by one who knew her welt.) is overwrought or exaggerated. As a member of socluty, she was beloved by all, nd the n.eniory of her many virtues, will long survive trie ccr,- uients of the tonib, wli'Cli now enclose her mof faTreiiiaiUi. At a member of the Church of ber love and hope, her Piety shone hr i lianllv in every phase of human life, out far more brightly and beautifully did it shine, ai the damp, cold dews of Death were gather in over her. When asked by her Minister "1 ;n what ground she based her ho, of salvation? " her reply was trutblul, as it was beautiful. "Not through my own merits, but through the blood of Jesus Christ." As th almoner of the poor when prosperty smiled upon her, with noble christtau hospitality she Ihrvw open her ditors to ajll worthy of eutrance and as she love I ber Church with peculiar ardor, noue were more acceptable guests, than hi r Hisliop and I ho Clery. who have s often been the welcome recipients of ber Kliid:iess and bounty. Polite ami coin plais.uit to all, she had many friends. Her loveliness of person and manner, wss only surpasseifVy her loveliness of character, the prominent traits of which were Truth ard Bravery. Shall we now speak of her trials ? They were many, and severe : hut as she was one of the truest aud bravest of women, she met them nil, Ith a submission aud f wti tnrte. remarkable an Ihev were beautiful. Around the coueh of the sick and dying, she threw abalo of comfort and hotie; and the bread" of soothiug kindess to others, thus "cast upon the waters" of affliction, returned to ber again, for around her own lied of sick ness, (o which Consumption had consigned ner for months, there were dear Sisters of Love, who miuistered so gentlv aud kindlv to her wants and dropped the tear of eorow over the emaciated form. Iu full possession of her menial faculties, bright and vigorous to the last, she knew when her moment of partnre waa at baud, aud calling to her husband, said, in theeontidenen of Christian Hope, "Now commend my spirit to God." As a Friend, she was tvne as a wife, most faithful as mother, most devoted aa a ister. most affectionate as a Communicant of the P. E. Church; most exemplary. Aud the church which she adorned, and the so ciety which she graced, has sustained r.o greater loss, than when Death kno-ked at the door of this unmurmuring sufferer, and said, "I have called for thee." But. Oh ! "How precious in the aiaht of the Lord, is the death of His Saints." And "Thou. O. Lord wilt keep her in perfect peace, whose mind was stayed on thee." Cov in this county, on the 27th nlti.. Mr. J. F. Clodfelter. aged about fifty years. The deceased was a most worthy aud respectable citisen, and a Deacon iu Back Creek Church. Near Lincoln ton, on the 11th inst.. Mrs. Elizabeth M.Ramaour. wile of Ed. G. K am our. JKiCSKY LANDS FOK SILK. T, HE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale that val- nabfo farm in the Jersey Settlement of David son Countyt known an "THE THALES Me DONALD PLACK." Said farm lie immedi ately on the Yadkin River, just below the Tra ding Foard, and on both sides of the N. C, Railroad three-fourths of a mile from the Holts burg Depot. This farm coutatns about 800 acres, about sixty acres of which is excellent River Bottom and tbe remainder pood Jersey uplands. A large part of it is still in wood and heavily timbered. The farm is in a biih state of cultivation, well watered aud stocked with Well-disposed and coiitenU'd tenanl. It is well adapted to tbe growth ol Qotton and Giain, and K slto igether, one of the m-t valuable au l desirable Wms to bo found in this par! of the country. The terms oi li.e p) tnent will be made hb eral and ease. Address, R. W. Foard, ayentdf H. L Par tee. Concord, N. C. Nov. .-), lfcea 43 fit State of ST orti Carolina, ) ALEXANDER COUNTY", $ Superior Court. Edmund Hurley, administrator of Alfred Da vidson, sjmtnt Isaac Russell and wife Elizabeth, G. W. Sweet and wife Cyutbia, Robeit Lowe aad wife Susan, John Davidson, Margaret A. Kerley, William Davidson John P. Davidson, DanX 8. Davidson, lluldah Davidson, Jarie Dnvtd- son and William Davidson, heirs at luw of Btnj. L Davidson. To William Davidson, one of we defendant? above named, a nn-residewti ' You are hereby notified, -that a summons, in the above entitled case, has issued against you, and the complaint therein was filed in the Su perior Court nt Alaxandet Couniyon. tbe-ITth. ol August lUbil. You are also notified, that (he summon in the case is returnable to the next term ot Jhe Superior Court aforesaid, to be held at the Court House in Taylorsville, on the 25th day of December next, when and wl.ore you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint in default whcieof thepiaiotiff will apply to sa U Court lor the rebel ileniand d in the complaint n itness, ii. M. Stevenson, Clerk of ths said Superior Court at at Taylorsville, the 3d Mon day in August i860. JS. M KTUVKNS'JN, Clerk Superior Court Alexander County. 4-0 w:(pr fee $10) -I UK CIIKSTM UI 'OH I HI, A WFKKl. N K W B r A F K l: . FDBLISIfSDST E. C. firMJKL', t J. i. BR1DLLY, Jr., CHKiTiB. S. C. TETtMS TnTiriably in advance, 3.C9 HR utiderahrnsd offers for salt bis valin" '. I it act nr I. ami, lyinr sevea milss north of Sail - urr ailjoinins the lauds or Moses Overman. bn is Jacobs and others. Tua traot uoiitainx 3Nd 1-9 seres 30 or (u aires of whicfi is good Mbvauow I, am. It has nil it s good Ijwkm iku tlotiss two good Barks ol other intprovenn ntH. (tot. W, IhoM, tf-43 UKtllUiKII, ;hke. Ten Cents Reward. r. . . ... L HE snore rewsrn will be paid., to anf person ho will return to me lrnr botrsd childrea who ran a v Imm m aooal tw rears !. The names of said children are tnn sa Hjir-ton. Cald well Hitratoa, and C'hail -sM tson and Ellen Mason All persons arc warned azaiost harboring said chil dren under penalty or tin law. (4. (j. M A40S. Ealton. N. 0.. Oct. 3Kh I860. 31-4.1 THE EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society ' - or THE UNITED STATES, 92 liroadmiy, Dicw York, BM OOKPANT has espMal and assets arainst Its liabilities that will compare with srtv l ife In surance Orapsny on the Continent, which Is the true lest nrreeponsluitny. Cash Assets. rt nOOOtsi nnoel Premlnm income.. 4.eoil.fi00 Inereaae oer lo7, S CssLWH) The uDJersignedtasgentfor the shove ToropanT A a rtlKHlV, Apent. MockSTlHs. Msrsh 19 .MM. 7 fl-ly MM I TUB sB0VB IS TSR 11 OUT APPRO psisto name that could have been applied to this valuable aud powerfully iutlucutlal Pain Destroyer. Its in (I m-ncti orcr such paiuful mal adies as It Is reeoii: mended to exert cuiinot be ipiu-tlioited only by thn who have not, tried it. Thots Is cluinied for it a reparation ovor all other preparations recommended for similar iiuriioM'" v hen they bare btihd, BtACXC ha not. keep It always io your family for It in (pin ii'i enemy to i.-onei, nincJW, Jonii nehr, E'lrarKr Vrtunn (idic. Choir r MorOun Diarrhoea, biicxter i or ptsodjSvr tut, lyp; tia. Hon Tlirftut, XlieuiiiiitUi I'uiiu, 1'vrer ami .40ur; fiprttitte net lirunrii, InJUmmHou of Kid nejt, Jwerfsis Uchiliiji, Cvlie, l'uim or .ymnn til an t'liarncier. prciMifd and for sale by ia. o. n. pnutsfrv. DrtJlM mid AtKilhtcary, Saimburv. V. 0. jujmw. icd'j. ao-tr HIVKS a PKOCTOR. t It.!.' W.I. AMI It;-. I Wl, DRUGGISTS PKiLKKl f.V Would respectfully call thoatt'ution of Mor chants, rkysiciaus, Planters, and others, to their extensive stock aud superior inducements. 107 Sycximore, 't., J'etersbury. N. F. H1VK8. sf. l. W. U. PSOOTOR. ftprJEU. Ifctiiu Pare Bye and Corn Whiskies, Distilled In th Old Style, Pure aad Un adulterated, at the Old ptorlh State Distillery, GROOT, KUCK, & CO., Prep's. CHARLOTTE, IV. C. ALSO, Want to purchase GOO or 1000 head of Cattle, and pay the iHghent Cash Puces for Com snd Kye. ' jtily 2 26:8m ALMANACS FOR 1870. TURNER'S NORTH CAROLINA ALMA NAC for 1870. Enlarged and unproved in all respects ; better thaiisdhe Almanac ol l8G9,which waa so popular and bad such a large sale. Price, single OOpssj by mail 10 cent, 3 copies by mail, 2fr ; one drsen by mail, 75c; Price io store, half groan, $i ; per hundred o; FA it all:R.S N. C. AUIANA0, published hy James II. Suniss; an excellent Almanac, full of most valusbli! matter to tbe Farmer, with nionlLly cab-nrtis in large clear type. Ptice, per single copy by nwol, 10 cents; 3 conies by mat! Sow., one doaen by mail 60c.; price In stow, lialf gross ; per hundred $4,50, per gross f li. Tflfi COMIC ALMANAC- FOR 1870, pub, i.dted by J anna II. Enoiss; lull of comic picture illuiirations, jokes, niieodotee, fun, Ac , with monthly calendars, in large clear typo Price per single copy, by mail, 10 cents; 3 copies by mail 25c.; one dnsen by mail 60 ots. Price iu store, per half gross $3; xsr buudrod $1 f0; ptr pnjFs td ff One of each ol the above mailed to any adili ess for 25 cts. For sale by jab. m. enniss, A:'cr;' ai l Pubiislier of Almanacs, oct 15 4 1 if Salisbury, N. 0. Ti;.? TkBLE C. RAILfiORD TRA1V NORTH : 1 MEUtCI.MEO.k TFauff t Toiltl Irliflrik Paints, Oils!, Iinportt d iN: Don: i tic Window r. fc. Glass, Putty, j(y 3V SPICES, J . MAIL. n !UT. STTIOSI ABSJVH. i LK4TS. U1TK I.I MS. S.liri,urr .... .M3.a.lW: : " " " OreenaW.. 1--..t.t Co.Shi.jrt,.... 8.ISI " I a:8 6: " ;'. lialt-lirh, 7U0 " T.J) " hWl:uU OoMabora1.... l.tW " I ,, M ru - TRAINS SOUTH : I I. VK. l .RUlV. 1 can " II ti:M p i ri:1S . -.i awaxu 8:19 " l:lSr il " lhs TjC i 11:40 " CM " 8;3il " 1:40 r u Oolil.,' lUUIsh, On. aw ass. SfX) r. . 0:N -ll:i. . :H " 5:45 " Ow,tilHru,) Charkittt, Thia Brhftlal mlt all tli connretlons, Esl aoi Wal rRElOtIT TRAINS will nut ruu to Ooldaboru' nnly wber iliere Is nerrtilty for It. Frclglit will he brought regular ly by lha paaaeuger train. ' 7 Sl.rTERT iOHNSOV, 8! If Ginrral gaperlnlenilent Tl.TIE TABLE W. N. C. HAILBOAD. G01NO WEST. JULES. STATIONS. AII1UVE. Salisburj', 4:52 A. H. L10AVE. 3:45 A. Um 4:67 6:02 6:40 7:16 8:08 0:03 Third Creek, 4:ia Ktatesville, 6:57 PlOtt's 6:37 Catawba, - 7:10 Newton, 8:03 Hickory Tavern, 8:43 JsanL S543 Morgantoti, 10:38 Mir. FA STATIONA . ASSUTK Montantou. I.EATO. 2:10 P.M. 2:65 340 . Icard, - 2:50 9. K. Hickory Tavern, &3& Newton, 420 (ttawba, 6:13 Plotfa, 6:4S jkjOesviUe, it0& ftird Creek, 1 0:33 Salisbury, 8:43 PROFESSIONAL. M. EC. PINNIX, ' 'r-l-vDIPV AT I A Wf 2 1 1 J IViH E. A VI AJ.-A f f LEXINGTON, N. C. WlLL PRACTICE S the courts of David son, Forsvthc, Quilford, Alamance and Ban liolph eonuties : aVMM Hon. R. M. Pearson, 0. J. of N. 0., Raleigh. " E. G. Beade, Associate Jnstioe, TltomssPcttle, " " K. P. Dick, " " - Bedfor.1 Brown, Tanceyville, N. 0. Hon. John Kerr, " " 3. R McLean, Greensboro', N. a " Tl.omas Kuffin, Jr.. " " u J. M. Ootifl. Dobaon, N C January 29, 18C9. 4 tf Dr. 1. W. JONES, AY I. Ml I'uated in Salisbury, offers hit Professional services to the nnblie. Of II fice on Council SUcet, opioito tbe Colirt Ilcas and next door to the Law office of Htm. Tlurtoo Craiire,, May 2ft. IoC-tf. j6ll B. HENDERSON, ATTOSXEY COi XSELLOR AT L.W .SALISHUHY, X. C. r ioit of Claims ' lebtS j 6:13 5:53 7;'.;8 aliiiible Land Ut Salft. THE SURCRIBER OFFKKS VOZ 8ALH TWO TIIOL'HAND PtJCR HUNDRED ACRES of valuable Land in Caldwell County, N C One tract of FOUB HUNDRED ACRES with a most valuable WATER-POWER, on I'ppsr LUde River, sufficient to drive any amount of machinery, with a dam already roct- j j i it.1, vo aou in i concuiiou. The a-maimler of die tract will bcdlvided In to lots of any die, from 1U0 acres upwards, to suit purenascra. The above land lies ten miles north of Hick ory Station on tbo W. N. C. luiilroad and will In- sold on the most rea-otiablc Utius. Ajiplv to the iindcrsitrtied nt Rowan Mills, N C, or to Jacob W. Fowler who liven near ths lamia. JEREMIAH MARRING EB, Aug. 12, 1SU0. :t2if Kowan Mills, N. 0. TO THE LADIES. TtfK Snbsrrlber hsvtnr bern appointed an atea (or tbe sale of SINGER'S CELEBRATED AW Familn Sewing Machine and all rUattachaienU offers tlie sanie to tbe Ladies of Western Cniolina. This- Macimw chaiteom a cornea rtson wilft soy and all other Machines. It will do mora difltneut kin 1h ol work from ths simple plain seam to ths mo.t beautiful emhroidery tlisn snjotber llsxbuis evr Invented . "Kcouomvls wealth, then why Dot bay the best.'' IliCKO Machines are warranted to give eutire aatisfactiou. If tbey fvl to give aatifelatUion they may be re turned after a trial of two months aud tbe money will be refunded. . Machines manufactured expressly for SHOE-MAKERS, HARNESS MA KERS, TAILORS, 6c r , ill be supplied when ordered, at msnunrctarer's prices. , r.o ties uVsirlni? Information will blesse scad for sjW-i nm-ii" of werk aad circulars. John A. Ramsay, Jaw 18. 189. aH-7mj THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL COMPANY OF VIEGINIA A Virginia and Southern Institution Its Funds are kept in the south. It has met with unprecedented success. Its fortunes are established beyond any contingency. The Compsny has espltal snd sstets, against its liability that will romps re favorably with any Lid insurance Company on the continent, which ia the truetfst nf rraponsibility. Its affairs are cautioualy adminU-trretl by selected Directors, ofresponsibility and bnsiuess capacity. It has established ita rlaini to Southern l'alronage OFHCERS: PRESIDENT, JOHN E. EDWARDS, tici rnesiuEMT. skcbetat, Wm. li. Isaacs, D. J. Hartsook MKDICAL EXAMTNEB, CnARLES H. SMITH, M. D. LUiAL ASVIsr.B, GEKCKAI. AGENT, II. U. Cabell, Jko. H. Claiborkb DIRECTOnS : John Enders, William r. Taylor, Hatauel 8. Cottrell, John Dooley, Charles T. Wortbam, William Willis, Jr., Ed. A Smith, -Titos. J. Evans, James A. S;ott, B.M Qnarles, W. U.TyleT, J. K. Kiln arils, A. Y.Stokes, J. B. Morton, it . H. Plbrell, William H. Palmer, LEWIS Feb. 12 ly Heury K. Ellysoa, Aaa Snyder, II. E. C li:it.krr111e, c-aruuel C. Tsniy, (eorsre Jacobs, J. H . Allison. George H. Palracr, H. 1. Chockley, II. C Cabell. 1). J. Hartsook, John C. Williams, William Q. Taylor, A. P. Aliell. Wm. B. Issscs, George I-. BMaood, Bamuelll. Price. BANES, Ag't. Lexingtoh, N. THE COLD MEDAL Has just been swarded to CHAS. M, ST1EFF, For tbe nest Piano now made, over Haiti more, Phil- adelphla, and New York Pianos. OFFICE AND WAREBOOM8: No. 9. North Liberty Street, near Balti more Street, BALTIMORE, Md. STiETTS PIANOS baTe all the Istest lrnprove ments, iecludtns; the AfrroSe Treble. Ivory Fronts, and the improved French Action, folly warranted for fire years, with privilege of exchange within twelve months if not entirely satisfactory to pnrcba SBs. Second hand Pianos and Parlor Organs alweyson nami. iroma&oto rsoo. References, who ha ve' our Pianos is osa: Oen. H. K. Lee, Lexington, Vs. Gsn. It. H. Hill, Charlotte. N. C. Gen. Robert Hansom. Wilmington, N C Opr. John I.i tclio , Lexington. Va. Messrs. ft . Rum-ell A Son, Charlotte, N . C James H. Greenlee. Morganton.i N. V. J. H. Smith AG. W . Melton. Cheater, B. C. S3 Brown A ilernhnrdt are agents for the sale of the above celebrated Pianos. . " Pianos sold st Factory prices. Jcwe lft-ly D. T. CARRAWAY, ABD JUeaUr in roceries PB0VISI0N8. HABDWABE, filus and Crockery Wart, Wall Paper, Wit dow Shadf s, tf ., tt. r . JL R0MPT attention given to orders, and re the sale of Cotton, Grain, Kaval Stores, Tnbec eo. Dried Fruit, A c , on Oommission. COURT HOUSE BUILDING, aprfl -l41f ' NISWBERM, JT. C TSACESR. --THE UNDEBSIQSR X wishes to obtain for his sister a lad who has had several years successful expert ence a situation to teach, in a family or ott crwise. the nsual branches ofan Kogliab-edi I ration, mnic not incl'irtod. Acdress, slati t ii-rnjs. KKV. jn-TN Tl. mLixr.HAT. 3 2t , Bal ibnry, N. C Li IlilMl DR. LAWRENCE'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED ooiirniNi) r i. t iD extbaot KOSKOO, i 1 ' The great lit a Ilk Restorer! Not a Secret Quack, Medicine. Formula around the Bottle. fRKPAKED 60LKLT BY Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, t)HGANlC CHEMIST. NORFOLK, VA. Beware of Counterfoils, goo that Dr. J J. Lawifiicc, C hoioist, fioif-jlk, Vs., and tbe woril ICoskoo, b I " on (he glum of rli botilf. Koskoo is endorsed by tbe bt-st pbysicians every wbcre. Read the followlnir from Dr. Tillery, a suci eseful practitioner of man yeain standiug in tbe Old Ncrtb State: Rocky Mount. Kdpecon.le Co 1 Sept. 10, 18G0. J. J. Lawrence Dear Sir : I has vet U Dr your toi.ccntratcd r luiu r.xtract ol Ikoskoo in iny practice with tbe happtett remit. I find it to bo a lnotrful Liver luvkorator. Blood Ph- I ....' f -O ". ..r I U SOU WWH iHSS. ', U , Mil IHKHOI tne i.iver, ocroiuious, nyininitic, ana nervous sflV ctions, ii is a remedy of immense value ; in fact, in almost every variety ol Chronic Dkease its use is indicated, flopiog you may meet with the success which you deserve as a manu- fauturerof reliable mcdieiaei, Im a sir, with much respect, your obedicot sertsnt, K ,u TtLuar, M..J). o From Dr. Fentress, an sccoDiDlished and ex perienced physician : Htpt 13, 169. I Princess Anne Court House, Vs., f J. J, Lawrence, If. D Dear Sir: I have carefully examined tbe formula, as well as tlie Tbespntic properties of joar Koskoo com pound, and have prescri bed in N trie stubborn cases ol Lbtonic Liver Aflections, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, General Debility, &c, and always ith tbe most prstity ing results. I nnd it to be a splendid Tonic, Alterative, and He pat iu combination, accomplishing its cotittitulional effects without the slightest debility; in fact it give support to the general support, while lbs alterative effects are being produced. I cheer fully recommend its cse to the public. Toon, truly, J. 4. tuTina, M. V. Koskoo cures Scrofula in its worst form. From A W If ills, a prominent and Weil-known merchant of Norfolk, Va. : No. 11 Main Street, Norfolk, Va., ) September IS, 1869. Dr. Lawrence Dear Sir : Tour Koskoo has worked wonders in my family. My daughter has been a sufferer from Scrofula since child hood. She lost thirty-one pieces of bone from ber ankle, several from her arm, besides having ulcers in several parts of the body. Whilst in this condition she commenced taking your Koskoo it acted like a charm on her under its use the ulcers gradually healed, and her gen eral health greatly improved, it certainly saved ber much suffering, and perhaps her life. I regard Koskoo a specific lor all scrofulous af fections. Tour Koskoo also cured my wife of dyspepsia, froai which she suffered greatly. She is now io better health than she has been in five years. With tbe highest regards, 1 am gratefully yours, tve, A. W. Mills, Koskoo, the great Invigorator. Read tho following from tbe Rev. Joseph . Martin, pas tor of Wesley Chapel, Portsmouth, Va.: ''This is to eertify that myself and wife have used Dr. Lawrence e Koskoo, and can testify to its beneficial effects. Previous to taking it we were in a condition of debilitation bad no ap petite, and suffered from sudden and often vio lent attacks of headache and nervousness. Two bottles of Koskoo has improved our general health,, and we regard it as invaluable, and moat cheerfully recommend it to all who bare need of invigorator. Tours, Ac, Joexra K Mahtih. Read tbe following from Dr. Goddin, the ex perinoed and successful "specialist," of Nor folk, Vs.: Norfolk, Va., Sept 19, 1869. Dr. Lawrence Dear Sir: I have prescribed your "Koskoo" for Syphtiis in its various forms with the most satisfactory results, I bate sat isfied myself by experience, that it will ecu", tbat disease in its worst and most malignant stages, and ffpSitsM Itil it UAmi ItOUk Vb9 ffh teni. The Kosko is certainly an alterative of extraordinary power, and fully deserve tbe great popularity which it bas so rapidly attain ed. N. A. II GODDIN, If. D. .a. cures cmomc rheumatism. Norfolk, Ta,, 8ept 7, 1869. I)r .1. J. Lawrence Dear Sir : Mv son has received so ranch benefit from your wonderful Koskoo tbat I cannot refrain from expressing my ffratitode. I had tried almost everything without benefit. I believe, in sll sincerity, tbst yonr Koskoo is an Infallible Remedy for tbo di sease irom wbich he bas suffered, and, so tar as I can learn, bat never failed. If yon only knew the immense amount of suffering thai he has undergone, that yon could conceive the value ol such a remedy as Kosko thai surely cures. Tbe great amount ol good li is now do ing among us is inestimable. With much craliiude, I am respectfully yoars, &c., Mrs, M. K A. Nilbob. Dr. Lawrence Dear 8ir: Ilavinir been treated by several skilful physicians for Dyspep sia, Chronic Disease of the Kidney s General Debility, &c, without benefit, as a last resort I commenced the use of your Kot-koo, and am pleased to say that under its ose my health has been entirely restored. Lam sir, with much respect, your obedient servant, U. U. Meara. No. 6, Market st, Norfolk Va., July 9, 1869 Pacific. Franklin county, N C, ) Sent 11. I860. ) This Is to certify that for a long time 1 have suffered very much Irom indication of tbe liver and constipation of tbu bowels, aad tried sever al remedies, bat received no benefit until I commenced taking Koskoo. I look the medi cine about one month, and I was coinpL-telr cored, and hare remained we L I kuow of several cures made by Kxwloo, and cordial' econitnena as a goou tue-jicirss. t Jans U. Vaktr. tyFot Sale bv all I)i!ra.ii8Ts.-wi SWDr. Ijoscrmtc's Woman's friend Cures diseases peculiar to Far i'm. Forsaleby Dr. G. R. POTlAoV. " aTw J:a M a at a. -. sa r KOSKOO maiii km .f wr.f4jy. muMWiry, . I J OF