. w , 1-.:.-.-v.,MJ-- dfai .,,,..,,., . , . . . mt ' 7 1 T T rr rVT TT 7T T 91 A S 11 H T I -I. J , ' t. i f ,ii iin-Hnvi.'fc . , -r ., J ... 4. .. . . . i a. -mm i i tBT""" ' """""" ' "" MT' -.-. - - - r - .-, , - , . . a - - i - - . - - -j - - 7 .tfTiiO'io . :?.! ' i its .; ml , ' ' llj ill M ' P'-.U ..lrw ff''. " bi.' . mb.A . ' ..: r i ' .OTAtO : 3 '-'vt iHT itM1 ! VOL. V nr. QODDI S 8 COMPOUND 0KNTU5 BITTKBS, T'U Great Ameruxtn Tonic and Di uretic ! Recomp ended and prescribed by phyaiciaoa wherever know. The "Compound Gentian Kftera" are made ofihe piuetn and bet Verefable Tonics and Aromaiioa kmwn to ihe pro(eion. They also contain twenty pT cent of M U C 11 U ! rhich nmkes tliem, beyond all question, the Wst DItTRETtCIn existence; and far TM- treated Kidneya, Bladder and Uiinaxy Orgaus, have no aiipenor, if any euual I Thoee who try theaa Bittera, (or the foUowing Dneaaes w ill in f voi y caae find them a Bale, pleasant, speedy and effectual Remedy. They are a suie preventive and cure for Chills and Fever, and all Malarial Diteaaea I DYSPEPSIA,. INDIGESTION, 8ICK-8TOMACH, OOLIO. ' i 8ICK-H BAD.VCHE, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, COLDS & COUGH, KKURALGIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, DiseasM of Kidoeya, Grael, Aciy and anrery DiM'af requiring a general Tonic iwpressior,. ltf- Foi Diseases peculiar to FeroaU-s it a almoet a specitte. 0F In convalescence from Typhoid and other low forms of Fever it is the very best Tonic iflat can be naed. The Compound Gentian Bitters meet with universal favor, and have received the strong est testimonials ever jrrven to any mwKyiue, a lew of which we append below This is to certify tiiat I have used Dr. God- din's Compound Gentian Bitters and cheerful ly recommend it as the very best Bitters that can be used for ordiuary debility, sick stomach &C. KM. nULT, St. U. Lipscomb, 0-ange co , N. C, May 15, '69. I hereby certify that I have been using Dr. Goddin's "Compound Gentian Bitters," for Coi'gh, General Debility, &c, and I ara fully sat. shed that they are the best Bitters of which I hsve sny knowledge, snd the best Tonic of fered to the American people. ROBT. Y. SLATER. Henrico county, Ya , June 25, 1809. Da Goddim: Dear Sir: I hsve been suffer ing for twenty years with an affection of the kidneys, prostrate gland and stricture of the urethra:' "have been 'under (he treatment of the best physicians in the country , one of whom is now a professor in a medical college. Alt . failed to relieve me. 1 finally tried your Com pound Gentian Bitters ; the effect was like a charm one bottle save me complete relief. I believe it to be the best medicine I have ever used. Yery respectfully, JAS. A. FAULCON, Uftteon, N. C, Jan. 7th, 1869. Prepared only by Dr. Goddin. JAMES T. WIGGINS Proprietary Wholesale Agent, NORFOLK, VA. tar- For isle bv Dr. G. B. Poulson, Salis- bury, N. C. 38 tf OtBtrlna Imported XTorwav Oats. Samples Sent Free to ranters. PBOM 100 to 130 buimels jrrown to the acre. Wsigha front 40 to 46 pounds to the bushel. ThisQatahaa bean grown on sverv variety of soil, and iu every State in ths UbIjB, with te most per r"lacceiM. .. . v Ths grain Is verv large plumpand handoroe, has a remarkable thin hoak. and ripens earlier than the csmmoB varieties. The straw is bright, clear, tout, and not liable to Jortpe. Is perfectly clear of rust; and grows from 4 to 5 feet high . We have both he White aad Biack .Yei way, both tbt same price aad equally productive. We will send one quart of the abive Oats to any addles pout paid for. Two quarts, pom psm One peck sent by exprmw or freirM Hal f bushel. 90 pounl i in,- ii':vh, 1 40 nounds 3 00 3(10 .600 Kl.Ot CAUTION. U.We whth it distinctly nnderatood that this is not a light oala. weighing 38 to S3 lbs. raised in New England and sold under the name of Norway, but imported Seed, every bushel guaran teed to weigh 40 lb., or the money refunded. Samples ot both kin. N sent free for a I cent stamp aiao circular and testimonials. addresssllordersto N. P. BOYEB A CO., Jan 213 3m narkesbnrg, Chester co., Pa. CZAlKaKOVi' ITAOI 1V1WBM ! WARSAW To Fayetteville. 1 EAVK Warsaw for Fayottevills daily ex I J eept Sunday. If you are in western jm. tlarolina go to Kalelgh'and procure a through ticketto Pnyetteville for 8 ; Through Tickets iVomGoldsboro' via Warsaw, to FayBtteYille, 6. Through tickets from Weldon to Fayette viflsllO. Through tickets from Wilmington, via Warsaw, to Fayetteville, 6. CBARLOTTp TO WADE8BOR0: Leave Charlotte after trains from Raleigh and Columbia, via Monroe, for Wadesboro' Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Leave Wa desboro', Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, af ter arrival of trains and Stage from Wilmington M0HK1SV ILLE. t ia Pittsboio, TO EGYPT. Leave Morrisviile, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday . - . Leave Egjgt Mondsy, TTednesdsy and Fn- day. Clemmon Accommodation Lin Between Salem and High Point, will charter Stares at all houra -'Cheaper than the Cheap est " Office at Burner's Hotel, Salem, N.-45.' E. T. CLEMMON8, Oct 1; 1869 tf Contractor. Fresh Garden, Flower, fruit, fferb, Tree, Shrub and Evergreen Seeds, with di rections ftr culture, prepaid bp mail. Ths most complete and judicious assortment in ths country. Agents wanted. 25 Sorts of either forfl.00; prepaid by mail. Ab smaU Fruits,, PiaBU, Bulb", all the new Potatoes, Ac prepaid, by mail. 4 lbs. Early Rosa Potato, prepaid, for 1 M. CoBorcr's to loaaul,Asparagn, W per 100 ; $25 per 10A0, pre iaid. New hard fracrant everl.looming .laan Honeywscki, AO as. eaeh, prepaid. True Ct Cod Crsnberrv, for m lsud or lowland culture, $1 per 100, 'prepaid, With directions. IViced Catalogae-to any address, gratia ; also trade list. Seeds nrr Commission. R M WATSON. Old C'olonv Nurseries and , Seed Warehouse, Plymouth. Mass. Ertabludi- -sjnHsrlMS. . dor X -tm rrecnium Chester nam. Pt'RE Blond Short Horn nutliaml)fjou. .t lj SBTSBaraa BywMri i ;iin otwli ap. eaahmerefiai. wi)iHert Kmx. Berkshire anil Seftnn l'i? and all eta Brands of Poultry foritale. Hen.) for cireulara aud i.;m. Addrea. I . r. nm r.u. t 11, ' .Sitan ' ParkasWarf, Cbtsrc., Pa. y .ri-iin r'i tji ffa'l 1. du!iVhIm JiiiHWhwl 'iT Ad vantages of Lift In surance. The (forth America 1 mortar Company payalla premium! promptly without oaaraja, W. It. HULDUINBHn. aarnt, North America Life laa. Co. TtOMlSTILLI. X . C. Ihar Sir : Too will pleaaa accept my ain eere thanks for your prompt payment, without ekar-it, of the amount of the policy of Insur aiwe on mv Unauantl'a Life, amtmiitm to the umot tbna thoutaud dotUm. At your mu uost aud rciUd solicitation h'e waa indnc.il Uiitauto iuywn Cxanyam ,aad iwwaaatio rccipciiiD oi iw oeuenu. Tn rou and the North America Life Insur ance Company we shall feel under obligations, such as only the widow and fatherless can frel ana express. May you have success lr ndoeing others to insure in your moat liberal company, and may the Lord of the widow and orpnata bkaaj yon u:ul prosper you iu your good work. Mamiaibt C. Babhbr, of Rowan Mills, N. C. Mr. Holderness is also agent for the Liver pool, London and Ulohe Fi'bb Insurance Com pany, which insures all kinds of pabllc and pri- tones, Founderias, Mills and Merchandise and pays all its losses prom ply. All letters addressed to Mr. Holderness. at Thomasville, N C will receive prompt atten tion, dec J tf orth Carolina, j Superior Court Davidson .optt i John II. Welborn, Plaintiff, 'I againat J. F. Smith. Defendant To J. F. Smith, the Defendant, son real dent : You ara hereby notified that a summons la the above entitled aaae has been iaeued againat you, returnable bemre the Jodge of lh Hnnarinr f'ourt tn ha held for Davldaon j County at the Court House in Lexington, on tle ttjconA Monday after the first Monday in April, ItvO. notifying you that if v n rail to answer th eomplafnt, filed in said Court, tba plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sum of Four Handrsd and Forty dol lar, on bond dated S8th August, 1862, and you ar also notified that the aaid plaintiff has issued a warrant of attachment against your propel tv, for said amount due as afore said, returnable at said town and plase.when and where you are required to appear and an swer the afortsaid complaint, or th plaintiff will taks judgment against you a therein demauded. Witness, Levi E. Johnson, Clerk of the Superior Court of Davidson County, at officii IB Lexington, the 2d February, 1H7U. L. E. JOHNSON, c. a. o. By II B. Duseobwy, Deputy. 3-6t (pr. fee tlO.) STATE OF NOBTII CAROLINA, Davi Cocstt. Superior Court Fall Term 1869. James N. Brock, Administrator with the will annexed ol Weldon O. Foster, dee'd. against F. H. Foster. J. H. Foster, John M. Foster, (rank roster, Louisa Fosler, Laura roster, Gideon" Horrell, Patrick Hoi rsll and Hiram Lakey. PttitToirto mnkt Real Estate Assets. To Louisa Foster, Laura Foster, Gideon Hor rell and Patrick Hoirell, the above named, who are non-residents. You are hereby notified, that a summons in the above entitled ease has issued against you aud the complaint therein was filed in the Sir .perior Court of Davie pounty on the 18th day ol January l-,n. You are also notified that the summons in the case is returnable to the next term ol the Superior Court aforesaid, to be held at tin Court House in Mocksville. on the first Mon uav ol A in.!. leWli. when ami where you sre hereby required to appear and answer the complaint in default whereof the plaintiff Will apply to said Court lor the relief demand ed in the complaint , Witness, H. R. Austin, Clerk of the said Superior Court at ofhee, in the town of Mocks ville, this 19th day of January, 1870, H. R. AUSTIN, Clerk Supeiior Court, Davie County. 4 -6w (pr. fee $10) 1STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, i Davib CorsjTT. J Superior Court Fall Jh m 18(19. Daniel Sheek, Executor of George Sheek, deceased. against Richmond Sheek, Daniel Sheek, Susannah Cook, wife of L. B. Cook, John Shek, and Levin Sheek. Petition to make Real Edats Attets. To John Sheek and Levin Sheek, the defend ants above named, who are non-residents. You are hereby notified, that a summons, in the above entitled caae, ha nsudgaisst you, and the complaint therein was filed in the 8u perior Coart of Davie County, on the 11th day ot January, 1870. T..u are also notified that the Mmmon in the case is returnable to the next term of the Superior Court aforesaid, to be held at the Court House in tha town of Mocksville, on th first Monday of April, 1870, when and where you are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint in default whereof the ptamtjfi will apply to said Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Witness, H. R. Austin, Clerk of the said Su perior Court at office, in the town of Mocks ville, this 19lb day ol January, 1870. H. R. AUSTIN, v Clerk Superior Court, Davie County. -6w (pr. fee $10) TIME TABLE H- C. RAILROAD TRAITS NORTU i AIL. Arra. tiei. iva AMITB.I HiaaiTi.1 i IMA ta. TSS . : .is - - i M IssSBra liAO r m. i.n i i:x e. . lt:ial T1T1 Scfwdal H tfc cooMTiinm, Eul .nA rXBIUHr TBl!rSwlll nU nw 4e Onldknr ntj whim Uiw ii Beril r..r M. Frrlh lll brcofhl raaUr I, b,h pwmct wanw - . ' . . . . .- 1-W Attn Ch.rh.lU I I 4B I Arrn.k..ro'.. SI " ; M - Co ?ho' 1"' V we , K.i-.. I. I 1 SS r. a. tMili i O.l.l.born' ..I S.SlI " , ISlSSia ' !! TRAINS 8QTTH suiv l rasv.' jCh.iMle. . fM " lll:ra I .YT" 'fAAftk'f '. . I -rtra r."!' h.ri rtlie, ' tfl BUSfTJ m i h SALISBURY, N. C.WEBURARY CI)c(0ibXiu ll) State PUBLtSIIED WBBKLT BT Editor and Proprietor. atks or auajcBirriosi Oni Year, payable id ad vauoa. ... .3.0U nix Months, . 1.30 W.TlT (Vnia - ji ln f,' , . ,AArtJ. 10 Lo" to on" Mr Ht40 tf AJwrttH. One Square, first insertion........ ...$1.00 For each additional luaertiou Special notices will be charged 50 per cent higher than the above rates. Ci urt and Justice's Orders willb publish ed af the tame rates with other advertise- lion'-. Obituary notices, over six lines, charged as advertisements. CONTRACT BATES. r o f 3 m' a a SPACB. 1 Square. 2 5:)7.'i j 4 50! G 2S ' 8 00 11 00 ii oo is on 18 00 24 00 J.- 00 40 00 $51)0 8 SO Al.'iOO 8 SOil.') 00 22,00 flOW 00- J0.O0 15 00 25 00 37.50 20 00.10 00 45.00 2 Squares. 9 fWttares. 4 fsquaes. i (Column. Column. 3f) 00 45 00 73.00 50 UO 80 a) 130.00 1 Column. TirFLEGISLATCRE OF N. CAliOLLNA. BKHATB. Wednesday, Feb. 9th, 1870. Th Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock. BILLS INTRODUCED. Mr. Love, bill to repeal ehaptar 74, 108. 183. aud 212 of the laws of 1808 '(ill. Re ferred. By Mr. Jones, of Menklenhurir. hill to confer certaiu powers on the Southern and Atlantic Telegraphic Company Referred. By Mr. Lore, resolution requesting the Auditor to furuiah the Senate without delay, a detailed report as to the inunnvr the three thousand eighty dollars aud seventy-three r its was paid out for labor ou tho Capitol square up to the end of the last fiscal year. aud also a similar statement up to da e. Adopted. By Mr. Moore, of Yancey, resolution t prohibit leave of absence to any Senator from and after date, unless it is asked on account of sickness of the Senator or his family. On motion of A. II. Galloway, col., the resolution was laid ou the table. THtBD READINO OF BILLS. Bill to require return by Justices of the Peace of all criminal actions diosed of by them to the clerk of the Superior Court. Passed. Bill to amend a resolution authorizing the jaTeTiiiry'of State rrrfnrniih member-wiihj oies "f laws, passed Bill to repeal section 15, chap. 2, Revised Code. On motion of Mr. Daris the bill was laid on ti e table Aves 22, najs 19. Bill to amend chap. 279, laws of I8C8-9 ; passed. Fin 'M TUB HOTJSB. The following bills were transmitted from the House, and were referred to appropriate committees, viz : Bill to authorize the Public Treasurer to pay the Attorney General a sufficient amount of in6heylif"prosecuTe"asuit against ,the Al bemarle and Chesapeake canal company, not to xeeed $1500. Bill to amend sec. 19, of an act concern ing Guardians aud Wards. Bill to incorporate the Edenton and Nor folk Raihoad Company. Bill to incorporate the Wilmington and Carolina Railroad company, waa placed on Calendar. CALKXDBB. iJ ' ' " 0 " " Bill to enable owners of wet lands to drain them, passed seeoud reading. Bill to repeal the law concerning; fences in certiun Townships, passed its second read ing. Resolution instructing the Code Com mis sion to draw np a bill to tinve the mate line between Virgfuia and North Carolina sur veyed and permanently located, waa laid on the tn. hie. Bill to amend see. 7, chap. 157, of an act respecting county 1 reaaurer, passed its se cond reading. Resolution (of Mr.. Laasiter) proposiug to reduce the per diem of members f5. Mr. Keaslev moved to lav the resolution on the table which was voted down'i J, A. Hvmun, col., moved the indefinite postponement of the resolution. Mr. Love called lor the yeas and nays which were refused, aud the resolution was indefinitely postponed. Bill to allow actual xpenses of the com mittee t investigate the affairs of the Albe marle and Chesapeake Canal Company, was on motion of Mr. Ijovs recommitted. Resolution to allow the actual expenses of witnesses before the investigation Commit ten. was amended and passed its second rsad- i 1 to secure fair trial in Courts o' Jus- disenssed at length, and finally postponed until Monday next. 0) Motion the Semite adjourned until 7 1 o'clock this evening. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, Feb. 9. House called to order at the usual hour. axroBTs or t o n m i tt ox ' , Mr. Ames for Committee on Internal laj provements reported favorably several bills, all of which were placed upon the calendar. Mr- Fr. cab for committee on Finance, ra- reported finaHrf-rtyJ uufavorabjy upon the bill (Senate) iu aid ot investigation ordered road hoods, by 24th J.in. 1370, oj iur ..... m,.T'r VI .r.ifl.ii Jiny a resolution -rati'iejluu the .n caleudaTT" BILL AND i:F- .1 r ; . s By Mr- Painter, a hill in relation to Indi an Fairs. IteferreJ. By Mr. French, a IhII defining the Dowers and duties of Constables in certain cases Liover. W t -i Mr. Dixon for commits on laims, re ported upon sev.ral bilk and resolution which were placed ou th ealeinlar. Mr. Moore, ot Chowa. arose to a question of privilege iu egnrd to sal attack upon Jo aiah Turner. Jr.. aad th 'Jensivs article which apweared In taaj Seutioel, which eaused It. eta.' Mr. Harnett for Committee on Corpora tions, reported upon various bills, whish was placed u (mid Vlmr ntnutsHBw sTMivass. Hill (Senate) to sboltsh the office of State Printer. The question reeurrej upon th motion of BaJt1jof Wake, eol., to postpon until the Committee aiMiointed to investigate the al leg.-j mismanagement of th tublle priii''ng should make a report to th House. Mr. Freneh moved to ainad he i. (ins; it th special oruar fur Friday neat at J 1 o'clock. Harris, of vVaka, colored, accepted Mr. Freneh'a amendment. Mr. Downing favored th postponement. Messrs. Pott, and Ingram opposed it. Mr. Painter had the following statement read from the clerk's desk I IH4K. April, to warrant as per bill, 1.264 48 1 .1140 06 3ri Of 2.845 82 2.482 9ri 1..123 83 4.912 35 3.142 62 5,161 04 .May June, July, Aug.. Sept.. Oct., Nov., 1870. Jan., Feb.. 398 21 $23,833 05 2.527 77 891 09 1W Dec., 927 251 91 Mr. Painter said there was several thou sand dollars yet to com aad r this month was out the amount would probably be swell ed to some $40,000. He hoped the House would consider this an uoruiut amount en tailed upn the tax paying peopl of th State, and that member would take steps to resse this evil bj th immediate passage of this bill. Th question recurred upon Harris' urn-, lion to postpone as amended by Mr. Freneh. A vote oeiug taken, the motion to postpone until i 1 1 Jay was adopted. arret a i, obukb. R. Co. Mr. Ilodnvtt moved to indefinitely post pone the bill. - Mr. Galling spoke In favor of tbe motion and argued at length in opposition to the bill. Held that tbe Legislature had no right in law to tamper with the vested richts of tbe private share holders dee Mr. Seymour advocated the measure and was opposed to Mr. Hodnett's motion. Mr- S. concluded by moving to lay the motion to indefinitely postpone on the ta- y The yes and nays being cslled, th mo tion to table was rejected by a vote of yeas 38. nays 48. Mr. Sinclair moved to reconsider the vote just taken. Leary. eol.. moved to lay th motion to reconsider on the table. The yeas and nays being called, th mo tion to lay on the table, the motion to recon sider, was adopted by a vote of yeas 74 nays 44. Mr. Seymour took the floor and made a long argument in favor of the bill. Pend ing any definite action, the House on motion of Mr. French, adjourned. B EN ATE. Fridsy, Feb. 11. The Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock. On motion of Mr. Sweet the rales were suspended in order to take np the bill to protect the interests of. the State aa a stockholder in the North Carolina Rail road Company. Messrs. Sweet, Love, Jones, of Meck lenburg and Robbius spoke in favor of the bin. Messrs. Welker, Graham and Jones, of Wake opposed it . The bill finally passed its third reading, was ordered to be engrossed and sent to the House. , HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. r Fiiday, Feb. 11, 1870. On mot ion of Mr. Malone, the rules were suspended, and his resolution culling up on the chairman of the Committee of the Whole, to report to the House what had been done, and what was proposed t Jcc, was taken up and adopted RKSOLl-T IONS AND BILLS. The motion to reconsider the vote b which the -bill consolidating the rv Atlantic aud North Carolina Kail lL-ad t ompany, and the North Carolina Rail Road Com pany, was indefinitely postponed. Mr. Gunter moved to mywitir table the motion to reconsider. Tbe yeas and nays being called, the Hons rejected the motion by a vote of yeas 13 nays 5t. The motion to reconsider was then put t a vote and adopted. Mr. Malone offered the following sub stitute for the bill - Sec 1. That it shall be, lawfal for the Stockholders of the North Carolina Rail road Company, at a meeting to be called and held as soon as practicable after the passage of this act, according to tbe char acter and by-Iawe thereof, t transfer to fjonumnv all that Dortion of the Nortb tne Atlantic snu nonu '"" i.a.""u f, !- ' fbghsmi between Goldsboro' and the passenger depot at Kalcigh, with all. the. rights franchises and privileges anr owned and possessed by the said road therein. ' Sec. 2. That at such meeting the fol lowing propositions shall be submitted to fhe Stockholders of said North Carolina Railroad Company : I 18, 1870. 1 That Ihe Stat purchase from the ti irate Stockholder their entire interest i that portion of aaid North Carolina It. R. Company lying between Raleigh and Goldsboro'. That the State transfer to aid private Stockholders aa an equivalent for thrh stock in said portion of said Rail Road an amount of atock in the North Carolina Railroad in the proportion of one hnre of State Stock for every six shares of private stock In said road. 2. That iu case the transfer mentioned 1 1 the first section of this Act is consnm- " at d, the Atlantic and North Carolina Rail Road Company shall issue to each (iiivate stockholder one share in said road or every five shares such atock bolder b II in the N. C. R R. Company. That whichever of aaid proposition re ceive the vote of the majority of private stockholders shall have the force and ef feet of law, provided that if the second of said propositions is adopted it shall be first submitted to the stockholders of the A. be N. C. R. R. ComDanv. Sec. 3. That the State Proxr in the N. C. R. R. Company is hereby instructed to vote for Uie Iraxiafer provided for in the first section of this Act. Sec. 4. That as soon- as is practicable after the passnge of th s act and the accep tance thereof by the V C. R. R. Compa By. a meeting shall lie called of the stock holder of the A. tc N. C. R. K , to con sider the said transfer herein provided for, at which meeting the 8tate Proxy is in structed hereby to vote for its acceptance. Sec. 5. That said transfer shall not af fect further than may be provided for in .Section 2, hereof the rights of the private stockholders in the .North Carolina Rail road, bnt said stockholders shall retain 1,000,000 of Stock in said road, with all the rights and privileges therein now ex isting, and in addition therein, shall re reive the additional shares, either in tbe A tin, tic Jc North Carolina Railroad, or in the North Carolina Railroad, provided for iu section x ol tins Act. Sec. C. That it not sooner called a meet ing of the stockholders of the N. C. R. R. Company shall be held at Greensboro' on the day of 1870, for the pur pose of considering the trasnfer herein pro vided for. The substitute was adopted. vi wtxAU uavuv. Bill (Senate) to abolish the office of State Printer. Mr. Sinclair wished to hear from the comrri tee nppoinred to investigate the alleged mismanagement of the public printing. Mr. Ames for that Committee, said that they could only report progress. The eoram1t;ee have been at work every day, bnt would not be able to report for some time yet. ' Mr. Sinclair spoke in opposition to the passage of the bill. The yeas and nays were called and the bill passed its secon i reading by a vote of yeas GO, nays 14. Mr. Meiideiilnill, moved to suspend the rules and put the bill on its third reading. The motion to suspend he rules was pnt to a vote and adopted by a vote of yeas "., nays 18. The bill then passed its third reading by a vote of yens 61,' rfkjs 17. Ou motion of Mr. Malone, the rules were suspended, aud ihe bill (Senate) in aid of investigation ordered by the -enate. into the affairs of certain Railroad bonds, by resolution ratified on the 26th of Jan uary, 1870, was taken up (referred to the Committee on Finance aud unfavorably reported upon). Mr Sinclair approved of the spirit of the bill, but as a Repnbticanwa oppoa ed to laying his head on the block to be decapitated by a UemocraMc Committee, In his opinion the committee was engin eered by certain Republicans, who were disappointed in spoils and were now en deavoring to destroy the Republican par ty. Mr Malone wished to know if an inves tigation into alleged frauds would be like ly to result in the destruction of the Re publican party. Mr Sinclair replied no, but he wished the investigation conducted iu another manner. Mr Durham Did you not four days ago declare that two Democrats would be convicted of corruption to one Republican, an assertion that you (Sinclair) knew to be false when you madexit t x Mr Sinclair continued by saying that in a few days he would retire to get proof to substantiate his assertion, &c. Mr. Durham saidnbat he w mid shortly move tor tbe committee ot tne VYuole,.vnd have the gentleman from Robeson (Si c 'air plac"d on tbe stand, and have cor tain presents ot noraes and watches tftor oughly investigated. Mr. 8. denied ever receiving presents of horses and watches. Mr Durham I have heard it and be lieve it. Mr Sinclair again denied the truth of the report, and com inued bis remarks for sometime againat the bill, and charged that the whole thing was concocted and would be used for political purposes. Harris, of Wake, eol., moved to have the bill printed. He wanted a day cer tain for the committee to report Mr. French favored his motion to print. Tire Senate had acted rather discourte ously t wards the House in this matter, for it was due to tbe H use that they should be consulted in the examination of all pubiicraalters ; he alsoi thonghtMhe House had alsoactcd wrongly fh resolv ing itM 'If into the Committee of the Whole to examine into these matters without consulting the Senate, &c. Mr Pou favored the immediate passage PM n of the bill, it contained no objeetlona to a real supporter of investivation. He ex plained the provision of the bill. Mr Durl am said that all these motions to print Sec, seemed nothing more than a determination to defeat Investigation as a majority of this House had done on sev eral occasions. Arc. Be called for th yeas and nays on this motion to postpone and print, so that the people might see who It was that sought by every means to stave off by all kinds of taetie, every investigation of these hnge swindles which have been perpetrated upon the State. Thos. Sykes. col., was in favor of all kinda of investigation, bnt wished to have a definite time fixed for the committee to report. Harris of Wake, withdrew bis motion to print and offered an amendment requir ing the committee to report by the 10th of Alarcn. 11 r Bowman wanted to know what as suranoo the gentleman had that the Leg islature would be in session on the 10th of March ; be hoped the House would ad journ before the 1st of March. Mr B. was In favor of the passage of the bill without (he .least delay, JMr Vest favored the bill with the pro posed amendment Pending any definite action t.ic Honsc adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Saturday, Feb. 12, 1870. UNFINISHED BI SINESS. Bill (Senate) in aid of investigation in to certain Railroad bonds ordered by the Senate, by resolution ratified Jan. 21th, 1870. The otiflftlitm rtnrrtMi nnon th p&M for the previous question. . The call was put to a vote and adopt ed. The question then recurred upon Have's amendment,to Harris', of Wake, amendment (tho amendment requires that the Committee report to the General As sembly by the loth of March ; if the Leg islature should not be in session, the Committee shall report to the Governor or his counsel The yeas and nays being called, the amendment was rejected by a vote of yeas 64, nays 4 Messrs. W T Hayes, col., voting in tbe affirmative. The question recurred upon Harris', of Wake amendment requiring the commit tee to report to the General Assembly Ly the 10th of March. The yeas and nays being called, and tbe House rejected the amendment by the following ballot. Yeas 28 nays 47. A long debate occurred upon the admis ability of tbe following additional sec lions " That the said Commission shall be increased by the addition of three citizens to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Mr Jarvis raited h point of order that the amendment was not Germain to the subject matter of the proposition before the House. Messrs. French, Downing and Sey mour contended that the amendment was germain to the subject under debate. Messrs. Durham, Jarvis, and others held the opposite. After a long discussion upon parlia mentary usages and law, the Chair held that the point of order was well taken. Mr French appealed from the decision of the Chair. Upon the appeal the yeas and nays were called and the House sus tained the Chair by a vote of yeas 52, nays 19. The question recurred upon an smend- o fie red in tbe shape ot an additional section : 1 bat tbe said Commissioners shall make a whole or partial report to the General Assembly before tbe 15th of March nexr, or if the General Assembly be not then in session to the Superinten dent of Public Works. The yeas and nays being called the House rejected the amendment by a vote of yeas 36, nays 41. V The question then recurred upon anoth er amendment offered by Mr. French, to section 4 of the bill, to insert after the word "dollars," the words "in the aggre gate" " ! The yeaa and nays being called, tbe House rejected the amendment by a vote of yeas 25. nays 38. Upon tbe passage of the bill on its sec ond reading a ballot being taken, the bill passed by a vote of yeas 70, nays 2. Messrs. French vud . b woet, col., voting in the negative. On the passage of the bill on its third reading, tbe vote stood : Yeaa 59, nays 1 Sweet, eol. Ou motion of Reynolds, eol., the rule were suspended, and tbe bill to the Roan oke Baptist Relief Association, was taken up and passed its several readings. On motion of Mr. Sinclair, the rules were suspended, and the bill concerning the Inspectors of the city of Wilmington, Was taken up and postponed until f riday next at 12 o'clock. W T Hayes, eol., introduced a bill to require tbe Commission appointed to in vestigate alleged frauds to report by the 18th of March. Lies ever. Tho. Sykes, col., moved to instruct ihe Judiciary Committee to report upon the bill for the protection of the citizens of N. 0. and prevent distinctions on ac count of color in public carriers, introduc ed by bis himself sometime ago. The first bill, he aaid, tltn Committee very strangely mislaid. On being so inform ed, he had drafted another and made va rious -personal applications to tbe Com mittee to obtain a report upon it, but lor some reason unknown to him, hi case had been treated with neglect. NO. 7 The motion to rote and adopted. instruct was put to a On motion of W. Price, eol., the rales were suspended, and the bIM incorporat ing the Cap Fear Building Association was taken op snd passed its several read- Adjourned. HOMESTEAD PROCEEDINGS WHERE LANDS WERE CONVEYED TO A TRUS TEE PREVIOUB TO THE RATIFICA TION OF THE CONSTITUTION THE TRUSTOR 18 NOT ENTITLED TO THE HOMESTEAD OPINION OF J LSI ICE READE. NORTH CAROLINA Superior Curt. Rowan Coijtt. f Orston Bradshaw, Plaintiff, vs. John S. Henderson, Defendant. The plaintiff above named being duly sworn, says: I. That he is and has been for many years last past a citiren of tho Miatc of North Carolina and until the 26th of April 1869, a head of a family. IL That for many years prior to tbe 18th day of January, 1867, he resided upon aud owned as a homestead iu fea simple a certain trael of land situate m Davidson County on the waters of Swear ing Creek, adjoining the lands of Isaac Miller, William Hicks and others on tbe South, tbe lands of William Owen on the North, and bounded by said Swearing Creek on the East and the lands of Wiley and Allison on the West. XIL Tiiat en tba said 18th day ef Jan nary 1867 he executed to the defendant Iu fee a deed for said land in trnst to se cure the payment of certain debts therein enumerated with authority if the same were not paid by tbe first day of August, 1867, to advertise and sell the same at public outcry and apply the proceeds of sale toward the payment of the costs of the trust and the said debts. IV. That he continued to reside upon said land as theretofore and aforesaid uns til alter the 26lh of April 1869, about which time being in grest distress at the lossof his wife he came to remain. temnfi-. tbe plantation in charge af employees. V. That the said defendant has adver tised th said land for sale on the 22nd day of February 1870 professing in his advertisement to sell the same under and by virtue of the terms and authority of said deed in trust. Vir Tbat on the first day of February, 1870, he commenced a civil action against the defendant, tbe main object of which is to obtain an allowance of a homestead in said tract of laud and to that end that the defendant be constituted a trustee and be enjoined from selling, etc. VII. That he fears aud lelieves that unless restrained the defendant will pro ceed to sell said land and thereby eii her defeat this applicant's homestead right fetlrerein or so complicate snd closed his ti tle as to render it almost if not quite value less ; that applicant before suit brought, appealed to t lie defendant to postpone the sale until six months should expire in or der to enable him tn have a homestead laid off pursuant to chapter ('XX XI I, Sec. 10, et seq., of Acta of session 1868 '69, but the defendant positively refused B tO do. OR8T0K lilt A D.s, II A Sworn, Arc. Orston Bradshaw, vs. JOBsT S. Henderson. The above is an action in the Superior Court for the county of Rowan. The plaintiff applies to me at chambers for an injunction. The facts which be states are: "That on the 18th of Janua ry, 1867, be executed to the defendant in fee a deed for a certain tract of land of which be was the owner in fee and on which be resided and continues to reside in trust to secure the payment of certain . debts therein enumerated) and which re main unpaid, with authority to advertise to sell tbe land and apply the proceeds to tbe payment of said debts--that under tba provisions of the deed the. defendant has adveitised the land for sale and refuses to allow the plaintiff a homestead. Under this state of facts the plaintiff asks for a provisional injunction. The application for an injunction is not allowed. In Hill vs. Hue lor, at the last term of . tbe Supreme "Court, B3 N. C'. R., it was decided that tbe Homestead exemption was applicable to pre-exist'ne debts. At the present term in McKeathan vs. Mc Lsod is as baa been decided that tbe Home stead exemption did not apply where tbe land had been levied on before tbe adon tion of the Constitution which provides for the homestead, npon tbe ground that there was a specific lein, a vested right which it was not the purpose of the constitution to destroy, if indeed it had tbe power. The case before me falls under this last ase. 1 here is a specific lein, a vested right created by the plaintiff's own deed. It is not stated that the land is sufficient to pay tbe debts subject to a Homestead exemption, and therefore that question is not presented, but it would seem to be clear that tbe plaintiff would be entitled to his Homestead, if sacb were the fact. Et G. Rkade, Associate Justice Supreme Court. Forney Described bp Datets.ln tbe HouaejuLWadnesdav Mr. Dawe referred to. Forney's as "a newspaper in tha city whose praise and wboe eensare are like mad to order, and for nay. and that never tmtla fcr. liek the hand that fee.Ia it, whether the nar be in gold or in tbe curreuej- of th country. i.