'' an 1 . -- ababta VOL. V. ff 'imh fV C IT IQUTTDV Ertssaaaaaaal." ' 1 ,.. ' " Ml "lX 10. 1H70 ; - x:' mm w . n, k ik i iHa i m r -m a . . . . 1 1 . H f I" Cl)c (DID Xov II) Stale PI ni lSIIKI) WEKKLT r LEWIS HANES Fdihr and Proprietor. batka oa aib biption Ohm Year, pay ii.ie m advance. ... Six Month, .. ..... 5 Copies to on address, 10 Copies to one address, . rj.oo 12,30 20.00 A'ufee of AIvertmtn e-A Ibi For each flll MM fesertb.u 1 .MB Z Hpecia) ii..tisfe-will be churned 50. per o higher than toftbuve rate Court aud Justices Orders will lie puiUMBf- t Ut MttM MtM Willi ilUMM MA. - Qbitiinry notice, over aix lines, charged Mad vert iKemruta. C0J 0NTR tAi'T RATES. To H H ffl I C S 1 r S pi 1 Square. Si Squares. oSquAres. 4 8quAea. t Column, i Column. 1 Column. 2 M :t 75 s mi -5( $ 1 ; 00 4 50 6 25 t 50 IU 00 22.00 : ii i ii mi i i i ii i 'ii i u i -mi no 8 00 H (Ml 15 (Ml 25 (Ml mt'.'iII WOO IC 00 20 00 .10 00 45.OOI ,,,e "ne ceremony is reputed. Ader IAIM)24M 31)00 45 00 5.(Mt h' ihe fuller and mother of the hiide 20 00 40 (M 50 (M) HO (M) l.'K).(M groom do tin- like. Then conn s the giv- PJalpa City, Tenn., Corresondeiicc of the Lou- j the golden ring to the bridi-gr 1, and iiivFIe Lommereial. J ""jttpT hi! vex nne tn tlrerin-ider 1 'In -y a i e no w THE-"SLKrM'IM; BEAUT1'" OF affianced to eaaji other, and give leacholh TENNESSEE er the first kissS Win n the ceremony is I ovi r. the coiupanv eijoy themselves; they . has already been Written in Bo mnMi has already been Written in regard to the" lady known here ns the "Sleeping Beauty," that I can scarcely hope to give you anything new, but will ! add my testimony to that already given, and make ycu a ple.iu statement of facts, as I know them from her mother, brother, nnd friends, who now have her in charge in .he same house in which I aiu stop. J ping, and from which I am now writing to yon. miss cmsau v ..mime uoaeity e 1...... ... 111,.... . 'IV.............. ..-S i'mii iii ,iui"ii I'MM.iv, t r uin 1,11 , , .inn w ithin tea miles ojhis city, of poor, but honest parents Her father has been dead for tWejvC yearn. Her mm her still lives and watches owr her Jo veil chihf', and the -111 T ' i eyes rmn-jvrntfrvn rmw w tne rrmm imn mnmws sn pericnced in her duty tor t weal v -one yeArs. She isvery poor, anil to sonn-ex tent, dependent on the contributions ol visitors, to take cure ol and procure prop er supplies for In r charge, .,... . Miss Godsay was taken sick when a bont four years of age, with what Wits supposed to be chilis and fuver, but which baffled the skill of nurses uud physicians for more than two years, at which lime she fell into a nervous sleep, from which she has not woke since for a longer lime than twelve minutes. She usually sleeps soundly from 11 o'clock at night mini about ti in tho fuoriiing, and through the day waktis about ncc an hour. Her wa king spells are never i.f less than four nor more ib.iii twelve, biit usually about six minutes' dnration. In bear waking mo ments she speaks liotli pie isattly and in telligi ntly, answers promptly any ques tion Hsked her, aud tippvais qirite happy and contented. 7 One of the str.injost points of ibis strange case is the seumingly total ab sence of anytliing like respiration. A piece of the finest pnlislu-d glass held close to her lips fails to disclose the slightest trace of breath. Iiei pulse "a perfectly still, and but lor a nervous and ti-enuiius motion nf the body, which never ceases, J'ou might at any time call her dead. jn' ias grown duii:.g her nflliution from a little child to about the average height, of lier sex, and weighs, 96 pounds ; and al though her body and hands showjlier "vi rv poor in lb eh. her face is full aud smooth, nd her features well developed. Indeed, fuch a (Hie style do her features poit ny dint she is not. inappropriately called the Sleeping Beauty of Tennessee Masoic.-TB New Yoik Timet re ccutly published nn interesting history of Fue Masonry, frqm which we lake the follow ieg extracts : ; Tne Universal.! if of 3fffonry Wheth er from Eneland or Scotland, or from an cient Egypt Masonry nriginatei', it spread all over the globe, and now Masons-can be found niunng almost all the nations of the earth- Inasmuch us it teaches liberty, fraternity, and equality, it is interaicted in Russia, Ausirii', Spain, and Portugal, and in Hungary a man, if known to be a Ma son, woiild "be imprisoned. Tbe Chinese have an organization closely allied to-M.i-Aonry, hut instead of the Bible, tln-y use the writings of the confucious, who is claimed as their spiritual guide. There ere Masons among thc Mahometans. The high degrees known among European Ma sons sre not. practiced by the Chinese or Asistie Masons, bin the extent nf their Masonic knowledge' i con6ned to that i obtained in symbolic lodge? Tlr icielore, if a Master Mason, madeiii (his country ; 1 (..;,.,;'., a. .1... i'i;,....i r ! or in Great xvmi 011c, biioiijii ien uie ..loiioiinus or Other Asiatic nations, he would find thai lie could rendilv make himaelf known and L- L1....1J .i. r 1: Would be recognized ,as n brother. The Only prinsoner in the Nantucket . .f . ... . ... 1 jail nonncs me autnoriltes that it tiny don t hx up that yait-so ttlat 4h 1 ean't get in to bother him, he will be blow- X ed if M will stv in there , MARRIAGE CEREMOXT IN RUS-BIA. According i the ritual, "Whew the hi idegroom in presented, llw whole Lmu in in confusion j all the relations, fri-ud and i.eihbnis. on both shies, arc invited In i In holier of ill,- bride. When all the 1 Jill , expected coiupanv are assembled, the matchmaker romp In, leading the hride- I groom by the linnd. and mine- straight in the head ofihe house, presents him The lb. i t' he om",).' in iii .'.0 ' ' able con . . whir rloih ; mi ut 'the table, is a. silver salver with a loa of lift brenil n null ii lliii lnrad in it, and on I "ikksVi'l'. Two liiira one of eold, tin- ifiitr. pMerd on a uniittr W TBlafTllV b Tore a troltlen limine ot the li - gin Mrtrv hohfiiia; the Child JeVie in lief UTtn. WKH lhra"iiialh!y"!TeiTii' Inline cmiple. All . lie company Aland j the mother holds the bride, completely dreiped in white, by the hand, ninnii.il ed by all liei dearest friends and compan ions. All bow before the jinnee. The father taken the image, the mother the nrean anil salt ; the yonng couple iih-ii kneel under tin' ilBAire. and are fii"i"t bleSK ed by the lather;, tho latter then takes the lire. id and salt from the hands nt' the ' moiUer, and then gives her the image and I'ljf 'f I he i iiil's. 1 In-bride's f ithi L'lVi 8 j chat, laugh, eat and di ink, and separate, I ,., la..; flj ,i , .;. ago. During the interval between the ceremony and the marriage the bride groom spends all his evenings with his bride, often Mc a tete. The marriage cer emony follows. It is ulrO called the cor onal ion, because during the ceremony a crown is place. 1 on the heads of the affi anced. Then the priest ofli-rs them a cup ot v.ine, of which tbev both drink, ns a 8i of ho M)ljot bV(. col,,racIrt . . . . . ' A solemn procession it led by the. officia ting priest, the bride utid In iilegrooiu fol lowing him. round the desk placed in tin centre of-llie church, upon which is laid ,i't4' T'" ' muut la ieHri the ill lln-se ties. Iliirli." the plllil c celebia- ii in of tin- marriage, the rins worn- bv ihe yoni:g couple nt-e exchiingi d ; tin I husli.ind now weuffug ihe silver ,h'-, thi ! In nle t In- g.ilth n. From the church uli j tin- cotttrnfny are invited to go to the house ol flni" bridegroom s father. A week af ter, tli.-y return to church, wl leu tne iniest lifts tin- crown from' their heads. This is the final consecration of mani.ige. TDK MAIiY. In his recent volume entitled. Society ami Soli, mle, Ha Iph Waldo Lmdson says: " 1 he pe chililliooi if.xlii.il of the provid. hce for j ...,:, 1, ,.i..a.,..,i 'pi, . i ID lir.l, ni.lll,fni,uK0. Al, ,: ' cue winch covers the seed ol the tree un der lough husks a' d stony cases, provides tor the hum in plant the mother's breast and the lather's hoiiser The size ol 'lie tier is coiuu-. ami its Iiua., beset chin" 1 A,, Oi l weakness is conipeuaaled pemci ly by the one happy, patronizing look el the moth er, who is a sort of high reposing provi dence toward it. Welcome lu the parents the puny slruggb r, strong in Ins weak ness, hi.- little anus more irresistible thaii the soldier's. Ins lips touched with persua sion which Chatham and Peiicles in man hood had pot. Hi.H unaffected lamenta tions when he lit'-- tip his voice on high; or, more beautiful, the sobbing child Mu tate aULJiquid. giiet, as he tiiis to swallow his vexation, soften all hearts lo piety, and to inii til ill and clamorous compassion. The small despot asks so little, dial all reason and all nutUreare 011 his side Ills ignorance is more charming than all knowl edge, ami his little sins more be witching than any virtue. His flesh is a eg- -' flesh all alive. 'Infancy,' said 1 oleridge, 'pre sents body and spirit iu unity ; the lm.lv is all unhealed.' All day, between his three or four sleeps, he coos likoi seigeon house, sputtcfs aud spurs, and puts 011 his Jnces o) importance, uud when he fasts, the little Pharisee tails not to sound his trumpet before liitu. By lamp light, he delights iu shadows nn the wall; by day light, in y eliow and scarlet. Carry him out of- doors In' is overpiiweied'by the light and by the extent of natural objects, and is sileiyt. I hen presently begins his nse of his fingers, and he studies power the lesson ot Ins race, t irst it appears in moral mind, and stamping ra destiny ! no great harm, in architectural tastes. I Let not nn impure schtence go-forth from Oaf of books-,--thread-spools, cards and i your pen, or your lips, checkers: he will build his pyramid with' Drop everywhere the - good seeds of the gravity of Pall idio. With an ncous- 1 truth, and they will not be lost, .The word tic apparatus of whislle and raiile, he ex-1 of reproof the judicious counsel - the ploies tbe laws of sound. Bnt chiefly, j pleasniitNsoggestioii the earnest advice like bis senior countrymen, the young I will be recalled at a future day. America! studies new and speedy modes 1 ; ol transportation. Mistrusting the cun-1 Nearly Home "Almost well, and near ning of his small legsTTitr wishes I o lide : ly at home, said the dying Baxter, when on the nrrkw and shoulders nf all flesh. I he small enchanter nothing can with- , stand no seniority of aire, no eravitv of ' character: line is. .Hints, rr inrf-n-es fraud- " . - o e mH easy prey he conforms to , nobody, all conform to him? all caper and : inakc lunutlis, and babble and chirrup to j ; him. On the strongcsi'shonlders he ride?. and pulls the nair 01 laurelled Heads. 1 A mm iu Rhode Island has been senVj 1 days for sleeping in church- othing was done to the clergyman who J hi ... k: . T J vl. '. bias toslesd A WEDDINO NIGHT INCIDENT How Tom Eennrtt fixed Joe Thompson, It wasn't hardlr ihe fair thing thai ihe boys did to Joe Thomnaon the night he wan married, bnt the t, mutation was irre sistible. They could not have helpe,' ii in have caved their livea, I'll te'l you how it was : Joe was about the most fane? d rested chap In town over nice and p.n licular a perfect M iss Naney in manner, always irX"'ir' ' mori dtint v nod m.wd. nigin c.ime he whs iln-saed, trunk empty, in,d Ins paffs, i'e'ciallfitiiujr hiiu as it tbev had i nio,1s, and IrHr legs d4ei. and run into ihem. 'ligBF waa wo name f a tln in. Their cot as iiumsnse, and In- Was prouder than a IiaU lie.ie..,-k- - doZen -A...U-L ,lu.v nice, hov " he asked of i no I wo won were io oe jri nooisioeo, miu see that he threw hiiOCelf away lit the most approved fashion. .1 I . L J .dinning ! Ooigeoiis replies 1 om Benin tt. "Never saw anything ciiiIhI to i them. But I say, Joe, aren't thay jns i-t , tile i-HS nine 1 1 trni ii siriar-s me inaie Lyon iil l"i ve some difficulty in bending Won't Vol! T "IMiuw, no?" They are as easy as nil old glove : see ! To prove the m .iter In bent down ao AS to touch his patent Teatners, when ! crack tollowed like the twin repo.t vi A I revolver. "Thin del ?" exclainn-d foe, ns be cla-'p- eu Ins liamls n h mil ami foil. id a rent in the cassimereTsVom igpt lo stern. "Thun der ! the pants I an- bins; and what shall I do ? "I should think they had," answered Tom, ceiiinir purine in the I ice as be en deavon d to control his laiighlf "But there is no time to get another pair. It only warns half an hourtobe stand tip time and we have a mile to go. Carriagi waifirg too." "What shall I do? what shall I do 1" "I'll tell you what Joe if mine would j hi you should have them and welcome, but they are a mile loo big. I see no way but to have thelu mended." "Who can I g t to d.nf.Toro "Well, I am something nl a taller nnd ran fiz them s ihut they- won't show. Hold 011 a minute and I'll get a needle nnd thread." " Tar. mr Timr rrrriT , comm ttiaed J oie, , 1 ns be came buck. "Now lav yoursell over on the bed and I'll fix you in short on er." The command was obeyed ihe pants ine-iiled tire-coat tails carefully pinned over, so as to conceal the "dislrcss for rent." and all went merry ns n marriage 1 Mif jm lt,wvi tit blushing bride, to the natal couch. There was only a dim light in the room, hill it enabled Joe, as he glanced bash fully around, to see the sweetest face in I 1 ho world, the rosy cheek and ripe lips, 1 '- .,OV, l' ,,d h"U I'1"'" '!"' ... . .... ..... . 1 I i.oi.iiii .f imt lri.nl tin. 'MH II t "II JUi-l 'l',Mi I rite lf "'i ' "".'K"'"" ."'" iietiier, aoo nasieueu 10 uisruDi nimsen 1 11 me coin , esi , fancy necktie and collar, hoots and socks in a hurry ; hut s- tiiehow the pants stuck The more he Hied, and more ihey wouldn't come and he lued vaiuly for hall an hour. "Thunder ! "'''muttered Joe. "What is the matter, diini ?" enroe in the anflest of accents from the bed, where somebody was woiidejjiig what it was ; tlnrt annoy d him. It was a moment of desperation. J o was entirely overcome by .the situation, and forgi tting his bashfulnesls, blurted i out : . 1 "Molly, that cured -Tow Bonnet- jlAS j sewed my pants, drawers, shirt and un dershirt, all together ! "Ii is too bad. " Wait a moment, dear." A little stockiugless foot, peeped out, then a ruflied night dress, the lump was lighted, a pair nf scissors found" Tlud Joe released, mentally vowing that if ever he got the opportunity hu. would pay 'his friend Tom back with interest for tbe joke-had played on him. --- A Thought. A seed, buried in the earth tot centuries, may contain the pow er of vitality, and by ihe action of light and heat, spring up and yield an abun dance of frni'. '"A thought casually d rop ed in the corner of a letter--ut the bot tom of n newspaper column - orXamid n crowd. of juveniles - may remain npio duciive htr years, nnd at last spring up to gladden and refresh llioitsSuds. A thought may be rem 1 inhered for life. Think of this, y e who are leediiig lhe iiu- asked how he wns-by-a friend. A tyr, when approaching the stake, being oueslioned as 10 how he fell answered . - z almost home. 1 belt looking oyer the mesdoWS between him and the pkioo where ".M:Vrr oetter. lor now 1 know tint I om i he waa immediately to be burnt, be said, I "Only two more stiles to get over, And I j am ni my lamer s uonse. -"yyin," said th n.-v s M ... 1. . I 1 home! Another on his dt.ath-bed .aid V am going-home as fast as I can, and 1 God thAt I have, a good home-to-so .1 I . i;..i . .L.JUii' I I t . t A T1ff A Ml H ' . All. .'K iir."iiiiAniAATiBl'' THK Hi. TIIF DEATH OP TH Ml. 1370. On the 9th ill Rii-inhcrs of the HI Carolina met in f" l""I'"f of o,y eieciliig new Oi i aei Mclver was eh. fent, and, on taWJ h niuiiiiti m -,i "fW'C:i(- vol Xnrlh Li.r.ry for I f'IH tin- s wti fv ."aw: WJ7h r . . in Q 'J'1 "1, -ray icw, an per- je it in the meet J Ern members nMln on.-l v ' fleeted H . sons who were then i had not lor i lie OOcietr Were n'ni , im-inbers. K. W. r was elected 1 m" ieMtMaT4sV Cleik. roil. u. . I'rttriek m n ij . - ed tint the i '. " r "Um "P "PP' iinmitte4- ef nee members to prepare rs port per- mam nt iitliiers No Hie 1 si ion oi . tT -MX the Society, which motion ty carried' s unanimous 1 h Chair appointed D. $. Pet- rick, Prof. James A. Mail! Aitd Col. Jas. F. Taylor The committee relumed fid verT son reported ii.r I'lesid-nl. Joll Hill Whee ler the uistoiiau For Wee President thirteen persons to be ee d ly the So- cn tv, hn Secretary an I'redrer, J McJvA The report of the com imoaslv adopted. -at tee was rfrian L o. Wheeler on takindjhe chair made a few appropriate n m ifkl and, the Socie ty betug thus reorganiz jj jn-ACeeded elect Vice I'rcaideuts anCnvmbers. The following tliirteeneuileiDen were unanimously elected Vici Presidents of the Society : Gov. W. W Holden 1 : 5?' , 1 real- I H. T. Cbnk; Kev. Solo dent of the IJurrersitv : Id. Wt Moore, of Kdeutflit ; Ni ls oi Guilford; Hon. Win. I Batil ighj Han. Thomas L. (Juigm in ville; Dr. 8 S. SafcbwelNew II, mover; Win J. Yates. Charlotte! Rev. B. Cra- ven, D. D., P11 si.lent of riuity College ; Rev. E. F. Itnckwell. Preldent of Con cord Female College ; Kilemon John, Elizabeth Citfi snd Got D. S Rtid. AH the trustee of th.f uivcrsity who are not already merabei J . crA unanimous ly elected legu'ar mi ailfcrs The folliiwing geiiileilyn were unsni TTooT.iTnalriTe D. Ildl, Reverend Thus. Allison, D D., Hon. Thos. C. Fuller, Get! R. B. Vance, Rev. Geosge W Weik-r, Rev Brently Vork, Hon. J. W. Holden djl llon.'Le'wis Hanes. Hon S. S. Ashley, Geo IK H. Biog- den and 1 nt. ,) imems-r-i H-.fnr ereap 1 1 1 pointed a committee to pmc re irom tne next Legislature an act-to incorporate the Historical Society nf North l uremia. On motion of !lev. SoloniMi Pool a vm of thanks was uiiHiiiinously iiveu to Col John II. Wheeler, the IV Aleut of the Society, for the able mid iniviesiiug ad dress which lie had deliferediou the day hefoie 0" the history of No th Cwiroliun, with 11 request that a copy brgivin to the Society for publication. I1...WU8 voted that the Siretary end Treasurer be instructed to L'olh ct the books, papers and- other preVrty of the Society, and deposit them in it Univer-" siiy library. It was voteil that Rev. Summon Pool, Morgan Clapp, D. H Patrick ; James F. Taylor and S. S. AfMif be'iiipointed an executive Committee to conduct the print ing aud other executive business of the Society. Ex-Gov. Henry T. Chirk was anani inriisly elected In deliver the in Xt annual address before the Historical-iiiWiety of Nmth Carolina at the wext 1 egiibv meet iug, which wilHie hold at the Uiliversity nn the day before the eoiiiini'irci mitweik of 1871 in the University library. Catching a Fly m Church. A ladj in one of eur sburelie rested her head iU t'ts hack of a pew in front, as all devout peopla do in time of prajrer, hut iu the pew jefore her sat a young man who neither bofed his head nor kneeled. A beautiful idu ijU uadded and danced upon the head of Uyc one behind him. oeeasiorially tiiuchlrlffn'e neck of the youth, who evideutly cotVidered it a fly or some other troublesome ii ct. For a time he bore the unpleasant seSration without a murmur, but at last patience ceased to be a virtue, nnd from the flash of his eagle eye one could plainly see that .he hour of "thAt fly'Miad come. Instead of sayiug "t-ho fly. don't bidder me." cautioesly his hand moved tiJJhe.sunMed nffeuditig insect ; then followed A. frAUtlc oltite Ap a spilng hehThd" him, Imagiue th horror if the youth to find in his hand the nobby hat of the fair one. which h! had torn' violently from her head.sad:y disarranging lliecoutour of bra ds aud chignon. The lady was indinUAnt. of eonrse. and the y;ulh cKual have lieen pur chased at au iniineuse sacrifice about that lime. Explsnatious and apologies followed, aud the diso"rufxedhair was put iu order as soon as possible. And the devotional exercises were resumed. Lima ( Ohio) Gtuttte. A Specimen of Hifalutin.A Western political stump speaker demolishes hisop- l ponen t io this wise. lJ , Uutld a worm tence arnnnrt winier s supply of summer w e.ither; skim the clouds rmii the SHV w una- -teaspoon ; in eu a 1, - - . , hurricane to abariiese ; groiindNjlotee an earthquake; lasso an avalanche, pat A di- aper on the crater or an aeiive voicano . hive all tbcNiiars iu Aiiail keg, bang the ocean on a grape uir m urv ; piamcM; to soak in a gourd ; unbuckle the belt of eternity, And paste 'lo Let on tne euu and moon ; but nevrr for a moment sir delude yourself vrith the jd-a thaV any ticket of yonrsxtyjpAB btAt flpa. pni BJfTli i In- Oocietv wi re n'latl l mm: Jd ItfKnis.'lino of j p,., unanimous- jmm Itiatn A. I n"u7nhalt, I e, IUI- , Ashe-1 THE DEATH OP THE LION. Perhaps no ease ot royalty In reduced cirtt misiaiice. is .0 sad as thai of the liu - .... -awsiri n qoent. as are In our times, the eleiMitudes of monarch. neither the depo.ed Queen ot Spain ,t -.-...., nor me exploded Bombs in BBi l ' 7 fnJr!.h'r. b"cki rbillppl appearing suddenly in England as Mr. Mnith with . ..1 jT .' i.. ii. . . r- a '" cm- iiuii-iia is so see lauch,, Iv .a AO melanchol decline is mm naoi gerwo spring on the timhle Aew-hipe, or cope with Hie sturdy buffalo, And, Against bis better nature, tbe leoliue Lear, anil grand and imposing ol aspect, btttwbe refi of his power, is driven to walcnfor stray children going to the well, or old n picking sticks in the forest. It be imagined that the sable philoso of the bereaved tribe would regard abduction of aired females as praise worthy, or would at least consider the eat ing jjt, them as a 8iifficieavpunisbmen foi the offence. Not ao, however; a lion once known as a man, woman, or child eater, is by nn means encouraged, even iu Africa, in ihe indulgence of his tastes; Ttid what with constant interruptions, aud the ne 111a ne ne 1 against his in peace. - A stiffen, be cessity for increased vigilance foes, be seldom eninys a meal As bis teeth fail and his joints is no longer able to capture the feeblest crone, or to masticate tbe tendesest virgin ; aud, in the 'last i-tage of all that ends this stiauee eventful history, hsveatches mice for a subsistence, gulping them like pills, and ekes out the insufficient diet with giass. Imagine the incarnation of abso lute nun 1 1 ibis rioter in llm blood of swift and powerful beasts ; this emitter of je roar tal dU,.g tbe hearts in the wilderness to quake, driven, in hat should be a majestic old age, to pick his own sal ads aud to turn mouse r ! The number of times that, with his large frame aud cor responding anjaiiie. he most perform for each scanty Mai the degrading act of watching fofisV pouncing upon a ironse, must ultimately deprive his whole char Acter ; daily he must sink lower in his own esteem : reformation aud snicide are equally denied him ; till, happily, the rav age who come upon his track, knowing by signs that has In en forced to graze, knows i ft so ,4 hit hi feeb enea is great; and find- iffy . is great ; and hnd . ot rxtM.W,Wib 1 w 5 . . . . A bush, in the sleep torpor of self-contempt, considerably has tens with his assagai to draw a veil over the painful scene, LATE HOURS. Rev. Henry Ward Beecher preached lately nn "Late Hours" And the "Un fruitful Works of Darkness," end in the course of his sermon said : "If you w ant to make the ruin of a child give him lib erty after dark. You cannot do anything nearer to insure damnation than to leave him at liberty to go where he will without restraint. After dm k he will be sure to get into rommuui aiion with people that will undermine nil his good qua lilies. I do not like to speak lo parents about their chil-dn-n.hut there are thousand who think their child cannot do wrong. Their child will not lie, whi n his tongue is like a bended bow ; he will not drink, when there is not a saloon w ithin a mile of his father's honse where he is not as well known as one of its own decanters ; he never does iniqui tous things, when he is reeking in filth. Nineteen ont of every twenty allowed per fect freedom st night will be wounded by it. "There is nothing more important than for n child to be at home At night ; or, if he is abroad, vou should be with him. If Tie is to see any sights or take Any pleas ure, there is nothing that he should see (hat you should not see with him. I is not merely that the child should be broken down, hut there are thoughts that, never ought to find u passage into a in id's brain. As aii eel, if he wriggles acmes a carpet will leave his slime, which' no brushing tan ever efface, so there are thoughts thst can never be got rid of, once permitted to enter: end books And pictures imder the lappets of their tu)AtAW-Jni Jc. tdess iu the mind of your child thai cAn never be effaced. There re men who heve heard a salacious song, and they never be effaced. There are men who have, heard a salacious song, and thev never can for get t. They will regret having learned r . .. i .1 '. I: I J- It to tne enn oi tneir nvi. i uo mm u licve in a child's seeing lives. I do not believe in a child's seeing life, ns il is rail ed, with its damnable lust and wickedness, to have its imagination set on1 fire with the flames of heH. Nobody goes through this fire but they nre burned, burned, bnnted ; aud they can never get rid of the scars." A young "Virginian has this year grad UAted At the Princeton (N. N.) College with higher honors tbsa have been taken At that colh gc since tbe graduation of Aatoo Btts. His nAmVJa Tlieodoric" B. Pryor, on of Rger .'ANPryor, late of Virginia. The New York Tribune of the 30th" ult., in A notice of the Princeton commencement, says : .vThe Jay Cooke Mathematical Fel lowship, after the most difficult, And iu its remits the most brilliant examination in the history of tbe college, Was given to Thcodoric B. Pryor. "Why do yon rail me Birdie, my dear t" inquired A wife of her husband "Because, was the answer, "yon are al- l ys associated,, in my mind, with a hill " There Ii to be this year a greAt Pro Umuiit Ecumenical Council in New Fork city aometfaine; that has been thought of for aosae time. An exchange, alluding to thai meeting f the Christian churches. U: . New YoT7 1f''ri,,0,"Tmh,e At . 7 f,.m W of ' ', ' repreei,,a-. K. .ati.. ...... - "V v-unauaii ueiiommatmn. w hk..nt rn'mni'?" ttM Blf"a" P"bolie, a greu, c 1 " in. . . . . Nome of 1 lie mm rllaliinriiislieit men nt Cliristeiidoin ... . . , , , 11. IMHW wmii t.j.i . u . . papers to read, touching ell the as peat ot Bum a IrBiisewndaiil intiisasji, 1 11 Ihsjiisan nection with the times. It is expected that more than two thousand delegates whI be present 'I he programme has all bee., arranged aud published ; the subjects divided aud specialised, And each com mitted tafeftome individual of distinction therein, Before tbe world of literature uud science. They disclaim all purpose of msEing ihe great Uuncil ol Knmc tiic ab jective point of this extensive movement. Tiny declare, and truly, that' this asscin hlT has been the fruit of efforts gradually prevailing that began many years before the Holy Father signified his pontifical will. Nevertheless, the coiitrast cannot fail to awaken an extraordinary interest in both as constituting the great religious event of the age an issue joined, on a vast and august scale, in the persons, orf both sides of most able and venerable men between the past and future aL tbe reli gious mind of man.' A Divorced Wife aud her Husband Marry again after a Separation of Thirty three Years -A story of reul life, shroud ed somewhat in romance, runneth in this wise: About thirty-three .yiApi ago, a yonng lady, about fifteen years of age, beautiful and accomplished, Wit specially noted for her musical talent, (forshe could sing like a bird) wa wooed and WY111 by a vountr mechanic, who was also a noted ' ,., . ... ; 1 . .. I singer. J he union did not prove narmo- 1 nions, and alter an experience of about ; six mouths the young wite relumed to 1 the psrcntsl toof for support and tirotec-1 mm A eommittee was selected to con fer with the estranged parties. One of the! tfjmrniuwneQ jraa l'j:i n 1 it,m in tlio wav of a reeonciliatiow. Tin i husbAnd went his wav. A divorce wlm obtAlned, but I liave not been edvised which was the complaining party. A son I was born, in whom the pride of the nioth- i 1 I L- 1. i er was centered more nun more us no grew j from infancy to cpildhood, and trom child hood to msnhood for she was iu him re warded more than mothers often are. The father married again and reared n family of children. His name often ap pears in print, for he is an author of mu sie and a singer of note. Man than lliit - tv veins have dragged their VeAlB crooked lengths slong And disappeared behind e- (eniity s veil. Uuriiig all Hits time, t be lieve. the actors in this drain a met not; bnt strange things do happen.1 The sec- ond wife sickened and died; after a while ! the husband sickened, and as be lay on I his bed uncertain of the future, memory called up the past in long review ; tome I!1a U IhIIIN 111 I V hnvp lincled bis p.nn- i science st all events, he longed to see her around whose life lie had wontouly wranDcd the dark mantle. Efforts were made to get her by his bedside ; they were successful ; a "reconciliation was ef lectedj, and she adiuinistered to him dur ing his indisposition. When sufficiently convaleseenf, they visited her obi home, kindly words were spoken, the dark past forgotten, Assurance of fealty iu the future made, And Again T the hand wss promised. rlastitehVM'ATX'tWwe married the life jonmey, so eagerly begun, soon disconnected, was commenced anew. j. A Quack Doctor ruxs ajtay with ; Pix Women at a Tims! Dr. Young, the quack caticer doctor, who swindled Messrs. James and Jones of something near f l,0(k), and who haf Lreu living b Inw ltloulitille. shinpelTtils wife to Notth Carolina, from which State he natw.sw.u-, " I dled a dozen or two gentlemen Ana ran j away on nmriini nwiim'k mwvm ui youh women from the neighborhood of the innction of Holstnn river. Be took the Western tram At L mon with four of: "'J T t I the damsels, and .waa joined at Jonesboro j by the other two He checked bis W- gage lo Louisvi! Jr. a,1 ..m. supposed ,,, , fiave gone to L tah Will, his "happnrfem,- tippe, Lord have mi rev on his soul ! - -V ' Bristol Xeics Bovs, never coquette the girls Thev i furnish eoqnetry enough without your aid. It you want to win their auctions with a view to matrimony, approach them polite ly and honestly, being sore that you mean just what your actions indicate. Many a tender heart has been broken, And many a happy life been made sad by a false de- clAration of lovsj, s . m - Make a point Vver so clear, iris A great : odd. th.t TmAU .whose habit, and the I bentot whoM.mind lie a contrary way, i .11 l LI . , -. n sbAll be unable to comprehend- it. 80 i wei k A tlnng is with inclination. reu, iu competition ; 1 VTbat is the difference between a prov- ident widow And a wife who talks About her ''liege lord?" One husbands her i mean, and the othr means h-r husband ' From the Charlotte Democrat. Me Editou Many danceroua nlla fn illuminating purposes are now appearing under divers ymes and hawked about the country, and sold At cheap rtea, a- j i- "" ie use 01 w inch all persons should be cautioned; and for this end I send you au ex.iact transcribed ftom .K- j 7L . "u" rnscriDtU fiom the American (.Hiisr I lie use ,, 1, ,, jj n,.MO. ,l1(ll,j arrlMli M t.i . a ' " " ' , "Tl'" JLUs 1 u'lnw wnit m eaiis -snn . . aVr . 1 ww. . t.j imuv . . ci'i c a make one gallon take three tine, 1 ox of pulvciized alum, I J ox. al cotiul, 2 02 cream tarlar, 2 ox. eul sods, I pint potatoes (cut fine ), 2 lal.lespooiiluls of fine sht 'J dr 1 chats ed sassafrws, and 4' do gum c"nmnli ir. Then follow direa- tions for mixing these iugiedieiitsi If the tiling was not so wicked we should not ridicule its absurdity. It is an attempt to induce ffc-ople jb believe that with the vs lious additions snd preseribed mixings, rhe iicmxrne cun Hbecon verted 1 u in some tiling safe for illuminating purposes). Tbe oil of sassafras and camphor Are added to make the compound sun-ll differently from pure Benzine they are combnslible end ao far are not foolish ; but the other ingyo, di. nt-, alum. ..;. potatoes, &c, Are sheer nonsense. '1'hey have not .the slightest etiect iu making the Benzine otherwise than Benzine, and the person who propo ses 10 add them is a fool if he did not know ii, nnd n rascal if he did. Recol lect that 1 his oil is Benzine, unsafe, ex-plo-ivc uud deadly. Better that your children should have no' other light then tallow dips, or go to bed at dark, thaarun the lisk of sudden death, or w hut is worse, being maimed for life by this S. L. or C. R.'oil. If you will use it, first make your will, then insure your life, and ask your minister to get ready a sermon on tho "mysterious dispensation of Providence." These recipes are iicing hawked about the country by agents who. by pleading the cheapness of the liim', doubtless sell I , a large number dnd punished. Ihey should be arrested A Sense KlBKR. . A BLACK M FARLAND IN NORTH niunt IVI .. . CAROLINA. '' jr.. ! Lkxqik, N. C Jane 9 A trsjgedy similar to the McFarland-Richardeoaur bus recently occurred iu this Slate ao Analogous, indeed, to that case that I am tempi ed to gi v. the particulars thereof. We ana it.., I ll,,. ft. .ten 11 1 , . I I 1 . .11 to dill- I'l 1 lll-f I rt "" ............... . ..-j ----- is not confuted lo particular localities aloue, nor to the white man only In the in sluice I am about to give you the parties are bluck, and were lately the slaves of families distinguished in the old North ; StAte. The history of the cafe, which has just bien tiled in tbe court tor the county ol Burke, nt Morgan Ion, and before his Hon orJudge Mitchell, is briefly (his : Some lime ago Andrew t'nldwcll took the Witt of Harvey Avery, and eloped wanner mra her home in Burke county, to Jf.asl Tennessee. The woman is said to Have hern a faithful owl devoted wife for about Hftei'n fears; biA was inveighed liit a deseition of her husband by the wiles of Andeew. The pleasures of this new life not proving ail the-woman had been told they would be, she wrote to her injured husbni!(l to come and take her buck to his home again. This was done. But the seducer soon followed, And a short time after hi- return was caught by Avery nnder circumstances which loi'iviiieerfthd husband of the continued guilt ol his wife. Doubly enraged by this discovery, Avery rushed upon the parties wMr-a knife smd U'rwk. Tbw-wtfe, rightly gwassing his intention tn kill, fled, bnt Caldwell Stood his ground and culled for the woman to remain also, as the two might successfully defend themselves. Bat it waa fn vain ; f . , minuXe9 AvePy i,ad cutCAld- will s bowels out Willi lbs knile, so that death ensoed soon afterwards, y The affair has 'created quite lb excite ment in the county k-i-e ihe trairedy oc- i curred, and where the trial, as before sta- ( , . ( tuk(,n Fniient eoun- (red jn K( caugt ,, ,HaJ assuming such a political phase, His Hon or, Judge Mitchell, bad to interpose and contiue the counsel to laic alone, lie , , ... .,,.. nf c,,,,, 11 lm w" vp nwi vm . mv piassxaaai f R c,dw).ni nppea,ed As one of the for lhJ prosecution ; and I am w .j ot,utttged h.s uifluet.ee lhe Radical neg.oes-for lAboriously clamoring for the life of the prisoner. Tbe deceased formerly belonged in the family uf Caldwill hence his sympathies. Tbe counsel for the-defeudanT were all distin- guished Conservative aud polituia . There has been an almost life-long feud existing between the A verve and Cald well s, end the circumstanccA connected with ibis tragedy gave additional excite ment nnd rancor to thai feud. The eases of tickles, of Cole, of Mc Fatlund, and others, were cited by counsel for the defence ; and the su pn the tion being that the jury in Ins ease wosdd "n"'1'.." bo acc,ord,"f , 'ubll.i:1 "V . """"r charged tire jury rh.t ihey should UOl wi'lEll me lA3i- w lien i.i iiuiii.e iiiihuj ,7 . - ., ,r ,. . w 11. Kul muit imiifino li. twiiive tUtf In lw o( tLc invo)r,.d. Tb;ir verdict was, "not guih v of murder, but iriiiltv .,f niAimliiupliti'i: " lVom wbk:h de- ciaion defendAut's couti.el have Appealed tm - - - Good words snd good deeds ire tho rent we ewe for the sir we brrithe. MmmmWTor mm J hfli m mhi .. M 1 ... a Wmm 1 1 1 I I 7 . 1 I

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