. - stti - ""aan.nnB.1 i ' ' ' I i " rje!o- Xoill) Bicifl N A USUI J. V I'KIH.V V . iMI. 18. I (!. 1 .. 1 1 1 L Ji u nccointna very nnrn . Tlk imli nl miu wwrair, impract.cahl "rtn, which New i lion lore ta seeking to nut off, hu been im- i""i nonn i eroiina, wlm It in ten f Absence and ill health hare prevented )t froe wtiiing muoii r. .i i hi- week's issue. W ln:iM, however, have furnished aomemercorig. ji.l matter but for the fact that it required ncar )) all our remaining ajiac to publiah the report fit the minority of the peciaj committee on the bill to call a Convention ,,t the people of iiy niaie. 1 lus able ajid fail considered dominant did not reaah ua until Wednesday morning, when we had already pretty well filled our col umns. It will, doubtless, be more acceptable to many of our readers than an thing we could f " i uvii. Of cour no a. ttv will ba ta ken on it, certainly not in favor of it, by the present legislature. And while we frvor a ; on . niiou at no diatan day wr doubted' the propriety of agjtatiog th question at this time. Some of the proceedings of tlie ltxi-l iture .III U,U.,.J i.. I r f.l . . . T ... m, ' i . j i k i iv im oi cuiin.ieriioie interest. J lie passage by the House ot the Senate's resolution, appointing a speci committee to investigate jhe alleged, railroad frauds, and confirming the appointment of the Lieut. governor, was an important and proper act. We now have rea son to hope for a moot thorough ana searching juveatigatien, and it is quite evident that it ef fect ts greatly ro:id.d hv ci rtain parties who .ought to be most enger in j.reasing it forward. The resolutions of Ir. Siuith to discharge the investigating committee on (he ground (,i the unsold bond bave been recalled to the Treusu ry are the mart extraordinary of any that have heen offered during the session. No man of or dinary intelligence can fail to see thai they w. re' introduced to prevent a feared I in will-.. .1 ill.. - I - V. .... nut I ior a ii iends and were expected to be cirri ad by tightening the party screws. rted into ioiu tuore unsuitable, and where it is already re- 1 1'LI W f""V areryopay, as little abort of a public n il Iran, e The "Code of Civil Procedure" and liistml inventions, which we have borrowed from New York, inaugurate a complete revolution In the ysieui of practice am! proceeding la court. ra r-.....,K u, ,,,,, common law methods. In kU?ad of improving the old svalcm a. h.. I I ,l -l.-i.- an sauna..!!. .IT. 1- w iZLTZL . T" " D" "l .. . . . u ,n r ngiaoo ainca is.n. tn,. old flsura. and n. .iil. -n .i l i.,...i.. !- fiisa 3 I. I . '' j "" "i inoae New York innovate. r in IMiS I 1. , , . ... . ... vinmiTni ii en tirely and introduced this novellv. Home other Hlatas, and finally S'orth Carolina, followed the IT , """IP1"- LPn tBf workings of this o.le" in New York, an able treatise was ph hshed two years ago, by W. II. Greene, of Puf ralo, to which inquirers are referred for a full description of die -HsrmiHM confusion which hu resulted from it. It iould have been abolished there long since but for tha fact that the great 1... ..... -A .i i i .. .... . vi isa ami cnarpe under It tiss mler estad so many officials in its perpetuation. This it a strong reason why we should abolish it at once, oeiore It becomes a fixture here through lis jrery evils in ooning up avenues to peculation and exloition. Upon this important subject of t!,.. follv of casting aide the common law forms and sulsiti tuting novel 'Vodes" like this, the Supreme Court of the United States h is often snoken in Mlr.it... t ...... 1 I i . ', . n m inconvenient to make ex tensive quotation from jts rjiportK; but the Sen only be erailicated by amending our Oonsti ...... i mil' I n riiici ftlttft ..I .. ing Judge for life. Ierhapa very lonv terma might do, with ineligibility afterward. The exprua of the present Judicial system k much greater than that of tha old cue. Then w n..u eigiu MptW and three Supreme, .J iujges, and their alariea amounted tn ?t Kit) The wlkile lMartment of the Judiciary coat l.ts than $.10 000 a yew. Now we have twelve .Superior, and five Supreme, Judges, whone sala ries amounted to $42,500, alliuiigh the indivM- ua Judjes stand at the ate will pardon an extract from tl. mo..;.... that ( ourt in the case of McJ-'au r. Ka;n.-cv 'JO Howard, 52S,) a case coming up from Iowa, a Wat which lias a "Code" very much like our "t'w, !! upreine 'ourt aavn : "Tiie Coivmon law, which wisely commit, the decision of .qustiona of Liw to a ( ourt sup- w imrnru in tnc taw, and tju- decision of questions of fact toa Jury, nccessariiv reipjirv-i that tlie controversy, before being sobmitted to the tribunal having jurisdiction of it, i-hould be oianvotlier officers. The Public Treasurer (see Report of Fab. 8, 1870) estimates the whole cast of this Department for tha current fiscal year at $HU)6. Here then, in this Department I an uterrnar of f 24,000, or more, over lb tor mer expense. How many children would thia 7 . 111 samHsM lor the want of it r Hut ft is said the aiLlitional JuHm. .r. ed because the County Courts are no more. Hut the fount Courts cost little for al-M... n. of olhcers. They deal out substantial Justice in a plain and aimpl way. They edmated the people in the mia-t common avl prnt tiial isiru of the ndniinistr ilii.n of the lw i.n.l .. .i- ........ illiterate men much useful knowledge of legal forms and proceedings. Thcv wereemphatiinl . ili ..... . i . , r ... ... .... pwrva iifiiru, aim ine.peopte want them hack again. With some slight improvements, no more usef.il tril.mial ever cjislvd in any eountrr. Anions other exn llenm. the I axawiao me clicapeal and most honest avstera of county government ever devised. Moreover, the greut in.us. of business pertaiuingto the ad mr.iairati! and settlement of states, to guar-d.aii-liiiiK, to the jirnhale of wills, and lite many kindred kindred annjacta, was dona bv these Courts, in the easiest and simplest manner, and at very small coal. Under tlie tux-wet syiu-m, cxeecdinglv com hnius procecoinga and forms are requirt,i in this latter cla of hn-oie. so that luLina ,.ni Lii... ... ..... .o.i i-nion mi- rouii ea,mi. n n d r. perate strait we are In. They truly indicate pan and despair. We thought taxes, ami heavy Wefconcaa year were bad enough. Kut her u I7"b vaa and a cummer tax, DM0es taaraani lar fall tax. W need a Convention to (top this wild careei towards benary and utter ruin. Th way to do " "n'ena trie t onsiituiioo so a to limn sala " and expansa to a low figure; limit also per " Aaaembiy to tore or lour dollars ; wuaage to nve or ten omb limit tre duration is-i, Trie Leoal Tkxdi.k An. -The Supreme rourt of thf Unititl State hi. f Justice Chase delivering the opinion, has dec! led that the Le gal Tender Act is inoperative in prc-cxistinc coo tracts. reduced to one or more iutira protsisit ions of annual, d suit ! E.aii.. ..,.i .i i i " V. . " nlore stringent gv law or fact ; lu nee it is nccttan- that the par i of Z J w ill. JJaI I A Z , , ".-V1" ,mP7-n Ppropriat ion. of lie should frame their .1 ligations moj Tn-Zm J'Ji' 8"8f,"n."'iP-. IV.rl.Hon, ey and piecing oft. State's c tiva Msaiana. and have fewrr nf ihom As it is, the laws are changed so of tea tha people an kept ip utter uncertainly and ooofiuiuu on wis subject. It i aomtlmm objected that a onvention will cost a great deal. But Senators ra" f ! T see, from th above figures, thai a pun vetilion, by altering our aystem so as to reduce salaries and sxpemlitures, would in one year " u otat enough to pay for lis own cost .iM-c nines over. Let ua glance briefly at county and township AUUicnUf mioi inaiion rrom onecoun y. about an average one. shows that It Board of Commissionera, and other officers cost $3,600 Tear, in tha aame county, th old county ' ourla, doing more work and doing It better, U"M to coat tI,A000; a difference of $2,000 gainst the new aystem. Leaving out all other Items in the ouunt vnvarnmrnts. tha ik ra. ratio gives an snares- of 1178,000 annual ex pense in the eighly-uin counties. As for the townships, there are over seven hundred of them in the State, sad the expense of governing each may be safely estimated at not less that $200 a year. Put down tlieninrresnte at $140 (MSI aiul this ja an entirely pew expense. We need a (fenventfon to take proper step in rctriird to thsVtsUi IM.t Tl. I i.- .... gle we are in on tht siljert need no comment. e need a ('onvention to amend the Consti tution so as to prohibit one person from hold ing two . r more offices at once a thing only partially prohibited now, and which threatens to grfw into a great evil. Many persona arc holding Federal office and a Slate office also. nr seen more strininnt miarantii-i n.m..i v - n the public uion-redit MEETING IN YADKIN COUNTY. REPORT OP Senator ato4bint and Murphy, on tUe Convention Bill. To the Seattle of A' ( Otrotitui : The utnlersigned members of the Special Com ;nittec, to whom was referred, theSenate bill en titled 'An Act to provide for calling Coiiven. lion of the people of North Carolina, would re spectfully recommend a favorable consideration of said b;f1 by the Jtneral Assemblv. A mrtice tsf some of the reasons tlunfore will iiot be dietn tit inappropriate. The cinnunstancca under which our present State Constitution was form.d and adopteil were such that serious errors and imperfections were almoct unavoidable. It was in ., ii,,,.. ..r amign nil. i revolution, ol social and noli Iiaos, of eiHitlietiitg interests ami opiiHnsanit .of general depression and demoralization. Troublesome questions respecting our Federal relations and the rights of the rices, -questions tain writings cHcil pleadti,gs. The end proMised is to bring the matter of litigation to one or more points, him pie and unambiguous At.one tlure the excessive accuracy required, the subtlety of distinctions, and the in troduction of cumbrous forma, ,!Ui brought the system of special pleading intodis repuie. f Hut in modern linns ii ha. been trimnual of its tirrcseHnce, and toe plead inga in every form of conuioii iaw action Itave been rerttrotl to TllaTIeri!?c,ufimigiroirj forms. This system, matmeil l.v the wisdom of ages, founded on principle of truth I andsond reason, has ls?en nithlesslv alsilishtal in many ol our .Suu, who have ra-hly uibstitu- leu in its piaiv '. .njn. l,t of tnt-liij, e!M iV rey Gxlt-4 tuul vse! uf tit,xvl.,am to oitler. But this attempt to abolish ill Ka?iea, and establish a single genus, ia found to he beyond the power of legislative omnipotence. Tiny cannot com ix I the human mind not to distinguish between things that diner. The distinction Ik twe. i, two-lornmJ.ii.i..f,.r .-u diihVrcnt aruamt, t inuring oimreiii remedies. Ilea m the nature o: things; it is abM.lutciv inseimralile from tl correct administration ofjustiix in common law Courts. . "Ti e result of the experiment has heen m-dr'tr-ny the crmuuty and simplicity of all pleadings, and introduce on ihe recor.'! an endless wraneic If tiir couM fSZTfiJlT;,. 7T7Z. """-- "I-"" ol la,alm,H .n up. ,1.., i. . : ' ;. iiuaui oi me present aval i , -, , a-, a m tie niiis-rinr liurt itself. But this last Idea la I. in 1 1 , !. K,.. I 1. ! . . l ...iiuitipi, im u ia, una i ;erK a ol- According to previous notice, a number of the ciiixena ot Tadkln county, irrespective of party, assembled in the Court House In Yadkinvilla, v uviiauii ivgruier ior ine common good. On motion of J. O. lfarlar. Kn tlx, v;,.L. ol i- " . ; -v " . onenn oi uie county, waa elected Chairman and op motion of Joseph Dobaon. Km, h T 8 pear and J. A. Martin. Eaora.. went inn.ilin.1 SecreUriea. , V " On motion, the chairman appointed tha fol- i.'wii.K uauiiii-iurn 10 nraic rMoiiitmna r.,r f i,. ... lion of the mast ine. to-wit J fi u.,u, t t Tulburt, R. 0. Zachary, J. H. Myers and" A. n no on. n During th absence of the Committee, the meeting was entertained hv an :,, ...ri,.,.. spiwh from Joseph Dobaon. Kmi.. at LC asaaasW. - - ..... w r -if - - -....I v, which me committee returned and re ported the following resolutions through their chairman, J. O. Marler . feW lt, That, at this period of oar coun try s misfortunes, all good men should exert their influence to aave Ihe country. Retotted 2nd, That the people under both the niaie ana rederal Constitutions, have the right to meet together to consult for the public food ..no iruei mrir nepreaentatives. Jtetulred 3rd. That the reiires.-nlnlivM nf th people have, in all past time, been regarded as .u "iiiHiii ami dc lenders ol popular rights ; but judging from the iinmsMiinm ..r il. I .J.' I.m, vLe "if. "" J3TW- . '"" v mui.na, a iMiruon oi our rvis- resentatives are about to hnmm. th. li... ..f . I l I . m . " . . ... v ' " ... ixrcinu anu me ueatroyers of their lilsrtv. tiexnied 4th, That the term of oflN-e of ihe member of the existing (leneral Assemblv, will expire on the first Thursday in August next, and sny attempt to bold over will be unwise, unjust, "-l ""B vniigerous. Itrenlfxd oth, That should they hold over, we am iinni mem as an nncona'itni mm .... .. I , I,. , -- -"-."-.i- ua iinsiiiiHirizeu. Tfaponui 6th. That the raising of thisnumtion and throwing the burden of (li'I'itlillV lKa aania IM the Suprerue Court, ta an lllltmim nnm. lk ...J - " J i ..7 .. V" "1 " w.v a.iM nun an i nan 1 1 io tlie peupML VJ L ' ,,POn ,0 P1"!"- IMPORTANT DECISION. Tha fcllowlna; important eonat motion ,f Confederate oon tracts waa rendered la fbe Supreme Court hut week. Judge Diek da- vereu ine opinion la tha oaae of Garrett ea. Hinith. JsK'aX l. ThaordlnanaaorCsakibwr 18th. IMS and tbe apt f 1607, chiptera 38-80, relate onlv to tha following ontracta made during tha lata war : 1. "Exaeatory oonlmeU aolvabl la moa- ir n is ine gratut reoeptmla of i i,-. II .- .. ""i """I'r- lamier'a old Imrrel into which an Kinds ot plantation ton a an.) .!,! IriiiKt ' " u ""I1'8""'"-1' mention all the ob- I viimaly oaefnl and itnrwtant amendment j ii.-eled in our tiresent ayaietn. We think tina report oints out a uuinber which are the reform of the pn-seut judicial tyatom.and the abolish in. nt of it ueudaut the -Coda ;' the simplifviag of the duties of ihe Superior ioun i lent; ine reinodeling of the county governiuenU; the restoration of th county our sM?isl now settled. then cnnvubied the public mind 1 he situation waa pevuliarly unfavorable to the exercise oi mat sober WrsJnm so needful in fra ming a permanent organic law ftr a great Stale. Our changed (-ocialeondition, as well as the requirements of Congress, made it obligatory on lis to alter and remodel some of our old forms, admit new ideas, infuse a new spirit, and some what moli:'v onr ancient customs and usage. 1 ins tact we all recognized ; and all would" have peen salisUctorv. it the trainers aft old Klity as were nenuait.-ii.H f.- i 1 "3 jeaoiuuoii aim u- ttto cuactments of Conirreaa inen WjttftaH North Carolina rlmracter ...A lZ:" ZlT . "f" preserved - 7Z ij i wea, and made But the spirit of innovation carried our Con. muUon makers fa, beyond theneceaaitie, of tbe SuuTr.il w'e" ?? l.u.rfments of the s a.-.lean scions on, thev uprooted the tree and planted another In iu ...a.. uiir uresent svslem llf Mill! I lui inonnti. . . . m V I .W at IV taw CXOllC. It If HOt fheproduci of lle staid, aober, North Carolina mind; it is theuiTenU-on of experimenters not wel acpiamted with the genius of our people. Under ii weahallnewVelope, as wTonght W do, into a grand, vjigorous, new North Oaroli .a huU,io n .wkward caricature and feeble imitation of other State models. Our growth like that of a trananl.ant.jT.s. :n u. ? .w" i thy, ungraceful anuitful? 4""e"" ,J.er'. P"i" of our citixens who ro ed to ratify our present Constitution, did not Wioa many of its prominent features Hm we were in a disagreeable and anaiualous posi Jion. K restoration of the Slate to the Union and relief from the yoke of millUrv were ardently longed for. These hippy result, were expected to iollow a ratification of the con stitution ; so, shutting their eeea t it, falllts stopping their ears to objection, and preferring any form of civil government to military tha Illaloril-V voted In rallfv i. .1. . s. -. .., n.iu me general ex- ctatim and Intention of having ft amended soon, The necessity of its amendment ia now apparent to a very great m.ijoritv of the people without respect'to party or race. Thev desire a Constitution more in conformity with their cir cumstances and tlieir true spirit and character, i lie JjCop e of North Carolina have always been distinguished for the simplicity 'of their tastes, their frugahtv and ecnnon.tr if.is I. j , :- --.-) ..-. i .... i - i , aim not na- in wriline. nemli x imr In il,.. r. . j . . . r - uiun, aeiaving and lui -on oi pismv. 111 tne rase .1. ii , im nowara, au.) - - - a simple action on a promissory note, the pleading ot which nr- cording to common law, forms, would not luiveor- cupied a page, they were extended toovtr twen l.r lK". requiring a two vears wrangle before uu issue could be fanned. In the case of Jh-unett u. Bnttcrworlh, (11 How ard, 007.) Ihe Court was unable tc d.s. over from the pleadings the nature of the action or of the remedy .sought. Il might, with de'tinue or repie'viri. or trover, or trespasVor a hill in luiMwrv fr i .. i . , . ' . c . . , Bllu inei iHirt below seemed to have labured under ihesame perplex ity, as the rl,W was for $1,200, and the judV. ,,.,,,. - - I no court has endwored to impreaa the minds of the . uges , me inMrKa and Circuit Court of the inited male, w th the ' F f; wa ji I'vi Ul II' ting these experinmUal ' CodeS' of i,i..,,i; .i practice to be iniW upon them. In the list mtntinrtavf tit .;.. r..t r. a . v . , la-nee, in oeiivernii tlie opinion of thb Camt . v tu. rvi... ? 1 it , r. '"irmiiii in . ui- i;niiea states lias organised the distinc tion iaw and eouilv. and ii ,.,,.. I., .u i i , . , . , - - WWW.. I tU the Federal Courbi. "In the States whers iho i Vllll-fj r.f t i ... 1 . T.I States administer the common law, thev cannot adopt these noret intentions Wa I.hvp nia a a . " inese ramaras in order that tbe Bar and Courts uf the United Si,.t,i inau ! lU. cords conform to these view, pd not oall uiKin lis to construe new C.lm I l.. iij. i . .....t .i.e. i.i I oi- j nailing of the present aystem of si axial State auo contity isx., M which dcvii all barriers are ovu leaiavd and the Haaata Used ad likilum. He teed a decrease in the unniber of otfices. The gieat variety and multinlicitv nfihnw hm which ; ,iny coals insuflerahlv, but beccts a fonduess for irni.v an-: ..1: l...i.jt i i '. r . . aareln.,.hl.-l.,.ll..li v . ..." " I """':. wmen ia growing UNO a (pecies I iironerl, .lil.ns-.. ... .i ."..i 1 j "'".v all ever the .-ountry. ndditioL to h n,, : ''2.? . B - ue,ion th..b- ; ourt ; ruf cr.dlea.1 confusion will soon its, !f in thi.a.:iiartir. The cost here, in the way of fee. a;ij charge, is also immc use. This Assemlilv has just passed an Act Baaking the Snperior Conrl Clerk .sf one county a salaried o(!ia.r with a salary of $1,000; for the reason, as waa stated on litis floor, that the aaidf.li rk was receirtng in fees an unknown milllllernr ill. Il-il .1 , ...... I -,.,. ... .1 ......I Cnsta mni 1 -I. ' I I - . .... ...! uini.riIUKreWll SIHIVU. dollars year. Are tl.c neon c to ( Tirliirn utrav. ' A I i-ihthI t-.-f inn la ,.....!... I :.. -II . a. ...I I I a AlA. 7 J w ass. .. ,a m MrraITU III l Ufl'HrC- i , , iesa n il il a ll-ai WW t W I tM IPT aSafi ill II lit V Mat that we may perfect our School fyct.-m. Md envert the hundred of thousands ofslollara' How waated O0 useless uficiala. into a fund for the advaoeeineut of the sacred cauxu of education. Tbe estimate of figure embodied in thi repnrb wbirb by no means embrace all lha item ..f expenditure, and whieh we have tried to set forth without eiaJtaTeration. when nsjtnetions and aiilhoruica. to make the iwmi... lem bv wi.i larsivf fees are annnallv fU.ifl I.I U .Ki.Ia ......... u I lllil-er?. Vru. niva. 1 .. sand doi:ars,e.,ti ,ltotliatofthe Uovcnior; hut v.'ii do not fh.'rrbv sfoii the . visa ,n,.. ..rr.'. from coming into" his office oat of the-people's potkeu. 1 From the statements made here while that bill wsa under deb.te, it is certain that the eighty mm. t l.rl-..lil... ! . . J - 1 sj.ipvnor i.ouri rei eive, on an for holding an election on lite first Thuraday iu August next. llemlved 8th. That we are opposed to the us leiision of the writ of aaAnu rorpiu under any circumrtances, and that we a re alsoopposed togi v mg the Governor the power to dnchir an. t i I I V I ty in a state of insurrection, and to call out the ,ml-',' iVcpt "P"" proper affidavit of the civil officers of the coonty that an insurrection actually exist and they are not able to (oppress . . : Retoired th, That we are biUeri v opposed to . r.of n-r Poon oflie public work" in wiucn ine mate m Interested, believing that -ucn saie ia, at mis tune, iinnei esaary and injudi cioua, and would prove detrimental to the in leresioi in people of .North Carolina and the guveniiueiii uicreot, Jlemtlved 10th, That tha member of the Leg lalaltliras lit dolinia iU I B 1 1 a . -" " "sa. wmv v S.SS UUIICIn IT I lit' liaa ss-as I -- , I -..., ...: a..cai ansauy ana oppressively to wards their constituents. rta-rert l ltli. That we are opposed to lone uailnm nlll.. I :.l. " - " ... t ixxiu.i.ii.. 2. "Debt r .ntracted In whtrh ft.. ..i. of th "bllgatioa ia not eat forth, nor the val- a ui tne pniparty for wbish aueh d.hia .r. creaieu, is stated. " ana. . . ... sue ruiea conatruction laid down in RoUaou re. Brown, 63 N. C. R., 454, are ouiy applicable to such coutraajta. Tha eaae uiTiorw us present a different kiud of contract. I - T Bllenn sW katrtar of pro- i-... sue piaiuiinuiidi an expreuagree inent delivered to the defendant a number of nma. ami waa to receive in exchange thirty pound of lint cotton for each bat. Tha defendant railed to perform hi part of tha contract, and thi suit waa brought to recovar dalnagea for aueh uon parformaoeo. ne true UHMture of damages ia tbe value of in notion at the time and place of contract. A Lnit.nl Stataa Treasury nftf aaafn aw as Warn ... .f naed as a iiKaJiam of exchange wilhiirtbe I, ..e . .... a ... . .......a ui luaorreciionarv MS'aa i ,nir..i. made during the war, mid mutt be adopted as the standard of value. Wh.n .h LjJ value of the contraot is ascertained by evi dence, the jury, iu adding tha depreciation of .v-.u.y noies. should be governed by tho Waw Method fbr th. I OI'ORTi:. Excelling ia poi.ularity all InatraeUon book for the Piano. There 1 hardly a hnuie in tha enntry containing a pianoforte without this celebrated book, annual aaU aniaw ..a demand Is inoraaaing PublUhed with Is.th Aniercau and Foreign fingering in aeaasatr e.l iUona. Price. 3.7S. Sent post paid oVnsceiat of pine r Oti via Diraoa Co.. Beaton. loblS-Kw C. H. Direoa it Co., .Vew Ttrtu market value of tueh currency at th time idling he W " V' VS' U t ase of union r Tohv I 7ho'e.Su,e. hv V-1S' """ of iW..0O() annuallv, a mnle ac t oo fr ""r"" ?f"fli"- time,, it was e Pleading o ieh a":r,-Yf',''i'f1" ! -"- W duly .. tin- brought together.bow the following iieraaae of nnual exneaaaa. costs, fee and taxes, for merely carrying; on tbe State and count v mov ing for the former expenses of transacting Hw-iits, on the present plan ; to wit : ATI I VV... I, ... . ... A I . . I ' v:... - . " . ...... .7in.e goveriiaicQi incretea C0KI, f.flJU.UUU llusinea don id Superior Court lowing ti ine extra Work now thrown , n i' fLl, which used to bednneverv cheai.Ivliv ih. ...Til - Courts and otherwise: it is safe iam business now Ir.maacteil in the T. ... r .1... Superior Court Clerks cost th. ...... ,i. . I . $50,000 a year more than the very same aia'tera cost under the old system. True', this is not all ! n III mm 1 , . -i - laaa It I- a.2I . I a I . iy peop.e sou tonus a port of their bur-d- ns. liaolrtd 12th. That we r. in r... .(c .: tutional Law. order. , a tuiouiir fall! ikaa Usaaa. ' waa.. ...v .uni. murrers and pleadings, which are not re.! ui red to conform to any systw,, founded on renoii and aiai'iieniie. These weighty words from the Supreme Judi ciary of the Union are commended to those who reverence profound wisdom and experience speaking,,, harmony with the sanctions of the rederal Constitution itself. Shall we in North arolinn listen to these words and root out this If we look into the I'nvi.ii.. n... ', . we find aevtral new offices, and a great increase' ... ; mat tne co-l of this Department for salaries of officers and Clerks is nearly three ones .a great as lorn.erly. The estimate for UlM Ikanrtmanl .1...: I . s - -r , .....a; me correiil nail year, , are nls . .I at aU. issi i - , . 7;. rCi --'..', v i ne i iiniic treasurer. (Sc hi. report of Feb. 8th, 1870.) This i- an incrtaaof$2o,000, or more, over the former expeise And then besiihsi thia il,..r.. .1.. swanu of stibonlinates alsmt the offices and the capttol grounds, doing nothing, or worse than nothing, but costing nn immense amount of money ; who can tell how much ! How; it in the legislative Depart mint ? .. .,,,, naa-moij meets tup as often as formerly ; iu mileage and 'per diem are twice as large and it sit twice as lonr. The old floner- a.iT ytssemiuv uaeu to i-ost about $60,000 hien- asiiy, or aVf'SJU Clerk ' orlici increased cost. County Commiutoner, dee. ' extra edit, - Township goterntnen.a mttv expentt. Total tncraasr. 150.00QJ I78,00t) 140.000 HU. a . ineaupre rwwiu'ionfl were separatelj read The following additional resolution wart then new rid and adopted : By K. A Zachary : Remind, That we request our member of the Legislature to use all legal and legitimate means to procure universal am nesty and pardon for the i SUsaMka it '.aL I , . - - ... . . I,, , J - olina. Hy J. 0. Marler Tl.'l Kill .'i . .. w .-..Ja raiion is in., vast amount uselessly spent in ...... ways, auu inererore waated. auuual- i V. liudor the present iralsoi ..f Ut.l eriiment iu North Car. lina. D w not naed a c ,aoge : Nowoudartha State is bankrupt. N. wonder the Treasury ia amntv. thoua-h . .' 1 I.... " t i, .TW-- i - iui ".me iu. o wonder the , inmates oi our Asyiunw ara n damr-r .rf ... tnal want. The people gnu unaW their AsmiT imposi-s taxes f.,r the State ; tha County Hoard levy taxea the Townahip H.uird. l,ry. taxes. Every body and everything 1 faxed, and money poura into th- publle off rs; but it will scarcely IikLtc tktii aivei niirhl. .Cm dred andtixig eight thousand dollar needless increase of annual pay to officials; while me cnnaren ot both racee are growing up ignorant, untutored; thousand of precious intellectual diamond destined the ResoleeiL Thai in h. mi.. ton of thia meeting, the thanks of the people of orth Carolina are due (and of this meetina-are . lv rl r a 7 .' leuuereu; io miei justice Pearson, and to his Associate, Judge Dick, for the communi cation which they presented io id, President of . .iiiiuit an opinion adverse to the present General Aaaembly holding over for four he pnaeedinga f tbu meeting be fonrajded to lliie Old Vorrt State, Raleigh AstiWa Jf mat with . sot..... li. . T as. , i-t- "ley ptiDiun ma same The meeting then adjourned. fl c GEORGE NICKS, Chairman. v. a. armmm, l J. A. M AK TIN, I aV- - a . . . ew- ine verutct. and ludtfinfrit -..... I.I k.. ....... . at -a - "-va vw iriiuff ed for such amoant. Mitrh.ll aft fl..,.i aon. 3 N. C. K , 643. The defendant, in hla i.l..J!n.. t i... j that thia contract waa void for illegality, a it was in violation of th. .. r r,. !. V..I.. io.i. . .. " " ' -"'Kgioaa oi o.y iota, irnn. v, s, 8ut. jwy hat act interdicted all 4 llnmaatB-sa sal i .. - courae bet weaq eitiaann of the United States andci ixens of tha in.urreettonary 8tates. but did not prohibit contract between e ti en of the Mlne Beetion. Thi contract wa. 7 . " l,n,,u IPaurreatiouary State, between citixens of aaU .j .i sJoikU were exchanged on private account, and with no intent to aid the rebellion. The plaintitf violated tha law wlien he purchased the hate in Klia-ktk :. .... v-iir, auu they became liable to forfeiture, but they were safely transported within the Coofeder ate lines and exchanged in tlie course of do mestic trade; and such contract ia iu n... tainted with illeirality. I'l.illi .. Il . ' PhH. 123. ' i-."-oo.ar. There waa error in the rnlinar nf his H.. or in the Court h. l,,..- ... .a I . , . , . " ' sc I ill. II i lo n,e lue of the p am t iff a i i aUij mere muat be a resiire dc novo. THf R08E POTATO. rp H H demand for this new and lavorite Seed X Potato having been so muchlgrhater than was anticipated, the uhacriuer'a .nn..i. oonexbanslad; but b Ukr pleasure in an nouncing, that be ia expecting, in a very few day, a further supply, sufilcient to supply anr demand They will be sold at th aaV. UZ price as before, aithar by tha baMaavlor barrel Although much ba lieen said in commenda tion of thia improved variety af Patalo. the one hall has not heeu told ; as, at the htste Pair for New York, held at Albany, jn November last, fire pounds of Una Putatona wa. .h..... .i.J nroduce of a ..e eae. Again. Iflo poUDl, f I'utHtoes, IJ bushels) was iir.alii..W ..... m m g-- arawaai iiwhi VUl pound of seed with many nth.r e aualpinctiveneaa-all going tr ahow their tr-ily valuable uualltiea of iirodiietlr.ii.a. .,!.. variety fine flavor, and ctaiklug dry and liiealy. .u . .. . . r" .'Mnally been expressed. inat ruiaio seeq of some more common and cheaper sort are sometimes ia posed upon pur chasers foi the renuine Ham ft C ... k! f'l. ed there I too much truth la this suggestion as tho temptation is too strung for Ihe unscru pulous to resist. It i hardly necessary to sv however, that knowing thia, even precaution is taken to get tha seed ui tha' KUg po. TATO. directly from tbe prod UCer. wh.ia.i-l.ur- nctcris ahnve all aiia.';..n ..J I . u . a- i . . . r -"' vrsiucs, can i aflord to cheat. Xo be had ft EDWARD 8ILLTB Drag Store. Salisbury, N. C. SALISBURY MARKETS FUBUUARy 18, 1870. SICRETART'S OPPfCE, W. C. H. R. CO.. f MUII-AKV Mtoi-.a. N. C.. Feb. II,, 1870. f 'PUK Doard of Director of the North Cam- lina Kail Road Cbtupaav have this day declared an annual Dividend of six par cent on the Capital stia-k of said Company for tbe fiscal year ending list- 31st. 1870. Throe per cent payable on 1st day of April. 1870. Thra .,.r cent payuhle on first day July, 1870. The Transfer Books will be closed from 1st da of -March to Jst day April, 1870. on first payment, and from 1st day Jure, to 1st day July, 1870, on second payment. P. A. sTAOii, Secretary. St-riaiow Cofbt, Pall Term, 18C9. Mortal Carolina Caldwell i"i'n, Joseph H. Mast. against James 11 Collett. Attachment. In this eas it is made to appear to tbe eatisfur ti..n of the cvnrt that the d-fendant James H. Collett resides beyond the limits of tkia (Mate : Il Is therefor ordered that publicstlon be made ia the "Old Notth btah- " a newspaper published in Salisbury. N. C. for'aia u..L lilii... II.. ...j .).. . . . 7'i a.w uernoioiio Dnd Senear at Ik. r. 1 .1 .k. u I . . .7 "PI ' ' ;, , . , , wsfpoaiiroan ior ioe aaroarx sr j. Secretaries. Code ; or sh i!i we still he l,-,l l. .k. l.. - , - iu. in. i i,v one or two freshly imK.rted innovators far more remarkajila for perlinnci'y and self-desertion than i... -...,, gi-naeor 1c7.11 UHiruvtg T The cost of litigation under I a Vl'ur 'I I... ... . . . M, .... I...-VU. ise-iu- si . -. .-.--. ..u , i.iouaanus or precious ' In. im mi :, !, . i...ll....i j: j. , ... precious ous month. AJTt.7. .1.. T. .. iT!L . ""a' a""'"' d never to be , c , --"... iiicai.iris.aiu neport I siisneu ailUIiie State fi-overnmenl aala or288,99 78 and beside this, tbe Slate now owes us for the last niorth. Tills doe not in clude the expiiise of our fir.t. or sion 01 innfi. i. -rreiLvnrei to fire rts it is donbled integrity, their scorn of empty pretention, and I fee for .ttornev. Sa 'spiigly hlSrttai' their sturdy independence. Thev ought to have KW r n.e! The pViple are entitled . , r " i xfJUtr 18 hugely increased, f ortnerly a case in a Justt- I -..j..., joity ,n, . now i :"o, or more, in the Superior Con o.c.caseu in nue manner. Fees ar and ...,lr,,,.l. I 1. .11 J; .. tC.,, V ! 1 j V "ireciions. it is imtKis ible to aiv details. Thev a.-.. fnA everv- page of the "Code Some .do has been made about the abolishment of the little old f,mr dollar fee of attorneys; and heboid tdol- undcr j I ,.-:,., . .r . , - .-v . .. -.-..-...I. 1,1.- niu ii'ii 10 anna ...... m inaa. ... m nrprnit m.v..sm.... : : 1 ... . ........ .1.:. 1 .1 - ., .1 " . v . , "'.-o. in waa.ro wirn -' s, jinn inev ihm. j he pur.aise it ia thte caaracaenaticai and this ii...v l .r sr-n.l ofti... . iM,rtr. la k neo ,.,n,;,i.,i 1 '1 . ' . "KS" increase in ...r r.mnranu come iogvtlar ,anj i.iake i ." Keep aown litigiilion .. s"yuukiii hm- mciuscivcs. tlie true t r 01 meir own genius, insteui na i.wke aown iiMgnlioa. This really means type and instead of granting the people chesp ins-fTbfhav- ' we mnst frighten them sway from the Courts by the fear of ruin throngo costs and costs IS means, ing a governmerK made for them. It , l-'. . . v. , .,,,.,. 10 ueciare, and Imiiorlant for our fellow citixeim of the whole L nion to un derstand, that the desire to amend our onstitu- V...11 iuTj..'eeis 1 mm no purpose or desi fa.... hi. I ' , ,n estimates the ex.)se of the legislative Dep.u t mcnt, for this current fiscal ivu. sr.,.,o , r i 00a Thi i. n increase in "the annual expense Si too, P"''"5"1'. vcr that of old times, of . I IIIUIC. Besides all this, there is the expense of the Asylums, of Elections, of 'Contiiurapcies,'' Ac Ac, most of tliese costing immensely over for mer fi"tires. A refer, i.e.. to ,1.,. r;.....;a 11- . , -., ------- .... .I.....-I..I tain 01 me j reasurer will show that the snnii.il cost of the feute Government proper, without paying any interest on our debt, is t least i?.ttK), U(XJ more now than under ilu.nl. I r. L nt the following overwhelming figure showinc osea ny tne present State gov ernment since It hemin in T.7T. 1Ba. 0 1 i .t- . " :--; ' W....J.1US ui iiic lreajsury, July 1st, 1808, vtwwary Stale Tx for $1-M I 31 n to an nul those of its features which guarantee the in aiolability of tha Lnion, the cnial righta of the races, or any of the other .legitimate mulls of fn; ar. cmuo.lte.1 in tho ConKres-ion-al plan of raconatruction. Ail these are reirard el here a settled qmst oiw. The purpose soft It tornake uch amendments as will secure to jo- o.aie a avsicm ot internal r! ,hat will he simpler, cheaper, mor r,Ur situation, and r.iie ii. icr.t in etihiimairatiun re snitaidc to hr f .1, i- ""P0"- obleiJea! wor. m.,u,LKUI WOO 111 .'fill c.aies P. ,,!,.,. , " rafriciiee snow- mat UiigstiOn isreat- il' Ivi 11 It 1 1 X 1 1 a .4 . . . ea ... ....... .r,.i-,, Vy ,ncn -1 ones. a disiinguiah- t il i it- V -wtpreme bench, points , , . "h " me oecisions, uimn lertmienlttte strictly rp..o, s...l h. A. iLi"- 1 v nroin.a in uie past seventy-five years, would not fill two volumes: while the sa me class of decisions in New York, in the last ... wouia nil nny volumes, needs no (omment. 1M8. fsoe Treaauri r'a Books) Proceeds of Dividend on N. C. Railroad, 'ace ditto .-. fieperal Kuad Tax for lHfi, .'see ,iitt0)t Deficit now, (about Total general fund receipt, Ieillict amount paid a inierest 011 our old Debt, Oct. 1st, 1868, 2 0,72C 19 117,500 00 485,000 00 2tJ0,OO0 00 apiece annually to get an edneatiou with. nun 1 ne sen. 101 - iiou.se to plllld too ! Thj people demand a change. Without regard to party or race they demand it. We ouKiu 10 near and heed their voire. Wa rnuu.ii we would, quench the mighty pir it w hich 1 awaking like a grouudswell in me nearts 01 tlie luusBe. We might n well ft 1 .. lasssaaaasaW. .as. a a-L.1 a t ... ... ... ....... .. n .oicano nnder a half bush ei. or miiei an rthaunke with a cradle o " m'n tj'ant tbe people tha most effectita' remedy forth evil. th... plain of by calling a Convention to change ! I 1 as in. id J a a a .... 'jmmm una retnodol It upon sound principle. The undersigned would trot close thi Re port without earnestly calling u,wn ,j ber, thoughtful and moderate ...n in thi. Awewihly and outside of it, to unit togeth er. The people are wean of aaM r...... TI,. nine na come, and the hour has struck when men who love North Carolina more man any party, must strike hands in token 01 concord, and ttano (boulder to shoulder, NEGRO SUFFRAGE. A the. time approaches for another gener al election in the 8ta e. thn Ifuli munu endeavoring to bring prominently ba for- the peop'e issues which hu, .... .1 . . ' . . . - ... i n Ml1 T,"" aeninM to remain ondisturbed, while the Constitution of the ITmil h... J .! , . . . uu v. 1 ne several states exist. It i th policy (,f the raJie.ila 1.. akal it a. uaaaaaa W ally re,,. , id the negro that the Coneervative euiiiruc parties, nave been, hereto fore, opposed to conferring npon him tbe gut . vine anu noin office ; and to work upon bis fear by makinir him h... :ri j . , ... v . " . " 1 ur- u.ie. mn prove laiinrui to ihu ...... nauicanam. tne uonservati ves will get eon trot of the Government and nlana him k..L aga n in a condition of alaverv. They never think of tolling the negro that the motto of their party in 1SC5 and '66 wa "Unqualified opposition tt neirro m,ir, ... $i,165,.l!lO 50 111,158 00 ' Another ifreat error in our Judicial .. .1. .Ti,. '1 c. , . pronmt.ng not vtt,f-iiy icalixed hers I.... .s,.r. ....il.. .- V." I r ., . . . niien trom the Itecort suv-uuvitiH .W'.T...:iijiais . u..K;t . L... .a- j . a.T - . . .1 raw- imut nit; 1 n.t-i! rv lUt .-. , . . arfvsiicing the mtUt ri,.,er'.a ofX, Suie j 3StKaWCT ITib cr.inde.1 nr -i ,le n r.r t-,:..X--. . rma of the Juries and lorly four thousand, three In.n.lr ...i ,1 ;..J .J . 1... L x prruuonion again their bcuia- n-el.iawl a ........ i.... " . ' : "7 " """.01 use-11 would warrant Judee for life, of a vervlnna. i.. . j "" nu nny cents shows-the hm Lh rail of a imvanuou to remedy i. i. ,K. hv ,L Slllffi r '? ,.7,n- ""V I V been, expended, and incurred. JT .hang ha made in m JuaiaSTsvalam An ermin. .Il " ! " e W. .of ,hc , ln earrvi,, , ,he machinery of the Stated urn. !ni n.-fh.-s i it - an - a - : . r . 1 rmm i unvf ni't-r nun nn ir.)iorrirnnr,i - i. , . - i ULuui mr Uttllflt " fi.'W . li -a. -I . I. ... 1 r - - - .. Pa ssw nbiiuiii I'l UIHT Fiilll'f' .11,. I I BKB I . 1 . uuiuiritiiii ramo mat 1.1 r-. , . ., ' i a - n- -a a . . WT a. wtattu -ll.ti laVD' partial instlce. i. the v.-rv c.. t r.t . Til- ; . . " i mm.. :ii. TO we one had in North Candin. Kut that P.e.iw s.spnuK-le ,n which su.-,t men as G.in the past ton an. I Ki.ln.i n.,.,;f...j Li l rzrr i ; i-; r . s!" pnents, is ,n rums, fne people remember snd long or it aga.n, like the captive .lewj loiigt.l for ihcit in-wMiiary-. fhU it now be nehoil, y From mil I the land onmea 111, the teaponse, it ahall ' 1 0"lJ4;Iclarsy.tepj p. a servile . opt of that erf fvey twfc rajt. p iikp ouna oiner in Im l nion. Xew York is denly jsirhitpd, Jforth UroJIn sp,ny.- oittna ...4 Pll lire . -Tn-i ivl'v -1 2. . t . luiiorauic tunc as a pure, ahle and learnl I. net. Theae are noble moii i at. A i Mm. .... and they have made onr Judiciary riai.lendent in the past. Hut elect vour Jnd.' . im .!... ...... . .a , - . - --ar? ouu.i ..nis, , ,,., ,,,em ine play thinpaof the popular t.reath, and you dntglhem down from the pin- M al .... t,,..l. l . . I 7"a ,aauu- alls iWDea iiietfrnal Sllll- j shmn, into the fog c.f paasio) and trejiuliiv if j not ol oorruption. You, iu a manner, compel I them to be po'iiician and therefore partiVnis ; and exp.Hr them to all evil influenca without' maBber. Home will star.d firm and be pure -1 some will become eorinpt; but oif will be sua-' j p. .in iiioaewuo w. tijiUif criliictic. than twenl v monlhi. of another. This is equal to' 1526,000 per yenr. sL.$?' "'e S,atc Kvernnient cost $12,3Sv.7S. ifS 'P01,1 of M- W. Courts, Treasurer.) In I '1'". It cost conaiderai.l l.s.u ih. a....i.i d- . . , , J I - ".-V nlillV id not meet dttrmr that fiaci.l v...r rs... n' o ...... , V . Ill - s.rt of t. H. Hrogdeii, Comtroller.) After making all possible allowances, it is certain that we do not exaggerate when we set down the in crease in cost of State (iovernment under the present ayatem at tfcjGD.ooo a year .' The Treasurer tells us the deficit will amount toNM,0qn hy ihe first April. He knows how to raiiu funds to meet it. Kolsj.lv will i Thi i undoubtedly the spirit of the people. IaiM us respond to ft, and ahow ourselves statesmen. an4 oot mere purtiran bigot and fanatic. Let us search, and see if we can not find some solid irrnuud nn u !,;.!, .11 ...... AorfA CorolintaiM.can mjly, to redeem the State, and stnrt her oat on a new career of, prosperity and glory, transcend! ng all tlie Fnei. .- nave ttevu euastened by mwfort- uie. e are in proftiud difficoltie obw air. ua ic-tru. wtfidOUj rrom the lea sons and egin a now era. And a tha -first step in this path, let us allow the people ofthe State Io assemble towather in r.inv.nti... ... e ( for Ahaaaaal va. a true Korih Carolina govern- .iir.i. Iu conclusion. It is nmnsr I.. mAA .I... 'lloUtfh plainness and nandor h.v. k.. ......I u mis report, nothing has been said with This i, nevertheless, th fact, and it i also irue mai ins nadicais took hold of the neirro not f. ,r th. nn...... .1 I I . P w,,v I'm. v. i.iaciuir ll in in u u ter condition, although thev nr.,,,,i...i i.:.. ... . , o. . e f- ""no Illlll this, hut only to eet his vt an.i t .... from him a part of what he had to enable them to carry out their evil and pernicious a I pUCCal e ii l u well now to nut Ia to .11 . a . . " I - " " an iwni.i inat may chance to linger in the minds f ine negroes upon this ausat nr, of rJ.: th.m 'iirnm ... . .....11.: . ' . - . cvuuiiiou oi oondage. The Ounservative and Damoerata throughout th ...8... auu aiawuiii oi vna tana would oppose na was uirei-uoi, VY f RDW ofno man or set of man who would openly favor aueh a thing ; but we have good ronton to believe, that if the neoroea were to -i.ii.... their upp..rt from, the radicals, they would favor any meaaure calculator! m ,i.i .1.1.. .ii.. imm ' '""V 1 J mmm ma uuiii hi iuia- ine 11 Iseiltll ,.,.., .A A. MlCOSNseouav. nan. D - ."V oacon, Dernonna. I'oOee, nernound Corn, prrbasb.ofM lbs., " Heal, bash. 46 -Copperas, per Don n ri . Candles, Tallow. " A daman tin.. Cotton. n.r n.i Yarn. ur i,,,. i, Bggs. per do sea, Feather. nernnnnrf I'. u nr. n.. u.lr i ia, Mscxersl, y,m . . " : dried, apples pealed, . . " anp'ld, . " " Peach, pealed, ., " " ...-. i.. i Leather , upper, per pound, . " sols, Iron, bar, la " castinrs, Vsils.ct, .. Mo!aases,sorghom,!)erg V. w-stInUiWT" .. " Sen, Onion, per'bnshel. l6to Jin Mil a I Wit I iu . 1 IU to I J lb to OP 90 Io 90 . 96 to UU Slto 33 9 UU to 3.36 13 to 16 - 46 1 to 45 3-60 to 4.00 iJI.no to la 38 to 1 to 00 to 16 t to 63 to S3 to 6 to 8 to to 60 60 t 70 1.00 to 1.90 of Caldwell, at tha court Houae in Lenoir, od the 8tu Monday after the 3d Monday ia March neat then and there U plead, answer or deaior. or iud' men i pro contesso will be taken against him Witeess, H. It. Wakeneld. clerk ..four aaid conrt at ofllce in Lenoir, the 8th Monday after the 3rd Monday ia August, a. a. 1869. K. It. WAKEFIELD, - w-m. intern to. 0 . e. 8 Oil l It) 76 as 8 10 f, Superior Court. I'ork. per pound. PoUtoes, Irish, per bns'hel, '.. Sogsr, Brown, per pound " ClarlBed. ' " Crnahari P..l..:.-j' ' Salt, coast. per -.fc I.M-erpool, .. Tahle " Tobacco, Le.f per poond.V: "'.......ai'inrea, Hmokius;, 60 to ... 10 to ... 60 to . 1.60 to . 14 t .. 18 to ... , 90 to ... 9.60 to 9.60 ,..'3.nols 9.78 .. 6.60 tn 6.00 Ht 10 30 to 1.66 40 tn 1.00 NEW AD VERTISEMKNTS. PHILLIPS Sc. BROTH K. TWO DOORS A ROVE THE Oonrt House, on IVTain Street. RVtgtot TIIKIR THANKS TO TH E public for tho varr IIK...I n 11 ... ueai.nn ana strict attention to hnsiness to mem a...t.nu.nce. if not an increase ofhe . e wiu cmitinne fo keep on hnnd ,, ,1 -.. OKOCX3RZZJS, In Worth Carolina. Alexander Count v, t R. O- Hen net t. Executor of Alexander Laek cy, d ceased. against Archibald Laekey. James Thompson and Tv i7?.,,,la lh"mPun. M. Lack.y, ""lar and wife Jemima Miller, R. V Lackey. Jse.l, Lackey. Alexander Lack ey and Ella Jane Rebecca Nnrdoeh. artl actum asking a construction ofthe last tcui ana testament of Alexander Lackey, deceased, and also for ant order of v Sale, of Real Estate. To Archibald Lacker. nn ..f .),.. .1 named defendant, whom it appears to th Court is a nou-raaident of tha State : ... . . Von are her, by notified that a summon in the above enti tled ranee baa thia' day been issued aeaiust nun. returnable to the na-t tsar.. ..' A 1 I Suirior Cart to be held at the Court House iu raylorsvill. on the 3d M.m.l.a i u...k next, and that PlaintiaT h.. t.u.i li . . u.v. uia com- rTf "l- r,i'we indicated. Ine aaid ArchihaM f...k.. win .i;- ...i, .i .. : mmwij am tuerviore taae notice that un es h.. .............. .i.. .- i , . - rr'" mi nine -u ,.u,ce aoove named and then and there lm,?7-rjem,,r,to "methe plaintiff will take judgment .gainst hit., aa delnauded m his said eomplaiut. Witnes, E. M. St.v.n.. rt.-i. r .t. I . . n --. " v u-i n ui ine -.u oupe or court at office, in the town of Tayloraville, this the 15th February, 1670 en t a E M. STEVENSON. y rmVtKr" Vlf Alexander C ' "wpiwiii. ouuty. plv of eluding al( Fish, VARIETT BRANDIES, inent to the constitution of the United States which prevent any 8tatefrom pas.ing a law to deprive anr person of the rlAt t ... T 2 rf; ,u; previoo condition of servitude, if It haa not already, soon will beoome a fundamenUl law of the land and Radicals and Conaervative alike will b.ve to aabmlt to it. So mueh for this question of re-enaUvfas- th. . j T rl.I.t a- - "'8'" awaa ms uny purpoee to wound the pride or prejndi cia of any true North Carolinian, either na tive or adopted. Begging that anr seemin vinrmin may be set down to the aecount i hw est aeal and aineere conviction, thia K pnfvi Mot rerK-ct fully submitted. YDii. M. ROBBINS, Chm'a. ,.c. t. murphy. will suspect Cher, of Welding li uZ i """ .!"r LL ix ilsl a "a 1 . . " . rfi'iiuif ! mw mu ct V...lla ' . . 1 . aara,,,,, a. x-T ni irjiiijrjl mutt A'IFh a wa. I I- ra. ' ft 1 t .a . . a . P. New V.irk iVj. m " ' 7:1 1 , '."e .W"".T "" " would not resi-t. And de-d sniti U.u ," . A'l m,"!J atMru ol J''rtci.ry ia sr, evil on r:..- ,nA :. Z tai comhn- man a corrupt Judu t.ry itself. Inaianc. - . ..... ... .( j.. . .i v firiarn th .i , . . 1 a f - ... "as w . a j :l tl, .ii....i. " .' wan.ip- "i araie.tiH in .Anna t anliiia at thia m, i .. u. t. t' .. . " VT. f ,... :, . ,n,,OTn f . , , ,... i. . , .,- . ,' -ra." r.'".. uit linn, id. u, anil me tax paver in :.oui en ..,iug tvo. I .ml laftiaW the law in ih.ir K...1.7 -rc OI one r cent for the first Emigration to Liberia. The recent meetings the American Colonization Sncici. In U'..i. jton were more largely attendeii than Tor ma. nv years. There are seven hundred aiMalfcav . . -.... .. ... . . - 1 .2 i ":V J. exl ,'. MiA 1 iou, to go frnmlne " . . f . ..... n. t. ..in mm. mr. tn. A.r .,. , .. u. j ; . . . .. . . ' . . " w uoes in me Heat Indies. to tions for imsssm tA i ..l.;. n... B- vlv On . I . . w.,M..w,iM,MRr, in I UP4K. " cents on four hundred ar. V,,m Nnrth f.,n' a .v ".... a uu l.l l . . isiana. Many more are an.. populous island of Barba lial.nicre of lo'8, will, ..I. i-.i iiiiillff in. i ami t.kn... ik. 1. . . . , p.- ......-n. ui uuu larr ceiii ior ine nral I pea who. ii i-hey hs.f nnrar i.. - 'ir SZ . . " )""T "w" "nis ; prlynte month, and tan ... . mnn. .r,. i. " has ZmmmTZ T.1 'LF? ,1 W ; of the Sute: ,11 procevdioa from a ..n IT" i .Y"'"0.M..U'.8 IH W of. i- 7alZ7'Z"Z: lITi f of our Judicial officers. andLoT. ZZZ. Z. E "l SS.tf . Th i .. -iu m an i ine nenni l ncrrma naHM.n.l Ti. ... : ' "f.iiiik oi me r in uu- .-acnoo la ne ' . J UiL. a i. ,m.ni irrr: . - .... . r- . i in iimr v ni)l K renrh I n.!.. c L n . r i .... : m tmti ivtuxn to Ltie r.M 1 in IS. i Jtl.mp. II f. i. ,v . i . n - - i r" -i ..... .--e ins neisin io' ren. mii. i, i .-r- . J -Ta"a-t m u, me system, ana me evirj , - t ' Thirteen acres for a rent ia th. .... !.-. . ... of Government lead sold, at in TX the' other pra-tponed ThcSexlrrSra1nay . .k'.L . ",v.altK ' -fr-r-r;y TfJ" "i uv j and toio ree ftwhionablv dress iJ e-irla i-.i :.. aalion on hnard a Rronkfnn I . .. , tbe othcrday by neatina themselves on" ib. ---- vnawutg ine river. The Radical party will oat be able to dodge sTllT" 55 S th "'t wtion. it and those of the gravest character : fraud corrnpiion md .xravM., ; 0,arpMon of i ""peaiiion orrutnrfu taxes, a trhiot.J?te 'T' InJi hostjlitie. to Hbart.ee .d dearwtinteaeeU of the n-eo-ple, libel and slander, falsehood sad misrep resentation. Wilful, delih...... I v - P., these and a thousand other charges k kJ T"7T' r" deceived, cheated and twindled. Thi ort of lhint will have to cease or thev will k.. .v... . . STe Con.erv. .k.T "Yer7 wnere to see to it that no person is left m ignorance of the in famous dotusrs Of the n.rt. in r i. l... .... : , t .. .'. -".F"wer ior tne tv ywre Asnertlt Citizen. Freiih and OF KVEft V WHISKEYS, RUM, GIN, SlC. ALSO, fMOXH, SUOES, DOMESTICS PIECE GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS. tTfact, almost every thina usually knt in . I . Ct .1 61 a "a . . I . . r "w-- a a. I Bl ' ' IH1 C. ill Mil Vl ill ll u i. a. aaawitt a- Cs.h e n:..l - .' ' w ior '""6 v wvuiiLi v xrnnnrw u it.-, l , . t . est market price. . u,Eu- They also offer for sale on private terms an EXCELLENT DWELLING BOf'StTwlA large comfortable Rooms, Cook and Dining KiKitna. trith tun.....,- ... j- . . . ..IJ- ii" J aruiiiauiiinars. Attached - .... u.,:uiu. in . Nil ir. mnm I .... . i 70 feet deep, with a Chan Smith shon in ui Waaasaaa fflTla. 1 ..A a a ... AT vaxvr 361. 1 IK) JUl OaT WDInD Ratlai lkItilltnrrL. atod i. 70 by 3&0 feet, and afford an exeellent vitai ui-1 1 DlrUU Rart.wi wishing to purchase ariJI please call at the store where the premises win be shown to th m by one of tha firm, and ter.,,. Aaair t t i i i w . . , . sawawajaj 1 11 1 I.I.I 1 VS HffnTUl'DL 18.1870. DISSOLVl IOf7 0oTHIBexiRT?.K8L,,P K'N. f.GF. mu't'ull"'"!!?" C- dissolved 1 r..,.r. n:":.". rw" 'lebtedto U.ci I. i V ijaafiSM io i nine forward by ID lire st once.. o further lndulBce c.7be Jranied II be liege K. A. KIMi. T.nn..t Ilege Istvine entr...i . 8. Welfare. Si-TaSl ZS mtnu P and the public, to !teSaTa7LLtlBT! "WM K the new firm is author zed tcA.tii. . """- L. H ... wunaaoe. A. C. rith T. liberally c:..,. to ti.Bu": ' "ley so hiaafcarMaiawTiTi y "n5Be- will u,.y be assured thay wUlrwTkaTSla tion, and be supplied with the cheaSaa ind iVLl (o.ids tbe market can oner. renrnar It, 1670. J slgnee'a Sale. reb. Sj)ring ...laV0?5;9 IVbo1f',,' rciple of giving a ex ggS oot Ittenfpted I . t uui io prevent it." Asa Comolimsnt Ia r...i.. , .. ha. elected him an k i-eague Mrs. AhboU laaam. rn ' .l etoK . - . "o" nas contnb- aVawJL,utsJ KIWB m an at as ... . r that j Summer Importation 1 8 7 0 . I B JB ON8. Millinery and Straw Bods, ARMSTRONG, CATOR&Co. laroartaa snd josaxaa or Bonnet 1 rimming si Velvet Ribbons, Bonnets, Silks, Satins and Velvets, Att, tW Ruches, Florers, Eeothers. , .rrr.Tif'fi ra w roasets amd lAAxriBD HA ITS, tnmmed and tint rimmed, SHAKER HOODB, dke. 237 AXD 239 BALTIMORE 8TRKKT, MITICR ia her..i,.- ,.i. .... .v.. . .w Hoblie Sal. at tlaaVi."- . " L ?B0" Monday Uie SHth day r "".'"7: " Prn'oVr,; h" 2 "ot" WonnU snd otW a- aa . v (JJW FRESH CARDElt SEEDS ! A hrge variety of PBBSH-GAli5N SEEDS. joat reeeired at Store. Saliaburjr, N. C. few 1131 Mrs. Henry W. Miller's Boarding House, COR KEWBERN 4 PERSON fflS. K V I I 14.11 sj. Cs febll-tf OPEJSED XOVKMBKn 1S2, BALTIMORE, Ms. Offer the larreat atork to k. ...! I. as, ur, ana unequalled in cboice vsrieiy sad c """i" '""I iaw isiesi parisian novelties. VTm "',clleu. prompt attention fivea r aa it 2ip j W. R. HOWARD, Flour Dealer AKD 0IOTll55iI mUx-U W, ' Ko. 1 SPEAITS WHARF, BALTIMORE, Md. VsT ffno.1 to chnic Wmm a . j i- , . . ,. wfIJ"e, rvrrra stlv oBaea3nV F "Wl

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