T "SALISBURY v NO. 14. ' 1 1 s VOL. V. PHILLIPS & BROTHERS, riro doors a hove the Court House, on Main Street, Ii:n I(N TUHIK THANKS TO TIIK It imlilic for,tae very -liberal pairouairc en joyed l) theni during Ihe .n-t year, ami hope, b.t fiiir ili-nlinr nml strict attention In business t merit a foiiiinnaiicc, if ui mi increase ef the name We w ill continue to keep on liatul a good nun Mil ill FAMILY GROCERIES elndlug Freeh and Salt Fih, or kVkuv vahiktv A HOOTS, BHfteS, DOMESTICS, PIECE GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, in fai t, almost rvervthftigiiMlly kept in a va rifty Store, .d.. which we will sell low for Cash, or Country Produce the high rst market price. They aLo offer for sale on private terms, an EXVE-M.EXT hHKI.LISH llttl si: with large coin fort aide' IIik uis Cook -ami Dining Idioms, with necessary mil liuililitigi. Attached to the dwelling in a store room '.li feet wide by 70 feet ileep, wfth a (torn Smith Shop iu. the rear The lot on which suiil huil.hii!- are situ ati il U 70 by 450 feet, and affords an exeellent (tanlen ipot. Partiea wishing to purchase will pb a- e call at the stare whf re lite premises will be 1 1 w 1 1 toth m by one ol Ibf linn, nml term" made easy. ' PHILLIPS A MtoTII tilth. Feb. JH. JH70. 7 tf 'HE ADVANTAGES WE ENJOY as the result of a long established end successful business, enables us to offer inducements that makes this an. nowncement worthy of ATTENTION. mportng cur foreign goods direct, i Controlling many leading styles of I' American fabrics, employing the best J artistic talent in the production of our goods, and "constant progress" our motto, we claim to lead the market in READY-MADE CLOTHING, of Which we keep full lines of all grades, for Men and Boys. In CUSTOM WORK our products are unsurpassed for qual ity, workmanship and elegance. In GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS our stock is constantly large,, and sea sonable, We are the sole manufac turers of th which we supply both ready-made and to order. Prices uniformly low. Gentlemen vwittng New-York are re quested to call and have their meas ures recorded upon our books System of Self-Measurement, and other information promptly furnished when desired. Ad dress Box 2156, New-York P 0 DEVLIN & CO. CLEMWIOHrs STAGE LINES ! WARSAW To Fayetterille. T EAVB Warsaw fur Fayottevillb daily e L-i cept Sunday. If you are- in Western. N. Carolina l'o to Kaleiirh and procure a through ticket Tn rnyenev,Ue l;.r r Thn..Tgh Tirhers from Goldsboro via M arsaw. to tnyetteville. , $6. Through tickets from' AV cldon to Fa,yejh: villeflO. Ttroiigh tickets trom iliningion. via Warsaw, to Fayetteville, ffi. CUAltLOTTE TO TTAf)ESBOKO: Leave' Charlotte after trains from Kaleigh and Columbia, via Monroe, for Wadesboro Tuesday, Tbnrsday, and Saturday Iave Wo desboro', Tuesday, Thiirsdny. and SaturHay. aft tar arrival of trains .'intl Rtage from Wilmington. I Head of Chatham Kail lloau to j. no. K. 0-, daitv except Sundays. Leave head of :.'hnthaui Kail Road after ar rival of bain from Raleigh. Leave .fonei.boro' after arrival of train from Tpyrptteville. Cleuirrumj? Aeenmmnd.ition IJns Between Salem and !;igh Point, will charter Brage act." ret at all hours "Cheaper than the theup- Ofiiee at Itatm-r's Hotel, fatem, fi. C Fl T. CLK.MM0N8,- faat LJ59s-4f Contractor. Sgrs o rare Bred rmney Pen! try rJR HATCHING. Wl hav n hand the largejit and bed celeclicn o rase. PnnUr tt be frmnd in the ennnlrr Htrtc" .HjtUpumvvtrtTkwi rr. Vur cirooiart ana prree anwnm v. . BOTKR A- CO.. I Jiajcbaej. Cfccetcrcc..Pe. HO WER TON'S COL UMN. $25,000 Worth of GOODS ! JI ST ARIWED FKOV EV VORk THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK goods ever offered iu (bis market at tine, bought lor uami, aau alter a heavy decliue in prices, whereby ihcy can nml will be sold lower than any in the mar ket At Hoarrtou'. A LAKOE SUPPLY nfParofiW, Wax nml Sperm '.-viillcs, jttwt received At lloirerton's. A large nnd Freeh supplv of Candies, NuU I ami Fruits just rcttived ami for -ale At Iluicerfon's. ' A large lot of fanned Toniatnr, tureen Corn, Peaches, Pine Apple, Salmon, Lobsters, Oys lent and Sardines for nftle At HotrerUm's. I dual lb ,. n.d. a laryc Jot of i.u-hm Cheese, ; of superior ipuatitr I At Hotcerton's. A large lot of Fresh Family (iroecrits of r ery description, jul received At Howerton' s. A new -upplv of thnt nuiieriir-eveii-vear-olil ' Kfiiliirky-Wlual-Wbi-key, for mnlieinal pur- po-es oul, juHt recoivi'ii .imt lor sale At TTowerloVi. Fancy and Startle Prv Goo.N ol everv de- scrijitipn an I variety At Ifr'nrrrt.nM An elegant assoi tment ol Boot and hoi's Al fntrrrtoti t. A splendid assortment ol Huts am) Caps Al ItH-trlmi's. An assorted lot rf Hardware nnd Cuileiv. Al I u a rt Ion . A rerr siinir!(ir lot of Oileel:sw;ilH China . - i - and Deif Al llnrrrtnn . All grades of Sugar, C'jffee, Ten ami Molas ses At UowtrUtn' . A Choice lot of Cotifectionei ie? At lluirtrlori. Fine and Common Tobacco, imported Ha ' vanna, Hegnlia, Prinoipe and I'. S. (Jr.int Ci gars At Ho ict r ton's. A complete- assortment of Liquors ol all kinds ami. jtd " At Hotvertont. For Medicinal purposes only Moore's cele brate i seven-year-old' double - rectified - Ken- t ucky - Whiskey perfectly pi 1 1 e. A I Howertoris. i i Every raufty of Yankee Notions, In fine bis stock lias been selected with I great care to meet EVEK U ANT. I flf" Hall n1 avseilaa el ii wilt nnt nciat ajjjjay van essiw v;i-'w 1 . " wmw you anything to do that Bui Don't 9sr Crtdit. His motto is ."PAY AS YOU 00.' IWCOl'XTIiY PRODI CE of every description taken in exclumgt. IW Rank ll.,i -i Mai k Elites ana Oppci t Kales, takea at the At W. H. Howerton'i, SALISBURY, 9 -II .V. c. tilll Nivtnibtr, ."), 18( Advantages of Life In surance. The North A merit a lii-iiram-e Company pays its preiiiiutos prornpt.v witliout clinige. 'V. II. Htil.DKItXFss. Asent. Xortli America bile Ins. Co. Taomasviu.is. N". 1 '. l), nr ,SVr : You will please accept my sin cere thanks for your prompt pnyment. lcithimt rlinrijf, of the jimouut of the policy of Insur ance 011 my Husband's Life. ambnuting to the ill 111 of three tlipu .and dollars. At your ear. is.'-! and repeated soliijitatioii he was indnceil to insure in your Company, ami now we are the reeineitt- ol its.benelits. T11 you and the North America Life In-nr-anco Company we -hall feel under obligations, such as only the widow ud fatherless can feel ami express. May you have slice in inducing' nthirs-t-HMnrt' in your most liberal company, and may the Lord, of the widow- ami orpnai s bless you and prosper you iu your good work. 'MABIiABKT (.'. ItAKIIKR, of ltowan Mills, N. C. Mr. IloUcJrness is al.-o iigeiit for the Liver pool, London anil Globe Tikk lii-ucanee Com pony, which hi.-ui:cs iifl kinds of public and pri viatji buildings, Hailmivd Depots. Ilriilges r'ne tilrie.J. I'ounderies, Mills and Merchandise and pays all i s losses pnuuply. All letters addressed to Jfr. lloblerness. nt Thoina.-ville, N. C will -receive prompt atten tion, dee :t tf Spring X- Summer Importation 1 8 7 0. R I It H U IV S MillinerT Elld SlW (xOOflS, .J ARMSTRONG, CAT0R& Co. mroKTKKS AND JOHBIKS or Bonnet Irimminjs ( Velvet RiUiotis, Bonnets, Silks, Satins and Velvets, BUimU, JVetta, ( V.inTt, Itnejtf FluKern, J-Wtthen, Onwmi-nl', STRA IC BO XNfil'S AXJ ItAl'lJS' JUTS, iTimmrd and uiurwatMit, SHAKER HOODS, the. 237 AND S239 RALTIMUHR STUEaiT, BALTIMORE, Mu. Offer the largest stork to be fiuiml n this cean try. anil unesiualled in choice varietr and aasMpacci lirilers snlieiti'U. sod prompt attaution ist. feb l9-2n:pd ' MANSION IIOUSK, C H A R LOT T ri, N. C. This well known House having been NKWIVV KL'RNISHKU and Kr-fiTTED in every depart is now open ior the accommodation of x THE TRAVKIal.IIVQ PUBLIC -r " . . , taTOmnibus at lepot on arrival ol Trams."" feb ttf y M. C. tXVLEH, Prtylr. 17. All 1 a i n it liopeM for Apring. WITTKO WSKY A R'NTELS CHARLOTTE, X. C. THE RESl'LT OF AX ESTABLISH -fd and successful bmiiness. together wilii a .steadily and increasing CAPITAL gives n every season. Ielter facilitjeo to otfir greater inuiioeiiiciiiM in our cusiomera. ootn I induocmc nta to our customers, both Wl war- lire now making extensive purchases, wbich.ow j ing to the very large inerense in our business ' dining i)5!, (the tnr rrt.-rtts trill koit'17, INNIiAcW of any Hohsc in the ciry, mid tiij I Hr arc ttubhorn fact,) enables us to buy 1 with impunity as to iiimiitily. anil from fir-t hands namely : Mauiifarturer. Iinpo'rtess j.aud Commission Hohm-h. thereby saviug from I III to per cent, over smaller buyers and , it is this akvunthge that gives u the lead in , this market. OCR vmm K i Will be completed, or nearly so, bv the 10th ... i i -i, i ,.. ol siarcn. atiu win emurace an classes ot Goods necessary, either for Wliolrsate tr lietall. to the inspection ot which we invitt not rrnly Those coming to this nrirket to prir- chase. but also thone on their wav to other Inces for that purpose. We offer mi baits ; our business will be inducted in the futumTls iu the past, viz : HOXOKABLK COMPETITION AGAINST IMPOSITION. The Dry Goods Department Will be com pie' est of care as to and selected with thegrent style, ipiality and priee. Clothing Department ! "I Ilia! a speciality, and invite the most la -ud ions to call and Maitrme; r Boots and Shoes, Will be bought mostly from manufacturers iu Boston, and elsewhere, and we el-.i.n to be able' to compete with all. HATS Will be purchase, 1 at the Brooklyn Auctions and of Newark .Manufacturer.-. Hardware, SN?Jljr, V"1 VacUt c'uUy' wbo fortlold, from the Importers. Groceries-There's the Bob. That line of Goods we buy in o uautitie aeeond to no Hoiie in this City, (their sw at rtion to thecoutrary notwithstanding.) and at as low figures as a dollar, consisting of UNI cents, ean buy. In short, cmnc and look at our stock, ascertain our prices, cjnd judge for yourselves. Millinery Department Is complete as usual, and is presided over by . and is pi J.IAMS ior taste l M'Ctfllliy MIS HKT.SY WILLIAMSwhn is widely 1 - 1 -: - ..! J.. i' uuur.u 101 uer suj Hesiiec WITTKOW April I l.'l:tf CHAKLOTTE. N. C. BEYOND DOUBT The Connecticut Mutual IS THE STRONGEST LIFE 3nsurancc Comp'n I3W THE WOHIiD. Acquired f'npltal over $'.'!I,oihi.imio Katio nf expeu-es o total receipts ill l-il0, only h sip p.T cent . Its ratio of'Assets to Liabilities, a- measnnd by the New York Legal Srandiirib i-I.V..'iii pei; $Ul0; audit grants all desirable I'orm-ol In-ur aiice upon strictly equitable term-, and at Ibe cheapen! atlanuldcrjite oj eijst., J;. I. WAIT, (Jen A gent . .prl ly When, Kaleigh, X ( Wanted- SOKNTS-7A in 200 dulla.i pt nl',, srstytrltert, mill, anil frttinit to ititr. du fXVTtt 1 .th.-liKNI'IN Ull1 0V Efl COMSMMMINsr WlNd MACI1INS 'hit M trl In. trl-1 M.t.k i. k quill, r-.rJ, b't.d, ItsM ami rmlirolil'r In r.n. ri r idh ne . Pile- i-ntji Bpliln n ;.r. rullf wnrisnU4.for tlr.v.srt ft III , One TtMins- 11H Uellft r'.r ant-mac Ine that ' 111 f.ir a s' rrv fr. n.-er. hrtoutifiil, i,r mi. rr Is-lle aeam than nra. It aill mae llm ' K'aallfl l.--cat I'cit " Kvry a.ouil .lit h tutn b. cut. ar.il till 1, a ol.itli cannot br pull.il apa! wlan nt tear iiitl . WV piv aprn s frmn T t" lilsi ptr nivuili and IH.'1-t.a. or a cunei hfton from ul.l h inlc thai tinoiirit csii jr miilr. Ail r r, SEitlMII (),'.. VITTrflllHO, P.I.. BO-ToN. MSS , or T. I.OlliS. MO. s-fjs I I IO 11. n . . I nl, ic nta aclrtnf Sf.i-IJrxa 1. j ci 11 iilif.m a OtirTiachaH ut .jfri r j - - al not 1 ol'l oeatlvnt r.a,onallt. r irnrthlaaa Ma. Ii n.f aoM I..T ,lli r i-itrtl.a, an .hall p nta Jlll. all part:.. a.l Init or usl- g Marl, Ins, iintttT tikis namr to the full tat nl of lha law, , n .a. sitrh M ..t-.h ea are , b Mltied frcai ua or oar aim.ta. It.i n,.4 Iw. hn natl p,w a lr paritea who copj oar aarertla-tnenl .nr) tCtaail.ra ami , IT- r worthless machines a I a '.twa P'loa. IfifMS U AMI I) rr.rrwh.ra to sell tbe Awver- iean K' Itlina Ma hlo.-, II, c ,,,yly I rai Ileal Fn,lv Rnlitlnk' j knit tll.tasi atllct, . r minute. Ail,lr-a AMKItl AN ' KMIllJIi JIAllll.Mt OO , IKlMon, Alas., or S' Lsn'S, Ma. mull -.;, WILLIAM VALENTINE, TIIK BAKBttK, Tt BTTTRSS HIS TURN'S HIS THANKS to hVs OLD FRIES Its and the Ppblie for the libnml jitttronajre heretofore extended to him. He now informs I hem that ho has fitted up a uesr ami commodious bop, in Br. Henderson s Brick Bnilding' Boom BTo where he won Id bt l irtiarantee to cive satisfi action in every ease. ! He has In his employ of the best Hair Dressers in Western North Carolina. He requests a cal .., ... Sal&buryL"K C ., Hoc. 17, 169. - 50 tf MrsT HenryW. Miller's Boarjding Hduse, (JOH. NEWBKRN & PERSON HTS. If W I K.I! IV, C. fahii if taaaCaaa m (TI)c(DlbXoc I'l HI l-ll I l 1KIIKII WKt'J T !r. K It.tTKH OP SI B HtrVriON Ose Vr.AK, nayible in adftta. ... t3Wi . 1.5 v:o,ii Six Muni us, " ( '. .pies to on.- address,. , . . . . . .it ii v opios IO OHO DUITI'?B. (. c Aileei S-Ofc i.MMMM.. Irrs InwrtW,. .fi.mi y.,r ach auililioiial nisirtiii. ....... .HI cut Special Botices w ill be charged St per higher than the above rates. Court and .lusti.-i-'s Orders will he isjblish ed al the mime lutes with other advrtie- meiits. Obituary notices, over six liues, chatzeil a- advertisi inents. tXTRAt'T RATES. 1 pr I .-0)v sW'! 1 xpiart 4.KI iiv ' 'A'Vl IK) .1.1 1. I ' im"()(Ni MiTiij r. ! aies. H Oil i 00 INI II IK) I saoMa 1.1 m 25 1 M 1 1 I Column. Column. I Column. II INI Mi I'M I IS OO "JA IN) 2c! UU 41) Oil :ii) ill1 l.i IN) 7."i.(N) .Ml l -(l (Nl i:MJO Tlii; 1 llll. lis PRAlER Through nil 1!,, gathering mi-tsif age, One scuie and sea.on lingers Jet ; The first enstamped on memory 'spnge, The last I ever can forget; 1 'Twos when the orb of day ib elit-d ileiieath the many coluretl west I'd seek my mother's kmc, and and Cpon her hosom perfect rest ; And when the -t;;rs began to siiii 1 From out the ether, blue and 1 ep, Repent the prayer whose opernjij line Was "Now 1 lay me down to s p." -" O, childhood hours how calm, h w bright! How like a dream they pajse4 swayi That mother siuik to sleep one aaiht, And woke in everlnstinx day fa, Then, manhood, with its perifc, (vae; Its high-wronght hopes, iu f& dedrcs ; Ambition s fervid, nnenchlensdcjhe. And passion bnlefnl furnace 'i Amid temptations fierce audi "If thus I sin, how ean I say, " 'I pray the Lord my soul 1 Ai oCJnd u- flit, on silent wing. The viewless ihesseugers of tenth : Where health is now, an hour may bring The burning brow and fevered breath ; Ala, bow- many sparkling eycaj That close io-night on seen taws mirth, ' Before another morn shall rise- j Shall look their last on lliinp of earth ! i I know, ere morning dawns, for' me ; The silver cord of like may break ; j O. Father, take me home lo 'fUSM; I -If I should die lieforc 1 wike:" I ; ! For "earth to ( artb. and diet to dusjf j .Mti( Soon be i banted o'er eursod; j Ami for the rest, wc can but 'trn-; I The ever living Father, Coj; ). wwletime, faith ! v.'.;b'wbai dilight I We near l.i. rivyfilcep alldjtiili I When fii.ii.ls we love, with form- if lig4it, A re .waiting on ibe oiler side' 9 When J i 1 . slew tide is ebbing ft.t, And sense and 'thoiighi Un ir dirone forsake, Jitj-then my earliest pr.iycr mjlistf "I pray ihe Lord my soul iq take" o i'l x k is 1 ik thk s 1 1 ; me cor rt ... DEI.IVKUKD AT LAS T TKR.M, IN HKUAIII) TO THK JCIMSIHC TJOX OK i fU U rS OF PROBATE OVICI; Al I K iNS To .-Ki'TI.K KS-; -4-r- TATi:.-- I We publish the following opinion at-, the rrijuest of n nieniber of the H tr in a distant panCed' the State, who thinks it will be generally iiiu'rcatiiig. I Rodma.I. On .Inly 84tl, ISG9, lliC; plaintiff issued a summons returnable .at the regular term of the Ssjtpetior Coart of! OranvilIe,and (Ued bis entrjplaint.in which he alleged, in substance, that the defend- ; ant, Surah, was t! e executrix ol'oi o Hu!- ; lock, and had iuterninrried with the other tlefi ndaiit : ib tC tin-plaiutifi' wrt' Lotli a creditor and lei'-i.e of the testator; and that dtenda'-ts were wasting the ( state ; i and demanded judgment that the defend ants account, and pay his debt and leg.v cy, and that iu the meanwliiTiVtliey he en: jujnt'd AlC .Hid a receiver appointed Tilt' ill b llll.tlli.- put III an er, arfd , which the Jud''e cOntmuui an iniu he b,ad previoiu ly glinted ; ftbm whicaf 1 ht. Vll'..t.ilriiitfl ntniealed 1 It is contended thdt ihe Court had no jurisdiction of the ease, because original jurisdiction 'of all proeeeilings'necessary for. the 8"attl client of the-estate of a de ceasi d p"rsoit, is, by law, vested exclu sively in the Probate Judge. Section 17, Art IV, of the- Constitution gives "lo the Clerks of the Sn; erior Courts jurisdiction f "ihe granting 'hi letters testamentary and of administration, aid "to audit the !fl.cour,u ,,f executors, administrators and 1 ,. j t u,- ) cuardi.ins, and ot snch other matters as giiari.ians, ana ot sncn ouier matters as j siiall be prescrihtjd bv law." The words f t! s irrant of jurisdiction are somewhat gem ral and indefinite, arid it was inlei.tl el ( leave to the General Assembly, by proper enact uieoU, to dt fine tbe jurisdjc- tion wiih precision, and W prescribe the mode iu which the pi.werhould be exer c ted. This the General Assembly 1 v e T-. . . . 1 " Ji L 1 .0 .1 . leep a eepr 9 ans tatioi a - aw aBW ,ie r wt 1 -- . I , inrl iniWC csperiallv 1'V the nrt ol VVitlioatlJrfinUrtlfco.pahiculv ire lions of this act, by w Inch lean dies are given Jftreditors and Jefs.liMl pro c edinga provided y ipHchn due admin istnitiou by an executor or ndiniuiatrntion may be euforced, it v ill 00 sufficient to any that U ,'djii jai cvid nt to us that ihe intent of ibe act was u.: iTllL J1 'lerks ot .1.. nor ; -&t1gT.sl j.u.ruie- 1 lion 01 an proceeaings tor the si-muiieai of the estates of deceased persons. With out eaymg tb.it tin-(ieneral Assembly might not, consistently w ith the constitu tion, have given to the Judges of the Su perior Courts some concurrent original ju risdiction of -proceedings; lor the settle ment of estates, we think their inteutiou was (o give that jurisdiction exclusively to the clerks, except (as will be piesently explained when the remedy by injunc tion may become necessary as a provis ional one iu the course of 11 proceeding. Iu everr case in w hich the Court of Probate (the Clerk of the Superior Court) IcangiiMut.adeqnate remedy, the party ...i.TZ 7. .7L..I.. . .1... , .fTT ! seeking,-it intist apply to that (. niirt. I Tbtre may be cases iu w hich that Court 01) :;7.:,n can not givo an adequate remedy, lor ex mi ..').iNrranfBle, it may in tin- course of the pro- ' ceedings become necessary, in order to jroteci the riglits of one parly or the-oth- - er, to nave an iiijiinclion, which the clerk can not order. In that case the party i needing it must of necessity apply to a Judge of a Superior Court; but such an I application would not oust the jurisdic tion of the Court of Probate. The order I for an injunction is a provisional remedy j and must necessarily be incidental to the main cause, which would -till remain in I t its original form ; the motion for the in- junction bifore the Judge would not re move the original cause of action before biui, and the order for tbo iiijuiiethm would be merely subsidary to the jmlij iiientto be rendered iu the original pro ceeding. It is true tbeCleik would have uo pnw er to modify or vacate such an injunction, j T ..JT .... . ' V but application could be made to the Judge at any time to do ho, whenever iu propriety become, apparent through the proceedings or judgments iu the probate Court. 'I here mar be other orders be- tur ."superior Court, though no other occurs to me at present. But in all such cases tbe order is made in the original proceed nig a ud is a part ot tlic record in that . a-.- a Ja . proceeding. In ease of another appeal --- tC 1 c .1. I... 1 t. liuui Hie uittei 01 tile .Miour. so I1IUCII Oil- 1 , , lv ot the ease conies un .is is nceessarv tor a decision upoti that order, the ongi- y ... . ' - nai 111 oceeu niir ii in in,- in uie t nun in Probaf'ei and anv action may betaken therein in the meantime, not inconsistent! wi.b the orders nt the Judge and with the law. t'on.-i ijiieiitly all returui upon the ' onlei-of the Judge must bo made to the ; Court of Probate, and if any further or der be needed from the judge, application , must he made by motion i.i the original j cause. In every attempt to Introduce n new system of procedure by statute, much I must necessarily be left not distinctly pro vided for, and the Ceiifs are obliged grad ' ually to (ill up the details of the systi m ' confoiintibly tTi the gen era 1 legislative in I U'lition. In attempting toaio n, the titgu- mention ah inconcenttenti avails much. I(y any oflier course than that which we I liaveialuieateil as the proper one in this ! e.ise, the inconvenience could scarcely, be avoir! tied jof having- parts of the same set- Cements pe "spcudiiig iu two different Court', ! uud ill two entirely scnarate nroeeedinirs. ! ar rhe eaiue time, iii w hit Ii 111 iiln r 'ouri i could, join more than a partial remedy ; 01 if the Judge of the Supeiior Court should undertake to give a full remedy as il was done by the former Courts of equi ty, it .could only do fo by totally depriv ing the P o't.ite Court iu the particular ease of the jurisdiction expressly given it hv statute, and debating much of the I. un ful act ion of that Court. In connec tion with this subject, we take occasion to suggest to the Judges of the Superior Courts the propriety of the greatest liber ality iu allowing parties to anici d their proceedings. , Our Opinion on this (iiestinn renders it unnecessary to express any opinion on the others which were debated by conn sel. The-picjW'iit proceedings betajg oC- raiH ,fion jtidke, should have been dweiiss- cd. '..' Per Ct'RIA M. Judgment rcversed,aud complaint dismissed; r 'iy 1 fells' was asked bv an old la- the newspaper, and taking il up, begat as tollou s : Cast alight, yesterday mornincr, about two o'clock in the afiernoon, just before breapst, a hungry boy, about forty years Hd, bought a flip custard for a levy, ran through a hrijsk wall nine feet thick, and jumping over It, broke his light ankle off above the left knee, feel into a dry mill pond and was drowned. About fifty years after that, on the same day, an old cat had nine turkey gobblers, a high wind olew Yankee Doodle on a frying pan, anoSknocked the old Dutch churn ,. .. ami L i 1 1 . 1. 1 i bam. . ,,, , tUn . I ... " - -y !1 "") wnere a Uear and dumb man I was talking French to his Aunt Abe. ' o!l1 ,a"yi taking a long breath, ax claimed "Du tell!" j ' In California they make 350 gallons of ; aorgh an-'land. urn syrup to the acre, on average w, j iMMiiniieraa niiuuetmii . CAPTIONS QJ Acfi and Resolutions passed by the "General Assembly at the sessim of 1860 (file- l8(ljF An actto charter the bank of Slate vflle. y An fct to atovftd chap. 3, acts of 1868 '69, entitled an aet to provide for the reg istration f vot eia in all the special elec tion in the State. An act to enable the North Western X. C R R Co., to complete the 1st division JKf-mm, W- 1 m 1 m II ...pi An act to amend the charter of the town ol Salem. An act to amend chap. 184, of the laws ol 1868 and liC'J, 111 relation to school examiner. . An art to require a return by Justices of the Peace. An act to amend chap. 270, of the laws of IS68 '6!. An act to amend section 1, chap. 280, laws of 1868 '69 An act to provide for the completion of tbo Western Division of the W estern N. C. Railroad An act in relation to public printing ! n !' B r of Xortn Oaroliua to examine applicants -I CI s for license. An act to be entitled "an act to change the rules of evidence in certain cases and to secure the possession of lands. An act to amend sections lil'J, 206 and 74 ol the Code of Civil procedure. An uct in relation to the special tax innuoy now in the Treasury. An act lo enable the Wilmington. Char lotte and Haiherford Kailroad Company to complete their road. An act to amend the law of divorce and alisnony, chap. 39, Revised Code. An act to amend an act in relation to j special tax mncy now iu Treasury. An act to raise revenue. An act to amend chapter 111, of sec. 93, act 1869 and I860, entitled "an act to provide procedure iu special proceeding and in application for widows' support and dower. An act in relation to investments made "7 pereon. of a judieiary character Alt ! A .ItlllAMVO .1.1.1.... aI F Au act to authorise Judge of Probate to appoint trustees in certain casee. - An act to provide taking depositions in civil actions and special proceedings in several courts of the State. .4, tlccs Courts in certain cases , - An act to authorize the W C Ac R R to construct a branch road in direction of Kast Tennessee and Western Virginia R. K. I . . . . ...... An act to require 1 lie dienuant in an . - . . action lor recoverv nl real rslntc ta me a j uonj foygt, An act concerning Treasurer of Town- f ' . . , , ... , . if5 to the privy examination of married wo men. An set to amend section 95 entitled an net concerning tbe aetlleuicnt of the esUte of deceased persons. An aet to make uniform the modes of procedure arising 111 certain cases unaer un ordinance ol ihe convention, ratified the lath day of March, 1808, respecting the Courts of this Slate. Ail act iu relation to the probate of deeds of non-residents. An act to be entitled an' Act to amend sec. 283 of title XII Code of Civil Proce dure. An aet iu relation to execution of pro cess in eases where sheriffs are intercst- cd. An act to amend an act to establish the days and places for selling real property under execuliou, chap. 37, sessions 1868 '09. An act lo regulate the act for applying for pardons. Au act in relation to official bonds. An act to paythe expenses of idioU and lunatics w htn incut led by counties in certain cases. "i An act to dcdaie. the law evidence in -j-CeftatH cases. . An aet lo charter a bride across South Yadkin River. An net to enable poor persons to appeal to th'f Supreme Court iii State cases. An act authorizing the traijnifer of coun ty Charities of county Treasurer. An act to repeal an aet which aulhori zeg the Secretary of Siato to furnish sta tionery to county officer. Resolution to provide a home for the homeless. An aet concerning Election and Regis traliou in the year 1870; An act to amend chapter 29, laws of 1 800 61. An act to ami nil section 10. chap. 165, of the PublicXaw.,-1 868-69, entitled "an act concerning Townships," ratified 10th of April, 1869. An act to amend chap. 70, scs. 83, of the Revised Code, and sec. 6, of an act entitled "an act to organize tbe militia of North Carolina," ratified the 17ih day of August, 1808. An act in rtdation to taking and shoot ing Mountain Trout in the waters of the counties West of ihe Bine Ride An act to prevent ihe sale of reversion ary interests in llttmest' al lanfls. An act to provide for the collection of taxes by the State and several counties of tho Mate on property, polls and in comes. An act to equalise the expenses of keeping op bridges in several counties. An act to emend au act entitled an Act in relation lo landlords and tenants, rati fied the lOlh day of April, 1809. An act in Itkxhn to Clay county court. . . , r wii.i.ia' ttwwk - - - An act to amend chap. SI of Revised Code. . An act for the protection of mechanics and other laborees, materials c Aa net to require Bank bille to be re ceived in payment of debts dae the Banks of this State. An act to change the line between Wilkes and Alleghany counties. An act to prevent the sale of spirituous liquors wjthin three miles of Silver Hill, iu Davidson county. dure. Act to amend sec. 19, chap. 184, pub lic laws- of 1868 09. Act to incorporate the Valley Railroad Company. Act to allow euterers of vacant lands furtheir time to obtain grants from the State. Act providing for the support of the Insane Asylum. Aoii.Ia PAdfilnliAn , . . . . 11 . . . . ! . . ..!.. j for ,he ,0rdieri of the war of ,8 An act to amend au act in relation to the Western Turnpike road, leading west ward from Asheville to Murphy. Au act to change the line between tbe counties of Surry and Alleghany. An act 10 repeal chap. 240, laws 186S and 1&69. An act to enlarge the powers of Coun ty Commissioners. An act to make land owners, in certain cases, consolidate the surveys o( different tracts. An act to amend section 18 of an act relating to special procedure in cases of mills. "An act to incorporate the trustees ef Franklin Academy, in Rowan County. Senate resolution for the better protec tion of married women. An act to restore the credit of the Stato and facilitate the construction of our un finished Railroade. An act to legalize certain official acts of the Ch in mm of tbe late County Courts in the State. An act to protect tbo Bute's interest in theN. C. R. R. An ac"to repeal an act entitled an act to protect sheriffs in the sale of lands for taxis, ratified the 12th day of April, 1869. An act to amend an act, to prohibit the s.iUt.f iotoj.i;..g. yq within three fflreeW ImfWeaieru X. C. Railroad. ,- A.O "e t ..1 I a iias. Au net concerning the Registration of Deeds and other instruments. Au act to repeal the 9th section of an act entitled- an act suspending tbe Code of. Civil Procedure in certain cases, rati figdyou the 22d day of March, 1869. An act to change - the time for holding tbe Courts in the 8th Judicial District. An act declaratory of tbe cases to which an act entitled "an act concerning the settlement ef tbe estate of deceased persons." An act to construct and lay out a road through the counties of Alleghany and Ashe. - Au act to punish persons for violating r town laws of Salem, N. C. 1 tj() town jaw Resolution for the relief of Henderson and Enuis. I A Mi.bkk.v Bluebeard. Dr. Wil liam D. Potts alias Duvall an old resident of X cwark, N J , has been convicted ot the murder of his fourth wife at Janes ville, Wis. Dr. Potts is a native of Hew Jersey, and was born near Trenton, At the age of fourteen he was known as the "Boy Preacher," and continued in tho I ministry until thirty years of age, when he engaged in the practice of medicine Dr. Potts came to reside in Newark ten years age, and opened a botabic dispensa tory at No. 140 Broad street. He bad lived in Trenton, where his first wife, a yojing lady of Pluiufield, had died sud denly of mercurial rheumatism of the heart. The first Mrs. Potts Was dead about a year when the doctor moved to Newark. He professed to cure persons "of diseases by the laying on of bands ; gave out that he was Ihe "seventh son of a seventh son" ; and by these pretensions and by his botanic dispensary succeeded iu carrying on 4 profitable business. Ho dressed in black, had a heavy beard and long, well-cared-for hair. He eoen made the acquaiuUnce of a young woman of wealth, and married her much against the wishes of her relative: . Mrs. Potts brought her husband a con siderable property, which he squandered. After bis inariiage he lived four years in Newark, and was forced to leave because of the suspicion which the death of tho second wife aroused in the minds of his neighbors. She was found one morning lying dead at the fent of the stairs lead ing to her room, and was buried without a ty satisfactory account being given of her death. The doctor then went to Buffalo, chang ing his name to Duvall, and married a Mies Katie King, who died two years ago without any apparent cause. About one year ago he was n arm d to a Miss Elisa beth Moore, of Jauesville, Wisi. After living with her six months, she was in turu, killed, her death having been tho result of poisou adtoiuistered by her hus band uuder pretence of giving her a med ical preparation. Upon his trial for this murder, the doc tor testified iu bis own behalf, and gava an explanation of all the eircuiusUueee surrounding tbe death of his wife. The jury found him guilty nf the charge, and the judge sentenced him to the State prison. for the term of bis natu ral life. .. I Ma . ' 'r 1 '. t , ' I i .