L ... , - .... . . ' . : ' .. - -A .JA'J -w ' -v7 '. '. a O ., -vv; v : 1 1 , i . . . ' : i j '1,.. ff ; ' .Irw.l" Mi M ' a IS V pT t ' 1 ;, I i - - -it urn ji 44 ' J f? ; if ;.. M j V Ml rl llMVl iv J f o,-l ' VVi mt ol Imas ,-. , t 1 ...... ... . I til 1,- a, -y. VOL. V. BEYOND DOUBT The Connecticut Mutual 75 Tff J? STRONGEST LIFE insurance of xpemeii to totolrweinb. iu )(. "tilr H.89 pur cent. IU ratio of Asset U Liabilitir . an ninanrrd hf the Xew York LeTJ 8t andard. in IS5,jO per $loni and it frrmntu all drimbl form.- ofln.-ur upou stnctly aitabl ttTinii, and at tin- l attainable rntr 01 coat. B.t. WAIT, Om. Aai-ut. Aprl It Office. Raleigh. X C. JSfk A. BR.iltSHAW, Aytt, BARBEti S HOTEL, high point. s, c. Opposite eailboad depot. Ten faces from where the Cart slop. Beat of porter la attendance it all train. Mail Htagea for Salem leave thin bonne daily. PMenc;era dispatched to any point 11 short notice b prn.it.- conveyance. Grsteftil for the liberal patrons-? of the past we hope by strict sttention to the wants of oar guests to merit a continuance of tl. same. wy. O. BARIIKE, Proprietor. Jaa. 7. 170 f IJAINTS FOR FARMFHS AND JT OTHKR.S. The (,'raftoii Minn si Paint 1 o . are aew mannracturing the best. cbeait smi uio-t du rable paint in use ; two coats well put on. mixed with pare l.iusecd oil. will last ten or liltceu years; it leers light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive ar cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for honse. barns, fences, carrisgeand car makers, pails and wooden ware, agricultural implements, canal boats vessels end ships' bottoms, canvas, metal and shingle roofs, (it being fire and water proofWIoor oil cloths, (one man ufactarer hav ing used 6.000 bbls. the past year.) and as a nsint for any purpose is ansurpasscd lor body, durability. I elasticity ana so iestven s-. ri r, e si. i . , , ... 900 Iba, which will supply a farmer for years to come. Warranted in all esse-s-above. Sendfnr a circular which gives fall particulars. None gen nine unless branded in a trade mar!.. Crsrton Min eral Paint. Persons enn order the psim and remit the money on recept of goods. Address.. BIDWELL A ft).. Jan. 7. 1870-flm 964 Pearl Ht . X. Y 81. 000 REWARrt. DeBing's Via ruga cures all Liver, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Organic bility and all i nnraTWrw tnw -t riuaiy w gana, in male and female. (1,000 will also be paid for any case of Blind. Bleeding or Iteiiina Pile that De Bing's Pile Remedy fails t cure. DeBinif'a MAGIC LINIMENT cures Rheumatism. Pains. Bruises and Swelled Joints, in man and beast. Sold every where. ieiid for Pamphlet iMlwratorv 142 Franklin st.. Balti- more. Md. apr22-ly WILLIAM VALENTINE, THE BAIiBtiH, RKTUUN8 HIS THANKS to his OLD FHIBSDS and the Public for the lilwral patronage heretofore extended to him. He uow fnform them that he has littcd np a now and coniiie.ilious hop, In Sr. Henderson s Brick Building Room No 2, where he would be pleased to see them. He fuarantees to give satisfaction; in every case. e has in his employ of the biU Hair Dressers in Western North Caxoliuu. He requests a call from all. Salisbury, N. C, Dec. 17, 119. 50 tf Syrup de Cuisinier: Compound Syrup Saraaparilla. AN OLD, STANDARD, and WELL recognised preparation, made strictly according to so entitle ru-les; from the best and purest materials. Every intelligent Physician knows what this pre paration is; and of course knows what he is pre scribing. N't so, with the thousand and one new fancied Blrtod Purifiers. Alteratives, Ac, with all mannet ofses and outlandsih names, which are constantly being thrust upon the country, in such quantities, by such persons, and BBBersach circum stances, as to give no reasonable guaranty of any valoe Bat so it is. The world must be hutnhug ged coa-eqoewtly, there is no lack of liumbnggers This Preparation, judiciously oeeabhtsd with oth er appropriate remedies is i-npable of doing, what it Is well I no wn to have done fur the pant fifty years or more, fof the cure of all constitutional disease, enca as Scrofula or King's Evil, every manner and form of Eruptive disease ; Venereal, either primal orsec oadary; Rheumatism In a word, any and every aflectfoa of the human system In which the Blood, the life of Ike haws n system, is ia any wise depraved or diasaaad than aUetJkre. E-SiLlVS Drag Store, jane idsf Halisbnry, N. C. Worms! Yermifiifre ! ! Worms! OF THE MANY TROUBLES TO WHICH Children are subject, eiecinlly in the spring season, there are none, perhaps, so generally productive of distressing and even dangerous disorders, as WORMS, In many eases, they may not be the immediate cause of the attack, yet when tb'ey do exist, they never fail to aggravate it. It is wise, then, whenever any of the ordinary symptoms are ob- ved, to lose no Ume in resorting to SILL'S INFALLIBLE VERMIFUGE! . besides being not unpleasant to take, -is jtly safe, and Will certainlv and promptly expel Worm of any kind, if they exist. Carefully put op, with full directions, at 25 cents a bottle. Onlv at E. SILL'S Drug Store, , June 10: 2t Salisbury, N. C. MANSIONHOUSE, CHARLOTTE, N. C. This well known House having been newly rtrRirisaEU and befitted in every dejiart ia now open for the aaicommodation of tub TRAVELLING PUBLIC. jnfjrOmnihoa at Depot on arrival ofTrains.-aa fab 4 tf 7 - H. C. ECCLl-S, frV- CHBSTKR REPORTER, A viiilt iiririril, rriinjiD ar E. C. IrLl KK, k J. k. HlllETrJr., AT CHP5TEB. n. C. TSBMS-Iawariably in advae-,.. ...13.08 mrW ... sn 100 prr . p,i n. WCW sWtors. s, L WMilKlC H...J 0 ! L Wiio.rr..arM..,Ue : W Nlat-U- ( I ISu 4..II..I a J.f to Mr . ..i-s: suas. a 1 1) 1 A. a. imkuoke. a leVm. r CVatOtT. HOW STB A HO -Til. Msrrled LsrfM Pri vate &.aHiuloo s'la Ike anlr4 'of msilon mi l.c lur .lu.. Ad lrcn tla. U MKr.NUfcK, II. u ever, Pa. VTT r Will. PAY AUKMTS a slsrv of n aollsrs hsr " wr.k r sllow a I r . n.n.l-. n to tell or new lovn twos. Address J. W. PUKE a CO., MsrstuUI, ilea. II r AN1 ri, AGKNTH ll dollar Wtlrh f.rr, ,liPi. Kr.t- f T !' T.ry un m. no -hi mc- mmi Arse'. Buslns't ll(tl snd hoao'sblr ; p yt dotlsis per dsr. Addrne K arONNOK RcMHIMrT CO. , PRUkurih, Pi. "POOB 'OBT. WAVTKD-1 Ladb-s rt. iatta A J Unas" No opp.lil..D. It' at enfravtnrs. BssU sslee. Pureu-eul r-, .ddrsn 0. B. 11 nl.I 111 no CO., (locliinsll sod Ohlosyo. , ALrrMKN Waated In s psy'ns hsataaav 8. KKNNK MI..1l,ll l,r,.l I'Mi.,!,..,,!,,. ntTCUOMABCT, rA.0INATION or HOL'L-CHAKM. X ini eaa . .( , si.. th. Trit- w ndf.ful hook l .i full ln'ru. ii t saaas tk r. u. lose nsi. eaaer ss. r any sn.oisl si wl'L Mrtmt l-m, -plnlu laaa wm I umtr.-d. ..lot... c.-rluu rxptr ain s. It eaa W ub'stn r l hy I'll .1 fi sdurv t, slih irn ee IS potaer '" T W KVaM A CO , ' s 40. Pouts Blthtk St.. PhlUd.ipr.ia o- X POI.LKD BNMy.- A is re SVe lumn isv f"i )rrr 1 1 ! n f tfrt t) vrtl ?tj trn 9ltt,cTt 9. viaa r . : H. I.... k, nuln fnn s on n. (of a mm iM- hl ) ; '. t,, Xf Ui r fwintll ng, IJiiiHtMl etc Out to r. i year and n -rrl -nx r4iK tvn., v.m I l-M fa-i mi Wirti IrwUitnn. Mufit-y -IVmmIMI Ut m I bfi ak M. It U 1 - e, fMr' rmh fut. Ir tl u IftrrM t ,Vr. Hj.f. m ui f . t t BAN k- Hlntv'a c N II PATENTS. t.iv . ii in afeas'l tette. P teal a-eaaV vis il'or u' . l IU. Ml'. ,t o .III , af-Jht fcla lUc American, who Sse r enled clslma b- ore lb P.ie' I IW.ee ror ov T.nt Tea s. TiHr A ate. less so ' Ear". en ' s.enl A, o. la th. . ,,.t aw'eaalv. in Ihe '"" Mel e artm i o.sn an .ar rrbs le , nry. s 1. 11 lob i .1 u ii " Inrrn rr- la MM I "C NSC'. 7 ra-k R Hrw Vor". " A MODEL HOUSE. B n ar 1h I , I bav made boua. plaaiiia a - study. n bill lai - ui I. -a proved . m,. .ofc n. vt-i.le e, bauji n e onuiuv. bee I -. dreula aw eisi.a, y ir ..t r na si lafure at a af saaa la l ae f -. Add . a (arilh ataiiip or r pi If eonv. ni r t). E0. J. CO' its', Architect, Waterbnry. Ver -at CI UGA' CNl sn-t-r BOIIt'M Mll.1. la... atora and r . "(' mi.rov.. tJ it i - I' ........ i . i r 1 1 b ioi a -na ia. li-if .he I . ,rv kl In ' rk I Staa gfsa and b GEO I., sujl'lgit n ft Bagalo, N. Pelt- rr a.ir r ei raMaaa a or Isle Fsf r - an- TWO DOORS ABO VE THE Court Bouse, on lVIain Street, KKTUBX TilKlH THANKS TO THE public for tlie very liberal patronngp en joyed by them during the past year, and hope, by fair dealing and strict attention to business to merit n continuance, if Dot an increase of the same. Wo wi'l continue to keep on hand ft ir,Vol mp- jilv of PAMIIY GROCERIES, in j hiding Fretth and Salt Fish, OF KVKKY VAKIETV Whiskeys, Brandies, Bum, Gin, c., dc. ALSb, BOOTS, SHOKS, DOMESTICS, PIECE GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, in fact, almost everything usually kept in a va ricty Stnrc, ail of which we will sell lOW for Cash, or Country Produce at the high est market price. PHILLIPS A HROTHERS. Feb. 1H. 1870. 7r-tf A & X C IS CONSIDERED To be the Greatest and Beat REMEDY NOW IN USE FOR ALL PAINS. It is becoming more and more popular every day. The demand for it is great. . Prepared anil lor sale at JK. POULSON'S Drug Store, I L r "t" jah2l 3:1 v Salisbury, N. CT a-h o unity Apple Brandy. JUST BECEIVBl) a superior lot of pure Nasb County Apple Brandy. Also, a lot of fine Kve, Wheat and Corn Whiskeys, French Brau dv. Holland Gin and Hum for sate at lebsK -S:tf HOWERTON'S H I A L T H f A LIMITED number of Boarders will be taken and several Cabins i ented at tbe EUPEPTIC SPRINGS tbis seasotj. Send for circular ' JNOi F. F0AR.D, May 27 4 1 Olin, N. C. lairs. Henry W. Millert Boarding House, COB, NEWBEBN & PEBSON STS. IS ! I It. II. IV. C. fehl 1 tf OPENED XOVBMBPIR 18621 Bed Bus Exterminator. W 4 THIN a short tiaa,.many huj olniiturv assurances hare Been kindly given by those who have used it, both iptown and coun try, of the complete exterminating effect of this article. (- j Without ameliy-withntit stain easy or ap nlieatioti.it not on I v instantly destroys them, but prevents, for a length ol time, their repro duction. Illd'-ed. its success is so marked, that a lew who have been accustomed to ose, what may be termed, the "stink pot" remedy, can hardly realise its success. . There is no accounting for tastes, however. Everybody to their liking, as the old woman said when she kissed tbe now. The late war has certainly been prolific of manv ills political, moral and physical of these latter, probably one of the worst, is. the production of what may be called, for the want of a better nam3,tbearf-aAeiror iron-clad Bed Buf; which, it is presumed, nothing short of nitrxHiJtuctrinc, or lightning will destroy. If mi, "of be to the pool souls who have' to "enjoy" them, even for one night. The Exterminator uiav lie had for a trifle, onlr. At- K. SILL'S Pre Store. Pali -bury. .Tunc!-;'t SI)taDliiNorll)Sfiir PirLiaillD WBEKI.V T LEWIS HANK Editor and Proprietor. batbs or auHcnirrioif I'xsi r a n. payable m advance. . . . Six Momuh. .. ,. sr. .3.0U Oneftqnare. flret Inaertion, $1,00 For each additional insertion M. special uotioea will b charged 50 per cent Water than tha above rata. Court and Justice' Ordera will be publiah- ed at the tamt ratar with other aJvertiae tnenta. Obituary notioaa, over six tinea, charged aaauveniaetneiiia. CONTRACT RATE.8. 9 H Hi Sfi t is ? S I I S 8" I PACK. 1 So in. re. KM $.175 4 50 0 25 6 00 9 00 8 00 1 1 00 II mi 10 00 18 00 24 00 5 00 r 50iI300 8 50I3 001 22.00 12 00 20 00 30.00 15 00 25 001 37.50 20 00 : 00' 45,00 30 00 15 00: 7 .". (H) 2 Kouarea. 3 Squares- 4 Squaee. J Column, t Col tun n. 1 Column. zo uu iu uu ou IJJ BU W laU.lK) THE ENFORCEMENT BILL AS ACT TO EXPORCK THE RIGHT OF CITIZENS OP THE UaUTKD STATEB TO VOTE IN THE SKVEKAI. STATEB OP THIS I'NION, AND FOB otiiek rrnroeKs. Be if enacted by the Senate and Uovte of Repre rentnlatirer of Ike United State f America in Congrem auembtcd : That all dtiaena ofthe United States whoare or shall lie othetwise qualified by law to vole at any election by the jieople in any State,Territo- r, uisinct, conniy, city, parish, township, school district, niuiii. ipality, or oilier territorial subdi vision, shall be entitled and allowed to vote at all such elections, without distinction of race, color, or previous condition of servitude : auy constitution, law, diatom, usage, or regulation of any State or Territory , or by or under its author ity to the contrary nolwitlistanding, Sec. 2. And be itfurtker enattea, That If by or tinder the authority of the constitution or la we of any Stale, Or the law of anv Territory, anv i i reqmreo oe.oone n n prcre- . 1- . .1 . tl i , , . . - . - ' s WHflIOoTiSlriejtsantp.twiipv i Infmftnee ol dutie in furnishing to citixeiis an opportunity to per form such prerequisite, or to become qualified to vote, it shall be the dutv or every such person and ollicer to give lo all citixens of the United State the same and er.ual opportunity to per- form such lircrequisiles, and lo Decoiue quail- j tied to vote without distinction of race, color, or previona corrdition of servitude ; and if any such (i r-on or officer shall refue or knowingly omit in irive full i t!', i t to this scetion. he shall, for every guch 0flence) forfeit and ay the sum of hve hundred doll trs to the person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by an action on the case, with full costs and such allowance for coun sel fees as the court shall deem just, nnd shsll also, for even- such offence, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, nnd shall, on conviction there of, be fined not less than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not less than one month and not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 3. Ami be it further enaetetl, That when ever, by or under the authority of the constitu tion or law of any State, or under the jaws of any Territory, an act is or shall be required to be done by any citizen as a prerequisite to qual ify or entitle him to vote, the oiler of any such citizen to perform the act required to be done as aforesaid shall, if it fail to be carried into execu tion by reason of the wrongful act or omission aforesaid of the person or officer charged with the duty of receiving or permitting such s?rfor mnnce, or crier to perform or acting thereon, be deemed and held as a perfoi m ince in law of such act ; nnd the person so oftcring and failing as aforesaid, ami being otherwise qualified, shall be entitled to vote in the same manner and to the same extent as if be Mjlfc- jn fact perfoimed such hcl ; and any judge, inspector, or other of- receive, count, certify, register, report, or give " aw . . . I si ..A L. !a! LII noeroi election, wnose uuir ii is ui miu ue iu effect to the vote of any such citizen, or shall wrongfully refuse or omit to receive, count, cer tify, register, leport, or give effect to the vote of such citizen upon the presentation by bim of his affidavit'stating such offer and the time and place thereof, and the name ofe officer or per son whose duty it was to act thereon, and that he was wrongfully prevented by such person or of ficer from performing such act, shall for every such ofii'iiee forfeit and pay the sum of five hun dred dollars to the person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by an action on the case, with fill I coats and such allowance for counsel fee as the court shall deem just, and shall also for every such offence he guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall on conviction thereof, Is? fined not leas than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not less than one month and not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court. See. 4. Anf be it further enacted: That if anv person, by force, bribery, fluents, intimidation. or other unlawful means, shall binder, delay, prevent, or obstruct, or shall combine and con federate with others to hinder, delay, prevent, or obstntct.any citizen from doing any act requir ed to be done to qualify him to vote or from voting at anv election as aforesaid, such person shall for every sitch oflence forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollar to the person ng- grievea tnervoy, uj oc rrcorarrvu uy an acunn on the case, .with full ait and such allowance for i counsel fee a'the court shatl deem jjast, and I shall also for every such offence be deemed gnil- ! tv of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction ; thereof, be fined not les than five hundred dol lars, or Iks imprisoned not les than one month, and not more than one year, or both, at the dis cretion of the court. . Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall prevent, hinderconlrol, or intimi date, or shall attempt to prevent, hinder, con trol, or intimidate any person from exercising or in exercising the right of suffrage, to whom the right of Biiffrage is ecnred or guaranteed bv the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of tlie United States, by means of bnliery, threats, or threat of depriving mich person of employment ' or occupation, or of ejecting nch person from ' rented house, lands, or other property, or by 1 threat of violence to himself, or family, such person so offending shall be denned guilty of a ' misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction thereof, j be fined not leas than five hundred dollars, or lie ; imprisoned not I than one month, snd not more than one year, or both, at th discretion of eourr SALISBURY, N. C. JUNE Hft fl. .W 4c it frlrr r more person sbsll lunui r er or W into disriiie upon lba or upon me premi-es of .mot violate anv provHion of Ibis areas, threaten, or jntimidato inlfiil or binder iu free ev of anv ri-lit or privilege irr.intri 111m v me onstitiilion or In Wtates, or berauae of hi bart same, sikIi person shall be on com irtioii (herrof abaU iiiiiii isiniiiriii Inn uilaieTw morever, be thereafter ineligible to, and disabled from holding any olliee or place of honor, profit or tnist, creslisj by the.Couslitt.tion or laws of the I i. i, .1 Stnti-a. N Sk;. 7. .tail rV it turtkrr tmnHnl Tb.t If b. the act of violating any provision in either of me preceding iteciiona, any ouier leiony, crime, or m i -item ear or shall lie committed, the oflend er, shall ba punished for Um same with such punLihmenta as are attached to t'ie said felonies, crimes, and misdemoanore bv the lairs of the State in which the oil. nee roav be committeil. Kbc. 8. Aarf be U (Hi tkrr mnrttl. That the dis trict courts of the United States, within their re spective districts, shall have, extlusively of the courts of the several States, fttrnisanca of all crimes and offences committed again -t the pro visions of thia act, and, also, codjeurrentlv with the circuit court - of the United totes, of all caa- utu mm eiimiiisi, arming 'inner mis act, except an nerein otnerwise prorated, and the rn- risdiction hereby conierred shall be exercised in coniormitv with the laws and practice govern ing; United States courts; again the provisions of this act may be prosecuted by, he indictment of a grand jury, or, in canes of cranes and oflen ces not infamous, the proaecutiot may be either liv tHilietllle.it or itih.rrHqtion liLat bv aM AL. ; trict-attorney in a court having jaridiction. Six. Si. Ami!,, il further enneted That the dis trict-attorneys, marshals, and dtpnlv-marshala of the United Slates, the eommisoner appoint erl by the circuit and Territorial courts of the United States, with powers of araating, impris oning, or bailing oflenders again 4he laws of the I niled (States, and every otlwr officer who may be -pei ially em powered by lee President of the United States shall ls and' they arajiercby, specially mithorized and reqnimlit thVtaenae of the United Stales, to Instilul! proeeedings against nil and every person win) -hull violate the provisions of this act, and earns -him or them to be arrested and imprisoned, orbaile.l, as the case may be, for trial before sitc court of the United State or Territorial courts has cogni- lance of the oflence. And with ajrlew to afford reasonable protection to all perws)i in theireon stitutiiuial right to vote without xhstinrtion of race, color, or previous condition' of servitude. and to the prompt discharge of the duties of this act, it shall be the duty of the Circuit Court of the United State, and the Superior Court of the Territories of the United States, from time Ume, to increase the number of coirmisMoners, so as lo arior. ijr BBr -aftiimr to exercise and discharge'nill thep ters and du- ties conferred on them by this act, d the same duties with regard to this act, a Kiev are authorized bv law to exercise wn regard to i 1 . . .1 other onences aguinst the laws ot the I nited Mites, Set 10. And be it fitrtltrr enacted, That It shall be the duty of all marshals and depiy marshals to olx-y and execute all warrants ssd precepts issned'under the provisions of this ttt, when to them directed ; and should any martial or dep uty marshal refuse to receive suchwarrant or other process when tendered, or usl all proper means diligently to "execule the aaisc he shall, on conviction thereof, lie fined in lie sum of one thousand dollars, to the use of Um jHTson de prived of the rights conferred by tfls act. And the better to enable the said conia)iii'ioncre to execute their duties faithfully and efficiently, in conformity with the Constitution of the United Stiites and" the requirt ments of thiiact, they are herehy authorized and empowered within their districts resjiectively, to appoint, in writing un der their hands, anv one or more suitable per sons, from time to time, to execute all stich War rants and other process as may be ined by them in the hifwul performance of their -evctive du ties and the persons so appointed . to execute any warrant or process as aforesaid, slmll have au thority to summon nnd call to their aid the by standers or pome rnmitufus of the proper county or st.ch portion ofthe land or navtl forces ofthe United States, or ofthe militia, ax may be ne- I eesiiarv to the performance of tha duty with jwhich'they are charged, and lo iiifOre a faithful observance of the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States ; nnd sirch war rants shall run nnd be executed by said officers anywhere in the State or Territory williin which thev are Issued. Sec. 11. And be it fUrtlur enaded, That any person who shall knowingly aid wilfully ob struct, Jiind?r or prevent any officer of other per son charged with the execution of any warrant or process issued under the provisions of this act, or any person or person lawfully assisting him or them from arresting any person for whose apprehension such warrant or process may have been issued, or shall rescue, or attempt to rescue snch person from the custody of the officer or other person or persons, or those lawfully assist ing as aforesaid, when so arrested pursuant to the authority herein given and declared, or shall aid, abet Or assist any person sou tested as afore said, directly or indirectly, to escape from the ci 1st o,l v of the offlcerW other person legally au thorized as aforesaid, or shall harbor or conceal anv person for whose arrest a warrant or process shallave been issued as aforesaid,!) as to pre vent his discovery and arrest after" notice or knowledge of the" fact that a warrant has been is sued for the apprehension of such person, shall, for either of said offences, be subject to a tine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprison ment not exceeding six months, or both at the discretion of the court,, on conviction before the district or circuit coori) of the United States for the district or circuit in which said offence may have been committed, or before the proper court of criminal jurisdirlion, if committed within anv one ol the organized territories ui uic t- lllieo Hates. tivc. 12. And be it further enacted, That the commissioners, district-attorneys, tbe marshals, their depirties, and the clerksof Un said district, circuit, aridHemlorial courts snail he paid lor their services the like fee a)y be allowed to them fiffsmiilar service in other cases. The person or persons autliprixed to execute ihe pro cess to be issued by such commissioners for the arrest of off. nders' against the provisions of this act, 'shall be entitled lo the usual fees allowed to the marshal for" an sm st for each person he or they msy arrest and take before any such com missioner as aforesaid, with such other fees as may be deemed reasonable by su, h commission er for .111 h otli.r mlilitiifanl services as mav be necessarily performed by him or them such as attendinar'at the examination, keeping the pris- oner in custody, and providing him with food ,aod lodging during his detention and until the finaK determination of such coaaMAsakiner, -and hi general for prrfonTiing such other dirties a may be required in tbe premise ; snch foe to be made up in couformitv with tbe fee usually charged bv ihe officers of the court of justice I within the proper district or 1 "!' a near aa ,7. 7. - i . 7 "e praciKHDIe. Slid Oaiil ,Mit ,J it... T. ry of the United Ht.t . .k- r. L. may be practi.-able, and paid out of the T . . I -f JT rv or the I 'nilH Ha.. - ------ . rimmn , . , , . ..rv ixniacw or ISSB judge within which the arrest is made, and Z reooverable from tba defendant a. p. rt of th. judgment in case of conviction. i ?"."jalllli aalBtiC That It shall lawful for the President ,.f .1... .. l.l. ' to employ such part of tba land or naval forcea of the I mu d Kta,e- or of the militia I..M i" nee,arv to in the ex.a,-ution of judicbj pro- J oam issued under this act P01 -'asf n,., wl.en- Hon of the fourteenth article of amcnilnieni 6T the Constitution of ttae I nited State, it shall be the duty of the district attorney of the United States (or the district In which each person shall hold office, a aforesaid, to proceed against such person, bv writ of quo warranto, returnable to the circuit or district court of the United States in such district, anil to prosecute the -anietoib.' val of such person from office : and anv wri person from office I ami anv writ orVjuo warranto so brotikht, as aforesaid, shall take precedence of all other cases on the docket of the court to which it is made returnable, and en.ni not dc continued unless tor cause proved to i ue satisiaction oi uie court. Sec. 15. Ami be it further rnnrieA That an person who shall hereafter knowingly accept or noiu any omce under the I mted mates, or any State, to which he is ineligible under the third section of the fourteenth article of amendment of the ( '(institution of the United Statm or aahn shall attempt to hold or eairoisii the duties of any such ofnee, shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor against the United States and. uDon conviction thereof before the circuit or district court of the United States, shall be imprisoned not more than one year, or fined not exceeding one inoueana uotiars, or Doth, at the discretion .i , , ,, ... ... . Of tfw court . EC. 16. And he a further enacted That all persons within the jurisdiction of the United Stales shall have the same right in every State aim lerruory in the I nited Mate to make and and enforce contracts, to sue, be partus, give ev idence, and to the full and eouaf benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of nersnn nnt nninart. I. . 1 I I I " . f. r "pi ciijovcti oy wiuie citizens, and shall be subject to like punishment, pains, penalties, taxes, Jkwses, and taecutioua of. ev ery kind, and none other, any law, statue, ordi nance, regulation, or custom to the contrary not- wiiiisiamiing. .o lax or charge shall be im pisaed or enforced by any State upon any person immigrating thereto from a foreign country which is not equally imsased upon every person immigrating to such State from anv other for eign country ; and any law of any State in con flict with this provision is hereby declared null and void. Sec. 17 And be it further ewtrUj. That anv person who, under color of any law, statue, or dinance, regulation, or custom, shall subject, or cause to be subjected, any inhabitant of anv State or territory to the deprivation of any right se cured or proUcted by this ac-pr to dHierent ty of a misdemeanor, ami. on con i icuun, wwsai oe pun ished by a tine not exceeding one thousand dol- lar. or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of the court. .. ... , i .- .1 - . I iITL.i .1. . OEC 10. Ana oe If junner rmmr) nisi me act to protect all persons in the United Stales in their civil rights, and furnish the means of their vindication, passed April 9, I860, is hereby re enacted; and sections 16 and 17 hereof shall be enforced according to the provisions of said act. Sec. 19. And be it fiurther enacted, That if at any election for representative or delegate in the Congress of the United States any person shall knowingly ersonate and vote, or attempt to vote, in the name of any other person, wheth er living, dead, or fictitious ; or vote more than once at the same election for any candidate for the same office ; or vote at a place where he may not be lawfully entitled fo vote ; or vote with out having a lawful right to vote ; or do any un lawful act to secure a right or an opportunity to vote for himself or any other person ; or by force.lthat is, menace, intimidation, bribery, re ward, or offer, or promise thereof, or otherwise Tmlawfnlly prevent any qualified voter of any State of the United States of America, or of any Territory thereof, from freely exercising the right oi suffrage, or by any sueh means induce any voter to refuse to exercise such right ; or compel or induce by any such means, or otherwise, any officer of an election in any such State or lerntiirv to receive a vote from a person not legally qualified or enUtled to vote; or interfere in any manner ith anv officer of said elections in the discharge of his duties ; or bv any of such means, induce any officer of an election, or officer whose duty it ia to ascertain, announce, or declare the result of any such elec tion, or give or make any eertiticatej document, or evidence in relation thereto, to violate or re fuse to comply with his duty, or any law regu lating the same; or knowingly and wilfully re ceive the vote of any person not entitled to vote ; or refuse to receive the vote of any person entitled to vote ; or aid, counsel, procure, or advise any such voter, person; or officer to do any act hereby made a crime, or to omit to do any duty the omission of which is hereby made a crime,or attempt to do so, every' such person shall be deemed guilty of a crime, and shall for such crime be liable to prosecution in any court of the United States of competent jurisdiction, and, on conviction there of, shall ba punished by a tine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a terra not exceeding three years, or both, in the discretion of the court, and shall pay the coats of prosecution., Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That if at any registration of voters for any election of rep resentative or delegate in the Congress of tlie the United States, any personhall knowingly personate and register, or attempt to register, in the name of any other person, whether living, dead, or fictitious, or fraudulently attempt to register, not having the lawful right so to do ; or do any unlawful act to secure registration for himself or any other person ; or by force, threat, menace, intimidation, bribery, reward, or offer, or promise thereof, or Other unlawful means, prevent or hinder any person having a lawful right to register from duly exercising soch right; or compel or indnce, by any such means, or other unlawful means, any officer of registration to admit to registration any person not legallv entitled thereto, or interfere in any manner with anv officer of registration in the discharge of hi duties, or by any such means, or other unlawful means, induce any officer of reg istration to violate or refuse to comply with his dutv or anv law regulating the same ; or know ingly snd wilfully receive the vote of any per son " not entitled to vote, or aid, cotinel. l.riw-iire. or advise anv such voter, person, or officer tosdo any-aet hereby made a crime, or to omit any 'act the omission of which is hereby made a erime and shall be liable to prosecution and punishment therefor, and provided in eec lipn nineUen of this act for person guilty of the crimes therein specified: Provided, that ev ery registration made tinder the laws of any Mate or Ti rritorv, for any Slate or other elec tion at which nch representative or delegate in Congress shall be chosen, shall be deemed to be a registration within the meaning of this act notwithstanding the 'ante shall also be made for the rm sea of any State, sVrritorial. or minii- .ipal ". And be it funk- rMsW That veheav rer, by the laws ot-aiT Bute or Territory, Use "ae of any candidate or persea to be vvtssjfor as representative or delegate in OmrtaTiK be required lo be printed, written, or ersni.lnsrf m any tie or ballot with other caftdi.lata. or persona to be voted far at lbs aaaae eleettoa far lr WJ-I. local caWU . -"iHieiit priaoaoeeyilence,mther for we purptsje of indicting or convicting any per " Vr? h. or saseaatuo oreJbr- p. i.o mi ciiargen ui iniiii'tiii ititiu, as) ed or offered lo vote, such ballot or ticket, or committed either of the offences named in the preceding section of this act with reference to such ballot. And the proof and establishment of soch fact shall be token, held, and deemed to he presumptive evidence that such person vo ted, or attempted or offered to vote, for such represents 1 1 ve or delegate, as the case may be, or wist mien onence was committed with reference to the election of such representative or delegate, and shall be sufficient to warrant his conviction, unless it hall be shown that any sueh brntot, when cast, or attempted or offered to be cast bv him, did not contain the name of any candidate for the office of representative or delegate in tbe oiigiess 01 1 11 1 tea mates, or mat such onence was not committed withjeferenoe to the election of such representative or delegate. Sec. 22. And be it further enacted. That anv -officer of any election at which any representa tive or delegate 111 tlie Congress of the I nited Slates shall be voted for. whether such officer of election be appointed or created by or under any law or authority of the United States, or by or under any (state. Territorial, district, ormuuici- al law or authority, who shall neglect or refuse 10 perform any duty in regard to such election required of him by any law ofthe United States, or of any State or Territory thereof; or violate any duty so imposed, or knowingly do any act thereby unauthorised, with intent to affect any such election, or the result thereof: or fraudu lently make any false certificate of the result of aucn election in regard to such representaUve or delegate; or withhold, conceal, or destroy any certificate of record so required by law respect ing, concerning, or pertaining to the erection of any such reiirexenlative or delegate ; or neglect or refuse to make and return the same so as re quired by law ; or aid, counsel, procure, or ad vise any voter, person, or officer to do any act by this or any of the preceding section made a crime ; or to omit to do any duty the omission of which is by this or any of said sections made a crime, or attempt to do so. shall be deemed guilty of a crime, and shall be liable to prosecu tion and punishment therefor, aa provided in uie nineteenth section of this act tor persons guilty of any of the crime herein specified. rsec. l.i. Ana be W further enacted, That when ever any person shall be defejUaiaSaaiMBig his election to anv olli-... i 1 lul$"FZr lb. right to vote, off aaUiShn 01 bbjbk color, or previous con dition of servitude his right to hold and enjoy snch office, and the emoluments thereof, shall not be inl nnired hv such denial: and such per son may bring any appropriate suit or proceed ing to nn-ovaaiatipsession of such omce, ana 111 cases where if shall appear the sole question touching the title to such office arises out of the denial of the right to vote to citixens who so of fered to vote on account of race, color, or pre vious condition of servitude, such suit or pro ceeding may be instituted in the circuit or dis trict court of the United Slates of the circuit or district in which such person resides. And said circuit or district court shall have, concurrently with the State courts, jurisdiction thereof so tar as to determine the rights of the parties of such office bv reason ofthe dental of tlie right guar anteed by the fifteenth article of amendment to the fVmsiitHiion ofthe United States, anrsccur- ed by this act, and that the Senate agree to the same. , - RAVAGES OF DOGS. We have, been much interested in that . . . . ,, , a, . e - portion ot the Agricultural rteport 101 March and April, which concerne dogs and the ir ravages, r rom 417 counties re ports have been received ot the destruc tion of about one hundred thousand head of sheep. It is estimated that through out the country during tbe past year nil of five hundred thousand sheep have been killed and as many more injured by dogs, involving an actual loss ot two millions of dollars. In the 24 connlics ofNoith Carolina reported ubont six thousand sheep have Geeii killed, on an average of JJ50 to the comity. Supposing that in ninety counties the average holds, then N. C. bas lost during the past year 22, 500 sheep which at a valuation of $2 per head amounts lo $45,000. It is a fery remarkable fact that although this evil has been brought to the att ntion of the Legislature of North Carolina time and again, it bas never yet devised a remedy lor the evfl. WonlW tl net be belter, we most earnestly ask, to transfer this annu al tax of $45,000 from the owners of sheep to those of dogs. The dog is the dggres or, why then should not the owner foot the bill T If a tax of one or two dollars vere laid on every dog in the State, a fund might be collected large enough to pay for all the sheep destroyed. 1 The State of New Jersoy enacted at the last session of its Legislature an excellent dog law, the provisions of which are f. A'tax of 92 is laid on every dog and $.3 on ev ery bitch. 2. Tlie owner to plaee on each dog a collar with his name and ad dress. 3. Dogs are to be registered and numbered in tlte office of the Clerk of each township. 4. That 110 damages shsll be collected by the owner of a dog killed while in the act of destroying cat tle, sbeep or poultry. 5. The taxes col lected in each county on dogs shall be held a a fund ouLof which fhe owners of stock destroyed or injured by them shall be remunerated, and the balace fo be used for educational purposes, uuder tbe direction of tbe connty school super intendent Carotjnar-frarmer; CriiNBSa Wife Mcrdkr A Sacra mento paper gives an account of tbe hatchery of a Chines Fman by 1st husband, who claims in justification there of, that he bought her for 3500 in gold from her former owner, and had a right to do a he liked with his property. NO. DEHADFUL 8CH. D--rt r.Hr Unim mtikm 9Mt It. relates a thrilling story of a deeperaba betweeu two mania occurred on tba Mfehiwaaa. O, ROsat . . ry mm -.ouina ago one of the brothers. ..I siiicssti waa a "ht " "vuhh yui it 1 ther of tbe lunatic naesed Christonlier.the latter, wbo bad never before shown the least signs of insanity, roina partially as an assistant in ease of need, and also to eiercise a quieting influence over tbe Riod oi his brother. Tha. brothers took a seat in the car together, diretly in front of the officer, aud far a time were noticed to ride very quietly iogetber.' At but, however, Christopher, the hitherto sano brother, commenced acting very sincnlar- J groaning and weeping and lamenting that be was so soon to part from bis bro ther. Tbe officer vainly tried to dissipate tbese sad thoughts, bat bis efforts seemed rather to add to tbe mental hallucinations than otherwise, while Lawrence grew more and mere rational. This state of tliirgs continued until the arrival of tbe train at the Michigan Central Junction, when all three left it to take dinner st thn eating house there. They bad been seat ed bat a moment when Christopher gave a yoll which brought every cne to bit feet, jumped to tbe floor, dashed the offi cer aside, and grappled with his brother, who had also arisen. A Btrnaale. as if lor life or death, now commenced between tbe maniacs, those present being so shock ed aud paralysed, that for a brief time thev could do nothing. The brothera, with insane strength, their eyes flashing, and their months foaming, fought desper ately. Tbe blood streamed from tha wounds inflicted by tooth aad uail, and they kicked apd pumelled each other with all tbe venom of the most intense hatred. t-.L ll v i both yelling I Tbe scene that ensued beggars descrip tion. Women and children rushed scream ing from tbe doors, while the stoutest freeing himself by a great effort from iron grip of bis maniac brother, who bad planted bis nails in tba throat of his tm- aginary foe, rushed from tbe room carry ing with him a portion of bis brother's clothing. Dashing to the cars, which were standing upon the track near the de pot, he clambered upon them with tba agility of a cat, and commenced the wild est and most extravagant antics. Chris topher meantime was caught, thrown down, and bound with ropes. After a brief time the other brother was also se cured and bound, and in that condition was taken on to the Lnnatie Asylum by the railroad officials; while tbe officer, ta king a homeward bound train, returned with Christopher to Monroe. After part ing from his brother, Christopher began to be more rational, and was finally landed in j'ail at the last mentioned place. WOMAN'S TRUE PLACE. If I do not at least say that whatever else may lore or demand her, woman's true place, first and last, must be her home, I shall be untrue to any one stand ing great conviction. Women most make more of their homes and make them more to those who belong within them. Iu this day of outward excitement and many other attractions, the old and sacred in tegrity of borne is endangered. The homes of to-day are not as dear as those of a past generation. Great changes have come over our people. Amusements mul tiply and press. Young people have ta ken out a license against their parents. Parents are getting rather afraid of their boys and girls. Home isn't tbe little nu cleus radiant joy 40 each, each shedding back joy on it. It is a convenient plaee to have, and the father is the banker, and tbe mother is tbe mistress of laundry wo men and cook, beat the h.sse fa sjooe "It is. only a part of the outer world whicb you have roofed over and lighted a fire in," which yon may make dark with your frown or uncomfortable by your whim. Once it was, what it must be a gain, tbe heart's holy of holies ; once no man would desecrate it by deserting it ; once all good impulse sprung hence and all true character grew j once tbe hearth at which father and mother sat was holy and dear, and if tbe generations are to get back old etabilitjr of character, and firm ness of principle, and the old undented religion, it must he through these homes, of which you, O woman ! are priestesses ; it must be by your garnishing them again with forgotten graves re-awaking gone out fires, and sanctifying anew the only peace in which a human soul can sure I v be fitted for tbe work and warfare of life. Heaven help us, if this desecration ofthe home gets into another genera tion ! Every roan has in his own life follies enough in bis own mind troubles enough in tbe performances of his duties defi ciencies enough wft hout being over ca rious about tbe affairs of others. The perfume of a thousand roses soon dies but the pain caused by one of their thorns remains long after ; a saddened re membrance in the midst of mirth is like that thorn among tbe roses on " uesuay last. U appears that a few yuiD- 24. 1