4 I > * » V i ^ V . SALISBURY, N. C.. MAT 20, 1870. >'0. 20. -V>-, yn yOi^D DOUBT 'i I.'- ( iiiinecticiU Mutual L'. illh. SIKOXOEST L5FE "nsniancc Comp’n ■ •. r.i‘i' ■ . , • , t..’ -I •'i-'-i-.'iit.-- j IriiU, f ■ ■ ■• 1 : A--.-! li-. li- nuu::'ircd ' i’ L‘-ir 'i : jicr .1 ' .Hi u.--;;1'".; - ‘li !-i>ur ■ ^ • . ■■■' ‘ ■ -■ ''‘M at tiu! . ■. . • t. ^ !» \V.\ t. ! , lA,:. ■ ' . V. (■ I n 'o.'til -j: ?!'.7 Oiti. f I.' ■ ' ■ . . . ■ - ’v: r.e .1- i!-,— ’ ■ • . . .1 : l-f -I'li', .. -• t I,: ... V. ;r i- 1. c ii.".-: ! u'ati .iiic, l.;is II .iii.i 1 _ai .i. . ti .u. tin- ir '• . ai'.i! ’I'lt liat.'o in •■■■■: . : . ...i ' . n ' il .III I ■ . ■ II; • \ .A, w .:y, .. > ■' I ■ : I . I l.| . n’^t\ ; I . I .i I ■ ' , . Jim - ■ I . • 3 (MI .• - . •:!’ll i ' Ill (M ■’ T -I . i; , ,r,„. I ’ • • ,1 . r V . I,, .33 II,s. . I 1, I . > 1 ’ IK! 1!,.; Ill' 1 ■ i ' Ik.- 1 ' U.tl.in- -- ... I',.. ... - ....,.,,,1,. i r . .3 .-.•i.t -t.iiiiji. . N lA lA It n: All.. Gtatc PUHLISIIED tVKKUI.Y BY ILi E I S II ^ i.\r E s Editor and I’r'ij.rifdor. Divine prrvice tva? celt hnitetl in the evciiinjj. Ki'V. W. 8. Pettigrew preach ed fioiii 2..1 (Juf. viii. 0. KATES OF SLK illl'l I)\ One \e.\k. [laynlik'in ;id • .lUi-i.- .*3 iiii Si.x .Monih.s, “ ■■ .") ('.ijhhs tu f.iie adilre'"'! !0 Ci.iiie.s to one addrei-..' 20.(10 Hates of AiJCi-riisnu]. -•.AiBijij'S EUTK^, II Mill in N. c. : ‘-ri'j. !.A-i.vd iipprrr. . ■ 'i -1. ■■ .1 ( i.r.' .'•I ’j,. I i . -i; i'At! i- .\ \ii . ' ' ' . .1 .....M, ' ■ ■■ .1' ■■ ' 1 |i ■ :■ liiix.-ii ;-.iK ....'i.r. ■■■ .. .l.‘ ~':.K, I I •• l.ir ' .11 r- :■>.■! ._.-..l:.I - I .. ' •!!■: . .I" .,i • ‘ I K,.;.. I',.IK^ . I :i ON. ■ i ■ •• a;, ■■ ■ f .... ... I'i..! : , ■ I ■ - .‘i I ..ii K . . t .- I. i'.. ; ... - :. |... ■. ■ t i; : j. . I- i jl I ■ - .1 r I ; 1-1 Ill ■ K '. i'l a 1. 1 ■ '. f.'r \ .- n'' r.) . V- : . ,..• 1 ... A,.,,,) . A . ^ . I. I ;... ■ i il ■ • -A . . A , !, . !■ 1 II .1-1;. ( . , .|!-r..; . I . -. .... I .i. r Ill • IX a,it ; . ■ , a 1. ' ■ f K ■ .-.iv. l; i- :.I I I'. . 3 i-iT'.i i; -i !' Ill at Y Via S’rp.a a!' [.in-r. !'. . \ ..... I I I . id. ! I ' M‘.l t I i K ., 1 . i 1 ••:. . .• \!i! .’ ..|i.-. (i.. i: iT.i I i >1-- ^ .. '.1 ad r. .iii'i a; : , . ,l' . ,M- 1 ' i;a.,i y i I ' l. ai.- .liiii !'• Ilia !•. -'ll I I will a's.. I..- , .lid fi-i a :y III'. ..f 1 ■ i. I K. .. o , ,,• 1., ^ ! ‘il. A I ill;' i )k- d !■ d. i; : . dv Id - * . a. i'.:. ,v uAtii;' i.iAki-x'r eiii-Mi I, I’.ii.,-. i'and Swollid _.wi..r I’a.i-.iililct. J_ —112 riaiilviin -^t.. U.tlti ' .r. . Md. ■ aiii22-ly WILLI.4M VALENTINE, Tall-: UAUlimi, # ]k !•“ i r 1 S Ills I'l! '. N .\8 rt! h'a \ ^ -. ,C.. t; fer thi , > • .i" i-i I t . r- ■’ iin. ;if iww : ' • . . ai-; h'. bi!?- ik.»a1 u - . I' Chop, in 3r. I-iOnierscids Brich- Euiidinsr. 2looni T^o- *2, if- ■ . ;ii. b- )ili-i.-.Ki ta thea.i;. n*i . '.‘I t. u ' ...i I: iitrAi.ii ill ktikt Mise.— I'' >■ I'i' .■» I t' tk tn-t.: ilfrir ■I r:!. t.ti , t.i il III-lequiniH a cell I.- \. r . iVi- fj. t5»f'» .Yri— ta' One .Sfjiiiire. first in.serTi..ii Jril.OO For e.u-h additiiiuiil itisei". i.u hO S|)et-i;il iuitii-e> will hi- j.-ii .50 per rieit higher than the ahnve i..‘.-s. Ciuii-t -and du.stieeV ():il.-rs v. ill be juiblisb- ed at the mime rates v. ith .niier aii'. i.Tti.Ke- lllelltS. (tliifiary iMtii-es, over .si.v line?, ci'.a-gi-,’ HSadverti.seii.eiits. coNTu.ACT i; vT,:.-. SPACE. TUI I;!' DAY Sale..(lay, Mav 7th, 1870. 'I'ho coiitI'-riii'lii nif-t at 9 o’clock, A M. Minnie.-' of yeste:(lay read, corrected and i ei--i V. .'i. 'I'he eoii.:ni!t(-(‘ on tlie increase of the Flni.-ei'iri! i vic-i-.; in.i'le ilieir r«’porL — 'J'iie 1' p .it of the J-M.icaiioiial committee wa.s r.'ad, and ai.'o tlo-. rep.irt of the Spe- ei.il t-'iminitti'.. in leg.ird to clericjtl sup- p' if- tesolniion-- oft'.-red by this com- iii t'i w -'iea Inp'ed. Ki port on uiilinish- ed tn’-^iai read. lb ii.iit. of 1 lie Execu- ti\-e .Missne ai y eommirtcc was read ; ahso ine lejoi: of I 111. c-oianiiltee on Finance. D;i 111. i n !lie coi!\-eii!inn proceeded to i-b... I a 'rn aMi! r. Mr ,I. loi Wilke.S waB noi'i'iiati d av a i-.iod'daie for re-election b\- .1 (). .'li.1:.., . i II ■ name of Mr. Jolin ' loi'.'.'i w. wi:!.drawn by IJev. 13. S. !’....iis..ii. A..I. l)..l{.i-M;t was noinina- ]1 li...: ..ig- di.'pi-ii.sed w-ith. A. J DiKn-.'i-i V. a.s ell e’ed 'i reasnrer unani- qttestioiia of debate have boen ov«r. 1 hanks to the Srecrctary. X. I'il- linghasf, for his kindness i'' submitting the mituites to our iuspectieii* P. passed I A MEMORABLE INTERVIEW. j One of the most memorable and im- ; poi-tant interviews which ever took jilace j between two individuals in thisvorld, I was bold on a raft in tlie middle of the j river Nieinen, at the little town of Tilsit, I in Piussia. At one o’cl.oek precisely on THE RUINS OF AXUM. n:..tl 1.. 1 Sipntre. (IA .y ? ."iii . ] M'){) 2 Sipiare". 4 50 (I 2-5 ■- .V' id 0(1 2'2.ilO •‘1 .^ipiartb. tl 00 9(1(1 ! ■■ i.n r;i-. (Ill ;;i),i;0 ■1 .''ipia'-es. i' (HI il 00 i.-) I 'l 2.: '•;! I Coliimn. 1 I (HI Id on .’i nn i.-i n' -i.').' 0 j Uolmnn. 18 00 2-1 (H- ' I ( A k'l (.ill 1 ('iilnniii. 28 00 40 ON ■■(■I' li'' IliiM",! 'I'ne eh cti.Mi of laxia-uiiv e Mi.-;sion.3ry eoiiiiii.t:. e t'.. s I rdi r d No balloting. Ki-v. A A j>.-01011, ii'i-.-. ,1. H Olieshire, II. !) . U -v. M, M. iiMi ill, W. R. Co.x an.l ( i. \'. .'-i.- .' . wk. ■ 1 i. i.-K (1. i.i eil a i.f U.i;(.a!b-.i i.. ii. mil tee order . No ball. ii..,.. Ib-v. (Ji II. Jbiiter.?on, 111'! . (il ’ i, ■ li 1. b: ...iii A. il. Vaiibok- V ."I I- I'li.e.i. .1, Froin the W . .;r_. . i, i,.d. EPISCOPAL DlOCl.SAN CONA JiN- TldN. EdENTOX, Tlinvsdav, .'.'ay 5, 1S70. JJear Jijurnid : 'I'lif li'ly-foni i h ;iiin’.t,i! ('onveil!ion of the IboiK.-o.ii f Uj.i.-eopai liiireh in the .^tato ot Noi:!i t'.iioiina m(-l this morning at ti-n o’chwk, as a])- pointi-d. File Bibliop, the IFjiit Ki-v. ’Fiinnias .-Vikinson, opened the im-c-iing wi’li pr,.v- er. 'I’he roll of the eh gv a.ol i.iy drie- tr.it.-s w-.-n- called, repit-i -iiiing twenty-one [: 'vi'lH -. 'i’l t- Pislmp nntniniie: t ;!i ii i (jii.nnin pii r. nt, and tlu; Coi venliun duly or- P'ln ii'.-d. ' ' ! i.>,.n,-:n of ilie ("’’onvention the Rev. P. b' .'‘d I.-.I'll Win? iMianiii i.usly ( It eud Pi(—idi-iit, .tnd M . N. 'Fd!iitgha,st S(-ere- iai . iKiiloi'ng was (i:pei!Sv'(i with Tin- ('onvention adj.innii-i! fn- d;\in(‘ >. i to iiKct iiniiH di iti 1>- .'if.i-r. Iv.-V. 13. AI. Fortx-s p! t-:!i-:i.d I ...• .Ii i I... Il . in dol'.n x\—22, 2o 'I'ln IF ly t.'oni- innnion w-as adminisii-ri fl lo tliK (-,!ri g', 1,\ ihe Pi.-'liop, and to tin- l.iiy by ib.e liev. i-. W. llillaid and Ri-v. ]lr. P nlcn. '1 he Coiiveiilioii came to eub, r as re- no; ttil. 'i'lie Birhop reqnest(i] the elorgv to !.,N.d in ihi-ir jiaroehiai ripoiis e-itls-, ilmi ilu- (Jon’nniltee on lhe binu-oi the Chiueli might h.ive ample titne t.. examine ihtni. riii.- cninniiitee w-as annoniici d as fo!|ow s: IF V. R. S. 31asnn, 1). D , Rev. 13. ,\1. I'oita-s, IF-v. (ito. I’atw-ison, m. H. I’.itilo, ^Vnl. l'3aion. Tin- Coiivenlion adjourneil until nine o\-!iu-’k a til. to ino row-. At 8 1) eloek [i. m. fiivine worship, and sermon by Rev. Dr. B.iiien. SI-K.'OND DAY. Friday, 9 o’Coi-k. A. M., \ M-iv G, 1n7(). j 'File Convention met p.ii.-ii i, i to u-i- jonrnment. President in tin- eli lir. Roll called. Minutes ci.rn-cted and ap- i-3!i-eiii,i, of bt:i;,(;iiv : eon unit tee order- od iroved. I Nl'FLM'ilM ilAA> I-;: \ N r .\ f .; \m1:!.I\aI;Y (iFi-'KIt 1 >N'T I'Ll.W. ."li.Mi .\T oNi'ci-;;; Tin: Fi AIiLXi. \ I 1 TFRAL »riF AAL "1' 1 Hi. ( I '! MFA', F R 1-: i: F« I R 11N 1-: v i: a r . r A ' ■ ! .N- .-v ./.-K-i;.-'.—A nr't-HrN? !: ’. . .iii...ili;i J ll.J !:;“?• .I.iidilc priee-i. n. . i- r-' _• .1, ,1* n; ,.. ; Ib-i i-dine,, ...nniin- iir ,b. : Ilu. 1) w :k.i-• I'..■ pnii-:iKul l'a..i-nu'i-, F".^,. . - . k I!r.. ,der, Wool lirower, .and 1’.. . Ki. p r, cV-., tVi'.. A: I'.lu.-itrated witii nnii. ro-i- ti:... Fncravii.,.'.- ai.il l.iain.l in ii.-iiui- s.i-i... I-' ilnW'.t M.V., f'-. F.irmers will find tiiF u.i.i'th.y .1 very eflii'ii.nt ;ild in all *he depa.rt- mer;-..' of i'anning ard San k Rrecdirg. It has a Veterinary Dep.artr.unt under the ci.argc oi one of the ablest Profc'sor.; in the United St.iier, who answers ihrongh the Journal,/r..e cj chamje, all (juesUon? relating to Sick, Injuredor Diseau- cd IJorsos, Cattle, Slieep, Swine or Poultry.— Thus every oubetriber has a ilorse .'u:d Cattle Doctor /red. ’G/e are now prepared to cCcr the Amehjcan Srocjf JOUiOfAJL as a j-Ves yij't for cne year, to all new S'Jixriien (qt jene-,va!«l to The Oi.D NoaTii State wLo sfiall snU^ ribe immediately and nay in advanre. This i.sa rare oppcrtinii- ’/wLicb tfie intelligeiil pr; !e of our rcetlcn will no doubt duly appieeiate. Hard in vour .-ubscriptlona at once and sceurc ll;e L'fjock jour- iiol free for a year. TllK C.«EVri-.U UFFOU rtH, A ./ en K LY N K w s P A p E a, p e a M B 11 E D 3 T li. Mcl,['fll'. If ,1. .1. !!ilulLi;V. Jr. .\T ■ i:-I'i'Klt. S. 1-. —(avoiijl !y .a aJ.uuw, >3.(0 Report of the standing eomuiiilee rt'ad. 'Flu* Bisliop’s addre.ss was re.td, and w,.s subscqu'-ntly referred to th • (.'oin- iniiti-e on the State of tlie Choi eh. On motion of Rev. J. II. 'Fiilii.gbast, Residvi-d, That tin- port on of lin* ini- dress t e! iting to an inci-en-■ oi l-Ipi.-e.i p.ii s(-ri ic(s in tiie Di.i-esi; lii- vf i r.-d to a toinmitlee on that snhj. ct winch w,-;^ ap- poioicd !.t the la.sl Conven:ioii. 'I'he Bishop announced i!i'.- l-.)!I..w!ng Regnl.-tr Committees : ()n Canons —Rev. J. B. ( !:■ .-hin-, ] > : ])., Rev. 11. S. Bronson, R. v, ,1. 11. 'I'-d- lintrlias , W. R. Cox, J. (l M.oiin. flu Finance—Rev. A. A. WiU'on. D. D., Rev. G 15. Wetinore, R. H. Sinilii, K. P. Bati!i', W. E. Andei on. (In l-IU-ctions - Rev. R. B .‘''.iiton, ’TF-v C. 'F. Bland, 'F. A. .Montg. n. , On New Parishes — Rev. ,j. llmding. Rev. N Falls, L. \V(-hb On L nlinislied Bn.'iiu s.-—Rt-v. M. H. Vaughan, Rev. P. D 'Fhomp.' ni, T. JI. La-=siter. ; 'I'he report of the 'Freasufi r w.is read. On motion, it was referred lu the Com- mittee on l-'inance. 'Flien- w ere resolntious i.fibred by A.. M. Moore, (it St. Paul’s, I-i .enion, which , Were referred to a sju ti.ii conimitir-e. j 'J'iie Chair Hnnouiu-i d .he ioilu.iing committee a-> the sp. cial : I Rev. 13. S Bronson, Rev. R. 3 Mason. D. D , Rev. .1. B. Clu shiio, D. D , A. M. .Muore, W II. Battle. It vjaa resolved that the Rigiit Ri-vei- end, the Bishop of the Diocese, be re,|uo.s- te l to furnisli to the Gunveution, tor pnh licatioii, a copy of hiS Serioon on (Jon fjrmation, preached in Cbriet CItnrcli, Newbern, N. C., 1861). 'Fvvo ilionsand copies was the nnmbe: fixed npi 11 to lie printed. On nu tion of W. R. Cox, the Conven tion af’juuriu d to 4^ o’clock, p. in., at H hieb lime it met pursuant to the mot on. 'Tlie committee ou New Parishes re ported. 'i lie comn'iilice on Election" also reeorf- ed. Ait(-r othe; business the cnu-.-ention ad- joarutd until p o'clock, A-- M- to looii'u'.v. F-v . IF S \!.i-.(i ij ]). I).j Rev. .M A. (■nr:i^, D 1 I . Rev. A I - inedes, D. D , Hun. 'i','. li. Baitle and (>. \V. Mordecai w-i re cleele'!. Oil motion of Rev. Ilr. Watson tliecnn- ven’iiui naiiinioiisiy expr. .i.--e(l their thanks III tile l.iie 'Fit-asiuer, Mr. ,Jolin \N ilki s, i'or his fbitldal, labo.-i ni.iand disinterested strviees. - IF-po'l reganling tiii(-s to Cluireli Pro- jieriy was read !iy ih-.’ Setretary. 'Flu,- fidiowing depniir-s to the General 'oiiveiit ion wt ;■( r h-i-led : IF-V... R, 8 .\!aso,.. D D.. A. A. Wat- S' li, D. D.. ,1 B. ('In-sinie, D. D., A. Sinedes. D. 1) . VG. 11. Battle, R. H. Sinitli, A. -1. DeRossel, Robt. Strange. Next Animal Convention to meet at Emanuel Cimreli, Wanenion. 'Fliis was deteiinined at the (’onvcnlion’s sitting at 5 o’elock, ]). m., and (lie 4 h Wednesday in May next wa." set as the time ot the etiiig of the said t.’oii vein ion. ‘.)o .-OKI!.Ill fr W.I.- vi-(( Hint 1.200 e |a . of the jouiiials be piinted for di.s- liibntinn. (bunmiiteo Report on the state of the C iiuieli was read. Adjourned to 9 o’clock, a. in., Monday, 9:li iiisi. At S o’eloek. p. m., service and mis- sioii-.uy .‘uldvesscs. Sniulay, .May 8 Ii, 1S70, morning ser- \-ic*3 at 7 a. in. At 11 a. m.. Divine wor ship, dining whieli Mr. Gabiiel .Jolinston w-as ordained Deacon, and also James 13. Pnicell, M. D Rev. 1-''. .J Mnrdoek w-as ordained Piiest. 'J’iio sermni; was jncach- (d hy IF-v. Edwin Geer, f rmerly Rector ot 8t. pet, r’s, ^V.'isliingloii, of this Dio cese, ii'iw- III Norfolk, \’‘t. Ai G o'elock, p. Ml., Confirmation. Nine were eoiifii iin-d. 'I'iirei* of them colored. Rev. Di. Waison preaelu'd. ^FmuI ly, ]\I:iy 9di, 1S7U, 9 o’clock, a. Ill , (jiiii\-eniion met. ()n molion of 'V. II, Battle it was Ri so!\-. d, 'Fii it this (bmventinn place upon its i!-(-or,i.-^ tin- ."xpression ot its grate- Inl seiis!- Ilf ilie einiiu nt and long contin- M-i! Sel l iee- to ll.e ('iMireli of the Hon. Fli.-iinr,? iF.illin. L. ].. 1)., often a delegate i-i I'le eonven.ion, and, also the scivices it tl'c lion 8.mine! .j. I’erson, an ofiicer ot iliis M idy, hoth of wlioni have been ta ke'; t'l lie i: rest since tin- last con vention. PERSONALITIES IN JOURNAL- j tlie 25ili of June, 1S08, boats juit off Wp nnke fbo ^,1! . . c ! opposite sides of the stream and We make the following extracts from ^owed rapidly to the raft. Out of each an article winch we mid m tne editorial j boat stepped a single individual, and tlie columns of the 13altimorr Etiirdai/ Night ; (•"’o im*t in a small wooden apartment in of May 7th. TJie Bubieet is treated in a i of ‘‘‘o »aft, "bile cannon ihun- , . , .1-1 -1 . ' iroiu eitiier short, and the shouts of manner wtiicli, we tJunk, skmnot fail to , . , ' • i i i , ’ ’ • I threat armies drawn upon either bank I mret the ayiiroval of every ihiiiking man : ; drowned the roar of artillery. The two i o'Fhe press of onr country—especially 1 persons were the Emperors Napoleon and ; certain journals in New ^nk city—lias ! Alexander, and the history of the time j been greatly remiss in giving way to per- j tells us that they met to “arrange thedes- : sonaliti(-s. 'Flie Pliiladeljihia Inquirer, ; tinies of mankind.” And the hastily con- I whicli, we are pleased to say, has iini- , sirne’ed raft,on which the interview took ; formly inainl.iined a resp-L-r|nl and digni- place, will be remembeied as long as tlie : tied tone in its editorials, takes sonic of | story ot the coiupiest and mighty armies i its Golliamite eonleinpoi-aries to task for ; can interest tlie mind of man. 'Fhe con- , their wrangling. W e hav ■ onrsi-lves no- ; ference lasted but two hours ; in was en- i ticed lliat tin; Irtbitne, wi:!i the ancient ! tirely private between the two Emperors, j savagery ot l.uignage, put-i.ies the Times, \ nnd yet it was fraiiglit with momentous ; and that jonrna], forgeltul i)t tin* position ' conseqnenees to miliioiis- It was one of it won under tin- Generalsliip nt IFtymond i the great crisis in human historv, when has abandoned the policy .4' that leader! the ciii-reiit« of power hat govern the na- and replies in terms wiili v, iiii-!i its old- tiuns take new directions, and break O'/er tinu* readi-rs are nnfannii.it, wliieli we are the bound barriei’S ot ages. saiisfii (1 they will regiel i a-years to come. ' Go back eigliteen hundred years be- “Flie /x'/'u'/Y.-r justly siys that to “all yond the treaty oUFilsit, and we can find tlu se b.iM 1,-s of I In-editois no one would a private eonference between two indi- probably olijeet if they \ave carried on i viilnals of far more momcntmis and lasi- ontside of liu-ir respectiv -papers, but eon- ing importance than lh.it between Napo- dneted inside of tlii-ni, iIm jiublic is m ule Icon and Alexander. 'Fliis more ancient a j arty to quarrels wliieli are simply de- : interview was not watclied wiili expect- j nioi-.ilizing. 1 lu-y po.iS(-.-*s, so far as we ' aney by great armie." ; it was not hailed I liavc seen, not a single rulei-ining feature. ! by the ihniulers of cannon and the shouts , 'Fhe nowspaper is to-d ly the most potent , of applauding thnnsaiuls ; it was not ar- I ieachcr of the period ; il-; mission is high i ranged befon-hand by keen and waiclifnl I er than tlie iiuliilgeiiee-4 its editor’s male- i agents gniding tlie interests and safely of j viileuce against Ids rival. Its biisiiu*ss is j the two that were to meet. It was in a to give to the fullest exlcot ilie daily Ids- ^ private lumse at a late hour of the iiiglit tory of civiliz itiou. and tii.-(eatli-r it broad- i and il was brought about by the fiiingled cast upon tlie world with ndy such com-A-nriu.?ity and anxiety of an old man to know something more of a voung teaclu-r inent as may st-rvi* to in ku 1,,... . ,.-i, It cli-aier to those wlio read. '1 he i-d or’s andifnci* is 1 irger and more mixed :! ni that of either •,!ie pii-aelu-r, actor (u itatcsni-in His Work i.s scanned ( very da;,’ by lefined and culiured women, as. well.shy men wliose I insiiucts revolt against lie coarseness of ju-rsonalilies. Children, whose minds are j forming, are also his n iders, and iln-y [ should he instnie.ted, t lcv.ited hy tin* new .spaper ; not demoral zed and corrupt ed.’ who had recently appeared in his native city. And yet from that humble night contei-'-nci.- of Jesus with Nicodemus,there have gone forth beams ot light and words of pow er to the ends of the earth. The plans framed by Napoleon and Alexander at 'Filsil were reversed and defeated long ago, and it is impossible to trace tlieir in- lliieiic'j in the condition of European na tions to-day. 'Fhe words spoken of Je sus to his w ondering and solitary listi nor I •' \Yo most hr ir'ily x j with these : that night, have already changed and jId- I sentinu-nts. They ai',* ae .o the very ' rifled I he destinies of iinim-itnl millioup, I h-iti-i-and shoiib! lie ca fuliy tn-a.uu-(-(l. ai..lt!'i y have more iiGlni-nce now thmi I A piibljc jiuirn.i! is isnu i fu;- tw-o piiipo- , in any |iievions ag-e ; and tliov are des- j ses especially — first, as .. piivafe business, lined to ('o on incii'asing in power until • liy which the prnprietor linpi-s to make an ' diey sh-i!l be received as the message ot : honest, honorable living; and secondly, : life and love by every nation under lieav- I to arcompli'h good by lusuiting to its' en. j readers us( fnl infiirmatiin. j » ! “'Fher.e are some edit, rs w-Iio imagine! Startling Discoyeries—In the‘Ar: I themselves so consoquertiai i hat the i\ hole ' and Science enminaty,’ of the Old Guard, ! community innst be iiiieresii'd in tlu'ir ' tur May, w’o have a rather startling ac- , jnivate affairs. Hence vre find them til- i count of recent discoveries by !M. Be- ; ling column after cnlum.i w iih vitupera- champ,and another pcientific Eieiichman, ' lion, abuse or fnl."ome l.iadation, occupy-; of the tiatiire of blood in man and tlu ing space w hich their te.-iders have doubt- j milk-giving animals ’I’hey have dcinon- straled hy a series of experiments that tile blood globules, instead of being real RELICS OF civilization IN AFRICA. A writer in the Natal Alcrciirif says : “A day’s mat ell from Anduwa, betw e en tw'o liills at the end of a vast and fettih*, valley. are the ruin.s of Axutn. To thi." incrcdilile flights of stone .steps coiulnct the traveller up to the suiiiraits of the hills, in one of xvhieh are found deep grottoes and vast halls cat out of the rocks and ornamented -w-iih columns.— Tliere, according to the traditions of the country, is the tomb of the G.iueen o^^a- ba. The adjoining valley, shaded b^ma- jf-stic tiees, is filled by the remains of the city, consisliiig of liiige blocks of stone. Very little of the debris reveal their for mer purpose. There may, however, he disiiiigiiished two groups of fourteen or fifieen obelisks, tliimvii down. Some of theiu are covered with ornaments, and are not less than ihirty-.'ix feet in length. 'Fhe.-e masterpieces of ancii nt architect- nre reveal to us the tact of an ancient civ- iliz.iiioii in the heart of Africa, whicli has disappeared again tlionsaiids of years since. Neibnlir tells n.s of a ni'glity Abyssinian erujiire existing here, men tioning, in parlienbu-, .Salia, and says it was so powerlul that even tlie Roman and PaUlienian stiei’gth could not prevail a- gainst it. 'I'he last statement was taken from a Greek insetiplion. found among the ruins, eiigravcil on ."tone. On the re verse side i-; another engraving in some aueient l.tngnago, wliieli has tint yet been deeiplieii-il. 'Flie tiibcs guard tlu-se in- ins w irh ji alotis cme. No living animal is tiliowfii to lie killed in llietn. no ti o pennitted to be destroved ever} llang coiineeiid wiili them being held s.aetcd, a-" bi longing to a god or an evil pow er. A ini.-(.--ienary, wlio penetrated to w ithin a sbort (li.-tan.ct' (>f tlu* inins, writes: “Ui tins con.(try w-i-n- iu.'(> found soine n rv old guns ill bi.le in the iie'untain. We got niu’ n! tin* l icks of tliese gnus, and ioiiiid ll.;it it irnl -a w lo-i l ont.-idc* w iili Cog.' or ice'ii : and a iiadiiinn exists 'Init .' y '■ K. ■ t. Ki-I : li; ^e 1 (11..I- 'i . I! I OS ei - Oii 11 il^ IN. W IK ,1 : - d II ; -v- ((!•- ’ Ji Goc . n t" 11! t 1;. b'j stoiiv* in 11 -t HI S B A N i) ■ .s ( ' O M M A N DIIE N T. — T h 0 a slinh love t o other man but me. i liou shalt not have .a dagiit rrotvpo or ; any other likeness of any man. but thy i linsband. 1 hou shall not keep it in secret orwor- siiip it lor thy husband am a jealous hus band. ' Thou shalt not speak thy husband’s ' name w ith levity. Remember tby husbands comioand- . ments to keep them sacred. Honor tby husbaiiJ and obey h.im that thou niayst be loug in the home he has given thee. ! 1 Itou slralt not find fault ■wheu ihy : husband cI.qwb and smokei. I’liou shalt not scold. Thou shalt not permit thy husband lo wear a hultoiiless shirt, hut shalt kc’p liis clo’hiiig in good repair. Thou shalt not continnallv g.arl abi ut neglecting tliy hitsbaiid and family. Tliou slialt not siiive to live in the style of thy neighbor unless lliy husband is able to support it. 'Fliou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s fine house nor fine furniture, nor ids ! wife’s ihoits.aiid dollar shaw-1, nor her fifiv dollar h andkcichief, nor anything that is ihv neiglibor’s. 'Fiion slialt iiot'go to 'Woman s Rights meetings, in ithcr to speak thyself or hear others speak. 'Fh 11 siialt not scold if tliy husband siat out till after ten o'clock at tnght. 'Fiion slialt not run up large bills at the stores w liich tby husband is unable to foot, for verily he knowci'i his means. A New ^oik Clitic, in noticing Mr. Ft cliter’s pi-itorm.ance of “Dun ( u.'-;.ir do B.iz ui, Says tli'it li.s invocatii'-n to \\ ine in tile pri.'on seeiic-.n.dt d as it it w-t ro spoken from llio l'.-i!i -.vii g I-. x:; ••’I’iss Ittrg sinze you and d’l hafe m. d. Bn ten ders to tliv na-aiui- hafe often wooed tu.il won me. bud rln ii art the tliiiic d.s eiid and (.f the. vine.” Fins is wlidt Leavenw-orth. which is in K-ins.-'s. eh'.iins the eliamnirni licit I.'.;-: — * ’ *\ e i‘ .1 ■' I: n I'l i I r .'i ’ 1» .1 ;ii,:ji'.'i liic. tl.'- !' ’.y li. '.^iK ie all creat'd tilings me to G : M-en—. \-( :i spl,in, |iyriiiiiJ.J ,I;.tped LuilGingi- mid “KiS" '..to. \ ”—“Kiss me, inain- in.i, le(*nc I sle'-p.” How sininlc a 'i. un ; vet how sooihi;m ; ■ the litih* -np- : d 'Kt ?nft,-cn;l- ki'" T!.a iini,* .'ii ,i 1 . k.' (-01 '• ;.:e;.I\ « I iho - .'ii.iv.-. f..r nce a ,p[F-.; V 'Fc I less paid in advance for to have otherw ise ' appropriated.” “Sensible editors, wo admit, are very much like other sensilde men, and know full well tliat readers, erjual in judgment w-itli triemsclVOS, take ii. interest in sncli Itcrsnnalities. Hence iinidi-nce always niaiiif(*sls itself in the cnnlnct of journals controlled by sneh persins. cells as bitberto supposed, are really litile microzomps —infinitesimally pmall aiii- mals — of whom there are thus countless niyiiads itinning through our arteries and veins ; that these develope into bacteria, and otlier minute animal forms, and that they arc in the nature of true fpiraeiits.— ground very 'i'li-i l-.I!i:ig pi-K.-imlde and resolution w-.ts r.li,-!;■ iikm;i-dV adopted: 11 "F k-.s-. Fids CO'.vciitioti is now sir- t.ng lor til!- fi;-."; liui" in eight year." (w-iili o;ii- I vt-' prionin a ( 'hiireh tlie sittings ot i:a-:i a: i-_,it So. m,.; to bc ail appro- pi laf" '■ce;..-i •!! f If [in* expression ot lln^ .'Ciisi* .it [In.? body o:; that subject; tiiere- 1 ('i Rv.-nlvt ;1, 1 h.'.t tins Cotiyeution a)i- provc? nt iit-e seats in (..^Inirclies, and sees ‘v;;h ph . surc I'-.o adoptiou ot' I lie priiici- nl( ill any I’amln s where a diff’ereiit sy.s- 1' a. 1- 1. 1; t.-ii :.* prov.;ih-d. . N. i i;...igl,,n;t oii(.r((l the follow- i n (T • RcsiUid F?t. 'i'hat in order to secure a .'len-i* i ii ieprcse ilation of the Par ishes, ilie G'liivt-iiti )n ii coniinc-nds to vr s- tii-.-s that the iraveiing expense.? of a' • ■ a-il o.ic- (l-jFgate sln'uld be pa'J bv the P.ni-h R'-S'ilved 21 I hat at the ri’quest of the \ estry (d'any i’arish, luinibeiing le.ss t'.iaii ten eouiiiiu.iicaats, 1 in;'Fieasnrer of the eonvi'iitioii be anilioiiz -d to pav I e tr.iveln.g expi-tises ul one delegate f'joai the same. 1 he 1 i‘sol ill ions wei e voted upon sep- uraiely, and were adopi(*d. (')n motion of J. B. MelFie, of Fat eiie- vil!(*, N. C., the follow ing w.IS aiianimons- ly adopted : Resolved, I Iialtlio thanks of the iii(*m- bers of tills convention are due and are lien-hy (endcii d 'o the R(>ctor of this Par- irii, liis C( ; g.-igaiion a!i.i tin* eitizuns ot 1.1.e;! ua generally, foi- tIn* kindi e's, emr- tesy and hospitality which has been ex tended to ihetn during ihe sittings ol the coiivenlion. Convention adjourned sine die. Ihe '’Gloria in ExtJs'lsis” wag sung.— A ] r4IL-> (lii.* I>! *!!oJ•. i K.‘ iu.c^-N g a .'implc ( tatemeiu of tu- ino^t i:n;i.>rtant tilings brought before the (Jouveuli'ja. Minor matters, and “ Fliere are otliers, toi. connected with j 'Fhcy sccin to make their : poitions of tlie public jin ss, w-ho one, I cle.ir, hut the editor of the Did Guard, in I would suppose from tin language used ! citing some e.xpeiimcnls bv Tigii, w-lio by j 1)3’ them, Iiad b(*(*n drinking gall and \ adding water to pound niulberry leaves I wormwood all their lice?. 'Fliey can ! s[)eedily generated .Rcrc/erio, puts the per- scarre!\- tind in iht'ir Iip.a-;s to sav' u clev’- ' tinent t[iii-r3’: hat is the Bpecific dif- er thing of anyhi-alv. .any |Kirty, sect or , ference between these and tlie cause, iiDi in accord wi:]) ?,-lii.?h opinions ! into w-!iicli, according to the observations t-nt(*rtain(*d lyy tlHunseK -?. Tlu v’ appiar of M. Bec-liainp, the microzomcs of tlie In think abii.-u*. stniiig (id; in intcrniinalile I biood globules, develope under certain adjeeii\ (-s, is ih'* quinti-M nee of ediioiial ciicumstat.c-es F’ Followed bv one still j eomposilion, V, hi!.?!, it 1-:)i!y beg.-ts con-j moit* significant : “Do these microzomcs j tempt wiiii every tast«!„l ivader.” ^ exist iiUtlic (icinr/ blood ?” \Ve are very I — ; rntieh peisonnlly obliged to Dr. Eiigli.-li ' Peaul.s. — 7 lit’ CuU/ornia.— contained in those qne- Tlie Revemie returns lu)- 18G9 rcci ived ; would bo ver}’ unpleasant to I b}' last mail from ('ity of Mexico, show : (hink that W’c are kept alive solelv bo- j that the ealeh of IF-ai ? and Shell for tlie ‘■••uise countless milliotiB of little wiggle- ; past year on tin* G'lif 'oasi of the terriio- ‘ fellows are running races daj’ and ; rv' granted to the "Lo■.-nr California (?om- : through our bodie?. We breathe pany” anvjunt'vd to tli large sum ot S78, ^ '' hen the snggefition is made that one. .r j those fellows come through fermentatitni. i 'J his, of cour.?o is t :e valuation of tlie 1 ''■’hen the blood has left our bodies. I-'m- ' ikail.s given bv the (R'ers and specula- to;-.", and i,? eon.-fiptertly very much be : low-liie actual value i f i'lo eatcli. A Pearl i,? sold fi’t rpicniiv- fro .520, ' wliieli rt-soid at Pamniii at .$200, brinms I S2,00''> in I'ari.?; and ut ni:in\' (ju.ses nutcli greater pn fit.s h ivf I'eti made on verv fine gems. I Xot over or.t* tn-* c.'itcli ir? ever ro- ; ported to the Government, and the yield ot till* Galt fir 18G9 m-Uv bij safely esli- i mated at •S.300J)')0 in i^ 'hl. aFl tlie terrors of trichinii\ and all tliat. to the horror that .Mr. Be- are notbing elicimp and his comrade have Fpre-ad bc- t'jic* us. I A man h iving boiijht a hundred dol- I hir poeUct !iantlki*rclii"f lor hi.? better half, ; an acqnainianee reniBk'*d that site must “a duck of il v/ife "; to w hich .a hv- be be a goose ot stander added, “or he mu a husband.” Tw o drinks of Pittsburg whiskf’y have provi-d e.lough tiv get up a fniier.il. 'File w-ln at land.? ( I ^ubfornia comprise iiea. ly 1,UUU,00C acr* ilrs Lincoln's -The House of Representative.? passed a resolu tion giving Mrs. an annual pen sloii of 83,000, to tak'’tff(x*t imtm diatt pc. 'File lady wonlil prou-io!\' coiisiiler this The Largest Farm in Pdngland co;-,,?:?t? of 3,000 acres, and bt longs to S unn* i Jones. In its cultivation he follows tho “fniir-couise” system, the w hole exteiu of the farm being dividoid info four erep? — 750 acres to wlieat, 550 to barley and oats, 750 to seeds, beans, pea.«, ice., and 750 to roots. His live."toek is Viilm ■! ,i? follows: Nhcep, ?35.000; liorses, :i5, 000 ; hnllocks, 812,000; nigs, 82 5on.— 'Fin* oil cake .tnd com pnrehast ri ai'iiu ii- iv amoinits to §20,000, and .ariificiai i- tilizers about -88,000. 'I'he entire c*' -t (d manure, in various forms used, anii i p”;. costs about 515,000 Sheep are da 'm d as the most profit,ible stock ho 1 . t-p?. from which are realized about 820,(i *' a year. His income from the wliole l.ti::;. though not stated can be little lees tb.t.; 8100,000. l iigin ( v;-? .•■’.■r- . ard i!.i- i. Fj- i? ji-v- ih'g U, ,1 1 ;y-I.I ~.i: !;V i 1: ...'Ct' I! CC. D-.?. kvin it, n:,..;’nia. i'.-r tii it g- I i.-Kbt k:.?.? will linger in niemorv w In-i. the yiv (i 111 ? !ii‘.'iil‘!orirg ill tin- g;- i\c. J'ii!- nip nii'/rv ot a geirrl;- iniitinT'.-- !;!.? b i-; dll -n-.i ni.inv a loin lv w.i;;,; i-ci V pi!- g; image, and ha? Li-eii the In :n*on lycli: ;o ilininiiin'.e hi-! ile.?ii!ate heart ; for r-'icem- bt r Ft!* lias many a "terniv Ijilbiw t.) cro.?.?, many’ a ruggid p.nh to climb, with thorn.? to pierce, and we knipw luit w Iiat IS in .?tor(.- for the little T;e so .sweetlv slninbeiing, w iih no niariiag'* care t*) di.-- tmliits peaci fill dream?. 'Fl.t* pardn d and fevered iiji wili beei me dew v again as reeiplhclion to tlie siift’erd’s cniidi—a nioiliei's love—a mother’s kiss. 'Fln*n kiss your little ones ere they sleep—there is a magic po.ver in that kiss that willtn- dare to the end of life. JusTicF. AND Liberty.—'Fbe laborc-r eiidurcs tlie burden of ilie dav’, exposes liimselt to rain, the sun, and the winds, to piiepare, by his work the Inirvi .?t whidi w ill fill Ins granaries in the antmnii Justice is tlie harvest of the peojilc. ! he meclianic rises before tlie diu n. iigbls his small l.inip and labors witho it n*laxafiun, to obtain br-.-ad tor himself and diililren. .Inslice is the bread of the people. I'he merchant dedii.os no pains and complains ot no labor ; he exlian.sts liim- sdf. forgets sleep in order to amass tidi es. Liberty is the riches of the people. 'Fhe sailor traverse? fhe ^ea, exposes himself to tin? waves and the teinpe.-t. de li vers himself to danger, snffVrs tin- cold and the Inat, tliat he ma\’ .?ecure for Iiim- s* If I(*rt in old age. Lile rtx- is the rest of the pc-f^plo. 'Fhe sddi«T S'libmit? to the severe.-t pii- vati'iii? ; wateiit-s and lights, ai d ^iied2 Fir blood t'irtnat wliieli he calls gloiy. Lib-tiay is the glorv ot the p,i-o].l -. Il li.eie is a pe(>ple liiat est't-m.' juS'. iie«* ami lil- v y le-.- tlim t'.io lab- r r IFs Inirvi.:!, tl.e :m di.iiiic !.:.? lu -i tl ,.i.. clniiiic iici.es, 'he PC im p lo-r. ;pli!i l""i .1? tcli'i v, p.iict an ti i •• ■!'• .a liijrli wnii, that a’h 111 i\’ not ini* ei iln- '- “Don’t you think,” said a vain fdlow . “that I am fit to be Fresideipt of the* Uni ted States, or King of Gre it Briiian /"— an insig.iiiicant aiiioH'‘D and the Senate j ' No; hut yon might make a doge if \'e- therefore, it seems, hy remarks in that j nice, if the title were oul^’ curtailed b}' a body, c n emplate? her touch more. I, letter.” (',(( in- V i KPJ- i- 4\ ’ 1 Cl :if‘r and t un t i?:ei-. and .-in 1 ■tin 1 .''•■me fl it lid was i ( liioii: t;F ir ’.\ itli t 'F: 1 , tbv (.ctuf, .ib.nii hi.- pi• t -.n.tx-,n:;d pjO’-'Ki t! • ^clij.turai injure ion. • .''Wi;ir ; . ’ a' ail.'' “i d.oit’: said ('Fnkf. “i (,n- 'x- S 1- .1* W iiK . rF'-ol l::.-.'' i .. ■ '. • li pW-F. -i.'-n, I I.i v i ke in in,a “ . *■ * l-n ■:•. a .--lI;..;; :i t C',,\ (• » M 1 *A (.*.•11 .'l;c hi' kik-G h‘ r ;:ttii|ini tin.--!'.' 1,. *Ki' in.-'ii!.' sc'-p.-'n •)[ '.i.i, nu . ' I 1 ^ ’ ’. Ddh LiV Ilf r rj i P U". An eniitiit (irs ii.t' .;nci: ip-nj.i:’Ked in a h eture. ’-Ii: selecting y iir jpartrer? foi iile, choose p(-rsoris ul iiaturaliv a giKpd 'Ji.-[>risition — th'-.-'- who are bv i iiitire ! hci rtni ii’id gchth*. It 111 - v riirpi :?e voti i(p hf.-pr ill',* phiee lliC.-e b>iu.(_- j ; .\ ; bn! I aiii ot Bii.x'.er s "pipiion, who said thu." tiic gi-ac'^ of (3irpl couhj i.ve wiJi perstus that be could uoi.” till- C'lntlagr.iiiun cpiicker. s’ ly ilu-ie h.n g*r ai p! go i.uiiie wettir lli.4u a:.y o:li« r iown in A:.*.!.riCii.” .‘i ymirg hidy ui.ce n'.ip'id a man by 'he iiame ot Dust against tlie w i.-h of in r p .ianls. Ati -r a sl.ort liii.c, tla-v bv,.' •aiihajpjiiiy tog. iher. and stip* n luri.ed to hi-r t:i'li'.-r’s Inpu.-e, but he r( fu-.-d t » j-,- e.iv( bi-i. Si.viiig-. --Dn-t f). a art, and n..to Du^t til.Pit .'ll.Jr return.” 'i'i.. i r s r lt( *1 Imt .u s! -nlir s- par.ati.'n Fet'vii n a womitn'? i.ivc and lu-r h.--'c.— 1 i-f kcf'ti teeth ate vii'■ tn.-iitn Ilf; sweet Igtp?. Loui.-'viilt*. May Si!'. — I'l the S.'i'.'li.'rii B;’p'i-t '.'!!venti.,n li-d.py. lb v. Dr. Je- tv-r. (pf \ iigiiiia, (pff. red a i.-s.-lntiun to re- !• I t I il Ci.niiniilee th-- subi -ct .it cu-p.|ip r- atioii between the Baptist G liurehes North .and South: suiG e..mmitt'e t'l re- j.uit whetiier any. and if.;: v. what aclinn smnild be taken i:i tin. pip-mises bv ilii.s Lo.iy. Aficr a long and spicy (b bate, tlie rr-s- olnlioii was adopted by ii l.trgp* maj'uit}’, aiid a coininitteu of Piu tcen r [ppoini'-d. T lie I‘rf si(ie:i’ ha.? app.pititf pj the fol lowing as the boaid of vi.-itors to West I’oiiitfor 1570: Ib-v. I>|-. Newman, pn,-- torof the Metiop.i!;mn M. L. church ; R V. Dr. Scars, agent of the I'eahody Soutlicrn educational fund; Hon. I U Sloan, eX'tneiuber ot C .ngress from Wis consin ; Judge '1 homa? .’"Ct’lc, North UaH.l'n.a ; Col. .liJiu M Brown, Ky ; I’lfit. Cliaih-s ^Piling. Dartmoiitii • .1- I'-ge. New Hampshire, and vice Admiral Porter. The .^iiakf "periaii dr^ma w-';h M -. IlacKett .and ^Ir. \ andei.In ff as special aifractions, is j’oorly putionized by ibe ( hicagoans. James Platt, formeily ])rominent in t!ie political hi?tory ot New York, died Wed- m sday at bis residence i.i Oswego, in bis 8 3d year. 'Flie new' literary cUib in New Y ik, tlie L(.tu.?, is lik'-lv to become u formida ble rival ot the Century. Only a dozen p'rso:.s atlp.-ndeda recent iiie( liiig ol the Oouk i .mnty W’oman Suf frage Association at (Jhicago A liner was recently shot on the read b'-tween M'lol and Cipamlah, India, win is ? 11 J.posed lo iiavo kiih.d and devoured 127 lii'.mun victims. 'i'ln-ie have been many rf a g'-mb-niaii, but the j.:>,:’it-s: and m ■?: ] i- ihi-iie that givp n by a v.ning- FOv. “A g*-n;i!-m !!i," says .-'ii.-. “i- ; hiiUian i. i..g c liibinhig a w.L;;a:,’s te;.'R ri.c-? with a m coiir.-.gK.’' Ai; iiiiH.ceiit wr-’.'-r ii.f'.rms u? that iii'p-.k’i.d e:nbr;iC! > w. Hew ui'i , i. i iitipiiy kind r-f in.m wi ■ did not. A br.ive l.iisF n.d C p. ter Fa’I.-r. f D. iw.n-t* county. !• I I IPv bed aiui m.i4K cr. pt the I pck .-.pI* ins w '.fi- Fk bp I k , liim. G' li. Ln:ig-trei t a; jp. n;-p.] in th •,p-?s!on g'*:''-n njp ny tipc ii(-grn ? i. an? in h i -'i’ ! tlit ;nth an. ; .i'-Ki r. pr.'« N'.-w- () A: a rp-c.-nt cinncF. n',(’.-!ii.g in N-w Al- h.-;y. jiulia’ia, ot.e . f ii.i ; a: tcipup.:.?, 'T, i Isii.g to r. late In? t x j'*-i i> i.cc. fxiudfd coilsidera’f.lt- mlp.:ri;.s.?m . t. .-inci -.c-gan Ins reuiaiks by .-.lying: "I leel — I feO —I feel.” and then Li'.k-.'d.owpi comphte- Iv. 'Fin- company at Br.?t thong;.' the brother was going to tit g “She I'ly."

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