VOL. IV mm i in 11 OTIjc Dlb North State PUHI.18HEU WKF.KI.V " XiBWXfl HANBS Editor and Proprietor. ttttfUMATEil OF mi Hi uilT "On i Tmm vblu III ndvauco f.J.IMI 1 .. . I Ml u address,. Ar. . 10 Conies h one address liatet f Atrtortwnq. On So iiare.'YlTsT insertion. ! $1.00 Special notices will be charged .V) per cent liiorhi.r tintn i Ik- above ralo a Court nml .1 mnWs CUuVra will be publish ed at tin- same rates with other advertise ments. ( ihiiunrv indices over six lines, charged as advertisements. CONTRACT KATES 61'AfK. c a .1 Sipiiiio. V! Siuirea. ."I Siiares. I Suarea. i Colimiu. i Column. I Column. ,5 0ii .itsri !-i:ioo 8 50 l.'l HI '.'2.00 i 50 li 2Ti 1 1 Oil MKI - 00 1 1 00 11 00 10 00 00 'i 00 1H 00 .JO 00 ,H f ' :"M" ! l." (Ml l.i 00 .I7..J" 1 0 110 :0 00 45.00 , JO tM) 45 IH) 7..tM 50 (Mi no (hi 1:10.00 State of 2Jot th Carolina, I Mt i n n f u .1 h' " v t M : N T.Y 1 S'lpninr C'u'irt. Wilburn Lassiter, administrator of Thomas J. Ilnght, against Ge.-r.e P. Bright. Daniel II. Bright. Daniel B M. f.i'1 an-f wife -Ciay Huim J BiagbJ, James Biijht. I'hilo Bright, Sarah Bright. Elizabeth Bright mid Catherine Bright. Petition to DiukeRttil Mute Atmts. To Camel II. Bright, one of thu defendants above imine-l, a non-resident. You are hereby notified, Hint a summon", in the above entitled ea.-e, lias i?8iied against you. and the Complaint therein was Hied id the Sa - I erior Court oj Montgomdry County, ou the 15th day of October IStiD. You are a!?o noUtieU, Uit the ?urnmoq9 in the case ia. returnable to thr next teflMtf the Superior fiu it aforeSriia, to be li.M at the Cuurt. tl.msc in Troy, -.pa Ore utij "'aj liei 'IjuilT, JSlmicriL. theTjIaiuttff v. iilv to sa ( i.vjuri lor ll.e reiiei onimmi- ed m the conipiaini. Witness, C. C. Wade, Cleik of the said Rnpeiior Court at .iffiee, in the town of Troy, tins lOilt day oPLrLcenrber. 1SC9. C. C. WADE, CU-rk Superior Court Montgomery County. 51 w:(pr lee $10 pd) North Carolina, J'lhkk County Ghristcna Britain, against Heirs at Law of W in Brittnin, dee'd. ScrrmoR I.'oi ht. Fall Term, 189. Petition For Dower. In this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court thu' the defendants Mes Try and; wiJeSatlie Cry aie 11011 residents 61 tlnisme: 11 is iinlere.l ili.it uubliealion la; made in the "Did North State, ' a'newspaper pntilifcbed.in iSalislmry, N. C, I'm si x iviT'ks notifying tlie dcPadnnts to appear at tl.enext lerm of theHunsrlor Court lor the remity if l'liiiiv. at I lie Court House in HornantOD, on 1 be .I(i,!i I011 lay after the 3,1 Monday In March-next, KiOii and there in answer or plead to the Plaintifls iietitioii. iitharwisa the same will he heard exparte and Imhrntent reudeied pro ronfesso bs to them. Wittfe-s. K l. Irvin. elerk of our said conrt at rvffiee in Morganton, the 10th Monday after the 3rd Mondiiriu A 11 trust. A. P. Inn'" FKIXK 1 HiriN. C s. e. for Hurke County. 51 3w:prfee W. State of Worth Carolina, ' Stanly Corsry. Superior Court J.,mh Marshall, Adm'r of Jas. Smith, dee d. 'eiithn to sell land to fnakt anet. It nppearin? to the satisfaction of the court that -4h-P, Lisk and wife Sophia, me non-residejnts of this State, it is tjrdered, That publication be made weekly, for six Succcs- h ve week- in Hie Old North State.' a newspaper published in Salisbury. N. C:, summoning each ,i swtid defendants to 'be and appear at the olriee t the cleik ol the Sn'peiior Conn d Stau'y Comity, on the loili ol January ,187, then and there to answer or demur to said pclition, or the same will be taken pro coneuo and heard . .t ex WW as ia men.. Witness. James M. Redwine, Clerk of our aid com I at office, the W I day of November, 18(59. , ' J. M. RfeDWlNE, c. o, -- 48:6-:pi.fee$10: aConB OarosJina, ) Sim-krhtr Csirar, Stanly CorsTY. J Fair Term, 1SC!. A. S. Moss, adm-inilrri'Tir of Thomas Moss,' v- ' ag-iin-l RamtTo'fy.wt'and wid Jane A. Fr.""it, A. A. 4 , M. A. K K .;.!!. C W. Mn., Tbreifdelll and wife M M ThreaJgill, J. C. Moss, V. C. Mo-s. and Wil...- Mo. I',tim tumult find Kt'tie AU. Iu this case it an;, earing to the salisfccliofl of the com t that Tbeiea.it .1 le M TJ Threads .1 C Moss, ii'iu-residcr 1 ,-i ..o,. . , M A E Kendall iactiiii...iiis atn't-his 1 - ol ibis Stare : W Moss and occedinc are (..',; .".-I I v.-Av 1. . - x : ,a- spjif.if, I : ourl tbnf pub Wei ks ill ' The ( I'd notifying the -ai.i de ud.0,1- fo ,q.;.ear be 're C.e Judge oi our XL S'.pc C r b ' r the C Hir.tJ .-" ,:,'v;.' Lji'rl Ho i- ;i. A i'-i-ii a''i ou t Ui" ui -1 . fi- n -Jan'-v. I..-,7u. t' u r"d !b.-r,-IT. il of ihe plain'. If, fihll (tl meiit'wi!! be uXvn-pro edit p'K-tens In il ,-r.i. , ;. Iwine, Clerk o' i!io S-.ipe- n at: -.v. ; t! .- pel I ;.is con'l. 01 j'.d, '. sso-and heard e W :. .1 M. rm t .cut o. r 1: ,.i!e, TU in C-ouuhV. nt ( :n A'be '.,! NovVmher A D., 1'09 M RiiowiNi:, c. a c. K'.i J 1 47 -Caufr fee ni: iti.vi t it ici iMUt Mt, a. ' ' ":- v kiiitriFli, riituum t LJkUIEj i 4. Rill DLL V. it., A r CUESTH4. s. c. I kJl'.iU - ::.'si.- y as s J -as ; -M 09 FORTT THOrSAXO CASKS Of GOODS were shipped from our bonne ia ono car,l tofauiilh k,11h. mid merenanis, in oery pan oDhe country, frotn Maine toUalHornia, amount in '' in trine to over ONE MILIJON DOLLARS. Our hellKies for transacting tWslmuiftneeliu. slues are better ever . t Z aacn ts In all UN principal ciucs w punuwo KixmJd from all the Manufacture, Importers, and others, for Cash-and often at an lmmcusc sacrifice from the oiigiual cost of production. Our stock. toMists, iu part, of the following goods: SRatrfti, RlanlcrU, Qttitii, Cotton, Oinifnam, firm Qoodi, Table Lintn. Tbweii, Uotiery, Gl.Mt Xtrfrtm fVirsrn Jr.. tie. pint ca on mean Rrittania Wart, Qlau a,e, Table and Pocket Ptdlrrv in urtat vitrtttv Etnnnt Frrnrh ftnri (Jenntm Ftinry Qoodi Jtrnutifid Phnhqmtdi Album uVuewesI and oltoicrst slj'le iii Moroeo and Velvet bindings. Ti-avtllimj liy, Handkrrchitf and (Jlnrr liixn, ifr. fiiild and Plated Jrirdry, 0 the nemnt stilr. TTr have nNo made aTrnngements vritli Mrtne oft he l-;ttli nr I'lthli-hing Houc.thnt willina hlo us to si ll the s'andard and latest works of popular authors at alsiut one-half the regular price: such as IIvrox. Moork, ItfRSS, Mil. TOR) and Tkssvsos's Works, in full tlilt and Cloth IJiuding-'. and bundreils of others. These and everything else for One Dollar for eaeli Article. We do not olftr a single article 01 nieiciian- disc, that ( an be sold by regular dealers at our jee ve do not ask vou to buy gmids from !, ,,M ... , ,,11 kcII tiieni i heaiHr than yon .litain tlieiu ill linv other way awhile the greater part ol our goods arc sold at about One-half the Regular llaU. We war.t eood reliable agents 111 every part t nil. tn liiriu chilis a:ul I seii'ling Us iiiitef?,' VTin nb'ain the inot liberal i-oinmiiwions, either in 1 Cash or Merchandise, and all goods -cut , by us will he as represented, and we guarantee satisfaction to every one dealing withourhouse. As the Holidays are approaching we arc making sVitil rinrigenett - lo supply xnyy one who reails our advertisenicnt, with the most handsome and useful Holiday jiresenta that can lo thought of or wished for, and to enable tliem to procure thm cheajily anil expeditiously, we will give to any one who will become our Agent, Out Hundred Free Ticket', enumerating some of the many different articles from which you make yourse lection of Holiday presents. For returning lull chilis from tlieaa rrejfcj Tickets, acconuMUiied by the cash, we wilajKc the hrm extrmpMniumns that we now give, the safne as If von had paid 10 cents for each one of your tickets. We wish y to und.ii srnd ttat not any other firm in the husecaii :wiLvmvuk!ja sl5Ssb ion- tjavs, ron must neml in yuiitipler U-tirl. "In every order aiuounling to over .'i0, ge companied by the cash, the Atent may retain .(((. , and in every order uf over Sl'Jo. $.1 ttl may he retained to Pay the Express Charges. This offer is more especially to assist Agents in the We-dern and Southern State j, but is o;eii to all cnatomers. COMMISSIONS. A (rr.nt will be na'd tell iter cent, in Ca-1) or Merehnndie. w hen thev up tln-ir eutiif l LHub, for which below we give a partial LhifJ t.ouiuu-sioiiH : For an order of 030. from a club of , Thirti- u-.. oar the Aireiit. as commission, i ', iW yds. Brown or Bleached Sheeting, Oood f 1 Dress Pattern, Wool Square Shawl, French 1 ! Cassimcre Pants and Vesl Pattern. Fine large I White Counterpane, etc., etc., or 00 in cash. I Por an order of $60, from a club of j i Fifty, we will pay the Agent, as Commission, 4." yds. sbeetipg. one pair of heavy wool blan- '. i kets, poplin dress pattern, handsome w"d , i square shiiwl silver-case watch, etc., etc., or I si."),(lo in cash. Por an order of 100 from s dnb of due Hum red. we will DaV tlie aireiit. ns coin mission, luu vos. 01 goo,, nr ; Coin-Silver lilntiug Case H atch. Rich Long - . . . , j ',- c-i .: , Wool ShawT, Suit of all Wool rreuin vus ! mere, etc. .etc., or 810 m cash. We do not employ any travelling agents, and customers should uot pay money to persons purporting to be our agents, uhU$ personal OO. mm 100 Sumner St, Boston, Hat. Oct. Iii, I8T.9. 41-1 v D. T.CARRAWAY AND j Ocnlcr in U3roccrics PBOVISIONS. HARDWARE, Glau and i-rorkery Wilt, Wall Paprr, Win dow Siiudrs, if., tf. ROM PT attention given to orders, and to (ho sale of Cotton, (irain, Naval Stores, Tobac co. Dried Fruit, doc . on Commission. COURT HOUSE BUILDING, april.p I4 ly NEWBERX, N. C IMirc Rye and Coxn Whiskies, Distilled in th Old Style, Pure and Ua adulterated: at the Old North State Distillery, GROOT, KUCK, & CO., Prop s. C ll lRLOTTPi !. C. ALSO. Want to purchase 50O or lOOOIiPad of Cat th 'land ;ay the highest Cash Prices for Cm 1 and Rv.' j'l'v 2 tif!:Cm WILLIAM VALENTINE, TIIK BARBHR, I)ETCRN'S II IS THANKS In bis OLD FltlESItS and Hie Public f..r Ihe lib. ml mi ronage h.-relof..re extended to him. Oenow jut.iniis Iheiu that be bas titled up a new ai.d coiiimudious Shop, ia Xr. Henderson's Brick Suildiac,' Room Ko. 2, where he would 1e pleased to sec thejn. TTe mara:it---tgie saUj4aetiou in every ease. il bujLUi UU en ploy of the best Hair Dressers' in Western North Carolina. Ilorerjucst.-. a call from all. SaUtbmy, K. C . Dec. 17, 1SW. 50-t r nil I 111 1 11 St compound utiN Ti ax mriKtcH, The Great American Tonic and Di- urttic ! Recomn ended and prescribed by p hysicians wherever known. T'nn 'Pomnound Gentian Bitters" are innile of the purest and best Vegetable Tonic and - . .i, r. Aromatic known to the profession. They also contain twenty per cent of , 3T- I! T Tt TT f 3 v w ' Which makes them, beyond all question, ttiej nil'RKTin in faistHiM-M : and for tressed Kidneys, Bladder and Utinsrj Organs, have no superior, if sny eooal I 1 hose wno try these Bitter-, for the folbwing Diseases them a sale, pleasant, 7 nlive and cure lor ChiUs and Fever, and all Malarial Diseases I dyspkpsia: 1N'DIHKSTIOx SICK-STOMACH, COLIC. SICK-HEADACHE, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CoLDS & COUGH, NEURALGIA. GENERAL DEBILITY, Diseases of Kidneys, Gravel, etc . and every Ui-ea-a- leipiirmg a general Tonic iniprision. fggf- F01 Diseases peculiar to Females it is almost a specific. l-ff In convalescence from Typhom am! i other low loiins ol Fever it is the very best i Tonic that can be used. The Compound Gentian Bitters meet with universal favor, and have received the strong est testimonials ever given to any medicine, a lew (! winch we append below: This into certify that I have used Dr. God- t .I,., u '.,110,1111111 iiennan li tters ami onrenui- 1) ean-'1yrrcomaiewd it---Uj veiy aBiUtsjwall can be m-cii lor oniu;a:V ileiiimy. sick siuomeu A-,.. 11 M. HOLT, M. D. Lipscomb, 0-ange co , N. C, Nlay 15, C9. I hereby certily thai I have been using Dr. Goddin's 'Compound Gentian Bitters," lor Cifm. '.Ierrrra'Derrhty. A-c.. id i am full) satisfied that ihey are the best Bitters ofcwhicJi I have any knowledge, and ihe best Tonic ol fered to the American people. ROB T. Y. SLATER. Henrico county, Va , June IHbO. Dr. Gootiis: Dear Sir: I Uve been suffer ing lortwitile years with nil affection o! the kidneys, prostrate-gland and strictuie of the urethra: have few 11 under the treatment ol the best iibvsieiane in Ute countMkome of whom How a pressor tl, a :. aH-,.'!..,... A '! 'failed to lelieeme. 1 finally tried your I oin pouitil: GenTiarr Bitters ; the elleet was luxe a charm one bottle cave me complete relief. I believe il to be theiicst -tnerfieHle-1 have ever n. , .TV rf .-rv risiieei:i,lie TTll'e'on. N. C . Jan. 7th. ISti'J. Preiiared on'v bv Dr. Goddin. JAMES T. WIGGINS, Proprietary Whuletale Agent, NORFOLK, VA. For sale by Dr. G. B. Poulson, Salis bury. N. C. . . 38 tf 40 YEARS BEFORE the PUBLIC. IF OTHER Remedies FAIL FOR BRONCHIAL AND LIVER DI SEASES read the following: Thomas H. Uainey. Esq , Graaville co., V. C nays. ! ttnd jour Pills to oe the beat family mili cine I have ever used. They have proved veryben- .-li,. in in mv own i-ii.-e. 1 i iir-in a mv uwn case. 1 nave Deen very nun-n ni- m flJiefI1 ,, , ve tried every kin,(, mwlj,.ine , , cou,, p,.t. have lomid more ,v lu-f .from vonr Pill than all others. My liase is bronchial affliction, and a complete prostration of the riervons system. I have used theui in ten or (II teen eases in my family, ami Hndiliem to Ik the yery eouiK'wrlWiiirtt i,""jM7 Jhn1ng 'tbenatter part of the year ISC2 i was severely afflicted with diseased liver sad many nighU while fn bed (he pain, would become aexcriiciatins; that I wascomuelled to tret vat Ol IIJQ . . . ... . .... . I and sit up 'uulil the pain would suhslde. I piw-tircd a few IkixcsoI tl.eSOCTHKKN IIKI'ATICI'll.f.S, and the Hrst dose I took gave me K 'eat relief. I continued to une the Pills For two wselis, and tiave not suffered from tiyer disease since . I have reemmnewted them aeenrdtnaly, and K.--rn' .Ait 1 tbI persons are in want ol them. disease is an ueniy to Ihe liumnn system, and is at warwitu it and-will conquer it. utilesH nature wltG all the assistance it can receive troni strength ening medicines and suitable nourishments, can con.pierlhe eiierv-iW!Jfik,,WiftUtd be best. 10 take medicine before yen pet sick, to pietHHi-t sickness or to take medicine alter you get si. k to ere sickness, f.'" , wold to the wise Is enough ..ril Kxercise your own judgment in the nu-ans of de fense: the encay will coine, be ye als' ready with Tho Southern Hepatic Villi, 77iaf old, long known and icell tried remedy for all ltitiovvlisenrf', eanntdhy ot DiSKASKD LIVKR. TO AM. EMIGRANTS Yon are abontto ...ske a home fur yoiirseiran.l family na cliinare which you or they have aot been accustomed to ; yon will, of course, be evi,ised to iill the diseases peculiar to that climate, you should be careful to use such Med icines as are adapted to the diseases of thatve'imatei you will find the greatest security in the use of i.'f.kms1 stirTrmt ttTTTtTte I'M.ta. , They can be sent to any point 111 the United (state by Kspress. PRICK For fine hnr, M ee-1'. oV !. rlfOroi Sin Our tjrnsi, Sib Three Oron, SiW five Oross. $79. Theensli 111 a -I .-ilhr sceonipanj1 ' ""t" fcUis Stidt. rinmrii vlll uti seut C. O. H. Or Vrj sti,.ul.l be s.Tdtess 10 j . W. DEKMB, , NO. 'S, SOCH C4LBO0S I'Tsrr. lUtriuoss Md. , li'rs ttirf fl'i prninpli, alff n.le.l to. ' to- ili-s- Mi-illi-im-a ell uu sll r. .(icolulle Di uk(IiU i rervvliers maJ on (J. 1J. I'OULSON, Jly 22C, ty Salisbury, N. C. 13rBto.tlisliocl lOOO. LEPAGE BROS. & Co., GENERAL. (f nramissioii tnrdanls COTTON FACTORS, Commerce St., Norfolk, Va. rySpceial attention paid t the- sale o GRAIN. ttlPTON and all other kinds CtH'NTRY rltOJMsCE I'tf Liberal advances, on eoneignjpenl and prompt returns. GET IBB BUST, sao acT ma oKi.v urxriNK mraovro . OROIDE GOb WATCHE8, Hanufaitnieo li TIIK 0ROIOR W ATCfT CO.-. Tbey art all Hie l4 make, lluutinil Cases, finely CHHsetl I.OO AMI HUH I.IKU mi ..,.i.i, wwu r i . . i. . ,u , . ' ,-, . ' fi'ZS 0( l;0I.' mm, at fio ssca. OI'K IMHIII.K KXilfA liKKlXKO Rohd Oroide (.old Hunting! sues, r'tilt.lewehst Leveis, are equal to t9W ii:l Watctes: leulti d "'1 Ouaranteeil to keep nil -v tiim-. at ! .. ' i,U u..t larniMi, itii Kxtra KinnCase-. at (9lleiieli. fO MUXrA' IS ItKOL Iltl U IX AI'VAM'K We send by Kxv- my w bre in tke 1 nited states, ftSMWe to a 1, ton delivery, with the prtyOege to Seen and rs.i Ui..:t r'.i .or. ai.o if not Sstfs - is.to.iv MMn-ued, h liajiui the kxiirets el.nreis. ' 'ffoo-n wme writ W VsVr S RinM-RSkae. niviiAid. hwlidinir tilli ir. a,U .1 h e. in, e. Yittehe it mi extra .In Anenl fending Jur Si IFnsi'fV,-''WeVMsssM.'$l S- Wittrkaiur AtO, or Sere,, iJOMIWrAcs for SlJO. AI.SO KT.Ft.'ANi' CMMilDKitlll 0 CHAINS, of late-it -.11111 inoht i-ot ly sty les. for I.mIii- and 1'entle men. rro.n into 40 inVhes lone, at fli. -l Hi. slid H each, w-iil w ith atclieal "i-t l:ol( -'ale pliers, state kind ami w'zr of M steti juitct!. and to avoid lV iii- eoncrru order onlv fiuin TIIK (MHilliK W TCll CO., nnv 5 fiui I4M Kuilon -iii t Ne York. PAIN K 1 1 .LEU, OPINIONS OK TIIK I'RESS. No article ever attaimil to Mich unboundetl popularity. Salem ( fttm . An arliele of great merit and virtue. t'.'iiu'a nati Sonparrit. Wo can bear testimony to the rffi'-acy f the Paih Kiilh r. We have 1 u ii mavtic effects in in MMithing the scvi-rot pain, and know 11 to be j a j:ishI article. fmrraaafi Ihtpttfrh. I A sptndy cure for pain no family should be w ithout it. Montreal Tranet ipt. fx .1.: o..-l .1... P.. In 1 1 lieie ,1.1 1 , , , 1 1 1 1 1 1 .i . r"i j "wr. iin .. IX llll'l, "l.l.II I- 11.. ITI.'-l ..tl,.r... ..VI..... , 1 1 .1 1 ,1 , i . 1 . 1 ,,; I 1 of removing It has a r ;1 nu ril : as a means I pain, no nlcdieilie has Rfiired eoual ti Perry Dai' l'iiin Kil i f)' Dm'.y AV-s. 1 repiliauoii !er. .Xiiiport Its wimderliil aiwer in rel j r err pain hfts never -been ) Sentinel. It is one of i!,. fen- nrii, !, I they pretend to !,-. llnnw I hir own opinion i-, that 11 1 wilhoiii aJtoiile ol il lor :i -i' J woinnls, acbe-, i.iins, - ,n -. . ; eflectual remedy we know ievii g the most se , ,1 i Ian J . Ji U4 -4 tit j i iMI tint are i'lst what rk Teteyrapk. 1 faiuily should be gii hour. In lh-!i it i- the iie -l .. -V, Si. JoJtit, t 'unuJ.i. Atter maa'years trial of Urns' Pain Killer, we advice that every family should provide themselves with so effectiial and speedy a pain killer. Amhtrtt (XJ&) tiaatte. TTieTaTiY Killer of 'Perry D-ivitt jv Son we csjacuoJkkitly recomnu od. have n- sl il fvrjltUglli fuf lSui- an3 .av.r..i.i.'. - Tlie Pain Kiitcr is fot si,e 1 Medicine Deal ers generally. dee .1 I m THE GREAT BUT RI A L ANM L. Hosteliei's United t :i' Almanac for 170, for distribution, yrutin, tlirouehonl the 1'nind States and all civilized count;-!: - of the Western Hcmisjihere, will he publi-hed about ijic first of January, an I all who wii-h 10 understand the true philosophy of health i-!ioiild read and Hin der tlie valuable uggfslins ,, , iitaii:s. In ad dition to an admirable medical treatise 011 the cause, hrevention and cur, of a great vaj Usly of diseases, it end races a large amount of iid'oruiu tion interesting to the merchant, Uie ino'eliiiuie. 'he miner, the farmer, the planter, and profes sional man : and the caleulatioiis have been made for such meridians and latitudes as are most suitable for a comet and comprehensive National Calendar. The nature, us. s. nml extraordinary sanitarv effects of HOSTETTFR'S STOMACH BIT TERS, the staple tonic and alicrative of more than half the ( hri.-liau worhl, are fully si 1 forth in its pages, which are 3I-0 iuternjH-rstl with pictorial illustrations, valuable recipes for the household and farm, , humorous ami dote, and other instructive and amusing rtiiiiing in;it:ir. original and selected. Amofie the A.muals to npa.r with the opening of the ye.i.ir, ll.iswill be one of the most useful, and mm tad for the tudrin'i. Send for copies to the Central Manufac tory", at llttshurgh, Pa.' or to il,c ucsrest dealer I.. Hi tki'l'l vr'Pi:'i ' ."r"Mrt.ll i sir-Mr. Y-ie BfXTIGBH in evetry vlty, (own and MISS I il vltlsivl wrll 'it''"'' vvjjt tiwst llir.niMli.iit (he ll is hut six vears since ALLEN'S LUNtl BALSAM, was flrst otli red for sale. ItsotHl qualities was s'Hin made kr. jwn at home, and verv soon its fame waa jihsetl-&f -end m iiisii.iii.u mil;!-i. ci vi . i li T 11. . . i i ... i i- And throughout Canada, it i- w.-It and favora- my Known, ana sola eAcrywlare. Mcml trAaf Caplai Ffter rrilee: Port Btrwei.!, March 'J-'ld, 1SR9. Messrs. Pkhrv Davih i Bus S,rs; I am plcat-d to notifv you pf the bench t wlacU 1 have receiveil from Allen's hmy Balsam, having Iw-en troubled with a cough for several years past, the Balsam was recommended tome. I immediate ly procured it, 'and found i: to relieve my cough more readily than anything I ever tried. My Wife has aliio unesl it with most ati f:ic!..rV r. -snltB. Yours Very 'J'r:i!i . Capt. D. I l ISTER. - fitpt Foster -fs -a shipowner and lmijuiiivr, aiding at Fort Burwell, Canada. It m sold by Da. (J. B. Poulson, 'Salisbury, N.C. I 1 in L CARD A Clergyman whi'e residiipr iii South Amer ica as a missionary, disciirersd a salfe and sim ple remedy for the Cure ol .Vsrvous Weakness, irly Decay, Disease .ef :h. L'rinuryiand, Sem inal Organs, and the wfiio Iruiu of disorders brought on bv b ineful -ud vicious habil. Gr al I nnmliers have h.-i-n uiril by tliia uoble remedy. I Prompted by itvde-irr b Imiii. fit tho afffielel I ami unfortunate, I will Vend tLe recipe for pre-, I paring and u-ing this mUieine, in a sealed en' ! velope, to nnv who iiee it. Frer of Charge., AOdress. .I'ifcPirT. IVMAX', ' btiiVn !., Hilda Uojse, Oct. I Tun New York City joii.v s. ii!:.Df:.&o., ATTORNEY it VDf.SELU;H T LAW SAl.lMilKV, X. V. . rrWHT attend fomptlv to the CoHo . ias nf (Ihhin 7. oti9fLlv ' ' " 1 - mj 15 rn r miff t it is sold hi near v everv I Ireo s.i..r.. ni I hi I in. I ion. I.. M. htaulnn rni-nii-rlv I ti,-,rn,.r (.on. I cianrui nolle at all. .unl all nml i.s -i... :., ' 1 enrson. J ion. I. rZ I nil I WrHratlvs I .anva P. ted State North, East, Soath anil West. No j eral of Ute JJuitcl States, and Sccretarv of War ! 'stupid policy tif opt rutiiig one of Ihe hinge! I son, ajtd Mr. J. H. Pearson with Miss Lida similar medicine stands higher with the people. I anri .....iv nlM1; ,,i - i, r.i 'c ' ' i1" im,t r:,lroads iu the country, almost entire- Pearson. It is well known on the Paciuo cast, ami liber- j "C1. ' J" ' of"'e He : r for tle b. nctit of money lenders, contractors, ! tl , -ximrton X C Dee im k ,w .1 demands for it from San Francisco, Sacra- ( m,rt of t,,e 1 States, died very suddenly. ofliciaUjuid employees. . R ' jf wWimire' ChaVl A U l memo in California and Portland, regon ; even j at his residence iu Washington City, a few days I This-provision in the Act of lSo-l-j, was a to Mb Fannie A., seventh daiurl.tornTiR.uL: This being the week of the holidays we only issue half a sheet, and would not have issued this j our columns from the Standard. Gen. Bar but for the fact thut we were compelled to do so j ringer is a practical man, of sound judgment in order to piddish some Court Orders for "six j who has paid considerable attention to our rail successive weeks.'' It is usual to omit one is-, roads, and his opinion ought to, and doubtless sne at Christmas in order to give the printers, j will, command respect. We have no douU about who. as a claaa. arc confined closer and worked i the correctness of his views. We aUo fully or.n- hanh r than any other, an opportunity to par - ticlpate in the festivitlea and relaxations of the season. The absence of the editor until the day on which the form hnd to he made Ul must . ,, ,,.. r uo our eacww kit hw wjmrmf v v. ... m number. Next week we will bo out again as ... . , . - ' '"It '' H e.K.lus.ou wc extend to our patrons the compriments of the season and wish f.V -4, . tiA-v; v.i- i tt- PUBLIC M FETING. Tl has been -ugested by ninny of our promi nent citizens, and by our neighbor of the Exam iner, thai a meeting of the pcoplcof this county irrcsiiective of party, be held in this pi a, e on Ihe 1st day of January. The object of the meeting is to give expression to the viewsand feelings of the citizens of Rowan in relation to certain measures now ta-iidiug la-fore the General As sembly, especially the military bill. No more dangerous and unnecessary nie:i-ure was ever j propn-cd, and the voice of the jx-ojrlc of (he 1 State should ls heard in it? condemnation. The meeting should be held and largely attended. Till: FEAST AND TABLEAUX. The ladies 6ft he Mi thodist Church, gave a .f V pIv'h Hall on ( bri-tinas Eve, for . 1 ... . . 1 - ... ; the purpose of raising binds to repair tin ir - church edifice. It was a deefiled HSWHlRa, In sik p. lints, compri-ing almost every thing that could picas.; the eye and gratify the gratify the taste. We have rarely witnessed a scene more plea-ing (oall ages and conditions. The children were delighted with a magnificent Christmas Tree, and thousands of beautiful and interesting toys. The more advanced, with the elegant taste dis played in the decorations of the Hall anil the well ordered tables of rich suiusl in the season. viands, so exact lv The Hall was-again opened on Monday inc. 27th. fbtTahleatix and Charades, fw the 1 furtherance of the same purpose. The Enler j tainmcnt wa so highly appreciated that, at the ! urgent request of numerous friend, itwasreprodu ccd last invjlit. in paK," With Sfmcaditrtions. VVe ; hhnrrXrtfetiitomv-ludie.vcrvhsiiiiiicoe."' . wsrt'iii viuw -nrinifu iu- .1.- . all onrcrncd, atvpTincn inmneives inroiisnoui ; ami sincerely rejoice to learn 'ltsyJj c iplishcil much towards the object in view. y nave ac-Ui- y bad TRICKS OF THE RING. Read thecommnnicationof our Asheville cor respondent. ".Vrgns." It is from the pen of a gentleman of character and respectability, and Ins statements may be relied on. it snows to what Iciucths the "RiiiL'" are prepared to go to stillc all attempts to cxhrc their frauds and cor ruptions. They have the command of vast sums of money and will corrupt whoever they can J when necessary.1 ! We arc a!o in receipt of another Tiller from an intelligent citielTTrf Asheville giving some I further incidents in the history of Womble. lie was first a conductor and afterwards Su pcrintendanl of the Florida Railroad, which ' Swejison and Littlefield have pnrehaaed. He had no money in Asheville. nn.Cif Mr. Stokes j had closed the trade with him for the Xevt he I would, d, aidless, have jid for it in (he same i way tliat he paid his hotel hills by a draft oil i the treasurer at ihe Western division of the V. j Itf. C Kailroad Company, Mr. Siuka is an ipts.rrupiil,!.- man, and has I bOTi a.-liv.. in . T,,.,.iB "rlnjf." -ve Ik.ik- tliat Inen.ls can bv found who will help hiro out oe nnv pecuniarT jpfcanpi to keep the .Vi-. DEATH OF F.. M. STANTON. , , ao-n. lie IT IS lllll-.ll.l ...... . ..t . ' -i.illfv K..t .".,.1 i; r i " , . -.-1 .,... j-. in iniiueii as in ills chan:c er. His friends and mrtizans claim that he was a man of kind and ceneroii-nature, while his enemies, with more truth, say that he was w ho,K mU,ukc or it w intM had severml years expeHenee in leaching, pro- cruel, heartless ami unfeeling, i blind for those who-favored' the subscription,,! PPes to give instructions on the Pi. andGu? , i j vet who larked thre herreto vote forit as sitcb. i Terms, per session ol" hve luoiiiliB, ft.f tfSTWho is (he member of Congress for this J the peophj by giving it j 1'i'o, $20, Guitar, $18. ! li-tri,ct? Csiianv one inform us ? Mr. 8hobcr the dor of a loan, when in fact it was' no such . Reference Dr. (.ibbs, Columlija, S. C. Ma I was eleele.1 has he been admmitted. or docs Jor Vam" Columbia, S. C. dec. -il-tf Mr. Bovden still hold the place .' We want Hi rom m-v Knowledge of the pr.-cnt condition ! know Vi that we cap inform the people to whoiaHof .,h sffs'rs of tlie Company and my high to slH( ...,.:.-.,;..,,. r... !,.. I. .- :i .j-,-,.. .iu.,,,- mi- it -ii,i-iiini in mail mutes and the appointment of fbstmasters. ftmr', lfrmornrt. - - - - . Mr. Jtoy.ien contests Mr. hohcr's richt to i the seat; but whether he contents the election ! we ennifot say. We are of the opinion, how-! ever, that the latter point has been abudoneiL I The only question now is will Congress pass a v.V.-,,ct fr the removal of Mr Krml-,-. .li- I .... ' ' ill. i II,,-. i,f i. .1 I... I... I il l I " '" ' 1 " "r oi uiiin me piu-v sage ot a general bill. Mr. Bovden is iu fjyor i of.the nassasre of a -eat bill and tl... ...m...... . r .1, . I :n -:n i -. t w-i i of s!i a lull mil admit Mr. .slu.l.cr. I Wcrnct with a Repuhlionn nunibcr of Con gress a fi-w days since, who gave il as his opin ion that Mr. bbobcr would . . . i soon after the recess. ' I n r.KTtN atk AixitiEXT. On Friday last, savsil.vt inirlntu I temnrrat. Mr. Win. Shelter. ; who runs a Saw Mill, on la Creek, near that city, was ea-,ght in tlie machinery iu some wav I aiei held bruised until his wil".- tame to his re lief and stopped the mill. Ir. Robert (iiblion. I -t ..... . . I oi iiiai ciij as s.iin.non,.,) .,,( (,,,,,1 n i,,,-,. sarr In aiiiit'i:,.. . ;,-!.; Wm V. W!...il... ' H.' was an . v", IT, i Vnn.w d ,' Z 1 ill 3 of his arm is a seriovuloss lohunselfand family nt hi. im, I. . -i.,.,.l .lie it : ' w . iu iu. tu uuiL-i i any nun nr. We transfer the following correspondence to 1 ur with him in his implied compliment to thel present mahairemvnt of the road. Indeed the opinion U all but universal thatl'reoulent Smith is an excellent ofneer, and is iSsVi ageing the af fairs of the company with skill and ability as well as honesty : the racruRBEB sroca of the xobtii cajio- tlKA RAILROAO COMPAXT. ' ttop-r: of TtrraWNTATrv.; Uteifk, X. ('.. 1 IA, lo9. Hon. R, Babrixoer, Charlotte, '. ... My Dear Sir : 1 have a bill pending in the House lor the conversion of the one million of preferred stock held by the Slate in the North Carolina Railroad into common stock, so that Director of the road inav declare such a divi dend a the earnings of tlmt corporation ought to justify in view of receipts. Having confidence in yonr experience and knowledge of ihe condition of like N. C. R. li.. I respectfully ask for any information (official or otherwise") that may lie in yonr possesion in reference to this matter. The people of North Carolina are deeply interested 1 at the present time) in nil matters connected with this road. I hope, therefore you will sec it your duty to communicate any information you may posses ou lliis subject. Yerv respectfully, yours, JAMES (SINCLAIR, Representative of Robeson County. Charlotte, Dec. 16, 1880. Col. James Sinclair, House of Bepreseuta- Raleigh, N. ( . , jj I wftdfc U.XU- Sis .. 1 have .Yours of the 14th inst my views in'repnttoTliVlW-otliwI by ou to convci t the million of preferml stock owned by the Stale in the North Carolina Rail road Company, into common slock ; i. e. put ling it on the same footing, as to dividends,' with the other two millions held by the Stale and (he one million held by individuals. 1 have not seen your bill, hut 1 strongly approve its object. I have very closely watched the operation of (hi- ( onipanv. I have been for several years a mcmhor of its Finance Committee, and 1 am certain there has been no one year since the completion of the Road in lSii-od, when its receipts did not just He a bona jute cash dividend of from 4 U fi per cent ir it could have been declared in semi-annual payment of only 2 or 3 per cent. This the act of 1M4W'S, making the additional subscription of one million to com- plete the work, seems to forbid. It is construed j ti m,.m that (1 per cent per annum must lie I iiid to the .State on this one million "befitrt r-T.,ii.i,u,!. .i, ,iitj,;,i .;.v esacvFrnanr muj (',,ytf,1J'" r " dends or in seeming injustice to the private sttiekholders. A-, in JS-'S II, the dividend was ( per rent to the Slate on it preferred stock, and only 2 per cent oil ull other slock. In 18(18-9, li per cent was declared in scrip, j which in plain English, means ti roved money . costing the Company S percent and yielding! the S(a(e and stockholders not exceeding 4 per : cent ! . ! To declare 0 per cent on the whole capital ; ($4,000,0001 is the onlv wav, as the law stands, t,, , 0 , 1 1 justice to all parties. Tins requires ' S240,tMKt in ready money, of this sum $10,- 0l) co.-s to the Slate, and S'lillDO to individu aU. It is no easy mailer for (his or any other Southern Kailroad to raise at any one lime for dividends the large sum of $240,000. Nor will a corporation study economy or efficient man agement, when its earnings have to go jirt-tty much all to the public, rather than to its pri vate members. Tlie oilicers of this Road arc thus, on the one hiftid, restrained in declaring dividends of its surplus profits ; and on the other, they are tempted to wasle and extravagance, by the very fact of their often having large amounts of money in their Treasury, which they have no use for, and which ihey would declare as divi- icnils hut tor this provision, true swlicv re ,..ir tl,m pvvn h.llnr nut n.M-.led tor the inst wants of the Road, shoiild be promptly paid out to the .state and the st. holders as diyi- .lend, whether it he 2, 4 fir C jicr cent. This would keep officials and employee up to a ricid economy aud a strict nceniintaliilily ami lessen TUv would interest themselves in OirTsuccswt of tT?T onalde 1 nana, ana any tailure to declare a rcasonah dividend would excite and demand ennnirv At prc-sent the very difficulties in the way of so declaring dividends is made their excuse- Sarv - icnvii experienoe luis slmvn a to he such, and it should be promptly repealed. It J has a.hh-il naiiln-r n ih.ll.ir ia it,.. Tmm. ..c. the Slale in ir a cent !,i llic value of ils siix-k. i ' 'ndeeil. k bad' the opsisiie etTeet, as all capital- j iinion ol tlie luliire nrosneets of llos man I .,., . .... , - -p - n--i linn jii.-in.isi in nnvinr, null ii wiis provis ion is changed, it will lie followed by prompt and" reguta? rKinh rfividends-of wut Jiiss'ihaii I or per cmt annually. Very respeclfidl", vnum, Ac Hi; ICS BARRINT.ER. 1 "Ifny one of the people retain a feeling the '.' veneration lor any member of the .lu.licrarv of our Slide, save and cxceutinM s... . t. . . . . . Judge .Mitchell, ) wc desire to know winch oi hicii ojjf it J'ldriqh Setttnrt. Judste Buxton, also, is certainly , ntitleil IptemlP c - onlideiice and re-Tact of the iiert'ple. Wafmeako. -i- r , -, . ... .L , ! . i'...lu yj i.iiii ,. ii , i . . ., , , , .iii-l- , i miun immv,. anu are willing to assert that there is nr norehbn-"' est, pure and honorable man in tly:rWMe e are alsn willing to speak aiwxi word for! Judge Dick, of l he Supreme Coup- e believe I him to Ik- an hone -t, christiangfuitleman, how- ! ever much we may dUTer matters. Wc do not heliaa itlPhii him in political hat he can lie brih- ed or induced toact .li.-h.nPlbly inthedischarge of his dulit a' a Jmla. Cwjr. Itemorrul. Tlie e:ly.iCfiexicdrith a population of . i w , . i i jti.nui aotns, iijP eigm tneaiers aim a bulking, iu the citv of Gnadaijara a lilM t er is 'ill : 1.1 inc. - ' - ' I - r w forth Old Kurd, State. HoRRiBi e MfRDEH, in Datjdson counn a Monday night. Dec Jtnh. 189. Bichard Co "VR1'1 11 highly respo (able colored man was. mnnlered in his shanly at Leonard's Crees Bridge, on the N. 0. R. It., near Li xiugion. When a coroner's inqiieot vru held the fury rapr turned a vC.dict (hat die deceased came tu hi death by the hands of tome unknown assasaa or anaassiu ; bi skull being tortured and him throat cut. Two suspicious louMnc characters were teen in Lexington, on .Monday evening. Ye have been informed that the wKte man was John Gilespic, ef (iiiijford County, aixl the col ored man that was wklt him wc did .not learn his name. The white man isnearly six Jccthigb. light hair and whisker, had on light coloredr pant and seckled coal, and is traveling in company with a colored man, and arc knoun a card players amongst the colored people and are x.i PI I to have gone in the direction of Salie- bur y and liatiot 1 e. 'Ihe Old Xortli State will please pulilish anil re, 11 a t .ihe Standard and Greensboro l'atriol to publish. Tours, Ac., J. A. Sow LIIS, Sheriff of Davidson County. For the Old North State. RATHER STRANGE. It is known thatStokes of the "AfherUU Xcm,n has for some time been firing rather hot shot at the iniquitoiuJaiHl fraudulenti transaction of the "ring" who are pretending to build the Wes tern Division of the XV. N. C. Railroad. It is not generally known (nevertheless it is equally true that honest exposures of corrup tion and fraud is not a very profitable trade alsjut this time and that friend Stokes not being in the "ring" is hard pressed for means and has advertised the Aims aid Farmer for sale, having dispaired of keeping the paper up against the combined iidluiiiec of party, grecubacJuy steal age, &c - Now comes the strange part. A few days ago (here apiieared a man in ourqliiet midst calling himself Womble who represented that he had lived in Wilmington, Fernandina, Florida, edi- f Usl a -si er irrTTioniiiKv ille.-Gi; -and 4jcen railroad eomluetor and a crest many other things. He hurriedly called on Stokes andsaid he had conic to comply with his terms and want ed to take (losnession of the office at once. Now Stokes did not see the necessity of sneh hothasto and refuser! to comply with his WomWe's) ie quest at the very moment and intimidated that he (Womble) was in the interest of the "ring." Womble stoutly denied this and feigned anger. IW some means 11 leaked out that the cx-edi- 1 (or-raiii that he tor-raiiioad-contractor, dec., had no money and paid his stage fair, hotel bills and . br orders on one G. M.' Kolierts, so-called trurcr 0f tj,e Western Division of the W. N j Q. and bis orders were honored, Well, I suppose that Womhle's or someliodv I elc's money will buy the Amps and Farmer, and j I think Ihe ring will pay dearly to silence an honest man w ho has tried to do his duly. But does it calculate to silence the honest indigna tion of an honest mountain jieople or to freeze the iiik" fiTf lie peii i oTa scirtbWer WliO cannot hw 1 ..t :n- x- - t -in. l. V i i 1 i i 1 1 , Vs.f UVt. IVlil, JOUiJ. Judicial Outrage, Judge F XV. Jones, of the 2d Judicial Circuit, recently ordered that Mr. Biggs, editor of the Tarboro' Southerner, -tumid he debarred the privilege of practising as a law yer, because he (Iiiggs) had offended the Judge 1 Jones 1 by a publication he made in his paper in regard to the conduct of the said Judge Jon.-s. Thus we see that a Judge of the Superior Court of North Carolina, in these modern limes, takes advantage of his .-iii,,u and power lostille and abridge the freedom of the Press. Judge Jones is the man, who, in 180S, while intoxicated in Raleigh, exposed his a-rson in a disgraceful manner; for which conduct an effort was made in the legislature to impeach him. lie is a nice fellow to undertake to stille tho press and silence editors, Char. Deniumt. Ox ACC0CXT of the great numberof wonder ful 1 11: LS of obstinate and inn terate cas.-s o S. Rot rsA, Dvspktsia, Liver Iiskate, Kio- N EY A 1 FKl TIONS.d if-NKIl A 1. 1! V I) 1 1 : A J. J il, &C, made bv the celebrated "KosKiki," it has wop tlie eneitdde reputation of being the ocitf and most ptoi't,' tor medicine trer iti.vorrrtd. It is dailv Jirrs- ribed bv physicians, and recommended bv 1 manv thousands of our best cititens. For sale j by trruggists arid Merchants everywhere. I ' 71 !t ICS KO In M'eldon. on .Mnmlav eveninir. Dee. 27th. j,s(;n, Mr. J. C. L. Harris and Miss Florence C. i At Silver Creek, near Morganlon, on the 21st '"HTrtrjrtsr University, Mr. George D. Pool, Jr., of Pawpio- tank, to Miss Hani,- A. Pearson, of Uurke. at tendel try Mr. V. S. Pearson ! tr. Pool, Maj. 8. CWfTate with Aliss ruttie with Miss Emma i i .. i it n. i. ' - MRS. WAREN. WHO HAS the advantage of having lie n taught music by - A v DMIWISTRATOR'S Sale of -is Corn and Bail Road Stock. Hp Wednesday, the 5th day of Jsnnsrj, a. . . IH7(l, I will expose to public sale, at the court honsa in Salisbury, at iSve'cloeV, M. about sutrj bnsliela of CDliN in the ear. I Aim, l.i SXar? e,f Vtrk ii dm Jutrtk. Curclina Hail Kmd i e?.Kmy. Ten Share in Hit H esfern .V. C. Jl. R. Calumny, and Three SIh;a in the CiuirhMe it S. C. R. R. Onnpunu. Term Cat . JOHN f. HKNliKli-sHN. Adm'r. - of Anu llaiightoa, ner'd. Fee. 14,13 bV St Malnabir-Land (or Sale, i!e.lVrliet.''PIlE SITU'RIBER )FFERS FOR SALE TWO - i,rc r .- TWO TIIOI AND FOl'R HUNDRED aluable Iiud in Caldwell Count v. X. C. -. -' , , . vi . u tra.1 of FOl R HI NDIU.D ACRES with a moH vaJuable WATER-POWER, on Lpper Little Kiver, snthciear to drive any amount of itua. hinerv, with of ' ""sdy erects ed and in good condition. Ihe remainder of the trafl to Ims of any sin , from H suft purchasers. The above land lies tcr orv Station on the XV. N, be sold on the most reard Apply to (he nndersia t ., or U Jacoli n . 01 jere: v V.

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