r. ’f_ « ; J. I V - , -T* r. * A • • T .S ; » >- Ti" jtaw vywfeit^ajMjgawgMiJ.'y ntJi.a™»«F" A CAT.'TrOX. raf'ctsnwB > 1 •■... i Tiie c'rnirf rrir'.''ri!!;-?i, !■> be j 1)0 !0:>!n‘:‘'‘l ■■.■,li oroa: i:;);!;''!; j rv'-i'n 'r..--i -1 •• -■••i;,- i.f ji'.i'.it-- i' 1 tl'.f v.or tl''- •' ■, \ ! area \vrir; c: i: 1_. i • \vr^ ■ . i"- r. 't- W'-r.- oibbb.,'. ' -'i-atlf viT" ;‘i; te!;t0! •■I'.il Tl)--f n’oist ■ \v}](' I ■Ham i iCi' 'I'tf ft M ai of 11 I.X' I ij-Jrpt »• or r fvonl r ■ ♦ “ .iOJ '• . L:\-. ^.rr ■ T'lc lime for a l.irgor toleration is come. A broader catlioiicily of sentiment and a deeper i'eciin^' of ciiarity is necessary towards all who lione tiy diller y. itii ns in our political opinions. A\’c du not mean a toleration of dishonesty, fraud, c(crrnptlon and fal-ehood—we urge no 'll,. it:r'>iion in a war against these—hut a tolera- 'ion of hor.c :t diiTer^nccs of opinion. ^iVe occasionally meet, in some of ourexchan- r'os wiili sneers ct tiie “moilerate i'tol.rant} i rc.er,’’ ilie assertion thiit “tlicv won’t do to de- I ; pe;il on”—that “the best of ti’.em ir.av sn-pt- e')V( r!,n'.(-,;t m I . , . . , , I .••i'-nco as lime i-ervers or triii!nn.rs —teat n;- ’i — ! ci:-.’ that it wa to ibimi V. 1;;; ;i i.s be mat e nad . r c’'orv • itti • -tlieilier in i ower. In On Tuesdar, April 26th, a large number c>f intelligent and leauing citizens of Kowan Coun ty assembled in the Town Hall at Salisbury.— Sir. .1. It. Gi,)son was chosen Chainnan, itnd Dr. C. A. Ilendr-son. Secretary. The object ol the meeting was e.xplained to be to take steps for organizing this county preparatory to the coming campaign and also to consult together concerning the selcctiun of candidates for tlie various olTict.s to'be filled at the Augu-st elec tion. Jti marks vrere made by various gentlement, rda.i. Kerr, Dr. (ribson. Dr. Keen, ilr. Graham, Hail, Mr. IJolt, and others, on the ques- i oat and out Ka '.ieal is to he prefl;:e« to such ' tion wluutcr iinniinatio'^s for the various coun- proceedixgs of county meeting. ‘an 1 m.n -liistunci!)' . 1- ■ ; : rn-.M Iho li ^ -ente.", cf Tennessee, anti I leaving o’.it of view iliO noble Vraiktr. of Vir- I '.-i::; !. In s > ibr as tbc-'C t:’.nntsandsiiccre may be i b-'iended. fer n- we feti !uril!0;.i the profnundcst ' IOitemid. ' ebrsiM ;e t m'ice tin m, but for ter. 1 ( r to I. - d i ndeir- v.r !■,- ■n woii.d ! Tii'-v— i yco] b-'.r -.1'■ ar.; ,eri f ai. rn; ■ to.in' o- i;. ir I a ; tl.em, n iib mntn it f; of f'rmi r d;. ■ j- a.lc.n.- ."'d rxeeti!;; .idy lii - comnio!) nrit rc* nl'‘ •. tf> I ' I b.-t' i t!ie fjot t.mt t I v.o ail i;r i ;’o!- li.e V s'-rvet') ini'J: .)e cau.se Wiileii ‘.'.s t*/ iiave ro niiicn at iiCiirt. It is .Ur rte.s.on liuu we jrotc.st aeainst A '" T Ml.a can b re iMu: be (i; ' no-.lion inifCu-i •o tru-( u 'l; ■,!!>! tboco!!r..(-',vbic}i t’lcvlni'.x TO THE EliOri.K '?F T'-TE f'TrCTII Ct'N- T\y;'r|-irT/ '‘p iin:» ty ohices ought to be made to-elay, or at a meet ing to be cailei^al .^ome subsetpient day, the gem raJ current cf opinion being that it would I'lomote liannony if tliD matter were postponed to .-I,me fiitrre day. In regard to the cam'idatc for Fenator from Rowan and Davie, tliere was, in ll.e iiilcrcbangj of vicw.s which took place, a 'inanlmoii.s exprcssicu of ]>referenco for cur pre.-tn! Senator, Maj. W. AI. Robbins. Afi- r a fnii conMiitation and txprc.t-ion of opinion, Dw. GiKcm, seconded by Dr. Keen, moved that “iliii lacc'.ing unanimously rect in- mend: to our si.-tcr (.'ounty of Itavie, iMaj. W. M. K >bbin- as a .suitable candhlatc for tb.o Sen ate from this Di.-tric:. iMr. John A. Ilult sng- ircstcii tiuit ceriadii leading ciibietis from Ibivie ei' UVv were lieie, and that it would b.o wi.-e to n.’s-,-:: -met ■■ v.ar t .■coxo.p-.^j- umia’r.ral. I'i:i.T.otv CitjCJI'm : After a p’-otracted delay | app. int a commltleeof five to confer with, them iiiivi’:'' -“f'' '■ ] .so !ii:’'';!, as ti;'V l eiicve, from I of more tiuin twelve ny u'.L.s siuci- l-te orrauiz-;-1 '-o' --nb.iect. Tbi- suggestion was app-rcived, n.'.' a-. ts of tb ‘.cr from y>r. Siiot to af ’ ■eese’ii to i trim, will ’.e j -’l 1' oi.t .-t V.'Lit '. i' !• tb" .b-i :cin wide!) I :ilb d b .el ' SI'.i ll r; e -I' lui ug a - C IS.: M ; Ibebi 11 1 I.rty, i;, G* I T » - li.'. ill ll: r,.. . t Hn* ' '■'Pvt”1*:: ^ 1V dk'I' r- ;:!v '.vil’i il.at rar'.y on p: rty. It iv.is i.j uinds of ;• - f tb.e i ;!• n cl tiie dlst Ccngrcs.s, ] biive, at lenioig p,I an I Tbr. .1. Vd. UllL dltij. N. F. Jlidi, It. .V admilti d t" ll.e st it tc; v. nieh, be vou'- Itii.d i i-; *- 'van, .Tobii 1. .Silver and T. W. Keen were 1 » ; V • • ' t'vl. !V t;; il TVO'.ll i.d pri -J.-. Tim good ti r 1; ‘ : : All ‘i. - D J; • •I:.!!'! , 'b*.' i\” .1 i. • •. I, Ui/lir. C 1 Ji D ' .r« III j-r .'1^* : ( { :■ • t \ ‘M e •. • ' * • ^ M J . . I ' 'ill iiiu ai*y j il as.-t;r. ; dm!, a • i . CO. :(■ t vor, 1 was eti-r Tills t.'nly recrguitlo.M of your rig’it to renre- selittltion cc.miot be* .iu.-^Uni-d, and V'a.s tin* revolt of mere iiegb-ct cr indisposi'Jo.i, on tlie taut f C.m.grcy-, f; o.i ;,!i net of sini;,!e .Justn-e, bv prono" :y a! im; nn- A'-ni il.- 'T. O.;: •>' up on the ]'res;.|,t;U;c;i (.ifmy eivi!eiitu:Is as vour i'l-i-resentattVv‘. .Vnd. i.l.iiougii ;t inii, llu’ I'uu 's wt.mii they e.xpecte' ill I'.'nn ri aiu ,-!;a.ne.''s, more remote tlian r. ii'h'M iiaracter o!'tiie Stat >. t’lev see, has 11 low. re.!, and b. , _ ^ ^ purpose was l.nany j a.ssou bv ( ■iiigre.—i, and tine ee ■•■‘i..'-')p]io.ev-^ p. aduii.s.-im, li.rre'jx', r. moved. -tdi, the v.'ioi'.g vMii. li you, nutinwiiile, imvesiif- tced !u. your ., t-d lapb!-, i.s not iindoi.e tunl ean- Ot !a' r'.U :!l .1 u.r creait desiruvei] Tin ;iavesr-..n tee lax-. - j -.vd utton tii * inf'ovei'isb- .'Mim.er dm-.le w I' • =>'p i . 1 V i lie };{'* .V.'l : il { I lit-ir J hl‘ ‘I’v' 1- ] b I’lo t-t llu*! cTiuflt of of^ico * Id. liu. J . yv TIu v v/itiiDs A :1 v.'irli ! tm i-' : e : t d r o'.m U r f iha t 'liief Ex.-eutlve o; ! tbe Si'tte ; ..Cl ,1.1! K ml an inve.-'.ti.g.atle’i into r^i. I v.V.\ 0(TD]'.'{')t ii-Diin-:. T!d.-v ivit- ; ' ■ u ii.'‘ T-. fr- an invf oi ..j Vi.>vry j.'LLlUircvl ayiin'Ft s'! ‘■'A t .1' v i‘i'r 1 a.:’. > n.«], 1 fr: n.' }n\r-r»k-,'M ny-iM; (^c. ft- lAie(‘i.i.*nA liv liu-(jTic-ratlon of TitI (): tne o.'iriiim c>i' lii ’ * ai i‘ ■ [ i;r- eonneet a! wiiii tj.. I M; iV-- y ■ i ■ i* •* D'.; i: -■ .• D-. iO!n f5i it: warns anni hi/i;n, viul-inj tj;.- liirt i ViiU'ij'K-.'otiivA ^ ^ivcrninui t, an I yro -Iaijn i!:e iiivn un;;ur tiie ('on- . t.lnti’f'if' ainr'.'trcr''. j'l.e.-'e sVav^ee Glevie.*^-’, so roTe*\r;-j fr* our I'.i.-'ii- tntion.p were-CO!"rived, it was -■.•lid, “to kfop !''wv''"'Towiisliips in tliis Comity be rcqtie.sted iroa.son from tin. ib e.sbob! of lie G vernmciK,” ! 'T' dek-gtitions. to a meeting to be held but, like ak smb inveiuioi.:., iliev iiave beeorie 1 ti'-d a powerful in.strum. ut ofop-uia->i,,n in the !::in,D I .-‘p '.i- R'-bmii.: be-mgcalled fur briefly respond- ol' l!-.o.s'p V, lio (-Mufro! a flairs," and aiv la’-gi !\ v --.i- I' ‘ ■ 'A la'i'" ning Ids tluiiiks for the expression of atipi inted. as aC'ooiiitteetoconfcr with Messrs, .i.f. Foard, R. ^iKbuson, and otliers iVoiii i.'.aiie County i.^CP^kt'CC to the noininatiiai of S n ter. i-'r. Hail, bai.nnu; of said Committee, rc- ’poric'l iluu liiv-v iiaij met the Davie gentlemen atorestiiii, '.vLe der.bred that tiiey were not sent lure :i> n-gu.nr die/^'gates and could not speak in tiiat eb raettr, but that tliey nevertlic-less felt in e to -ay, fro::! a tiiorougii aeCjU.aintunee witii jiiii'lie .-.ei,(iim-:it in IV,vie, that the feeling tliero wa.-; ovt rivli.-iuiin.gly iii favor of Mti.j. RobLins as liie wuninec. hi iw i.'iving this report, tiie meeting unaiii- mon.-y adi'pti.'d tiie original motion of Dr.Gih- >on reioiiii!,ending Mtij. IV. Robbins the e...i:d)d:ite for the Senate. (in nioiioii it 'v.as resolved that the nomina tions fur all other cf.tee.s be posfjioned till the la t Satniduiy in f.iay, ]»ro.\'., and that ail the HORRIBLE ACCIDENT IN RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. TWO HUNDRED PEOPLE KILLED AND AVOUNDED! N. C. RAIL ROAD. week the Directors of tins ro.a.d proceed ed to carry out a purpose some time eoi.tempba- ted but de-k-rred by various causes. It was to pa.=s oyer tb.e road in order, per.-onallv, to i) sjicet its it.- condition. 1 lie portiuii of tiie ror RiCll?roxr>, .April 27.—\ large crowd was *bs it-condition. 1 lie portion of tiie road collected in the upper portion of the C-nitol t-^-" U ''’-j e.Y.mined.— .. , o b ^“1““ I Using a special trim, and lollowiiig the regular ^ 111 I ing ur.cre t.ie Supreme Court oi .Appeals i train-, tiu.-e was opportunity to run .-lowlv' an.l i.s jocatc'd, to iiear the decision in tiie mavor.iltv i (iotice the track carefully. .\t .several jioints, ca.se. -Abo‘jt 11 .A. M., the floor gave wav l,J. j.m’ecial attention, tlie train v. a.s r.n..v. u. -1 . . A , ■ A haltcil and a thorough insjiectlon nnd“ 'ri-.'s nenth tiiii (Jcn?c woiiilit. Tir^ciintjiiir*'' the croAvJ ' i ^ i l • . , , 'i . , ‘ ■ ‘‘‘“n-,, U.e cruivu , end o: the road was found to he in an excellent o tlie floor below, wnicli was that of the ilon.-e | .state of repair. Indeed it was-a mati-r of .sur- of Delegates. It is hard to a.sccrtain at prc.-cni, tip’-'- ju-: afier tlie breaking up of ihe win the extent of the merit, but some r severely ii jured. fail by jumping into win b.iws w'len the llocr i '‘’flicers st SPECIAL xrrncE.s. -A BE.AUTirUL C(bIIPi:XK)N. TI Jy’i'^'y^-^IUAP.VRII.L.v and (iuee Delight, Tne (ircat BkimJ i’nritier c-.voe’.s .minors frc.ii. the .-ystem : i- acts .IKt-ct'lv on i Depuratory Organs; tlic- skin i.s one o; {he m important ol these ergan.s. ami t!,,. ,:.e of i inwahiable r.Uili, ine i: i- lean.-..'d and remki Trv it. -•lof:, fair .and healthy. h- avv ram. that the tr.ack w.is 1. Av;i> evuUJice imuries, so great is the excite- ! -e filled and a large imniber : t!,at Fmie wiio am cu.pIoyMl upen the road ar tlie tc-mule I laitnt ;1 svrvant.s oi tbe conipaiiv ar.d that ili: til it that ’lieie is no faihirv ! aIUz-m-s c, . ,ccli gave way. c-d to. The wounded are now ming ativiid- j .^'‘U of S:,:is!g;ry w.is r ^ I 0(1 the U:i cvcv.in^ t.i i ID 5*'' t iS-old Y^Tat-cbes. .''tiik-nc-d !I-mi,b Cj.. ];bt;!.Iew,-:e.! I...y(ws - *;35 to A.uriTincus G-cId llu; ti:..- (adi. i .IfV.fH'il I.evcr.s, : (b i r I.i-iii •- ;r ft' Oroide Q-oId. Diiubl,- Ib-itra !..■ vCia ffls’ycr. Hun-u'g ( -c.l. 17, no, to $13 CSC KILM) D.C.^i'iGl'Tio.N OF l iGr!;.-;. . ,,,, ., j No ii.-a-.-■•ri..._'cs ti.;-!., I VTF-i I , -I - 1 . I I yp >bir and gcnt!..':.; ;.!y Is) t ci the ii.ivilcn Pe-- fi '1 Jt- v, i.-.l f . -.er j.i.\.TE.t. .V tcrrioic- calamity occurred mre ; i o .tse m.nie the 1 ir-j.fto.'-s !.’ this morning. -s.wx,.,. .V Lcoioiv ca.amuy occurrc.l mre MO use maiie tiie i irvctors !.is ra.-x .,,„i wv , t:.--!-'sizes-) ■ orly thismoriung. liie li.jur of the Courtof .Appeais |T-.c-at hosplia'o.y cntviiaii.cd. We wc-re|GUlv KX’i'K.A FI N K G I AVLl'i’ in the State (.tqut'.ii gave way an-I v.reciuitated i '-'re. l!Oi,u.vcr. was tlia.Yioni- K sl'-o-t; ■. .ii.it (..,ibl Kn.sii..- Tnrneik the bimd’-c'ls lG-.! i b' - .n.'- b 1 ’ nion lO ..h-'J ..m-A aui] we aii a-- !!e ta.ir friviids, ca-i-l.t^-st linglish. Swiss aii i iiiert. aij Mi inc .‘“-'c-.ca.- t..cicu. ..-.-euiadl to near the c.t- ! „„ 1 ,he imbli^ th.at travel, ibat tliey will iw i -Ibik -kv. F.cd I.t-icrs-noi .sarp.w.-.-dnt a Ciston in the mayomPy case of I-.ily.scn and Ca- i cared for at tiie i-ruing bo’ s'’ of C. S. Bn wu. ; P' rf- tiy reanl.a'-r.] and a.l.iiisti-ii—Itaiiniii boon iijion the Conservative c.attcus then sjttir ^ i Esq., near the Deprit, cir -b .ttbi tin v i lioo-c i , - ' h m tl.e W mad at only ; - _ _ , I irr,-f,,- . iw.. 1 n... . ; .t!.s,i t!:e ce.ehratcJ v.e ii.a not now r-.'tnei.iber any year v.iien a: tiiis season the promi.sc- was brigl.iei- ol a fine bar- vef*t or wlie ticc'd .-onie spivTiiiiil held' in DavMsi rus ai'-.l other jd-n-.s. jii j,;.-- b-.-. ! Ciston in the mayomPy case of liily.scn and Ca- loon iijion the Conservative c.attcus then sitting | U‘^'1- near the Depfit, cir -b .ttbi tiny ehoo-c i , in the iiail of the Hau.se of Delcmites below. It ' ‘' i’ Uu.Svr titiie, at :!u- Boyik-n Hou-e tqi: • • *1 1 a ♦ 1 ^ I Citv. ('n liic s^oohil \A c ru'icl**'*! tlii.* - IS inipospil'-Ic to asceriani tiie extent of — ' - ’ - jiiriu.' IL . I >roc i:el L:iio Cliarters, Chief of Fire I'ep.artment. N.P. Huw- asd, LawyeH, Ash Levy, ilic-limojul ileecliant, Clias. V\-at.'on, of Danville. R. R. luigbes, Ilutchcscn. 1.1 wis K. Vdeiili. of this cii'-, frchofiehl. brother of Gen. Si-i.cHeki. II. II. Mau ry, .Jr., b'enatnr Bland, col. red. of Bowbaian, utid Roberts. It is suppo.-icd that i’veuty members of the .State Legi.-iuittm are killed .and wounded. The -ludgfs of die Court of.Appeals all e.scaiieil urdmrt. Ex-Governor AVells was very htftllv in;ured. L. II. i ittitidler, counsel for Clialicon on the Mayoralty ca.-c, was injurc.l. James Nce.son and .Iitoge Aicrcdiih, counsel for Eily.sou, were | also badly iturt. About 200 ]icrson.s were hurt | by the aet;ident; greate.st excitement ,:;wai!s. , There arejitutidreJs of persons on the (.bipitol | cut tetraittf II i-.i Ks ) ! ani.iig a-- s. v. s—I.;. Ibk It. Fi’Y. l rt.t Movenic aiiv 1 rt Bn wii. ; l" rV tiy regiil.T-wl and ad.iiisti-d —KaitruaU t.in «-iU ea .^DLU) REFINED ALUMINOl 'ii ;nt‘ (lit* k*'. Jliit! t*Vi*rv’A ^v;iri'd I Mirtime. ririiK each, ^lso the K.xtra f'i y uii.\ on, C'ahiir- j I>OTi'La T5XTKA iiFMKKi> v hnprovoA') »u I m i;c* tlm r : JHE GtiLD AAAAT C IIE-'^, uuu. tnat ul our I oikagite. IM. ihih. }:s.|.. i ca-c.b lb:!! .'swcVi' !. cv '.V..rls, ,-qna ■ D'‘‘b A-" ' ‘'"''vine. )1 M-;it; 1 lor ti)..to (to'.i '..bit tes. at o: Ina, :u. ti.r-t t.io p-.i't...' el Kort.: ''ari im.i •.■et.u -ri.T. Ti!i- iioiibiv Kvti.i J. es. is p, a e, sakty fr.-tn vi-,h:ice. t';.- i r • , :;i>n . i t.belaws. iitdusiiy w J! dir-.-ctei:. skii ifu! itirndug. renewed energy, .atni t'lev ii.ive the l.nest . i.mi- •T,-.. mu.' l oin .s :vi-r Haniiag Ca-'-U i .i.n W • ’ . s atclT. ru’d ..‘v .V fc-.I I.i vc.vfra i — - .-I .Viaeiic.tu .''ti.iigl.i i.bie I.c-.t-rsor Iiup try in tile Well.!. Tho.-e tiieii who creat,.-uf.rest, 1'■f'Uyi'i, A'l'w-r r-ii iiwc oi-saiisfactlon, ami keeji up strife and iiittenie-s IU )L1 A i.-. i f 11 A I N . , are the worst enemies of the Ftate and the peu- j ,, -yry Yb’-'Vy'T’■ f‘ "yT’, -o n",,, ^ 1 1 ‘ t'liOK Ii>! eil Diaioii I a ( ui.d (.(lO. tt), t le. J oe men aiu. mw-papers wlu se busmess I ^,,5 s,.e > r ,i„,. .,cv n It -.s to i reatg P.ad feeling atid violeiicv wii! imve itic-irred a fearful responsibility.—G.vcuMc.eo • hlicnn. ti;o f- in • - t. I.D 'M*- : D'Diiir.-, ' D .I.’ f .u ’1- :m f.rCL-v *(» r:t r.jy - -t; r- the ]i. '] !.• :;vu Avi'-it :> iMre-.-arv to (]t*- p-A'i'Cs of til'.: Sia.'.i* ^-»verrv , e-. i]iD‘ GGir:* ! cU-.-.v ot; ]■" !(•■ 'V r- to >PJ. ■ i.'tV:*' :>-;’'-i:ur:! -'‘i a*, nvu ) III! v.*^ fray the or !'••;! I." nt, '.'il! •>'- ■ 111 ! itgbt fi.irward a’' i-i.sgt; Ti.. e t'dr.gs v-ti] ],,i meet vd'.li fevor at l!.:.. ] i; • ’ * ' I ‘f t h' in i w n'C »' ’• •. ^ P -'' •U—Btr.t lllc.v .bad Poeti vu ! , ti;;i:-i- ulioiii I’tov b-td d'.-o list uiciicc is that fee dis.P’: Fed elcmrni i Ik ptb Bea-i p.t;;y of Xortb Car- dis.iff '1 ii ptti.dctit's are, if b', , e’’i r,; .11 ti;.')' d'u iueiatioii; of -i 1. s’- i ,. u -, -tmi ibe lea iers of the Tbidi- rtv 'tetu-r;,':;V. dm;, au" oti.e-r ci.ts.s of our '. I". c:u..-v l.iC.i fl.-d -v; il iiy ti.i-m. I’or r-:s:t.l ami disi:.; f 11- du V belong t-' I c’Ci. V I'd .‘it.d li'i- 1 lijlurpct 1(^*1 'ilitU; -:ll\0, .AV J i)00!l ..-y ha VO; ■ty as tb.-opji' bo.tii st tua-se.--. .'io-*- o h-‘ 01 o..j (ondifioti. )- eid,C'‘ d'-tiie'i sr."!i r-.Ii.-f, pulled ibr an i'ldetinue peririu. ,0 .--.w;!;! to" I •piea.srre or c.-ipu i.a-oi those wluu alc'nc, can grart ' ’Di. ' ■, .1) , fein-1 ti'icoting Icid ibouglit proper to make a rccom ino-iiation ;ui bis favor, ami it was not for liim jiow tlie j'eopie should mtma.ge what t(. iii'ta' i'.-:- are t ■obi.;; .seKu.-.-./s of irriiat;..ti aitd ■ '•-■ ■■’eeuiu’.rly luetr own businc.s.s—that is, to se- di-cord mu'’)■.'''■u,''-I'. o'!•', vvl I'eo'b-rwi, c. Iuh'-]-'-•- t men to repre-seut them. He would now monv ;;u'l fonU’it; u nt w .'.:ld ’ revai', a.t i .iu. v Ihowever, in till c.aiidor, that he desired llte sti-'uld !)p. at nu^c, ! emov- d . a r. :.:■, •.■•.•b to !i:A , inee.uig wnicli i.s to tcssemblc here on the last' e.stimated to have been f (ruverniiient and; to fi;e ago in Mddeli wo live. |-tiatm-iiay in Alay, G feel perfectly free to en- i'l nditi.T ibis .'.-lay, liiy jui-iiil.i) iicre, iTj inTsirtD; flick To! cil piai eii I S t ui..t Cull!. il^ i ki. aa.l c ixCiKli. ! ..iilii’- 1 .cin'it.i 1 1: IIU: Ill ■iTv C'i pi Hteil. al cS 10.1) ml D-J. .4..- -J Ki. r : * r.' 1 iiilci —J ♦ I.-.i! ‘ i-r ; ’enr- —fr. •ni lu ' loIlL-. ■J -1 R; an.l -s r-jd! . S.’ Il t u vv';. Ir Tts at iov. V : V ’ :(/;•'-;i!i' i l!!- Xo .Vox. ry f* • ’ • HV/.bCD /.V.l.Dl ’.LV'- ’.re- brf ougb.t out of tlie '.liMir.g. AA’nlker escaped iinburt, tliougii on the room floor at the tim.?. (.lOV. i court i i! 1 LJiO 1 Fu: -livtcri '.:m Ci iiuivh at Morvaii*. f 1], C!) ! .\i: i; ■- : y '‘xp;;---. >r. !• >poi tlic* .J,’v4y ^ T • 1 in>T. T ' t 1 „ -Air. W T * iefUL ■e I*. ( U*t‘t D, :f A’x •iben. 1 jt B.-.'prc'-‘ . . I!:.;:)/-.' ('■. w !' •! \ V 4 J. mY;;! :l ml., ■ liaug! iter {■ 1 C. 1 Irwin, Ill .1 Ili-v’^'i ifi; I’,. !..);,. l.A -4 li-iii. Esq van -e. A 4 'T 1 1 ilV.Mli Ira Ci) urch. ( V. t- :o ?]'t .V’ r ib :.v -l.’l .1 '■■■■' ilddl'i pi.- /■’(■' the Re V. S:’ ;mu(-I I'iiarr, 11. i>.. Mr. (■ inu-li’-. , /.'ll W'.itrh f c , -J :i ■ .'■a,.. DETAILS OF THE CAl.AMITAA ! t uiunor to i die sattie 1 Mi-^s Nannie .V. Wi- taan. A’-o. at ui'.e an l p'a.’O. bv llte sopie. M.-. u. till of i’ow.tu I Geor.ge Bais to Miss Ltitira S!,’,,o' :.’l ..f ' ! conn tv. j -All (ioods may I e l in o\- • •■' b.-!'.'!e be l^iDit* o»*tl I’Uiei’- Ti I O' ■■ v'-k s I ;.-li l; i.jii-iicd and exam ■ttaturuay in dorse' or recoiisiper tlic recommendation wliich im St emb-!iT:i-i!ig ; io!'. aPbough J g;; V;-proiut.t here to-day; for beheld hiiU'-elfal- rcs’ on-e to tl.e m:i';e>-ui.s eommtmii-ai.mis g-ii- hound to abule by the cxpres.sed will of d.re'ssed to me I'v ctu (■■.■; ;i.’u>' mailers oi I'z i;s Oi tlie T'i-iri'b oi'u-j ‘ i '-'-'l *'-- >>.*•■> “.ipi'y lu uemive, nowever, 1 yrsf to till in at tl.e seat! 1^"’ I'ceipleof Rowan end Davie .sustain him ? _ _ 1 .1 cr, »*H .t*T IN’ 't lI'l TT’l 1 It rr>*r»0+ naenv-yat-wtif.. al.„i. i the ; :j'a- :i;m: '1 h-Mai ii fiV'V i’ n |iu\vciA ' r.-i ‘1 , nv \Ul •-if/ u.»n :k;v..‘F uh:ui;^c oi’ 01' iU'inihiiuiU!.; i;D V will 11 -h*:i iik. ' l.n\v '•••!: ! il ui- . I let ::' r ’': ■. 'Il GVj'Uo it, i- ■. M ..i' ei 1; ’ - ;v a -i*-i 'il 0* ih 'i\ \\ il A \v 'h' ivlioiip- r!io d: i* ] -r coiihoD 'lAr th'.AVi O’P'Oe-Dj ul to Iiiu Ft j!I' a • ! lUV *0‘t • »• I* :‘)-ulv -J oi • ‘>r. n (:]ia»'A:*.j ■i t :;nd 'leiU'unced b" I ■ ■ n to t:;e iiri-..i;t (ornipt :■.,!■ ; vecni.ie.u—op’-.,Ad,-.i l.i | !:;p!i n- a d;.! tP'bic.l! p ;if- i , ’,'! .-.-lU system .jf eXol! it..lit j ill. nc'.s ■^■l■..-'.’!t'lt\l, n - oojii..-i-I s of I fw -e ■.rrotig! (1 many ot'icri- i.i ai-:-.tcr. rbicil a CO"rso .sc m-' ( > bt'.V ' ■d : V th.TCV. Ik- f-!C,l‘.-d ■!’!■! ‘•. bb’- - -•. 1m i; not :t w. a"' •!; 1 r .'itie-. It unqt: ^d ■ n t.!' ; ■■..Mi S‘.tIt ■ ■'.) . _ -nr.; -mtou ef ” t'. H t.i 1 '.( 'S-M ■1 ! i,: 1 the I , y.i . bmke ■ 1 lip-,:; - da* ? I !■■ ■a Ol i i ... i.u- ■ta.lP • ■. yl ■> • .t;-- re ;e. :r., r.ml D-siuniig liie du.luLV.- m tlu' tulmii.i-ara’i i: i.f ihe Snile govenimoul i di'mamlc.l by d.c be-l iti'.ere.sts of dm ]>;'or.le.— Atu.I diev are r. C'\v ; .i -'-tiu 1 i b.g'ug aPou j s!i( b ; bai've, ; j OU: lie;ir!)'-g t! ; .*■■ ■•.• tb.-;r f j! m j -Vbi ti!..-s • du a.i.-.-twI iDy;:l.'; t-i dm i .■("■•Os ..ijui ( i::!--.'!";-;,.. .-.M tit! 1 d; 'V C:;;i cairv die ill die I.").--.ting .■'ei ‘.;. b-.'d'.Oif'■) r.mjiiritv. I '.u.l t.i -lo ini-—act In sitcli ii'-otocr as to npd lle.'iii—mil tV.e re.sup. \\ ill’ee .l.-.'.ilitl'.d. And ii.iw c.'iti lb,-. . il ,j. tbilcaiis Ik' coi t.'d .' Iteann. ’ '.• done by imli.-^crimiti.ato d,e- nnuciafioii of t’ic Ib-pnbIIe.;n parf.v. It can-n't lie d('t:L by (’i.eviu.g ine'.:! caiididaic.s for da-ir sup...a-t who iuive b",'u e.-peciallv distiugui.diei ' for liie bitterne.ss tuid \ •.'lemeu.ec cf tlieir demm- use eftim depubdean party !:e:-.- 11 ; anne t be d.'iue by giving p.ocMiiar j iiro-uinerr-:, .as K-id-. i-s, to tluit i hi s of {,’.i!is.. r- i v:t-Ivo pfil’iicu.ii.- V. il.'/iiaVO tidvocated so,'-ialo- i tr 'ct-..-) n;i ao. .umt of a mere dilibrc uce of polit- H ot t am- ent r fi- lovcrnu: I r,' ■rv'.i It: , '' ■ Hi. 1 was [lowerie.s.s to render thei.i 1 ;..■ isTrmco. i iavitig now la-vn ver, 1 ::■■• (...ii/e-s a-'- voiir Mejircseii alive, is t!i your bebt.lf will ' d ' 'ind that you will, at till i:;I 1 bent. 'topie. e 111 !!v 1 le was happy to believe, however. tl; I 1 geneitUiy and widt great unanimity, atiu th.at dm I't C'iti!meidtt tuiii iiitidc by tins meeting will he accept', d as satisfactory and regarded tus a virtiau n(.;iiir.ation. lie rejijiccd in the a.ssnr- a.;.''e t-uit lie f!i('ula be triumjibantly re-elected, atro tli.-tt liie 'ouservalive majority in the I'is- I a.Aoi' to r.'d rn vou mv I t. .c! v. ii! lie r.iore tii.an doubled. [The Fecreta- tbe idgli iionor yoii 'mv’e | D'L Jo^givcin full the well-timed re nd to assure von of mv (-cr- 1 " -'--'j- Robbins.] Tlie gailery r/ tb.c Court iw.ni was den-eiy j packeii, .and so wtssilie Clerk’s un.lcr it, and tli'e i space in tiie Court room in front of the r/.:-nob and 1 Bar was filled with an. expectant crowdi w;iiii:;g i -U hi= resi.lence, in T i.'.vi.h-on Cotinty, on tine for tlic decision. Tlic-tiumber pres nt various! v ‘b in.-t., .lames AIadi.-on Ikivis, lAq., aged api flO-.’Iiii '■ ' ’ • ' ’ Tom r,00 to-700. Sudden- "bout .'■ ixty years. In Meckle'iliiirg county, on. the lOdi insl.. Mn Ji'iin il. fl'IcDuwell, a good man tiiid useful cit izen. ! ■ :, r :i j ■ i::r lit 1 t 1 r. si r'i.n. ’v • cit'y. .! 1. -t ■ l -t. ■ ’ m v. :ct-iri AM. 1 • ..;s . a-r:.’t. d. W:l! 1. .I' .-u 1; ; k ^•!l:ln_^■ ! Of m a -y 1. t-ni.i- 1. li 1:0? toi v. Sr.ito ill-■ ■! ;} tion ; tl-! [!-. e of gi o'ls .Ics i. il, : ;tiii!icss ;:i! c.ulcis t.i ly the pacKod gallery gave way .and was thrown forw.-ird with a iieavy concussion into the centre ol tlie court room. Tills accideiT witii tlie iti.-li and .surging of the crowd., cau.sed the wliolc tl(,or of die court room to break tlirongb and sink in a cloud ot dnst, and laden with its load ofb'iman j beings, to be thrown into the Hail oftbe House oi Delegates below. The greater number of the person.s who went down with the !lc;;r readily made tl’.eir escape from the ILall. Below, those who Were struck, by tiiribcrs and catigiit bv the gallery above, and iho.se who were in (be lower Hall, wereeaugbt by the hilling ma-s and were the .sidii rers i'tdM die occnircncc. Two of tlie .ludges Were 0:1 the stand, the others were in the j vi.itiiui and i toi’ore. It IS tiiy pni]..').-e ta finri.sb you. as rt-i'iillvtis po.-'ubl.-, wtdi v.-.rii'Us iiui.iic' (b'e'iment.s of g. n- er.ii niterc/.t, and ;u order that all who desire il m.'.v I'c suppPu il. ! respecllipiy a.-',-the iSltcritls, or o!!;er.s il j’romiueiice in the various eountiis O! tbo Distriel, lo s.'ud me the ;'Ost-(,.i;iee,ai!--ire.ss o; c:t;z!-:!.-. Inn dreds of-.■.•In.ni i hre-.v ’pev.-W/nai- Iv, but V iif's-s ai.dress luis cseuped my reccllec- , tion. .\gaiu a.)-uri'ig you of n;v Ide-b cp,predation '.f y'UUr kittdr. s.j end ol toy I’.rdeiit wish to merit i ;'.m t'.iitliiuliV Tonrs, 'f. k. ,s!r(di:-;i:. Mo-’.-p (.1 ;b pr.''',i-nla;ive.s, AVtt.diinglon, i.». April I’f, DTP. con.mended that everv- Townsliip meeting send du.- t, mttny were b! at ieast a dozen d’eleg.ites, :md that they also injuries they bad received. I'ass vosoi ulions in tliosc meetings emiiowerin; ileeUing ami groaning Irom the lav d In Salem, on tlic .Stb inst consc.w of D.r. A. T. 7b vely, montiis and lb (lavs. Airs. T/. Ib Zevely. ageii -I'.l vear.s. Id 'r-io Sag^le IVatcIi Co., I IS Fiiltoii, iSt., N. P-M.V KILi.BR. TT is a Balm for (-vert- woutid Oartir.-'t p; i siei.uis It."- and recominenvl its i:.-,-; t I’otbi'cary linds it fir.-t tuno'-.g the medicti called for, and the A\'lio'ies,i!e Druggist con- ers it a leading article in hi' trade. .-Ml the d j lefs in medicine sii.-ak alii.'* iu it-- favor, ati., i ri-pul:uion as Recently, near UlesvilU., KB Liles, ttgc-l !)I ; years ; being the last of tb..-si.x “Old ifde- Bn.-i . ther.' one I . i A rtfZedicinc cf Great Virtue. hers,” ai! remarkabk- f .r Bidr loimevhv. loiilv i Ully aud pewminei tlyystabli-he.'. It me dying under 70 niul onlv two under -p A;cdione of ihe ago. .•ears.i ' i lakcu mtenially, it. ciirv.s Dyscnti-vv. ('!:• 1 ra. j)i.;rrb(c.:,(fiM.i-;' a’ld p.iiii i'l -toui.a I., !:• cl e(i.ir,)l;iint. I)ys;) --i-.ia. or 1 .•.digi-Lou. .-'ud, yea ffsrz^ sA’utr J o r/i’/f V7.sa’,]//-a 7X ValuablG Springs iriu DRT-tv IS"-- ‘JJ i' W :> * coii.s. .sore turoi.T. cougus. f.i-. I ’i..I.c:i i-Mt .'ua'. !y. J a i-i: ho.! , ;i j (•>. (*"■-. ll'irtl--. s,-.i..;-, ,,!,1 .m-i -i:.- .sv.'e-lliiig.'-i.l till,- .bii:- to'a-til . ’..it!i r- ‘a.'!'. ni'ur..;g:.i Rti.-u:.;:m. . ii-i bund.-,i'ro. t iiittcn li-.-t. w.-. tlie promiscon.sc-rowil. TJiroiigli tiie iiicumhca.t j i.sos, fo tlio liiitb. st I/i.id, j- on any citi/... 11 of suvli TowT!Ph'.;i wlio may lie I'res- ' lioor of tlie fallen room, tlie- legs and arms a:id J.- jh ,!■. ^ ent at tlee county incetij'ig in Al.ay to act as a bands of the persons who luui been cangl.t be- i j 1.. ♦! Towiisliij) delegate. - ' '' T AVILL .'^ELL ON THE ITHM.IL A\ /•diios.'a i 11 g ■ it 'if I': ’>.11 : t.-e ■iirvd. e!;)','.n -'r-'i rnuu lit 1. I 1 ,1. Ol '.1: 't. ■ni-.u .iii in of tin; rv.vieel.'.blc, c:.;)': I hiltlifui men a;i:! patrioti:. .'viucn.; t'-c i h.p....it’.oM ar.' t'.j 1.0 1' ’i.'.'.l many men who, iu tt.ub na.l jM'iiiic), are ReptibBcaiis but wh;) i; a! sviitin.cnl ■ will atiy civor l-.y acting in a ,1 pr-cir:--itii.'n v.diicb never met a! ouriiam's. ]’c; ntmt be done ;-irit c-f iniolcrauc.'. It can onlv hi; il'Mie hy piif iiing n (•'■.uvs,. r f euligl’tone..! tcl- -;ui IV ri-iicM iipiiO. 1. tmsv ;id’ u eratn n cf ('[liiii'in. i ate witii c.f tiso Fh.te—.am .‘r'n.ec-', of m.-'ro .sentiment a’ld i I'O'itics, rud wfeing ilmm to co-oper- s in an clfiit to ivibjcni tlio c’uu-icler f'-'. -'”’ A’l e opy the tollou'iuv car.i froi.' t'lo i.’i-fui; a.s .an act td’jiisticc toottr frictid kitij- or R./’ubin -: Erw. E::.*'tTVT'Tttlds week's Issue ( f tlie yj.'d So:-;h Stn0\’' j ol.-ervo my i'lien.d, tlic K.l- ti'’i, v.bi.e m ..c.ug m i-.iti.i ti'riii.s luv sj)i'.i.*b (.1 1 Uescniy last, ib. - not w;;li i-iiaeliit.s.- tiic p u po.-, ( 1 !!iy ri.-m;u*.'-i. !'. *. '.-ling ;.iv pi-*/[’.(/.s^-i.i I 'iiuuiv (.'f'livi .'.tion next wet' CG.ALMITTEES: p.M.isnunY TowxsiiiP. ^ Kcn- Craige, J.aturs E. Kerr, J. ,S. AlcCub- ’ il .s, I. J. Bruner, Ransom Jacob.s. y It .\ x K I.: X Towxsii i r. E. C. Lentz, Bcot Trot, AV. R. Fraley, Charles Ilicves, Dr. M. L. Cliiiim. T’XrTY TOWXSItir. .Jo'm Rice, E.sq., Ricbai-d Ciilveivon, Jacob Fraley, AI. S. I'ilc, Editiund Rice. SCOTCH lltl: it TOWX.Sr. iP ■i. G. I'lemming, Joim Erwin, AV. F. I rail, B. A. Kno.x, Vi'illiain Steel. e.i'f. fLh.t Tovrx.siiip. .Tolm Graham, Dr. D. P. Ilonsioii, Aicnroe Barger, N. F. Hall, l>r. M. sV. Lock. LOCK Towx.sntr. R. II. Cowan, C. K. Miilcr, Jcisepb licnder- 'on, iS. C. 'tVat.son, Dr. E. Gib.son. ofdeatli, others moving inciiiirts at extrication, or in the agotiy of pain ami s.p.pi.tng. Imme diately after ibis aecidem tiie I cl’s tolled, and almost I’.iiii is IS -dfo ti.; rhe f i;s as i.ici it.-i.'i!,- a^ di-a'!.. .. . ,i;!- i- I. ■■■> t'l oi-.iie ii-p.iu us. T,.i n-'.'.-ii- if i.--iii.p taut ‘bat rt-na-lud .g’-'ts .-boutd :.c jC i.ai.o ill- fts.-ii on f-r. ■rgi-ii' -. V ■ L-’t we- ar.- m.id - fBf!ir:TV.” BST’vV'’* pf'nm-pi’ Iv'i 1 he l•x.■^■|•i.;• ; g :igo;;- lit pani. or tin- 1 hi'hiAliWi Lll.lWlU M . ■ .‘V- . I ^-ucii a r uuciii.-il ag'u: c'li tstn IVrrv Da' 11 f’.iridlna AVI in- S tl- ■ “I'a’in I-.dii-r." the f.;':i-- of \vlii,-li I.a c.vti-m. - ol'l r.-iiilc a kilo' foriiH-riv (•a!]o,l --X'. aoldm ‘ bitawba Coiitcv. X„i-tli -V”'’-flUlm cctli. A ,B.! tb.. ual ic- am. Ji.e (oi^YC.-' t-Aen tn.m the rums were A-f-e bod t , t'e .^.-in-r;-o-o ' I"'!"'’ I’K^rDns. ,f i.-n.-ath the intol.-ral Waceu on tne Npinre, and many tmicuing met- ' imnong-in.s of the tropic-, i's vT’ii-arc ilenfs rwcurreo : vvtvis m sv.-ivii .f inisbaiids, i SdO ACRES OF COO]) LAND amii.'iprcciate-I. Amt o. it s i.fr,.,.' .1 pif'tcrs i!i scn.;vfi (g* uiotuei-: :i!nl :iD'D’:.yr.-:iiix- j * i , , ' t'/ r»r-'i.1 roll* t';' •* d ( ■ r i'Uf.sly ituiutfing of every one cf tl.e win. r-saboitls , Y'”-"" fjOroliouso- I’it'.t.'graph G.ii- j of I a;!! iBi;.';-it'pi.t't’!.;. f;,'-i.;, o‘’t]mir sons. Ti;c city pres-eir.s a mntirttf;:! ] Icry, I aitor at!'! Sli.io Siiop. 'I'ln- buiidings i t;..! , .j -i.; i;; c , ... jicaranee, ami mo.st of the s;ori-s, e.-pccialiy , ti''” '-"’-op sn .1 of ForPTi-iEK C'/UikAC R--. , cou.:.i;.:i..s. cbl .cr;'. •' -.-i t.-, v rm’i .-I'l .- .-.p cofitaiiiing .from f.iur t-i .six rootus. eaih wt-J! i 01 liic - .' ’ f r.g.' or a ti.'O r d 1 . iip.m. It tuey an' not rvpc'ie-l by a j f’f..;e—ninwid b. r coui-tit'Uiofi and law. ! l-'cvcm! citiiw-iis n-oui f-uvn and cnnnti-v. i'i- U Watson, Dr. E. Gibson. (.umv t.M.t’i pm-ty "ig in.zata us, j ^ ^ s,.;,;ul .-■Tkv ,a:iv dicfipc—i'“b'‘’’''““p'' atwkll TO’Wxsnii’. ‘Ul nt ikti'n'i i.l. )o;i of Micfo p'-dii-l ‘ . - r 1 1 ^1 - 1 i • 1 ''b'’'T''‘‘-C"''b’"’-. suci. a (. otivi lit ion | \V. .\.] Touek, .1. M. Coleman, David Cooper, ■i.- i.),; II,-.-:; ,,..!iSo:,l' f'’’i'V ''‘s, ’fF l'".'’-,'’.'. “'l‘d J-!'. I'-. .■...Vill. ’ I t..:,. ■ .-..n , . I r i-,:.,: ■ n.;. s. gj ‘"-a "I | UT.IKDK-, lOH-S./iiir. , I .o^'-r.III. . ^ M. iiu.4i ()De.xo ,'> .-,1 M . • .1 ^‘CK’P, Ilenrv ^Iiiicr, Jr., Jeroii]!- • * i' 1 4 ’ ? *. ,* 4 ’ e • ■ 4 1 1 CO!'!): »i Id ll.'? ^ 1! *1 I. iU: 'V 1 I'U' I lO.*^. I ]i' { IIR'III ' O’l ’ / ■* I 1 • 7 \ ’ "A T* 1T 1 ^ ^ 1 t t * t • A-*' 1 1 t''vX;it;oii :uM t4K-cruJit .ii tile* Ntiitc; L-u rc'^lurccl. i ’ 1/41’ , an (iialicr, Jcs.sie . Mii er, liC'iirvJ.IIt-ili'’* ~Aiu- F..ui.r..:t.Ei (-viW'VMin'lo:’.* I it, :nh1 ;irt;U(l i.ie j'or.ple to take caiv to haw iul: j ^ ^ r.rd .- p, I ii'.umb a peliev is [■■irsiK-d it will prove com- dek-g-fious ] iiscut; in onler that anv aetbm i.i-; t'mm'fil.c F.".:;!" ' mBtuv on ! pie'dv .-uw cssful, ami no other will. Timrearo Un in the Co,ueo>i-.n miiRi lie expressive of V \''::m'TV.— aiie 'll :'..s.!.r,..t..;i ( of I ;i ' iichl.'r.nd I rt-' It. c!i.iiri:':.n c-f ilia ( ■ ..nuitice i’i'lliic-d t'i ih’'' P •1 ■at 1 i a)' ■lii w! 1 '..-lii'-li til X -bid. ‘ V: w: t .-’.i a onw.i ’/'.port ai-:..l'.;. :!’:i;.' -TV Pf- i-k-nt is ntid. fs; ■ ,1 i.i I'.ivcr. tu anin.-cy oniy three cla.-srs— firs', tlr .e wlio wliielrcw li.emsiives (’ 'Ourcss at tiic ginning of Fm- robeiiion i • >: ,ga,:;.‘ in th’.- s-,i^-.,j.,- -, iiiu t.t ; .'e'''_in(;. 1 b.isL Milo wl’.bd 'cw from ti e L’tiili-i .-'•ales Al a-M .v iv. ■• "bu -ibn ■i‘ i. .- ut.lc a: I , 7 -• G'.D:' oik! ii: iiH ' hi hill Vi.i i)otii Ilo’i.ivr' ■t .;h a *’* I'fli 1^ 14 a II it: tin- ' .n i lent .-cci. .1 m..tcri :1 o; 1:1.1- : - ..f . ; ; i- pie’t-i-.- .-ue;'o's.iii, :uid no otiK-r wih. l imroar i.nr.isai'ids of men, in comities a’s! li.-lrii t-'btrg'j- ly io ;>'fii;ican, that h ive lu-rctof-re vou d v.'iili j As mv mmic h-.s h..,-.. B.i seals ',v!io do not v..-ii lo u'o ro anv lon ger—'.liio arc ::;■■ loud, if not loudi.-r, in tln.-ir dc- mnici.itions of ilie c-..i.,;uct of those iu jii-wer as anv Dcm-scrs'i. or hs't'.servaltvc cati !-e, biit wlio sii!I will 71 .- ippnr: tlio.n’ wim have been chief ly I'istiui'.ui. ie 1 a.- politicians by tiicir tdiuse cd' t!;-,-ir ’fi'u".' wi! iiirtanees, VMte j >r a.; 1 in in.x' lue red .s-'iitini- nts ot tm_- ’vOitnly ami not of anv i smali nnti’ber oi’ni.--sn. I ^ SIS oil o.tti-.c has ’uect! (-xkusiv..!v spoken of in connectio:i v.-.tii oim of ,!io camliiiacie.-. 1 did n :t tiu-ii, am! it.i tmi n-ov, d.-cm it pn-pm ibrnic O cxiM-e-s an opinion as to win ii or Jiow Bu- p.p.pc oilgitt to tiornu-.alo c:indid;it(.'.s; i.idv I v.'ti! say tlial theCiinvt-nfit.'ii '.viucii ibie'.Ht c."'_h* to he l-irge, full, and wvii .aitcmic-ii by the citi zens I.f ihe CountV. Ai/n.’i l.'iio.r o III'. '■/', in nnotlier t‘ that all oitiieultii will ,!1 1 t r..' V-.--—'1'! ■ Ciia! w f’ ic 'Wil '■1 to t'- u liliar sb, -f iho ■- i>?i. u t] ihu- ok. .ci V RiE'.lv ntu, . C'lIV—TtfT4i:U-\X Am: ;u IV .'■'or is /it V \Y.l , iDiwev.; t.M.kiMte —.VO Will j vi-ited if the ('■-tr.-iuiiion m-xt Tia.'day i-naii that w.'zd is oiFctisivc to soni-' j u luil one; an-! ! Ih'J'c ibis will ix' tlic case, ;iml (’i ■tiscr'vat I VO or Diniocrat.— i ‘b''' "c.ifivir is done v-id lie ooiio in sueii a .»U wi;i ren'.'ti'x ih it i’.e word ;■?;■../(,'(■/• ■:1 '.•beii eambie tiie •11 : witen a-? Ol I 'V.liCl. : 1,11..'g (' h f't'rcsr IIS, ’■ g.. t/iltU; (b . b i-i r.g'; .1 ■. n n i!'. K iv. lilors make the ' .il.,'- ing ann ■e ( op>. as ret I a -t. .1. wiib ; n-a. c .iiaii ndinr ti t.u iient, V . -iI tl'.esami- I file pal- 1 t'lm; po/Ut irom of ii'.'.-u \'ie'V finj ntatfi-r wo iioi . > ’■ siirpinsi,)!. Amut’g liu-ni arc ' • I ' .- . . - I nmny tiicn m sir- cemmoti stM.-e am. ...i rtit i- !; i ti. n, c.tpa’;-le ..f d.j.Bi.-iitg I'cr.sen.s Auiii ibebkto- j that wi'.-itivi-r is rione wii! lie j way nst.) i:i.=inc getiera! i-;;tisf.u tion. ^ _ The •‘A..;-?/',' .x’./fi” will no doubt do me tiic I.s niear.t. | favor of c'l’ying tld.s. i did; not s(nd it i!ireet- ':f f.-O'.l I IV to lb" uir I'afv-r, bvcani-e a week ilaji.-es b- iiatur.i ir fo luo.r ivnw I ;■ ’’ ’“'v ‘ Its next is-iic. A try Ro.‘pcc‘f':!lv, AV.w. M. Rriiiiux?). xiiisbuiy, April 22, l?7o. T.’HIIAG THJ'; Cl-iKifUS. fr -m the Ik S. Aiarshnl. P. T. Gx ' Y ■a: '1 ■ r i: i tniiigi. 1 VI VC w oi .-'n’ .- .ut.-iiti t.iucii ; ' J " \V- -to la' W; . 1 fi U\iu...l I!:-; .--t au.l pri.ib . I an -.' o.; ■:,. to ill v V'- .'i-: ‘ i t:i..' ias; i'.v -utv .1 h r .11 to gni,! 1 . : niiur.'. 1 i -w. liuittip; ...-aiions fo.'- tii'pi.iiitment astaiistts r-- and | ncii Vs ;-a'e nunu-ruu--, i";t as tiie Dei'Uties i.m.s: j take the “iroii e!.‘.I oal'i," m-tte wim i-aniio! lake' ii neC'i a.p'p!}'. 'i ic 1 i-v of w«' i.eiieve, ’" ■ d g >',-.rn r_be cct’.-t'.s tld.s year, ’.v'iseli ih Claris isis, tl'e violetit ! or nr..vid, s ii;g (■•ensus shall l‘et.t'-ct;I;v t' i).i III V T I I ?D». i;U*!? ' t i:;il tkt, T ytV* r.: ■ lujn :n W.licit in.ist of . I 1 I 1 1 in V W • . :-.r* i t t‘ \\ r.o.iiiH..- ■ , :ko k' 1 i‘.u - Oi Hi liUo F, « r* 11 ’14 ■’s. I ^ t \\ ^ i .A ’: D 1:7 V ‘ iIciDm ( 1 j.cAv>, ivro, r:iuv ‘i:n .1 :d'• .'Di v.u'iuu I'M’ D- — ■ . !. *' •" U'oin cih- u .‘lai.iiiin.; ft b and / I a ■ '*;!: a, ,d I'l.i'giiin- tiic efresidt: ■11 (‘VCi i I'lni f-i.-nd.s ar.il .Strang'rs : rcn.lings fi i- the (’irelc, f.ii tlie i lu.Ci'i-n ai.d \o-jili, iXi-., ox-.— AV td;e biyal iu i n- tt.ni-s . . ;i.i tic.-B-; Cflurcb. till p '-p‘ r 'vi’I ■, .-c, -g.- . ■trie - at ehri-tia't cli:;,-.-v • -w,-.’ g.l .b-;,. -gi. nations. '>cr so jn Tine I'l/.’ - 7 i'' I Itnrcli gto cr. sc a o(:;cr i-s-i I I . c..;-. ■! ic rc ] ■ a Ik'!.'!' ‘i'S to iO.l 1 *. I !l* ii.- • - ' t * >” ho ik • r t' ' 1 A ; '> r\i ■ i'tlii' \» o tU(. X ii iiCk'-i. .'i tor Aork r.A.:: ::4'. . v/ii: Bl.vIoru.'s received frrtu tin ' (■ It ip-iuy. 1 10 ITfii:.:; q li e -'.'i i.;'' r. stin:; ntinfi.' CCS on 'be Pritice-so 11.-• rmd -Alontalemhen wiili pleasure e- t!l se;-ii.M- b .r f;-o',i wIdEi tb. c .uikb-. d s 1 tn.i ■’;. b. .Bi:.: i.. .i.is tie .- a.e wg R. i 'idwy mniemi-cr i-nw ti;.- n; .k-rato , '\e.-b'-i'.g ■a,'*', •' ' i(n.-t nteti i-i tiie • i.i i or pr. I !’. S. ensits s-ail hetaket! la- tlic .1 s’.xctive i.istvicts. with ‘ i. ‘ -ii.Bl !;c feunir; 'i. ol (A’!!.'(ivV lU.V. i thi' ItR.-r ilr.v (-T J' ■'iVclister, l-'ilbiioro. I''Oin.da.-s at.i! oilu rs—, ‘ .. h lisums o; sa C a!-! (.fs'.;-- It nssisi I viiu-ii State-i-) (it .'b., ‘ cm.iueiaiio.u nxi'.-'t boci.'i the ms: lU-.-.- i-i ..'uue, j at:.; till- I onsns be couipk-U-d and the u-turns ■'’orili j hi il.c P'ecrcfr’.ry ot Bi'.* Interior bv tbne iirst ' ■ Ab'vemlur folinwing. Tiie s\.s.si/'.r,an;s i paid tlieir compensation n.= lollow.s: Two cent.-- Tr ever-.-name laken. ten cen cents for everv gii cci'i-' tor ( V. ’ V nred.-'-tiTO i st-di- s,— . lis.tnul.i .1 mlu -.iy, o,.. c, ms every i.ecea"- ; (d i'ci'-oii iimi tw'i per c.uu. of tbi' gr'i=s a-nonut . ’T*"'''-"’•'O.ii.'iTi-1.--, lioiti do -vver-.'over-bill':;e iiy su-e;! iiUoicratit c-xt;-i.mi.-t.s i L iiK-stii.' .-iii'i (ttri-ign t j'l r.'i'ind itten'icn’*)''--- -ihoti' , . . - . '‘ ' ■ ' ‘ as ^umnlt•, ."tevcn.s, vi aiic, .Tnil otners—iiow farm, lii 'be inodi'r.tt'' and hnerant nicu of the ' Ir;tii..;11. i.'t.'.!i.r. .itiii.-.- t-i'iiln!. S t.n r- v.etc iUi.i-o..nie ny su.j!: ■’i!n’- , p-j) p^,,. m;;,. u-iv.,;. .-is a-- f'l*.- 1 tiiiCey-i, th-e Lbcit''. tl.e j ax']' :;il'.o ^ c'.:-i-.,:i,s.-i;jncd C.!i-et‘'. ill- .-"I't: *;-’)--x- 'Vl'' h.iy- I ' )d. a.;. " II' . .- ’■: 'o • ■ mi. nils tbrou.)' -,-:t tbo pi.cii.s, a;>, ••rat,: tlri- I i.ir iiam.-s enunier.iKd :■ r soii l st-iB.ib.s and Tito "S'i'iants avi ■y ti.g niar-iiai.— .V to hi.s tu’.nv blnuno;.-. Row .It.bn AVilliams, Dr. L. AI. t olei.uan, (d. M. I’tirnlia.i-dt, rdoscs Barringer. MOItC.'.X TOWX.- ifll’ Grcrii Alorgan, .Atli.s Kirk, Richard Basinger. George Bairn, 1). C. Reid. PIlOVII'LXi E TOW XsiriP. lewis Agner, Mo.=cs Jlceler, Henry Barring er, Tiiomas J’larnliardt, George J.yerly. Tlic various deliberations of the Convention were conducted witli ])i-i-,k’et good feeling tind harmony. zAfter rccjue.stiiin the two Salisluirv pa] .''i-.s to publish its proceedings, on motion, tiie IJmivention ad;oi:rm-il. J. Ik GIBSON, CJiairnian. C. A. HENDERSON, Sec’v. I'lnsly itui'iifing ofevery one cf t'lcxvlii reabouts o’ their sons. Tixe city I’res-cnts a nmurttf;: jicaraiK-e, ami mo.st of the stores, e.-pceiai'v tin se'ou Al.ain street aI'e clix-cd, and many (it tliem drajHil in mntiining. The I'olito f.ircc i .■irrangc : for familio.s. tw.i latgo. tlirco-st.irv.. c lo.st seven of its bc.-t oilicers tmd men. I'iftv- seven killed fO lar as lietird. ami seventy-live 1 Ro,,ill. Puli Jb„,ili. Ae. R'.o womukd. Both Cliah'jon and Ellysmi in-m-ed. olt-a.snnt. ' Tliere 'vill be a meetingof eitizens on ( apli"! j ,V,- S’mi:‘>i*/4 t 1*^ /I'r’l/TT-l' ( tOV. AVcIh bidiiiii gs. ai.d u!;c larg'i- b-Bdini’ for Diidiig- Ills large ;ii d lii buibli'igs aiiipl,. to iic-ci.mmo- itc tiiri-e butidir. (1 . r inoro vi.sitors. Hav ing' sii'-iit ovi-r fs.’vD.C-OO ill fund.-ldno th ■ ■ .■ ....i.;_' .1.,' - 1 .-.4, iD»l! . till'! O'.il ll‘‘V(*; Im* i:i ro.iDtvinir iv a : of inirn-'. hr'ii'^osor** = a.: ' "tiiiir-iof iivects, tVt* hnu ot.-t-; . uI'A* ol oiiare, to-jiiorn.iw t\t 12 ok-louk. very seriously Jmrt, Ids breast bone ivittg bre-i 1 -r-aw.i-ou in luniismno tm* ken. .-V mimber e,f tiie wonmk’:! au’ exi'ceted i ,.’*** ‘-.-b'-^'- .‘'i'* nni! owi.g .no ) ropi-i-y. it is Gofid 'Bltl-Pill -.•i! r, I" to (lie. E;:.vii-r AViltz, of Siofr Jo'^rTteJ. FURTHER PARTiCL LARS FBOM THE P’RESS Dl.'sp.’iTCil. now !u .VI levs. rood loiiuitioii. tb. Houses, tind ot! out-buildiugis. Tile '.vaters arc e-o-.u .'•r :iccc.s.sarv r A of iug, ha-- siti'.n a-:,i. )g ili w a'.- ■ (.f Cimiit.'i-feil.s- -lUil v. -e b'e.- Cai: Ibr J’.-i-ry D.u k Va^ all'! lake iio ot.ici-. .‘'obi !>'- Di-ttug,--'s at:i'. G:--'. cr-. .•I’ni s! tl-.'- ho':!,'. . in ' I • 7 111 ■'biv. : i-^ 1 i:;;.t i’lo. sVbxI) 1R()X. tiic.Aleuical pi-ojicrtics > f'.viiic’i are not o;-:c-elb-d. ami ;i more lietBiiiv ;;nd Sulph-jr, Siuo Cui’fjhur (.itk'! B-tTBB IB.,:B\ -■-, p :;-; .-..r ■ :i -. i’alizii'g i-ii .T . , more liea.lny amij(.-,, i-; d.-!,:.; I ' l; hy i-ir.-iim-tai.i-cs i .'ii! deiig.;tli:, watcri-i’g’pui'-e IS not to I.I- I''ind. j si ;-b.-: ■ i ,,c'.- to tlii mvi iidc. h:l -•■ - sV;l tb 'ick. iiiniir”.ro. Ac., will b r.\i:Ti.'iL Lt.sT OF Tirr, r.it.i.iii) .vxn v.-nt xt sM.'ont 11 o'clock when the .‘'-npreme Coi;;f was crowded wiili eminent ciilzi iis, iioliticiai.s ami eitizens at la.i-g". to l.car the d;■.•i.-!).n in the : possession givi-n imtne'ii:*tcly. or "j tiio • r m.iv I.-f.V Sjh Hill) ;;t ■ Mavor.-dtv conte-.-t prono;!nced bctwc- u C anil ‘ frei ;oon ! liny oi .^a e. i-.i oi-( ‘i ■r t: ||■.!•c!: at-.il KlIy.'--on, t'lC .g dlery gave w-ay, and with the ■ "pon tlic .'-^t.rings for Viifit-i.r.s bv .juxu 1 o'iii Ihe Stutc-n'iilc Avi'rriran. NeWTOX, C.Vr.VYVB.Y CorXTY. -kksisr.s. E'di’for.s.- in view of an earlv ctvnvocation of this Con- g:-e.'T-ional District in (.’onventioii fur the j urpose of sckctir.g .some sni’aldc man lo represent ns in Bm next Cun.gres.'cf (he United States, .'-nd in vie w of the great importance of niaicing a jiro- per selection and fur othet additional rea.soii.s, ’’ wc desire to call t'j the attention of the voters of tbo counties comj li.sing ih’--’ Congrcssior.;il District, our mixcli esteemed and wortliy coun trymen, Col. L. 2\I. ilcCorkio. He is a man of ur.iompromkin't integrity and ])0s.sc:‘ the many virtues and sterling qualities that so eminently lit a rnan for i!;e high ar.d re- sicnsiblo posiiion in the council of tbo 1'-til.';. His ecmmeudable m‘“''S'!y pre- s^ni ing Ids ebdrns for this great }ie.nor and in nov, i-io seeking tlie nomiiiih''’" '■'' fti’ong evi dence c.f Ills worth to tliosc, to whf.m lie is per sonally uni:r.own, an'i h:i.= constrained iiis fel- ^“■' lo’.VjCOuntymen to adoj.t this method of bringing I'dm hefer'? tlie public as the nominee of the Cm se; -.-:!iivt paitv in this District. (^)ir.- sister cuiinxies know well the political sentitiK-nts of Ctitnxvba. AVliilst we oiTer the arinie ofCol. McCorklc fl'C the nomination, yet bmubl it not meet the .approhatinn of the Di; ii i-cT Convention, we are prepared to sustain the clmbc-e of tiiat kody ; a- d whilst we so sensihly ;.-i i .a.iid kimw the njeritf fl'’ el.-dms, xve do , )■' ■-'ll-irc 10 :;pi.ai.i-!i or} rcinat'ure in pres- !|"W Bioy -i.o.'k ii.tn'is and ooi'gramlaiml c.u'b | C-'yAA imi^kiidp fi'-lunk^A: wm-aBku--r ■! i ;^;2: Oihc’- "t'': ; h-V ■];■ '- i.vi’cing to i!b:-;;-doii I i or-i.a- be wili i.uuke tiic be.--: si- ticns !i( can, |^^C^AVi’e v CouxTY- ii*.se exiletu' ''.:c' o;. ,t p. '.lew—MOW the r. ailt of' “'-Ed ny Bie advixv ( f l.is nr.) Rvuson- I i I1..I.-, and Hopes witi cotn-iiicr i;d.‘ as an im-wer to ti:eir .-! .-n 1,0. in liic events of tb.c I,;: • ir ‘^tvau'-'g' Bint tbey are afi-a.id 1 I ieiti-rs received.—ll'dc'nh A!nnda:d. 1.1) '..ir, i .r-‘ t mm ■•hr .1 A*!.!'- Elenmif in yarcil Vdarfarc.—Captain lirie-s-inn, who lus invented .so many other things, lias invented a torpedo th.at renders it imt'-u-‘'‘ibio to con.- :rict xnv vessal wliich it can- • ’A vGt -• :*0 r'CAv Y'-rk. \\\‘ rujid tlvoar'.k Cliaiicrioii. I rosr.' — Ai;-. in a avciI o PIC \.ho cpn!'.oi j on 1'.:^ uu-rai^CN plvout tlircc n:IlU!-'t'rrm Look- ■ to (iiilcior-ce-cf : ■ lineal seutimentand ( T'-n-‘ ft -;-.--, .a few (’"-s -kc.'e. at the ('■-■ptii of 1 calls upon C iiirre-xs to legislate with re- suritii.c, c-xeaxated a j f.U '.-nce to this fact, ar-l not fcoli.shl3' to expend 'I na.-.-o propu.-cil utmicnttmd (.’pxri-; br-"i, Ib-.-i-'s, .a few (’-’"s .s.acial os(r".-’;--:ii fi rl '"i" ‘Ctt imdcr iln i.ock-j not lib.w up "iifj de-stroN". The New A'ork uxcii (U)-; t-vLccs ? t: ..-i I'.-tl .'iMcr av, ; i’e, but tl e fi ■■ • • IK r vi: ei-...-',-u to .r’-.-.-x'.e. lb irgs w;;; 1 i lorjTot- I b'vge f( s-il lo.'ii'. i. vidcnily I ;■ .i.-.- I, .--11 lu. i;., . woviiii.! Tl luicging ' an an- i iiuuu v in con-trU'.'ti; g vC-sSCis wiiiL'ii can rie oi miim-d. lie i.'.iib i;'(;.i.s-j m. i-erviee. “Tlie it'.sbot of tliis new invention ■ 'jm^' cLY‘ i-ie.ie.s b ug. two an-! a u.clms j “will i.e tint no nntion need fear on its own i Tiic cna.m.E i- y.t perfect. j “.-ihoi-es t’le maritlin -. --uwer of a rival.” t.i lilt uii- I moiu-v Hi con-tru vessels which can lie of UKii’.'.rv of tbem up ,,ir req'iircd iu cas ■J motiT;:.:. ill i.-l iinmati .■eit..g was ; I'.-i-jpiiixt.. d iiuu Ic.- lui.-: hci-n pu Bic iuxll of liic c'Tiirt luom. The I'cor of liie mvili 1 c coni t room k!l iti upon tlte ITou-c if D-.'l'.'gatcs ' nf from the conm-siem and the following were j ,,rdira:.l-‘ invmti: .”t is aiiH.ng the kiliei!, taken ;:-(.im t.u'ruins. i u-.t. , ,1 . . . t - .-■ i .1...e- 1 In- ' * I . Il.-Vylett. ( :t[>r. (.liartcfs o! tne lire brig ade, E. M. .Sclioiieid, Citv .'.ssessor .-nd brother ]• a- 'll. '.i.ill' , .1 IC'-dil tl. ig ."f'-at "i.t'-( t-u.i-.M i,..7,,, I’i:;)..i..iii \ , a ;u-.-'tv- g.iii.. g t.oiO:: • t ... lii ' -I r'.t.mzii.g t i:.:i-i!t:;i.; ■ ri, . .1.- iht- c.'.ti-riou lit)'-. It’ r’.- .~ti . i i. . !■- !:'-t ii::...ng tlic .ii'.-ig..»r.i‘ ■ ; :.: 'licF.--s I.f ;i;-j p-.-i-'i'iil d.iv. - , 11/1-.1 1 .1 / , ..'ti.-r .'11' cngiig'-d in imiM.r i-k. i.i U: -'. ’ '■'p -i-i,..!-. in or-'\ led fcotiii I s i.’i . lake till' A\ e.'t ni .-ttiil .Mui-goint'iii c-. - n wit.’, ti.i-fiii i I'd'-vi-.:':] itimi i!,o ; liiiilrii.-'.il at '•-aiialiiiry t" llickurv Statinii, :'m'spherc i'fdwa. > u, ^•lm.‘ (li.";,.(. p/il/uti 'aiaticc 1. ■11 a oftbe late .Secretary of '\'\'nr, J. B. Brock, o Riclimond /;/./I'/i-e-, Juliits Collector, J. B. 1'Hg're-r, Membi-r of of Delegates, T.-V. lirenis. Commission ,\ie-i- Iri’iii wliich iiiii'.it till' Siiiiiigs 1 • IH* ' ». *• _ . _ * — at" .'i;e miles , '■"‘' 'kiuuiiii;),- v.-g •.:!;.;i- -culi.il V. Hob.KU!.”chv iwcll-siiad.-d mad. ‘ Tbn im' ic i ' '1.:: iiigr.-.-dii tit - ■- ; ■ ilie Hoii 'c ! •"‘‘U'l'iasiini-tin; iiri.i'e-' tv I ^ - "f a.i a!..i,;-;;i ]r-j'lu i-d XT,..--1 .,1. G( sBLEN \V YA'l’T. I ‘ 'Y;._iUM.,b'im.tu . .t-i.r la- -r s-.n-bat '■ ‘ riK h of Delegates, X. Jirenis, (ommission Me-r-1 „ ^ c. nMut-.-x i .-v i i . I n .Tm ,A ciiant at Alexandria, Green .Vlton, former the- i ‘Sl'arklingY'aLa" ii.i .‘qjriiigs, Cata-.vba (b... ...„i j.-irV.- :i’..,r!i.-!ii'.' Vl.'i- n , .Vn,,‘i‘.,",’no.u-!^ h aticnl manager of the Boston tlicatro, I’owhat- X. C.. fiipiii D. Ic7l). 17:.‘)\v it - tu; •; un .w u; t -vHi.!,’ .wc t •H--,'' Tl-i-' ' • tan Robiiin.s, Commi.-.'ioncw in Chancery in tlie ;y; iuniva 'b lU'-:-' k ur b ;r.; i,; ;,;a '• mA-i u’ Court of Comimin Blca.s, James A. Blanxlne. of xBCJl-IiEIg’ i e-i-'k. V..- i.uc i.f rli. in (-.bn’i/im-s *!!!•• tlr Berlin, ITu.s.sia, S. E. Btii-uliam, ofSvradwe, N. ....... Y., L. I>. Howard, lawym, Ash. Levy^Etrci.am, j , ^ lor Ii'.im-txeeper. J. AV. D. iV.a.nd, Scii.atcr from I'lince Edx.ani ’ ^ *' ^ •rites (I ent county, .J. AVatsen, merchant of D.xuvillc, (ben. IIair^ton, wcahiiy hind liubki of Henry county, Charles D. C-5aniner, of V. r. -hington, D. C., ilob- cr£ Ilcllaiiy, .Jr., land agmt, Edw.anl Ward, of J-lnglaud, AV II I'avi-', I'.'oal Merchant, John Robinson, colored Bapti.-t mini.-ier, Coi I’ick- grexv, Norfolk, T B I'olcv, IVpr.tv U iS Mar shal, A’v’ 1-7 Randolph, of I'l A’, R E Brail.-iliri'.-.-, gr'-.ccr, and o!! others. Among them one cap tain, one sergeant and nine jirivate ■ of liiC !'(/iiec force. ,\mru,g the '.voundcil -.■.-•ere E.x-Gfiv. AVolis. ribs iiroltcn and otiierv.i-e ii 'iniallv ii i'ired; b-'iid and di-tir- i mined onslaught on these vil- and oiibnBiv. but | wily and pc-;-si.s:..iil di'turber.s of ibo'e .-a.iking. ; /i. i (and wild doe-s not,) nature’s sweet re-.-torer, i t lialinv s!e’i ]i. j .‘-'o incro'Jiblv fast do these post.- incre.a.se, that or.. 1 a 'Jill,.-. ,1.; ... I;.-: -.• l■:l•!l:^ : ! - a.e U • '• ■ ol- iB' -.IS. B i- .ti: ;i.i ni'iil.e. l.li (•)...-: wViic! ua-i - le-i! >! i' - •ii’ili/llU-S la'ive. ai'.'i it is sail! thw Sieeunic- er;-:it n.-in.i 1 r.igetietor' ; u.i'i.niiti--, a-'d .1. in twenty-fu ir iicn.-s ; i-. i.- tJo-ri-lbre ..!/vi( u-. linxt no lime- slionld 1 c lost ;:i .*ii.[il-.-;:.'g a pre ventive to tb.is whfdi.-ali- it.crea-e. 'Hus I.X'I b.BM!2..\T( 'R. -wi;’! the lea.-t (-on- ceiva'j.e ii-;--i-. 1 ; .r ilirtoo-f i;.!' ili L.]** '.»c* (•’. (1 i!!t. To t: ILI- DUC'DIIC (k.trov.- then;—r"(.t nnd l-rpnch. sl.iin (,r -oil c.n tlie ni'i-l delic.ate ft' tic—! til. ifi.: Movers (. fu'itoon tl! d b^ii-,-on—bo-.ii I. H Chandler, .Judge Mei-'-ditii, AVm .'v Dur ham, Hon, Tlioz. Boeock, former f-fenator U S He'use, leg amputated ; Gtn M D Corse, C S A., Col Geo AA' Brent, A\’ C Eilam, Geo AV Allen, Thomas S Bald',vin, AV 1) Clieste-rman, Al’ Il Loper, and alx'Ut 100 others. , . The alarm was sounded and a cordi.n of po- j *" 'k’L‘.‘ lice ilung around tlie biiliuing, xvlii'xh xvas .scaled ! with ladders. Tixe .“cene xvas iiorrible. Tlie ; Bark w'.a.s filliid with a gretit crowd, and a.s bodv j after body of tlie dead wa.-' swung doxvn, wixli j rope.s around them from tiie wimlo'vs, they were i surrounded hy Jinndreds of agcnizeii spectator.^. AA’lien the bast victim wa' t.ikeii from the riiin- tlie police closed the Park. Meeting; of vari- tn.uble in it; appB'.-atioi:, eflectually Bi b.tivis no t ic—!..;-:,o ' m-’:‘ y r .-nic-il—millh le-.i the (.:;i.:;-i-.-e .-meil, c.t-n..-' n tu ; ' k'!-" 'I m.i-it of the r'jtiu ii. s ju i.iintnen n in.-, '.vord. - it acci'ur.iii.-iies ev(TV thing lie.-ir,;in an arti- '•*’ ‘’wil fltcit .- It 1 - llll-.il'-lt. ) .1 :i1l0(* >4* ;»uri oy ir j . :! i )i*r:t:k/. *i».: 1 -vi’-iiiz.-il a't k ■•.’•' ■• •Ip T ■■; . .‘ibli- thi 'V-' •':■ e.. -h ! i‘ •* • ► . • . I 'In k’- ■rk:- 1 y ]Tr T •dI aiTur.iT' r 1' ‘ ’’‘T - i‘ e.') -..I'L-;.- ..I'*: / otii.* U'/n7 6'/*'/ //c'.kv. To i tlw! ” • ■ . ■■ ' - cle e.f tiie kind.— the cr.ntrary not". i'.i'..-!.iUiii:i'T:—witnal ix so little, that no one can have the slmdi/w uf an excuse for beir:g annoyed with the di-^irusting f Cb;r,..-be-' -r R.-d. ]',);-j-s. But up vi.ry eonvei.ient f r u.-c, v.itbout v.;'„-:e. T I be had rifiv at E. SILL S Dr;r>: rs-. l,;2t .‘-'ali-Lury, N. t -.l 21)- : 1.’? MO.' y,' D-K.-t.-L- ay: Au.o.- 'v'i'i,iii,.y, M. D . ol BiBbi'ina. -.::■- : t!ir. ■■ ,1 . i-i;B.■ it'-py ...1 -fi. iae j-U J B.-i-.l-.- • .. La.ie A. D ... BiB.'N—xVf. I* • i-I). ■:iii -D. ■■..ii:it rs p. - 1 ■ . 11- 1.- no i t-:’. ou.s a.'S' ciations w-ere held and to-d.'i T!ie Rest Rook fi r the Guitar vet I'sbed ! PiiL- ! .1 ' (• 1 Dill ‘: 1, . .“c-rved in Riciimond a.s one of general [."aim ing. ecu-, Sacv/ and xrxinrovc-d i-“ Tliere is a great surplus uf men in luwa a'ud util I AA’est. and the lltr'tld announces a sliijiment uf the surpb.s w inneti of New England and New Yurk lu that quarter. Hohj JJaijs.—The Christians observe Fun- day. the Greeks Monday, the Bei>i:ins Tues day. the Assyrians AA’ediuesd.iy. the Ibirks and the Jews Satunlav. r.Ac-thod for the G-uitar. .V work which wiR greatly fiicilitatc the stu- j d.y :.-;',l give a thormig!: knowledge uf B.e c-'-ii- i Ciitc-toneil inslniment. ' Jn a'ldit.Tou to prngres-ivc str.dics.it eout;fins I a la-TO (-oilection (ii i:i-U’um'-:.ta! pieces and popular .songs of the dat’. Bv W. L. liAYDEN. I I M. D.. I .11- Bu..u giv— p-.i: i tay luil. 'r.U'i.vi' U T I. ! M il..', ret • I r> - O" uu o .'•mi.: ' .iu..;i.... .. i.a; ...i. .-.I-, .i.; . .. 1 nee b-. on. bent post-paid on receipt of price, i _ - ^ ^ v -V - - « OL'VE?. DiT.Su.N-i'j Co,, Buidi.-hers. .a liUx’.G oiAlkl. 277 Wa.-Iiiiie'iun str -.-t. Bu-ton. ! Can ’oe t.ikeii as a fact. Bet B! xxlJhi-ied t. -' :t uiice. 277 \\'a.-Iiiijgiiin str.-.-t. Bu-ton. C. JI. Dirsux w (-'(>.. -w 711 BroaJwav, Ab if IT/ '.-.