, . - --4-1. ,;. . , , , , . . -V:J ...r -.JH j . ,,,,, ' ' '.:-.- X "fBKSBmammmmmmmmmmmBBtBSKSMBS9flf "'"""""'Tl"- SaSBSSaaBaaaSSaSBSI MM aasBBjaaasai MMMMMMHMMMMMMMiMMaMMHMggMBWMMnWiMMMHMl 5-T If II, ,11 WM mWt TO lr bTTi Iii LULt SALISBURY, If? ., JUNE 10, 1870. VOL. V. ; ; NO. 23. i m ra 'J BEYOND DOUBT The Connecticut Mutual TS THE STRONGEST ' at Lll-t insurance (Compn by the N lOO, Slldi 'X'JHLM Ca: .tot ever IW.OPO.oCJ f axpensoa to total receipts ih imso, only & Mr east. ' IU ratio of Assets to Liabilities, aa measured the Nw York laral Standard, if $l.V.,04l per I it frjnuca all deatrablo lornis ol I usur strictly equitable terms, and at Uie ; attainable rates of coat. 8. D. WAIT, Oen. Agent, Aprl It Offlee, Kalei. N. C J NO. A. BRADSHAW, Agent, Salisbury. BARBEE'S HOTEL , high point, n. 0. Opposite baIluoad depot. Ten pacts from where the Cart atop. Meat ofportera in attendance at all train. Mail 8Upe for Salem leave tliia house dally. laaaaMW diapatcuad tt any (rulul at abort notice by private conveyance. G lateral for the liberal patronage of the paat we hope by strict attention to the wante of oar guests to aatrita contin nance of thi same. WM. U. U ARB EE, Jan. 7, 1H70-Itf Proprietor. PAINT8 FOR FARMERS AND OTHERS The i ration Mineral I'alnt CoWare now manufacturing tlie beat, cheapest and most du rable paint in aae ; two eoate well put on, mixed with pore Unseed Oil, will last ten or fifteen years; It is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, atone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for lion sen. barns, fonees, carriage and car makers, pails and wooden ware,; agricultural implements, canal boats, vessels end snips' bottoms. canvas, metal an) slungle roofs, (it being fire anil water proof.) floor oil cluths'iine manufacturer lia ing used 5,00(1 bills, the past year.) and as a paint lor any purpose is nnsimmsseil mr body, durability elasticity and adhesiveness. I'M re 96 per bbl. ol 300 lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to noma Warranted in all case as above. Send for a circular which gives full purtirnlars. None gen Me aniens branded in a trade mark, raltnn Mm era I Paint. Persons can order the paint and remit the money on reccpt of gonna. Address. BI DWELL CO., jaa. 7, l870-6m 254 Pearl St, S. Y NEW IN IS agent. Ml IW dot Ian. SilJreu L. BTIB l3rtt A DAY I 40 nfw si tirl. . m in. Mas. five BBINB, HarltJM. for at gt nllsj ijnM S ALU KM. tmi Ht Circular, ttrf-t'mm aaslo. ami stand. MptovsM.it. B. W. BOWK, t An Btesfi, fHililila, Pa, H tan vi i.i vii, 1U. th4. h Jiiak w a i itas.su i avgins aag. lOBIotja, R0WSTRAKlK!Tk Marriwl tailas rM- J tah-Coniiiaiili.n con'alm Uw alrl isr rmallon H, nl free for iUioi oer, ra. Adilrrn MM. at. MKTMUKH, Han fwri WILL PAY A0NT4I a aslar. f IS dollar. r V v wen i r alluv a lr eommlMlui l liivrn'lon.. AdUrM. Mich. J. W. r KINK A CO., Maraiiall, ANTKU, AO BNTU-tn dollar W.lch (Ih, . Irr n rral- l to r.OTV Llv. Baa vs. will ac aa oar area'.- - Uualuen. Ibrklsivi tiouo'ablr ; p-y. i dollsri per da. Addrea. a. MOriBoa iissiui a un , rnisMrfii, rs.. lOOK AUKNTi WANriO ' Ladlr. of 19 U-iv " No opporitloa. Burl rnsravlni aales. For drml r. Cincinnati and Chicago, u. s. ri Wlilt. as. KspM it I. trill Mi CO., s ALUM CM Wasted Is a naytaf trail riiiiaii DY,41ChsMntil .t.. .Iphls. t. KKNNX- FYCUOMANCY, FASCINATION or SOUL-CHARM-INO fOOrag-s, clolh. Tlds wcndarfnl book has fall Instruction. I tnsbl. the reader to faK'nste .Ith.r if i, . r any animal, at wHL MesntarUm, (.irltu.llsni and tundreda of oih, r curium .xp.rTmi h's. It can be swrahs wl bv 'vwUntf sddr. ., with ten will poilag., to T. W. YAWS A CO ,Ko AO, South Klshth St., Phll.d.lphla. STsB rPANOLED BAMHIB.-A BVf, 40 eihwa pa psr, Lrdsw .is., illustrated. D. voted to Bkrtchc., Po'n . Wit, liumor, senulnc fun. Won rni. (of s aeniiblr kind) sod to the rxporar. of Bsiudllng, liumbus., Ac. Oal Tft eat te a rear, and a sspOTb iigravlug 'Kvaaas .ine," 1 1-gx, fMt, .rat i, SVss) circulation. Moasj r funded to a l whu ask It. It la wl -a a - . , frarUn, truth ful. Try It aew, Tft rente a vrar. BpMimrii. frss. Ad d "IIAN KR. ' llinada r If . H S1.000 KEWARD. DeBing-'s Via Tug eurea all Lirer Kidney aod Hladder Dieiues, Organic Weakneaa. JCauale Altlictioiis, tirueral nu bility aud all coin). Vmts of tbt Urinary Or trans, In male and female. (1,000 will also be paid fur any case of Itliud, ltlredintr or Itchiiiff Tiles that De- Uiny'g Pile Remedy fails to cure. UeDing'S MAU1U 1.I.M.M1..N l cures Rbeumatisnir Pains, Itruises aud SvTelled Joints, tat man and beast. Sold everywhere. Bend for Pamphlet, Laboratory 142 Frauklin St.. Haiti more. Md. apr22-ly WILLIAM VALENTINE Till: BARBER. T)KTUINS UIS THANKS to his OLD XV Fit I EXItS and tho Public for tho liberal pHtroiiae heretofore extended to him. He uow informs them that ho has littcd up a new and commodious Shop, in Br. Henderson's Brick Building , Boom XTo 3, whore he would be pleaded to see them. He Kuaruntee.'t to stive sntislaetion in every ease.- He has in his employ of the best Hair Dressers in western .ftortb turnima. lie requests a call I rum Ml. Salisbury, N. C, Dec. 17, 1869. 60 tf Syrup de Cuisinier: Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. AN OLD, STANDARD, and WELL recognized preparation, made strictly sccohlinff to so entlnc rales: from theftest and purest materials. Every fatelitasot I'liyaician knows what this pre paration is; ana or course .nuw wnat lie is pre scribing. Not so, with thelnoiisajid and one new tangled Wood PnflflertV Alteratives, ftev, with all man net of new and ontlandsih names, winch are constantly being thrust upon the country, in, aueh quaatKien, by such persons, and under SBehclrcum atancea, aa to give do reasonable guaranty of any value. But so it is. The world must be humbug- geil consequently, there is no lack or iiumlmggcrs. This Preparation, judiciously combined with oth er appropriate renxedirs. is capsble of doing, what It is well k no w n to have do ne for the past fifty years, or more, far the cure of all constitutional disease, such aa mrernta or King a uvii, every manner and form of Eruptive diaease : Venereal, either primal or sec ondary; Rheumatism-in a word, any and every ejection of the human system In which the Wood, the lib of the human system, la in any viae depraved r miwi.iijm.,1 mail Sll oine Prepared and for sale At E - jane 3 3t only SILTS Drag Store, Salisbury, V . C. Bed Bhk Exto rminafor. WITHIN a short time, marry rm YoluntarT aasnrances have boon kindly given by those who have used it, both in town and coun try, of the complete exterminating effect of this article. Without smell without stain easy of ap- Elicalion.it not only' instantly destroys them, ut prevents, for a length oi time, their repro duotJon. Indeed, its anoeess is so marked,that a few who have been accustomed to use, what may be termed, tho "stink pot" remedy, can hardly realise its success. There is no accounting for tastes, however. Everybody to their liking, as the old woman said when she kissed the cow. Thr lata war has certainly been prolific of manv ills political, moral ami physical ol these latter, probably one of the worst, is, the production of what may be called, for the want of a better nam ft, the Aarrf-sA, or trtmhul fed Bug; whMvfJt is presumed, nothing short of SHfroHfyrrrisr, or 'iVAfNiar will destroy. If so, woe be to the pool souls' who have to "enjoy" them, even for one night. The Exterminator may be had for a trifle, on h . At E. SILL'S Drag' Store, Salisbury. Jane 3-2t ' MANSION HOUSE, CHARLOTTE. N. C. PATENTS In vc nUn who vlth to fake out Letter. PitV.it ar vlnerl to cunwl vlth UVHH A CO.. edit r. oflht Fclen tide Ainfrlcnn, who have proareuted clalmi bfore th Patent Umoe for orer Twenty Krm't. Their Ame rimn vfiri Kuril pean Patent Agtacj U the mutt exiwnaivt In the world Char;e leta than any ntirer r IhiMa- ajr- nr y. k pani.hiet cunta li'titf full Inatmctlon. to (nren'm li aeot ft-taua. MINN t uo.t i farm How. New York healoNorll)Qratc Pt'HI.IBIIBD WIBKLY BY K WIS HAN E Editor and Proprietor. hatki or ivwiimtii Onb YSAB, payable in advance. ... Six Months, " ..... 5 Copies to one add .aaou .. 1.30 . ia,50 10 Copies to one address, 20,00 llaUt of AdmrUnnq. One Square, first iuaertion 1,00 For each additional insertion, ail Hnecial notices will be chau-eTed 50 oer cent higher than the above rates. Court and Justice's Orders will be publish ed at the tame rates with other advertise ments, r Obituary notices, over six linos, charged asaJveriiseuienU. K CONTRACT RATES. SPACB. t I i 2 r r r s r I Square. 2 50 $.175 iS00 $H50 1300 2 Souarea. 4 50 6 251 8 50 1.3 00 22,00 3 Squares. fU0i"& 00 12 002000 80,00 4 Square. 8 00 11 00 15 00 25 00 37,50 i Column. 11 00 16 00 20 00 30 OOt 45.00 i Column. 18 00 24 00 30 00 45 00 75.00 Column. 28 00 40 00 50 00,80 00 130,00 A MODEL HOUSE. Being; a ctlppl, I bar. road, house planning a Sfc'al it miy. en. t'tiiu i..t M.rin (mm provw a model of e a venleB'e, beauty awl mrtmomy. Decrl.ilvc circula s of Plana, Vi, w. etc , tHi a- ne-al tnformat1 a of valo. to all aaat free. Aiiil (with .tamp or x'r'pl If eou.riil .t t). GEO. 1. C0I Ity, Arebitwt, Waterbary. VM-moot. OUCARCAN'RanilSOKOIiL'MMII.LS.Iiatoratonand KJ Horse ruver., ernbodring a i iai ricea Improve nient. and taking th I. ad of every kl-d In m.rkrk. Man ufaeturrd h GEO. L. S0.UIKU A II SO., Hulls lo, N. Y. K r "uar or ftorga Sfaosa for 1S7U ssut fr... a-if Old and Bound, and warranted to be the Pure Juice of hc Orape. OLD POUT OLD MADEIRA PALE SIIER- KV ASD M A I. All A . Iii seleciinc these Wines, every possible regard lias been had to their purity aud soundness qualities indispensable to the purposes lor which they are used ; and pecu liarly distlnp-iiishiucr them from the vile com pounds so often palmed npon the unsospect- uig pumniHier, itiwi ble price. At , June 3 St had at unohjectiona- . SILL'S Drag Store, Salisbury, N. C. Howell Qiiietom. A moat convenient, pleasant and efficacious remedy for the HOWELL COMPLAINTS now of very general prevalence, among od and young. A tew pills, taken at short intervals will most promptly end eilcctually arrest any ordinary case, in a few hours. - frtce "io cents a box, witii directions, may be had At E. SILL'S Drug Store, Salisbury. June 8-2t WINNING TUEllt WAT I 1'hc Music Book for the Nasses. u i ti;k's w st hool FOB TU Piano-rorte, Cabinet Organ, Melo aeon, vioun, srince, uiari onot. Fife, Flareolet, ftnitar.and Ae- , cordcon, In Senarate Books. Dosiirncd to enable an v one to obtain a know! edge id' playing the above instruments without the aid of a teacher, with a Large Collection, of tho Choicest Melodies of the day. Price of caqh book ) eli . Bent poatqiaid ou receipt of price, l nllHUIV A ! l..,..' ,wl V... V...L- i'i i.ju.i WW., uvowu nuu v. , . in 22: it This well known House having been bzwly yt'BBIKHED atrti RESiTTKf in everv depawt Ts aasarosMi fcsr n if TU A V BLJ . InV; pi Rfiic. my-.Tninibn .H l p-.l vrivaiofTraiiiiv?efJ ib 1-otf II, i: I.I F. -p, PHILLIPS A BROTHERS, TWO DOORS ABOVE THE Court House, on Main Street, IJBTPHN TIIEIK TUANKS TO THB 1 i public for the very liberal natronneo en nved hr them durinir the naxt venr. and honn 3f fair dealing and. strict attention to business to merit a continuance, if not an increase of the same. " - .--- Wo will emit i nne to keep on hand a good sup ply of rAlVIILV GROCERIES, in eiiiurig gy (. Fresh and vill l ih. OF KVKRY VABIETY IFsUbIsV, Brandies, Bum, Gin, tc., te. ALSO. BOOTS, 8HOE8, DOMESTICS, I'lECE GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, in fact, almost everything usually kept in a va riety Store, all of which we will sell low for Cash, or Country Produce at tho high est market price. They also offer for sale on private terms, an KXCKLLF.ST IiHKLLISC. IIOI SJC with large comfortable Kooma. Conk and Dining Kooms, with necessary outbuildings. Attached to the dwelling is a store room 'JO feet wide by 70 feet deep, with a Onn Smith Shop in the reur The lot on which -.iii! liuililingx are situ ated is 70 by IH foci, aud afford au excellent tianlcn spot. Parties wishing to-purchaec will please call at the store whcni the preuiisc.i vi ill bo shown to th ui by one of the firm, and terms made easy PHILLIPS 4 HK0TIIEKS. Feb. IB. 1870. 7-tf THK t iiK-vrut uu-uu riB, a vile it Kiwirirn, ri iLuuin t; FOR TUB OLD MOBTH STATE. VISIT TO THE PILOT MOUNTAIN. To the Editor of the Old North State: Dkak SlS: Please give ihia eouuuu nieation a place in the columns of the next issue of your worthy newspaper, and very much oblige. Also, excuse incoherence of composition, and pardon me for not be ing more concise. I have been as lacon ic as possible. Monday at noon, May 22nd, a party of fire persons three ladies, one gentleman and a beardless youth, who is a cripple the names of whom, I here give initially, vis : E. 0. 8., H. A. O., L. A. C, M. B. F., and J. A. S., (cripple,) st. tried from Smith Grove for tho Pilot, in a two-horse wagon. At Hnntsville we weie fortunate enough to add another crigplMTs.-i; to our party ; and a very worthy one is he. We then had, in the same wagon, six white persons, our colored friend, r rank, whose services were procured as driver, hostler culinary boss, errand boy, &c, and provi sions, horse lood, &c, sufficient to do un til we should return. Mr. Editor, it would seem, that, to pack such a vast number oi human beings in a two horse wagon, to (jet her, with numberless boxes, trunk valises, &e., containing provisions, cloth ing, "odds and ends," "unmentionables,' &e., is an impossibility, nevertheless, this is true ; hot, believe me, when 1 say, close pack it was." Although we were decidedly too much cramped to enjoy the ride well, yet, as mast of the party very welt understand vocal, as well as instrumental music, we sung and chatted, and chatted and sung, thereby keeping the whole crowd from be ing taken captive by the blues, and arriv ed at the Pilot Tuesday c renins: about 8 o clock ; having received, on our journey thither, no more serious injuries than con fusions on the ancles, shoulders, head. Also, some of the crowd complained of no little inconvenience from corns which had been sorely c-xispcratcd from the mi wont ed pressure received durinir the iouruev - M . f - . . .JR. .9 - I, tor one, received a smarting lutimation from a corn which 1 have, that said corn was going to declare war against my fur thar enjoyment of the trip, for allowing it to oe imposed upon, knowing, as 1 did, its morbid sensitiveness. Suffice it to say that its insinuations were true, tor it was irritable to the last : altlioogh I became indignant at its Insubordinate oomplacen K. (-. Hrl.l KI , A J. I.BKllilJ.V. Jr., . m i nr. 7i nr. tt r - r.fj M cy, it still retained its ire Stopping at the Gilliam horuc, we pro ceeded to unpack our most valuable freight the ladies, then came boxes, trunks, valises, wine bottles, crutches. Ac.. and, at length, emerged from beneath half a wagon load of hay, two crippled boys, each of whom cast a furtive glance at a small keg, which was being carried into the house by our colored friend, Frank ; of the contents of which they thought of imbibing pretty freely ; and they proved their actions consistent with , their thoughts. , Wednesday morning the weather be ing fine, we again got aboard our wagon, and hied away to the mountain, the base of which is one and a half miles distant fromGiUtW. Gq up' as the spring which is as far as any one has ever gone in any kind of vehicle we took the hoises from the wagon, and F. M A J. A. 3., bejtig the cripples, were prevail ed upon to ride, on horseback, one half a mile lurtber to the "walnut cove, against which they made, no very great remon- s. ranee, but rather embraced the opportn nity with alacrity. Still, as we were mi nus saddles, our crippled friends did not consider themselves very highly favored. nor much edified, by the mutual co'iide. scciision of the crowd, in as much as ri- ing up a sleep mountain, on horseback. without saddles is rery difficult; foras J. A. S. says, his expvriei.ee is. that his horse went up tin- steep places a little fas ter than he himself, could Dossiblv tro and that he. J. A. S., came very ricar ri ding ell Leniud; J. A. S. "adent'v in "equestrianism dismounted, and walked or crawled rath er till, at last, wo reached the base ol the large pinnacle, when we sat down ana waucu me arrival oi me rest of our party. Wfc were noi doomed to a long suspense, however j for, in less than half an hour, L. A. 0. and his fair protegee came to band, all evincing the fact, that they, too, were considerably fatigued, the veracity ot Winch thoy most explicitly ver ified by taking a "sifcfcwu" on ihef first rock they saw, thai sntraed for aeesX Be- I -- - a 1 ft. " j; Jlllj; ICIM-.IIVU, .UHl J.?!.!- HlNIU'IUII, L. A. O., M. B. E. oTB , and II. A. G., ascended the pinnacle, but, not be cause they wished to rtsvo a more com plete panorama of the sarrouudiug coun try, but because they wanted to exempli fy to the cripples, that "two legs are bet ter than one. One hour on the acme of this lofty cas tle of (lod s creation, aud our party de scended, fully gratified at what they had aeon, and feeling themselves most worthi ly compensated for the trouble, fatigue ant., danger attendant upon the ascent and de scent of the spire of this sublime temple of nature. The view of scenery en Tuesday -wee-ineffably grand far surpassing anything my eyes ever beheld, borne of onr party are Virginians, and have visited the moun tains or Virginia, bat say, thet never saw any mountains of that Suite that can em mate the rttot tor majesty and ' Beauty ot scenery. I think, mystlf, that, at this season of the year, the Pilot is without a rival for grandeur and beauty. The shrub bery being fresh, and in full bloom, it i presses upon the mind how an old castle was wont to look, surroonded by a bean tiful flower garden. It more forcibly in culcated the fact that, I bore is a Supreme I icing: it teaches us the utility of the woiks of that Supreme Being, and stamps humility upon our hearts, when contem plating the futility of thu art of man when unaided by the providence of (Jod, as contrasted with the natural works of God. Those who ascended tho pinnacle hav ing returned te those" below, we set out to make a circuit of the pinnacle. When about half way round, we sat down and partook of some refreshments, after which, we uns and L. A. U. regaled onrsclves with a smoke. Being refreshed and par tially rested, we again started on our cir cuitous route, and in a short time came to the "sheep houae," Mr?he aotttk pole ol the spire of this mnguincent dome, where we halted to admire the wildlv fanciful romantic "sheep house," and also to take a social game of "seven-up." While here we noticed that the western r horizon was nearly totally obscured by dark cloud, and, icchng sure that a show er ot rain, and perhaps a st rin, was im minent, J. A. S. sought shelter by flight and hnrried down the mountain at a rapid pace for one so lame. J. A. S. was fol- eoming off behind not a little disnlensed. I If we may jndge from his disconcerted , looks, and, also, by tho manner in which he bold on to F. M. Being rid of J. A. St., F. M. rode within fifty yards of the pinnacle, where he stopped, and sailed for J. A. 8., together with L. A. 0. and M. B. h, whu had previously ovcrtakon J. A. S. All being together, we proceed ed across the slight ravine to tho little binnacle, which F. M. end J. A. S. were fully determined to ascend, although, sueh a feat for them to perform would seem preposterrjui. Tet tney did sseend it ; J. Yadkin Oollbob, N. (V, I May 28t, 1K70. f Dbar Eiirron : Phis being a leisure evening, I proposs complying with my promise that you should hear again from mo and from Yadkin. Hnee however I know but Hula of my innermost self and care less for comments thereon. I will give the place and uot tho person my lim ited Una. Even were I egotistical, I could afford you noihing- right now but bad news ; toy having contrived to play ut generally here of late, I am nothing snore ttVsiay thaw ae w4so la minus iatei A. 8. going in front ascended It without Icct, disposition, appetite, heart and sweet- any assistance. F. M. was slightly aisled by L. A. C. Inasmuch as '1 hurs day was a very foggy drizzly day, our view from the little pinnacle was very in complete. Tarrying on the climax of ihia stupen dous ai)a of rocks not more than hour ; as it ban commenced raining considerably, we thootrht it best to return. So we walk ed back to the place where we ascended.' But now came the most arduous task for our crippled friends I As they had to "crawl" in ascending, so they were com pelled to slide In descending; and oh I heart I Unfbttaiiata dog I Hence you eeo the necessity of keeping quiet, unless I speak of Yadkin, which place I first saw bnt a few months passed, therefore I can speak of it only as I now behold it, tlirongli the long lapse of years, and In the dim distance of ante-bellum times, with its more promising associations a round It. To interest any reader, it is obviously necessary to acquaint yen with general events respecting it, I will there fore commence what I design finishing in fntuce by giving you short accounts as they have come down to me. what a slide it was! Think you, Mr. Twenty years ago, I'm told, the site Editor, of a man slidintr down a precipice, of Yadkin, alias the "Burr." was an nn- two hundred and fifty feet iu height, and broken forrest But a lew paces from lowed by E. C. 8., It. A. 0 , F. M., and colored frank, while. I,. A. C., and M. B P., crowed the ravine to the smaller pin nacle, and ascended it TI: .1.:. -a K iiarmg cxituiiiieu lino piiiioiit;, mry fcVrried together some logs and brush, with which they kindled a large hie, which we saw burning at night. After laughing themselves nearly to death as they expressed it at the two cripples' "manner" of descending the steeper places of the mountain, the whole modus operandi of which they could sec perfectly, L. A. C., afd M. B. F , descen ded the smaller pHflbncle and made all haste down tho mountain ; arriving at the wagon just as we were ready to leave them. So we all return"! together. Wednesday night we enjoyed ourselves finely ; had music, dancing, and a game at cards, which were made more aiitiisiug by the prcscr.ee of good whiskey, wine, Tom and Jerry, and brandy peaches. Af ter haying a regular refer ic we retired to our respective placos'of repose, and whiled away the remainder of tho night in sweet sleep and pleasaut dreams. hursday morning we rose early,. we uns went hunting ; Had no success ; returned before 10 o'clock, A. M., aud found L. A. 0., V. B. F and F. M., ma king preparations to revisit tho little pin nacle to make a more minute survey of it We'uns concluded to accompany them So, procuring two pieces of saddles of Mr Saunders, and the horses being saddled, F. M. and J. A. 8. mounted the one which they thought better fifed to carry them to the foot of the pinnacle, as they said they were going all the way cn horse back. L. A. 0. and M. B. F. being mount ed on the other horse, we four jolly sonis started towards the mountain. L. A. J. calling out every now and then "boys don't ride ao rapidly, for be it known that the "boys," alias the ripples" had in their possession that cogent auxil iary the bottle which lends animation to drooping hearts, and proves a most po tent incentive to rcaovato a timid heart. and lead it on to feats of daring and intre pidity. So r . M. anil J. A. S. wanted to ride ahead of L. A.C and M. B. F., in order that they might imbibe some of the contents of said-boitW "tub rota." Com ng to the place where persons invariably dismount, and go on foot, L. A. C and M. B. F. dismount, bat P. M. and J. A. S. made -not the slightest halt. thoMtrh Tk-' iiT- . k. j. i . 1 cavacsiiy impunuu to ao so, oy ii. a. O., and M, B. F. When about a iiuartcr of a mile up the mountain from where pru dent persons take to their skill at pedes trianism. J. A. S. made it a. virtue of necessity, to get off behind, because he could not help it. not beirnT an -Undaunted; and determined, ho renionn- 7 w i - . ia . j . i ted, however, ami roue about two hundred t .i .t ' I : .. 1 i , I can you imagine otherwise than that be must be terribly bruised 7 So It would seem to me, bnt etiangely wonderful lo relate, and still more wonderful to behold, onr cripples were not at all injured iu de scending this precipitous declivity. All having gotten down the pinnacle safe, we commenced our journey down the mountain, walking" very rapidly. Getting about half way down, wc noticed, for the first time, that one of our party, F. M. was not with us, nor near us, but had been left behind. Wo stopped to where the residence of J. II. W. now stands stood the rude log cabin of an hon orable, obscure countryman. Just in front of the door was the fork of the road from Fulton ferry on the Yadkiu the one diverging South led to Lexington and Salisbury the one east to Salem, Dan ville and Fayctteville. Half a mile up the East fork stood tho Educational Es tablishment of tho "Corner" alias Fulton ferry crefceut and the out .side neighbor hood. It stood as the Monument of those earlier days of education until it was torn wait for him, thinking we had walked too down a twelve month since by an Amcri- rapidly fur him. In a few minutes he can citizen of African descent to be re- came up with us, when we learned from erected as a dwelling for him and his sa- bimsclf that we bad not walked too fast, ble spouse. The surrounding vicinity but that he had walked, or fallen too fast, was sparsely settled. Tho citizens were and that he had fallen, he said, forty-clev- generally uneducated, industrious farmers, en feet down the steepest part of (he Yet in those days of government purity mountain the pinnacle excepted, and when the yeomanry were an-opnrcescd by caught on bis chin infernal taxes, there were kept in opcra- On being asked, by M. B. T. whether lion several distilleries by which the own he saw " stars" when he b id gotten up, era made pocket change and traded to ho replied, "no ; but very jocosely re marked that he saw a "mighty big hole in the grouud of the same shape of his chin.' The rain was new pom ing down in tor rents, and the dense clouds, hovering around the summit of the mountain, cast a Iuridness over the whole scene. Going a few paces farther down the mountain, we came to our horses which We moun ted and galloped away to the house ; ar riving them thoroughly drenched, and feeling very much like "drowned rats, as F. M. facetiously expressed it. All of us were in the positive degree of Wet, being completely drenched to the kin. But F. M. and J. A. S. were in "Fayette," as Fnycttevillo was called in wagoner parlance, to Chcraw and other Southern markets. It was at these that the citizens assembled to drink, have shooting matches, play cards, wrestle, fight and frolic. Many are the amnsing and stirring iucidents talked of those days of but little more than semi-civilization and retiuenicnt. And only half a mile distant from where the College building is now located down the hollow, in front of the East side, was committed one of the most atrocious, cold-blooded murders recorded in the history of crime, for which the perpetrators suffered tho penalty of the law in Stokes county. Not wishing to appear abrupt at all, 1 beg leave to be ex the comparative degree, inasmuch as they I cused from further detail at present, as it bad received a drenching externally, and is now getting dark, and a timid boy gets a better drenching internally, aa any one nervous to think ot bad stories, ghosts and might have surmised, bad they seen a such (lungs after night ! ' Next time certain bottle immediately before ana at pi muse to commence in the morning tcr its journey with them to the moun- J which time I'll give you a lighter, longer tain J hursday night we had a very and more gladsome view of tho picture lively timo indeed. 1 hough we felt fa- aud from that time thence, keep yon rcg ligued, yet none were wauling in ennviv- ularly posted with the items of the "Burg' ulity, as the music, dancing aud card intelligence. We are all ever glad to playing fully attested. seize our issue of yonr most valuable pa We left tho rilot rnuay morning, and per, and m turn for the pleasure &e, de arrived homo Saturday evening, feeling rived therefrom you shall hear often from ourselves profusely remunerated for the each subscriber at this place, and know journey, in having passed one week joy- what ho is doing for himself, whether usly "esto pcrpetua. J. A. 8. good, bad or indiflercn'. My said bache s lor friend, H. 1. 8., has come in aud in a ... , ... . ,, sists upon the insertion of several articles A-Missourt-cd.tor rails upon delinquent for i.: ' i,-. T tell bim T m writine to the subscribers in tins narrowing way : Editor and nol lo the ladies, and he wil "Oh ! oh ! it's enough to sicken the therefore be compelled to prepare his own soul, the heart, the gizzard of the stoutest communications or else go buck to Muddy and smutty phizzed editor's devil. We Croeek and make verbal relations. need money to rent. He are poorer than Uouldn t you like to near him .it it f "AS GOOD A8 NEW." u-ir"v K jf 4 The following was taken from sn al published in 1828 : THE WOBM. "Outvaootns all lias worms of Nik." tauaa. Who has not heard of the rotlieenako or copperhead f An unexpected eight of either of these reptiles will make even the lords of creation recoil ; but there is a species of worm found in various parts of diH State which conveys a poison of a at are a deadly tat whs as rod with it even the venom of the rattlesnake is harmless. To guard oar readers against this "foe to human kind" bubo object of ike pres ent communication. This worm varies mueh lu size; it Is frequently an inch through, but as it is rarely seen except when coiled, its length can hardly be con jectured. 1 1 is of a dead lead color, and generally lives near a spring or a small stream of water, and bites the unfortunate people who are in the habit of going there to drink. 1 he brute creation it never molests ; they avoid it with the same in stinct that teaches the animal of Peru to shnn the deadly Goya. Several of these reptiles have long in fested our settlement, to the misery and destruction of many good citizens. I have, therefore, had many opportunitica of being the mi luncholy spectator of the efitcts produced by the subtle poison which this worm infuses. rti La a. a. M i he symptoms of its bite arc terrible the eyes of the patient become red and fiery, his tongue swells to an immoderate site and obstructs his utterance, and deli rium of the most herrid character quickly follows. (Sometimes, in bis madness, ho attempts the destruction of his dearest friends. If the sufferer has a family, bis weeping wife and helpless infants are not infrequently the objects ot his frantic fu ry; fn a word, be exhibits to the life all -the detestable passions that rankle In the bosom of a savage, and such is the "spell" In which his senses are racked that no sooner is the unhappy patient recovered from the paroxysm of insanity occasioned by one bite than he seeks out his destroy er for the sole purpose of being bitten again ! I have seen a good old father, his locks white as snow, his steps alow and trem bling, beg in vain for his only son to quit the lurking place of the worm. My heart bled as be turned away : for I knew the fond hope that his son would be to him "the staff of dec lining years" had suppor ted him throngh many a sorrow. Youths of Virginia I Would you know .. the name of this reptile ? It is called the "Worm of the Still' Job's unfortunate turkey, whose bones rattled s Castanet accompaniment when he gobbled. If whole grocery stores were selling for a blue postage stamp apiece, we could not buy an empty mackerel kit. Friend! good Mend f Sweet, negligent friend ! Don't lay this paper down and think wo moan some Other individual 1 It's only three dollars, hut a thousaud such trirks make 83,000; and that's a big thing for a newspaper, enough to put us firmly on our pegs again, Pay np I pay up !" The son of a Chinese Emperor is a beg gar in San Francisco. One of those sud ilen revolutions to which that kingdom is subject hurried his father from the throne Land caused the murder of all who loved and honored him. Through the fidelity of an old servant the young Prince was saved from the general butchery. Still, his name ahanc would have bceu his death warrant at arW time. So he liVcd in pov erty and constant dread, shunned by all aud shunning all. When the first cargoes of Cuineso were seut to California, he welcomed this as an opportunity tor es cape from an atmosphere of death to him, smuggled himself on board one of the ships. , , The Jews have a Proverb that he who brings uot his son tip to some employ ment makes him a thief. The Turks aj, "An idle man is, the devil's play f. 1 low." V There is a whole sermon in the saying of the old Persian. "In all thy quarrels leave opcu the door ot lecoiirilutiun. j The ladies being hi rlmrCP of WimfswWther. whew fate invited 44 tejfct J wr'uiiB rodi ai" far a we could ri! tlx n J alight -:tj':nTi7wii1l-h I1 did vi'iy' rapidly r j,5 Let as not.be weary in well doing , for ilne ?-ar shall nap. ll uc faint nix would I Tell the pretty girls up there, so ; warn them to bo not found surprised at nil, for "iu such en hour us they think not" Thomas will be there courting. For the sako of sutTering humanity I beg that they deal gently Willi his young heart, which I know to be the noblest aud the best ; hesides, tell them he is a "pretty man," and more than all, has a fine pros pect of a large crop of "Bacco," alias "Barker." Our little orator, F. 8. W und our "would-bo mnustached," J. L. W , also beg leave lo be remembered to certain of the fair ones there, but I've pre vailed upon t In n) to be quiet yet a while luugcr ten i ng tiieiri cum ii en snouia DC seen and not heard-!', Ilowever, when we shall have finished commcut upon men like Thomas and mys'if, we will promise to give the little Jellows more attention. Since they arc so very industrious and not mueh ul'ovc Ibc size, l am often tempted to colt them my: "busy "'Bees." Doubtless they are untiring, energetic, praise-worthy little boys,- aud will make useful men! Perhaps they'd like me to write ihe la dies as much but I'm too sleepy , ao, good nigh:, dear Editor. Promising ummc anon, I am, Truly, truly, "OLD DOMINION," Alias "YADKt.V BUKtiKR." . .1. ' ""' The beauty of holiness, like llic sun, is sen by its own light. A while man in Holly Springs, Missis sippi, the Other day sould his wife for $22 the wife consenting to the sale. If yon wo lid enjov your food, lalor it; if y would -n joy your raiment. pay ro4T It before" you wear its; if-yett would sleep aoiindly.h i a j;ood eiiit nee w.itr bid fellow. ' A Rap at the G irls. An Omaha lecturess thus discussed the question tho other night : "Twenty years ago the ladies were their own dress-makers, and how beautiful they looked to the brave men who then courted them. Then they wore no hoops, no switches, no anything, but were just as God made them. A lover could then tell whether bis love weighed 100, 80 or 70 pounds ; could tell at a glance what sho was. Bnt now they could not jell wheth er the girl was made by the dress-maker or by the Almighty ; they looked her over, and were not sure she was not half cotton ; touched her head, and didn't know whether they felt nature's hair or a musty waterfall. Twenty years ago, we were all Christians. We had progressed for the worse, and as we contiuued, so would the boys follow." In a police-court, at Chicago, a wife thus ingeniously explained away serious charges of harsh treatment of her poor husband : "One day, when she was running across the room with a fork in her hand, he jumped in the way and struck his wrist against the fork, wrenching it from her grip by the prongs, which he ran into his wrist. " Then he undertook to strike her, but she held up a pan of hot dish water between ihem, and he spilt it over his head. Then he got still more angry at this accident, and started to jump at her, but his head come in contact with her hand, and he fell down. She took hold of his hair to raise him np, hud the hair was moistened by the hot water, so that it came off. Then she saw it was no use to reason with him longer, and she left the house." Lcck ax Labor. Many people com plain of their bad lack when they ought to l.l.i mo . tin ir own want of wisdom and action. Cobdcn, a distiiiKuibhed writer. in England, thus wrote about luck and lubor i . . Luck is ever waiting for something to turn up. Labor, with keen eyes and strong ill, turns np something.- Luck lies in bed and wishes the post man would bring bim the news of a legacy. Labor turns out at six o dock, and with busy pen, or ringing hammer, lays tho foundation of a couijietence. Lnck whines. Libor whistles. Luck relics on chances. Labor on char acter. .Luck slips down to indigence. Labor strides upward lo independence. Syduey 8milh.,iu Loudon, was shown a tirmrr of Anmicaii ice, upon which he rem.ukert that he was gMil lo see 1 lhiiig i'tfry ttt m fiom Aifericu any . j f

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