I v. : JVC 45 VOL. IV SALISBURY, N. C, NOV. 12, 1861). r vfiif.i& l)C ID NOVtl) SlatC PirRLiancu wei:ki.v nv Hi XJ W X S HA l.diUtr untl Proprietor. RtTFH OP SI II CRIP I"10. Oxi" Yeah, payable in udvauec $3.(M Six Months, 1.5(1 .ri Copies t one add iron I".."l (i t upies III Olie "dll ess 'J I HI I inlet of Ailcei-tiaiitq. Oni' Souare. i'tr-t insertion I.(M1 For each additional iu-ertioii .Ml Sspateial notices will be chirked fltf per eetit j hittr ((mil (in above rHte.. Court and lustier Oi ; . vi ill be piililih ed at tlii- tame rate ith iIm i advert. luct.'s. OMltlaty notices, over 'six line, charged as advertisements. ( ONTUACT RATES. 8r.wr:. 1 Square. '2 Sijuarea. rj S,;.,a-es. -f Sijiia'es. t Column-. J Column. 1 Column. : sir:. ; .mi; t; " ti tfi: ! (HI H 0(1 II (Ml 1 I (Ml li (VI I H IN) -,'1 (Wl 2- (HI H Ifl s.-.tiii jnrii y:itH) 8 50 Iff 00 22.00 I (WOO 0ft ,'M.fM 15 0025 00 37.50 ,'0 on . oo 45.00 :0K)U5 00 75.00 50 00, -(I (HI; 130.0(1 LEGAL SOT ICES. Worth Carolina, Sitk.:i -.ih Davii. Cots i v. l it'i f' i in. K i il KT. Petition for Sale of Lnndt, John S. M.ixwc-11, Admiuisiia.toi of John Max well, ilee d., ' n;raiist Thoina' T. Maxwfil. Tbymas M. Brock. J.-i. V. Bnsk. Sarah K. Nay lor, wife of Ueija ii ,i n T Naylor and tlamiila A. Broek, Lil ward Bi'k-K- and Job" Ji. Block, iniiioi eii.l dren ol Jubu. W, Br;k, deceased. In ibis Case it appearing lo the calisfaciion of the court that James V. Brock and Sarah Naylor. wile ol 11 ujauiin S. Say lor, defend ants in this case uic- non-residents ol this State: Theiefoie, it isordereil ty I he court that pub li.-iiliou lie made to; -!X Weeks III -The Olil North Stale' iiewspaj er, notifying the said de fendants to appear before tin' Jnde of out next Superior Court lo be held lor the county of Davie at die Cou t House in Moektviile. on the lir.-l Monday in Api ll,(l7tl. tiien ami there to answer the peliliou of the plaintiff, filed in this com t. oi judgment will he lakeu ex puiir as to il em. VViiiwss, H. R. Austin. Cieik of the Pme rior Court oi Davie County, at office in Mocks Vilkf, the lltll day of Bepteiuber, A. D., 1800 H. Li AUSTIN, C.S.0. 4 1 - C w(pr fee $10) State of Worth Carolina, I Stanly L'oi'STY. ) S'lji'iior Com''. Julin W Pm:th. J'jhu Parker and wife Isabel Beutoii l'aikei. and wile Ma y C.and Uiiah Staten, (jiiardiau if SiiSiili Brooks, and G O. VVilliaitj Guardian of Allied A. Brooks. Marv V. Brooks, add Caroline C. Brooks,.. l'lumtitTs: against Wil'.am. Austin. Wir.cy Ann Biooks and V iiliain Biooks defendants. Pettlioii fr S"fe nd Partition of the Lands of the lite Coi nehui brooks. It appearing to the satisfaction of lbs court that William. Austin, Wipey, Ann Biouks and Will an Biooks, defendants in this proceed ing at e non-residenls ol this State, it is Ordered, That publication be made weekly, for six succes sive weeks in the -Old Nortti.Stte,'auewspapei piibiirlual in Salisbury, N. C, sninuloning t ih ot s.iid defendants to he and appear at the (frii el the cleik of (lie Superior Conn ot Stiiu'y Ciiuufy.ou the 20ili November ISO!), then and there lo answer or demur to said petition, or the same will be taken pro conftsut and beard ex parte us lo their.. 'Witness; James M. Redvetoe, Clerk of our S.iid court al office. 1800. J. 41:Gvv:ni.fec$10 the 1 lt!i (hv of 0.;i M. RcDWlNE, c. a. her, c. State of Worth Carolina, ALEXANDJc.fi COUNTY, Supeiinr Court. Edmund Kerley, administrator of Alfred Ea idson, Against i Isaac Ru'sell and wile El zabeth, G. W. Sweet anil wife Cynlhia. .Robert Lowe aad wife r.-in, J.jhu D.r. ;.!:sou. Mvg 'i-f-A. Kurlev, WifliMinDavidsCTo John P. Davidson, Dan'l. t. Dvidsi)n, Huldab Davidson, June David Son and Wi :a,n band6;i, heirs. at law ol Ie nj. (L Davitfscm. i To Wiihatn Davidson, one of the defendants above named, u non-resident. Youarc hereby notified. I hat a summons, in tiie above entitled ca.-e, hss issued against you, and the complain! therein was filed in the Su pci lor Couit oi Alexaudei County, on the 17th of August LSCU. , You are also notified, that the summon" in J oaaa; s-Wmaia Ua lip.tWex t . term, of f he Sueiiiir Couit aforesaid, to be held at the Court House in Taylorsville, on the 25lh day of Decenier next, when and where you are hereby required ! nepeiir and answer I he complaint m default wbeteof (tie plaintiff will apply to sa d Court for the relief demand ed in the complaint. Witness, E. M. Stevenson, Cleik cd the said Superior Court at at Tay lorsuile, the 3d Mon day tu August 180U. E. M STEVENS IN. Clerk Superior Couit Alexander Countv. 44 3i:(pr fee $10) Kerctene Lamps. At Cost. QUrrEaconKideralde lot of these L- in-, some 14 them very beautifjl. ha iig lieen sent to Ii hwbscriber by mi-take, on the part of the V nulacturers and h.ivinir been reunet'-d t dis. oi-4 oftheti), with a- little delay a - possible, be :.o.v i ff-r- t bem at 'he '-! v.nMTwSes .'::-. .DJ.lte?? wtyi may be" in wat m the.su: i . . . hare an pnniiity i bnyinp the whole or a ti i- ni .ees ninii as nnv .iii v tan ia: i!i.i ie nor T'-ev nni ! so:a eorreMiu-Mngiy queap at rolait. At B. SILLS' Drug iitte Sslisbnrv. Xa;V'9. i N Ot-W) ; I)'- "SSSfSlD GENTIAN BITTKIieJ, Jilt lut iur (run j" um un tie ' Uecomr ended nd prescri!ed by physicians wherever known. Tho Compound Gentian flitters" are made j of (tie purest and best Vegetable Tim ies and . Aromatic known loilie prolestiou. They also ! contain twenty per ocnt of 1ST Ji U V II U ! Fj! ' Which mnk9 them, beyond a'l question, ihe 1 hcsl lUl'KKTIC in existence; and lor.. Dj i tressed Kidney, Bladder and I'ut.Mty Organs, luAe no supoilor, if u:.y equal! Tlnwe who try these U liters, tor I lie following lieac v. . li ., mi a Mile, and effectual IVtuc.H TI . are a sine preventive and cure loi f !!- i. nd Fever, and all Mulailal Dica-c- ! I UYH'KPSI , IXIMiiliSTloH, biCK-sTOilACn, COLIC. SICK-WBADACUE, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA. C 'i.ns k curGH, NlvL'KA LG1A. i:KKK4l. nrnil.ITV Diieases of Kidneys. Giati I, Xu.. and even Di'i-H-e requiring a general Tonic- impression. -ff fni I i.s 'tt-i .- peeiiiiar tu reiuaies I aluiost a MHtitie. In convalescence from Typhoid and othei low forms ol revel it is the wry bc-.-t Tonic that cau he u-cd. The Ciinpouiid Gentian Bitter meet with on ei-a! Incur, und have ici e;ed the stionj; est levtiiiioiuals ever given to uny medicine, a lew o! which we Hopetid below: Tliis :s lo eerldy .llial I have used Dr. God fins t.'iciipout.d Gentian Bitters and cheeitul ly tecomiiieud il as the very best Bitters that ran be used lor ordinary debilitv, 'ii-k stomach Ac E. M HOLT, M. D. Lifiscomb, O-anpe eo. 3j. C, Viay 15 '69. ,. I hereby certify that I have been using Dr. Goddiu's ,:Comoiind Genrian Bittors,'' lor Co- jib. General Debility. fcc.. and I am fully s.-itislied that they sre tbe bet Bitters of which f have any knowledge, and die best Toilic ol tered to the American people. R0B.T; Y. SLATER. Henrieo county. Vs , June 25, 180. 1 Dr G. mius : Dear Sir: I have Ks-en suffer ing for twenty ye.ars with an affect iou of the kidneys, uostrate gUud arid strkitnre of ibe urethra: have been under the tiealllieiit ol the b'-st physicians in the eonntrv, one of w hc.tn is now a proicsso' in a medical college. A I! lailed to leheve me. I finally tried yom Com found Gentian Billets ; the effect was like a charm one bottle cave me complete relief. I helieveit tobe tliebesl medicine I liave ever, used. Verv resiiectlullv, JAS A KAULCON. f.;Ml,.-0n, N. C, Jan. 7lh. WJ. I'repan-il nnlv hv Dr. Ooddin. JAMES T. WIGGINS, ProiiritUtry Wholesale Ayent, NORFOLK, VA. Cgr Foi la's by Dr. G. B. Poulson, 8alis bury. N. P. 3S 40 YLAliS DEt'ORE THE PUBLIC. IF OTHER Bemedies FAIL J-uti LtKO.NCtliaLi rt.M LIVER DI SEASES read the following: T'.omss H. liaint-y, Ksq , (Jranville ro.. N. i".. says! -1 Hud your Pills to ne the liest t'.nnily m-Ji-cine I have ever usetl. They have proved very ben eficial in my own case. I have beeu.very much f flii teil for fifteen years, and have tried everj kitulul medicine thai I cnuld get. but have t"'ind more e lief from vour Pills' than all others. My disease is hroui liisl affliction, ami a complete p.-nstrat on of the nervonR system. I have used- t-hem ia te ur fif teen rases in my family, and find them to he the very medicine tor nearly all family diseases." The Cnre is Thorough. Kenneth Waynes. Esq., Ilerlr of Columhns county couit. writes ( April 2, 1K63:) "Daring the hitter part of the year 18n2 I waa severely afflicted witli diseaM-diiv'eraudiiianv niiilit while in lied tiie imin wouia become so exciaciatioft that 1 waa compelled to get out ol b 'd and sit npunlij the pain yonld soleiide. I procured few lioies of th? SOL TII KIt.N II KI'ATK' CI I.I.S, .m l the tirstdosel 'ookgavenie ureal relief. T continued to use the J'iils lor two weeKs, and have not u tiered from liver disease aini-e. 1 have recommended rhem accordingly, and several rs-rsona are in want of them. Ail disease is aii'eiiiniv to the hrtmin system, nnrt is at war w ith it and wilf conniier it, unless iiKtuie. with all the assistance it can receive from strength ening medi.ines and suitable nourishments, can conquertiie enemy : which would be best, to take medicine before you get sick, to prevent IcVnawi or to take niedicilie alter you get sick to care sickness.. t" A word to the wise is enough. f 3 Exercise your own judgmei.t in the means of de fense: the enen.y will come, lie ye alsT ready with She Southern fiepatic Pills, Tfiat old, long known and tcrfl tried remedy for all ItiUmm diteutf. ranted by a DISEASED LIVER. TO A I.I. KMHiitAN'TS. Von are sbont to a.ake a home lor yourself and-hunily n a climate wblrh you or tnev Uave not been accustomed to : you will, of course. b exKsed to all the diseases ieculiar to that climate, you should be careful to use such Med icine as are adapted to the disease of that climate: von will find the greatest security in the use of Drrtf''iwirTB-MTT ,..,,,..,..,,,,,. l'bey ran be sent to any point in the United State by Ks press. PRICE For one hoi, IS eerti. Dm.ft.AS PalrOrnst tin One ftroM, SIS Three GrnM. SSO- Five Orpan. " Thscisti muni eiUier acopny tire order forth VI.-. i cine or it aitlb tent CO. D. Or ten shculJ be uldrut d to O. W. ni'f Ms M. IS, Sorra Ciutnn stit, !'.: : wi Ud. where they will he promptly ttlenileil lo. For lhM Medicines call on all respectable Druggists everywhere and oa ' T 0. B. POULSON Jnly 0 2C:ly ; Salisiiury. K. C. XSaaftawtolisSXxocl. 1885. LEPAGE BROS. & Co., GENERAL C01i1Mli55i0l! Jilftlfl) ltt'5 AND rsO TTH V fT A PTCl PS lXJl I Uxy l l filC, Commerce St., Worfolk, Vs. r CSpi-cial attention paid l GRAIN. COTTON and all o to I1 -.(' ' tlier ki ids c COI'XTKY PRODUCE. TV Liberal advuces ud i-romo: returns. on' ronsigume Il ' I I I NEGRO AUSURUIT1KS. The trae pliilnntlirnpiat and clirtian can be lint deeply pained when lie ida of such folliea and iuMMali(inna as I will men tii tu What I write can be ivlivd np- on. for I derive the ticia tioni prraona o i . ii r 1 1 : the ingltcat cliaracter toctany una reni onaly. For come time there lm been very great nligioua excitement (aoc1b-l) among the negrnea living in the Northern portion id Halifax, in that wirt adjoLu.g U iiin ii. L'ertuin negro men claiming to be preachera conduct tho cxciciaca. In (rout of the aland occupied by them a ,l ,i i.. i in ii n -rte.l. Ai ii i preachiog the rVsf bouncers are called for, where tpnn the I must agile young women mount the planks ami commence inmmiig vioienuy up nnn down, whiln ihelder wmm suirottud I them ami jump up and down iikhi the; giounii, tun in a more moderate way. a sort of low singing or droning may be coiisUutly beard These exertions are , . i A long continued. When they begin to be I brought nnder the po-calb d religion infln ence tliev fall down as it dead. As tasl ; aa each falli, she is taken nnt nnd laid staii out upon the ground. Sometimes as many as twenty will be stretched along in a line, each apparently insensible They I ty for hours in this seeming trance. When they are restored to consciousness, i hey relate marvelous stories about hav ing been to he ivcn or hell, or both. They are then deemed fit subjects for bap tism I understand many hundreds have been dipped, the negroes always prefer ring that mode. After being dipped I hey are regarded as fit subjects fur heaven. A negro woman, living with the gentle man at whose house 1 am now wri ting, who has passed through this scene of gross superstition iays, that whilst she was in trance, our Saviour caiuc to her and cut open her side with u sword, and taking our her heart, it turned at once to gold. A preacher boy says he has been both to hell and heaven that he has re cently returned from iho latter that whilst there he was fed upon light bread and honey that be got tired nf staving there and came back because he Wanted to see "his folks" below Traveling Cor. of the Fiiydtei ille hagle. President Grant and Mr. (jorbin. The Washington coirespondent of the N. V, lribune makes tho following nuiheulic statement in regard to the relations of these gentlemen. The interest exhibited in thenttempt to connect President Grant with Fiek, Gould and Cm bin, in the gold conspiracy, has somewhat subsided, hut it at ill remains the subject of general comment. It bus been ascertained that the only basis for the alleged complicity of the President is the fact that when he sold his house in this city to Gen. Sherman, he gave Airs. ) '.'.'d. 1 1 of the proceeds. Co Inn was lure nt the lime on his wedding trip, and Mis. Gritnt placed the money in his hands to he invested in building lots in the suburbs of New York city. This is the only .money transaction that has trans pin d between lliein since I'lesidcill Gr.uit Wits inaugurated, und it u ill vL y be tin- last, as tin-President dm s not heeiuiie to declare that in the future he will have no social communication whatever. It is probable that Col bin used (hemor.ej tlm-. placed under his control to impress I'i !. and Gould with Hie belief lhat he was ac- ("ting as Mrs. Grunt's broker .i ' lief 1 which was suddenly dispelled whun the order was issued to sell Government gold and Coili u's transactions were discover ed, i. A SHAM DUEL. There ''has been for some-lime n slight misunderstanding between a certain M. D , and njviiight of the goose, and last Tuesday a challenge was sent by the M. D. and immediately accepted. Seconds were choseu ami weapons procured, which were nn old musket and a cigar-case (in tended to represent a pistol ) The gen tlemen, with their friends, repaired to a secluded spot near the heights, and the principals drew for the choice of weapons, and the M. D. drew the musket. The ground was stepped off, the combatants placed in position, and the word given to fire. A tremendous explosion of1 the old musket followed, and tho tailor rolled over on tho ground, gave a few frantic kicks, and all was over with him.. The Doctor's second congratulated him on having killed his man, and they left the field, and coming to town', repaired to a gentleman's store to talk (he matter over, and while the M. D. was telling to several gehlTetnefi fcriw he had laid bisnrr tagonist out and left him on the field dead in walked Bullock nlivo and without a scratch. It was then that the Doctor re alized that be had been made the victim of a practical joke, and found that he had fired a blank cartridge at a man who was armed with a cigar-case. Petersburg Courier. Does it Pay to Advertise. The Boston Journal says that a leading book firm in that city answers this question aa follows: "They published an edition of a book of five hundred epics, and did not adve-lise it- In about a year nearly the whole ed ition ri m. lined on their hands, as the au- ' tlior. who was largely interested, did not t!i.tik !, 7 t0 a,lvertise. Finding j,,js book di,i not ,eII, he followed the ad- i vice of his publishers and freely adverti Fett. - His book bas now gnc ihrottgh j seven edit tons of fire hundred copies each ' ' ., .i s i j rii i i ja'ia tiie Clglll is oruercM. i tie autuor now believes in advertising. JOSH U1LLINHS PAPERS JEWS fARPS. A gentleman ic gentleman (he world over lonfcra differ. Ueiievnlcuee u the cream that lizoa on ! lur ,,1 ov human kiuduex. I . . Lourage wiihoet alsereli.ui, iz n nm with bonis on both ends; he nil! have moio fites on hand than he cau well at tend to. Uuiitiug after luppincss, is like hunt. iugulier a lost sheep in the wilderness ; when you find it, the cbauc. s are, that ii iz a skeleton. A dog ix the only Animal (oilier wt.o In vs yn more than he Invs bjesi If. 1 here iz no more real s insl u ksion m laying up in your buzxnui an i.juiy I bat iiare iz stuttlug u dead lioruel who lias ttung you, and keepiug him tew- lank at. Old frieuds are like old cheese, t he I strongest. Lies are like illegitimate children ; they liable to call u man 'Falhcr" when In I 1,.a8t eXUi Its it. All innuev that ix well spent iz a i;ood investment. I If we would all ov us take karc ov our own son's, and h-t our nubocs alone, thaic ' : would be less lime lost, nnd more souls j ! saved. Before i would preach the gosp-1 ns j some ministers are obliged to, for 4-iO dol- ( lars a year, i would gel a living hz Neb- , udkeneezer did, and let the cougregushun go tew grass to. Contentment iz the vittles und drink ov the soul. Did ye ever hear a son bragging about j his father, whose father could with jttstiss brag about his sun ! The safest kind ov faith I kuow ov, iz humanity. The man who never makes enny mis- j lakes, like the angle worm, never jits far ; away from his hole. A brilliant blnnder in a wailer, iz often one ov his best hits Tyranny iz often changed, but never destroyed. Sucking a whipt syllabub thru a rye straw, iz u good deal like tricing tew it v i on Imiiv. I knever knn n profound phnnl ret, who did no' i (T'-cl gravity, nor a truly t wize man, whozn face was not ulwus J rocked and primed lor a laugh, Prudery iz nothing more that coquetry ; gone to seed. New Yoik city iz n fast place, yu kanl , even pass a phum-i-al procession, unless yu ; have got the fastest boss Jrulhhas hardly clothing cnuft tew hide its nakedness. . A pompous man Iz like a full blown bladder, it ix pure malice to prick him- The money and mortality ov this world are a good deal alike, I lie principle uevei loses sight ov the interest. Pitly costs uoihini; and am t worth ( nothing. Wlia' men kant do, (hey are npt to ad mire they don't criticise a mountain, be kauze He y kant make uny. Poverty iz one ov theui kind ov them misfortunes, that we all ov us dread, but none nv us piny. Tbare iz lots ov people in this world who covet misfortunes, just for the luxury ot gin., ing. Il iz comparative easy tew repent nv the sin we Iriv commuted, but lew repent ov f 'lOSI . h w o il we niiend lo commit, iz much ov enny man now a il-k i or t 'lay s. I thar.'s God for one thing, and that iz when cv:y buddy dae iz happy 1 am sure to be. Most men go threw lite ns livers go tew the sea, bi following the lay ov the ground. In youth we run into dlrlikulty, in till age, difficulty's run into us. "Times ain't as they used to be" this haz been the wize and solium remark ov mankind ever since Adam was a boy. Secrets are cussed poor , property at best ; if you ciikulate thern, vu loze them and if yu keep them, you lose tire interest on the investment Persecuted for the Devil's sake, iz what sinners get for their allegiance. Sum 'people won't behave enny thing they kant prove ; the things i kant prove are the veuy, things ! be leave the most. Plide never shows itself more disgust-ino-tv than in the noinn of nbuneriil Happiness iz not idleness, but its spirit ! The Wak of RaCKS. This long pre iz uz free from labor az the life of a young 1 "ieteii "irrepressible conflict" has actually heiter. Good examples aiming-the rulers iz tin iest laws they kan enakt. The devil ix probably the best judge ov human natur (hat ever lived, nnd he must have beleaved in the dnkttinO ov total de pravtty, or In- wouldn't have uiiderluok to tempt th Saviour. A "gentleman about town" iz one who pays cash for everything except his debts. A pedant iz one who fills himself in a cellar with the klatn broth of literature, and then picks biz teeth in the society ov the learned. Thai e ix but little, if any, ceremony be tween a wise man and a phonl, ceriiuouy iz (he only thing thai;, will make a pbool feel respectable. Rich Gold Mine. The Rev. W. S. Haltom showed us a letter last week from a frieud in Stanly county, which suited that a gold mine had been discovered three miles from Gnh! II 1 yielding light and ten hundred dollars to the burhel of ore. That v uneturunouly rich, and ;l't4;aHliC Emperor, th further invesi 'cation proves lhat iheminr Prince ttnteuiil havt eont iotse.to wift ; be a vast (oil nee to the owner, im old pen .1 i u..i: I it-,, r... ueui. - ui uauiiu uai i ;nj;-i. n r in it in tu-, 0crat. WHY MASON'S SHOULD NOT USE PROFANE LANGUAGE. BY BROTIIKIC jons ii. ciiAar, COItD. VT. or west cos- lf Befianse profanity brings tlinmr- and dishonor upon the Craft. 2nd. Because it blights the Christian heart and kids the peace and joy of the human soul. 3l. Because outsiders will say, that prolaiie sweating is a uiaik and sign of u Mason 4ilt. Heennse it is very wicked in the sijjlit nf (loi for nun to swea", and if weighed in the balanee- is found wanl- lnr. fi.h llecnuse taking the tiame of our Master who is heaven, is vain, Is biding our light, so in oilier do not see our good works, so that neither we nor they .r r.i ill1 .,11 r P.illi... itI... i j in I... " ' "' 6,' "" ; ' 'f"1 hrist.nr. light and lore, which is I "ry uuuiuu eoui oy me greai I Am. 7 Ii. Becausr profane language used by a brother Mason, shows ol once, that he . . t T, "IT? u'm' ",,r "ul,rov? blmsi-lf in (. bri-l an vutue. , , ., , , i hill recauee piolai. e words sound as . c i improperly nu the tongue of a Mason, as that of the hammer would have sounded III the temple. 9:h. Because it makes man appear tbo he was not filled for that noble, and (hat glorious pm pose of serving God, in 1 lit house not made with bauds, and eternal in the heavens. 10th. llecauso it dishonors him who created man, in his own image, and shows that Masons do not trust in His Word. lltli. liecause profanity is tin mark of a gentleman, is a disgrace to a Mason, is a great sin in our land, und should be chopped ofi". lt h. II. cause it is not Masonic, it is a strange and vile practice and all true Ma sons should reject it, and heave it over among the rubbish. 13th. Because Christ says : "But I say unto you swear tin! at all. Neither by heaven lor il is God s throne. Nor by the earth lor it is Jils too'stool. Neither by Jerusalem, for it is l he City of the Great j King. Neither shall thou swear by thy head, because iln-u canst not make one j hair bl.u-k or while. Isut let your com niuiiic it in be yea, yea, and nay, nay, for whatsoever is more than these Cometh ot evil. TIIE GENTLE BOY THAT GIIEW TO BE A GENTLEMAN. "You sec I am n gentleman !" said Will Thompson. "I will not lake Hit insult. " And the little follow stiutieil up and down in a rage. He had beep throwing stones at i'i ter.'ones, and lie -thought that h:s .rrtg-cr pinved him to he n gentleman: "If you want to be a gentleman,' I should think you would be a little boy first, " said his teacher. "Gentlemen do no! iIiioh- sloni s.it t heir neighbors Peter Jones diil not ih'iiw stone nt yon, mid I think he is much the more likely to prove a gentleman." 'But he's got patches on his knees," said Will. "Bad pantaloons don't keep a boy from being a gentleman," said the teacher, "but a bail temper does. Now, William, if you want to be a gentleman you mu t be a gentle boy." ' A Ii il. further on the teacher met little Peter Jones. Some stones had bit- him, and Ii" win hint by them. "Wi li, Peter, vt Inn's i he mutter bet ween you and Will this morning I" asked his teacher. "I ways throwing a ball at one of the boys in play, sir, and it mi'sed him and hit Will Till mpson's dog." "Why did you not throw i. back? " Because, sir, my moi'ter says to be a gentleman, 1 must be a gentle boy, and I phe cm)tetioff a lifts nuigbt it best lo keep out ol his way tut Theteaclier walked on, nfter praising Peter's conduct, but kept the hoys in his mind, and he lived to see Will Thompson a rowdy, and Peter Jones a gentleman, loved and respected by all. Remember, a geiitla boy makes a gentleman. I., gun : Its noise may uc heard in tne City of Columbia. A few days ago, hi fiot, the negro assistant Adjutant Gener-1 al. cow Ifidt d Kavanaugh, a carpet-bag clerk of (let. Scott's aud since then Wira bush. a negm Senator, native and to the manor barn,, gave a beating o Mr. .Land I Commiasiouer iiesile, another rf the car tict-bag race. All this in Columbia, to I i e j u. r .c. ' i i h , it is said Well the native negroes seem to be ! waking up. They have been deluded by these sumo carpet-baggers a long while. They niay possibly discover who their real friends have been after awhile. In the mean lime they are having a lively lime about the Capital. Constable Hubbard and Kavanagh had ! a little tussel loo, after the latter got his cowhiding fiom Llliot, and Kavanagh had to be lucked up. AH is not quiet on the Cougaree. Gneraw Democrat. , The Constitutions , of Paris' denies Empress and ihe iusored I In 5r lives. The Empress 4m o.icy, tt t truc;r h but merely ! c-iver. her subscripU-nis to ward hjeuevofent iustlluiions which she i has f ouutlcd, in the ' v'tciiI uf her dcalh. THE P. E. CHUUCU BISHOPS. 'I he New York Herald .ays .-The I Protestant Episcopal ( 'hutch in the Unl led Sut -s has fnrty-nino Bishops. The Right Rev. It. It Smith, D. D , of Ken lucky, is the presiding Bishop; the ; Right Rev. C. P. Mcllvaine, D 1 , LL. D.. of Ohio, the next in seniority and ! the R glit Rev. F. D. Huntington, D. D . of Century New York, the hist in the ! Byzantine Moresquo Arabesque, Gothie order of consecration. Bishop Tuttle, of and Normtn. The interior decorations ' Idaho nnd Utah, is the youngest in age, ! are finer and more costly than of any and Bishop Kemper, of Wisconsin the i Christian church in the land. The Her nldcst. Bishop Southgal fMBMaaMald closes its article with the following: charge of (he Turkish Wiaelon, imiWsiPT In ten pews from the pulpit sit every I op Payne, late of Africa, aro the only ! Sabbath ten mitfiouaries, and from that American Bishop who have resigned for- j point luck an aggregate ol millions moc i ign jurisdiction. The Episcopal bench i represented. Did there erer sit togeth inay be thus theologically classified. ! of. since the daya lhat the fair and regal Tlni'v tin ee Hi. b -church, two Broad- uler of Sheha waa escorted br the church, fourteen Low-church. Of ihc gorgeous retinue of tho coitrt of Solomon a . V a P . I . a ingli class, n dozen arc more or less in- t-lined to mualismuot given to its ex cesses, but favorable to irunyof itsforms and measures. Such believe that the worship admits (in symbols at least)of al tars and incense, and lights and jewels, ii i i j i mill ,.u, .too , .ii 't guiizr .1 ii'. rnihrns, which some call popish. They , .. ., ... , ,V J lielieve that the Church, like nature, has , . , j u u j ' her varied sensnns, nitrl should dress ac- und roues nnu narus, ana songs nnu aao- cnrcingly ; that Christian syiuDoiism. like the bow in ihe cloud, teaches divine truth ; that a flower is sugges'ive of spir itual thought, that we should "consider the lill cs" even in the church, that we should "beautify the sanctuary," "wor ship the Lord in the beaiitv ol holliness," bring gifts to his altar, dwell in Ins courts, "walk about Zion," etc. Daily prayer, free scats, supplied choirs, choral services weekly communions, frequent offertories, elaborate decorations, systematic char- itics, are in vogue with this class. Most of them have their own cathedrals, which are the centres of dioceasan unity, as in Maine, Western New York, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, California, Georgia, Tennessee, and Flordia. The bishops who own cathedrals are not a'l, h iwevcr, ritualists. Lee, of Iowa, and CoXe, of Western New York, are quite the reverse. Peihups the Bishops best entitled to that distinction ate B rkwith. Dome, Wliitfkouec, Young, Whipple, Neely, and Kip. None at nil approach Father Morrel's Standard, and can hardly tqunl in catholic -ty, so-called, the t:o:ed English Bishops of Salisbury (that was) or the Sandwich Isle. Bishop Beckwith, of Georgia, is the finest Episcopal orator. He formerly divided the plnpit honors of New Orleans with the celebrated Presbyterian, Dr. Palmer. Bishop Doaue of Albany, in herits his father's taste nnd talents. He is a great worker an! enthusiast for the church. Bishop Whitehouse, of Illinois, whatever his other qualites may be is al lowed to be a grea". preacher and scholar. j We doubt if Chicago or the .West has un i abler one. His appointment to preach the opening sermon at Lambeth Confers i ence indicated his high standing among j his colleagues. Bishop Young, of Eloii I da, is distinguished as awuiib advocate of the Greet "and" Anglican Churches. Mis last visit to the East was productive of good ecclesiastical results. Bishop Whipple, of Minnesota, is known nllorer the country ns the Indian's friend. He has done more than any other ' citizen for their spiritual and tempoial welfare' Henry t urd Beecher has written the best eulogy of this prelate. He evidently believes in Bitdmp Whipple's apostolic succession, iiishop Kipp, of California, is a well known author His "Early Con flicts of Christianity." "Double Witness of the Church." "Catacombs of Rome, &c, have hud a wide circulation. He is I ml accomplishment. Bishop j mar: of taste and Neely, of Maine, is a noted musician. Unlike most of his Lpiscopal brethren, he can 'sing or say," according to the ru in ic He 's the second Bishop in the United Stales who has led the song Vetii Creator fipirttus in the Office for the Con secration ol Utshops. The late Bialuip Hopkins was the fiist to nse the musical rendering of the service, ns he was the firat to bear, or to have borne his pastoral ( staff on religious. Bishop Huntington's I works ore voluminous, his most celebrat- I ed being "Milner'a End of Controversy j Controverted " His 'Law of Ritualism" ; nas more episcopal oeienoers man is sup- posed, and very many would practice what he taught if they dared. Bishop Hnntingtin was a musician of the first class, an arjhitect and an artist as well as a theologian. His church and diocesan i-clu ol at Burlington, Vermont, arc the products of his band. Few men ever possessed greater versatility of tulaut. isa1, The noet Brvant counsels a vountr con- ., . n . trtbutor to the Post as follows: "My young friend, I observed thnt you have used several French expressions in your article. I think if you will study the English Innguige. that you will find it capable of expressing all the ideas you may have. I have always found it so, and in all that I have written I do not re call an instance where I was tempted to use a foreign word, but that, on searching I found a better one in my oin language. John Shortgats, Gentleman, wtitea to the London Times' complaining that the Heralds' College- Won't change his name to lii o w if. He says his sons are teased by thVir school mates and nobody will iinirrv his daughters. A cold iwggrt weighing 0fl pounds, and V4uuci at :..( KM, was discovered in Sierra county, CalilcTbia, a fiTT-days' iiga OF The New York Herald of Saturday contnim a very full description of the uew Jewish Louse of worship, built corner Fifth Avenue and Forty-third treef, New York, known as "Temple Emanuel.' It blends in unconscious harmony six differ- fnt orders of architectnre Saracenic, toiiieiempie oi mat roooarcti s amoittou such a galaxy ot wordly wealth, and it : might be ventured, such a galaxy of beauty and refinement ? The roof of the temple I is flat and cut into squares- by the trans verse arches. A good deal of elaborate I polyechrome painting fills in the spaces. ' The best lime to observe the many beauties ' in this field nf decoration is at night with the aid furnished from (he full radiance of the many blazing candelabra. The figures are brought out in happier relief and show with u lustre denied them by daylight. j Altogether the temple of Emanuel is a feature in itself, and has no parallel. Its exterior is an experiment in architec ture ottentimes before attempted but only ! in this instance realized as a success. Its interior decoration, without being quite ae great a novelty, has so many points of .originality that it fairly divides the palm , of interest with-the architectural design, , It may be added in conclusion, that the ! tarst pew sold realized the enormous sum of 9,500. THE PAPACY. A Paris paper, Im Liberie, gives a cur ious sketch nf the individuals who have filled the Holy See since its inauguration I by St. Peteie. No throne in Europe fur nishes so many violent and bloody deaths. 1'rom St. Petkb to Pics IX. there have been 293 Popes. Of these 31 are considered anti-Popes, or usurpers, in the same sense as the Bourbons regard Nap oleon as an intruder. 0' the 262 legiti m tie Popes, 29 met violent deaths under ciicumstances that entitled them to the repute of martyrs ; the other 35 also met violent deaths : 18 poisoned, 4 assassinated and 13 by various means. Stephen was strangled ; Leo III. and John XIV. were mutilated, and the latter starved to death, as also Gregokt XVI.; Luke was stoned, Greookt VII. was confined in an iron cape; Celestix V. was ended by a nail driven into his temple ; BomfacE VIII. committed suicide ; Clement V. was burnt on his sick bed ; Unn,N VI. waa kilied by a fall from his horse; Pu s VI. died from erotic excess. Sixty-four Popes then died by extraordi nary means, without counting 20 others, who died suddenly, from chagrin, caused by reverses. Twenty-six Popes have been deposed or exiled, besides the Popes at Avignon. Thirty-five Popes were heretics. The first 13 did not believe in the Divinity of Christ ; 19 rejected the worship of images and 3 anticipated Lhthkb in htsdoctrines. Many have been accused of murder. Leo V. was a woman. Twenty eight Popes invoked foreign aid to keep tbem on their throne. To sum up, 153 Popes of the 293 were adjudged unworthy of their position, "What Dynasty (ask theLiberte) has such a history ! And yet tho actual Pope has called a council, which is going to declare him iulallible !" Tea Plant. We saw yesterday four or five twigs, with leaves and seed capsules of the tea plant, from the "Middlat Barony" plantation, about twenty miles (Yon, thla eil v oo llie Aalilpv where tea. Lj bocn growjng in great luxuriance for g ,mmbt.r of years. Tho leaves"' we saw arc hard) nca,.i flg muci, go a8 ti108e 0 ,he hoUyi from wlici, wc jt)fer tnat tj, iPafjt.tg which dried and prepared lor tha tPa 0f commerce, are gathered earlier in the year. Wc are told, furthermore, that the cup lhat cheers but not ttiebriutes, has been prepared frequently from tea geowu on this plan'ation, and been pronounced of excellent quanity. Dr. Junius Smith, nf Greenville, S. C, it is well known, devoted much time, pains and money, during many years, to the oaiatiKaViiao...of of the results of his labors are now found in East Tennessee and some parts of North Car olina, where many acres arc planted with this shrub. . We beleive there is no doubt that tea can be successfully cultivated in some sections of our southern States ; and it may be that even good tea can be raised; but we doubt whether it can ever bo pro duced here at a price that will enable us to compete with the regions that now have a rnonodoly in its production. It was only a day or two sgo the news papers published a paragraph, giviug an account of a "fancy" tea farm, where, after long and arduous labors, tea is now at last raised by the "gentlemanly propii otor," at a cost of ten dollars a pound. Cliarieslon (S. C.) Count r rA little boy was killed nrrir"ruesdsy In Chicago, by heiug crushed under a hugeinia water pipe, which chhildrea wer '',Fii;g. in play. MAGNIFICENT HOUSE WORSHIP. iTaSlllHaHatia'sna1

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