i NO. 12. ' anna .snaMSnainainainainaiBew n j in a ens. r v w r - - .mm " (Mi . - 1 : . I ' ' . . a a. . r..li., wrna hern fl.lin I'fufV IHH". f - - - - i I jr l mi aaii la a . - phbbh -h-k - - T rrrw Kl lW il IIP II II M 'V 111 Tl I II I r u .ki..l, tl.ai all hived i Mn . "'J- . a... ..Cora lixllur tllAli I (llli. Welch $25,000 Wort of GOOD?! Ihl l iilU Ul ...mL-. te2.ITr,t Mil I ill II II 111 hl.ttyr and ImWrii I. ,i I ' , ' i i .... ,u.. .. . i,..t I ml I If IJ ill U 1 1 M aj men-oi-war cuwrsu ur, auc . na ua am i a i aniiar mil ! in i . jruBi . i .n IB ! , 11": . .7: .KMte. deaernaaMa Copies to out) mwk IT'-" I - - - law i il i.kW iii, ii ' aaa waa "'?"El3am5i5? I v "TtHM 'MF ' . of goodi ttrofindto tliit mwkat P- u t M j-" On Square, .Trst iuMPWS..T7. fl.OO tOsWlIwP5.,WeeWPAST I, and alter r l-aUI notice will beff harircdl mm X II 1" 1 MgneT VUn me atmv iif w. fl I I P H ! i Orl I I fin Court ami .lucre's Oirfl.-rt cesa. m a a a a v PHILLIPS & BROTHERS, TH'O DOORS ABOVE THE Court House, ob BSaia troct, UBTVJRif THKIK THAKKft TUB p.ibl'fdrlthe vere Jl atrojK t-n iov.Ml l.v rhrtfe .lurinp fht .rr. l W Wr dilin mmI -Uict atttioll to WMJ s to inerli a oiiitiuuauc. if not au ujcrea- oi U Wo will i nnlimif in tcriuj-mmmgnjM r KVJiHV I: I L 1 V - WHISKEYS, BR A ND RUM. CUNACV BOOTS SHOC8, DOMESTICS, TIKCE OOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, in fact, altnoxl oven lliini! ixmilly knjii in i xn ri.lv Hturc, allnf which w ill sell low for Cash, or Country Produce at tbu bigb- usL niarkol price. They Imi offer for wilo on private torm, an 'EXVELLEST hfYELUSti HOUSE with mTorfaTTIi' nooniH, Conk mid Pining; Bamua, with-ueceiMary out buildinca. Attached to the dwelling is o Htore room fi'ct wide by 70 foet deep, w ith dun Smith Shop in the rear. The lot on which xuid buildingx aro-itu atiul u Tu by 'M fect, uud ull'orda un excellent Garden pot. Partieii wiidiinp to purchase will please call nt the Klore where the urcmiiteii will be xhown to th in by ouc of the tirin, and (crum iimde M-c. PUILLll'S & BH0T1IKKS. JLST ARRIVED FROM NEW YORK I 1 a I A mm Mltat It fit you i eianipie or cxciuaiTcac, to nnd blmno tlicm u luey mro ccioit wilL pretty tbarp ting in it. Now I concede that the path of duty i rery rough when it takes this direc tion Nn niAticr if vou are Drearher, it it " r : : . - . ...j.: j .Ltpa diopod their flag, telling ua of their hard, very hard to para congcniaiuiea mmm Kood wi.haa for a nale and pleaaant pas- Iriondahips all down to a dead ,ge home. Umt in one hour we were persona and thinga th you feel neither farina death aa onlr Aineiicans can Wiue with them, the contented to do to. She put the glaei to her Hps, and at that intlant a loud thunder clap waa heard. She dropped the glaaa and again began crying. (It may be remembered that about a week ago a heavy thuader alorm passed over our city.) The young lady, soon after this singu lar occurrence, retired lor the evening, Aixlii trm") ' 1 kT UrHtorlM fto Ii bad harness, -ltd rownoj eWrrnunt to Uke ,,p to meet ber lorer, ""T wm 10 tiuk-1 the preacher's cross I Connidee ka- C J " 1 . j a heavy defRoe in prieea, whereby they cad and w ill be sold lower than any the mar ket Kel). 1H. 1870. THE ADVANTAGES WE ENJOY as the result of a long established and successful business, enables us to offer inducements that makes this an nouncement worthy of ATTENTION. mportintr cur foreign goods direct, controlling many leading styles of American fabrics, "employing the best , artistic talent in the production of our ' goods, a,nd " constant progress our motto, we claim to lead the market in READY-MADE CLOTHING, of which we keep full lines of til grades, for Men and Boys. h CUSTOM WORK our products are unsurpassed for qgal ity, workmanship and elegance. In GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS our stock is constantly large and sea sonable. We are the sole manufac turers of the A t Ilowrtou't, A LARGE SUPPLY of Paruliue, Wax aud Sjurm Candle, just received At IFoicrrtOH's. A large and Fresh mipjdv of Candies, NuU and Fruits just received and for sale At 1 1 'mm -ton's. A lanre bt of Canned ToomUaw, Urema Corn, Peaches, Pine Apples, Salmon, Lobster, Oys ter and Sardine for sale At HoicerUm't. Just Received, a large lot of Goshen Cheese, of superior quality , At Houerton'a. A large lot of Kreh Family Groceries of v ery description, jusi received At Joictrton't. A ucw suuuly of that superior-seveu-year-old Keiitiickv-tVheal-Whiskey, for mediciual pur poses only, just received and for sale At Howerlon'i. Fancy and Staple Dry Goods of every de scription aud variety At JJowerUtn'$. An elegant assoituicnt of Loots and Shoes At llowtrton't. A splendid assortment of Huts and Cfs At H'urrrttm't. An assorted lot of Har 1 ware and Culb iy. At iuueilon'i. A very npertor "16C of'Queetiswaiie, Chinl' an d IJc ; f At in wrrtoii I. All grades of Sujjar, Cvffee, Tea and Molas ses At Howtrton. A Choice lot of Confectioneries I Atllowrtont. Fine and Common Tobacco, iuiportl Ha vnnna, Kegalia, Frmcipe and U.S. Grant Ci gars At Howerton't. A complete assortment of Liquors of all kinds and grades At fowertoiV For Medicinal pnrpoM's only Moore'a eele bjatci sevcii-v -ear-old double-rectified-Ken tucky - W b ik ey perl eel ly pu re, Kvery variety of rwneee" At lluwerten'$. with which we aupply both ready-made and to order. ' Prices uniformly low. Gentlemen visiting New-York are re quested to call and have their meas ures recorded upon our books. System of Self-Measurement and "JJbTP Tn fin hit itock lias been selected great care to meet EVEltY WANT. Iff- Call and examino it it will not ootl you anything to do that Bui Don't Ash Crvlil. For r& COUNTRY PRODUCE of 9 iTescrii'tioH taken in exctmnr ..-fS-Bank Note? and Specie taken at llighi st Mai kel Kates, th. IS COKD1 ALLY IMVITBD U Um ' H.sd.rsea CsuBlT lentneky Land Sale " GRAND PRIZE SCHEME r i irpi i II IR I I tRI l I v ihm L-toUtart of Ketilitrkv, nd m ti4 rtcuntntided by vr 14V- JI t uftcUl In th Mate, and upward, of dUO uf btr bmI irronlucnt ctUiet 511 PRIZES, $314,320! ComprTtlo( tbe r'ctn it rtvr boltoMI totarc farmt In iht wt " count of Urtnteroon Ky , wiib mil Ulr aj puite- ' a ' a, CAPITAL 1MUZE $1.10,000! SMALLEST PBIZE, $80! tll, ihmit S-.in 1MLI.ARM IN ' . IU f It K - Win. ihr tntlrt rant nionty of ttieproprrty for th yeara l. , i i;.t. .-r' a il I.- .11 ir .m. I t.. h- BtoBeri of iht flrit arvrn priava rait ectlvrly. Ken' of Ihr farm! f'.r JMI. am lalr Jol'ari p. i rr and II l ronHlaiitljr -pecUti Uiat Ibrf will equal or lurpait ll-ii fiffun for lTu. TICKETS FIVE DOLLAItS. ri(.l Drwln, Jtinc fth, lTw, l MASONIC TMirM LOl'V MK. Ijr. Id, i., (. .la of 4 ur bri cliUcba, bare itTen UDtjuaHnrd p-rtiftcatri sod rodormrntw of Mi mtKkincriit fiitert.riif r vrrj d lUr Inrnt d by HckH bl tn, Id In trail y the commlMlon' n tppoltteH by thr I rrfalaturo, uctll Iht Jrmwing laket piece and j.riire arr deli vert d, Id order to hare your tloketi j r -per y r-jrglerM, buy at once f vorr nearest dub aicent, ur rr mil t y Est reae (pri-pald.) Draft, Y. O uibey order. or rri'tred leiter.to Tthrr of the follow I mr fl -ncial atfetita who vi I furaiali f I rtracrl ti e dcotn ; L II. LYC, CaiVr farmrre Bank, Heodwraon Ky. K II l ANDKIE, Ooinnirrc'al Bank, Loulav lit. Ky J )HN' C LATHAM. PreeMcnt Pnk. Uonk.itaellle, Wtj. JTH t IfALLAM. CumtnffrctAl stank, ndattti, Ky B. . THOM a, Ca-li.Ol i. and Rep ter, Lexlnrton, Ky. W. B. 1 VI KK, Caahler Dt-poWt ' . OweAal) r-, Ky Uod Cluh Ayciiif wantetl everywira i will k. nuMlsk! otherkdvertiae- '6urt and JuatieVii O ed at the $tnne rates w insula. Obituary notteee, over six Hues! charged as aevert isemeute. CONTRACT BATES i! t? f a? ! S5 ii K i i mm U -f : i 1 r r i her duty throucTi the var j wat tiuk- the mearfeer's crass T Consider ..-. C ing, and eTery one knew that ntt-ant ' finitely more your Divine Master Buffered death. Through all uiv eipeiiencc dur from human ttnperfeeOoa around Him. lug the war I aaw nothing to compare The same halting and stumbling of with it. Hut I cannot write more my poor, frail, ugly human nature is here heart is too full. (Shall I ever get, over still. And it will surely bring factions, itf is what I ask myself. bickerings, pulling backs, kicking in the -January 29. Nothing lias been heard I harness, and all sorts of uncharitable say Irom the ship or of its crew ; ne doubt-i inga and doings into your Church, ii you Hie test have gone down to the depth of keep up this show of partiality WANTED K.vrjrahera, Haloatcu, Far lutri aud of ara to a H a NKW A RT1C1.K In me dataand. four Hundrrd D Han r ati. by oar Aiut h Brit raot lh. Addr.ai OKO. McSATH lli )N 1 CO., NaaltyiUt, Tinn., or W. U. SBATON 4 CO. Sew Orl. a .. La. 62626 for Pur. W.t.r, tbu ctlabrstM entirely tatMSSS, durable and rMa- Sl.l final to IB. a . ..lold-laahionad wuodaa r It aod .,!!. thanh.lt th. .. la aaaaaraCtiaB to tlOipl. that aaf see aw mm) N sp saa ..p it la r.p.ir. thi mt m eHurtst ruer eew FOUNTAIN PEN ana dip. Rum amo' th and makes fine wrlllnr At W. XI. Bower toil's, SALISBURY, X. C. November, 5, 1869. 44 6m 9 tntofmaitc -V DEVLIN & CO. c mjkiowa btaow iiwiis r WARSAW To Faurttcrillc. Warsaw for F'avetteville dailv Advantages of Life In surance. The North America Insurance Tompatiy pay" Itn nreiuiums iiroinptlv without cliarpe, V. II, HtiLOKKNKSS, Agent, Xtirth America Life Ilia. Co. Taoharvillk, N. ( . Dear Sir. Tou will please nre.pt mrm wre thank- h.r your prompt pajuieut, irifm.f ekarm, of the amount ol the policy ot lnmir ance on inv Umhiind' bile, amounting to the jiumof three thou and dollar-. At your ear nent and repeated, solicitation he was induced (w inanwj ia vnur i'unipuny , audi nifWJOl ATOM reeipentx nt' its beuclilH. i To vou mid the North America Life Insur anco Compaiivwe fhitll feel under ohligtttioiWi such a- onlv the widow aud !atjierle?s citnleel and expres. M:n von luivt; neces in iimiienif: in nr in vour ino--t the Lord of the widow and orpham icral ctiinpanv h.i anl-ni:iier I'oU I!! vonr Itooil vv Maroarbt c. luaaaa others to and may bless y oir ol Kowau Alius, r. v. lorle,. K., .ffierieTEaarrjKuoTt oaj-.s aTT i' s hisses lu-t.mulr. L,AlUaUflttjtu Mr. Htddernenn. i Thomasville, N. C will receive proiniit atteii- dee tf tinn. Spring i Summer Importation 1 8 7 0. It I it K O IV S . WriitoUtree i.a, ea th nr. 'tflil recommend il hy all ualng lhll. Only ce la p.-r aa. Two Minpli: pa a for 10 tenia. Ad Jrna K. Bk OBB31 , Hadlymv, Ownu. 8.y where you a.w this adT.rtlMm.n. Grand Raffle and Sale or Baal Estat. and Personal Property at 0AS8VILLE, Ga. Jnne lt. 1870. Property Valued nt fM,0f 0 Rafled at f'tf.OOO. oxi.tsi ri:n chance; Thla propwy earn ill In rt of . (eneral aiairtmenl nl in rrh.tinl!', va'utii it -v"1 'toiia iwrnniu -.4 (ntw,) 1 W0Uoll'i S wrlllug In bk. nl hi-.pne-iiiant. a I new, 1,0011 In hn ra I. ; ln t( Ku nltu e 1 00f ilalla : 4it buahel. f corn lott akeka flour, tl.tKni . mLdi bacon. SI kit. nUe "I town. Imrare, enaa, a. .4' T .la r pi r'y, ami nthi r pro ti l) i "l I cluttail. a 'al lied at Foiu-uj irTtiuuiand Unllars.U to l raflltsl fur at TwentT-flT. Thoiuand Dollar. reryeh.nce.ortl k el warratitei and Kuariilnel a prat: valttnl 'r tn 1 dull .r up to 100, to KI, to s.i0 dulara: N" II ' k Twelve ilia ntrpa rd m'U alll rorducl the Raffle, and aee lht r arli a d eeery I lie, ah t er pr.' nl ar mil w II hae an eiial ur (air ah allot. Kacli aK nt a II te Infurui d uf Hit result uf ihe Kjflk' n at iy alter it un ea off Refrr to Ufht-e i of U.rluw comity, .nl rl iani4 of Cuaatr I e. Lib eral par ran oo.-d aneula. A.enta wanted In eeery Ctiualy and Stale, tuclme laup Oril.ra fur .11 Tick et and all couiDJUDlcaiinpa must ne addre-aed to I . Q HMITH A CO., Mana In. Ajrenta, Carlle. fla. "fOMESrMELYAIN A CO. Ho. 6 KAIPEN LANK. HEW Y0KK. ,. IMPOKTKIiH or GUNS, FINE CUTLERY, DIHJOOISTS' St JNDHIKS, M1LITAKY AKi FANCY GOODS. sole ACEMTa roa Wea'tlty Bichard'f Broach Load ng Fowling liecjs Eloy. Cartridge, for B. t. Gun.. wads, caps, ac O.nrral Ann a for Ih. 0 T. S. uCARrRlliflE CO," I.UWIU,, MA8. i Ma ur.u tiir, rl of all klBwStf at rr a I i.i (7 caiii I'.IU'.FS roil I'.IFLffS. PISTOLS, A. 1 Square. i.VI:i75 5(KI H ,Vt L-)(kl 2 Stiuarea. 4 50 (! 8 50 CJ IKI 'A.IHI aSmiarea. ' C 00 1100 12 00 '-'(Mitt .lf(Nl 4 Squarea. 8 00 II IK) 15 00 ,'.' Hl ri7'rn 1 Column. II 01) hi 00 20 00 .'VMM) 4.'i.ko i Column. Iri 00 24 00 .'Hi (Ml l."MMl 75.(Mt I Cduiiin. 28 00 40 00 50lMlrtll-l l.'tO.tKI-, ducting T11E LOSS OF THE ONEIDA. TOKILLIXO ACCOUNT OK THE MS ARTKU t B V ONE WHO WENT DOWN WITH i It E SHIP MIBAGc IVS EeU. At K. I'rora the Buattdi Tranxrrip:, March M.J We are eraiiUed,te cofy tin following iatereotiiifr extraels from a letter to ln aiaUr Lf Mr W. W. Crowniiuliield, the clerk of Clatatu Williams, uf the United State atesjber Oneida. The l Iter was written without any view to poblicatinn, but the dlfep interest in t he in! ject makes it of special importance : Tokahoma, Japan, January SC the sea. Some peices of the wreck have been seen along the shore, and among then an empty trunk of mine which waa stowed away, lioaia have been looking out and are still doing so for any bodies which may come to the surface. The ship' name that ran into us is the Iloiubny. The captaiu is having an in vestigation, both as regards the collision and his conduct in leaving us. It will go hard with him. for had lie stopped and lowered his Louts he could have saved in u 1 v nil on board. Our milliliter is con the case on behalf of the living dead, and the case is Strong a ' gainst the Hri(ih. January 31. The investi'lion drags slowly altin. I. ist evening they found the nhip, and have marked the spot. The end. of the masts are visible some foot , or iwo at low water. Xo bodies have In en i ..mi. 1 yet ; but it is hardly time for any to appear, the water and weather be ing so cold. In a day or two we shall have the melancholy duty of identifying all Japanese fishermen have o-a , under penalty of death, to tring all cts saved to Yokohoma. the ft IN TALK TO A PREACHES. heaven, 1 am one grf wiur "Mi two hours our rood vessel was at the L.-t- torn, having Dcen run inro oj un r.itriin "Jt hiat SlappHn the Cincinnati Tiawa res the follow ii iniii is tens of the Goapcl : J - 1 I..- iI.a AlAaiina v .... 1 1 1 ti t rn.An til , - - , iw-i 1 .1 1 BLIP UIV ivuvn.uii . . The Oneida is no more ! km, 1 thank 9 . v. ' , , ) prtmttcttolta pastoral visits Yon had mush rather take rour neonle as vou like, than aa th.n- steamer belonging to the Pjuinsuhi and appear toeome. OrieuUl Company. AU areirowned but For the rest of the time, you prefer to Dr. Shuddards, Mi. iates,tie thjatswam, I pulj your ministerial head into itslkell 6fty-twe men, and myselt. i My t -scape j and incubato ort dreary paliitudes, and waa almost miraculous, sue umu uir-giuterinr eeneralltifs relative to Oritrinal :.. i.:.. i lis . , . . . . . . ... Only start a very little ball of this kind at the beginning of a year, precisely as yeu are now starting it, and I will war rant it to roll down upon you a perfect avalanche of poison-tongiiea gossips, liars and slanderers before its close. Would it not be better for you to sit down and take a cool, quiet account nf stock before goiug any further 1 I think it would. the collision 1 was asleep in the transom, at about ten m in in the evening. The st us near the fore part of found myself on the floor, j from being stunned, and eves 1 saw the whole and all exposed to the e cabtn.OB tea to sev er struck cabin. I coining to toning my sterft'.is cut off sta:fht. I had MOHAMMED. Mohammed was a little above the me dium statnre, strongly but sparejy built, with broad shoulders and a slight stoop ; his hair was black, and his prqme clus tered over his ears ; his beard and mom tache of the same color, the latter luimi riant, reaching half way down his chest; his forehead large with a prominent rein, which swelled when angry ; his complex ion fair, eyes large, black, piercing ; blood-shot, and restless ; his teeth, white and well formed, stood apart ; bis walk so rapid that others needed to run to keep pace with him ; and his gate like that of a man striding down hill. He was simple in all hia apparel ; nev er wore silk but once, and then threw it aside in disgust, saying it was no fit dress foramen. His common attire was cot ton, striped with white and red. IJkfijtU aVraba Ik, ha' w insii 'Tlir rinifnrt A ul of burnt tilling, with a palm-tree C - alar I ai TT " According to arrangement, she was np very early next morning and started for Bloomington. After she had bid the folks good bye, it seems that one of er lady friends fell asleep again, as it was earlier than the usual hour for getting up, and on awaking, seemed te be much frightened, and said she had had a very strange dream. On being asked what it was, she said she had dreamed that Miss M a lovor was dead, and that she saw him in the coffin. It seemed so nat ural to her that she would not believe Dtlte i w i ee. On the following day they were all much surprised to hear that the young man was really dead. He had received a stroke on the head while assisting in taking some furniture from a wagon. He died but a few hours before hia intended wile reached him. Derringer Pi I hav- H r1HV TT.oln . .1 LJ- CO.. 801 I I ty of New t ork TdlUf Melvai u Co r-P"ltt'd M rra. ".r..rei..rll.,ri ..!. nery and Straw Goods, w an , -17 cAtc naritawior r uyeueville dally cx -L. eeul .Sunday. Il'vim are in Western V Carolina )fo to Kaleiph"and procure a through ticket to KayuUcville for$H( Tliromfli Ticket, from fitdtlslioro' via Warsaw, to Fayettcville,, fffrThroujrh tieketn from WeMnn to Faretti -ville )l). Trronjrh tickets from Wilmington, via narsaw, 10 ravcnevillc.fi). A DMCTDOWr r a T-rt pi chaklottg To TTAiEsi)oko: Arim3 J nijniu, CAT0R & Co. Ieave ChaVlotte after traius from Raleigh 1 ,'"Saa or and Colnmhia, vU kuaroo, fur Wadesburo' Bonnet Jrimmings tf Velvet Ribbons tuesaay, i nursuay. ami Saturday Iw-ave Wa- Bonnets Bail.. . , desbort.', Tuesday, Tbursdav, anSaiurl.tv.f- j onnet. atin8 and Velvets, ter arrival of trains and Stgtifr..m Wiliniini(,n. j Btwl, ettt, Uraptt, HMn, Fkmtn PealUrt 1 I ' I I I 7 ' , 1 . -.. . .. . . ' TOMBS. IIXLVAla De.krjran nl.tXn them nf ... full i-uarant, .e.:fJ f...re.old .h,',ntm. ' HBMavi bMafekSLf Philadelphia, Aue. U. lST. " ewsfja. Tomes, Melvain & Co., ' "y-E AOENTP, 6 MAIOBN I.AM, ai w 1 . I! c a i . I . sense enoujjn to cnum ttu.ii toe stern over the spar deck, aud i k down into the cabin to see if Cap' ain lilliaius was there, but could not fee bin- I seized a cap within reach aud pm inn with the strap under my chin. I Id on a thick suit, overcoat and beets, wen I to tin ijuarter deck, met Paymnei- Tullock, and inquired licw the disaer happened. I met Captain Williams antolii him how serious the damage was. was going on the bridge. I spoke i one er two more i fficare, and fiiidingthe .ship was .-inking, I went into the tain rigging, and in five minutes our gtl ship com menced Ifiking rapidly, was ten feel ah. ive the rail. lien si: Ii til sunk so Baar as to BOrVe Hi water ru!i T k- fVeletj myself as far away ipm be snip as Sin, Adam, the land of Nod, or the chil dren of Israel, and batch sermons. Suppose you hnd a regiment of raw re cruits. Do you flatter yourself that tou could ever make those recruits regulars by coming oat before them once a week iiitl cnmmieeraliag Job on the soreness of his boils f '!igL Vou need to keep down nearer to tho p.uclieal every -day spiritual wants of your people -tego into a thorough week day, as well ns Sunday, woik among litem. The best time to drill is not always on dress parade ' Raiti. Not only are your visits few and lar between, but I notice that in ma king the few -you do, yon often run the iiskof Lit iking your in ck over a poor hi other in your haste lo get to the gate ! j of a rich one. You seek the society of those who have I I more pride than oietv. . And yet yon know veiv w leny is the nursciy of your religion that ! nine-tenths of tin Chi istian warmth and ace. Still, he was in some things of extreme ly delicate and sensitive table, as in the use of perfumes, and distaste for unpleas ant odors. At Medina he once cent back a dish of mutton flavored with oni ns, saying it Was not agreeable with his angel. He never travelled without toothpicks, and antimony for his eyes. lie listed well in conversation, and in shaking hands was never the first to withdraw his own. He was not, like the' Arabs in treneral, passionately fond of sports and games, and in all things most unlike the heroic ideal of Arable character: He was born at the city of Mecca, A I). 571, from which place he Hed to Me- J:. . net '111 ! i aiua, .liny id, ox. i ins niglit gave rise to the epock in chronology called the Hegira, which in Arabic denotes to flee or quit one's country or fiiends. ' The creed ef M thaunned was planned in a eave near Mecca. A Persian Jew, well versed in history and the kaws, and two Christians, were his assistants. One of ihe latter was of tho Jacobite, and the other of the NeMorian sect. With this help he framed the Koran, which he pre tended to receive from the angel Gabriel, . ..... .1. i.- i a "i i . i v iiuei. i u mo rvoreisn imic, wircll lie Terrific Cat and Rat Story. Tat fol lowing was given to me by a farmer liv ing near Peru, as a veritable truth, to the best of his ability. He was silting in his barn silently engaged in mending au old harness, when he observed hia favorite Tom cat cautiously approaching an opening be tween two barrels. Tom squatted near the point of ebserva'ion, his tail moving with majestic slowness, his ears sat for ward inquiringly, while his body glided nearer to the opening. Suddenly he shot forward like a black bolt of lightning, aud as quickly back again, bringing with hira a huge rat. The rat struggled violently and sq sealed terribly, but Tom laughed, his long black tail proudly perpendicular. Tom laughed before he was out of the woods, for the terrible screams of his vic tim called a 'whole regiment of rats to the reeeae. They rushed in upon Tom from every point of the compass, two swift and too numerous to be counted. Tom waa I ai.i tit ietl not nt ma iliacrel ion anil aprunff 1 three feet from the floor, with a rat hold ing to each hind leg, and the re-t eager for him to come down. He came down, of course, and then began a most fearful struggle. Tom swore terribly (in cat lat in,) and furious fell his blows. The rata fought in silence, - except when Tom's sharp teeth met under the backbone of some luckless wretch. Tom was loeiiir? ground ; the pressure was too great for him ; he was down, two or three clinging to him, had a dozen at his throat, and rats swarming all over him. At this critisal moment au Amazon cat, with her two grown kittens, leaped from tho hay-mow and pitched in for Tom. This timely re inforcement soon ended the struggle. Tom limped away, bleeding freely, but the dead and dying victims of his prowess we no Jess than thirteen, besides the wonnded mat escaped no prisoners takenr4 Ottawa Republican. A Radical Sketch of Butler. The I Inladelphia Inquirer Radical) thus pho- t.i-w-ea ..1.. la a. T I . .1 It m ft -A 11,,1'a... HIM, Maciiim. . "., Bla.n Unit, . V " w nreieara W . Ill .... l,.. nd llolla.a for an mL l. u,.. "' pPy ne .air: ." i'l-? '"i" M'n COI. .Qd It II t .rl.,.1. eaaaJVL '..T: " . ' nr. n-are it win til h a n I . We n an .1 fr.7 . .'aZM " 1 w,' ' 1.1 I" - or . comii It Inn frnn, Head of Chatham Kail lioad to JouestiiW V. daily exn.pt rfuu.in.i-. Leave head of '.'hatham Kail Itoad after ar rival of train from Ualeigli. Leave JtmesUuri after arrival of train from 'Fayette, ille. CUmmon Accommodation Lin Hetweeft Salem anil Hiph IMint, will charter Stapes at all fiiMim "Cheaper than tho Cheap-t- Otliet) at Uutmrs II. .tel. balem, N C. E. T. CLLMMO.N'S, Oct. 1; 18C3 If Contractor. Sffffi of Fore Bred rancy Ponltry m-vm nATconra. WE have op hand Ihe. larpMt and Itestselat-t.'nn t ranry fouiiry to r inuntl in the country. Hue ya.Li.oo '"nan anil "'lrl aoanypwt of thecouu tp. rorciretjiars and peicc vl.lt. , Si'..OVKKtX)., DM-eaai r.rkeaturg, (.iat.Wr eo. , P.. hnnnu-ntt. ST HA M' lU.WI.Tv A r a i. it-.-. .j s. u JIA IS, trimmed aud, utdrimmfd SHAKER BOOSS, eVe. 237 AfD 239 r. i n moii jr. stkklt, PALTIMOUE, Mt. .-P-!''.:1 :u" to h found in thi. . u.....e.,iK,ii.d in . tioice rarietr and caaamea. ctHnnrMag the l.tnM pariuhtn noteltip. -CMa,,M" eront.tt-atioa j I'. r nifinth lul .-an hfllltH. Ad 'r.rm Nlri'i ill u a A.. "SSI BO-T -N. MASS.. or ' T. 1.0 HIS, MO BVtUi, f., C'.tl TIO.M Beware of all Af-nle a.i.- u , , M oar., .e-Uie, rftow a Cer.ifle.a7 , ' """.T ew n w . tii.t.i at hold outlv- S . vorahta. Mh ne. .old b, aih r ' 'Zi n' L' -nte all n.rllet Ml Ini ar ij, . V ' k. '' P "' . . .inner Ull nmm 1 I vitality ol vonr ohiirt-h i. iir its noor . . ... . . . . r . J o be sure the rich give yott building room aud imiv exnenaes he' vonr oor ay nothing of softer all, are your capital, your stock in trade. Vonr best Christians have nearly al ways come as miner get the virgin gold out of the shovellings. I giant that Lazarus is not as neat and clean outwardly, or as richly dressed as Dives, and that it is very easy to over look the former, if you only aarc to see thi cutter. ' But your main purpose should be to keep vitality in your chinch, and lead the world, to see that your retigien is genuine and that suck plain, palpable ignoring ot the teachings of yotir divine Master is not well calculated to do. I tin I notice that veu have favor- s among even the few that yoa visit,) acted as bravely as IKs always dene, j and that some of these are bisters. lie would not leave bBst on the Wamam Pardon me if 1 talk pretty plainly could, but the verteEteaaeVaaW down. W . and it was a long tiraarerc came to the surfaee. When I did iw nothing of the lp, hut many heils Jove water. I paw one of our boal lies by roe, aud had just strengLh enogb reach her. I waa nulled on boid tliausted, and found Mr. Yates. wiffthirtseveu of the crew on board. Wcjteereifur the near est land, four mileawayjs near as I I wattearlf frozen,' and sjrjpta-Tffc-a-ra . t i i i i . r .1 tue neacn,Anu where I was r ine very stiff with a Japanese village an rest for the night, twe 1 okohama. My he. yon more ef myself, wetr. down in the sh ATMospiimnu IfK fi.Ki:T and tinast f m i It re.iturfa.iio eMmn.W-Hloea not ,ke. ,, atoell. hurn. Ua o,l and firM a brighter light thaa any other Lamp. .(,a .mhwm rrg Store, Salishnrr. H.C txauune aiidjfe it ; turn tVb.0-r6 knit ii.in atitch f "ITTI.NO MACllINCCO, afo. eat nt of me law. i .. u"T7 " la r ed fr . ua rr war m, rtu n. I brim . Za ' T offer woilhleaa nja.l.lnci .1 . Ita. u.kaa. mnuu" AOKNTSJ W I NTKI '.'ttw era'ka art aa. lean Kilttln It. hl.e.theo. IrTrMtkal WZStT. .1? MathU.. erer Ineented I rlc T. . p5." " JK-n.lni Ad'd," aw'SVo.U null a... ale ofXf.O. JLai) iaoad atoclrr- shart. of aiock in l.; v.rLn"h .?Ji-?J . ...... ..... w anare. al Mock in li.tllk- Ol ( JHrt Imp m..A t l I . ... . (Hi left with .Mtm. Jtlackmer A, Wi..t.t - i I J fore sale. Terms Cash. 5 'r '""f althoagh he was aim when urged my Mr. 1 go down with my abi urging him to go, 1 rail, and said, "N o, tl l w . .i . uere i remain. tioi country and the woi hie officer, who die what heconsidered This heroic conduct ry officer and man on a soul who had a etat death iu such a man feel proud : we were it not for yon all at that I was locked in all that I have baa ' made mat. I,,, gone, and the ' much ! 1 landing in the -to-get ashore, e reached und shelter and eight inil.es from s too ti lugh a Cant. VT d ItarfaU lliams t itt- se. j tographs the man who put the ball and chain on our Congressman . He encouraged at Charleston the most sedicious ano ig the Southem fire-eaters. He hung at New Orleans the only man i I... wa.i . v ...... . . ..1 r . a . - ...w .c. .ju.'vic, ail vtl lie. " "v. " .n iao "H. u ilir BU OVen SXl Ot .1 that pov- declared was the Ian uunsit' of P aradls. i treason durine- the wbolo war Hn .... i .. ,i i .i , . . ... i. . .. j .11 . '. .. . it un.-. language mere are j.uuu terms ricuvu me language by the addition to tor sword, OUV tor lion, oOO for serpent, me diclionary of a new definition of and bO for honey. It is supposed to be I word contraband, and he was suffic written about the year GlO, am! Ua object ' independent of that gallantry was to unite Jews and t. unstians, with i to be an American characteriaire tn take is t .l..: ulled awjy, and he replied, "1 A peUy ofScer rasped th iron is my place and (files turn ! the have lost a no- ather than leave post of duly. followed by eve- rd the ship ; not left it, but faced that makes me ericans, and were m-, I could- wis.i tr iktm?. J hruugh lasai'A) my life, nothing impression upon i vftc. nl th "..' Uho IS all fvcfi '6ach oljfcr so were ppud of their cnun- tuarJl WILEY I.FVT7 M. A. LKXTZ, 'w of , A. Liaa. and look such intfep: in its prosper!-' iy ! in that devote band there we . . . a i many mongnis, uui opiy one neart. i n. was the favose ship of the a T I 1 I woe, uouid you see what tuo popoii J lal the different professions of Idolatry, iu the worship of one God, under ecrtain lass and ceremonies, exacting obedience to Mahomet as Prophet. The stylo of the volume is fluent, concise, and beauti ful, arid where the attributes of God are i described, it is sublime and magnitirent. I It admits the divine missions of both Mo Lena, and Christ. The leading artiel fWlh .1. compounded of an eterna and a necessary fiction, namely, that i is only one God and Mahomet is Ins apos tle, lie died in 031, of the ernes of a slow poison, given to him by a Jew, three years before, in order to discover whither he was a true prophet, and immortal, as lie declared himself to be. Millions have visited bis sl.rin since that day, from every quarter ef the globe. a Aafl I kkaVakbi there, here. i 1 haven't a doubt in-the world bntthat your pu ft u nco for these sisters is entire ly Platonic, lint do yon kuow that there are two clas.ee of individuals whom soci- La wos n ll Art tan ' aliaaia Alll Aaf a straight line; and that aoeiety never Ilia calls a Hue straight unless il looks straightTwl lo the most immorally crfiss-eyee member (f ftt- Ifyoe tlon't 1 do; thesu classes are named pif.-ichers and woineu Il ive yoonpt noticed, too, how interest in you and yonr. work has ceased on the part of nearly all but th.-e f.tyoril fami lies of yours ; and' that the female mem hers ofjrour church, outside of them, have almost . to ioni v . p n uoularlvand oin tr.ily aeWagaii."; jou ? jnd it isttjtt to lo ani'er.-d at. True, ja& actiotieSl not Christian like. But ; bee, thespeple are wholly human A few of them made ' little, narrow, bias- ig paths off toward sanctihcation a few ears ago. But how quick such paths gejehokf J up when they are trodden ea- e day iu seven, con joust i an STKAXOK COINCIDENCES PRE SENTIMENTS AN I) DREAMS, From the Peoria (111.) Keview, Fob. 24. Readers of the Blooiningtoii papers ve doubtless noticed a fatal accident lich happened to a young mart near that place, about a week ago. It seems that the young man was to be married to a young lady who had been staying with a lady friend of this city, and with whom she remained until the day previous to her intended wedding. For several days previoua to ber going away, Tt is said,she seemed very sad and disheartened, which was very rmnsoal with her. as she was means to repress to insolent and instills of the rcbtV women of New Orleans, who supposed that their costumes and sex pro tected them in expressions of malignity and spite, ne did a great engineering work at Dnteh Gap, which the envious waters of the James have since nearly destroyed.- He imagined entire destruction of Fort by an im men, powder ship, and isted by his own I'etird. ' lie was lied up oeI4awwVaune7iaW' marched into New Orleans after rarragfut cleared the Mississippi River. He has been, dur ing the last ten years, an example of brilliancy in plan, and of misfortune in performance. As a politician he haabeen on both sides, and has been among the most extreme with Democrats and Re-publieasiwCw- He is a maa of genius and audasfty, but seldom, of success, from the nomination of Jefferson Davis down to the impeachment of Andrew Johnson ; and although ha has shown enterprise, shrewdness and genius, he has not been successful. Under is not the man to be brought forward this lime for the Presi dency. Mr. Bcecher's Last. tmss manu facturer having displayed in a flaming ad vertisement the fraudulent announcement that the Rev. Henry Ward Heecher had enjoyed his treatment, that gentleman an nihilates hiin with a 'very warm letler, de nying ihat he ever knew, and saying: "I regard yonr action toward mo as an im- i-alurally of a very lively disposition, but f pertinence, and your treatment of the pub now, on the slightest mention made of her I lie as a deliberate swindle If you will wedding (so soou to be) she would burst I put one of your trusses upon yonr own into tears, bhe eaid she did not know why she should feel so, but waseure some accident was going to befall her. On one occasion, bcin lautrln d at bv ber lady frienofor being ao low, spirited,! and being requested to take a glass of mouth, wc shat have a teat case, for I know of no other rupture so eminent and disgusting.'' "I Ve lost flesh," as the butcher said when bis cart was robbed.