" -TV. Iff, .1 lit- VOL. V. SALISBURY, N. H1L 1, 1870. NO. PHILLIP Sc. IIIIO I Hi lls, TWO DOOMS ABOVE THE Court House, on Main Street, RKTI'RV THEIR Til AN r TO TUB public for. the very liheral patronage en Joyed liy them during the punt year, arid hope, In' fair dealing and rtruj attention in business to merit i continuance, if no) au (. .... of the Mmi. We will com i line to keep on Imnil a I sup. I v of rAMIIY OXOCBKIES, fa ehwi Freeh and Suit Finis, OF 1.VKKV VAUIETV VR " HP AKiniCs w f reave v e mss f RUM, GIN, C. BOOTS, SII0E8, DOMESTICS, PIECE GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, in I'.ii t . almost everything usually kept in n va riety State, allfnf which we will soil low for Cash, or Country 7rodo.ee at the high est market price. Thev also offer fur sale on private term, an EXCELLENT pWetllXa no I SIC with large roiiilortuMe Room, Cook and Ilium Rooms, with necessary outbuilding. Attaeheil to the dwelling i.- a stoic room lit) feet wiile I 70 feet deep, with a (inn Smith Shop in the n'ar The lot on which said building are xitu nted is 70 by ti&O feet, and iitl'mils un exculleut (i.irilcn spot. Parties w ishing to purchase will please rail at the store where the premises will he shown toth m by one of the firm, and terms made msv. PHILLIPS & RROTllEKS. Feb. IH. IH70. 7 if THE ADVANTAGES WE ENJOY as the result of a long established and successful business, enables us to offer inducements that makes this an nouncement worthy of ATTENTION. mporting cur foreign goods direct, controlling many leading styles of American fabrics, employing the best artistic talent in the production of our goods, and " constant progress " our motto, we claim to lead the market in READY-MADE CLOTHING, of which we keep full line of ell grades, for Men end Boys. In CUSTOM WORK our products are unsurpassed for qual ity, workmanship and elegance. In GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Our stock is constantly large and sea sonable. We are the sole manufac turers of the which we supply both rdy-made and to order. Prices uniformly low. Gentlemen fating New-York are re quested to call and have their meas ures recorded upon our books. System of Self-Measurement, and other information promptly furnished when desired- ' Address Box 9156, New York P O. DEVLIN c CO. on STAGE LINES ! WARSAW To Fayrttrville. TEAVIJ WttrHavrfttr Fayetteville daily ex J eept Sunday. If you ai in Weateru N. Carolina go to Raleigh and procure a through ticket to Fayetteville for $8 ; Through Tickets from (ioidaboro' via M'arsaw, to Kayetteville, 6. Through tu-keU fron Weldon to Fayette ville $10. Tl-rorjgh tickets from Wilmiugtou, vta Wtarsawlo I'.jjeacviiL.jti . CUAKLOTTE TO vTADISOORO: Leavo Charlotte after trains from Raleigh and flolumbia. via Monroe, for Wadesboro' Tuesday, Tbtirmlav. and Saturday Leave Wa desboni', Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat nrday. af ter arrival of trains nd Stage from Wilmington. Head ofChatham Rail Road to Jonesboro, N. C, daily Meept .Vunday. Iave head of Chatham Rail Road ufter ar rival of train from Raleigh. Leave Jonesboro' after arrival of train from Fayette UU. a1 Between .Milem ,vid lli.'h l'oiut, will efi Stair.- - at ail hours '('t.estier than the Che . ir . .i t -i:,c ' ft. i ( - V-.. : ... i. . - - T. ( I.EMMONS, OeL I; tisr.n if Contractor. : rue oi Pnre Bred rancy Poultry TTL HATCHING. Wi: bsva-ria band the larpaat and k--t -!' tr l Pant I'. m ti j to be found in thw count it Vgc ewwfu'H 6xm at;l uipre?d to any part of theoua uua- I try. K.iri-.lre.ti.l'e al price aillre-M a J. at. JI -I 3-a PsrkaiWf. ' IwtaTW.. Pa. P, ' NT HOWERTON'S COLUMN. $25,000 Worth of GOODSl Ji ST ARRIVED FROM EV VORk ! THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of goof utat uflured in this market at r"" to suit the time, bought for CASH, and after a heavy decline in price, whereby they can and w i ix be sold lower than any in the mar ket A t flotcertotCt. A LARGE B1TPLY of ParoBne, Was and SN.Tm Candle, just received At Ifoircrton's. A laree and Freh uiflv of C.nnlii -, Nut and Kmita just received and for sale At lloirerton's A large lot of Canned Tomatoes, (irven Corn, Teaches, line Apple, Salmon, lobsters, Oys ters on I Nirdtnes for sale At Hotrer ton's. Just Received, a large lot of Goshen Cheese, or superior ipiality At llotccrton's. A large lot of Fresh Family Groceries of v- ery description, just received At Howerton's. A new supply of that iiierioivwSven-year-old kenliiekv-W heal-vt litskcr, Tor nietliciual 1.0-I-. onfv, juat received and for rale mr At Howerton's Fancy and Staple Dry Goods of err JeJ seription and variety At Hous ton A. , J , An elegant assoil mentor Boots and l.oe . If IJuwerton'r. A splendid assortment o( Hats and Caps At Ibwerton's. An assorted lot of HarJware ami Cullerr. Ai TlbU'rrton' s. A,, very sepcuor lot of QncPtisware'liina and Dei f At Hutoerion . JJI grade? of 8ugar, C-jfTee. Tea and Molas ses At HuwtitoHt. A Choice lot of Confeclionenes At flowtrton's. -Fine and Common Tobacco, imported 11a vnnna, Kegulia, Princ'ie and U. a Oiianl Ci ftn At Howcrfon't. A complete assortment of Lsqoon of al' kinds and grades At Uuwertnu't. For Medicinal purposes only -Moora'a cele l afei seren-y ear-old-double- rectifted - Kentucky-Whiskey perfectly purr, At I hi ire, Ion's. r iSitery variety of Yaukee Notions, Atjlowerton's. -' mtl Jl in la, mmmmM la fins his stock has been st'ected with great care to meet EVEKY WANT. tfKa- HT" Call Slid examine it it will not cost you anything to do that Bni Don't Ask Fsr Crtdit. His motto is "PAY AS YOD GO.' t& COUNTRY PRODUCE of sverjf description taken in exclutugs. Bank Notes and Specis taken at" ths Highest Maiket Units, At W. B. Howerton's, SALISBURY, N. C. November, 5, 13C9. 44 Cm Advantages of Life In surance. The North America Insurance Company pays its iireiniuins promptly without ciiaifre, W. H. Ill iLUKRNFS?!, Agent. North America LlfS Iu. Co. Taom asvii.lk. N. '. Dear Sir: You will please accept my sin cere thanks for your prompt payment, without Wirive, of the amount of the policy of Insur ance on my' husband's Life; amonnting tv t he sum of three thou mud dollars.. At your ear nest and repeated solicitation he was induced) to insure in your Company, and now we arc the recipenta; of its benefits. To you alid the North America Life Insur ance Coinjiijny we shilll feel under obligations, siie'h as only the w SloW'anJ Tatlii-rless can (let and express. Hay you have ancccsn in inducing others to iBsnre in your most liberal company, and may the Lhrd of the widow and orphai s bless you and prosper you in your onod Work. Mako mikt C. Barbkr, of Rowan Mills, N. C. Mr. ITolderness is also agenj. for the Liver pool, London and ( i lobe Kirk Insurance Com pany, which iui-arnsatl kind of public and pri vate btiildimrs. Itnilroad Depots, Kridges Fac tories. Faauderies, Mills and Mcrchundine ami papi all r losses protuply. All lettere addn.ssed to Mr. Holderness. at Tboiuaavilie, N. C will receive prompt atten tion, dee '.t tf SpFingjT Summer Importation 18 7 0 .r R IBBONS, Milliiiery and Straw Goods, ABMSTROJs GIjCATOB & Go. 1MT.1K I I !:s AM' Ji . I'l I:- V Bonnet 'J,rimmitigs f" I'clrcf Ribbons, Bonnets, Silks, Satins and Velvets, IUo.tdt, Settt, Cirtnrt, IMf. Flnwen, f'calhrr, Ornnmenf, STRA W DOS SETS A SB LADIES' HATS, trimiurd and vutrimmal, y SHAKES. HOODS, 4te. 237 ami 239 t: i.iitifi: BTUStT," BAL'PlilORK, Mr.. Offer the larjrest stork tot Sinnd in this . U v, arol uneualled in . Loire variety and cbaapnraa eolniriHing the latest pariaias novsltief. Order auliritei, auJ roniU attention givsa. Feb 18 3niid ATMOSlMIERiCf KEROSENE LAMP. fit I III; P. F;sT and finest Lamp now in use, It reii 'tire i u ehiinusT "Ims nit, amole. no- smell, hurna leiw oil aiiii give a brili'er lilit oriv other lsttm Salishrtrv. V. KAamiov It tt turn. Wanted i f.ii A. aural rniiM, RE VIC ah o r ... ih, BUMMM ANO ALABAMA." Thlalaaae el Iiraol .' .mil rltllnir ilrMrlfi ton ..I il.r i iii u a Iranian, of hi. romm.ndrr and h'f ermradc. arllUn b aWmaaat alai.l' and th.trrorr aulhrnl'r In arrrr uarlkul.r. The lala i t II. U aMB ha. I. rn B,il ui.l.r. rr.l li'nl. and ait 111 til. d. ni.n'l l mial-ale I Unlit uulj b futjMilptUin, and elelll- aaTisT' r"i" m"FiT i Co. PdVtLh.ra. M Ma a XraM, lr uia Mr, K. YourAttention leroaMALkT iNvirreto (tie ' Hend.rion Count v Kentucky I and Isi " GRAND PRIZE SCHEME ItUrrrl r,M 4ITRRKD l.j lh L nl-Nt-r. of Kentucky, itl rn nrtrd and recimm ntH, by tttry lra U f ffltvUI In tht 8tat, and upvarda ut 600 of dm bjoi I : in ti lit H l I. 511 PRIZES, $314,320! Cumiir'atag ih r'eh.al rira- bottoai i.. nm, farma In lha ihj n Ij M Handaraon fcjr , ah all iba r aarl- naorea. CAPITAL PRIZE $150,000! SMALLEST PRIZE, t80! pi.ono DokAXS IN OKKKVBAC18, balsa mi a.' nay of lha pmprrla lor ihr ,ra 1SSS A No, about tin Miillr. imi and 18T0, wl.'eh w II ba ill.tr bulcd l.i ih. wliccra af IB flssl aav.n prlna rn acttvaljr. Een' of iba farm, f.n l'S. vaa tarlre doCara p-1 acie and tt I. rnuAdrntly r -ih i.U',1 Uial lhr will qual oraurpsai ll In ttaura for 17 TICKETS FIVE D'JLLAItS. Una! Praalnr.Jiinr tfi, 187a, at MASONIC TrMPI.' Lol I: V I. ' r.. K v ll. admU of ttr ba' otilan f. bar Ivan utiiiualitinl c rlldcam and endorarmaoU of Ik Baaalfl,' nt mien rlr !w d r d r ort h-i 'tn, hid in tru.i lytltt-coi.nl. if tba communion r, ai.n"ii,la lor llf f anllature. uolil Uta drawlnakta uNc. and piifaa r. drllvrri .1 la order in have jour Helen proper y i aalir-d, buj at onri f .. r ni'srel c". I. HL-r-rii. or r-nilt I r Cxi (Mriiald.) Dran. P. O moiitf . riler.ar re. If eiedlell. r, lo elihrr .of tin-full alnn d octal asanla who wit htrnlab t I di.c-l I've cl rul ra : rt H. LVV K Caab'r 'arm.ra Bank, Hrnderaon Ky. K B LKAN'IIKR, rnuiiiirre'al Bank. l.oulr lie. Ky J ii ' C. I.ATII ill. PreliUDl H k, HopkinaTlllr, Ky. .MM s L BAkLAM, Ciimimrclal Bank. Valiii .b, Ky n. (. TilOMtS, Oa-h. tHv. and Brpa Ur, Lrx'uirtnn, K, w. B. tyi t ii, i-a-hi. i n. Kiait Kk., ua-enab rn, ay Good Club Afi i.u wanlr.l reryarhara V A VrPla'I K.erjrwhere, hal-tuien, far II ll .1 1 Vj I nirra and of era to a ll a ABTICLK la area dawand. Voar Uandred D liar, a a.ta hi oar A(xa h a flrt aaoiith. Addr a UBO McSAT'l ROV A CO., Naal.iille, Tin , or W. II. SSATON Off. Pfew Orteanva, asa. ft tsla f.likraud entirely tasSllsSS, smbhs -r kkt; aqoal to tba aoodaMtwaJoaad 62A&626 FlMrT winSl Pomp, and Eaaily arranjed to be non-free si a(, THE SWT ANS CMSAPf ST rUsW ROW FOUNTAIN PEN ane dip. fun. .un lb and makea Sne aritlne. FUMy recoannand d by all ualnf tl.em. Only SS re ta per d"a. Two aaaaple pe a for 10 eeni. ASdraaa K. B. CUBSTBB, Hadlytse, Coon. S .y hrre yon as thl. a.l rerilfcraen'. Grand Raffle and Safe of WnX Butaett and Personal Property at CASSVILIM, GtJnnc UU 1870. Property ValutM. At 44T(K0 Railed at 125,000. ONiTdl PER 0UANCK! VtiU prnper'j c n h- in pmri of a frneral astortmcnt r m rcliaruiip-f, vAiutd nt "," lolla t ; store-huiiM ii '2i hi w.t I M' I ':-. ; wellnirt aca a-d tmtrov- loenU h nrw, i . lars ttm- U ; 11 of 9a fta 1 OoO dislla ; 4'iHfitr)i ' f corn 140 tacki flour. 6 inm pai tie h f. n . J l lii'i r. ce tre nl towa, hurrf, rns( c . fc T Is i r rty, unit nlher pro rrtjr not I rludtl, vfil uctl i Korty-lu r Thuutend lnllmrt, in tu b( rBH fur At Twrfit T-liv Tli-itttinl HolUn. I'Terr -hBcr. orll k- f wmi ruiiif and uunrtitce i i ri valued 'fin 1 dulltr np to 100. to 2ti( t., S UOO do lara. H anto-Tu, . U r i it nit r s t ii in-1. .ii rotouciine Haine, ann arc i each ' d eWry nv. vh tt er prrant or not will hare an ejtial or -air fh v in '. Kach njr nt n I re inform d of ihf reeull uf the ItnlMe next Awy alter it rorrea IT Krf r t oi!..'t- a f llari'tw cotth'j, ant! cl Iirm nl (',--. I r. -1 fh eral H?rren effe ed mgtt.$. p-t?ntn wanted 'n iv r.' uii'.v and Htate. Kiiclo'e lainp On'erx f r all Tick ft- a' il all cumuiunitititiii mu-t toe addreteed to I . Q AM ITH k CO., Uana Inv Aftenla, CaievUlcOa. TOMES. MELVAIN & CO., Ho 8. HAIDER LAKE, HEW YORK. impoktici.s or GUNS, FINE CUTLSBY, DRUGGISTS' StINDRIKS, MILITAKY ANL) FANCY GOODS , SO' E AOKSTS Fill W. tl.y Biehard's Breach Load' a fowling Pics'-s Elc y 't Cartridges for P. I. Onus, WADS ( APS, 40 Ot nt-rsl A, er. fop the V. 8. "CARTFim.E CO," 1.0 W I LL HAS. Sit ufuclurrrsi uf all kinds of MET A I LI0 CAB IKIUUIW aiFLIt, P1STOL0, c. Derringer Pistols I I ;iv lhaday appoint d Me rt. TOMB MKLTAIM A 10.. iBOl E Ailt tf for the -al of mf Piftn In thr ClyofSe .ork Deilrrt ean ol.t' 'n tliein of M,M ,. fnrara Melraln A Co , at my la weal ah .'.sale ratea, d$i oiv rutt uarnl acco.Lpin.lt ev-rv V l"l ot my uinnu- u. i a 'be... UaNRV DIRBI' UIK. Philadelphia, Aug. .', 1-B7. Tomes, Melvain A Co., rnarlt lm fOI.K AOENTS, MAIDEN I ANS, N T. TXortf Ctfi AOrNT87. to SOO dollari par W Clli LCU", ,,tb, every wher-.imaleaSd female to lntr.dur-th. lil-.Sfl.N. IMPnOVKD COMMON B!KB FAMILY 8 WiNU MACHINE, t hi. M ! In. wl'l aMMh hern, fell, tie k quilt, cord, bind, braH and embrold' r ta a e ort aup rt r ma up-. Prle i.nly Sghtern DolUr- folly warranted foi tiee yeara Wr III y Oo Th-nra-i-iHd Dotla a 'or nnytuac Ine II At lllaawaairo tar.p-re neaulifal. or more rla-tlc ararn than nra. h all maJw the ' Ktaailc I. ck 8 hel, " Ircy a aond rttt h en ka cut, auU .tilt a cloUi cannot a-polled apatt vtrb vl faar 'njrl . ffi pay aj en i from 7 t- V0 piB.nth and aa M .i.i. of H cuailr'on fn in r h h fwte iit nmouni fi. be mane. AT'r .fi SEroMh A 0 '. PITT BCKO, Pa., BO-V N. MASS., or T. L'l"8, MO. CM tJTION Beware t all A-ne aall'ny Mse' Inra ae evr. a lr- tb-y can ahow a Ceriinraae of aKci.ay.ff -ed of a . veflii l n 4 hold o - a-lra- res. abetb-c S-r wortblraa Marh nee ao'd by oth r rartt . an ah. II p e fwta all partlra avl In or uai' f Mnrhlrm undi r thl. n iror to the full rat nt of lite law, ' n ft? n I M rh aa are t ta f ed fr-n. ut rr oor affenla. Do n .1 I" i n oaed op a b, par in Ko adeenia-rmei.S n.l at real ra and .if r woithlfrf. iiachlne. at a n p lee. , " O Wytt-K .IfJVMTS tT.AJETKO eTrj ere to wit the Amer V n K MllDff Ma hlne, the o ly raelleal Pawilv Knitting Ma. blue .-veT Ine, nted. I'rl c Tati ty Eiee Oola.f. V4i . kDil vii.iiOI ellteh a p-r minute. A ldr a AVr.l I N I KWIT1NO MA.UINCCO, Beaton, MaM., or Sf I Me. BtarU Sta Sale cf Tt. C. Kail Road Stock. THK undersigned willaell at the Court Ilonae d.s.rin Si.li.hurv. on 2,1 April nexl, Thirty .i..- ..f .U-L- ir.'tl,o Vortb l .fnlin. Uil K.A ii;ivn II V mi II 1 U jr. "'gpk ao aa aM iiT- as :"F'Ld taM CLmpanv. M-o, 30 sltarxA of stock in; Hie either shape. They arc descriUd s nwirdereri l Banks of faTr? Fear ami aiarlolte. Ki.lrV 'raiT''"1 howe thieves. ' he left with Mcsts. lilackmcr A McCorkle be fore sale. Terms Cash. WILEY LEST& IB. . Lf.. J WJy marll-Sr of 3. A. Linn ( oIIc()lb State' PITBUSIIKO JLm X3 sat x m JCditor and tBS OP UMMio Onk Vkar, p i ii-ie inLc,. f.-t.tttt Six.Muxths, 'H 1,50 5 Copies to one addreSslK, ia,.KI 10 Copies to oueaddreeBI 2fi.(K) Hates qf 1 -- t)ue Soiiare, tlft ' For each additional insertion SO Stieeial notices will be cdai c .1 M jx r ceut higher thau the above rates. Court and Justice's Orders wilTW nulitrsh- ed at the saute rates vwih other ad ineiita Obituary notices, over six liuek charged as advertisements. CONTRACT RATES lr l 75, 5(Nl pH.-fli:i00 J f i N.ilureH. I l (Ml U IK) U 00 M (MM :tl I. (Ml 4 Stlllll' 8 (XI 1 1 IN) M 0083 (XH 37,50 ColuillD. i ('ulmnn. I Column. II imi Hi ini 20(10 :0 00 l.-. txi 18 00 J I 00 ill I INI l.'i IMI 7.1.1s! 'J- (JO 40 (Ml 50 (Hi HO 00 :m t it i DEISriCALWAITIflK I Gibbon, who in his eeh-brtted Histo nr of the Decline and fall f the Itotoart Empire' Ims left u rhemoiial of Lis i n mil v to the gospel, resfsVd uanj r.u in !wi?erland where, with the prahts uf Ins work, he purchased aconsiderablc estate This property has descended to a irenlo man, Who, out of hta rents exiicnd largo sera annually in the promulgnl ot thaUrery gospel whith his prerjec ors lhaduoasly endeatored to u mine, f Voltaire boasted that With one hand fie would overthrow the edifee of Christie. ity which required the bands .of twelve Apostlea to build up. 1 he press. wJMch be employed at iYrrr, for printing bis blaephemiei was after wa da actually em ployed at Geneva in prilling the Holy Sc riot tire : thus the vertr enarine which te set to work to destroy the credit of the truths. It ia a re rnarlt able circumstance also. that the first degree ot ike Auxiliary Hi- bie Society at hdmburg) was held in tne very room m rkb Da rid Huuie, the in In lei. died. Voltaire said "he wa Kving in the twi light of Christianity." Bo he was, but it was the twilight of the otoriiiug. Tom I'aine on his return from France, sitting in the City Hotel in Broadway, surrounded by many of eur leading men , who came to do him liomage, predicted that "in five years then would not be a Iii Lie in America. an)ii-l Forrester Bitxroft, Esq , ar eompuiied by Mr. Isaac Wi ld, Jr., in his travels through North America. They were silting On Like Kiie in a ves sel on board of which Volney, .who was notorious for his Atheistical princi ples. He was very nS3ratinca:ive ; al lowed no nppni tuuiiy to escape of ridicul ing Christianity. In ;h'i course of the Voyage, a heavy stoi ui came oii,insomtU'h the vessel, which hatf struck repeatedly with great force, was expected to go down every itislnitt. there were many on board, but no one exhibited such strong marks of fearful deitpnii as Volney, who, in I lie agony of hie -Ed threw himself on deck, exclaiming, With uplifted lianilp and rHreaminir eyes "Ob ! my God ! my Godi wba shall This so snr- prised Bancroft, that notwithstanrliirg the moment did not very well accord with flashes of humor, yet he could not refrain from addressing lim. "Weil, Mr. Volney- what tou have a Hod now To which Volney replied with the most trembling anxiety, "O, yes ! O, 1 es ! The teasel, however, got safely into port, and Mr. Bancroft made every company Inch he went into echo, wi'.li this anec dote, of Volney's acknowledgment of God. I.ihdelity. then, wi" 4P enly ashore in fine weather; but will not Stand a pale of wind for a few hoars. InfidVlsatid Athe ists! bow will you Weather an Kteni'.l Starm I RrASifODic 1'lett. A quaint writer compares a certain class of professors ot religion to "sheet iron sloven heated by shavings." When there is a little revi ving m the church, they all it once come up and become exceedingly warm and zealous. They are ready to chide the pugtor atd elders rrr their coldness and want of activity. But, alas ! the shav ings are soon burned not, and then the hea got s dawn ae-ft went up. They arc never seen in the prayer room, or more spiritnal meetings of this church ngain,nn lit there is another excitement. . If such people had not soule of their own to be Saved, they would Hot be worth taking into churc h. They encutt.! r it. though t!iey may ihemselves receive benefit from u coniuc ion with it. Jn Wilson son urn jx,giey are wanted at I rciu arn. le.v, ,.." r .live, tm nousana dollars will I paid f't their safe deliver- in The prei'dent of OteM'ashington City Co'in- cil, Mr. Jtjs. Willianog, tearpenferrfqr!ilfor1 into the Wr i 'ning. Men's 1'nion of rn Friday nifht. and was rejected. ' a.lmissinn Waa&Tiurtr j . SI M spacb. 1 - g r ; K I t ,,00EBI hards sayings. We cannot give eur lady readers a better treat than a Few of Franklin's in imitable proverbs, which appeared in his "Poor Richard's Almanac," between 1733 and 1753. They are replete with philosophy and instructions, a f'.ct wbieh is fully proved by their popularity every where throughout oar country at the time ot tneir publication. 1 hy were aJi pjiiUf.l in L.yg tlitVfTI r, erl modern Greek. Some grow mad by stndying much to know ; but who grows mad by studying good to grow t An egg to day is bcter than a hen to morrow. Law, like cob webs, catches small flies. Great ones break through before your eyes. If pride leads the van, beggary brings up the rear. Keep thy shop and thy shop will keep thee. Goi heals, the doctor takes the fees. He that would live in peace and ease, 'Must not spcuk all ha knows, nor judge all he sees. He that can travel well afoot, keeps a good horse. The worst wheel of the cart makes he most noise. He that falls in love with himself wi'l have no rival. Against diseases here, the strongest fence Is the defensive virtue, Abstinence. Tart words make no friends , a xpoon- tut ot iionoy will eaten more flies than a gallon ot iuepar. Drive thy business or it will drive thee. Beware of little expenses ; a small leak will sink a great ship. An ounce of wit that's bought, . la worth a pound that is taught. A ploughman on his legs is higher than a gentleman on his knees. ' Mr! kings and mad bulls are not to bo hctd by treaties and pack thread. What maintains on rice would bring np two children. A mob's a monster ; heed enough bat no bruins. Nothing, is humbler than ambition when it is about to climb. he discouienotd man t,, o , easy I W hen prosnerty was well mounted, she let go the bridle, and soon came tumbling out of of the saddle. The master's eyes will do more work than both his bands. A change of fortune hurts a wise man no more than a change in the moon. A false friend and a shadow attend on ly while the sun shines. . fT; Plough deep while sluggards sleep, You shall have corn to sell and to keep. If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading ot do something worth writing. Nothing dr'es reoncr than a tear. Scarlet, silk and velvet have put jtit tbe kitchen fire. The first mistakes in public business is the going into it. The idle man is the devil's hiring ; whose livery is race, whose diet and wa ges are famine and disgrace. Kings and bears often worry their keepers. He's a fool who makes his doctor his 'eir. Ne'er take a wife till thou hast a house to pHt her in. Love well, whip well. I Hunger never saw bad bread. Great talkers, little does. " . A rich rouge is like a fat hog, Who never does good till as dead as a log. Fools 'make feasts and wise men Cat them. The poor have little beggars none, The rich leo much enough not one. Mankind are Very odd creatures ?ne half censure, what they practice, the other halt practice what they censure. 1 he rest alwnys say and do as they ought. If you would keep your secret f rom an enemy, tell it not to a friend. Old bovs have their playthings as well .ts young ones ; the difference is only iiH the price. If a man could have half his wishes would double his troubles be I A DYING WIFE TO HER HUS BAND. The follow ing and beautiful and touch ing extracts are taken from a letter writ ten by a dying wife to her husband, which was found by him, some time af ter her death, between the leaves of a re- j ligious volume, which she was very fond of eTusing. The letter, wbieh was lit- eaallyXim with t(,,ir marks, was written long before the husband was aware that the era"!1 f a fatal disease had fastened grasp upon the lovely form of his devoted wife, who, died, it is stated,, at the early age of nineteen. It shows how fathomless is the depth of a true woman's affectfom : "When this shall reach yoar eye, dear G., somt day when you are turning over the past, Tshall have passed away forer er and the rnld. while stone he It .ir.ii.o- it. I. i.i.ly watch over the lips you have ! be fan, greater than it is. Now and then! A rich man died recently and his last so often pressed, and the soil will be a man stands aside from the crowd, la-1 words to his heirs were: "Plant tne as growing that soall hide f irever from your j bora, earnestly, steadfastly, confidently,.' soon as I am cold, and don't cart me a sight the dust of-one who has so often j and strsig'.itway become famous for j round for a side show. Remember I'ev nestled close to your warm heart. For many long and slcepicss nights,. when all 1 my thoughts were at rest, I have wres- lustrates what each may do if he takes tied with (he consciousness of approach- hold of life with a purpose. If a man but fug death, until at last it has forced iUclJfsays he will, and follows it up, be may upon my mind ; and although lb you anal expect to accomplish anything reasons- to others it might seem but the nervous imagination of a girl, yet dear G., it is so. I IX a" a a v naur, nruiy weary nours nave i passed in the endeavor to reconcile myself to leaving, yon, whom I love so well, end this bright world of sunshine and beauty, j ana i, .mi lutlccU. it i. to eSsnflfi 0,1 illy alone, with (.be sere eon vtclion that taBilTTa. A know in whom I have trusted,' and lean ing on His arm, 'I fear no evil.' Don't blame roe for keeping all this even from y mi. Hew could I subject yen, of Sit others, to SLeh sorrow as I feel at parting, when lime will soon make it apparent to you ? I could have wished to live, if on ly to be at your side when your time shall come, and pillowing your head upon my breast, wine the death damns fiom youi brow, and usher your departing spirit in - to tbe Maker's presence, embalmed in wo man's holiest prayer. But it is not to be so - and I subbiit. Yours is the privilege of watching through long and dreary nights for the spirit's final flight, and transferring my sinking head from yoar breast to the Sa viour's bosom I And you shall share my last thought ; the last faint pressure of this hand, and the last feeble kiss shall be yours ; and even ben flesh and heart shall have failed me, my eye shall rest ou yours until glased by death and our spjrits shall hold one last communion, un til gently fading from my view the last of the earth 'ou shall mingle v i ; Li the first bright glimpses of the unfading glo ries of that better world, where partings are unkuewj. Well do I knew the spot dear (J., where you will lay. roc ; often have we stood by the place, and, as we watched the mellow sunset as it glanced in quivering flashes through the leaves and brightening the grassy mounds around ns w ith stripes of bnrnished gold, each has thought that one of us wuuld come alone ; and. whichever it might be, jour name would be on the stone. Bat you loved the spot, and I know you'll love me none the less when yon see the same quiet sunlight linger and play a tnong tne grass that covets yonr Mary's grave. I know you will go often flone, when I am laid there, aid my spirit will ne with you then, and whisper among the toStft0&Bt fore.' REMINISCENCE OF A VIRGINIA UKLLE. V A A Washington letter-writer classes among the moat hand: ome ladies in that city Madame Dodesdad, wife of one of tbe Secretaries of the Spanish Legation, and adds : "This lady is also an American. She was a Miss (.'hapiimii, of Virginia. Her mother was a Miss Mary Randolph, a great belle in Virginia many years ago. This Miss Randolph was especially noted for her fearlessness in riding. On one occasion, it is said when staying at the Warm Springs, in Virginia, she started out with a riding party for the Warm Spring Mountain, and dared the gentle men accompanying her to do whatever she did. The mountain is quite high, and has at its top a rock jutting out over a precipice. Tbe the extreme verge of this rock Miss Randolph rode to the great consternation of her friends She did not' even 1 avc iter horse room to turn round, but, having accomplished her purpose, she backed bim from the dangerous posi tion and faced tbe rest of the party in trinmph. Not a man would follow her example, hut one youthful piece of ii ex perience stood on his head in hisAaddle and dared the fiidf to do that. Of course she cried quits." ; Mrs. Chapman was buried in a place s lecled by herself, in the family grave yard of the Harvics, when it was an ob se.ne snot, hut nmv inelnded in the grounds of Hollywood cemetery. Her I crave is in tho bouthwest corner of he j enclosure which is made by brick wall, and entered by a stile of atone steps, and tt w wbo enter rt tail to note the beautiful idea embodied in the inscription op her roouumcnt. tWjjjfkx. . "MARY, Ttri.rlit. mire, transient as the morninir dew. She sparkled, was exliulted. and went to Heav en. IIow to take Like. Take life judt as though it was as it is -an earnest, vital, essential all .nr. laKS It USt as, though you prsonally Were born- to the task of petfnrmtng a merry part in it as though the world had waited for your coining. Take it as if it Was a grand op- portuniiy io uo anu acnieve ; to carry lor- ward great and good schemes; to help and cheer a suffering, Weary, it may be a heartbroken brother. The fact is, life is undervalued by a great majority ef mankind. It is not made half as much as should be the case. Where is the man or woman who accom plishes one tithe of hat might be done ? Who cannot look back upon opportuui-. ties loat, plants unachieved, i hough ts crushed, aspirations unfulfilled, and all caused by the lack of the ncccasery and possihle efJori I It we knew better how to take and make the most of life ii fa-nnld greatness of some sort. The world, won- dcrs, admirers, idojiz' s ; yet it only il-; ble. "Ooivo into Debt." In a resent lecture Horace Greely, with much good lha ranalrr with many ojf anoaarh to know better. tbetta, into sotfM. Most mcrcmui. anu manufacturer wtiose life is an incessant srrugghj with pecuniary dif ficulties, who is driven to constant "shin ing," end who, from month to month, barely evades that insolvency which sooner or later overtakes most men in business ; so that it has been computed that but one in twenty of them achieves a 1 . l i . . .7- lPccun,arv success, lot my own part and I speak from sad experience - I would rather be a convict iu a State pris on, a slave in a rice swamp than to pass through life under tba harrow of debt. Let co man misjudge himself unfortunate or truly poor, so long as he has the full use of his limbs and faculties, and is sub stantially free from debt. Hunger, cold, rags, hard work, contempt, suspicion, un just reproach, are disagreeable ; bat debt is infinitely Morse than them all ; and if it had pleased God te spare either or all of my sons to be the suppoit of my de clining years, the lesson' which I should most earnestly sought to impress upon them is, never to run into debt ! I re peat, my friends, avoid pecuniary obliga tions as you would pestilence and fam ine. If you have but fifty cents and can get no mors for a week, buy a peck of corn, parch it and live ou it rather than owe any man a dollar ! Of course, I know that some men must do business that involves risks, and must often give notes and obligations, and I do not con sider bim really in debt who can lay his hand directly on the means of paying at some little sacrifice, all he owes ; 1 speak of real debt, that which involves risk or sacrifice, on tbe one side, obligation and dependence on tbe other, and 1 say, from all such, let every youth humbly pray God to preserve him evermore ! - COVLDJI'T FIND THK VkrDICT. At a recent scssien of one of the Courts of empanncled. A case was brought before them, the witnesses examined, and tho at torneys made tbeir respective arguments. The judge, af tor laying down the law and recapitulating the testimony, gave the papers into tbe hands of the foreman, a rather intelligent looking darkey, with instructions as soon as they found a ver dict to bring it in without fail. Thirty minutes or more elapsed, when the jury returned, headed by the fore man, and stood before the judge. As the foreman seemed to bejytc.,.ko judge inquired : 'Mr. Foreman, have you found a ver dict?' 'No, Maasa Judge, we habcu't found 'em no how,' replied the ebony jurymar. 'It's a very plain case,' naid the Judge. 'Can't help it, massa, couldn't see it,' replied ebony again. 'On what grounds,' inquired the Judge. 'We didn't look into ihe grounds, Mar sa Judge,' replied the loreman, 'the os sifer didn't take us out into de ground, but took us into a room and locked ns in, and tb us when we found de verdict ho would ieff us out. So we began to find de verdict, and seareh cbery nook, corner, crevis, and ebery ting dere was in dal room but we found no verdict no ntilliu ob de kiue dar. Grape Growing The Exptrienee of Practical wen. At the annual conren--.., tion of grape growers of New York State, the subject of planting and pruning grapes came in for a share of the discus sion, and the facts brought out showed that the system of long pruning and leav ing more wood than advisable to leave during tbe summer, resulted in producing ripened fruit before any other. The sha ding of the leaf upon the cluster was ah advance which prevented sun burning. The leaf is to the vine aa the lungs are te. the body, and the taking away oi tho leaf , produces disease in the root. The method of summer pruning, as punned by the German growers, was shewn to ultimately result in diseases to the vines. Grapes have better flavor by being sha ded. The proper system to pursue, ac cording to European viniculturists, is to let the vine run along the ground for a distance of fifteen or twenty feet before training it np the trellis. It was stated i that vines were seriouly injured by mu tilating the roots in plowing, and that it was advisable to use only a hoe km an im plement of cultivating-the ground at the roots Grape-vines sometimes extend fifteen feet iu a perpendicular course Over cropping was said to be almost snre to prevent grapes from ripening, though instances were where such was not the case. V Ths (Society of the Sixth Army Corps will hold its annual reunion in Philadelphia on April 8th. The oration will be delivered by Gen. Cochrane. Six while men have been arrested in ths In- dian eouutry for .lealing horse from tire Indi- am. ' body." He was buried acoonl ins to his req'ie.t, and be is now enjoying himself. 'U J i Af

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