vL ljc01brCoiil) State BOOK NOTICE. SALLSBCUT, TKIDAY, MAY K5, ItTC. A WISE I'l.ATFoRM. TEE CO:.IET. it.s destruction, shaken to its centre and crum bled through all its foundations, heaving and gasping, plunges into the sea of internal fire.— "We invite the attention of our rc.adcrs to the r-'-oIutions, puMEhed in another ('oluinn, wl.ieh 'v.-re adopted ‘‘at a n)eetiiig of Tin; pkoiu.k ,f Orantre Coutity.’’ in Ilill-boro’, on S.ituri].iy Ix-t. the . ih in^t. Tliey an- by t'vr the '.. isc-t and mo=t judirioiis, in our opinion, of ary tl. it Iniv.- yet been adopted !)y i.'rc ij-posiii-.t^. lI.'fo!;ii, . r RttTi-Kadie.al party in North Carolina. It v.i.i be observed that ;!iv itieciing did not. profe-s to be an as.-eniolage ci any poniicai partv, but onlv f'f ‘•f.’'-' ■,fcplc oj Ornjijf Coii.tfyy Jl wry wi.-e- ly, as woj tliinic, in tlio re.-oiiiiions a ]• pttd, ig nored ail old tiartv org.Tnization-, and ‘ invited trast of the past and the present? Where is the Executive now who can find two disinterested friends to be trusted thus ? Where, under the , atmospheric influence that makc-s all, .=ave verv , Tbe waters of llie encompa.s.sing sea close over j f^w, indeed, seekers of offices and jobs, and fi 11s An esteemed friend of .=choIar’y attainments , it.s place, bearing up the Ark upon their bosom, ' every avenue to patronage with scrambling a.=- ias, at our request, furnished us with the follow- i and the world that Adam knew was a thing of! sailants, rushing like th.e mob of Paris on the ‘ Swiss within—where shall we Cud two partisans who would refuse so high an honor for so high a reason ? MEETING IN ORANGE.^ | deserve our severe animadversion, and show tlie I profe-ssions of the leaders of the dominant At a meeting of the people of Orange countv, | faction. on has I ing notice of ihe very reinark.iblc book bearing ! the past, j the above title: I tAs the earth sinks, pressing the molten mass ' Reader, have you seen The Cbiaft f Not * heneath it downward and outward the bed of Eiickc’sor IR lkVs, Rida’s, orGambarts, but II. ! tbe ocean is upheaved, and disjointed and irreg- V*’. Guior.s' ' Jfy.iu have t.ot let us commend it I iilar continents and islands group themselves Jo your notice, above tie lit: r It a new light lately risen j around the ba.sii) of tlie new ocean, the grave of i I'OU TIIK OLD XORTn STATE. I TITE .JUDGES UNDER the NEW REGIME. assembled in the Court House at Hillsboro’, Saturday the i th of May, the following resolu tions were adopted: Sallsbuky, .May 7, 1 The Sali'bury Gas Right Coirij aav lid,i ibe annual meeting in the Town Hall to-day. Ti e foilowing officers were elected : licsolied, 19tA, That the silent halls and de serted walks ol the Lniversitv, standing in our (JULIUS D McNEt'LY midst are a painful reminder of wl.at was once j J. S. McCURRINS ’ our glory and our boast, increased in itsinter.si- [ SAM’L H. WILEY Directors. irv horizon, and unlikeanv other j the Adaml:'.nd. The Ark borne upon the wa- 1 number of the Supreme ( ourt Re- | ing • 'I port.-, there are “The people of Orange countv, in public meet- ■ D'ere carried on, and tlm punv ' r! A. IIENDER.^'oN mg a.s.sembied to make known their seiriments'‘'''‘'“‘"“’°” "'•‘i'-E the Radical I D \ I)\VH ' on the pre.serit state of the country, do ' .a 1 -McNedv wx- by t» DYe--' Aeidce, Lsi, lliiit in common with ourfellow-! , ^>»crca=eof ' elected I’rcddtni and ' ' citizens generally, we rejoice in i!,e return of a ! J*'® c-vpen.;^-.s of the.;^tate government conclusive-1 D. .A. Davis .ecrcl »rv and Tr. free election to be held on the fiist Thnrsdav in '■®®®-^^*D' a rttmirn to our former ; S. E I intoii • -August . 1 , comet known to us may be taken to your study | lers is caught upon tlie cre.st of uprising Ararat j dcdded'-aiVanlam^DB™d’emme ^ end AW amt e.variiiiie-d at }our leisure. It is a book | and there held wliile the mountain slowly at- j to the Kepork, it wiii be seen that the ItUtricL i for it until whose pn leuitioi.s arc g;eat. but wiiose merits ! tains its j,resent po.siiion and attitude. As .Ara-j'E'dges are sustained i'l but forty-four ca.s€-s, ! indign.ant are in our o]>in:on scarcely less .eo. There is j r.at rDes through the waters thev .-eem to reccile ! Kiiprcme ihul error in the rulings in ‘ i?,.v t-.Hi much in it and it is too new and startling in j down its side.s, or “return the co-oj>cr:;tivn of all goed ..iiizeii-. w‘.,a desire the rc-e-'tabl; bment ol the credit, honor and '0!;o[ry, r-ifhcr fhni the asccTi- 1 he re-oliiUor.s are also free d-'ncy nj jxtrij. fn an a,] in their tone and character, .!> Fuito can unit* t.’.g go- d and iiones: “li:.Jertake i.'.e ta.= k of the coming election, in-leva- ' men i.j office, wiio will reform v.-itli rio ra-h l..ind,” but witii prudence, mo.l. raticn, and cir- cum-jicct->11. iii' v also con ie!ii:i in proper j a;dji -: '.-rn-.s -he ‘ priiscriptive policy wi.ieli V.- .s Set i-i.-ih :s tl;c (aruma! do..nine of faith at tii*- ii.augur.tti.iii -ji tlo^ pre-'-nt government of tlie natural re-’ilt of wbi. h i.s lepior.aiile con iiti-m to wliii-h onr ti-eu I-r -ight.’’ .\s they denounce ilm ive ,M-i;cy (.] these in j -r'.er. which r Jones has 7 Pool “ 4 do Buxton “ 12 00 Mitchell “ 13 do l.'igii n •' 1,7 do Tourgee “ 14 do Cloud “ 14 do AVatt.- “ 2-5 do Rus.scll '* 2 do Thomas “ S do Henrv' “ 8 do Camion “ 2 do F -irm'!! “ 1 do R-t! ..-i-s “ 1 c.u-e a: The nverag'? fi|B,in the f!i t-ii-e c'xf hi^w of llie 5 y 10 0 5 ‘dl 1 its ch.iracter to be reviewcl in a newspaper ar-1 continnally,” till at the end of a hundred and tick-: hence this notice, fc.>r want of-pace, is not ' fifty day.- they were “abated.’’ inlctidtd for a review, but only to introduce the \ Rut we Lave not room for fnrtlicr detailed ntw-comer t-a youriactpiamtance. j comment upon the book. The chapters upon , AVe were .about to charrit tcrize it as a foray i Phydcal Geojruphii, Iceberye and Glaciers, Sen- into the domain of ortliodo.v science; a sort of; shedls, Sands and Soils, Species, Univerxid DUner- I Jeb. ritewart r;.id around the rear of the enemy | .•imt, Tiadilions «/ the Flood, lieijn of Confusion he }.h't},anutleal Sup- ecoiid book closes are conclusive. ^ , uumuiea to oe a -reconnoisance in' force,” in-1 And hercs reader, we leaveihc hook with vou ! rU,for™ W„i,h a'.l m.e frtni oAw "’'''’"f “ , j „„lv u, .1.,, of ai j ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ ..a,,.,I,, I The intruducto,., chap.tr piesetioi i.i .i light j while others are deformed by erronsso gro.ssand ; scl is about forf.-’-two dollar.-. Fo it will be .-eeii and pleasant manner the scope .and purpose of! jnevcnsabk'that the autlio scarcely de.servcs to Iterm are eompelled to | the book and the circumstances under which it ; have his hook read at all. Syntactical blunuers ' doll.ars one linndie.l ami vtdF coinpo'^ed. ao do do do do (io do do do do do d-o throughout the I men tiv nieiit csta’nli-hed "^bv the ^ thunk.- for their manly re'sistancetoeneio-ich- , .tnd made uiuform ' Egiit.-. and their, >v the fifteenth amend- ra.-calipv, and ehcer- of the Coii-tilution" of the United States it ',*'*1''.'®”', >'* .D‘edr recognition of accepted longer a subiect of controversv, ihere is ’no ^ i''c>*R;itions of obedience to r or disilositioii eui onr narr ii> ;* ‘ ‘D'd (-rder. Resolved, Tiiat we would hail with delight a and j i.s no ! power or disposition on our part to di-tiirb it 1 and we invite them to co-operate with us in up- i , lioldiiig the interests and promoliii" the proV '■®^'"''’ ®'='' of county (•r,urL perity of the State. ° ^ i coiiniy government, when the people were ac- I R'solved, Zni, Tiiat tlie Leli.slative. E.xecutive '’^® L'lder w’hieh they lived I ami most (d the Judicial otiieers, chosen at the '■ cost of suing for the enforcement of their ; last election, !,eld in April b'ib-;’under niilitarv i ; aiiiliontv, upon brief notieo, amid the confu.-ioii o eAcitement ib.at .-itti-nde,! it, ilo lujt reflect Supn^e (’ourt for ovifie A iiv nne ' 'Au,.!. ’■tin ;..e^ St.i-e'l,:. i . • .■■ip'...v , c..giii/,-s n-i |■:•c..i^i(•.^tioIl- f t re -hail by -n ; Oh .. ol per-— i i pA .‘an. re,-.-'.'.int mi toaf -m h i ei A'l-i .-uol; a .r-av li-J, i t.v / II I ' -idling A i cmi t'.ic avoi i-inc.- I . . i 1 >,. • niiictv-two do.l.Trs, besides their attoriu-v’s fe-s . I®'® very fre- for the errors eftlie Judges below. Lnapters cue and two we suspect to iiiivebeen i (jufiit ; and ‘ ... written after the book had received i and for no other reason than simply for the title wliieii tiie atithor whim-i ed for hi... book : ‘‘For we cannot help ugrcei •‘little relevancy” bear.- to tn 111* Kr’tf.lr IV1VUUXV:D: the seinimenis or duly take care of the im,,rcst | this trounly, on the 8th in.stanf, by Oba- of the jieople. | diah W ,iods, n, Es|., Mr. I. N. Faniluirt of tbi- Risnlrcd. ith, Th.at flie reckless i-sue of ; city, to Mrs. .Ann E. Wood,of I.»avid.-on ('ounty. OOO.Ujjp of bonds at single sc-.-ioii of the Leg- j E‘ Meeklenbnrg coinity, on the oili in.-t., bv isljtuie, in addhitin to tlie old dcUt of fourteen i Hev. \\ . Ilii^ltvni, ,Mr. AValtor "i iiriur I'lnd inillioiis. for which no provi.-ion was made, al- ' M'-p Kmnia, da,,j;i,tor of t-aniji-cm Wolfe, Es,) liiough it was enjoined in tlie eo'istitution ; ami ! Near Statesville, on the -nib inst., bv liev." E .. 1.-I, : i .i ' in,-I-.,-,.11 x i..... tr i . ' , -r- .ll.WilOOO : IIOW LO^T, HOW RESrOUED. 'la-t publi-beJ. a new ejitiiui fir. ‘ ilhough it was proclaimed in advance that am- 1 E- Rockwell. Mr. Ale.x. F. Lewis ■ l ie means would be i-rovidid, all this was eal- ! Nancy L Rrawlev, datightcr of Nei >1- ev. ami Mi.ss S. I’raw- t i.'.vonvc.t s * e’lCbr.ite,! oa tl.,- a-i:--.d cure (witliout .-ui-; , ' .■-peninil,)! liiK.1, ur .'Viii inal \Vea'Kii,‘-.s. Iiiv.eiint:-: '■.eiuinal Losses. I ini'eteney. Meat d ami I'ir. s.--,; Incapa. ity. Iniiiediiueats t-> .’•!airi.ige. e!-. Coiisiiiiiption. Kpileje-y. anti Kit.-, induced 1-t se;:- iiidalgeii-e t>r .-e.xua! p.vtravagauoe. f I’. 'ee. m se.dod enve'.,-’,--. oidy ti Ti;e eelel-r.ited autlior in ihi.- adiniiable p-sa-, . Clearly 'lem-in-trato.- tiom a tiurtv v--its’ -'o-ee-.-iui ! ra -tiee. tlmt tlie aianning eoiis-'ijue;;, es *>1 .seii- abu.-e mat t>e radically -uied witjiout t!:c darmer- ous of Internai nie-ii,une or tii>, aj piieal eii of tl.p knife; j,oil,ting on' .i in.jJe of eu;e at -inee .-.m- p!e, eer!.;in. and er;e, tual. Ky rae.aii-of wiiicli ev ery sufierer, no in ittcr what liis cordif.eii niav bo. amy cuve Iiivist-lf el'.oai.'.y. and r;'.,ii,-a'I v. Kent under s,':ii in a ul-aii, eiiv,‘',-;-e. t*i snv p.ist- cthi'e. on 11 ee-pt of six cent- or i-.m', .-tanipA ,\b.> j l>r. (’ulvei-v.oir- •■.Vaniage tbd.le.'’j-R. e-it cent-. ' A.idre.s,-the j.ui-’.isiie.--, Cli \S. J. KI INf'.A IT)., i l‘J7 P.owcry, Xe-v Voik, Po.-t-effi box 4 b-b. I lO-C; ; tloit tiie name ; jiudcnce habitiuiily disregards; for be sebiom work, and that makes a qiiotatioii without interpididie.g some tunes as ol'ten, w: tl'ie* ca-t' 11 m ier t li c o] d -t'-- ' b’lbiddcii b\ the* I’ou-iiluln-n, iimJ re-.-tr.'iu- | tirowu .ind Air.-, leniilv Starre-it. teiii, when men were sch eted for ih-.-ir pei-uliar fitness, ami •,! from being issued bv t s - j t that I- ■ nt tu-.-y, k .i--y i'C 1. 1.-; ij-n- -i rej-'f-iiou of S!u ',- a p. -1 -m n i Co ::'-,e bv tiie partitcanj , by nil- eet- ’ -11. 1.1 eiiapte-r- thr.te, four, and five, our author ' son in whicli lie chances at t he time Ui.-cu.-s-.- ‘'the Ad'.tm'r.,,,!^ dew.-, .-oil, climat.';, veget.d.iou, a its form, wind.-, rain, j ting. (kea-ionaily a sentence is to he found so ml natural his-! involved and - *- ' ' 1 --ItlOI., w I.in i- W . r.- C- -i- A.. wlil In - r- a- 'R'- -ui'- it t:i it -u';.'..'-- wuieh i-m.vv :uid,'r jmiii :,*u.- mau'i-ge:n..-u*.. ti'-ry, with a I*. .S. to e!nig'.,r three *o wliitdi we ii.\ lie your .'i'Ceiai attention. I’l-vinirin-.'’in gen- er I, tern-s tiiat tlie .A.j.inilami ijv atite-diluvian Tiic Preservation of Cider. . . . i In the bencticenee of rrovidem e tlure i- n the Suiuenie (.ou.rt, I In Ivib igli, on the "uh in-r.. Air. AV. M. i most eboeiing i r-js-v. t ..f a-up. ra': i',11: • % h-t f owing the utter inr.uiii»tenev of the Legisla- I Vhiir.-'liiil •.•i!iaeh,-e of the Standard oiliee'i and ! of tine .Viijd.- t’:.- ure.-eut -i,,( 'ji I En'.ics. j well known th.at Nor:h ( :.!-.,i,;,i .v’ppl,- a,-... ~ tiu,--t in liie w.ubi: ill fio. or. :it I- ;,-:, if i. i , r-JJ O j :i!l otlmr par:; ■-:! im. 1’lAirim-r wi:! h.i-. ■ . . .... . . jti-I i,woi, i M.IL n e.-n ■.•Oil eoii-mer.ttnui I _ Near Mornav.-A Turn-ft, r-n Friday la.-'t, f;:lm the oji] ■-rtnnit;., at v-'rv little ir > i.h- and tri dieiarv .-y-tem, with competent men to adininis- ; ttf the re.-uuree.-' and iieci-s.sitie.s ot the [I'.'ojik-, it | in-t., oi i-.-iraiysi-. Afr. \'\ in. Rove, , aged -7^ j flit.g i-xi.-cnse, - f r.iakiiig an •I'i'un.I.-iuKs-ippi. .I ^ 1. 1 • , , j luui Dot H r purtv ‘strvif'O^uiitlcr*‘(i liio n.Kr iiiro!ii|)cten(*v (»t tlio me ooo.e Would l,e a.s compitto without ll,e.sc , word- of his own, or in someway modilying tl,-> T'.-.e above figun- ought to .sa'tisfy any one that i ^''‘■® 'bey had limb-ntikcn ; am! ; Mim Cornelia Al. RiUj-.' ci'i,pters a.- with lluu). ' leis.-age quote-l to suit the mood, tense, or lu-r- , tlic new order of tldigg.s so far as' the" Judi*-iarv I thcreiief tliu- obt.niKd tiieir d.-im-rit isiimdc ‘ ■ : not the k-s- :ipp;iretit. Resolved. Cith, That by a eai-.-r:;! cousi-ler.ttioii ! • i I . , . . ’J , ; to be wri- T'-cerucd is ratlier an expensive experiment, . , ! ami liiat nothing ;-hort of :i return to our old iti- ! world ire-'t contr,i-L to thi IS emu.-. litly . 1 :• d. r.-iot ■;-iv./f tiiii.k em.i:,;.-.-.,-d i-'-i ;,1 LI.- fr ■ . up' \ . • : If . ■: !;,y cm. to s!-.. 'w iti deta y wii, ..UjoI" .'! ■ii r •l: W'.n f -nugest-. *mi he umier- j work will be siuucient to induce the author to f the i'ropii.-i- eu!.,.__^ ..., ...... i... ..... .it.-. .nnjiu-ci j tl ami iiiiilti-! ediiion until it .-luill luive been tluironghly ! mg of e.,niiiKnt.s, i-lan.l.;, irr.gu-; primed of lliose glaring defee's wiiie’n se> mar ■ ;ar c-i.a.-.,lines, r.;ount;iii'..s, Vaiieys, Ac.; tinit w:is j it ami which are evidently tlie re.su’tofcaieksr- i , , , , . ,11, ‘.I. i,11, poieiu men lo iiuiil in;S- ; . i,,.- ji,.-, 11 ,, | .i,> .-i-. ,, lu. i.oy;-,, aged | i j.-ens-.-, -;n:i k mg an •imin.'l.-m:---i t.-ij . ■ nnoned .iml .-o oorciire as to reijuiro to be re- the l.-nv-, wlio not deiiemlent upon tlie ))eo- I P-’-sibiy in tin- pow, r r-i ihet Jenerai .-V.-s.-m- • year.--. He a gooii eiiizen ami a good man. j delicious Cid, r. IKreU.f re tl-.,- gr■•■.•[ difl'.e-. w ritten to a.-eeruiiii the author’s meaning. j pie for (heir tenere of ofliee, will ever re.-tore |k> have supporteil the Governmeiit, main-i In M, ekK niinrg county, at tlie re-i-lem e vifity h:-- been in pi . serving tb-i i bier fr.-m f * .Still tiie book is an entertaining and In.strue-''•■■impartial Aiinislers of j biii'ed its ereilit, ami gi-, en an) to public im- A\ in. M- i onibs. E-q., on the‘ds:;]i ult., ]R nry : nunting or other.\i-.> -i ning; :hau’,.s : tiveonc. AVe I’.oue licit the d mcmd for tlie I | P'’‘’V'-"i' 'y'eradn.al is-ues of iifimis, as they ,-Ale!'owi ll .M ! limy, rg. ,! about f-i year.-. ' | the la’o.ir r f s.-Ieiitiiie n,‘,-n. tiiat great de-iter , .,, , _ " I w,-re I., eded to i-.-iy lor tile HOIi;; blit the coiir-c I In A'ee’u!, nhurg e-nni’v, in l’rovid,-nee, on | tum has hee!i Iburid —.m-f i id--r i-’av n--v , take- tion. f ,riu i lie con- t •' : REMARKS or CHIEF JUSTICii CHASE ON THE GKE.vT CALAAIITY AT Rl AIOND. , a-ioj'ted of taking loose estimates of wh.at a whole ibe -■gli in-t.. Airs. I..uira Al.t .-d!, (formcrlv i kej.t. In ali it.- original fii ■lit o ■•eam. ' I I'ublic work, oecupying many year- in its con- Airs. Ntw. 11 R.is-,i ag. I a!-.; - i strnction, would cost, ami ihe'n direcling tlie i “g . y!-:\V AI>VKirrisEMfy-fs. .1. I 'hi- of th in L-ir a ui •r 1 UUliiL bL.tte: Hood.- surt.ice 1 r.i!iuiri(*:u iunn. » ticit was j Whole anionul of iiom’s to ho i-sued at on,-c. nml ! j j,lacing t'nciii into the hand-of Railroad I'resi- | ihe Chief Jr.-tice on AA'e.iucsd.HV, at tliem> ct- i without any .security ; seven millions in Hi:- is i:i-!ied hy .-gorms .arul t*:n;-est.-’ nly l.y "il.e s-jUe.st of zeph.yrs. 'This i.s oy herc-.-_rui'i.i .-.nd. swept by devastating iU.-j again si,.rciiOti am! burnt bv long ing of the Uiiikd States Cirr [CO.MMI'NH .ATF.D.] NEPOTISM. frAE '.vm u; -UI :,o cih.-r -Kf- . J. M. LEACIE I'a.il.nnci i.ronghts : iliat m-ver k-ll tlie stroke The New York iror/o'read-Pre-ident Grant i rini,.-our u,:-.:, V- i V .i s- • rirjlee\ent lu t.ns cuv, which has l)e*-n -o I ilv ,.s , J ...I- ... 1 • r.i ought tobe.stiidied , named “The Great Cah-imitv,” went ibroudi iii'c *’ hri-pii.,, o. le ...11 - j p^. ..jj ofiici-il..^ \v!ir) have patronage to hc.-tow. ' Hml a few dav-ago. all hearts felt a slniok li- e cat tendril of the ten leresi plant by the rays -d'| We woul,! tali, j-ress it on Governor Holden ; ‘'I'vful personal beroat.- a too .ardent .sun : it-n-j were dews wli:-!, tlie I ; . o,. •, ^ , , , ^.-o'■ ihen, as the tidmgs came nmre dl.-iim t- - .-n nil K ,ulN, ,ve kai, it comes loo late. Still, i i,. ircuitCourhitirespon-e'rk'i’r^'^rT’'’'' t . ,1 I .. , ’ * ! neked ol! at ms pleasure, slimdd rathe , to tim rcsolution.s ot the Richmond Kar in re-1 a, t,,riz..d .as a im-asnre to .-,11 I gard to tlie late calamity, said : I Iliiman emoAons are Iiut i.oorly * .pre.-te-l in rds. >\ 111 11 tlie lirst vague rumor- of ilie icr- wor r h-Pehar- ite Iliiiids and I ruin ]iiib!ic credit, than to b-,illd a Railroad. 7.’i . I hi, 1 hat the pn-diga! was'e of t'ncse hiimis i.y thejiervcr.-ion of them to his judvate HI3I1LY !?.!P0r-TAMT TO AL! ’ i J i ij »i »- W * I lett a.-: t!;cv swe AA'c l.mr.", that tlii-gi i F-'-'f an ir. i. p*.-:;-; nt t.'ie i iiiii H>tri -:, at Fr- :n thi. .icti .n of (J,. irili-r imit he -a\‘,‘ no in; rati'in. He -.vill, prohal.lv, ,i;,im i: th.ll h- 1.- *-:tr rli-.- Uoi.jiuce of ‘•for the ' I, r.mote relatives unprovided for; j slui[ic -111(1 forii- in the inim . end-, by the T’re.-idelit la-t allmb d to. and liir ; refusing ami flt eiiig from inve.-iigatioii imo that ' iinpoi'lant State afiair, ami the illegal use to 1 w liieli they were ajipiied liv others, as.-liowii hv I . : a conimis-ion on the sc.l-ieet, .and the reniis-ness i Iheir euorinou- .-'.oek of (ii-a.-t-r took i "*■ ®‘''® Executive, call- for the : RK ADY-AIADE f'LOTI! I N(, the pcook- it; enqihaiie comicnmatior, of an impovcrisli- ' neue.T.-, li)r any rue-- :. able Ii-iig'li of time. Ill due tiuie, till- preap.-.ati. n will he in rwi-i- incs-. wiih all m- i s-arv ilirection.- h r . Th- co.'L will lie ver. iriding. And may l-e Imd onlv .at K. S11.I.';S Dreg .'-tore, .-’-.lEsI .'v i Mav I3-2t ^ I f t'.:e ^ ^ ^^ ^ -A R( tU 1N A, I Snpet >r -urt I MoNTr.UMKUY (.’(). t May 10, 1^70. N.uiiaiiiel (.'ook, et al. ag.aiiist lii b’l. Brown, ct al. I’tliliou to ii(.U Rotid for Fart>tion. ^ In thi- c.iPC it :itq)oariug to live (kiiirt EUR. WOOL .Did STRAAV II -M’S ! “f Cook. d. - GREAT EXCITEMEXF ]•-,s caii.-pfi lately in coi s( qiu iieo pui prising low pi ices ;,l which RUdG & COSLENS At Jenl'ins' Corner .ru’.il io the Rost Oftice, a n- C-LU-ris or - li ven;ion. R.;i nhe p.-op.’-v iii -iiib,.i liiiiih, was not aver i.-.iiiin vi. in iintr ami wiil nnu. r- .o 1 wl:y h i- oo; -iich ; AV-.- finl.t-r karn i Fpei. ll .'.'I the ooca-n-ri. ! , .: d, m I.h ; ■-.•rv.,'c liO . ITI • Tv ! '• r* |> 111 j ‘H ’11 Pt'ii* n wt I - r.. I ] V. lii i» - a :> To 'uivip.^ MU‘u ’■ readiiv cr.jok ; np-iii liiat eiil.cr the thermoineter or the : j yi'i - ctuiin inigiit liave been used, ami weil ilic one .as ;!i kins lismeil. All who liave ro.id the liistorv of ! ®®'’'^‘'’’®”®® ^"h^tanti:,! uumife.-tai sympitiiy iiuv (owanls KiolinKiiii! . 1 1 ithe iiaim:; of Judge lip,. ti,;.. H,.,I „„ r=-hr-inl sr,.,0“‘‘‘I "Lings'ami to with-I > .■,, .••,•• ■■•-,.••.■;.■• .-.h . ,.,-p opj,, iu oeioiofmr cumv.mii '■'® ■, y ‘'^■•‘ “'i- to mai-k -kl the ue- ^ AVashington. He was a ncph.ew of tlie | man can help ■"’eiing tills vast vicvtlo’-im nt of! blackmailing operations, by paving bonds. ! m! v’e" j " itbio the :itne jin scribi d by l-jw, a. ,» ^.tes Ol .u-.li or Ol ..iiiimie aime; for tne one , of that name, and wins made a Judge j "''''‘E’C-ed goi.^wili so strikiiigiy cicvobl of ev-I’f'T'ti’td and jnt*rest, have to he ‘ ^ , , . j Klmw cBii.-e, ii anv tlmv have, v.ttv sinl H..-i t p-aee, pan p-is.-u v.-iin me otiier. j ^ erything !nc;i.ctmnal or parry meling. As one ! 1^“' ' a , . , „ ! ‘ ^ ’:• ‘ ^ / snir shall no, /.k enVirmarf, „ ,’n..ty,.„ i lure vegetal..,11 was 1 i.Miriaiit bevond anv 1 , , tc ■ ■ , • 7> , • 'Arudiancc which, m (.od -gooU i .oh 'Ihnt the nhn^ p,art,red hy t ,r -mat v,in,-ry. v\ c iiavc j-i-t rec-ive.-l a lot of! ,;i p,. jj...p,, -i .. „ : . , “ ,11 - Adams, A\aMiingtonss;iece.-.-nr. Ent it tv.-is in 1 Provi-li nee, so,...hen bright-en the darke.-l clou-!.-■omi p-.v v,'V f c;-; 1 L r> 1 m.u.r to. il.c c.n,In ...... -in . f p.mi p.,sci.. lOiuipiiGi. . SI. a >nn, ant a.c so >is i , \\‘a>hingtoii’.s .Adinlni-trat ion ' of hr.nia'i gviefi , olhc.s lu '.dnrti ir,: nupht rrfhr, are .suriteini; la inviie \ ' * - ‘A)'- ■' - ' --y jreport. . 1 ... 11 L : - 1 . - = . ..... , . r ,, ’ , ■ " . , . .1 I 1- \ \ i ’ t T T i 'i i L' * i-- , iiii of ns to coin;ien-ate advocates f-o I - , a rnea.-ure, or to buy ofl’op:iosition,*in the for- ' ’"’"‘E trei'erndv adaptci j I mali'Ui of wliat is called ‘•Rings” ami to wiil 111 tn.'I; Our stock of ( (»A'i .K.' P.\ NT.K .•;-d an- -m-ii a- wiil stijt tin- ni..-r ('•u-i.i;, .otiln till'd in tlic t krk’s lAtTtep, and :L.Tt A L.ST.K. j unlc.-.s tiicy apjn ar bcfoio ,,ar raid U.mii I'f- now. I ■rt iic d.i-!ir I, in lii.s that t!ie-_- wcr.-‘ tinu- of '•it.sm, li," and i lure ve priseut coiicep Ult all aniamis w c:v v,-gomiiaasof choice ; and i fle-h-e.iiing i- (-niy a ] iilnvian practice. i,l, then an a-piriiig and Clcl n, 1 .-,:i 1 that ma le iev a Chat six. ll. au,i eigiit icli ns of prime- j AA'lien two dar- since we biok our .scats upon j va-O'ienthan of all rilLe.is. nha desire the 1 1 r t . 1- I bench our t.-.s au-1 onr he irt.s tdike ini--cd IfFid pi-un,-. ny i ml SLI N.'^, L.-A. AVNt^, tironiising voung biwvcr, apt,lied to his une e i r ' ,, , o-.ni.v. i.u..iu, . .it.. . t • • ■ - ’ll I tamniar tace.s In :u tlie h ir Let us th.'.nk ll-.; T.-i nin *i Ml I*' 'J ]:( ’•li iirixiin. nv lu. of ci vi.iz .ii. ll . live arts and expirii !icc.-— ,in.i iliP p-rpiilatiou -f lue .■'.damiaud. sciences, The great I , tlivii tiio.-e vvlui.-'c-voii'cs were oflclic.-t licanl h Wo!! 1 V'-'I survive. May the Great I’hvsician eoinfori ; ic .I'l'liiic'l ■- nO'i Jit, ■■ born, not qq'-i-c.i, bv the oxne- nei.e-- aii. icngtn oi nunian an- oc corre-pou.iingiy l.ar-L-.r , the flood infer.- a * I of \’ir,„diiia. He was donbties.- rpialilied for the aosition hv legal learning, and i ’*‘® ■'^orr.'iwiug /'’‘.Lcbolds and give them speedy | I’ and conqricte rosiiiration. Rut il.-fre were other ' -erv.ia.ii, o. all the wi-e ir.cnof the ' t diiv in llie in l-vi-i-.i.ii. R.g*-s. ha- siid..ienly b-. ii -R.-c.-vered l-y ihi-“niadi;' ‘•-ta.e-maii " to be * rr. iiic ms. AVesuiqiose that !i, i -.•di'-s of ours i-n.- m! aeiion tlirouL ami the K-iio.i| whv.-h he is d?-tin..d to --tahli h, are not cciwtruct-.- wd! r.-v, r-e it. an 1 the maxim with lb. m will j scoie an 1 t-u,” the im herc.afmr :-c- /•G-.'dar—mm e.g. N-.r dmi! wc : (i.ir auiie r’s cxphuiai att* nipt to e.sntn-v.-rt the new cpininn. li i-! tic. term of li.fo ma trin- th-it at th-- ctrly vigp of tw. ntv-idg! :. An- : Tic gii-‘ ;- 'ind hiiii-iii at the Ic .id rf tin, Rom i w :t.i llie stm, vjoaii-bi;) ntees.-.irv to -..cm ..CO ,o-ea*c- v- ^ '•®5’”tation. Rut tl.cre were | memho - rd d.Vllu-iummd bar who wir,iover i ^ >bc Fiat- in this county, am! as (i.r as ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , mbers m the Distn.-t who were older, more cm- 1 again join in its honor-dfle contentions. One ' '“"‘T "i North ( ai- 1 .u-e w ...i . .in i p.uiy and were entiiled to the patronage of tlie ■ bus goiiein th-.- rip.-ned fulne.-s of honored vears- ! ^I'V V that \ iinatioii.- of the law, ■ g life:,, , mi • • I I i another wi'li ihe di-ti’-ciio-is of hH iirnth-^;,.11 Ib wo regret, liave hec-ii comnimed in .secret ° (loveriimcnt. lii is consideration, no lest tiiaii i : '‘--em'u-s oi in.- jirorcs-ion . „.i i„ ,,11,1 . , Thev , , : clii.-tenng iim-Klv upon him, havin- qy ! by iici.-ons wi»o m-'e .-ucue.i.y .md as sml- - a natural repugnance ot a man like ''^'■‘bmg-; nleiily disperse, but tlve stale of-oeiciy is am! J EAR'S, F’ALIt.’t ).s. GAMBRICS, NOTIONS, &c., I _ I ..roni a large Raukrept svih-iu Ruitimore. which j - people, and we as.-ert it to he utterly untructhat j for,m‘*ito( k‘!a’SO’Sr' s CS.OTKIT?G ! awtui an- ' ... God ■ '‘f v-"(/!tr>/. rather than the ase, ii'lr„ry of par!0. i here t * ')■•:•'b'preeare all a'tteiiipls ! .E.-i L. AA it'ir.-s, tiv) of olliei-. !.*iul anti Ffcai ihia I'Jth diiv of nia-le to e.xcilo eontrover.-v or -trife : tpa'ne 0! .=.-i.-ii long periods. :o hist Ic-v.iiid the •three- i devil limit of iiuinan life. c.i of (hi-shortening of | i'C g-Kid i ton to prefer Id- kindred over oliiers, induced - a.-cont to the higla.-t .seemed I him to write to Rushrod a? follows: nt w e think not. j pointed to any otiicc ot honor or eiuolium iit in w--r.- government; it i- true ih-it :ii tlie slill earli » J ! - I j'v'iLiLvv* «.'» «4»»y */m» V/ \j\. v'» v.* ez* /11 1111V. 11 V JJt it] • • J-: Tliu p.iriiult?3 our Itotlic'Jj snys he, , the new goVt-rninunl lo tlic'liities of which you j n i hivt lieen 1 .,c,,u in like manner.' Thev | (Dinpciciii; lint, lioweverde.--crvingyou may j j’'p.Twl. -11 1' be 01 the one Von have suggested, your standing ® ^be 1 i-I are dcrivi (1 iiom a soil lh.it was once the ,.11. ’ 11 . ■ ■ • ■ T iiitv. I ... ; at tlie Rar would not ju-liiy inv iioinination ot . .... r I oc-c;'.nIjeil” ni!d “are Imi the lon-'.-worn c.nst-i .7 ,1.1. .. i .! It IS siud that niu'iug tho-e Ivii liicre has been any resistance to tiie.iawmi au- ^ e„„staritlv mi baud. (lur clothing is all onr ownmak* .and we car. therefore WiivTiiul them a- to luateritil .and uni- king ol'llieni. l l will (loiihlv ]i;qv all who uiev favoi us wdh .a call. oumrr Alerchmils wili do wy-ll to ex amine ur gooiR and prices iief u'c luirchasing casv ami sure ; ! *.''''■'0 tbe while tr.-inquil. and ihc gcncr.ii ‘ ol.scwlicic. Esr" Don't forgef the niace. iinoilier, young yet ni iturc, tn-viding wiih lir:n ' ''*-bit!0!’..- between the white and isilond races is 1 liRN'R it C(>R!.)-iNS, stejis the iqe.vard paths of usefulm-.ss ami honor i ITnic.-ahle ami vunicahle; that the ijiiarti-riiig of j At Jenkins’ Corner, next door to tlie p. 0. How terribly dot:- .-uch a cahimiiv this re-1 ‘’'‘''‘'i”' cA'f''' ‘'‘® '"“'■■'bed for. am! 1 .‘^ALl'-RFRY. N. (’. ke our v.iiii expectations ! IIow 'iiai.re.--ivc- ■ ‘"'® .^’:>'Jw(l iln-l llie aiitiioritic:- o! ihe Uni- Mauiif; Mav. 1S70 c\\ AVAIHI, c. AIontg..;ncr\ ouiit V 19 Gw—[pr. fi-f- 510. INTERNAL IIEA'R.M K Coll! I ocean - Oeii ami "are but the Icing-worn, c.ast-j y,,n, in prefereiiee to .some of tlieoldc.-t vuid most ! Jme ot tw L-iit'-se > I n A\ i.iiam HI, Prince : ofi J-ftn’s of defunct orgriruiza'ions, worn and rr- e-uained general court l.iwyers of your own’ f(range, w.i- renowned all over Etir-jpc a- tlic worn rn t (d.-tingi'i. le-d -t.ai'-. nirm ami m-goti.ator of the .-.go ; it i- triie tlmi at tlie still earlier ago of re-dvr•!, ■ 1 .H Tinr„:i,,... 1 (.(,fjeeiv us to look lie- ' •‘-'tali-s ci ncur in this opinion, by withdr;iw- realiiies of eier- ; >be tnir.ps laiely .-ent to .Mai.iame cciu.ty. j Ji'.■■olr-'d, lil/i, ] hat in many 01 ii-jir-ivi.-ious I It is said that aiming tho-c Iving cru-ie-d iin- 1 ^b^^ ^ onstitnticui h.i.-tilv adopted witii liitie (--n- i ! der that nia-s of ruin.-, there 'weri- some who r'^'^"‘'b,v Ibr it.-consiueraiuiii, a: tlie last rlcc-I tion is nnsuited to thr '•'■ ' ■ ' ' • ■jicforv .‘HG AV. Hahiiuoro. Sf., Ralii- tiiore .Aid. ctor’s Office, G;h Di.-t. N. ? F-VLIsni itV. .May I-t.. ^ The Annual List for 1870, ni.av IR—Bin i BAS heeu jilaccd iti my hand.- ik-r col!,-.-:i,.u. into a ’vernmeni— ' is only hirn-ch witi-ont ,a rn.idr-l, anl j It is but reasonable to suppose tiiat civilizri- twciily-three .Alexand. r Hamilton ed the wle. If .American system of go tiioiu'-ti! it on. eni’o(-lied it in hi- anc; ir is tr le tl.vit twcuty-two tiie y.-runger i’itt wa- the Prime -.liiii-tcr Ot I.ngland, liebi the d .-lini-ot r u-| the (-.irth wa-CTiornjius. Imleed it would lie j rope in lo- b-iiid-, aii.l . !■] .ayc.l .-:atosmans)ii]> i niost nureason.-ihle to .suppose othei wi.-e. AVc i ( Iter to Mr. Dll- tion and the arts and sciencis made great pro- ! . the still carlu-r age of I gross in live fifteen humlreil ami liftv venrs that i THE XIX CEN'J'LRV, MONTHLY ILl.l-TR.VTri) SO’D’THERT? l*n;iJ.i!KI) IN CH ARLE.STDN, S. C., At £-.3 oO Per Anmitn. This nuigaziiie Iia-aIreaily .itta:tied a l.ig!; pi.si tion anioiig the serisl Jiunin alii-iis -.1 the i.ay. .nei is gradua.iy ami -tead.iy working ils a;i_\ inio il,e in golden eliaracters, and liung up in the Na-j So in the verv d.cpihi of thi-awful rlisirc-s and • Gc-vernmeur, in ali , atl-.-ctioiis an-i guo-l w i-i’ie-ol the s-onthi’in ].eo|i;e ; ami the 1 axi-s vi-M-ssed llver*-oii have b» c- i; e I dm* aiiii p.'iyvibie. Ail per.-oii- Laving 1 av- agaiiist lli.-m.in that List. -t ; ot le-r List. .i! To 1 e.s ;i.-se,'sed :!g;lil:st t! land remaining unpaid on jiuv I In-reliy Ilotilied To m* et me o iit tin- time.- ami place.-metiti.ined !>.-l..\v.;*.i i jiay the .-aid i;t>*s. ,\ jwi.aitvof tiv. ■ m- 5 ; f.-iit ami interest at tl ■ • - m-iiith. will r my 1 '.-p :•:••- i rate I 1 r._ I suiiposed i-arliality for friends ami relatives.' This letter of AVashiii.gton ouglit to be printed that! AA’l-at !i tc-iiniony to the incon.paraL.l worth of the Clgisti.at! fa;:ji. ami wtiiiew -weuld iind.-riakc the ta-k of reform ! with no r.i-h hand, we deem refornuition in f-qtial to the o-.-ca-i'-n. j !es inay i.-t he -’uli. lie.— of tin- oM i.i.axiin. feotly c-it.-i-'eat with t!;.- n i]ii:i: m. R Fo, they dearly jirove that llu'-e rii, n wc-a ;r me stiii carin-r ace oi l gross in tlve fifteen humlred ami liftv venrs that i , • , 1 , , ’ .1 . ' ' 1 .• tioiKil, as well as all tiie Stale Executive Alan- . augui--h, open s p.-ccedeu t.ie d-dnge, rum that the population ol I . ' thv ami fount'' O, Governor Holden ! read it and ponder it, j " q.,^. Vet all of these r-x.am- ie.-irn from the .S-ripmre tint music w.as cnlti- ' ''' ®b>''--b-- oe niie.. wim n veremi , r.t b. prove the correct- I vated and taught as a science. Mining and tlie ^ \ R-The’burden of'T.m^‘'R,t "ilT’Tfo-’Tm-dT ^ I’lny tiny even he per- I making of the several metal- into implements of i ^ ! t'ions of faith. Ever rei’neiidiering that- ' i ’•'''^ 'bo «'dhnrs ami sri..-) mn wIiM-.n In.-l.-itelv lak- n luace, i.- th. lir-> : however p.i.m-tic .nry u-e m event ot the kind evi-r known in the lii-tr-rv of innejantiy n'cii in lie- pos-c u, if I V, inoi l.'nii (ii-n 1 .e.ii-h- out olyhem in .a mneh shorter e/-t-,-r -..r wore ‘‘lu.i -weci:; t i.-ll how much -horter—time than it r.-prired to make one ..-u oi’Geii. I.each. rnucii ^ (he mfinu.‘'.icturc of cloth-, h it "■-i■lt^slllen.' , , . 1-,. • , • , , - tions of faith. 1-1 ,• 1 Jl I . c- , regard to Ills tpialdic.ilions and without regard i o.\ 11 ifii - kiml-were practi-ed and taught. So w:is ! , . , , , .\ii i.-oi emu. it n , I 1 ! to the rights ot others. The rains eollect, Aiml a i)e(>pie never „„ '. , , •-r-u -.i -i ' ‘ I >'1 I... it r- I Pill -witli a smile ui.-liv we.ii’.h, is a- . iuii r-l runny of the ll.-i- age. ami it \\ i;l i.e ; I jH-r m-iiitti. Will lie ex,-ic-teii from tho.- may neglect to pay f..r t* ii dav- after rh.-.'qv- poii.tmeiit * I)' the ( oiiutv in v. nic’-; t'ji-v side. -A’lV p('rso:i who shall ''\**re'Se or c.-irrv on tiiiv iMi.-iiji'-.s (ir J ll'. iii*ssioi.. for till* (1 ill g ' ,f 'allien a Speci.'il lax L- imiiose.i TiV I a-V, with'i .t p lyu e'.r th.-r*--.) as le.piiri il. is suii- p-ct t-i a line of not le.-- than >1') nor more . than .-^.itK). . . . , , . Ill Tliere is no rea.-on w hv the present Governor I imwituasm Tive Uieir attention to tiie ek-gancic.stiiid adorn-I , ,, . , ... Mo' h- !.,ol-a li-.el- ^ should not .asidre to he like the fattier of his' country. AA'nsliington to Holden may seem to some minds like wliat tfarlvsie calls “the shoot Auer de'.hroiiir : the old aiul inaugurating the new m..xim t.,-.- - icm-.".:l, we ar-.' imormed, pro- of days, pliysicai vigor, plurality of wives, : luents of life tiil ils necc-s.-itics have been ,-imply provi-led f-ir. 'ITie command was gdvrn to “inuliiplv ami cvervihing that could conduce , , ,,,,,, . e\i " ,v 1 1 i Ol Nlagara, but alter till, great and good men to a rapid lucrc-a-e of the race wa.s afforded: , . , ,, , % . . .. I are given to the world as examples for imita- n ill- .ae itii-.oc tiiat ie- 1 -i.l lent -i . I '■ 1 ‘r : tion, a.- well as for the specific good thev do; ui- .u. i.ii.i*. i.iai I.l ii.iii .\ atiumVanee of tlic most mitruious food, cxeinp- I , _ At . . ' ' • ■ I and even now, Governor Holden may o• much i to redeem himself in the estimation of his con- ! stiliients by carefully studying the liistorv of i AVa.-liIugton, ami closely following his exarnjile. Rut in the absence of parallel examples it is al- w.-iys safe to act on tlie same high and honorable _ , , ,1 motives which actuated AVa-hington. , 1 or tlie [-ncos.- of reas.-ming i-v wnicli hereicli- of lii.s spicn-iid s!ates;n.ar!--)i'p. Ci-ed to rcla large .an ! It-ng npcrienei- in tlie tsmte TiCgi-la- ture, in tlie Fedcr.i! ;l;u! ''t.nfederaio (.'ongre—. n-’-noim'-.e.g to fiTiie.i years or more,—that in ilii.- 1 •ug service lie had u- eil “rn.i-le ” a ‘‘sl.atisiiiau " —liuu he iia.l d(.;n- many great mm! womb ri'ui tuings for the d. ir pfO'Ae, ct w;;jcn (-i-mted and held up to thi ir view as ?: myriad diseases that now av.a.-te the earth, ami, a- tliere w.as luit one language i an-i had becti m> scattcriug of the peoiile, pi-r- ■ ii.ap- cxeinptif.-n frent the blight and desolation i of war. Onr auihor estimates the population to \ liave iiceti some sixty-eight thousand millions. ■eimen- es il-ai e-u'iclu-iou we ri-f -r you to chapter eight, hook one, of 2h\e Csnct. If curious to know where to look for the site of the nneient garden ci Eden see tlie ninth chai’tcr. Ch^der ten foreshadows thedoom impending lover the Ad.amhiml and it.s inhaliitanis, and j traces (lie preparations for tlie c-scajie of tho.se j whom Gi ll disic'ned to n-ploiiiEh the earth.— The Ha'beal (’-•'iiveMitci, whu.li iriet f.l hi.'.- j The eapaei'i ( f tiie .Ark for its pur{io.“e is «-on- t g'l oa rue.-v;.iy, f..-r th.e purpose cf mitnii.ating ; .sideri-’. _m!‘fully est.-ihlished. candidates for Gongress in the Metrop.ditan | Dc-trict, nonimail'd J..mes Ii. Harr:-, M-'p. (oj- : -.1-d. for the lotik' term, and J. M. Hawkin'; * E :t cf bis eJatin.-am! .-laiismaji-ldp Jet tiie; ^-xple judge. Tiij.s is a free country-, ami we j Wi.l be among llie hv-t to deny tim ligbt of Gen. ' i*e»ci.. or any rdher ‘'statesman,” to be an in- d-fK r.c'ciif czmR late for G-insn.'s ;f be chsisr.>. K A D R A1, V O MIN A TIO N His wiii be done.' Abraham Lincoln iisedtosav that the bc.-t story lie ever l ead of himself was this : Two Quakers were traveling on the railroad ami in tlie country, ami as it now turns out, .a mere . while thanktni forih.-- vey iliiera! -iipj-dit which j ,".d vf-iitui'er. ! has heeii yccor.le-J toil fiot.-i it.-ri:-i appeal ainc. , Resolvd, ::U.h, That wc- welcome .among us .as ' fM'ie't it- many ir.en.ls ar ' .set!lor.;-, all r-ilizens of .any of the United States, i '•b®'’’ imli'idua! eilort.- iiiirer.- to use i-j ia- iea-e it.- tircii'.ition 1 , ■ . .1 ! -1 ' and extend tiie -td.ere of it- u.-im.h e--. n: t.; it 1 I , • ; Ill • - ;"hoco.meiO ill _o. p.-or^iir tlieui-CiX c- wi.h our . ' t.ere liearo di-cufi.-m'the probahie terniluaiKin ' own people, and ,-li.iro tlieir trit", but the Im-} i'er-.m-saeking l-u t .in.] piolit.ib’e i nipiovnient. I of the war. I tliinlc, sai-d tlie first, “that .ft-f- niiiialion wliicli has occurred in tlie election of! c.an secure to tln'n Ff-tve- a Imnd.-oine ii.-'-i-n'ic f-v ! “A\ !iv docs tliee think 1 tlii.-iiidividual rhouM be a warning to beware I canvassing f-.r-iiti-cni *-!-.-tv.r the .\'1X ('FNTrRy. ferson v ill sm-ceed.’’ •so ?” asked the other, prayi IlKI .‘'.a’i-burv. Ya-ikiiivil V, Mnck-viile, Uc'nrord. AA’ilite.-horri'. Taylorsvii!*^, StHii-sville, Ne'.VttiU. Lincuhiton, Dalbas. (Jharlotte. iRinro*-. AFI’fjINTME'Fr - .Mav :i .V -J 1 M.iy-Jl • '2.7 .'R “Becau.-e 20 A 21 .Me.vjJ -JG •• -27 •• H May i.» •• 2i) M.ij 2.T. 21 A 2.7 'Riv .^AM’L II. AVLEEV, C..Li.m.^,R. n'.avG-.’lt A Kentucky infant e.xplained the workingsof his father’.- revolver to a little friend. Iasi week, i-r!.merit and policy ot tiie .'-tate, lielongs to its i There is another large r’a-s of fr er.d.s Fcattere-l -p.:-eipb?. Slid in tiie gi;im! iiiqiU'-t of iliese pnidic tl-roughont our entire land -.v'.o esm'd aid t.* i-j a then Preside-nf, a vacancy mcniTul in the preine (.'oiii t of llie (.uiitcd States. To tw q., ot •■> 'll' .uR ilU, h;r th-- she acl v.i-'iy ill t;-,.. n \ ' tlmi l.'.ili of , . - it ili.'.lcnitv lu . Ii--.' .V -.J, -1 . -I'.'l >!•,-! .Tit ..a .v'l , u-i:a I it -i !ii:n r. .',!v w’.siied m. ...'i -tnm the-e ■iius, if tile of -in;li- m'-nii'a-i-.i ories of h; r cla.-.-ic times .still hallowing th of to-day)—l-klw.'ird Rut ledge and C-harle's Gotes- worth Pinckney—the President addressed tlie follewing most remarkable ledfor i “Gknti.kmf.n : .An address to yon jointly, on , , . ... , -III 1 a s-nhiect of the following-nature mav liave a-in- Aml MOW w'.en at! i- ready and t.ie busy hum j ..ppearam'.q In-t tiiat -iugiilari'ty will not f pn. paraiion IS hushed, v. lieii Noah and his exceed the evidence whii li is hr-ii-by given of uive (;.‘-..red -'jc Ark ami Go.I’s own liaml lia- i my (.'inn'--u of ami conii-leme in von, and of the .■'ill . them in, in , . .. ' . , , i Sillj i-e- .11- r III 'de.ii I J he editor of the Muscatine Howa; Journ.ai . ... * A y.iX -pi,„ i-,.n-ptera vi!! r.nt'n-e i zens ol Fouth ( arolina—i all lionor to tlie mem- ol-iims to h-n-o ii •'t-intol vUi. -L i.-hut the natu.-al result of that proscriptive rml- • ■'-‘‘•wir.„ we.i hn j.vn vr.w, m t oni.D... l-oi-.®‘‘““^^ A "■('■e die loemical pistol with wmeh .,,.i,;,.i, f„,.4i. ... u,. j‘.,-i .■, to eiiruh the pai-es oft.,c NIN ( ENirnT. j I.e nieU Aaron Knrr Klin* AloT-nHer Humihiin ’-3 V 111 .ll SXt 1 .rt 1. A ■; g.i-t. -tri-dct.ii V ! th.-iil's ii-'Wer. I -..leiiin piieiicc of anxi-ms i f^l'mion I cntert-iin ofyourcontidenceam! frieml- .. . , ... I ship for c.-ieh otiit-r. Tiio office Ir.Iclv re-icued ■ling* xpe- tat..-,:., the eye ot man isk-rror- j ,j„. Snprrm'e Judicia- a new a u! umuutgim d di-i-uiv' of j I ’uicn reiiiains to oc lilK d. AA ill cl'ili- .I, -nd.lenly th-e wiu.J..-.IS df licaveii j er of you two gentlemen rccept it? .Ami, in ' that case, wJaeli of von ? tfo’mv sincere esteem iiigr.'--- ' It ■au se ‘ are oia iied and a .-torr.i i-f'.vind ami I ain s’.vcep.s . , , , t • >- , ' . , , . 1 • 1 I .au.l regard tfir vifii bitn, 1 wish you to be per- setid over i;.i-In. uibiing, .suiuiiU-r ; aitb. and tor lortv I i f .i . i ' . i. ^ , . ■ . . ■ .'uaded that 1 am, yours truly, Tl--' u 'V;g- tliouglit ne- 'd.-iv.- ao,! piglits r.iges • i - • i I 11 i;a n U lOll- tUl. tpe T!. 1 e ;.,i ol wiii yiiii unrepre.-.-Cd violence. iJr!.- R'lt .-c.ircciy i.a- the uye takc.i in the strange- i; M 1 ,1-1-,) liiti'i’i HI -i!i-i .!.)!uiu-:i in AV! e t'j u'lite I.O.—dfii-e scene and grown f.imiliar with it.s up- i t.-rii'ts u'Iku a new liorror j-i.-t ll'th-? R -..li -i! pirtv. r • -'! ■ b ‘ ' -.*•?• 'l . it ivj '! 1 hi ‘a '.h i it -i 111. i-. -p' ti'.ere !- r • i. i i t i i '> :-i I V 1'.'.i .1 ' 11 pjliS emands its atu-n- j II GkOR iK AA’^.tSHINDTON. May‘2,1701.’’ .Ami, sti'angest of all—one reads this a.s 'sie- i bulir did the Ib'tnan legends—they both declin ed the oil’er, giving us a re.ason that they could nml I pld.don had taken phice in a glass foundiy 'J'he editor of the Mu claims to have the ideu Aaron Burr sliot Aleinridcr Hamilton. A wag, reading in one of Brigham Young’s m.niifo'.sioes “th.it the gre.nt resources of L'tah are her women,” exclaimed : “It is verv evi dent that the pr.ipliet i? dispa-cd to husband hi- re.-^ourues.” ( Ii.irles Hcrrman foil from the the third pto- rv of the Maifgoi.l Ho'.lsc, at Cincinnati, on AAfodnesday; nig.ht, receiving probably ftUal in- jm-ies. The Burnet House, in Cincinnati, was Jeaurd several yea:^- ago by Ar, 2«Iiiler_ who cleared F'Aio.OOO ilurina how to bring grRu to hD own mill. They think a lot of gun-barrels fiuiad in a Ni.rth Carolina tree trunk are Revolutionary ellCS. A word of kindness is seldom spoken in J|.* .* lIl't'ltA I »\ IF'VIN- ! t..r*- itw- i.-]». *■» TiYiM- L/llTriV I 1 11 tl *> t> 11-i.ncr s'lcii will I tum- •• ihe-itnio d.iy woii; ah lilt; loiiutrun.s of i beitoj. nerve their coiuitr'', nml the Fedora! | vain. It-Ts se-d, which, even when dropped r,:n lin- to b-o soi-n. AVe the d-i broken up f’ and out of ihe i-osoui of the . Union, too. in tbe Suite Eogi-lature of wliiel. 1 by chance, spviijir.s UD a flower ill '.' of I'no colored .■vr-, wii! cither re- ? Suite Eogi-lature qf wliiel. 1 by chance, springs up -ea, are seen, ri.siiig, i-loml.-of stea.n and smoko, j were me..iher.-.^ Musing.^ pen-iveiy ’ or j . little be vi,- T?i/»birionrl on beinw nct-o-t i • I-1 1 1 not, on this lorirotte-n incident ot our ancient-to-I , -A little boy in Kicnmonu, on being ai,r.ed . while great m.i ..ses oi (he ocian s .sond bed are ! ,.,,j,r„etci i.-iic alike of him who gave ami i bm mother if he would not like to be an a:: )ge.;;ir, or vote , nurRi j them. opp j--.Lioa. d lilg’i in air by the veih-aui Staple Drugs aad Ciuczicals -JrrcLli 2*uro. ^ .^ulphate Quinine, f}’. fc \\'.] S .Jpij.atu r--.- choL.'i. .'•nip. Mur!-!':!.*-. tJu -. f»p:u!i.. 1* vi-.'izcd G. Cat- iiii- r. C.a' >■.. Elc!.--o. Bii.i- Ma-s. ."tr;--’, B •- n.i'i- I’i.*a.--iuui. R-di-.f. I--i rii I'ota.'-siuni. I .vd-' GJyi-i.'- ine. i.f p.-rfocT purifv. ud ’ Carb--’':r .Acid. Cbrj-tais, Ii.-ver’s Dr.-wd*--, Cfjhirate i’iitA.-b. Citric .an.! T.'.rbar:»« , . I , I , r- .. . -Aci'i. Bur*' Cre.un T.irtar. (.Ac-, icy whicn Kct forth as the cardinal doctrine of A’.'® .. pj Yir/b’nn. H. F. .Supplies ,f tt.a above, and in t.j faith at the inauguration of the pre-en*. govern- | I'f-rrv, ffon. .Ab-x. H. Stf';..hcrs. Rori- .A It. I.cii.g- , Ftaj-b- aiid .'•'-aptiHitbl*' itriicu-s- j’lst r.-c—ir^ii i raetil of North Carolina, a.s the onL' qiialifica- j s'reel. Hon. P. Culver, (tea. H. n.-'j., K. I a»ii will be h.- s.ld .a* f,r\.rA^ !:■ s.i’vd, loth. That li.c [iresent deplorable ; 'Vil! vou ii> T emieav.-r to eiii;. : a'.: \ oar fne wbich our .State has been brought | •'t-piauit.rn.-es :ii o>ir ir cjjH'-e ? matt tlual in our din- ncccs-ity, we are (R-prived j ,c.yf.y Margaret Kiel.!, am! many otl er- vl.osfc i of llie servi-.-e.- of onr bt-st and pnre.-t men by a i name- ar’e nell ki.owii to 'io-ra'nre. j provision in-erted in cur national cr-n-titution | Now is the time t-i sub-crile. Vo!. Ill commen- : utterly foreign to the whole spirit of that instru- i v®-" 'vitli t.-.e-iiitie nnniber. j men*, dictated !>y hatred and revenge, and .ac-! THE SUB.S RIBTION PRICE IS $3 50 PER ! complmherl in a periml of high party excitement. So-jU.OOO during the time he munagtsi it, and . and in this State ctirried far beyond its ]'roper , •sijid lus IeaBe for §22-7,Odd- Mr. Milicr kno'wa interpiJalien by a bigoted Judiciary and used J A N N U M, IN A D V A N C FI o TO subserve the end of a few, in opposition j BR.AIF.... to Die repeated rei'juests if our Legi-latiire that i T'*’*' SuLsertbers, one year the disahilitles of ail shall lie removed. j ", Resolved, I7th. That while we regret that any ' T’”,. . , i-,;„„,i c„v honest purchaser should be dei-nved of hi.s jjist ; Single numlicr, 35 cents. Boon lo IUa-7u-rip Made Eo.'-v. and .ib,.re adi, CHEAP. The Cost of the Znjrrsdients is but 30 Cents. ..3 fi r-C' j 3*1 ! AV ith whicIi Hi ijUarT- f Wii-hiog Fin'd .". 3 oe i inado. Add 1 pii-t ■ f tbi- 1T;::1 :.i 2 paiR The tires hcnea'.h I iiio-e vvlio received tliLs mark of confidence, may and have wings, replied that Le hail 1 elr.r-.ror'nc’ in ' wt ijot be cxcused for sorrowli'-g over the con-' Lither be a hawk and live on chickens. ml s!Bgg'.'T-.ug 1 right, we cannot eon.-ent to the payment in full | ^Rt-iable AgeDLs wanted in every Tillage, j of debts contracted by im-ane agent-, and in fia- town and city in the South. Be sure to give fail grant violation of the letter of their authority. Resolved, IStA, That the neglect to inaugurate a .“vstem of Common .School.- and the mi.-appli- ; cation .and reckless investment of the Education- j al Fund, and the unnecessary and tinjndicious j salc-s of property belonging to this sacred trust, j weii i,r smIi.lt water 'rill' dirt:*-- ait-1 i>-iii c."Iia's th'-ui VI i.l c line " j wfiitc and cK'aii, witii v*'ry liiflti riibiiing.— name aud post office address, with name of coucty i . . •• l , , or p-arish. | There is no dangc ot rotting the cU'tUes, Takk Notice—5-end inoneyby Postoffic* Order, ; it h.is beeu tho *>ughly U-.-ted. Draft, or KegistetPil Letter. ' Addre.ss XLN Oenturt Pcr. CoycANT. C. K. CUICHRSlBll, Bu-iness ilanager. 15-tf To bf kad. fUily. .•\t E. .“-lEI.i'S Prog .^t'lre, ?a'isbury May G 2’

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