, 1. .Trl,.l,l,l,t ,W,,JW . -.--, "y ("r" :l ."' - . . J'r ' . . . ... -. - ' - . ...... .vs. jr.viaH1'' h,c Dli Norll) State ..aistcur. kki iy, ov 19, 18(9. ; rj- Wc rs u.il. U. .1 le aome luei.d lur a miuplilt-i copy, of (lie pmceeditt of the four J,.,.. h annual meeting of ihu Slockhoidvrs of . , W.-scrii N. C. R. Company, held al New i A:,' t lat. Our attention is specially i,. I i.j liie report of iiiu Superiuiendam i I Nun J Ageni, Col Tale. Wo would 1 i i- ' ire i:i puuiiMiiiiir n in out column. 1 publiil.iiifr it in oui c dumna. iul aK-ady done so ut (bo tint il ,i.is N'.fici. T; ItioUT Rlvikkxd .' AifcissuX, ol the LKiKe ol North rt.il preach at .Saint Luke's Church, , i ,,iy, on Ileal Sunday. Hon. Uobert J. Walker, formerly V. .:, ...tlur liom Mississippi an I Secrvlaiy of !' . n- n during Mr. Folk's administration, i ... U'n-iimirioi. city uu the 1 lih iul i-. ii C'itv. Several of our citbens, on Fri I i-i. . :od in. what turned out to be. u . ,-), i.t. We assure hi. Kiccllciicv, ,ie , ' , . : , ,. ,. i n.or, that no Kn exist, for sending . nire in coaaeuaoee. Pence, if not good Lxi beeii restored "peaca rcigiu in Hal- . 'i I lt:MMW0y C0CJVTY HCFKRIOK COCHT. - tit tiie Vuttayt IVtfr, in sfieakiug af . i i. i .i i i . i... i 'ii . -.-. i hi n li h:i j iuh oi i,' r it i v. jt Renter Supenor Co ,rt, bWf!?S, " 1 i 1 and i, nn mi- it in ilu. ..-nil , nf tin' ,h k ii, i i n. f.' .' J . ! II. ... .1 fl... Ulaf .liy.it.x. -...I .1 . licifm- -,..t ii. ... j , ,iv. . Vu, ,., nun in.- . . ul bii.-itiess : t iimw lu i.ti. I J 1 i u v .i ' ' - i a Superior Co irt. Such a j. not I, ecu lield here in fifteen years. 1 I We i in- bad court during that period at which .l .... ...d ..me other del all ib.-w em.l.l fo i mreuie theends of law, but at no siiiple tenn ; that the Road be leased in three section to the It t een the cae that ail etmoerned m the fWnsat bidder, or tiut the Htate'aatock beoffer , , iii I, to the highest bidder in installments at diflbr- iJmiuistration of justice did ibeir duty o well nt tjnl01l I have bt f re referred to the first week, and The President of the Road, Maj. Smith, in a e iw at the clo ol the kst week can reaffirm I "'"r'1 r?,ort' renr"'d.i that the wliole question be postponed until the next annual wiiai I then said. The (banks aud gratitude meeting of the Stockholders. .if . orderly people are not only due to his A motion to tostponc until the next annual Il juor Judge Henry aud the Solicitor Gen. ' mcct'nf w" made, when R. C. Itadger, Esq., the . . state proxv, Ntated that he was instructed bv the Ht ry, but the entire bar de-erres the esteem (iowrnor vott. mt , tnponu-y postfione- :, I confidence of our citizens for the sober tnent and also against the hme. Amotion wa r.:.J ihnifl 1 manner in which th-y coud-ieied tf.iiiiselvej-. A 111 good iieoplo rejoice to see kr -,l3joril v tlic Stockholders," and there tare in their hands 80 much of i fore the question va indefinitelv lasitponed. i!:t rueu who I tli interests of our country, demean thctuslr in a manner o becoming their staiiju. A friend writing from Mt. Airy, ia f rm '.lie Siatcsrillc American tbat tbe citizens of Surry have made a county subscription of 825,000 lo the Plaster B ink end Salt Works It. R. and tbat t'ny an in real earnest to have it built, s id will do more. IIo alio gives as a in st (Uttering description of the- natural ret lurcea of that section, mannfactures, Jtc, to which we will heroaftcr refer. r.::; TB:.:Ft.;;,l'Bstcxdajr : ::itis0i4fbir' iumiuration of the First Aunaul Fair of the Cape Pear Agricultural Association No friend of the enterprise could fail to l . a dc pratiried at Its auspicious opening. While the articles on exhibition are not si numerous as wo bad hoped, skill there ii no gioutid tor complaint. In quality the exhibition will equal the expectations of all. The number of persons in attend anc was very largo for the opeuing day, an 1 w: look for a very large increase to il iv and to tn.irrow. Every one seemed ple.ised with ihu Grounds, buildings and tiie en teral arrangeiaeuut and we feel as ! itft.il tht we have witnessed the inati'T- tiratioiKof an enterprise taat will not only rciloutid tOstbe prosperity of bnrcity, to tii Ijlii ralityW whose citizens in a great measure wc are indebted for the splendid Grou ids, but will become tbe patron and chief promoter of tin- niri ieulttiral and mecbatiical interests of this section Journal HOXORS TO FRIEND OF THF POOR. Tho vearabl St. John's church in this eity rich a it ia ia Culonial and Revolution ary incidents, traditions, an.l memories, was sever the seence of more imposing nnr! in marknhie cereinqoivs than those which at ti'nrlsd the funeral. Sunday afteraoon, of the Dr. Lawrence Roane Wa'ing. We quea tiuB wlietlier in any age or country there was ever exhibited surh an outburst of aineere and profound gri.-f as was manifested by the thousands who filled the fr rounds of th ehnrch and. the holy edjfice itelf upon the melancholy oecasioc In question, o great was the sorrow of the people of Richmond at the I... of this most benevclent and self aaerificing of the physician of tha poor, that the impressive funeral ceremonies of the EpiwipM church were frequently interrupt eu by tne irrepreihle sorrow of hundreds of men, women and r.hildreft. ' No one,, eould have witnessed that most Solem and remarkable scene or have beheld the almost Countless throug that bd'"Wd the reinins ol the deceased to their final rest ing place and not have felt tHat the wo Id had lout one of its noblest philanthropists. Such funeral honors as were awarded bv THE PEOPLE"' to this lilain. uiodea . and unpretending physician, are more plirious than monuments of hraxa and of marble. And vet. although' well educated, and w ith i 4!ie4d.iod of thee, of vh m 4llnsrrtisf farnilet in the State ia his veiua, the late Dr. W rinK dedica'ed his life as eunt.Utelv to the Door as ever did ... Crm.lite Monk or o;.,L. .-. . , . . Sister of t hsriry. V isilinr. is s.d. not less a or than two hundred patient a day iu tiimner ana irore tbah half that nninl-r in wiuter. takiiiR but four bourn rest out of thetwnty lotir. doipg not uiifreoiiMitly a practice of awei.tv -five thousand dolhi s a year, be rare ly coUt-eted enough to meet hi simple wants. Me lived a humbly a bis ncHirsst patients. His clothing wa po t. hia lodging simple. I . I. althttogh he mipht hare a err. inula ted a vast fortune, he died almost as poor as th mi has i f I v i k ft it I at In it: T-il U'ttn be dlsiiensed a boundless cbantv D'aitlifdHr and mat fuliv. with a heart full of i-r f Lis rare, he w..re nut hi ;. i;r i ti I lis II e HI Iul , a;ly aire of fort v three, f ir tl.e humble, the i-M.rai.d triesuBerinirai.il tliey ifa e liim a iiiii-iaf h J . i i . (! a , . . - e lave eu vied tfitk. 2-!j-imrner. 5 ' i might Tl.e keeper if a (leaniit stand in Wahlnf- n dVil reevutly and left hi dtii?btr fW. '"rt. Thi ycvlif lady stiH attends ihe .it;.nJ lajeh is a great aftrctljn to the uivu f ibe ii I tal TOE PjrtOPQSITION TO LEAKE TIIK ' C. RAILROAD. Tli.- moetinf of Stockholders of die North Carolina Railroad Coaiuanv, to ouinidur tho pro iKMiiion lo Ww thai RtmmI to the UalelKli A ( laaton Railroad fiw twenty yaar,M held in Kili-ntli On ThiiriMlay last. Wr wra irvwnl .ml from memory give Ui following outline of Aher an al.l. Ji-. uii .n on both aides, the mailer wu indefinitely poat.med. ("ikiii alter llic iiicetuii( u oriraniiwd, dov. (iniham made an able and very intelligent "J1"'" ,hl "I"'" immediately minted the Htiwk bidder 10 maka no their mind to vote ,,i1, ,t, . tr.i. l-j . i..i ... ..-, in. ua.i iiii. miva.l. 1 1 1 . that eoii.hudon. lie took the k round thai neither the N. V. Itoad nnr the lialcih A (ia Ion I :. i.l had ilu- 1 1 1 1 1 . under their charter, to enter iuto such ail agreement, and if they did to, thev could be called to the liar of the I - i 1 1 n.re u,,i reuuirvti to now caiwc wliv Kiev lis. I no forfeited their charters, lie al poke of die flood iiroxiKda of the Itnad under ireeut management, and hoped thai no change would he made unluw it wa to give (he privato Htoek holderH the entire rontrolof the work aud iku remove it from political inmiencen. Jud) M. riiniMii delivered an able speech in mvor of the leaae, and nuide aevcral iiiurtiiik' MaleoR'nla in regard to (he punt and pnweut man .iiicni.tit and proiecta of (lie Road anme of which were correct and some entirely orroneou. u4MXiallv Id atatwietit abaut the poor condition of North' Carwlliia. Mr. W. A. Caldwell, of 'nfbon, very prirly told bun in reply, that . in ili Carolina was prospering, and lhal ,K.r Wcre Ulltr ofl'Tthan before the war, die only draw lauk being the miserable hiridation of our tieneral Asacmblv and the dilHnui.tv and corruption of its member. (Jen. Kufu liarringer of this City, made a tpeecJi and tluvw out siiKKstion for i lie ooimid- . .-ration of the Stock holder, that suited otir ideas better thnn anv we heard. lie first howed the importanoe of 'taking the work from the control wr- .Haiwa ... .n...K ...X. i. ..71 kli Z:. : :, 1 a . "7 'Ti.T:.. -1 1 L . 1 , t , I II " nil. ne. who, ociuk iHiunianiv nuu jKronaiv in-1 . ...j ' .ii ! i . i Ji ....if.!. i luii m i ti-L t.ir 1 1,.. ii.,,..fii ,.r iiii.!,- n.iaii.ii mui ili ieriei, woiini in . r in-iniiiii iir.il UT uvnim l . i . .i ia . .1 true interests of the Road, and renlfv make the work of g-reatar convenience and aifvunuuie to 'be nectiou through which it passea ne 1 1 a ,0 ,he Who,e We- If the Hus k holders1 can not act control, then lien. Iturrinircr uinnt thMI nude to P"P"" indefinitely, wuicn met 1 ; ,r tlrahnm 1 Inn I in rro ,,r. i- imH l r . ' k - r were KimnintflH m. nmniitlMi In memorialile I the Legislature in favor of some arrangement .u.il. ..... kl.ln u. u ,,. ,., I in Ml ...il mtit T (, i. ' luunl and under the management of the private stockholders. We sincerely hope they may succeed. In roncluding a sketch of the action of the stock holders, we will state that wc have good au thority for saving that before the President of the N. ('. Rood entered ill to the lease business he consulted some of the largest Mtockholdcr in the Uoad as to the propriety of leasing the Road, and they advised and urged him to do so; and some even declared llmt if he v.turecded the tbe Company ought to make him a present er $20.0(10. Rut the said stockholder changed their idens and opposed the lease, and never a much as notified Maj. Smiih of the change. In iUvidualljvMaLSmiih cared very Jittlc about the matter one way or the other hi ohtv b1i jeet lK-ing to advamv the interest of the Road aud benefit tbe Stockholders. It i due to Maj. Smith that this much should be said in explana tion of hi course. A man signing hi name A. K. McChtre, and ., ,,,i .... -ii.., r-j an ,i. Miv AH'.m ,. . I nrufi wmitim tit wpww t York ltroLi-rs iiimli- on olllr of S26-i,000 per annum for the Road. When his note wo read in the meeting we con cluded that he was either a member of the "King that has been manipulating N. C. Ttoiul ! in New York, or a man of straw, and that the oiler was mad.- merely to aid 'in the nj'rtion of the proposed lease U the K.ili-uli ft Uaston Road. We heard nothing to induce tt to change this opinion. New York Brokers and North Carolina sMvnlator and manager of State lion: I -i hi i v.- injured the State enough without letting them have control of a Road already built and in good condition. Charlotte Demonat. For-iU Orf North Statt. Repudiation i a question which ho to be met by the politicians of the country and that within a few year. The principle of repudiation is demoralising and the precedent dangerous ; the truth f which may be vi rified by a rclropc tive view of the history of this country for five year. When a government undertake by legislation, to destroy any specie of proiiorty owned by her citizens, she enter ufion dangerous ground, aud the result of such legislation cannot be foreseen by mortal eye. We may see t lie beginning, but the end will, in all coses, be far in the dim fit ture. It i much eaier to start a wheel down an inclined plain than to tell where it will stop or I . l 1 . . . i who ii win erusn in in impeiuou course. . maniac may start a locomotive on a smoothc track and run it successfully for a time, but un less his place be taken by another and the skil ful hand of the experienced engineer be applied to direct and control the iron monster, a valua ble train, freighted with immortal soul and val uable (Merchandize will be burled over a preci pice or engulfed in the briny deep. Political economista may reason on government matter as they ehoose, and capitalist speculate to their hearts content, but be assured whenever a gov ernment destroys tlic property of her citizen and annul contract entered into by a State and individual, abe opens a fountain that will even tually (low. to. the destruction of much that is valuable. The United State Government and the party in power forcibly emancipated the slave of the South, after burning dwellings, barns, gin-houses, factories, and appropriating stock, food, etc., etc., to an alarming extent dur ing the war. In addition, the Southern legisla tures were ordered and compelled to repudiate certain bonds and the products of 'the South were more heavily taxed than those of other sec tion of the country. The writer is not an ad vocate of repudiation, nor does he believe " two wrongs will make a right f but a wronged peo ple will clamor for justice or retaliation. The. National and Si.it.- debts may never be repndiiii.il, and it would be very bard on some, and another impropriety committed if they were, but to prevent both a comnmimsv will have to bs madt. Tbiama be iW by wdueiiur A gold valuo and a fairx)m)t nation aiv- n f rLTT"T?m' D7 "? war we "inwiia. iriaiion since ;r ' . j .. . . ..." ... a ii mav ne arpiea inai 10 no mi uie naiionai .,! ,k tTLlAZa i- .InKt wfiotit Im. an aupmi : i 1 ihut it t-oni.l iii.f Im. jCliU i - -, To meet this argument or oSjection we pro posethc dels tho made, with the present, after reducing to iecic varlue,,be iunded at low inter est and longtiaie av from ff.y to one hundred years and instead vf throwing -..i.l bond on the market, pay them to all creditor at par. By sonic mk4i svstcm repudiation would l for ever obliterated, the wounds made by the war permanently healed and the d. It thus create 1 made m act a a chain to nun! the iI'Mvi'i nt 111- i" rn,m.M . "hM Mt imd l"e uetn mm;; i .... iiavauie iu msiaiiillCBIS al , i l .:: i.i ... i r ,. III" IITITT IHU i.'IIJS IMI1C noiliu HOI ISC ICIl IIV a proHjr..ns and happy j.cople. Add tbe ciialiting ard ridin tmn of the Im ... this! ai..' ' ,, tlJ .,', f ,u and tin- rewurrea of this v nation Would d."ibiU pay the debt as it matured without c.p pmwiue; .inv chHSL CAROLINA. I.-cdcll Co., N. C, Nov. 10, tMJ9 1'hi're is hut one Hgrirnltural paper print ed in the Norwegian birp tarr in tKe country Fanuii:;Ji ndc of MinueajK-'is. Ok Aconnrr of the great nuuiWrof wonder Ail rriB of oWiaote and tatrfarat cane HciuiPinu, Dtsfijvia, i.ivku Uukatk, Kio bv Arrn-naws (Juckal LiiIIui.i..i.c, nuvdu by the reUUaltd "KoaKoo, it haa wan the . ii i in Wi- rtpukUion of being the brtt and mttt ttnpuUw mvdhiui' nrr dtwwirrrd. It in dally pre nrrihed by phydciana, and retnnneiued bT iiianv thouMUMM of our lei citliena. Vvr m!e by i)rugguta aud Maphant everywUare. DEATH OK AMOS KENDALL. The trli'irragli brinja na new of the death of tho vcnerabln AM(W KENDALL, ill In,, reeldenco in Waahingloo, in Ilia eight first year. Ilu was Lorn in Mas sachnaetts, wat n ajraduale of O.irttuonth College, atwdied law. and m 1814 entigut d to Kentucky, wliere lie enten-i upon ihe prnciico of liia profession, but inn liudiiiir encnuiaireiueiit. lie I. .cm a teacher, and a na lor a tiuie an inmate of Mr. Clay's family, in which ho was tutor. Ho iifierw Aid brcame an editor in Frankfort. He cupportid Mr. Our in 1884, hut afterward turned a-.uimi him on the groiiud tbut he voted for Mr. Adams in CotigrcM and acceptird iliu of fice of Secretary of Suie in his Cabinet. Upon this net ol Mr. CLY was baaed the celebrated charge of "bargain, intrigue, aud corruption," of which the country ha sine.', wild real unuuiuiilv, acquitfad Mr. 2H Mr Kits- ! ..ii ri - .Hri ut letters anstniiiinif ! General JjiCKaOa and assailing Mr. ( lay wiib marked bin. in. -c. They had much MitttMfiiee, and gave Mr. Kkmhi.i a na tional reputatiou ; but be drew down up on hiuiclf much acrimonious ammadver- . siou ou Uie ground ibai, barinj; been the j of K'reat kinaus and hoepllaltiy i ... . t .:- . , ..r ' Mnlr Jtr V. LAY a rooi, nie ircmiui in .u . , ii .,.,. t.. that eelleman was lltrnailv uiifrratctul 1 1 hero was no mau who urovoKnu a ... . larcer share of part hurled ibau ' K inli Mr. When Jackson came iuto power be ap pointed Mr Kt ndall Fourtu Auditor of nf the Treaaury, and afterwards promoted him to the iii..s,ti..n of Poatiaaster-Uencr-al, in which office he Instituted ftoine regulations and induced Congress to authorise others which verj much facili tated business in bis department and expedited the transportation of tbe mails, lu his zeal for rpeediiiglhe transportation of news he established the famous horse express, which conveyed news with unprecedented rapidity. JIc was retained in office by Mr. Van Huron, and retired j iu 1840. He bad not since been iu pub-1 lie office; bnt had devoted himself to bis personal interests, especially to th busi- UeSS of telairraullitir, which seeincd lie for a I admirably suited to bis mind. loug time held the office of president of the Morse lelegraph Company. Mr. Kendall outlived, we suppose, the bitter feelings Lis public career had pro voked. The latter part of hi life was quiet and free of partisan strife. He was a stroiiR man in his day. His private char acter hits always been iiniuipcacin-d. In Wiisliinct in he was known h an. exeevd- liiglr kiiiil-iiciirteit unit a - , , I I roo.I man. Ul'l i age subdues and death cancels the. ani mosities of men, and ibe venerable Mr, Kendall sinks into the grave, we conjee tare, ..without, au enemy. Jl'tcS Difp'tteh. Dl BLIC WAI.E.-I WILL SELL Lall'iibiii' tuetion on lie prenihar. Xoveiatwi iOth. 113. at the t'oirell fann. near tl.e Viiilk.n Hue., lt j n county. Inrnu rly known the Uicii hw place, the fnl.ilng rrvperty, vir: 2K) llusli. i.t rtl Corn; (itit. Hay, Ko iilr. Rog, CatUe an.l Stock. One 3 lloise VVag-m. t.'i e Hi ks) ami ll.iri.es-. HonseJi.iIdsnd Kitchrn I- iituiture tc. sLn Mv dower, i .insistliiK of 117 a. res, witii ffc!linr lfuus. Hum. Stable, ai.d ail uecesar; ,: bnililiaira on said laii.t. Nov. 12 lfciu-3- ELIZA COnn EM.. DMISISTRATOR'SHOTICB-u av- V inp taken uut letters of Aduiinistraiiuumt tho estate of John Garner, dee'd., 1 hereby no tify all persons having claim against said es tate to present them to me on or before lL.jlth day of November WO, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All person in debted to the estate ure requested to aiuke ea: ly settlement. Bit runn rf. cowan'. 45 Ow Admr. of John Garner. OF" O ha PERSON'S are any idea of the great difrt ronceiti tins staple article Puiritersand Artisans cannot flo satisfactory work with an inferior article. Like all other Essential Oils, it is much deteriorated by age and careless keeping; nmch of it strength and valuable prorthX For these reasons the ubrriber haS alwayR been careful in irr:tHiig it fresbh- distilled by one of the must experienced iiisnuiaetiirersin the State, and it may always be had, in any onaiitrty, and at prices much below those bere- jolore charged Here . At K. SILL'S Drug Store, Salisbury. Kov. 5,18(50. 46-2t pi.Af.TIC Stockings. KNEE CAPS, ill ANKLETS ND UuDY BUACEg. These Invaluable he!ps to the crippled and lame, are too little known. Made of Llastif Stttr nr P,,tii-.n ibe are fiom tl.e braciliff sun- I pirt they give the weak or crippled joint or limb, productive of incaleulahle beneBl. Their benefit have been fully demonstrated in Ibe case of well known individuals of this county. Their high price ha hitherto deterred per sons from usin them, but they may now In had at prices easily within tbe means of any one. Persons at a distance can have them sent by mail, (as the postage is a mere triie,) by sim ply sending tl.e measure of the parts tbey are designed lor, t To K RFLL8, Drug Store, Salisbury. Nov. 12, 1889. 45-2 Mary A . Caaititietl, Plalatiff, , again! William P. dmiilirll. tVf't Tbt- ilefendant will take notice that on Stnrrtay the Itth ly of Iiecember next, at the ( onrt House In Camilen. .South Carolina, I shall proceed t . take the deposition of J- K W itl.tr-1 en slid oilier, to be rrail In suit now'indiiiK in the horerior Court ol ( I1 . 1 1 , o ii ii : y . North Cam tea, lt you al dasrndaat and l ani piaintiir. M A P.Y A. CA 111 'HELL Nov. 10, 1860. l46:wpr1iHnEJ. Pure Rye and (lorn Whiskies, Distilled in thOld Style, Pure and On adulterated, at the Old North Slate Distillery, GROOT, KUCK, & CO., Prop's. CHARLOTTE, If. C. A LSO, Want to rin chase 500 or 1000 head ol Cattle, and jiay the biylu'sl (!asb Prn-e for rti aid l!i e. jii.lv Z 2C.Cm Yadkin Valley Nursery. F'.'R TilF. K.dili OF 10 AXnSPKI.Mi nf l-Ti'i A ! ii'" and lull airlnisut nf Niirw ry Mock, eiubiaeiiig Ap;Ms, I'lHi hc-ji, rears. Plum, t ucr.'ie. Apric4. N"ectariin-N unr. Rrape Viuas. -lij.-at iuducement tv pttrSbascra in mi Xlmil ir'pecrion r.r ejwsp-tV r.. . l.c! ted. ( aiikhi,'uc luriii-heu oltai;. lie-linn. Vkaca. FerLue Jf. C. Nor C, J369. -31 WALTER A. WOOD'S PRIZE Hon ns and Reapers, Used in all countries, ami universally Iciniiin.-ndi'd a IE BET I K USE ! I Iw.v man flirt pmuiuuis than any other Uaclniie inauuiBvture.1, boUi in una ANDFOUEMJNCOUaNTUIKS?, An .nig "-Inch it THE HICHE8T PRIZE! Tw (.inii.l fio'd Mc(hU od Cross ol thv Lcgiou t Lloii T, At Paris Exposition, 186? Mote than 130,000 note in Use! L'IMrOO iiiHnniMCtiirod and udd in 1868 mid l li dtiuaiid niisiijij'liud. Increag Ucmiiiiil, lo rr.nsed F.icilltlf HtlitiuBiil ImproYt nienlsfor I8v9. Wo.kF I'rie Mower, ( 1 and 2 IIoisc.) Heli lUking Ueapcr, with New .Mowing Attachment. 11 aud liaki: U. .ii" i - o i Haines tttinot llai vesU r. Marmlworuted Ov the Walter A. Wood Mow- .. i ....: .. n. nd jJ.Blrfwol'v Jluu.uk FalUt, Ran . i countv. N. V. 'ranch (Jilicttami Sukt loom 44 torl- laudi street, New Wk i i:y. P. O. Uox, iSua. 200 Lake Street. Chicago, 111. Alexandria, Va. Madison, Wi. 77 Upper Thame", St.. Loudon. Send for N' to Descriptive Circular and Pi ice Lid. Applications from the South, South of Vir ginia, should be addressed tu. the New York Bi aneb Oftice. as above. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. Extra Inducements Oll'ere.l! McCubbins, Sullivan ii Co., are Agents for tbe above Reapers in Salisbuiy. april 23 Ni lOui mm ? PIIK AMOVE IS THE MOST A1TH0 priate mune that could have been applied to tbl valuable and powerfully indue ntial ram Destroyer. It influence over such paiutiil inui adie a it i recommended to exert cannot bo i'ietioned only by those who have not tried it. Thetc i claimed forit a repiralion oyer all other preparation recommended for aiudlai pur noses when thev have failed, WAGIC has not. Keep it al ways in your family lor it is truly an enemy to Sem'mlgiu. JlixtiUtc&e, Tooth arhr, J.'araeht Cramp Colic. Clmlria .Minium, l)uirrhia, lyrntrry or Hlnmljt-F lux, '.'s;; vii s,rr i i. ,. i. Hli.'rthtatf I'mii. Fcrrr iOkI .l7(. Snraim nuH Hrtur, lujhimittUoi ofKUl- ',. Ac'Tows l)t !uity, Coic, 1 ai.. or ;.... ul am character. Prepared and lor sale by i ia. i. i;. i.su, , - lnsi-'t atid AtMH-heeorVi Salisbut Vi N -G. TIME 0. 3AILR3AD TltAtyS KOUTII MMiL l.tiv tlT-.rr". 'ilnhiey. Uri-tislsri r. sii... it-Mc;.... O. I,l.li. r..' i. It, l -1 : s. Sill A M 1 7 . J -l p , .-, I-I lllll. 1 ' 4:10 r 1A1 . ;. ,0 M TRAINS SOCTll : Mill.. rssk.nT. ITITI... anva l.Ki.r S no r. j ftnii " ll(i:2il ' i r, i B:l9 i;i.r. I., i i ii!, UlH.ro' 7.11 i 1I:4H 0. 11 " 1. e. I 1 1 r Kslrlnh, ! :-' (tr-f n-!.oiu,i 1 1 : (3 4 SslkSnrr, 1 " Chsrloll., : " ;in mi i ... '" r s:".1 a 1 l.lSral ,.:,! ' Tv - Vhr.tttl mkr. nil Itie ronn.-eli"!-. Bst IVwi rilKIIIIIT TKAIN will n..l run te i..l..Uir..' o jr !i Uit l uesltjr fc I'. rri;!it ill b bruafkl rrjulsr Ij hy tfar ,. Iraiu. AI.IIUlT JOIt'OX. HI tt tieneral Suiwrlmcn trr.t TniMHii.ni c nilUIOilO. going wrsr. MtI.ES. STATIONS. A III:!'. l SalLshui-, 4:52 A. X. 13 Third Creek, 4:12 25 Statesville, "6:07 :t2 Piott's 6:37 3S Catawba, 7:10 50 Newton, 8:03 'SO Hickory Tavern, 8:48 "0 Irard. ir.W 80 Morgnnton, IMS (M)ING EAST. MI! IT". STATIONS. ARItrVX. Morganton, LEAVE. 3:46 A. M. 641 6:40 T:18 8:08 9.03 9: l.EAVt 2:10 P.M. 2:55 3:40 2:2.5 5:18 ) 6:53 6:33 7:33 I aid, 2:50 r. x. Hiekory Tavern, 3:36 Newton, 4:20 Catawba, Wort', State vi He, Third Cr-wk, Salisbury, 6:13 6:48 6:28 fl:33 8:43 ONWARD: UPWARD: Haviag met with tnroe. far bryondour expec tation, in tbe pnblicstioa nl the CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, we take this method of oerluponr parcrs, DAILY, TBI-WKEKI.Y, AXI WEEKLY, a amonB the best advertbins medtiim in Western j North t'arouna. ' I Adivrtisements BolieileA , -Term JMcrata, rREktimS l-UKMH IIS ! Weoffer FIVE valuable AgrWoltnral PUKMIUMS to perwina getting up U-h fur ths WEEK LV OB hKHVEtt. Kf-As noaUr ttaflTH, WAT'ON A CO.. Aug. 81, 1MB. Charlotte, N. C. pRtyFmfmjttAt.. M. H. PliSTNIX, ATTORMEV. AT I AW. LESJSO TON, N. a WiLL PRACTICE In lhecnrtsWDmd sn, Forsythe, ailfr;d, Alamance and Ran dolph counties : RcrrRKKc. ILm. R. y.'Pemjci,C. J of N. C. ft-.'x': " g. a. RaV A sawi lati Justice, " Ttionu8ettle, " " " " R. P. Di k, ' " " Bedford Brown. Yanes-yvlllc, N C. ' Hon. Jobn lyeiT. - " ,1 R. Melaa, Grensboi', N. 0. " T'iini4 RufSe. Jr.. " : J. M Cioo l. Dbsnn, N C. Japwarv 20, lSflf). jf JOtl.l III' V. 1 fjTTOKE! &' fO! SKLLftt AT L V HA LIS 111: HT N (' I - Gf ill cod cnij ily t..tl.. .-. jju ol Ciaiaia i-L,JC )f Valuable Lajid for Sale. TIIE SUnt RIBER OFFERS TOR HA LB TWO TUOL'HAND FOUR IIL NIUKD A( K 1 of valuable 1 .. ...I in Caldwell CouiKy, N. C (ne tract of FOFR lU NDRKO ACRES with a most valuable W.VTl'J! KVE"K, on I'ppcr Little River, ftifiu i.-m to drive any amotiut of macbinerv, with a dam alreadjy ereiV ed and in gotsi condiiioii. Ttie remainder of the irni will Iwdivided in to lots ol tiny siae, from UK) acre upward, to unit ptirrhaHer. The ulsive I.. ml li, leu 1 1 . 1 1 . mirth of Ilit-k-my Station on (he W. N. C. iUtilroud uud will lie Mild i (lie 11101 n -oii.il.lr tcnir. Apply to the iinderslgtHd nt Kowun Mill, N. ('., or lo Jtioili W. I'owh f who livm ticar (ha lands. JKKKMIA1I IIAHUINOFK. Aug. 12, lRCU.-.i2if Ruwhii Mill. N. C. TO THELADIESr TirrT gnbecrther hsvlnff been sppolrrtei an agea lut (be sale ut SINGER 8 CELEliUATED iVifW Fattil v Sewing MaeAiMy ml all itssttsclinieiiU oDeistl.e same to the I.adie ol Western l'ar.i!lna. Thi Machine e!illegt a comparison with any and all other Uachine. It will do more difleraat kinds oi work- from the simple plain warn to the most lieautinil embroidery than any other Machine ever invented. -Kcononiy is wealth, tteu why not buy tbe best." Thww Machines are warranted to give eiitito aatislactinn. If ihey fa-I 1 1 jrive Batiistaflion tltey niay be re lumed after a trial of tvo months and the money will be refunded. Machines manufactured cxprcsily for SHOE-MAKERS, HARNESS MA KERS, TAILORS, &c, will be supplied when ordered, at mannmctarer'i iriies. I'nities desiring information aill please send for ;iecimeas of work ami rlreulara. John A. E-arnsav, Salisbary. N. C. Jnne 1. If9. 34 7m THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL COMPANY of1 viicaiisriA A Virginia ami Southern Inntilution ltd Fuitd are j4 in the South, li has met with unprecedented success. Its fortunes ure ctiublixlicd beyond any cutttirtitency. Tl.e Com; . -my hai ci.ital and a- is. against it riubllitvtt.it will compare ravqrsljir wrtk sny I.tte Inserance Compeay on tl.e continent, wkicii la tiie triie test of rcspousil'fli'y. Its aB'ail ai cantioii-ly administered by selected (iin-1-u.i ui reapoBstbility au.l Imafm-ss capacity. It baacsUblislied its claim to houlucrii Patronage OFFICERS: P It K S I U fc N T , JOHN E. EDWARDS, vice rarsiusKT, stcBEvsar, Wit. H. Isa acs, 1). J. Uaktsook MKDic.vr, CHARLES 11 I.tOAL ADVISKB, (J. Cabell, FXAMINKR, SMITH, M. D. OKKCaAL AOENT, J.vo. Ii. I i.a i i;oi; n k II DIIIECTOKS: J.ili ii K.i ii." re William V. Taylor, siimiel S. (ottrcll, J.ilm Do.iley, I'hsrle T. Wortliam, William Wiiiis. Jr., i-M. A smith, Tl.o. J. Evaaa, 1 allies A. "It, II. M ' '.. i !-::.-, W. H. Tyler. J.K. IM wards, . V.Stokes, J. 11. MortoD, R. II. Iiibrell. William II. Tslmer, Henry K. Ellyton, Aka 8oyder, li. h. t. Laskirville, tMiiuuei i .1 in .I. , lieo'ee Jaeelw, J. W. Allison. Gaorge S. 1'almer, II . li. OiocVey, H. (' Cabell. I). J. naitsnok. John C. Williams, WUIiam U.Taylor, A. P. Mel I Win. B. Isaacs, 0rge Widcood, Kamjel 11. Price. LEW IS C. HAKES. AgV. Feb. 12-ly Lexingtos, N. i . isY7 :y n ftadfli'DfiS 8." rSafc THE GOLD MEDAL I I.i Just been awarded to CHAS. M. STIEFF, For tbe best Piano.oow md.over baltimoie1, Pbll adclphia, and New York Piano, ernes m WjkRBKoosis: No. 9, North Liberty Street, near Balti more Street, i BALTIMORE, Mn. STIIiU S I'lAXOK have all the latest imprnve menr. ircln.iine the Agroffe Treble. Ivory Fr.n-t. an.l tb Impmved Krcnch Action, fully warranted for uve years, with privilege of excrmnce within k".tl mcuiut u i,h-i.uh-ii -.u,m, e pi, m. ttvcc n.l lisnit Piano and Parlor Organsalwsysoo bind, from SM) to 3(10. (inference. ho have our Piano in oh: (, en. It. K. I . - Ixxinfrton. Va. 1 .en. U. II. Hill, Charlotte. N. ('. Ceu. KoberiKanioBi. Wilmmirton, X C. Cor. Johu Letrlie . I.czinfrUn, Va. Me.-srs . It. Hum ell A Son. Charlotte. X. C. Juimi H. (Jreenlee. Morganton. K. C. J. It. Smith A O. W. Melton. Cheater, S. C. rvilMvii A Bernbar.lt are aacrjla for the saleol 4t.tWvjasbibrtcd i'laiini!; I'ninos i.i at 1 acmry pnoe. jun is ly D . CAR RAW A Y , (Ttimmiott rrrlwnt, -AKD-- Utalix in (Brorertcs PB0YJSI0X8. HARDWARE, bias nnd Irsikfry Vinn, fail Pmtt, Wir v daw .v, n! , it., le. P L !lfif PT at'entimi iien to ordgr. and t Iho .i-.!e i.f l-oltuii, Gniin, Xuvitl Stiires, Tobuc o, ltiieil rruii, Ac . on I'l.ii'iiii -sjoi COURT HOUSS 3UILOINO, april O (4-l.v KEH BETKX, N. C- i'l BAOSSR. .VHJE . Ni.;,.-!.i.Vri) J A J.l'S .... lllitjtUl L.T ! -i M j wl i lia tia i si -.Hi yrais sim-v.' ..rit? " " ur vt hi-V. JOHN II. TILLINGHAST, a Mi iiili. ,1 tii le( 1, 13 a mm DR. LAWRENCES UIGULY CONCENTRATED COMrODNO FLCIU IXTBA0T OV KOSKOO, The great Hcnltb Relrer1 Not a Secret Quack, Medicine. Formula around the Bottle. PRirAKBD.SOI.KLT UV Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, UIIOANIO CHEMIST. NORFOLK, VA. Deware of Counterfeits. Peo tliat Dr. J. J. I.awrenoi-, ( hemist, Nuif.ilk. Va , and tile w. i.i Kokoo, is bhwn on t he yhim ol each Ixiille. Kuskou is eiiilotsed by tbw be-i piiysi. lan everywhere. K tbe kliowni Irmu Dr. Tllleiy, a sun essbil liraciiliuner ul tunny years stand nig in tl.e OUI N- nhSuu-:! o , - Uocky Mount Lilxveumbe Co. L 8ept. 10, Dr. J. J. I n u u :..' Der Sit : I have used your (."onc-eiilraietl Fluid Extract of Koskuo in my practice trirh Tiie happiest remits. ' ' 1 Mod tt ui be a Powerful Licrr iHviyorator, IU... -I Pu rifier and AV?-f6n Tonic. In all diseases of tbe Liver, Scrolukeis, Syiliilliiic,aiul nervous afJectionr, il i$ a remedy of irmnenstwaUtt ; in fact, iu almost every variety ol Chronic Direaso its use is indicated, tlop.u you may meet wiih the success which you deserveasa manu facturer of rrii67 medicines, Im a sir, with much respect, vour obedient servant, R .C. Tillekv, M. D. o From Dr. Fentress, aa accomplished auJ ex perienced physician : Sept. 13, 1&C9 ) Princess Anne Court House, Va., J. . I, Lawrence, M. V. Dear Sir: I have earelully examined the furmula, as well as tbe Tin. sj.utic properties of your Koskoo com noui.i , and have prescri 1 1 d in m n.e stubborn uses ofChmnic Liver AfTeelions, Dysentery, Jy, epsia, General Debility, Ac, and always .vit!. Ihe most gratifying result. If.:,! it to be a s4cndid Tonic, Alterative, and HepalK crrabinalion. accoinplishing its constitutional effects without the slightest debility ; in fact i give support to the genera' support, while il? alterative effects are being produced. I cheer lully recommend its use to the public. Vours, truly, J. J. FiKtttEfS, M. D. Kosroo cures Scrofula in its worst forms. From A V Mills, a iirr.mioctit and weli-known merchant of Norfolk, Va.: No. 11 Main Street, Norfolk. Va., September 15. I860. Dr. Lawrence Dear Sir : Your Kbskoo has worked wundeis in uiy family. My daughter lias been a sufferer from Strofu'a since child iio'xi. Site, lust tbiny-one piews ol bone Iroiu ber ankle, several (nuu bcr arm, beside bavins ulcers iu several putts ol the body. W hilst in thi conditiun she commenced taking your Koko ii acted like a charm on her under its ii the ulcers gradually healcd,:A'iidlieJfifn- eral beulili (.reutiy improved. It ccrimiily saved her inoeh Suffering, and pcihaps tier .111.'. I regard Kusko.) a spec, lie lur all scrofulous af fi clii.ns. Y..ur Koskoo u!.-o cured my wito of dysjiep'ia, fioui wlncii she suffered greatly. She- is now in better hcullu ihan bhe has, been iu five ye rs. With the highest regard", 1 am gratefully yours, &c, A. V. Mills. KotKoo, the great Imiyorutor. Read the following lioiu the Rev. Joseph E. Maitin, paa lor ol Wesley Chapel, PortsuMOtb, Va.: "This is lo eertily that m.H' urd wifesve im d Dr. Lawieuce's Koskuo, and can testify lo its U-neGcial effect?. Previous to Ukhig it wi weic.in at'otldilion of debililalion had no ap petite, and suffeied from sudden and tsften vio leiil si lack? of headache and nervousness. Twu bodies ol Korkoo has unproved our general health, and we regard it as invaluable, i. r.toal ..lut i lullv iet ouuneiid it to all who have' need of nr. isolator. ,. Vows. JoSErit K. Ma mix. Read the following from Dr. Goddin, the ex iei i-ni:ed and successful ' specialist," ol Nor lolk, Va.: Norfolk, VaSept. 19, 18G0. Dr. Lawrence Dear Sir: 1 have prescribed your "Koskoo" lor Syphilu in its various forms with the most satisiactot y results. I have sat isfied myself by experience, that it will ccaa that disease in its worst and most malignant stages, and eradicate every taint from -tW sys tem. TheKosko is certainly an aluraiivo of extraordinary power, ann lully deserves the great popularity which it has so rapidly attain ed. N. A. H. GODDIN, M.D. KOSKOO ! ! CUBES CHBOXIC BHEUMAltSM. Norfolk, Va.. Sept. 7, 1809. Dr. J. J. Lawi vnce Dear Sir : My, son has received so much benefit from your wonderful Koekoo (hat I cannot refrain 1'r.n expressing my gratitude. I had tried almost everytbing without beueHt. 1 believe, in all sincerity, that your Koskuo i an Infallible Remedy tor the di- H,se Irom whic-h he has suffered, sud, so far 1 can icarn, out uever laileu. 11 you only knew tbe immense amount of suffering that he has undergone, ( that you could conceive the value ol such a remedy as -Kosko Unit surely cures. The great amount of good it is now do ing among us is iueetunaMe. Vith much graltlnde, I am respectfully yours, &u, Mks. 11. H. A. Nxlsos. Dr. Lawrence Dear 8ir: Having been treated hy several skilful physicians lor Dvsnep- 1. Uikmmc UiHw ol the kidiicy's Aiciicrai Debdiiy, &c., wi'.hont bcr.i fit, as a !a.t rert 1 cninrnetieed the use of your KcVktiO, sndam pleased to tay tliat nnJer iUi Uim iliy huallhhM been eiiHrely retimed. I am ir, with much respect, trnr rbsifu-et wrvaiit. 0. B. M iii pa No. 5, Market sL, Norfolk Va July 0, 1800 Tacific, PracUin eounly, N C, eift. 11. I860. Ti.is is to certify !( fcr a long lime I have ii8eicJ verymucb Irom indication of -rqe Href uud eoDstiaumn of t;.o rtcweb, and tried sever ...... 1 j ... 1 1 1 vs i.iv tviw, tm (rwi !'Trr- 1 ! remedies, hot received no l-eiieut UTl L-ikir-' Kosknri. 1 took 1 he mcdi cioe aUit.t one inontb, and I nas coinpiolely itued, and l.nVe -einained wc'L I know ol sever' cures ir.!e by Koskoo, and u,rd:ally lecuiiiuiend tlaa a fow4 wedwihe. Jons fl. Bastn. Sale bt all DsrocTSTs.! i tirDr. lAsvrent 'Wasn't Fne 5Pur,obT D Q Xtr.tfLBiiV UOWEBTON'8 COLUMN. $25,000 Worth of GOODS! JI ST ARRIVED FWM XEW YORK! THE MOST COMPLETE 8TOTK of good ever offered in tin taarket at prieos to suit tiie times, bought for CASH, and after a Uavy dev.!' ne in ,pnoes, whcivhy t'i- y tan ami wiu. be aald lower than any in the mar ket A t Uowetbm's. Fancy and Staplu Dry Oucd of every Aw scripliou and variety At Howerton'a. An elegant tmentufDoolsand Ahota At tfua-e, ton's. A spk-odid an-i rtwetit of Uats and Carta Al btcertvn't. An as o.ted lot of Uariwareand Cutlery. At Jlowerton't. A very superior lot of Quernsware. China andDtlf At Ihtexrtoh's. All grid of Sujar, Cyflee, Tea and Molas ses At Hototr Urn's. A Choioi kit uf CjtifacTHtrttriH At f lower Ion's. Fne and Common Tubaeeo. imported Ha vanna, Regalk, Puncipe and U. 8. Grant Ci gars At Ihwtrton's. A complete assortment of Liquors if all kinds and grades At 11 oe ton's. For Medicinal purposes only Moore's cele brated seven-yeai -old-double - rectified - Kentucky- bsLj pei f ceil y pure. At Ihwtrlon'. Every variety of Yankee Notions, At llowerton. In fine bis stock has been selected with great care to meet EVERY WANT. Call and examine it il wilt not cost you anytb n to do that But Don't Ask For Crtd t. His ,1.4. to is "PAY AS YOD G tW COUNTBY PBODUCE if every description taken in exchange. Bank Notes and Specie taken at the Highest Market Rates, JL W. EL Koxortou'a SALISBURY. N. C November, -M869. 44 Gu G HOVER & BAKtiK'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 181 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. Point of Excellence. Beauty and Elasticity of Stiich. Perfect idn and simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the sprola. No fastening of seams by band and no wast of thread. Wide ranee of applk-atioc with -ut cLacoe of adjustment The seam retains its beauty m! fiiinnesa after washing and ironing. Besides doinp all kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Machines exe cute the most beautiful and permanent Em broidery and ornamental work. For sale by ANDREW MURPHY. oetl5 ly Salisbury, N. C. IS GET TBE BEST. EI v m om.v ur.xriva laraorso . OROIDE GOLD WATCHE, Msnufscturri) by THE OltdlDK WATCH CO. I T,le3r "e " lttt lLt make, liuutnig ( aes, finely wik luk pins 11, .i.e. and wr.ia! in niincaraiice to the r.et told watclsa usually eotiii(t f loo. run Jeweled l-cvers, Baatl and Laiiie' ize. at $15 cadi OCR IMIUULK J-CTtA KEflNEriSoluJ Oioida (tol.l II 1, ntin. . isc. t 11 1 1 . :,-a i.ev-1 a. are equal ( tout) (iold Ketches; K.ciibitiil nd (iuaraateed to kp cvreci tune, and wear and in t Itu-rjblt.witii Kztra Ha t are, at v." each. .VO MOVF.Y IS KKQblHEl) IX ADVANCE Wt Hind by Kxprm any wiiire In ttis l'nitel State, payablsto ageuton delirsrr. with tlir priviJeps to oiwo and examine befoie paid for. sinl if not Satla. ra.-toiy retnrned.hv paying li e l- ai ie. chsres. -Good will be sent by mail - lieiristaied Packaga, ire)jll. by aeuding cal. in dvsn e. Jin A'tent nmlm ..r 11 mcM oe.em Wteh free, ... snm $lfl Vtkku for $f0. .Sim f 3 1 H'afrWor $1'."0. ai.sii Kt.Kii'.N r tmouiBcoLTi nr.'.-ys. at !t at and mit Daily styles, for XacI'M sad lirr.l1' mes. from iftte in isci'iM bnjr. it fi, fl. w. i.i Hi est-h, ut wiLh WStchsa l loweft wici-nlc r.nrc. ktxtt kind and ais ol watch icq-Jin-ii, and lo atoii bogo coacrna,or.tr oniy from TUt OlftilUE VVTOH nor 6 6a !5 I'alioa strc.i. New Vort. W0BTH &W0ETE, TTIf! oadcmlffiM'! haresil.i) dar fnrtfcarf a popart . ' m , . Ts?J C aing the i .KM u a.r.. in.i. (Lit, firm r Wiii.u; a. I liaVIL-f . . .1 I , IS ll-rlT'Tir mm I.i,. liDnmii 1,. w. ...... .... n - u ui , 1 ... ... ( , " n to tho iv.-v-e! t their ihipp': an4 i -ifcreVl., give gon.i jiii.'j. tlon'tr all whomar tiwu.- Ceia :U. tuu-.a. B. U. f.UHTH. n r.. woBTHt WILMISO'TON, X: n flu. lvA, ISt't). - .4ren(rN. V.!m1 KertB OaraBna SfcaCitJii I.lric. !wmi-Weli. Wv.WrfluarJrf Tm,y . f : f .. a a- ! Aiit..e.i M:i .MenrabtE ftiv

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