f Bah.'.? o t vnvJL I if ffnif' brp.Jl ..TnoiA ,liwai" . 4 xl t jkn.4 arrirsst ssiflapJi' n'l"r" ' v Vj aiUu'O n'J o lt.lW- Sr Imiv htitMa iiiii' " ''i V. .titffciapf' WT1I 1 f PWT 7 if "..'T?i 1. Uo4.1 um It . wxtttU. aria l (-What ' v4 . ,i bass ! I .j Hlljtt tit &t"ti M . 1 5 Jrl trfl bfimXW v iv " ff. ' bit )', -"li.'-nt hi VOL. V. SALISBURY, C, APRIL 22, 1870. NO. 16. 1 . . ' Tjji nj,!,. - i in un i "" iw" r ' ,isiasua '"' T:: - - - L-; ; 1 - J - ttii i i 1 ' tr ' I .' 1 'Jti kaai Jtf J ' I ' "atanffswBKPawawsswH XI rw i . ..Qtnejtd-7 MHHWI if ... , . -rKF ' ... SSAr. - raiLLipg a itico i in ics rrO DOORS ABOVE THE on Main Street, Court HOWERTON'8 COLUMN. nam. RETURN THEIR THANKS TO Till: public for, tin' vrry liberal pa(runra on joyml bjr Uiooi during; tb pant yar. and hope, by fair deaiinf and utrirl attention to basinM to merit a continuance, H not an iuonaaa of the oanie. We will i , hi I i mil' to koen on hnncl a lfol mi; to kwn on iiunil a ifooil nup- akoCEKIBI, In piv i.rr, eluding Fresh nntl Salt Flkv OF XVJCKT VAKJSXIT WHISKEYS, BRANDIES, RUM. GIN. &C. BOOTS, SHOES, POME8T1C8, PIKCK GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, in fart, almont everything nHiinlly kept iu u va rifty Store, olllof which we will axil low for Cah, or Oonntry Produce at th. high- eat market price. Thtv aim offer for rale on private term, au EXCELI.EST DWEILIXU HOUSE with Inrge couifoMuhle Uoouik, Cook and Dining Room", with neeeiMary 4ut buildings. Attached Ui tbe dwelling U a utore room SO net wide by 70 feel deep, with it (inn Smith Shop in the rear The lot on which Bald building are itn aii '! i- 70 by 'iflO feet, uud atl'ords au excellent Garden spot. l'artie wi.hing U purchase will il a r call at the -tore where the nrcinixen will be Fbnwn to th m by unc of the firm, and tcrmfs made ear. P1I1LUPS BROTHERh. t'eb. 1H. 1870. 7 tf $25,000 Worth of GOODS ! 18 7. 170. Jl ST ARRIVED FROU WW YORK ! W Jt"Jf lA lawTaSiall AaB iaA rfHTC7HHT9 aKa.aE THE ADVANTAGES WE ENJOY the result of a long established and successful business, enables us to offer inducements that makes this an nouncement worthy of ATTENTION. mporting cur foreign goods direct controlling many leading styles of American fabrics, employing the best artistic talent in the production of our goods, and ' constant progress" our motto, we claim to lead the market in READY-MADE CLOTHING, of which we keep full lines of all grades, for Men and Boys. In CUSTOM WORK our products are unsurpassed for qual ity, workmanship and elegance. tn GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS our stock is constantly large and sea sonable. We are the sole manufac turers of the 1 THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK U goods ever eflered in flMe narweT at prices to suit the times, bought for CASH, and after a heavy dccliue iu prices, whereby they can and will be sold lower than any in the mar ket Atffnwerton'i. A LARGE SUPPLY of Parofine, Max and Sperm Li. idle, jiwt receired ..... .JLt UowetUm'. A large a id Freh auppJv of Candiea, Nuts and Fruta juat received ami for aale At Howerton't. A large lot of Canned Toniatoee, Green Corn, Peachea, Pine Apple", Salmon, Lobster, Oye tera and Sardines for aale At Hotcerton's. Juat Received, a large lot of tSoahen Cheexe, of superior quality At HotccrUm's. A large lot of Fredi Family Urocerias of ev ery description, juat received At Hoictrton's. A new atipnly of that auperior-aeveii-year-eld Kentuckv-Wheat-Whiakey, for medicinal pur poses only, just received nnd for aale At Hoirerton't. Fancy and Staple Dry Good of every -le-scription and variety At lluwti tou'i An eleiraht mm tment ol Boot? ami 1hws At fmpfiton'M. A splendid assortment ol Hals a.al t 'p.j At 'lorrtnn'i All hssoiIi-iI lot i I Mat Itvaieainl t'utltrv. .1 lltiwetoH. A very siipen .r lot of Que-tsvHri". tTiiua ami Ue I At Hutotrto '. All grudes ol Sugar, C-jflV-e. Tea and Molas ses At limed ton. A Clioice lot ol Confectioneries At .'. '.' 1 1. j Fine atil Common Tobacco. liuHit-cl lia vitniia, Brjfalia, Priueipe mid I. S. tjj.iiii Ci gars At Ilituftilori . A complete nssoilnici.t ol Liquois ot al kinds aiul ' iidej At Hmotrtori. For Meilicnml piitposeH only Aluoie'e crle biateu s.'vi u-yeai -olil double- rectified - Kcn-tui:ky-W"lii,skc-y pcifcclly pine, A l Houuu lan Every va'ieiy l Vanlsqp Notions, At lluuiertan't. In 884WttaMWsli k hh heen -eccted with All nlure hopr for Sprina;. WITTKOWSKY & RINTELS. CHARLOTTE. N. 0. THE RESULT OF AX ESTABLISH ed and suecessfu' busineaa, together with a steadily and increasing CAPITAL, gives as every season, better facilities to sale and Retail, and henee this notice is wor thy the ATTENTION OF ALL, We are uow making extensive purehaaee, which, ow ing: to the very targe iocrease in our hnaineoK duriug ltK. the tut rrf.'nss "ill saotr $27. (Wt) ahral of any hout in iht city, anil fj uras are itubbom facta,) enables us to buy with impunity as to quantity, and from hr.-t btDl& Nort!) State Pt Bl.tSSatD WEEKLY BY IiD WIS HANXB Editormd Proprietor. BATM OT Ml H( HIP I lo Oxe Year, puytfte in advauee. ... Six Mouths, ; ( opies to one address,. 10 Copiea to one l 3.0U , M I .'ill Wress M.W lreas ifU.tMJ Her greater I . ,f LOO . AO hauda oameW : Manufacturers, Importers ! e advertisements. One Square, Srst iusertiou, For eael. additional insertion Special notices will be charged 50 per eetit higher than the above rates. Court and Justice's Orders will be publish ed at the $ame ratea with other advertisements. Obituary notices, orer six lines, charge.) aud Commission Houaea. thereby saving from IU in2j pci cent, aver smaller buyers- ami it is this akeautage that gives us the lead in this market. Ol R I M I Will be completed, or nearly so. by the 10th of March, aud will e mbrace U elasiet of Goody necessary, either for Wholesale or Itetnil. to the inspection of which we invite not only those coming to this market to par chase out also those ou their places for that purpose. We offer no baits ; our business will be couducted in the future as iu the past, vix : HONORABLE COMPETITION AGAINST IMPOSITION. CONTRACT RATES. D" I M'a i:. T 1 I - m' i at j a I a : E c i 1 Square. o c r- , .-iijimi ra. way to other 3 s.,uarea. 4 Squu-es. t Column, i Column. 1 Column. The Dry Goods Department Will be comple'e and selected wit.h the great est of care as to style, quality and price. Clothing Department W ll make n speciality, aud invite tbe moat fastidious to call and examine. Boots and Shoes, Will b bought mostly from loanufucturers It. Bostmi. aud elsewhere, ana we alaitn to be able to compete with all. HATS Will be purchased at jhe Brooklyn Auctions and of Newark Manufacturers. Hardware, Especially Table ami Pocket Cutli for Gold, f oil! the importer. hi are :o me. t LVEI;Y V.Nt Ir Cal , -I wbfch we supply both ready-made and to order. 1 Prices uniformly low;- $ ; ,L Gentlemen visiting New-York are re quested to call and have their meas ures recorded upon our books System of Self-Measurement, an. other information promptly furnished when dew red. Address Box ae 56, New-York P 0 .. ma. .- 1. n iH eoi v" ai.vii. 11 0 do t1...; -it fftnH ,4f lor C,tdt 1 1. s motto is -PAY AS' YOU GO' ry, we buy Groceries-Thorc's the Bub. COUNTRY PRODUCE of every description taken in exchange. 2jff ilai.k Notes and 8peCI i lull. st Maiket Kalis, taken at the That line oT Goods we buy iu quantities secoud to no IIoue in (bis Uftjr, (their as s rtiou to thecmitrary iiiitwitbataudiug.) and at as low figures as a dollar, consisting of 100 cents, can buy. Iu short, coiiim and look at our stock, ascertain our prices, aud judge for youriH'I'cSi - SS i 1P1 DEVLIN & CO. STAG B LINES! WARSAW To FayeiUville. IEAVE Warsaw for Fayette villa daily ex -J cent .Sunday. If you are iu Western X. Carolina go to Raleigh and procure a through ticietto Payettoville for $8 ; Through Tickets from Goldsboro' via Warsaw, to Faretteville, g6. -TbruUJ:lJ tickets from Weldon to Fayett. I .. . ... v 1 1 . TPfr.:,.i. -t vine sio. i rro'jgn ncKeis iroui nauauvuu, via Warsaw, to Payetterille, G. CUAKLOTTK W TTADBHBOROi Leave Charlotte after trains from Raleigh am! Colnrohia, via Monroe, for Wadesboro' Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Leave Wa desboro', Tuesday. Thnrslay,xaud Satntday.af' ter arrival of trains and S'tagcfro'm Wilmington. Head of Chatham Rail Road to Jonesboro. w. C .dally exeetit Sunday. Leave head of 'Jbatbam Rail Road after ar rival of train from Raleigh.- LWave Jonesboro' after arrival of train from l-'ay tin, ille. Cl.emmms't)Acimmodrti4m Line Between Salem and Uigh Toint, will charter Stages at all aH "Cheaper than the Chca ast." OfBoe at Dntner's Hotel. Salem. V. (' t E. T. CI.KMMONS, Oct.il; !S5f -tf mtrn. tor. At W. H. Boworton's, SALISBURY. N. C. Novembm. 5, S(I! 44 6m Advantages of Life In surance. The North America Insurance Company pays its premiums prtimtitlv nithotit chaige. WT. H. Hm.BKR.WS, Agent, . North America Lite Ins, Co. ToasviLi.x. X. 1. r : "'. Detir Sir: You Will please uce.-p! jpy sin cere thytilis lor your protupt UaUteut, tritltvut eko ffe, of Ui nmoaiit of the policy of Insur ance on iu'f lliishatid's Life, amouiiling to tbe stiin of three thousand dollars. At yonr ear nest and repeated solicitation he was induced tn insure iu vour Com iniy, aud now we are the reci petit It of" Its l.e.ietit To you and the North America Life Insur ance Company we shall feel under obligations, such as only the widow aod fatlierlees can feel and express. May n't have success in inducing others to insure in your most liberal company, and may the Iin irF the widow and orphnt hies you nnd prosper you iu your good work. MAtOABKT C. B.VKBKR, ' of Rowan Mills, N. 0. Mr. Hulderaes Im als agent for the Liver pool. London and Globe Fur 'Insurance Com pany, which insurer all kinds of public andpri- vateUluldiiigs, Kailro.nl Depots, llnuges Fee t'oricsl Fouuderies, Mills auu Merchandise -ami pays al ra losses prnniply. 1 All tetters addressed to' Mr. Holdernets, at Tliomasville, N. C will receive prompt ittten: tion. dec 3 tf ' Spring k Summer Importation 1 8 7 0 ..... RIBBONS, Millhiery and Straw Groods, ARMSTRONG C ATOR A Co. iMreama imi jonnrss or i Bonnet 'J rimming & Velvet Ribbons, Bonnets, Silks, Satins and Velvets, JtlomI, Xtit, C ', Rmekt. Flmtxrt, Etathert, Ornament, STRA W BOS-NETS AND LADIES' HATS, trimmed and uHtrimmrdt SHAKER HOODS, dkc. 237 .'. N I) 299 B ALTIMORE KTKEKT. HALT1MOBJ5, Md. Odkr th largest stock to be feond tn this ee trv. ami une)nallriJ in 1 hoicf varieW and cueapaess couljirisiug lliv musl puiiaian neeltie. OraersMlteitea, .:e prumpt attention girca. Feb ti ms4 - , 31 A NSIOXHOUSK, en A iri.OTTi;, x . 0 . Millinery Department Is complete as asual. and is presided over by .MISS BETSY WILLIAMS, who U widely kiiovru for her superior taste iu that line, Respectfully, WITTKOWSKY & KIN'TELS. April 1-I3:tf CHARLOTTE. N.C t! .V) 3 75 $5 00 50 1 3 00 I I 50 1. S ri 50 13 00 Xi.m 0 00 9 00 12 00 20 00 30.00 8 00.11 00 I5 00 2.'00 ,'17.50 11 00 l 00 20 00 30 00 45.00 18 00 24 00 30 00 45 00 75.00 28 00 40 m 50 00 80 00 1.30.00 LO VVEK C AMFORN I A. A SBW IMPIRE Iu a recent numbeL a In o-t sketelt was give, of the ffcotrraphiral position aud varied resources oTttttt vast I 'ei-insula oil our Wcsti in co.ist, known ae Lower Cal ifornia, and which, jolting; as it does, dnwu Ibc Pacific lor full Six hundred miles, forma a natural banter tn those fertile provinces of Northern Mexico, which are destine !, ere long, to become, like Lower CafrrbTiiia itself, 1uicgr.1l parts of the Uni ted Suites. This Peninsula may now be said to he in its transition state. For ages it Ins lain comparatively idle in the eea ; bnt by degicea the heave of modem progress has turned it over almost into tho centre of the populated globe, al it aittsl soon play fully ae import t VP I'tww Gaii. foruin, wLich ins above it, and more so than tlie luxurious provinces of the decay ing empire, to tvlm li it never more iliau notuinally betnii(;ed. In fuel, Lower Cal ifornia lias merely pretended to belong to MVxico, in- older to -peitttct itscll Iroiu seiaare by some more vigorous power; wlnle Mexico, on the other hand, lute glaiily coi'leuted bcrselt with a mere nom inal nib giat.ee (without subsidy or trib ute) in order thai 801101a, Sinaloa mid In 1 other ocean provinces iuii:ht not be two Governments, for the purchase nr joint protection of (he Peninsula ol Lew er California. But it is riot the object of the Lower California Company, that their charier shall be made the basis of a mere political opera ion. Their object is to colonise the land duly and faithfully, under the con tract with Mexico ; and to that end they are now prepm ing an extensive expedition, with the view ol settling up two ol its I provinces, and establishing an oceaju city. Already, emigrants, soured Dy the pre cious metals, and it her deposits of valua ble materials of commerce, are pouring in to Lower California; and this spontaneous movement makes it all tl;u more n-quisitc that the Company should at once apply its pqwer and its means, to regulate this random under civil laws. The Company is armed with power equal to those of the great Kast India omp.tiiy, winch found, d an empire iu 11 iuilooctau, and its Superintendent and Governor General is tbe ilea. John A Logan, who will proba bly follow the colonising expedition, dur ing the next recess of Congress, with a select party who will make it th. ir sum mer trip. Some of tin pawer aud resource of .lie Lower California 'oinpauy may he form ed by the names of a few of its member and directors The President of the Cnmpanv, the i Head Quarters of which is at No. 35 H i I I liam !ft. in New York, is Richard Schcll. Ksq ; and Win. It. Travels is the Trees urer; following which, we find the names of Oeuernl B. P. Bulb r, August It linont, Wiu. U. Pa. go, Caleb Cushiug, C. K. Garrison, Hon. John A. Griswold, John Anderaou, Kobert P. Ijeese, Ben Uolladay, Rober: M. McLaue, Francis Morris. John McB. Davidson, Leonard W. Jerome, 8. L M. Barlow, Edward S. Sanford, J. B. 'sham and Marshall O Kiberts. Among lb- above names, are those of two ex-Ministers to China and Mexico (Mr. 'ii-huiL' and Mr. McLane). and the well known public view of all the others, 1 make it evident that tbe Company is not merely a stock or political machine. In ( fact it offers no stock for sate. But the highest proof of the .expanded AN INTERESTING CASE OF SE COND 8IGUT A short time ago the family of a Russi an prince went to Paris from London. Among 1 he r servants was a young Ger man girl whom the princess bad engaged dining their sojourn ia Wurtembeig. As all the hotels a', the time were crowded, they sent a courier in advance to secure convenient rooms, and they were regular customer at the Hotel B, where the Rus sian unbleman usually took lodgings, the couiier only succeeded in getting two rooms in the third story fr the prince snd his wife, and on the pressing instance of tbe priuaesa the- hotel-keeper proa. ised to find a mom also for the youiig Ger man attendant. It was about one o'clock in the night when the air! I ft ber mis tress and was shown in ber room. To her great astonishment it as a front room in the ec and story, with two large win dows, and lurntshed In the most gorge ous manner. She at once asked the wai ter why tbhi roam Was not given to her mislres in preference to herself ; but he satisfied ber by the answer that tbe room had become vacant only au hour since, after the prince and Ilia wife had already been installed in other apartments, and she ui'gbt, so he added smilingly, profit by the opportunity of sleeping once at least in such a splendid room The girl then locked the dor, extinguished the light, and sought sleep under the gorge ous canopy. And now we let the girl tell her own story, as we translate it from the language in which she related it a few weeks ago, to a commission 01 seieuiinc men. who afterwards examined her : I do not know whether I slept or dresined or whether I was awake and gas'-d with ay bodily eyes. But I thought then that I was awake, and I be lt ve it still. This is, however, indiffer ent. At once the door, which I had pre viously locked, was opened, and a gentle man entcied with a light in his band. He wore the blue uniform of a French ua val officer From the roomeut he enter ed my room I was paralysed with terror and unable to move or to soouk. All my hlaek bair was tbe saw as I bad describ ed it, and even the trigger ! tbe jfcistol was of an unusual shape, aud painted red on the top He was a Creole, and he had killed himself in consequence of a love intrigue with a faithless views and enlightened sagacity of the eyes and ears. He pat the light upon tbe BEYOND DOUBT The Connecticut Mutual IS THE STRONGEST LIFE Jnenrancc (Eomp'jj Acrinired Capital over fW.OOO.fiOfi Ratio of expenses to total receipts in 1800, only In ratio of Assets to Liabilities, a measured by the New fork Legal Standard, is $155,50 per ?ioo; ana 11 grants all Ueairnble lormsot Insur mi ice upon strictly equitable terms, aud at the cheapest attainable rateifor cost. 8. D. WAIT, Grn. Agent, Aprl ly Office, Kaleigb, V, C. . 1 1 . 'i 1 1 b, Wanted-i0:,?" to till" rxatfti ftelil. fr e nt 1 lo Kill ilell.it n.r , rinj urirr , ir nn'J vemm 'P tn li.i'. dnc-lli. CFNt'lN IMP 0VKI COMMON sk V- K rXMtb. N(i MACIIINK. ' lit. M e ! ttltrk htm. Ml, I k quill, r-l, b ' it, Crnl'i unit i Piliri.i.t r la o n r ma n . Prle uniy f tht.m liolhr.- fiill warranted rr flr.yttrs Wr ill i'ne Thoun- aa Onita! ior nnxaisv limtiat lllsrw s firo er.n.nrr ksui ir.il, or more s.tle Was, lhan - an. It wilt an lis the ' 1 sole !. ck 8 i cm " Ere y a-eund tilt h ran Ik rut. ami si ll I t cloth cannot bi- uulM ssan with all 'lax I . Wc pay apm from 7M- i p r month and SB liri.ira, or a com-' aaoon rrnan shin twic that SpsOS ean ha taade. ad r raSECOMOS Co.. PITTr BLHtt. PA BO-Ton. Mt . or T. LOt.18. MO. C A r TSOtS Brwarr of all A(ntt tcllinc Maehtnra our, u irt 111. y can abow a Crrlittrttr ot acDCJ t'f rd v u , tahsil not hold ata'tclrsa raM nnalk's f r worlhl'aa Marh nr tod br oth r Martlrs. aae shall nr- ut all .riKa act tot or uati Machine waaW Nil aatai is inc 001 rxi ni 01 the law, i n eaa nch Mach ea are to la 1 ad fr. u nt r oar ascslt. Do not b Itaai oneS r-n br oar la a ha rnuw Kr aSrerUtetaiMt and tltclaa east onVr aoitiileaa aaachina al a km p ie. ' .tOSTTfl W rtTStD rvi-rywhera I srf! tana Aaawr c; ' " K 11 " u- Mne. Um w ij i.raflisaJ StwdM SadaHns MacJilia erer nrmted rrlc Twrttj; re Do tiara, will kult ii.0tl ttpeh t p" nalnota. AilSrwa AMtSaViM KVlTTIMi MAUIINKCO, Stall a, SSsSSk . teisV. Bggfl of rare Bred Faney Poultry r IV HATCHIWO. WFI have no hanr! tt' largeat and bai selS'tion n fmtmtf fraaallrrta be fonnd ia' th ceentrr. Fey t4u.'u:!y baxj4.iil iliitnx l tomrpiiit u.' lis roun- TT. tur ifoUilre H. I i. 1 1 - ail't.eas . X. P. HOVr-ft A 00.. Fskasbttrs. Cttt-ret..P ; This well known TTotise havjm; been !r.wt.T rrRXifiti:n ami Hf-r'tTTKP nt every ilrart ia now open lor the acooroinodation of -' Tlie TU AVI.I.I.ING PrBlitt". i STOninihiis at I h jst on arrival orrrsie-.-tSBJ farb 4 il At. t. i-C.i.JU3, frvfr. WILLIAM VALENTINE, THE BARBER. ETITRIfS I1I8 THAN ITS to Ms OLD XV ERIESDB and the Fabric for the liberal yatronage heretofore extended to hint, il now informs them that ha ha fitted up a now and commodious r Shop, In r. Hcadersorrt Srisdk Sailding. Bxom BJo- a, where he would be pleased to see Uksna. He ttuarautee . to ftive satisfaction tn every ear. lie has in his employ of the bent Hair Dieswers iu Western 'North CaroKna. He reqoeate a eall from all. Arlifcr, X. C . Ree. 17, I8W. . fiO Sf its independent province have, therein) gut along together down 10 the present time, and. as only an illusory aiiiiiority is exacted by Mexico, and no taes are lev ied from Lower California, the natives of the Peninsula h aver always bad a very haj..y and indcpciident lime. i best) day of simplicity, however, could not be i'ezjcteH lo last forever.---Heaven is not for man 011 earth. Nay, in the case ol tbia earthly clysiuiu. teeming as it is with gold and silver, and bordered by its gulf ol pearls, the westward tread of man forbade it. Seven hundred mil lions, out ol the thousand millions of the to nidation of the whole earth, belong to empires which push their coasts to the shores of the I'.o- fn ; coasts which have been comparatively silent until the laet twenty yeais, but which, now that' they have been astounded by the railway, mad -4wftimd liy stir and wake to the destiny that, inn be- f, ..El li-'(I? . a: ...... ..-.it .- ore tnem. On the wide circle of that mighty sea, which" is destined to lie the future resi dence of biimufi power, there is no piece of coast of such geographical importance to the Ut-nted States, as Lawer 1 alif'oruia. It ia worth the Briiiab-pMjsessious in the North west Const juI Alaska, ten times told, for it gives us certain irossessiou ol fjveiy line of trad1, that either come by the Isthmus lo the l:idica, or passes down ward from our western aailway routes, to the const of South America or Australia. Tho aente statesmen of Mexico perceiv ed (his problem mote clearly I ban pei baps eveu the Ministers of the United States, and foreseeing, too. that iln-y eould not expect toxoid sscba fortress as Lower California constitutes for1 the command of the Pacific, they wisely prepared to pass it itito the more powerful and couserva- ttwbaowrof tbe l-nited States, in a man- car whjch would not be in the least hu miliating themselves. They made a grant in 1864, covering the vast area of the forty-six thousand eight hnndred square miles in Txwer Cal- Coas party may be found in the fact, that though the democratic members largely prevail in number, the Company aa le"tf as thiee years ago, and while a largK por tion of thi'in were bitterly contesting the principle of tbe Fifteenth Amendment for the United Slates, decided, that all races Ail colonists, and nt wba ever color, should have laud ou equal terms, and hare leave to try. w ithout liniiia'inu nr interruption, the probb-m ot selfsgoveriimi nl with the small table near my bed ; my clothes lay on an aim-chair at the foot of it. lie filing ay avaadrrabai 10 a.b A or, and aM4a4 the arm chair in the middle uf the room. He marched through the room in the greatest excitement, gesticulating violently with bi hands. I could not turn my eyes from him He was a tall yonug man of dark eoraplezien, with indifferent fea ture; but he had brilliant blaek eyes, and hs long, glntenng hair made his ap great races of the worlal. It is clear, ; pearauce remark tble. I can still see him therefore, that this ( oropany has the sa- ( at he passed his hand through his curls HOME CONVERSATION. Tbe temptation to talk of persons rath er than of things lies very often in yonr way sister. Toe petty details of your life, breakfast, dinner and lea, poultry to day, end roast beef to-morrow, Jennie's whooping cough, and Fred's measles, Bridget's incompetence, or the heedless ness of Mary Aun, aud tbe never ending demands of fashion, here, almost before you know it, a narrowing effect upon yonr mind. Theoretically you despise gossips practically you add your mite very often to the common fund. You are not ill-Matured. The sweet charity that "ibmketh no evil," has its home in your heart's core, yet sometimes alas I it falls asleep, and anger, wra'.b and bitterness come stealthily creeping ap to the oat posts. There are many great things which wo cannot do, however earnestly we may try. There are some little things which, with faith in God, and sincere resolution, we can accomplish, and one ef these is to reform our conversation. Every woman should cultivate a nice sense of honor. In a hundred different ways this most fitting adjunct of the true lady is often tried. For instance, one is a guest in a family where, perhaps, the do mestic machinery does not ran smoothly. There is a sorrow in the house unsuspect ed by the outer world. Sometimes it is a dissipated son whose conduct is a shame to his parents ; sometimes it is a discon tented and p tulan t daughter ; sometimes a it l.itivc whose eccentricities and pecu liarities are a cloud on the home. Or, woist of all, husband and wife may not be in accord, and then there may be often bitter words spoken, aud harsh recrimina tions. In any of these eases the guest is in honor bound to be blind and deaf, so far as people witbont are eoncerncd. If senses seemed to be concentrated in my a gentle word within can do good, it may gacity to succeed; and it will be an un- I it seemed as if they stood up straight He spoke loud poitant hour tor th domineered by this fnrmidahljiJSiaunauiVjJi I could in like maimer. Tbe present .Mate and now in preparation, lands upon .hc pe- Pi,id. But all future destinies ol the j over his forehead. He SDoke loud and not understand what he at once he threw himself but among nitisnlar coast. This is mi aire of profress . the greatest enterprises of the is ol a more majectif stamp than the colo- ntxation of Lower California-; Exchange WHAT H I NO ED UPON A MOM ENT. upon the arm-chair and took a putnifroro lit side pocket. My eyes at the rim be Not long ago, I walked the streets of old Leicester, in Kuglaml, taking an anti quarian's interest ill tbe scenes around me.' At one moment, I gazed on a b t ef Komau wall; and the next, Norman arch- ! bere in es met my view. A little farther, and the associations with tile last of the Plaiitage nets ; for, yonder. Richard III. slept the night before the Ritlle of Busworth field ; here he crossed I he River Soar as he marched with his urtny to the conflict, and here bis remains lie buried. And I could almost bear the clash of armor, and see Ifhe SiT-ftvd I gave myself up to the historic memories which rushed through my mind. Bui there was a ap t of deeper interest than these. 1 looked ou the battered walls of Leicester, nnd notfd the breaches which were made by the besieging army of Crom 1 l'ad ir.au before I get up," i cried, and well Ive said, bnt to go forth end reveal the shallow of an unhappy secret to any one, even your nearest friend, Is an act of Indelicacy and menoiiess almost unparal leled. Once in the sacred precincts of any home, admitted to its privacy, shar ing its life, all that you can see and hear should become a sacred trust. It is ss really contemptible to gossip ot such things as it would be to steal tbe silver, or borrow the books aud forget to return them. The foundation for this thoughtless sin is sometimes laid in early life. Children coming home from a visit, are interrogated by mother or sister concerning every lit tle in and out of Mrs. M.'a, or Miss K.'s house. Don't do it again, dear friend. Just say to the darling child, as he or she skips in, flushed and happy, "Well, have you had a pleasant vis't t I'm glad to near it." Never mind whether ihey had gingerbread or pound cake, or what dress little Susie M. wore. Ifyotl find a little piquant bit of slan der floating about in society, do not roll it as a sweet morsel under yonr tongue, but if it is in yoor power, stop it. Drift fug on tbe tide of social talk are often strsy scraps of malice or entry. If they come to you, keep them. 1 Let no unkind report be suffered to grow by whisper or words of yours. How lovely is the very presence of a pure, truthful woman, be fore whom evil tongue? are silenced. Talk as little as possible about dress. Make yourself and your children ss beau tiful as you ean, and -let becoming and hey had to break tho 'toek, nasi lmaatos I VMlfflH tHCsa help you to do it, but when ....I., .a... b. , Hi artrh-KS-xsts T nnaa VA hr " him." n rr. ...... 1. . . . . . . lairij- tin- i art, au witaa oioo wiiaa ieo.ii-. The pi meets rushed npou me, touched my b inds and face, and the wall known voice of my mis' res s, who always spoke Ger man io me, in the end dispelled my stu por, and 1 could speak. "Uemove that day none , came so penetrating that I could observe a peculiar bend and color of the trigger. After a few seconds he brought the bar rel of the pistol tn his mouth and shot himself dead. I heard a terrible, noise, and something approached my- ear and sharply whispered into it : ' Vitas un an pour moil" fl'ray nil Ave Maria for me. After this it was dark in the room, and I co, ibl see the light from the rever- ho street shining in my room. I cannot tell how long I lay immovable iu my bed, but at once it was daylight, and I beard people speaking in front of my door and knocking at it. Unable to open my lips 1 listened, and beard the princess order somebody to open the dooriiy force. The key being in lb lock from within, Well ; and, a few paces larlher, T stood where H rollicking young royalist soldier whs posted within the walls a sentinel, who, handling his ' msisket awkwardly, was removed from his post, and another than placed there instead. I bc next min ute the new sentinel was shot dead. Mad that fatal ball sped on its way one mo ment sooner, there would have been lost to the world one of its rjpwt loved most honored names ; for, in I hat case, the name of John Bunyan would never have been set as a bright jewel in the coronal of fame ; one moment sooner, and the grand old dreamer of Bedf ird Jail would have have been cut on, ana ins glorious vision riftbe prlgrim teHbeCletif Uy would never have charmed generations ef meu of every land and tongue. Is it possible to estimate too highly the worth of that one moment, which spared hro ;., Mmt mi.n tbe world of spirit Mrs. Henry W. Miller's Boarding House COR. SEWBEliX a PKR.S- STS. i: U I K.II, Y. . fornia which was subsequently transferred to the hands of the Lower California Co., if this city ; a corporation, which had al ready possessed itself, under oilier grants, of a vatt portion ot tbe rich provinces of Sonora Snd of the . Peninsula. For this transfer the grant of 1864, the Lower Cat tfornia Company paid to Mexico a large sum of money, wha n the was In i her ut itiost need. The transfer of was duly "made at the Mexican L-gati u in WHh- iugtnn, in May, 1866. and waa formerly ratified by President Jnarrx in the follow BTe life of that wild, wickid ynnng man ; spared hi in for reformation of character; spared him for a life so devoted, and a work so great Can wc contemplate an incident like ibis without wondering with great1 admi ration at the providence of GodT Christian Banner. We are ruined, not by what we really want, but what wc think we do; there fore, never go abroad iu search of your Wan if tin y be real wants, 'hey will home ttt esreh of you ; for he who in? Aneut A certificate of the convev buvs what he "doe not want, will soou anee, which was drawn hv the Hon. 3a- rt what be cannot buy. li b Cubing, and endorsed byrtbe MjTXi- ! rrTjiTt eloquence iu trn- Qak'Tdialnet can .Minister at tttrentagrnn, was nieo: in m riii.ad-lpliia is considered to be "dead the office of our ccretary ol State, to be silence aggravated by the princess dcepiriiicly ejaculated, "She has become insane. ahe dismissed the crowd and sout for a physician. He found tin- iu a state of i enable excitement I, however; succeeded in telling my Sto ry, not as a dii am but as a real event, which had passed under my eyes. The physician, imagining that Saimc cruel joke bad been played with mar , sent for the ho-., tel keeper himself. 'I bey Spoke for a long while together in the niche of one of the windows, aud in the meanwhile the princess attempted 'to quiet me until I dared to gase around the room. There was no dead body about, ''They must have carried him oft," said I. -tbe aAerrroTro -f was-inade aeqWaliil ed wi(Ji what the hotel keeper told the jibysieran. Here, laid tho intelligence man, alter having collected his thoughts. once your "uungs" are on, think no more about them. Nothing more effectually dwarfs the mind than constant thought and conversation about ruffles and frills, feathers and flounces, trimmings and tucks. Prophets and apostles were moved to re proach our sex for their devotion to tink ling ornaments and plaited bair iu olden days, and if they were here noW, I think they would lilt their Voices Up Sgaln. Get out of this rut, desr reader, and find out how mnch easier and better walking there is on tbe soft wayside path above it. The world. is full of strife and struggle and sin. It is full of joy and triumph and hope. The field grows ever for wo men as for men. Now responsibilities are crowding in upon us all ; can we be too pure in thought, word or deed f Can wa let conversation remain frivolous, and tri fling t seems to touch our own terrestrial World The night last, about the same time Mad moiselle went to bed. a young otneer of the navy shot himself dead, ms corpse A Fatal Mistake Bishop Heber ssid : "It is a fatal mistake to suppose that there can be no apostasy from Christ where we are not sbsolutely called on to deny his name or to burn Incense to aa idol. We deny our Lord whenever, like Demos, we through love of this present wot Id forsake the conrse of duty which Christ has plainly pointed ont to us. We deny our Lord whenever we lend the is as tbe Morgue? Such an event being sanction of our countenance, onr praise, I the Sasis ot any future action between the j groan " extremely disagreeable to hotel keepers. I at once informed the juatice of the cir cumstances, and before daybreak the body . .. ..." ' . -L kwas removed irotu una ro'nn to me MorgtiV. Only a tow people in lite honse knew of tbe fatal affair, and I requested them to keep silent about it. After the room was carefully cleaned, J isjave an oider to let Mademoiselle have it, as 'tbe pri eess desired to have her stay iu tbe bouse. Tbe priuco. the--hotel ..keeper and the no i ; an at onee drove to the Mo rue. au occasional They found tbe uniform hanging iu front or even our silence, to measures or opin ions which may be popular or fashiona ble, btitjw hich we ourselves believe to be sinful iu themselves or' tending to stn. We deny the Lord vcbi tiever we forsake a good man in affliction, and refuse to give cnutitetiauce, , encouragement, and support to those who. for God's sake and tbe faithful discharge of their duty, are exposed to persecution and slander," I of the AuT old bite-Ttelo. says : -It is all non sense to nretfud that love is blind. I never vet kiien a man i i lore that did cot see ten mutilated body ; bt bis long ' times as much ic his sweet-heart at I co. 1

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