2 C r I r. ,i t'l 'arVf .f In. !-. '. B i.'.i it i ' faXr-i"' ia"Hr ttivlW . . . v .. ... . . it iW r't .(viiL, a WJO .! ,-. vV- if at U T I IV I 1 ' .' j li af r aW r - 7 VOL. V. SALISBURY, N. MARCH 11, 1870. NO. 10. " 1 ' 1 - - ' ' "'" .1 trtc ,ncu ' BW WB.aW't r .WtVlA. 1 Ss. mm Ta mm MMMipH Bsaaaaaaaaaafasaaaa! Blfli 1 mtMWk .aaaaaaaaaaaaV sxaaaaaaW' a. i at j Hr. OODDIH B OOMPOUXB UE.VTUN BITTKRS, The Ureal American Tonic and Di uretic ? Reeomir ended end fveeswihea by phjriiciant whvrrver Icouwa. Tn "CompouD'i Onlian Hni-r" m l i if i ! p.i-r rxj Ti!btr Tin i and AfnttaafciMwnioitipnjtwo. Thyo contain iwrnlji p-r oant tt iar b u c u v i ; AV(hcI .o.lw (IKHS. b-T'l 'l iie-"On, ihr lrwi 'K.iliwyn, BUiliicrmid Uimary Orgaiti, liavt i. ii . it any nul! Tbaft- who try ttiw Wtw, lor vt lull'itring D -- will in fvery oaiw tiuJ tlirm a Wr. J.-sn, . ajwtil aixl tttrotuaJ iUM-.ly. Tl -v art-a Miic iir-v.'iitTi aim cnrr ior it .ii- . i vmtrmr ---.i .n u.i.ti.i l)i mmiim ! T )i 1 1 nii'i r r t t i .iiu ' DYfPKPSU. lNI)LUKfTIO M ICI-fTu1fcR ? COI.KX J J Jh SICK-IIEADMJHK, BKONCHlTld, AHTHMA. C !.!- A CuUOil, MKLkV.VL.Ul A. QBSKKALDKBIUl Y, DiM-auM of Ktdntty. OravH. &., and rery .-. i)iHrui! a Knrl Timhi- inirrfioti. pgr Vat DttvaaM (Hiiliar to FmubU it i, -i a - t"' 0T 'n conval-iKnoe Irani Tyhil ml other low Iwmt ol fovft it i the very best Tonic ibat en l narl. ThConipoutil Oviitian Bittfrs me. with aoivrnail Uvor, ami hafn uwivetl ibt aUwof est iwlimooial, eerfV,,n ,0 nT iwlWn, law of which ppt-n Mow: This it to certify iliat J hre usel Dr. God din's Cooi pound Uentin Bitters nd chrriul ly rwomnend It as th rery best Bittirs that ran he used for ordinarrdebility, "ick sioma;li Ac. . M UOLT, M. D. Lipscomb, O'anjre ro , N. C, kiav 15, '69 I h-rebv otrrtify that I have tewi using Dr. Ooddui'a "Ouiaiioiimjl Gmiu 3iltrs," lor CJflt;"i nm DAility. kc. and I am fullv aatifid that they are Ibabaat Billtrs or which I liv any knowhjdfte, and the beat Tonic of fered to the American tmople. , KOB'T. Y. SLATER. Hrnnoo county, Va', June 25, 1869. Db, Oodoin Dear Sir : I hae been suffer itijf lor twenty yearn with an affection of the kidneys, prostrate jjland and stricture of the urethra; hve been under tbe treatirtaW of v the best physicians in the country, one of whom i, now a proleoi in a meilicaJ couege. ah failed to relieve me. I finally tried yom Com pound Oeftlin Bat" J,he.elect fas hke a artil-one bottle gave me complete relier. I believe it to be the best medicine I have ever UVl, Very respectfully, JAS. A. FAULOON. fcinl.-'on, N Jen. 7th, 1C9- Piepared only bv Dr. O.iddin. JAMES T. WIGGIN8, rrworiitury Wholtile Agent, NORFOLK, YA. -"For ,ale by Dr. G. B,,Poulson, Halia Halia 38 tf 4wvy. W C. Oeuuine Imported Norway Oats. Samplee Sent Free to turner . TBOJI 1U0 to IW biwUeU grown touwacrs. vYeicbs from to 45 pouoila to the bu.litl. Th.i Oaubaa been arawaea every variety eraol , and in every 8Ute in tb-VniA with Ue laa.t per-ftaliniceBM- . . ' . TU araiu av vary large plump and Undwme. bas a remarkable thin huak. and ripens earlier than the eemiiioa varieties. I J .... . The straw is bright. eW. stout, and not liable to loil iaberttctly clear of ru.t: and grows rrom 4 wl'hsve'both he WWte and B ack .orwsy. both V. aaina i.rl. A ami sVltl altv imiiliifftive. Wi send one ouartofths ah ive Oats to i any il.oil addreapost paid tor.. Twu ipiarts- m P'11 One peck sent by expreiia or freif lit Half bnihel. 4 punnd AH. Kn.l..l Ail t,tinHw . . .200 .3 00 .6 00 lOOt C U'TION. Kr Wp W9S it disiincuy engerwawe that this ianotailght oats, weighing m to W lbs. ratadinNswKnglHitd anil sold undrks name or Norway, but imported Heed, every bu.lwl guaran tesil to weigh et) lbs. or the inonev refunded. Rsmples of eth kinds sent free for a eent stamp Also ciimlut smt tstimonisl. addreiwall onlersto S . P. BOTER A CO.. jan 913 3m ''arkesbnrg. flie.ter co Pa. STAO0 I.IIVBS! WARSAW IHr'iraassaV laijettemlf. 1 VXTt arsiw lor rayetteVttH 'dally ex j cejrt Suuday. tfim a e in Western N. Carolina g to Raleigh and procure a throii)th tickstto Fayetfville fortH; Tlinmgh Tickets from (ioldabw-u' via Warsaw, to Kayettevtlle, ti. Through tickuis IVoai WeJeou ui Fayette-1 TII1C f JU. li:roUgB IICKCIS noui i6"'"i via Warsaw, to Fnyettovillc,. CHAKI.0TTE TO VfA DESB0R0 : I.oave Charlotte after trains from Raleigh and Columbia, via Monroe, tor Wadesliore' 7liuav, Thurdy, and Saturday Leave V a desboro', Tueixlay, Thursday, and Saturday, af ter arrival ofrains and StagoJ'roui Wilmuigtnu. Uaad of Chatham Hail Kuad to Jonwboro. J. 0.. daily ttceat Sunday. Iave he of Chatham Rail Road after ar rival of train from Raleigh. . Leava Jonesboro' after arrival of train from Fayetteville. - Clemmon Accommodation Line Between Balein and High rVrnf, wiH tharter 6 tan at all boars "Clrawr than the (Jheap OBce at RtrtnetV Hotel. fUitem, B. T. CLEM MOMS, . Pet. 1; 1M tf Clractar. Freeh Garden, flower, fruit, m a OI J PuMSlia STJq trith dL M raw, OIV W aaw y v" vw, - tectum for culture, prepaid btf mail The most complete end judicious assortment m ike country. Agents wanted. Sort of either for $1.0 prepaid by mail 4Je small Fruits, Plants, Buiba, all the new feiatoes, Ac., prepaid, by mail. 4 lbs. Karly Ma Potato, prepaid, for $1.00. Conever Co Uasal Asparagus. $S per 100 ; $M per 1000, pre paid. New hardv iVarraiitverblooaiing Japan Honevwjcklc, 60 cts. each, prepaid. True Cape (Jul Cranlrrv. for utTland or lowTand culture, cuiMBKoarr WWrtrf . 'AL.ner Hal orcoaid. with directions. Priced! Chralogne to anv address, gratis ; also trade'lint. Bcds on Commission. " 7 R M. WATHON, Old Colony Nurseries and Baed Warehouse, Ptvmouth, Mass. Kfi! li.-h-ed in 1842, dec 3 Im afremlara Cheater WQXTS 7XS. 11 ' UK Blood Short Horn :lurlam ; INm.n. Al "" aVmsy ad trraliire calesa. merino oirthdown. and eotsToi'i s-iei-p -asimre Boats import r ts.i(roIB. BsraJa).ri Mii J-eJUui Pia aad all . koi. e R-sal PKcea Is of Poultry for aale. fcenl for circular, and Adrtreaj ft. P. BOTER I CO,; u- fa, yart-sbai, Caaw ., p.. UOWERTUN'S COLUMN. $25,000 Worth of GOODS ! Jl ST ARRIVED FROM Ul YOBK 1IIK M. I' COMPLETE STOilK of goods ever ofWed in this mark! at prices to mit the final's, bought for CASH, and alter a heavy d. clu.e la prices, whereby tbey can I and wili, be sohl lower than any in th kai At li,v A LAROK M'PPLY of Parofine, Wag and Hperm Candles, just rereived At Ifotrerton's. A large and Fresh upplv of Candies, Nuts and Fruits just receive J and for sale At HotcrrtorC$. A large lot of Canned Tomatoes, Green Corn, Pea en as. Pine Apples, Halmon, Lobsters, Oys ters and rianlinea lor sale At Uotrerttm't Juat Received, a large lot of lioshen Cheese, of superior quality A t Hoterrkm'e. A large lot of Fresh Family Uroeeries of ev ery description, juat received A t Hotcerton $. A new suiitdv of that superior-seveti-vear-old Kentuckv-Wheat-VYhiskey, for medicinal pur puses only, just received and for sale At Hotcerton's. Fancy and Staple Dry Good f everv Je ' scription and vari ty At llowtriun'i An eleuant asso tmentol Uo.itsanl 'ho At Howtrton'i. A splendid assortment ol Hat and t as AtJ-itenion'$. An assorted lot of HarJwareorml Cutlery. At llotvtrton't. A very superior lot of Qucnswaie, Cljina and Deif At flowtrlon'i. All grades of Sugar, Coffee. Tea ami Molae- At Howtrttm't. A Choice lot of Confectioneries At Uowertoni. Fine and Common Tobatfo. miortd Ifa vanna, Regalia, Principe and V. S Grant Ci gars At Howerto t. A complete assortment ol I.q'ior. ol ar kinds and grades At Howtrton. For Medicinal purposes only Moore's cele brated seven-year-old double-rectified - Kentucky-Whiskey perfectly pure, Af Houierton. Every variety of Yankee Notions, U..J-' At Howtrton'i. iL fine his stock has. been selected with great care to meet EVERY WANT. Call and examine it it will not cost you anything to do that But Don't As her OrtdU. His motto is "PAY AYOU GO.' iy COUNTRY PRODUCE of aery description taken tn exchange. IV Bank Note, and Specie taken at the Highest Market Rates, At W. tower ton's, SALISBURY, N. C. November, h. 1869. . 44-Cm Advantages of Life In surance. The North Ararrk a lnorance Company pay its premium promptly withent chairs. W. U. HoLDKKXFsn. Agent. . North America Life In. Co. TAOMASVTLI.B. N. C I Dear Sir: Ton will please accept my sin cere thank for yonr prompt payment, without esvwye, of the amount of the pidicy of Insur ance on mv Husband's Life, amounting to the snui of three thomand dollars. At yonr ear nest and repeated solicitation he was induced to insure in votir Company, and now we are the To you and the North America Life Insur ance. Company we hall feel uuler ohligatioiis. such as only t,nc wmow unu latueriuss can icei and ojpress. May you have succcm' in inducing others to insure In your nro-I liheral etniiiwiity. and aiay tbe Lord of the widow and itrpWs hicss you and prosper you iu your good work.,, M argaskt C. HAni:R; of Kowan Mills, N C. Mr. Holderueas is also agbut tor the Liver pool, Loudon and Ulobe Fibb Insurance Com pany, which insure ail kind" of public and pri vate buikliogs, Railroad Depots, llridges Fac tories, FotinHerics, Mills and Merchandise and pays all i A losses pmmply. All letters addressed to Mr. Holdeme. at ThoiuasvMe, V. 'C will receive prompt atten tion. , dec 3 tf Spring Se Sumtuer Importtioii 18 7 0 R IBBONS, Millinery and Straw Goods, arnstrongTcator & Co. - larosTBss nd jossae v i Bonnet Irimminas d Velvet Ribbons, Bonneta , Bilks, Satin aad Velvets, Jilonth, XetU, Oram, Ruektm, Plmrem, FriUhtrt, Ontmmml STKA W BONNETS AND LADIES' HATS, frtsvavtf mid vnlriwmed, SHASIK HOODS, dfca. 237 AMI 9 B A I.TIMOHE STREET, BALTIMORE, Br. OITer the lrcrt -to. k to be fonnd in tlii conn- Uv, and unequalled in cboic rariaty aa eorapriaiag ta laMst panaiaa so. elites. Orders solhtilad, and pro mpf attention flrra. Feb IS tnpd . . v i m os I'll i KEROSENE LAMP. -rt I MP S I K EST .ml rineiit I amn now in np. It require no chimney doe not smoke, no i smell. Barns teas on aoa av a nnitntcr tigm tiirtii aur other Lamp CftU at Dr. Fiatlsou'a Drue Store. Salisbury, B.C. aUasuiialt audaacuturo. MfHW ' PHILLIPS A 1MTUIV) TWO DOOMS ABOVE THE Court House, on Mate treet, KTf'KN Til Kl K THANKS TO THE 1 1 public for the very liberal patronage en c 9$ oyedf by them durinjt the -f rear, and hope, fair dealimr and strict attention to hnsinesa to merit a continuance, if not an increase oftlie we wi'l pnntlnne to keep, n oi rjLmmx ok' on hand I a gnod sup- msw, in eluding fret and Salt PImIi, OF KVKKT VMtlETT WHISKEYS. BRANDIES. RUM, GIN. AC ALSO, liOT8, SHOES. IKMESU0S, PIECE 600D8, YANKKK NOTIONS, in fact, alinost everything usually kept in a va riety ti. re. al if which e will aell low tar Cash, or Country Produce at the high eit market price. Thet alsii offer for sale on private terms, an EXCkLLEXT VWELllSQ BOV8E with large comfortable Kin dtk. Cook and Dining Kuoin, with necessary ent brrildings. Attached to the dwelling is a store room Ku feet wide by 70 feet deep, with a Gun Smith Shop in lb rear The hit on which said buildings are -it u ated i 70 by ifju feet, aud affords an excellent Garden spot. Parties wirhiug to purchase will please rail at the store where the premise will he show n to th m Jy one of the arm, and terms made easy. 'PUiLLlPS A BROTHER. Feb. 1. 1870. 7 tf Sale of Yadkin River Lands. BY ORDER OF COVRf I WILL expose the land hi longing to ta estate of Kotwrt Km.- for sal at the premisesiiD a'cdueiMlsy th lot! dsy if March next. These Land sr situated nn the Yadkin Bicer abont eight mil from saliabory, la Ho an count)-, am two miles from Hottaborg Depot ea the Railroad: then are about THIRTEEN HUNDRED A' RES, aad it will lie solil in a number of small trarUnaa to suit parrhastii with raodertte bscsd. Thawhol tract will be aold subject to las dower rig hi of Hie widow . This is one of th most valuable and deafrsbl tracts of land ia this port ion ot tin glass, a large portion of it balsa, tbe FINEST RIVER BOTTOM!, equal in fertility to any tand ia th Slate. The terms of sale will be one-third taah. asd a credit I of one aad two year for the balaaee with interest , I 1 1 " 1 1 u.i. i , ir. iimm .Bui i' im.H viuvr la paid Up III lull JOHN C FOARD, Ftb.-arj lat, lyru 6;ow tommisaionar " HENRY'S COXSTITLTWV RE0VT0R, OR BLOOD CLEANSER. This medicine iaknown to the faculty a being the coocentrated flnid extract of Harsaparlll anited with other valuable medicinal herbs, aad Is guaran teed as chemically pare. ' ro rag era or Scrofula and C This remedy i compopnded expressly for purify - issiy ror piirur- iiHi'itnties Ki,g ine and cleansinjr tl'e blood otail at nnee to the lountaiii-head of disease. It extin puisnes. Tumor, Conimmption, Supkili, Shin Entntimi, Salt Rheum, Boil, Rkeumatum, Watte of Vitality, Seroula. W all know that the proutiscnoas vaccination In duhred in durioKtht late war bred the most vilhut ous diseases. Vaccination pun wa taken from tbe arms of many person, full or serorntou sores. . Then of course tba impurities of tbearrofuons p tient were absorbed in the blood of men otherwise without diseases, .mil both become iofrvted alike. Men men and children throughout .ill the West are moat wofully diasaaed from this csuas. and knew not. until a few muntlu aro the origin of it. Henry Constitution Renovator lleliev. s tbe Kntir System of Pains and aclies, en livens thespirit. and sends Mw blood BOUNDING THllODGH EVEBV VEIN. ItisMait a SpurMinq Brightness to the Epe, A Rosy Ghu to the Cheek, Al Ruby Tinge to the Lips, A Clearness to the Head, Brightness to the Complexion, Buoyancy to the Spirits, p.,,,.,,,!..,,!!!,!!, jjay-iJr 'aaSfRiat""'I";," "' For all attbetion of the kidneys it ft nnvurnaswd. People lit . .o'li rescued as'it wets from tl.t very Jaw ol death, by a tiotely use oJ this great rem. At.,, extracts from various letters. ' Doctor, I wa vaccinated In lit hospital. Before that I bad ao kin Uiaeate. I'ntil 1 had a bottle of your ' Constitution llaiiiirstor." scut me by Mr. Ro ptr. ef Columbia. Miaaourf., I autfered toi-turaa with runlog sores, since I used two bottle I in wellex cent a smalt sore on th calf of my left leg, and that ia fettla well mat." This from a laili "And now my akin is aa else and rait aa a babe'. My com pies ton, thaakt to your Keno.ator '' i beautirBl. tea jre. i ma; wtu aay nctaiir was unsnown to me before, hnclottd Bod Bra dollars for tlx not ties: two families here wan to trv it." "f a verv mach tmoblxl with .vbIiIII. Tnnr remedy aeems to Is) eariag at taat. tend tear bov M par t i press. No more rheomati.m. Thie bottle of Caatti tution Renovator ha r made at a saw ataa." Doctor aelod Bad $. Flaaisnd roeasnp ply. Two families kr want to try yonr Coaatitn- tion Renovator. 't w hsr not space far Tnora'ofta ahwt eaatrae, but you can aak your neigbbr about the raraer. Every on ha aoawtliiua good to .ay, as 1 en. every tima. foa in TlsjlAaa rw raa KIDWET8, RKTESTIONOK THK I'KINR. Ac.. Ar. Aud fur Pmmft Dimt, Nervons Prostration, Waaknea. tlemralLsmrtade, and warn of Appetite, ft la auaurpaaawd. Oantien I In orderina onr rented r al wars place tl number of onr Pnat - Boiaoiiyour lea. ieta. The new law ia ao New York Pus 01 1- conpel thia . ddreas, Br. BE. BL Menrp (St On ' Diiertor-t-Vncial Berlia Hap tsl. praalr' ' Acen. v ef tbe I'n fcrl Sr'a. Laboratory. TTS Feerl Street. Peat Hke Ra R9T3. i NSW TOM. ty CONSTITUTION alEMOVATOmaJn.el-a. II. a boUlea sr Bl, Seat an rwbei e aa r xaript ef 4.. 1 m Baa mam ' m a . V . F"' weww awaaawawai carrespoao aoa dfcntiaily. and rep' y will be made By illswiojr m.n. Hold by alt respectable lrneri-ia. fectfi: t EDGEWOUT1I FEMALE 8KMI NARY. TniS IN'STITUTIOX is aaain in suecWu . . .... . ., . . . . oK'raiinn. ji m ennneniiy auapted, in its or. sanitation and management, to the wants of the . labile ando ihe rirciim-tanre of the country. , ,wk cioTi lo ee whether ibalauggee Pupjls reaarod at any ume. For circular T .7: L-i-ar tvLw tu add rem. , M. M. CALDWELL dac2Tl - 3 Cljclu SorlljStfltf PI BL.IHIIK0 WgKKLV BT xj, m txr z m we anq Editor ami Proprietor. aawaajjteBasaB at tTKSi Or taV BIKI ION OVB tSAK, pay tide U advauee $3.00 8u MoNTHtl, , 1 " 1.50 5 Copitw to one addraj U!.M Ml Copies f. ooei.ddMi. liO.tNl fPatee ftf fWrtttrrnv. One Kuare. first insertion... For ssmm additional iusertion an mi IlimW VIMtra PHI W VUMKW W PI-I .J . ,n i .1 ui ..... .., higher than the above rate. C.iwrt and Jiavtiee's Oialers will be pablis li ed at the lew rate with other aJvertiee Uient. Obituary notice, over ix line, charged as advert iiieineiitK. ONTKAOT HATES. ' M K s e rAca. 2 1 isquare. 2 Hquarea. :t Hquaree 4 Hqnae. i (Vtlutnu. i Column . I Column. a f i r 1 1 1 2.lt:i75 5(NltM5(lfl.t(NI!a f, Governor and Superintendent 150 (it 5Hia00 WOO "Tp-klL. u...b- I ..rrih. . Ii (Ml' (Ml 8 (Ml II IN) II (Ml Hi (Ml 18 INI 4 Ml INI in i "I I MHI-JIHHI .HI 11 I.". INIo.i (HI ."I7..VI 20 (at : IN) 4.VU0 Jti (Ml 45 (111 75.00 511 (Ml HO (Ml l.'l.(MI Jon v M. Rosg, stockholder, &c, vt. Asuhbw J. JuNea, Prceideni W. R. R. c... Superior Court, Cumberland Co., HrruHK BrxTox, J. At C'hambehs. Application for Order of Injunction in the Cuum. OTiytos oi T COrBT. The gravamen of lite complaint i that tbe Preaideut ol the Road u about to re turn to tba State Treasurer certain cou pon bond of ibe Stale, with the interiat tberoon, together with the prnceeda of some of snch bonds, which have been aold to the injury aa ia alleged f Use ;...ti..:.i...i - i i ... ...A :.i far aa appears 'filed and tlie affidavit ac companying -it, any authority whatever, . r . f . ! J - . . . mull lUIHHr liH .ll'll'C I, .nil Willi. . w aswhrng solely o Hio eanolaiut. a uri ma facie ease hr I the order as Led for, ia made out aud if tbvra were nothing elae behind, there would be nothing to do but, grant the relief. I am bound, however, to notice tbe public acti, whether brought lo my at tent ;.m or not and I find among tbe public lawa, an ac'. entitled "An act to reatore the credit of the State, and facilitate the eooatraeiion of oar unfinished Railroad," ratified Feb. 5, 1870, which aetborisea, and even re quires titidcr heavy penalties the defend- . . ; 1 , , , . , , . . art, and certain oPter Itailrnad Presidents to do tba verv iliiiiss wbicb 1 urn asked to prevent biro frofD doing. Of course, then, this act must put out of tlie y, before the plaintiff can get liia order. Let aa then examine ibe Act. Cer tainly rliere can be so objectioii to the ti tle. 1 wo very (audible purposes an X- pressed in it, and In th of tin m within the cope of legislative power to wit : "To restore tbe credit ol' lite State, and to fa cilitate tbe construction of our unfinished Railroads" The aTl reels on coneti lutional obligation :the other is a matter ol policy, addieseei to t he discretion. Huppositrg, then, these lobe the put - pore of the act, do tin- prnvisioua ol the aet seek loed'ctuate thoae purno- J sea by uiTonet'tm i. iial means t 1 lore are sabsianttally two requTre monts imposed npnn the defendant, as President of tbe W stern Huilroad Com pany. Oii-ts, to iile hefore tbe OoVeetwr and Sufrarinteiideiit mi public Work, a state ment, show me. oh rtb. What amount I State bonds was re ceived by bim from the Public Treasurer, with ll e date of suca reception ; What amount ot suck bond have been aold, win re, at what price, and hen , What amonnt have bt-eu hypoihrcan d to whom, when, lor what purpose, utid bow mncb realised ; What amotini remain on hand unsold, and the amount oi'imereet lecerved trora the State. To this requirement, I presume, there can be no ebjectiot as accountability is incident to all trusts aad ag--ucies. The other requirement i "to return to the Public Treasurer, subject to the joint order of the Governor -and Superin tendent of Public Works, aa hereinafter prescribed, all bond, of the State, which have been Iwaed under arrry awtbortty 4 law, and which remain iu the hands of any snch President, or other officer, un sold or undisposed of; or iu case any sack bonds have been sold nr exchanged for money or other securities, the said President or other officer shall deposit in tbe Publie Treasury sm b mouey, pro ceeds ar aeeoriti, or so much thereof, ae be bav net actually erauifl-V upon, bis This h dejabtlee tk obnoxiouB pravi ajaai --obnexi.ls K lie pbtiudl aa it aompeL the Ssttndant, ueer the tsjp Ity BJSJ J ef i;r..isBiinl l"r ereooeaience, be eery things, which tbe plain n J m "-- plains be is about to do. ' ll hi the daty of Judge . to ascertain the legislative will and to give it ef. ef, unless it runs counter to the fundamental law ot tbe land. When he asked to dis regard that will, upon a suggestion of a Connie with that law, he must look aud t tion is well founded. It mav be ataKe I led, tbat this requirement of tbe act wbicb we haw under review, infringes tbe vest- ed rights of the W. K It i - i in u i which tbe pUiotiff is a stockholder and impair the contract which the State cu lriad into with the (.'ompaay, by re-juir-inar tbe surrender of its property without any forfeiture of it charter having occur red, or office fount. Certainly the Legislature cannot direct chartered rights, to break Uith with its contractors, or arbitrarily assume prop- ( eriv which ii hit fMicc granted. mmm ffsucli was tin-pm pose of the set i ue paiiioie uurimir, aim ion inrn ir iuw I . - . 1 U ,ill I .1.. ! IHUflumi pin pope , ill ii iuvii win vj ihv I ' n"ltfi. we ineviiMiiie i-neri.anu noi 1 . . . a. i . . , . . i Ivihe apptthended effect or tbe aet then it iufriHgve the ronstitutiun and i void. To ascertain whether inch purpose waif contemplated, or wbetbwr ucb effect will follow, the language of tbe whole act iii'i-t be considered and not merely iso lated aection. We have seen there i nothing obi'-c- tioiial in the avowed purpose, a slated ij the Title. We have also eeeu ibat section 3 re- quire t lie return ot the bonds, etc., to the rulilic l rcHSiirer, su'ject to tin joint m - r a Hviav w" , aV g ww. - ed. A ubecoient etction disclose the purttoee in it-quittiii; the return ot me h ind and ihe ultimate disposition lo be lepneltlO! made of litem. Sec. 6. "I'rovidee, nev noliiicatioii of the President, or other iheeN, If upon I he Governor, any such fficer. shall I'.nf hlullv tender the account or si. dement according to section one and two of thic act, and shall moreover comply in all reaped with section three of this act, fh every each case, upon the worn certificate of I he President and chief engineer or superintendent of any such railroad, to the effect that a certain atnotit t of work ha bceu done aud not paid for on any unl'mislied railroad, th Governor and Superintendent of Public Work, are authuriaed aud required to join in aa order or warrant upon tbe Pub- he I rcaaurer, where any viatn secoritte may he or depiaiit to re-ih livcr to the President of such railroad on e mount ol 'he bonds, which shall not be sold (or . i j ii I ,l" ff" WV . - j priced U.ereol o a-- in., i, ..I nr r!..n,.Mit.'.t liv ti.m uiMiir wr A or trrre acr, equivalent In ensh vatue to the amount ot work o certiik'd to be done on such railroad." It appear from the last recited reetion mat it not in couieinpiaiion, in requtrm the return ot Hie Hoiias, ecc , to oeprtve the railroad Jo. of the Sute seeurilies, Which had beetl issued to tlielU iu pay- merit of State stock, but to re-deliver the bonds. Sec, to the company from time to time as the contractor progressed, uulil the whole were returned. What causes led to this Legislative in tervention in the management of the af lairs of the railroad Co. are not aet forth in tbe act, aud it is needless to inquire. Tbe question we have under considera tion ia one of power. "Tbe purpose in making all corpora- lions, is the accomplishment of some pub- 1 ,. i m . m A . . i ' ll lie p'oii, - - Illness tne puuiic are to be benehttt-d, it is no more lawlul to confer' exclusive rights and privileges up on an artificial body, than upon a privaie ft item." Mills va. William 11 red. 568. M hilst the Legislature is bound to re spect tbe rights of corpoiatioua and oh serve good laitb wfib tliem, just as iu the the case of individuals it must be re membered that corporations are just as amendable to the law, as individuals are. i "We should hesitate long before bringing i our minds to the conclusion, it was the 1 intention ot the L'-gislaiure to lake from itself I he power of doing tba for which all giiverumeuta are organised promot ing tbe general welfare by adopting such me -sates, as a new state oi things might make necessary for nie ot-ucni oi incpnn-1 lie." McKee vs. V ll. & llal. K. H t;o. It is upUHsucb grouuds that the leg islature basis it right to auMrvie, diivct, coutrttLaud retain the creaittrea of its own ereaiioti snch as banks, laitroadsj insur ance com pa i li.s. tzc. This right, when challenged, jb'nt. 0'n adjudged it by the Courts, wieu the State had no pecuniary internal Involved and where tin- credit of the tale was hot concerned If ow much stronger is tbe right of the Legislature to interfere where tue state is the principal stockholder, aud where its bonds, from iseae, have depreciated so much as o be come insoluble that preventing unless something was doue further progress on ou ibe public woiks. It would appear to have been high tima to pas an act "to restore ike credit of tbe State and facili tate the c ii i. all lie I ion of our uufinrtbed railroads." The legislature in protecting tb in terests of the 8tate by a measure ittteud rd to enhance the value of the bonds, aud to secure the completion of the roads, nec essarily prion. iter the i ni crests ot the in dividual stockholders. Such being the fact, it ut difficult to see why -the plain-in "on behalf of himcelf nd other eiOcklml dera iu the Westt-ru Railroad Company' fhottld vsanl en injunction in tne jireii e. The notice lo show cause why an HiifUnetfaal order should n sliouic not issue in tut c"i "loved for tbe plaintiffs council, is dccliued. RALPH P. BUXTON, Judi' 5ih JudicialDistrict. 26th Feb., 18T0. A man in Nw Orleans are-ises his wife of perjury In swearing that they were never married. She excuses heraadf by saying that she " never thought Ber husband would be fool enough to go to work aad prove it." THE OUTRAGE AT GRAHAM. Vfe copy the following froai the Hills bo ro' Recorder, and with tba exception that the victim' name was Wyatt Oat law, instead of White, u represented by the Recorder, is about the tame and all we have heard about tba affair : It i represented to ua that about one o'clock last Saturday night a disguised body ot eeveniy tie nr a hundred men ap peared at the houte of Henry Holt, color ed, and entered his house, where they found not Holt but an aged uegre man named White, offic aling a huabaud to "Mi." Ii. The intention stein to have been to hang both Holt and White, coac Ii maker r arkilig ill copar l in rshiji, Out tney seem to nave swujuj a oeas ii not "tamiliea" ibat night, and not know ing the whereabouts of Holt tbey did not search for him outside ot In. premises They however took White and the crird ont of the bed, mounted him on a mule and ! hung hiui with tbe brd-eord tn an oak 1 limb in front of the Court houe door, where he was found the next morning; wj,j, 4 emri pn t0 hi coal containing ,, j r "Beware ! you guilty parti both white aad It i further repreaented to n that the disguised party after hanging Whir. , rode : round to tire irehh nee of Mr. Albnglit. Clerk f the Superior Court, and tried lo decoy or diaw biro out, but be very wise ly declined lo go oat. iu paiug the Mayor'a house he went to the door to look but a lock was throwu against the linnet! and he wa genily admonished lo with draw a no One wished to molest him, which admoiiiti.iu he of course took. It is also represented to us that V hite's wife at the inquest sworn positively that the first man that took hold on- While v.i a in-it. . ui.d that she believes a mi. j jonty if no, aj of ,,m werP colored. j Wh;te was the generaliiamo or Prl1dint of thr, League, in command of the fund j whif h WH8 in ,1,,. j,nbjt f Mt,nUug or appropriating to his own n. We likewise learn ibat White and Holt both shot at the ku klux that visited Gra- ham about a year nyo, and the kn klttv I promised to see Uiem again for thie inter j ruplioii. I Now. whether this diabolieai amttaa was commr.tea ty an kiui or oy tne Loyal League (expected ku klux to bear me uiaiae iu cetisequeuce oi tue prnunse 1,1 to seetht sx- negcot-s again.) for euihcxzling S the funds oi the League it was a high - the blame iu consequence of the promise handed outrage against lite Law, the PwW, and XNgntj of the Stale, and itW nerntratnea .hnnld l. feirered mil .nil dealt wrih according to law. Such deeds as this will not only prevent Northern men coming here and settling, but will drive off desirable population, disgrace so ciety and tarnish the escutcheon of tha Stale. We feel proud that it did not oc cur in Orange. Proud of the Uw-abid-iug appearance aud disposition of the peo ple of Orange. Let her continue to re spect and venerate Law aud good order, without which we shull relapse mto a state of burbaranism. P. S. Two negroes have been arrested ! ! on suspicion and committed to Alamance ir..;t I Jail We learn, also, (hat the same party went (o a house in which then- was a white man and negro woman living to gether, aud taking them oat of bed, dug a bo'e and buried tneia up to the wai-t, face to race and I' ft them there in that con- dition. got out We have riot learned how they Such as this is not so bad, but for arm ed men, whether white or black, to take lie- liv. ot men for political opinions or any thing else is certainly wrong, and we heartily joiu the Id ronler in cr ing such acts down Greensboro Patriot, WHAT THEY TH 1 N K OK WHITTE. MORE'SCASE Theljew York Times has th foljbw. Ing in regsrd to B. F. Whitti-teore's res- tgnation : Mr Wbittemore ought not to have been allowed to resign aner be was convicted of a grave 1 offence against th'' H us. and there are two or three olber incidents connected with tbe affair thai will shrike everybody as being extraordinary. In the first place, how is it that Qeneral But ler a member of the House, could appeal as the professional advocate of another member who have sullied the honor of tha House ? Mr. Butler was one of the in jured p r-ovu, and n was his duty to have stood by Hon lie. Whan he spoke of hi clienr, are we tn assume that he was paid lor bis services ? The New York TPiSnne is yet more sevrr upon Whittemore's eonrse and speaks oi him as be deserves in tbe fol lowing paragraph : Mr. B. F. Whittcmore, on Wednesdav. appealed to l"n;eucy of tba H-mse f r more time to prepare his defence, tie employed the lime sympathetically greet ed in effort to escape the penalties of his misdemeanor. Me telegraphed his r-.a ignation, and when he rose yesterday frr tbe House to explain his conduct the Speaker decided he was not and could not speak. Tba resolution of e-pulsion was changed to. one of cenrfire and unan imously adopted. That, by a shabby trick and a second insult to tbe House, Mr. Whittemore escaped the full penalty of bis offense; but at the expense of ad ditional disgrace. Tbe man who could offer such excuses aa bis for selling tbe appointment is bi, gift, i the ceJy ataa who could he capable of an appeal for de lay en tbe ground of time to prepare his defence and uae it intead to put himself beyond tba absolute need of defence. TEARS. - a -v i't " u e J jpi . : . ii Tbe principal element, the prime Ingre dient, to to say of a tear is water; this water, upon dissolution, contains a few hundreth part of substance called mucus, aud a small portion of salt, of aoda of phosphate of lime, anj of phosphate of ) to ,hU MVor whcD Wied for trmn ooa. It Mine salt and soda tint rive tbe epithet of "salt" at I he hand of tbe Greek poets, at that of "bitter" at our ; salt ta, however the more correct of the . , wo When a tear dries, the water avap- orate, and leaves behind it a deposit ef ssltne ingredient ; theie amalgamate nd j M gM through the microscope, array tin aiselvea iii long cross lines which look like diminutive fish bonea. Tear are eeereted by a gland called the -Uehr) uial gl-nd," which is situated above the eyeball, and underneath the upper eyelid on tbe aide neareat the tem ple. 8ii or seven exceedingly fine chati i nela flow from it alone and under the ur- f-Ce of tbe eynlid, discharging their eon- tenia a little above the delicate eaitilaira which supports the lid. It ia theee chau- n ds that carry tbe tears into the eye -But tear do not flow only at certain mo- ! mens and under certain ci'cumstauces.aa urtght be supposed ; their flow ia eoiitinu oiis ; all a iy and ah uigbt (although leas abundantly during sleep,) tbey trickle soltly from their eleuder sluices, aud apread gitatcuiug over tba surface of the pupil and I eyeball, giving them that bright, enamel aud limpid look which ia j oue ,.f ih characteristic aigua of health It is tbe ceaseless movemeut and contrac tion of tbe eyelids that effect ibe regular s i ii calling of tears ; and the flow of these has need to be constantly renewed in the way just mentioned, because tears not only evaporate after a few seconds, but also are carried away through two little drains, called "wachrymal points.'' aud si mated in the corner of the eye uear tbe Dose. Thus, all tears, ait. r leaving the y I. d, fi w ii to the nostrils, and if the reader would assure himself of this, he has only to notice, upocal as the fact may l. , l . sssveaa -wtWr err ma; is wtwajr obliged lo tnako a two-lold use of bis or her pocket-haudkerchiet. . u) tlity of intra to an : eraL aud iu particul.tr to th , exposed much to the dut. i 1 he utility of tears to animals in gen- ose who are snch as birds wiiu live midst the winds, is easy to un derstand : for the eye would soon be dh lien and blocked up like an onelean window-pane, bad not nature provided ibis friendly overflowing stream ta wash and tvfresh it. A very little fluid is nec essary to keep tbe eye clear and clean ; bur here again we mast admire tbe won derful mechanism which works tba hu man body, for it is to be observed ibat when, through accident or hurt, the eye bail bas ueed of more water thau usual to cleanse it, nature .at ouce turns ud a more abundant supply of tears. Thus, for instance, when a grain of dust, or an insect creeps into tbe eve. tha eyelids fill and run over at once with tears, and these .S not ouiy ain viaie itie pain, out also wueu the object is small enough, carry it away down the small conduits already noticed. The same thing occurs wbeu either smoke, tow vivid light, or too intense cold ob scures the sight tears at once corue to our relief and protect the eye from harm. W ii If regard now to other tears those we mean which proceed from m ral in stead of physical causes tbe explanation to Ire given of then is a prosy and mate- rid one. Tears are caused both by the sudden and rapid flow ot blood to the h'-ad aod bv cxceeiv.e nervous excilo- lu -nt. Tbey are moat frequent with wo men and children, whose nervous organi at ion is less strong titan I hat ef men Among men, it is those of sanguine or nervous temperature who weep mast of ten. Lymph .tic natures on the contrary, and people of bilious temperature rarely weep at all ; the former because I hey have commonly but Htlle sensibility, aud the latter because tbey usually have firm control over their feelings. When. th r fore, a maa of lymphatic r bilious i e in pe rai lire is seen to lied tears under amotion, one may feel sure that the in nermost nerves of his heart have been wruhg, and one must bow one's head in respect before a man who pane urns- be iatenea. Conversely, it is prudent to keep one' coolness before stronger exeiiabla or higbly imagi native people who weep : their tear are often genuine, but, as a raw tbey cost them but little effort, and in nine cases tout of leu, are fergotteu aa soon as shed. Actors, ot great talent call ap tears at will, by Working themselves into a wild state ot excitement. Ifadamoiaelleifiaeh 1, for instance, than whom no colder, more unloving woman, ever trod tha siage. used, w ben she put forth all ber ef forts, to weep so passionately that she would set fifteen hundred spectators to crying wilb In 'li'ibor's Journal. Maseaehnsett has2tVS mile of railroad in operation which are represented by a capital stock of $113.1 07.. '.i. A rentlatuan is In Austin. Texas, eodeav oritur to introduce Mexican laaorers into tha. Mate, lib nro oes to fornisO tnem by trie thousand, and without eost of delivery to those who may employ, them. Wiae ia cheaper than milk in th iowat counties of California. r .. - - Fhr 1 . 00t sewing girls is Kew York and Brooklyn eara, ou aa average. B3-4 wwak r.

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