f 5 rv r 7 ti Us a h . 5s j ','■■> ALovi: Tin-: Court ZI0U3C, on xclnin Street, J >^ TlIKi i; T I! A n: i: S T(:t the ^ ^ :‘>r 1 i;>- viTy liiu ral jcitroiiajTf cn- .! -y' .■ ilu;;i;:r tia- ji.i't vaar. aial lioj”. I- ' . i:r •i- • .1.^ a’. il .'trii t a’tcr.tio]! to s ti- laa.iL ;; ( i.i.iiuualita. i; lint alliiierta.'i- olllie .-'aaif. \\ • wa! i-.i/iriiuic to l;oi |» on l aiul a irood .siin- f!v STAZlXSSLi’Sr G-3.CCSZliE3, in eliiuh. - S'ixih, —ir i:vi:kv Aiarrv — Mj.otr-wo BRANDIES,'. HO WEll TOE'S CO L VAIN. $25,000 Worth of GOODS ! ; a' .11 SI AlilllVEl) FiiO]l AE\V YORK 111 Aature liope.$ for Springy.! publishedavceklyev xa E "^7^ I j3 ^-.a. 13 jgj WITTKQWSKY & RINTELS. CHARLOTTE, X. C. THE MO^'.T COMPLl- i:We STOCK THE RESULT OF AX ESTABLISH- o«l successful busines*-. tosrcth.er with a , steadily and iuoreasiug CA PITAL. gjves^s I ! every s asoii. better facilities to offer greater ; ■ iiiduceiiH-iils t'> oiir custouRcs. botli Wliole- EJUor and ITopyiefor. RATES OF Si:S"KiPTlON OxE Teak, puyalue lu advance. ....$3.0U Hoping to hear some time from vou, 1 remain, \ery Kespectfullv. Yours trulv, Lons Eroelicu. The Executive Cooimittee iim.i.d to make, if possible, the next Fair more at tractive tiian any of its predecessors. Nothing tliat the officers can do sliai! be From the Western Home. . HOW JOHNNY GOT A CHRIST MAS TURKEY. j I BY HARRY E. GILLETTE. Six Month s', ' •* **• | 5,) j spared to secure this result. 5 Copies to one addreJl^li^ 12,50 1 our labors will not, be successful IBCopses t«> ...... 20,00 ! withoiu-the active co-operation oftbe peo- INittS of A.'li'i:t'itSiTi(/. I State. We apj.i il to you, fel- j low-citizens, for this co-operation. It v, ill * 1 \ EYS, RUM, GIN, if) \ k J. /..So, rs, j’ilit i: cot 'arrroxs, r\ iTVA.;.;.' ;!1\ v,i Oi g'.toi.s ever oiifie ! in tins inaiKCt at pr.ccs ; . 1 1 i. . -i , i • _■ ■ , . I sale and liinail. iiuii li»*rice^tliis notice is wor- [ One Square, first insertinu 81,00 1 henefii yonrselvc.s .as much as it will be to .suit t!;e tiiius, l.ounliL f..r C.A.^II, and uft.a- i ’ '• ’ '** .‘V * ^ | Por eacii aibtilioual in.sc;;in!i 50 I fJ' advantage to ns. We ask von to be- uow niaitnigextensive purcliases, which, ow- , Special notices will 1... charged 50 per ceut ! gin now to prepare articles fu- exhibition. j ‘‘Jonuny, xvliat ia the world are x’ou I crying so foi ?” I “U iiv, ma, yon know to-morrow is I rbristiiias and ' Fred Sliaw says every-! “^-'‘'^'1 town, mother, down town,” .and , body imisi. have a turkey oil Christmas, , Johnny broke into a wild dance that and we ain’t going to have any. Ob dear I i " have done credit to a Shawnee * - -- • ‘‘Johnny, .Tohntiy,” called Mrs. Fold ers from the door, “come in.” ” Good nigbr, I w ish you a merry Cliristmas over x our poor luikev,” said Fred. ’ Johnny’s only answer was the slam of the gate, and rushed into the house. ‘‘Why, Jonatbah Folders! Where and how did you get that turkey ?” “Down tow n, mother, down town,” .and I oil (lea: I” brave. “No w Johnny, don’t erv about that; ^ How? ^when? where/’ said 3frs. I red Sliaw told x’on a vrong stoiv, when ! ^ '^Ut-'rs, loouing first at Johnny, thou at ^ he .said everybody must have a tnikev.— . Besides all that we. are going to have a : I inu til the verv larire i Jcrease iiimir l)nsine.«s 1 X . It,.'', j WILL 'jo .Sold lower ilii.n .any in th l.-s 1? ; l.ea-. y (!■ clliH* in [ii ice.-;, wlieroby ii;i-y can , ; ibiriiiir ioilD. {Uu- tn.r rrJvrn.‘f trill show fi27,- m.ar- ; IMiil rr/e’m/ of utiy hottse in the ciitj. and fuj- \ t!res (tre slntihoi'ti facts.) enables ns to iuiy !'■i'h impunity a.s to quaiitity, and from first! Obituary notices, oyer A ii'l Srri’l.Y of I’.irolinc, ^V:lx and ! liaini- —namely : .Manufacturers. Importers j asiidvertiseiiieiits.' Spcinn ( aiidlc.-, iii.'i ixci ivcd j and ('oini!iis';ion IIonse.“. tliereliy savinji from .It Iliiircrlini s. higlier than the aboye iate.. Court and Justice's Orders willi>e ]iul)!ish- ed at the sunic rates with other adyertise- uients. \\ e ark yon to take notes of the mn.ie of preparalions oi your laud.-^, vour inannios. your .seeding, plongbing, wmkiag and the I results, so that von can re SIX lines, cliargediV '-"’"" in detail ® I }onr operations. In tlic-feedmgand man- .1, t*a CrOUAtTg at 1 oi e V i,! soil lew loT i .1/ Il'iirriioh'.s. ! JG to 2.5 iier cent, over suialler buyers—and •■-h- I Ini-L'..- and I'n -li siq'idy of Candic.s, XiU.s j it is this akvaiitage that gives iis the lead iu CONTRACT RATES. ■ ..•■ oil p:v,;te tm-ms. h an am > /.■ v..;-!, i'l' I . ( . ■ i, a:.(l iemm-- ■ ' ' ■ n;;;.;'.: u . .\Va,.j.,.,j :■ d. i vl" V :-l ■ !n- ‘. :i S'.i.n in i’..- and 1 riii; jii'i received and for sale A! Jloircrlon's. .V larye lot of t V.nned. Toniatocs, ( irceii (’oni, i’eaidn-. I’ine .Vpjiie.-, Sainion, J.rdisters, (Iv.-;- li T- an,! .''.irdine> for ^a'o At llowciiot/'.s. .111-! llec i-ivi-d. a large lot of io-iieii I'heese .'UI>cr;or oinuiiy ! tlii.s niiirket. OI R STOCK .Will 1. e Comjileted, or nearly so. by the 10th of .Matell, and will e i.brace all ela.sses of i (joi'd.-^ iitTe.-sary. ritli.M' for Wholestib' (ir | R*-tail. til the inspection of which we invite i Hoi oniv th SPACE. rt .1/ Ihjwrr. ion s. A larae lot of j'resh I'ainily (Iroeeriesof ev- ry iK-'Ci'ii lio]i,jn>l rii.-eivcd .1 f Il itrcrtoti .s’. ni ’.v -npplv of licit sup, rior-.'cven-yoar-old i Ki,iUui 'Ky-\Vluat-\Viiikey. Idr m(dieina! jnir- lo.se- oiliy. jn.-t reel iwd and loi'Mile Af lliiircrloti's. F.inev .atlil .-^tatde f): V U ‘od- ol evi : \ j noi only tho.ee eominu' to this market to pur- : 1 f^qiiare. ' .82.50 .8.‘3 75~;i5 00 8S 50 .813 00 I chase but al>o tiiose on their way ta other i 2 Squares. , 4 .50 0 2.5 p .5!) ]3 00 22.00 ■ placc.s tor that juirpo.se. j 3 Squares, i (1 00 ij of) j jOO'dOOO 30.00 \\ e oiler no baits ; our im.siiiess will he ; 4 Squares. 8 Oi) 11 00 15 00 25 00 37..50 conducted ill tin* tutnre as iu die past, viz : j i Column. I I 00 U! 00 20 Oi) .‘10 00 45.00 ' C Column. ! 8 O') 24 00 30 OO-15 00 75.00 H()Xf)RABLi: OOMJ’ETrrtON AGAlNST UMPfiSITlOX. cl linioii a The Dry Goods Department Will be cumide’e and selected with the great est id care as to style, quality and price. Clothing Department •TriE ADVANTAGES WE ENJOY I -3 the rcoint of a long established e.'J cucces.ful business, enables us to c:-ir induccinents that tnakes this an- I'.eunceinent y.-erthy cf ATTENTSOM. rr,porting cur foreign goods direct. CO- trolling many leading styles of A ‘.r can fabrics, employing the best r-..A.c talent ir. the producticn of our and ‘ constant progress’' our laotto, we Claim to lead the market in v iii ty A! U.'iri-.iiiii'n A.n I'icy.int li-.-'.i Imcntol 1 ni;ij 'l.nc- . I / iI ms . i.}n s, .\ splemlld ;i'-oilmeiit i ! lln'- n .1 nj.s At //■'iri-it'm's An a--*orli-tl lo! cl I liii .1 w.c .* ;m.i! m.iiw . 1 / JOOrrt (ttit .V. .\ Very snpeii.ir lot o! (.J'.e.-: I'l in.-i I il make a speciality, and invite the most •ci'i I'e ! .1/ !I'liriitoti's. I taslidiiiiis tn cull and examine. Al. grade,' ol .'^mja:. C-.li'.-e. 'I e;i .u.ii Scs At Ji/i'.'C; tii;i s. A f lioice let ol Ci'l !ei;l lonei U ' .1/ Jloirt;i fiiit ! 5\ ill he lio 'u^ht mostly from m.auufactiirers 1-mo .and rjimnoa Tidiceo. mipiMiiu il.t- i liu.'tou. and elsewhere, md we chdm to vnaini. Rcpiiiia, I’rii.c.pe .'n.i! 1 . (ri;,i!' t'i j lie aide to compete with all. cl*.''' .C //. *ev;; /,y,, j HATS Bools and Shoes, I agenient oi your stock, have an eve to ex- j Inliting the. choice r.iiinials at ilie Fair.— ; Note well the working oi maebinerv r.mi I be ready to give the benciltof your expe- ' rience. Let every man interest liimseif in sliow- ing to the world .a fair .‘Jainple of North Carolina’s resources. \\ e bi’g .11 entcr- piising and observant men, all desironsof promoting ibe intrrests of tin* fcjiate, to note all ai lhHes of eminent nieri!, iuul en deavor to have ibem forwarded to the Fair. At any rate we ask tliat the lacts bo cominuiiicati (1 to ilic niidcrsiirned, so I Column. 28 Oi) 40 00 50 011 H) 00 lijO.IJi) that steps may be t.ikeii to iirocure such —^— .articles for ('xliibiiion. Office of the X. C. .Aiin’l .'’’OCIETV, ) 1 liore arc many tilings in North (hiro- R.deigh, Anrii 20, 1S70. / ! lina, winch, it known abroad, would verv To ilie People tf lite Sh'Jc : ! m.itcrially enhance its reiiutation and At a meeting of the Kxi'cnlive Com- ' have a tcmleiict to caiisc.-tn inilow of cap- niittee oftbe North (Airoiim', Aigi icnllural I'"*' examjile tiiericli lane's of Hyde Society, in Id to-dav, ir was ' produce sixly orsevent v bu.sliels f In(iiaii liesoleeJ, 'I'liat the Annual Slate Fair, Col. 1.). M. C.n ter jirom- for 1870, be In ld on rlie ISli, lOili, 20iii ^ biiag wdli him to the next Fair and 21st of Octoher. 1 w,.s n (|!:es!cd bv stalks oi tins eorn u hose magnitude will astoiiisli the inliabilants of tiie im- lands. It is stated iiy tbo.'C who know, t!iat in Mitcliell Coiniiy. near Cranberrv |iles grow, wcigiiiiig tweniy more, ami liiat Elk River lie said eveiy'oody must have a tinkev.— . tm key going to have a ? yon see, mother, said Jolinrv, nice bred pudding, with raisins in it, and : told her all the story, some mashed [loiatoes, which vou like so ' ibink,” said bis motle r, “the m.\n j well.” “ I Mr. Williams, the banker.” I cll, that ain’t turkey is it ?” said ' Johnny awoke early next morning and i Johnny, looking reproachfully at his mo- j bedside a nice now p.air of ' ihor. ^ I a new sled and new suit (it clothes, i “Of course not, but then it is almost as i ^ Johnny rewaiucd lor bis lion- , good, and a turkey would cost a dollar or j j inoie, and you know you must not spend ! — so nuicli money. 1 will give you a w hole ; YTIE MAN IN THE IRON MASK. I dime in the morning to spend as you ap- onuei-s and ill Wat!w._. mEADY-MADE CLOTHING, cf which we keep full lines of all grades, for Men and Boys. In CUSTOM WORK i our products are unsurpassed for qual ity. workmanship and eleaance. In i GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS j cur stock IS constantly large and sea- 1 sor.able. We are the sole manufac turers of the ' .■\ ‘■1:11111.-Il- !!^^(■|■lmci.t I'l !. 1 i.ir- III .-..I’ ; l.c.i.S ami i.;'a]*‘S .1' II Jiceolnn s. i i n: [im poses i.nU—M'■.■■ c's i-.'lc- : I s-‘C. :-y. .ti -iil,i hoi;! .h-- 1 iji,..; - Kcll- i IU'-ky-'.‘i iil'.oy—pcikc:i\ pme. ■ A i Irnre, l-ii.'s, j 1* vt-.'v v:*.:’.O'V I'! 5 ;ui’.\*e Nuii-ins. ! -It ll'ocerton s. 1 I:i fine i.is st. ik h;’.s licon si'ectod with care to mod KVlAiY WANT. Ifp’ iiii'i cxamico il — it \r ii! i.nt cusi vo'i ;;!ivth;nn to ..!u tl.iu — lint Dun't Ash lor the Comtnitt(i‘ to .•nbircss xoii ibis eom- municatioii, caiiiiig your Jiiimiion f.i I In* importance of Imginuing nor lo make ort.-- paratioiis for this I'uir. It will he. rf‘ini“iu!i‘,‘H‘ii thil the F.iir of lS6f). the first airci' llio iaps-ot niin* yc;trs ■was held itiuicr imciy d.iilci Itir.s. Kverv j County, ean * vc:i exceed ilie.se. 'i'l;.- tlii:ig was built iiji i'l.iin lin liegiiniing| Li^h iiolatoes raised in .Mitcbeil (’on.,iv Will 1... purchase.! at the Br.i.ikl vii Auctions ' f U''T of "wcesrity ; nre r.f enoruMus siz,‘, suimrior qualit v and ami of Newark .Manufacturers. ' hastily made. Only a sii,..; time w;.,- A- i v.’onnei billy prolnu;. W e expccC lo Imve lowi'd i;» to nut oi-r ejui.uijs in oi.R-r, sniue id liiesi* .‘tppli s :riji! pntaioes .at the gr.aJo ..III- .Tie i'iilliiiiij.s a,:- ! Fair in OcT.ii.:•;■. How uianv ot oiir p. ii- 1 Kct fiur jiniges a.n! aO.v,. I'i-- • our pinmium 1 T'" )‘«' o of lar"" nin-..,t3 „f ..tioii-v I'.specially Table and I’oi'ket Cutlerv, webuv j lists. No 1 ne'e .sums fi'.'ir. St.ite or (.'itv t’-’i I'.s, b''ar!ng luscious !rni.‘, gniwi'iit win! lor Mold, Irout the impurtiu's. Trcasurit-s win* placed, .'is in \ ii giiii.i .and tin* .siunur.t rd “f'iu'n'v Monufaiu” in Maryland and other 8:.i:‘5, at onr dispo sal. AVitli tin; oxc.epli'Ui of liiteeii liini- dred dollars inmi lie- .'Miie und the eift Hardware, Groceries-Tliorc's tlie Eiili. riiat line of Goods we buy in ouantities r 1 ■ ; ■ , ■■ w • • . second to 1.0 House iu this City, (‘tln-ir us- '>■ ^ mV''' mir s rtiiiii to thecoiitrary iiotwith.stauiliiig,) amU , -j,-. , -i 1 1 at as lo'.v fiaures as a ilollar. ciiiisistiue' of. '-i'^’u-^ the fiiciids ol tin* .''.iicii-ty. ’Fne ' ‘ lexidant. (. oniitt v. lieat, s.-tiil to be ((jtiai (.’levei.aiid, or tbe gi-ial forests oi chc.stint roes on ••Cbcsnut Ridge” in .'’'uriv '? e must li.ave es.s.a3 s on these snl'ii cis. i’-v al! ineiins let ns liavesamnlcs ol'lin; In-aii- tiful m.arbli s of Cin iokec, .and if the i 1110 cents, can buy. In sliort, ciniie and ' execution of tin; t.i.-k secmeil so litv to anv in tin; world. I . a- „ ,1 w f 1 ■ 1 I J- proofs wbicb M. Manus T.run n I inelhouglit of having a whole dime.],,,,,.,..',,],. 1 t . 1 1 1. 1 • " 1 • 1 T- . Cl recent Iv produced to show that Her- ! all ins own, soon dried Ins tears, for let , m .1 • r 1 ai • I . 51 11, 1 ' citle.s Anttionv .Matliioli was tbe Alan in ' me tell yon, Joliiiiiv s mother wa? a poor .i,„ m 'i 1 ,1 • 1 T 1 *11 -Mask li.ivc gone a veiv little widow. coiisoqneiUiv Juliniiy never bad ...-iv to ..'o.,,. .1 ' , i* * j T ^ • • "it' to Clear up the nivsterv. Baron de ..V,,.. r 1 I. -1 T- 11 c I Heiss was the first wno started t’.e Ma- .Now Jolinnv said Mrs. Folders, af-...v- 1, • i- i • ri i- i , , 1 • 1 . • . iliioli, w Inch in bis dav g.imed but Intlo tei Joliiiiix Inm dried Ills tears, ••yon can „,.„,i;, . i xf„-r‘ 1 . 1 • , 1 -1 1 1,1 ciPdir ; i'enac dc .Meilian tlien took it iin i go oiii ann j'lav awhile, but don t be gone ' 1, ,, 1 ■ , -nr. ■«, vei elo!.*^” * ' Iin no better .success; .and in 1^00 M. f' 1' ”’ 1 , - , - , i Roux Faziliac published a mas.s of socrot Jolniiiv took In.s can ami scarf down ‘ ' P , • . , * , , coiIespondeiice respecting the real bisto- tium the peg, (J-iiiniiv was a verv order-i n 1 »• Sr • I,. > . V *? ' 1 ,• 1 ,• - I'.' ot ilie Duke oi .Mantua s nntortnnate Iv t.ov ) ana in.'liedont of the lioasc in 1 • 1 P; 1 • . . , , .. , . societ:ii\ who was llirown info pmson by iliigliglee; to cii)iiv the tun oi catclung r .,:., v'lv r i • i • ii- • I ;7,^ • ,, , , % Louis A f\. for having deceive.! biai lit i. ilc> nil passiui: sicigbs, as only bovs of .j , ,1 „ i /• A 1 i ,; I , 1 , I 7 . ■ ' regard to tiie sale of Uasal. M. Ddort eight .and ten knew liow to euiov. 1 . ., i .1 i r . . T I , , , 4 - .,, , ncXi. took np tiie matter, and LonlDo- .-\itcr Joiinnv h.n; r.xle and run till be ' 1 , t i . j i- "1"^ tiMiisiatcd and aniiot.atcd tbi.s I w as somew bat iiied, be stopped m front 1 ■ ■ 1.111 : 4 , ... , ' ‘ • hook, ex piesscd an opmnm that bn bad ! ot a largi; coiii;*cii.inerv sboii, gazimr in 1 1 . i i 1 •, . i . I ,1- 1- r 1^7 1 . absoliitelv nroved tbe ulenlitv 01 Matbio- , at the nice thing-j (iisplaved. ami wonder-; 1; .....i. A* ; 1 • • 4. . I 7 1 • • I 1- “ '"ih tlie ma.skod prisoner. About .a ing V, hat lie li.ul lie.st buy w ith bis dune : y, .. -, „ , .1 e • ' I - X .’ar .ago .M. banide Rons.sf t followed on on tile morrow. 8.. niteut w.'is Ins gaze : ‘.i,,, i x 1 • i ■ . c t ; • ,1 I .1.111 Eame side ot liis history of Lruvois, ■ in the shop, in,at lie bad never once saw ' ,1 „ . xi xi • * ■»> • ■ t 1 • , / , ,, , , and now comes .M. .xlaiius laiipin wuli the hig iat man who wore a tall Hat ana 1.;. t '.t’i 1 t , I I " diicuinentarv evnlencc. iiicob- h'.iua; over-slnn-.-*, hnrrvtn:; down street, as • • i : •. , • 1 I 1 f . . I 'll 1 jeelioiis which Iiave always been raised lo It hi3 life was to stake : and because lie \i : k 1 ■ . 1 ' ■ I 111 11 1 -''idliioli liaviiig been the pii.snner in ques- was so large, and Jolinnv .>;o small, .and .- t i' - 1 .'I *1 i I . • I nunn rons. In the first piace it m* i.uii. t M l* him, nil lie li ul tnpinal .mi, 1 i- , , • ' i r I „ 1 IV • • . -1 ' . ! L'cxond liisputc that his arrest was .l.iliiuiy cnUi.-lv .n nis 1. .-l wuU ..no ol i, ,,, , I s , . 1 , 1 • 1 - • , known to ml the b renen envoys inA.iriU ii. a I'lg o\IT siiofs, and laid imn spvivwl- i,.ji,. 1 xi . • a>' I . .1 , . - \ 1 Italy to d F.stradcs, Montesquieu, 1*111- ti’u: on the p.ivcmeut. As soon as be naw ,.i. „ y- -u 1 c ■ , , , clieiise, \ arci gfvilie, the Dncln ss of Jia- nroc.l roiiiiil .‘iio! , , . .... voy .‘ind licr .ilini.-icrs, t'l (.iinh.aiii, a newsmcngcTer, to .Mathiioli's ow 11 r'lliier, ami oi conrs'* to «’a'.imt', wlm Imd (iitrzfi- ped Inm ; ilien tio? whole storv wa« pub- lisiied in the Lrydrn Ju’friiiil in .-Angus:, 1GS7. It is tlicitfore dillicnit to cmcvivo. how the Duke of 3r.inin,a could have been w iiai ne h.iii done, he turned romnl and n“in.;(l J.iimuy to ii;s feci, asking him. ••di.i I liuil yon nuicl. my little m.an 1"— ■ .lolinny answered with a faint “No sir,” blit Seeing tears in iiis eyes tbe big imin j rcaciii'd bis iuuifl i:i bis pocki-t, am! pall ed out five cetits ami gave him, and irar- ried on Ci'.lit. 11;5 n.otio is •‘I’.AA’ .\.S 5'OU G'.)' j : look .at our stock, ascertain our prices, and i that, on account of l judge for yoursel'es. Millinery Department 1 Is Complete a*! .isnal. and is presided over bv ”i‘iio*-i im.i the : .MISS HKi'SY \VlLLIA?dS. wlm is widely , i'.‘^;ial!y les'. j kiiowii loi' in-r superior ta.'Ae iu that liuo. I Resju'ctfiilly, I his liiicertauiiv, peiess j I'l q'oc ,i,( i sure riia! my friend, Col. Harper, of C.abl- will forward me siicciinens of the lost time. I'ls-.M- if , \ n I " " i'KKCot Al.inm.a could have beci l.isici Ilian ever, as it to make np 1 1,,,. , • • .• 1 / . 1 ■ ‘ he it in Ignorance of the fate of bis serre Tr.i,ct-,-t i.^.i.- f 1- 1 ■''lid ii tbe Duke knew what liad $to .'ll loOivitiir iirifT liiiii ns lie i n i • / i i 1..,..: 1 1 • r 11 lief.tllcii imn. of w};at use tlie sec:«'cv en- iiu.-iieo, w nmloniig li he ever got cold, - - -' w ben be tliougbt be saw somelbing f.di i from lii.s pocket. Jolinnv ru'lu-d alter him as i'asi, as bis legs could carrv him ; Nvr* Hank N.m s am iiichi'.'l ^ia:ket Rates. h'l’Cie lak Ken at few tilings, amim.m or imimmute, were 'wvH, 'i"i i.o'iam mo -'j “got up ’ especially fur the occasion. Fx- i'i''dicii.al phiiils, so hibitors were forced rii hniiv iu tln-ir con- ' abundantly collected there for export to tribntions V, i.liout nuit can Ril pievions i''iH par s ot the world. In onr AAesIcni owed, which so ■' • -qi the forests of Brazil or Nicaragua. V/hat attracts the admiratioii of the speclaior. ‘I’lien, ag.iiii tim u'lfortniiat-..-occuricuce N..V :;;1„ iS^warton’s, SAIJSIJVPY. N. C. 5. !Si‘!' 44-r. o i -April 1 — 13:tf AVIT'J’KOWSK Y A RINTELS, ! of untoward weather, .iimiiii.Ju d tlie iinm- ' enterpiisiiig nionut,aim er will furnish as niARLOTTE, N. C. ! ber of visiiors, cooieil tia; iiitenst ami pleasure of timse wlm atteaded, ami de Advantages ot Life In- sura iioe. i Till* N'n;:l| \nil ! il .1 1 e '.'•iijnuiy p.iv-'its _ ['•rciiiiuiii'iinuiiot y •.iiii:(ii;t ci.ii ; «■. \V. IS, !hI!.II'-.u.Vf'r. .\peiit, N.iitli .\ii..-iii‘a J.i;^ Ins. r'd. Tai'M \svi!.! i: N. ( . 1> —V .a ivii! iih’U'i' ai’i-fj't mi'.'in- .■.'■• |o.‘your ;i‘o' ni? j';.\am-nt. e'lthmit ol Iiii‘.:aioual o' ‘in- poke*.' of ii'si;;- DOUBT j ranged in no small tlrgre.; our p!au.‘=. riti . • J ■% r J 1 ! Notw iilisiamiiiig all our diltieidiics and 1 lie OnilGC I ICll t JalLltlltll trials, i; was admiued limt the Fair w as a Tiie .siiow of aiihna's ami a: ti- coniilies grow trees wliicli furnish cabinet woods equal in beautv to that cut from IS THE STRONGEST pnccess. cle.s eemoared i'avorahiv widi tii(‘Se of old full specimens ? Ami so I might go on ad infftitain, enumerating womleiful things, which can he found within onr limits - iu the fii’hl, — in the forests—on the surface -of the earth, and hid iti its bosom, the jirodnc- tioiis of nature and the f.ibrics of art. when he reach'ed the spot he fonm! it to be a cniious iii tie bundle of red am! gre.'-n papers ; tiiinking it might be sfum thing . Valuable, be busti'ned on as f.ist as be i C'juld, hoping to overtake the m.in, but , Sooii .=;tw' iiiiii enter a large building, j wbicii-Johnny tliouglit was a b.ink. Jidnuiy luinied r.j) to the door, and 3n0iuancc (Hoiup’i) ilM-** o;i !U V • I' SLlU.d v/hich we supply both ready-made and to order. Prices nnifcrmly lov/. Gentlemen visiting New-York are re- ruested to call and have their meas ores recorded upon our bcoks System of Self-M easurement. am^ ether information promptly furnished when desired. Address box 005? New York P 0 DEVLIN & CO. I.i:i . umoirn'ing to I iu- dollar.'. i \*i' r :rir !ri‘i‘ Iliir; -a ri’p.-.i'i-d Sfii.-iiation !h‘W;;s ;!;d;; ill yo'ir ('.■niiia:;;.', ;;ml now v.c T7^Q3F8.3L«3D. it' iits. :i ''.;i' Ills 'I'o \ (o: :u';' tin-iirtli Aun ri.-a I.ii'c lii-iir- i.'oiii'a ..a ■ li.ili 1\t1 ui.-i'-r ol-iig.;'iims, .sm I; :i' oiny llic wiaowalai latla-rlf.'s call loci Hlill f .\ J>i't' -May yo'i I' ivo suc-r-vss in iinlucTiig ot!:i‘rs to ill' n: n’o-i Ipk r il con.p.-ivy. ami m.iy l:’.o i. iril ■■! 1., • widow a'.d ornli.-n > Idoss ion times, the muubi r ot vk'itioS was um x- ^ which, if gatliered together, would prove pectedly large, order ami ilrcorum remar- | Garolimi to be as she is, the Ccu- kalily prcsci v(-(i. 'I'iio S. riely niemings ;'''-U ‘J‘Lc L nion, tin; happy coni- were .= pirired, iuteii siing iim! instruclivo. pro'.mse of climate ami soil, de.stimd at no di.stanl day to become wealthy and jiujni- loiis amt strong. There is notiihig tbut will create inler- Tlie offic'Ts wei'o ciiiut'cii.s led iorall ilieir anxiety ami tronbie iiv in ity encouium for tiieir porsf-verance and j'lncx 'il'iired t'ajiital over .8211.000,000 ’i’bc ofllncrs of the K.!!ai oi'(‘.'III,-iiso.s to total receipts in l.r-t’iD, only that no enor.s weii* comnitted. It is 1 eslabhshment and .'ueccsstnl condiict. of '0^1';n reent. * well-nigh iinnossJile toiaii'itvoid l!i‘in, N •i^t:•ict and County soeietios. ’rin-friend Im nmoo. nssotsto Liai.ililie. a^mci^uroci ; 7 , ; p. nmv ! f'f the "tale Society extend aconliairreet- hy lii,‘Now\oi‘,i Lcgal.''ta.miard.i.'8]55,50i)cr| '‘'X l.my i-* !. ,1.1,’- .yliiH; ami it grants a!) (lo.sirabh-forms of Iiisur i perform their duly. Il tL’i'C are any who , i-'iir ‘f' l-'-fi'i :dl- Lieiievmg tli.m byliarmo- iineo upon .'trie'ly equilalde terms, ami at the. j think t’lev did not obrain hdi justice in ' "i iits co-operati)ii. all wid be bem-ntled. ' * “ ■" ' j the axvar.Rs, we hope lio-v '’ill i-einember ; P'V carefully providing against any coii- C I >!'e disjilay'oi tlie pr.idiict.s I in the times of Imiding the Fairs .= .1 ^ ^ i of their industry lliev aidi l in aeeoai-j'i'at tbe exlrddlions at one place can be i Vv^anted--'^,''o idislung tin* chief obj-'Cts >•: Fairs, the in- | tran.'foned to amolier, not only will ibere do nut ilaim egt ami develop.- entorpiise. more tliau the am; ;‘i ■>;ior ■ii your gi.ui wco'ic. Aim.Mii'T ('. 11 Mii'i:'’.. %'..ui Alilis. N. (\ cheapest attainahle rales of cost. •S. II. Wait, Gen. .Agent, AprI—ly Gliiee, iC;i i’o INtrrtfrrillr. ii> Air. IIoifliTHfss, ;tt '•v*:;g, A» . l’ wili receive prtiunit iiltrii- lee -tf gSrc!-£Sii|i;' §L\!«*£*Baiisi;t««r. ? 1: i J . ..It, an.l y !1 t erl .tlioai a-i. Il- piiUi'c! ot witli uticar- ; systcinalic tlioroilgliness ill du; C\; iW-i . \>.‘ !i.‘.y H4U1 s'r. iii 7' t-‘-'till [I. r DUjinli anil ex- ' ~ i- • '' ' |l••^.'s•ur :i e I'lo ia i(.ii v,!;i il twic 1 i.riI Raujui’t ' tions tor preniiiims. I.e I ro.'i-. .\,1 r ■ s SK(‘CM 11 i 0 PITT.* IlL'ItG, PA., ' no 1 • ,M>..ss.. o,. T. l.iifiS, .MO. C \ ? rSOX — nL*v:trf .a' aU ..ijr. nts seil’nij Mar'iines f»' fiir*. u '* . - *'1 ov u . Ma Louis Froelicli M'.iT'.w I'or r.i :: d.iv. ii'v.o;' am! pr. vd.le dailv i-\ in W.-'i-Ei N. • iri- a tii'diiuh 'or ; 'i'Lnum'i 'f .ol; 'aroi‘i..i o , t,i l;..'.'-’;:! lo E iv. Ti.-vliio Id- ?'* 1 go, t’o!,.*'' l.'.oa A ; i ;tVi-Itt‘- '! •. Ti r-■ ■_): tieke*' fi'.-’u WiRni;;; via W J., I'.syoiioviR. . Cli A It !. iTTIi I'l ) 'T.A lif'-.^rifiKO : l/C-iv.- (■'mi'.liii'.- a'.'ior ::‘ains from Rah-itrh from Ii’*id-iioro ‘.aa V. ..'/'aw, t.i f .•yi-‘)ov;ll**. non. uad t■o!i:!;d.;a. v Moiir.'C-. for T;’.o--I ly.'rhui -ay. and .' i'unlay Loave Wa- ceivable troulde in its application, ciTev.tu...._. j (ios’ii.i'-o'. T;o>,iay, Taur^slay. aial 8.at:i"d.iy. .af- de-iroy.-; tliem—root am’ liraiuh. It leaves no' ter .arr;'."il 11; tram-; ami .'-i.iColram V il!;;ii'.z:i*n. i st.aiii e.r soil on liio most iR'licale fal.-rio—h.is no ! ■ IS 111 y c- 11 snow X Cerlin.-atc of apercy s'g*.- TIIIS 18 THE SEASON nu- IIonso-Kecncr' ' Y: ‘ ’"/.*«•'! o"s-!ve- res: onsii. e p.r to lie on ii-.e a.ion in m..kinc : n‘iiii*‘l ouslangiit (.n liio'* wily ami j:oi'-iiem (iisiu land wi-.o does not,; iiatn balniv sleeii. —« i . i S.4no,x.iil.!v fast do tliesc pests increase, that j v .'k | ' .1 i'>ahi liSey hoe^Jine irreat unnul J•ro2:e!lelor^ : nine evtr‘hv. m*:**!. ♦ ri'f Twmv K ve Do'iari wui ! in Iw'oiitv-ibur Ik nrs ; it is tlierelorc ol'vioiis, 7'’'', ,RA.nir ^-t AMKuif.AK i liiat mu'ime slK.nld he lost in applying a pro-j m„ or vi.ntive t-i tlii' wholesaie inoriasi*. Etrlt..an llpnr ^ir • This E-XTEIRMINATGR, with, die i WILLIAM VALENTINE, luiloa- i de.'ire to excel. f'ilizens oi’ North Carolina, one ai'd all. The ppiiit .shown in tiic lollowing ox- '• -1*''^ what we can for the honor ami tracts of a letter from onr goo.i fiim.d J prosiieiiiy of our kind old mother. Let joyed Jjy Loins ? Ag.ain, ti e “iron ^ Mask” was treated at the Bastile and (Ist.'wdiere with a imiiko.'l defoi-ence not accorded to Matliiolt, whose prison name was L' .stang. Lonvols, in one of his let- ter.s, says : “It is not the intention of the King that the .^ieur do Lestatig slionld b*3 so well treated, nor t!iat, except the ab- . .sidnte necessilics of lift*, you slionbi give liiiii anything il;at may make l.iin pas.s bis time agreeably.” In anoth.er letter waF. just to ivhcii lie saw'fI'.otlim-to i in Iara« lcll...rs m, the daor, I i, t ,R ' '’g” '‘’"■"'••'■'■g :;ul.ni.ta,„.c..«n|,t on l.nsino.-..," .Jo!...-|'R t r'8K '''a ! i ny w.,= aftatia tRa in, ho wni.oj on,. 'wR' i .l 7 • '’I ; siJ,., ,0 .on if .on.; one wonl.ln'l Como „,,t 'ok "1 '““'i ' ‘ f , s.ann. Ho !,.,a ,,,,1 |„;,a f„, ,„o„ : R,7'"‘7 ■ ‘‘'T''’ 'the-not door o|a.nod.nnd ont stOMW,! ! "A I iho vorv man l,o was laoltiafr lar, lookinn- I n' f,' o" ! I,a!e an.l friyitlraod. Iio w.„ .-.boat in,,; i /.R', R; 8 "‘‘i'' 'I"*' ."’’'.‘"K cyino olY n, tim same ,iit„,io„ |,o i.ad'i'* ‘ o ' .‘•'’.k',' ''',1,'™''"- oa„.o. v. l., „ Johnnv d with, 'hi,;'''V ' ‘•I’l. asofio.did voa'drop tl.is ' I tlic„!;l,t j !, ."r 8 ‘l ' 77. 1 sa,.. it fail f,,.,;, yon, oc kel.” ‘ J. 0!' lo--’,'’* ."T;*!?' "J- I The man leaked aioumi quite sh.arp — ! fo, i ' i T ‘ I “W;:.,. is i, ,ov liltlo man ? do v,.„ want; ,74" »f J>.ov..,s- riolut.d move money !” ‘ , ,, notions to smm an extent as ‘ .i/'.v : • 1 T * 1 • i' tiur? 5 Al, iuUisi'lctir, w!io alrt'ndv SI!-, Jonniiv, colonn£:/‘iier('‘ • v is ‘i.4 1-V ,11 .Wr. I«“ “W! I t "‘^"‘^n on ..ii.s eubji-cf, mteiuLs to refuto 1.S soim I ii.ng \ mi (.roe icu. “ \\ here did xr \r.t. m . g. 1 :. I’l 1 I I . 1 • r 1 -'*■ 1 annul in the Revye Contcni- xonhi.d uf be ask( d, c.atcbing Jolinnv n .-iAm r> \r u ^ .. y-onn.ni by the band ‘ Paamc—Full Mull Gazelle. “I saw yon drop h on the sidewalk, ' I * and tliiiikiiig it miglit le sometliing you Axu LoiT^r C'l. i.j.-ins. In a migbl want, 1 ran after yon ; 1 have been einilUd, “The Viiseiv of tlio ' w; itii g for you to con.e out, so that 1 it,” ilio R. v. I might give it to x’ou.” i \> . N . I ay lor s.ays ; ! “Yon have done hravclv my little lad, and yon shall be rewarded. He, took a noliar ont ot lus waiJot. handing it to .Joliiiity, aski tl iiiiij hi.s nam... .llimli Folders, si,-.” Johnny yon mav he.i.r froiir me “You remember tlie tonrliing story of the daughter of .'kR- l;,,!i, rt 1*. el. Her '.ion: ‘'Well, ^'lo.el ( Im’lei’n It.i ! K.i.iii t^i ,)i':K j!ii.ir(i, | .'moll—nuioh less the nhcnsive smell, common to X.^l ., iri:!" . \o'' •■' sii.;;: sys. { pK.st oi i!;e rcniediosin cdimiKui use. Iiia word, I.e-um- R-.el of .■i.;,’k;nn nail IRirid after ar. ' i: ;u.’iiiiii!ishi- evorv tldr.-.: dodrahle in an arti- i'; • -! ’I .r.i-.i li I ole oi in.* km.I—ii. i.i.u lirt.tr ir. ly-.'ive ,’.t".o; L jro' afu-r arrival of tra -Pave'.tc iiie. derurnon-f Acc-'iinmrn-J.ito-fn Line i ole oi kind—jm.fqj vhisilcs i nd r;.‘.eA lights, lo tuuu i liieoonlrary n.it'.'.ithsUimiimr: —witlial il costs j .'O iiulo. It, ii n,, o.;e can Iiavo tl;c shadow of an C.XOUSC ior hen.;;- annoyed wiili ilic tlLsgustjng of wait for ns if wc lag b( biml. Unle.ss v. e bring intelligence ami industry and iin- failiu;.' cour.ige to aid ns in the struggle, our competition w ill be fiiiiiless. Flse- KEN--\K.'tT;LT,^. X. 0., \ OA.27, 1SG9.' } i Kemp P. Battli-, Esq.; I received your letter the 24th and contents now.’, j am .sony j wiierc we wiiness tbe trinnipbs of organ- mypelf that you did md rect-lve mv letter ■ .ffoitin the fo ld of agricnliurf, ami in time to make betier f,,,. j of all the industrial arts. Eisewhere we exhibition of iny ariich-s. p>ut I ! see umn’s intelligence (luiekening into life Between Ssi.im and High Point, -will eh Si.'iir>‘S a* .i'.l h'lurs •‘('iie-iper tr.:iu the Che.q OLiot* at. C- K T. CLK'TMONS, '»(*. 1: i'*'0—*!’ C’fiitruc tor. ?7lS J coiui'.Tiiy oi Cl'iiichcB or Tictl •harter i Tut np very convenient for I w.i'io. To be had only at -April 29—]7;2t cticr.l for u^, without E. SILL’S Drug Store, Sa!I.'burv. N. C. cf PUi’e 3rcd lAznc-; Pc: lidry ^rt.T.iun: Chester PIGS .k -af-x. .. ..s. 1 oli.k Ofjua .snort Horn. (J'.iiri am.) iVvon, AJ- Vv'L’have 'ui irin.l li.e targr-st am: be.'t s-y!t-ct;on o dvr.n.-y .imi -Ay:‘>':.;i-acalves.m. ntio,soijt'i.lown'a'r.d Fan'V !'•. I'trv !.-> lie fo tn.i til the coinitry. Pegs cyt'^v,oM'hci-|i. ashiiiere iroat-s. iinporiei) S.ift'oik, earif'idv b->‘C ’1 n.l s!i;p;-o.i to oiv jiert of thecoua- Ps'-^-X. IL-rkshi.-e .ni;,) .'el'to:i Pips ilnd ali ehoice try. rar.-ir,.-:..irj auJ p-e-f-s ai1dre-s ; Preciis of Pou'.lry lor sate. .Seiti f.r rircu'ji* and N. I*. l!U\ r:!t.t CO.. j rrioe.s. AiM.r-..-vj y. p. boviji} .y, qj., l ?ai Parkcibur^. Chester CO., Pa. * jaai. 5U—&3ai Parkesburi:, tLciter eo.*’Pa, blame you for 4. « ! inanini.ite machinery and by its poimtaid THE BARBER, r >F/rTTRYS lirs THANKS %o Ms OLD \. FIIIENIK^ ami the PnhUc for p.itronage hcrctif(>re exiended tiihiin. He ikhv - j, , . . . - t iiifiirin.s them thui he has fittud np a n»w aad ^ not di.'eaiiragcd an® Ix-Iii-ve ail that ' •‘'''‘’■'Hiiog tin; forcr-B of naliiic. Lit ns comuiiidiotre y.j]j Jjj, better next yiow I t-xpi-ct to ex- I f'lrw.md with like (‘iicigy of i,inside Sbop, in Dr. SendersoiFs Briek- hibit a much larger lis* 'd articles next Sniiding*, Boom 3SZo-a, [year and 1 will arouse my tiiends and gain onr share of the glory, where he would he pleased to Be« them. | people in genera! in this and * in Very Respccit-illv, .uu.anmtees to .ciTC satisfaetion tn every «ae*.--\u nei-d.borL.od crnniti,..s to J. .1 „ He has in his emploT of the best Hair Dreeami ^ i iu Western North Ourolin*. Uewjnert* » •all ! This ts the onlv "■ay to dcvelopo from all. f the rreourcea of North Caroling j SalLsbiinj, N. C., T)ce. 17, l8/a. 5(V_4f cry Kemp P Battle, President. again. AVitii tliesc wo.i-d.s lie .s!i-ppd back in to tin* building, h .-iviiig .Juliiinx- in .a jicr- fccl state ot bcw iidi-t incut. He p.nni bi-- cume conscious liovi vcr, In* bad a ihdiar .‘di bi.s own, ami tlmt dollar would bnv the tiling be w.-mted most of all . namely, a big fat turkey. A few miiiute? Inii r, J'llinny was owii- I cr of the wisbed-for tnikev, ami w(*iit : trudging home as fist as be could go. j He V. as eii'ci ing the g,it*-of bis own yard, as Fied •"liaw wa.s coming ont of ] ills gale (ill , sli-C'-i. j “Ho! John! wb.->t have you there T” I 2sk( li Fl ed. I “A tmkey,” said Joliii prondly. I “A tmkey! who xvonid have thought i.itlier g.ive be-r, as a I.ir lul ’.x [■■r' sput, .a gorgeous iidiiig babi: .•»:.d wi ; : mit wiih her on the s.ame day lor a;. :‘.i:i:i_ i:. tho nark, his heait S'.vi liing wi'i: j.an nf.al ic!‘.-;ii(>. iSlmrtiy ?f- prnle as lie rode ri\ tei Wards .“he sickem d ami di*'d of )'.‘;il); most milig.'iiiut i’vnc; and Or r i ..... -!. fever of the when inquiry was made O' to iiow siio bad caught tiie inf-clion. it was diseovrr- - , -(hat tli(: li.ibir, bought from one nf tlie others, ! cff ‘'i>d fradosmeii, bad i.ocn made in a ' iiiiscraiile attic, wIick; the busbaml oftbe se.im.stres.s wms lying iil of iever, .aiid that it bad been used to cover !iim in his shiv- r-iiiig ff.s. ’I'hn.s, win tint we will be lieve it or not. tb wIkHIiII' we will safi-ty of ilie higlncst, ... bon.ucl up V.; h ;;ie condition of the tin; (.['posite side ol the! iowes" ; ami d we ; • gle«t ilnir material, j moral, and spdrtiu.ii ''iti i(-.*is, thero will come a rtrcarHni NeinesL* to mark the Divine disjdeasure on onr conduct, nitd w(- may pcrciive our guilt all loo late, wlnm tbe vast temple of onr liberties a it! (Ill, I see, now. .Jobmiv, that turkey I mats of wreck and rubbish ' i.,.- .1 iR.a " T!:e Cbarleste.u I\ev 3 declares th.af 8oi'th (-.itton varus and J crybody eb.ow their production,^ m.anufac- TTT 'T~~ f a»d eschange. id-css in experiments i Daroliaa can uiamifacture (••itton yarns amt H^-zIiry W. ]WElll6rS ! The people of North Garoliiia,ii-e tli-ird' ! f‘'hton clotlis more clieajdy than t.icy c.au TZr ! ful to von that yon set the ball q/" ! he made iu New England or Ok Luglaud. Boavdiiig I-Touse,!7lA”^'''“.‘'', , COE. NEWTilTEwA-PERSON STS. ro.aa and rnoiion.^ cu d,(j RALE£Ci52, i\. €. felOi—tf orsLtJjo) KevEMBBU IgSt-1 cess of the Fair. { Divorces are so frtqnent in Chicago that 1 gix’C ] different sets of clrddi'en have to be iir- ihan I or the people coa!u expeef^ you my congratnlitkn for the great sue- | in order to distinguish to whicli parent 1 they belong. 1 » , ^ ] ■ J must b.iv.z been brother or sister to the I one ( Id Job used to own ” “Why ?” asked Johnny, “Simply becanso i; is so confounded j [inur. 01), yop. just ought to see our tiir- ! key, it.s three limes as fat as that.” ' “1 don’t believe it, Fred Shaw, there pOfi. The Cidonization of the uegroi?* in Lib--- ria, according to the report of the .Af icac Colonizatiou Society, is a fa’lure. Insread of reforming all the savage tri'Oes in their vici lity and converting them to Ghri.stiauity aud the waj'S of peace, it i.-i said the darkey ,, , , ^ : — auainewav3oipeace.it i.s said the darkey cnu.dn t be a tutkey three times .as fat as mlonists tliemselves are relapsing into J-ar- ! this, earn Johnny, eyeing his prize. 1 barism.

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